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lida ketsbaia

What are genes?

Found in the chromosomes in the nucleus, genes contain

information about the characteristics of an organism.

What is inherited characteristics?

Variation that comes from characteristics that are passed from

parents to their offspring, I n the genes.

What is environmental variation?

Variation that comes from characteristics that are not passed on

from parents, but depend on the environment or conditions in which the

organism lives.

How do we inherit characteristics from our parents?

From genes

Which is the male sex cell for humans?


Which is the female sex cell for humans?


What is natural selection?

Certain inherited characteristics are well suited to the natural

conditions, and these are passed on to the next generation.

What is artificial selection/selective breeding?

Choosing parent organisms with certain characteristics and matting

them to try and produce offspring to have these characteristics

Which are the parts of a flower?

Where is the pollen located?

In the anther

Which is the male and female part of a flower?

Male: anther

Female: ovary

How does fertilization happen?

Pollen travels from the stamen of a flower to a stigma, then the

pollen fertilizes egg

How is pollen transferred from one flower to an other?

By wind and insects

What is selective breeding?

When humans choose the pollen that is transferred in the stigma

What is reproduction?

Combination of the male and female sex cell so that fertilization


What are the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction?

Sexual Asexual

Humans:sperm fertilizes egg Only one parent is used

Plants: pollen fertilizes egg Offspring have the same genes as

their parents

Offspring: gets a combination of

genes from both parents

The offspring are slightly different

from each other and from the


What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual


Advantages Disadvantages

No need for 2 parents No variation

Stable environments If there is a disease in a certain

area it can wire out all the


Not a lot amount of energy

Cloned organisms are more likely to

succeed in the same stable as their


What is a clone?

Organisms with the same characteristics

Physics lida ketsbaia

How is energy involved in doing useful things?

It is transferred from one place to another and transformed from

one type of energy to another

lida ketsbaia

Types of energy:

• Thermal(heat)

• Light

• Sound

• kinetic

• potential(gravitational)

• potential(elastic)

• electrical

• chemical

what are the types of energy that can be store?

Potential (gravitational)energy is energy stored in something high up. The

energy will be changed to kinetic.

Potential (elastic) energy is stored in something that is stretched or

twisted, such as elastic band. If you let go, the stored energy changes to

kinetic(and sound) energy as the elastic band snaps back.

Chemical energy is stored in batteries and also food

Know the symbols of a circuit

lida ketsbaia





Why do we use a voltmeter in a circuit and how do we connect it?

We use a voltmeter to measure the voltage(potential difference). It

is connected in parallel

Why do we use an ammeter in a circuit and how do we connect it?

We use an ammeter to measure the current it is connected in


Where is electricity generated?

In a power plant
lida ketsbaia

Know the national grid.

Electrical energy is generated at power stations. It then goes into a

network of wires called the national grid. This transfers it to our homes.

Here the electrical energy is transformed to useful energy in appliances

such as hair driers and TVS

What is the formula of he power rating?



What are the 4 different methods in generating electricity?

By burning petrol: The mobile generator on the right is driven by a small

petrol engine. The shaft of the engine turns the generator to produce


In a fossil fuel power station: the burning gas heats and turns into heat

the moving steam flows over the turbine blades and makes them

spinethe turbine turns the generator which generates electricitythe

waste steam is cooled to water in a cooling tower then everything

happens all over again.

In a wind turbine: wind farms are power stations as will they convert the

kinetic energy that the wind has into electricity energy. The wind turns

the blades, and these turn the generator

lida ketsbaia

What happens to wasted energy?

It is dissipated
Chemistry lida ketsbaia

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