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Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.

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Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
X2.1 SP+C*F*C ,+C-(*C.L SP+C*F*C.,*/(S
Technical specification related to Ci'il 0 1#ilding 2or3!4 Str#ct#ral !teel and +5ternal 2or3!.
This document is to be read together with the following documents:
- X2.2 General Codes.
- X2.3 Technical Specifications.
- X3.1 reamble to !ill of "uantities for Ci#il $ !uilding and Steel %or&s.
- X3.2 reamble to !ill of "uantities for '(ternal %or&s.
To define the basis for the pricing of the following:
- X).1 !ill of "uantities for Ci#il* !uilding and Structural steel %or&s.
- X).2 !ill of "uantities for '(ternal %or&s.
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
00 G+(+&.L:
Gen. Suppl+ The Contractor shall suppl+ all part! for all
acti#ities related to the '(ternal %or&s and
Ci#il $ !uilding wor&s.
01 +.&,-2/&7S:
,1.11, !ac&fill '#entual large parts -o#er 1,, mm. to be
remo#ed and the fill compacted to
minimum /0 1 Standard roctor
,1.12, !ac&fill* imported fill To be a well graduated material which can
be compacted to minimum /0 1 Standard
roctor with normal e2uipment
03 C/(C&+,+:
Gen. Cement t+pe 3nderground structures including ground
floor slabs shall be made with sulphate
resistant cement.
4emaining abo#e ground structures* mortar
for masonr+ wor&s etc. shall be made with
ordinar+ ortland cement.
Grade 5* ost tensioned
concrete* recast 4C iles
This is a concrete with minimum
compression strength of ), 6pa.
7 appro(imatel+
80,, psi
Grade !* 4einforced
concrete in hea#il+
stressed structures
This is a concrete with minimum
compression strength of 38 6pa.
7 appro(imatel+
8,0, psi
Grade C* 4einforced
concrete in general*
ground floor slabs*
foundation basses* bored
This is a concrete with minimum
compression strength of 3, 6pa.
7 appro(imatel+
)38, psi
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.1 - Page: 2 of 7
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
Grade Cw* 4einforced
concrete in watertight
This is a concrete with minimum
compression strength of 3, 6pa.
6inimum 328 &g cement per m3 concrete.
7 appro(imatel+
)38, psi
Grade =9'* !linding
la+ers* 6ass9plain
concrete structures
This is a concrete with minimum
compression strength of 1; 6pa.
7 appro(imatel+
23,, psi
Grade >* Grouting
underneath machine base
plates and bearings
This is a concrete with a minimum
compression of 38 6pa.
7 appro(imatel+
8,0, psi
Grade G* non?shrin&
This is a special non?shrin& mortar product
with a minimum compression strength as
surrounding concrete -li&e S@A5 grout*
Grace or similar..
Grade B* second pour This is a concrete with minimum
compression strength of 3, 6pa.
The concrete is similar to grade C but made
with small aggregate onl+.
7 appro(imatel+
)38, psi
0) &+*(F/&C+8+(,:
6ild Steel @n bars of steel with minimum +ield
strength of 28, 6pa.
Bigh tensile steel @n bars of steel with minimum +ield
strength of );, 6pa.
Steel wire fabric re?welded mesh of steel with minimum
+ield strength of );, 6pa.
09 F/&82/&7:
,8.12, @ntegrated corrugated
steel sheet form
The steel sheets to be of steel with
minimum +ield strength of 38,6pa.
The sheets shall be gal#aniCed and ha#e a
minimum thic&ness of ,.0 mm.
0: -/L+S4 "/*(,S4 +tc:
,;.,:, Boles The scope to be co#ered is generall+ meant
as holes and9or poc&ets in concrete
structures -bases* foundations* wall* beams*
slabs etc...
,;.38, Glue anchors The glue anchors are li&e chemical anchors
consisting of a threaded rod placed in
drilled holes and fi(ed b+ an epo(+ t+pe
glue -li&e B@DT@ or similar..
The bolts will be of siCes between 612 and
0; S,++L
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.1 - Page: 3 of 7
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
Gen. Steel 2ualit+ in general 5ll steel elements shall be of steel with a
minimum +ield strength of 2836pa -grade
238 'E 1,,28.* e(cept ,0.,8,.
Gen. Steel profiles T+pe of profiles will be according to
current 'E9=@E standard. -reliminar+
Gen. !olts !olts to be class 1,./ bolts and to be
Gen. aint s+stem T+pe of paint to be 3 coat al&+d t+pe.
5ll not gal#aniCed structural steel shall be
gi#en following paint s+stem:
- Sandblast to S5 2F.
- rimer of ), micron.
- Sand sweeping after fabrication.
- @ntermediate coat of ;,
- Top coat ;, micron.
- Touch up repair after
Gen. Gal#aniCation Gal#aniCing to be made as hot dip
5ll gal#aniCed structural steel shall be
gi#en following treatment:
- Sandblast to S5 2F or cleaning in
acid bath.
- Gal#aniCed coating of <8
-internal. or 2<8 -e(ternal.
- Touch up repair.
Stairs Stair treads to be in grating with front edge
Grating t+pe to be same as gi#en under
Band railing The hand railing to be made with:
- >lat bar stanchions
- Tubular hand list* minimum G)2
mm outside
- Tubular or solid &nee list*
minimum G2, mm outside
- >lat bar &ic&er plate* minimum
0(1,, mm.
Gal#aniCed grating The gal#aniCed grating to be with:
- 6a(imum opening in grating of
3,(8, mm
- 6inimum height of 3, mm
- 6inimum carr+ing bar siCe 2 mm
0= 2.LL CL.%%*(G:
,/.,), Corrugated coated steel
The steel sheets compl+ with following:
- Steel with minimum +ield strength
of 38,6pa.
- Coating to be 3H resistant.
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.1 - Page: ) of 7
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
- Sheets shall be gal#aniCed
- 6inimum corrugation height of 3,
- 6inimum thic&ness of ,.; mm.
10 &//F CL.%%*(G:
1,.,), Corrugated coated steel
The steel sheets compl+ with following:
- Steel with minimum +ield strength
of 38,6pa.
- Coating to be 3H resistant.
- Sheets shall be gal#aniCed
- 6inimum corrugation height of
3, mm.
- 6inimum thic&ness of ,.; mm.
13 FL//& F*(*S-:
13.1), 5nti static paint T+pe of paint to be an anti?static t+pe.
The paint s+stem shall be the following:
- Cleaning of surface.
- >irst -primer. coat Si&afloor 18;
or similar.
- Second -le#elling. coat
Si&afloor 18; mortar or similar.
- 'lectrodes grid of fine copper
- >inishing -top. coat containing
fibers Si&afloor 3/, 5S or
1) 2.LL F*(*S-:
1).,;, ainting of wall faces T+pe of paint to be water based acr+lic t+pe
in standard colour.
The paint s+stem shall be the following:
- Bard brushing of surface
- 4epair of defects
- 1 coat primer.
- 1 top coat -must be to full co#er..
1).,0, %ater proofing of
subterraneous walls
T+pe of coating to be of bituminous t+pe.
- Bard brushing of surface
- 4epair of defects
- 1 coat primer.
- 1 la+er of minimum 1., mm
19 C+*L*(G F*(*S-:
18.,;, ainting of ceiling faces T+pe of paint to be water based acr+lic t+pe
in standard colour.
The paint s+stem shall be the following:
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.1 - Page: 9 of 7
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
- Bard brushing of surface
- 4epair of defects
- 1 coat primer.
- 1 top coat -must be to full co#er..
1: &//F F*(*S-:
1;.,), %ater proofing of
concrete roofs
T+pe of coating to be of asphalt felt t+pe.
The s+stem shall be the following:
- Bard brushing of surface
- 4epair of defects
- 1 coat primer.
- 2 la+ers of reinforced asphalt felt
- 3pper la+er to be 3H resistant.
17 %//&S4 2*(%/2S4
1<.,2, Darge sliding steel doors The sliding doors shall compl+ with the
- Steel supporting frame.
- Steel plate of minimum 2., mm
- Steel plate to be fi(ed on both
- >inishing to be painted.
The doors are not ha#ing an+ specified fire
resistance* noise reduction or other special
1<.,3, Steel doors The doors shall compl+ with the following:
- Steel supporting frame.
- Steel plate of minimum 1., mm
- Steel plate to be fi(ed on both
- >inishing to be painted.
The doors are not ha#ing an+ specified
fire resistance* noise reduction or other
special features.
1<.11, Steel windows The windows shall compl+ with the
- Steel supporting frame.
- >inishing to be painted.
1<.22, Steel lou#ers The lou#ers shall compl+ with the
- Steel supporting frame.
- The lamellas to be of minimum
3., mm thic&ness.
- >inishing to be painted.
1<.31, GlaCing The glass shall be of minimum 3., mm
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.1 - Page: : of 7
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
31 S*,+ L++LL*(G:
32 &/.%S and
32.31, a#ing with concrete
The thic&ness of the pre?cast tiles is
minimum ;, mm and the+ are to be placed
on a 2,, mm sub?base.
33 2.,+& S?S,+8:
33.::: The a#erage depth of the e(ca#ation is
appro(imatel+ 1., m and the effecti#e
width at the bottom is to be considered
minimum ,.; m.
1,, mm sand is to be placed around the
cables -both under and abo#e..
3) C.1L+ S?S,+8:
3).::: '(ca#ation The a#erage depth of the e(ca#ation is
appro(imatel+ 1., m and the effecti#e
width at the bottom is to be considered
minimum ,.; m.
1,,I18, mm sand is to be placed around
the cables below and abo#e respecti#el+.
39 S+2.G+ S?S,+8:
38.::: The a#erage depth of the e(ca#ation is
appro(imatel+ 1.8 m and the effecti#e
width at the bottom is to be considered
minimum 1., m.
1,, mm sand is to be placed around the
pipes -both under and abo#e..
3: &.*( 2.,+&:
37 F+(C*(G:
)1 C/(,&.C,/&S
,+8P/&.&? S*,+
Project: FLS Standard 3.000 tpd X2.1 - Page: 7 of 7
Greenfield Cement Plant er!ion: "an#ar$ 2012
%& Congo &e'.: 0 - %ate: 02 "an 2012
Project (o: 11-7307) C**L
%e!cription of 6or3 %efinition &emar3!
Gen. Specification See separate description X1.3.
Gen. SiCe SiCe9area of the different t+pes is to be in
accordance with the Contractors own
)2 ,+8P/&.&?
F.C*L*,+S for FLS:
Gen. Specification See separate description X1.3.
Gen. SiCe SiCe9area of the different t+pes is to be in
accordance with separate specification X1.3
and !o" X).3.

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