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When and how the revelation (Wahee) was started? Write in detail which were
the first and the last Ayat. Explain also the reality of Wahee. (2003)
Keeping in view today's international Political System, can Sheriah be adjusted in
the Islamic Societies? (2010)
What do you mean by Shariah? Elaborate the dierent sources o Shariah!
Explain the importance & methodology of preaching, enhancing the
characteristics of the preacher. (2000)
Define a!heed ("nity of Allah) in a scholarly manner descri#ing its
significance and effects on h!man life. (2001)
Explain the #elief of a!heed in scholarly manner descri#ing its effect on
h!man life. (2004)
$dentify the importance of the concept of %owheed% and explain the practical
res!lts of this principle on the private as well as p!#lic aspects of the h!man
life. (2007)
"eine #auheed $%nity o &llah' in a scholarly manner describing its signiicance
and its eects on human lie? (2013)
Explain with arg!ments the &elf'(eformation ($slam'e')afs) and constr!ction
of moral according to the need and importance of the faith of the Day of
*!dgment (A+hirat) (2003)
Descri#e the importance of the concept of the ,Day of *!dgment- and explain
the practical res!lts of this notion of the .rivate and .!#lic life of the people.
Stating traditional and rational arguments about aith o (esurrection, discuss the
role o this aith in establishing an organi)ed society! (2010)
What is meant by "ay o *udgement? What are its impacts on human lie?
Descri#e the importance and philosophy of prayer. Also explain its individ!al
and collective #enefits. (2000)
In the light o 'Inna+as+Salata+tanha+un+al+ahshai+wal+mun,ir', "escribe the
advantages and eects o prayer? (2012)
While defining /a+at, examine its &ocio'Economic significance in $slamic
&ociety. (2002)
$slam pays a lot of stress on the circ!lation of money. Descri#e in the light of
/a+at system! (2008)
$n $slam the p!rpose of /a+at is p!rity of wealth, a#olishing poverty, h!nger
and ignorance #!t his has not #een achieved yet. What pratical steps are
needed for attaining this end? (2009)
All pillars of $slam have philosophy and p!rpose #ehind them. .in point fact
with special reference to 0a11 with its individ!al and collective #enefits.
Define the doctrine of %(o2a% and explain how to achieve the goals of m!t!al
co'operation and collective 1!stice #esides the p!rification of individ!al so!l
thro!gh the application of this doctrine. (2007)
"escribe the importance and philosophy o -asting $S&%.'! &lso e/plain its
individual and collective beneits? (2013)
What is the significance of ,*ihad- in the light of 3!ran and &!nnah? What are
its +inds, principles, and conditions? (2001)
Write down a detailed essay on the importance, necessity and different +inds
of *ehad in $slam. (2003)
%4ne 5an6s errorist $s Another 5an6s 7reedom 7igther%,in 8ight 4f he
.receding 3!oted .ro#e $n o 9a!ses 4f errorism And &eparate :oth *ihad
Anderrorism 7rom Each 4ther After ;iving &olid Arg!ments. (2006)
What is the signiicance o 0*ihad1 in the light o 2uran and Sunnah? What are its
,inds, principles and conditions? (2013)
What is $slamic concept of creation of the !niverse? Are the modern theories
a#o!t creation of the !niverse commens!rate with the $slamic point of view?
Disc!ss with reference (2005)
Write A )ote Detail (egarding he 3!ranic 9oncept 4f 9reation And 7olding
"p 4f he "niverse. Disc!ss with references (2006)
Define (eligion, also descri#ing its necessity, importance and +inds of
disting!ishing #etween (evealed and )on (evealed religions. (2002)
Despite the scientific and technological advancement the present society is
facing moral decline and mental anarchy. $n these circ!mstances el!cidate the
importance and effectiveness of (eligion. (2007)
"ierentiate between the "in and (eligion! State the important points o 3o+
E/istence among Islam and world religions in the present scenario! (2010)
"escribe the necessity and importance o religion or man and its eects on
human lie! (2012)
Descri#e the dignity and s!periority of $slam with proof as compared to other
religions. (2000)
,$slam en1oys as exalted place in the religions of the world-. Ela#orate
Descri#e the #asic #eliefs of $slam and also explain that how $slam (eforms
the life of $ndivid!al and &ociety thro!gh them. (2002)
Write a detail note on the pro#lems which $slam is facing in the contemporary
world. (2002)
Define the religion of $slam. Explain also the idea and place of h!manity in
$slam. (2003)
Islam is a complete code o lie! "iscuss! (2012)
$slam en1oys and exalted place in the religions of the world regarding h!man
dignity, moral val!es and Allah6s vicegrency. Disc!ss with arg!ments. (2004)
What is 4uman "ignity? E/plain how Islam recogni)ed it and what eorts have
been adopted to maintain the superiority o man?(2013)
he 0oly 3!ran is the fo!ntain'head at all +inds of +nowledge% Disc!ss.
(2007) (2013)
5!slims arrange for the recitation and learning of 3!ran #y heart #!t neglect
to !nderstand and practice 3!ran. What methods can #e applied for formation
of the negligence? (2009)
"iscuss in detail the collection and compilation o 2uran! (2012)
What does 9aliphate mean? En!merate its salient feat!res. (2000)
0ow does $slam regard h!manity? What is the concept of ,<halafat- in $slam?
Explain in detail the #asic so!rces of ,$slamic 8aw- with special reference to
,$1tihad-. (2001)
1. $s $1tehad is no more practical? Explain
2. What are re=!ired conditions for a m!1tahid
3. Does a learned 5!slim have the right of $1tehad? Disc!ss its conse=!ences
Descri#e in detail the fo!r #asic so!rces of $slamic 8aw. Explain $1ma and
$1tehad speciically! (2004)
.rod!ce a *!ristic'definition 4f :oth $1tihad and $1ma Ela#orating .ossi#le (ole
of :oth the a#ove in $mslami2ation of a &tate in 5odern ime (2006)
$n order to meet challenges of modern times, there is a need to esta#lish
versatile instit!tions of $1tehad. What meas!re wo!ld yo! s!ggest? (2009)
In the present period the .uslim %mmah is acing dierent problems and or the
solution o these problem 0ijtehad1 is necessary, so point out such an institution
that can oer solution o the new problems with the help o Ijtehad! (2011)
.rod!ce a *!ristic'definition 4f :oth $1tihad and $1ma Ela#orating .ossi#le (ole
of :oth the a#ove in $mslami2ation of a &tate in 5odern ime (2006)
Descri#e in detail the fo!r #asic so!rces of $slamic 8aw. Explain $1mA and
$1tehad speciically! (2004)
Descri#e the economical responsi#ilities of &tate in $slam. (2000)
Explain in detail the #asic so!rces of ,$slamic 8aw- with special reference to
,$1tihad-. (2001)
Descri#e in detail the fo!r #asic so!rces of $slamic 8aw. Explain $1mA and
$1tehad(2004) speciically!
While descri#ing in detail the fo!r #asic so!rces of $slamic 8aw, also explain
that 5aslih'e'5!rsala, $stihsan and "rf are the #asic so!rces of $slamic 8aw.
Write down a comprehensive essay on the #asic so!rces of law in $slam.
Explain with arg!ments the system of 8aw and *!stice of $slam. (2003)
It is necessary to establish priority o law or the development o society! What is
your point o view that today Islamic punishments are regarded as Savagery?
While discussing the Islamic philosophy o the reward and punishment also
describe the basic characteristic o Islamic concept o punishments! (2011)
What is meant #y %*!stice%? Explain its importance in $slam. (2000)
E/plain the economical rules o Islam in the light o Social *ustice! (2012)
o what extent is the modern political system i.e. democracy in consonance or
against $slamic principles? Disc!ss with reference (2005)
-$slam'in he 5id of 9ontemporary 5anagements and .olitical &ystems'
possesses $ts 4wn .olitical 5anagement and .olitical &ystem-. Disc!ss
&tate g!iding principles of economic system is $slam? 0ow can it #e
implemented in modern times? (2005)
#he political system o Islam guarantees the prosperity o State! "iscuss! (2012)
E/plain the economical rules o Islam in the light o Social *ustice! (2012)
Write down a comprehensive essay on the 1!dicio'political system of $slam.
Define and explain the 1!dio'political system of $slam. (2002)
$slam has disting!ished stat!s in *!dio'political system explain
comprehensively. (2004)
"eine and e/plain *udicio+Political System o Islam? (2013)
he world is heading towards the concept of ,9lash of 9ivili2ations-. ;ive yo!r
arg!ments for and against this notion. (2008)
$slam gives a living and dynamic perception of civili2ation. Which steps do yo!
consider to meet the challenges of western civili2ation? (2009)
What is meant by civili)ation and culture and how it eects collective lie and
also analy)es the oundation o modern civili)ation and highlights the problems
caused by it? (2011)
"escribe the concept o modern civili)ation and its eects on .uslim %mmah!
What is the role of man and woman in $slamic society? What are their
responsi#ilities towards character #!ilding of new generation? (2001)
Keeping in view today's international Political System, can Sheriah be adjusted in
the Islamic Societies? (2010)
here is a visi#le decadence in o!r society d!e to invasion >infl!ence of li#eral
western c!lt!re. o what extent is it harming o!r co!ntry6s yo!th and what
can #e done to arrest this moral decline (2005)
0ow he .rotection And Application 4f $slamic 9!lt!re $s .ossi#le $n he 5id
4f he $nfl!ences 4f .resent Western 9!lt!re? Descri#e he 7eat!res 4f
$slamic 9!lt!re .rior o 0ave A 9omparative &t!dy 4f he $ss!e. (2006)
What is meant by civili)ation and culture and how it eects collective lie and
also analy)es the oundation o modern civili)ation and highlights the problems
caused by it? (2011)
Write down a comprehensive Essay on the Women?s rights in $slam. (2000)
9omparatively analy2e the rights of women in the light of $slam and other
religions. (2002)
What is the meaning of the freedom of woman in $slam? What are the
responsi#ilities of man and woman in the #!ilding of character of new
generation? Explain in detail. (2003)
$slam has pinpointed the rights of women and she has #een properly regarded
in all her capacities in the family. Ela#orate comparing the facts with other
religions. (2004)
As per 3!ranic in1!nctions and sayings of the 0oly .rophet (&AW), hi1a# is
mandatory for 5!slim women. he larger percentage of the women in o!r
co!ntry is totally o#livio!s to these 3!ranic in1!nctions. Disc!ss reasons and
s!ggest remedial meas!res. (2005)
Descri#e the (ight of Ed!cation for a 7emale in $slam. (2006)
he application of $slamic &hariah is e=!al to man and woman, however,
some in1!nctions are only related to woman explain. (2007)
E!ropean and 0!man (ights Activists claim that $slam does not give proper
rights to women. What do yo! say a#o!t this statement? (2008)
Keeping in view the re5uirements o 6lobal Society, determine the reedom and
limitations o a .uslim Woman in the light o Islamic teachings! (2010)
"iscuss the concept o veil and reedom o woman rom Islamic point o view
while analy)ing the law against veil in -rance! (2011) (2013)
Descri#ing the relationship of morality and faith in the concept of $slamic
Ethics, also explain the $slamic principles and methods of character #!ilding.
here is a clear relationship in #etween the morality and faith in concepts of
$slamic ethics helping in character #!ilding of a nation and generation.
Explain. (2004)
What moral val!es are given #y the Deen'i'$slam? 9an these val!es #e
changed +eeping in view the western ethical system? (2008)
"escribing the importance o Ethical values in Islam, write a comparative note on
Islamic morality code and Western code! (2010)
In the light o the Islamic teachings -aith and Ethics are closely united, in spite o
that Islamic Societies are in disorder! "iscuss! (2010)
Descri#ing the relationship of morality and faith in the concept of $slamic
Ethics, also explain the $slamic principles and methods of character #!ilding.
0ow does $slam regard h!manity? What is the concept of ,<halafat- in $slam?
Define the religion of $slam. Explain also the idea and place of h!manity in
$slam. (2003)
#he most important issue o humanity is the recognition o the role and privileges
o a man! "iscuss how Islam may play a role in this regard in today's scenario!
It is the period o basic human rights! What is meant by human rights and what is
a western concept o human right, discuss human rights o Islam in the light o the
sermon o 4ajjatul Widah! (2011)
"iscuss human rights o Islam in the light o the sermon o 4ajjatul Wida!
Explain the #asic pro#lems of h!man life and their sol!tion (2000)
Descri#e the role and o#1ectives of 5!slim "mmah. 0ow can it contri#!te to
solve the pro#lems of the present world? (2001)
Write down in detail the pro#lems of "mmah in the contemporary world.
What is the role and o#1ective of 5!slim "mmah? 0ow can it contri#!te to
solve its own and world6s pro#lem? (2004)
$n today6s, world, 5!slim every where are #eing castigated and condemned
#y the west as extremists and terrorists having an evil ideology. 5!slims are
a#o!t @>Ath of the world pop!lation #!t they don6t have a collective voice. Do
yo! thin+ the concept of 5!slim !mma is via#le in today6s world? Disc!ss
$1tihad can play an important role in the esta#lishment of 5!slim "mmah and
the ma+ing of 0!manity. Disc!ss. (2008)
5!slim "mmah comprises of @>Ath of the total world pop!lation, rich in
nat!ral reso!rces #!t lac+ing economic and political sta#ility. &!ggest
meas!res for political and economic sta#ility. (2009)
In the globali)ation arena what role .uslim %mmah can play being custodian o
(evealed Knowledge to resolve the comple/ problems o human ,ind? (2010)
What is meant by civili)ation and culture and how it eects collective lie and
also analy)es the oundation o modern civili)ation and highlights the problems
caused by it? (2011)
"escribe the concept o modern civili)ation and its eects on .uslim %mmah!
Write down in detail the problems o 0%mmah1 in the contemporary world!
&!icide attac+s have #ecome norm of the day , partic!larly in $ra=, 9hechneya
and .alestine. he common rationale for s!ch activities reportedly is the
persec!tion of the 5!slims #y western imperialism and American dominated
hegemonic Bworld order B !nder the prevailing circ!mstances is the
phenomenon of s!icide attac+s 1!stified ? ;ive reasons (2005)
5!slim Are :eing .ersec!ted Any Where $n 9hechnya, .alestine, <ashmir And
$ra= his &cenario'are he &!icide Attac+s :y 5!slims Are *!stified?
"nveil he &harai .osition 4f he $ss!e &!pported :y (elevant (everences.
&!icidal and valiant attac+s have #ecome a ro!tine. What is the difference
#etween the two? &!ggest reasons for the legitimacy of these attac+s.
What do yo! +now a#o!t the concept of %enlightened moderation% ;ive yo!r
arg!ments in for and against this notion. (2007)
What do yo! +now a#o!t the concept of enlightened moderation? Descri#e it
in its historical perspective. (2008
Descri#e %pan'$slamism%? give $ntrod!ction o he 4rgani2ation 7o!nded 7or
5!slim World "nity And heir (ole $n :ringing he 5!slim 9o!ntries 9lose o
Each 4ther $n Different &phere 4f 8ife (2006)
What are the ca!ses and 8osses of %sectarian differences% in .a+istan and how
this pro#lem can #e solved in light of $slamic teachings? (2007)
a+e into acco!nt the steps and pots of the western nations against the
$slamic world in the present era and give solid s!ggestions for their
eradication in tile light of 3!ran and &!nnah. (2007)
What is ,5otahida 3a!miyat-? What role *amal!ddin Afghani and Allama
5!hammad $=#al played in order to achieve this goal? (2008)
$s war +noc+ing at o!r door or sophisticated n!clear weapons have made it
possi#le. he 5!slims are facing strong ideological and military challenges. $n
order to meet s!ch challenges, what strategy the 5!slims sho!ld adopt, in
yo!r opinion? (2009)
here prevails a misconception that aggression co!ld solve o!r pro#lems #!t
in conse=!ence people all over the world are s!ffering. What meas!res do yo!
s!ggest to rectify the sit!ation? (2009)
#o ollow an ideal is very necessary or the progress o nation! In your view what
are basic characteristic o ideal and how Islamic ideology o lie aects the
individual and communal lie with reerence to basic characteristic o Islamic
ideology? Elucidate! (2011)
"iscuss in detail the importance o &,le+4alal orm Islamic pint o view and
e/plain how unair resources can be chec,ed in the light o Islamic teachings?

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