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are investigating doctors who charge 103 strikers assistance, but not they work

in the last weeks, MINSA has identified 103 cases of doctors who signed strikers plnatillas assistance but or work in
public services where are assigned to hospitals in Lima and provinces.
and is not known to perform activities in the hours must be laboring
it is not known if abiding hulega in a particular way care or goes home
thereon; director of decentralization of the health ministry, pomegranate arturo, I note that in each of the medical
establishments already initiated administrative proceedings against these doctors of serious foul

What Lima's districts are recorded cases of bullying?
Most cases of bullying in Lima is concentrated in the districts of Villa El Salvador, Villa Mara del Triunfo, San Juan de
Miraflores, San Juan de Lurigancho and Comas. This was reported by the organization to life Fomento (Fovida).

Ana Maria Acevedo, representative of that organization said that more than 60% of residents feel that there is a lot
of aggression and delinquency in these districts, which is reflected in schools through bullying.

He also indicated that the presence of gangs, drug sales, sexual harassment makes practically teenagers live with the
danger. For this reason, Fovida launched the 'violence-free schools' project, in order to prevent incidents of school
violence, uncover the causes of bullying and give them a solution.

This project will implement training programs, tracking and monitoring the conduct of teachers and students in 60
schools in five districts indicated. It is estimated that this project comes to 1200 adolescents.

According to the report of the Focus on School Violence (Sseve) System in the capital of bullying 900 cases were
recorded between January and May this year. One of the most common problems is that victims remain silent about

Uso excesivo del celular puede modificar el cerebro

The cell phone has become as mundane as the clothes we wear item. However, its widespread use are doubts about the impact this
technology can have on human health.

Studies have suggested that excessive use of the cell can modify the human brain and, in some cases, damage it with a similar effect of some
drugs. Moreover, mobile devices, including tablets, can cause physical ailments among which are carpal tunnel syndrome and dry eye, as well
as psychological disorders like cibermareo the phantom vibration syndrome, phobias and addictions.

In this regard, the psychologist Ana Maria Cardona Jaramillo, director of programs for specialization in Educational Psychology at the
Universidad de la Sabana, said: "Clearly there is the possibility of generating an addiction to the use of this technology, especially compared to
being always connected. "

One of the most common psychological effects is the Internet addiction disorder, better known as IAD. This generates abnormalities in white
matter integrity in brain regions involving creativity and emotion processing, attention, decision making and cognitive control.

Depending establish the effects of the disorder of Internet addiction, a report by the British operator Sky Broadband revealed that 51 percent
of 2000 users surveyed said sufriransiedad, anger and / or sadness at not being able to check your emails or enter their social networks
because of technical problems.

According same study, most people connect more than 6 hours a day. 32 percent of respondents feel the need to check their email more than
6 times a day (not counting work hours), 5 percent did 20 times and more than 14 percent of respondents stated the need access and get news
from different social services at least 6 times a day.

Remove access to mobile Internet Tablet or produced negative psychological symptoms in just 24 hours. Among them, the study said, "the
feeling of addiction, depression and anxiety, feeling that they have lost an important part of themselves, feelings of loneliness, anxiety and
isolation and finally, inability to find alternative resources will have to spend time and be entertained. "

Young people are most exposed to these potential adverse effects. As the brain can adapt to constant change, as they are exposed
from an early age to modern technology, they fail to discern the impact of their daily activities and the permanent terminal.

Limeos begin to choose healthy foods when ordering delivery
With less and less time to be spent in the kitchen, the choice of food shipments are adding more followers. Thus, the Lima invest S / .34, on
average, an order healthy food delivery portal Hellofood Peru reported.

According to the figures recorded last month by the company, 57% of the demand reported corresponded to people between 25 and 45 years.
Meanwhile, young people between 18 and 24 years were 25% of orders.

Meanwhile, Miraflores, San Isidro, La Molina and Santiago de Surco districts were more requests for healthy delivery focused, which were
equivalent to 51%, 26%, 11% and 6%, respectively.

"We are beginning to witness the beginning of the expansion of the delivery of healthy food in Peru and it will depend on how much such
establishments start to adopt alternative delivery sales", said Fernando Cruz, country manager of the firm specializing .

And, as he explained, there is a boom in this type of home services. Only in the last month, revealed that Hellofood managed to increase its
sales of health food delivery 75% in Lima.

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