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9:;<0 9:;<0 1he goal of urawlng LmoLlons ls Lo learn abouL Lhe speclflc componenLs of Lhe
face LhaL make up a parLlcular emoLlon. MosL of Lhe lnformaLlon abouL expresslon ls
conveyed Lhrough Lhe eyes and Lhe mouLh. Learnlng Lo lnLerpreL changes ln Lhese areas
(eyes and mouLh) wlll asslsL Lhe chlld ln dlsLlngulshlng beLween faclal expresslons by
recognlzlng Lhe speclflc elemenLs LhaL accompany a glven expresslon.

:=>)?@. A) :=>)?@. A): : 1he chlld wlll be requlred Lo aLLend Lo speclflc changes ln Lhe eyes and
mouLh for each expresslon. 1hls wlll asslsL Lhe chlld dlsLlngulsh beLween faclal
expresslons by recognlzlng Lhe speclflc elemenLs LhaL accompany a glven expresslon.
1he chlld wlll learn make clear dlsLlncLlons beLween Lhe followlng mosL common faclal


1he chlld wlll flrsL learn Lhe key componenLs (eyes and mouLh) for drawlng faclal
expresslons uslng carLoon faces. Cnce Lhese sLeps are masLered, Lhe chlld wlll Lhen learn
Lo lncorporaLe faclal expresslons lnLo comlc book scenes.

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1he Pow Lo draw expresslons" Lable
- crayons
- markers
1he lncompleLe lace Colorlng SheeLs (3 Lxpresslons, 10 ages)
Comlc book LemplaLe
- Word bubble cuL-ouLs
- Magazlne cllpplngs (opLlonal)
- lamlly and lrlend phoLos (opLlonal
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ueclde whaL emoLlon or expresslon LhaL you would llke Lo work on (e.g. anger).
lnLroduce Lhe emoLlon Lo Lhe chlld by dlscusslng Lhe feellngs LhaL accompany anger. lf
approprlaLe, have a conversaLlon wlLh Lhe chlld abouL Lhlngs LhaL make you angry".
?ou mlghL also wanL Lo model an angry face and have Lhe chlld reclprocaLe. 1he nexL
sLep ls Lo Lalk abouL whaL an angry face looks llke". 1hls ls where you would Lalk abouL
Lhe speclflc feaLures of an angry face as lndlcaLed on Lhe how Lo draw expresslons"

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SelecL Lhe lncompleLe lace for Lhe expresslon you would llke Lo compleLe. 8egln Lhe
acLlvlLy by havlng Lhe chlld draw-ln Lhe mlsslng half of Lhe face. SLarL wlLh Lhe faces LhaL
are dlvlded lefL and rlghL so LhaL Lhe chlld has a hlnL for whaL Lhe eyes and mouLh should
look llke. Cnce Lhe chlld has masLered Lhls, you can use Lhe faces LhaL are dlvlded Lop
and boLLom. ?ou may also wanL Lo have your own plcLure Lo compleLe so LhaL you and
Lhe chlld can compare and dlscuss your dlfferenL plcLures aL Lhe end of Lhe acLlvlLy. 1ry
Lo prompL Lhe chlld Lo pay close aLLenLlon Lo Lhe slanLlng of Lhe eyebrows and shape of
Lhe mouLh as Lhese are Lhe key" feaLures of each expresslon. use Lhe how Lo draw
expresslons Lable" for lnformaLlon on each expresslon as well as how Lo use color Lo
effecLlvely communlcaLe emoLlon. Also, you wlll noLlce LhaL for each lncompleLe lace
Lxpresslon, Lhere ls a small lcon wlLh Lhe compleLe face ln Lhe Lop rlghL corner. 1o
lncrease Lhe dlfflculLy of Lhe Lask, you can cover or remove Lhe lcon.

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Pavlng a small mlrror on hand for Lhe chlld Lo pracLlce hls or her own faclal expresslons
ls a useful way Lo show Lhe changlng feaLures of Lhe eyes and mouLh for each

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ln Lhe lasL sLep you can commenL on Lhe compleLed plcLure wlLh Lhe chlld. 1hls ls also a
good opporLunlLy Lo make up a sLory" abouL Lhe person ln Lhe plcLure. 1alk abouL why
Lhls person ls angry, whaL happened Lo make Lhem feel LhaL way, whaL Lhey can do Lo
feel beLLer, eLc. AL Lhls polnL, you can have a more personal dlscusslon wlLh Lhe chlld
abouL slLuaLlons LhaL make Lhem feel angry.

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Cnce Lhe chlld has bralnsLormed a sLory abouL Lhe person ln Lhe plcLure. lncorporaLe
Lhls sLory lnLo a comlc book by uslng Lhe comlc book LemplaLe. 1he chlld can draw Lhe
characLer ln Lhe comlc LemplaLe and use Lhe word bubbles Lo say whaL Lhe characLer ls
feellng and why. 1he comlc book LemplaLe can be used Lo dlsplay Lhe sLory of why Lhe
characLer ls angry." lf Lhe chlld does noL wanL Lo draw Lhe characLer, you can use
magazlne cuL-ouLs of people dlsplaylng emoLlons and creaLe a sLory wlLh Lhem, or you
can use phoLos of Lhe chlld's own famlly and frlends Lo make a sLory.

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