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Course Syllabus

Cour se Infor mation Pr ofessor Contact Infor mation

Course Number/Section COMD 7808-001 Professor Anne van Kleeck, PhD

Course Title Preliteracy Development Office Phone 214-905-3147
 (not checked
often; e-mail is a better option)
Term Spring 2009 Email Address
Day & Time Thursday, 2 :30– 5:15 PM Office Location CD A.101
Location Callier Dallas J204 Office Hours Monday, 2:30-4:00 PM, or by

Cour se Pr e-r equisites, Co-r equisites, and/or Other Restr ictions: None

Course Description: A great deal of research now documents that preschoolers with language delays, those from low socio-economic
backgrounds, and those from non-mainstream cultural and linguistic backgrounds are at risk for exhibiting reading difficulties when they
enter school. From nearly two decades of intensive research and from recent developments in educational and clinical practice, it has
become clear that a great deal can be done to prepare preschoolers to help them make a smoother transition to later learning how to read
and using language for academic purposes more generally. This course will focus on the preliteracy skills that lay the foundations for later
reading achievement, their course of development, ways to assess them and to use evidence-based practices to effectively foster their
development. Emphasis will be placed on historical and cultural (including socio-economic) variability in literacy values, beliefs, and
practices, and how this information might be best used in working with families and children from diverse backgrounds.

STUDENT LEARNING OBJ ECTIVES/OUTCOMES: This course has been designed to ensure that students demonstrate required
knowledge and skill as outlined in the Standards and Implementation Guidelines for the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-
Language Pathology. The specific standards addressed in this class are: III-B, III-C, III-D, III-F, III-G, and IV-G

Students will be able to:

1. Define preliteracy and categorize and list the skills it entails (Std. III-B).
2. Differentiate the various purposes of preliteracy and early literacy assessment (Std. III-D, III-F).
3. Interpret how the preliteracy and literacy content areas the SLP is responsible for fostering according to ASHA relate to the areas
of reading instruction mandated in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal legislation (Std. III-G).
4. Compare and contrast theories and models of preschool predictors of later reading and explain how they relate to different
categories of later reading disabilities (Std. III–C).
5. Recall the developmental sequence of the various preliteracy skills.

6. Describe levels of evidence in evidence-based practice and analyze how this relates to controversies regarding preliteracy and
early literacy teaching and intervention (Std. III-F, IV-G).
7. Analyze, evaluate, and compare and contrast strategies and tools to assess preliteracy skills (Std. III-C, III-D).
8. Analyze rationales and support for different treatment approaches to preliteracy, including skills-oriented, meaning-oriented, and
combination approaches (Std. III-C, III-D, IV-G)
9. Understand the historical fluctuations in mainstream culture beliefs about education in the preschool period of child development
and the institutions and practices these beliefs spawned. Compare and contrast these historical fluctuations with current
differences in beliefs among various non-mainstream cultural groups in the United States today (Std. III-G).
10. Debate the issues regarding how cultural values and practices of families might impact both family and school-based literacy
teaching and interventions (Std. III-G, IV-G.).
11. Describe the nature of the “literate discourse” (“school talk”) pattern of language use that preschoolers with educated parents
become quite conversant in prior to entry into kindergarten, compare and contrast the different kinds of socialization that children
from other cultural backgrounds might receive that can be quite different from this formal schooling pattern of language use, and
be able to identify instances of such language use in ongoing interactions with preschoolers (Std. III-B. III-D, III-F, III-G, IV-G).


1. Some of your readings will be available to you to download from the UTD library.
2. The text for this class is available at the UTD bookstore and at Off Campus Books (561 W. Campbell Road, Suite 210): van
Kleeck, A. (Ed.) (2006). Sharing books and stories to promote language and literacy. San Diego: Plural Publishing.


1. Study guides are found under “Assignments” in WebCT. Name your file that you upload as follows: Last Name(no
space)Assignment designation.doc (so, e.g., JonesSG1.doc). ALSO put your name at the top of the first page of your file.
2. Assignments must be turned in (i.e., must be uploaded by) 15 minutes before the class in which they are due. WebCT does not
accept late assignments, so give yourself time for “computer disorders” possibly disrupting your ability to upload.
3. Check WebCT Email and Announcements frequently.

Cour se Topics, Readings, and Assignments

Date Class Topics Readings Due Other Assignments

(Home wor ks to be announced)
J an. 15 An intr oduction to pr eliter acy

J an. 22 Texas Implementation of NCLB: van Kleeck, A. & Norlander, L. (2008). SG1: Turn in Study Guide for van Kleeck
Reading Fir st & Ear ly Reading Fir st Fostering form and meaning in emerging & Norlander (2008) by uploading on
literacy using evidence-based practice. In WebCT prior to class.
M. Mody & E. R. Silliman (Eds.), Brain,
behavior, and learning in language and
reading disabilities (pps. 275-314). New Visit and explore this website:
York: Guilford Press. File name: vK &
Norlander08 .pdf

ASHA and the r oles, r esponsibilities, American Speech-Language-Hearing SG2: Turn in Study Guide for
knowledge, and skills of SLPs in Association. (2000). ASHA2000.
foster ing liter acy Roles and responsibilities of speech-
language pathologists with respect to
reading and writing in children and
adolescents (guidelines). Rockville, MD:
Author. File name: ASHA00

Text Chapter 1 van Kleeck (2006). A SG3: Turn in Chapter 1 Study Guide.
matter of emphasis: Different ways to
share books and stories to foster different
language and literacy skills.

J an. 29 Domains of Pr eliter acy Development: Text Chapter 2: Price & Ruscher (2006) SG4: Turn in Study Guide for Chapter 2.
Phonological Awar eness Fostering phonological awareness using
shared book reading and an embedded
explicit approach.

Feb. 5 Domains of Pr eliter acy Development: Text Chapter 3: McGinty, Sofka, Sutton, SG5: Turn in Chapter 3 Study Guide.
Pr int Awar eness & Letter Knowledge & Justice (2006) Fostering print
awareness through interactive shared

Text Chapter 4: van Kleeck (2006) SG6: Turn in Chapter 4 Study Guide.
Fostering letter knowledge in prereaders
during book sharing: New perspectives
and cultural issues

Feb. 12 Domains of Pr eliter acy Development: Text Chapter 5: Huebner (2006) SG7: Turn in Chapter 5 Study Guide.
Gener al Language & Vocabular y Skills Optimizing the effects of shared reading
on early language skills

Text Chapter 7: Hindman & Wasik SG8: Turn in Chapter 7 Study Guide.
(2006) Optimizing book reading
experiences to develop vocabulary in
young children

Feb. 19 Domains of Pr eliter acy Development: Text Chapter 8: van Kleeck (2006) SG9: Turn in Chapter 8 Study Guide.
Infer encing Fostering inferential language during
book sharing with prereaders: A
foundation for later text comprehension

van Kleeck, A., & Vander Woude, J. SG10: Turn in van Kleeck & Vander
(2003). Book-sharing with preschoolers Woude Study Guide.
with language delays. In A. van Kleeck,
S. Stahl, & E. Bauer (Eds.), On reading
books to children: Parents and teachers
(pp. 58 - 92). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence

Feb. 26 van Kleeck (2008) Providing preschool SG11: Turn in Study Guide for van
foundations for later reading Kleeck (2008)
comprehension: The importance of and
ideas for targeting inferencing in book-
sharing interventions. Psychology in the
Schools, 45 (7), 627 – 643.

Text Chapter 9: Finestack et al. (2006). SG12: Turn in Chapter 9 Study Guide.
Fostering narrative and grammatical
skills with “syntax stories”

Mar ch 5 MIDTERM EXAM No reading assignment

Mar ch 12 Assessing the liter acy envir onment TBA


Mar ch 26 Domains of Pr eliter acy Development: TBA

Nar r ative Skills & School Talk

Apr il 2 Cultur al Per spectives Text Chapters 6: van Kleeck (2006) Turn in Chapter 6 Study Guide.
Cultural issues in promoting interactive
book sharing in the families of

Apr il 9 Historical per spectives and cur r ent van Kleeck, A. (in preparation). TBA
contr over sies Historical perspectives on literacy in
early childhood.

Apr il 16 Br oad Inter vention Pr ogr ams: TBA TBA

DIBELS & High/Scope

Apr il 23 TBA TBA TBA

Apr il 30 TBA TBA TBA



Study Guides/Homework turned in on time and completed at graduate level of quality 10%
Midterm Exam 40%
Cumulative Final Exam May 7 50%

A – 89.5 – 100%
B – 79.5 – 89.44
C – 69.5 – 79.44

Grades are non-negotiable. While I know that nearly everyone strives for an A, please remember that a grade of B is a very respectable
grade. A grade of C is allowed on your graduate transcript as long as it is balanced out by an A – in other words, you must maintain an
overall B (3.0) average in your graduate courses to remain in Academic Good Standing (unless you are a Fast Track student, in which case
a grade of C will not earn credit toward your graduate degree).


• Since this class meets only once per week, class attendance is critically important. Attendance requires arriving on time and staying
until the scheduled ending time of class.
• Please remember to turn off cell phones. If you know you may need to be reached in an emergency, please use the silent options on
your phone and leave the classroom to answer the call. I would appreciate it if you would let me know prior to the start of class time
that you will need to have your phone on.
• Assignments are due 15 minutes before BEGINNING of class.
• Make up exams will not be given.
• Please keep a copy of all study guides and homework turned in. You will see your grades, but I will keep the copy turned in.
• If you do not understand the reason you received a specific grade on any assignment, I definitely want you to talk with me about it. If
you believe a grade should be reconsidered, take time to review my comments about your work and follow these instructions:
1. Please wait at least 24 hours after you received the grade, but no more than one week to respond to me in writing about it.
2. Submit to me your carefully reasoned written explanation (minimum of one page, and maximum of two pages) of why you
believe you deserve more credit than you received on a particular assignment (why your response was a valid one), including
cited references where relevant. Please specify the amount of credit you think you deserve. Attach the original evaluation to
your memo.
3. I will carefully consider your request, and will contact you via e-mail within one week with my decision about your request.
You may, of course, also come and speak to me in person about the matter after you have received my decision.

ASHA STANDARDS ADDRESSED IN THIS CLASS (including how knowledge will be conveyed and how knowledge and skill
acquisition will be demonstr ated)

Standar d III-B: The applicant must demonstr ate knowledge of basic human communication and swallowing pr ocesses, including
their biological, neur ological, acoustic, psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultur al bases.

Specific knowledge will be demonstrated in this class in the area of normal preliteracy development, including the impact of cultural and
linguistic diversity on preliteracy socialization and development.

Knowledge will be conveyed via class readings, lectures, on-line resources, videotapes, and discussion. Acquisition will be demonstrated
via class discussion, study guides, homework, projects, and exams.

Standar d III-C: The applicant must demonstr ate knowledge of the natur e of speech, language, hear ing, and communication
disorder s and differ ences and swallowing disor der s, including the etiologies, char acter istics, anatomical/physiological, acoustic,
psychological, developmental, and linguistic and cultur al corr elates.

Some of the specific knowledge in this course will be focussed on the normal sequence of development in the various skill domains that
lay important foundations for later literacy development, including phonological awareness, print awareness, alphabet knowledge,
vocabulary development, inferential language skills, and narrative skills. This knowledge provides the foundation for the informal
assessment techniques that will be covered, and the sequencing of goals in intervention.

Knowledge will be conveyed via class readings, lectures, videotapes, and discussion. Acquisition will be demonstrated via class
discussion, study guides, homework, projects, and exams.

Standar d III-D: The applicant must possess knowledge of the pr inciples and methods of pr evention, assessment, and inter vention
for people with communication and swallowing disor der s, including consider ation of anatomical/physiological, psychological,
developmental, and linguistic and cultur al cor r elates of the disor der s.

Informal and formal (including norm and criterion referenced) preliteracy assessment techniques will be discussed, demonstrated, and
some will be applied by students. Various interventions will be discussed, including the research base for them, the controversies
surrounding them, the historical evolution of them, and the skills areas that are not well-covered because it is hard to conduct solid

Knowledge will be conveyed via class readings, lectures, videotapes, on-line resources, discussion, and practice in implementing as
assessment tool and in developing an intervention lesson plan. Acquisition will be demonstrated via class discussion, study guides,
homework, projects, and exams.

Standar d III-F: The applicant must demonstr ate knowledge of pr ocesses used in r esear ch and the integr ation of r esear ch
pr inciples into evidence-based clinical pr actice.

Nearly every reading in this course will directly discuss the research that informs practice. Also covered will the the content areas that
receive less attention because high quality intervention research is much more difficult to conduct with them.

Knowledge will be conveyed via class readings, lectures, videotapes, on-line resources, discussion, and practice in implementing as
assessment tool and in developing an intervention lesson plan. Acquisition will be demonstrated via class discussion, study guides,
homework, projects, and exams.

Standar d III-G: The applicant must demonstr ate knowledge of contempor ar y pr ofessional issues.

A professional issue that has become increasingly important, and will only continue to do so, relates to having as much information as
possible about cultural issues that impact communication. Because communication is so very culturally shaped, we will be continually
exploring the role of culture in all dimensions of preliteracy socialization, development, assessment, intervention/education, and public

Knowledge will be conveyed via class readings, lectures, videotapes, and discussion. Acquisition will be demonstrated via class
discussion, study guides, homework, projects, and exams.

STANDARD IV-G: The applicant for cer tification must complete a pr ogr am of study that includes super vised clinical exper iences
sufficient in br eadth and depth to achieve the skills outcomes [r elated to evaluation, inter vention, and inter action and per sonal

In addition to clinical experiences, skills may be demonstrated through successful performance on academic coursework and
examinations, independent projects or other appropriate alternative methods. In this class, one assessment and one lesson plan project will
provide direct clinical application and experience.

Knowledge will be conveyed via class readings, lectures, videotapes, and discussion. Acquisition will be demonstrated via class
discussion, study guides, homework, projects, and exams.

Field Tr ip Policies
Off-campus Instr uction and Cour se Activities

Off-campus, out-of-state, and foreign instruction and activities are subject to state law and University policies and procedures regarding travel and
risk-related activities. Information regarding these rules and regulations may be found at the website address
9 Additional information is available from the office of the school dean.
There are no travel and/or risk-related activity associated with this course.

Student Conduct & Discipline

The University of Texas System and The University of Texas at Dallas have rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient conduct of their
business. It is the responsibility of each student and each student organization to be knowledgeable about the rules and regulations which govern
student conduct and activities. General information on student conduct and discipline is contained in the UTD publication, A to Z Guide, which is
provided to all registered students each academic year.

The University of Texas at Dallas administers student discipline within the procedures of recognized and established due process. Procedures are
defined and described in the Rules and Regulations, Board of Regents, The University of Texas System, Part 1, Chapter VI, Section 3, and in Title
V, Rules on Student Services and Activities of the university’s Handbook of Operating Procedures. Copies of these rules and regulations are
available to students in the Office of the Dean of Students, where staff members are available to assist students in interpreting the rules and
regulations (SU 1.602, 972/883-6391).

A student at the university neither loses the rights nor escapes the responsibilities of citizenship. He or she is expected to obey federal, state, and
local laws as well as the Regents’ Rules, university regulations, and administrative rules. Students are subject to discipline for violating the
standards of conduct whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, or whether civil or criminal penalties are also imposed for such conduct.

Academic Integr ity

The faculty expects from its students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon
the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrate a high standard of individual
honor in his or her scholastic work.

Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, statements, acts or omissions related to applications for enrollment or the award of a degree,
and/or the submission as one’s own work or material that is not one’s own. As a general rule, scholastic dishonesty involves one of the following
acts: cheating, plagiarism, collusion and/or falsifying academic records. Students suspected of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary

Plagiarism, especially from the web, from portions of papers for other classes, and from any other source is unacceptable and will be dealt with
under the university’s policy on plagiarism (see general catalog for details). This course will use the resources of, which searches the
web for possible plagiarism and is over 90% effective.

E-Mail Use

The University of Texas at Dallas recognizes the value and efficiency of communication between faculty/staff and students through electronic
mail. At the same time, email raises some issues concerning security and the identity of each individual in an email exchange. The university
encourages all official student email correspondence be sent only to a student’s U.T. Dallas email address and that faculty and staff consider email
from students official only if it originates from a UTD student account. This allows the university to maintain a high degree of confidence in the
identity of all individual corresponding and the security of the transmitted information. UTD furnishes each student with a free email account that
is to be used in all communication with university personnel. The Department of Information Resources at U.T. Dallas provides a method for
students to have their U.T. Dallas mail forwarded to other accounts.

Withdr awal fr om Class

The administration of this institution has set deadlines for withdrawal of any college-level courses. These dates and times are published in that
semester's course catalog. Administration procedures must be followed. It is the student's responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from
any class. In other words, I cannot drop or withdraw any student. You must do the proper paperwork to ensure that you will not receive a final
grade of "F" in a course if you choose not to attend the class once you are enrolled.

Student Gr ievance Pr ocedur es

Procedures for student grievances are found in Title V, Rules on Student Services and Activities, of the university’s Handbook of Operating

In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding grades, evaluations, or other fulfillments of academic responsibility, it is the obligation of
the student first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor, supervisor, administrator, or committee with whom the grievance
originates (hereafter called “the respondent”). Individual faculty members retain primary responsibility for assigning grades and evaluations. If
the matter cannot be resolved at that level, the grievance must be submitted in writing to the respondent with a copy of the respondent’s School
Dean. If the matter is not resolved by the written response provided by the respondent, the student may submit a written appeal to the School
Dean. If the grievance is not resolved by the School Dean’s decision, the student may make a written appeal to the Dean of Graduate or
Undergraduate Education, and the deal will appoint and convene an Academic Appeals Panel. The decision of the Academic Appeals Panel is
final. The results of the academic appeals process will be distributed to all involved parties.

Copies of these rules and regulations are available to students in the Office of the Dean of Students, where staff members are available to assist
students in interpreting the rules and regulations.

Incomplete Gr ade Policy

As per university policy, incomplete grades will be granted only for work unavoidably missed at the semester’s end and only if 70% of the course

work has been completed. An incomplete grade must be resolved within eight (8) weeks from the first day of the subsequent long semester. If the
required work to complete the course and to remove the incomplete grade is not submitted by the specified deadline, the incomplete grade is
changed automatically to a grade of F.

Disability Ser vices

The goal of Disability Services is to provide students with disabilities educational opportunities equal to those of their non-disabled peers.
Disability Services is located in room 1.610 in the Student Union. Office hours are Monday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday and
Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The contact information for the Office of Disability Services is:

The University of Texas at Dallas, SU 22
PO Box 830688
Richardson, Texas 75083-0688
(972) 883-2098 (voice or TTY)

Essentially, the law requires that colleges and universities make those reasonable adjustments necessary to eliminate discrimination on the basis of
disability. For example, it may be necessary to remove classroom prohibitions against tape recorders or animals (in the case of dog guides) for
students who are blind. Occasionally an assignment requirement may be substituted (for example, a research paper versus an oral presentation for
a student who is hearing impaired). Classes enrolled students with mobility impairments may have to be rescheduled in accessible facilities. The
college or university may need to provide special services such as registration, note-taking, or mobility assistance.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify his or her professors of the need for such an accommodation. Disability Services provides students with
letters to present to faculty members to verify that the student has a disability and needs accommodations. Individuals requiring special
accommodation should contact the professor after class or during office hours.

Religious Holy Days

The University of Texas at Dallas will excuse a student from class or other required activities for the travel to and observance of a religious holy
day for a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property tax under Section 11.20, Tax Code, Texas Code Annotated.
The student is encouraged to notify the instructor or activity sponsor as soon as possible regarding the absence, preferably in advance of the
assignment. The student, so excused, will be allowed to take the exam or complete the assignment within a reasonable time after the absence: a
period equal to the length of the absence, up to a maximum of one week. A student who notifies the instructor and completes any missed exam or
assignment may not be penalized for the absence. A student who fails to complete the exam or assignment within the prescribed period may
receive a failing grade for that exam or assignment.

If a student or an instructor disagrees about the nature of the absence [i.e., for the purpose of observing a religious holy day] or if there is similar
disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student
or the instructor may request a ruling from the chief executive officer of the institution, or his or her designee. The chief executive officer or
designee must take into account the legislative intent of TEC 51.911(b), and the student and instructor will abide by the decision of the chief
executive officer or designee.

Study Skill Support

Students who need help with study skills, or additional help with basic writing skills are encouraged to seek assistance at the UTD
Learning Resources Center:

These descriptions and timelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Professor.

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