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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
for Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Education

Heni Wulandari

October, 2012

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
for Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Education

Proposed by:

Heni Wulandari

October, 2012


Heni Wulandari

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
for Attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree
in English Education

Approved by:


Azwar Abbas, S.Pd., M.Hum.



Heni Wulandari

Accepted by the Board of Examiners
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Ahmad Dahlan University
on October 4
, 2012

The Board of Examiners:

Chairman : Azwar Abbas, S.Pd., M.Hum. ...............................

First Examiner : Dra. Umi Rokhyati, M.Hum ...............................

Second Examiner : Indah Fajar W., S.Pd., M.Hum ...............................

Yogyakarta, October 4
, 2012
The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Ahmad Dahlan University

Drs. Ishafit, M. Si.
NIY 60910098


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini saya:

Nama : Heni Wulandari

NIM : 08004075

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris S1

Fakultas : Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas : Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta

menyatakan bahwa karya ilmiah berjudul Improving the Speaking skill by Using
Role Play for the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in
the Academic Year of 2012/2013 ini adalah hasil pekerjaan saya sendiri, dan
sepanjang pengetahuan saya tidak berisi materi yang ditulis orang lain sebagai
persyaratan penyelesaian studi di perguruan tinggi ini atau perguruan tinggi lain
kecuali bagian-bagian tertentu yang saya ambil sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti
tata cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim.
Apabila ternyata terbukti bahwa pernyataan ini tidak benar, hal tersebut
sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab saya.

Yogyakarta, 1 Oktober 2012
Yang membuat pernyataan,

Heni Wulandari


So, verily, with every difficult, there is relief.(QS. Al-Insyirah: 5)
Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. (QS. Al-Insyirah: 6)
Do the best to get best result
Untuk bisa menguasai sesuatu, sesungguhnya terletak pada
kesungguhan hati ntuk mempelajarinya. (Oki S.D.)

God will be there for me every time and everywhere

This thesis is especially dedicated to:

Allah SWT the Almighty that never refuse
our praying.

My beloved Mom (Mrs. Endah) and Dad
(Mr. Taryitno). Thanks for your loves,
patience, guidance, pray, motivate and

My beloved brother (Hendi). Thanks for
your loves and support.

My lovely friends: all member of UAD
students especially B-1 class PBI-SI 2008.

The members of Pandean lodging house,
Tsatsa, Amel, Yucii Alini. Thanks for our
togetherness. I never forget you all.


Alhamdulillahirabbilalamiin. Great thanks go to Allah SWT, the Most
Gracious and the Most Merciful, for blessings, without His mercy, it is impossible
that the writer could finish this thesis entitled Improving the Students Speaking
skill by Using Role Play for the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah
1 Muntilan in Academic Year 2012/2013. In this acknowledgement the researcher
would like to thank all those who have helped and supported her before and
throughout the writing of this thesis. The greatest gratitude and appreciation go to
Mr. Azwar Abbas, S,Pd, M.Hum. as the consultant guidance, advice, comment,
and valuable suggestion, to finish writing this thesis.
Her deepest appreciation also goes to those who have given her their hands
and helped her to finish this thesis. Her thanks go to:
1. Drs. Kasiyarno, M. Hum. as the Rector of Ahmad Dahlan University.
2. Drs. Ishafit, M.Si. the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.
3. Azwar Abbas, S.Pd. M. Hum. as the Head of English Education Study
Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Ahmad Dahlan
University and as her consultant of this thesis.
4. All of the lecturers of Ahmad Dahlan University, especially the lecturers of
English Education Study Program. Thanks for the guidance and knowledge
that have been shared during my study.
5. All of the staff of Ahmad Dahlan University who help me in administration
6. The librarians of Ahmad Dahlan University. Thanks for the helps in lending
the books and references.
7. The big family of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan, especially the
headmaster Mr. Yanto Siswoyo, S.TP., the English teacher Mr. M.Alaudin,
S.Pd., and for Mr. J oko Pracoyo, S.Pd., and Dewi Puspitoningrum, S.Psi.
8. Her beloved parents Mrs. Nur Endah and Mr. Taryitno, she has no words to
say how much she loves and thank you all, her lovely brother Hendi
Prionggo, and her big family in Magelang. Thanks for all of your prayers,
love and help.
9. Thanks to her classmates of B1: Pita, Chimz, Avril, Ndut, Resti, Dita and
others. Thanks for everything, thanks for togetherness.
10. Her best friends and classmates in Ahmad Dahlan University and also her
friends in the lodging house Pandean: Tsa, Amel, Yuci Alini for helping,
praying, and giving her new color in her life.
11. The eleventh grade IPA students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan as the
respondents who have done the research well.
Finally the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being
perfect. The researcher hopes that this thesis may contribute to the
improvement of knowledge, especially in teaching study, and gives advantages
for the writer herself, students of English Department and other researchers
who want to discuss the similar topic. Therefore, any criticism and suggestion
dealing with this thesis will be warmly welcomed.

Yogyakarta, October 1
, 2012

The researcher,

Heni Wulandari


TITLE ......................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................... ii
RATIFICATION ....................................................................................... iii
PERNYATAAN ........................................................................................... iv
MOTTO ...................................................................................................... v
DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................ vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. ix
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xiv

A. Background of the Study ....................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problems ................................ 3
C. Limitation of the Problem ...................................... 5
D. Formulation of the Problems ................................. 5
E. Objectives of the Study ......................................... 6
F. Significance of the Study ...................................... 6
G. Presentation .......................................................... 7

A. Speaking Ability ................................................... 8
1. Grammatical knowledge ................................. 10
2. Textual knowledge .......................................... 10
3. Functional knowledge ..................................... 10
4. Sociolinguistic knowledge .. ..... 11
5. The definition of the Speaking ..... 11
6. Teaching speaking ..... 13
7. Effective speaking learning ..... 14
8. The Reasons for Teaching Speaking ..... 14
B. Role Play ............................................................... 15
1. The Definition of Role Play. .... 16
2. The Reason of Using Role Play .............. 17
3. The Organization of the Role Play .................. 19
C. Teaching English for Young Learner ..................... 20
1. The Definition of Young Learner ....... . 20
2. The Characteristic of Young Learner .............. 21
D. Conceptual Framework ................................ 22

A. Type of Research ................................................... 24
B. The Procedure of the Study ................................... 25
C. Subject of The Research ........................................ 28
D. Setting ................................................................... 28
E. Indicator of the Study ............................................. 28
F. Research Instrument ............................................... 29
G. Data Collecting Method ......................................... 30
H. Data Analyzing Technique .................................... 32

A. Reconnaissance Process ........................................ 33
1. Physical Condition ......................................... 33
2. Teaching and Learning Process ....................... 34
3. Students English Achievement ....................... 35
B. Classroom Action................................................... 36
1. Cycle 1 ............................................................ 36
a. Planning ................................................... 36
b. Action ...................................................... 37
c. Observation .............................................. 40
d. Reflection ................................................ 41
2. Cycle 2 ........................................................... 42
a. Replanning ............................................... 43
b. Action ...................................................... 44
c. Observation .............................................. 47
d. Reflection ................................................ 49
C. Discussion ............................................................. 50
1. Students Interest ............................................ 50
2. Students Motivation ...................................... 51
3. Students Speaking Ability .............................. 53

A. Conclusion ............................................................ 55
B. Suggestion ............................................................. 56


Wulandari, Heni. 2012. Improving the Speaking Skill by Using Role Play for the
Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in the Academic
Year of 2012/2013. S1 Thesis. Yogyakarta. Ahmad Dahlan University.

The objectives of this research are to describe: (1) the implementation of
role play in speaking skill; (2) the students response in speaking skill by using
role play; (3) the students improvement in speaking skill by using role play.
This research is grouped into a classroom action research; the subject of
the research consists of 32 students in eleventh grade IPA students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in academic year 2012/2013. This research was
implemented into two cycles. Every cycle was conducted in four steps on
conducting this action research namely; planning, action, observation, reflection.
This research used Role Play for the method. Every cycle is divided into two
meetings. The data of this research were collected through observation, interview,
and test. The collected data were analyzed by comparing the results of post test
every meeting in the last meeting.
After conducting the research in two cycles, the findings are as follows.
First the implementation of the role play was effective. The students gave a good
response in teaching and learning process and they showed improvement in
English speaking after using role play. Second, the students response was good.
It shown from the students that were more active in the class, enjoy, could speak
English well and good, and third the speaking ability improved. It was proven the
average scores of all students in every action of the cycles. The result of this study
revealed that the scores in the second cycle were better than the first cycle. It
could be seen by comparing in the every cycle. The average scores of the first
cycle was 38,31 and 42 and the average scores of the second cycle was 45 and
47,6. It means that there was significant difference in grade speaking of speaking
test achieved by the students after they have been taught using role play. In line
with the result, the researcher said that the role play method is one of the effective
methods to increase the students enthuastic in learning English. This result
hopefully would motivate teachers to use the role play in their classroom,
especially when teaching to the eleventh grade students of senior high school.


In this chapter, the writer presents the background of the study,
identification of the study, limitation of the study, formulation of the study,
objectives of the study, significances of the study, and the presentation of the
A. Background of the Study
English is a global language. It is used almost by all people in all over
the world. People use it to communicate with other people in other countries.
In this global world, it is necessary to understand English because it can
connect all of people which have different languages. Therefore, English is
very important to learn. Knowing that English is very important, the
government decides to put English in the curriculum of education in
Indonesia. English becomes a foreign language which has to be learnt. Now,
English is taught in elementary schools, secondary schools, senior high school
and university level. It is also introduced in kindergarten and pre kindergarten.
In the senior high school, English is now given as one of the school
lessons. Learning English in the senior high school has been decided in the
national curriculum in which students are demanded to master the four skills,
which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. English is taught and used
as a foreign language in Indonesia. The students are expected to master four
language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, they also
have to master the language components such as pronunciation, vocabulary,

and grammar. At the end of the teaching and learning process, the students are
able to use English both oral and also writing forms.
The researcher found some problems in learning speaking. The students
have not involved themselves in learning speaking yet. They are still afraid
and shy in speaking English. One of the students anxiety in speaking English
is caused by low vocabularies. When they speak English, they do not know
how to say in English.
A lot of students have lack of speaking ability. They are inactive in the
class, especially to speak up, and they feel shy if they are supposed to have
communication in English. Caused by many factors, the students are not
interested in learning speaking. Furthermore, the speaking skill is not taught
in same portion compared with the other English skill. Such thing resulted in
the low interest of the students in speaking learning. There are several factors
why students are difficult to learn English in speaking English especially in
the eleventh grade students, namely internal factors and external factors.
Internal factors are psychological factors which come directly from the
learners. These factors have a great influence on learning process. The factors
include the students expectation, the students willingness to learn and their
attitude, memory, intelligence and physical resources. External factors are
facilities that support the process of learning such as the teachers
competence, technique in teaching, appropriate materials, the classroom
situation, method, and media. Then, they need good method in learning
activity. The students in senior high school still growing to the next higher

education or where they are getting the job so they need something new to
explore their skills especially in speaking ability.
In fact, the students at senior high school have low competency in
speaking, including in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. It is caused some
factors; they are fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and attitude. In speaking,
the students shall be able to speak fluently, have many vocabularies to speak
fluently, and able to spell well. Then, the students have to have good attitude,
it likes the students pay attention while teaching and learning process of
speaking. That is all must be belonged by the students, but in fact that is not
true. It makes the students low competency in speaking. The appropriate
solution for these cases are the students must practice regularly to speak, add
vocabulary, must be practice to spell well, and pay attention and interesting in
teaching and learning speaking. Those factors are very important in speaking.

B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the description of the background above, it can be stated that
speaking is one of the four basic skills in learning foreign language besides
listening, writing, and reading. A lot of students have lack of speaking ability.
They are inactive in the class especially to speak up and they feel shy if they
are supposed to have communication in English. Caused by many factors, the
students are not interested in learning speaking. Furthermore, the speaking
skill is not taught in same portion compared with the other English skill. Such
a thing resulted in interest of the students in speaking learning is low. There

are several factors why students are difficult to learn English in speaking
English especially in the eleventh grade students. There are several factors
that influence learning activity, namely internal factors and external factors.
Internal factors are psychological factors which come directly from the
learners. These factors have a great influence on learning process. The factors
include the students expectation, the students willingness to learn and their
attitude, memory, intelligence and physical resources. External factors are
facilities that support the process of learning such as the teachers
competence, technique in teaching, appropriate materials, the classroom
situation, method, and media. Then, they need good method in learning
activity the students in Senior High School still growing to the next higher
education or where they are getting the job so they need something new to
explore their skills especially in speaking ability.
In fact, the students at Senior High School have low competency in
speaking, including in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. It is caused some
factors; they are fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and attitude. In speaking,
the students shall be able to speak fluently, have many vocabularies to speak
fluently, and able to spell well. Then, the students must have good attitude, it
likes the students pay attention while teaching and learning process of
speaking. That is all must be belonged by the students, but in fact that is not
true. It makes the students low competency in speaking. The appropriate
solution for these cases is the students must practice regularly to speak, add
vocabulary, must be practice to spell well, and pay attention and interesting in
teaching and learning speaking. Those factors are very important in speaking.

Based on the fact, there are many students facing some problems in
learning speaking. In facing some problems, teacher need to apply various
teaching strategies based on the principles of teaching. The aim of this
research is to improve speaking learning process effectively and efficiently.
Hopefully, by having a good teaching learning process, the students are
expected to be able to communicate each other with more enthuasism.

C. Limitation of the Problem
In this study, the researcher focuses the research on improving students
speaking skill mastery of the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah
1 Muntilan. They are many ways to learn English in the class, one of them is
using role play as the method.

D. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the limitation of the problem, there are problems of this
study are formulated as follows:
1. How is the implementation of the role play in teaching speaking to the
eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan?
2. How is the response of the eleventh grade students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan after having a class with role play?
3. How is the students improvement in speaking ability of the eleventh
grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan after having a class
with role play?


E. Objectives of the Study
In accordance with the formulation of the problem mentioned above,
the objectives of the study are as follows:
1. to describe the implementation of the role play to the eleventh grade
students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan
2. to describe the students responses in speaking after having a class with
role play to the eleventh grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1
3. to describe the students improvement in speaking ability after having a
class with role play to the eleventh grade students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan

F. Significances of the Study
This study is expected to give some contribution to students, English
teachers and other researchers. The contributions are:
1. For English teacher
The result of the research can be input for the teachers in teaching
speaking and it can offer an alternative technique in teaching speaking in
order that the students can enjoy learning English.
2. The student
The students may learn English directly by using role play in order to
be able to speak English fluently with any directions from the teacher who
takes and handle the English teaching class.

3. For Researchers
This field of study can be a resource to get further research of
teaching speaking and can inspire other researchers who have interest in
similar research.

G. Presentation
This study consists of five chapters. Chapter one covers the general
background of the study, identification of the problems, limitation of the
problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of
the study, and presentation. Chapter two discusses the review of the related
theory. It comprises speaking ability, role play, the characteristics of young
learners, and conceptual framework. Chapter three deals with research method
that consists of type of the research, procedure of the study, subject of the
research, setting of the study, indicator of the study, research instruments, and
data collecting method. Chapter four discusses research finding and research
discussion. It comprises description of the pre research, description of each
cycle, description of post research, and discussion. Chapter five is the final
chapter that contains conclusions and suggestions on the basis of the research


Based on the discussion in chapter I, in this chapter, the researcher
describes some theories related to the speaking ability, role play, the
characteristics of teenagers and conceptual framework.
A. Speaking Ability
Speaking, especially in a foreign language, is a very necessary activity
for all ages of learners. It is expected to understanding with other people using
a foreign language, one need to pay attention to precise details of language.
He needs to find the most appropriate word and also the correct grammar to
convey meaning precisely and accurately. It is also important to organize the
discourse so that the interlocutor understand what the speaker says (Cameron,
It needs a lot of practice to be able to speak fluently in a foreign
language. According to Pinter (2006:55), speaking practice start with
practicing and drilling set phrases and repeating models. It is also mean
communicating with other in situation where spontaneous contributions are
required. So, fluent speaker have to learn not only language but also what the
appropriate things to say in certain situation. It is difficult and lenghty process
to master all sub skills.
Speaking is one of the four abilities in the language activities. It is
important to convey in the communication. According to Cameron (2001:40),
speaking is the active use of language to express meaning so that the other

people can make sense of them. It means that speaking consists of producing
systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning which make other people
know what we are talking about clearly. Florez in Bailey (2005:2) also said
that speaking is an alternative process of constructing meaning that involves
producing, receiving and processing information. Therefore, it is often
spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving, but it is not completely unpredictable.
Branca (1964:492) said that ability is a present state of being able to
make certain responses to do that thing right now. Ability is a present power
to do something. In addition, Woodworth and Marpus (1957) in Suharto
(1988:58) argue that ability has also three distinct meanings; they are
achievement (actual ability and can be measured directly by the use of the
test, capacity (potential ability and can be inferred directly from the unequal
achievement of individuals who have equally intensive training and
experience), and aptitude (the predictable and can be measured by specially
device test).
Actually, people in the world have speaking ability because speaking is
an activity that we always do in every time to communicate with other people
and to make a good relationship in society. Tarigan (1981:15) said that the
main point of speaking is for communicating, so we have to convey the
thinking and feeling effectively and the speaker must understand the meaning
to be communicated in order to make other people understand with what they
are talking about.

According to Bacman and Palmers (1966) modal of oral language in
Mckay (2006:183-184), there are some characteristics of oral language
1. Grammatical knowledge
Grammatical knowledge is an umbrella concept that includes
increasing expertise in grammar (morphology, syntax), vocabulary and
mechanics which refers to basic sound of letters and syllables,
pronunciation of words , intonation and stress. Children knowledge of
vocabulary, syntax, and phonology need to be grown and deepened. Their
syntax needs to increase accurately. Their knowledge of phonology needs
to improve and they need to utter sound, words, and sentences clearly with
appropriate pronunciation and intonation. They need increasingly to
understand others pronunciation and intonation clearly.
2. Textual knowledge
It is ability that we have to connect sentences in stretches od
discourse and to form a meaningful whole out of series of utterances. It
means that they need textual knowledge to be able to form a text by
combining utterances or sentences, children need to be increasingly able to
speak in ways that are cohesive and well organized.
3. Functional knowledge
Functional knowledge is the children ability to use language for
many different function needs to grow. They need to learn how to use
language to get what they want, to learn, to imagine things and think about

something. They need to learn how to understand the purposes are not
directly stated.
4. Sociolinguistic knowledge
It is the knowledge of the socio cultural rules of the language and
of discourse. Children need to learn to use oral language appropriate to the
language use situation that they are in. Learners must have competence
which involves knowing what is expected socially and culturally by users
of the target language. The lraners also need to learn how to conformed the
humor, attitudes, beliefs, ideals, and values inherent in the talk of other
people from different cultures, and to communicate and act in ways that
help them too reach out to people from another culture.
5. The definition of the Speaking
There are many experts who talk about the definition of speaking.
Bygate (1987:6) states that speaking is the vehicle: par excellence of
social solidarity, of social making of professional achievement and of
business. It is through their way of speaking that people are most
frequently judged. In addition to that speaking is also a medium through
which much language is learnt, including English. Speaking is one of
fourth skills in foreign language. Speaking skill is the ability touse the
language in oral form, in elementary, school junior, and senior Senior
High School this skill is limited to the ability to conduct a simple
conversation on some subjects (e.g. expressing regret, gratitude,
agreement, offer, certainty, etc.) T he ability to speech a foreign language

is the most pressed skill. Because someone who can speech a language
will also be able to understand it. Lado ( 1961: 239-240) defines speaking
ability as:
The ability to use in essentially normal communication, stress,
intonation, grammatical structure and vocabulary of the foreign
language at normal rate delivery for native speakers of the

Speaking skill is a matter which needs special attention. No matter
how great an idea is, if it is not communicated properly, it cannot be
effective. Oral language or speaking is an essential tool for
communicating, thinking, and learning powerful learning tool. It shapes
modifies, extends, and organizes thought. Oral language is a foundation
off all language development and, therefore, the foundation of all learning.
Linse (2005:45) states that speaking is equally important in
childrens overall language development. When children begin speaking,
they experiment and play with the utterance that are made to form words
and phrases such as bye-bye. Children also learn that words can be used as
a form of entertainment, they practice conversation between one another.
There are some factors motivating them to speak. For example, to have
conversation with somebody, they want to call their friend and they want
to deliver their idea. Thus, it can be said that the main function of speaking
is as communication tool.
According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (1995:1140,
1142), speak means to say word; to say or to talk something about
something, to have a conversation with somebody; to address somebody in

word etc. While speech means the power of action of speaking; a manner
or way of speaking.....
In learning English, the main goal is to be able to speak well so the
students can use it in communication. Speaking skill is believed as
important aspect to be success in English speaking. The success of
learning English can be seen and measured from their performance in
speaking and how well they present their English in communication.
According to Louma (2004:9), when people hear someone speaks,
they pay attention on what the speaker sound like almost automatically.
On the basis of what they hear, they make some tentative and possibly
subconscious judgment about the speakers personality, attitudes, home
region, and native or non-native speaker status.
6. Teaching speaking
Definition of teaching can be adopted from some courses. For
example, Hornby (1995: 125) defines teaching as giving instruction to
somebody, or giving somebody knowledge, skill, etc.
Meanwhile another definition comes from Brown (2001:7), he
states that teaching means showing or helping someone how to do
something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of the something,
providing with the knowledge, causing to know or to understand. Teaching
as an activity for guiding and facilitating the learners to learn and setting
the condition of learning.

The efficiency and the effectiveness are needed in teaching and
learning activities. Davies ( 1981:122)
7. Effective speaking learning
The term effective is defined by Hornby (1974:318) as having
effect or able to bring out the result intended. In with teaching speaking of
young learners, the effectiveness of the result in this study refers to the
effects of teaching learning process themselves.
Among the for skills, speaking skill is a difficult one to assess with
precision because speaking is a complex skill to acquire. The following
five components are generally recognized in analysis of speech process:
a. Pronunciation ( including the segmental features: Vowels and
consonants; and the stress and intonation)
b. Grammar
c. Vocabulary
d. Fluency (the ease and speed of the flow of speech)
e. Comprehension. (Harris, 1969:81)
8. The Reasons for Teaching Speaking
According to Harmer (2007), there are three reasons for getting
students to speak in the classroom. Firstly, speaking activities provide
rehearsal opportunities. Secondly, speaking task in which students try to
use any or all of the language they know provide feedback for both
teachers and students. Finally, the more students have opportunities to

activate the various elements of language they have stored in their brains,
the more automatic their use of these elements become.
From the reasons above, we can know about their speaking ability.
How they use their language, it can help us to give feedback to them and
give more corrections about their speaking.

B. Role Play
According to Ladousse (1987:9), role play belongs to that category of
language learning techniques sometimes referred to as low input-high output.
This means that the teacher-centered presentation phase of the lesson is very
short and not at all the same as it would be for a controlled practice drill. After
a brief introduction, the students plunge into an activity in which
accomplishing the task is more important than using the exact word, in which
fluency predominates over accuracy. Obviously, the language the students use
does not come out of a top hat at the wave of a a magic wand, and must have
been acquired at an earlier stage.
In fact, there are two ways of looking at language work in role play.
Either students manage with the language they know, or they practice
structures and functions that have been presented to them at an earlier stage of
the lesson or the course, in a free and uncontrolled way. In thr first situation,
when students just cope as best they can, the teachers aim is to bring them to
the point of awareness at which the necessity of acquiring certain structures is
evident, as these structures are of immethodical relevance. Students can see

how they could have put them to good use. They will retain them all the more
easily because they are rooted in a meaningful context. In the second situation,
role play is the active phase of learning and offers an opportunity for students
to make personal use of language that has been presented to them formally.
Role play can be used in this way right from the start in elementary classes.
1. The Definition of Role Play
According to Tompkins cited in
playing, Role playing/simulation is an extremely valuable method for L2
learning. It encourages thinking and creativity, lets students develop and
practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively nonthreatening
setting, and can create the motivation and involvement necessary for
learning to occur. This paper will examine this technique in detail.
According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (1995:1018),
role means an actors part in a play film; a function that a person or thing
typically has or is expected to have: play a key/ central/ major/ vital/
significant role. While role-play means an activity in which people act a
situation. It is used especially in training people to develop communication
According to Richards and Rodgers (1986: 17) examine three
theoretical views of language: structural, functional and interactional. The
role playing/simulation method follows from the interactional view. This
view "sees language as a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal
relations and for the performance of social transactions between

individuals.... Language teaching content, according to this view, may be
specified and organized by patterns of exchange and interaction or may be
left unspecified, to be shaped by the inclinations of learners as interactor."
Role playing/simulation clearly promotes effective interpersonal
relations and social transactions among participants. J ones (1982:113)
stated that "In order for a simulation to occur the participants must accept
the duties and responsibilities of their roles and functions, and do the best
they can in the situation in which they find themselves". To fulfill their
role responsibilities, students must relate to others in the simulation,
utilizing effective social skills
2. The Reasons for Using Role Play
According to Ladousse (1987:6-7), there are some reasons for using
role play. Here is a list of the main ones:
a. A very wide variety of experience can be brought into the classroom
through role play. The range of functions and structures, and theareas
of vocabulary that can be introduced, go far beyond the limits of other
pair or group activities, such as conversation, communication games,
or humanities exercises. Through role play we can train our students in
speaking skill in any situation.
b. Many students believe that language is only to do with the transfer of
specific information from one person to another. They have very little
small talk, and in consequence often appear unnecessarily brusque and
abrupt. It is possible to build up these social skill from a very low level
through role play.

c. It is helpful for these students to have tried out and experimented with
the language they will require in the friendly and safe environment of a
classroom. For these students, role play is a very useful dress rehersal
for real life. It enables them not just acquire set phrases, but to learn
how interaction might take place in a variety of situation.
d. Role play helps many shy students by providing them with a mask.
Some more reticent members of a group may have a great deal of
difficulty participating in conversations about themselves, and in other
activities based o their direct experience. These students are liberated
by role play as they no longer feel that their own personality is
e. Perhaps the most important reason for using role play is that it is fun.
Once students understand what is expected for them. They thoroughly
enjoy letting their imagination rip. Although there does not appear to
be any scientific evidence that enjoyment automatically leads to be
better learning, most language teachers would probably agree that in
the case of the vast majority of normal people this is surely so.
Finally, role play is one of the whole gamuts of communicative
techniques which develop fluency in language students, which promotes
interaction in the classroom, and which increases motivation. Not only is
peer learning encourage by it, but also the sharing between teacher and
students of the responsibility for the learning process. Role play is perhaps
the most flexible technique in the range, and the teachers who have it at

their finger-tips are able to meet an infinite variety of needs with suitable
and effective role-play exercises.
3. The Organization of the Role Play
According to Ladousse (1987: 21), there is a brief description at the
start of each activity gives a general idea of what is going on during the
role play.
a. Level
Generally an indication of the minimum level at which the activity can
be carried out. If the activity is only suitable for low levels, a time will
be needed if the students have to read articles, report, etc.
b. Aim
The brooder objective of each activity, such as developing self-
confidence, learning to improvise, or becoming sensitive to attitudes
expressed in language.
c. Language
An indication of the language that the students will need during the role
play. The suggestion may be structures, functions, different skill, work
with register, or intonation patterns, etc.
d. Organization
Whether the activity involves pair work or group work and, in the latter
case, how big the groups should be.
e. Preparation
Anything you need to do before you go into the classroom.


f. Warm-up.
These ideas are intended to focus the students attention and get them
interested in the issues.
g. Procedure
A step-by-step guide to carrying out the activity.
h. Follow-up
These activities may be done by all the students, or only by those
members of the class who finish the main activity quickly. They can
also be done for homework.
i. Remark
These may be of general interest, or they may be warnings about
special difficulties that may occasionally arise in some role plays.
j. Variations
Some activities have variations that can be used with different types of
classes and at different levels.

C. Teaching English for Young Learners
1. The definition of Young Learner
A learner is a person who gains the knowledge or skill (Hornby,
1995:709), the following of Harmer (2007:14) learners are described:
learners are often described as children, young learners,
adolescents, young adults or adults. Within education, the term
children are generally used for learners between the ages of about 2
to about 14.


It means that the young learners are categorized around kindergarten
until Senior Higfh school. Piaget (1992:4) argues that a child is as an
active learner and thinker, constructing his or her own knowledge from
working with objects or ideas. It means that a child able to imagine or get
something from their own knowledge.
Children usually give a good respond to activities that focus in their
life and experiences. Young learner do not just focus on what is being
taught and taking information from whatever is going on around them, but,
young learners focus or learn all sorts of other things at the same time.
Besides that, every young learner certain has different need, competence to
do activity in their life and different experiences.
2. The Characteristics of Young Learners
Generally, in Indonesia, Senior high school students are those
students in the range of age from 15-17 years old. This range of ages up to
17-18 years old is embrace under the term teenagers or adolescents.
According to Brown (2001:92), the terrible teens ore an age of
transition, confusion, self-consciousness, growing, and changing bodies
and mind. Therefore, it will be need a very special set of consideration in
teaching teenagers.
In line with Brown. Harmer (2007:83) states that adolescents are
often seen as problem students. They are on stage of searching for identity
and self-esteem. They need to feel good and comfortable about
themselves. They have an acute need for peer approval and are extremely

vulnerable to the negative judgment of their own age group. However, still
on the same stage, he also states that adolescent may well be the most
exciting students off all with their greater ability for abstract thought and
their passionate commitment to what they are doing once they are
engaged. Most of them understand the need for learning so they can be
responsible enough to do what is asked of them.
However, the main point to deal with is that the teacher should
provoke students engagement with material which is relevant and
involving. They have to do what they can support and strengthen their
students self-esteem, and always be aware of their students levels and the
teacher must give some tasks which they are able to do, rather than risk
humiliating them (Harmer, 2001:84).

D. Conceptual Framework
Learning English as foreign language needs a set of learning strategies
and processes. The process of learning is an improvement to master language
especially speaking. Meanwhile learning to speak English requires practices.
In improving speaking learning process the researcher needs to find some
efforts to be implemented in the process of speaking teaching and learning
process. In this case, the researcher finds the effective and appropriate learning
strategy to be implemented in the school.
To be able to speak well students need to practice and practice.
Therefore, a speaking teaching and learning process is said to br good if the

teachers give enough opportunity for students to practice the words they have
learnt. Giving enough opportunity means giving activities through interactive
learning strategy that can bring students to a good situation where they could
speak well.
In speaking learning process, the students are expected to be able to
speak spontaneously and communicatively. The teacher should create a good
situation like a real conversation. In this research, the research used Role play
is one of the whole gamuts of communicative techniques which develop
fluency in language students, which promotes interaction in the classroom,
and which increases motivation.
To conduct this research, the researcher needs to do some steps. First the
researcher needed to observe the class where the researcher was going to
conduct the research. In the observation, the researcher needed to find some
problems about the speaking learning process in the field. After finding the
problems of speaking learning process, the researcher thought about the ways
to solve the problem. Then, the researcher decided to apply role play to
improve speaking learning process in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan.


In this chapter, the researcher presents the research method. It covers the
type of the research, procedure of the study, the subject of the research, setting of
the research, indicator of the research, research instrument, data collecting
technique, and data collecting method.
A. Type of Research
This research is grouped into a classroom action research. Hopkins
(2008:47) suggests that action research combines a substantive act with a
research procedure; it is action disciplined by inquire, a personal attempt at
understanding while engaged in a process of improvement and reform.
According to Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988) in Cohen et al (2007:298)
, action research is a form of collective self reflective require undertaken by
participants in social situations in order to improve the rationally and justice of
the own social or educational practices, as well as their understanding of these
practices are carried out. The approach is only action research when it is
collaborative though it is important to realize that the action research of the
group is achieved through the critically examined action of individual group
members. This definition suggest that action research is aimed to resolve the
existing problems. So collaboration in action research is very important.


B. Procedure of the Study
According to Kemmis and Taggart in Burns (1999:32), action research
has some steps. Action research occurs through a dynamic and complementary
process which consists of four essential moments. They are planning, action,
observation, and reflection. These moments are the fundamental steps in a
spiraling process. In order to be clear, the writer would like to present a
model of action research stated by Kemmis and MC Taggart cited in Hopkins

Figure 1. Action Research Design Protocol after Kemmis (cited in

That picture clearly displays the iterative nature of Action Research
with the major steps of planning, action, observation and reflection before
revising the plan.( Hopkins, 1985)

Research design is considered as the whole of the process which is
going to be conducted by the researcher. This research conducts of two cycles;
every cycle is divided into four steps. They are planning, acting, observing,
and reflecting.
This research will be done at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan by
involving the English teacher, observer, and students of the eleventh grade.
There are some steps in implementing the action research. Kemmis in Winter
(1998) suggest s action research procedures as follows:
1. Reconnaissance
In this step, the researcher find a problem in eleventh IPA students
of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. Then, the researcher analyze the fact
that will be used in the next step.
2. Planning
At this stage, the researcher makes a general plan of all aspects
related to the classroom action researcher, and makes a specific plan for
each cycle.
After knowing the problems that exist in SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Muntilan related to the lack of speaking teaching learning process, the
researcher makes some action plans which will be implemented to
improve speaking learning process. In that case , the researcher uses a
method to make students involved and pleased in speaking learning
process. Because the students have not been taught speaking English with
this method, the researcher will implement it gradually.


3. Implementing and observing the action
In this step, the researcher implements her action plans. While
implementing the actions, the English teacher observes what is going on in
the classroom to know the occurring problems and the successes of the
action. To record what has been observed, the English teacher writes field
notes about all events in the classroom.
The action will be implemented in the classroom during speaking
learning process. The researcher implements the action and the English
teacher monitors the activity. After that, the researcher and the teacher
evaluate the result together. Every plan is implemented that one, at least
twice. The researcher implements the actions; as a result, these action can
improve the speaking teaching learning process. After implementing the
effort, the researcher interviews the teacher to know the result of the
action, whether it increases or decreases. the researcher also interviews the
students to know how far they participate in the speaking learning process.
4. Reflection
Reflection is the evaluation done by the collaborator or other
research members. The reflections have to be carried out collaboratively
by discussing the success of the actions as well as happen in the classroom
during the action. If the action is not successful, it should be be changed
with suitable one. But, if the actions are successful, it will be continued in
the next cycle. The successful of the action can be seen through indicators.


C. Subject of the Research
The subject of the research is a number of people with the same
characteristics which are collected. The subject of this research is the XI IPA
students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan, in the academic year of

D. Setting of the Study
This action research was conducted in SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Muntilan which is located on J alan Tentara Pelajar, Taman Agung, Muntilan,
Magelang. It is a dynamic and strategic village. Most of the students came
from that village and villages near it. This research was implemented in the
first semester of the eleventh grade IPA students in 2012/2013 academic year.

E. Indicator of the Study
The researcher needs to establish some criteria in order to know whether
the research is improve or event not. The researcher considers the research to
be effective if the subject of the study are able to increase the students ability
in speaking, and the students responses and motivation in learning English
after being taught using role play. The following are the subject is categorized
1. The method will improve the students motivation and responses in
learning English, especially in speaking class. It will be seen from the
students activation in the class. They will feel enjoy and interested in
learning speaking using this method.

2. The students will categorized into active students and will response well
the method if the students get more than 80% of frequency in students
observation check list.
3. This method will improve the students score achievement. If in the pre-test
the students got score under 60% and by using this method 90% of the
students will get score more than KKM.

F. Research Instrument
The obtain the data in the action research at eleventh grades in SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan, the researcher will do the following instrument,
1. Observation list
Observation is used to take the research data of learning process.
2. Interview guidance
It is used to get the qualitative data. Interview is used to know the effect of
role play to improve speaking skill and the difficult when learning process.
3. Speaking test
Test used to measure the speaking skill by students by using role play.
The aim of the test is to know how the improving the speaking skill.
4. Field notes
It would be used to note finding and improvement during action step in
each cycle.
5. Documentations
It is to find out the archives or the data of the research.

G. Data Collecting Method
Technique of data collecting that will be used in this research are
having interview, making field notes, and giving test.
1. Having an interview
One of the ways to get the information about the students before
the research conducted is interview. Interview is the flexible tool for data
collection, enabling multy-sensory channels to be used: verbal, non
verbal, spoken, and heard.
2. Observing
It would be used to note finding and improvement during action
step in each cycle. The guideline of the field notes encompassed:
a. Observation towards the students
1) Observed students activities. The researcher makes note and
checklist the activity in the observation sheet for the students,
monitoring students activity along the teaching learning process.
2) Observed students co-operation in their groups. The researcher
makes attitude note and monitor the students cooperation in their
b. Observation towards the teachers way of teaching. The teacher
monitories the researchers way using the observation sheet for the
3. Giving a speaking test
The study would be carried out through four activities. The first
was cycle 1 (consists of two meetings), second was cycle 2 (consists of
two meetings).

The purpose was to know how far the students could speak English
fluently by performing the simple dialogue relating to the given material.
In the second activity, the writer applied the role play in teaching learning
process. The students performed the simple dialogue given by
the third activity, the writer still used the role play just the same as
previous activities the students still performed the simple dialogue. After
teaching, the students are given an exercise based on the material.
In the last activity, the researcher took the score of the students.
The purpose of which was to measure the students progress and result of
the teaching-learning activities.
4. Documentations
Documentation is the data collecting technique which is done to
get information or data. Documentation were applying during the action
when the researcher applying role play in the classroom.

H. Data Analysis Technique
In this research, the researcher uses the triangulation method to analyze
the data. Triangulation has been used widely in discussions of qualitative
research. Triangulation was first borrowed in the social sciences to convey the
idea that to establish a fact you need more than one source of information
(Bogdan, 2006: 115). It means that to analyze the data through triangulation
uses multiple subjects or some sources; it is like test, interview, observation,
and field notes.

Triangulation is used in many different ways, but usually refers to the
use of multi data sources or theoretical perspective in a study. Analyzing
technique of the data through triangulation uses two assumptions. The first
assumption, triangulation technique is used by two method of collect the data
(uses qualitative and quantitative technique). The second assumption,
triangulation technique is used by one method of collector analyze the data
(only use qualitative or quantitative technique).That uses test, interview,
observation, and field notes to analyze the data. The researcher will take the
score of the students through test to analyze the data. The researcher
interviews the teacher and students about speaking ability of the students.
Then, the researcher does observation during the teaching and learning
process. It is include all activities happening in the classroom. After that, the
researcher makes some notes related to the process of teaching and learning.


This chapter shows the result of the research conducted in class XI IPA of
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan in 2012/2013. The aim of this research is to
improve the students speaking ability using role play for the eleventh grade
students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan. The learning result of applying role
play can be seen from the gained scores subjects of the research.
A. Reconnaissance Process
In this process the researcher looked for the data which could be used
as the first data for researcher. The researcher and the teacher designed the
research together in order to overcome the research problem. The data were
collected through observation, interview, and test. Based on the data result,
the researcher found some problems, those are:
1. Physical Condition
Based on the researchers observation, the facilities of this school
are complete enough. There are 19 classrooms for tenth to twelfth grades
and 43 teachers. Each class consists of 32-35 students. Besides , there are a
headmaster room, an administrator room, a teacher room, a library,
biology laboratory, chemistry laboratory, physics laboratory, language
laboratory, a computer room, a health room, a mosque, life skill rooms,
some toilets, playing field, three parking area, a garden, radio studio, and
security post.

Although it is not a vocational high school, there are life skills to
improve the students skill. So, when they graduate from Senior High
School and they cannot continue their study to the college, they have the
provision to get a job according to the skills they have learned in this high
school. The life skills consist of: cooking, handy craft, computer operation,
mobile phone operation, design graphic, cosmetology, fashion, and
presenter training.
This classroom action research was conducted at the XI IPA grade
students. The class condition is good, because the class is very clean. The
facilities of this classroom are complete enough for learning process,
because it is a special class. The facilities are white board, map, clock,
eraser, marker. They can support the researcher to conduct this research.
2. Teaching and Learning Process
Based on the observation, the researcher found that the students
were active enough in teaching learning English. Most of them asked
many things to the teacher although some students were still ashamed,
passive, afraid, and not confident to perform in front of the class.
Based on the interview with the students, the researcher concluded
that the teaching and learning process was monotonous. The teacher taught
speaking by catechizing the students can pay attention from the teacher in
the classroom, but sometimes they were bored and they were not enjoyed
in teaching learning speaking. Because the teacher only used the same
method to teach speaking in every meeting.

Based on the interview with the teacher, the researcher concluded
that the teacher had many problems in teaching and learning speaking. The
teacher said that he got difficulties in changing the suitable method and
timing management to teach the students. The teacher used catechizing
method and answer question as the methods in teaching speaking. The
teacher never used other method in teaching speaking. Actually, the
method was good enough to teach speaking, but it was not effective to
achieve the goal. The teacher also monotonous in teaching speaking and
just used the same method to teach the students.
3. Students English Achievement
The students English achievement, especially in speaking, was
still low, because the students response was still under the indicator. The
students had to still study hard in learning speaking. Actually, most of the
students were good enough in speaking, but some students were still silent,
passive, and not gave a good response to the teacher. The researcher also
saw students achievement from the teachers score. It showed that the
students English test scores were still low.
The problems above were caused by some factors. One of the
factor that caused low competence of the students was the lack of
extrinsic motivation of the students. The students extrinsic motivation
could be acquired from their teacher. It was caused the teacher could not
change the suitable method. The teacher was monotonous and used the
same method in teaching the students. It made the students were bored and
not interested to learn English speaking.

B. Classroom Action
In this section the researcher reported the result of the research. This
research conducted in two cycles. There were two meetings in each cycle and
every meeting was used to deliver the material and test. Each meeting took 80
minutes. Every cycle in this research consisted of four steps, namely
planning, action, observation, and reflection. It will be explained in the
following parts.
1. Cycle 1
a. Planning
The researcher conducted the action herself and was helped by
the English teacher. The English teacher observed the progress of
English speaking learning from the backside of the classroom. The
action was planned to be conducted in two meetings, on J uly 18th and
24th, 2012. The researcher would act the material themed Expressing
Surprise on the action cycle 1.
Before the action was conducted, the researcher prepared
everything related to the action as follows:
1) Preparing the materials and sheets for classroom observation (to
know the situation of English speaking teaching-learning process
when the technique is applied)
2) Making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action.
3) Preparing teaching facilities.
4) Preparing teaching material.

5) Preparing tests (to know whether students speaking ability
improves or not)
6) Preparing students attendance list.
In this research, the researcher used role play as teaching
method, because it has many benefits to teach speaking. Role play has
simple method and easy language and pronunciation, so the students
can practice the material easily.
b. Action
As explained in the planning of the action above, the first cycle
conducted of two meetings. Every meeting consisted of giving the
material and speaking test. The cycle 1 was conducted on J uly, 18th
2012 and J uly, 24th 2012. This cycle was aimed to increase the
speaking ability of the students. This first cycle used Expressing
Surprise as the material, so one material was consisted of one
meeting. The researcher as the teacher and the English teacher as an
First meeting: on J uly 18th, 2012 the researcher and the
English teacher started conducting the first action of the first cycle. In
giving the material, the researcher explained about Expressing
Surprise to the students, gave some examples, and how to say the
The English speaking learning begun with the researchers
greeting. Then, the researcher checked students attendance. After that,
the researcher gave a warming up activity in order to make the students

interested in English speaking learning. Next, the researcher gave short
explanation about the material would be given and gave stimulation to
the students about the material.
In giving stimulation, the researcher asked the students to
explain the kinds of expressing surprise. Then the students answered
the question enthusiastically. The researcher and the students
mentioned the kinds of expressing surprise together. After that, the
researcher practice the dialogue that would be imitated by the students
in the class. The students were very enthusiasm and gave a good
Before the students step forward, the researcher asked the
students to make the dialogue with their partner about the material
which the researcher given. Then, the students made a dialogue based
of the material. They worked enthuastically, and the researcher helped
them in vocabularies. After that, the researcher asked them to practice
it in front of the class in pairs. The researcher recorded the students
speaking test using tape recorder. The researcher identified the students
speaking by using tape recorder.
The situation of dialogue of the speaking test:
You are walking down the street. You meet a friend whom
special for you. You are feeling surprise and ask him to walk

Second meeting, the second meeting in cycle 1 was conducted
on J uly 24
, 2012. The researcher used the same method as the
previous meeting. The researcher used different material in this
meeting. The material was Giving and Asking Opinion.
In this action, the students had done retold the story of the
dialogue that had given to the students . The aimed of the action was to
increase their speaking ability and to know their ability to remind the
content of the material. The English speaking learning was begun with
the researchers greeting and praying together. Then, the researcher
checked the students attendance. After that, the researcher started the
lesson by asking them about the materials of the previous meeting. It
used to warm up the English Learning process.
Before began the lesson, the researcher prepared material and
assessment to teach English speaking. After all of the tools prepared,
the researcher started the lesson by asking them about some opinions
about the dialogue. The researcher started the lesson by applying the
role play.
In this action the students were work in pairs. They had to
discuss about the blank dialogue. They filled the blank dialogue with
the statements based on the material that the researcher given to them.
Although the students were divided in pairs, the students had to be able
to understand by them. Then, they practiced it in front of the class and
researcher took the scores in the second meeting of the first cycle. It
used to identify did the students speaking improve or not.

c. Observation
The observation was done during the teaching and learning
process. In this step, the English teacher of SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Muntilan as an observer. Since this research was collaborative
research, the English teacher always accompanied the researcher to
observe the teaching and learning process. The teacher observed all
activities happened in the classroom and took some notes related to the
teaching and learning process. The researcher prepared an observation
lists and field notes that were very useful as the researchers reflection
to make a plan for the next steps. The observer observed the teacher
and the students during teaching and learning process. There were
some aspects which were observed: class situation, students attitude,
teacher technique in delivering the materials and students response
when they were given the materials.
Based on the observation lists and field notes, in this first cycle,
the researcher still had weakness and less timing management in
teaching and learning English in the class, since the researchers
experience in teaching and learning in the class was limited. In the
teaching and learning process, the researcher gave stimulation to the
students and always asked the students understanding.
Besides, the students gave a good response in teaching and
learning English by using role play. Some students was very interested
to study English by using role play. Only some students that were

difficult to study it, because they were less knowing about the
vocabularies and were difficult to speak English.
The result of the observation was written in observation lists
and field notes. It was used as the data while the researcher wrote her
observation result in diaries. The English teacher as the observer gave
some inputs and suggestions for the researcher.
d. Reflection
The researcher evaluated the teaching activity that had been
carried out. The researcher reflected to the field note and diaries in
order to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching activity
that had been carried out. The weaknesses were refined in the next
cycle, so the effectiveness of role play to improve students speaking
ability was determined.
Having implemented the action in the first cycle, the researcher
evaluated the teaching activity based on the observation list and field
note. It was used to reflect the teaching and learning process. There
were some improvements and weaknesses in teaching and learning
From the explanation above, the researcher got the result. The
researcher should revised the technique of teaching and learning
process, since some students were still got difficulties to speak English
by using role play. The researcher also should pay attention to the

students, especially for some students that got difficulties to made the
dialogue using their own word and could not speak fluently.
The first cycle showed that the students were interested to learn
speaking, but unfortunately most of them were still less confident, and
afraid of making mistakes while spoke English. Before conducting the
action, the students were not interested and enthusiastic in speaking
because their English teacher was always monotonous in teaching
English. The English teacher still used the traditional method and he
did not used other method in teaching English.
After conducting the action, the students were very enthusiastic
to study English, especially English speaking. It could be seen from the
improvement of the students ability in every meeting. In this cycle the
researcher found that the students speaking ability improved.
Based on the result of the test given in every meeting, the
students speaking ability in the first cycle improved. It could be seen
from the changes in every meeting of the first cycle. The number of the
first meeting was 38.31 and the number of the second meeting was 42.
It showed that the students speaking in the first cycle improve. The
result of the students speaking was not disappointed.
2. Cycle 2
In this cycle, the action was planned to be conducted in two
meetings, on J uly 27th and August 7th, 2012. Every meeting was used to
deliver the material and test. The researcher would convey the material

Agreement and Disagreement on the first action of cycle 2, and
Analytical text on the second meeting of the cycle 2. This cycle would
be explained in four steps, namely replanning, action, observation, and
a. Replanning
Based on the first cycle result, it could be concluded that the
researcher still had many problems in teaching and learning process. It
was caused the researchers experience was limited and still had to
learn more to be a better teacher in teaching and learning process.
Therefore, the researcher tried to revise the technique in teaching and
learning process of the second cycle.
Before the action was conducted, the researcher prepared
everything related to the action as follows:
1) Preparing the material and sheets for classroom observation (to
know the situation of teaching-learning process when the
technique is applied).
2) Making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the action.
3) Preparing teaching facilities
4) Preparing teaching materials
5) Preparing test (to know whether students speaking ability
improves or not),
6) Preparing students attendance list.


b. Action
The second cycle consisted of two meetings. Every meeting
was used to apply the material and speaking test. The cycle 2 was
conducted on J uly 27th and August 7th, 2012. This cycle was aimed to
increase the speaking ability of the students reflected to the first cycle.
In this second cycle the researcher used materials Giving and Asking
Opinion on the first meeting of the second cycle and Analytical text
on the second meeting of the second cycle.
First meeting: on J uly 27th, 2012 the researcher and the
English teacher started conducting the first action of the second cycle.
In giving the material, the researcher explained about Agreement dan
disagreement and how to say the expressions. Then, the researcher
asked the students to practice together.
On J uly 27th, 2012 the researcher started to teach the students
and he was accompanied by the English teacher. This meeting also
discussed the material about debate. In this section, the researcher
tried to revise the previous technique in the first cycle.
The researcher came into classroom and opened the class by
greeting and praying together. Before began the lesson, the researcher
checked the students attendance and prepared the things that were
needed (assessment sheet, board marker, eraser, and recorder). Then
the researcher also tried to brain stormed the classroom situation by

giving some question about the previous materials to build up the
students interest and motivation.
After reviewing the previous materials in the first cycle, the
researcher started to explained about the material and a few material
about debate to the students. The students were very enthusiasm and
interested about debate. During delivering the material, the researcher
gave the question for the students. All of the students gave a good
response with the material by given the researcher and they were active
to answer the questions from the researcher.
After that, the researcher asked the students to practice the role
play in front of the class, as a teacher or headmaster to give opinion
about No Smoking in the School Area. The researcher gave the
students about 30 minutes to make some opinions and asked the
students to use expression that was learned in this action and in the
previous action and they had to use their own words.
After that, the researcher asked the students to describe their
opinion in front of the class. They had to practice like a teacher or
headmaster. In this action, the students were more confidence and
could speak well. During the students did the speaking test, the
researcher recorded the students voice to identify their ability
improved or not.
Theme of the speaking test:
No Smoking in the School Area

Second meeting: the second meeting of cycle 2 was conducted
on August 7th, 2012. In this action, the researcher gave the material
analytical text. The researcher would teach the students to identify
this text and applied it in debate. The aim of the second meeting was to
improve the students speaking ability.
On August 7th, 2012, the researcher taught in class XI IP. The
English teacher as the observer and accompanied the researcher in
backside of the classroom. The researcher began the lesson by greeting
and praying together. After that, the researcher checked the students
attendance and prepared the material.
The researcher gave stimulation to build up students speaking
ability and paid attention to the students. It made the students were
enthusiasm and enjoyed studying English, since the students could
express their ability and were active in the class. Then, the researcher
started explaining about analytical text and applied it in debate.
The researcher made the students in groups. Every group consisted of
four students.
The researcher explained about analytical text first and then
debate started. In debate, the researcher divided the group to be an
affirmative group and a negative group. Then, the researcher gave an
issue to the students, in order that they could make what they want to
say. Each group hade to make some opinions to defend their
arguments. Here, the researcher got some difficulties to manage the

students and also in timing management, but the problems were solved
well, caused of the students enthusiasm.
The researcher helped the students in making their arguments
and opinions. Then, when the students were ready to perform, the
researcher prepared the students name list to take their scores. The
students performed the debate confidently and speak well. Only one or
two students that were less confidence and could not speak well. It was
caused the students were still afraid of making mistakes and less
knowing about the materials. The result of English learning in this
cycle was good. The researcher also recorded the students speaking
test to collect the data.
The issue of debate was:
Is Smoking Good for Us?
c. Observation
In the second cycle, the researcher was observed by the English
teacher. The observer observed all of the activities in the classroom,
both of teacher and the students. The activities that were observed
were the students attitude, students response with the activity,
teachers ability to teach the students, and teachers technique in
teaching and learning process. Based on the observers notes, it
showed that teaching and learning process could run as planned.
The action had shown that in this cycle the students gave more
positive response to the researcher while teaching and learning process

than the first cycle. The students were more relaxed, enjoyed, and
more active in learning process. The students attitude also gave more
good response than the previous cycle.
In the first meeting, the researcher asked the students to
practiced the role play as a teacher or headmaster. The students made a
opinion about No smoking in the school area. Then, they practiced
or presented in front of the class. All of the students were very
enthusiasm in studying speaking by using role play. In this meeting
only three students got difficulties in studying English. It was caused
the students were still afraid of making mistakes and less confidence.
In this meeting the researcher also paid more attention to the students,
especially students that still got difficulties to learn English.
In the second meeting, the students were divided into some
group and every group consisted of four students. And they had to
work in group. It meant that the students could share and communicate
with their friends, so it made the students more active than the
previous meeting. In this cycle, the observer also explained that the
researcher was success in controlling the classroom and created a good
atmosphere, but there was only less problem in timing management.
The students were more enthusiastic and being better in learning
English. Only three students still got difficulties to study the material
that had been given.


d. Reflection
After implementing the second cycle, the researcher compared
the result of the first cycle and the second cycle. There were some
differences between the first cycle and the second cycle. They were the
class situation, students motivation, students interest, and students
In the second cycle, the students were more enjoyed , pleasant,
and had more motivation in English speaking learning. Then, the
students were more active to answer the teachers questions with
confidently. The students could discuss the material well. They were
not noisy when learning process done. Besides, the researcher could
manage the classroom and made a good atmosphere in the classroom.
The researcher was able to make teaching and learning process was
better than the previous cycle. So, the result of the second cycle was
more improved than the result of the first cycle.
Based on result of the test given in every meeting, the students
speaking ability in the second cycle improved. It could be seen from
the changes in every meeting of the second cycle. The number of the
first action was 45 and the number of the second action was 47,6. It
showed that the students speaking ability in the second cycle
improved. The result of the students speaking test was satisfactory.


C. Discussion
This section presents the discussion of the research findings and
concerns on the students interest, students motivation toward speaking
learning which is conducted through role play, and the students speaking
ability after having role play. The data of the research findings are gained
from the observation list, field notes, interview, and test.
1. Students Interest
Role play is one of the entertaining methods that can also be used
as a teaching method. Role play is also considered to be an appropriate
method to create relax and fun class atmosphere. Role play can add and
increase the students interest in learning English, especially speaking. It
was proven by the teachers answer in interview as follows:
R: Bagaimana kemampuan berbicara siswa setelah menggunakan
metode role play?
ET: Ada peningkatan, karena siswa mendapat tantangan baru karena
ada hal baru, sehingga siswa menjadi ingin tahu dan ingin belajar
Bahasa Inggris.
R: How is the students speaking ability after using role play method?
ET: There is an improvement, because the students get a new challenge
caused of something new, so the students want to know and they
want to learn more about English much better.

Based on the interview result above, the researcher concluded that
the students were interested to learn English speaking by using role play.
It was caused the students still liked practicing it in front of the class, so
this method was appropriate to teach the students. The method could also
develop their imagination and express their feeling while learning process
was done. Besides that, this method could increase the students interest
in learning speaking.
2. Students Motivation
Motivation was very important in studying speaking; because
without motivation, students would be difficult to learn speaking. So, the
students needed motivation to support their education. Role play was one
of the method that could be used to support teaching and learning
Role play also added the students motivation to learn speaking. It
was proven by the students observation in each action and from the
students answer in interview. The students observation showed that they
get motivation to study speaking after practiced role play in front of the
class. To get further information about the students observation result, the
researcher presented the data obtained from the observation lists in the
table as follows:


Table 4.1
The result of students observation

No. The aspects observed yes No Explanation
1. The students were being
active in learning
2. The students responds to
the teacher
3. The students were being
active in responding the
4. The students respond to
the task

Based on the observation result, the researcher found that most of
the students gave positive response toward teaching activity. It was
supported by the result of their speaking test. It proved that the using of
role play could motivate the students in learning English as the foreign
language. Moreover, it could help the students to learn and develop their
speaking ability.
The researcher also conducted an interview with some students.
Based on the interview, the students also gave positive response in
learning English by using role play. The students said that they were enjoy
and happy to learn with the researcher by using role play. It showed that
the students got motivation to study English speaking using role play. It
can be seen from the result students interview as follows:
R : Did you enjoy studying English by using role play?
S : Yes, I did. Because I felt comfortable with her role play. It did not
make me bored, and made me more love English lesson.

Based on the interview result above, the researcher concluded
that the students were interested to learn English speaking by using role
play. It was caused the students still liked practicing it in front of the class.
So this method was appropriate to teach the students. The method could
also develop their imaginations and express their feeling while learning
process. Besides that, this method could add the students interest in
learning speaking.

3. The students Speaking Ability after having role play
Role play is one of the methods that can be used to teach English
speaking. Role play has special characteristics that are close to childrens
imagination. They are fun, colorful, and attractive. Role play has a strong
influence to the students. The students are also still children, so the
students need the method that suitable with them. That is the cause why
role play become a suitable method to teach students.
Based on the interview, observation, and field notes, the researcher
found that the students speaking ability improved.; the improvement was
shown from the students attitude during the action. During the researcher
was implementing the actions, the students were more active and enjoy.
Besides, the result of the students speaking test also had proven
the improvement. It could be seen from the result of the students speaking
test in each cycle. In the first meeting of cycle 1, the average score was
38.31; in the second meeting of cycle 1, the average score was 42; in the

first meeting of cycle 2, the average score was 45; and the second meeting
of cycle 2, the average score was 47.6. It proved that there was an
improvement after applying role play.
According to the English teacher, before the researcher applied role
play as the method to teach, the students got less motivation and were not
interested in learning speaking. The students score were still low. But,
after the researcher conducted role play, the students got support to learn
English speaking, got motivation, and were interested in learning
speaking. The students scores were also improving.
From the explanation above, it could be implied that role play
could be used to teach speaking. It means that the role play was the
suitable method and effective to improve the students speaking ability in
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan grade of XI IPA. Therefore, the
researcher concluded that the students speaking ability had proven got
higher improvement after having role play.


This chapter is the last chapter of this thesis. It consists of two parts. The
first section is conclusion of the previous research finding and the second is
A. Conclusion
After conducting the research, the needed data was gained and
processed. Based on the data and the results of the research, the writer came to
several conclusions as bellow:
1. After the role play was applied in the teaching and learning process, the
implementation of role play at the eleventh IPA grade of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan to study English speaking was very good and
successful. It was shown by the students response while studying English
speaking by using role play. The students gave a good response in
teaching and learning process and they showed improvement in English
speaking after using role play.
2. The students motivation after using role play method improved. From this
method the students got high motivation in studying English speaking.
They gave good response and achievement of the study. They also became
active in the class.
3. Reviewing at the result of the research, the researcher concluded that there
was a significant improvement of the students speaking ability after they

got some treatments; it was proven by the average scores of all students in
every action of the cycles. In the first action of cycle 1 the average score
was 38.31; in the second meeting of cycle 1 the average score was 42; in
the first meeting of cycle 2 average score was 45; and the second meeting
of cycle 2 the average score was 47.6. It show us that the use of role play
could increase the students speaking ability.

B. Suggestion
The researcher would like to give some suggestions related to this
research for those who are closely related to English teaching and learning
process. The researcher hopes that these suggestions will be useful, especially,
for teacher, institutions, students, and other researcher.
1. For the teacher
a. The teacher has to be selective in choosing a teaching strategy that is
supposed to refer to a certain that will guide him to select an effective
teaching strategy.
b. The English teachers are suggested to use role play as an alternative
technique in teaching speaking for young learners, because it can build
up the students interest, motivation, and enjoyment in learning
2. For the Institutions
The institutions that deal with English teaching and learning in their
programs should provide the appropriate facilities that support the

teaching and learning process in order to improve the educational quality,
such as an appropriate language laboratory, audio visual room, internet,
library, etc. The institution should encourage English teachers to use
different techniques to teach English especially speaking, in order to
improve quality of teaching and learning process.
3. For the Students
This research will give motivation for the students on the learning English
especially in learning speaking. It will be carried the students to develop
their speaking skill.
4. For other Researchers
This research studies the improvement of speaking ability using role play
as the method. The result of the research is expected to be able to
encourage other researchers to conduct research dealing with the role
playing other subjects, such as writing, reading, or listening. Otherwise,
they can also study the improvement of speaking ability using other



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