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CFD Training Manual

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Momtchil Petkov
Mario Roman
U n i v e r s i t y o f
C o n n e c t i c u t
Me c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g
D e p a r t me n t
A d v i s o r : P r o f e s s o r
B a r b e r

Table of Contents
Abstract. 3
Nomenclature. 3
I. Introduction... 4
II. CFD Analysis Roadmap... 4
III. Theory..... 7
I. !odule "#ample$%aminar Flo& 'ast a Cylindrical 'ipe ()
. *ummary o+ Tutorials... ,7
I. Conclusion ... 43
II. Re+erences. 44
III. Appendices - !odules
A--%aminar 'ipe Flo&.
.--Turbulent 'ipe Flo&...
C--%aminar Flo& /0er Flat 'late 12eometry and !esh3
D--%aminar Flo& /0er Flat 'late
"--No44le Tutorial ..
F--5ets6 Turbulent Flo&...
2$"#ternal Turbulent Compressible and Incompressible Flo& across an air+oil. 7
8$Turbulent Incompressible Flo& across a 'eriodic Air+oil
I$Discrete 'hase !odelin96 'article In:ection into a 'ipe
2 | P a g e
AN*;* F%<"NT= computational +luid dynamics 1CFD3 so+t&are is 0ery di++icult to use
especially +or ne& users. To help &ith this= tutorials ha0e been created to be able to 9uide users
in the use o+ AN*;* F%<"NT. They &ere created to mimic a classroom-li>e structure= &here
the +undamentals are learned +irst. The creation o+ +undamental tutorials &ill allo& users to ha0e
pro:ects &here they &ill utili4e the learnin9 modules as re+erences to 9uide them in more
complicated pro:ects. Throu9h the use o+ F%<"NT and se0eral 0alidation e++orts= &hich are
re+erenced +rom scholarly sources= the user &ill be able to 0alidate the accuracy o+ their results.
In addition= &ith the help o+ the pro0ided learnin9 modules= the user &ill be able to create a
roadmap to achie0e competence to sol0e more complicated problems.
A Area
Coe++icient o+ +riction alon9 &all
Coe++icient o+ %i+t
Coe++icient o+ Dra9
Coe++icient o+ 'ressure
D Diameter
-Turbulence model to simulate and read turbulent +lo&
! !ach number
' 'ressure
Re Reynolds number
Reynolds number alon9 a position #
Centerline elocity
Fluid 0elocity
u Friction 0elocity
!a#. elocity
Inlet elocity
;p Distance to the &all +rom center o+ pipe
Non-dimensionali4ed distance o+ +irst 9rid point +rom &all
3 | P a g e
? Density
? *hear *tress
? Dynamic 0iscosity
4 | P a g e
I. Introduction
/ne o+ the bi99est challen9es in the en9ineerin9 industry is bein9 able to come up &ith e++icient
and optimal desi9ns +or ne& products. /ne o+ the stron9est tools o++ered is F%<"NT. F%<"NT
is a 0ery use+ul pro9ram recently ac@uired by AN*;*. It has the capability to model +luid +lo&
past ob:ects &ith the ability to desi9n= test= and analy4e results all under one pro9ram. Althou9h
it is a stron9 tool +or en9ineerin9= it is also 0ery di++icult to use. For this reason= tutorials ha0e
been created to teach F%<"NT &ith the hope that these tutorials &ill ser0e as a +undamental tool
in teachin9 and as re+erences +or +uture senior desi9n pro:ects. The &ay the tutorials are set up
are by creatin9 and analy4in9 basic +lo& +ields and then to ensure the accuracy o+ each test case
it is then 0alidated a9ainst a scholarly re+erence.
The structure o+ the tutorials is to +irst reproduce the +undamentals learned in a Fluid !echanics
and Thermo Dynamics courses. /ne o+ the +irst scenarios learned in +luid mechanics is the +lo&
throu9h a cylindrical pipe. The tutorials created +ollo& 0ery closely to ho& a +luid mechanics
course &ould be tau9ht. For this reason= the +irst tutorial is the laminar +lo& o+ +luid throu9h a
cylindrical pipe. The ne#t tutorial is turbulent +lo& o+ +luid throu9h a cylindrical pipe. .y doin9
the turbulent case= it &ill allo& the user to see the di++erence bet&een laminar and turbulent +lo&s
and to 9ain some insi9ht as to &hy di++erent methods o+ analy4in9 structures in F%<"NT are
The ne#t created learnin9 module is to analy4e +lo& o0er a +lat plate. Analy4in9 the +lo& o0er a
+lat plate is 0ery important because it &ill 9i0e the user a more in-depth loo> as to &hat happens
&hen +lo& passes o0er an ob:ect. In addition= other tutorials such as a turbulent +lo& past a
no44le= turbulent :et +lo&= turbulent compressible and incompressible +lo& past an air+oil=
turbulent incompressible +lo& past a periodic air+oil= and a discrete phase modelin9 tutorials are
created to be able to ser0e as +undamental tutorials so that the user may then use them as
precursors to analy4in9 more complicated problems.
In addition= one o+ the most important parts in creatin9 the tutorials is the need +or 0alidation.
alidation is e#tremely important &hen analy4in9 solutions= because it is the only &ay to ensure
the accuracy o+ the results obtained in F%<"NT. alidation is made by comparin9 results +rom
F%<"NT to theoretical and e#perimental data +rom scholarly sources.
II. CFD Analysis Roadmap
The importance o+ the created learnin9 tutorials is to 9uide users into AN*;* F%<"NT and
pro0ide them &ith a +riendly introduction to the CFD so+t&are. For this reason +undamental
learnin9 modules ha0e been created &hich are6 laminar and turbulent +luid +lo& throu9h a
cylindrical pipe= laminar +luid +lo& o0er a +lat plate= turbulent +lo& throu9h a no44le= turbulent :et
+lo&= turbulent compressible and incompressible +lo& past an air+oil= turbulent incompressible
+lo& past a periodic air+oil and discrete phase modelin9. *o &hy &ere these speci+ic modules
chosen and createdA
5 | P a g e
The purpose +or these tutorials is to lead a ne& user throu9h options o+ increasin9 di++iculty.
The laminar pipe +lo& tutorial helped to introduce the icons and tools that AN*;* has to
o++er. .y ha0in9 the user &or> &ith this 0ery simple tutorial= they could +amiliari4e
themsel0es &ith &here certain icons are and &here certain tools are located. /nce the user
has completed this tutorial then the ne#t tutorial added increased in comple#ity. The reason
+or this method is to be able to instill con+idence in the user to ma>e them +eel con+ident in
doin9 simple cases and build up to more complicated ones.
A+ter each o+ the simple cases is run= the user has to 0alidate each result. .y 0alidatin9 oneBs
results the user is ensured they ha0e created an accurate simulation. For instance= i+ a +irst
time user has to analy4e an air+oil= they should not start by desi9nin9 an air+oil. Althou9h
they mi9ht obtain results= ho& &ould they >no& i+ the results are accurateA For this reason=
the user &ould +irst +i9ure out ho& +lo& de0elops throu9h a pipe.
The user &ould ta>e the laminar tutorial and +i9ure out ho& to model +luid +lo& and then be
able to 0alidate it. Ne#t= since the air+oil is close to +lo& o0er an isolated sur+ace= they &ould
then &ant to analy4e the +lat plate +lo& tutorial. A9ain the user should then ha0e to 0alidate
these results.
Ne#t= since the air+oil is 9oin9 to ha0e a speci+ic set o+ coordinates= the user could then &ant
to use the No44le tutorial= &hich e#plains ho& to import coordinates in order to create an
ob:ect. No& the user is ready to create an air+oil and analy4e it. The user no& >no&s ho& to
model +lo& and initiali4e a solution 1laminar tutorial3= they also >no& ho& to model +lo&
o0er an isolated sur+ace 1+lat plate tutorial3 and they >no& ho& to import coordinates into
F%<"NT 1no44le tutorial3. *ince they ha0e all the in+ormation needed to create an accurate
air+oil= they user can no& apply the pre0ious >no&led9e to analy4e a complicated 9eometry.
From here the user is a step closer to creatin9 an accurate air+oil and o+ course li>e all the
other tutorials the user needs to 0alidate the results. Re+er to Fi9.( +or a 0isual representation
o+ the mentioned roadmap.
Fi9.($"#ample o+ a Roadmap
Another e#ample o+ a roadmap is +or analy4in9 the +lo& throu9h a 9uide 0ane. First the
no0ice user &ill &ant to be able to model +luid +lo& so they &ould be9in &ith a laminar
tutorial. /nce they ha0e learned the icons and &hat each tool does= then they &ould &ant to
analy4e turbulent +lo&. They &ould then re+er to the turbulent +lo& throu9h a pipe and +i9ure
6 | P a g e
out ho& to apply biasin9 and &hat models to use to analy4e turbulence 1*ee appendi# .3.
The user &ill then &ant to a9ain create a ,D air+oil &hich &ould 9i0e them the >no&led9e to
analy4e ho& to +luid passes an isolated sur+ace. /nce they ha0e 0alidated this they can then
mo0e to a 3D air+oil and a9ain 0alidate it. Then they &ould &ant create a ,d cascade= 0alidate
it= and lastly create a 3D cascade and 0alidate it. No& the user has the necessary in+ormation
and >no&led9e to create a 9uide 0ane and ha0e the con+idence to >no& that it is accurate.
Re+er to Fi9., +or a 0isual representation o+ the described roadmap.
Fi9.,$"#ample o+ a 2uide ane Roadmap
The creation o+ a roadmap is o+ crucial importance in order to be able to build the
>no&led9e on ho& to create and analy4e complicated 9eometry. .e+ore &antin9 to analy4e any
complicated 9eometry= the user should ma>e a roadmap o+ their o&n so that they can build
con+idence in ho& they &ill +i9ure out the problem and ma>e sure it &ill be accurate. %i>e
mentioned be+ore the user can create any 9eometry they &ant and can 9et results but ho& &ill
they >no& i+ it is accurateA The only &ay o+ >no&in9 this is by simpli+yin9 the complicated
ob:ect into se0eral steps 1the roadmap3 and &or> part by part in order to ha0e accurate analytical
data +or their ob:ect. *ometimes 0alidation +or comple# problems is not readily a0ailable. I+
ho&e0er a roadmap is correctly +ollo&ed then the need +or 0alidation +or the speci+ic comple#
problem in @uestion &hile needed is not as crucial.
III. Theory
AN*;* F%<"NT is Computational Fluid Dynamics 1CFD3 so+t&are that allo&s users to
simulate +lo& problems o+ ran9in9 comple#ity. It contains broad physical modelin9 capabilities
needed to model +lo&= turbulence= heat trans+er= and reactions o0er ob:ects desi9ned by the user.
7 | P a g e
Thousands o+ companies around the &orld bene+it +rom the use o+ CFD so+t&are as a main part
o+ their desi9n phases in their product de0elopment. It uses the +inite-0olume method to sol0e the
9o0ernin9 Na0ier-*to>es e@uations +or a +luid &hich are deri0ed +rom the conser0ation mass
e@uation 1(3= the conser0ation o+ momentum 1,3 and the conser0ation o+ ener9y 133 e@uations CDE.
The di++iculty arises +rom the +act that the conser0ation o+ mass= momentum and ener9y are
coupled and non-linear set o+ di++erential e@uations ma>in9 them practically impossible to sol0e
analytically +or practical en9ineerin9 problems. 8ence CFD so+t&are such as F%<"NT is
utili4ed to pro0ide 0ery reasonable appro#imation upon sol0in9 the speci+ied 9o0ernin9
e@uations C,E.
Additionally= F%<"NT also allo&s the users to model a ran9e o+ +lo&s such as incompressible or
compressible= in0iscid or 0iscous= laminar or turbulent +lo&. The ad0anced sol0er technolo9y that
F%<"NT has= pro0ides +ast and accurate results throu9h +le#ible mo0in9 and de+ormin9 meshes
to be able to create optimal desi9ns. <ltimately= F%<"NT allo&s en9ineers to desi9n= create and
analy4e a con+i9uration all under one pro9ram.
In order to model the ob:ect that a user &ants to &or> &ith= its 9eometry and mesh must be +irst
created in AN*;* For>bench. Another option is to import the 9eometry and mesh +rom
Computer Aided Desi9n 1CAD3 so+t&are pac>a9es such as <ni9raphics= 'ro" or others. In
For>bench= the user creates the ob:ect he or she &ishes to analy4e and For>bench 9uides the
user throu9h 0ery comple# metaphysics +or +luid +lo& &ith dra9 and drop simplicity. /nce the
9eometry has been created= the user can ta>e ad0anta9e o+ se0eral meshin9 options that
For>bench pro0ides. The user can implement the meshin9 in the specimen to analy4e the
structure as they try to analy4e +luid +lo& pastGthrou9h their ob:ect. As seen in Fi9.3 belo& that
is a mesh +or a :et.
Fig.3 Mesh for flo through a !et
| P a g e
A +e& di++erent &ays o+ modelin9 and analy4in9 +luid +lo& are throu9h turbulence modelin9= >-=
and ;H. Turbulence modelin9 is used to model turbulent +lo&. Turbulent +lo&s are characteri4ed
by lar9e= nearly random +luctuations in 0elocity and pressure in both space and time. These
+luctuations arise +rom instabilities that e0entually are dissipated 1into heat3 by the action o+
0iscosity. Turbulent +lo&s occur in the opposite limit o+ hi9h Reynolds numbers. The t&o
approaches to sol0in9 the +lo& e@uations +or turbulent +lo& +lied can be rou9hly di0ided into t&o
classes= direct numerical simulations and >- C,E. Direct numerical simulation numerically
inte9rates the Na0ier-*to>es e@uations= resol0in9 all o+ the spatial and temporal +luctuations
&ithout resortin9 to modelin9. >-= models Reynolds stress in t&o turbulent parameters= the
turbulent >inetic ener9y 1>3 and the turbulent ener9y dissipation rate de+ined belo& by
"@uations 4 and I respecti0ely.
The ne#t type o+ modelin9 is >no&n as yH. ;H is a mesh-dependent dimensionless
distance that @uanti+ies to &hat de9ree the &all layer is resol0ed. ;H plus is a non-dimensional
parameter de+ined by "@. CDE C(JE.
&here uK &hich is the +riction 0elocity and ;p is the distance to the &all.
For>bench o++ers se0eral meshin9 options= one bein9 structured meshin9. In structured meshin9
the user decides ho& many user de+ined shapes they &ant placed o0er the ob:ect they are
analy4in9. An e#ample is seen in Fi9.4. *tructured meshin9 consists o+ tetrahedrons and e#hibits
a clearly pronounced pattern.
! | P a g e
Fig." #tructured mesh for a pipe
The mesh interior to a pipe sho&n is (JJ by I= meanin9 (JJ elements in the hori4ontal directions
and I elements in the 0ertical direction. Fhich is an e#ample o+ structured mesh= ho&e0er as the
9eometries increase in comple#ity it is necessary to ad:ust the meshin9 accordin9ly. 8o&e0er=
&hen dealin9 &ith other cases such as +lo& across an air+oil= it is important to use a di++erent
mesh structure. /ne such structure is a structured L/- 9ridM around the air+oil. .ecause o+ the
e#istence o+ the layers around the air+oil= it can be ensured the +lo& 9radients are properly
Fi9.I L/ 9ridM around an air+oil
Re+errin9 to the air+oil 9rid in Fi9. I it should be noted that F%<"NT obtains a solution such that
the mass= momentum= ener9y and other @uantities are conser0ed +or each cell. The code o+ the
CFD so+t&are sol0es directly the 0alues o+ the +lo& 0ariables at the cell centers and the 0alues at
other locations are appropriately interpolated C,E. In other cases= &here there is no complicated
9eometry= but rather there is more +lo& 9radients occurrin9 around a certain area= the user can
apply a bias. Applyin9 a bias means concentratin9 the mesh around a certain area. For e#ample=
in the turbulent +lo& past a cylindrical pipe tutorial a bias is applied because as pre0iously
1" | P a g e
learned &hen dealin9 &ith turbulent cases= there are lar9e 9radients near the &all re@uirin9 the
mesh 9enerated as seen in Fi9 D.
Fig.$ %ias Mesh for a turbulent flo
In this bias mesh the +arther a&ay +rom the &all= the meshes seem to 9o bac> into the same
structured mesh seen be+ore. It is important to mention that at the bottom o+ this mesh it
represents the centerline because since cylinders are radially symmetric &eBre only sho&in9 the
top part o+ the radius. It is e#pected +or the +lo& to be less turbulent near the centerline and +or
that reason the mesh is less biased.
Finally= once the test ob:ect has been dra&n and meshed in For>bench= F%<"NT then allo&s the
user to analy4e it in di++erent +lo& parameters. Another modelin9 capability F%<"NT is capable
o+ usin9 is enhanced &all treatment. Fhen the user chooses to use enhanced &all treatment= they
can use this especially +or turbulent cases usin9 the >-epsilon model because it analy4es the
ob:ect closer near the &all re9ion. The initial and boundary conditions can be speci+ied in
F%<"NT and upon initiali4in9 the problemN it can be chec>ed +or con0er9ence. I+ the
con0er9ence is not achie0ed accurate results &ill not be obtained. Finally= F%<"NT pro0ides a
&ide 0ariety o+ parameters that can be plotted and analy4ed.
The topic o+ con0er9ence re@uires +urther e#planation in order +or a better understandin9 to be
achie0ed o+ the underlyin9 steps= underta>en by F%<"NT and other CFD pac>a9es= necessary to
deri0e a solution. It has already been mentioned that the F%<"NT code utili4es the +inite-0olume
method to sol0e the 9o0ernin9 di++erential e@uations to obtain a solution +or a particulate
problem. For simplicity purposes let us consider the +inite-di++erence method &hich is in (D. I+
the 9rid has e@ually-spaced points &ith bein9 the spacin9 bet&een successi0e points= the
truncation error is / 1 3. As a result as the number o+ 9rid points is increased= and the spacin9
bet&een successi0e points is reduced= the error in the numerical solution &ould decrease.
There+ore the obtained numerical solution &ill closely a9ree to the e#act solution C,E. In
F%<"NT durin9 the obtainment o+ con0er9ence the 9o0ernin9 e@uations are sol0ed +or a
11 | P a g e
predetermined by the user number o+ times 1iterations3. *peci+ically the ma9nitude o+ the a0era9e
o+ particulate 0ariable is computed as illustrated in "@. C7E C,E.
&here R is the residual= N is the number o+ iterations to be per+ormed= u indicates a particulate
0ariable to be computed= and the subscript 9 indicates a 9uessed 0alue.
&aminar and Turbulent Flo into a 'ipe(
Fhile F%<"NT is a 0ery po&er+ul tool in obtainin9 solutions to a &ide ran9e o+ +luid +lo&
problems= the results obtained should be care+ully 0alidated &ith >no&n theory or empirical data
to ma>e sure they are accurate. For e#ample= in the case o+ a laminar +lo& throu9h a pipe= the
obtained results +or the 0elocity pro+ile can be compared &ith the theoretical data. For a steady
state 1+luid properties are not chan9in9 &ith respect to time3 laminar +lo& in circular tubes the
Na0ier-*to>es upon ma>in9 the necessary assumptions can be sol0ed to obtain a theoretical
solution to the 0elocity pro+ile. The incompressible Na0ier-*to>es e@uations in Cartesian
coordinates are sho&n in "@s. C)-(JE CDE.
#-direction6 1)3
y-direction6 1O3
4-direction6 1(J3
The parabolic 0elocity pro+ile +or steady laminar +lo& in a cylindrical pipe is pro0ided in "@.
C ((E. It should be noted the obtained e@uation is a result o+ sol0in9 the Na0ier-*to>es e@uations
in cylindrical coordinates.
In the case o+ turbulent +lo& past a cylinder a comparison can be established by usin9
Ni>uradseBs empirical correlation. In the case o+ turbulence one can rely only on empirical
correlations because o+ the randomness associated &ith turbulent +lo&. Dependin9 on ho&
accurate the e#perimental results correlate to the theoretical or empirical ones= one can decide
&hether or not the mesh used needs impro0ement or &hether or not the initial conditions or the
boundary ones speci+ied in F%<"NT need enhancement.
12 | P a g e
The reason &hy there is such a hi9h dependency on empirical data is due to the randomness
associated &ith turbulence. In turbulence there is no e#act e@uation= all solutions are empirical
data points. An e#ample o+ this is the e@uation +or s>in +riction +or turbulence &hich is
K 1(33
The main reason that it is an empirical e@uation= it has a +e& limitin9 conditions. *ome o+ those
limitin9 conditions are that it has to be only +or smooth pipes and it is only use+ul +or Reynolds
number less than (JJ=JJJ.
Also= another 0ery important one is Ni>uradseBs empirical correlation +or turbulent +lo& &hich is
9i0en by "@. C(4E CDE.
&here n= the po&er-la& e#ponent 0aries &ith respect to the Reynolds number. Turbulent cases
are 0ery di++icult to analy4e because there is no e#act ans&er= ho&e0er the !oody dia9ram CDN
'9 4(,-4(3 Fundamentals o+ +luid !echanics D
ed.E in &hich the coe++icient o+ +riction &ith
respect to the Reynolds number is displayed= ser0es as a re+erence as to &hat the solutions should
appear to be. The !oody dia9ram is based o++ o+
&here the results are obtained +rom numerous set o+ e#periments plotted on the !oody dia9ram
Fig.) Moody diagram
Flo o*er a Flat 'late
Another case &hich is 0ery important is the +lo& o0er a +lat plate. This tutorial is 0ery important
because it &ill help simulate ho& +lo& de0elops o0er a +lat plate. For this tutorial= a Re o+
13 | P a g e
is critical because abo0e this 0alue the +lo& is turbulent and +lo& under this 0alue is laminar.
'ro0ided a su++iciently lon9 +lat plate e0entually turbulent +lo& &ill be encountered since the
0alue o+ the Reynolds number is related to the len9th o+ the plate. The len9th o+ the +lat plate in
the created learnin9 module 1Appendi# C and D3 is o+ len9th ( meter and the 0iscosity= density
and inlet 0elocity are chosen such that the ma#imum Reynolds number reached is (J=JJJ &hich
is &ell &ithin the laminar +lo& ran9e.
Fig.+ Flo Distribution past a flat plate ,-3.
In the laminar layer= the +luid +lo& is hi9hly ordered and is possible to identi+y streamlines alon9
&hich +luid particles mo0e. This +luid continues until it hits a transition 4one= &hich is &here a
con0ersion +rom laminar to turbulent conditions occurs. A+ter it passes this re9ion= it reaches
turbulent +lo& &hich is &here random motion is relati0ely hi9h. *olution +or the 0elocity pro+ile
+or a laminar +lo& o0er a +lat plate has been done by sol0in9 the Na0ier-*to>es e@uations. The Na0ier-
*to>es e@uation can be simpli+ied +or boundary layer +lo& analysis. It can be assumed that the boundary
layer is thin and the +luid +lo& is primarily parallel to the plate. 8ence6
8. .lasius= one o+ 'randtlBs students &as able to sol0e those e@uations +or +lat plate parallel to the +lo&
C)E. .y introducin9 the dimensionless parameter 1the similarity *ariable3 the partial di++erential
e@uations are reduced to an ordinary di++erential e@uation.
&here < is the inlet 0elocity= and is the >inematic 0iscosity= .
14 | P a g e
The con0enience o+ 0alidatin9 the boundary layer 0elocity pro+ile in terms o+ the similarity 0ariable is
that the boundary layer 0elocity pro+iles 1&hich depends both on # and y3 at any point alon9 the plate &ill
o0erlap one another and can be analy4ed 0ersus the empirical .lasius correlation.
Flo Through a Con*ergent/Di*ergent No00le
Another tutorial created is +or +lo& throu9h a con0er9ent-di0er9ent no44le. The channel is
supplied &ith a +lo& at hi9h pressure and e#hausts into lo&er pressure at the outlet. An e#ample
is seen in Fi9. O.
Fig. 1 Con*ergent Di*ergent no00les
In addition= +rom the +i9ure= AC#E is the local cross-sectional area= uC#E the local a#ial 0elocity
and pC#E the local static pressure. To analy4e ho& the +lo& passes throu9h a no44le= the user can
do it by imposin9 restrictions on the 9eometry or on the character o+ the +lo&. It can then be
compared to @uasi-(D theory &hich assumes that the no44le is slender. F%<"NT can be used to
analy4e +lo&= &hich is &hat the no44le learnin9 module demonstrates.
Puasi -(D +lo& is one &here the properties across each cross section are assumed uni+orm.
Chan9es in +lo& properties in the #-direction are brou9ht about by area chan9e o+ the duct. In
order to assume this= another assumption that has to be made= the assumption is that the no44le
9eometry is lon9 and thin. Additionally= it ne9lects 0iscous e++ects on the +lo& +ield= and
ma#imum 0elocity occurs at the minimum area &hich is called Lthe throatM. The dependence o+
the a#ial 0elocity and static pressure is due to the area 0ariation= and itBs a +unction o+ &hether
the +lo& is subsonic or supersonic &hich is 9i0en by "@. C(JE.
For isentropic +lo&s= the +ollo&in9 relations "@s. C((-(3E 9o0ern the 0ariation o+ !ach number=
static pressure and static temperature &ith no44le area.
15 | P a g e
Fig. -2 %ac3 pressure effects on Mach 4 'ressure for a no00le
The static pressure distributions in the Fi9 ) illustrate the dependence o+ the distribution on the
e#it or bac> pressure +or a 9i0en AC#E no44le contour.
Flo 5*er an Isolated Airfoil
Air+oils operate upon theories o+ li+t and dra9. Consider a typical symmetric air+oil as illustrated
in Fi9.((.
represents the +ree stream !ach number= is the an9le o+ attac> and c represents the chord
len9th o+ the air+oil. The air+oil e#periences a net +orce due to the +luid actin9 on the ob:ect. The
Dra9 Force= D= acts in the direction o+ the +ree stream &hile the %i+t Force= %= is normal to the
+ree stream. Air+oils are desi9ned to 9enerate li+t. 8o&e0er +or ob:ects such as cars it is desired to
16 | P a g e
reduce the li+t since the li+t on a car reduces the contact +orce bet&een the &heels and the 9round.
Typically the li+t and dra9 are 9i0en in terms o+ the Coe++icient o+ %i+t and the Coe++icient o+
Dra9 &hich are dimensionless +orms o+ the %i+t and Dra9 +orces.
!ost o+ the air+oil li+t is a result o+ the sur+ace pressure distribution &hich is consistent &ith
.ernoulliBs e@uation analysis CDE.

The e++ect o+ stall in air+oils must be a0oided because loss o+ control and stability issues arise
+rom it. The stall can 0isually be inspected on the upper sur+ace in Fi9.(, &here a transition +rom
hi9h 0elocity to lo& 0elocity can be obser0ed.
Fi9.(,--Turbulent Compressible Flo& Across an Air+oil= !KJ.)= ReK 6
Nelocity Contours
The theoretical 0alue +or the coe++icient o+ li+t depends on the an9le o+ attac> and is pro0ided by
"@. C,7E6
17 | P a g e
&here Q is in radians.
J.J(74I rad
The coe++icient o+ pressure is an important dimensionless parameter used +or data 0alidation
speci+ically +or the 0elocity pro+ile CDE. *ince due to no-slip condition meanin9 the 0elocity on
the solid boundary on the air+oil relati0e to the boundary is 4ero= pressure data obtained in
F%<"NT is meanin9+ul to analy4e and 0alidate in "#cel. In Theory o+ Fin9 *ections by Abbott
and Doenho++ C((E data is pro0ided +or 0arious air+oil models assumin9 the +lo& is turbulent
incompressible &ith 4ero de9ree an9le o+ attac>.
&here is the coe++icient o+ pressureN is the +ree-stream pressure e@ualin9 JN is the
density bein9 and is the +ree-stream 0elocity.
Discrete 'hase Modeling ,D'M. of 'article in 'ipe Flo
AN*;* F%<"NT can output the tra:ectory o+ a discrete phase particle and that case is
sho&cased in Appendi# I. *peci+ically= the +orce balance on the particle is inte9rated under
%a9ran9ian re+erence +rame considerations. Recall +lo& can be analy4ed either by "ulerian or
%a9ran9ian considerations. In the "ulerian representation +luid motion is 9i0en by completely
describin9 the necessary properties such as pressure= density= 0elocity and others. Flo&
in+ormation is obtained at +i#ed points in space as +luid +lo&s throu9h those points. The
%a9ran9ian method is characteri4ed by +ollo&in9 indi0idual +luid particles as they mo0e CDE.
The +orce balance o+ the particle +or the #-direction is pro0ided in "@. C,OE.
&here is an additional acceleration in +orceGunit particle mass= is the dra9 +orce
per unit particle mass= u is the +luid phase 0elocity and is the particle 0elocity. Additionally=
is 9i0en by "@. C3JE.
1 | P a g e
&here is the +luidBs molecular 0iscosity= is the +luid density= is the density o+ the particle=
Re is the relati0e Reynolds number pro0ided by "@. C3(E and is the diameter o+ the particle.
The additional acceleration term in "@uation R can be o+ particulate importance durin9 special
circumstances. Fhen a +orce is re@uired to accelerate the +luid surroundin9 the particle= or the
0irtual mass +orce as it is re+erred= is ta>en under consideration= the acceleration term ta>es the
+orm o+ "@. C3,E.
"@uation R is o+ particulate importance &hen the +luid density is 9reater than the density o+ the
particle. Due to the pressure 9radient an additional +orce must be considered and the acceleration
term ta>es the +orm o+ "@. C33E C(,E.
I7. Module 89ample:&aminar Flo 'ast a Cylindrical 'ipe
The ma:or steps ta>en into the creation o+ the learnin9 module are outlined and e#plained. Fhile
the +ocus is on the laminar pipe +lo& module it needs to be noted the e#act same approach is
underta>en +or the other learnin9 modules. The 9oal o+ the section is +or the user to become more
ac@uainted &ith the +lo& o+ the tutorial and i+ more details are desired= the user can consult &ith
the pro0ided Appendi#es$Appendi# A +or the particular laminar pipe +lo& module. 8ence the
actual step-by-step procedures are e#plained in much more detail in the Appendices.
The %aminar 'ipe Flo& %earnin9 !odule has se0en distinct components.
-. 'roblem #tatement
;. <eometry Creation and Mesh Creation
a. Actual 9eometry creation o+ the pipe and the correspondin9 mesh creation +or it are
done here
3. 'roblem #etup
a. The speci+ic 0alues and important selections that need to be made in AN*;*
F%<"NT prior to obtainin9 con0er9ence and 9ettin9 results
". #olution
a. The user learns the important steps that need to be ta>en in order to obtain
con0er9ence +or the problem.
1! | P a g e
=. Results section
a. Contains the obtainment o+ 0arious plots such as the 0elocity and pressure pro+ile=
s>in +riction coe++icient and their manipulations
b. isual representation o+ the 0elocity pro+ile alon9 the pipe in the +orm o+ 0elocity
0ectors is also included in the section
$. 7alidation section
a. This section pro0ides the necessary in+ormation o+ ho& meanin9+ul 0alidation can be
per+ormed in order +or the user to ma>e sure the obtained data is meanin9+ul.
Fi9. (3 2eometry o+ 'ipe
Laminar Pipe flow modeling
1(3 'roblem *tatement6
The user learns the basics o+ the problem at hand as &ell as important 9i0en in+ormation
in the 'roblem *tatement section. The 9i0en parameters are-- SK N N
TK = &here is the density and U is the dynamic 0iscosity.
.ased on the 9i0en in+ormation= the Reynolds number can be computed to determine &hether or
not the problem as stated is laminar= transitional or turbulent. Recall that +or +lo& in a round pipe=
the +lo& is laminar i+ the Reynolds number is less than appro#imately ,(JJN the +lo& is
transitional i+ the Reynolds number is bet&een ,(JJ and 4JJJ and it is +ully turbulent i+ Re is
9reater than 4JJJ. .ased on the 9i0en parameters the +lo& that is to be analy4ed is laminar.
K (JJ 1343
1,3 2eometry Creation6
The user is introduced to the basics o+ AN*;* For>bench--speci+ically ho& to create a s>etch o+
the problem and then ho& to obtain a sur+ace +rom the made s>etch. *ince a ,d model is created
it can be assumed the shape o+ the pipe is rectan9ular. Furthermore the problem is assumed as
a#isymmetric hence only the upper portion o+ the pipeBs diameter is to be ta>en under
consideration. The learnt basics then can be applied in the 9eometry creation +or more
complicated problems such as &hen turbulent pipe +lo&= +lo& past a +lat plate and others are
2" | P a g e
Center %ine

Fi9.(4$,d pipe s>etched and made into a sur+ace in AN*;* For>bench.
133 !esh Creation6
The mesh is created in AN*;* For>bench as &ell. In the !esh Creation section it is
e#plained to ho& to create a structured mesh$the 9rid e#hibits clearly pronounced shape &ith
tetrahedral shaped elements. *tructured mesh is recommended +or problems o+ such basic
9eometry. It is speci+ically e#plained to ho& si4e indi0idual ed9es o+ the 9eometry as &ell as
ho& to ensure elements on opposite ends correspond to each other$mapped +ace meshin9. In
!eshin9 speci+ic 4ones o+ the 9eometry are named. Those 4ones &ill later be +urther speci+ied in
AN*;* F%<"NT. The learned techni@ues are a 0ery important startin9 point in ensurin9 the
user &ill be able to handle more complicated problems.
143 'roblem *etup6
Care+ul consideration must be e#ercised upon enterin9 speci+ic in+ormation in AN*;*
F%<"NT as it relates an a#is symmetric pipe +lo&. It is recommended a top-bottom approach is
utili4ed in order not to miss anythin9. First the mesh must be chec>ed +or errors and the
dimensions must be 0eri+ied. The problem must be set as a#isymmetric. Then the model must be
speci+ied as laminar. The 9i0en initial in+ormation as it relates to the density and 0iscosity must
be entered in the material properties. Ne#t= the .oundary Conditions must be speci+ied. The user
must +irst ma>e sure the 4ones named in For>bench are o+ the proper type. The inlet 4one must
be o+ 0elocity-inlet type= outlet$pressure-outlet type= &all$&all type and +inally a#is$a#is
type. The ne#t step is to input the rele0ant 9i0en in+ormation in the speci+ic boundaries$the inlet
0elocity 9i0en as ( mGs should be entered in the 0elocity-inlet boundary. The re+erence 0alue
must be speci+ied at the inlet 1re+. Fi9.33 in order to be able to obtain certain data such as the s>in
+riction coe++icient.
1I3 *olution6
The importance o+ obtainin9 con0er9ence is stressed in the solution section. I+
con0er9ence is not obtained= it &ill be impossible to obtain any results. 8o&e0er +irst the
problem must be initiali4ed to ta>e into an account initially speci+ied parameters$usually the
9i0en parameters speci+ied at the inlet. <pon obtainin9 con0er9ence the 9o0ernin9 e@uations are
sol0ed by F%<"NT. They are the conser0ation o+ mass= momentum and ener9y$"@s.C,-4E.
8o&e0er since temperature e++ects are o+ no concern and neither is the +luid +lo& ta>en as
compressible in the particular analysis o+ laminar pipe +lo&= the ener9y e@uation is not sol0ed.
The con0er9ence residuals are a measure o+ ho& &ell the solution obtained satis+ies the discrete
+orm o+ the 9o0ernin9 e@uations. As can be seen in Fi9. (D= con0er9ence is obtained as those
residuals a+ter certain number o+ iterations.
21 | P a g e
Fig%15'(tructure) *ri)
Fi9. (D--%aminar 'ipe Flo& Con0er9ence 8istory
1D3 Results6
In Results section= the user becomes +amiliar &ith 0arious &ays o+ creatin9 R; 'lots o+
the obtained data as &ell as methods o+ manipulatin9 plots to ma>e them more use+ul. The color
and shape o+ the cur0es can be chan9ed and scalin9 o+ the a#is can be chan9ed. 'lots o+ s>in
+riction= static pressure and 0elocity pro+ile are created and the user also learns ho& to sa0e them
so they can be later opened in "#cel to per+orm data 0alidation. Fi9s. (7-() sho& ho& by
manipulatin9 a plot= it can be more 0isually appealin9 or easier to interpret.
Fi9. (7 $elocity 'ro+ile R; 'lot be+ore !anipulation
22 | P a g e
Fi9. ()-- elocity 'ro+ile R; 'lot a+ter !anipulation
These 9raphs are the 9raphs that AN*;* has the ability to sho& ho&e0er= +or closer analy4in9 to
upload the 0alues to e#cel it is 0ery simple.
<ploadin9 to "#cel
(. *elect plot= here you +i9ure out &hat you &ould li>e to plot &hether 0elocity pressure etc.
,. In the 'lot bo# on the le+t side= there is a radio button &hich says &rite to +ile= select that
3. *a0e it as choosename.#ls
4. /pen this +ile in "#cel and &hen prompted i+ "#cel should up load the +ile select yes and
then +inish.
In the Results section it is also e#plained ho& to obtain the 0elocity 0ectors to obser0e the
parabolic 0elocity pro+ile alon9 the pipe. Techni@ues o+ ad:ustin9 the scale= si9ni+icant +i9ures
and location o+ the color map are introduced. It is introduced ho& to mirror the plane to 9et a
complete 9rasp o+ the 0elocity pro+ile 1recall the problem is analy4ed as a#isymmetric3$Fi9. (O.
The user learns ho& to scale the rectan9ular shape= representin9 the pipe in ,d in order +or the
&hole shape to 0isible on the screen ma>in9 the 0elocity 0ectors easier to distin9uish$Fi9. ,J.
8a0in9 learned the mentioned techni@ues the user can then proceed to obtain di++erent 0isual
23 | P a g e
Fi9.(O$'lane is mirror +or the +ull parabolic pro+ile to be seen.
Fi9.,J$Throu9h *calin9 the Fhole *hape is isible
The data 0alidation is e#plained in si9ni+icant detail in order to ensure the user can apply the
learnt >no&led9e to other +luid +lo& problems. 8o&e0er 0alidation does not stop there. As
en9ineers one should al&ays as> himsel+ &hether the obtained data is correct. Computational
Fluid Dynamics 1CFD3 so+t&are li>e AN*;* F%<"NT is not a Lma9ic bo#M. /ne cannot rely
that the data bein9 outputted is correct. The data &ill be only as meanin9+ul as the parameters
speci+ied and models and options selected. 8ence the user must not only be >no&led9eable o+
ho& to use the CFD client properly= but dependin9 on the actual +lo& problem a si9ni+icant
>no&led9e o+ +luid mechanics is re@uired as &ell.
First in the 0alidation process it is e#plained ho& the &ritten to +ile R; 'lots can be opened in
"#cel +or +urther manipulation. As part o+ the post-processin9 process the initial mesh is
enhanced in For>bench in order to in0esti9ate ho& increasin9 the number o+ elements &ill
24 | P a g e
impact the accuracy o+ the solution. alidation in "#cel is per+ormed usin9 dimensional analysis=
meanin9 both the e#perimental data and the theoretical 0alidation &ill be manipulated so that one
&ill not need to rely on dimension to per+orm the analysis. It must be noted that &hile +or the
laminar pipe +lo& it can be relied on theoretical 0alidation as it relates to entry-len9th 1I3=
0elocity pro+ile 1D3= s>in +riction 17= )3 and static pressure drop 1O3 in other cases empirical
correlation 1e#tensi0e e#periments per+ormed by others such as Ni>uradse or .lasius empirical
correlations3 may be the only means o+ obtainin9 0alidation. "mpirical 0alidation is illustrated in
the turbulent pipe +lo& and laminar +lo& past a +lat plate learnin9 modules.
Axial Distance
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5



Fluent 100 x 5
Fluent 100 x 10
Fi9. ,(--*>in Friction 0s. 'ipe len9th alon9 the &all= dimensionless
Dimensional analysis is con0enient and pre+erred because one need not depend on unit
limitations and 0alidation can be per+ormed +or pipes o+ 0arious dimensions i+ need be. Fi9ure ,(
represents 0alidation per+ormed +or the s>in +riction coe++icient. Correlation +or the entry len9th
is displayed in Fi9s. ,,-,4= &hich illustrate the 0elocity pro+ile 0alidation alon9 the radius o+ the
pipe. Fi9ure ,I pro0ides 0alidation +or the static pressure drop +rom the inlet to the outlet o+ the
pipe. Finally= Fi9. ,D in0esti9ates the case &here t&o di++erent materials are chosen$air and oil.
I+ the Reynolds number is >ept the same but the inlet 0elocity is manipulated to obtain e@ual
Reynolds number +or the t&o materials= then the data in dimensional +orm should e#actly match.
The statement is pro0en +or the 0elocity pro+ile in Fi9. ,D.
25 | P a g e
Axial Distance, x/
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4


Fluent 100 x 5
Fluent 100 x 10
Fi9. ,, --Centerline elocity in A#ial Direction= Dimensionless
!elocit", u/ucl
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0


Fluent 100 x 5
Fluent 100 x 10
Fi9. ,3 --Dimensionless F.D elocity 'ro+ile in Radial Direction
26 | P a g e
!elocit", u/ucl
0.%4 0.%% 0.+2 0.+$ 1.00


Fluent 100 x 5
Fluent 100 x 10
Fi9. ,4 -Dimensionless F.D elocity pro+ile in Radial Direction
Axial Distance, x/
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0


Fluent 100 x 5
Fluent 100 x 10
Fi9. ,I --*tatic 'ressure Drop 0s. A#ial len9th= Dimensionless
27 | P a g e
, Data
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0

Air Fluent 100 x 10
.il Fluent 100 x 10
Fi9. ,D --Fully De0eloped 'ipe elocity 'ro+ile +or Air and /il= ReK(3DO
Fhile basic in nature the laminar pipe +lo& module is crucial in illustratin9 the basics that +irst
must be learned in order to be able to create= mesh= setup= sol0e and most importantly 0alidate
data obtained +or more complicated problems. 5ther learning modules of increasing difficulty6
included in the Appendices6 are turbulent pipe flo6 laminar flo past a flat plate6
turbulent flo past a no00le6 analysis of turbulent !ets6 turbulent compressible and
incompressible flo past an airfoil6 turbulent incompressible flo across a periodic airfoil
and discrete phase modeling:particle in!ection into a pipe. "ach o+ those learnin9 modules
teaches the user somethin9 ne& and by incorporatin9 and applyin9 the learned >no&led9e +rom
all tutorials= the user should be able to sol0e comple# problems more e++iciently.
7. #ummary of A*ailable &earning Modules
C. Turbulent 'ipe Flo Case
The turbulent case= similar to the laminar case= is started the same &ay all the &ay up to the
meshin9. All the pre0ious steps such as centerin9 and buildin9 the s>etch are done in the same
&ay. 8o&e0er= &hen it comes to the mesh it is 0ery di++erent. From Fluid !echanics= it is >no&n
that turbulence &ill be most si9ni+icant near the &all. For that reason biased meshin9 is then
applied. The reason +or this biased meshin9 is so that there is more mesh 1smaller V#3 &here the
+lo& 9radients are lar9e. In addition= turbulence model is turned on because this is another
+eature that F%<"NT has to e0aluate.
2 | P a g e
Fig.;) %iased Mesh for Turbulent 'ipe Flo
A+ter creatin9 the s>etch and speci+yin9 the bias= both done in For>bench= the mesh si4e is then
speci+iedN the +irst one that is tried is (JJR3J 2rid 1(JJ element di0isions in the a#ial direction
and 3J element di0isions in the radial direction3. The second 9rid choice is (JJRI4 2rid.
*imilarly to the laminar pipe +lo& tutorial= the rele0ant initial and boundary conditions are
speci+ied in F%<"NT. Then the problem is initiali4ed and chec>ed +or con0er9ence. /ne o+ the
9raphs that are analy4ed is +or the ;H 0alues &ith respect to the pipeBs len9th= &here the 9raph
represents the ;H 0alues comparison +or the >- model +or the t&o created meshes$Fi9.,).
*ince ;H is a dimensionless @uantity there is no need to manipulate the column any +urther.
8o&e0er the #-a#is 0alues are computed by di0idin9 each 0alue in the column +or the a#ial pipe
distance by the total len9th o+ the pipe$in this speci+ic case= ) meters. It can be seen that as the
mesh is re+ined the ;H 0alues are 9ettin9 closer to one si9nalin9 the (JJRI4 is the better mesh
choice. Results ho&e0er in +i9.,O sho& little di++erence. Recall that the dimensionless parameter
;H has been de+ined in the theory section.
Axial Distance, x/
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0
&0T 100 x 54
&0T 100 x 30
2! | P a g e
Fi9. ,)$;H 0alues +or Turbulent 'ipe Flo& &ith ReK(J=JJJ
%astly= li>e the laminar tutorial= 0alidation is 0ery important. /ne o+ the 0alidation methods used
to analy4e the obtained e#perimental results is the Ni>uradse +ully de0elop 0elocity pro+ile +or
smooth pipes. In dimensionless +orm= the Ni>uradse e@uation is plotted and then analy4ed$Fi9.
,O. It is 0ery important to mention ho&e0er that this is empirical correlation due to the +lo&
bein9 turbulent thus e#hibitin9 uni@ue and random beha0ior. The rele0ant Ni>uradse empirical
correlation theory has been e#plained in the theory section. /ne reason +or the mismatch may be
the simulation pipe len9th is not lon9 enou9h to 9et a +ully de0eloped pro+ile.
Axial !elocit", u/ucl
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0


&0T 100 x 54
&0T 100 x 30
1ikura)se, n2$
1ikura)se, n23
Fig. ;1//Normali0ed A9ial 7elocity 'rofile
D. &aminar Flo o*er a Flat 'late Case
The tutorial modelin9 laminar +lo& o0er a +lat plate &ill e#press results as a is +unction o+ the
Reynolds number &hich 0aries &ith the distance alon9 the plate= . The +lo& remains laminar
until the Reynolds number reaches IJJ=JJJ. The 9eometry o+ the problem is created in the same
manner as &ith the laminar pipe +lo&. %i>e the turbulent pipe +lo& case= bias is needed in order
to obtain more accurate results in the areas o+ bi99est +lo& 9radients= e0en thou9h the +lo& is
laminar. For the +lat plate that is near the &all$the bottom hori4ontal ed9e 1recall in the
turbulent pipe +lo& case the bias is used to obtain more meshin9 to&ards the upper hori4ontal

3" | P a g e
,utlet +nlet
The >ey thin9 is to de+ine the 0arious sur+aces properly in F%<"NT. The inlet is elocity inletN
the outlet is a 'ressure /utletN the named &all 4one in For>bench should be by de+ault speci+ied
as a type Fall in F%<"NT. Finally the *ymmetry 4one should be speci+ied as type symmetry.
A+ter the boundary conditions are speci+ied and con0er9ence is obtained a+ter initiali4ation o+ the
problem 1see Appendi9 D3 the obtained data is 0alidated in order to ma>e sure it ma>es sense.
The 0alidation comparisons are +or the s>in +riction coe++icient and the 0elocity pro+ile.
The steady incompressible Na0ier-*to>es e@uations &hich are sol0ed to yield the obtained data
can be simpli+ied +or boundary layer +lo& analysis. It can be assumed that the boundary layer is
thin and the +luid +lo& is primarily parallel to the plate. 8ence +or ,D incompressible +lo&
8. .lasius= one o+ 'randtlBs students= &as able to sol0e those e@uations +or +lat plate parallel to
the +lo&. .y introducin9 the dimensionless similarity parameter = the partial di++erential
e@uations can be reduced to a sin9le ordinary di++erential e@uation in terms o+ the independent
0ariable .
&here < is the inlet 0elocity and is the >inematic 0iscosity=
The con0enience o+ 0alidatin9 the boundary layer 0elocity pro+ile in terms o+ the similarity
0ariable is that the boundary layer 0elocity pro+ile 1&hich depends both on # and y3 at any point
alon9 the plate &ill o0erlap one another and can be analy4ed 0ersus the .lasius solution.
31 | P a g e
Fluent, a#inar, 50 x $0 4ri)
!elocit", u/5
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0 1.2


Fluent, x/20.$
Fluent, x/20.%
Fluent, x/21.0
Fig. 3- //%oundary &ayer profile for Flo o*er Flat 'late
The 0alidation per+ormed +or the s>in +riction coe++icient 1Fannin9 +riction3 can be seen to
correlate accurately a9ainst the .lasius numerical solution data. The .lasius prediction is
speci+ied by "@. C3)E.
Axial Distance, x/
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0





Fluent, (e210,000
Fig. 3; Centerline s3in friction coefficient
32 | P a g e
It needs to be emphasi4ed bias to&ards the &all sur+ace is to be used other&ise the results &ill
not be accurate. As it can be seen the most accurate results are yielded upon usin9 structured
biased to&ards the &all tetrahedral mesh$see Fi9. 33.
Axial !elocit", u/5
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0 1.2



$0 x 50 5nstructure) 8esh
$0 x 50 Far Fiel) 7ias
$0 x 200
Fig. 33 //7elocity profile comparison for different Mesh Types
8. Turbulent Flo 'ast a No00le Case
The no44le case is another +undamental case +or learnin9 F%<"NT. <nli>e the pre0ious tutorials.
*peci+ically an already created mesh 1done in Flo&%ab3 is imported into F%<"NT. An additional
part o+ this speci+ic learnin9 module is in-depth description o+ ho& a similar no44le &ould be
created and meshed in For>bench. *peci+ically the user learns ho& to import coordinates=
speci+ied in "#cel= to +orm cur0es. .y importin9 an already created mesh +ile into F%<"NT= time
is sa0ed and more +ocus can be placed on the problem setup and its 0alidation. This is sho&n in
more detail in Appendi9 8.
33 | P a g e
Fig.3"//No00le s3etch
The user must possess >no&led9e in Turbo !achinery and Fluid !echanics= not only to properly
setup the boundary conditions= but also to correctly 0alidate the problem. *peci+ically the
turbulent +lo& past a no44le module is 0alidated a9ainst the (D Puasi model already described in
the theory section.
Fig.3=//Mesh for No00le
In order to 0alidate the F%<"NT results= they are 0alidated a9ainst data pro0ided by 'ro+essor
.arber= a pro+essor o+ Turbo !achinery at the <ni0ersity o+ Connecticut. They can be seen in the
tutorial in Appendi9 and they correlate 0ery &ell.
34 | P a g e
Fig. 3$//Mach number *s. 'osition
Fig. 3)//Mach number *s. 'osition from other tests >cited at the reference page?
F. Turbulent @et Flo
For the turbulent :et +lo&= this problem is set up li>e the laminar and turbulent pipe +lo& cases.
8o&e0er &hen the desi9n o+ this is done= +irst a pipe is created. The +lo& e#its 1:ets3 +rom the
pipe into a lar9e domain. It is e#pected that the +lo& 9radients &ill be the 9reatest and spreads
out into the area and the +lo& 9radients decrease. Fhen conductin9 this tutorial= it &as 0ery
important to ta>e into account the turbulent pipe +lo& tutorial because it allo&ed the user to
>no& &here to ma>e the mesh more biased.
35 | P a g e
9n:isci) (esults *e/*i20.35
0 2 4 $ % 10

Fig. 3+//Mesh for !et
Fig. 31 %oundaries
In addition= it allo&s the user to be able to implement the pressure outlet boundaries. *ee Fi9. 3O
+or the boundary conditions. 8o&e0er= unli>e the turbulent case usin9 simply the >- model to
analy4e this +lo& &ill not be enou9h to achie0e correct results. The >- model is used more +or
+lo& analy4in9 &hat happens near a &all ho&e0er= it is needed to analy4e &hat happens near the
centerline and +or this reason the amount o+ re0ersed +lo& allo&ed must be reduced. For that
reason= speci+ied intensity and 0iscosity ratio is used. .y applyin9 this= the +lo& is then able to
reach the other side and can then be analy4ed completely across the centerline as opposed to
analy4in9 data closer to the &all.
36 | P a g e
Fig. "2 A9ial 7elocity for !et
Fhen 0alidatin9 this= the 0elocity across the centerline has to increase in the ori+ice and
then decrease in a linear manner. 1To see the 0alidation re+er to Appendi# F3
<. 89ternal Turbulent Compressible and Incompressible Flo across an Airfoil
This learnin9 module= discussed in detail in Appendi# 2= sho&cases the +le#ibility o+ AN*;*
F%<"NT by importin9 into the CFD so+t&are an already created 9eometry and mesh$Fi9. 4(.
.y doin9 so= the time sa0ed can be spent in ensurin9 the problem is setup properly in F%<"NT
and that correct results are obtained by 0alidatin9 the obtained data a9ainst theoretical
correlation. The used mesh= Fi9. 4(= de+ines the area around the air+oil as pressure +ar +ield. To be
able to use a boundary condition o+ pressure +ar +ield= the +lo& must be considered compressible.
The density o+ the material chosen must be that +or ideal 9as conditions and the ener9y e@uation
1the 9o0ernin9 conser0ation o+ ener9y &ill be sol0ed durin9 the con0er9ence process in
F%<"NT3 must be turned on as &ell. The pressure +ar +ield boundary condition is +ine +or the
+irst case considered in this module$e#ternal turbulent compressible +lo& o0er a NACAJJ(,
air+oil. The !ach number +or that case is J.). 8o&e0er &hile the second case considered=
e#ternal turbulent incompressible +lo& o0er the same air+oil= can be setup e#actly li>e the
compressible case only lo&erin9 the !ach number to J.,. !ore accurate results can be obtained
i+ instead o+ usin9 pressure +ar +ield boundary condition &ith the ener9y e@uation on= 0elocity
inlet and pressure outlet conditions &ith the ener9y e@uation o++ are utili4ed. /ne can recall that
in 9eneral compressibility e++ects cannot be i9nored +or !ach numbers 9reater than J.3. This
module e#plains ho& to separate the pressure +ar +ield into t&o 4ones to be de+ined as 0elocity
inlet and pressure outlet.$Fi9. 4,. The module also describes ho& to obtain con0er9ence +or
both the compressible and incompressible cases.
37 | P a g e
Fi9. 4( .oundary condition de+initions ? compressible air+oil case
Fi9. 4, .oundary condition de+initions ? compressible air+oil case
It is also e#plained ho& the user can determine the speci+ic desi9nation o+ the air+oil model. In
the case considered= a NACA JJ(, is analy4ed. The 0elocity ma9nitude alon9 the air+oil is 4ero
because o+ the no-slip condition. *peci+ic +ocus is placed on the 0alidation aspect o+ the case.
The coe++icient o+ li+t is 0alidated a9ainst theoretical data as 9i0en by theory o+ li+t$"@. C3OE.
3 | P a g e
&here is the li+t coe++icient= is the an9le o+ attac> in radians. The li+t coe++icient is 0alidated
+or 0arious an9les o+ attac> +or both the turbulent compressible and the turbulent incompressible
cases. Fi9.43 sho&s a comparison o+ results +or the compressible and incompressible cases. The
incompressible simulation stron9ly a9rees &ith the theoretical model= &hich ma>es sense since
the theory o+ li+t correlation is 0alid +or incompressible in0iscid +lo&s. For the compressible
case= the a9reement is only 9ood +or an9les o+ attac> less than 4 de9rees.
An=le of Attack,
0 5 10 15 20 25




820.2, 9nco#'., Tur6., (e24.3$
820.%, Co#'., Tur6., (e21+.04
Fi9. 43 Coe++icient o+ %i+t alidation +or Turb. Compr. And Incompr. Cases
An=le of Attack,
<10 <5 0 5 10 15 20






Tur6. 9co#'r. Flo;, &ner=" .ff
3! | P a g e
Fi9. 44 Determination o+ !ost /ptimum An9le o+ Attac>
The module also e#plains ho& to determine the optimum an9le o+ attac> &hich corresponds to
the lar9est %i+t to Dra9 Coe++icient ratio$Fi9. 44. In Fi9. 4I= one can see the 0elocity contours
on the upper sur+ace= a supersonic re9ion CredE is +ormed and ends in a shoc>. The shoc> induces
a re9ion o+ separation or stall CblueE. The re9ion o+ separation is less 0isible in the contours o+
static pressure= Fi9.23J= &here static pressure is appro#imately constant throu9h a re9ion o+
separation. For an incompressible +lo&= the re9ion o+ separation G stall does not occur until an9les
o+ attac> near () de9rees.
Fi9.4I elocity !a9nitude Contours CmGsE= K(J de9s.= Turbulent Compr. Case
Furthermore= 0alidation is obtained +or the 0elocity pro+ile utili4in9 the e@uation +or the
Coe++icient o+ 'ressure and data +or the static pressure +rom F%<"NT. I+ the speci+ic NACA
model o+ an air+oil is >no&n= 0alidation o+ the solution can be per+ormed by considerin9 the
0elocity at di++erent locations alon9 the sur+ace. The theoretical sur+ace 0elocity can be obtained
+rom Abbott and on Doenho++Bs LTheory o+ Fin9 *ectionsM C((E. The computational sur+ace
0elocity has to be 4ero +rom the imposed no-slip condition. 8o&e0er= one can apply "@. C4JE to
e#tract a sur+ace 0elocity +rom the sur+ace static pressure. The in+inity subscript indicates re+.
0alue and the s subscript$static 0alue.
4" | P a g e
1ACA0012, 20
Axial *osition, x/c
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.$ 0.% 1.0



A66ott @ !on Doenhoff
9nco#'., Tur6., 1o &ner="
9nco#'., Tur6. &ner="
Fi9. 4D
A. Turbulent Incompressible Flo across a 'lanar ,;D. Cascade of Airfoils
This 1Appendi# 83 demonstrates ho& turbulent incompressible +lo& past a cascade o+ laterally
periodic NACA JJ(, air+oils can be modeled in F%<"NT. It is sho&n in detail ho& the
9eometry and mesh +or a periodic case can be created in For>bench. In the periodic case= the
+ocus is placed only on one o+ the blades in a rotor or turbine and the boundary surroundin9 the
air+oil re+lects that. Ne& tools in 9eometry creation in For>bench are introduced such as C(E
.oolean subtraction to subtract the air+oil &alls +rom the surroundin9 boundary= C,E 0erte#
blendin9 to ma>e sure the trailin9 ed9e o+ the air+oil is smooth in order to obtain better mesh +or
the case and C3E others$Fi9. 47. This module e#plains ho& to properly mesh the &a>e re9ion
a+ter the air+oil. Also it is demonstrated ho& to obtain an /-type 9rid around the air+oil by
utili4in9 in+lation. .etter results are obtained by employin9 an /-type 9rid because the +lo&
9radients &ill be analy4ed better durin9 the solution process in F%<"NT.
41 | P a g e
Fi9. 47
Fi9. 4)
Fi9. 4O
The procedure o+ obtainin9 con0er9ence +or the turbulent incompressible case o+ Appendi# 2 is
used to obtain results +or the periodic case. The di++erence is that the user must manually de+ine
the periodic boundary condition in F%<"NT by typin9 speci+ic commands in the command
prompt and the module speci+ically e#plains the appropriate steps. The 0elocity contours +or an
an9le o+ attac> o+ 4 de9rees can be seen in Fi9. IJ.
42 | P a g e
Fi9. IJ
I. Discrete 'hase Modeling:'article In!ection into 3/D Turbulent 'ipe Flo
*enior Desi9n 2roup () &or>in9 +or Alstom has pro0ided the needed For>bench pro:ect +or the
learnin9 module in @uestion. The For>bench pro:ect includes not only the 9eometry and mesh
creation +or the case but the F%<"NT problem setup= solution and results. The learnin9 module
1Appendi# I3 demonstrates in depth ho& the user can create the 9eometry +or the pipe by
utili4in9 the *&eep Feature in For>bench. T&o s>etches are created one in the R; plane
outlinin9 the line shape o+ the pipe. The second s>etch is in the ;W 'lane and includes the
diameter o+ the pipe. The circle is then s&ept alon9 the line to create a 3D pipe.
Fi9. I(
43 | P a g e
Fi9. I,
Fi9. I3
To obtain the mesh +or the problem in+lation is utili4ed in For>bench. As the 9eometry the &hole
body is selected and as the boundary the three +aces ma>in9 the pipe$the hori4ontal= the bend
and the 0ertical portions. Fhen in+lation is speci+ied in 3D= the body o+ the 9eometry and the
+aces o+ the boundaries are selected. For a ,D in+lation= as done +or the turbulent incompressible
+lo& across a periodic air+oil 1Appendi# 83= the +ace o+ the 9eometry and the ed9es o+ the
boundaries are speci+ied.

Fi9. I4
The real +ocus o+ the learnin9 module is to demonstrate ho& to speci+y material to be in:ected
into the pipe. *peci+ically the Discrete 'hase !odel inter+ace is manipulated in &hich in:ections
can be created startin9 +rom a speci+ied 4one= inlet in the particulate case. Additionally the
0elocity= temperature= diameter= and other parameters o+ the in:ection can be entered. /nce
44 | P a g e
proper con0er9ence is obtain in similar manner as outlined in other learnin9 modules the
particlesB residence time can be trac>ed$Fi9. II.
Fi9. IIa
Fi9. IIb
7I. Conclusion
Conclusi0ely= &hat is seen constantly o0er and o0er re9ardless o+ &hat type o+ problem or desi9n
the user is &or>in9 &ith is a consistency in &or>in9 &ith 9eometry= meshin9= and 0alidation. In
9eometry phase= it is important to recall that the user can desi9n the 9eometry in AN*;*
For>bench. 8o&e0er the so+t&are is +le#ible enou9h that the 9eometry can be created in
<ni9raphics= 'ro" or other Computer-Aided 1CAD3 so+t&are pac>a9es and the e#ported into
For>bench. A9ain a rou9h s>etch can +irst be 9enerated and then the user can 9o in the editin9
45 | P a g e
&indo& and put the dimensions he or she chooses. Additionally= the user is not only limited to
that= the user may also create already primiti0e desi9ns. This means the user can select basic
shapes in For>bench that ha0e already been done li>e bo#es= pipes= etc. These shapes can sa0e
the user a lot o+ time i+ they are :ust analy4in9 certain +lo& o0er +easible ob:ects. 8o&e0er= i+ the
user needs a di++erent desi9n that &as possibly done on another CAD pac>a9e= the user has the
option o+ importin9 the desi9n and then bein9 able to &or> &ith it.
The ne#t 0ery important part once the 9eometry is determined= is meshin9. A9ain recall that the
user can ha0e structured= unstructured= and bias types o+ meshin9. The structured meshin9 &or>s
+or 0ery simple desi9ns and simple +lo&s. An e#ample &as the laminar +lo& past a cylindrical
pipe 1Appendi# A3 because since the +lo& is laminar no e#tra meshin9 is re@uired near the &all
due to its simplicity. 8o&e0er= &hen dealin9 &ith di++erent types o+ +lo& or s>etches such as
no44le= or turbulent cases= the meshin9 needed to be ad:usted accordin9ly. The unstructured
meshin9 is e#tremely use+ul especially +or shapes that are not symmetrical such as bends or
Fhen dealin9 &ith complicated +lo& or complicated 9eometryN biased meshin9 chan9es ho& a
mesh is re+ined near a &all. For instance= in the turbulent +lo& throu9h a pipe case biased
meshin9 &as implemented since at turbulent cases the most +lo& 9radients occur near the &all.
There+ore= to obtain better results the mesh &as re+ined near the &all to be able to 9et better data.
8o&e0er this still lea0es one @uestions= ho& does one choose &hat mesh to start atA
The ans&er is that there is no actual startin9 point= based on e#perience the user &ill be9in to
determine &hat meshin9 si4es he or she should start at. In the laminar pipe +lo& tutorial the
meshin9 chosen is based on other tutorials= ho&e0er= meshin9 does not ha0e a startin9 point but
rather ser0es as a re+erence 0alue. There+ore= &hen choosin9 a meshin9 si4e it is al&ays
recommended to start &ith simple small mesh and increase 9radually based on ho& the accuracy
increases or decreases= &hich is &hy 0alidation is 0ery important
alidation is the utmost important part in the desi9n process. Fhen 0alidatin9 results it allo&s
the user to see the accuracy o+ their e#periment. .y doin9 hand calculations or re+erencin9 to
other scholarly sources it allo&s the user to see &hat needs to be impro0ed to 9et better ans&ers.
In addition= 0alidation allo&s the user to 9o bac> and ad:ust parameters such as the meshin9= li>e
it &as done in the laminar pipe +lo& tutorial.
%astly= the importance +or all these tutorials is to be able to create a roadmap +or +uture comple#
problems. It is stron9ly su99ested that be+ore desi9nin9 and analy4in9 complicated 9eometry= the
user brea> it do&n into parts and create a roadmap &ith each step increasin9 in comple#ity to be
able to not only build con+idence in the 0alues they 9et but also build >no&led9e on the uses o+
F%<"NT into more comple# parts.
(. Cornell <ni0ersity.F%<"NT %earnin9 !odules. 4G(JG((
46 | P a g e
,. Cornell <ni0ersity. Introduction to CFD .asics. IG7G((=
3. %ee= 8uei-8uan9. Finite "lement *imulations &ith AN*;* For>bench (,. *chro++
de0elopment corporation= ,J(J.
4. %a&rence= Yent. AN*;* For>bench tutorial. *chro++ de0elopment corporation= ,JJ7.
I. !oran= 8o&ard *hapiro. Fundamental o+ "n9. Thermodynamics. <*A6 N5= ,JJ).
D. !unson= ;oun9= />iishi= 8uebsch. Fundamentals o+ +luid mechanics D
ed. <*A6 Fest
ir9inia = ,JJO.
7. N.Ra:aratnam. Turbulent 5ets. Ne& ;or>6 "lse0ier scienti+ic= (O7D.
). *chlichtin9= 8ermann. .oundary %ayer Theory. Ne& ;or>6 !c2ra&= (O7D.
O. *enior Desi9n 'ro:ect Febsite. <ni0ersity o+ Connecticut. IG7G((
(J. ;H de+inition= IG7G((= http6GGmy.+it.eduGitresourcesGmanualsG+luentD.3G
((. Abbott= Doenho++. Theory o+ Fin9 *ections. Do0er 'ublications= Ne& ;or>= (OIO.
(,. AN*;* F%<"NT (,.( Theory 2uide= Discrete 'hase !odelin9= IG7G((
(3. Flo& elocity 'ro+ile= (,G(JG(J
47 | P a g e

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