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Operating systems Interview questions

1. An operating system is distinguished from other system software by each of the

following except
a. It interacts directly with the hardware to provide an interface used by other
system software and application software
b. It allows different applications to share the hardware resources through its
resource management policies
c. It can be used to support a broad range of application domains
d. The hardware resource abstractions it provides are convenient, but their
use by applications is generally optional.
2. A process is
a. !apped one"to"one with a program.
b. #he same as a program.
c. $sually built into the computer hardware.
d. A sequential program in execution.
%. &hich of the following state transitions is not possible'
a. blocked to running
b. ready to running
c. blocked to ready
d. running to blocked
(. #he mode bit is implemented in
a. Any system software.
b. Hardware.
c. )ernel space software.
d. Application software.
*. In an O+ that uses a trap to ma,e a system call
a. #here is a low threshold of security.
b. #he trap causes an O+ daemon to execute.
c. The application process executes kernel code.
d. #he system will support ,ernel threads.
-. A binary program may also be ,nown as each of the following except
a. .xecutable program
b. Process program
c. /inary ob0ect program
d. Ob0ect program
1. #he process is the computational environment that includes each of the following
a. Operating system
b. 2ata
c. 3rogram
d. 4iles
5. #hreads can be implemented in each of the following ways except
a. 6un"time libraries
b. Operating system
c. 7ava 8irtual !achine
d. Parentchild processes
9. :::::::: restricts access to a shared variable to only one thread at any given
a. asynchronism
b. protection
c. mutual exclusion
d. seriali;ation
1<. An interrupt is the same as a trap in that they both
a. indicate the completion of an I=O operation.
b. indicate a user space request for O+ service.
c. bloc, the process currently using the >3$.
d. cause the processor to switch to supervisor mode and branch to a handler.
11. &hich of the following statements about critical sections is false'
a. Only one thread at a time can execute the instructions in its critical section
for a particular resource.
b. If one thread is already in its critical section? another thread must wait for
the executing thread to exit its critical section before continuing.
c. Once a thread has exited its critical section? a waiting thread may enter its
critical section.
d. All threads must wait whenever any critical section is occupied.
12. >ode inside a critical section should ::::::::.
a. access shared? modifiable data
b. run as quic,ly as possible
c. prevent the possibility of infinite loops
d. all o! the above
1%. &hich of the following statements are true about computers with memory"mapped
a. !emory"mapped I=O computers normally provide application programs
with direct access to the device@s registers since the registers are in the
address space used by the program.
b. #he device driver for a computer with memory"mapped I=O presents a
completely different A3I to its clients? than a driver on a computer without
memory"mapped I=O.
c. "n theory, computers with memory#mapped "O do not need explicit "O
d. All of the above
1(. &hich of the following statements about semaphores is true'
a. P and V operations should be indivisible operations.
b. If several threads attempt a PA + B operation simultaneously? only one
thread should be allowed to proceed.
c. A semaphore implementation should guarantee that threads do not suffer
indefinite postponement.
d. all o! the above
1*.!onitors implement :::::::: between threads of execution.
a. mutual exclusion
b. synchroni;ation
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
1-. 3rimary operating system design issues include the following except
a. .fficiency in the use of machine resources
b. $ompact memory representation
c. 6esource isolation
d. !aximi;ing availability of resource for use by applications
11. !ost deadloc,s in operating systems develop because of the normal contention
for ::::::::: .
a. dedicated resources
b. processors
c. main memory
d. device drivers
15. &hen a process is created? which of the following actions occur'
a. #he child process clones the parent process identification.
b. #he new process receives a resource allocation from the process that
created it.
c. #he new process loads the program it intends to use.
d. A process descriptor is allocated !or the process.
19. In an interactive system the turnaround time is
a. #he time from when the person logs into the system? until the time the
person logs out of the system
b. The time !rom when the command is submitted, until the time the results
o! the command have been returned to the user
c. #he time from when the medium term scheduler allocates memory until
the time the 0ob vacates memory
d. #he time from when the command is submitted? until the time the
command begins to execute on the processor
2<. $nder :::::::: scheduling? processes can be interrupted whether they have
completed their current tas, or not.
a. dynamic
b. nonpreemptive
c. static
d. preemptive
21. A disadvantage of preemptive scheduling is ::::::::.
a. increased overhead
b. the possibility that a process can monopoli;e the system while executing
an infinite loop
c. that short processes can experience lengthy service delays while longer
processes complete
d. both a and b
22. #he following statements about process control bloc,s are true? except
a. #here must be enough information for the O+ to uniquely identify a
b. #he O+ must be able to identify the external CownerD of the process
c. #he O+ must ,now the process that requested the creation of a process
d. All resources the process has used during it%s execution
2%. !a0or thread management tas,s do not include
a. >reate=destroy a thread
b. !anage thread context switching
c. &oading thread#speci!ic program code
d. Allocating thread"specific resources
2(. 3age sharing ::::::::.
a. increases the amount of main memory required for a group of processes to
run efficiently
b. decreases a systemEs degree of multiprogramming
c. does not allow modi!iable procedures !rom being used by more than one
process at the same time
d. none of the above
2*. Fon"preemptive scheduling strategies that commonly rely on process=thread
execution time include the following except
a. '$'(
b. +74
c. 3riority
d. 2eadline
2-.&hich of the following computer operations involves the highest degree of spatial
a. a traversal of a tree data structure
b. a traversal of a lin,ed"list data structure
c. a linear array traversal
d. a function used for calculating a factorial
21. +teps for statically binding addresses include the following except
a. >ompile time translation
b. Gin, time combining of relocatable ob0ect modules
c. Goad time ad0ustment of the load module
d. )un time rebinding
25. &ith dynamic address relocation? the limit register contains
a. #he linear offset into the address space
b. #he virtual address issued by the >3$
c. #he physical address of the first address in the address space
d. The si*e o! the address space
29. &hich of the following statements about swapping is untrue'
a. +wapping is well"suited to timesharing systems
b. (wapping is easy, with or without relocation hardware
c. A process should release memory if itEs not going to execute soon
d. +wapping transfers the entire process image to secondary memory
%<. &hich statement about memory systems is untrue'
a. +wapping systems ma,e little distinction between the address space in the absolute module
and the space in primary memory where the program will be executed
b. 8irtual memory systems distinguish among symbolic name? virtual address? and physical
address spaces
c. +egmentation and paging are the two basic approaches to establishing the
virtual"physical mapping
d. "n swapping systems, the absolute module and allocated primary memory
space di!!er in si*e
%1. All of the following are common measures of performance except ::::::::::.
a. throughput
b. reliability
c. processor utili;ation
d. ease of use
%2. #hree file descriptors associated with every Ginux process are
AaB standard input? standard output? and standard pipe
+b, standard input, standard output, and standard error
AcB standard input? standard output? and standard deviation
AdB standard input? standard output? and standard terminal
AeB standard input? standard output? and standard transmission
%%. $ser !ode Ginux A$!GB is an example of a virtual machine environment in which
AaB Ginux runs on top of &indows
+b, &inux runs on top o! &inux
AcB &indows runs on top of Ginux
AdB &indows runs on top of &indows
AeB none of the above
%(. 2uring the boot process? a computer obtains its initial bootstrapping information from
+a, a special -boot block. on disk
AbB the superbloc, in the root file system
AcB a pre"configured file vmunix within the file system
AdB the =tmp file system
AeB none of the above
%*. #he copy"on"write mechanism provides
AaB an efficient way to create new processes
AbB a clever way to share virtual memory pages Aat least temporarilyB
AcB a way to avoid unnecessary page copying
+d, all o! the above
AeB none of the above
%-. In memory management? global page replacement is usually preferable to local page
replacement because
AaB most processes are well"behaved
AbB most processes have small wor,ing sets
AcB most processes have large wor,ing sets
AdB most processes are highly synchroni;ed
+e, the set o! pages !rom which to choose is larger
%1. Implementing G6$ precisely in an O+ is expensive? so practical implementations often
use an approximation called
AaB !6$
AbB !4$
AcB G4$
AdB G4$ with aging
+e, none o! the above
%5. 4or two processes accessing a shared variable? 3etersonEs algorithm provides
AaB mutual exclusion
AbB progress
AcB bounded waiting
+d, all o! the above
AeB none of the above
%9. >ounting semaphores
AaB generali;e the notion of a binary semaphore
AbB are used for managing multiple instances of a resource
AcB have increment and decrement operations
AdB can use queueing to manage waiting processes
+e, all o! the above
(<.#he /an,erEs Algorithm is an example of a technique for
AaB deadloc, prevention
+b, deadlock avoidance
AcB deadloc, detection
AdB deadloc, recovery
AeB stabili;ing turbulent financial mar,ets
(1.&ith asynchronous I=O? file system changes will be committed to dis, when
AaB the in"memory inode is updated
+b, the sync daemon runs
AcB the system administrator feels li,e doing it
AdB nightly file system bac,ups are run
AeB the system is rebooted
(2.#he operation of defragmenting a hard dis,
AaB uses compaction to combat internal fragmentation
+b, uses compaction to combat external !ragmentation
AcB uses compression to combat internal fragmentation
AdB uses compression to combat external fragmentation
AeB all of the above
(%.&hich of the following is an idempotent request'
AaB read the next byte from file foople
+b, read block / !rom !ile !oople
AcB write this bloc, to the end of file foople
AdB append file foople to file boople
AeB lin, file foople to file boople
((.&hich command of !+"2O+ is used to copy only files that have been modified on or after the
date you specify'
a. 0$OP12 3 date
b. >O3H=2 date
c. >O3H=!
d. I>O3H=8
e. Fone of the above
(*.&hich 2O+ command will format a floppy dis, and transfer the system files
a. +H+ > A
b. +H+ A
c. 'O)4AT A3 (
d. 4O6!A# A =#
e. Fone of the above
(-.&hile wor,ing with !+"2O+? which command is used to restore files that were bac,ed up
using the /A>)$3 command'
c. )5(TO)5
d. +#O6.
e. Fone of the above
(1.#he term #+6 is an abbreviation for
a. #erminate +tay 6eady
b. #esting +ystem 6ead
c. #erminal +till 6eady
d. Terminate (tay )esident
e. Fone of the above
(5.$sing the ::::: switch causes 42I+) to display the partition status of your hard dis, without
executing 42I+).
a. =show
b. =display
c. status
d. =part
e. Fone of the above
49.The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be
done, is
a.Operation code
e.Fone of the above
*<.&hich of the following refers to the associative memory'
a. the address of the data is generated by the >3$
b? the address of the data is supplied by the users
c. there is no need !or an address i.e. the data is used as an address
d. the data are accessed sequentially
e. Fone of the above
*1.#o avoid the race condition? the number of processes that may be simultaneously inside their
critical section is
a. 5
b. 6
c. 1-
d. <
e. Fone of the above
*2.A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form
suitable for execution
b. linking loader
c. cross compiler
d. load and go
e. Fone of the above
*%.3rocess is
a. program in Jigh level language ,ept on dis,
b. contents of main memory
c. a program in execution
d. a 0ob in secondary memory
e. Fone of the above
*(.Addressing structure
a. de!ines the !undamental method o! determining e!!ective operand addresses
b. are variations in the use of fundamental addressing structures? or some associated actions
which are related to addressing.
c.performs indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and leave the result in one
of the registers.
d.all of the above
e.Fone of the above
**.#he !emory /uffer 6egister A!/6B
a. is a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being
executed. a group of electrical circuits AhardwareB? that performs the intent of instructions fetched from
c.contains the address of the memory location that is to be read from or stored into.
d.contains a copy o! the designated memory location speci!ied by the 4A) a!ter a 7read7
or the new contents o! the memory prior to a 7write7.
e.Fone of the above
*-.#he strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily suspended is
a. preemptive scheduling
b. non preemptive scheduling
c. shortest 0ob first
d. first come first served
e. Fone of the above
*1.#he +torage"to"+torage instructions
a. have both their operands in the main store.
b. which perform an operation on a register operand and an operand which is located in the main
store? generally leaving the result in the register? expect in the case of store operation when it
is also written into the specified storage location.
c. which perform indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and have the result in
one of the registers
d. all of the above
e. Fone of the above
*5.#he G6$ algorithm
a. pages out pages that have been used recently
b. pages out pages that have not been used recently
c. pages out pages that have been least used recently
d. pages out the first page in a given area
e. Fone of the above

*9.&hich of the following systems software does the 0ob of merging the records from two files into
a. +ecurity software
b. 8tility program
c. Fetwor,ing software
d. 2ocumentation system
e. Fone of the above

-<.4or, is
a. the dispatching of a tas,
b. the creation of a new 0ob
c. the creation o! a new process
d. increasing the priority of a tas,
e. Fone of the above

a. is a natural consequence of virtual memory systems
b. can always be avoided by swapping
c. always occurs on large computers
d. can be caused by poor paging algorithms
e. Fone of the above
-2.+upervisor state is
a. never used
b. entered by programs when they enter the processor
c. required to perform any I=O
d. only allowed to the operating system
e. Fone of the above
-%.&hich of the following instruction steps? would be written within the diamond"shaped box? of a
a. + K / " >
b. "( A96:
c. 36IF# A
d. 2A#A I?(L
e. Fone of the above

-(.A computer cannot MbootM if it does not have the
a. >ompiler
b. Goader
c. Operating system
d. Assembler
e. Fone of the above

-*.&hich of the following statements is false'
a. the technique of storage compaction involves moving all occupied areas of storage to one end
or other of main storage
b. compaction does not involve relocation o! programs
c. compaction is also ,now as garbage collection
d.the system must stop everything while it performs the compaction
e. Fone of the above
--.Interprocess communication required for all processes
b. is usually done via dis, drives
c. is never necessary?
d. allows processes to synchroni*e activity
-1.&hich of the following functions isAareB performed by the loader
a.allocate space in memory for the programs and resolve symbolic references between ob0ect
b.ad0ust all address dependent locations? such as address constants? to correspond to the
allocated space.
c.physically place the machine instructions and data into memory.
d.all o! the memory
e.Fone of the above
-5.$ser"4riendly +ystems are
a.required for ob0ect"oriented programming
b. easy to develop
c. common among traditional mainframe operating systems
d. becoming more common
e. Fone of the above
-9.&hich of the following addressing modes? facilitates access to an operand whose location is
defined relative to the beginning of the data structure in which it appears'
c. index
d. indirect
e. Fone of the above

1<.&hile running 2O+ on a 3>? which command would be used to duplicate the entire dis,ette'
b. 2"(;$OP1
d. #H3.
e. Fone of the above
a. is a device that performs a sequence of operations specified by instructions in memory. the device where in!ormation is stored
c. is a sequence of instructions
d. is typically characteri;ed by interactive processing and time"slicing of the >3$@s time to allow
quic, response to each user.
e. Fone of the above

12.&hich of the following rules out the use of NO #O'
b. JI3O"2IAN6A!+
c. <assi#(hneiderman diagram
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
1%.A system program that sets up an executable program in main memory ready for execution is
b. lin,er
c. loader
d. compiler
e. Fone of the above
1(.&hich of the following are loaded into main memory when the computer is booted'
a.internal command instructions
b. external command instructions
c. utility programs
d. word processing instructions
e. Fone of the above
1*.#he 4I4O algorithm
a.executes first the 0ob that last entered the queue
b. executes !irst the =ob that !irst entered the queue
c.execute first the 0ob that has been in the queue the longest
d. executes first the 0ob with the least processor needs
e. Fone of the above
1-.&hat is the name given to the organi;ed collection of software that controls the overall
operation of a computer'
a.&or,ing system
b. 3eripheral system
c. Operating system
d. >ontrolling system
e. Fone of the above

11.#he principal of locality of reference 0ustifies the use of
b. non reusable
c. virtual memory
d. cache memory
e. Fone of the above
15.#he register or main memory location which contains the effective address of the operand is
,nown as
b. indexed register
c. special location
d. scratch pad
e. Fone of the above
19.Assembly code data base is associated with
a.assembly language version o! the program which is created by the code generation
phase and is input to the assembly phase.
b.a permanent table of decision rules in the form of patterns for matching with the uniform
symbol table to discover syntactic structure.
c.consists of a full or partial list or the to,en@s as they appear in the program. >reated by Gexical
analysis and used for syntax analysis and interpretation.
d.a permanent table which lists all ,ey words and special symbols of the language in symbolic
e. Fone of the above
5<.#hrashing can be avoided if
a.the pages, belonging to the working set o! the programs, are in main memory
b. the speed of >3$ is increased
c. the speed of I=O processor is increased
d. all of the above
d. Fone of the above

51.In analy;ing the compilation of 3G=I program? the term MGexical analysisM is associated with
a.recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions.
b. recognition o! basic elements and creation o! uni!orm symbols
c. creation of more optional matrix.
d. use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code
e. Fone of the above
52.6esolution of externally defined symbols is performed by
b. Goader
c. >ompiler
d. Assembler
e. Fone of the above
5%.+ystem generation always quite simple
b. is always very difficult
c. varies in di!!iculty between systems
d. requires extensive tools to be understandable
e. Fone of the above
5(.#he !emory Address 6egister a hardware memory device which denotes the location of the current instruction being
executed. a group of electrical circuits AhardwareB? that performs the intent of instructions fetched from
c.contains the address o! the memory location that is to be read !rom or stored into.
d.contains a copy of the designated memory location specified by the !A6 after a MreadM or the
new contents of the memory prior to a MwriteM.
e.Fone of the above

5*.In virtual memory systems? 2ynamic address translation the hardware necessary to implement paging
b. stores pages at a specific location on dis,
c. is useless when swapping is used
d. is part of the operating system paging algorithm
e. Fone of the above

5-.4ragmentation of the file system
a.occurs only if the file system is used improperly
b. can always be prevented
c. can be temporarily removed by compaction
d. is a characteristic of all file systems
e. Fone of the above
51.A non"relocatable program is one which
a.cannot be made to execute in any area o! storage other than the one designated !or it at
the time o! its coding or translation.
b.consists of a program and relevant information for its relocation.
c. can itself performs the relocation of its address"sensitive portions.
d. all of the above
e. Fone of the above
55.&hich of the following areAisB Ganguage 3rocessorAsB
b. compilers
c. interpreters
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above

59.In which addressing mode the effective address of the operand is the contents of a register
specified in the instruction and after accessing the operand? the contents of this register is
incremented to point to the next item in the list'
a.index addressing
b. indirect addressing
c. auto increment
d. auto decrement
e. Fone of the above

9<.#he memory allocation scheme sub0ect to MexternalM fragmentation is
b. swapping
c. pure demand paging
d. multiple contiguous fixed partitions
e. Fone of the above

91.&hile wor,ing with !+"2O+? which command will you use to transfer a specific file from one
dis, to another'
a. 2I+)>O3H
b. $OP1
c. 6.FA!.
d. 4O6!A#
e. Fone of the above

92.&hat is the name of the operating system for the laptop computer called !acGite'
b. 2O+
c. !+"2O+
d. O>
e. Fone of the above

9%.In which addressing mode the contents of a register specified in the instruction are first
decremented? and then these contents are used as the effective address of the operands'
a.index addressing
b. indirect addressing
c. auto increment
d. auto decrement
e. Fone of the above

9(.&hat is the name given to the values that are automatically provided by software to reduce
,eystro,es and improve a computer user@s productivity'
a.2efined values
b. 4ixed values
c. 2e!ault values
d. +pecial values
e. Fone of the above

9*.3age stealing
a. is a sign of an efficient system
b. is taking page !rames !rom other working sets
c. should be the tuning goal
d. is ta,ing larger dis, spaces for pages paged out
e. Fone of the above
9-.In !+"2O+ *.<? which is the number that acts as a code to uniquely identify the software
b. 2O+
c. !+ 2O+
d. ?.:
e.Fone of the above

91./ug means
a. A logical error in a program
b. A difficult syntax error in a program
c. 2ocumenting programs using an efficient documentation tool
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
95.!emory management is
a.not used in modern operating system
b. replaced with virtual memory on current systems
c. not used on multiprogramming systems
d. critical for even the simplest operating systems
e. Fone of the above
99. >ell phones use which category of operating system'
a. (ingle#user, single task
b. !ultiuser? multitas,
c. +ingle"user? multitas,
d. 6eal"time
e. Fone of the above
1<<.&hich of the following would be found in a N$I operating system'
a. Icons
b. &indows
c. +croll bars
d. All o! the above
e. Fone of the above
1<1. 8irtual memory is
a. another name for hard drive.
b. another name for 6A!.
c. the process o! managing memory demands by borrowing space on the hard drive.
d. smaller? faster memory used by the >3$.
e. Fone of the above
1<2 &hich is an indication that a device is 3lug and 3lay' Hou can
a. multitas, by listening to a >2 and surfing the Internet.
b. install gaming software without going through Add=6emove 3rograms.
c. install a hardware device without separately installing a driver.
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
1<%.&hich of the following is FO# done during the boot process'
a. >hec,s that all attached devices are in place and wor,ing.
b. 8erifies the userEs login name and password.
c. &oads the O( to the hard drive.
d. >hec,s for customi;ed settings put in place for the monitor and des,top.
e. Fone of the above
1<(. &hen an operating system allows you to do more than one tas, at a time? it is called
a. thrashing.
b. multitasking.
c. caching.
d. paging.
e. Fone of the above
1<*.&hich view option would be best to use to sort your files by date modified and type of
a. 2etails
b. #iles
c. Garge Icons
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
1<-.&hich of the following files extensions indicates a file created by a program in the Office
2<<1 suite'
a. bioreport.;ip
b. bioreport.xls
c. bioreport.ppt.
d. bioreport.docx.
e. Fone of the above
1<1.#o regroup related pieces of files on the hard drive so that the hard drive wor,s more
efficiently? which utility would you use'
a. +ystem 6estore
b. 2isk 2e!ragmenter
c. &indows .xplorer
d. 2is, >leanup
e. Fone of the above
1<5.&hich utility do you use to schedule utility programs to run automatically'
a. #as, !aintainer
b. Task (cheduler
c. #as, !anager
d. #as, 2irector
e. Fone of the above
1<9.#he initial value of the semaphore that allows only one of the many processes to enter their
critical sections? is
a. 5
b. 6
d. <
e. Fone of the above
11<.#he 6egister " to " 6egister A66B instructions
a. have both their operands in the main store.
b.which perform an operation on a register operand and an operand which is located in the main
store? generally leaving the result in the register? except in the case of store operation when it is
also written into the specified storage location.
c.which per!orm indicated operations on two !ast registers o! the machine and leave the
result in one o! the registers.
d.all of the above
e.Fone of the above
111.A page fault an error is a specific page
b. occurs when a program accesses a page of memory
c. is an access to a page not currently in memory
d. is a reference to a page belonging to another program
e. Fone of the above
112.An algorithm is best described as
a. A computer language
b. A step by step procedure !or solving a problem
c.A branch of mathematics
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
11%.#he process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a dis, Aor intermediate
storeB so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bul,? is
,nown as
b. spooling
d. virtual programming
e. Fone of the above
11(./loc, caches or buffer caches are used improve disk per!ormance
b. to handle interrupts
c. to increase the capacity of the main memory
d. to speed up main memory read operation
e. Fone of the above
11*.&hich of the following statements is false'
a.a small page si;e causes large page tables
b.internal !ragmentation is increased with small pages
c.a large page si;e causes instructions and data that will not be referenced brought into primary
d.I=O transfers are more efficient with large pages
e. Fone of the above
11-.#he action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is ,nown as
a. syntax analysis
b. lexical analysis
c. interpretation analysis
d. general syntax analysis
e. Fone of the above
111.&hich? of the following is not true about the description of a decision table'
a.A decision table is easy to modify
b. A decision table is directly understood by the computer
c. A decision table is easy to understand
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
115.#ro0an"Jorse programs
a. are legitimate programs that allow unauthori*ed access
b. do not usually wor,
c. are hidden programs that do not show up on the system
d. usually are immediately discovered
e. Fone of the above
119.When did IBM release the first version of disk operatin s!stem "#$ version 1.%&
a. 6@A6
b. 1952
c. 195%
d. 195(
e. Fone of the above

12<.&hich of the following is false about dis, when compared to main memory'
b. longer storage capacity
c. lower price per bit
d. !aster
e. Fone of the above

121.3roducer consumer problem can be solved using
a. semaphores
b. event counters
c. monitors
d. all o! the above
e. Fone of the above
122.!ost of the microcomputer@s operating systems li,e Apple 2O+? !+ 2O+ and 3> 2O+ etc.
are called dis, operating systems because
a. they are memory resident
b. they are initially stored on disk
c.they are available on magnetic tapes
d. they are partly in primary memory and partly on dis,
e. Fone of the above
12%.#he >3$? after receiving an interrupt from an I=O device
a. halts for a predetermined time
b. hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device
c. branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately
d. branches o!! to the interrupt service routine a!ter completion o! the current instruction
e.Fone of the above
12(.+ee,s analysis used for analy;ing paging problems
b. is used !or analy*ing device busy problems
c. is used for analy;ing control"unit busy problems
d. is only shown on real"time displays
e. Fone of the above
12*.&hich is a permanent database in the general model of compiler'
a. Giteral #able
b. Identifier #able
c. Terminal Table
d. +ource code
e. Fone of the above
12-.&hat is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes
several programs concurrently by switching bac, and forth between them'
a. 3artitioning
b. !ultitas,ing
c. Bindowing
d. 3aging
e. Fone of the above
121.Operating system
a. lin,s a program with the subroutines it references
b. provides a layered, user#!riendly inter!ace
c.enables the programmer to draw a flowchart
d. all of the above
e. Fone of the above

125.+oftware that measures? monitors? analy;es? and controls real"world events is called
a. system software
b. real#time so!tware
c. scientific software
d. business software
e. Fone of the above
129#he details of all external symbols and relocation formation Arelocation list or mapB is
provided to lin,er by
a.!acro processor
e.Fone of the above
1%<.#he macro processor must perform
a. recogni;e macro definitions and macro calls
b. save the macro definitions
c. expand macros calls and substitute arguments
d. all o! the above
e. Fone of the above

1%1.A development strategy whereby the executive control modules of a system are coded and
tested first? is ,nown as
a. /ottom"up development
b. Top#down development
c. Geft"6ight development
d. All of the above
e. Fone of the above
1%2.&hich of the following is helpful in evaluating applications software what will best suit your
a. recommendations by other users
b. computer maga;ines
c. ob0ective software reviews
d. all o! the above
e. Fone of the above
1%%.&hat problem is solved by 2i0,stra@s ban,er@s algorithm' exclusion
b. deadloc, recovery
c. deadlock avoidance
d. cache coherence
e. Fone of the above
1'4.#he primary purpose of an operating system is to
a.make computer easier to use
b. ,eep system programmers employed
c. ma,e the most efficient use of the hardware
d. allow people to sue the computers
e. Fone of the above
1%*.&hich of the following is true about pseudocode
a. A machine language
b. An assembly language
c. A high"level language
d. All of the above
e. <one o! the above
1%-.&hich of the following capabilities is required for a system program to execute more
than one program at a time'
a. word processing
b. compiling
c. virtual memory
d. multitasking
e. Fone of the above
1%1.>apacity planning
a.requires detailed system performance information
b. is independent o! the operating system
c.does not depend on the monitoring tools available
d. is not needed in small installations
e. Fone of the above
1%5.3oor response times are caused by
a.3rocessor busy
b. Jigh I=O rate
c. Jigh paging rates
d. Any o! the above
e. Fone of the above
1%9.Gin, encryption more secure than end"to"end encryption
b. is less secure than end#to#end encryption
c. can not be used in a public networ,
d. is used only to debug
e. Fone of the above
1(<.A form of code that uses more than one process and processor? possibly of different type?
and that may on occasions have more than one process or processor active at the same time? is
,nown as
a. multiprogramming
b. multi threading
c. broadcasting
d. time sharing
e. Fone of the above
1(1.#he table created by lexical analysis to describe all literals used in the source program? is
a. #erminal table
b. &iteral table
c. Identifier table
d. 6eductions
e. Fone of the above
1(2.#he term @polling@ in a computer means a process by which a computer system
a. detects=corrects errors
b. multiplexes the inputs and updates the memory accordingly
c. decides correct alternative by analysing several ones
d. inquires to see i! a terminal has any transaction to send
e. none of the above
1(%.In which addressing mode? the address of the location of the operand is given explicitly as a
part of the instruction.
a. absolute mode
b. immediate mode
c. index mode
d. modulus mode
e. none of the above
1((.$nder virtual storage?
a. a single program is processed by two or more cpus
b. two or more programs are stored concurrently in primary storage
c. only the active pages o! a program are stored in primary storage
d. interprogram interference may occur
e. none of the above
1(*.A base register table
a. allows the programmer to write base registers and displacements explicitly in the source
b. is used to remember which o! the general#purpose registers are currently available as
base registers, and what base addresses they contain.
c. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the same time.
d. is a term that refers to the control programs of an operating system.
e. none of the above
1(-.4ile record length
a. should always be fixed
b. should always be variable
c. depends upon the si;e of the file
d. should be chosen to match the data characteristics
e. none of the above
1(1. A relationship between processes such that each has some part Acritical sectionB which
must not be executed while the critical section of another is being executed? is ,nown as
a. semaphore
b. mutual exclusion
c. multiprogramming
d. multitas,ing
e. none of the above

1(5.&hat is the name of the operating system which was originally designed by scientists and
engineers for use by scientists and engineers'
a. xenix
b. unix
c. os=2
d. ms dos
e. none of the above
1(9.#he most common security failure is
a. carelessness by users
b. depending on passwords
c. too much emphasis on preventing physical access
d. insufficient technology used to prevent breaches
e. none of the above
1*<.#erminal #able
a. contains all constants in the program
b. a permanent table of decision rules in the form of patterns for matching with the uniform
symbol table to discover syntactic structure.
c. consists of a full or partial list of the to,en@s as they appear in the program. created by lexical
analysis and used for syntax analysis and interpretation
d. a permanent table which lists all key words and special symbols o! the language in
symbolic !orm.
e. none of the above
1*1./loc, or buffer caches are used
a. to improve disk per!ormance
b. to handle interrupts
c. to increase the capacity of main memory
d. to speed up main memory read operation
e. none of the above

1*2.#he practice of MbundlingM refers to
a. selling computers alone
b. selling peripheral devices with computer
c. selling software to run on computers
d. giving away so!tware with a computer purchase
e. none of the above
1*%.+pecial software to create a 0ob queue is called a
a. drive
b. spooler
c. interpreter
d. lin,age editor
e. none of the above
1*(.All the time a computer is switched on? its operating system software has to stay in
a. main storage
b. primary storage
c. floppy dis,
d. dis, drive
e. none of the above
1**.>an you name of the ma0or Operating +ystem used in computers'
a. ms dos
b. os=2
c. unix
d. all o! the above
e. none of the above
1*-.&hich of the following is not an advantage of multiprogramming'
a. increased throughput
b. shorter response time
c.decreased operating#system overhead
d.ability to assign priorities to 0obs
e. none of the above
1*1.8irtual !emory
a. is a method of memory allocation by which the program is subdivided into equal portions? or
pages and core is subdivided into equal portions or bloc,s.
b. consists o! those addresses that may be generated by a processor during execution o! a
c. is a method of allocating processor time.
d. allows multiple programs to reside in separate areas of core at the time.
e. none of the above
1*5.In a magnetic dis,? data is recorded in a set of concentric trac,s which are subdivided into
a. periods
b. sectors
c. ;ones
d. groups
e. none of the above
1*9.#he total time to prepare a dis, drive mechanism for a bloc, of data to be read from it is
a. latency
b. latency plus transmission time
c. latency plus seek time
d. latency plus see, time plus transmission time
e. none of the above
1-<.3art of a program where the shared memory is accessed and which should be executed
invisibly? is called
a. semaphores
b. directory
c. critical section
d. mutual exclusion
e. none of the above

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