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1-1- These general conditions of purchase (hereinafter referred to as GCP) are appl icabl e to al l
orders (hereinafter referred to as Order(s)) from our Company notabl y to purchase and/or l ease
and/or to acquire goods (hereinafter referred to as Product(s) ) and/or to acquire services
(hereinafter referred to as Service(s)) (such Products and Services are hereinafter, in general ,
referred to as Suppl y(ies)) from suppl iers and/or providers thereof (hereinafter, in general , referred
to as Suppl ier(s)).
1-2- These GCP are appl icabl e as of the date of acceptance of the Order under the conditions set forth
in Articl e Three (3), in ful l and as the sol e and excl usive agreement between the Suppl ier and our
Company. The suppl ier waives its own general conditions of sal e.
1-3- The GCP may onl y be amended with the prior written agreement of our Company and of the
Suppl ier.

2-1- Al l Orders from our Company shal l be governed excl usivel y by the GCP herein and suppl emented
by the particul ar conditions refl ected in our purchase order (hereinafter referred to as PC) together,
where rel evant, with al l other contractual documents (hereinafter referred to as OCD ) defined in the
2-2- In the event of a discrepancy between the various documents, the order of priority shal l be as
fol l ows: (1) the PC, (2) the GCP and (3) the OCD.
2-3- The GCP, PC and OCD contain the entire agreement between the parties and supersede al l
rel ated previous agreements and understandings between them whether written or oral and whether
express or impl ied.

3-1-1- Al l Orders from our Company are made pursuant to a written purchase order (hereinafter
referred to as Order Form(s) ).
3-1-2- No Order shal l be considered as effective unl ess it has been accepted in the conditions
described in fol l owing sub-articl e.
3-2-1- Acknowl edgment of acceptance of the Order shal l consist of the dupl icate of the Order Form
dul y signed by the Suppl ier and sent to our Company by mail or by fax, within ten (10) cal endar days
from the date set out in the Order Form (hereinafter the Acknowl edgement of Receipt).
3-2-2 Any Order may be withdrawn by our Company upon written notice to the Suppl ier with
immediate effect without giving rise to damages or any indemnity obl igation of our Company of any
kind whatsoever, unl ess such Order is, prior to our Companys withdrawal of the same, whol l y
accepted by the Suppl ier as prescribed.
3-2-3- Any Order with respect to which our Company has not received an Acknowl edgment of Receipt
and that has not been withdrawn in writing by our Company in accordance with the provisions of the
above paragraph, but which has been fil l ed in ful l or in part by the Suppl ier shal l be deemed to have
been accepted in ful l by the Suppl ier.
3-3-1- Any modification, even minor, of the Order shal l be the subject to prior written agreement by
our Company and an amendment to the Order.

4-1- Certain Suppl ies may be the subject of an open order (hereinafter referred to as Open Order
and col l ectivel y, Open Orders ) that describes at l east the type and characteristics of the Suppl y, the
price, the pl ace of del ivery, the invoicing address and any other appl icabl e conditions (e.g., INCOTERM,
transport, packaging, etc.). Such Open Order requires an acceptance as described in articl e three (3)
above. Its execution requires del ivery cal l s Form (hereinafter the Del ivery Cal l s).
4-2- The vol umes that may be given in an Open Order onl y have an approximate val ue and shal l not
constitute a commitment by our Company.
4-3- The del ivery dates and the actual vol umes to be del ivered are given in Del ivery Cal l s made in
accordance with the PC.
4-4- For the comprehension of these GCP the term Order incl udes the concept of Open Order as
wel l as the Cl osed Orders.

5-1-1- Nature
The packaging shal l compl y with the specifications defined in the PC and/or OCD.
5-1-2- References
Al l packaging must bear on the exterior the information required by appl icabl e l aw, l egibl y printed,
together with the fol l owing information
the description of the Suppl ies,
the quantity del ivered or the gross or net weight,
the index, the date and/or the number of the manufacturing batch of the del ivered Suppl ies,
the address of the del ivery pl ace indicated in the Order,
the specific storage conditions, and
al l other references prescribed by the PC or the OCD.
5-1-3- Del ivery documents
The Suppl ier shal l attach to the del ivered Suppl ies the del ivery sl ip, indicating the type of packaging
and the information appearing on the Order (date, Order Form number, quantity and nature of the
Suppl ies, detail s of the packaging, etc.) so as to enabl e identification of the Suppl ies and their
quantitative control .

6-1- Unl ess otherwise agreed in the PC, the Suppl ier shal l set up and maintain, for every Open Order,
an inventory pl an
6-2- Unl ess otherwise agreed in the PC, the del ivery and/or execution periods shal l be establ ished in
the Order Form. The del ivery and/or execution periods are an integral term of these GCP and are of
the essence of the Order. The Suppl ier must immediatel y notify our Company of any incident that may
jeopardize adherence to such del ivery and/or execution periods.
6-3- In the event of l ate del iveries, and without prejudice to the right of our Company to terminate al l
or part of the Order and/or to cl aim damages:
the Suppl ier shal l pay a l ate fee cal cul ated as fol l ows: 0,3% per started l ate working day with a
maximum aggregate l ate fee of 10% of the total amount of the Order to which such del ivery rel ates,
net of tax. Our Company shal l not be required to send a prior notice to the Suppl ier with respect to
any l ate del ivery or the imposition of such l ate fees.
Our Company reserves the right to invoice the Suppl ier for al l the costs resul ting from del ays in
del ivery (incl uding, without l imitation, assembl y l ine shortage of our customer(s) and/or our Company,
l ate penal ties, etc.)
6-4- The Suppl ier shal l not del iver or require acceptance of Suppl ies before the agreed del ivery date
without the express written consent of our Company.
6-5- The Suppl ier shal l bear al l direct and/or indirect costs arising from any such earl y del ivery.


7-1-1- Inspection of Products before del ivery: our Company reserves the right to carry out with prior
notice - al l inspections of Products before they are del ivered, at the Suppl iers premises and during
normal business hours. Such inspection shal l not affect in any way the warranties granted by the
Suppl ier.
7-1-2- Rejection: our Company reserves the right to reject, by simpl e l etter, by tel ex, by mail or by fax,
del ivery of Products in the cases of non compl iance, other than insignificant, of the Products with the
Order or with the del ivery conditions defined in the Order. The same appl ies for excessive del iveries.
7-1-3- The provisions of Articl es 38 and 39 of the Vienna Convention on the International Sal e of Goods
(CISG) dated April 11, 1980 are excl uded.
7-1-4- Our Company wil l do its best efforts to inform the Suppl ier of any apparent defects immediately
after such defects shoul d e detected within the normal operational process. Consequentl y the
Suppl ier waives the exception of l ate cl aim.
7-1-5- Fail ure by our Company to assert any cl aims at the time of del ivery, acceptance of a del ivery
without written condition, or payment for any Products, shal l not constitute an acceptance of the
Products del ivered nor of the amount bil l ed and/or paid, and shal l not, under any circumstances, be
deemed a waiver by our Company of any subsequent cl aim.
7-1-6- No payment shal l be borne by our Company for any Products that are refused. As a
consequence, our Company may set off the amount of the refused Products against any invoices of
the Suppl ier or the Suppl ier shal l reimburse such amount to our Company on first demand.
7-1-7- Any Product refused may be either:
taken back by the Suppl ier at its own cost, risk and peril within a period of eight (8) days from the date
of the notification of refusal by our Company.
after this eight (8) day period, it is expressl y agreed that our Company may, without any l iabil ity of any
kind whatsoever, either destroy or return the refused Products to the Suppl ier, at the Suppl iers sol e
cost and risk.
7-2-1- Inspection of Services before acceptance: our Company reserves the right to carry out any
inspection of Services offered prior to acceptance, at the Suppl iers premises with prior notice and
during normal business hours. Such inspection shal l not affect in any way the warranties granted by
the Suppl ier.
7-2-2- Acceptance: Unl ess otherwise stipul ated in the PC, al l del iveries shal l be made upon compl ete
performance of the Service ordered on the date set out in the Order.
7-2-3- Our Company reserves the right to refuse the Services in the fol l owing cases by simpl e l etter,
by tel ex, by mail or fax:
non-compl iance, other than insignificant, of the Services with the Order,
non- compl iance, other than insignificant, with the performance schedul e
7-2-4- The Suppl ier may not invoice Services that are refused.
7-2-5- Fail ure to assert any cl aims at the time of provision of Services, acceptance of Services without
written condition, or payment for any Services shal l not constitute acceptance of the Services
performed nor agreement on the amount bil l ed and/or paid, and shal l not, under any circumstances,
be deemed a waiver by our Company of any subsequent cl aim.

8-1- Unl ess otherwise agreed in the PC, al l prices for Suppl ies (Prices) shal l be set forth in the
Order Form. Such Prices are fixed and not subject to change. Prices for Suppl ies are deemed to be
"Del ivered Duty Paid" - DDP (INCOTERMS 2000) - to the agreed pl ace of del ivery. The price is
expressed on a net basis, net of taxes, firm and final . The Price incl udes payment to the Suppl ier for
al l of its costs, expenses, charges, constraints and/or obl igations of any kind. The Price is deemed to
take account of al l circumstances and particul arities of the Order, and incl udes, without l imitation, for
the Products, the costs of packaging, wrapping, l oading, chocking and stowing in the means of
transport, transport, unl oading and maintenance in the agreed pl ace of del ivery as wel l as the
insurance costs and the risks.
8-2- No price increase may be appl ied without the prior written agreement of our Company.
8-3- Each invoice must correspond to an Order and to a singl e del ivery cal l . It must set out al l the
detail s that al l ow identification and inspection of the Suppl ies and must be sent in dupl icate to the
invoicing address appearing on the Order Form. Any incompl ete invoice shal l be returned unpaid to
the Suppl ier. Invoices shal l not be joined to the del iveries.
8-4- Unl ess otherwise agreed in the PC, al l purchases by Company are payabl e 90 days from the end
of the month in which invoices are received, on the 10th of the fol l owing month.

9-1- The Suppl ier, as a special ist in its fiel d, retains ful l l iabil ity for its technical decisions, regardl ess
of the degree of assistance that our Company may have provided during the performance of the Order.

9-2-1- Content of the guarantee:
9-2-1-a- The Suppl ier, as a special ist in its fiel d, represents and warrants / guarantees to our
Company that the del ivered Products shal l be:
merchantabl e, and of good material and workmanship;
fit for the particul ar purpose for which they are intended, within the normal conditions of use
specified by the Suppl ier, and shal l offer the safety that can be reasonabl y expected of them,
subject to such use of the Products as shal l have been indicated by our Company to the
Suppl ier at the time of pl acement of the Order;
in conformity with al l drawings, specifications and al l definition documents of the ordered
with respect to non-specified characteristics, in conformity with the initial sampl es ( IS )
received by our Company,
free of al l visibl e or l atent defects, as wel l as al l design, manufacturing or operational defects
9-2-1-b- Acceptance by our Company of the IS shal l not discharge the Suppl ier of its responsibil ity and
shal l not constitute acceptance of the Products del ivered and/or subsequentl y del ivered.
9-2-2- Scope of the guarantee
9-2-2-a- Without prejudice to our Companys right to terminate the Order and/or to assert any cl aim,
and in addition to al l l egal warranties, the Suppl ier grants to our Company a contractual guarantee.
9-2-2-b- Pursuant thereto the Suppl ier is bound by a performance obl igation and shal l take
responsibil ity notabl y for:
reimbursement to our Company for al l the costs directl y or indirectl y incurred by our Company in
connection with any defective Products,
al l direct and/or indirect consequential damages that are incurred directl y by our Company, whether
damage to persons or property, as wel l as consequential damages caused to third parties, to our
Company or to the successors or assigns of our Company or of any third party, as wel l as their
respective empl oyees and/or property.
9-2-2-c- This guarantee is granted for the duration of thirty six (36) months as from del ivery date .

9-3-1- Content of the guarantee:
9-3-1-a- The Suppl ier, as a special ist in its fiel d, represents and warrants / guarantees to our
Company that the Services performed shal l be :
in conformity with the Order
free from any visibl e or l atent defect.
9-3-1-b- The acceptance by our Company of the performed Services shal l not constitute acceptance of
the said Services, and shal l not discharge the Suppl ier from its responsibil ity for any hidden defects,
whenever such faul ty Service may be discovered.
9-3-2- Scope of the guarantee
9-3-2-a- Without prejudice to our Companys right to terminate the Order and/or to assert any cl aim,
and in addition to al l l egal warranties, the Suppl ier grants to our Company a contractual guarantee.
9-3-2-b- Pursuant thereto, the Suppl ier is bound by a performance obl igation and shal l take
responsibil ity notabl y for :
reimbursement for, or additional Service so that the defects are remedied,
performance of al l services necessary to compensate for the damages caused by the defective
al l direct and indirect consequential damages that are incurred directl y by our Company,
whether damage to persons or property, as wel l as consequential damages caused to third
parties, to our Company or to the successors or assigns of our Company or any third party, as
wel l as their respective empl oyees and/or property.
9-3-2-c- This guarantee is granted for the duration of thirty six (36) months as from acceptance date .
9-4- Non-performance of the guarantee / warranty by the Suppl ier
Where the Suppl ier is unabl e to perform this guarantee / warranty correctl y within a reasonabl e del ay
depending on the circumstances, our Company reserves the right, depending on the case, to buy the
Products and/or to arrange for the performance of any Services itsel f or from another Suppl ier, al l at
the cost of the defaul ting Suppl ier without prejudice to our Companys right to terminate such Order.
This is without prejudice to our Companys right to terminate the Order and/or to assert any cl aim,
and in addition to al l l egal warranties.

Suppl iers acceptance of an Order shal l mean the Suppl iers acceptance of the Qual ity System of our
Company and agreement to strict observance of the terms thereof.

Upon the request by our Company, the Suppl ier shal l certify the origin of any Product by providing a
certificate attesting that the Suppl y compl ies with the requirements of the regul ated material s panel
( RMP ) and does not infringe ISO TS 16949 with respect to control l ed substances.

12-1- The Suppl ier undertakes to assign to our Company the resul ts of Services of al l kinds (and
specifical l y research or design of prototypes, products, tool s or specific equipment) arising from
performance of the Order and that can be protected by intel l ectual and/or industrial property rights or
otherwise, which shal l be the excl usive property of our Company.
12-2- The Suppl ier acknowl edges and agrees that the price referred to in the Order incl udes
remuneration for the transfer of the above-mentioned rights and their del ivery to our Company.
12-3- The Suppl ier transfers to our Company al l the copyright rel ating to the resul ts of these Services
and specifical l y the rights of representation and reproduction, in any form and in any manner
whatsoever, current or future, the rights of use, distribution, marketing, transl ation, modification,
incorporation, combination, util ization and adaptation of the said resul ts, for the expl oitation of these
rights throughout their duration, in the whol e worl d, without l imitation of extent or purpose.
12-4- The Suppl ier agrees not to assert any cl aim (other than a cl aim for patent infringement) with
respect to any technical information that Suppl ier shal l have discl osed or may hereafter discl ose to
our Company in connection with any Suppl ies furnished to our Company
12-5- The Suppl ier shal l not use, for the purposes of fil l ing any Order, Intel l ectual and/or Industrial
Property Rights that bel ong to a third party without the prior written consent of such third party. Any
fees, royal ties or other payments that may be payabl e in connection with such util ization shal l be
borne excl usivel y by the Suppl ier.
12-6- The Suppl ier shal l indemnify, defend and hol d harml ess our Company from and against any
l egal or out-of-court cl aims made against our Company at any pl ace whatsoever by third parties,
based on Intel l ectual and / or Industrial Property or Patent Rights rel ating to the Suppl iers ful fil ment
of any Order. Our Company shal l immediatel y advise the Suppl ier of any such third-party cl aims. In
the event of any l awsuit, arbitration or other proceeding instituted against our Company, whether
substantiated or not, the Suppl ier undertakes, by virtue of the above-mentioned guarantee, at the
choice of our Company, either to col l aborate with and activel y assist our Company during proceedings,
or to immediatel y participate vol untaril y in proceedings and assure the supervision of the
proceedings. In the event of out-of-court cl aims, whether substantiated or not, the Suppl ier
undertakes to take al l necessary measures to resol ve the dispute with the third party, whil e keeping
our Company informed.
12-7- If our Company must cease using al l or part of the Suppl y then, without prejudice to the right of
our Company to withdraw the Order , the Suppl ier shal l immediatel y do one of the fol l owing, at its sol e
and excl usive cost: (i) obtain the right for our Company to continue to use the Suppl y, or (ii) modify or
repl ace the Suppl y so that the rights to use the Suppl y cannot be disputed, it being stipul ated that the
Suppl ier shal l ensure, at its own expense, the recovery of any items of Suppl ies to which al l
Intel l ectual Property Rights have not been granted that have been del ivered to our Company. In al l
cases such modifications and / or repl acements shal l compl y in every respect with the contractual
documents of the Order.
12-8- In the event of any l egal proceedings or out-of-court cl aims, al l sums that our Company has to
pay for any reason whatsoever, incl uding, without l imitation, any costs, fees, damages and interest
shal l be ful l y reimbursed by the Suppl ier to our Company upon first request. The Suppl ier shal l
compensate our Company for al l direct and indirect damages arising from any cl aims that may be
brought against our Company by a third party.

13-1- The Suppl ier agrees to keep secret al l Confidential Information (as hereinafter defined) and wil l
take al l steps which may be necessary to maintain the secrecy of the Confidential Information. The
term Confidential Information shal l mean al l information discl osed to the Suppl ier or otherwise
acquired by the Suppl ier in connection with the performance of its obl igations under any Order,
concerning or rel ating in any way to the technical or commercial documents, specifications, formul ae,
drawings, pl ans, know-how, data, tool s or sampl es, as wel l as the outcomes that resul t there from,
markets, customers, products, procedures, pl ans, operating experience, marketing strategies,
organization, empl oyees, financial conditions or pl ans or business of our Company, its subsidiaries or
affil iates. This confidential ity obl igation shal l be binding on the Suppl ier, its empl oyees, agents,
representatives, suppl iers or sub-contractors. This Confidential Information is and at al l times shal l
remain the property of our Company.
13-2- This obl igation of confidential ity shal l be maintained throughout the execution of the Order and
for a period of three (3) years thereafter.
13-3- Upon termination or compl etion of any Order, the Suppl ier shal l immediatel y cease to use the
Confidential Information and shal l return to the Company al l documents and copies in its possession
or control which in any way embody or evidence the Confidential Information
13-4- In no event and in no form whatsoever shal l the Orders give rise to direct or indirect advertising,
except with the prior written agreement of our Company.
13-5- Any document, product, drawing, study, information, specification, cal cul ation, etc. entrusted by
our Company to the Suppl ier, for the purpose of execution of the Order, is and remains our excl usive
property and must be identified as such. The Suppl ier, in its fiduciary capacity, shal l ensure their
confidential ity, protection, and return them to our Company at the compl etion of the Order.

14-1- Unl ess otherwise agreed in the PC, the transfer of titl e to the Suppl ies takes pl ace upon
acceptance of the Order by the Suppl ier.
14-2- Al l risk of l oss rel ating to the Suppl ies shal l remain with the Suppl ier until actual del ivery of the
Products to our Company, or acceptance of the Services by our Company.
14-3- No reservation of titl e cl ause requested by the suppl ier may be invoked or raised against our
company unl ess it has been expressl y accepted in writing by our company.
14-5- In the event of termination or end of the Order, the Suppl ier undertakes, upon first request from
our Company, to transfer to our Company the outstanding inventory of raw material s and/or semi-
finished and/or finished products and/or the security stock, that it uses to compl ete the Order and that
it hol ds on the date of termination or end.

15-1- The sampl es and model s, cal ibres, moul ds and equipment ordered by our Company for the
ful fil ment of the Orders (the Equipment), shal l become the property of our Company under the
terms set forth in the PC for tool ing, together with al l Industrial and/or Intel l ectual Property Rights
rel ating to such Equipment
15-2- Any sampl es and model s, cal ibres, moul ds and equipment (the Equipment ), Equipment that
our Company makes avail abl e to the Suppl ier for performance of an Order:
is and shal l remain excl usivel y the property of its owner, and
such Equipment may be removed by our Company at any time.
15-3- The Suppl ier shal l identify the Equipment with a prominent and non-removabl e pl aque or l abel
containing the name of the owner given by our Company.
15-4- Such Company Property must be used excl usivel y for execution of Orders from our Company .
15-5- The maintenance of such Equipment and the preventative curative adjustments that are
necessary for their proper functioning shal l be the responsibil ity of the Suppl ier, and must not give
rise to disruption of suppl ies.
15-6- The Equipment shal l not be modified without the express prior written agreement of our
15-7- The care of and risk to the Equipment shal l be assumed by the Suppl ier.
15-8- The Equipment must be the subject of a l ease agreement between the Suppl ier and our
15-9- The Suppl ier shal l insure such Equipment, at Suppl iers expense, at the repl acement val ue as
new of such Equipment:
against al l risks of destruction and/or l oss and/or damages and/or theft, it being
acknowl edged that their owner must be mentioned as additional insured parties in the pol icy,
and against al l damage that such Company Property may cause,
15-10- The Suppl ier shal l waive, for itsel f and its insurer any right to subrogation it may have in favor
of the owner of the Equipment, our Company and our Companys insurer.
15-11- Upon request of our Company, the Suppl ier shal l provide a certificate of insurance, showing
such coverage described herein, as wel l as evidence of Suppl iers payment of al l premiums.
15-12- The existence of such insurance coverage shal l not constitute a l imit to the l iabil ity of the
Suppl ier.
15-13- Al l proceeds payabl e under such insurance shal l be for the excl usive benefit of the owner of
the Equipment, as beneficiary.
15-14- Our Company shal l at no time be l iabl e for hidden defects, unknown to our Company, that may
affect the Company Property and render it unsuitabl e for its purpose.

16-1- The Suppl ier shal l maintain, from a financial l y sound and reputabl e insurance carrier:
an al l -risk l iabil ity insurance pol icy
a Products Liabil ity insurance pol icy after del ivery
each case with coverage in a minimum amount of thirty mil l ion EUROS (30M) per occurrence, with
respect to any bodil y injury, property damages, or any tangibl e and / or intangibl e damage(s),
consequential or otherwise, directl y or indirectl y caused to the cl ients of our Company to our Company
or a third party by reason of its defective Suppl ies, or infringement of any Intel l ectual Property,
directl y or indirectl y caused to: (i) our Company; (ii) our Companys customers; or (iii) any third party
by reason of the Suppl iers defective Suppl ies.
16-2- Such insurance pol icy shal l incl ude an option covering the costs of any recal l campaigns that
may be undertaken by third parties (our Company and/or by its customers) and/or the Suppl ier. Such
insurance pol icy shal l contain a waiver of subrogation in favour of our Company and/or its insurers.
16-3- Upon request of our Company, the Suppl ier shal l provide a certificate of insurance, showing
such coverage described herein, as wel l as evidence of Suppl iers payment of al l premiums.
16-4- The existence of such insurance coverage shal l not rel ease Suppl ier from its obl igations
hereunder, nor shal l it constitute a l imit to the l iabil ity of the Suppl ier.
16-5- The insurer of the Suppl ier shal l inform our Company of any termination of the Suppl iers
insurance contract, for any reason, within the period notice.

17-1- Termination for convenience: Unl ess otherwise stipul ated in the PC, it is expressl y agreed that
our Company has the right to terminate, in whol e or in part, without giving rise to any indemnity or
damages of any kind whatsoever, without prior instruction or specific formal ities, by sending notice of
the same to the Suppl ier by registered mail , return receipt requested, any Open Order, whether it is
for a specified or unspecified duration, or more general l y any Order, at any time, with or without
cause, on a three (3) months prior written notice to Suppl ier.
17-2- Termination with cause: Unl ess otherwise stipul ated in the PC, and without prejudice to the
right of our Company to cl aim for damages, it is expressl y agreed that our Company has the right to
terminate, in whol e or in part, any Order in the event of partial or total non-performance by the
Suppl ier of any of its obl igations under the Order, even after being given fifteen (15) days to remedy.
Such termination shal l occur by sending notice of the same to the Suppl ier by registered mail with
acknowl edgment of receipt, with immediate effect.

18-1- The Suppl ier and our Company shal l attempt to resol ve, on an amicabl e basis, any dispute
rel ating to the interpretation or execution of the Order.
18-2- Unl ess otherwise stipul ated in the PC, the governing l aw shal l be the l aw appl icabl e to the pl ace
of registration of the registered offices of our Company.
18-3- The Court with jurisdiction for the registered offices of our Company shal l have sol e
competence, even in the event of joint or mul tipl e defendant(s), for emergency or summary
proceedings for any ex parte motions.

19-1-1- The Suppl ier shal l not sub-contract its obl igations without the prior written agreement of our
Company. In the event of authorized sub-contracting, the original Suppl ier shal l remain sol el y l iabl e
to our Company.
19-1-2- Suppl ier shal l not assign its rights or del egate its duties, in whol e or in part, with respect to
any Order, whether free of charge or for consideration, without the prior written agreement of our
19-1-3- Suppl ier shal l inform our Company of any sal e of voting securities, assets or change of
control . In such cases our Company shal l have the right to terminate al l or part of the Order without
prior notice.
The Suppl ier shal l provide our Company with al l information and advice that is indispensabl e to the
storage of any Suppl y, the integration of any Suppl y into any other Product, and to its usage. It is
therefore required to ascertain that the specifications are sufficient and pertinent in this regard, to
inform our Company of any non-compl iance of the specifications with the regul ations in force in the
country of sal e given in the specifications, to propose to our Company any modification that coul d
improve the qual ity or cost of the Suppl y, and to inform our Company of the risk of poor qual ity or non-
satisfaction of our Companys requirement that the Suppl y might present.
The Suppl ier shal l use its best efforts to devise improvements to the technical definition of the Suppl y,
where rel evant, in cooperation with our Company, as wel l as of its industrial process, and shal l use its
best efforts to seek to reduce the manufacturing cost and to improve the qual ity, incl uding in terms of
durabil ity of the Suppl y. Any improvement must be approved by our Company before it is
impl emented.
19-4-1- These GCP, the PC and the OCD constitute the sol e contractual document governing rel ations
between the parties for the purpose stipul ated in the Order and supersede any negotiation,
commitment and written document made prior to the entry into force of the Order.
19-4-2- The Order may not be interpreted as :
constituting a de facto company, joint venture, agency, foundation or other association of any nature
whatsoever between the Parties, each party being individual l y l iabl e for its obl igations as defined in
the Order; and
al l owing one of the parties, vis--vis third parties, to act or decl are that it has the authority to act as an
agent or representative, or through any other means, to commit or bind the other party to any
obl igation whatsoever.
Shoul d any provision of the Order be, for any reason whatsoever, inval id or unenforceabl e, the
remaining provisions shal l not be affected by this inval id or unenforceabl e provision. Therefore the
parties undertake to renegotiate the said inval id or unenforceabl e provision in order to restate the
said provision as nearl y as possibl e with the original intention of the parties in accordance with the
governing l aws.
Any amendments to an agreement between the parties must be in writing and shal l onl y be val id with
the express approval of both parties. The foregoing al so appl ies to a waiver of this articl e.
19-7- WAIVER
The fact that one of the parties, at any time, does not appl y any of the provisions of the Order or does
not request the appl ication thereof by the other party shal l not be considered as constituting a waiver
of any such provision or of any another provision, or as affecting the val idity of the Order or the right of
each party to subsequentl y cl aim the appl ication of the said provision or of the Order itsel f.

19-8-1- In the event of work to be carried out by the Suppl ier on any premises owned or l eased by our
Company, the Suppl ier undertakes to observe (i) the internal regul ations in force within such premises
and compl y with (ii) the provisions of al l appl icabl e l aws, rul es, regul ations regarding heal th and
safety and rel ating to the works carried out in an establ ishment by an external company and (iii) the
provisions of the convention on the rights of the chil d dated 20 November 1989 prohibiting the
empl oyment of chil dren before the age of 15, the Suppl ier being l iabl e for the compl iance therewith by
its own suppl iers.
19-8-2- At our Companys request, the Suppl ier shal l certify in writing its compl iance with the
19-8-3- Suppl ier has ful l l iabil ity to compl y with such provisions and shal l indemnify and hol d
harml ess our Company from and against any l iabil ity cl aims, demands or expenses (incl uding
attorneys or other professional fees) arising from or rel ating to the Suppl iers non compl iance.
19-8-4- The compl iance of the Suppl ier with (ii) the provisions of al l appl icabl e l aws, rul es, regul ations
regarding heal th and safety and rel ating to the works carried out in an establ ishment by an external
company and (iii) the provisions of the convention on the rights of the chil d dated 20 November 1989
prohibiting the empl oyment of chil dren before age of 15 constitute an essential obl igation of the
19-8-5- The Suppl ier shal l be sol el y and excl usivel y responsibl e for the supervision, training,
management and compensation of al l persons, incl uding, without l imitation, its empl oyees, agents,
and representatives, that participate under Suppl iers direction, in the compl etion of the Order.

20-1-1- Our Company reserves the right to set off against the Price of Suppl ies any amounts owed by
the Suppl ier, for any reason and/or of any nature whatsoever, incl uding any penal ties and/or qual ity
compl aints.
20-1-2- If the Suppl ier cl aims penal ties for l ate payment, these penal ties shal l be l imited to an
amount equival ent to that which woul d resul t from appl ication of a rate equal to one and a hal f times
the l egal interest rate. These penal ties shal l be cal cul ated on the overdue payments, without
capital ization, per day of interest for del ay, by appl ication pro rata of the above-mentioned rate. Any
cl ause in contradiction herewith is inappl icabl e.
20-1-3- The total amount of the l ate fees shal l not exceed five per cent (5%) of the overdue principal
amount. Any terms to the contrary shal l be nul l and void.
20-2-1- In the event of work to be carried out by the Suppl ier on any premises owned or l eased by our
Company, the Suppl ier undertakes to observe the provisions of Decree 92-158 of 20 February 1992
rel ating to the works carried out in an establ ishment by an external company.
20-2-2- The Suppl ier shal l send to our Company the documents referred to in Articl e R324-4 of the
Empl oyment Act. The affidavit set out in the said articl e must state that the empl oyees of the Suppl ier
who participate in the execution of the Orders shal l be empl oyed regul arl y in accordance with Articl es
L143.3, L143.5 and L620.3 of the said Act and that the Suppl ier shal l observe the provisions of articl es
L324-14 and L341-6-4 of the said Act.

The general conditions of sal e of the Suppl ier are not appl icabl e even if they were mentioned or
referred to in the Acknowl edgement of Receipt or el sewhere.
Total or partial acceptance of a del ivery without written condition, or payment of the Suppl ies shal l not
constitute acceptance of the general conditions of sal e of Suppl ier.
In addition to provisions of Articl e 6-3: the Suppl ier has the right to prove that the prejudice was l ower
than the amount invoiced or that there was no prejudice. The amount of the l ate fees wil l be taken
into account in the amount of any costs invoiced to Suppl ier resul ting from del ays in del ivery.

Rejection: Notwithstanding the provisions of Articl e 651 BGB, the del ivery of Products to be created or
manufactured is submitted to the provisions of Articl e 640 BGB. Acceptance of such Products cannot
occur without Reception.
Acceptance: Acceptance of such Services in accordance with Articl e 640 BGB cannot occur without
Reception of such Services.
21-5-1- Our Company may use any avail abl e retention right.
21-5-2- If the Suppl ier cl aims penal ties for l ate payment, these penal ties shal l be l imited to an
amount equival ent to that which woul d resul t from appl ication of the l egal interest rate. Late payment
shal l not give rise to any indemnity or damages of any kind whatsoever.
The recourse of our Company against the Suppl ier shal l end not earl ier than 2 months after the date
of the cl aim of the end customer with regard to such defect and maximum 5 years after del ivery of the
Suppl ies to our Company.
Prescription for mending and improvement Services is of two (2) years.
Prescription for intel l ectual Services (studies, devel opments, etc.) is of three (3) years as from
compl etion of such Services.
Raw material , components and el ements constituting the Suppl ies are within the hands of the
Suppl ier for the account of our Company. The transfer of risk shal l occur upon del ivery and /or
acceptance of Suppl ies by our Company.
In case of extended reservation of titl e, the agreement mentioned in Articl e 19-1-2- is considered as
Our Company reserves the right to terminate, in whol e or in part, any Open Order, with immediate
effect, in case of judicial event, such as receivership, l iquidation, bankruptcy or insol vency of the
Suppl ier, or distraint of any payment cl aims of our Company against the Suppl ier.

22-1-1- Where the Suppl ier cl aims penal ties for l ate payment, these penal ties shal l be l imited to an
amount equival ent to that which woul d resul t from appl ication of a rate equal to 1% above the base
l ending rate of the Bank of Engl and. These penal ties shal l be cal cul ated on the overdue payments,
without capital ization, per day of interest for del ay, by appl ication pro rata of the above-mentioned
rate. Any cl ause in contradiction herewith is inappl icabl e.
22-1-2- The total amount of the l ate fees shal l not exceed five per cent (5%) of the overdue principal
amount. Any terms to the contrary shal l be nul l and void.
22-1-3- Nothing in these GCP shal l operate to excl ude either partys l iabil ity to the other for
fraudul ent misrepresentation.

In the event of a confl ict between the terms of any invoice and the appl icabl e PC or GCP, the appl icabl e
PC or GCP shal l govern.
23-2-1- If the Suppl ier has provided penal ties for l ate payment (Late Fees), these penal ties shal l not
exceed one and one-hal f (1.5) times the prime interest rate publ ished by the REUTER page
USPRIME1 . These Late Fees shal l be cal cul ated on the overdue payments, without compounding,
per day of interest for del ay, by appl ication pro rata of the above-mentioned rate. Any cl ause in
contradiction herewith is void.
23-2-2- The total amount of the l ate fees shal l not exceed five per cent (5%) of the overdue principal
amount. Any terms to the contrary shal l be nul l and void.

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