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(i) GOAL :
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Medicine is to
have the knowledge, skills and behavioral attributes to function effectively as the first
contact physician.
(a) KN!"#$%# :
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
(') $iagnose co((on clinical disorders with special reference to
infectious diseases, nutritional disorders, tropical and environ(ental
(*) utline various (odes of (anage(ent including drug therapeutics
especially dosage, side effects, to+icity, interactions, indications and
(-) .ropose diagnostic and investigative procedures and ability to
interpret the()
(/) .rovide first level (anage(ent of acute e(ergencies pro(ptly and
efficiently and decide the ti(ing and level of referral, if re0uired)
(1) 2ecogni3e geriatric disorders and their (anage(ent.
(iii) SKILLS :
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
(') develop clinical skills (history taking, clinical e+a(ination and other
instru(ents of e+a(ination to diagnose various co((on (edical disorders
and e(ergencies)
(*) refer a patient to secondary and4or tertiary level of health care after having
instituted pri(ary care)
(-) perfor( si(ple routine investigations like he(ogra(, stool, urine, sputu( and
biological fluid e+a(inations)
(/) assist the co((on bedside investigative procedures like pleural tap, lu(ber
puncture, bone (arrow aspiration4 biopsy and liver biopsy.
& course of syste(atic instruction in the principles and practice of (edicine,
including (edical disease of infancy)
a. "ecture , de(onstrations, se(inars and conferences in clinical (edicine
during the - years shall run concurrently with other clinical sub5ects.)
b. 6nstructions in co(prehensive (edical care)
c. 6nstructions in applied anato(y and physiology and pathology throughout the
period of clinical studies)
d. 6nstructions in dietetics, nutrition and principles of nursing Medical and in
si(ple ward procedure e.g. should be i(parted during clinical concurrently.
iv) Attitude :
a. The teaching and training in clinical (edicine (ust ai( at developing the
attitude in students to apply the knowledge 7 skills he4she ac0uires for
benefit and welfare of the patients.
b. 6t is necessary to develop in students a sense of responsibility towards holistic
patient care 7 prognostic outco(es.
c. 8tudents should develop behavioural skills and hu(anitarian approach while
co((unicating with patients, as individuals, relatives, society at large 7 the
co, professionals.
Curriu!u" #$r T%e$r& Leture 'erie' ( Tut$ri)!' )*d LCD #$r
Ge*er)! Medii*e i*!udi*+ ,'&%i)tr&, T-. ( Der")t$!$+&
T#2M $&9 T6M# "#:T;2#8 T.6:
MN <,= *> 6ntroduction to Medicine

6nfectious $iseases4Tropical diseases
:ardiovascular 8yste(
%6T, "iver, .an.
:hest B Miscellaneous

8kin 4 8T$
#ndo B Misc B %enetics ( - "ectures.)
Nephro. B:linical Nutrition
Tutorial Medicine, 8kin, Tb, .sychiatry,
":$ Medicine ('> ) 8kin ' .sychiatry (')
":$ Medicine (D)
The above ti(etable is general outline to guide the planning of curriculu( at
college level. Aowever, fle+ibility (ay be e+ercised to the e+tend that there (ay be
(inor re,scheduling of course contents day,wise or ter(,wise. 6t (ust be ascertained
that the course contents are covered fully and total hours allotted for the sub5ects are
effectively i(ple(ented.
Note :, These are suggested ti(e tables. &d5ust(ents where re0uired,
depending upon the availability of ti(e and facility, be (ade.
(%eneral 6nstruction: ') T%e Leture' 8tated below shall cover knowledge about applied
aspects of basic 7 allied sciences, practical approaches in the (anage(ent of patients in the
outdoor 7 indoor settings as well as their (anage(ent in the co((unity. 8pecial e(phasis
shall be placed on preventive aspects, National Aealth .rogra(s 7 dietetics 7 nutrition.)
*) Duri*+ .r)ti)! te)%i*+ ( tr)i*i*+ i* /)rd', .$ 7 field works
proper e(phasis should be given to co((on health proble(s in addition to other diseases.
#(phasis should be given to learning of tacit knowledge 7 skills in diagnosis 7
interpretation of finding 7 "ab. data.
"ect.>'. : Aistory of Medicine.
"ect.*4-. : :oncept 7 ob5ectives of history taking. $iagnosis, .rovisional $iagnosis,
$ifferential diagnosis.
"ect.>/. : 8y(pto(atology of :ardiovascular $iseases.
"ect.>1. : 8y(pto(atology of 2espiratory diseases.
"ect.>@. : 8y(pto(atology in Nervous syste(.
"ect.>D. : 8y(pto(atology in %astrointestinal and Aepatobiliary diseases.
"ect.><. : &pproach towards a patient with ?ever 4 ede(a.
"ect.>=. : &pproach towards a patient with anae(ia 4 5aundice.
"ect.'>. : &pproach towards a patient with "y(phadenopathy.
"ect.''. : 6nvestigations ( Non, 6nvasive )
E,rays, ;8%
:.T. .4 M.2.6. 8can
8ecretions e+a(inations
.eripheral s(ear
"ect.'*.: 6nvestigations ( 6nvasive )
Cone (arrow
"iver biopsy
"y(ph node biopsy
"u(ber puncture.
"ect.'-4'/.: 2eview of co((on diseases in 6ndia.
"ect.'14'@,: 2evision.
"ect.'D.: #+a(ination.
"ect.'<4*>: Cuffer.
6nfections F types, Modes of 6nfection trans(ission, 6ncubation period
Aost defenses, 6((unity 7 6((uni3ation 7 Manage(ent including
"ect.>* : Giral hepatitis.
"ect.-4/41: Tetanus4 $iphtheria
"ect.@4D: Malaria
"ect.><: 2abies
"ect.>=: Typhoid fever
"ect.'>4'': %astroenteritis
"ect.'*: .lague 4 $engue
"ect.'-4'/: ( A6G ) 6nfection 7 &6$s.
"ect.'1.: #+a(ination.
Note :, The course contents in above topics should also cover applied aspects in
basic sciences like &nato(y, .hysiology, Cio,:he(istry, Micro, Ciology,
.har(acology, .athology, ?MT while giving training on :linical features,
investigations, $iagnosis, $4$ treat(ent 7 prevention.
"ect.>' : 6ntroduction
?unctions 4 anato(y 4 physiology and its applications
Garious ter(inologies used
"ect.*4-: Methods of evaluation
Non , invasive
"ect.>/ : &rrhyth(ias
:oncept 7 :lassification
.har(acotherapy in short
"ect.>1: :ardiac arrest.
"ect.>@: :.:.?.
"ect.>D: :.A.$.
&etiology and classification
:A$ in adults 7 its i(portance
"ect.><: 2heu(atic fever
"ect.>=: .resentation and hae(odyna(ics of various Galvular lesions including
investigations, $iagnosis, $4$ treat(ent 7 .revention.
"ect.'>: 6nfective endocarditis
"ect.''4'*: :.&.$, (:oronary artery disease)
"ect.'-: .ericardial diseases and cardio(yopathy
"ect.'/: Aypertension
"ect.'1: #+a(ination.
@ TA 8#M#8T#2
"ect.>': 6ntroduction to %6T
ral :avity
ral (anifestation of syste(ic diseases
"ect.*4-: esophagus
6nfla((ation, $ysphagia
"ect./41: 8to(ach
.eptic ulcers
:linical features
$4$ and (anage(ent
&cute and :hronic gastritis
"ect.@4D. 8(all and large intestine diseases
8ecretions 7 functions
M&8 Mal Fabsorption,syndro(e
Tuberculosis of &bdo(en
"ect.><: ;lcerative colitis 7 :rohnHs disease
"ect.>=: "iver.
"?T 7 their interpretation
"ect.'>4'': Aepatitis , &cute 7 :hronic
"ect.'*4'-: :irrhosis of liver
"ect.'/: %all bladder diseases
"ect. '14'@: .ancreas
&cute and :hronic pancreatitis
Manifestation and $4$ 7 treat(ent.
"ect.'D4'<: Misc. 7 2evision.
"ect.'=: #+a(ination.
"ect.>': &pplied &nato(y and physiology of 2.8.
"ect.>*: ..?.T. ( .ul(onary ?unction Testing)
"ect.>-: 2esp. 6nfection, .neu(onias.
"ect.>/: :hronic bronchitis and e(physe(a
"ect.14@: Cronchiectasis and lung abscess.
"ect.>D: Cronchial asth(a
"ect.><: Malignancies
"ect.>=: Mediastinu( and its disorders.
"ect.'>: .leural disease , #(phasis on pneu(othora+
"ect.'': .leural effusion.
"ect.'*: ccupational lung disease. 6ts concept and short review
"ect.'-: 2evision , ?ungal 7 .arasitic diseases
"ect. '/:2espiratory e(ergencies 7 6ntroduction to (echanical ventilators
C$!!)+e* V)'u!)r Di'$rder'
"ect.': &llergy , :oncept 7 hypersensitity, &utoi((unity
"ect.*: :ollagen disease.
"ect.-: 2heu(atoid arthritis
"ect./: 8ero negative arthritis
"ect.1: 2evision A6G , &lcohol related disease
"ect.@: #+a(ination
"ect.>': Aistory and introduction
"ect.*4-: .athogenesis and pathology
"ect.>/: 2ole of host related factors
"ect.>1: Microbiology of &?C
"ect.>@: :linical features of pul(onary tuberculosis and its investigations
"ect.>D: &nti F Tubercular drugs
.har(acology 7 8chedules of treat(ent.
"ect.<4=: 2esistant tuberculosis
.rophyla+is , $rugs 4C:%4 Tuberculin test.
A6G 7 TC.
"ect.'>: #+tra , pul(onary tuberculosis
.lural effusion
"ect.''4'*: 2evision
"ect.'-: #+a(ination
"ect.>': 6ntroduction
&pplied anato(y 7 physiology
Aistory taking in neurology
"ect.>*: 6nvestigations
"ect.-4/: :G$ ( :erebro Gasular $isease)
Types 7 its differential diagnosis
.redisposing factors
$iagnosis and (anage(ent
"ect.>1: 8..". (8pace ccupying "esions)
"ect.>@: #ncephalitis and (eningitis
"ect.>D: #pilepsy
"ect.><: :erebellar syndro(e
"ect.>=: .arkinsonis(
"ect.'>: .aripheral neuropathy
"ect.'': Muscle disorders in brief
"ect.'*4'-: 8pinal cord disorders
"ect.'/: :8?
?or(ation and absorption
8tatus in various disorders
"ect.'1: #+a(ination.
"ect.>': 6ntroduction
:ell line of he(opoisis
8ti(ulating factors
.hysiology and &nato(y of 2C:s.
"ect.>*: &ne(ias
8y(pto(s 7 signs in general
Casic investigations 7 its interpretation
"ect.>-: Microcytic hypochro(ic anae(ias
?e Kinetics
:4?, investigations of ?e deficiency.
Treat(ent of ?e deficiency.
$4$ , 8ideroblastic 4 thallase(ic.
"ect. >/: Macrocytic anae(ias
Kinetics of C,'* and ?olic acid
:4?, investigations and (anage(ent of C,'* 4 ?& deficiency.
"ect.>1: &nae(ias (continued)
Crief of :hronic infections and infla((ation
Ae(olytic anae(ias
"ect.>@: Ae(oglobinopathies
"ect.>D: Aypoplastic 4 &plastic ane(ia
$iagnosis and (anage(ent
"ect.><: 6ntroduction to !C:s.
&granulocytosis , &etiology 7 its significance
"euke(ias ( &M", &"", :M", :"")
"ect.>=: Manage(ent of leuke(ia
"ect.'>: "y(pho(as
AodgkinHs disease 4 NA" (Non,AodgkinHs ly(pho(a)
"ect.'': &pproach to a patient with bleeding disorders
.hysiology of.latelets
"ect.'*: Clood groups 7 Clood Transfusion 7 :o(ponent Therapy
"ect.'-,'/: 2evision
"ect. '1: #+a(ination.
"ect. >': 6ntroduction , Aor(ones
#ndocrine syste(
"ect.*4-: .ituitary
$isorders of &nt. .ituitary
&.%. 8yndro(e
$isorders of .ost. .ituitary
"ect./41: Thyroid
Aypothyroid state 7 hyperthyroid state
"ect.@4D: &drenal gland
&ddisonHs 7 :ushing syndro(e
"ect.><: Git. $. Metabolis(.
:a. Metabolis( and its relations to parathyroid
$iagnosis 7 (anage(ent of related disorders.
"ect.=4'>: $iabetes Mellitus
"ect.'': ?8A I A. estrogens .rogesteroneHs
6ts recognition and diagnosis
"ect.'*: Multiple endocrine,syndro(e and paraneoplastic syndro(e verview.
$iabetes incipidus.
"ect.'-4'/ : .oisoning
8uicidal 4 Ao(icidal 4 &ccidental
:he(ical 4 Ciological 4 :orrosives 4 $rugs
:oncepts of (anage(ent
pti(u( Carbiturate
"ect.'1: Ayperpyre+ia and Aeat e+haustion
: 4 ?. Types
.reventive (easures
"ect.'@ : #lectrical in5ury
"ect.'D: 8hock
.athophysiology 4 :o(plications
"ect.'<4'=: 2evision
"ect.*>: #+a(ination
"ect.>': &nato(y 7 .hysiology of ;rinary syste(
"ect.>*: 2.?.T. ( 2enal ?unction Tests)
"ect.>-: &cute %lo(erulonephropathy
"ect.>/: :hronic %lo(erulonephropathy
"ect.>1: 6nfections of urinary syste(.
"ect.>@: Nephrotic syndro(e
"ect.>D: &pproach towards co((on proble(
i. .roteinuria
ii. Ae(aturia
iii. 2enal colics
"ect.><: &cute 7 :hronic renal failure
"ect.>=: $ialysis , $iet , $rugs. 6n renal failure
"ect.'': #+a(ination
Ge*eti' 23 !eture' 4
"ect.' : 6ntroduction
"ect.* : :o((on genetic disorders
"ect.- : &pplication of %enetic #ngineering in Medicine
"ect.'': :oncepts of carbohydrate, proteins, fats, vita(ins and (inerals. Calanced
"ect.'*: .rotein energy (alnutrition.
"ect.'-4'/: Gita(in deficiency state
8curvy 4 Ceribery 4 .ellegra 4 Git.&
"ect.'1: besity 4 &sthenia
:o(plications and (anage(ent
"ect.'@: 2evision
"ect.'D: #+a(ination.
6 ntroduction of J Crain $eath and rgan $onationK topic in sub5ects of
.hysiology , .reventive 7 8ocial Medicine, .sychiatry, Medicine 7
2eco((ended Cooks :
'. AutchinsonHs :linical Methods by Aunter and Co(ford,
*. The .rinciples and practise of Medicine , 8ir 8tanley $avidson
-. Te+t book of Medical Treat(ent , $unlop and &lstead.
/. 8avillHs syste( of :linical Medicine , #. :. !arner.
1. .rinciples of internal Medicine , Aarrison.
@. &.6 Te+t Cook of Medicine.
5. Re#ere*e B$$6 2C!i*i)! Medii*e4 : 7C!i*i)! E8)"i*)ti$* i*
Medii*e7: Aut%$r: Dr. A. ,. J)i*
G$)!' :
The ai( of teaching the ;nder graduate students in $er(atology, 8.T.$. and
"eprosy is to i(part such knowledge and skills that (ay enable hi( to diagnose and
treat co((on ail(ents and to refer rare diseases or co(plications and unusual
(anifestations of co((on diseases to the specialist.
K*$/!ed+e :
&t the end of the course of $er(atology, 8e+ually Trans(itted $iseases 7 "eprosy
the student shall be able to :
'. $e(onstrate sound knowledge of co((on diseases, their clinical
(anifestations including e(ergent situations and of investigative procedures
to confir( their diagnosis.
*. $e(onstrate co(parative knowledge of various (odes of topical therapy.
-. $e(onstrate the (ode of action of co((only used drugs, their doses, side
effects 4 to+icity, indications and contraindication 7 interactions.
/. $escribe co((only used (odes of (anage(ent including the (edical 7
8urgical procedures available for the treat(ent of various diseases and to offer
a co(parative plan of (anage(ent for a given disorder.
S6i!!' :
The student shall be able to
'. 6nterview the patient, elicit relevant and correct infor(ation and describe the
history in a chronological order :
*. conduct clinical e+a(ination, elicit and interpret physical findings and
diagnose co((on disorders and e(ergencies :
-. perfor( si(ple, routine investigative and laboratory procedures re0uired for
(aking the bed,side diagnosis, especially the e+a(ination of scrapings for
fungus, preparation of slit s(ears and staining for &?C for leprosy patients
and for 8T$ cases :
/. take a skin biopsy for diagnostic purposes )
1. (anage co((on diseases recogni3ing the need for referral for speciali3ed
care, in case of inappropriateness of therapeutic response.
8tructures and functions of 8kin and its appendages
6nfections (Cacterial , :hla(idia, Mycoplas(a, ?ungal 7 Giral )
6nfestations ( #cto and #ndoparasites)
Nutritional disorders
&llergic $isorders
A6G 7 8kin
.apules0ua(ous disorders
:ollagen Gascular $isorders
.ig(entory disorder
$rug reactions.
2i4 GOAL :
The ai( of teaching the undergraduate student in Tuberculosis and :hest
$iseases is to i(part such knowledge and skills that (ay enable hi(4her to diagnose
and (anage co((on ail(ents affecting the chest with the special e(phasis on
(anage(ent and prevention of Tuberculosis and especially National Tuberculosis
control progra((e.
&t the end of the course of Tuberculosis and :hest diseases, the student shall
be able to:
') de(onstrate sound knowledge of co((on chest diseases, their clinical
(anifestations, including e(ergent situations and of investigative
procedures to confir( their diagnosisH
*) de(onstrate co(prehensive knowledge of various (odes of therapy
used in treat(ent of respiratory diseases)
-) describe the (ode of action of co((only used drugs, their doses, side,
effects4to+icity, indications and contra,indications and interactions.)
/) describe co((only used (odes of (anage(ent including (edical and
surgical procedures available for treat(ent of various diseases and to
offer a co(prehensive plan of (anage(ent inclusive of National
Tuberculosis :ontrol .rogra((e.
(b) SKILLS :
The student shall be able to :
') interview the patient, elicit relevant and correct infor(ation and
describe the history in chronological order)
*) conduct clinical e+a(i=nation, elicit and interpret clinical findings and
diagnose co((on respiratory disorders and e(ergencies)
-) perfor( si(ple, routine investigative and office procedures re0uired
for (aking the bed side diagnosis, especially sputu( collection and
e+a(ination for etiologic organis(s especially &cid ?ast Cacilli
(&?C), interpretation of the chest +,rays and respiratory function tests)
/) interpret and (anage various blood gase/s and .A abnor(alities in
various respiratory diseases.
1) Manage co((on diseases recogni3ing need for referral for speciali3ed
care, in case of inappropriateness of therapeutic response)
@) &ssist in the perfor(ance of co((on procedures, like laryngoscopic
e+a(ination, pleural aspiration, respiratory physiotherapy, laryngeal
intubation and pneu(o,thoracic drainage4aspiration
The broad goal of effective teaching can be obtained through
integration with depart(ents of Medicine, 8urgery, Microbiology, .athology,
.har(acology and .reventive and 8ocial Medicine
"ect. >' : Aistory and introduction.
"ect. *4-: .athogenesis and pathology
"ect. >/: 2ole of host related factors.
"ect. >1: Microbiology of &?C
"ect. >@: :linical features of pul(onary tuberculosis
"ect. >D: &nti,tuberculous drugs
,.har(acology 7 schedules of drug therapy
"ect. <4=: 2esistant tuberculosis
.rophyla+is , $rugs 4 C:% 4 Tuberculin test.
A6G 7 TC
"ect '> #+tra , .ul(onary tuberculosis
.leural #ffusion
"ect ''4 '*: 2evision
"ect. '-: #+a(ination.
Re'.ir)t$r& S&'te" :
'. &pplied anato(y 7 .hysiology of 2.8.
*. "ung function tests
-. 2espiratory infections, pneu(onias, fungus,
/. Cronchiectasis 7 lung &bscess.
1. Cronchial &sth(a.
@. "ung 7 .leural Malignancies.
D. Mediastinu( 7 its disorders.
<. .leural $iseases
=. ccupational "ung $isease
'>. 2espiratory e(ergencies.
Leture u" De"$' 2 Re'. '&'te"4
'. "ung function test and blood gas &nalysis and 2esp. alkalosis 7 &cidosis.
*. :hest bronchios e(physe(a
-. 8uppurative lung diseases
/. Cronchogenic carcino(a 7 other (alignancies with Mediastinal obstruction
1. .leural disease , pneu(othora+, pyopneu(othora+, .leural
".:.$. 6n T.C.
'. Aae(optysis
*. $rug resistance
-. TC 7 A6G
(i) GOAL :
The ai( of teaching of the undergraduate student in .sychiatry is to i(part
such knowledge and skills that (ay enable hi( to diagnose and treat co((on
.sychiatric disorders, handle .sychiatric e(ergencies and to refer
co(plications4unusual (anifestation of co((on disorders and rare .sychiatric
disorders to the specialist.
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
'. co(prehensive nature and develop(ent of different aspects of nor(al hu(an
behaviour like learning, (e(ory, (otivation, personality and intelligence)
*. recogni3e differences between nor(al and abnor(al behaviour)
-. classify psychiatric disorders)
/. recogni3e clinical (anifestations of the following co((on syndro(es and
plan their appropriate (anage(ent of organic psychosis, functional psychosis,
schi3ophrenia, affective disorders, neurotic disorders, personality disorders,
psychophysiological disorders, drug and alcohol dependence, psychiatric
disorders of childhood and adolescence)
1. describe rational use of different (odes of therapy in psychiatric disorders.
(b) SKILLS :
The 8tudent shall be able to :
') interview the patient and understand different (ethods of
co((unications in patient,doctor relationship)
*) #licit detailed psychiatric case history and conduct clinical e+a(ination
for assess(ent of (ental status)
-) $efine, elicit and interpret psycho,pathological sy(pto(s and signs)
/) $iagnose and (anage co((on psychiatric disorders)
1) 6dentify and (anage psychological reactions and psychiatric disorders in
(edical and surgical patients in clinical practice and in co((unity
Training in .sychiatry shall prepare the students to deliver preventive,
pro(otive, curative and re,habilitative services for the care of patients both in
the fa(ily and co((unity and to refer advanced cases for a speciali3ed
.sychiatry 4 Mental Aospital. Training should be integrated with the
depart(ents of Medicine, Neuro,&nato(y, Cehavioral and ?orensic Medicine.
$r ;
'e"e'ter ; !eture'
*. Motivation (including) frustration, conflicts etc.) #(otion (including (ind,
body relationship)
-. "earning (different types) (e(ory ( Types of (e(ory, cause of forgetting
/. 6ntelligence, e(otional Luotient including M.2. and sifted child.
1. .ersonality,$ifferent types with (ental (echanis(s
@. $ifference between nor(al and abnor(al behaviour. $octor,.atient
relationship and co((unication skills
I* 1
( <
Se"e'ter re")i*i*+ =; !eture'.
'. .sychiatric classification. $ifference between functional and organic
psychosis. $ifference between psychosis and neurosis.
*. 8chi3ophrenia including drugs and rehabilitation.
-. &ffective disorders including phar(acotherapy
/. &ffective disorders including non,phar(ocotherapy treat(ent.
1. &n+iety disorders,%eneralised an+iety, disorders, panic disorders.
@. .K.$. and .hobias.
D. 8o(atofor( disorders.
<. &lcohol dependence
=. .sycho,.hysiological disorders.
'>. 8cholastic proble(s.
''. Cehavioural disorders.
'*. 8e+ual disorders.
'-. .sychiatric e(ergencies including suicide and organic brain disorders.
'/. .sychotherapies including behaviour therapy.
6 ntroduction of J Crain $eath and rgan $onationK topic in sub5ects of
.hysiology , .reventive 7 8ocial Medicine, .sychiatry, Medicine 7
,)edi)tri i*!udi*+ Ne$*)t$!$+&
The course includes syste(atic instructions in growth and develop(ent,
nutritional needs of a child, i((uni3ation schedules and (anage(ent of co((on
diseases of infancy and childhood including scope for 8ocial .aediatrics and
(i) GOAL :
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in .aediatrics is to
ac0uire ade0uate knowledge and appropriate skills for opti(ally dealing with (a5or
health proble(s of children to ensure their opti(al growth and develop(ent.
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
(') $escribe the nor(al growth and develop(ent during foetal life,
neonatal period, childhood and adolescence and outline deviations
(*) $escribe the co((on paediatric disorders and e(ergencies in
ter(s of #pide(iology, aetiopathogenesis, clinical (anifestations,
diagnosis, rational therapy and rehabilitation)
(-) &ge related re0uire(ents of calories, nutrients, fluids, drugs etc, in
health and disease)
(/) $escribe preventive strategies for co((on infectious disorders,
(alnutrition, genetic and (etabolic disorders, poisonings,
accidents and child abuse)
(1) utline national .rogra((es relating to child health including
i((uni3ation .rogra((es.
(b) SKILLS :
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
(*) take a detailed paediatric history, conduct an appropriate physical e+a(ination
of children including neonates, (ake clinical diagnosis, conduct co((on
bedside investigative procedures, interpret co((on laboratory investigation
results and plan and institute therapy.
(-) Take anthropo(etric (easure(ents, resuscitate newborn infants at birth,
prepare oral rehydration solution, perfor( tuberculin test, ad(inister vaccines
available under current national progra((es, perfor( venesection, start an
intravenous saline and provide nasogastric feeding :
(/) :onduct diagnostic procedures such as a lu(bar puncture, liver and kidney
biopsy, bone (arrow aspiration, pleural tap and ascitic tap)
(1) $istinguish between nor(al newborn babies and those re0uiring special care
and institute early care o all new born babies including care of preter( and
low birth weight babies, provide correct guidance and counseling in breast
feeding )
(@) .rovide a(bulatory care to all sick children, identify indications for
speciali3ed 4 inpatient care and ensure ti(ely referral of those who re0uire
hospitali3ation :
The training in paediatrics should prepare the student to deliver preventive,
pro(otive, curative and rehabilitative services for care of children both in the
co((unity and at hospital as part of tea( in an integrated for( with other disciplines,
e.g. &nato(y, .hysiology, ?orensic Medici=ne, :o((unity Medicine and .hysical
Medicine and 2ehabilitation.
Leture' : 3
> :
Se"e'ter :
'. 6ntroduction of .aediatrics.
*. Aistory taking in children.
-. #+a(ination of :hildren.
/. Nor(al %rowth
1. Nor(al $evelop(ent.
@. 6ntroduction to newborn and nor(al newborn baby.
D. Te(perature regulation in newborn.
<. Creast feeding and lactation (anage(ent.
=. 6nfant and child feeding ( include co(pli(entary feeding)
'>. Nor(al fluid and electrolyte balance in children.
''. 6((uni3ation.
Leturer' : 5
> 1
> <
Se"e'ter :
'. Cirth &sphy+ia
*. "ow Cirth !eight Cabies.
-. Neonatal 2espiratory $istress.
/. Maundice in newborn.
1. Neonatal 6nfections.
@. Neonatal convulsions.
D. .#M and its (anage(ent.
<. Gita(in and (icronutrient deficiencies.
=. Nutritional anae(ia in infancy and childhood.
'>. &cute diarrhoea.
''. Aypothyroidis( in children.
'*. :ongestive heart failure , diagnosis and (anage(ent.
'-. :ongenital heart disease.
'/. 2heu(atic heart disease.
'1. Aypertension in children.
'@. &cute respiratory infections.
'D. Cronchial asth(a.
'<. Nephrotic syndro(e
'=. &cute glo(erulonephritis and he(aturia
*>. &bdo(inal pain in children.
*'. :hronic liver disease including 6::.
**. Aae(olytic anae(ia including thalasse(ia.
*-. "eukae(ias.
*/. Cleeding and coagulation disorders.
*1. 8ei3ure disorders.
*@. :erebral .alsy.
*D. :o((on e+anthe(atous illness.
*<. :hildhood tuberculosis
Ot%er Leture' t$ -e $?ered :
'. ?luid and electrolyte balance ,pathophysiology and principles of Manage(ent.
*. &cid,base disturbances , pathophysiology and principles of (anage(ent.
-. &dolescent growth and disorders of puberty.
/. :ongenital heart disease.
1. &cute respiratory infections, Measles, Mu(ps, :hicken po+
@. ther childhood (alignancies.
D. :oagulation disorders , Aae(ophilia
<. Mental retardation.
=. &pproach to a handicapped child.
'>. &cute flaccid paralysis.
''. Cehaviour disorders.
'*. Meningitis.
'-. $iphtheria, .ertussis and Tetanus.
'/. :hildhood tuberculosis.
'1. A6G infection.
'@. Malaria.
'D. Neurocysticercosis.
'<. #nteric fever.
'=. 6((uni3ation.
*>. .aediatric prescribing.
*'. :o((on childhood poisonings.
I*te+r)ted Se"i*)r T$.i' :
.ortal hypertension
2espiratory failure
2heu(atic Aeart $isease
$iabetes (ellitus
2enal failure
A6G infection
.erinatal asphy+ia ( with obstetrics )
6ntrauterine growth retardation ( with obstetrics)
Introduction of Intigrated Management of Neonatal And Childhood
Illness Topic in MBBS Syllabus
,re?e*ti?e )*d S$i)! Medii*e > C$""u*it& Medii*e
&. The teaching of 8ocial 7 .reventive Medicine shall place throughout the
teaching period.
C. ?ield e+perience in rural health is included in pre,clinical as well as during
clinical period
:. $uring the students attendance at various depart(ents which is now
re0uired under (edicine and surgery, such as infectious diseases. T.C.
"eprosy, G.$. etc. e(phasis shall be laid as (uch on the preventive as on
the clinical and Therapeutic aspects of these diseases.
$. 6n addition to the teaching undertaken by the depart(ent of 8ocial 7
.reventive Medicine, a 5oint progra((e with other depart(ents is
essential in order to give the students a co(prehensive picture of (an, his
health and illness.
#. 8tress shall be laid on national progra((es, including those of control of
co((unicable diseases and fa(ily planning and health education.
?. &n epide(iological units as an integrate part of every hospital in order to
achieve a co(prehensive study disease by the students should be
%. The ob5ective of the internship shall be clearly defined and that a proper
training progra((e is oriented for this period. b5ectives, and the
(ethods by which the internship could be (ade into a satisfying and
fruitful e+perience. 8harpening and for planning in this phase of education
shall be done.
A. &s regards the 0ualifications of the teachers it is highly i(portant that &ll
teachers in 8ocial and & preventive Medicine should have as far as
possible had ade0uate ad(inistrative e+perience in addition to the teaching
e+perience. They should also be encouraged to ac0uire skills in clinical
sub5ect specially related to co((unity (edicine.
6. .ractical 8kills : $ue stress shall be laid on the students ac0uiring practical
skill in the following procedures.
C$""u*it& Medii*e i*!udi*+ Hu")*itie'
2,re?e*ti?e )*d S$i)! Medii*e4
(.hase 6,66 and .art '
of .hase 666 M.C.C.8.)
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in co((unity
(edicine is to prepare the( to function as co((unity and first level physicians in
accordance with the institutional goals.
K*$/!ed+e :
&t the end of the course the student shall be able
#+plain the principles of sociology including de(ographic population
6dentify social factors related to health, disease and disability in the conte+t of
urban and rural societies.
&ppreciate the i(pact of urbani3ation on health and disease.
bserve and interpret the dyna(ic of co((unity behaviours.
$escribe the ele(ents of nor(al psychology and social psychology.
bserve the principles of practice of (edicine in hospital and co((unity
$escribe the health care delivery syste(s including rehabilitation of the
disabled in the country.
$escribe the National Aealth .rogra((es with particular e(phasis on
(aternal and child health progra((es, fa(ily welfare planning and
population control.
"ist the epide(iological (ethods and techni0ues.
utline the de(ographic pattern of the country and appreciate the roles of the
individuals, fa(ily, co((unity and socio,cultural (ilieu in health and
$escribe the health infor(ation syste(s.
#nunciate the principles and co(ponents of pri(ary health care and the
national health policies to achieve the goal of JAealth for allK.
6dentify the environ(ental and occupational ha3ards and their control.
$escribe the i(portance of water and sanitation in hu(an health.
To understand the principles of health econo(ies, health ad(inistration,
health education in relation to co((unity.
S6i!!' :@
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to (ake use of
The principles and practice of (edicine in hospital and co((unity settings
and fa(iliari3ation with ele(entary practices.
;se the &rt of co((unication with patients including history taking and
(edico social work.
;se epide(iology as a scientific tool to (ake rational decisions relevant to
co((unity and individual patient intervention.
:ollect, analyse, interpret and present si(ple co((unity and hospital base
$iagnose and (anage co((on health proble(s and e(ergencies at the
individual, fa(ily and co((unity levels keeping in (ind the e+isting health
care resources and in the conte+t of the prevailing socio,culture beliefs.
$iagnose and (anage co((on nutritional proble(s at the individual and
co((unity level.
.lan, i(ple(ent and evaluate a health education progra((e with skill to use
si(ple audio,visual aids.
6nteract with other (e(bers of the health care tea( and participate in the
organi3ation of health care services and i(ple(entation of national health
$evelop capabilities of synthesis between cause of illness in the environ(ent
or co((unity and individual health and respond with leadership 0ualities to institute
re(edial (easures for this.
C$ur'e C$*te*t :
Total hours of teaching in co((unity (edicine and Au(anities are -D@. The
distribution of the( shall be as follows.
.hase 8e(ester Theory .ractical Aours
6 6 7 66 -> ->
66 666 7 6G @< '-*
666 .art'
G6 7 G66 1> @@
C$""u*it& Medii*e 2,.S.M.4
Li't $# t%e$r& !eture'
,%)'e I 2=
)*d A
'e"e'ter4 3B H$ur'
'. 6ntroduction F #volution of :o((unity Medicine.
*. Aealth F $efinition, spectru( of health and factors affecting F indicators of
-. Aealth .roble( of !orld F ;rban and 2ural F 6ndian Aealth.
/. Aealth :are $elivery syste( in 6ndia F ;rban and 2ural.
1. $e(ography, $e(ographic cycle, .opulation trends F !orld and 6ndia.
@. ?ertility and factors affecting it.
D. ?a(ily welfare and .opulation control.
<. Medical ethics and $octor F patient relationship F :onsu(er .rotection &ct.
=. 8ociology and 8ocial factors effecting health.
'>. 8ocial .sychology F introduction, %roup Cehaviour, Motivation .ersonality.
''. #cono(ics and health.
'*. Aealth #ducation and :o((unication.
'-. Aospital Manage(ent.
'/. Nutrition and Aealth.
O :onstituents of food.
O ?ood and food groups.
O $iet planning and reco((ended dietary allowances.
O Nutritional diseases.
O 6odine deficiency disorders.
O $iseases due to vita(in and (ineral i(balance
O To+ins in the food.
O &ssess(ent of Nutritional status.
O #+a(ination
,%)'e II C 23
)*d :
Se"e'ter4 01 H$ur'
Ge*er)! E.ide"i$!$+&
The concepts of disease.
Natural history of disease.
#pide(iological triad.
$yna(ics of diseases trans(ission.
:oncept of disease control.
D De#i*iti$*, t&.e', "e)'ure"e*t' i* e.ide"i$!$+&, e.ide"i$!$+i)! 'tudie',
)*d !i*i)! tri)!, i*?e'ti+)ti$* $# )* e.ide"i.
D U'e' $# e.ide"i$!$+&.
D Sree*i*+ #$r di'e)'e.
D Di'i*#eti$*, 'teri!iE)ti$* )*d $*tr$! $# H$'.it)! )Fuired i*#eti$*'.
D I""u*it&.
#nviron(ental health
D I*tr$duti$* t$ e*?ir$*"e*t %e)!t%.
!ater in relation to health and disease.
&ir pollution and ecological balance.
Aousing and health.
#ffects of radiation on hu(an health ( 6oni3ing, Non,ioni3ing 7 Nuclear
#ffects of Noise on hu(an health.
Meteorological environ(ent.
8olid waste disposal.
$isposal of hospital waste.
"i0uid waste disposal
Medi)! e*t$"$!$+&
&rthropods of (edical i(portance and their control.
Bi$'t)ti'ti' 2T%e$r& )*d ,r)ti)!4
6ntroduction and uses.
$ata, Types, :ollection and .resentation.
:entering constants.
Measures of Gariation.
Nor(al distribution.
8a(pling (ethods and 8a(pling variability.
Te't' $# 'i+*i#i)*e.
8# of difference between two (eans.
8# of difference between two proportions
test. ( :hi,s0uare)
8tudents PtH test
, .aired .
, ;npaired.
8tatistical fallacies.
C$".uter' i* Medii*e
There use at all the stages to be de(onstrated. The students should use
co(puters in analysis and presentation of data
E.ide"i$!$+& $# $""u*i)-!e di'e)'e'.
Q &ir borne infections.
O #+anthe(atous fevers.
O :hicken po+, 2ubella, and Measles
O ?actors responsible to eradicate s(all po+.
D I*#!ue*E) )*d ARI.
O $iphtheria and .ertussis
O Tuberculosis.
Q ?aeco,oral infections.
#nteric ?ever and :holera
Cacillary and &(oebic dysentery.
Q 8oil trans(itted Ael(inths.
Q Tetanus
Q 2abies and other Giral Roonotic disease.
Q "eprosy.
Q "eprosy.
Q Malaria
Q ?ilariasis.
Q &rthropod borne viral diseases.
Q 8e+ually trans(itted diseases and their control.
Q &.6.$.8.
Examinations at the end of 3
and 4
2,%)'e III 20
)*d 5
Se"e'ter4 ;B %r'.
(Teaching in D
se(ester includes tutorials also.)
Q :o((unity develop(ent progra((es and (ultisectoral develop(ent.
Q :o(prehensive (edical care and .ri(ary health care.
Q National Aealth .olicy.
Q Maternal and :hild Aealth care.
Q #pide(iology of Non,co((unicable diseases.
Q ccupational health.
Q .roble(s of adolescence including $rug dependence.
Q %eriatrics
Q Gital statistics F sources and uses, :ensus, ?ertility statistics.
Q Manage(ent infor(ation syste(.
Q Mental health.
Q %enetics in public health.
Q Aealth planning and (anage(ent.
Q National Aealth .rogra((es.
Q 6nternational health and Goluntary Aealth &gencies.Tutorials.
#+a(ination at the end of @
and D
,%)'e I 2I
A*d A
'e"e'ter4 @ 3B %$ur'.
Fie!d ?i'it@
#very Medical :ollege should have ade0uate transport facilities to take (edical
undergraduate for field visits. 6n the phase 6 total '1 visits, each of * hours duration or
total '> visits F each of - hours duration (depending on distances ) are to be planned
by the depart(ents of co((unity (edicine. The broad outline of place for
educational field visits is given below.
Q Aospital visits (...$., :asualty, 6((uni3ation clinic, different
wards, Kitchen, ?! :entre, ..., Clood Cank, 8terili3ation section,
6nfectious disease ward, Minor operation theatre, etc.)
Q 2ural Aealth Training :entre.
Q .ri(ary Aealth :entre.
Q ;rban Aealth :entre.
Q $istrict Aealth ffice ($A).
Q $istrict Training Tea( ($TT)46#: Cureau.
Q $istrict Tuberculosis :entre.
Q .ublic Aealth "aboratory.
Q $istrict Malaria ffice.
Q 2e(and Ao(e.
Q 2ehabilitation :entre.
Se"e'ter, I
C!i*i)! ,$'ti*+ @ 00 %$ur'.
"ecture F :u( F $e(onstration, at appropriate places
SN T$.i De"$*'tr)ti$*
Gisit to ;rban 4 2ural health
Training :entre.
?unctions of ;A:4 2AT:
Manpower 7 $uty arrange(ents
* 6((uni3ation .rogra((e 6 (de(onstration)
- 6((uni3ation .rogra((e 66 ( :old :hain)
/ :are of &N: (other $e(onstration of &ntenatal case
1 :are of 6nfant $e(onstration of case
@ .ost,natal case of (other4child. $e(onstration of case
D :ontraceptive devices 8ituation to be given and se+ education.
< #+clusive breast feeding Gisit to Caby ?riendly Aospital
= !eaning foods $e(onstration
'> Nutritional de(onstration #+plain nutritive values of 6ndian foodstuff
'' Nutritional assess(ent $e(onstration
'* &nthropo(etric (easure(ents $e(onstration
Nutritional deficiency
!ith &4G aids or case, 2oad to Aealth
'/ .rotein #nergy Malnutrition !ith &4G aids or case, 28 preparation
$iarrhoea as a co((unity
health proble(
!ith &4G aids or case
&26 as a co((unity health
!ith &4G aids or case
'D #le(entary essential drugs Gisit to drug store, 6nventory control
'< #+a(ination
Se"e'ter A
C!i*i)! ,$'ti*+ @ 00 %$ur'.
The board guidelines for planning progra((es are as follows.
') .osting for fa(ily care study , @ days
Q .rinciple of clinical epide(iology
Q Morbidity 8urvey.
Q $ata analysis and presentation.
*) .osting for 8chool Aealth , @ days
Q Aealth check,up of school children.
Q $ata analysis and presentation.
Q Aealth education activities in the school by the students.
-) Gisit to anganwadi and 6:$8 sche(e block , * days
/) Gisit to Ao(e for aged and discussion , * days
on geriatric health proble(s
1) 8tudentsH se(inars on topics like , 1 days
Q $isaster (anage(ent
Q 2oad traffic accidents
Q .opulation e+plosion etc.
@) #+a(inations , - days.
,%)'e III 20
)*d 5
C!i*i)! ,$'ti*+ @ 00 %$ur'.
.osting : :linical case presentation by students
'. 6ntroduction to infectious diseases F history taking
*. #+anthe(atous fever.
-. $iarrhoea 4 :holera 4 $ysentery.
/. Tuberculosis
1. "eprosy.
@. $og F bite case.
D. Tetanus.
<. .; 4 #nteric fever 4 Malaria.
=. 8.T.$. 4 &6$8.
'>. Aepatitis
''. 6ntroduction to non, co((unicable diseases.
Q 2heu(atic heart disease.
Q :ancer.
Q besity 4 diabetes.
Theory F*> (arks and practical *> (arks. The students (ust secure at least
1>S , (arks of the total (arks fi+ed for internal assess(ent in the sub5ect in order to
clear the sub5ect.

6) Theory
') -
8e(ester 1> Marks
*) /
8e(ester 1> Marks
-) @
8e(ester1> Marks
Total '1> Marks :onverted it to out of '> (arks
/) .reli( e+a(. Theory .aper 6 , @> Marks
.aper 66 , @> Marks
Total '*> Marks,
:onvert it to out of '> (arks
Total Theory 6nternal &ssess(ent (arks will be *>.
66) .racticals ,
') '
:linical rotation e+a(. , -
8e(ester , 1> Marks
*) *
:linical rotation e+a(. , /

8e(ester , 1> Marks
-) -
:linical rotation e+a(. , @

8e(ester , 1> Marks
Total '1> Marks
:onvert it to out of '> (arks
/) .reli( e+a(. , /> Marks
'> Marks for Mournals
Total 1> Marks
:onvert it to out of '> (arks
Total .ractical 6nternal &ssess(ent (arks will be *>.
I*tr$duti$* $# G Br)i* De)t% )*d Or+)* D$*)ti$*H t$.i i*
'u-Iet' $# ,%&'i$!$+& , ,re?e*ti?e ( S$i)! Medii*e, ,'&%i)tr&,
Medii*e ( Sur+er&
I*tr$duti$* O# GBi$@Medi)! 9)'teH t$.i i* 'u-Iet $#
Mir$-i$!$+& ( ,re?e*ti?e ( S$i)! Medii*e
Introduction of Intigrated Management of Neonatal And Childhood
Illness Topic in MBBS Syllabus
'. Te+t book of :o((unity Medicine, Kulkarni &... and Caride M...
*. .arkHs Te+tbook of .reventive and 8ocial Medicine, .ark
-. .rinciples of .reventive and 8ocial Medicine, K. Maha5an
/. Te+tbook of :o((unity Medicine, C. 8hridhar 2ao.
1. #ssentials of :o((unity Medicine, 8uresh :handra.
@. Te+tbook of Ciostatistics, C. K. Maha5an
D. 2eview in :o((unity Medicine, G.2. 8heshu Cabu.
1. Re#ere*e B$$6 #$r C$""u*it& Medii*e: 7,ri*i.!e' )*d .r)tie $#
Bi$'t)ti'ti'7, Aut%$r: Dr. J.V. Di8it
#pide(iology and Manage(ent for health care for all ..G. 8athe and &... 8athe.
#ssentials of .reventive Medicine ... %hai and .iyush %upta.
Re$rd B$$6 :
') The case records will have to be entered in a record book separately
for %eneral Medicine , for .aediatrics and for .8M.
*) 6n the record book of %eneral Medicine, nu(ber of case records for
Medicine shall be '*, for 8kin 7 G.$. 7 "eprosy shall be -, for
.sychiatry shall be * and for :hest 7 TC shall be - cases.
-) The certificate of satisfactory co(pletion of all :linical postings will
be entered based on si(ilar certificates fro( all postings in all the
above sub5ects.
/) 6n addition, details of the (arks secured in the posting ending
e+a(ination shall be entered on the second page on which the
calculations of the internal assess(ents shall also be stated. 2ecord
book will not carry any (arks but its satisfactory co(pletion will be a
prere0uisite for appearing in e+a(ination.
University Examinations in Medicine and Allied Subjects at a lance
Theory * papers of @> (arks each T '*> (arks
,).er I , %eneral Medicine
,).er II , %eneral Medicine(6ncluding .sychiatry, $er(atology, 8T$
shall contain one 0uestion on basic sciences and allied sub5ect.)
ral (viva) interpretation of E,2ay, #:% etc. T *> (arks
:linical (Cedside) T '>> (arks
6nternal &ssess(ent T @> (arks
(Theory -> Marks, .ractical -> Marks)
%rand Total T ->> (arks
,AEDIATRICS :@ (6ncluding Neonatology)
Theory F ne paper T /> (arks
(8hall include one 0uestion on basic sciences 7 allied sub5ects)
ral (Giva) T '> (arks
:linical T -> (arks
6nternal &ssess(ent T *> (arks
(Theory '> Marks, .ractical '> Marks )
%rand Total T '>> (arks

Theory * papers of @> (arks each T '*> (arks
6ncludes proble(s showing applied aspects of (anage(ent at pri(ary level
including essential drugs, occupational (agro based) diseases rehabilitation
and social aspects of co((unity.
ral (Giva) T '> (arks
.ractical 4.ro5ect evaluation T -> (arks
6nternal &ssess(ent T /> (arks
(Theory *> Marks, .ractical *> Marks)
%rand Total T *>> (arks

:riteria of passing in various sub5ects at 666 MCC8 #+a(ination
8N 8ub5ect Theory .aper .4 ral4
.ractical 4 6nternal
Marks in
each of the
re0uired to
pass in
each part of
any sub5ect
re0uired to
pass in each
sub5ect out
>') :o((unity
a) Theory .aper , 6 @>
.aper , 66 @>
b) ral '>
c) .ractical -> '1
d) 6nternal
Theory *>
.ractical *> *>
>*) %eneral
a) Theory .aper 6 @>
.aper 66 @>
b ) ral *>
c) .ractical '>> 1>
d) 6nternal
Theory ->
.ractical ->
>-) .aediatrics a) Theory .aper /> *>
b ) ral '>
c) .ractical -> '1
d) 6nternal
Theory '>
.ractical '> '>
It i' $".u!'$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&.
6t is (andatory to obtain 1>S (arks in theoryBviva4oral.
2 T%e FreFue*& ( $t%er det)i!' $# I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t E8)"i*)ti$*'
'%)!! -e )' 't)ted i* iru!)r d)ted =;>BA>B= t)-!e *$ III ( IV. $# Ge*er)!
Guide!i*e' #$r U.G. te)%i*+ ( tr)i*i*+ ( I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t. ,)''i*+ i*
I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t i' .rereFui'ite #$r e!i+i-i!it& t$ !e)r t%e 'u-Iet. F$r
.)''i*+ i* I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t 'tude*t '%$u!d 'eure "i*i"u" 3B $ut $# 0B
")r6' 2t%e$r& ( .r)ti)! $"-i*ed4
T%e I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t E8)"i*)ti$* '%)!! $*'i't $# $*e !i*i)! )'e
.)ired /it% ?i?)@?$e #$r t%e .eri$di)! te't'. H$/e?er, t%e .re!i"i*)r&
e8)"i*)ti$* '%)!! -e )rried $ut i* ) .)tter* 'i"i!)r t$ #i*)! U*i?er'it&
U*i?er'it& 2Fi*)!4 E8)" : Ge*er)! Medii*e
.aper 6 (@> Marks) Ti(e - hours. .aper 66 (@> Marks) Ti(e - hours.
Seti$* A C M)r6' =;
M:Ls F -> 6te(s each of U (ark
Ti(e -> (inutes
(8hall cover whole course syllabus stated
in 8ection C and : of .aper 6 below
Seti$* A C M)r6' =;
M:Ls -> 6te(s each of U (ark
Ma+i(u( ti(e -> (inutes
(8hall cover whole course syllabus stated
in 8ection C and : of .aper 6 below
Seti$* B C 2T$t)! M)r6' A;4
Two long 0uestions
#ach of < (arks 7
- 8hort &nswer Luestions of - (arks
each. (- out of 1 8&Ls by choice. n
course contents of ,
:ardiovascular 8yste(, %astrointestinal
8yste(, Aepatobiliary 8yste( 7
.ancreas, Aae(atology,Aae(ato,
oncology7 %enetics
Seti$* B C 2T$t)! M)r6' A;4
Two long Questions eac o! " #ar$s an%
- short answer 0uestions (out of 1 8&Ls)
on course contents of
Neurology, .sychiatry, $er(atology,
GeneroleprologyV 7 :ollagen $isorders
Seti$* C C 2T$t)! M)r6' AB4
ne long Luestion of < (arks and / (out
of si+) 8&Ls of - (arks each on course
contents of #ndocrinology, infectious
diseases4Tropical $isease, Miscellaneous
Seti$* C C 2T$t)! M)r6' AB 4
ne long 0uestion of < (arks and / (out
of si+) 8&Ls of - (arks each on course
contents on 2espiratory $iseases,
Tuberculosis 7 :linical Nutrition and
The Ma+ Ti(e for 8ection C 7 : shall be
of * hrs. B -> (inutes
The Ma+ ti(e for section C and : shall be
of * hrs. and -> (inutes
M:L 8ection & shall be given to the candidates in the beginning of e+a(ination.
&fter -> (in. section & will be collected following which C 7 : shall be given. The
ti(e given 8ection C 7 : together is two and half hours. This applies to paper 6 7
( one of the short answer 0uestions shall be on basic 7 allied sciences.)
Fi*)! U*i?er'it& E8)" : ,r)ti)! E8)" :
8hall co(prise of total '*> (arks . with divisions as below :,
(&) :linical Ced side :
ne "ong case , 1> Marks "ong :ase 4 The ti(e for case taking
Two short case , *1 Marks each for student is /1 (in. 7 for e+a(ination
Total , '>> Marks is '> (in.
8hort :ase 4 The sa(e for each short
case is '> (in. 7 1 (in. respectively
(C) ral Giva Goce and interpretation of investigation (aterials (like E,2ays, #:%s,
etc. F *> (arks
Giva at Two Tables #ach for '> (ars There should be even 7 balanced
distribution of the course contents on these tables, between 6nternal 7 #+ternal
e+a(iners. This should include, speci(ens, instru(ents, (icroscopy 7 drugs on
table no ' 7 e(ergencies, radio,diagnostics, electrodiagnostic 7 Cioche(ical "ab.
investigations on table no * as applicable to the course contents of final M.C.C.8.
2C4 T%e ")r6' $# I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t '%)!! -e 'e*t t$ t%e U*i?er'it& -e#$re t%e
$""e*e"e*t $# t%e T%e$r& E8)"i*)ti$*.
Note F 6n the event when 6.&. could not be held on the specified ti(e due to technical
reasons or otherwise, then it should be held during the vacation.
666rd MCC8 #E&M. .&TT#2N
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t: AB 2 T%e$r& =B L,r)ti)! =B4
.lan of 6nternal assess(ent in .aediatrics ( as per university circular on =th ?ebruary
*>>') Marks of 6nternal &ssess(ent should be sent to ;niversity confidentially
before the co((ence(ent of Theory e+a(ination.
.assing in internal assess(ent will be pre,re0uisite for clearing the sub5ect.
:o(bined theory and practical of internal assess(ent will be considered for passing
in internal assess(ent.
Internal assess#ent in Teor& '
' . #+a(inations during se(esters : This will be carried out by conducting
two theory e+a(inations at the end of @th and <th se(esters ( 1> (arks each).
Total of '>> (arks to be converted into 1 (arks.( &41)
* . .reli( e+a(ination : This shall be carried out during =th se(ester.
ne theory papers of /> (arks as per university e+a(ination.
Total of /> (arks to be converted into 1 (arks. ( C41)
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent of Theory will be addition of & and C.
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t i* ,r)ti)!
#+a(inations at end of :linical postings:
' There will be practical e+a(ination at the end of each clinical posting of
.aediatrics.: @
and <th se(ester. #ach e+a(ination will be of 1> (arks.
Total of * e+a(inations F '>> (arks , will be converted to 1 (arks.( :41)
*. .reli( e+a(ination:
This will be conducted for /> (arks as per university e+a(ination pattern
and (arks will be converted to 1 ($41).
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent of .ractical will be addition of : and $.
#valuation Met%$d' @ T%e$r&, ,r)ti)! )*d Vi?)
.attern of theory e+a(ination including distribution of (arks, 0uestions
and ti(e
.attern of theory e+a(ination including distribution of (arks
1. There shall be one theory paper , carrying /> (arks
2. The paper will have two sections, & and C
3. The paper will be of *.1 hours duration.
4. 8ection & will be M:L in each paper. 8ection C will have to be written in separate
answer sheets.
THEORY : /> (arks $uration Two and half hours (*.1) hours
M:L section & will be given to candidates at the beginning of the e+a(ination. &fter ->
(inutes 8ection & will be collected. 8ection C of paper will then be handed over to

8ection & :-> (in. duration
*< M:Ls , '4* (ark each '/ (arks
8eparate paper
8ingle based response
M:L will cover whole syllabus
8ection C : * hours duration
* "&L of D (arks each '/ (arks
- 41 8&L of / (arks each '* (arks
ne "ong :ase *> Marks
:ase Taking Ti(e /1 Minutes
#+a(ination Ti(e '> Minutes
ne 8hort :ase '> Marks
:ase Taking Ti(e '> Minutes
#+a(ination Ti(e >1 Minutes
$uration '> Minutes
(6nstru(ents, E,ray, $rugs, #(ergency in .aediatrics.)
6t is directed to interpretation of investigations
:linical :ne long case :-> (arks :-> (in. for taking case and '> (inutes for assess(ent
ral (viva voce) :'> (arks:'> (in. duration
'.$ark 2oo( 1 (arks
*.6nstru(ents 1 (arks
The distribution of (arks at final e+a(ination
Theory : two papers of @> (arks each '*> Marks
ral (Giva) '> Marks
.racticals -> Marks
6nternal assess(ent /> Marks
O (Theory *> Marks)
O (.ractical *> Marks)
T$t)! ABB M)r6'
O .aper 6 include :oncepts in Aealth 7 $isease, 8ociology 4 Au(anities,
#pide(iology, Ciostatistics, :o((unicable and non, co((unicable
diseases, %enetics and #nviron(ental Aealth.
O .aper 66 includes $e(ography 7 ?a(ily .lanning, Maternal and child
health Nutrition, ccupational Aealth, Mental Aealth, Aealth #ducation,
Aealth .lanning 7 Manage(ent, Aealth :are $elivery 8yste( , National
Aealth .rogra((es, 6nternational Aealth,
O These are broad divisions. There are so(e chances of overlapping.
N&T;2# ? TA#29 L;#8T6N .&.#28 :
Fi*)! MBBS E8)"i*)ti$* $# 'u-Iet@,SM
,).er CI ,).er @II
Seti$* A : 3B MCM' Seti$* A : 3B
U Mark each U Mark each
8hould cover whole course 8hould cover whole course
content f the .aper 6 content f the .aper 66
stated in 8ection C 7 : stated in 8ection C 7 :
below ( Ma+ ti(e T -> (in) below ( Ma+ ti(e T -> (in)

Seti$* B: Total Marks T*1 Seti$* B: Total Marks T*1
*. "&Ls, each of < Marks *. "&Ls, each of < Marks
-. (out of 1 ) 8&Ls. -. (out of 1 ) 8&Ls.
each of - (arks on each of - (arks on
#pide(iology, Cio,statistics $e(ography 7 ?a(ily .lanning
7 co((unicable 7 non Maternal and child health,
co((unicable diseases Nutrition, ccupational health)
Seti$* C: Total Marks T*> Seti$* C: Total Marks T*>
ne "&L of < (arks ne "&L of < (arks
7 / (out of @ ) 8&Ls 7 / (out of @ ) 8&Ls
each of - (arks each of - (arks
O* O*
:oncepts in Aealth 7 $isease, Mental Aealth, Aealth #ducation,
8ociology 4 Au(anities Aealth .lanning 7 Manage(ent
%enetics 7 environ(ental Aealth care delivery syste(.
Aealth National Aealth .rogra((es
6nternational Aealth
The full ti(e for section C plus section : shall be of *U hrs. of .aper 6 and

hrs for .aper 66.
M:L 8ection will be given to candidates first. &fter -> (inutes the 8ection C
7 : will be given to the candidates.
rals (Giva) '>
.ractical ->
The distribution of -> (arks of practical shall be ,
') 8pots , '> Marks ( 1 spots of * (arks each) Ti(e '> (in.
*) #+ercises , '> Marks ( 1 (arks for Cio,8tat. 7 1 (arks for
#pide(iological e+ercises) Ti(e '> (in.
-) :linical case , '> Marks Ti(e /1 (in.
Total -> Marks
It i' $".u!'$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&.
It i' ")*d)t$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&L?i?)>$r)!.
These guidelines are based on M:6 reco((endations.
Teaching has to be done keeping in (ind the goals and ob5ectives to be achieved by
(edical student
SURGERY )*d )!!ied '.ei)!tie'@

The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in 8urgery is to
produce graduates capable of delivering efficient first contact surgical care.
The depart(ental ob5ectives, syllabus and skills to be developed in the depart(ent of
surgery during undergraduate (edical education are presented herewith. These are prepared
taking into consideration of various aspects and institutional goals given below:
'. & (edical student after graduation (ay have different avenues of his4her professional
career and (ay work either as a first contact physician in a private, se(i,private or public
sector or (ay take up further speciali3ation in surgery or other specialties.
*. Ae (ay have to work in different settings such as rural, se(i,urban or urban which (ay
have deficient or co(pro(ised facilities.
-. These are based on the various health services research data in our co((unity.
/. These are also based on following institutional goals in general)
&t the end of the teaching4 training the undergraduate will be able to:
$iagnose and (anage co((on health proble(s of the individual and the
co((unity appropriate to his4her position as a (e(ber of the health tea( at
pri(ary, secondary and tertiary levels.
Ce co(petent to practice curative, preventive, pro(otive and rehabilitative
(edicine and understand the concepts of pri(ary health care.
;nderstand the i(portance and i(ple(entation of the National Aealth
.rogra((es in the conte+t of national priorities.
;nderstand the socio,psychological, cultural, econo(ic and environ(ental factors
affecting health and develop hu(ane attitude re0uired for professional
$evelop the ability for continued self,learning with a scientific attitude of (ind
and ac0uire further e+pertise in any chosen area of (edicine.

&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
'. $escribe aetiology, pathophysiology, principles of diagnosis and
(anage(ent of co((on surgical proble(s including e(ergencies,
in adults and children)
*. $efine indications and (ethods for fluid and electrolyte replace(ent
therapy including blood transfusion.
-. $efine asepsis, disinfection and sterili3ation and reco((end 5udicious
use of antibiotics.
/. $escribe co((on (alignancies in the country and their (anage(ent
including prevention.
1. #nu(erate different types of anaesthetic agents, their indications,
(ode of ad(inistration, contraindications and side effects

&t the end of the course, the student should be able to
'. $iagnose co((on surgical conditions both acute and chronic, in adult
and children.
*. .lan various laboratory tests for surgical conditions and interpret the
-. 6dentify and (anage patients of hae(orrhagic) septicae(ic and other
types of shock.
/. Ce able to (aintain patent air,way and resuscitate:
& & critically in5ured patient.
C .atient with cardio,respiratory failure)
: & drowning case.
1. Monitor patients of head, chest, spinal and abdo(inal in5uries, both in
adults and children
@. .rovide pri(ary care for a patient of burns)
D. &c0uire principles of operative surgery, including pre,operative,
operative and post operative care and (onitoring)
<. Treat open wounds including preventive (easures against tetanus and
gas gangrene.
=. $iagnose neonatal and paediatric surgical e(ergencies and provide
sound pri(ary care before referring the patient to secondary4territory
'>. 6dentify congenital ano(alies and refer the( for appropriate
6n addition to the skills referred above in ite(s (') to ('>), he shall have
observed4assisted4perfor(ed the following:
i. 6ncision and drainage of abscess)
ii. $ebride(ent and suturing open wound)
iii. Genesection)
iv. #+cision of si(ple cyst and tu(ours.
v. Ciopsy and surface (alignancy
vi. :atheterisation and nasogastric intubation)
vii. :ircu(cision
viii. Meatoto(y)
i+. Gasecto(y)
+. .eritoneal and pleural aspirations)
+i. $iagnostic proctoscopy)
+ii. Aydrocoele operation)
+iii. #ndotracheal intubation
+iv. Tracheosto(y and cricothyroideto(y)
+v. :hest tube insertion.
Hu")* ?)!ue',)*d Et%i)! .r)tie
.&dopt ethical principles in all aspects of his clinical practice. .rofessional
honesty and integrity are to be fostered. 8urgical care is to be delivered
irrespective of the social status, caste, creed or religion of the patient.
.$evelop co((unication skills, in particular the skill to e+plain various
options available in (anage(ent
.Ce hu(ble and accept the li(itations in his knowledge and skill and to ask for
help fro( colleagues and specialist in the field when needed.
2espect patientWs rights and privileges including patientWs right to infor(ation
and right to seek a second opinion

The undergraduate teaching in surgery shall be integrated at various stages with
different pre and para and other clinical depart(ents.
"ectures, Tutorials bedside clinics and lecture cu( de(onstrations
$istribution of Teaching hours ,
Leture' @ =0B %$ur'
Tut$ri)!' )*d re?i'i$* @ =:B %$ur'
Bed'ide !i*i' @ :01 %$ur' #i?e !i*i)! .$'ti*+'
t$t)!!i*+ A0 /ee6' i*!udi*+ A*)e't%e'i$!$+&
C!i*i)! .$'ti*+' i* Ge*er)! Sur+er& @
-rd 8e(ester , @ weeks
1th 8e(ester , / weeks
Dth 8e(ester , / weeks
<th 8e(ester , @ weeks
=th 8e(ester , @ weeks
SeFue*ti)! $r+)*i')ti$* $# $*te*t' )*d t%eir di?i'i$* @
%eneral 8urgery : .art 6 '@ "ectures
Ter" 3 "$du!e'
Module l
Gascular 8urgery : < "ectures
Tropical 8urgery : / "ectures
%en. 8urgery 2e(aining '@ "ectures
Module *
Aead and Neck surgery
#ndocrine surgery '@ "ectures
Module (-)
Creast surgery /
.lastic 7 2econstructive 8urgery @
Neurosurgery @ '@ "ectures
Ter": 3 "$du!e'
Module (')
:ardio Thoracic surgery <
.aediatric surgery < '@ "ectures
Module (-)
"iver )
8pleen ) '@ "ectures
.ancreas )
Ciliary Tract )
.ortal Aypertension.).
Module (-)
;pper %astro intestinal Tract B .eritoneu( '@ "ectures
Ter" : "$du!e'
Module (' )
"ower %.6. tract '@ "ectures
&bdo(inal wall,
6ncisional Aernia
Module (*)
;pper %;T '@ "ectures
rgan transplantation
Module (-)
"ower %;T '@ "ectures
Aernia, Aydrocoele
'@> Aours
2evision "ectures4 tutorials4 lecture cu( de(onstrations /<
Ter( 8urgical pathology -*

Ter( perative 8urgery B 6nstru(ents -*
Ter( 6(aging sciences,
6nterpretation of 6nvestigations *<
C$ur'e $*te*t'@ Ge*er)! Sur+er& @ i*!udi*+ .)edi)tri 'ur+er&

6. &. %#N#2&" .26N:6."#8
'. !ound healing and (anage(ent, scars: Aypertrophic scar and keloid) ?irst aid
(anage(ent of severely in5ured.
*. &sepsis, antisepsis, sterilisation.
-. 8urgical sutures, knots, drains, bandages and splints.
/. 8urgical infections and rational use of antibiotics: :auses of infection, prevention of
infection, co((on organis(s causing infection.
1. Coils, cellulitis, abscess, necrotising fascitis.
@. Tetanus and %as gangrene: .revention of Tetanus and %as %angrene.
D. :hronic specific infections: Tuberculosis, ?ilariasis, and "eprosy.
<. &ntibiotic therapy.
=. Aospital infection.
'>. &6$8 and Aepatitis C) ccupational ha3ards and prevention.
6 . C . '. Mechanis( and (anage(ent of (issile, blast and gunshot in5uries.
*. 8urgical aspects of diabetes (ellitus.
-. Cites and stings.
/. rgan transplantation , Casic principles.
1. Nutritional support to surgical patients.
66. 2#8;8:6T&T6N.
'. ?luid electrolyte balance.
*. 8hock: &etiology, pathophysiology and (anage(ent.
-. Clood transfusion : 6ndication and ha3ards.
/. :o((on postoperative co(plications.
. :MMN 8K6N &N$ 8;C:;T&N#;8 :N$6T6N8.
'. 8ebaceous cyst, der(oid cyst, lipo(a, hae(angio(a, neurofibro(a, pre(alignant
conditions of the skin, basal cell carcino(a, naevi and (alignant (elano(a.
*. 8inus and fistulae. .ressure sores) prevention and (anage(ent.
6G. &2T#26&" $682$#28.
'. &cute arterial obstruction : diagnosis and initial (anage(ent) types of gangrene )
diagnosis of chronic arterial insufficiency with e(phasis on CurgerHs disease,
athreosclerosis and crush in5uries.
*. 6nvestigations in cases of arterial obstruction. &(putations)
-. Gascular in5uries : basic principles of (anage(ent.
G. G#N;8 $682$#28.
'. Garicose veins: diagnosis and (anage(ent) deep venous thro(bosis: diagnosis,
prevention, principles of therapy) thro(bophlebitis.
"9M.A&T6:8 &N$ "9M.A N$#8.
'. $iagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of ly(phangitis, ly(phede(a, acute and
chronic ly(phadenitis) cold abscess, ly(pho(as, surgical (anifestations of filariasis.
G66. C;2N8.
'. :auses, prevention and first aid (anage(ent) pathophysiology) assess(ent of depth
and surface area, fluid resuscitation) skin cover) prevention of contractures.
G666. 8:&"., 8K;"" &N$ C2&6N.
'. !ounds of scalp and its (anage(ent: recognition, diagnosis and (onitoring of
patients with head in5ury including unconsciousness) %lasgow co(a scale recognition
of acute 4 chronic cerebral co(pression.
6E. 2&" :&G6T9, M&!8, 8&"6G&29 %"&N$8.
'. ral cavity: 6) :left lip and palate) "eukoplakia) retention cyst) ulcers of the tongue.
) ?eatures, diagnosis and basic principles of (anage(ent of carcino(a
lip, buccal (ucosa and tongue, prevention and staging of oral
*. 8alivary glands: 6) &cute sialoadenitis, neoplas(: diagnosis and principles of
6E. C. #pulis, cysts and tu(ours of 5aw: Ma+illofacial in5uries) salivary fistulae
E. N#:K.
'. Cranchial cyst) cystic hygro(a.
*. :ervical ly(phadenitis: Non,specific and specific, tuberculosis of ly(phnodes,
secondaries of neck.
E. C. Thoracic outlet syndro(e: diagnosis.
E6. TA926$ %"&N$
'. Thyroid: 8urgical anato(y, physiology, investigations of thyroid disorders) types,
clinical features, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of goitre, thyroto+icosis
and (alignancy, thyroglossal cyst and fistula.
E6. C. Thyroiditis, Aypothyroidis(.
E66. .&2&TA926$ &N$ &$2#N&" %"&N$8.
1. :linical features and diagnosis of hyperparathyroidis(, adrenal hyperfunction4
E666. C2#&8T.
'. 8urgical anato(y) nipple discharge) acute (astitis, breast abscess) (a((ary
dysplasia) gynaeco(astia) fibroadeno(as.
*. &ssess(ent and investigations of a breast lu(p.
-. :ancer breast : diagnosis, staging, principles of (anage(ent.
E6G. TA2&E.
'. 2ecognition and treat(ent of pneu(othora+, hae(othora+, pul(onary e(bolis(:
.revention4 recognition and treat(ent, flail chest) 8tove in chest ) .ostoperative
pul(onary co(plications.
E6G. C. .rinciples of (anage(ent of pyothora+) cancer lung.
EG. A#&2T &N$ .#26:&2$6;M.
'. :ardiac ta(ponade
*. 8cope of cardiac surgery.
EG6. #8.A&%;8.
'. $ysphagia: :auses, investigations and principles of (anage(ent.
*. :ancer oesophagus : .rinciples of (anage(ent.
EG66. 8TM&:A &N$ $;$#N;M.
'. &nato(y) .hysiology, :ongenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis) aetiopathogenesis,
diagnosis and (anage(ent of peptic ulcer, cancer sto(ach) upper gastrointestinal
hae(orrhage with special reference to bleeding varices and duodenal ulcer.
EG666. "6G#2
'. :linical features , diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of : &(oebic liver
abscess, hydatid cyst and portal hypertension. "iver trau(a.
EG666. C. 8urgical anato(y) pri(ary and secondary neoplas(s of liver.
E6E. 8."##N
1. 8pleno(egaly: causes, investigations and indications for splenecto(y: splenic
EE. %&"" C"&$$#2 &N$ C6"# $;:T8
'. &nato(y, physiology and investigations of biliary tree) clinical features, diagnosis,
co(plications and principles of (anage(ent of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis)
obstructive 5aundice.
EE. C. :arcino(a of gall bladder, choledochal cyst.
EE6. .&N:2#&8.
1. &cute pancreatitis : :linical features, diagnosis, co(plications and (anage(ent.
2. :hronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tu(ours.
EE66. .#26TN#;M, M#NT;M, M#8#NT#29 &N$ 2#T2.#26TN#&" 8.&:#.
1. .eritonitis : :auses, recognition and principles of (anage(ent) intraperitoneal
EE66 C. "aparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery.
EE666. 8M&"" &N$ "&2%# 6NT#8T6N#8
'. $iagnosis and principles of treat(ent of : 6ntestinal a(oebiasis, tuberculosis of
intestine, carcino(a colon) lower gastrointestinal hae(orrhage) #nteric fever,
parasitic infestations.
EE666. C. ;lcerative colitis, pre(alignant conditions of large bowel.
EE6G. 6NT#8T6N&" C8T2;:T6N.
'. Types, aetiology, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent) paralytic ileus.
EEG. &:;T# &C$M#N.
1. :auses, approach, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent.
EEG6. &..#N$6E
'. $iagnosis and (anage(ent of acute appendicitis, appendicular lu(p and abscess.
EEG66. 2#:T;M.
'. :arcino(a rectu(: diagnosis, clinical features and principles of (anage(ent)
indications and (anage(ent of colosto(y.
EEG66. C. Manage(ent of carcino(a rectu() prolapse of rectu(.
EEG666. &N&" :&N&" .
'. 8urgical anato(y. :linical features and (anage(ent of: fissure, fistula in ano,
perianal and ischiorectal abscess and hae(orrhoids) $iagnosis and referral of
anorectal ano(alies.
EEG666. C. &nal carcino(a.
EE6E. A#2N6&8.
'. :linical features, diagnosis, co(plications and principles of (anage(ent of :
;(bilical, 6nguinal, epigastric and fe(oral hernia.
*. (phalitis.
EE6E . C. ;(bilical fistulae, Curst abdo(en, ventral hernia.
EEE. %#N6T, ;26N&29 898T#M.
'. 8y(pto(s and investigations of the urinary tract.
EEE6. K6$N#9 &N$ ;2#T#2
'. 6nvestigations of renal (ass) diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of urolithiasis,
hydronephrosis, pyonephrosis, and perinephric abscess, congenital ano(alies of
kidney 7 ;reter and renal tu(ours.
*. 2enal tuberculosis.
EEE66. ;26N&29 C"&$$#2.
'. :auses, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of hae(aturia, anuria and acute
retention of urine.
EEE666. .28T&T# &N$ 8#M6N&" G#86:"#8.
'. Cenign prostatic hyperplasia: diagnosis and (anage(ent.
EEE666. C. :arcino(a prostate.
EEE666. ;2#TA2& &N$ .#N68
'. $iagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of .hi(osis, paraphi(osis and carcino(a
*. .rinciples of (anage(ent of urethral in5uries.
-. ;rethral strictures.
EEEG. T#8T#8 &N$ 8:2T;M
'. $iagnosis and principles of treat(ent of undescended testis) torsion testis)
Aydrocoele, he(atocoele, pyocoele, varicocele, epididy(o,orchitis and testicular
EEEG6 .&#$6&T26: 8;2%#29
'. esophageal atresia and 6ntestinal atresia
*. &norectal (alfor(ations
-. :onstipation in children: AirschsprungWs disease, &c0uired (egacolon,
/. :ongenital diaphrag(atic hernia
1. #+trophy, #pispadias co(ple+ and hypospadias
@. 8pinal diastrophis( and Aydrocephalus
D. ;rinary tract infections in children, Gesicoureteral reflu+, posterior urethral
Galves, Gesico ;reteral Munction obstruction4$uple+ ureter, bstructive
uropathy in :hildren : Aydronephrosis, Aydroureteronephrosis
<. Testicular Maldescent
=. ;(bilical Aernia, #+o(pholos: Ma5or4(inor
'>. !il(Hs Tu(ours:Neuroblasto(a, %anglionioneuloblesto(a, %anglioneuro(a,
#ndo,der(al 8inus Tu(ours.
''. Aa(arto(as in :hildren: "y(phangio(a and :ystic hygro(a,
Ciliary &tresia and 8urgical 5aundice
Su++e'ted !eture .r$+r)"
Di'tri-uti$* $# '&!!)-u' i* re'.eti?e 'e"e'ter'

This is suggested progra((e and can vary at institute
Total ->> hours of teaching has to be done in %eneral 8urgery including Tutorials
$etails of syllabus is given separately below after distribution as per se(ester
: t% Se"e'ter
: '@ "ectures
') 6ntroduction to 8urgery
*) Cody response to in5ury
-) !ound and wound healing
/) &cute infection, Coils, :arbuncle etc
1) :hronic infections
@) Tetanus and %as gangrene
D) Neoplas( %eneral :onsideration
<) 8urgical Nutrition
=) .re operative and .ost operative :are
'>) 8epsis and &nti 8pesis
'') Curns
'*) 8hock
'-) ?luid and #lectrolyte Calance
'/) Monitoring of surgical .atients
'1) Ae(ostasis and Clood transfusion.
Ter" 3 "$du!e'
M$du!e !
Ge*er)! 'ur+er&
a. .olytrau(a
b. Missiles and their effects 7 blast in5uries
c. Manage(ent of war wounds
d. 8urgical diseases skin conditions
e. Mini(ally invasive surgery
f. .rincipal of 2adiotherapy
g. T Techni0ues
h. &6$8 in surgery
i. ?oot including $iabetic ?oot
5. Aand and hand infection

V)'u!)r Sur+er&
X &2T#26&" $682$#28.
'. &cute arterial obstruction: diagnosis and initial (anage(ent) types of gangrene )
diagnosis of chronic arterial insufficiency with e(phasis on CurgerHs disease,
athreosclerosis and crush in5uries.
*. 6nvestigations in cases of arterial obstruction. &(putations)
-. Gascular in5uries : basic principles of (anage(ent.
/. 8urgically correctable Aypertension
X G#N;8 $682$#28.
'.Garicose veins: diagnosis and (anage(ent) deep venous thro(bosis :
diagnosis, prevention, principles of therapy) thro(bophlebitis.
"9M.A&T6:8 &N$ "9M.A N$#8.
$iagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of ly(phangitis, ly(phede(a, acute and chronic
ly(phadenitis) cold abscess, ly(pho(as, surgical (anifestations of filariasis.
Mo%ule (
!EA"# $A%E# &E%' " lectures
'.2&" :&G6T9 , M&!8, 8&"6G&29 %"&N$8.
'. ral cavity :
6) :left lip and palate) "eukoplakia ) retention cyst) ulcers of the tongue.
66) ?eatures, diagnosis and basic principles of (anage(ent of carcino(a lip, buccal
(ucosa and tongue, prevention and staging of oral carcino(as.
*. 8alivary glands :
6) &cute sialoadenitis, neoplas( : diagnosis and principles of treat(ent
66) 8alivary fistulae
*. #pulis, cysts and tu(ours of 5aw: (a+ilofacial in5uries
- N#:K
'. Cranchial cyst) cystic hygro(a.
*. :ervical ly(phadenitis : Non specific and specific,
-. Tuberculosis of ly(phnodes, secondaries of neck.
/. Thoracic outlet syndro(e : diagnosis.
&.TA926$ %"&N$
6) Thyroid : 8urgical anato(y, physiology, investigations of thyroid disorders) types,
clinical features, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of goitre, thyroto+icosis
and (alignancy, thyroglossal cyst and fistula.
ii) Thyroiditis, Aypothyroidis(.
C..&2&TA926$ &N$ &$2#N&" %"&N$8.
:linical features and diagnosis of hyperparathyroidis(,
Tu(ours of the adrenal gland
&drenal hyperfunction4 hypofunction
:.$iseases of thy(us

M$du!e 3
)*NE+RO'S+RGERY , lectures
'. Aead in5ury
*. 6ntracranial tu(ours 7 other 6:8"
-. :ongenital ano(alies of brain 7 spinal cord
/. 8urgery of peripheral nerves 7 diseases

A. Sur+er& $# Bre)'t - lectures
'. 8urgical anato(y) nipple discharge) acute (astitis, breast abscess)
(a((ary dysplasia) gynaeco(astia) fibroadeno(as.
*. &ssess(ent and investigations of a breast lu(p.
-. :ancer breast : diagnosis, staging, principles of (anage(ent
'.Manage(ent of burns
*.8kin grafting including flaps
-.6n5uries of the hand
/.6nfections of the hand
5 t% Se"e'ter
M$du!e 2=4
:ardio Thoracic surgery <
.aediatric surgery < ), lectures
'. 6n5uries of the chest
*. Tu(ours of the lung 7 bronchial tree
-. congenital heart disease
/. &c0uired heart disease
1. 8urgery of ischae(ic heart disease
@. $iseases of pericardiu(
D. :ardiac arrest
,)edi)tri Sur+er&
'. esophageal atresia and 6ntestinal atresia
*. &norectal (alfor(ations
-. :onstipation in children: AirschsprungWs disease, &c0uired (egacolon,
/. :ongenital diaphrag(atic hernia
1. #+trophy, #pispadias co(ple+ and hypospadias
@. 8pinal diastrophis( and Aydrocephalus
D. ;rinary tract infections in children, Gesicoureteral reflu+, posterior urethral
Galves, Gesico ;reteral Munction obstruction4$uple+ ureter, bstructive
uropathy in :hildren : Aydronephrosis, Aydroureteronephrosis
<. Testicular Maldescent
=. ;(bilical Aernia, #+o(pholos : Ma5or4(inor
'>. !il(Hs Tu(ours: Neuroblasto(a, %anglionioneuloblesto(a,
%anglioneuro(a, #ndo,der(al 8inus Tu(ours.
''. Aa(arto(as in :hildren : "y(phangio(a and :ystic hygro(a,
'*. Ciliary &tresia and 8urgical 5aundice
Module *
'. 8urgical consideration in &(oebiasis 7 #nteric fever
*. ?ilariasis, $racontiasis 7 &scariasis
-. Aydatid disease
/. "eprosy, Madura foot, Tropical ulcer &ctiono(ycosis
:linical features, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of: &(oebic liver abscess,
"iver trau(a
8urgical anato(y) pri(ary and secondary neoplas(s of liver.
8pleno(egaly: causes, investigations and indications for splenecto(y: splenic
%&"" C"&$$#2 &N$ C6"# $;:T8
&nato(y, physiology and investigations of biliary tree) clinical features,
diagnosis, co(plications and principles of (anage(ent of cholelithiasis and
cholecystitis) obstructive 5aundice.
:arcino(a of gall bladder, choledochal cyst.
&cute pancreatitis: :linical features, diagnosis, co(plications and (anage(ent.
:hronic pancreatitis, pancreatic tu(ours.
.2T&" A9.#2T#N86N
:linical presentation, 6nvestigation and (anage(ent
M$du!e 3 +)'tr$i*te'ti*)! Tr)t )*d ,erit$*eu"
.#26TN#;M, M#NT;M, M#8#NT#29 &N$
2#T2.#26TN#&" 8.&:#.
'. .eritonitis: :auses, recognition and principles of (anage(ent)
*. 6ntraperitoneal abscess
'. $ysphagia: :auses, investigations and principles of (anage(ent.
*. :ancer oesophagus: .rinciples of (anage(ent.
8TM&:A &N$ $;$#N;M.
'. &nato(y) .hysiology, :ongenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis)
aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and (anage(ent of peptic ulcer, cancer
sto(ach) upper gastrointestinal hae(orrhage with special reference to
bleeding varices and duodenal ulcer.
8M&"" 6NT#8T6N#8
'. $iagnosis and principles of treat(ent of, tuberculosis of intestine.
M$du!e =
L$/er +)'tr$i*te'ti*)! Tr)t )*d )-d$"i*)! /)!!
&cute &bdo(en
6NT#8T6N&" C8T2;:T6N.
Types, aetiology, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent) paralytic ileus
&etiology, :linical ?eatures. 6nvesigations and (anage(ent
&bdo(inal !all
'.?eatures, diagnosis, co(plications and principles of (anage(ent of :
;(bilical, epigastric hernia., incisional) hernia ventral hernia
"&2%# 6NT#8T6N#8
;lcerative colitis, pre(alignant conditions of large bowel carcino(a colon)
lower gastrointestinal hae(orrhage), parasitic infestations.
$iagnosis and (anage(ent of acute appendicitis,
&ppendicular lu(p and abscess.
:arcino(a rectu(: diagnosis, clinical features and principles of
(anage(ent) indications and
Manage(ent of colosto(y.
Manage(ent of carcino(a rectu()
.rolapse of rectu(.
&N&" :&N&"
. 8urgical anato(y. :linical features and (anage(ent of: fissure, ?istula in
ano, perianal and ischiorectal abscess and hae(orrhoids) $iagnosis and
referral of anorectal ano(alies.
&nal carcino(a.
;(bilicus and &bdo(inal wall
;(bilical fistulae, Curst abdo(en, ventral hernia.
M$du!e A +e*it$@uri*)r& Tr)t )*d Or+)*
%#N6T, ;26N&29 898T#M.
8y(pto(s and investigations of the urinary tract.
K6$N#9 &N$ ;2#T#2
&nato(y and #(bryology of Kidney and ureter
:ongenital ano(alies of kidney 7 ;reter
6nvestigations of renal (ass)
$iagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of urolithiasis,
Aydronephrosis, pyonephrosis, perinephric abscess,
2enal tu(ours.
2enal tuberculosis.
M$du!e 3 +e*it$@uri*)r& Tr)t )*d Her*i)
;26N&29 C"&$$#2.
:auses, diagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of hae(aturia,
&nuria and &cute retention of urine.
.28T&T# &N$ 8#M6N&" G#86:"#8.
Cenign prostatic hyperplasia: diagnosis and (anage(ent.
:arcino(a prostate.
;2#TA2& &N$ .#N68
$iagnosis and principles of (anage(ent of .hi(osis , paraphi(osis and.
.rinciples of (anage(ent of urethral in5uries.
;rethral strictures.
:arcino(a penis
T#8T#8 &N$ 8:2T;M.
$iagnosis and principles of treat(ent of undescended testis) torsion testis)
Aydrocoele, he(atocoele, pyocoele,
Garicocele, epididy(o,orchitis and
Testicular tu(ours
:linical features, diagnosis, co(plications and principles of (anage(ent of:
;(bilical, 6nguinal, epigastric and fe(oral hernia.
6ntroduction of J Crain $eath and rgan $onationK topic in sub5ects of
.hysiology , .reventive 7 8ocial Medicine, .sychiatry, Medicine 7
' . :harles G. Mann, 2.:.%. 2ussel, Nor(an 8., !illia(s,
Cailey and "oveHs 8hort .ractice of 8urgery, *-
#dition, *>>> :hap(an and

*. K.$as: :linical Methods in 8urgery, <
#dition, '=@<, 8uhas Ku(ar $har,
-. M8. "u(ley : Aa(ilton CaileyHs .hysical 8igns '<
#dn Cutterworth4Aeine(ann.
/. 8o(en $as ) & .ractical %uide to perative 8urgery, /
#dition, '===, s. $as,
'. .Ma(es Kyle : .yeHs 8urgical handicraft, 6ndian edition, k.(. Garghese
:o(pany $avid :.
*. 8abiston ) Te+t Cook of surgery : The Ciological basis of Modern 8urgical
.ractice, '1
#dition, '=D', !.C. 8aunders.
-. 8ey(our 6. 8chwart3, %. To( 8hines, ?rank :. 8pencer, !endy :owles
Ausser: .rinciples of 8urgery, Gol. ' 7 *, D
#dition, '===, Mc %raw Aill
/. 2.?. 2intoul : ?ar0harsonHs Te+t Cook of perative 8urgery, <
'==1, :hurchill "ivingstone.
1. 8ir :harles 6llingworth, Cruce (. $ick: & Te+t Cook of 8urgical
#dition, *=D=, :hurchill "ivingstone.
@. 2.!.A. McMinn : "astHs &nato(y: 2egional and &pplied) '>
#dition, '===,
:hurchill "ivingstone
G$)!' )*d $-Ieti?e' $# A!!ied Su-Iet'
The student shall be able to:
'. #+plain the principles of recognition of bone in5uries and
*. &pply suitable (ethods to detect and (anage co((on
infections of bones and 5oints.
-. 6dentify congenital, skeletal ano(alies and their referral for
appropriate correction or rehabilitation.
/. 2ecogni3e (etabolic bone diseases as seen in this country:
1. #+plain etiogenesis, (anifestations, and diagnosis of neoplas(
affecting bones.
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
'. $etect sprains and deliver first aid (easures for co((on fractures and
sprains and (anage unco(plicated fractures of clavicle, :ollesHs
forear(, phalanges etc.
*. ;se techni0ues of splinting, plaster, i((obili3ation etc.
-. Manage co((on bone infections, learn indications for se0uestration,
a(putations and corrective (easures for bone defor(ities)
/. &dvise aspects of rehabilitation for .olio, :erebral .alsy and
Ce able to perfor( certain orthopaedic skills, provide sound advice of
skeletal and related conditions at pri(ary or secondary health care level.
"ectures, Tutorials bedside clinics and lecture cu( de(onstrations
$istribution of Teaching hours ,
"ectures , 1> hours
Tutorials and revision , 1>
C!i*i)! .$'ti*+' i* Ort%$.)edi'
T$t)! !i*i)! ,$'ti*+ $# =B /ee6' $# =1B %$ur'
1th 8e(ester , / weeks
@th 8e(ester , / weeks
=th 8e(ester , * weeks
C$ur'e $*te*t' )*d 'u++e'ted !eture .r$+r)" $# Ort%$.)edi'
2T$t)! =BB %$ur'4
This is suggested progra((e and can vary at institute
Total '>> hours of teaching has to be done in rthopaedics including Tutorials
$etails of syllabus is given separately below after distribution as per se(ester
Se#ester Lectures ) to ),
< th 8e(ester "ectures ' 'D to -*
<th 8e(ester "ectures * -- to /<
(opic ) eneral *rthopaedics
'. 6ntroduction and scope of rthopaedics Trau(atology and rthopaedic
$iseases. 6dea about 8che(e of #+a(ination.
*. $efinition and :lassification of ?racture and $islocation 8igns, sy(pto(s
and diagnosis of sprain, contusion fracture and dislocation.
-. ?irst aid (easures in .oly,trau(a patient, spinal cord 6n5ury patients and
knowledge about various splints.
/. 7 1 .rinciples of Manage(ent of sprain, ?racture and $islocation with
e(phasis on various aspects of closed reduction, i((obili3ation including
internal fi+ation and rehabilitation.
@,D,< :o(plications of fracture and its (anage(ent with specific reference to
(alunion $elayed union, Non union, Myositis ssificans, 8udeckHs dystrophy,
Golk(anHs ischae(ia, &vascular Necrosis, ?at e(bolis(, secondary
steoarthrosis and in5ury to Muscles, Tendon, nerve and Clood vessels.
'. .laster techni0ue, plaster co(plications and plaster disease.
*. ?racture Aealing in cortical and cancellous bones and factors affecting fracture
T$.i : Ort%$.)edi Tr)u")t$!$+&
-. ?racture clavicle, scapula, neck hu(erus and shaft hu(ours.
/. 8upracondylar fracture hu(erus with co(plications.
1. ?racture ?orear( bones, Monteggia and %aleassi fracture dislocations,
fracture olecranon head and neck radius.
@. ?racture scaphoid, Metacarpals and phalanges.
D. :olles fracture and :o(plications.
<. $islocation (&cute and 2ecurrent) of shoulder and elbow.
=. ?racture of Gertebrae with co(plications.
'>. ?racture of .elvis with co(plications.
''. ?racture Neck fe(ur and trochanteric fracture.
'*. ?racture shaft fe(ur and fractures around knee.
'-. Meniscus and liga(ents in5ury at knee.
'/. ?racture Tibia,fibula, fracture in tarsals, Metatarsals and phalanges.
'1. ?racture dislocation around ankle,
'@. $islocation of Aip, knee, ankle, tarsals and s(all bones in foot.
T$.i : Ort%$.)edi Di'e)'e'
*1,*@ :ongenital skeletal ano(alies with e(phasis on congenital
Talipes #0uino varus (:T#G). :,
*D. :ongenital dislocation of hip (:$A), steogenesis 6(perfecta, spina
*<. Cifida and Torticollis.
*=. stecochondritis F various types.
->. .ost .olio 2esidual .alsy with stress on preventive and rehabilitation aspect.
->. &cute steo(yelitis.
-'. :hro(ic steo(yelitis.
-*. .yogenic arthritis of Aip, knee.
--,7 -/. steo,articular Tuberculosis with special reference to
Tuberculous of Aip, knee and elbow.:,
-1. Tuberculosis spine and paraplegia.
-@. ?ungal 6nfections and leprosy in rthopaedics.
-D. :erebral palsy, $iagnosis and rehabilitation.
-<. 2heu(atoid arthritis.
-=. $egenerative arthritis.
/>. Nerve in5uries and principles of (anage(ent.
/'. &(putation and $isarticulation F 6ndications (ethods and co(plications.
/*. Metabolic bone disease : 2ickets, steo(alacia and steoporosis.
/-,7 // Tu(ours of bones and its classification. Cenign :, steochondro(a,
%iant cell tu(our ;nica(eral Cone cyst, &neurys(al cyst.
/1,/@ Malignant, steogenic sarco(a, #wingHs tu(our,
?ibrosarco(a, :hondrosarco(a, Multiple Myelo(a, 8econdaries fro(
.ri(ary :arcino(a (Metastatic tu(ours)
/D. Cack ache,
/<. ?ro3en shoulder, Tennis #lbow, $e0uervainHs disease, $upuytrenHs
:ontracture sgood F 8chlatter)s disease, planter fascitis.
,r)ti)! )*d Leture u" De"$*'tr)ti$* C!)''e', i* MBBS i* Ort%$.)edi'
nce a week class for two hours in <
Topics of $e(onstrations :,
'. .laster techni0ue and splint applications.
*. Traction application, rthopaedic appliances de(onstration, $e(onstration of
.hysiotherapy e0uip(ents.
-. 8peci(ens of se0uestru( and Tu(ours, Madura foot etc.
/. :o((on instru(ents and 6(plants.
1 to D. :o((on E,rays of trau(atology, bony infection, 5oint infection and
tuberculosis, Malunited :olleHs fracture, forear( or 8upracondylar Au(erus fracture.
< to '>. :hronic osteo(yelitis case, knee effusion case, Non union case, Cony
tu(our case.
8e(inar Topics :,
'. steo(yelitis.
*. Tuberculosis.
-. Cone tu(ours
/. ?irst aid and &cute trau(a "ife saving (&T"8) (easures.
Tutorial Topics :,
'1. 8upracondylar fracture Au(erus.
'@. :olleHs fracture.
'D. ?racture neck fe(ur.
'<. 8pine e+a(ination, .ottHs spine and paraplegia
'=. :T#G.
*>. 8houlder, #lbow and wrist e+a(ination.
*'. Aip e+a(ination.
**. Knee, ankle foot e+a(ination.
*-. Nerve e+a(ination and nerve in5uries.
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t:
Two Ter( ending e+a(ination at the end of .osting of 1> (arkseach
Total '>> out of /1> (arks under general surgery.
&t the end of the training, the students should be able to:
1. .erfor( cardio,pul(onary resuscitation with the available resources and transfer
the patients to a bigger hospital for advanced life support.
2. 8et up intravenous infusion.
3. :lear and (aintain airway in an unconscious patient.
4. &d(inister o+ygen correctly.
5. .erfor( si(ple nerve block.
6. #+hibit awareness of the principles of ad(inistration of general and local
'. 8tart 6 G line and infusion in adults, children and neonates.
*. $o venous cutdown.
-. 6nsert, (anage a :G. line.
/. :onduct :.2 (:ardiopul(onary resuscitation) and first aid in newborns, children
and adults including endotracheal intubation.
1. .erfor( nerve blocks like infiltration, digital and field blocks.
@. $o lu(bar puncture.
D. &d(inister
by (ask, catheter, and *

tent and be able to handle
"ectures, Tutorials bedside clinics and lecture cu( de(onstrations
$istribution of Teaching hours ,
Leture' @ AB %$ur'
Tut$ri)!' )*d re?i'i$* @
Bed'ide !i*i' @ 30 %$ur', $*e !i*i)! .$'ti*+'
A /ee6' i* A*)e't%e'i$!$+&
'. :ardiopul(onary resuscitation (:.2) , basic and advanced, including use of
si(ple ventilators.
*. &nato(y of upper airway, sites of respiratory obstruction and (anage(ent of
airway in an unconscious patient.
-. Garious (ethods of o+ygen therapy and its indications.
/. The phar(acology of local anaesthetics, their use and how to perfor( si(ple nerve
blocks like , 6nfiltration anaesthesia, digital block, ankle block, pudendal and
paracervical blocks.
1. Manage(ent of co(plications of regional anaesthesia. The principles of
ad(inistration of general anaesthesia.
D4 R)di$!$+& :Di)+*$'i' ( I")+i*+
G$)!' :
2ealisation of the basic need of various radio,diagnostic tools.
2adio,diagnostic Techni0ues to be adopted indifferent clinical situations in
diagnosis of ail(ents.
O-Ieti?e' :
K*$/!ed+e: @
The student shall be able to
'. ;nderstand basics of E,ray 4 ;8% production, its utility and ha3ards
*. &ppreciate and diagnose radiological changes in diseases of :hest, &bdo(en,
8keletal syste(, %astro,intestinal syste(, %enito,urinary 8yste( 7 :N8
-. "earn about various 6(aging techni0ues like nuclear (edicine, co(puterised
to(ography (:T), ;ltrasound, (agnetic resonance i(aging (M26),
conventional 7 $igital subtraction &ngiography ($8&).
S6i!!': @
&t the end of the course the student shall be able to
'. 6nterpret various radiological findings and their conse0uences
*. ;se basic protective techni0ues during various 6(aging procedures
-. &dvice appropriate $iagnostic procedures to arrive at an appropriate
"ectures, Tutorials bedside clinics and lecture cu( de(onstrations
$istribution of Teaching hours ,
"ectures , *> hours
Tutorials and revision ,
Cedside clinics , -@ hours, one clinical postings
* weeks in 2adiology
:ongenital dislocation of hip, congenital syphilis, &chonodroplasis, steogenesis
6nfection : steo(yelitis, Tuberculosis of Cone 7 8pine.
"esions of Moints : 8eptic 4 Tuberculous &rthritis, 2heu(atoid, &rthritis, &nkylosing
8pondylitis, steo,&rthritis, %out.
Cone Tu(ours: #wingHs, steogenic 8arco(a, %iant :ell Tu(our Neurofibro(a.
"y(phoreticular syste( 7 Aae(opoietic $isorders : Thalassae(ia, 8ickle :ell
disease, "y(pho(as, Multiple (yelo(a, plas(acyto(a, Aae(ophilia.
Metabolic 7 #ndocrine $isorders of Cone: 2ickets 7 steo(alacia, 8curvy,
steoporosis, &cro(egaly, and Ayperparathyroidis(.
8keletal trau(a: %eneral .rinciples.
II: C%e't:
Methods of e+a(ination, Nor(al E,ray :hest, Cronchopul(onary 8eg(ents.
6nterpretation of &bnor(al :hest E,ray : 8ilhouette sign, &ir Cronchogra(,
6nterstitial 8hadows, &lveolar 8hadows, Aoneyco(b "ung, :avitations, :alcification,
Ailar 8hadow, Mediastinu(, .leura.
Cronchogenic :arcino(a.
Miliary 8hadows, .ul(onary Tuberculosis, 8olitary .ul(onary Nodule,
Cronchiectasis, .ri(ary co(ple+.
Nor(al Aeart : Methods of e+a(ination.
:ardio(egaly, .ericardial #ffusion.
&c0uired Aeart $iseases: Galvular Aeart $isease, 6schae(ic Aeart $isease.
:ongenital Aeart $isease.
&ortic &neurys(s, :o,arctation of &orta.
Cariu( #+a(ination of %6 Tract.
&cute &bdo(en.
esophagus: :arcino(a, 8trictures, Garices, &chalasia, and Aiatus Aernia.
8to(ach 7 $uodenu( : ;lcer disease, Malignancy.
6ntestine: 6ntestinal bstruction, Golvulus, ;lcerative :olitis,
6ntussusceptions, Malignancy, AirschsprungHs $isease, KochHs &bdo(en $iverticular
$isease, .olypHs.
"iver : &bscess, Aepato(a, :irrhosis, .ortal Aypertension, and 8penoportography.
%all,Cladder : :alculus $isease, Malignancy, .T:, #2:..
.ancreas : .ancreatitis, Malignancy.
Method of #+a(ination : 6ntravenous ;rography (6G.)
:alculus $isease, .;M bstruction, .; Galves, 2enal &rtery 8tenosis,
!il(Hs Tu(our, 2enal :ell :arcino(a, %; KochHs.
Aysterosalpingography (A8%), 6ntra,;terine ?oetal $eath, ?ibroid, varian
Tu(ours, ;ltrasongraphy 7 Transvaginal ;8.
2aised 6ntracranial Tension, 6ntracranial :alcification, Aead 6n5ury, :erebrovascular
&ccident, 2ind #nhancing "esions in Crain, 8pinal Neoplas(s, Myelograpy.
2adiation Aa3ards, 2adiation .rotection.
6(aging Modalities :
;8%, :T, M26 : .rinciples, &pplications, &dvantages, "i(itations, $evelop(ents.
&ngiography : 8eldinger Techni0ue, :onventional &ngiogra(, $8&, :arotid,
:oronary, 2enal &ngiogra(s, &ortogra(.
:ontrast Media : Cariu( 8ulphate, !ater 8oluble 7 ily :ontrast.
6nterventional 2adiology : $evelop(ents, &ngioplasty, #(bolisation.
Ma((ography: .rinciples 7 &pplications.
6nternal assess(ent:
Ter( ending e+a(ination at the end of .osting of 1> (arks out of
Total /1> (arks under general surgery.
De*ti'tr& #$r MBBS 'tude*t' u*der Sur+er&
:o(prehensive understanding of $entistry, rofacial structures, the
$entition, Ma+illary and Mandibular 5aws and the $iagnosis, Treat(ent,
.revention, 2estoration and 2ehabilitation of the co((on dental proble(s
Garious $iseases, 8yndro(es, "esions, $isorders (anifesting and
affecting the ral cavity, the Maws and the TM 5oint.
#ffects of $ental :aries, %ingival and .eriodontal diseases and
#+a(ination of the ral cavity and the TM Moint
"ocal &naesthesia &d(inistration. $ental block
#(ergency (anage(ent of Ma+illofacial Trau(a.
.la0ue control and ral health care regi(en.
Le)r*i*+ "et%$d'
T$t)! te)%i*+ %$ur': =B
T%e$r& !eture': =B in D
:linical .ostingsO A/ee6' each in D
6nternal assess(ent:
Ter( ending e+a(ination at the end of .osting of 1> (arks out of
Total /1> (arks under general surgery.
666 MCC8, DTh 8#M#8T#2 "#:T;2#8: '> Aours.
'. 8cope of $entistry
6ntroduction of various branches of $entistry.
Casic ;nderstanding of $ental #pide(iology
#ffects of deleterious Aabits on $entition and rofacial structures.
*. $evelop(ent and %rowth of Maws 7 rofacial structures.
$evelop(ent 7 #ruption of teeth, $eciduous 7 .er(anent.
.reventive :are in .aediatric patients.
-. $ental :aries
%ingival 7 .eriodontal $iseases.
$evelop(ental &no(alies.
:ysts 7 Tu(ours of ral cavity.
Neoplas(s of ral cavity.
ral Microbiology.
/. rofacial .ain 7 its Manage(ent
1. Ma+illofacial Trau(a and Manage(ent of patient.
@. ral Medicine
8yste(ic diseases, the relevance of (edications prescribed 7 their
ral Manifestations.
6nfections of rofacial structures esp. periodontal diseases 7 their
Manifestations in 8yste(ic conditions.
2elationship between ral and syste(ic health.
!o(enHs ral health care in 2eproductive phase.
D. 6nterdisciplinary tea( approach in the (anage(ent of a patient in
$entistry involving .aediatrics, .lastic surgery, #NT 8urgery,
Neurosurgery, pthal(ic surgery, %en. 8urgery, Medicine, rthopaedics,
$er(atology, #ndocrinology and C,%9N.
<. 2ehabilitation of lost ral structures.
=. $entofacial $efor(ities and 8urgical corrections.
'>. Cio(aterials used in $entistry.
#(erging technologies in :onte(porary $entistry.
Molecular $entistry.
6ntegration with anato(y, surgery,
pathology radiology and ?orensic Medicine be done.
:"6N6:&" .8T6N% in $#NT68T29 , * !##K8
'. ".&. &d(inistration, Techni0ues for different Clocks.
*. #+odontia
-. .reli(inary Manage(ent of Ma+illofacial Trau(a
/. .athological conditions of ral cavity.
1. ral and Ma+illofacial 2adiography 7 6(aging
@. Ma+illo ?acial .rosthodontics
$e(onstration of :linical .rocedures in $ental :linics.

8N 8ub5ect
Theory .aper 4 ral4
.ractical 4 6nternal
in each
of the
to pass in
each part
of any
re0uired to
pass in
sub5ect out
>') torhinolaryngology a) Theory .aper , 6 />
b) ral '>
c) .ractical -> '1
d) 6nternal
Theory '>
.ractical '> '>
>*) %eneral 8urgery a) Theory .aper 6 @>
.aper 66 @>
b ) ral *>
c) .ractical '>> 1>
d) 6nternal
Theory ->
.ractical ->

>-) bstetrics and
a) Theory .aper' />
b ) ral *>
c) .ractical

d) 6nternal
Theory *>
.ractical *> />
Criteria of passing in various surgical subects at III MBBS !"amination
a) Theory .aper , 6
/> *>
b) ral '>
c) .ractical -> '1
d) 6nternal
It i' $".u!'$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&.
6t is (andatory to obtain 1>S (arks in theoryB viva4oral.
E?)!u)ti$* : Met%$d' C I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t, T%e$r&,
,r)ti)! )*d Vi?)
I*ter*)! A''e''"e*t 2 F$r")ti?e A''e''"e*t4
Theory F -> .ractical , -> Total @>
Marks of 6nternal &ssess(ent should be sent to ;niversity before the
co((ence(ent of Theory e+a(ination.
.assing in internal assess(ent is essential for passing ,as 6nternal assess(ent
is separate head of passing. in e+a(ination.
6t will also be considered for grace (arks as per e+isting rules
:o(bined theory and practical of internal assess(ent will be considered for
passing in internal assess(ent.
8tudent will be allowed to appear for both theory and practical e+a(
independent of (arks obtained in internal assess(ent but he if fails in that
head even after including the grace (arks he will be declared GF)i! in that
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t i* T%e$r& ,
E2a#inations %uring se#esters:
This will be carried out by conducting two theory e+a(inations during @th and <rth
se(esters ('>> (arks each).
Total of *>> (arks to be converted into '1 (arks.( &4'1)
Preli# e2a#ination :
This shall be carried out during =th se(ester. Two theory papers of @> (arks each as
per university e+a(ination .attern
Total of '*> (arks to be converted into '1 (arks. ( C4'1)
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(entfor Theory will be addition of & and C.
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t i* ,r)ti)!

E2a#inations at en% o! .linical 3ostings4
There will be practical e+a(ination at the end of each clinical posting of %eneral
8urgery. (-rd, 1th, Dth and <th se(ester) #ach e+a(ination will be of 1> (arks.
Total of / e+a(inations , *>> (arks.
These (arks and (arks fro( rthopaedics '>>, 2adiology 1>, $entistry 1> and
:asualty 1> will be added. , Total /1> (arks will be converted to '1 (arks.( :4'1)
Preli# e2a#ination4
This will be conducted for '*> (arks as per university pattern and (arks will be
converted to '1 ($4'1).
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent for .ractical will be addition of : and $.
Re$rd BOOK
:ase record will have to be entered in a record book.
& co(bined record book of %eneral surgery, rthopaedics, :ausality,
&naesthesiology, $entistry and radiology will have to be (aintained
Mini(u( of five histories have to be recorded in each posting
The certificate of satisfactory co(pletion of all clinical posting will be re0uired fro(
Aead f the depart(ent of 8urgery. This will be base on (ultiple si(ilar certificates
fro( all postings in all sub5ects
6n addition it will have details of all (arks in posting ending e+a( on second page
and calculation of internal assess(ent
2ecord book will not carry any (arks but it will be prere0uisite for
&ppearing for e+a(ination.
,)tter* $# t%e$r& e8)"i*)ti$* i*!udi*+ di'tri-uti$* $# ")r6',
Mue'ti$*' )*d Ti"e
'. There shall be two theory papers , .aper 6 and 66, carrying @> (arks each.
*. #ach paper will have three sections, &, C and :. #ach paper will be of - hours
-. 8ection & will be M:L in each paper. 8ection C and : will have to be written in
separate answer sheets. Coth will have "ong &nswer Luestion ( "&L) and
8hort &nswer Luestions (8&L)
/. The topic covered in each section shall be as follows : ,
A. ,).er I
8ection & F M:L : will cover whole syllabus of .aper 6
8ection C, %eneral principles of 8urgery, ncology, head, face, neck,
Creast, #ndocrine 8urgery and Trau(a
8ection : , rthopaedic surgery.
C..aper 66
8ection & F M:L : will cover whole syllabus of .aper 66
8ection C, %astrointestinal Tract including colon rectu( and anal canal
o "iver, pancreas and biliary tract, 8pleen. .aediatric 8urgery
8ection : , ;rology, :ardio thoracic surgery and .lastic surgery
$ental surgery, 2adiology and 2adiotherapy, &naesthesiology.
,).er I @ 3 %r' @ 0B ")r6'
8ection . & , M:L , -> + U (arks each F '1 (arks
-> (inutes
8eparate paper
8ingle based response
M:L will cover whole syllabus of .aper 6
8ection . C , %eneral 8urgery *1 Marks
* "&L8 F < (arks + * T '@ (arks
-41 8&L8 F - (arks T = (arks
T$.i' , %eneral principles of 8urgery, ncology, head, face, neck, Creast,
#ndocrine 8urgery and Trau(a..
N0 4 Sall contain one 5uestion on 6asic Sciences an% allie% su67ects
8ec. : Frthopaedics 8urgery : *> (arks
Topic) &ll topics in rthopaedics
rthopaedics e+a(iner will set this part of paper and to be evaluated by
rthopaedics e+a(iner.
' "&L8 ( "ong answer 0uestions) F < (arks
/4@ 8&L8( 8hort answer 0uestions) + - (arks each T '* (arks
Ti"e Se. B ( C C T/$ )*d %)!# %$ur'.
Seti$* B )*d C t$ -e /ritte* i* 'e.)r)te )*'/er '%eet'.
M.Q section A will 6e gi8en to can%i%ates at te 6eginning o! te
e2a#ination* A!ter 9: #inutes Section A will 6e collecte%*
Section 0 an% . 3a3er will ten 6e an%e% o8er to can%i%ates*

,A,ER II @ Ti"e 3 %r' @ 0B ")r6'
8ection . & , M:L , -> + U (arks F '1 (arks
-> (inutes
8eparate paper
8ingle based response
M:L will cover whole syllabus of .aper 66
8ection . C F Marks: *1 (arks
Topics :%astrointestinal Tract including colon rectu( and anal canal
"iver, pancreas and Ciliary tract, 8pleen, .aediatric surgery.

* "&L8 F < (arks + * T '@ (arks
ne 0uestion clinical .roble( solving.
-41 8&L8 F - (arks T = (arks
N0 4 Sall contain one 5uestion on 6asic Sciences an% allie% su67ects
8ection . : F Marks: *> (arks
Topics: ;rology, :ardio thoracic surgery and plastic surgery
$ental surgery, 2adiology and 2adiotherapy, &naesthesiology.

' "&L8 F < (arks
/4@ 8&L8 + - (arks each T '* (arks
Ti"e Se. B ( C C T/$ )*d %)!# %$ur'.
Seti$* B )*d C t$ -e /ritte* i* 'e.)r)te )*'/er '%eet'.
M.Q section A will 6e gi8en to can%i%ates at te 6eginning o! te
e2a#ination* A!ter 9: #inutes Section A will 6e collecte%* Section 0 an% .
3a3er will ten 6e an%e% o8er to can%i%ates*

C!i*i)! e8)"i*)ti$*
:linical cases
o "ong case 6 F %en, 8urgery. F 1> (arks
o 8hort case 6 , rthopaedics F *1 (arks
o 8hort case 66 F %en. 8urgery ,, *1 (arks
Ti(e for "ong cases, -> (inutes for taking history and clinical e+a(ination.
'> (inutes for viva
Ti(e for * short cases , *> (inutes for taking history and clinical
'> (inutes for viva.
Vi?) e8)"i*)ti$* , $uration and topic distribution (Total *> (arks)
Tables F Giva will be directed towards i*ter.ret)ti$* $# i*?e'ti+)ti$*
&t two tables, each for ten (arks. Ti(e, '> (inutes at each table
o 6nstru(ents B perations, F '> (arks
o 8urgical .athology, 6(aging sciences and rthopaedics F '> (arks
M)r6' $# VIVA /i!! -e )dded t$ T%e$r& ")r6'
It i' $".u!'$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&.
It i' ")*d)t$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&L?i?)>$r)!.
These guidelines are based on M:6 reco((endations.
Teaching has to be done keeping in (ind the goals and ob5ectives to be achieved by
(edical student
(i) GOAL
The broad goal of the teaching of students in ophthal(ology is to provide such
knowledge and skills to the student that shall enable hi(4her to practice as a
clinical and as a pri(ary eye care physician and also to function effectively as
a co((unity health leader to assist in the i(ple(entation of National
.rogra((e for the prevention of blindness and rehabilitation of the visually

&t the end of the course, student shall have the knowledge of
'.:o((on proble(s affecting the eye,
*. .rinciples of (anage(ent of (a5or ophthal(ic e(ergencies,
-.(ain syste(ic diseases affecting the eye)
/. #ffects of local and syste(ic diseases on patientHs vision and the necessary
action re0uired to (ini(i3e the se0uelae of such diseases)
1. &dverse drug reactions with special reference to ophthal(ic (anifestations)
@, Magnitude of blindness in 6ndia and its (ain causes)
D. National progra((e for control of blindness and its i(ple(entation at
various levels.
<. #ye care education for prevention of eye proble(s
=. 2ole of pri(ary health center in organi3ation of eye ca(ps)
'>.organi3ation of pri(ary health care and the functioning of the ophthal(ic
''. 6ntegration of the national progra((e for control of blindness with the
other national health .rogra((es.
'*. #ye bank organi3ation

&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
'. #licit a history pertinent to general health and ocular status)
*. &ssist in diagnostic procedures such as visual acuity testing, e+a(ination
of eye, 8chiot3 tono(etry, 8taining of :orneal pathology, confrontation
peri(etry, 8ub5ective refraction including correction of presbyopia and
aphakia, direct ophthal(oscopy and con5unctival s(ear e+a(ination and
:over test)
-. $iagnose and treat co((on proble(s affecting the eye)
/. 6nterpret ophthal(ic signs in relation to co((on syste(ic disorders,
1. &ssist4observe therapeutic procedures such as subcon5unctival in5ection,
corneal con5unctival foreign body re(oval, carbolic cautery for corneal
ulcers, Nasolacri(al duct syringing and tarsorraphy)
@. .rovide first aid in (a5or ophthal(ic e(ergencies)
D. &ssist to organi3e co((unity surveys for visual check up)
<. &ssist to organi3e pri(ary eye care service through pri(ary health
=. ;se effective (eans of co((unication with the public and individual to
(otivate for surgery in cataract and for eye donation.
'>. #stablish rapport with his seniors, colleagues and para(edical workers, so
as to effectively function as a (e(ber of the eye care tea(.
The undergraduate training in phthal(ology will provide an integrated
approach towards other disciplines especially Neuro,sciences, #NT, %eneral
8urgery and Medicine.
Total teaching hours: '>>
Theory lectures: D>(/th,@th,Dth ter(.)
Tutorials :->(Dth ter()
:linical .ostings Two clinical postings of /weeks
?irst in /
se(ester and second in @
se(ester and -
posting of * weeks in D

ter( Cedside clinics '> weeks of three hours per day '<> hours
6NT2$;:T6N &N&TM9 7 .A986"%9 ? TA# #9#
&) :on5unctiva.
8y(pto(atic conditions: , Aypere(ia, 8ub con5unctival Aae(orrhage.
$iseases: , :lassification of :on5unctivitis
:, Mucopurulant :on5unctivitis
:, Me(branous :on5unctivitis 8pring :atarrh.
:, $egenerations :, .inguecula and .terigiu(
C) :ornea: , :orneal ;lcers: Cacterial, ?ungal, Giral, Aypopyon.
:, 6nterstitial Keratitis.
:, Keratoconus.
:, .annus
:, :orneal pacities.
:, Keratoplasty.
:) 8clera : :, #piscleritis.
:, 8cleritis.
:, 8taphylo(a.
$) ;vea :, :lassification of ;veitis
:, %en. #tiology, 6nvestigation and .rinciples Manage(ent of
:, &cute 7 :hronic 6ridocyclitis.
:, .anophthal(itis.
:, #nd phthal(itis.
:, :horiditis.
#) "ens :
6) :ataract F :lassification 7 surgical (anage(ent of cataract.
:, 6ncluding .reoperative 6nvestigation.
:, &naesthesia.
:, &phakia.
:, 6" 6(plant
?) %lauco(a :
:, &0ueous Au(or $yna(ics.
:, Tono(etry.
:, ?actors controlling Nor(al 6....
:, .rovocative Tests.
:, :lassifications of %lauco(a.
:, :ongenital %lauco(a.
:, &ngle closure %lauco(a.
:, pen &ngle %lauco(a.
:, 8econdary %lauco(a
%) Gitreous :
:, Gitreous. pacities.
:, Gitreous. Aae(orrhage.
A) 6ntraocular Tu(ours :
:, 2etinoblasto(a.
:, Malignant Melano(a
6) 2etina :
:@ 2etinopathies : $iabetic, Aypertensive To+ae(ia of
:, 2etinal $etach(ent.
:, 2etinitis .ig(entosa, 2etinoblasto(a
M) ptic nerve :
:, ptic Neuritis.
:, .apilloede(a.
:, ptic &trophy.
K) ptics :
:, .rinciples : G.&. testing 2etinoscopy, phthal(oscopy.
:, 2ef. #rrors.
:, 2efractive Keratoplasty.
:, :ontact lens, 8pectacles
") rbit :
:, .roptosis F &etiology, :linical #valuation, 6nvestigations 7
.rinciples of Manage(ent
:, #ndocrinal #+ophthal(os.
:, rbital Aae(orrhage.
M) "ids :
:@ 6nfla((ations of %lands.
:, Clepharitis.
:, Trichiasis, #ntropion.
:, #ctropion.
:, 8y(blepharon.
:, .tosis.
N) "acri(al 8yste( :
:, !et #ye.
:, $ry #ye
:, Naso "acri(al $uct bstruction
:, $acryocystitis
) cular Mobility :
:, #+trinsic Muscles.
:, Move(ents of #ye Call.
:, 80uint : %en. &etiology, $iagnosis and principles of
:, .aralytic and Non .aralytic 80uint.
:, Aeterophoria.
:, $iplopia.
.) Miscellaneous :
:, :olour Clindness.
:, "asers in phthal(ology F .rinciples.
L) cular Trau(a : , Clunt Trau(a.
:, .erforating Trau(a
:, :he(ical Curns
:, 8y(pathetic phthal(itis
*) .rinciples of Manage(ent of Ma5or pthal(ic #(ergencies :
:, &cute :ongestive %lauco(a.
:, :. ;lcer.
:, 6ntraocular Trau(a.
:, :he(ical Curns.
:, 8udden "oss of vision
:, &cute 6ridocyclitis.
:, 8econdary %lauco(as
-) Main 8yste(ic $iseases &ffecting the #ye :
:, Tuberculosis.
:, 8yphilis.
:, "eprosy.
:, &ids.
:, $iabetes.
:, Aypertension
/) $rugs :
:, &ntibiotics
:, 8teroids.
:, %lauco(a $rugs.
:, Mydriatics.
:, Gisco elastics.
:, ?luoresceue.
1) :o((unity phthal(ology :
:, Clindness : $efinition :auses 7 Magnitude
N...:.C. F 6ntegration of N...:.C. with other health
:, .reventable Clindness.
:, #ye care.
:, 2ole of .A:Hs in #ye :a(ps.
:, #ye Canking.
@) Nutritional :, Git. &. $eficiency.
:linical phthal(ology cases To Ce :overed
Aistory taking 7 #ye e+a(ination
&ssess(ent of visual function.
:, .terigiu(.
:, .inguecula
:, :on5unctivitis.
:, 8ub :on5. Aae(orrhage.
:ornea :, :orneal pacity .
:, :orneal ;lcer.
:, :orneal &bscess.
:, :orneal Transplant
8clera :, 8cleritis, #pi 8cleritis.
:, 8taphylo(a.
;vea :, 6ridocyclitis.
"ens :, :ataract.
:, &phakia
:, 6"s
:, :o(plications
%lauco(a F Types, 8igns, 8y(pto(s 7 Manage(ent
"ids :, #ntropion
:, #ctropion
:, .tosis.
T;T26&"8 T.6:8 (Total -> Aours)
:ataract :, #::#
:, 6::#
:, 6" 6(plantation
:, .haco,e(ulsification.
, .terigiu(
, :hala3ion
, %lauco(a
, ?oreign Cody 2e(oval
, #nucletion
, Keratoplasty
, Casic of s0uint, " '>
, .$
, perative
, Casic #+a(ination and $iagnostic instru(ents
Tono(eter, 8ac 8yringing, 8lip "a(p.
ptics @ Le*'e' C S.%ere', C&!i*der', ,ri'"',
.inhole, 8lit, Maddo+ 2od 7 Maddo+ wing,
2ed 7 %reen %lasses.
, 6"s
, phthal(oscopy
, 2etinoscopy
, :ontact "enses
, :olour Gision
Miotics &ntibiotics &ntiglauco(a
Mydriatics 8teroids &nti virals
N8&6$8 &nti ?ungal
Giscoflastics .re,p. 7 .ost F p.
"ecture held each ter( for G66 and G666 ter( : ;nder graduate Theory "ectures:
'. &nato(y 7 .hysiology /
*. ptics @
-. :on5unctiva /
/. :ornea @
1. 8clera '
@. ;vea /
D. :ataract @
<. %lauco(a @
=. ptic Nerve /
'>. 2etina '
''. Gitreous /
'*. 80uint /
'-. :o((unity phthal(ology *
'/. "ids /
'1. rbit *
'@. "acri(al &ppartus and $ry #ye /
'D. Miscellaneous 7 thers *
T$t)! Leture' 5B
Tutorials ->

I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t: AB 2 T%e$r& =B L,r)ti)! =B4
.lan of 6nternal assess(ent in phthal(ology
Marks of 6nternal &ssess(ent should be sent to ;niversity before the
co((ence(ent of Theory e+a(ination.
.assing in internal assess(ent is essential for passing, as 6nternal
assess(ent is separate head of passing. in e+a(ination.
6t will also be considered for grace (arks as per e+isting rules
:o(bined theory and practical of internal assess(ent will be
considered for passing in internal assess(ent.
8tudent will be allowed to appear for both theory and practical e+a(
independent of (arks obtained in internal assess(ent but he if fails
in that head even after including the grace (arks he will be declared
GF)i! in that 8ub5ectK
Internal assess#ent in Teor& '
'. #+a(inations during se(esters : This will be carried out by
conducting two theory e+a(inations during /th and @th se(esters
( 1> (arks each).
Total of '>> (arks to be converted into 1 (arks.( &41)
*. .reli( e+a(ination : This shall be carried out during =th se(ester.
ne theory papers of /> (arks as per university e+a(ination.
Total of /> (arks to be converted into 1 (arks. ( C41)
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent, Theory will be addition of & and C.
Internal assess#ent in Practical
#+a(inations at end of :linical postings:
'. There will be practical e+a(ination at the end of each clinical
posting of pthala(ology.,/
and @th se(ester. #ach e+a(ination will
be of 1> (arks. Total of * e+a(inations F '>> (arks , will be
converted to 1 (arks.( :41)
*. .reli( e+a(ination:
This will be conducted for /> (arks as per university pattern and
(arks will be converted to 1 ($41).
Total (arks of 6nternal of,of .ractical will be addition of : and $.

#valuation Met%$d' @ T%e$r&, ,r)ti)! )*d Vi?)
.attern of theory e+a(ination including distribution of (arks, 0uestions
and ti(e
.attern of theory e+a(ination including distribution of (arks
'. There shall be one theory papers , carrying /> (arks
*. The paper will have two sections, & and C
-. The paper will be of *.1 hours duration.
/. 8ection & will be M:L in each paper. 8ection C will have to be written in
separate answer sheets.
THEORY : /> (arks $uration Two and half hours (*.1) hours
M%+ section A ,ill be given to candidates at the beginning of the
After 3- minutes Section A ,ill be collected. Section . of paper ,ill
then be handed over to candidates.

8ection & :-> (in. duration
Twenty eight single M:Ls, '4* (ark each : '/ (arks

8eparate paper
8ingle based response
M:L will cover whole syllabus
8ection C : * hours duration
Two long 0uestions ("&L) of D (arks each : '/ (arks
(will contain so(e preclinical4paraclinical aspects)
Three 4five (8&L)short notes ,/ (arks each : '* (arks

,RACTICAL : /> (arks
:linical : ne long case :-> (arks :-> (in. for taking case and '> (inutes for
ral (viva voce) :'> (arks:'> (in. duration
'.$ark 2oo( 1 (arks
*.6nstru(ents 1 (arks
M)r6' $# VIVA /i!! -e )dded t$ T%e$r& ")r6'
It i' $".u!'$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&.
It i' ")*d)t$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&L?i?)>$r)!.

These guidelines are based on M:6 reco((endations.
Teaching has to be done keeping in (ind the goals and ob5ectives to be
achieved by (edical student
The basic idea of undergraduate students teaching and training in
is that he 4she should have ac0uired ade0uate knowledge and skills for
$ealing with co((on disorders, e(ergencies in #.N.T .and basic
principles of
i(paired hearing rehabilitation.
&t the end of course the student shall be able to :
(') $escribe the basic pathophysiology and co((on #ar, Nose, Throat
diseases and e(ergencies.
(*) &dopt the rationale use of co((only used drugs,keeping in (ind their
side effects
(-) 8uggest co((on investigative (ethods and their interpretation.

&t the end of course ,the student shall be able to:
'. #+a(ine and diagnose co((on ear ,nose ,throat proble(s including
pre(alignant and (alignant diseases of head and neck.
*. Manage ear ,nose ,throat (#.N.T)proble(s at the first level of care
and be able to refer whenever and wherever necessary.
-. &ssist4do independently basic #.N.T. procedures like ear syringing,
#ar dressings, nasal packing re(oval of foreign bodies fro( nose, ear,
/. &ssist in certain procedures like tracheosto(y, endoscopies.
1. :onduct :.2 (cardiopul(onary resuscitation).
@. Ce able to use auroscope, nasal speculu(, tongue depressor, tunning fork
and head (irror.

The undergraduate training in #.N.T. will provide an integrated
approach towards other disciplines especially neurosciences,
ophthal(ology and general surgery.

'. Total teaching hours : D>
*. Theory lectures : /<(/th,@th,Dth ter(.)
-. Tutorials : **(Dth ter()
/. :linical .ostings Two clinical postings of /weeks
?irst in /
se(ester and second in @
Cedside clinics F < weeks of three hours per day '// hours
C$ur'e di'tri-uti$* )*d Te)%i*+ ,r$+r)""e

This is suggested progra((e and can vary at institute
Total D> hours of teaching has to be done in #NT including Tutorials
$etails of syllabus is given separately below after distribution as per se(ester

Theory lectures will be taken once a week and their distribution will be as below:
'. /th ter( :'@(nose and .aranasal sinuses4throat)
a. N8# &N$ ..N.8. : '>
b. TA2&T &N$ N#:K: @
*. @th ter( :'@ (2e(aining topics of throat, head and neck and 4 ear)
a. TA2&T &N$ N#:K: <
b. #&2 : <
-. D th ter( : '@ lectures
a. 2#:#NT &$G&N:#8 &N$ TA#28 : /
b. #&2 '*
Total Theory lectures /<
Tutorials D
Ter( ** hours teaching
THEORY LECTURES: /th, @th, Dth ter( (one hour per week)
Topics No.of lectures
&nato(y4physiology '
$iseases of buccal cavity '
$iseases of pharyn+ *
Tonsils and adenoids *
.haryngeal tu(ours and related
Topics (tris(us, .lu((er.Ginson 8yndro(e etc.) '
&nato(y 4physiology4e+a(ination
Methods4sy(pto(atology of laryn+ *
8tridor 4tracheosto(y *
"aryngitis 4laryngeal trau(a4
"aryngeal paralysis4 foreign body laryn+4
Cronchus, etc. *
"aryngeal tu(ours '
Nose and paranasal sinuses
&nato(y 4physiology4 e+a(.
Methods 4sy(pto(atology *
$iseases of e+t. nose4cong.
:onditions '
Trau(a to nose4p.n.s4?oreign Cody. 4 2hinolith '
#pista+is '
$iseases of nasal septu( '
2hinitis '
Nasal polyps4nasal allergy '
8inusitis and its co(plications '
Tu(ours of nose and .ara nasal sinuses '
&nato(y 4physiology *
Methods4(ethods of e+a(ination '
:ong.diseases4 e+t.ear 4(iddle ear '
&cute4chronic supp. otitis (edia
&etiology, clinical features and its
Manage(ent4co(plications @
8erous4adhesive otitis (edia '
Mastoid4(iddle ear surgery '
tosclerosis4tu(ours of ear *
?acial paralysis4MeniereHs disease *
Tinnitus 4ototo+icity *
$eafness4hearing aids4rehabilitation
&udio(etry *
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t: AB 2 T%e$r& =B L,r)ti)! =B4

Marks of 6nternal &ssess(ent should be sent to ;niversity before the
co((ence(ent of Theory e+a(ination.
.assing in internal assess(ent is essential for passing, as 6nternal assess(ent
is separate head of passing. in e+a(ination.
6t will also be considered for grace (arks as per e+isting rules
:o(bined theory and practical of internal assess(ent will be considered for
passing in internal assess(ent.
8tudent will be allowed to appear for both theory and practical e+a(
independent of (arks obtained in internal assess(ent but he if fails in that
head even after including the grace (arks he will be declared GF)i! in that
6nternal assess(ent in Theory ,
' E8)"i*)ti$*' duri*+ 'e"e'ter': This will be carried out by conducting two
theory e+a(inations during /th and @th se(esters ( 1> (arks each). Total of
'>> (arks to be converted into 1 (arks.( &41)
A ,re!i" e8)"i*)ti$* : This shall be carried out during Dth se(ester.
ne theory papers of /> (arks as per university e+a(ination.
Total of /> (arks to be converted into 1 (arks. ( C41)
- T$t)! ")r6' $# I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t, Theory will be addition of & and C.
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t i* ,r)ti)!
E8)"i*)ti$*' )t e*d $# C!i*i)! .$'ti*+':
There will be practical e+a(ination at the end of each clinical posting of #NT,
and @th se(ester) #ach e+a(ination will be of 1> (arks.
Total of * e+a(inations F '>> (arks , will be converted to 1 (arks.( :41)
,re!i" e8)"i*)ti$*:
This will be conducted for / > (arks as per university pattern and (arks
will be converted to 1 ($41).
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent,of .ractical will be addition of : and $.

Met%$d' @ T%e$r&, ,r)ti)! )*d Vi?)
,)tter* $# t%e$r& e8)"i*)ti$* i*!udi*+ di'tri-uti$* $# ")r6', Fue'ti$*' )*d
'. There shall be one theory paper , carrying /> (arks
*. The paper will have two sections, & and C
-. The paper will be of *.1 hours duration.
/. 8ection & will be M:L in each paper. 8ection C will have to be written in
separate answer sheets.
1. M:L section & will be given to candidates at the beginning of the e+a(ination.
&fter -> (inutes 8ection & will be collected. 8ection C of paper will then be
handed over to candidates.

THEORY: /> (arks $uration: Two and half hours (*.1) hours

Seti$* A :-> (in. duration
'. Twenty eight M:Ls, '4* (ark each: '/
*. 8eparate paper 8ingle based response
-. M:L will cover whole syllabus

Seti$* B : * hours duration
'. Two long 0uestions ("&L) of D (arks each : '/ (arks
(will contain so(e preclinical 4 paraclinical aspects)
*. Three 4five (8&L)short notes , / (arks each : '* (arks
,RACTICAL : :B ")r6'
'.ne long case :*> (arks :-> (in. ?or e+a(ination and '>(inutes for assess(ent
*.ne short case :'> (arks :'1 (in.for e+a(ination and 1 (inutes for assess(ent

Or)! 2?i?) ?$e4: '> (arks: '> (in. duration
(6nstru(ents, +,rays, speci(ens, audiogra(s)
M)r6' $# VIVA /i!! -e )dded t$ T%e$r& ")r6'
It i' $".u!'$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&.
It i' ")*d)t$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&L?i?)>$r)!.
These guidelines are based on M:6 reco((endations Teaching has to be done
keeping in (ind the goals and
ob5ectives to be achieved by (edical student
2i4 GOAL
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in bstetrics and
%ynaecology is that he4she shall ac0uire understanding of anato(y, physiology
and pathophysiology of the reproductive syste( 7 gain the ability to opti(ally
(anage co((on conditions affecting it.
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
utline the anato(y, physiology and pathophysiology of the reproductive
syste( and the co((on conditions affecting it.
$etect nor(al pregnancy, labour puerperiu( and (anage the proble(s he4she
is likely to encounter therein,
"ist the leading causes of (aternal perinatal (orbidity and (ortality.
;nderstand the principles of contraception and various techni0ues e(ployed,
(ethods of (edical ter(ination of pregnancy, sterili3ation and their
6dentify the use, abuse and side effects of drugs in pregnancy, pre,(enopausal
and post,(enopausal periods)
$escribe the national progra((e of (aternal and child health and fa(ily
welfare and their i(ple(entation at various levels.
6dentify co((on gynaecological diseases and describe principles of their
8tate the indications, techni0ues and co(plications of surgeries like :aesarian
8ection, laparoto(y, abdo(inal and vaginal hysterecto(y, ?athergillHs
operation and vacuu( aspiration for Medical Ter(ination of .regnancy
&t the end of the course, the student shall be able to :
'.#+a(ine a pregnant wo(an) recogni3e high,risk pregnancies &N$ (ake
appropriate referrals
*.conduct a nor(al delivery, recogni3e co(plications and provide postnatal care)
-. 2esuscitate the newborn and recogni3e the congenital ano(alies
/.advise a couple on the use of various available contraceptive devices and assist
in insertion and re(oval of intra,uterine contraceptive devices.
1. .erfor( pelvic e+a(ination, diagnose and (anage co((on gynaecological
proble(s including early detection of genital (alignancies)
@. Make a vaginal cytological s(ear, perfor( a post coital test and wet vaginal
s(ear e+a(ination for Tricho(onas vaginalis, Moniliasis and gra( stain for
D.interpretation of data of investigations like bioche(ical, histopathological,
radiological ultrasound etc.
The student shall be able to integrate clinical skills with other disciplines and
bring about coordination of fa(ily welfare progra((e for the national goal of
population control.
'. attendance of a (aternity hospital or the (aternity wards of a general
hospital including
(i) antenatal care
the (anage(ent of the puerperiu( and
a (ini(u( period of 1 (onths in,patient and out,patient training
including fa(ily welfare planning
*. of this period of clinical instruction, not less than one (onth shall be
spent as a resident pupil in a (aternity ward of a general hospital.
-. during this period, the student shall conduct at least '> cases of labour
under ade0uate supervision and assist '> other cases.
/. a certificate showing the nu(ber of cases of labour attended by the
student in the (aternity hospital and4or patient ho(es respectively,
shall be signed by a responsible (edical officer on the staff of the
hospital and shall state:
(a) that the student has been present during the course of labour
and personally conducted each case, (aking the necessary
abdo(inal and other e+a(inations under the supervision of the
certifying officer who shall describe his official position.
(b) That satisfactory written histories of the cases conducted
including wherever possible antenatal and postnatal
observations, were presented by the student and initialed by the
supervising officer
"ectures, Tutorials bedside clinics and lecture cu( de(onstrations
$istribution of Teaching hours ,
"ectures , '-> hours
Tutorials and revision , 'D> hours
Cedside clinics , /@< hours
$6$&:T6: "#:T;2#8
8#M#8T#2 A;284!##K TT&"
/ ' 4 !##K 'D
@ - 4 !##K /<
D - 4 !##K /<
< ' 4 !##K 'D
TT&" '->
C) :"6N6:&" $#MN8T2&T6N8, .2&:T6:&" $#MN8T2&T6N8,
8#M6N&28 #T:.
8#M#8T#2 A;284!##K TT&"
< / 4 !##K @<
= @ 4 !##K '>*
TT&" 'D>
TT&" T#&:A6N% A;28 ->>
Su++e'ted !eture .r$+r)"
Di'tri-uti$* $# '&!!)-u' i* re'.eti?e 'e"e'ter'

This is suggested progra((e and can vary at institute
Total ->> hours of teaching has to be done in C %9 including Tutorials
$etails of syllabus is given separately below after distribution as per se(ester
:t% Se"e'ter :OBSTETRICS :
'. &pplied anato(y of fe(ale genital tract.
*. $evelop(ent of genital tract
-. .hysiology of (enstruation
/. .uberty and (enopause
1. .hysiology of ovulation 4 conception 4 i(plantation.
@. #arly develop(ent of hu(an e(bryo.
D. 8tructure, function and ano(alies of placenta.
<. .hysiological changes during pregnancy 4 diagnosis of pregnancy.
=. &ntenatal care, nutrition in pregnancy, detection of high,risk pregnancy.
'>. Nor(al labour , .hysiology, (echanis(, clinical course and (anage(ent,
pain relief in labour.
''. Nor(al puerperiu( and breast,feeding.
'*. #+a(ination and care of newborn.
'-. :ontraception , 6ntroduction and basic principles
'/. Maternal (ortality and (orbidity, perinatal (ortality and (orbidity.
National health
.rogra((e , safe,(otherhood, reproductive and child health, social obstetrics.
8e(ester: %9N&#:"%9 7 ?&M6"9 ."&NN6N%
'. $evelop(ent of genital tract, congenital ano(alies and clinical significance,
:hro(oso(al abnor(alities and interse+.
*. .hysiology of Menstruation, Menstrual abnor(alities ,
&(enorrhoea,$ys(enorrhea, &bnor(al ;terine Cleeding, $;C.
-. .uberty and its disorders, &dolescent %ynaecological proble(s.
/. Menopause 7 A 2 T.
1. 6nfections of genital tract, "eucorrhoea, .ruritus vulvae, Gaginitis, :ervicitis,
.6$, %enital TC, 8e+ually trans(itted infections including A6G infection.
@. Cenign 7 Malignant tu(ours of the genital tract.
"eio(yo(a, carcino(a cervi+, carcino(a endo(etriu(,chorio carcino(a,
ovarian tu(ors.Cenign 7 Malignant "esions of Gulva
D. 2adiotherapy 7 :he(otherapy in %ynaecology.
<. ther gynaecological disorders , &deno(yosis, #ndo(etriosis
=. %enital .rolapse, %enital Tract displace(ent,
'>. ;rinary disorders in %ynaecology, .erineal tears, %enital ?istulae, 2G? 7 GG?.
'. $e(ography and population $yna(ics.
*. :ontraception , Te(porary (ethods.
.er(anent (ethods.
'. MT. &ct and procedures of MT. in first 7 second tri(ester.
*. #(ergency contraception. :
'. :o(plications in early pregnancy.
Aypere(esis gravidaru( 4 abortion 4 ectopic pregnancy 4
gestational trophoblastic disease.
*. bstetrical co(plications during pregnancy.
&.A , &ccidental he(orrhage. .lacenta praevia.
-. .oly hydra(nios 4 oligohydra(nios, (ultifetal pregnancy.
/. Medical disorders in pregnancy.
&ne(ia, Aeart disease. Aypertensive disorder, .6A and #cla(psia,
$iabetes, 5aundice, pul(onary disease in pregnancy.
1. 6nfections in pregnancy
;rinary tract diseases, se+ually trans(itted infections including A6G,
(alaria, T2:A etc.
@. %ynaecological and surgical conditions in pregnancy.
?ibroid with pregnancy, ovarian tu(ours, acute abdo(en, genital
D. Aigh risk pregnancy, pre,ter( labour, post ter( pregnancy, 6;%2,
6;?$, pregnancy wastages, 2h inco(patibility, post caesarean
<. 6nduction of labour.
=. &bnor(al position 7 presentation : ccipito posterior, Creech,
Transverse, ?ace 7 Crow, :o(pound, :ord .resentation and
'>. &bnor(al labour , abnor(al uterine action, :.$.
bstructed labour, uterine rupture.
''. Third stage co(plications , 2etained placenta, ..A, 8hock, ;terine
inversion, ?luid #(bolis(.
'*. .uerperial 8epsis and ther :o(plications in puerperiu(.
'-. #valuation of ?oetal Aealth during pregnancy and labour.
'/. $rugs used in obstetric practice.
'1. perative procedures in bstetrics : :aesarean 8ection, 6nstru(ental
Gaginal $elivery. ?orceps, Gacuu(,
'@. Maternal Mortality and (orbidity, .erinatal (ortality and
(orbidity. National progra( , safe (otherhood, reproductive and
child health , 8ocial bstetrics.
N#! C2N :
'. #+a(ination and care of new born 7 low birth weight babies.
*. &sphy+ia and neonatal resuscitation.
-. $iagnosis of early neonatal proble(s.
/. Cirth in5uries, 5aundice, infection.
1. &nencephaly 7 Aydrocephalus and other :ongenital &no(alies of fetus.
'. .reventive ncology
2. .rinciples of gynaecological surgical procedures
-. .re and post operative care in %ynaecology
/. ;ltrasongraphy and 2adiology, in %ynaecology
1. #ndoscopy in in %ynaecology
@. $rugs and hor(ones in %ynaecology
D. 8urgical procedures in obstetrics
<. Maternal (ortality
=. .erinatal (ortality
'>. 2ecurrent pregnancy wastages
''. Aigh risk pregnancy
'*. 2ural obstetrics
'-. $rugs in .regnancy
'/. $rugs in obstetric practice
6n addition, integrated teaching with other depart(ents like anato(y, physiology,
bioche(istry, pathology, (icrobiology, ?orensic Medicine and .reventive and 8ocial
(edicine to be organi3ed for selected topics.
'. $evelop(ent of genital tract , any (alfor(ations
of genital tract and their clinical significance , &nato(y
*. ?etal physiology , fetal circulation .hysiology
-. fetal (alfor(ations , genesis, #(bryology
/. :6N .athology
1. &2? .hysiology Medicine
@. :oagulation failure .athology Medicine
D. $iabetes, heart disease Medicine
<. ;8% 2adiology
=. 6nfections in pregnancy Microbiology
'>. Medico,legal aspects ?orensic Medicine
''. Nutrition in pregnancy and lactation .8M
'*. #vidence based obstetrics .8M
'-. $rugs in pregnancy .har(acology
Meto%s ; Internal assess#ent< Teor&< Practical an% =i8a
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t: :B 2 T%e$r& AB L,r)ti)! AB4

Marks of 6nternal &ssess(ent should be sent to ;niversity before
the co((ence(ent of Theory e+a(ination.
.assing in internal assess(ent is essential for passing ,as 6nternal
assess(ent is separate head of passing. in e+a(ination.
6t will also be considered for grace (arks as per e+isting rules
:o(bined theory and practical of internal assess(ent will be
considered for passing in internal assess(ent.
8tudent will be allowed to appear for both theory and practical
e+a( independent of (arks obtained in internal assess(ent but
he if fails in that head even after including the grace (arks he will
be declared GF)i! in that 8ub5ectK
I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t i* T%e$r& ,
E8)"i*)ti$*' duri*+ 'e"e'ter' : This will be carried out by conducting
two theory e+a(inations during
@th and <rth se(esters ( '>> (arks each). Total of *>> (arks to be converted
into '> (arks.( &4'>)
,re!i" e8)"i*)ti$* : This shall be carried out during =th se(ester. Two
theory papers of /> (arks
each as per university e+a(ination. Total of <> (arks to be converted into
'> (arks. ( C4'>)
Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent, Theory will be addition of & and C.

I*ter*)! )''e''"e*t i* ,r)ti)!
E8)"i*)ti$*' )t e*d $# C!i*i)! .$'ti*+':
There will be practical e+a(ination at the end of each clinical posting of C%9.
#ach e+a(ination will be of 1> (arks. Total of all e+a(s (arks will be converted to
'> (arks.( :4'>)
,re!i" e8)"i*)ti$*:
This will be conducted for @> (arks as per university pattern and (arks will
be converted to '> ($4'>). Total (arks of 6nternal assess(ent, .ractical will be
addition of : and $.

#valuation Met%$d' @ T%e$r&, ,r)ti)! )*d Vi?)
.attern of theory e+a(ination including distribution of (arks, 0uestions
and ti(e

.attern of theory e+a(ination including distribution of (arks
'. There shall be two theory papers , .aper 6 and 66, carrying /> (arks each.
*. #ach paper will have three sections, & , C and :. #ach paper will be of *.1
hours duration.
-. 8ection & will be M:L in each paper. 8ection C will have 8&L and 8ection
: "&L answer sheet.
/. M:L section & will be given to candidates at the beginning of the
1. &fter -> (inutes 8ection & will be collected. 8ection C 7 : of paper will
then be handed over to candidates
Topics , bstetrics including social obstetrics and newborn care
.Seti$* A :3B "i*. dur)ti$*
Twenty eight M:Ls, 4* (ark each : '/ (arks
8ingle based response
M:L will cover whole syllabus of .aper 6
Seti$* B ( C : A %$ur' dur)ti$*
Seti$* B , Three 4five (8&L)short notes ,/ (arks each '* (arks
Seti$* C , Two long 0uestions ("&L) of D (arks each '/ (arks
(will contain so(e preclinical4.ara clinical aspects)

,A,ER II :
Topics :%ynaecology, ?a(ily !elfare and $e(ography ,
Seti$* A :3B "i*. dur)ti$*
8eparate paper
Twenty eight M:Ls, '4* (ark each '/ (arks
8ingle based response
M:L will cover whole syllabus of .aper 66
Seti$* B ( C : A %$ur' dur)ti$*
Seti$* B , Three 4five (8&L)short notes ,/ (arks each '*(arks
Seti$* C , Two long 0uestions ("&L) of D (arks each '/ (arks
(will contain so(e preclinical4.ara clinical aspects)

S%e"e O# ,r)ti)! ( Or)! E8)"i*)ti$* F$r O-'teri' ( G&*)e$!$+&
,RACTICAL : T$t)! C 0B M)r6'
') "N% :&8# : /> Marks
&) Aistory '> Marks
C) :linical #+a( '> Marks
:) 6nvestigations 7 diagnosis '> Marks
$) Manage(ent '> Marks
*) 8A2T :&8# : '> Marks
&) .resentation >1 Marks
C) $iscussion >1 Marks
-) ?&M6"9 ."&NN6N% '> Marks
T$t)! : 0B M)r6'
/) ORAL > VIVA AB M)r6'
&) bstetric Giva '> Marks
C) %ynaecology Giva '> Marks
M)r6' $# VIVA /i!! -e )dded t$ T%e$r& ")r6'
It i' ")*d)t$r& t$ $-t)i* ;BJ ")r6' i* t%e$r&L?i?)>$r)!.
YEAR: @ T%ird 2I4 MBBS
SN. Su-Iet
Ter" E*d A
Ter" E*d ,re!i"i*)r& E8)"i*)ti$*
Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)! Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)! Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)!
2A4 2B4 2C4 2D4 2E4 2F4
'. .8M 6G @> *> G6 @> *> G66 '*> />
*. ophthal(ology G6 /> /> , , , G66 /> />
-. #NT G6 /> /> , , , G66 /> />
2B4 C)!u!)ti$* Met%$d:@
6) ?or .8M Theory Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of *> T
T *>
66) ?or .8M .ractical Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of *> T
T *>
666) ?or phthal( 7 #NT Theory Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of '> T
T '>
6G) ?or phthal( 7 #NT .ractical Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of '> T
T '>
YEAR: @ T%ird 2II4 MBBS
SN. Su-Iet
Ter" E*d A
Ter" E*d ,re!i"i*)r& E8)"i*)ti$*
Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)! Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)! Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)!
2A4 2B4 2C4 2D4 2E4 2F4
'. Medicine G6 @> @> G666 @> @> 6E '*> '*>
*. 8urgery G6 @> @> G666 @> @> 6E '*> '*>
-. bstetrics4%ynecology G6 /> /> G666 /> /> 6E <> <>
/. .ediatrics G6 *> *> G666 *> *> 6E /> />
2B4 C)!u!)ti$* Met%$d:@
6) ?or Medicine 7 8urgery Theory Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of -> T
T ->
66) ?or Medicine 7 8urgery .ractical Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of -> T
T ->
666) ?or bstetrics4%ynecology Theory Marks to e send to the ;niversity out of *> T
T *>
6G) ?or bstetrics4%ynecology .ractical Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of *> T
T *>
G) ?or .ediatrics Theory Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of '> T
T '>
G6) ?or .ediatrics .ractical Marks to be send to the ;niversity out of '> T
T '>
N$te:@ F$r Sur+er& )*d Ort%$.edi' S%e"e /i!! -e )' #$!!$/', %$/e?er t%e'e ")r6' '%$u!d -e $"-i*ed )*d 'e*d t$ t%e U*i?er'it& $ut $# 3B.
SN. Su-Iet
Ter" E*d A
Ter" E*d ,re!i"i*)r& E8)"i*)ti$*
Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)! Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)! Se"e'ter T%e$r& ,r)ti)!
2A4 2B4 2C4 2D4 2E4 2F4
'. 8urgery G6 /< /< G666 /< /< 6E =@ =@
*. rthopedics G6 '* '* G666 '* '* 6E */ */
6nternship discipline related and curriculu( in fa(ily welfare shall be
according to nor(s laid down by Medical :ouncil of 6ndia
6t shall be as per M.:.6. and is included in respective sub5ects.

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