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Master Data Course

SAP/CSI Training
The purpose of this course
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive
introduction to system activities directly related to the
creation and maintenance of master data.
The data contained within this guide are only provided as
eamples and do not reflect the same data that is listed
within the production system. The SAP/CSI is still in the
development phases and some screens may change as
a result of this ongoing development effort.
All information contained within this guide is su!"ect to
Table of Contents
#ody Tet $ere
Master Data Course %
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display Material Master Record MM03
+se this procedure to display a material master record.
,ou need to review information a!out a part num!er- component- or item.
The SAP/CSI material master record num!er must eist. Perform a match code search if the
material num!er is un.nown.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production Master Data Material Master Material Display
MM03 Display Current to go to the Display Material (Initial Screen).
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
2n the Display Material 3333 /CSI 4inished 5oods0 screen/s0- there will !e many ta!s which
represent the different material master record views. If you see a small yellow sym!ol in the
upper left hand corner of the ta!- this represents a ta! you selected to view. 6ample1
There are 7 distinct material types in the SAP/CSI system. These material types and their
descriptions are listed in the ta!le !elow.
MTyp Material type description
89(: CSI PM5 Dry 5oods
89(; CSI 4inished 5oods
89'% CSI <on PM5 Dry 5oods
89') CSI Semi=finished 5ood
89'7 CSI *aw materials
89'9 CSI Master
Master Data Course >
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course )
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Display Material "#nitial $creen%
&! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6SDTS##*P7)>'%CD#
3! Clic. .
Master Data Course 7
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$elect /ie0"s%
1! Clic. to select all possi!le views to display 2* clic. to the left of the select view/s0 to !e
displayed. 4or this eample- we will select all the views.
2! Clic. to accept.
Master Data Course 9
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+rgani3ational Le4els
The organi@ation levels displayed and re?uired depend on what type of material you
choose to display.
5! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Plant * Code identifying an organi@ational unit seen as central to the
manufacturing process. A plant can !e a manufacturing site
or a group of storage locations that share materials. A plant
can also !e a distri!ution center.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo Plant0
StorageAocation 2 An organi@ational unit facilitating differentiation !etween the
various stoc.s of a material within a plant. Typically- the
num!er of the storage location at which the material is stored.
A plant may contain one or more storage locations.
,-a)ple. (B(( /Main Storage0
Sales 2rg. 2 An organi@ational unit responsi!le for distri!uting certain
products or services and negotiating sales conditions. In
SAP/CSI- any num!er of distri!ution channels and divisions
can !e assigned to a sales organi@ation.
,-a)ple. 9'B( /Technicolor +S0
Distr. Channel 2 The way in which products or services reach the customer.
Typical eamples of distri!ution channels are wholesale- retail
or direct sales. Cithin a sales organi@ation- in SAP/CSI- it is
possi!le to deliver goods to a given customer through more
than one distri!ution channel.
,-a)ple. (B /default0
6! Clic. to continue.
Master Data Course :
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
9! Clic. . The Class Type (1) X Entries Found dialog !o appears.
Master Data Course ;
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Class Type "% 1 ,ntries 'ound
:! Dou!le=clic. Material class 00.
Master Data Course B(
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0! *eview the assignments and values for the selected material contained on the Classification
Clic. the ta!s in the /alues section to view the values for characteristics for 5eneral-
Common- 6DI- and 45 2ptical.
! Clic. to proceed to the Display Material XXXX (CSI Finished Goods) screen.
Master Data Course BB
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
&! Clic. .
Clic. to view a list of ta!s- if you are not a!le to see them on your screen. Select the
ta! you want to view from the drop=down list.
Master Data Course B'
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
3! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
#ase +nit of Measure * +nit of measure in which the stoc. of a material is managed.
The SAP system converts all ?uantities entered in other units
into the !ase unit of measure.
,-a)ple. PC /Piece0
Purchasing 5roup * #uyer or group of !uyers responsi!le for purchasing activities.
,-a)ple. 9M(
M*P Type * Determines whether and how the material is planned.
,-a)ple. PD /M*P0
M*P Controller * Controller or group of controllers responsi!le for planning
material re?uirements.
,-a)ple. 9((
Aot si@e * Determines which lot=si@ing procedure SAP/CSI uses within
materials planning to calculate the ?uantity to !e procured or
,-a)ple. 63 /Aot=for=lot order ?uantity0
Master Data Course B%
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1! Clic. .
Master Data Course B>
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
2! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Procurement type * Defines how the material is procured.
,-a)ple. 3 /in=house production and eternal
Prod. stor. location * In the case of a material produced in=house- this is the .ey of
the storage location that is copied to the planned order-
production order- or run schedule ?uantity.
,-a)ple. (B((
In=house production * Specifies the time in wor.days needed to produce the material
in=house- independent of the order ?uantity.
,-a)ple. B
5* processing time * <um!er of wor.days re?uired after receipt of the material for
inspection and placement into storage.
,-a)ple. (
SchedMargin .ey * Determines the floats re?uired for scheduling an order.
,-a)ple. (((
Master Data Course B)
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5! Clic. .
Master Data Course B7
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
6! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Strategy group 2 5roups all the planning strategies that can !e used for a
particular material. The planning strategy represents the
procedure used for planning a material and is /technically
spea.ing0 controlled !y the M*P types.
#wd consumption per. 2 Determines the consumption period /in wor.days0 for
!ac.ward consumption. +sing !ac.ward consumption- sales
orders- dependent re?uirements- or material reservations are
assigned to and consume planned independent re?uirement
?uantities which lie within the consumption period and !efore
the re?uirements date.
,-a)ple. (
4wd consumption per. 2 Determines the consumption period /in wor.days0 for forward
consumption. In forward consumption- sales orders-
dependent re?uirements or material reservations consume
planned independent re?uirements that lie within the
consumption period after the re?uirements date.
,-a)ple. (
Master Data Course B9
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'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Plng conv. factor 2 4actor that the system uses to convert the ?uantity of the
current material- measured in the !ase unit of measure- to the
!ase unit ?uantity of the planning material.
Availa!ility chec. * Specifies whether and how the system chec.s availa!ility and
generates re?uirements for materials planning.
,-a)ple. DP /no chec.0
Tot. repl. lead time 2 Time needed !efore the product is completely availa!le again-
that is- after all #2M levels have !een procured or produced.
It is not calculated !y the system- !ut defined in this field as
the total of the in=house production time/s0 and/or the planned
delivery time/s0 of the longest production path.
9! Clic. .
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
:! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Selection method 2 Determines the selection of the alternative #2M when
re?uirements are eploded in material re?uirements planning.
Individual/coll. 2 Determines whether the following re?uirements are allowed
for the dependent re?uirements of the material1
Individual re?uirements E ?uantities of the dependent
material are stated individually.
Collective re?uirements E ?uantities of the dependent
material are grouped together.
&0! Clic. .
Master Data Course B;
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
&! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Production scheduler 2 Scheduler responsi!le for a material in production activity
Prod.Sched.Profile * Profile that you can use to
specify that certain !usiness transactions are carried
out in parallel in a production order / process order
trigger an automatic goods receipt
specify an overall profile for capacity leveling
,-a)ple. (((((B /$6S CSI Production planning
&&! Clic. ta!.
Master Data Course '(
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Display Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
&3! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Faluation class 2 Code which helps identifies a set of general ledger accounts
will !e updated !ased on valuation=relevant transactions.
Standard Price * Price at which the material is valued.
&1! Clic. to eit.
&2! ,ou have completed this transaction.
,ou have successfully displayed a material master record in SAP/CSI.
Master Data Course 'B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Material $earch MM50
+se this procedure to search for a group of materials with certain parameters.
,ou need to view a list of related material !ased on a specific set of criteria.
The material master must eist.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Production Master Data Material Master +ther MM50 Materials List
to go to the Materials List screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
,ou can use any one of the following criteria to generate a list of materials.
Material type
Material group
Created !y
Master Data Course ''
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course '%
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Materials List
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material 2 +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
Plant 2 Code identifying an organi@ational unit seen as central to the
manufacturing process. A plant can !e a manufacturing site
or a group of storage locations that share materials. A plant
can also !e a distri!ution center.
,-a)ple. 9''(
Material Type * Code used to group certain materials together and provide
access to different views. 6amples include1
,-a)ple. 89(; /CSI 4inished 5oods0
Material 5roup 2 Code identifying a grouping of materials !ased on similar
Created !y 2 +ser name of the person who created the data/record.
6nter any search criteria that will allow you to achieve the desired results.
Master Data Course '>
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3! Clic. .
Materials List
1! *eview the displayed results.
2! If you want to save the list in 6cel format- select List $a4e*$end 'ile;
$a4e list in file;
Master Data Course ')
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5! Select to the left of Spreadsheet.
6! Clic. .
Master Data Course '7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Materials List
9! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Directory * 6nter the file path for the placement of the eported
4ile <ame * 6nter a file name followed !y the G.lsH etension.
:! Clic. .
,our spreadsheet is now in the directory specified.
0! ,ou have completed this transaction.
! Clic. to eit the transaction.
,ou have successfully displayed a list of materials.
There are 7 standard material types used in the system. They are listed in the ta!le !elow for
easy reference.
MTyp Material type description
Z708 CSI PMG Dry Goods
Z709 CSI Finished Goods
Z723 CSI on PMG Dry Goods
Z72! CSI Se"i#$inished Good
Z72% CSI &a' "aterials
Z727 CSI Master
Master Data Course '9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Material Master Record MM0
+se this procedure to create a material master record.
There are si distinct material types in CSI. ,ou have !een as.ed to ma.e one.
6ngineering Change document re?uesting new material creation.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Materials Manage)ent Material Master Material Create
"8eneral% MM0<#))ediately to go to the Create Material (Initial Screen) screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Prior to creating a new material master record- collect all detailed information a!out the
material to !e created.
PA6AS6 #6 ACA*6 E The screen names may not match the screen titles- however the
screen fields are the same.
Material Type /ie0s
CSI PM5 Dry 5oods /89(:0 Cor. Scheduling- Accounting- Classification- M*P- Purchasing-
#asic Data- Storage- Plant Stoc.s- Sales- Carehouse
Management- Storage Aocation Stoc.s
CSI <on PM5 Dry 5oods /89'%0 Cor. Scheduling- Accounting- Classification- M*P- Purchasing-
#asic Data- Storage- Sales- 4orecasting- Sales- Plant Stoc.s-
Storage Aocation Stoc.s
CSI *aw Materials /89'70 Cor. Scheduling- Accounting- Classification- M*P- Purchasing-
#asic Data- Storage- Sales- 4orecasting- Sales- Plant Stoc.s-
Storage Aocation Stoc.s
CSI Master /89'90 Cor. Scheduling- Accounting- Classification- M*P- Purchasing-
Production *esource Tools- #asic Data- Storage- Sales-
4orecasting- Sales- Plant Stoc.s- Storage Aocation Stoc.s
CSI Semi 4inished 5oods /89')0 Cor. Scheduling- Accounting- Classification- M*P- Purchasing-
#asic Data- Storage- Sales- 4orecasting- Sales- Plant Stoc.s-
Storage Aocation Stoc.s
CSI 4inished 5oods /89(;0 Cor. Scheduling- Accounting- Classification- M*P- Storage-
#asic Data- Storage- Plant Stoc.s- Sales- Storage Aocation
Master Data Course ':
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Master Data Course ';
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course %(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Material "#nitial $creen%
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6SDTS##*P;;;;;(D#
Please refer to the Part <um!er 5uide to perform the
correct material num!er assignment procedures.
Industry Sector * #ranch of industry. The industry sector groups together
companies according to their activities.
,-a)ple. Mechanical 6ngineering
Material Type * Code used to group certain materials together and provide
access to different views. 6amples include1
,-a)ple. CSI 4inished 5oods
3! Clic. to validate the entered data.
Master Data Course %B
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$elect /ie0"s%
1! Clic. to select all views or clic. to the left of desired views.
Chen creating a master record for material type C$# 'inished 8oods the following views
must !e selected1 #asic Data B- #asic Data '- Classification- Sales1 Sales 2rg Data B-
Sales1 5eneral/Plant Data- Purchase 2rder Tet- M*P B- M*P '- M*P %- M*P >- Cor.
Scheduling- 5eneral Plant Data / Storage B- 5eneral Plant Data / Storage '.
<ot all selected views will re?uire data entry during the initial material master record
creation process.
2! Clic. .
Master Data Course %'
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5! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Plant * Code identifying an organi@ational unit seen as central to the
manufacturing process. A plant can !e a manufacturing site
or a group of storage locations that share materials. A plant
can also !e a distri!ution center.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo0
StorageAocation 2 Physical location in which the material is .ept. A plant can !e
a storage location.
,-a)ple. (B(( /Main Storage0
Sales 2rg. 2 An organi@ational unit responsi!le for distri!uting certain
products or services and negotiating sales conditions. In
SAP/CSI- any num!er of distri!ution channels and divisions
can !e assigned to a sales organi@ation.
,-a)ple. 9'B( /Technicolor +S0
Distr. Channel 2 The way in which products or services reach the customer.
Typical eamples of distri!ution channels are wholesale- retail
or direct sales. Cithin a sales organi@ation- in SAP/CSI- it is
possi!le to deliver goods to a given customer through more
than one distri!ution channel.
,-a)ple. (B /default0
M*P profile 2 Dey that you can use to store M*P parameters that are
independent of the material master record.
There will !e other opportunities to complete the organi@ational level.
6! Clic. to continue.
Master Data Course %%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
9! +nder the ta! complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material Description * Tet description of the material. The material description can
have a maimum of >( characters. Please follow guidelines
for tet descriptions.
,-a)ple. T*AI<I<5 DFD
#ase +nit of Measure * +nit of measure in which stoc. of the material is managed.
The system converts all the ?uantities entered in other units of
measure /alternative units of measure0 to the !ase unit of
measure. This will ensure that the material can !e !ought or
sold in different units /a pac. may contain B' each0- !ut the
system will perform calculations at the 6ach level.
,-a)ple. PC /Piece0
Material 5roup * Code identifying a grouping of materials !ased on similar
,-a)ple. 9'(B /4inished Dis. DFD)0
5ross Ceight * Ceight of the material- including pac.aging.
,-a)ple. .')
Master Data Course %>
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'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Ceight +nit * Description of the Ceight +nit.
,-a)ple. A# /+S pound0
:! Clic. the ta!.
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
<o data entry re?uired within the =asic Data & view at this time. Data will !e entered at
a later date through a separate procedure.
0! Clic. to proceed to the net ta!.
Master Data Course %)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Class * 5roup of o!"ects /materials- documents0 that are grouped
!ased on similar attri!utes.
,-a)ple. CSII45I2PTICAA
&! Clic. to validate entered data.
Master Data Course %7
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3! As re?uired- complete the following fields on all the ta!s in the /alues section1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Falue 2 Falue of a characteristic. Can !e either tet or numeric.
,-a)ple. (B(/(9%== /AistItem0
1! Clic. to proceed to the net view.
Master Data Course %9
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Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
2! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
#ase +nit of Measure * +nit of measure in which the stoc. of a material is managed.
The SAP system converts all ?uantities entered in other units
into the !ase unit of measure.
,-a)ple. PC /piece0
Division * An organi@ational unit set up to supervise the distri!ution and
monitor the profita!ility of materials- products or services.
SAP/CSI uses divisions to determine the sales area and the
!usiness areas. A product or service is always assigned to
"ust one division.
,-a)ple. (B /default division0
Delivering Plant * Plant from which goods are delivered to the customer.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo plant0
Ta classification /first
* Indicator with which the system determines output ta for the
material when processing sales and distri!ution=specific
documents. 6nter code for ta item.
,-a)ple. ( /no ta0
Master Data Course %:
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5! Clic. .
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
6! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Availa!ility chec. * Specifies whether or how the system chec.s availa!ility and
generates re?uirements for material planning.
,-a)ple. DP /no chec.0
9! Clic. .
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Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
Master Data Course >(
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:! 6nter tet you want to default into the purchase order in the tet !o.
&0! Clic. .
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%<
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
M*P Type * Determines whether or how the material is planned.
,-a)ple. PD /M*P0
M*P Controller * Code identifying the controller or group of controllers
responsi!le for planning a material.
,-a)ple. 9)' /DFD pac.0
Aot Si@e * Determines which lot=si@ing procedure SAP/CSI uses within
materials planning to calculate the ?uantity to !e procured or
,-a)ple. 63 /Aot=for=lot order ?uantity0
&&! Clic. .
Master Data Course >B
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Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%<
&3! As re?uired- review/complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Procurement type * Determines whether or how the material is planned.
,-a)ple. 6 /eternal procurement0
Prod. stor. location * In the case of a material produced in=house- this is the .ey of
the storage location that is copied to the planned order-
production order- or run schedule ?uantity.
,-a)ple. (B((
In=house production * Specifies the time in wor.days needed to produce the material
in=house- independent of the order ?uantity.
,-a)ple. '
5* processing time * <um!er of wor.days re?uired after receipt of the material for
inspection and placement into storage.
,-a)ple. B
SchedMargin .ey * Determines the floats re?uired for scheduling an order.
,-a)ple. (((
Master Data Course >'
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&1! Clic. .
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%<
&2! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Strategy group 2 5roups all the planning strategies that can !e used for a
particular material. *epresents the procedure used for
planning a material and is /technically spea.ing0 controlled !y
the M*P types.
,-a)ple. (( /no planning / re?uirements transfer0
#wd. Consumption
* Determines the consumption period /in wor.days0 for
!ac.ward consumption. +sing !ac.ward consumption- sales
orders- dependent re?uirements- or material reservations are
assigned to and consume planned independent re?uirement
?uantities which lie within the consumption period and !efore
the re?uirements date.
,-a)ple. (
Master Data Course >%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
4wd consumption per. 2 Determines the consumption period /in wor.days0 for forward
consumption. In forward consumption- sales orders-
dependent re?uirements- or material reservations consume
planned independent re?uirements that lie within the
consumption period after re?uirements date.
,-a)ple. (
Plng conv. factor 2 4actor that the system uses to convert the ?uantity of the
current material- measured in the !ase unit of measure- to the
!ase unit ?uantity of the planning material.
Tot. repl. lead time 2 Time needed !efore the product is completely availa!le againJ
that is- after all #2M levels have !een procured or produced.
It is not calculated !y the system- !ut defined in this field as
the total of the in=house production time/s0 and/or the planned
delivery time/s0 of the longest production path.
,-a)ple. B
&5! Clic. .
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%<
Master Data Course >>
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&6! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Selection method 2 Determines the selection of the alternative #2M when
re?uirements are eploded in material re?uirements planning.
,-a)ple. !lan. /selection !y order ?uantity0
Individual/coll. 2 Determines whether the following re?uirements are allowed
for the dependent re?uirements of the material1
Individual re?uirements E ?uantities of the dependent
material are stated individually.
Collective re?uirements E ?uantities of the dependent
material are grouped together.
,-a)ple. !lan. /individual and collective re?uirements0
&9! Clic. .
Create Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%<
Master Data Course >)
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&:! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Production scheduler 2 Scheduler responsi!le for a material in production activity
,-a)ple. 9(( /general0
Prod.Sched.Profile * Profile used to1
Specify that certain !usiness transactions are carried
out in parallel in a production order/process order
Trigger an automatic goods receipt
Specify an overall profile for capacity leveling
,-a)ple. (((((B /$6S CSI Production planning
30! Clic. .
Master Data Course >7
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Create Material 777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
3! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Faluation Class * 5roup of 5/A accounts to which the material is assigned. This
allows the values of materials of the same material type to !e
posted to different accounts- and allows the values of
materials of the different material types to !e posted to same
,-a)ple. 9;'( /finished products0
Price Control * Code determining whether the stoc. of a material is valuated
at standard price or moving average price.
,-a)ple. S /standard price0
Standard Price * Price at which the material is valuated.
,-a)ple. '.)(
3&! Clic. .
Master Data Course >9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Material "#nitial $creen%
The system displays the message KMaterial 3333 created.L
33! This transaction has !een completed.
31! Clic. to eit.
,ou have successfully created a material master record.
Master Data Course >:
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Change Material Master Record MM0&
+se this procedure to change a material master record.
,ou receive a re?uest to immediately change one or more fields in the material master views.
SAP/CSI material master record must already eist in the system.
Type of change or data to !e changed .nown for the material in ?uestion.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production Master Data Material Master Material Change
MM0& < #))ediately to go to the Chane Material (Initial Screen).
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
4or a display of the views and the fields contained on them please refer to the wor. instruction for
MM(B E Create a Material Master *ecord.
Master Data Course >;
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course )(
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Change Material "#nitial $creen%
&! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6SDTS##*P;;;;;(D#
3! Clic. .
Master Data Course )B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
$elect /ie0"s%
1! Clic. to the left of the view/s0 where you will ma.e the change/s0.
2! Clic. to continue.
The view used for this eample was the #asic Data ' view and the description of the
material was changed. #ecause of this the organi@ational level screen !elow only re?uest
values for a plant and storage location. Depending on which view/s0 are selected will
depend on what organi@ational level are re?uired.
Master Data Course )'
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Change Material 7777 "C$# 'inished 8oods%
The re?uired fields to change depend on the change that needs to !e scheduled.
5! As re?uired- change the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material 2 +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. T*AI<I<5 DFD 42* +S6*S
6! Clic. to validate.
Master Data Course )%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Last data screen reached
9! Clic. .
Change Material "#nitial $creen%
The system displays the message- MMaterial 3333 changedH.
:! ,ou have completed this transaction.
0! Clic. to eit.
Master Data Course )>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
,ou have successfully changed a material master record.
*efer to wor. instruction MM(B E Create Material Master for more information.
Master Data Course ))
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display =ill of Materials C$03
+se this procedure to display a #2M.
Perform this procedure when there is a need to display the information contained on a #2M.
A #2M must eist for the material !eing reviewed.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production Master Data =ills of Materials =ill of Materials
Material =+M C$03 Display to go to the Display !aterial "#M$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course )7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display )aterial =+M. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6S9'();7STB
PIant 2 2rgani@ational unit within logistics serving to su!divide the
enterprise according to geographical location- procurement-
maintenance and materials planning.
,-a)ple. 9'(( == Technicolor 6port De Meico
#2M +sage * Description of the #2M +sage.
,-a)ple. B E Production
Falid 4rom 2 The date from which the #2M is valid.
The current days date default.
,-a)ple. (:/B'/'(()
3! Clic. .
Master Data Course )9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display )aterial =+M. 8eneral #te) +4er4ie0
The information contained on this screen displays the components and ?uantity needed
for the specified material.
1! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Component * Material num!er of the components.
,-a)ple. $6S9'();7STB
2 Short tet descri!ing the component.
,-a)ple. S63 N T$6 CIT, S6AS2< ' DISC '
Ouantity * Ouantity of the component- which is entered in relation to the
!ase ?uantity of the product.
,-a)ple. B
+n 2 The unit of measure for the component ?uantity.
,-a)ple. 6A /each0
Master Data Course ):
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2! Clic. to view the #2M header.
Display )aterial =+M. Header +4er4ie0
5! *eview the information at the header level.
6! ,ou have completed this transaction.
9! Clic. to eit.
,ou have successfully displayed a #2M.
More information may !e availa!le !y using additional !uttons and menu paths.
Master Data Course );
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create =ill of Material C$0
+se this transaction to create a #ill of Material /#2M0- which is a complete- formally structured list
of components that up a product or assem!ly. The list contains the o!"ect num!er of each
component- together with the ?uantity and unit of measure. The components are .nown as #2M
A #ill of Materials structure is re?uired for a Material.
#ills of material /#2Ms0 and routings contain essential master data for integrated materials
management and production control.
Perform this procedure when you want to create a #ill of Material.
Material Master *ecord created and approved in the SAP */% system.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production Master Data =ills of Material =ills of Material
Material =+M Create to go to the Create !aterial "#M screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
A #2M can !e created !y copying data from an eisting #2M. 4ollowing the copy procedure- the
new #2M can !e modified.
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course 7(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create )aterial =+M. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6SDTS##*P;;;;;(D#
PIant * 2rgani@ational unit.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo0
#2M +sage * Description of the #2M +sage.
,-a)ple. % /universal0
Change <um!er 2 <um!er used to uni?uely identify a change master record.
,-a)ple. B>
3! Clic. .
Master Data Course 7B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create )aterial =+M. 8eneral #te) +4er4ie0
1! As re?uired- complete the following fields for as many components as you need to enter1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
ICt * Categori@ation of the items in a #2M according to set criteria-
such as whether they refer to an o!"ect /for eample- material
master or document info record0 or whether they are .ept in
,-a)ple. A /Stoc. item0
Component * The material num!er.
,-a)ple. $6SDTSA##P7)>'%DFD
Ouantity * Specified amount. The num!er or count of an item.
,-a)ple. '
2! Clic. .
Master Data Course 7'
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Create )aterial =+M. 8eneral #te) +4er4ie0
5! Clic. to save your entries.
Master Data Course 7%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create )aterial =+M. #nitial $creen
The system displays the message- M#2M created for material 3333.M
6! ,ou have completed this transaction.
9! Clic. to eit.
,ou have created a #2M.
Master Data Course 7>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Change =ill of Material C$0&
+se this transaction to change a #ill of Material /#2M0- which is a complete- formally structured
list of components that up a product or assem!ly. The list contains the o!"ect num!er of
each component- together with the ?uantity and unit of measure. The components are .nown as
#2M items.
A #ill of Materials structure is re?uired for a Material.
#ills of material /#2Ms0 and routings contain essential master data for integrated materials
management and production control.
Perform this procedure when a #ill of Material needs to !e changed.
A #ill of Material must have !een created.
A Change <um!er must eist.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production Master Data =ills of Material =ill of Material
Material =+M Change to go to the Chane !aterial "#M$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Please refer to wor. instruction CS(B E Create #ill of Material for more information.
Master Data Course 7)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! Start the transaction !y entering the transaction code or following the menu path.
Change )aterial =+M. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6SDTS##*P;;;;;(D#
PIant 2 2rgani@ational unit within logistics serving to su!divide the
enterprise according to geographical location- procurement-
maintenance and materials planning.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo plant0
#2M +sage * Description of the #2M +sage.
,-a)ple. % /universal0
Falid 4rom 2 The date from which the #2M is valid.
The current date defaults.
,-a)ple. (:/B'/'(()
Master Data Course 77
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Change <um!er * 6nter the num!er to trac. this revision to the !ill of materials.
,-a)ple. )((((((((('>
Change )aterial =+M. 8eneral #te) +4er4ie0
3! As re?uired- complete/change the following fields. 4or this eample- we will add a new
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Ict * Categori@ation of the items in a #2M according to set criteria-
such as whether they refer to an o!"ect /for eample- material
master or document info record0 or whether they are .ept in
,-a)ple. A /Stoc. item0
Component * The material num!er.
,-a)ple. PM5)(9;'9(BPDA#
Ouantity * Specified amount. The num!er or count of an item.
,-a)ple. B
1! Clic. to confirm the entries.
Master Data Course 79
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2! Clic. to save your entries.
Change )aterial =+M. #nitial $creen
The system displays the message- M#2M for material 3333 changedH.
5! ,ou have completed this transaction.
6! Clic. to eit.
,ou have changed a #2M.
Please refer to wor. instruction CS(B E Create #ill of Material for more information.
Master Data Course 7:
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display Multi<Le4el =+M C$&
+se this transaction to display a multi=level #2M.
Perform this procedure when you need to display a multi=level #2M.
A #2M for that material must eist.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Central 'unctions ,ngineering =ill of Material ,4aluations
=+M ,-plosion Material =+M =+M "Multi<Le4el% to go to the E%plode "#M$
Multi&Le'el "#M$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Master Data Course 7;
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
,-plode =+M. Multi<Le4el =+M. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * Su!stance or commodity that is !ought or sold on a
commercial !asis- or is used- consumed- or created in
productionJ a material can also !e a service.
6nter material num!er.
,-a)ple. $6ST6ST'>9;STB
Plant 2 A physical definition of a group of manufacturing processes.
Can include product and services.
3! Clic. to eecute the report.
Master Data Course 9(
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Display Multile4el =+M
1! Clic. to change the layout of the report.
Master Data Course 9B
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Change layout
2! Select the field/fields that you would li.e to add or remove from the report layout.
5! Clic. to return to the report.
Master Data Course 9'
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Display Multile4el =+M
6! Dou!le=clic. in the +b>ects column to view the details of that #2M item or document.
Master Data Course 9%
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Display )aterial =+M. #te). ?ll data
9! Clic. when you have reviewed the information on the individual #2M.
Master Data Course 9>
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Display Multile4el =+M
:! Clic. if you want to eport the report to another format.
$a4e list in file!!!
0! Select to eport into a spreadsheet format.
Master Data Course 9)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! Clic. to eport the report.
Display Multile4el =+M
&! Clic. to enter the document name- etension and the location to save the file.
3! Clic. to eport the report.
1! Clic. to return to the E%plode "#M$ Multi&Le'el "#M$ Initial Screen.
,-plode =+M. Multi<Le4el =+M. #nitial $creen
2! ,ou have completed this transaction.
5! Clic. to eit the transaction.
Master Data Course 97
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,ou have eecuted a report to display a multi=level #2M.
Master Data Course 99
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$u))ari3ed =+M C$3
+se this procedure to display a summari@ed of the #2M for a selected material.
Perform this procedure when there is a need to view a #2M in summary format.
#2M must eist for selected material.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production =ills of Materials Reporting =+M ,-plosion
Material =+M C$3 $u))ari3ed =+M to go to the E%plode "#M$ Su!!ari(ed "#M$
Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Master Data Course 9:
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course 9;
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,-plode =+M. $u))ari3ed =+M. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6ST6ST'>9;STB
PIant 2 2rgani@ational unit within logistics serving to su!divide the
enterprise according to geographical location- procurement-
maintenance and materials planning.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo plant0
#2M Application * Description of the #2M Application
,-a)ple. PP(B /Production E general0
Falid 4rom 2 The date from which the in?uiry or ?uotation is valid.
<ote1 The current days date will default.
,-a)ple. (:/B'/'(()
3! Clic.
Master Data Course :(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
$u))ari3ed =+M < Multi<Le4el
The Summari@ed #2M E Multi=level screen lists all of the components contained on the
material #2M for the specified material. The eample a!ove is for the material num!er
1! Clic. twice to eit.
2! ,ou have completed this transaction.
,ou have displayed a summari@ed #2M.
More information a!out a particular component may !e achieved !y dou! on the
line item while on the Su!!ari(ed "#M$ Multi&le'el screen.
Selecting the following menu path may print the displayed information1 ,-tras List Print!
There must !e user print parameters set up for the "o! to run.
Selecting the following menu path may save the displayed information to a local file1 ,-tras
List ,-port $preadsheet!
Master Data Course :B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
=+M Co)parison C$1
+se this procedure to compare two material #2Ms for two different materials. This procedure
may !e used in the material conversion process.
Perform this procedure when there is a need to compare two material #2Ms.
The materials must eist in the system.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production =ills of Materials Reporting C$1 =+M
Co)parison to go to the "#M Co!parison$ Initial Screen (#ne Le'el) screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Master Data Course :'
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course :%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
=+M Co)parison. #nitial $creen "+ne<Le4el%
If the !utton is grayed out- then the results will !e on a
single=level !asis. If the !utton is grayed out- then the results
will !e on a multi=level !asis. Additional fields are re?uired to use the multi=level
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields for each material.
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6ST6ST'>9;STB
PIant * 2rgani@ational unit within logistics serving to su!divide the
enterprise according to geographical location- procurement-
maintenance and materials planning.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo0
Master Data Course :>
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'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
+sage * /B0 Code identifying the type of tas. list in which the wor.
center can !e used. If this field is not maintained- then
capacities will not !e generated for the wor. center in a
scheduling run. /'0 Dey specifying the purpose for which a
tas. list is used /for eample production or repair wor.0.
,-a)ple. B
Falid 4rom * The date from which the in?uiry or ?uotation is valid.
<ote1 The current days date will default.
,-a)ple. (:/BB/'((>
3! Clic. to validate entered data.
1! Perform one of the following1
#f you 0ant to Then
Display the #2Ms using a multi=
level comparison Clic.
Display the two #2Ms using
summari@ed comparison
Display the two #2Ms using
differentiated comparison
6it this transaction
2! Clic. to validate entered data.
Master Data Course :)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
=+M Co)parison. Result "$u))ari3ed%
5! *eview and change displayed information as needed.
This view can !e the single=level or multi=level depending on the display chosen.
6! Clic.
Master Data Course :7
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=+M Co)parison. #nitial $creen "+ne<Le4el%
9! *eview and change displayed information as needed.
Master Data Course :9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
=+M Co)parison. Result "Differentiated%
:! *eview and change displayed information as needed.
This view can !e the single=level or multi=level depending on the display chosen.
0! Clic. .
! Clic. .
Master Data Course ::
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=+M Co)parison. #nitial $creen "Multi<Le4el%
&! Clic. to view the multilevel #2M comparison.
Master Data Course :;
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
=+M Co)parison. Result "$u))ari3ed%
3! Clic. to eit.
1! ,ou have completed this transaction.
,ou have successfully displayed the material #2M for two different materials to compare the
#2Ms for each.
Master Data Course ;(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display @here Ased List for a Material C$2
+se this procedure to display the GChere used listH for a particular material.
Perform this procedure when you need to see where a material is used.
Material Master *ecord must !e created in SAP.
Material #2M must eist for that material.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Production Master Data =ills of Materials Reporting
@here<used List C$2 < Material to go to the )here&*sed List$ Material$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Master Data Course ;B
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! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course ;'
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
@here<Ased List. Material. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * +ni?ue num!er identifying a product that is produced-
purchased- or inventoried.
,-a)ple. $6ST6ST'>9;4T(
Falid 4rom 2 The date from which the in?uiry or ?uotation is valid.
The current days date will default in the field.
,-a)ple. (:/B7/'(()
Falid To 2 Date until which the !id or ?uotation is !inding.
3! Select the type/s0 of where=used list you want to view.
1! Select the type/s0 of #2M/s0 for which you want to view the where=used list.
2! Clic. to enter additional selection criteria.
Master Data Course ;%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
@here<Ased List. Material. /ie0
5! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Plant * Code identifying an organi@ational unit seen as central to the
manufacturing process. A plant can !e a manufacturing site
or a group of storage locations that share materials. A plant
can also !e a distri!ution center.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo0
6! Perform one of the following1
#f you 0ant to ! ! ! Then ! ! !
Display the results using a multi=
level display
Clic. to the left of Multi<le4!
Display the results using a single=
level display
Ferify to the left of Multi<le4! is deselected.
9! Clic. .
Master Data Course ;>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Material @here<Ased List
:! *eview multi=level view and manipulate data as needed.
0! Clic. to go !ac. to the )here&*sed List$ Material$ +ie, screen.
Master Data Course ;)
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Material @here<Ased List
! *eview single=level view and manipulate data as needed.
&! Clic. to go !ac. to the )here&*sed List$ Material$ +ie, screen.
Master Data Course ;7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
@here<Ased List. Material. /ie0
3! Clic. to eit.
1! ,ou have completed this transaction.
,ou have successfully displayed the where used list in a multi=level or single=level view for a
specified material.
The view !utton- -may appear on the )here&*sed List$ Material$ Initial Screen display
screen- if you clic. the !utton twice. This !utton signifies that the data has !een entered on
the )here&*sed List$ Material +ie, screen.
Master Data Course ;9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
$tocB +4er4ie0 MM=,
+se this procedure to display an overview of the stoc. !alance of a specific material at the
Inventory Management level.
Perform this procedure when it is necessary to view stoc. !alances of a material.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Materials Manage)ent #n4entory Manage)ent ,n4iron)ent
$tocB MM=, < $tocB +4er4ie0 to go to the Stoc- #'er'ie,$ Co!pany
Code./lant.Storae Location."atch screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Drill=down capa!ility eists for additional details on stoc. levels.
This capa!ility also offers other stoc. views- such as Stoc. in Transit and Stoc. in Ouality
,ou can display serial num!ers for selected stoc.s /provided they eist0 !y choosing the
menu path ,n4iron)ent ,quip)ent *$erial nu)ber.
Master Data Course ;:
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
$tocB +4er4ie0. Co)pany Code*Plant*$torage Location*=atch
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Material * Su!stance or commodity that is !ought or sold on a
commercial !asis- or is used- consumed- or created in
productionJ a material can also !e a service.
,-a)ple. CD(((%7%:9DFD
PIant * A physical definition of a group of manufacturing processes.
Can include product and services.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Camarillo0
Storage location * An organi@ational unit facilitating differentiation !etween the
various stoc.s of a material within a plant.
,-a)ple. (B(( /Main Storage0
Master Data Course ;;
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3! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Special stoc.
2 Indicates the type of special stoc. to !e included in the stoc.
overview. Special stoc. is stoc. of materials that must !e
managed separately for reasons of ownership or location.
,-a)ple. D /consignment E vendor0
Display version 2 +ni?uely identifies the display version of the stoc. overview.
,-a)ple. (B /all stoc. types0
Display unit of
2 Specifies the unit of measure in which the ?uantity
represented is displayed.
,-a)ple. 6A /each0
1! Choose one or more of the following options1
#f you 0ant to! ! ! Then select! ! !
Determine whether special stoc.s are included when
stoc. data is read
Cause the system to read stoc. commitments when
determining stoc. data /Stoc. commitments include
such things as open Purchase 2rder ?uantities- Stoc.
in Transfer- *eservations- etc.0
6clude the display of @ero stoc. !alances
Display stoc. !alances with the decimal place as
defined in 5lo!al Settings in the IM5
Display stoc. !alances at the company code level
Display stoc. !alances at the plant level
Display stoc. !alances at the storage location level
Display stoc. !alances at the !atch level
Display stoc. !alances of special stoc.s
2! Clic. to process the selection criteria.
Master Data Course B((
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
$tocB +4er4ie0. Co)pany Code*Plant*$torage Location*=atch
5! *eview the total of the material for unrestricted use- ?uality inspection- and reserved.
6! ,ou have completed this transaction.
9! Clic. to eit the transaction.
,ou have displayed the stoc. overview for a specific material.
Master Data Course B(B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display Custo)er 7D03
+se this procedure to search for an eisting customer num!er and display it.
Perform this procedure !efore creating a new customer to avoid creating a duplicate- or to view
information on an eisting customer.
The customer master record must eist in SAP/CSI.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics $ales and Distribution Master Data =usiness Partner
Custo)er Display 7D03 < Co)plete to go to the Custo!er Display$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Several match codes eist. The most commonly used in searching for a customer num!er is
GSearch per account groupH or GSearch !y ship=to customersH.
*estrict match code searches !y entering .nown data in appropriate fields. If you run the
match code without any restrictions- the returned list displays only )(( entries instead of the
entire file.
+se asteris.s as wildcards in all search fields.
,-a)ple. 6nter GPtechPH in the <ame field to return all customer num!ers with the word Tech
in the name. The returned list would include !oth Technicolor and Advanced Fision
Searching on the <ame field is often more accurate than using the Search term field. The
search term is a twenty character field !ut only ten characters are included in match codes.
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course B('
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Custo)er Display. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Customer * 6ntity to which the company sells goods or services. A
customer is signified with a uni?ue numeric identifier and non=
generic description.
If you do not .now the customer num!er- you can
search for it using the matchcode in the Customer
field. See the G$elpful $intsH section for more
,-a)ple. ;((())
Company code * Independent accounting unitJ in most cases is a legal entity.
,ou can prepare a !alance sheet and income statement for
each company code. Several company codes can !e set up to
manage the accounts of independent companies
,-a)ple. $6SB
Sales 2rgani@ation * An organi@ational unit responsi!le for distri!uting certain
products or services and negotiating sales conditions. In SAP-
any num!er of distri!ution channels and divisions can !e
assigned to a sales organi@ation.
,-a)ple. 9'B(
Distri!ution Channel * The way in which products or services reach the customer.
Typical eamples of distri!ution channels are wholesale- retail
or direct sales. Cithin a sales organi@ation- in SAP- it is
possi!le to deliver goods to a given customer through more
than one distri!ution channel.
,-a)ple. (B
Master Data Course B(%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Division * An organi@ational unit set up to supervise the distri!ution and
monitor the profita!ility of materials- products or services.
SAP uses divisions to determine the sales area and the
!usiness areas. A product or service is always assigned to
"ust one division.
,-a)ple. (B
3! Clic. to view general data a!out the customer.
Display Custo)er. 8eneral Data "?ddress%
1! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
<ame * A word or group of words used to descri!e an entity.
,-a)ple. DIS<6,
<ame 2 The customerLs store num!er may !e visi!le on the %
line of
the <ame field- if availa!le.
Master Data Course B(>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Search term B/' * Short term used for searching.
The first field contains the customer name without
The second field contains the Q#A customer num!er.
,-a)ple. >>#+(('
Street/$ouse num!er 2 The street address and house num!er num!er of the
Postal code/City C CustomerLs @ip code and city.
Country * CustomerLs country.
,-a)ple. +S
*egion * CustomerLs state or region.
P. 2. #o 2 CustomerLs post office !o num!er- if applica!le.
Postal code C A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in
the sorting of mailJ sometimes referred to as M@ip code.M
Telephone 2 CustomerLs main telephone num!er.
4a 2 CustomerLs fa num!er.
2! Clic. to view company code data.
Master Data Course B()
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display Custo)er. Co)pany Code Data "?ccount )anage)ent%
5! Clic. to view correspondence information.
Master Data Course B(7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display Custo)er. Co)pany Code Data "Correspondence%
6! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description 2 Account cler.Ls phone num!er.
Cler.Ls fa 2 Account cler.Ls fa num!er.
Clr.Ls internet 2 Account cler.Ls name.
9! Clic. to view the sales area data.
Master Data Course B(9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display Custo)er. $ales ?rea Data "$ales%
:! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Customer group C Identifies a particular group of customers /for eample-
wholesale or retail0 for the purpose of pricing or generating
4or ship=to customers only.
A#C class C Is customer an 6DI customerR , for yes- < for no.
4or sold=to customers only.
Price group C 5rouping of price conditions for customer who share the same
pricing re?uirements.
4or sold=to customers only.
,-a)ple. 8; /2ver/+nder allowances0
Master Data Course B(:
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Cust.pric.proc C Determines which pricing procedure the system applies when
you create a sales document for a customer.
4or sold=to customers only.
,-a)ple. B /Standard0
0! Clic. to view partner functions.
Display Custo)er. $ales ?rea Data "Partner functions%
! The following are the types of partners1
Partner 'unction Description
SP Sold=to party
S$ Ship=to party
#P #illing partner
P, Payer
,B Q#A Company
Master Data Course B(;
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
&! ,ou have completed this transaction.
3! Clic. to eit this transaction.
,ou have displayed an eisting customer master in SAP/CSI.
Master Data Course BB(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create $hip<To Custo)er 7D0
+se this procedure to create a new ship=to customer master in SAP.
Perform this procedure when a new ship=to location is received for a new customer not in
Search for eisting customer !efore setting up new customer num!er.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics $ales and Distribution Master Data =usiness Partner
Custo)er Create Co)plete to go to the Create Custo!er Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Chen entering a new customerLs name in the customer master- follow these guidelines1
6nter the customer name as it appears on their formal purchase order form or letterhead-
using all capital letters.
+se alpha /A=80 and numeric /(=;0 characters only.
Special characters are not allowed /e.g.- dashes- slashes0.
+se one !lan. space in place of each special character.
+se KA<DL instead of KNL.
+se these a!!reviations following the customer name when applica!le1
?bbre4iation Description
C2 Company
C2*P Corporation
I<C Incorporated
ATD Aimited
** *ailroad
#AD5 #uilding
D6PT Department
Master Data Course BBB
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Create Custo)er. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Account group * Summary of attri!utes that control the creation and
maintenance of master records /such as general ledger
accounts0. The account group determines which data are
re?uired for the master records and the num!er range from
which you select the num!ers for the master records. ,ou
must assign each master record to an account group.
Clic. to select CSI Ship=to party.
,-a)ple. CSI Ship=to party
Master Data Course BB'
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Company code * Independent accounting unitJ in most cases is a legal entity.
,ou can prepare a !alance sheet and income statement for
each company code. Several company codes can !e set up to
manage the accounts of independent companies
,-a)ple. $6SB
Sales 2rgani@ation * An organi@ational unit responsi!le for distri!uting certain
products or services and negotiating sales conditions. In SAP-
any num!er of distri!ution channels and divisions can !e
assigned to a sales organi@ation.
,-a)ple. 9'B(
Distri!ution Channel * The way in which products or services reach the customer.
Typical eamples of distri!ution channels are wholesale- retail
or direct sales. Cithin a sales organi@ation- in SAP- it is
possi!le to deliver goods to a given customer through more
than one distri!ution channel.
,-a)ple. (B
Division * An organi@ational unit set up to supervise the distri!ution and
monitor the profita!ility of materials- products or services.
SAP uses divisions to determine the sales area and the
!usiness areas. A product or service is always assigned to
"ust one division.
,-a)ple. (B
3! Clic. to enter general data a!out the customer.
Master Data Course BB%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. 8eneral data "?ddress%
1! As re?uired- complete/review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
<ame * A word or group of words used to descri!e an entity.
4ollow the guidelines in the $elpful $ints section to
enter the customerLs name.
,-a)ple. T6ST S$IP=T2 C+ST2M6*- I<C
Search term B/' * Short term used for searching.
In the first field- enter the customer name without
,-a)ple. T6STS$IPT2
In the second field- enter the Q#A customer num!er.
,-a)ple. BB'':9
Master Data Course BB>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Street/$ouse num!er 2 6nter the street address and house num!er of the customer.
6nter the house num!er in front of the street name
and leave the second field !lan..
+se these a!!reviations following the street name
when applica!le1 ** /railroad0- *T /*oute0- ST
,-a)ple. %%% MAI< ST
Postal code/City C 6nter the customerLs @ip code and city.
,-a)ple. ;('B( #6F6*A, $IAAS
Country * 6nter the customerLs country.
,-a)ple. +S
*egion * 6nter the customerLs state or region.
,-a)ple. CA
P. 2. #o 2 6nter the customerLs post office !o num!er- if applica!le.
Postal code C A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in
the sorting of mailJ sometimes referred to as M@ip code.M
6nter postal code if P.2. #o was entered.
Telephone 2 6nter the customerLs telephone num!er.
6nter the main !uilding telephone num!er.
,-a)ple. )))=>%'=79:;
4a 2 6nter the customerLs fa num!er.
6nter the main !uilding fa num!er.
,-a)ple. )))=>%'=79::
2! Clic. in the (a)e section to epand the availa!le lines.
Master Data Course BB)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. 8eneral data "?ddress%
5! 6nter the vendorLs store num!er in the %
line of the (a)e field.
6! Clic. .
Master Data Course BB7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. 8eneral Data "MarBeting%
9! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
*egional * 6nter (.
:! Clic. .
Master Data Course BB9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. Co)pany Code Data "?ccount )anage)ent%
0! Clic. to enter correspondence information.
Master Data Course BB:
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. Co)pany Code Data "Correspondence%
! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description 2 Account cler.Ls phone num!er.
,-a)ple. :((=>>>=9:;(
Cler.Ls fa 2 Account cler.Ls fa num!er.
,-a)ple. :((=>>>=9:;(
Clr.Ls internet 2 Account cler.Ls name.
,-a)ple. Q2$< SMIT$
&! Clic. .
Master Data Course BB;
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. $ales ?rea Data "$ales%
3! As re?uired- complete/review the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Customer group * Identifies a particular group of customers /for eample-
wholesale or retail0 for the purpose of pricing or generating
,-a)ple. 7% /small enterprise0
1! Clic. to enter partner functions.
Master Data Course B'(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. $ales ?rea Data "Partner functions%
2! 6nter $H in the P' field.
5! 6nter #(T,R(?L in the (u)ber field.
6! Clic. to save the new ship=to customer master.
Master Data Course B'B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create Custo)er. #nitial $creen
The system displays the message- MCustomer 3333 has !een created for company code
$6SB sales area 9'B( (B (B.H
9! ,ou have completed this transaction.
:! Clic. to eit this transaction.
,ou have created a new ship=to customer master.
,ou can use transaction 3D(' to assign ship=to customers to eisting sold=to customers. Please
refer to instruction 3D(' E Change Customer Master for more information.
Master Data Course B''
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Change Custo)er 7D0&
+se this procedure to change data for an eisting customer master record in SAP.
Perform this procedure when you need to1
update or correct a customerLs information
add ship=to partners to a sold=to party
The customer master record must already eist in SAP/CSI.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics $ales and Distribution Master Data =usiness Partner
Custo)er Change 7D0& < Co)plete to go to the Custo!er Chane$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
In this wor. instruction- we will show how to add a ship=to party to a sold=to customer master.
To update a customer master record- please refer to wor. instruction 3D(B E Create Ship=To
Customer for more information on the fields that can !e changed.
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course B'%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Custo)er Change. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Customer * 6ntity to which the company sells goods or services. A
customer is signified with a uni?ue numeric identifier and non=
generic description.
6nter the customer num!er you want to change.
,-a)ple. ;((())
Company code * Independent accounting unitJ in most cases is a legal entity.
,ou can prepare a !alance sheet and income statement for
each company code. Several company codes can !e set up to
manage the accounts of independent companies
,-a)ple. $6SB
Sales 2rgani@ation * An organi@ational unit responsi!le for distri!uting certain
products or services and negotiating sales conditions. In SAP-
any num!er of distri!ution channels and divisions can !e
assigned to a sales organi@ation.
,-a)ple. 9'B(
Distri!ution Channel * The way in which products or services reach the customer.
Typical eamples of distri!ution channels are wholesale- retail
or direct sales. Cithin a sales organi@ation- in SAP- it is
possi!le to deliver goods to a given customer through more
than one distri!ution channel.
,-a)ple. (B
Master Data Course B'>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Division * An organi@ational unit set up to supervise the distri!ution and
monitor the profita!ility of materials- products or services.
SAP uses divisions to determine the sales area and the
!usiness areas. A product or service is always assigned to
"ust one division.
,-a)ple. (B
3! Clic. to enter general data a!out the customer.
Change Custo)er. 8eneral Data "?ddress%
1! Clic. .
Master Data Course B')
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Change Custo)er. $ales ?rea Data "$ales%
2! Clic. .
Master Data Course B'7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Change Custo)er. $ales ?rea Data "Partner functions%
5! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
P4 * Type of customer.
,-a)ple. S$ /ship=to0
<um!er * 6nter the ship=to customer num!er.
,-a)ple. ;(%)77
6! Clic. to save changes to the customer master.
Master Data Course B'9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Custo)er Change. #nitial $creen
The system displays the message- MChanges have !een made.H
9! ,ou have completed this transaction.
:! Clic. to eit this transaction.
,ou have changed an eisting customer master.
Master Data Course B':
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor Master 7C0
+se this procedure to create a vendor master record.
Perform this procedure when you have a new vendor you want to add to the system.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Materials Manage)ent Purchasing Master Data /endor
Central 7C0 Create to go to the Create +endor$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Chen entering a new customerLs name in the customer master- follow these guidelines1
6nter the customer name as it appears on their formal purchase order form or letterhead-
using all capital letters.
+se alpha /A=80 and numeric /(=;0 characters only.
Special characters are not allowed /e.g.- dashes- slashes0.
+se one !lan. space in place of each special character.
+se KA<DL instead of KNL.
+se these a!!reviations following the customer name when applica!le1
?bbre4iation Description
C2 Company
C2*P Corporation
I<C Incorporated
ATD Aimited
** *ailroad
#AD5 #uilding
D6PT Department
Master Data Course B';
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course B%(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
Do not enter anything in the /endor field. SAP assigns the vendor num!er internally.
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Company Code * Code representing an independent accounting unit. This is
the lowest level at which legally re?uired financial statements
may !e prepared.
,-a)ple. $6SB /Technicolor E Camarillo0
Purch. organi@ation * A purchasing organi@ation procures materials and services-
negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors- and !ears
responsi!ility for such transactions.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Technicolor M*PA0
Account group * A collection of account properties- which determine the
creation of master records. The account group determines
the data that is relevant for the master record and a num!er
range from which num!ers are selected for the master
,-a)ple. 89') /Third Party Fendors0
Master Data Course B%B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
The list of valid account groups is contained in the ta!le !elow1
5roup <ame
89') CSI Third Party Fendors
89'7 CSI Intracompany
89'9 CSI Ship=To
89': CSI Intercompany
3! Clic. .
Master Data Course B%'
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. ?ddress
1! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
<ame * Identifies a specific vendor /either the full name of the vendor
or the permitted/mandatory a!!reviations0.
4ollow the guidelines in the $elpful $ints section to
enter the customerLs name.
,-a)ple. 6<T6*TAI<M6<T F6<D2*S- I<C.
Search term B/' * Searcha!le term descri!ing the vendor.
In the first field- enter the vendor name without
,-a)ple. 6<T6*TAI<
Master Data Course B%%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Street/$ouse num!er * 6nter the street address and house num!er of the vendor.
6nter the house num!er in front of the street name
and leave the second field !lan..
+se these a!!reviations following the street name
when applica!le1 ** /railroad0- *T /*oute0- ST
,-a)ple. ))) *2D62 D*IF6
Postal code/City * 6nter the vendorLs @ip code and city.
,-a)ple. ;('B( #6F6*A, $IAAS
Country * Sovereign domain such as Singapore.
,-a)ple. +S
*egion * Code identifying the state- county- or province where a vendor
,-a)ple. CA
P. 2. #o C 6nter the vendorLs post office !o num!er- if applica!le.
Postal code C A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in
the sorting of mailJ sometimes referred to as M@ip code.M
6nter postal code if P.2. #o was entered.
Telephone 2 6nter the vendorLs telephone num!er.
6nter the main !uilding telephone num!er.
,-a)ple. )))=%:%=;;%B
4a 2 6nter the vendorLs fa num!er.
6nter the main !uilding fa num!er.
,-a)ple. )))=%:%=;;%)
2! Clic. in the (a)e section to epand the availa!le lines.
Master Data Course B%>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. ?ddress
5! 6nter the customerLs store num!er in the %
line of the (a)e field.
Master Data Course B%)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
6! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B%7
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. Control
,ou do not need to enter any information on this screen.
9! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B%9
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. Pay)ent transactions
,ou do not need to enter any information on this screen.
:! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B%:
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. ?ccounting infor)ation ?ccounting
,ou do not need to enter any information on this screen.
0! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B%;
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. Pay)ent transactions ?ccounting
,ou do not need to enter any information on this screen.
! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B>(
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. Correspondence ?ccounting
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description 2 Account cler.Ls telephone num!er.
,-a)ple. :((=;:(=B>)9
Cler.Ls fa 2 Account cler.Ls fa num!er.
,-a)ple. :((=;:(=B>):
Clr.Ls internet 2 Account cler.Ls name.
,-a)ple. #A*#A*A Q2<6S
3! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B>B
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. Purchasing data
1! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
2rder currency 2 Currency the vendor uses.
,-a)ple. +SD /+S Dollar0
5*=!ased inv. verif. * Select this chec.!o to specify that a provision has !een
made for goods=receipt=!ased invoice verification for a
purchase order item.
* Select this chec.!o to specify that evaluated receipt
settlement /6*S0 or the automatic generation of invoices
according to an invoicing plan is possi!le in relation to
materials supplied or services performed /respectively0 with
regard to this vendor.
* Select this chec.!o to Indicate that automatic evaluated
receipt settlement of return items is possi!le for this vendor.
* Select this chec.!o to ensure the purchasing document is
ac.nowledged !y the vendor.
2! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B>'
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. Partner functions
5! *eview the partner functions and verify they are correct. Ma.e sure there is a Partner 'unction
and (u)ber for /( /vendor0- #P /invoice presented !y0- and 8$ /goods supplier0.
6! Clic. to save the vendor master.
Master Data Course B>%
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Create /endor. #nitial $creen
The system displays the message- GFendor 3333 has !een created for company code
$6SB purchasing organi@ation 9''(.H
9! Clic. to eit.
:! ,ou have completed this transaction.
,ou have created a vendor master.
Master Data Course B>>
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display /endor Master 7C03
+se this procedure to display a vendor master record.
Perform this procedure !efore creating a new vendor to avoid creating a duplicate- or to view
information on an eisting vendor.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select Logistics Materials Manage)ent Purchasing Master Data /endor
Central 7C03 Display to go to the Display +endor$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course B>)
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved
Display /endor. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Fendor * #usiness partner from whom materials or services can !e
procured- or partner to whom amounts are paya!le for goods
delivered/ services performed.
,-a)ple. 9((((%9;
Company Code * Code representing an independent accounting unit. This is
the lowest level at which legally re?uired financial statements
may !e prepared.
,-a)ple. $6SB /Technicolor E Camarillo0
Purch. 2rgani@ation * A purchasing organi@ation procures materials and services-
negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors- and !ears
responsi!ility for such transactions.
,-a)ple. 9''( /Technicolor M*PA0
3! Select the following chec.!oes1
Master Data Course B>7
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Partner 4unctions
1! Clic. .
Master Data Course B>9
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Display /endor. ?ddress
2! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
<ame * Identifies a specific vendor /either the full name of the vendor
or the permitted/mandatory a!!reviations0.
,-a)ple. 6<T6*TAI<M6<T F6<D2*S- I<C.
The %
line of the (a)e field contains the vendorLs
store num!er.
Search term B/' * Searcha!le term descri!ing the vendor.
,-a)ple. 6<T6*TAI<
Street/$ouse num!er * The street address and house num!er of the vendor.
,-a)ple. ))) *2D62 D*IF6
Postal code/City * The vendorLs @ip code and city.
,-a)ple. ;('B( #6F6*A, $IAAS
Country * Sovereign domain such as Singapore.
,-a)ple. +S
Master Data Course B>:
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'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
*egion * Code identifying the state- county- or province where a vendor
,-a)ple. CA
P. 2. #o C The vendorLs post office !o num!er- if applica!le.
Postal code C A code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in
the sorting of mailJ sometimes referred to as M@ip code.M
Telephone 2 The vendorLs telephone num!er.
,-a)ple. )))=%:%=;;%B
4a 2 The customerLs fa num!er.
,-a)ple. )))=%:%=;;%)
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5! Clic. to go to the net screen.
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Display /endor. Correspondence ?ccounting
6! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description 2 Account cler.Ls telephone num!er.
,-a)ple. :((=;:(=B>)9
Cler.Ls fa 2 Account cler.Ls fa num!er.
,-a)ple. :((=;:(=B>):
Clr.Ls internet 2 Account cler.Ls name.
,-a)ple. #A*#A*A Q2<6S
9! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B)B
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Display /endor. Purchasing data
:! As re?uired- review the following fields1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
2rder currency 2 Currency the vendor uses.
,-a)ple. +SD /+S Dollar0
5*=!ased inv. verif. * Specifies that a provision has !een made for goods=receipt=
!ased invoice verification for a purchase order item.
* Specifies that evaluated receipt settlement /6*S0 or the
automatic generation of invoices according to an invoicing
plan is possi!le in relation to materials supplied or services
performed /respectively0 with regard to this vendor.
* Indicates that automatic evaluated receipt settlement of return
items is possi!le for this vendor.
* 6nsures the purchasing document is ac.nowledged !y the
0! Clic. to go to the net screen.
Master Data Course B)'
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Display /endor. Partner functions
! *eview the partner functions and verify they are correct. Ma.e sure there is a Partner 'unction
and (u)ber for /( /vendor0- #P /invoice presented !y0- and 8$ /goods supplier0.
&! ,ou have completed this transaction.
3! Clic. to eit.
,ou have displayed an eisting vendor master record.
Master Data Course B)%
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Change /endor Master 7C0&
+se this procedure to change a vendorLs information.
Perform this procedure when vendorLs record information needs to !e changed.
Menu Path
+se the following menu path/s0 to !egin this transaction1
Select the Logistics Materials Manage)ent Purchasing Master Data /endor
Central Change to go to the Chane +endor$ Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
Please refer to wor. instruction 3D(B E Create Fendor Master for more information on the fields
you can change/complete.
The screens within this transaction refer to vendors as Fendors. Therefore- any field
la!eled /endor within the transaction is actually referring to a vendor. Thus- the changed
information will update a vendor master reference record that defines the !rand name of
the product re?uired in a design.
! Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Master Data Course B)>
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Change /endor. #nitial $creen
&! As re?uired- complete the following field1
'ield (a)e R*+*C Description
Fendor * #usiness partner from whom materials or services can !e
procured- or partner to whom amounts are paya!le for goods
delivered/ services performed. 6amples of such
services/goods include15oods ac?uiredJ #usiness services
receivedJThe transfer of a right.
,-a)ple. 9((((B;B
3! Select the chec.!oes of the areas to which you want to ma.e changes.
1! Clic. .
Master Data Course B))
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Change /endor. ?ddress
2! As re?uired- ma.e the necessary changes. Please refer to wor. instruction 3D(B E Create
Fendor Master for more information on the availa!le fields for change.
5! 2nce you complete the edits- clic. to save the changes.
The system displays the message- MChanges have !een made.M
6! ,ou have completed this transaction.
9! Clic. to eit the transaction.
,ou have changed a vendorLs information in SAP/CSI.
The vendorLs master record resides in the purchasing view !ut is not the vendor source.
Master Data Course B)7
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$?P Modules
MM1 Material Mgmt
SD1 Sales N Distri!ution
PP1 Production Planning
?ccelerated$?P "?$?P%. implementation methodology- which see.s to standardi@e and
epedite a typical SAP */% implementation.
?d4anced =usiness ?pplication Progra))ing "?=?P%. set of >th generation development
tools to facilitate implementation of client/server applications- enhance
delivered apps or modify standard SAP modules.
?pplication LinB ,nabling "?L,%. supports multiple distri!uted */% systems that could !e
installed in separate physical locations.
application )odules. programs that support all of a companyLs !usiness transactions and are
integrated interactively to share related data.
application ser4er. centrali@ed or department server that has several or all the application
modules installed and support several user wor.stations. It may also serve as a
print spooler or gateway for communication !etween other servers.
?4ailable To Pro)ise "?TP%
=asis $yste). guarantees all application modules are integrated and platform independent.
Includes client/server architecture- application architecture and system
=ill of Material "=+M%
=usiness ?pplication Progra))ing #nterfaces "=?P#%. language=independent interfaces to
provide sta!le- standardi@ed method for third=party applications and the SAP
modules to integrate.
=usiness 'ra)e0orB. the future strategic direction for the */% products- which allows for
dynamic reconfiguration- reduced time for employment- etc.
=usiness ob>ects. customer orders- a vendor record- an employee report- etc.
Master Data Course B)9
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Client. A logical grouping of legal- organi@ational- geographic- !usiness- and/or administrative
units. The highest organi@ational unit
Client*ser4er architecture. principle of distri!uted processing that utili@es presentation-
application and data!ase servers.
Co)pany Code. A legally independent unit within a client that prepares its own !alance sheet.
The central organi@ational unit in financial accounting
Database ser4er. central computer primarily responsi!le for all data!ase echanges.
,lectronic Data #nterchange ",D#%. used to communicate with !usiness partners such as
vendors- customers- !an.s- etc. See ID2C.
8raphical Aser #nterface "8A#%
#nter)ediate Docu)ent "#D+C%. temporary structures for 6DI interfaces prior to conversion to
6DI message to !e sent to and from an eternal !usiness partner.
#)ple)entation 8uide "#M8%. an interactive model to help map !usiness re?uirements to
specific needs- handles automatic creation of recommendations for organi@ing
and implementing the pro"ect.
Dust<#n<Ti)e "D#T%. see Canban
Canban. from the Qapanese term for cards used in controlling inventory. Supports "ust=in=time or
small inventories. There are no safety stoc. levels.
Logistics "L+%. tools and reports to analy@e/manage the status- and ma.e forecasts a!out- the
supply chain. Includes engineering change management- environment- health
and safety- forecasting- etc.
Material Manage)ent "MM%. supports procurement and inventory functions for day=to=day
!usiness including inventory management- vendor evaluation- warehouse
management- invoice verification- etc. Activities that center around a MplantM or
other physical location.
Material Require)ent Planning "MRP%. plan and control inventory.
Matchcode. Chen entering data- you may not .now a field value and will need a list of values or
a matchcode to assist you. A matchcode is a tool used in searching for data
records- which are stored in the system. Chen you use a matchcode- you do
Master Data Course B):
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not need to enter information in every search term. 6ach matchcode has its
own matchcode ID.
+b>ect LinBing and ,)bedding "+L,%. provides integration of various personal computer
products such as MS Cord- 6cel and Access.
Plant. An operating unit concerned with production and planning or a com!ination of locations
with material stoc.s. The central organi@ational unit in materials management
Presentation ser4er. individual wor.station or personal computer that displays /presents0 the
icon or graphical user interface /5+I0 for logging onto the */% system.
2perating systems supported include Cindows- CI< <T- 2S4/Motif- 2S/'- PM
and Macintosh.
Production Planning "PP%. supports manufacturing activities such as repetitive manufacturing-
wor. centers- routing- !ills of material /#2M0- sales and operations planning
/S2P0- Dan!an- production orders- etc.
Purchase +rder "P+%
Purchasing +rgani3ation. 2rgani@ational unit that procures material or services and negotiates
purchasing conditions with vendors. *esponsi!le for procuring materials and
services for its assigned plants. +ni?uely allocated to one company code
Purchasing 8roup. Individual or group of !uyers responsi!le for operational tas.s for a specific
range of materials
$?P R*3. open client/server software system designed to manage !usiness information needs of
a company. The M*M in */% stands for real time. SAP stands for Systems-
Applications and Products in Data Processing. The */' system supported
mainframe applications.
$?PPH#R,. SAP Perennial $ighly Integrated */'=*/% 6change1 forum for SAP <orth American
customers- partners and SAP personnel to echange eperiences and
participate in educational programs.
$torage Location. The total of all storage !ins in a plant that are managed together. May !e a
warehouse- storeroom- or a specific location within a warehouse or storeroom.
Master Data Course B);
Thomson Technicolor & Copyright '(() All *ights *eserved

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