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Bi3m Allldi~' ei'fl Au.!I:ust Et m~8. in lP,i!;j~'b1!!~h" iPjI!iI. W' ~lJil3 2~'aoky. and Art!:l'Ni Warhol:i.

-----= -- -

GfI'ogster :·IEDUI

- _~!~~X~p~~~f .I·.~· I ~.

REi! glii s Ie r to E.OUI

Nickna,me is your user name

"', ", ....

gyl1Wf~~' IJali1!3fj B m 1200t EJ

f~ r1~~ I 'What is. '13 Iloig ster E EUJJ l'

I ~ 111: I c ~; COuMi'j ~

T\'pe-1IbI! .;~ $hown: ~I;~ii~~~~

For IEduca1tors:

.. .I!. 0; l'"Ei ~ tJv i3". dyn.a IT'.IC r :JI'ld fin ~.jj tt"'l) (fl g. t:JI 01.1 ti I) t·! t ":-i!I~rUl es Iea.flitl":s (!;«:Ilt~i'll rOI ~ ~'i!-il1I01'I~. l1'Cp~;; .:-1tP!j"!jII"!d in c~e: OIII1knt,. 0100 m;&.e!l. teoa>::!""J~ '3IIId 1l!¥I'Ii'1Q 1fI0Jeo ·I!J!"I •

... .I!. D""-'<!Ite ~n.;l $itlli j;'JiItl'qrm, mQft~.;I d r~!::It!f 1;1'1"

te~I'Ie6. T-e-ill!her!l OIloii'llttl me atlMlJIe!l or tI'Ierr

III ,a,;rn.c r ~ •

.•. A v.;]IUJ~lc t!SJclw"i!jl rod 'bh.:it .,toIlgr<llt..:~ Iiv~ o::o;re :i'Il;I)I;I.;t:; trII;;l\IdI'I!iI mith. ~~m;;oI!!. l"a$t.;.ry. oiIrt". ~t"9i-ili=>h'f, fi'luSlO:: ~fid IITI-Ne< for MNJdual IIi!-ilfrter porrr'iJlios. ul"4.qLHl" alterna lIve: .E!;~ __ ncnts, Jnd (!'((o3fl:intJatEl.;l iI'l,'.;truc;lJon~1 '3IG t'¥'MS,

Iklls~ nrU 110; '!IIi Qit'liiil'!l

Kii I ti I!: :S!I niIi I lib F'C!m.illiiIi O'I!U~

lJDiIied :5Irate--51

Foiig,liit, BI)[IiIlH;ililg,:tty Glo~!gili;g~


[lm m II lEI

'liji'I!91l:tSI!"ElRrilJ, ::! i:I~ ijI: [nil.."W!)

"'!lEW EP!!! GI\!JUJrfU

'GIOO!iitijillilii[!!!!!" ~;I d.a'j'.i! >!iI: (!i1I!lWI) I!I'E:ILP US; lHfI.;QVE GlQ.GS"IIlii8 EiDl!! m

'G!j'''W5itrtlllt:D!JJ, 10 fMi1Ii:.M MYPIF1J(J]Pj tR qtoo~tcf ,?pu ] $'


You can create up to 200 studenteccounts.

S~udentaccountnames (nicknames)will .censistof the prefix US": followed by a eombinetionof letters and numbers.

8::.!1.2IHIllnU!l".:I ~d


f~~ IB1!)~~ln~, 'iii)!' ~!J~


~'!II!!!Ii; ~.!oH

I Sturlent nicknames and , p as sword s are auto m af C a,lly

! generated and rnai led direcUy : to the e-rnall account used in

you r registration set up.

I Student rilcknames an. I passwords will aliso a.ppeai I on li,j ..... u r'te 'l:i .... h er d ~1'1"'''''' ~t'\d·.

I :'.' .~' v .. . :y ~,!I;;o .: ,·1' .. Q;;;!I IiJI V Q,I'I i

: under "messa,g_es".



.'. StudentGlogs

Sbudenv'/ .~ .

~~Hitcvl!!tl'. i ~~~ i!!i ~'ii_I') ~~.,.fiD~iLm"'_:

... II!:!I G!iog:;;tiNIE0W :i! od¥~~ Lt' (OOWI)

LJ _ IIl!EW EDU ';;.I!IlElR'fI'J1

, , Q

II!:!I G!iog:;;t;;:t1E0U ,I..n'I:ti

[I Ii:iI m,OC5T1iJj E1QU 2'JQ! mHUHl, 5;001\11

P.!I G!igiitc-dSIU1'. II)-w

~ iii ~ E'i= ~! .. ! em 'u ~l

~ - ~'

JA.dd MoreStutientsHer~

·HINT: Print two copies- one to /. cut and distribute to students; k eep second copy and write student name under lag,., in

., cJ' ,',

information in case student

los es cr forgets his1he r' co py. .'

./ .; .....

IN iiCkllilame: :spm'7wbn Pa/sswo(,d: p'iNgSlifIdhyO' .'

N idailarne: :~2dj4~k I?',a~~r: hS589dn'sS>2 IN id;~ame: :sSySdlue ~las~o~: 07'g1 dzs2nh

I CoPY and pa,s~e

. the nlcknames and p'a,~sword s - into '8, bl ank

'W' or ......... ocum .. "e·· nt

/""f ~ IlUv.,. ' "

enla.rge .the font size, and cut out in strlpstc "

eli stri b ute to students;


:1, ~knamf:i: spmi'1wbl'l P~O'r>d:: ,~!i!~h~

~. rMknril~:: sy.~.!i Ii'~Of{!j~ ~QllVl5:jh:a

1. Ni"dk,rn;]mll":: ~~~k Pit5-~ritfojj: i'J5>5i>9dfEn

,4,. r<Ii;;;kJTi!!mlJi:: ;ey.sdft~ P,it5-~¥IIOfd: i)i'i.~2fih

5:, Md~miJ1:: '~~~~ l'I.i315SwOld:' .....,p~eolc!;

'Iio, ~1'!a~i3!: ~m.jd;r!ilr P,MtwOM: ~Jh'S7~~~:i.

." ~!crIameo: '~~'j'a ~:!iiHwiYd:: rOg~'"""3'!k

G~o'g ster u ", E:DU

:fi"U;f )/'f'Lir;l.o;l! I '

1., Stu.dents gato ' 2. Students click: on LOGIN,/not REGISTER .. 3. Students enter the

generated nickname and

, .. -' i

n'5~~'w""'rd' .-,-~,~~ ' .. Ju. ":.

I 4. Student dashboantl r opens.

~,. Students click on. EDIT'· MY' PR.OFILE.

:sp 1l1 .. 7wlllililill • Onlra.r.

My dash board

G- -I' )"

I ~'"


o GMgJ .

110 .. __ ,~~


"', ~ ~

, .

I Student must type in full name 5(1 it appears o'ler hislher glo.g thumbnail

on the teacher's dashboa.rd.


s.pmlwbn ~

ForslB~ BI~gglng. try G!~ggirng!

'111!'!1~ 1!l!If~ii!!IiIi;i-'J:!1 w(!!II!!!,~ ;g~~~r'!!;!!n YQN!r P!!01u.e' i!!i~dI 'WI!~ M !.!!~ed! ~b:r iI't!Itlsde!i!!1 ~!JAmOSI!lS only.


"fe II ILlIG is omlethii n9 abc I!d: yo u "

EluU'id.JV: ~~h . ~ [n [3 1~~ [3 \ .

eount.y. lli'IIi.t<I StIIie~. _13 .

H~t~n: Students do not have to fill out this


--- ~

I Stude nt can crick on ACCOUNT SE~lINGSto cha.nge passwordtrom the generatedpa.ssword·.

My dashboard



SlI.ti').! 9i.ViI~ r~

1!50 '(NIIj. !,IfiII;t'd~"Tt~$

G! .. )


.m.;;..,h ••

Accou lilt s eHing,s,

if lSI.;!!; '10' diB,lIhlJX!iPJrdl J!I!J % !!i~ ~O\!f ~F!!e: ti1; fU-.::!'V

mit!! my j)fO'lih:

.emqNIliI: !5-:ttt100l1i


1. Enter generated password.

2. Enter new password and confirm.


elM AN(!l,1E PAS :5WO!R [II



Stili de'l1lts


Glqs-'IlerED!jl n li"iilOOte;~ Nkmi'+"l£D!L!;a+.:,Fsaw't;; t£r njd7tilWii

tP-II ,iil\g;n&riEDU" ::i!:!I dil~~ 'iI: rr:u::wl!}

The modified student account

IP.!II al'oo5ttrii!r,fDII.!,,:Ii Iffilflm

llliiil_' _' GWOSIEH: jliDilJ 1-0 OQi'!Iitli :SOOi'ti!

. . t.,. GIM5ttrii!ljIfD!I.!,,:l.0 IIDQI"!th5

lI:iI mlOome to G~:!@ .. 6DU LSI


C', "1·": k· h to ··· .. ·d·t· d···· .. I······!·· .' .

. '. " Ie "". ere 0 e· I, . e e .. e, or

~chan!,ethe passwC;fdof' a stude nt account

Kath e Sa ntl I1II 0 's stud e nts

chan £leta sort 3.1 ph3.betic3.11,

..,4 .


Stu d ent's N am e

Click EDIT to chan £Ie profile . ~. info.rma.tiGn

I ~ student account and I gl.ogs

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