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%icrosoft ma! hae patents, patent applications, trademar&s, cop!rights, or other intellectual
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())*-())( %icrosoft "orporation. +ll rights resered.
Overview 1
Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework 2
Overview of Namespaces 13
Review 17
Module 1: Overview of
the Microsoft .NET

%icrosoft, +ctie,,, Intelli%irror, /script, %012, %0-130, %02, 4ower4oint,
5isual -asic, 5isual "66, 5isual "7, 5isual 0tudio, Win8(, Windows, Windows %edia, and
Window 2. are either registered trademar&s or trademar&s of %icrosoft "orporation in the U.0.+.
and9or other countries.
.he names of actual companies and products mentioned herein ma! be the trademar&s of their
respectie owners.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework iii
Instructor Notes
.his module proides students with an oeriew of the %icrosoft: .2'.
;ramewor&. It defines some of the terminolog! that is specific to the .2'.
;ramewor& and describes the &e! features and benefits of the .2'. ;ramewor&.
.he module starts with an oeriew of the .2'. ;ramewor&, and then
introduces the namespaces in the .2'. ;ramewor&. It explains which modules
teach which namespaces, and which namespaces are not coered in this course.
1o not spend too much time on this module. .his module is designed to proide
onl! an oeriew, so do not go into too much detail.
.his module contains no labs.
+fter completing this module, students will be able to<
1escribe the .2'. ;ramewor& and its components.
'xplain the relationship between the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! and
Materials and Preparation
.his section proides the materials and preparation tas&s that !ou need to teach
this module.
e!uired Materials
.o teach this module, !ou need the %icrosoft 4ower4oint: file (8=>-?)*.ppt.
Preparation Tasks
.o prepare for this module, !ou should read all of the materials for this module.
Module "trate#$
Use the following strateg! to present this module<
.he .2'. ;ramewor&
'xplain each part of the .2'. ;ramewor&. 3ne important goal of this slide
is to explain what this course coers. .his course primaril! teaches the
common language runtime and the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar!. .his
course uses %icrosoft 5isual "7
to teach the .2'. ;ramewor&. 3nl!
minimal coerage of ,%L Web serices, user interfaces, +13.2'., and
+04.2'. is proided. 3ther courses will coer these technologies in more
detail. In addition, +13.2'. is coered more full! in %odule *A, BUsing
%icrosoft +13.2'. to +ccess 1ata,C in "ourse (8=>-, Programming with
the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C# .NET).
"ommon Language Runtime
.his is a build slide. 'xplain each of the following topics as the! appear.
1efinitions of these topics are found in the content.
"lass Loader
%& Minutes
&& Minutes
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
%icrosoft Intermediate Language #%0IL$ to 2atie compilers, "ode
%anager, and Darbage "ollection
0ecurit! 'ngine, 1ebugger, .!pe "hec&er, 'xception %anager, .hread
0upport, and "3% %arshaler
.2'. ;ramewor& "lass Librar! 0upport
.he .2'. ;ramewor& "lass Librar!
'xplain the benefits of the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar!. 'xplain that the
common t!pe s!stem is coered in more detail in %odule E, B"ommon .!pe
0!stem,C and %odule A, BWor&ing with .!pes,C in "ourse (8=>-,
Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C#
.NET). 0pecific classes are coered in %odule F, B0trings, +rra!s, and
"ollections,C and other modules as appropriate.
+13.2'.< 1ata and ,%L
.his is a build slide. 'xplain the following topics as the! appear.
'xplain how this namespace wor&s primaril! with data, such as data
from databases.
'xplain how this namespace wor&s primaril! with ,%L and 'xtensible
0t!lesheet Language #,0L$.
What Is an ,%L Web 0ericeG
.his slide is the &e! slide for explaining ,%L Web serices. -e sure that
eer!one understands the role of Web 0erices 1escription Language
#W01L$, Uniersal 1escription, 1iscoer!, and Integration #U11I$, 03+4,
,%L, and H..4. +lso explain that the .2'. software deelopment &it
#01I$ and %icrosoft 5isual 0tudio: .2'. proide tools to simplif! the
creation of ,%L Web serices.
2ote that ,%L Web serices are appropriate for internal applications in
addition to external applications. +n organization is li&el! to run multiple
platformsJ ,%L Web serices are a good wa! of wor&ing across platforms
because the! rel! on ,%L and 03+4. +n! platform that supports ,%L and
03+4 can use or expose ,%L Web serices.
Web ;orms and ,%L Web 0erices
'xplain how +04.2'. classes ma&e it easier to wor& with user data on Web
-riefl! explain the purpose of each namespace. .he &e! point to explain is
that there are a lot of data t!pes and functionalit! in the .2'. ;ramewor&.
2amespaces arrange the t!pes in a hierarch! that ma&e it easier to wor&
with the t!pes.
2amespaces Used in this "ourse
-riefl! explain which modules teach which namespaces. 'xplain that not all
of the namespaces are taught in their entiret!. ;or example, the
System.Reflection namespace is mentioned in %odule =, B1eplo!ment and
5ersioning,C in "ourse (8=>-, Programming with the Microsoft .NET
Framework (Microsoft Visual C# .NET), onl! in terms of ersioning.
System.Reflection is also mentioned in %odule *F, B+ttributes,C in "ourse
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework v
(8=>-, Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft
Visual C# .NET).
+lso, explain that the +13.2'. namespace is coered more full! in
%odule *A, BUsing %icrosoft +13.2'. to +ccess 1ata,C in "ourse (8=>-,
Programming with the Microsoft .NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C#
.he securit! namespace is not taught in this course as securit! is coered
extensiel! in "ourse (8E)+, ecuring an! "e#lo$ing Microsoft .NET
Overview Overview
Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
Overview of Namespaces
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
.he %icrosoft: .2'. ;ramewor& proides tools and technologies that !ou need
to build distributed Web applications. In this module, !ou will learn the
architecture of the .2'. ;ramewor&. Kou will also learn how the .2'.
;ramewor& class librar! is diided into namespaces, and which namespaces are
taught in this course.
+fter completing this module, !ou will be able to<
1escribe the .2'. ;ramewor& and its components.
'xplain the relationship between the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! and
Topic O()ective
To provide an overview of
the module topics and
In this module, you will be
introduced to the .NET
Framework. You will then
learn about the namespaces
and which modules teach
certain namespaces.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
The .NET Framework
+ommon 'an#ua#e untime
The .NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$
,-O.NET: -ata and .M'
/hat is an .M' /e( "ervice0
/e( Forms and "ervices
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
In this section, !ou will learn about the .2'. ;ramewor&. .he .2'.
;ramewor& is a set of technologies that form an integral part of the
%icrosoft .2'. platform. It proides the basic building bloc&s for deeloping
Web applications and ,%L Web serices.
.his section includes the following topics<
.he .2'. ;ramewor&
"ommon Language Runtime
.he .2'. ;ramewor& "lass Librar!
+13.2'.< 1ata and ,%L
What is an ,%L Web 0ericeG
Web ;orms and 0erices
Topic O()ective
To provide an overview of
the .NET Framework topics.
In this section, you will learn
about the icrosoft .NET
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework %
The .NET Framework The .NET Framework
/in%1 /in%1
Messa#e Messa#e
2ueuin# 2ueuin#
+OM3 +OM3
4Transactions5 Partitions5 4Transactions5 Partitions5
O()ect Poolin#6 O()ect Poolin#6
+ommon 'an#ua#e untime +ommon 'an#ua#e untime
.NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$ .NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$
,-O.NET: -ata and .M' ,-O.NET: -ata and .M'
/e( "ervices /e( "ervices 7ser Interface 7ser Interface
89 +33 +:
Perl P$thon ;
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
The .NET Framework
.he .2'. ;ramewor& proides the necessar! compile time and runtime
foundation to build and run .2'. applications. .he .2'. ;ramewor& is the
primar! focus of this course.
Platform "u(strate
.he .2'. ;ramewor& must run on an operating s!stem. "urrentl!, the .2'.
;ramewor& is built to wor& on the %icrosoft Win8(: operating s!stems. In the
future, the .2'. ;ramewor& will be extended to run on other platforms, such as
%icrosoft Windows: "'.
,pplication "ervices
When running on %icrosoft Windows ())), application serices, such as
"3%6, %essage Lueuing, Windows Internet Information 0erer #II0$, and
Windows %anagement Instrumentation #W%I$, are aailable to the deeloper.
.he .2'. ;ramewor& exposes application serices through classes in the .2'.
;ramewor& class librar!.
+ommon 'an#ua#e untime
.he common language runtime simplifies application deelopment, proides a
robust and secure execution enironment, supports multiple languages, and
simplifies application deplo!ment and management.
Topic O()ective
To understand the
architecture of the .NET
The .NET Framework is an
architecture consistin! of a
runtime, the class library,
and lan!ua!e support.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
.he common language runtime enironment is also referred to as a managed
enironment, in which common serices, such as garbage collection and
securit!, are automaticall! proided.
The .NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$
.he .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! exposes features of the runtime and proides
other high-leel serices that eer! deeloper needs. .he classes simplif!
deelopment of .2'. applications. 1eelopers can extend them b! creating
their own libraries of classes.
+13.2'. is the next generation of %icrosoft +ctie,: 1ata 3bject #+13$
technolog!. +13.2'. proides improed support for the disconnected
programming model. It also proides rich ,%L support.
%icrosoft +04.2'. is a programming framewor& that is built on the common
language runtime. +04.2'. can be used on a serer to build powerful Web
applications. +04.2'. Web ;orms proide an eas! and powerful wa! to build
d!namic Web user interfaces #UI$.
.M' /e( "ervices
.he .2'. ;ramewor& proides tools and classes for building, testing, and
distributing ,%L Web serices.
7ser Interfaces
.he .2'. ;ramewor& supports three t!pes of user interfaces<
Web ;orms, which wor& through +04.2'.
Windows ;orms, which run on Win8( clients
"onsole applications, which for simplicit!, are used for most of the labs in
this course
+n! language that conforms to the "ommon Language 0pecification #"L0$ can
run on the common language runtime. In the .2'. ;ramewor&, %icrosoft
proides %icrosoft 5isual -asic:, %icrosoft 5isual "66:, %icrosoft
5isual "7
, and %icrosoft /0cript: support. .hird parties can proide
additional languages.
"7 has been submitted for standardization to '"%+, a endor-neutral
international standards organization committed to driing industr!-wide
adoption of information and communications technologies. .his standardization
will ma&e it possible for an! compan! which wishes to implement "7
programming tools on an! platform to do so. %icrosoft has also submitted a
subset of the %icrosoft .2'. ;ramewor&, called the "ommon Language
Infrastructure #"LI$, to '"%+. .his will ma&e it possible for other endors to
implement the "LI on a ariet! of platforms, so that software written using the
basic architectural model presented b! the .2'. ;ramewor& can be created
using a ariet! of tools on a ariet! of platforms.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework <
9uildin# +omponents in the .NET Framework
In the .2'. ;ramewor&, components are built on a common foundation. Kou no
longer need to write the code to allow objects to interact directl! with each
other. In addition, !ou no longer need to write component wrappers in the .2'.
enironment, because components do not use wrappers. .he .2'. ;ramewor&
can interpret the constructs that deelopers are accustomed to using in object-
oriented languages. .he .2'. ;ramewor& full! supports class, inheritance,
methods, properties, eents, pol!morphism, constructors, and other object-
oriented constructs.
+ommon 'an#ua#e untime +ommon 'an#ua#e untime
.NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$ "upport .NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$ "upport
Thread "upport Thread "upport +OM Marshaler +OM Marshaler
T$pe +hecker T$pe +hecker E=ception Mana#er E=ception Mana#er
M"I' to Native M"I' to Native
+ompilers +ompilers
+ode +ode
Mana#er Mana#er
>ar(a#e >ar(a#e
+ollection +ollection
"ecurit$ En#ine "ecurit$ En#ine -e(u##er -e(u##er
+lass 'oader +lass 'oader
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
.he common language runtime simplifies application deelopment, proides a
robust and secure execution enironment, supports multiple languages, and
simplifies application deplo!ment and management.
.he common language runtime enironment is also referred to as a managed
enironment, one in which common serices, such as garbage collection and
securit!, are automaticall! proided. .he common language runtime features
are described in the following table.
Component Description
Topic O()ective
To hi!hli!ht some of the key
components in the common
lan!ua!e runtime.
This topic will !ive you an
overview of the components
of the common lan!ua!e
runtime. I will briefly
describe each component.
"s a #$ developer, you will
never see these discrete
pieces, but this discussion
will !ive you a better
understandin! of the
richness of the runtime.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
"lass loader %anages metadata, and the loading and la!out of classes.
%icrosoft Intermediate Language
#%0IL$ to natie compiler
"onerts %0IL to natie code on a just-in-time basis.
"ode manager %anages code execution.
Darbage collection 4roides automatic lifetime management of all of objects in the .2'.
;ramewor&, garbage collection is a multiprocessor, scalable garbage collector.
0ecurit! engine 4roides eidence-based securit!, based on user identit! and the origin of the
1ebugger 'nables the deeloper to debug an application and trace the execution of code.
.!pe chec&er 1oes not allow unsafe casts or uninitialized ariables. %0IL can be erified to
guarantee t!pe safet!.
'xception manager 4roides structured exception handling, which is integrated with Windows
0tructured 'xception Handling #0'H$. 'rror reporting has been improed.
.hread support 4roides classes and interfaces that enable multithreaded programming.
"3% marshaler 4roides marshaling to and from "3%.
.2'. ;ramewor& class librar!
Integrates code with the runtime that supports the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar!.
The .NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$ The .NET Framework +lass 'i(rar$
"pans ,ll Pro#rammin# 'an#ua#es
Enables cross%lan!ua!e inheritance and debu!!in!
Inte!rates well with tools
Is O()ect*Oriented and +onsistent
Enhances developer productivity by reducin! the number of "&Is to
?as a 9uilt*In +ommon T$pe "$stem
Is E=tensi(le
akes it easy to add or modify framework features
Is "ecure
"llows creation of secure applications
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
.he .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! exposes features of the runtime and proides
other high-leel serices that eer! deeloper needs.
-ecause there are hundreds of classes in the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar!,
classes are grouped into namespaces. .he first part of the full name, which is
located before the rightmost dot, is the namespace name. .he last part of the
name, which is located after the dot, is the t!pe name.
;or example, System.Collections.ArrayList represents the ArrayList class,
which belongs to the System.Collections namespace. .he t!pes in
Topic O()ective
To provide an overview of
the .NET Framework class
library and the most
common namespace'
In this topic, you will learn
how .NET Framework class
library e(poses features of
the runtime and provides
other hi!h%level services.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework @
System.Collections namespace can be used to manipulate collections of
"pans ,ll Pro#rammin# 'an#ua#es
.he .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! is language-independent so it enables cross-
language inheritance and debugging. .he .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! also
integrates full! with %icrosoft 5isual 0tudio: .2'., ma&ing it eas! to deelop
applications with the librar!.
Is O()ect*Oriented and +onsistent
Unli&e flat +4Is that are numerous and unorganized, the .2'. ;ramewor& class
librar! is organized into namespaces and classes. .his object-oriented approach
groups related functionalit! and data together and enables the deeloper to wor&
with the librar! in a more natural wa!.
?as a 9uilt*In +ommon T$pe "$stem
.he .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! is t!pe-safe. .!pe safet! is ensured through
the common t!pe s!stem, which is part of the common language runtime.
Is E=tensi(le
Kou can extend the librar! b! creating !our own classes and compiling them
into libraries. If designed properl!, !our class librar! will also be object-
oriented and language-independent.
Is "ecure
.he .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! proides rich securit! for !our applications.
Kou can use code access securit! and role-based securit!, and configure !our
own securit! policies. ;urthermore, there are numerous securit! tools to assist
in certificate creation, permission iewing, and so on.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
,-O.NET: -ata and .M' ,-O.NET: -ata and .M'
,-O.NET: -ata and .M' ,-O.NET: -ata and .M'
Ole-( Ole-( "!l+lient "!l+lient
+ommon +ommon "2'T$pes "2'T$pes
"$stem.-ata "$stem.-ata
."' ."'
"erialiAation "erialiAation
.Path .Path
"$ "$
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
+13.2'., the next generation of +13 technolog! proides improed support
for disconnected programming. It also proides rich ,%L support in the
System.Xml namespace.
"$stem.-ata Namespace
.he System.Data namespace consists of classes that constitute the +13.2'.
object model. +t a high leel, the +13.2'. object model is diided into two
la!ers< the connected la!er and the disconnected la!er.
.he System.Data namespace includes the DataSet class, which represents
multiple tables and their relations. .hese data sets are completel! self-contained
data structures that can be populated from a ariet! of data sources. 3ne data
source could be ,%LJ another data source could be an 3L' 1-J and a third
data source could be the direct adapter for %icrosoft 0LL 0erer
"$ Namespace
.he System.Xml namespace proides support for ,%L. It includes an ,%L
parser and a writer, which are W8"-compliant. .he 'xtensible 0t!lesheet
Language for .ransformation #,0L.$ is proided b! the System.Xml.Xsl
namespace. .he implementation of ,4ath, a comprehensie language for
document addressing, enables data graph naigation in ,%L. .he
System.Xml.Serialization namespace proides the entire core infrastructure
for ,%L Web serices, including such features as moing bac& and forth from
objects to an ,%L representation.
Topic O()ective
To e(plain the data and )*
support in the runtime.
The .NET Framework
provides a new set of
"+,.NET classes to handle
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework B
/hat Is an .M' /e( "ervice0 /hat Is an .M' /e( "ervice0
"O,P "O,P
.M' /e( services consumers can send and
receive messa#es usin# .M'
/"-' /"-'
Web Services Web Services
Description Language Description Language
.M' /e( services are defined in terms of the
formats and orderin# of messa#es
9uilt usin# open Internet protocols .M' C ?TTP .M' C ?TTP
7--I 7--I
Universal Description, Universal Description,
Discovery, and Integration Discovery, and Integration
Provide a -irector$ of "ervices on the Internet
A programmable application component A programmable application component
accessible via standard Web protocols accessible via standard Web protocols
Open Open
Internet Internet
Protocols Protocols
.M' /e( .M' /e(
service service
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
,%L Web serices are an integral part of the .2'. platform. .he! are the
fundamental mechanism for exposing and consuming data and functionalit!
across Web applications, both inside organizations and across organizations.
,%L Web serices are units of application logic that proide data and serices
to other applications. +pplications access ,%L Web serices b! means of
industr! standard Web protocols and data formats, such as H..4, ,%L, and
0imple 3bject +ccess 4rotocol #03+4$, regardless of how each ,%L Web
serice is implemented.
.M' and ?TTP
,%L Web serices are built b! using ,%L and H..4. -ecause the! are built
with ,%L and H..4, ,%L Web serices operate without firewall restrictions.
+lso, because ,%L and H..4 are industr! standards, an! platform supporting
,%L and H..4 can wor& with ,%L Web serices.
03+4 defines how messages are formatted, sent, and receied when wor&ing
with ,%L Web serices. 03+4 is also an industr! standard that is built on
,%L and H..4. +n! platform that supports the 03+4 standard can support
,%L Web serices.
/e( "ervices -escription 'an#ua#e
.he Web 0erices 1escription Language #W01L$ is an ,%L format for
describing the networ& serices that are offered b! the serer. Kou use W01L to
create a file that identifies the serices that are proided b! the serer and the
set of operations within each serice that the serer supports. ;or each of the
Topic O()ective
To define an )* -eb
)* -eb services are the
fundamental buildin! blocks
of the .NET platform.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
operations, the W01L file also describes the format that the client must follow
when reMuesting an operation.
7niversal -escription5 -iscover$5 and Inte#ration
Uniersal 1escription, 1iscoer!, and Integration #U11I$ is an industr!
standard for registering and searching for ,%L Web serices. -! using U11I,
deelopers can discoer and use ,%L Web serices that are aailable publicl!
oer the Internet.
;or more information on U11I, see Web 0erice 1iscoer! in %odule *8,
BRemoting and ,%L Web 0erices,C in "ourse (8=>-, Programming with the
Microsoft.NET Framework (Microsoft Visual C# .NET), and the U11I Web site
at http<
/e( Forms and "ervices
/e( Forms and "ervices
"$stem./e( "$stem./e(
+onfi#uration +onfi#uration "ession"tate "ession"tate
+achin# +achin# "ecurit$ "ecurit$
"ervices "ervices
-escription -escription
-iscover$ -iscover$
Protocols Protocols
7I 7I
?tml+ontrols ?tml+ontrols
/e(+ontrols /e(+ontrols
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
+04.2'. is a programming framewor& built on the common language runtime
that can be used on a serer to build powerful Web applications. +04.2'. Web
;orms proide an eas! and powerful wa! to build d!namic Web UI pages.
+04.2'. ,%L Web serices proide the building bloc&s for constructing
distributed Web-based applications. ,%L Web serices are based on open
Internet standards, such as H..4 and ,%L.
Topic O()ective
To show where -eb Forms
and )* -eb services are
found in the ".&.NET
pro!rammin! model.
The Internet is /uickly
evolvin! from today0s -eb
sites that simply deliver 1I
pa!es to browsers to a ne(t
!eneration of pro!rammable
-eb sites that link
or!ani2ations, applications,
services, and devices
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework 11
.he common language runtime proides built-in support for creating and
exposing ,%L Web serices b! using a programming abstraction that is
consistent and familiar to both +04 Web ;orms and 5isual -asic deelopers.
.he resulting model is both scalable and extensible. .his model is based on
open Internet standards, such as H..4, ,%L, 03+4, and W01L, so it can be
accessed and interpreted b! an! client or Internet-enabled deice. 0ome of the
more common +04.2'. classes are described in this topic as follows<
In the System.Web namespace, there are lower-leel serices, such as caching,
securit!, and configuration, which are shared between ,%L Web serices and
Web UIs.
.he System.Web.Services namespace has classes that handle ,%L Web
serices, such as protocols and discoer!.
.here are two t!pes of controls< H.%L controls and Web controls. .he
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace gies !ou direct mapping of H.%L
tags, such as input. .he System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace enables !ou
to structure controls with templates, such as grid controls.
Overview of Namespaces Overview of Namespaces
Namespaces 7sed in this +ourse
Namespaces +overed in Optional Modules
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
In this section, !ou will learn about the namespaces in the %icrosoft .2'.
;ramewor&. Kou will also learn about which namespaces are taught in this
Topic O()ective
To provide an overview of
the namespaces in the .NET
In this section, you will learn
about the namespaces in
the .NET Framework.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
.his section includes the following topics<
2amespaces Used in this "ourse
2amespaces "oered in 3ptional %odules
Namespaces Namespaces
"$stem "$stem
>lo(aliAation >lo(aliAation
-ia#nostics -ia#nostics
+onfi#uration +onfi#uration
+ollections +ollections
esources esources
eflection eflection
Net Net
Threadin# Threadin#
Te=t Te=t
"ecurit$ "ecurit$ untime untime
"erviceProcess "erviceProcess
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
.he .2'. ;ramewor& includes a large set of class librar! assemblies, which
contain hundreds of t!pes. .hese assemblies proide access to s!stem
functionalit! in !our deelopment process.
The Purpose of Namespaces
-ecause the .2'. ;ramewor& class librar! includes definitions for so man!
t!pes, the librar! is organized in a hierarchical namespace structure.
2amespaces use a dot-s!ntax naming scheme to group logicall! related classes
together so that the! can be easil! searched and referenced. ;or example, the
System.Data namespace contains the classes that constitute the +13.2'.
architecture. .he System.Xml namespace is the oerall namespace for the
,%L classes that proide standards-based support for processing ,%L.
Topic O()ective
To understand how
namespaces provide an
easy%to%use hierarchy of
types and functionality.
The .NET Framework
includes a lar!e set of class
library assemblies, which
contain hundreds of types.
These assemblies provide
access to system
functionality in your
development process.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework 1%
The "$stem Namespace
.he System namespace is the root namespace for t!pes in the .2'.
;ramewor&. .he System namespace contains the base t!pe Object, from which
all other t!pes are deried.
.he System namespace also contains t!pes for exception handling, garbage
collection, console I93, arious tool t!pes, format data t!pes, random number
generators, and math functions.
Namespaces 7sed in this +ourse Namespaces 7sed in this +ourse
Module 1
Module %
Module D
Module @
Module 1&
Module 11
Module 11
Module 1%
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
.his course coers man! of the namespaces in the %icrosoft .2'. ;ramewor&.
%odule ( teaches the System.Console namespace for printing output to the
console. %odule 8 teaches the System.Wino!s."orms and System.Dra!in#
namespaces for building a form with buttons that interacts with the user.
%odule = teaches the System.Reflection namespace for storing ersion and &e!
file information in an assembl!. %odule F teaches the System.$e%t namespace
for adanced string management, and System.Collections for maintaining
collections of data.
%odule *) teaches the System.IO namespace for reading and writing to files.
%odule ** teaches the System.&et and System.&et.Soc'ets namespaces for
transmitting data oer the networ&.
%odule *( teaches the System.R(ntime.Serialization namespace for persisting
objects to storage. %odule *8 teaches the
Topic O()ective
To e(plain which
namespaces are tau!ht in
this course, and which
namespaces are not tau!ht.
This course covers many of
the "$stem namespaces.
Not all namespaces are
covered, for e(ample the
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
System.R(ntime.Remotin#.C)annels and System.Web.Services namespaces
for ino&ing remote objects, and building ,%L Web serices.
Namespaces +overed in Optional Modules Namespaces +overed in Optional Modules
Module 1D
Module 1E
Module 1@
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
%odules *= through *F are optional modules.
%odule *= teaches the System.$)reain# namespace for enabling
multithreaded programming. %odule *A teaches the System.Data namespace,
which proides the base objects and t!pes for the +13.2'. programming
model. +13.2'. also proides rich ,%L support in the System.Xml
namespace. ;inall!, %odule *F teaches the System.Reflection namespace,
which contains classes that !ou can use for examining metadata.
Namespaces Not +overed
.his course does not teach the System.Sec(rity namespace. ;or more
information about System.Sec(rity and related securit! namespaces, see
"ourse (8E)+, ecuring an! "e#lo$ing Microsoft .NET %ssem&lies.
Topic O()ective
To complete the namespace
information that was
presented in the precedin!
4ere are some more
namespaces that are
covered in optional odules
56 throu!h 57 of this course.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework 1<
eview eview
Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
Overview of Namespaces
*****************************ILLEGAL FOR NON-TRAINER
.* List the components of the .2'. ;ramewor&.
$)e common lan#(a#e r(ntime+ .&,$ "rame!or' class library+ ata
an X-L+ X-L Web services an Web "orms+ an Wino!s "orms.
.( What is the purpose of the common language runtimeG
It provies an environment in !)ic) yo( can e%ec(te coe.
.8 What is the purpose of the common language specificationG
It efines a set of feat(res t)at all .&,$ lan#(a#es s)o(l s(pport.
.= What is an ,%L Web sericeG
An X-L Web service is a pro#rammable Web component t)at can be
s)are amon# applications on t)e Internet or an intranet.
.E What is a managed enironmentG
A mana#e environment is an environment t)at provies services+ s(c)
as #arba#e collection+ sec(rity+ an ot)er relate feat(res.
Topic O()ective
To reinforce module
objectives by reviewin!
key points.
The review /uestions cover
some of the key concepts
tau!ht in the module.
Module 1: Overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework
.HI0 4+D' I2.'2.I32+LLK L';. -L+2I

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