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Guidelines for the Design

of Reverse Osmosis
Membrane Systems
Energizing Chemistry
1. System Design............................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Introduction of RO System ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 Material Balance of RO System ................................................................................. 3
1.1. Single!Module System ............................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Single!Stage System .................................................................................................. 3
1.1." Multi!Stage System .................................................................................................... 3
1.1.# $ass RO System ..................................................................................................... "
1.1.% $ermeate Blending &ith 'eed (ater ......................................................................... "
1.1.) $ermeate Recirculation .............................................................................................. "
1. Items of (ater *nalysis .......................................................................................................... "
1.3 Basic E+uations for RO Calculations ..................................................................................... #
1.3.1 (ater ,rans-ort ......................................................................................................... #
1.3. Solute ,rans-ort ......................................................................................................... %
1.3.3 Correlation of O-erating Conditions........................................................................... %
1." RO System Design .uidelines ............................................................................................... %
1.".1 'ouling ,endency &ith O-erating Conditions ............................................................ %
1.". Recommended Range of Element O-erating Conditions /Design .uideline0 .......... )
1.# Ste-s to design RO mem1rane system ................................................................................. 2
1.#.1 System Design Information and 'eed (ater ............................................................. 2
1.#. Selection of Element ,y-e and *3erage $ermeate 'lu4 ........................................... 2
1.#.3 Calculation of 5um1er of ,otal RO Elements ............................................................ 2
1.#." Decision of Reco3ery Rate......................................................................................... 2
1.#.# Decision of 5um1er of Stages ................................................................................. 16
1.#.% Decision of 5um1er of RO Elements -er $ressure 7essel ..................................... 16
1.#.) Decision of Element *rrangement ........................................................................... 11
1.#.8 Relations 1et&een 5ominal $erformances and 'ield Results................................. 11
1.#.2 Com-aring *ctual $erformance of 9e&a1rane: Elements to $ro;ection $rogram. 1
5otice< $lease note that the information and recommendations -ro3ided in this technical 1rochure do not claim to 1e
uni3ersally 3alid= in -articular> they are not meant to su1stitute> amend or su--lement the information and?or
instructions -ro3ided 1y the OEM of the RO mem1rane system and?or the facility o-erator. In fact> 9*5@ESS strongly
recommends to o1tain &ritten confirmation from the OEM of the RO system and?or the facility o-erator 1efore using
the chemicals descri1ed in our technical 1rochure> installation of the RO elements and o-eration of the RO
mem1rane system> and to 3erify the ad3ice and information -ro3ided herein in each case as to its com-ati1il ity
&ith the o3erall &ater treatment facility and RO mem1rane system.
!" System Design
!"! Introdu#tion of RO System
!"!"! Material $alan#e of RO
,he RO system includes a set of RO
mem1rane elements> housed in -ressure
3essels that are arranged in a design manner.
* high!-ressure -um- is used to feed the
-ressure 3essels. ,he RO system is o-erated
in crossflo& filtration mode> not in dead end
mode> 1ecause of the osmotic -ressure of
re;ected solute.
,he RO system is usually designed for
continuous o-eration and the o-erating
conditions are constant &ith time. 'igure 1.1
illustrates the material 1alance of a ty-ical RO
system. ,he feed flo& is de3ided to -ermeate
and concentrate flo&.
'igure 1.1< Material 1alance of RO system
!"!"% Single&Module System
*n RO mem1rane system consists of RO
elements arranged in -ressure 3essels. ,he
arrangement of the RO system can 1e single
or dou1le $ass &ith the s-ecific geometry of
the -ressure 3essel arrangement descri1ed in
Stages> and &ith -ressure 3essels inside a
Stage arranged in &hat is called an *rray.
Inside the -ressure 3essel> the elements are
connected se+uentially in series format &ith
u- to eight elements -er -ressure 3essel.
,he concentrate of first element 1ecomes
the feed to the second> and so on. ,he
-roduct &ater tu1es /center -i-e0 of all
elements are cou-led> and connected to the
module -ermeate -ort. In a single!module RO
system> the system reco3ery rate is a--ro4
#6A. ,his 3alue is a--lica1le to standard
single $ass sea&ater desalination systems.
,o achie3e the reco3ery rate of more than
#6A> concentrate recirculation is -erformed.
In this system configuration -art of
concentrate is recycled and added to the
suction side of the high!-ressure -um-> thus
increasing the feed flo& rate /sho&n in 'igure
1.0. * high fraction of the concentrate 1eing
recycled hel-s reduce single element
reco3ery> and thus> the risB of fouling or
scaling. On the other hand> it has design
issues that need consideration< larger high!
-ressure -um-> higher energy consum-tion
and -ermeate +uality decrease.
'igure 1.< Single module system &ith concentrate
!"!"' Single&Stage System
In a single!stage system> t&o or more
3essels are arranged in -arallel. 'eed>
concentrate and -ermeate lines are
connected to manifolds. ,he system is in the
same case as a single!module system.
Single!stage system is ty-ically used &here
the reco3ery rate is less than #6A> e.g.> in
sea&ater desalination.
!"!"( Multi&Stage System
Systems &ith more than one stage are
used for higher system reco3ery rates &ithout
e4ceeding the single element reco3ery limit.
Csually t&o stages &ill 1e a--lied for reco3ery
rate u- to )#!86A. ,o com-ensate for the
-ermeate &hich is remo3ed and to maintain a
uniform flo& rate to each stage> the num1er of
-ressure 3essels -er stage decreases in flo&
direction. In a ty-ical t&o!stage system
/sho&n in 'igure 1.30> the ratio of 3essel
num1er is <1 /u-stream< do&nstream0.
'igure 1.3< E4am-le of nd stage system
,he relation 1et&een reco3ery rate and the
stage num1er is as follo&s<
1 stage < D #6A=
stage < D )#!86A=
3 stage < D 8#!26A
!"!") % *ass RO System
* -ass RO system is used if a 3ery high
-ermeate +uality is re+uired. In this system
configuration> the -ermeate of the 1st -ass
RO is the feed of nd -ass RO. 'igure 1."
sho&s a schematic flo& diagram of the -ass
RO system. ,he concentrate of the nd -ass
RO is recycled 1acB to the feed of 1st RO
1ecause its +uality is usually 1etter than the
system feed &ater. *nd 1ecause the feed of
the nd RO is high +uality> the reco3ery of the
nd -ass RO can 1e as high as ma4imum
'igure 1."< -ass RO system
!"!"+ *ermeate $lending ,ith
-eed .ater
$ermeate 1lending is ado-ted &hen a
certain salinity of -ermeate is re+uested e.g.
drinBing &ater. In this case> some additional
system feed &ater /1lending flo&0 is taBen and
added to the -ermeate /sho&n in 'igure 1.#0.
By ado-ting this system> num1er of RO
element can 1e decreased.
'igure 1.#< $ermeate 1lending system of a t&o stage
!"!"/ *ermeate Re#ir#ulation
In the case that the feed tem-erature
greatly differs /e.g. summer and &inter0> the
feed -ressure should 1e changed to Bee- the
-ermeate constant. ,his change in feed
-ressure may cause -ermeate +uality
insta1ility. ,o -re3ent the insta1ility> a -art of
the -ermeate is recycled and added to the
suction side of the high!-ressure -um-
/sho&n in 'igure 1.%0> &hen the -ermeate flo&
is higher than the estimated 3alue. By Bee-ing
the feed -ressure constant> the -ermeate
+uality is Be-t constant.
'igure 1.%< $ermeate recirculation of a t&o stage
!"% Items of .ater Analysis
,he ma;or &ater ty-es treated 1y RO
mem1rane are roughly di3ided into sea&ater>
1racBish &ater> &aste&ater> munici-al &ater
and RO -ermeate. In addition> these &ater
ty-es are finely classified 1y the ty-e of
-retreatment /natural or artificial0. (ith
res-ect to ,DS concentration> 3#>666 mg?l is
considered to 1e the standard.
Eo&e3er> the actual ,DS concentration
may 3ary from )>666 mg?l u- to "#>666 mg?l.
,he com-osition may 1e -ro-ortionally
estimated from the standard sea&ater
com-osition /sho&n in ,a1le 1.10.
(hereas the com-osition of 1racBish &ater
and &aste&ater may 1e e4tremely &ide in
3ariation> and accordingly> feed &ater analysis
is 3ery im-ortant for a good -rocess design.
Because in 1racBish &ater desalination>
calcium car1onate and silica scale are
fre+uent occurrences> at least concentrate of
,DS> calcium ion> 1icar1onate ion /alBalinity0>
silica and -E 3alue are needed to design RO
-rocess. If the &ater analysis is not 1alanced>
!"' $asi# E0uations for RO
!"'"! .ater 2rans3ort
(ater trans-ort through the mem1rane is
e4-ressed as a -ermeate flu4. ,he flu4 is
generally defined as the 3olumetric flo& rate
of &ater through a gi3en mem1rane area. In
the case of RO> the unit of flu4 is e4-ressed
as liters of &ater -er s+uare meter of
mem1rane area -er hour /lmh0 or gallons -er
s+uare foot -er day /gfd0. ,he -ermeate flu4 is
-ro-ortional to the net dri3ing -ressure /5D$0.
the addition of either sodium ion or chloride
ion to achie3e electroneutrality is
Jv = A NDP
NDP = P 0.5
In &hich<
P = P
> -ressure
= (C
) (C
) > a3erage
osmotic -ressure differential
> -ermeate flu4> *> &ater -ermea1ility
/s-ecific flu40> 5D$> net dri3ing -ressure
> feed -ressure> $
> -ermeate -ressure>
> concentrate -ressure> d-> -ressure dro-
0> a3erage feed osmotic -ressure>
0> -ermeate osmotic -ressure
> feed concentration> C
> -ermeate
concentration> Cc> concentrate concentration
= (C
+ C
) / 2 > a3erage feed
5D$ is calculated 1y -ressure difference>
osmotic -ressure difference and -ressure
dro-. ,he a3erage feed concentration /feed
and concentrate0 is used to calculate osmotic
,a1le 1.1< Standard sea&ater com-osition
,he -roduct flo& rate can 1e o1tained 1y
multi-lying the -ermeate flu4 1y total
mem1rane area.
= M
the o-erating conditions influencing the RO
-erformances as follo&s<
Ion Concentration /mg?l0
Calcium "6
Magnesium 1>36
Sodium 16>886
$otassium "66
Barium 6.63
Strontium 16
Iron D 6.6
Manganese D 6.61
Silica .6
Chloride 12>866
Sulfate >%%6
'luoride 1.3
Bromide %#
5itrate D 6.)
Bicar1onate 1#6
Boron "!#
,DS /,otal Dissol3ed
-E 8.1 G 8. /!0
H-> -roduct flo& rate> M
> total mem1rane
= A

,he -ressure dro- is calculated 1y the
a3erage flo& rate /feed and concentrate0 as
= SP
/( J

In &hich<
dp = a {(Q + Q ) /
> s-ecific flu4 at o-erating conditions>
In &hich a and 1 are coefficients> s-ecific
for element and feed s-acer configuration.
,he 3alues for these coefficients are o1tained
!"'"% Solute 2rans3ort
Solute trans-ort through an RO mem1rane
is e4-ressed as a solute flu4. ,his solute flu4
is -ro-ortional to the concentration difference
across the mem1rane. ,he a3erage feed
concentration /feed and concentrate0 is used
in the feed side to calculate solute trans-ort.
*nd the rate of solute trans-ort is defined 1y
re;ection or salt -assage as follo&s<
> s-ecific flu4 at nominal conditions
> salt -assage at o-erating conditions>
> salt -assage at nominal conditions
> -ermeate flu4 at o-erating
conditions> /F
> -ermeate flu4 at nominal
,C'> correlation factor of tem-erature /1=
on s-ecific flu4> = on salt -assage0
SC'> correlation factor of feed
concentration /1= on s-ecific flu4> = on salt
''> fouling factor
= B (C
R = 1 (C
/ C
SP = 1 R = C
/ C
In &hich<
In com-uter -rogramming> estimated
-erformance 1ased on the nominal 3alue is
automatically calculated 1y using a1o3e
!"( RO System Design
> solute flu4> B> solute -ermea1ility> R>
re;ection> S$> salt -assage
Re;ection and salt -assage are usually
e4-ressed as -ercent.
!"'"' 1orrelation of O3erating
RO mem1rane system -erformance /flu4
and re;ection or salt -assage0 is influenced 1y
o-erating conditions such as o-erating
-ressure> tem-erature> feed concentration etc.
So the -arameters of RO -erformance
/s-ecific flu4 and salt -assage0 are re3ised 1y
!"("! -ouling 2enden#y ,ith
O3erating 1onditions
,he factor &hich has the greatest influence
on the RO system design guideline is the
fouling tendency of the feed &ater. Mem1rane
fouling is caused 1y -articles and colloidal
materials &hich are -resent in the feed &ater
and 1ecome concentrated at the mem1rane
surface. ,he Silt Density Inde4 /SDI0 of
-retreated feed &ater is an inde4 of the fouling
-otential of -article or colloidal materials in the
RO system. ,he concentration of the fouling
materials at the mem1rane surface increases
&ith increasing -ermeate flu4> increasing
f c
element reco3ery and decreasing concentrate
flo& rate. ,herefore the a3erage -ermeate flu4
of the RO system /total -roduct flo& rate
di3ided 1y total mem1rane area0 should 1e
lo& if a strong fouling en3ironment is
!"("% Re#ommended Range of
Element O3erating
1onditions 4Design
,he RO mem1rane system should 1e
designed such that each element of the
system o-erates &ithin the recommended
o-erating conditions to minimize the fouling
-ossi1ility> and to e4clude mechanical
damage. ,he limiting conditions are the
ma4imum reco3ery /system and element0> the
ma4imum a3erage -ermeate flu4> the
minimum concentrate flo& rate> the ma4imum
feed flo& rate> the ma4imum lead element
-ermeate flu4> and so on. ,he higher the
fouling tendency of the feed &ater> the limits
of the -arameters 1ecome stricter.
,a1le 1. sho&s the range of these
-arameters according to the ty-e of the feed
&ater and the ty-e of -retreatment. ,he
mem1rane -retreatment im-ro3es the feed
&ater +uality in 3ie& of the fouling. In the ta1le
the -arameter of mem1rane -erformance
changes &ith time is added /flu4 decline rate
and salt -assage increase0.
,he range of -arameters sho&n in the
ta1le is recommended 3alue to minimize the
fouling -ossi1ility> 1ut it does not mean that
the system design out of the -arameter range
is im-ossi1le. It means that the -ossi1ility of
the fouling 1ecomes higher.
trate -lo,
Dro3 3er
-eed .ater
-eed -lo,

D 3 I 3.% D 13 D .6 D 1# I 16 I 16
BracBish (ells
D "3 I 3.6 D 1% D 3.6 D 6 I ) I 16
Surface (ater
Media 'iltration
D 31 I 3.% D 13 D .6 D 1# I 16 I 16
Surface (ater
D 32 I 3.6 D 1# D 3.6 D 1) I ) I 16
Media 'iltration
D 12 I 3.% D 1 D .6 D 1 I 1# I 1#
D # I 3.% D 13 D .6 D 13 I 1# I 16
Media 'iltration
D 8 I 3.% D 1" D .6 D 16 I 16 I 16
D 3 I 3.% D 1" D 3.6 D 1 I 16 I 16
Beach (ells
D 3# I 3.% D 1# D 3.6 D 1 I ) I 16
RO $ermeate
D "8 I ." D 1) D 3.6 D 36 I 3 I #
,a1le 1.< RO system design guideline
!") Ste3s to design RO
gi3en. ,he 9*5@ESS recommended design
membrane system
flu4 3alues for 9e&a1rane RO mem1rane
!")"! System Design Information
and -eed .ater
,he RO mem1rane system highly de-ends
on the a3aila1le feed &ater. ,herefore> the
system design information /customer?OEM>
re+uired -roduct flo& rate> e4-ected reco3ery
rate> annual &ater tem-erature> &ater source>
a--lication> -retreatment> re+uired -roduct
&ater +uality> o-erating -ressure limit> etc.0
and the feed &ater analysis should 1e
thoroughly studied and considered in selection
elements are listed in ,a1le 1.. In some
cases> the design flu4 3alue is determined 1y
-ilot e4-eriment data or customerJs
!")"' 1al#ulation of Number of
2otal RO Elements
,he relationshi- 1et&een the num1er of
total elements> the -roduct flo& rate and the
a3erage -ermeate flu4 is e4-ressed as follo&
of the RO system design. If the re+uired
-ermeate &ater +uality is so high that the
+uality cannot 1e achie3ed 1y 1-ass RO
system> and then a -ass RO system should
1e considered. *s an alternati3e to the -ass
RO> an ion e4change resin system may also
1e a 3ia1le design o-tion.
!")"% Sele#tion of Element 2y3e
/ J
V ,ave
In &hich<
K total element num1ers
K -roduct flo& rate
7> a3e
K a3erage -ermeate flu4
and Average *ermeate -lu
*ccording to the feed &ater source>
-retreatment and feed &ater salinity> the ty-e
of RO mem1rane element is selected. ,he
relationshi- 1et&een the feed salinity and
general selection of RO element is sho&n in
,a1le 1.3. In the case that the RO feed &ater
is a &aste&ater> the lo& fouling RO element
may 1e also 1e considered.
K mem1rane area of element /as
sho&n in data sheet0
,he calculated num1er of RO elements
may 1e a slightly changed 1ased on the
decision of element arrangement> that is> the
num1er of -ressure 3essels and RO elements
-er -ressure 3essel.
!")"( De#ision of Re#overy Rate
9o& conc. BracBish &ater
/u- to #66mg?l0
BracBish &ater /u- to
< B(RO /9o& energy0
In an RO mem1rane system> a reco3ery
rate as high as -ossi1le is desira1le> 1ut a
high reco3ery rate can also cause some
#>666 mg?l0
< B(RO /Standard0
BracBish &ater /more
-ro1lems as follo&s<
than #>666 mg?l0>
< S(RO
$ossi1ility of scale formation increase
1ecause of the increase of
concentration factor
,a1le 1.3< Selection of RO element according to the
feed salinity
Once the &ater source> -retreatment and
RO element ty-e are fi4ed 1y the designer>
the recommended 3alue of the a3erage
-ermeate flu4 /also called Ldesign flu4M0 is
Osmotic -ressure increase 1ecause of
the increase of concentration factor
Concentrate flo& rate decrease
$ermeate &ater +uality deterioration
1ecause of a3erage feed
concentration increase
Re#overy Rate 1on#entration -a#tor
)#A "
86A #
26A 16
,a1le 1."< Relationshi- 1et&een Reco3ery Rate and
Concentration 'actor
,he relationshi- 1et&een reco3ery rate
and concentration factor is sho&n in ,a1le
Csually in 1racBish &ater desalination> the
reco3ery rate is decided 1y scale formation>
and in sea&ater desalination> 1y feed
-ressure limit. Some customers often re+uire
the highest -ossi1le reco3ery rate> 1ut in that
case> the 3alue of the reco3ery rate should 1e
decided 1y considering the -otential for the
a1o3e -ro1lems.
!")") De#ision of Number of
,he num1er of RO stages defines ho&
many -ressure 3essels are in series in the RO
mem1rane system. E3ery stage consists of a
certain num1er of -ressure 3essels in -arallel.
,he num1er of stages is a function of the
system reco3ery rate> the num1er of elements
-er 3essel> and the feed &ater +uality sho&n
in ,a1le 1.#.
!")"+ De#ision of Number of RO
Elements 3er *ressure
RO mem1rane elements can 1e cou-led
together in series in the -ressure 3essel>
ty-ically 1!8 elements -er one -ressure
3essel. In deciding the num1er of RO
elements -er -ressure 3essel> -lant size is
usually considered first. In a large!scale -lant
/I "6 m3?h0> %!8 elements -er -ressure 3essel
are usually ado-ted> and in a smaller -lant> 3!
# elements -er -ressure 3essel. In all cases>
the s-ace re+uired to install or remo3e the RO
elements should 1e considered in the -lant
By increasing the num1er of RO elements
-er -ressure 3essel> almost all RO design
-arameters &ill change. RO design
-arameters are a3erage -ermeate flu4> lead
element -ermeate flu4> concentrate flo& rate>
feed flo& rate> indi3idual element reco3ery
rate> and -ressure dro- -er 3essel> etc.. Some
factors im-ro3e /1ecome desira1le0 and some
factors 1ecome &orse /undesira1le0. ,a1le
1.% sho&s RO system design -arameters and
the correlation 1et&een an increase in num1er
of RO element -er -ressure 3essel> and
change in RO system design -arameters. It is
recommended that these -arameters are in
accordance &ith the design guideline /,a1le
1 stage system< D #6A
Csual reco3ery S(RO /D #6A0
stage system< D )#!86A
Csual reco3ery B(RO /D 86A0
Eigh reco3ery S(RO /D %6A0
Eigh reco3ery nd -ass /D 26A0
3 stage system< D 8#!26A
Eigh reco3ery B(RO /D 26A0
Eigh reco3ery nd -ass /D 2#A0
/s-ecial case0
S(RO< sea&ater desalination> B(RO<
BracBish &ater desalination
,a1le 1.#< Relationshi- 1et&een reco3ery rate
and num1er of RO stage
RO System
Design *arameters
Effe#t of in#reasing number of
8udgement of
the effe#t
*3erage $ermeate 'lu4 Same 5o change
9ead Element 'lu4 9arger Cndesira1le
Concentrate 'lo& Rate -er
9arger Desira1le
'eed 'lo& Rate -er 7essel 9arger Cndesira1le
$ressure Dro- -er 7essel 9arger Cndesira1le
$ressure Dro- -er Element 9arger Cndesira1le
Reco3ery Rate of Element Smaller Desira1le
Reco3ery Rate of System Same 5o change
5um1er of 7essel Smaller Desira1le
,a1le 1.%< Effects of changing the RO design
!")"/ De#ision of Element
,he RO element arrangement /array0
means element num1ers -er 3essel> 3essel
num1ers -er stage and stage num1ers -er
-ass. 'or the decision of element
arrangement> the system design -arameters
should 1e consistent &ith the design flu4
guideline. Eo&e3er> not all the -arameters are
suita1le to the guideline. In the case that not
e3ery -arameter is in accordance &ith the
design guideline> it is necessary to maBe a
-riority in the -arameters. Csually a3erage
-ermeate flu4> concentrate flo& rate and
-ressure dro- -er 3essel should 1e of higher
,o decide the array> se3eral calculations
for case study should 1e done 1y com-uter
-rogram and these results should 1e
com-ared. Some case studies should 1e done
&ith the consideration of different o-erating
conditions /feed concentration> tem-erature>
etc.0 or -erformance changes &ith time. 'or
each ty-ical case> a com-arison should 1e
done in consideration of 3alue of design
-arameter> the num1ers of RO elements or
-ressure 3essel> and satisfying the customers
demand /-roduct &ater +uality> limit of feed
-ressure etc.0.
!")"9 Relations bet,een Nominal
*erforman#es and -ield
,he relationshi- 1et&een nominal
-erformances /data sheet 3alues0 and actual
field results are as follo&s<
a0 (ith same mem1rane area and at the
same nominal test conditions> a higher
nominal flo& rate element &ill re+uire lo&er
feed -ressure.
10 *t different test conditions and ?or
different mem1rane area> feed -ressure &ill
1e defined 1y &ater -ermea1ility /s-ecific
c0 (ith the same mem1rane area> the
same nominal test conditions> and the same
-ermeate flo& rate> a higher salt re;ection
element &ill -roduce a -ermeate of lo&er
d0 *t different mem1rane area and? or
nominal test conditions> a lo&er relati3e salt
-assage element /multi-lier of nominal
-ermeate flu4 1y nominal salt -assage0 &ill
-roduce a -ermeate of lo&er salinity.
e0 ,he nominal -ermeate flu4 /catalogue
3alue0 is usually +uite large /large enough that
it &ill not cause mem1rane fouling0>
,herefore> the a3erage -ermeate flu4 in
actual field 1ecomes smaller than the nominal
-ermeate flu4.
!")": 1om3aring A#tual
*erforman#e of Le,abrane;
Elements to *ro<e#tion
,he 9e&a$lus
-ro;ection -rogram is a
tool used to estimate sta1ilized -erformance
for a s-ecific RO mem1rane system under
design or actual conditions. ,he -ro;ected RO
mem1rane system -erformance is 1ased on a
nominal -erformance s-ecification for the
9e&a1rane: elements used in the gi3en
system. * fouling factor of 1 in the -ro;ection
-rogram is used to calculate the -erformance
of ne& elements 1ased on the nominal flo&
rate /data sheet 3alue0. * fouling factor of D 1
should 1e used &hen maBing a design for
long!term o-eration.
In the actual RO mem1rane system> the
RO elements may ha3e a flo& rate 3ariation of
N?!1#A of the nominal 3alue> or &hate3er
3ariation is s-ecified for a gi3en element ty-e.
*lso> the salt re;ection of an indi3idual element
may 1e higher or lo&er than the nominal salt
re;ection /1ut more than the minimum 3alue0.
,herefore> the measured sta1ilized
-erformance is unliBely to 1e e4actly the same
as the com-uter -ro;ected -erformance> 1ut
as a rule of thum1> the com-uter -ro;ection for
RO systems &ith more than 3% ne& elements
should come close to the com-uter design
,he actual fouling factor of a sta1ilized ne&
RO system &ith at least 3% elements should
range 1et&een 6.2# and 1.6#. ,he actual
measured ,DS 3alue of -ermeate should 1e
no higher than a1out 1.# times the calculated
,DS 3alue. 'or RO mem1rane systems &ith
only one> or a fe& elements> the de3iation of
the measured actual -erformance from the
-ro;ected -erformance may 1ecome as large
as the s-ecified -erformance 3ariation.
Eealth and Safety Information< *--ro-riate
literature has 1een assem1led &hich -ro3ides
information concerning the health and safety
-recautions that must 1e o1ser3ed &hen
handling the 9*5@ESS -roducts mentioned in
this -u1lication. 'or materials mentioned
&hich are not 9*5@ESS -roducts> a--ro-riate
industrial hygiene and other safety
-recautions recommended 1y their
manufacturers should 1e follo&ed. Before
&orBing &ith any of these -roducts> you must
read and 1ecome familiar &ith the a3aila1le
information on their hazards> -ro-er use and
handling. ,his cannot 1e o3erem-hasized.
Information is a3aila1le in se3eral forms> e.g.>
material safety data sheets> -roduct
information and -roduct la1els. Consult your
9*5@ESS re-resentati3e in .ermany or
contact the Regulatory *ffairs and $roduct
Safety De-artment of 9*5@ESS Deutschland
.m1E or ! for 1usiness in the CS* ! the
9*5@ESS $roduct Safety and Regulatory
*ffairs De-artment in $itts1urgh> $*> CS*.
Regulatory Com-liance Information< Some
of the end uses of the -roducts descri1ed in
this -u1lication must com-ly &ith a--lica1le
regulations> such as the 'D*> BfR> 5S'>
CSD*> and C$SC. If you ha3e any +uestions
on the regulatory status of these -roducts>
contact ! for 1usiness in the CS* ! your
9*5@ESS Cor-oration re-resentati3e> the
9*5@ESS Regulatory *ffairs Manager in
$itts1urgh> $*> CS* or for 1usiness outside
CS the Regulatory *ffairs and $roduct Safety
De-artment of 9*5@ESS Deutschland .m1E
in .ermany.
,he manner in &hich you use and the
-ur-ose to &hich you -ut and utilize our
-roducts> technical assistance and information
/&hether 3er1al> &ritten or 1y &ay of
-roduction e3aluations0> including any
suggested formulations and recommendations
are 1eyond our control.
,herefore> it is im-erati3e that you test our
-roducts> technical assistance and information
to determine to your o&n satisfaction &hether
they are suita1le for your intended uses and
a--lications. ,his a--lication!s-ecific analysis
must at least include testing to determine
suita1ility from a technical as &ell as health>
safety> and en3ironmental stand-oint. Such
testing has not necessarily 1een done 1y us.
Cnless &e other&ise agree in &riting> all
-roducts are sold strictly -ursuant to the terms
of our standard conditions of sale. *ll
information and technical assistance is gi3en
&ithout &arranty or guarantee and is su1;ect
to change &ithout notice. It is e4-ressly
understood and agreed that you assume and
here1y e4-ressly release us from all lia1ility>
in tort> contract or other&ise> incurred in
connection &ith the use of our -roducts>
technical assistance> and information.
*ny statement or recommendation not
contained herein is unauthorized and shall not
1ind us. 5othing herein shall 1e construed as
a recommendation to use any -roduct in
conflict &ith -atents co3ering any material or
its use. 5o license is im-lied or in fact granted
under the claims of any -atent.
O 61 G *ll Rights Reser3ed
9*5@ESS Deutschland .m1E
9*5@ESS Deutschland .m1E
Business Cnit Ion E4change Resins
Chem-arB 9e3erBusen
#13%2 9e3erBusen> .ermany
Email< l e & a1ra n e P l an 4 e s s .c o m
Edition= Octo1er 61

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