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Sunday, 22 September 2013
Geography - Earthua!es
E"#$% &'"(ES)
" tremor * shoc! +a,es occur +ithin the earth crust +hen sudden forces ta!e p-ace in the earth
interior is !no+n as earth ua!e. .ue to this earth +i-- be shoc!ed for the duration of * period of
-ess than 1 min.
/ $he science +hich dea-s +ith the natura- impact of earthua!es is !no+n as Seismo-ogy.
/ %ere are 2 important regions in the structure of the earthua!e.
1. %ypocenter * 0ocus of the earthua!e) 1t is the p-ace * point +here earthua!e ta!es their
origin in the interior part of the earth.
2. Epicenter) 1t is the point * p-ace on the earth surface -ocated ,ertica--y abo,e the focus of
Earthua!e. 2ost of the destruction human -oss and property -oss ta!es p-ace around the
epicenter region during the process of earthua!e.
33 1f the depth of the focus of the earthua!e is -ess its impact on the earth surface is more that
means it +i-- cause most of the destruction on the earth surface.
33 .epending upon the depth of the hypocenter earthua!es may be di,ided into 3 types such as)
1. Sha--o+ earthua!e) 1f depth of the hypocenter is at 40!ms +ithin the earth from the surface of
the earth is !no+n as sha--o+ earthua!e. $hese are the most destruction earthua!es.
2. 2edium sca-e earthua!e) 1f the depth of the hypocenter is bet+een 40!ms to 300!ms in the
earth interior such earthua!es are !no+n as medium sca-e earthua!e.
3. .eep seated earthua!e) 1f the depth of hypocenter is more than 300!ms depth in the earth
interior then such earthua!es are ca--ed as deep seated earthua!e.
0actors responsib-e for the occurrence of Earthua!e )
Co--apse of the roofs of the ca,es
6o-canic eruption
$ectonic forces 7p-ate tectonics8
.epending upon the direction, ,e-ocity and intensity of the earthua!e they can be di,ided into 3
a8 9 +a,es 7primary +a,es8
b8 S +a,es 7secondary +a,es8
c8 5 +a,es 7surface +a,es8
a8 9 +a,es) $hese are the highest ,e-ocity seismic +a,es. $hey tra,e- +ith :.;!ms to 4.;!ms.
$hese are the 1st +a,es to reach on the earth surface. $hey can tra,e- through a-- the so-id, -iuid
and gaseous materia-s. $hese are a-so !no+n as -ongitudina- +a,es because these +a,es are
simi-ar to that of sound +a,es.
b8 S +a,es) $hese +a,es tra,e- from 3 to <!ms speed per sec. $hey +i-- reach on to the earth
surface ne=t to the 9-+a,es, thats +hy these are ca--ed as secondary +a,es. $hese can tra,e-
on-y through the so-id partic-es. $hese are a-so !no+n as $rans,erse +a,es because they resemb-e
+ith that of -ight +a,es* sea +a,es.
c8 5 +a,es) "-so !no+n as surface +a,es. $hese are formed due to the merging of both 9
and S +a,es and these are the most destructi,e earthua!e +a,es +hich cause hea,y human
and property -oss on the earths surface.
SES21C S%".>? @>NE) 9 +a,es. 1t is the region in the interior of the earth through +hich 9
and S +a,es do not tra,e- due to this there is no impact of earthua!e acti,ity in this region. $he
-andmass of "ustra-ia and a-so .eccan p-ateau region of 1ndia -ocated o,er this shado+ region.
%A9>CEN$E# 7>#8 05>? >0 E"#$%&'"(E) $echnica--y the origin of 9 and S +a,es at the
point * p-ace in the earth interior can be ca--ed as hypocenter * focus of the earthua!e.
/ $he instrument +hich is used to measure the intensity of earthua!e is Seismograph. $he graph
+hich is recorded by seismograph is ca--ed as Seismogram.
/ $he instruments +hich are used to record the amount of energy re-eased during the process of
earthua!e are 7a8 #itcher sca-e 7b8 2erca-i sca-e 7c8 #ossifasse- sca-e.
/ $he imaginary -ines +hich connect the p-aces e=perience eua- intensity of earth ua!e this is
!no+n as 1soseismic -ines.
/ ?or-d distribution of earthua!e ) $he distribution of earthua!e on the earth surface can be
di,ided into 2 maBor regions such as 7a8 Circum pacific be-t 7b8 2id-continenta- be-t * 2id
"t-antic "siatic be-t.
Circum pacific be-t) 1t is e=tending a-ong +ith the pacific coast near-y about C0D of the
earthua!e prone areas concentrated on-y in this be-t because these ta!es p-ace co--ision of pacific
p-ate and continenta- p-ates.
2id "t-antic "siatic be-t) Near-y about 20D of the earthua!es are concentrated in this Eone. 1t
runs from mid "t-antic oceanic ridge through Spain, 0rance, 1ta-y ,Greece, $ur!ey, Fa,astina ,
Gordan , 1srae-, 1ran, 1ra, "fghanistan, 9a!istan and passing through the %ima-ayan system
e=tending upto "ndaman and Nicobar 1s-ands. $he most earthua!e prone region in 1ndia is
%ima-ayan mountain system 7+hich are the %ima-ayan mountains, Si+a-i!s, %imacha-, %imadri8 ,
1ndo-gangetic basic.

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