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APAC Intern Role Profile

APAC Corporate & Institutional Banking, Sales

Corporate & Institutional Banking
Major corporates, financial institutions and governments across the UK, Europe and Asia turn to RB for the !est in "holesale
!an#ing$ %e offer e&pertise across de!t financing, ris# management and transaction services, "ith particular strength in fi&ed income,
foreign e&change, rates, credit, trade finance and cash and li'uidit( management
RB is an empo"ering place to "or#$ %e !elieve there)s a right "a( to do !usiness and "e)ve created a fair, open, honest culture
that "ill value the part (ou pla($ *et read( to drive positive change as (ou rise to the challenge of !uilding a !etter !an# for our
customers$ +ou)ll find our deepl(,held values driving (our "or# at RB- serving customers, "or#ing together, doing the right thing and
thin#ing long term$ .hese are the principles ma#ing us a stronger !an# and the()re something (ou need to !elieve in$
/ur sales team loo#s after our relationships "ith corporate and institutional investors$ .he sales team generate revenue for Mar#ets
!( ensuring each client is #ept up to speed "ith all the latest investment and trading opportunities in interest rates or credit$
.here)s a real variet( to this role and (ou "on)t have to "ait to start shaping our !usiness$ %e)ll give (ou real responsi!ilit( and get
(ou involved in live "or# projects straight a"a($ Be prepared to contri!ute from da( one$
At the same time, (ou)ll !e learning ever( da( 0 from (our manager, from (our !udd(, from !eing in a fast,moving and supportive
office environment$ In (our induction, (ou)ll learn the !asics of the financial industr($ .hen (ou)ll get do"n to !usiness, learning ho"
(our !usiness area "or#s and ho" our different teams operate$ At the end of it all, (ou should have an informed idea of "here (ou
might fit in$
+ou)ll develop some vital s#ills along the "a($ %or#ing on live !usiness assignments "ill hone (our project management and
presentation s#ills, "hile all the socialising and meetings "ill ma#e (ou a !etter communicator and net"or#er$
Our Training
.he IIM Internship programme at RB !egins "ith an induction introducing (ou to the !an#, our culture and (our !usiness area$ /nce
(ou settle into (our team, (our managers and colleagues are on hand to guide and encourage (ou to use (our initiative, share (our
ideas and start shaping our future and (our o"n$ %e)ll help (ou cultivate the #no"ledge, people and !usiness s#ills needed to add
something special to an international financial institution$ +ou)ll !uild on (our #no"ledge through a !road range of resources$ %e have
an online portal "here (ou can sign up for courses and access materials, "hile regular revie"s "ith (our manager "ill help (ou
identif( (our development needs$ +ou "ill also receive guidance in the shape of a !udd($
1ollo"ing the training program, interns "ill have an immediate impact$ +ou "ill have the opportunit( to meet and "or# "ith peers and
colleagues across all levels and !usiness areas "ithin the firm$
Ideall( (ou !e in (our penultimate (ear of stud( and on trac# to o!taining a *PA score of 2$343$5 or a!ove
Keen interest in financial mar#ets$ 1luenc( in English is essential and Asian language s#ills are desired
trong anal(tical and modelling s#ills "ith sound #no"ledge of accounting, financial and operational concepts
trong "or# ethic, "ith a high degree of maturit(, self,initiative, integrit(, enthusiasm, and must !e a team pla(er
A!ilit( to handle pressure in a fast,paced sales environment
Applications Process
u!mitting of C6
1ace to face intervie"

.he Ro(al Ban# of cotland
7o! 8escription .emplate 6er 9$5

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