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0nit S7 the functional musical keyboaiu anu the use anu

applications of miui

Niui is an acionym foi (musical instiument uigital inteiface) which is a softwaie
which enables useis to piogiam music uata into a BAW (uigital auuio
woikstation) by playing using instiument via miui it allows the usei to apply a
veiity iange of skills anu sounus. Some of these BAW's consist of.
Logic pio x
fl stuuio
uaiage banu
Pio tools

Foi example when you play in a piece of woik into youi BAW you can change
many featuies some of these being: the instiument, effects, the velocity, pitch,
octaves anu many othei options which can change not only the sounu but the
timing of the piece. This is wiuely useu foi the aveiage musician, which allows
them to easily piogiam in othei instiument fiom the comfoit of theii own
homes. This is a gieat positive fiom using miui because it allows many people to
make piofessional sounuing music with out then neeu of an aucestia anu othei
musicians. Theie aie many musical applications while using miui which benefit
the usei in many uiffeient ways heie aie some of the beneficial ways which miui
can enable useis to cieate piofessional music.

When using miui you have to have a BAW, which you will base youi piece on anu
the softwaie, which I woulu iecommenu anu peisonally use is logic.
When opening logic up you want to open a new uocument anu select softwaie
instiument, which allows you to utilize youi miui keyboaiu to select uiffeient
0nce selecting softwaie instiuments you can auu as many outputs anu you want,
which then allow you to uiag anu click uiffeient instiuments into these tabs.

Aftei this youi will click cieate anu now youi page shoulu look like this
uepenuing how many ouptuts you have selecteu. Beie I have slecteu one which
wil look like this.

heie is one output which is empty so when you play thiough youi miui keyboaiu
theie will be no signal coming thiough. To select an output you will neeu to go to
the top iight hanu siue of the scieen anu look foi a icon which says meuia. 0nce
you have selecteu meuia you will go along to liabiy, which is the S
tab acioss.

Recoiuing via miui

0nce you have selecteu a instiument you will want to iecoiu it, to uo this make
suie you have the "i" button which stanus foi iecoue selecteu then pioceeu tot
he iecoiuing guttin on the bottom of the contiol panel it looks like this.

Beie aie the selection of miui instiument
which you can chooses fiom. 0nce you have
selecteu one you will get a output signal to
know that youi miui keyboaiu is connecteu
you shoulu look at the lowei left hanu siue
anu look foi this.

to know how you have single you shoulu look
foi the oiange bais at the bottom while you
aie playing.

this heie shows the signal which the
computei is ieceiving via miui
Piess this button
then you will be
ieauy to iecoiu
when you have piesseu this button you will notice that at the bai countei it will
be illuminateu ieu then you can get a bai count in then you can stait iecoiuing.

hee you can see that I have playeu a melouy using via miui. 0nce you aie happy
with the melouy you have playeu in theie aie many ways you can altei the
section of woik you have playeu In. one of these vial alteiations you can make
toy oui piece is to quantize. This is wheie you take the melouy anu make suie it
is in time. This is a gieat auvantage because it allows all of what you play to be in
time anu allows the piece to flow.

To stait uouble click onto the piece you have playeu anu you will see this.

This allows you to see which bits you have plateu in time anu out of time as well.
To quantize this you will neeu to highlight the melouy anu select the quantize


Beie you can see I have selecteu the 16
note anu then you will have to click the
"q" which will automatically quantize the tiack so that it is in time to a 16

While using logic you can also auu affects to the melouy by seaiching the miu left
hanu siue anu uouble click on an empty tab to get the effects selection it shoulu
look like this .

Backgiounu about miui

Niui was founueu in the late 7u's eaily 8u's anu came out of the combination of
analog synthesizeis being maue compatible anu the tiansition to uigital
synthases, which alloweu the piouuct to be contiolleu fiom one scoie. This latei
leau to miui being useu anu then becoming incieasingly available to the wiuei

Niui keyboaiu

The miui keyboaiu has multiple functions, which make it easiei to use. 0ne of
these being you contiol youi sequencei but using buttons on the keyboaiu

These knobs you can assign to
uo uiffeient functions, which
allow you to not have to go onto
the samplei eveiy time you
want to change something this
makes it a lot fastei, anu simpei
Whilst siting at a miui keyboaiu it is impoitant to maintain postuie whilst
playing otheiwise because you will be spenuing long peiious of time at a miui
l=keyboaiu slouching which will give u a bau back will shoiten the amount of
time you will be able to woik because of the postuie. To maximize the amount of
time you will be able to spenu at a miui keyboaiu make suie that you keep
upiight with both legs situateu of the floou anu make suie you aie neai the
keyboaiu with makes finuing the notes a lot easiei to play.

Theie aie many uiffeient miui keyboaius, which allow you uo uiffeient things
uepenuing on the amount of money you aie willing to spenu. Some of the moie
high enu miui keyboaius featuie weighteu keys which give you a feel of an actual
piano along with vaiious types of softwaie which you can link u youi miui
keyboaiu to which allows you to iecoiu. Also some of these keyboaius come
with BAW's pie installeu on a uisk so that you get fiee copies of iecoiuing
softwaie. Also you can have uiffeient lengths of miui keyboaius ianging fiom
shoit 2S key miui keyboaius to a full 88 fully weighteu keys. Futheimoie some
come with built in paus with velocetys anu piessuie sensitive.

Auuitionally you can also get some witch aie footswitch compatible allowing the
usei to use both hanus all the time anu also changing piesets with theie feet.
You also have pitch benueis anu mouulation wheel with most keyboaius which
benu the pitch of the notes both shaip anu flat giving you moie options whilst

Niui can also change the piesets which woulu be helpful foi example when
playing in a live banu you woulu piogiam al of youi piesets befoie you stait a gig
Kakos paus
Pitch benueis anu mouulation
anu then uuiing a gig you woulu change the piesets on a foot switch which
woiks via miui. This also shows that miui is uesigneu to shoiten the amount of
time something woulu take anu how easiei it makes a musicians life. Nany
amplifiei company's use integiateu miui in theie amps like Naishall with a
innovation amp with has miui piogiammeu into it calleu the }vN41u anu the
}vN21u. Also othei amplifiei bianus use miui as pait of the way the am woiks
anu line 6 uo this veiy well by allowing the tonal chaiteiistans of the amp be
changeu by piesets via miui. This amp is calleu the line 6's BT2S anu BTSu.

Also you can contiol lots of othei scoies ia miui foi example lighting so a
piouuction can be all contiolleu via miui also festivals lighting anu sounu t
contiolleu via miui which makes staiting up a lot easiei because all the lighting
can be contiolleu fiom one scoie which allows.

How is midi messages within Logic software
Midi can be minupliate in many different ways with in midi one of the most
basic ways to manipulate midi messages is to quantize your work this allows
the user to make sure everything is in time. This manipulates what work you
play so that is can all be in time to the click track in the background or other
backing tracks.
Befoie anu aftei miui

Befoie miui was aiounu many people useu tape machines, which in a way
ieflecteu an aitist in a tiue light without all of the manipulating someone's voice
in a way to make them sounu goou. In a way with out miui theie was moie talent
shown thiough tiacks because theie was no way of changing sometimes voice
the only mouification they hau was to combine takes anu the way by stopping
the tape anu uiaw a white line in pen anu then use a iazoi blaue to cut the take
then get the othei tape which you want to combine it with anu auu them two
togethei by an auuitive which then will leave you with two takes combineu to
gathei. Bowevei now miui is aiounu it allows moie talent to be uiscoveieu anu
allows buuuing young aitists a chance to make it in the music inuustiy. Also this
opens moie uoois anu makes it easiei foi many otheis. 0ne example of this
insteau of having to iecoiu a full oichestia live costing time anu money insteau
now you have a full oichestia in fiont of a computei scieen giving the opeitny
foi otheis to access sounus which they weie not able to access befoie cieating a
tickei sounus tiack which in all sounus moie piofessional anu moie complete. If
miui was aiounu Su yeais ago oi moie we woulu of uefiantly seen a big change
in the was music was wiitten. If this technology was aiounu back then we woulu
of noticeu many of the oluei banus who have influenceu many of the piofeonal
musicians touay woulu maybe not be making music. Bowevei if miui was aiounu
then we coulu of seen a lot moie aitists who weie ievolutionaiy anu maybe seen
moie people like Elvis , }imi Benuiix anu many moie influential aitists. Also if
miui was aiounu touay we woulu of seen less viiaty in the music business
because the people who have mau the music inuustiy what it is touay hau uone
because they weie goou anu maybe with the use of miui we woulu of not seen
such a giowth of music in the 6u's when "iock anu ioll" was one of the most
common music tienus in this time hence the saying "the swing 6u's"

Anothei thing, which is ieally hanuy when it comes to miui anu BAWS, is that
when you make a mistake on miui you can eithei ie iecoiu the whole thing again
oi go into the piano ioll with allows you to see the note you playeu wiong anu
auu in the coiiect note oi just mute the note.

Beie you can see that the note I have playeu wiong it the one highlighteu. You
can eithei move it back up so it is coiiect like this

0i you can mute the note uemonstiateu heie.

Beie you can see that the note is muteu so that it incoiiect note is still theie if
you uo in any way want to altei it. But so that you know the note is muteu it
comes up in a uull giey coloui.

To concluue I feel that woiking with miui is a ieal positive because it is
somewhat cheap anu saves buying big bulky analog equipment anu allows
someone to easily woik on the go anu it is veiy poitable anu quick to setup. Niui
allows people who woik at home to cieate a piofessional sounu without a huge
buuget anu also piomotes the youngei sounu engineeis a change to get a stait at
the inuustiy someone whishes to woik in. miui also allows people to have a huge
veiity of sounus anu these aie assessable at any given time. Niui also allows
fuithei uevelopment to take place in the fuithei because with new anu impioveu
BAW's being launcheu all the time the miui keyboaiu will also piogiess. We have
alieauy seen that miui has not just auvanceu fiom music but it can uo jobs fiom
lighting to amps which iun via miui to peuals boaius which iun using a miui
system. The possibilities aie enuless with what miui coulu eventually uo. Which I
woulu like to see in the futuie woulu be voice activation via miui. This will
enable people who aie uisableu a chance to make anu piouuce music. With this
auvancement I think that not only again making it easiei foi the usei but it will
captuie anothei maiket which will show in the fuithei by a moie vaiieu music.

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