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Syntax: value!
Factorial. Returns the factorial of a positive integer. For non-integers, ! = (x + 1). This calculates the Gamma
Example: 6! returns 720
Syntax: %(x, y)
x percent of y. Returns (x/100)*y.
Example: %(20,50) returns 10
Syntax: %CHANGE(x, y)
Percent change from x to y. Returns 100*(y-x)/x.
%CHANGE(20,50) returns 150
Syntax: %TOTAL(x, y)
Percent total; the percentage of x that is y. Returns 100*y/x.
%TOTAL(20,50) returns 250.
Inserts a pair of parentheses.
Syntax: Object1Object2
Returns the result of multiplying Object1 and Object2. The objects may be numerical values or expressions that
return numerical results. The objects may also be lists or matrices of appropriate dimensions.
Example: 3*2 returns 6
Syntax: Object1 + Object2
Returns the result of adding Object2 to Object 1. The objects may be numerical values or expressions that return
numerical results. The objects may also be lists or matrices of appropriate dimensions.
Example: 3+2 returns 5
Syntax: Object1 - Object2
Returns the result of subtracting Object2 from Object 1. The objects may be numerical values or expressions that
return numerical results. The objects may also be lists or matrices of appropriate dimensions.
Example: 3-2 returns 1
Syntax: .*(Lst||Mtrx,Lst||Mtrx)
Performs an element-by-element multiplication of 2 lists or 2 matrices.
Example: [[1,2],[3,4]] .* [[3,4],[5,6]] returns [[3,8],[15,24]]
Syntax: matrix .+ real/complex or real/complex .+ matrix
Adds the real/complex to each element of the matrix
Example: [1,2].+3 returns [4,5]
Syntax: matrix .- real/complex or real/complex .- matrix
Substract the real/complex to each element of the matrix (or the reverce as appropriate)
Example: [3,4].-2 returns [1,2]
Syntax: ./(Lst||Mtrx,Lst||Mtrx)
Performs an element-by-element division of 2 lists or 2 matrices.
Example: [[1,2],[3,4]] ./ [[3,4],[5,6]] returns [[1/3,1/2],[3/5,2/3]]
Syntax: .^(Mtrx,Intg(n))
Calculates the power of each element of the matrix.
Example: [[1,2],[3,4]] .^ 3 returns [[1,8],[27,64]]
Syntax: Object1/Object2
Returns the result of dividing Object1 by Object2. The objects may be numerical values or expressions that return
numerical results. The objects may also be lists or matrices of appropriate dimensions.
Example: 32 returns 1.5
Syntax: variable := object
Assigns object to variable.
A := 3 stores the value 3 in the variable A
F1 := 3-X makes F1(X)=3-X
M5 := [1, 2] stores a vector in M5
Syntax: Value1 < Value2
<: Less than or equal to.
Tests whether or not Value1 is less than Value2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 2 1 returns 0
Syntax: Value1 Value2
: Less than or equal to.
Tests whether or not Value1 is less than Value 2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 2 1 returns 0
Alternative: <=
Syntax: Value1 Value2
: Not equal to.
Tests if Value1 is not equal to Value 2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 3 5 returns 1
Alternatives: <>
Syntax: Value1 == Value2
==: equal to.
Tests is Value1=Value2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 3==2 returns 0
Syntax: Value1 == Value2
==: equal to.
Tests is Value1=Value2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 3==2 returns 0
Syntax: Value1 > Value2
>: Greater than.
Tests whether or not Value1 is greater than Value 2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 2 > 1 returns 1
Syntax: Value1 Value2
: Greater than or equal to.
Tests whether or not Value 1 is either greater than or equal to Value2. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.
Example: 3 4 returns 0
Alternative: >=
Syntax: Value1^Value2
Returns the result of raising Value1 to the power of Value2.
Example: 2^3 returns 8
Syntax: QUOTE(expression)
Returns the expression unchanged and un-evaluated.
This function is mostly used with the STO command in order to store a function in a function variable. For example
if you want to store SIN(X) in cannot do SIN(X)F1 as SIN(X) would be evaluated and a numerical result would
be stored into F1. QUOTE(SIN(X))F1 will store SIN(X) in F1.
Syntax: a2q(Mtrx,VectVar)
a2q(A,X)=the quadratic form q associated to A, X=vector of variables.
Example: a2q([[1,2],[4,4]],[x,y]) returns x^2+6*x*y+4*y^2
Syntax: abcuv(Polya,Polyb,Polyc,[Var])
Returns [u,v] suchthat au+bv=c for 3 polynomials a, b, and c.
Example: abcuv(x^2+2*x+1,x^2-1,x+1) returns [1/2,-1/2]
Syntax: about(Var(a))
Returns the hypothesis made with assume on the variable a.
Example: about(n) returns n
Syntax: ABS(expr) or ABS(matrix)
For numerical arguments, returns the absolute value of the expression. For matrix arguments, returns the returns
the Frobenius (Euclidean) norm of the array.
Example: ABS(-3.14) returns 3.14 and ABS([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 5.47722557505
Syntax: abscissa(Pnt or Vect)
Returns the abscissa of a point or a vector.
Example: abscissa(point(1+2*i)) returns 1
Syntax: ACOS(Value)
ACOS: the inverse cosine function.
This Shift-key combination returns the inverse cosine of Value. The output depends on the Angle Measure setting.
Example: ACOS(-1) returns 3.14159265359
Syntax: acos2asin(Expr)
Replaces arccos(x) by /2-arcsin(x) in the argument Expr.
Example: acos2asin(acos(x)+asin(x)) returns /2-asin(x)+asin(x)
Syntax: acos2atan(Expr)
Replaces arccos(x) by /2-arctan(x/(1-x^2)) in the argument.
Example: acos2atan(2*acos(x)) returns 2*(/2-atan(x/((1-x^2))))
Syntax: ACOSH(value)
Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
Example: ACOSH(1.54308063482) returns 1
Syntax: ACOT(value)
Arc cotangent. The function derived from the inverse of the Cotangent function.
Example: ACOT(1) returns 45 in degree mode
Syntax: ACSC(value)
Arc cosecant. The function derived from the inverse of the Cosecant function.
Example: ACSC(1) returns 90 in degree mode
Syntax: ADDCOL(matrixname, vector, column_number)
Add Column. Inserts values from vector into a column before column_number in the specified matrix. The size of
vector must be the same as the number of rows in the matrix matrixname.
Syntax: additionally(Expr)
Make an additional assumption about a variable.
Example: assume(n,integer);additionally(n>5) returns DOM_INT,n
Syntax: ADDROW(matrixname, vector, row_number)
Add Row. Inserts values from vector into a row before row_number in the specified matrix. The size of vector must
be the same as the number of columns in the matrix matrixname.
Syntax: affix(Point) or affix(Vector)
Returns the coordinates of a point or both the x- and y-lengths of a vector as a complex number.
affix(point(3,2)) returns 3+2*i
if GA is a point at (1, -2), then affix(GA) returns 1-2*i.
Syntax: algvar(Expr)
List of the variables by ascending algebraic extension order.
Example: algvar(x+y) returns **y+,*x++
Syntax: ALOG(value)
The common antilogarithm. This is more accurate than 10^x due to limitations of the power function.
Example: ALOG(2) returns 100
Syntax: alog10(Expr)
Function x->10^x.
Example: alog10(3) returns 1000
Syntax: altitude(point1, point2, point3)
Given three non-collinear points, draws the altitude of the triangle defined by the three points that passes through
the first point. The triangle does not have to be drawn.
Example: altitude(A, B, C) draws a line passing through point A that is perpendicular to BC.
Syntax: Value1 AND Value2
Logical AND.
Returns 1 if both value1 and value2 are non-zero; otherwise returns 0.
Example: 3 AND 2 returns 1
Syntax: angle(Vertex, Point2, Point3)
Returns the measure of a directed angle. The first point is taken as the vertex of the angle as the next two points in
order give the measure and orientation.
Example: angle(GA, GB, GC) returns the measure of BAC
Syntax: angleat(Vertex, Point2, Point3, Point4)
Used in Symbolic view. Given the three points of an angle and a fourth point as a location, displays the measure of
the angle defined by the first three points, with a label, at the location in the Plot view given by the fourth point. The
first point is the vertex of the angle.
Example: angleat(GA, GB, GC, point(0,0)) displays aA= at the origin, followed by the measure of BAC.
Syntax: angleatraw(Pnt(A)),Pnt(B),Pnt(C),(Pnt or Cplx(z0)))
angleatraw(A,B,C,z0) displays at point(z0), the value of the measure of the angle (AB,AC).
Syntax: ANS
ANS: Last answer.
Returns the result of the last calculation made in Home view to its full precision. The variable ANS is different from
the numbers in Home's history. A value in ANS is stored internally with the full precision of the calculated result,
whereas the displayed numbers match the display mode.
Syntax: append((Lst||Seq|| Set,Elem)
Append an element to a list.
Example: append([1,2,3],4) returns [1,2,3,4]
Syntax: apply(Fnc(f),Lst(l))
Apply the function f at the elements of the list l (option matrix for a matrix).
Example: apply(x->x^3,[1,2,3]) returns [1,8,27]
Syntax: approx(Expr,[Int])
Numerical evaluation of the first argument (we can give the number of digits as second argument).
approx(expression) works also and does the same thing.
Example: approx(2/3) returns 0.666666666667
Syntax: ARC(G, x, y, r, [[1, 2],[color]])
Draws a circle on GROB G, centered at (x, y), with radius r. If 1 and 2 are specified, draws an arc from 1 to 2
using the current angle mode.
Syntax: ARC_P(G, x, y, r, [[1, 2],[color]])
Draws a circle on GROB G, centered at (x, y), with radius r. If 1 and 2 are specified, draws an arc from 1 to 2
using the current angle mode.
Syntax: arcLen(Expr, Real1, Real2)
Returns the length of the arc of a curve between two points on the curve. The curve is an expression, the
independent variable is declared, and the two points are defined by values of the independent variable.
This command can also accept a parametric definition of a curve. In this case, the expression is a list of 2 expressions
(the first for x and the second for y) in terms of a third independent variable.
arcLen(x^2, x, -2, 2) returns 9.29.
arcLen(,sin(t), cos(t)-, t, 0, /2) returns 1.57
Syntax: area(Circle) or area(Polygon) or area(Expr, x=value1..value2)
Returns the area of a circle or polygon. Can also return the area under a curve between two points.
If GA is defined to be the unit circle, then area(GA) returns .
area(4-x^2/4, x=-4..4) returns 64/3 or 21.333
Syntax: areaat(Polygon, Pnt||Cplx(z0))
Displays at point(z0), with a legend, algebraic area of a circle or of a (star) polygon (e.g. triangle, square, ...).
Syntax: areaatraw(Polygon, Pnt||Cplx(z0))
Displays at point(z0), algebraic area of a circle or of a (star-)polygon (e.g. triangle, square, ...).
Syntax: ARG(x+yi)
The ARG function finds the angle determined by a complex number.
Example: ARG(3+3i) returns 45 in degree mode.
Syntax: ASC("string")
Returns a vector containing the ASCII codes of string.
Example: ASC("AB") returns [65, 66]
Syntax: ASEC(value)
Arc secant. The function derived from the inverse of the Secant function.
Example: ASEC(1) returns 0 in degree mode
Syntax: ASIN(Value)
ASIN: the inverse sine function.
This Shift-key combination returns the inverse sine of Value. The output depends on the Angle Measure setting.
Example: ASIN(1) returns 1.57079632679
Syntax: asin2acos(Expr)
Replaces arcsin(x) by /2-arccos(x) in the argument.
Example: asin2acos(acos(x)+asin(x)) returns /2-acos(x)+acos(x)
Syntax: asin2atan(Expr)
Replaces arcsin(x) by arctan(x/(1-x^2)) in the argument.
Example: asin2atan(2*asin(x)) returns 2*atan(x/((1-x^2)))
Syntax: ASINH(value)
Inverse hyperbolic sine.
Example: ASINH(1.17520119365) returns 1
Syntax: assume(Expr)
Make an assumption on a variable.
Example: assume(a>0) returns a
Syntax: ATAN(Value)
ATAN: the inverse tangent function.
This Shift-key combination returns the inverse tangent of Value. The output depends on the Angle Measure setting.
Example: ATAN(0) returns 0
Syntax: atan2acos(Expr)
Replaces arctan(x) by /2-arccos(x/(1+x^2)) in the argument.
Example: atan2acos(atan(2*x) returns /2-acos((2*x)/(1+(2*x)^2))
Syntax: atan2asin(Expr)
Replaces arctan(x) by arcsin(x/(1+x^2)) in the argument Expr.
Example: atan2asin(atan(y/x) returns asin((y/x)/(1+(y/x)^2))
Syntax: ATANH(value)
Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
Example: ATANH(.761594155956) returns 1
Syntax: atrig2ln(Expr)
Rewrites the expression Expr containing inverse trigonometric functions with equivalent logarithmic functions.
Example: atrig2ln(atan(x)) returns (i*ln((i+x)/(i-x)))/2
Syntax: barycenter(*Point1, Weight1+, *Point2, Weight2+,,*Pointn, Weightn+)
Calculates the hypothetical center of mass of a set of points, each with a given weight (a real number). Each point,
weight pair is enclosed in square brackets as a vector.
Example: barycenter(*3,1+,*3,1+,*4,2+) returns point(2,0)
Syntax: basis(Lst(vector1,..,vectorn))
Extract a basis from a spanning set of vectors.
Example: basis([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,12]]) returns [[-3,0,3],[0,-3,-6]]
Syntax: BEGIN commands; END;
Defines a set of commands to be executed in a block.
Example Program SQM1
This program defines a user function named SQM1(X). From the Home view, entering SQM1(8) returns 63.
Syntax: Beta(Expr,Expr)
Returns Gamma(x)*Gamma(y)/Gamma(x+y).
Example: Beta(3,2) returns 1/12
Syntax: BINOMIAL(n, k, p)
Binomial probability density function. Computes the probability of k successes out of n trials, each with a probability
of success, p.
Returns Comb(n,k) if there is no third argument. Note that n and k are integers with k=n.
Example: BINOMIAL(4, 2, 0.5) returns 0.375
Syntax: BINOMIAL_CDF(n, p, k)
Cumulative binomial distribution function. Returns the probability of k or fewer successes out of n trials, with a
probability of success, p for each trial. Note that n and k are integers with k=n.
Example: BINOMIAL_CDF(4, 0.5, 2) returns 0.6875
Syntax: BINOMIAL_ICDF(n, p, q)
Inverse cumulative binomial distribution function. Returns the number of successes, k, out of n trials, each with a
probability of p, such that the probability of k or fewer successes is q.
Example: BINOMIAL_ICDF(4, 0.5, 0.6875) returns 2
Syntax: bisector(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Given three points, creates the bisector of the angle defined by the three points whose vertex is at the first point.
The angle does not have to be drawn in the Plot view.
bisector(GA, GB, GC) draws the bisector of BAC.
bisector(0,-4i,4) draws the line given by y=x
Syntax: BITAND(int1[, int2..,intn])
Bitwise logical AND. Takes n integers as input and returns their bitwise logical AND.
Example: BITAND(20, 13) returns 4
Syntax: BITNOT(int)
Bitwise logical NOT. Takes one integer as input and returns its bitwise not.
Syntax: BITOR(int1[, int2..,intn])
Bitwise logical OR. Takes n integers as input and returns their bitwise logical OR.
Example: BITOR(9, 26) returns 27
Syntax: BITSL(int1[, int2])
Bitwise shift left. Takes one or two integers as input and returns the result of shifting the bits in the first integer to
the left by the number of places indicated by the second integer. If there is no second integer, then the bits in the
first integer are shifted to the left one place.
Examples: BITSL(28, 2) returns 112
BITSL(5) returns 10
Syntax: BITSR(int1[, int2])
Bitwise shift right. Takes one or two integers as input and returns the result of shifting the bits in the first integer to
the right by the number of places indicated by the second integer. If there is no second integer, then the bits in the
first integer are shifted to the right one place.
Examples: BITSR(112, 2) returns 28
BITSR(10) returns 5
Syntax: BITXOR(int1[, int2..,intn])
Bitwise logical exclusive OR (XOR). Takes n integers as input and returns their bitwise XOR.
Example: BITXOR(9, 26) returns 19
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Syntax: BLIT([trgtG], [dx1, dy1], [dx2, dy2], srcG, [sx1, sy1], [sx2, sy2], [c])
Copies the region of graphic srcG between point (sx1, sy1) and (sx2, sy2) into the region of trgtG between points
(dx1, dy1) and (dx2, dy2). Does not copy pixels from srcG that are color c.
The defaults for the optional arguments are:
sx1, sy1=srcGRB top left corner
sx2, sy2=srcGRB bottom right corner
dx1, dx2=trgtGRB top left corner
dx2, dy2=calculated so destination area is the same as source area
c=all pixel colors
Syntax: BLIT_P([trgtG], [dx1, dy1], [dx2, dy2], srcG, [sx1, sy1], [sx2, sy2], [c])
Copies the region of graphic srcG between point (sx1, sy1) and (sx2, sy2) into the region of trgtG between points
(dx1, dy1) and (dx2, dy2). Does not copy pixels from srcG that are color c.
The defaults for the optional arguments are:
sx1, sy1=srcGRB top left corner
sx2, sy2=srcGRB bottom right corner
dx1, dx2=trgtGRB top left corner
dx2, dy2=calculated so destination area is the same as source area
c=all pixel colors
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Argument returned by limit. Indicates that the function is bounded.
Syntax: BREAK [n];
Exits from expression local loop structure.
B:= (A+3) MOD 5
If n is specified, allow to exit n loop structures.
Syntax: breakpoint(Intg)
Adds a breakpoint.
Syntax: BR(#integer)
Transform an integer into a real number.
Syntax: canonical_form(Trinom(a*x^2+b*x+c),[Var])
Canonical form of a second degree polynomial.
Example: canonical_form(2*x^2-12*x+1) returns 2*(x-3)^2-17
Syntax: CAS(expression) or CAS.function(...) or CAS.variable[(...)]
Evalute an expression or variable using the CAS.
Note that outputs in numerical mode are transformed into strings or lists of expressions for symbolic matrices.
Starts a "CASE...END" branch structure.
IF test1 THEN commands1 END
IF test2 THEN commands2 END
IF testN THEN commandsN END
[DEFAULT] [commandsD]
Evaluates test1. If true, executes commands1 and ends the CASE. Otherwise, evaluates test2. If true, executes
commands2. Continues evaluating tests until a true is found. If no true test is found, executes commandsD, if
Syntax: cat(SeqObj)
Evaluates the arguments, then concatenates them into a string.
Example: cat("aaa",c,12*3) returns "aaac3"
Syntax: CEILING(value)
Least integer greater than or equal to value.

Example: CEILING(3.2) returns 4 and CEILING(-3.2) returns -3
Syntax: center(Circle)
Returns the center of a circle
Example: center(circle(x^2+y2xy)) returns point(1/2,1/2)
Syntax: cFactor(Expr)
Factorisation of the expression in C (on the Gauss integers if there are more than 2 variables).
Example: cFactor(x^2*y+y) returns (x+i)*(x-i)*y
Syntax: CHAR(list or vector) or CHAR(integer)
Returns the string corresponding to the ASCII character codes in vector, or the single character associated with
Example: CHAR(65) returns "A" and CHAR({82, 77, 72}) returns "RMH"
Syntax: charpoly(Mtrx,[Var])
List of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix or characteristic polynomial of a matrix with the
second argument as variable.
Example: charpoly([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns poly1[1,-5,-2]
Syntax: CHECK(n)
Checks (selects) the corresponding symbolic definition field in the current app. The integer n must be between 0 and
9 for most apps. For Statistics 1-Var and Statistics 2-Var apps, n must be between 1 and 5.
For example, CHECK(3) would check F3 if the current app is Function. Then a checkmark would appear next to F3 in
Symbolic view, F3 would be plotted in Plot view, and evaluated in Numeric view.
Syntax: chinrem([Lst||Expr,Lst||Expr],[Lst||Expr,Lst||Expr])
Chinese remainder for polynomials written as matrices.
Example: chinrem([[1,2,0],[1,0,1]],[[1,1,0],[1,1,1]]) returns [[2,2,1] [1,1,2,1,1]].
Syntax: CHISQUARE(n, x)
Chi-square probability density function. Computes the probability density of the Chi-squared distribution at x, given n
degrees of freedom.
Example: CHISQUARE(2, 3.2) returns 0.100948258997
Syntax: CHISQUARE_CDF(n, k)
Cumulative (Chi-squared) distribution function. Returns the lower-tail probability of the probability density
function for the value x, given n degrees of freedom.
Example: CHISQUARE_CDF(2, 6.1) returns 0.952641075609
Syntax: CHISQUARE_ICDF(n, p)
Inverse cumulative (Chi-squared) distribution function. Returns the value x such that the lower-tail probability of
x, with n degrees of freedom, is p.
Example: CHISQUARE_ICDF(2, 0.952641075609) returns 6.1
Syntax: cholesky(Mtrx)
For a numerical symmetric matrix A, returns L matrix such that A=L*tran(L).
Example: cholesky(**3,1+,*1,4++) returns **3*3/3,0+,*3/3,11/3*33/11++
Syntax: CHOOSE(var, title, item1, item2,*"item14"+) or CHOOSE(var,"title",,"item1"..."itemN")
Displays a choose box with the given title and containing items with the strings "item1", etc. If the user choose an
object, var will be updated to contain the number of the selected object (an integer, 1, 2, 3, ); otherwise, stores
zero in var if the user exits without choosing.
Returns true (non zero) if the user selects an object, otherwise return false (0).
Syntax: chrem(LstIntg(a,b,c....),LstIntg(p,q,r,....))
Chinese remainders for integers.
Example: chrem([2,3],[7,5]) returns [-12,35]
Syntax: Ci(Expr)
Cosine integral int(cos(t)/t,t=-..x).
Example: Ci(1.0) returns 0.337403922901
Syntax:circle(Point1, Point2) or circle(Point1, Point 2-Point1) or circle(equation)
Draws a circle, given the endpoints of the diameter, or a center and radius, or an equation in x and y.
circle(GA, GB) draws the circle with diameter AB.
circle(GA, GB-GA) draws the circle with center at point A and radius AB.
circle(x^2+y^2=1) draws the unit circle.
This command can also be used to draw a clockwise arc.
circle(GA, GB, 0, /2) draws a quarter-circle with diameter AB.
Syntax: circumcircle(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Draws the circumcircle of a triangle; that is, the circle circumscribed about a triangle.
Example: circumcircle(GA, GB, GC) draws the circle circumscribed about ABC
Syntax: coeff(Expr,[Var], [Term])
Returns the list of coefficients of a polynomial with respect to the second argument or the coefficient of the term
whose degree is Term.
coeff(x^3+2) returns [1,0,0,2]
coeff(2*y^2-3,y,0) returns -3
Syntax: col(Mtrx(A),Intg(n)||Interval(n1..n2))
Returns the column n or the sequence of the columns n1...n2 of the matrix A, or optional argument of
Example: col([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],1) returns [2,5,8]
Syntax: coldim(Mtrx)
Number of columns of a matrix.
Example: coldim([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) returns 3
Syntax: collect(Expr or {Expr1, Expr2,...,Exprn})
Collects likes terms in a polynomial expression (or of a list of polynomial expressions).
Example: collect(x+2*x+1-4) returns 3*x-3
Syntax: COLNORM(matrix)
Column Norm. Finds the maximum value (over all columns) of the sums of the absolute values of all elements
Example: COLNORM([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 6
Syntax: COMB(n, r)
Combinations. Returns the number of combinations (without regard to order) of n things taken r at a time: n!/(r!(n-
Example: COMB(5,2) returns 10
Syntax: comDenom(Expr,[Var(var)])
Returns the expression after reduction at the same denominator: the numerator and the denominator are developed
[according to the powers of the variable var].
Example: comDenom(1/x+1/y^2+1) returns (x*y^2+x+y^2)/(x*y^2)
Syntax: common_perpendicular(Line(D1),Line(D2))
Draws the common perpendicular of the lines D1 and D2.
Syntax: companion(Poly,Var)
Companion matrix of a polynomial (an=1).
Example: companion(x^2+5x-7,x) returns [[0,7],[1,-5]]
Syntax: compare(Obj(arg1),Obj(arg2))
Returns 1 if type(arg1)<type(arg2) or if type(arg1)=type(arg2) and arg1<arg2, else returns 0.
Example: compare(1,2) returns 1
Syntax: complexroot(Poly(P),Real(l),[Cplx(a)],[Cplx(b)])
Returns the list of the vertices of the squares (side<=l) containing roots of P [inside the rectangle with opposed
vertices a and b] with their mulitiplicity.
Example: complexroot(x^5-2*x^4+x^3+i,0.1) returns [[[(-21-12*i)/32,(-18-9*i)/32],1],[[(6-15*i)/16,(-6-21*i)/(16-
Syntax: CONCAT(value1, value2, [..value16])
Concatenation. Concatenates (joins) items into a list.

Example: CONCAT({1,2,3}, 4) returns {1,2,3,4} and CONCAT(1,2,3,4) returns {1,2,3,4}
Syntax: COND(matrix)
Condition Number. Finds the 1-norm (column norm) of a square matrix.
Example: COND([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 21
Syntax: conic(Expr)
Plots the graph of a conic section defined by an expression in x and y.
Example: conic(x^2+y^2-81) draws a circle with center at (0,0) and radius of 9
Syntax: CONJ(x+yi)
Complex Conjugate. Reverses the sign of the imaginary part of a complex number.
Example: CONJ(3+4i) returns 3-4i
Syntax: contains((Lst(l) or Set(l)),Elem(e))
Tests if a set contains an expression (returns the index+1 or 0).
Example: contains(%{0,1,2,3%},2) returns 3
Syntax: content(Poly,[Var])
Returns the gcd of the coefficients of the polynomial Poly.
Example: content(2*x^2+10*x+6) returns 2
Syntax CONTINUE [n];
Transfers execution in a loop to the start of the next iteration of the nth upper loop (default current loop).
Syntax: CONVERT(Value_Unit1, 1_Unit2)
Converts Value in Unit1 to the corresponding value in compatible Unit2.
Example: CONVERT(20_m, 1_ft) returns 65.6167979003_ft
Alternative: 20_m _ft
Syntax: convexhull(Lst)
Convex hull of a list of 2D points.
Example: convexhull(0,1,1+i,1+2i,-1-i,1-3i,-2+i) returns 1-3*i,1+2*i,-2+i,-1-i
Syntax: coordinates(Pnt or Cplx or Vect)
Returns the list (resp matrix) of the abscissa and of the ordinate of a point or a vector (resp of points or vectors).
Example: coordinates(point(1+2*i)) returns [1,2]
Syntax: CopyVar(Var(var1),Var(var2))
Copy the storage without evaluation of var1 into var2.
Syntax: correlation(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the correlation of the elements of its argument.
Example: correlation(**1,2+,*1,1+,*4,7++) returns 33/(6*31)
COS: the cosine function.
Syntax: COS(Value)
Returns the cosine of Value. Value is interpreted as either degrees or radians, depending on the setting of Angle
Measure in Home Modes or Symbolic Setup.
Example: in radian mode, COS() returns -1.
Syntax: cos2sintan(Expr)
Replaces cos(x) by sin(x)/tan(x) in the argument.
Example: cos2sintan(cos(x)) returns sin(x)/tan(x)
Syntax: COSH(value)
Hyperbolic cosine.
Example: ASINH(1.17520119365) returns 1
Syntax: COT(value)
Cotangent. The Cotangent function; that is, cos(x)/sin(x).
Example: COT(45) returns 1 in degree mode
Syntax: count(Fnc(f),(Lst||Mtrx)(l),[Opt(row||col)])
Returns f(l[0])+f(l[1])+...+f(l[size(l)-1]).
Example: count((x)->x,[2,12,45,3,7,78]) returns 147
Syntax: covariance(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the covariance of the elements of its argument.
Example: covariance([[1,2],[1,1],[4,7]]) returns 11/3
Syntax: covariance_correlation(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the list of the covariance and the correlation of the elements of its argument.
Example: covariance_correlation(**1,2+,*1,1+,*4,7++) returns *11/3,33/(6*31)+
Syntax: cpartfrac(RatFrac)
Performs partial fraction decomposition in C of a fraction.
Example: cpartfrac((x)/(4-x^2)) returns 1/((x-2)*-2)+1/((x+2)*-2)
Syntax: crationalroot(Poly(P))
Returns the list of complex rational roots of P without indicating the multiplicity.
Example: crationalroot(2*x^3+(-5-7*i)*x^2+(-4+14*i)*x+8-4*i) returns [(3+i)/2,2*i,1+i]
Syntax: CROSS(vector1, vector2)
Cross Product. Finds the cross product of vector1 with vector2.
Example: CROSS([1,2],[3,4]) returns [0, 0, -2]
Syntax: CSC(value)
Cosecant. The Cosecant function; that is, 1/sin(x)
Example: CSC(90) returns 0 in degree mode
Syntax: csolve(Eq,Var)
Returns the solutions, including comlex solutions, of Eq, for Var. If Eq is an expression, solves Eq=0.
Example: csolve(x^4=1,x) returns {1,-1,-i,i}
Syntax: cumSum(Lst(l)||Seq||Str)
Returns the list (or the sequence or the string) lr where the elements are the cumulative sum of the list
l:lr[k]=sum(l[j],j=0..k) (or lr=sum(l[j],j=0..k )$(k=0..size(l)-1)).
Example: cumSum([0,1,2,3,4]) returns [0,1,3,6,10]
Syntax: curl(Lst(A,B,C),Lst(x,y,z))
Returns the curl of a vector. curl([A,B,C],[x,y,z])=[dC/dy-dB/dz,dA/dz-dC/dx,dB/dx-dA/dy].
Example: curl([2*x*y,x*z,y*z],[x,y,z]) returns [z-x,0,z-2*x]
Syntax: curve(Expr)
Reserved word.
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Syntax: cyclotomic(Expr)
Generates a vector representing the nth cyclotomic polynomial.
Example: cyclotomic(20) returns [1,0,-1,0,1,0,-1,0,1]
Syntax: cZeros(Expr,[Var]) or cZeros(ListExpr, ListVar)
Returns the roots, including complex roots, of Expr (that is, the solution of Xpr=0) or the matrix where the lines are
the solutions of the system : Expr1=0,Expr2=0....
Example: cZeros(x^4-1) returns [1,-1, i, -i]
Syntax: CPX(x, y) or CPX(,x, y-)
Transform cartesian coordinates into pixel coordinates. Returns a list.
Executes a program in debug mode.
Syntax: DEBUG(ProgramName(arguments))
Syntax: degree(Poly)
Returns the degree of the polynomial Poly.
Example: degree(x^4+x) returns 3
Syntax: DELCOL(matrixname ,column_number)
Delete Column. Deletes the column column_number from the matrix matrixname.
Syntax: delcols(Mtrx(A),Interval(n1..n2)||n1)
Returns the matrix where the columns n1..n2 (or n1) of the matrix A are deleted.
Example: delcols([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],1..1) returns [[1,3],[4,6],[7,9]]
Syntax: DELROW(matrixname, row_number)
Delete Row. Deletes the row row_number from the matrix matrixname.
Syntax: delrows(Mtrx(A),Interval(n1..n2)||n1)
Returns the matrix where the rows n1..n2 (or n1) of the matrix A are deleted.
Example: delrows([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],1..1) returns [[1,2,3],[7,8,9]]
Syntax: deltalist(Lst)
Returns the list of the difference of two terms in succession.
Example: deltalist([1,4,8,9]) returns [3,4,1]
Syntax: denom(a/b)
Simplified Denominator. For the integers a and b, returns the denominator of the fraction a/b after simplification.
Example: denom(10/12) returns 6
Syntax: desolve(Eq,[TimeVar],Var)
Solves a differential equation.
Example: desolve(y''+y=0,y) returns G_0*cos(x)+G_1*sin(x)
Syntax: DET(matrix)
Determinant of a square matrix.
Example: DET([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns -2
Syntax: diag(Lst(l)||Mtrx(A))
Returns either the diagonal matrix with diagonal l or the diagonal of A.
Example: diag([1,2],[3,4]) returns [1,4]
Syntax: diff(Expr,[Var or ListVar])
Returns the derivative of an expression with respect to a given variable. You can use the differentiation template in
the Template menu as well.
diff(x^3-x) returns 3*x^2-1
diff(sin(x)-cos(y), x) returns cos(x)
diff(sin(x)-cos(y), y) returns sin(y)
Syntax: DIFFERENCE({list1}, ...{listN})
Returns a list of the elements that are not common between 2 or more of the lists.
Example: DIFFERENCE({1,2,3},{2,4,8}) returns {1,3,4,8}
Syntax: DIM(string)
Returns the number of characters in string.
Example: DIM("12345") returns 5
Syntax: DIMGROB(G, w, h, [color]) or DIMGROB(G, w, h, list)
Sets the dimensions of GROB G to w*h. Initializes the graphic G with color or with the graphic data provided in list. If
the graphic is initialized using graphic data, then list is a list of integers. Each integer, as seen in base 16, describes
one color every 16 bits.
Colors are in A1R5G5B5 format (ie, 1 bit for alpha channel, and 5 bits for R, G and B).

Syntax: DIMGROB_P(G, w, h, [color]) or DIMGROB(G, list)
Sets the dimensions of GROB G to w*h. Initializes the graphic G with color or with the graphic data provided in list. If
the graphic is initialized using graphic data, then list is a list of integers. Each integer, as seen in base 16, describes
one color every 16 bits.
Colors are in A1R5G5B5 format (ie, 1 bit for alpha channel, and 5 bits for R, G and B).
Syntax: Dirac(Real)
Function derivative of Heaviside.
Example: Dirac(1) returns 0
Syntax: distance((Pnt or Cplx),(Pnt or Cplx or Curve))
Calculates the distance between 2 points, or a point and a curve.
Example: distance(0,1+i) returns 2
Syntax: distance2(point1, point2) or distance2(point, curve)
Returns the square of the distance between two points or between a point and a curve.
distance2(1+i, 3+3i) returns 8.
if GA is the point at (0, 0) and GB is defined as plotfunc(4-x^2/4), then distance (GA, GB) returns 12.
Syntax: distanceat(GeoObj(A),GeoObj(B),(Pnt or Cplx))
distanceat(A,B,z0) displays at point(z0), with a legend, the distance between 2 geometrical objects.
Example: A:=point(0);B:=point(1+i);distanceat(A,B,(1+i)/2)) returns 2
Syntax: distanceatraw(Point1, Point2, Point3) or distanceatraw(Point1, Curve, Point3)
This command is used in Symbolic view. Similar to distanceat(), this commmand returns the distance between two
points or between a point and a curve and places that measurement at the location of Point3 in the Plot view. The
distance is unlabeled.
distanceatraw(1+I, 3+3i, point(0,0)) returns 2.828or 22 and places that measure at the origin in Plot view.
If GA is the point at (0, 0) and GB is defined as plotfunc(4-x^2/4), then distanceat(GA, GB, GA) returns 3.464 or 23
and places this measure in Plot view at (0,0).
Define A:=point(0) and B:=point(1+i); then distanceatraw(A,B,(1+i)/2)) returns 2 and places this measurement at
(1/2, 1/2)
Syntax: divergence(Lst(A,B,C),Lst(x,y,z))
Returns the divergence of a vector. divergence([A,B,C],[x,y,z])=dA/dx+dB/dy+dC/dz.
Example: divergence([x^2+y,x+z+y,z^3+x^2],[x,y,z]) returns 2*x+3*z^2+1
Syntax: divis(Poly(P) or LstPoly)
Returns the list of divisors of a polynomial.
Example: divis(x^2-1) returns [1,x-1,x+1,(x-1)*(x+1)]
Syntax: division_point(Point1, Point2, Realk) or division_point(Cplx1, Cplx2, Cplxk)
For two points A and B, and a numerical factor k, returns a point C such that C-B=k*(C-A). The two points may be
referenced by name or represented by a complex number.
Example: division_point(0,6+6*i,4) returns point (8,8)
Syntax: divpc(Poly1,Poly2,Integer)
Returns the n-degree Taylor polynomial for the quotient of 2 polynomials.
Example: divpc(x^4+x+2,x^2+1,5) returns the 5th-degree polynomial x^5+3*x^4-x^3-2*x^2+x+2
Syntax: FOR var FROM start TO (or DOWNTO) finish [STEP increment] DO command(s) END;
Sets variable var to start; then, for as long as this variables value is less than or equal to (or more than for a
DOWNTO) finish, executes command(s) and adds (or substract for DOWNTO) 1 (or increment) to var.
will print 1 3 5 7 9
Syntax: DOT(matrix1, matrix2)
Dot Product. Finds the dot product of two arrays, matrix1 and matrix2.
Example: DOT([1,2],[3,4]) returns 11
Syntax: DRAWMENU({text...}) or DRAWMENU(text..)
Draw a menu containing the items specified
Syntax: DrawSlp(Reala, Realb, Realm)
Given three real numbers m, a, b, draws a line with slope m that passes through the point (a, b).
Example: DrawSlp(2,1,3) draws the line given by y=3x5
Syntax: e
Natural logarithm base, internally represented as 2.71828182846
Syntax: EDITLIST(listname)
Starts the List Editor and displays the specified list. If used in programming, returns to the program when user
presses OK (menu key).
EDITLIST(L1) edits list L1.
Syntax: EDITMAT(matrixname)
Starts the Matrix Editor and displays the specified matrix. If used in programming, returns to the program when user
presses OK (menu key).
EDITMAT(M1) edits matrix M1.
Syntax: egcd((Poly or Lst),(Poly or Lst),[Var])
Returns the extended greatest common divisor of 2 polynomials.
Example: egcd((x-1)^2,x^3-1) returns [-x-2,1,3*x-3]
Syntax: Ei(Expr)
Exponential integral int(exp(t)/t,t=-..x)
Example: Ei(1.0) returns 1.89511781636
Syntax: EIGENVAL(matrix)
Displays the eigenvalues in vector form for matrix.
Example: EIGENVAL([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns [5.37228132327 -.372281323269]
Syntax: eigenvals(Mtrx)
Returns the sequence of the (calculable) eigenvalues of a matrix.
Example: eigenvals([[-2,-2,1],[-2,1,-2],[1,-2,-2]]) returns 3,-3,-3
Syntax: eigenvects(Mtrx)
Computes the eigenvectors of a diagonalizable matrix.
Example: eigenvects([[-2,-2,1],[-2,1,-2],[1,-2,-2]]) returns [[1,-3,-3],[-2,0,-3],[1,3,-3]]
Syntax: EIGENVV(matrix)
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues for a square matrix. Displays a list of two arrays. The first contains the eigenvectors and
the second contains the eigenvalues.
Example: EIGENVV([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns { [[eigenvectors]],[[eigenvalues]] }
Syntax: eigVc(Mtrx)
Computes the eigenvectors of a diagonalizable matrix.
Example: eigVc([[-2,-2,1],[-2,1,-2],[1,-2,-2]]) returns [[1,-3,-3],[-2,0,-3],[1,3,-3]]
Syntax: eigVl(Mtrx(A))
Returns the Jordan matrix associated to A when the eigenvalues are calculable.
Example: eigVl([[4,1],[-4,0]]) returns [[2,1],[0,2]]
Syntax: element(object, real) or element(real1..real2)
Creates a point on a geometric object whose abscissa is a given value or creates a real value on a given interval.
element(plotfunc(x^2),2) creates a point on the graph of y = x^2. Initially, this point will appear at (2,4). You can
move the point, but it will always remain on the graph of its function.
element(0..5) creates a value of 2.5 initially. Tapping on this value and pressing Enter enables you to press a cursor
key to increase or decrease the value in a manner similar to a slider bar. Press Enter again to close the slider bar. The
value you set can be used as a coefficient in a function you subsequently plot.
Syntax: ellipse(Point1, Point2, Point3) or ellipse(Point1, Point2, Realk)
Draws an ellipse, given the foci and either a point on the ellipse or a scalar that is one half the constant sum of the
distances from a point on the ellipse to each of the foci.
ellipse(GA, GB, GC) draws the ellipse whose foci are points A and B and which passes through point C.
ellipse(GA, GB, 3) draws an ellipse whose foci are points A and B. For any point P on the ellipse, AP+BP=6.
Starts an "IF...THEN...END" or "IF...THEN...ELSE...END" branch structure.
Syntax: IF test THEN command(s) [ELSE commands] END;
Evaluates test. If test is true (non 0), executes command(s); otherwise, executes the comands in the ELSE clause
nothing happens.
IF A<1
Ends a structure, either a block, a test, a loop or a branch.
Syntax: equation(curve) or equation(point)
Returns the Cartesian equation of a curve in x and y, or the Cartesian coordinates of a point.
equation(line(1-i,i)) returns y=-2*x+1
If GA is the point at (0, 0), GB is the point at (1, 0), and GC is defined as circle(GA, GB-GA), then equation(GC) returns
x^2 + y^2 =1.
Syntax: equilateral_triangle(Point1, Point2, [Var])
Draws an equilateral triangle defined by one of its sides; that is, by two consecutive vertices. The third point is
calculated automatically, but is not defined symbolically. If a lowercase variable is added as a third argument, then
the third point is labeled with the variable name and the coordinates of the third point are stored in that variable.
The orientation of the triangle is counterclockwise from the first point.
Example: equilateral_triangle(point(0,0), point(1,0)) draws the equilateral trangle through the points at (0,0), (1,0),
and (1/2, 3/2).
Syntax: erf(Real(x0))
Returns the approximate value of 2/*int(exp(-t^2),t,0,x0)
Example: erf(1) returns 0.84270079295
Syntax: erfc(Real(x0))
Returns the approximate value of 2/*int(exp(-t^2),t,x0,).
Example: erfc(1) returns 0.15729920705
Syntax: euler(x);
Eulers phi (or totient) function. Takes a positive integer x and returns the number of positive integers less than or
equal to x that are coprime to x.
Example: euler(6) returns 2
Syntax: EVAL(expression)
Evaluates the expression. Usefull in programs where parameters are passed non evaluated with QUOTE
Syntax: evalc(Expr)
Returns a complex expression simplified with the format real+i*imag
Example: evalc(1/(x+y*i)) returns x/(x^2+y^2)+(i)*(-y)/(x^2+y^2)
Syntax: evalf(Expr,[Int])
Numerical evaluation of the first argument (we can give the number of digits as second argument).
approx(expression) works also and does the same thing.
Example: evalf(2/3) returns 0.666666666667
Syntax: even(Intg(n))
Returns 1 if the integer is even, else returns 0.
Example: even(6) returns 1
Syntax: exact(Expr)
Converts the expression to a rational or real expression.
Example: exact(1.4141) returns 14141/10000
Syntax: exbisector(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Given three points that define a triangle, creates the bisector of the exterior angles of the triangle whose common
vertex is at the first point. The triangle does not have to be drawn in the Plot view.
exbisector(GA, GB, GC) draws the bisector of the exterior angles of ABC whose common vertex is at point A.
exbisector(0,4i,4) draws the line given by y=x
Syntax: excircle(Point1, Point2, Point3)
excircle(A,B,C) draws the A-excircle of the ABC triangle.
Draws one of the excircles of a triangle, a circle tangent to one side of the triangle and also tangent to the extensions
of the other two sides.
Example: excircle(GA, GB, GC) draws the circle tangent to BC and to the rays AB and AC.
Syntax: EXECON("expression with &", lists or matrices)
Returns a matrix or list composed of the result of the evaluation of the expression after replacement of & by each
item in the input.
Example: EXECON("&1+1", {1,2,3}) returns {2,3,4}
If EXECON has only 1 list or matrix input, using & followed by a number A (between 1 and 9) will replace &A by the
element i+A-1 of the input.
Example: EXECON("&2-&1", { 1, 4, 3, 5}") returns {3, -1, 2} - the difference between 2 successive elements.
If EXECON has 2 or more lists or matrices input, using & followed by a number A (between 1 and 9) will replace &1 by
the element from the Ath input.
Example: EXECON("&1+&2", {1,2,3},{4,5,6}) returns {5,7,9}
If EXECON has 2 or more lists or matrices as input, using & followed by 2 numbers A and B (between 1 and 9) will
reaplace &AB by the element i+B-1 of the Ath input.
Example: EXECON("&22-&1", {1,2,3},{4,5,6,7}) returns {4,4,4}
Syntax: EXP(value)
The natural exponential. This is more accurate than e^x due to limitations of the power function.
Syntax: exp2pow(Expr)
Transforms an expression of the form exp(n*ln(x)) to x^n.
Example: exp2pow(exp(3*ln(x))) returns x^3
Syntax: exp2trig(Expr)
Transforms the complex exponential into sine and cosine.
Example: exp2trig(exp-(i*x)) returns cos(x)-i*sin(x)
Syntax: expand(Expr )
Full distribution of multiplication and division over addition and subtraction.
Example: expand((x+y)*(z+1)) returns y*z+x*z+y+x
Syntax: expexpand(Expr)
Expands exponentials usinng the identity exp(a*f(x))=(exp(f(x)))^a.
Example: expexpand(exp(3*x)) returns exp(x)^3
Syntax: EXPM1(value)
Exponent minus 1. This is more accurate than EXP when x is close to zero.
Example: EXPM1(.23) returns .258600009929
Syntax: exponential_regression(Lst||Mtrx(A),[Lst])
Returns the coefficients (a,b) of y=b*a^x : it is the best exponential that approximates the points where the
coordinates are the rows of A (or the 2 lists).
Example: exponential_regression([[1.0,2.0],[0.0,1.0],[4.0,7.0]]) returns 1.60092225473,1.10008339351
Variable declaration: EXPORT var_1[:=value][, more variables];
forward function declaration: EXPORT function(params);
Normal function declaration: or EXPORT function[(params)]
In a program, declares a list of exported variable or an exported function.
Syntax: EXPR(string)
Parses string into a number or expression.
Example: EXPR("2+3") returns 5
Syntax: extract_measure(Var)
Returns the definition of a geometric object. For a point, that definition consists of the coordinates of the point. For
other objects, the definition mirrors their definition in Symbolic view, with the coordinates of their defining points
extract_measure(distanceatraw(0,1+i,(1+i)/2)) returns 2
Syntax: ezgcd(Poly,Poly)
Returns the GCD of 2 polynomials with at least 2 variables, with the ezgcd algorithm.
Example: ezgcd(x^2-+3*x-xy-3*y,x^2-y^2) returns x-y
Syntax: f2nd(Frac or RatFrac)
Returns the list built with the numerator and the denominator of the simplified fraction.
Example: f2nd(42/12) returns [7,2]
Syntax: factor(Expr)
Factorizes a polynomial.
Example: factor(x^4-1) returns (x-1)*(x+1)*(x^2+1)
Syntax: factor_xn(Poly)
Factorizes x^n in P\the polynomial Poly (n=degree of polynomial P).
Example: factor_xn(x^4-1) returns x^4*(1-x^-4)
Syntax: factorial(Intg(n)|| Real(a) )
factorial(n)=n!. For non-integers, factorial(a)=a! = G(a + 1). This calculates the Gamma function.
Example: factorial(4) returns 24
Syntax: factors(Poly) or factors({Poly1, Poly2, ..., Polyn})
Returns the list of prime factors of a polynomial; each factor followed by its multiplicity.
Example: factors(x^4-1) returns [x-1,1,x+1,1,x^2+1,1]
Syntax: fcoeff(Root1, Oder1, Root2, Order2, ..., Rootn, Ordern)
Returns the polynomial described by a list of roots, each followed by its order.
Example: fcoeff([1,2,0,1,3,-1]) returns ((x-1)^2)*x*(x-3)^-1
Syntax: fft(Vect or (Vect(L),Intg(a),Intg(p))
Fast Fourier Transform in R or in the field Z/pZ, with a as primitive n-th root of 1 (n=size(L)).
Example: fft([1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0]) returns [10.0,-0.414213562373-7.24264068712*(i),-2.0+2.0*i,2.41421356237-
Syntax: FILLPOLY([G], {coordinates...} or [Coordinates], Color, [Alpha])
Fills the polygon specified by the provided Cartsian coordinates using the color provided.
If Alpha (0 to 255) is provided, the polygon is drawn with trensparency.
Example: FILLPOLY([(0,0),(1,1),(2,0),(3,-1),(2,-2)], #FF, 128)
Syntax: FILLPOLY_P([G], {coordinates...} or [Coordinates], Color, [Alpha])
Fills the polygon specified by the provided pixel coordinates using the color provided.
If Alpha (0 to 255) is provided, the polygon is drawn with trensparency.
Example: FILLPOLY_P([(20,20),(120,120),(150,20),(180,150),(50,100)], #FF, 128)
Syntax: FISHER(n, d, x)
F (Fisher or Fisher-Snedecor) probability density function. Computes the probability density at the value x, given
numerator n and denominator d degrees of freedom.
Example: FISHER(5, 5, 2) returns 0.158080231095
Syntax: FISHER_CDF(n, d, x)
Cumulative F (Fisher or Fisher-Snedecor) distribution function. Returns the lower-tail probability of the F probability
density function for the value x, given numerator n and denominator d degrees of freedom.
Example: FISHER_CDF(5, 5, 2) returns 0.76748868087
Syntax: FISHER_ICDF(n, d, p)
Inverse cumulative F (Fisher or Fisher-Snedecor) distribution function. Returns the value x such that the F lower-tail
probability of x, with numerator, n and denominator, d degrees of freedom, is p.
Example: FISHER_ICDF(5, 5, 0.76748868087) returns 2
Syntax: FLOOR(value)
Greatest integer less than or equal to value.
Example: FLOOR(-3.2) returns -4
Syntax: fMax(Expr,[Var])
Returns the abscissa of the maximum of the expression.
Example: fMax(-x^2+2*x+1,x) returns 1
Syntax: fMin(Expr,[Var])
Returns the abscissa of the minimum of the expression.
Example: fMin(x^2-2*x+1,x) returns 1
Syntax: FNROOT(expression, variable, [guess], [guess2])
Function root-finder (like the Solve app). Finds the value for variable at which expression most nearly evaluates to
zero. Uses guess as initial estimate.
Example: FNROOT(M*9.8/600-1, M, 1) returns 61.2244897959
Syntax: FOR var FROM start TO (or DOWNTO) finish [STEP increment] DO command(s) END;
Sets variable var to start; then, for as long as this variables value is less than or equal to (or more than for a
DOWNTO) finish, executes command(s) and adds (or substract for DOWNTO) 1 (or increment) to var.
will print 1 3 5 7 9
Syntax: format(Real,Str("f4"||"s5"||"e6"))
Transforms the real into a string with the indicated format (f=float,s=scientific,e=engineering).
Example: format(9.3456,"s3") returns 9.35
Syntax: FP(value)
Returns the Fractional part of value.
Example: FP (23.2) returns .2
Syntax: fracmod(Expr(Xpr),Intg(n))
Returns the fraction a/b such as a/b=Xpr mod n, -n/2<a<=n/2 and 0<=b<n/2
Example: fracmod(41,121) returns 2/3
Syntax: FREEZE
Prevents the screen from being redrawn after the program ends. Leaves the modified display on the screen for the
user to see.
Syntax: froot(RatPoly(F))
Returns the list of roots and poles of F with their mulitiplicity.
Example: froot((x^5-2*x^4+x^3)/(x-3)) returns [0,3,1,2,3,-1]
Syntax: fsolve(Expr,Var,[Guess or Interval],[Method])
Numerical solution of an equation or a system of equations.
Example: fsolve(cos(x)=x,x,-1..1) returns [0.739085133215]
Syntax: function_diff(Fnc(f))
Returns the derivative function of the function f.
Example: function_diff(sin) returns (`x`)->cos(`x`)
Syntax: Gamma(Real(x0))
Calculus of Gamma at a point x0 (Gamma(n+1)=n! for n integer).
Example: Gamma(5) returns 24
Syntax: gauss(Expr,VectVar)
Splits a quadratic form as a sum/difference of square.
Example: gauss(x^2+2*a*x*y,[x,y]) returns (a*y+x)^2+(-y^2)*a^2
Syntax: gbasis(ListPoly, ListVar)
Returns the Groebner basis of the ideal spanned by the list of polynomials.
Example: gbasis({x^2-y^3,x+y^2},{x,y}) returns [y^4-y^3,x+y^2]
Syntax: gcd(Poly1, Poly2)
Returns the greatest common divisor of 2 polynomials of several variables. Can also be used as integer gcd.
gcd(x^2-4,x^2-5*x+6) returns x-2
gcd(45,30) returns 15
Syntax: GETBASE(#integer)
Returns the base used for display for this integer.
0: system, 1: bin, 2: oct, 3: dec, 4: hex
Syntax: GETBITS(#integer)
Returns the number of bits used for calculations with this integer.
Syntax: GETKEY
Returns the ID of the first key in the keyboard buffer, or -1 if no key was pressed since the last call to GETKEY. Key IDs
are integers from 0 to 50, numbered from top left (key 0) to bottom right (key 50).
0= Apps
1= Symb
2= Up
3= Help
4= Esc
5= Home
6= Plot
7= Left
8= Right
9= View
10= Cas
11= Num
12= Down
13= Menu
After that, the keys are number from top left (14= Vars) to bottom right (50= +)
Syntax: GETPIX([G], x, y)
Returns the color of the pixel of G with coordinates (x,y).
Syntax: GETPIX_P([G], x, y)
Returns the color of the pixel of G with coordinates (x,y).
Syntax: GF(Intg(p), Intg(n))
Creates a Galois Field of characteristic p with p^n elements.
Example: GF(5,9) returns GF(5,k^9-k^8+2*k^7+2*k^5-k^2+2*k-2,[k,K,g],undef)
Syntax: grad(Expr, ListVars)
Returns the gradient of the expression Expr.
Example: grad(2*x^2*y-x*z^3,[x,y,z]) returns [2*2*x*y-z^3,2*x^2,-x*3*z^2]
Syntax: gramschmidt(Basis(B),ScalarProd(Sp))
Returns an orthonormal base of E of base B for the scalar product Sp.
Example: gramschmidt(*1,1+x+,(p,q)->integrate(p*q,x,-1,1)) returns *1/(2),(1+x-1)/(6)/3+
Syntax: greduce(Poly, ListPoly, ListVar)
Returns the remainder of the division of a polynomial by a Groebner basis.
Example: greduce(x*y-1,{x^2-y^2,2*x*y-y^2,y^3},{x,y}) returns (1/2)*y^2-1
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Syntax: GROBH(G)
Returns the height of G.
Syntax: GROBH_P(G)
Returns the height of G.

Syntax: GROBW(G)
Returns the width of G.
Syntax: GROBW_P(G)
Returns the width of G.

Syntax: half_line(Point1, Point2)
Given 2 points, draws a ray from the first point through the second point.
Example: half_line(0, 1+i) draws a ray starting at the origin and passing through the point at (1,1)
Syntax: halftan(Expr)
Transforms sin(x), cos(x) and tan(x) as a function of tan(x/2).
Example: halftan(sin(x)) returns (2*tan(x/2))/((tan(x/2))^2+1)
Syntax: halftan_hyp2exp(Expr)
Transforms the trigonometric functions in tan(x/2) and hyperbolic functions into expontials.
Example: halftan_hyp2exp(sin(x)+sinh(x)) returns (2*tan(x/2)/((tan(x/2))^2+1)+(exp(x)-1/exp(x))/2
Syntax: halt(NULL)
Puts a program in step-by-step debug mode.
Syntax: hamdist(Intg,Intg)
Bit Hamming distance.
Example: hamdist(0x12,0x38) returns 3
Syntax: harmonic_conjugate(Line or Pnt,Line or Pnt,Line or Pnt)
Returns the harmonic conjugate of 3 points or of 3 parallel or concurrent lines or the line of conjugates of a point in
respect to 2 lines.
Syntax: harmonic_division(Pnt or Line,Pnt or Line,Pnt or Line,Var)
Returns the 4 points (resp lines) and affects the last argument, such as the 4 points (resp lines) are in a harmonic
Syntax: has(Expr,Var)
Checks if a variable is in an expression.
Example: has(x+y,x) returns 1
Syntax: head(Vect or Seq or Str)
Shows the first element of a vector or a sequence or a string.
Example: head(1,2,3) returns 1
Syntax: Heaviside(Real)
Function equal to 0 if x<0 and 1 if x>=0
Example: Heaviside(1) returns 1
Syntax: hermite(Integer)
Returns nth Hermite polynomial.
Example: hermite(3) returns 8*x^3-12*x
Syntax: hessenberg(Mtrx(A))
Matrix reduction to Hessenberg form. Returns [P,B] such that B=inv(P)*A*P.
Example: hessenberg([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,1]]) returns
Syntax: hessian(Expr,LstVar)
Returns the hessian matrix of the expression Expr.
Example: hessian(2*x^2*y-x*z,[x,y,z]) returns [[4*y,4*x,-1],[2*2*x,0,0],[-1,0,0]]
Syntax: hexagon(Point1, Point2, [Var1, Var2, Var3, Var4])
Draws a regular hexagon defined by one of its sides; that is, by two consecutive vertices. The remaining points are
calculated automatically, but are not defined symbolically. The orientation of the hexagon is counterclockwise from
the first point.
hexagon(0,6) draws a regular hexagon whose first two vertices are at (0, 0) and (6, 0).
hexagon(0,6, a, b, c, d) draws a regular hexagon whose first two vertices are at (0, 0) and (6, 0)l labels the other four
vertices a, b, c, and d, and stores the coordinates into the CAS variables a, b, c, and d. You do not have to define
variables for all four remaining points, but the coordinates are stored in order. For example, hexagon(0,6, a) stores
just the third point into the CAS variable a.
Syntax: hilbert(Intg(n))
Returns the order n Hilbert matrix: Hjk=1/(j+k+1) j,k=1..n
Example: hilbert(4) returns [[1,1/2,1/3,1/4],[1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5],[1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6],[1/4,1/5,1/6,1/7]]
Syntax: HMS(value)
Decimal to hours-minutes-seconds.
Change the way a number is displayed to HMS format.
HMS(8.5) returns 83
Syntax: HMS(value)
Hours-minutes-seconds to decimal.
Forces a number to be displayed in decimal format if it was previously displayed in DMS format
HMS(830) returns 8.5
Syntax: homothety(Point, Realk, Object)
Dilates a geometric object, with respect to a center point, by a scale factor.
homothety(GA, 2, GB) creates a dilation centered at point A that has a scale factor of 2. Each point P on geometric
object B has its image P on ray AP such that AP=2AP.
homothety(point(0,0),1/3,point(9,9)) creates an image point at (3,3)
Syntax: hyp2exp(ExprHyperb)
Transforms the hyperbolic functions with the exponential function.
Example: hyp2exp(cosh(x)) returns (exp(x)+1/exp(x))/2
Syntax: hyperbola(Point1, Point2, Point3) or hyperbola(Point1, Point2, Realk)
Draws a hyperbola, given the foci and either a point on the hyperbola or a scalar that is one half the constant
difference of the distances from a point on the hyperbola to each of the foci.
hyperbola(GA, GB, GC) draws the hyperbola whose foci are points A and B and which passes through point C.
hyperbola(GA, GB, 3) draws a hyperbola whose foci are points A and B. For any point P on the hyperbola, |AP-BP|=6.
Syntax: iabcuv(Intg(a),Intg(b),Intg(c))
Returns [u,v] such as au+bv=c for 3 integers a,b,c
Example: iabcuv(21,28,7) returns [-1,1]
Syntax: ibasis(Lst(Vect,..,Vect),Lst(Vect,..,Vect))
Basis of the intersection of two vector spaces.
Example: ibasis([[1,0,0],[0,1,0]],[[1,1,1],[0,0,1]]) returns [[-1,-1,0]]
Syntax: ibpdv(Expr1,Expr2,[Var],[Real1],[Real2])
Integration by parts of Expr1=u(Var)*v'(Var) with Expr2= v'(Var) (or 0) as 2nd argument. You can specify a variable of
integration and also the bounds of integration (Real1 and Real2).
Example: ibpdv(x*ln(x),1) returns (-1/4)*x^2+(1/2)*(x^2)*ln(x)

Syntax: ibpu(Expr1,Expr2,[Var],[Real1],[Real2])
Integration by parts of Expr1=u(Var)*v'(Var) with Expr2= u(Var) (or 0) as 2nd argument. You can specify a variable of
integration and also the bounds of integration (Real1 and Real2).
Example: ibpu(ln(x),ln(x),x,1,3) returns [3*ln(3),-1]
Syntax: ichinrem([a,p],[b,q]))
Integer Chinese Remainder Theorem for two equations. Takes two lists [a, p] and [b, q] and returns a list of two
integers, *r, n+, such that xr mod n. In this case, x is such that xa mod p and xb mod q; also, n=p*q.
Example: ichinrem([2, 7], [3, 5]) returns [-12, 35]
Syntax: icontent(Poly,[Var])
Returns the GCD of the integer coefficients of a polynomial.
Example: icontent(24x^3+6x^2-12x+18) returns 6
Syntax: id(Seq)
The name of the identity function (R^n-> R^n)
Example: id(1,2,3) returns 1,2,3
Syntax: IDENMAT(n)
Identity matrix. Creates a square matrix of dimension n x n whose diagonal elements are 1 and off-diagonal elements
are zero.
Example: IDENMAT(2) returns [[1,0],[0,1]]
Syntax: identity(Intg(n))
Returns the identity matrix of specified dimension n.
Example: identity(3) returns [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]
Syntax: idivis(a)
Integer divisors. Returns a list of all the factors of the integer a.
Example: idivis(12) returns [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12]
Syntax: iegcd(a,b)
Extended greatest common divisor for two integers. Returns [u,v,igcd(a,b)] such that a*u+b*v=igcd(a,b).
Example: iegcd(14, 21) returns [-1, 1, 7]
Starts an "IF...THEN...END" or "IF...THEN...ELSE...END" branch structure.
Syntax: IF test THEN command(s) [ELSE commands] END;
Evaluates test. If test is true (non 0), executes command(s); otherwise, executes the comands in the ELSE clause
nothing happens.
IF A<1
Syntax: ifactor(a)
Prime factorization. Returns the prime factorization of the integer a as a product. Can be used with STO.
Example: ifactor(150) returns 2*3*5^2
Syntax: ifactors(a)
Prime factors. Similar to ifactor, but returns a list of the factors of the integer a with their multiplicities.
Example: ifactors(150) returns [2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 2]
Syntax: IFERR commands1 THEN commands2 [ELSE commands3] END;
Executes sequence of commands1. If an error occurs during execution of commands1, execute sequence of
commands2. Otherwise, execute sequence of commands3.
Many conditions are automatically recognized by the HP Prime as error conditions and are automatically treated as
errors in programs. This command facilitates error-trapping of such errors.
Syntax: ifft(Vect)
Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
Example: ifft([100.0,-52.2842712475+6*i,-8.0*i,4.28427124746-6*i,4.0,4.28427124746+6*i,8*i,-52.2842712475-
6*i]) returns [0.99999999999,3.99999999999,10.0,20.0,25.0,24.0,16.0,-6.39843733552e-12]
Syntax: IFTE(Expr, Trueclause, Falseclause)
If Expr evaluates true (1), evaluates Trueclause; if not, evaluates Falseclause.
Example: IFTE(2<3, 5-1, 2+7) returns 4
Syntax: igcd(a, b)
Greatest common divisor. Returns the integer that is the greatest common divisor of the integers a and b.
Example: igcd(24, 36) returns 12
Syntax: ihermite(Mtrx(A))
Hermite normal form of a matrix with coefficients in Z: returns U,B such that U is invertible in Z, B upper triangular
and B=U*A
Example: ihermite([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) returns [[-3,1,0],[4,-1,0],[-1,2,-1]],[[1,-1,-3],[0,3,6],[0,0,0]]
Syntax: ilaplace(Expr,[Var],[IlapVar])
Inverse Laplace transform of a rational fraction.
Example: ilaplace(1/(x^2+1)^2) returns (-x)*cos(x)/2+sin(x)/2
Syntax: IM(x+yi)
Imaginary Part. Returns the imaginary part of a complex number.
Example: IM(3+4i) returns 4
Syntax: incircle(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Draws the incircle of a triangle, the circle tangent to all three sides of the triangle.
Example: incircle(GA, GB, GC) draws the incircle of ABC.
Syntax: INPUT(var,*title+, *label+, *help+, *reset+)
or INPUT(,vars-,*title+, *,labels-+, *,help-+, *,reset-+)
Starts a dialog box with header title and one field named label (with value default), displaying help at the bottom.
The dialog box includes CANCEL and OK menu keys. If the user presses the OK menu key, the variable var is updated
and 1 is returned. If the user presses the CANCL menu key, var is not updated and 0 is returned.
Syntax: INSTRING(string1, string2)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of string2 in string1. Returns 0 if str2 is not present in str1. Note that the
first character in a string is in position 1.
INSTRING("vanilla", "van") returns 1
INSTRING("banana","na") returns 3
INSTRING("ab","abc") returns 0
Syntax: int(Expr,[Var],[Real1,Real2])
Integral (definite or indefinite). You can specify a variable of integration as well as the bounds ofr integration. You
can use the integration template in the Template menu as well.
int(1/x) returns ln(abs(x))
int(sin(x),x,0,) returns 2
Syntax: inter(Curve1, Curve2)
Returns the intersections of two curves as a vector.
Example: inter(8-x^2/6, x/2-1) returns [[6, 2] [-9, -11/2]], indicating that there are two intersections-one at (6,2) and
the other at (-9,-5.5).
Syntax: INTERSECT({list1}, ...{listN})
Returns a list of the elements common to all the lists.
Example: INTERSECT({1,2,3},{2,4,8}) returns {2}
Syntax: interval2center(Interval or Real)
Returns the center of the interval or the object.
Example: interval2center(2..5) returns 7/2
Syntax: inv(Expr||Mtrx)
Returns the inverse of an expression or matrix.
Example: inv(9/5) returns 5/9
Syntax: inversion(Point1, Realk, Point2)
Draws the inversion of a point, with respect to another point, by a scale factor.
Example: inversion(GA, 3, GB) draws point C on line AB such that AB*AC=3. In this case, point A is the center of the
inversion and the scale factor is 3. Point B is the point whose inversion is created.
In general, the inversion of point A through center C, with scale factor k, maps A onto A, such that A is on line CA
and CA*CA=k, where CA and CA denote the lengths of the corresponding segments. If k=1, then the lengths CA and
CA are reciprocals.
Syntax: INVERT([G], [x1, y1], [x2, y2])
Inverts the rectangle on G defined by the diagonal points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). The effect is reverse video.
The following values are optional and their defaults are listed:
x1, y1=top left corner of G
x2, y2=bottom right corner of G
If only one x,y pair is specified, it refers to the top left corner of G.
Syntax: INVERT_P([G], [x1, y1], [x2, y2])
Inverts the rectangle on G defined by the diagonal points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). The effect is reverse video.
The following values are optional and their defaults are listed:
x1, y1=top left corner of G
x2, y2=bottom right corner of G
If only one (x,y) pair is specified, it refers to the top left corner of G.
Syntax: ilaplace(Expr,[Var],[IlapVar])
Returns the inverse Laplace transform of Expr.
Example: ilaplace(1/(x^2+1)^2) returns (-x/2)*cos(x)+(1/2)*sin(x)
Syntax: invztrans(Expr,[Var],[InvZtransVar])
Inverse z transform of a rational fraction.
Example: invztrans(1/(x^2+1)^2) returns (x*exp(x*(-i)*/2)+x*exp(x*(i)*/2)+4*Dirac(x)-2*exp(x*(-i)*/2)-
Syntax: IP(value)
Integer part. Returns the Integer part of value.
Example: IP(23.2) returns 23
Syntax: iPart(Real||LstReal)
Returns the argument without its fractional part (type=DOM_FLOAT).
Example: iPart(4.3) returns 4.0
Syntax: iquo(a, b)
Euclidean quotient. Returns the integer quotient when the integer a is divided by the integer b.
Example: iquo(63, 23) returns 2
Syntax: iquorem(a, b)
Euclidean quotient and remainder. Returns the integer quotient and remainder when the integer a is divided by the
integer b.
Example: iquorem(63, 23) returns [2, 17]
Syntax: irem(a, b)
Euclidean remainder. Returns the integer remainder when the integer a is divided by the integer b.
Example: irem(63, 23) returns 17
Syntax: is_collinear(Point1, Point2, ..., Pointn)
Takes a set of points as argument and tests whether or not they are collinear. Returns 1 if the points are collinear
and 0 otherwise.
is_collinear(point(0,0), point(5,0), point(6,1)) returns 0.
Syntax: is_concyclic(Point1, Point2, , Pointn)
Takes a set of points as argument and tests if they are all on the same circle. Returns 1 if the points are all on the
same circle and 0 otherwise.
is_concyclic(point(-4,-2), point(-4,2), point(4,-2), point(4,2)) returns 1
Syntax: is_conjugate(Crcle, Point1, Point2, [Point3]) or is_conjugate(Line1, Line2, Line3, {Line4])
Returns 1 if the 3 (resp 4) arguments are conjugated toward a circle (resp 2 lines) and 0 otherwise.
Syntax: is_coplanar(Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4)
Tests if 4 points are in the same plane. Returns 1 if true or 0 if false.
Syntax: is_element(Point, Object)
Tests if a point is on a geometric object. Returns 1 if it is and 0 otherwise
is_element(point(((2)/2),((2)/2)),circle(0,1)) returns 1
Syntax: is_equilateral(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Takes three points and tests whether or not they are vertices of a single equilateral triangle. Returns 1 if they are and
0 otherwise..
is_equilateral(triangle(0,2,1+i*3)) returns 1.
Syntax: is_harmonic(Pnt or Cplx,Pnt or Cplx,Pnt or Cplx,Pnt or Cplx)
Returns 1 if the 4 points are in a harmonic division and 0 otherwise.
Syntax: is_harmonic_circle_bundle(Lst(Crcle))
Returns 1 if the circles build a bundle, 2 if they have the same center, 3 if they are the same and 0 otherwise.

Syntax: is_harmonic_line_bundle(Lst(Line))
Returns 1 if the lines have a common point, 2 if they are parallels, 3 if they are the same and 0 otherwise.
Syntax: is_isosceles(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Takes three points and tests whether or not they are vertices of a single isosceles triangle. Returns 0 if they are not.
If they are, returns the number order of the common point of the two sides of equal length (1, 2, or 3). Returns 4 if
the three points form an equilateral triangle.
is_isosceles(point(0,0), point(4,0), point(2,4)) returns 3
is_isosceles(triangle(0,i,1+i)) returns 2
Syntax: is_orthogonal(Line1, Line2) or is_orthogonal(Circle1, Circle2
Tests whether or not two lines or two circles are orthogonal (perpendicular). In the case of two circles, tests whether
or not the tangent lines at a point of intersection are orthogonal. Returns 1 if they are and 0 otherwise.
is_orthogonal(line(y=x),line(y=-x)) returns 1.
Syntax: is_parallel(Line1, Line2)
Tests whether or not two lines are parallel. Returns 1 if they are and 0 otherwise.
is_parallel(line(2x+3y=7),line(2x+3y=9) returns 1.
Syntax: is_parallelogram(Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4)
Tests whether or not a set of four points are vertices of a parallelogram. Returns 0 if they are not. If they are, then
returns 1 if they form only a parallelogram, 2 if they form a rhombus, 3 if they form a rectangle, and 4 if they form a
is_parallelogram(point(0,0), point(2,4), point(0,8), point(-2,4)) returns 2.
Syntax: is_perpendicular(line1, Line2)
Similar to is_orthogonal. Tests whether or not two lines are perpendicular. Returns 1 if they are or 0 if they are not.
Example: is_perpendicular(line(y=x),line(y=-x)) returns 1
Syntax: is_rectangle(Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4)
Tests whether or not a set of four points are vertices of a rectangle. Returns 0 if they are not, 1 if they are, and 2 if
they are vertices of a square.
is_rectangle(point(0,0), point(4,2), point(2,6), point(-2,4)) returns 2.
With a set of only three points as argument, tests whether or not they are vertices of a right triangle. Returns 0 if
they are not. If they are, returns the number order of the common point of the two perpendicular sides (1, 2, or 3).
is_rectangle(point(0,0), point(4,2), point(2,6)) returns 2.
Syntax: is_rhombus(Pnt or Cplx,Pnt or Cplx,Pnt or Cplx,Pnt or Cplx)
Returns 1 or 2 if the 4 points (or the object) build a rhombus (2 for a square) and 0 otherwise.
Syntax: is_square(Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4)
Tests whether or not a set of four points are vertices of a square. Returns 1 if they are and 0 otherwise.
is_square(point(0,0), point(4,2), point(2,6), point(-2,4)) returns 1
Returns true (non-zero) if the key whose Key_ID is provided is currently pressed, and false (0) if it is not.
Syntax: ismith(Mtrx(A))
Smith normal form of a matrix with coefficients in Z : returns U,B,V such that U and V are invertible in Z, B is the
diagonal, B[i,i] divide B[i+1,i+1] and B=U*A*V.
Example: ismith([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) returns [[1,0,0],[4,-1,0],[-1,2,-1]],[[1,0,0],[0,3,0],[0,0,0]],[[1,-2,1],[0,1,-
Syntax: isobarycenter(Point1, Point2, , Pointn)
Returns the hypothetical center of mass of a set of points. Works like barycenter but assumes all points have equal
Example: isobarycenter(3,3,3*3*i) returns
point(3*3*i/3), which is equivalent to (0,3).
Syntax: isopolygon(Point1, Point2, Realn), where realn is an integer greater than 1.
Draws a regular polygon given the first two vertices and the number of sides, where the number of sides is greater
than 1. If the number of sides is 2, then the segment is drawn. You can provide CAS variable names for storing the
coordinates of the calculated points in the order they were created. The orientation of the polygon is
isopolygon(GA, GB, 6) draws a regular hexagon whose first two vertices are the points A and B.
Syntax: isosceles_triangle(Point1, Point2, Angle)
Draws an isosceles triangle defined by two of its vertices and an angle. The vertices define one of the two sides equal
in length and the angle defines the angle between the two sides of equal length. Like equilateral_triangle, you have
the option of storing the coordinates of the third point into a CAS variable.
isosceles_triangle(GA, GB, angle(GC, GA, GB) defines an isosceles triangle such that one of the two sides of equal
length is AB, and the angle between the two sides of equal length has a measure equal to that of ACB.
Syntax: isprime(a)
Prime integer test. Returns true if the integer a is prime; otherwise, returns false.
Example: isprime(1999) returns true
Syntax: ITERATE(expr, var, ivalue, #times)
Repeatedly for #times evaluates expr in terms of var. The value for var is updated each time, starting with ivalue.
ITERATE(X^2, X, 2, 3) returns 256.
Syntax: ithprime(n)
Nth prime. For the integer n, returns the nth prime number less than 100,000-200,000.
ithprime(5) returns 11
Syntax: jacobi_symbol(Intg,Intg)
Jacobi symbol.
Example: jacobi_symbol(132,5) returns -1
Syntax: jordan(Mtrx)
Returns the list made by the matrix of passage and the Jordan form of a matrix.
Example: jordan(**0,2+,*1,0++) returns **2,-2+,*1,1++,**2,0+,*0,-2++
Syntax: JordanBlock(Expr(a),Intg(n))
Returns a matrix n*n with a on the diagonal, 1 above, and 0 everywhere else.
Example: JordanBlock(7,3) returns [[7,1,0],[0,7,1],[0,0,7]]
Syntax: ker(Mtrx(M))
Kernel of a linear application of matrix M.
Example: ker([[1,2],[3,6]]) returns [ 2, -1 ]
Syntax: KILL;
Stops the execution of the program.
Syntax: l1norm(Vect)
Returns the l1 norm of the vector=sum of the absolute value of its coordinates.
Example: l1norm([3,-4,2]) returns 9
Syntax: l1norm(Vect)
Returns the l1 norm of the vector=sum of the absolute value of its coordinates.
Example: l1norm([3,-4,2]) returns 9
Syntax: lagrange((Listxk, Listyk) or lagrange(Matrix)
Returns the polynomial of degree n-1 such that P(xk)=yk, for k=0, 1, ..., n-1.
Example: lagrange([1,3],[0,1]) returns (1/2)* (x-1)
Syntax: laguerre(Integer)
Returns the nth Laguerre polynomial.
Example: laguerre(4) returns (1/24)*a^4+(-1/6)*a^3*x+5/12*a^3+1/4*a^2*x^2+(-3/2)*a^2*x+35/24*a^2+(-
Syntax: laplace(Expr,[Var],[LapVar])
Returns the Laplace transform of Expr.
Example: laplace(exp(x)*sin(x)) returns 1/(x^2-2*x+2)
Syntax: laplacian(Expr(Xpr),LstVar)
Returns the Laplacian of the expression Xpr with respect to the list of variables.
Example: laplacian(exp(z)*cos(x*y),[x,y,z]) returns -x^2*cos(x*y)*exp(z)-y^2*cos(x*y)*exp(z)+cos(x*y)*exp(z)
Syntax: lcm(Intgr1, Intgr2) or lcm(Poly1, Poly2) or lcm(Rational1, Rational2)
Returns the lowest common multiple of 2 polynomials of several variables or of 2 integers or of 2 rationals.
Example: lcm(6,4) returns 12
Syntax: lcoeff(Poly||Lst)
Returns the coefficient of the term of highest degree of a polynomial (l=leading).
Example: lcoeff(-2*x^3+x^2+7*x) returns -2
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Syntax: LEFT(string, n)
Returns the first n characters of the string.
Example: LEFT("MOMOGUMBO",3) returns "MOM"
Syntax: legendre(Integer)
Returns the nth Legendre polynomial.
Example: legendre(4) returns (35/8)*x^4+(-15/4)*x^2+3/8
Syntax: legendre_symbol(Intg,Intg)
Legendre symbol.
Example: legendre_symbol(132,5) returns -1
Syntax: size(Lst or Str or Seq)
Returns the size of a list, a string or a sequence.
Example: size([1,2,3]) returns 3
Syntax: lgcd(Seq or Lst )
Returns the greatest common divisor of a list of polynomials or of integers.
lgcd({45,75,20,15}) returns 5
lgcd({x^2-2*x+1,x^3-1,x-1}) returns x-1
Syntax: limit(Expr,Var,Val)
Limit of an expression as a variable approaches a value. Returns the limit (2 sided or 1-sided) of the given expression
as the given variable approaches a value.
Example: limit((n*tan(x)-tan(n*x))/(sin(n*x)-n*sin(x)),x,0) returns 2
Syntax: lin(Expr )
Linearization of exponentials.
Example: lin((exp(x)^3+exp(x))^2) returns exp(6*x)+2*exp(4*x)+exp(2*x)
Syntax: line(Point1, Point2) or line(a*x+b*y+c) or line(point1, slope=realm)
Draws a line. The arguments can be two points, a linear expression of the form a*x+b*y+c, or a point and a slope.
line(2+i, 3+2i) draws the line whose equation is y=x-1; that is, the line through the points (2,1) and (3,2).
line(2x-3y-8) draws the line whose equation is 2x-3y=8
line(3-2i,slope=1/2) draws the line whose equation is x-2y=7; that is, the line through (3, -2) with slope m=1/2
Syntax: LINE([G], x1, y1, x2, y2, [color])
Draws a line on GROB G between points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

Syntax: LINE_P([G], x1, y1, x2, y2, [color])
Draws a line on GROB G between points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
Syntax: linear_interpolate(Mtrx,xmin,xmax,xstep)
Makes a regular sample from a polygonal line defined by a 2 row matrix.
Example: linear_interpolate([[1,2,6,9],[3,4,6,7]],1,9,1) returns
Syntax: linear_regression(Lst||Mtrx(A),[Lst])
Returns the coefficients a and b of y=a*x+b
It is the best line approximation to the points where the coordinates are the rows of A (or the 2 lists).
Example: linear_regression([[0.0,0.0],[1.0,1.0],[2.0,4.0],[3.0,9.0],[4.0,16.0]]) returns 4.0,-2.0
Syntax: LineHorz(Expr(a))
Draws the horizontal line y=a
Syntax: LineTan(f(x), [Var], Value)
Draws the tangent to y=f(x) at x=Value.
Example: LineTan(x^2-x, 1) draws the line whose equation is y=x-1, which is tangent to the graph of y=x^2-x at x=1.
Syntax: LineVert(Expr(a))
Draws the vertical line x=a
Syntax: linsolve(ListLinEq,ListVar)
Linear equations system solver. Solves a set of linear equations for their common variable set.
Example: linsolve([x+y+z=1,x-y=2,2*x-z=3],[x,y,z]) returns [3/2,-1/2,0]
Syntax: LIST(list)
List Product. Calculates the product of all elements in list.
Example: LIST(,2,3,4-) returns 24.
Syntax: LIST(list)
List Difference. Creates a new list composed of the first differences of list; that is, the differences between the
sequential elements in list. The new list has one fewer elements than list.
Example: LIST(,1, 2, 3, 5, 8-) returns ,1, 1, 2, 3-
Syntax: LIST(list)
Sum of a list. Returns the sum of all elements in list.
Example: LIST(,2,3,4-) returns 9
Syntax: list2mat(Lst(l),Intg(n))
Returns the matrix with n columns and where terms are the list l completed eventually by 0.
Example: list2mat([1,8,4,9],1) returns [[1],[8],[4],[9]]
Ln: the Natural logarithm.
Syntax: LN(Value)
Returns the natural logarithm of Value. The natural logarithm is the logarithm to the base e, Euler's number.
Example: LN(1) returns 0
Syntax: lname(Expr )
List of variables in the expression.
Example: lname(exp(x)*2*sin(y)) returns [x,y]
Syntax: lncollect(Expr)
Collect logarithms. Applies ln(a)+n*ln(b)=ln(a*b^n) where n is an integer.
Example: lncollect(ln(x)+2*ln(y)) returns ln(x*y^2)
Syntax: lnexpand(Expr)
Expands logarithms.
Example: lnexpand(ln(3*x)) returns ln(3)+ln(x)
Syntax: LNP1(value)
Natural log plus 1. This is more accurate than the natural logarithm function when x is close to zero.
Example: LNP1(.23) returns .207014169384
Syntax: LOCAL var_1[:=value][, more variables];
Declares a local variable.
If the declaration is in a function block, these variables will be local to the function.
if the declaration is in the main program body, the variables are local to the program.
Syntax: locus(Point,Element)
Given a first point and a second point that is an element of (a point on) a geometric object, draws the locus of the
first point as the second point traverses its object.
General logarithm function
Syntax: LOG(Value, [Base])
Returns the logarithm of Value in Base. By default, Base=10.
Example: LOG(8,2) returns 3 while LOG(8) returns 0.903089986992
Syntax: log10(Expr)
Common logarithm (base 10).
Example: log10(10) returns 1
Syntax: logarithmic_regression(Lst||Mtrx(A),[Lst])
Returns the coefficients a and b of y=a*ln(x)+b : it is the best logarithm that approximates the points where the
coordinates are the rows of A (or the 2 lists).
Example: logarithmic_regression([[1.0,1.0],[2.0,4.0],[3.0,9.0],[4.0,16.0]]) returns 10.1506450002,-0.564824055818
Syntax: logb(Real)
Logarithm of base b.
Example: logb(5,2) returns ln(5)/ln(2) which is approximately 2.32192809489
Syntax: logistic_regression(Lst(L),Real(x0),Real(y0) )
Returns y,y',C,y'max,xmax,R : y is a logistic function (sol of y'/y=a*y+b), such that y(x0)=y0 and where
[y'(x0),y'(x0+1)...] is the best approximation of L.
Example: logistic_regression([0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0],0.0,1.0) returns [-17.77/(1+exp(-
Syntax: LQ(matrix)
LQ Factorization. Factors an m n matrix into three matrices: {[[ m n lowertrapezoidal]],[[ n n orthogonal]], [[ m m
Example: LQ([[1,2],[3,4]])
Syntax: LSQ(matrix1, matrix2)
Least Squares. Displays the minimum norm least squares matrix (or vector).
Example: LSQ([[1,2],[3,4]],[[5],[11]]) returns [[1],[2]]
Syntax: LU(matrix)
LU Decomposition. Factors a square matrix into three matrices:
The uppertriangular has ones on its diagonal.
Example: LU([[1,2],[3,4]])
Syntax: lvar(Expr)
List of variables of an object (with rational dependence).
Example: lvar(exp(x)*2*sin(y)) returns [exp(x),sin(y)]
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Syntax: MAKELIST(expression, variable, begin, end, [increment])
Make List. Calculates a sequence of elements for a new list. Evaluates expression, incrementing variable from begin
to end values, using increment steps (default 1). The MAKELIST function generates a series by automatically
producing a list from the repeated evaluation of an expression.
Example: MAKELIST(2*X-1, X, 1, 5, 1) returns {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
Syntax: MAKEMAT(expression, n, [m])
Make Matrix. Creates a matrix of dimension n m, using expression to calculate each element. If expression contains
the variables I and J, then the calculation for each element substitutes the current row number for I and the current
column number for J. With two arguments, this creates a vector of size n.
MAKEMAT(0,3,3) returns [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
MAKEMAT(2,2,3) returns **2,2,2+,*2,2,2++
MAKEMAT(I+J1,2,3) returns **1,2,3+,*2,3,4++
MAKEMAT(2,2) returns *2,2+
Syntax: MANT(value)
Mantissa. Returns the significant digits of value.
Example: MANT(21.2E34) returns 2.12
Syntax: map(Lst(l),Fnc(f))
Apply the function f at the elements of the list l or at a polynomial of internal format.
Example: map([1,2,3],x->x^3) returns [1,8,27]
Syntax: mat2list(Mtrx)
Returns the list of the terms of the matrix.
Example: mat2list([[1,8],[4,9]]) returns [1,8,4,9]
Syntax: matpow(Mtrx,Intg(n))
Calculates the n power of a matrix by jordanization.
Example: matpow(**1,2+,*3,4++,n) returns **(33-3)*((33+5)/2)^n*-6/(-12*33)+(-(33)-3)*((-(33)+5)/2)^n*6/(-
Syntax: MAX(value1,[value2],[..value16])
Maximum. Returns the greatest of the values given, or the greatest value of a list.
Example: MAX(210,25) returns 210 and MAX({1, 8, 2}) returns 8
Syntax: maxnorm(Vect or Mtrx)
Norm with the maximum of a vector (or of a matrix): maxnorm([x1,x2,..,xn])=max(|x1|,..,|xn|)
Example: maxnorm([1,2]) returns 2
Maximum real number. The largest real number the HP Prime is capable of representing. The value of MAXREAL is
9.99999999999E499. Any number larger than this is represented as this number.
Syntax: mean(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Mean of a list with the second argument as weight, or of the columns of a matrix.
Example: mean([1,2,3],[1,2,3]) returns 7/3
Syntax: median(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the median of a list with the second argument as the weight, or of the columns of a matrix.
Example: median([1,2,3,5,10,4]) returns 3.0
Syntax: median_line(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Given three points that define a triangle, creates the median of the triangle that passes through the first point and
contains the midpoint of the segment defined by the other two points.
median_line(0, 8i, 4) draws the line whose equation is y=2x; that is, the line through (0,0) and (2,4), the midpoint of
the segment whose endpoints are (0, 8) and (4, 0).
Syntax: member(Elem(e),(Lst(l) or Set(l)))
Tests if e is in the list or the set l (=0 or k+1 with l[k]=e)
Example: member(1,[4,3,1,2]) returns 3
Syntax: MID(string, position, [n])
Extracts n characters from string starting at position. If n is not specified, then MID extracts the remainder of the
string from position.
MID("MOMOGUMBO",3,5) returns "MOGUM"
MID("PUDGE",4) returns "GE"
Syntax: midpoint(Segment) or midpoint(Point1, Point2)
Returns the midpoint of a segment. The argument can be either the name of a segment or two points that define a
segment. In the latter case, the segment need not actually be drawn.
Example: midpoint(0,6+6i) returns point(3,3)
Syntax: MIN(value1,[value2],[..value16])
Minimum. Returns the lesser of the values given, or the lesser value of a list.
Example: MIN(210,25) returns 25 and MIN({1, 8, 2}) returns 1
Minimum real number. The smallest real number that the HP Prime can represent. Its value is 1E-499. Any number
smaller than this is represented as zero.
Syntax: mkisom(Vect,(Sign(1) or -1))
Matrix of an isometry given by its proper elements.
Example: mkisom(,1) returns **-1,0+,*0,-1++ in radian mode
Syntax: MKSA(Value_Unit)
Converts the measurement Value_Unit to its corresponding value and unit in Unit's MKSA equivalent. MKSA stands
for the Meter-Kilogram-Second-Ampere system.
Example: MKSA(32_yd) returns 29.2608_m.
Syntax: value1 MOD value2
Modulo. Returns the remainder of value1/value2.
Example: 9 MOD 4 returns 1
Syntax: modgcd(Poly,Poly)
Returns the GCD of 2 polynomials, with the modular algorithm.
Example: modgcd(x^4-1,(x-1)^2) returns x-1
Syntax: MOUSE[(index)]
Returns the current pointer's location.
returns: two lists of the form {#x, #y, #originalx, #originaly, #type}, one for each potential pointer.
Note, if a pointer is unused, returns an empty list
#type is: #0: New, #1: Completed, #2: Drag, #3: Stretch, #4: Rotate, #5: LongClick
MOUSE(x) returns the nth element that would be returned if MOUSE was called with no arguements or -1 if the
associated pointer is not down.
Syntax: mRow(Expr(Xpr),Mtrx(A),Intg(n1))
Multiplies the row n1 of the matrix A by Xpr.
Example: mRow(12,[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],1) returns [[12,24],[3,4],[5,6]]
Syntax: MSGBOX(expr,[OK_Cancel]) or MSGBOX(string,[OK_Cancel])
Displays a message box with either the value of expression or string. If OK_Cancel? is true, displays OK and CANCEL
menu keys, otherwise only displays the OK menu key. Default value for OK_Cancel is false.
Returns true (non-zero) if the user presses OK, false (0) if the user presses CANCEL.
Syntax: mult_c_conjugate(Expr)
Returns the expression after multiplication by the complex conjugated quantity of the denominator (or of the
numerator if no denominator).
Example: mult_c_conjugate(1/(3+i*2)) returns 1*(3+(-i)*2)/((3+(i)*2)*(3+(-i)*2))
Syntax: mult_conjugate(Expr)
Returns the expression after multiplication by the conjugated quantity of the denominator (or of the numerator if no
Example: mult_conjugate(3-2) returns (3-(2))*(3+2)/(3+2)
Syntax: nDeriv(Expr(Xpr),Var(var),[Real(h)])
Returns an approximation of the derivative number at a point:(Xpr(var+h)-Xpr(var-h))/(2*h) (by default h=0.001).
Example: nDeriv(f(x),x,h) returns (f(x+h)-(f(x-h)))*0.5/h
Syntax: -Value or -Expression
Unary minus.
Changes the sign of Value or Expression. Used to enter negative numbers.
Syntax: nextprime(a)
Next prime. Returns the next prime number greater than the integer a.
nextprime(12) returns 13
Syntax: normal(Expr)
Simplify the expression.
Example: normal(2*x*2) returns 4*x
Syntax: NORMALD(*, ,+ x)
Normal probability density function. Computes the probability density at the value x, given the mean, , and
standard deviation, , of a normal distribution. With one argument, x, returns the probability density at x, assuming a
mean of zero and standard deviation of 1.
Example: NORMALD(0.5) returns 0.352065326765 and NORMALD(0, 2, 0.5) returns 0.193334058402
Syntax: NORMAL_CDF(, , x)
Cumulative normal distribution function. Returns the lower-tail probability of the normal probability density function
for the value x, given the mean, , and standard deviation, , of a normal distribution. With one argument, x, returns
the lower-tail probability of the normal probability density function for the value x, assuming a mean of zero and
standard deviation of 1.

Example: NORMAL_CDF(0, 1, 2) returns 0.97724986805
Syntax: NORMALD_ICDF(, , p)
Inverse cumulative normal distribution function. Returns the cumulative normal distribution value associated with
the lower-tail probability, p, given the mean, , and standard deviation, , of a normal distribution. With one
argument, p, assumes a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
Example: NORMALD_ICDF(0, 1, 0.841344746069) returns 1
Syntax: normalize(Lst||Cplx)
Returns the vector divided by its l2norm. It is also an option for plotfield.
Example: normalize(3+4*i) returns (3+4*i)/5
Syntax: NOT Value
Logical NOT.
Returns 1 if Value is zero; otherwise returns 0.
Example NOT 3 returns 0
Syntax: nSolve(Expr,Var||orVar=Guess)
Returns a numerical solution of an equation or a system of equations.
nSolve(cos(x)=x,x) returns 0.739085133215
nSolve(cos(x)=x,x=1.3) returns 0.739085133215
Syntax: Value1 Value2
NTHROOT: the nth root function.
This Shift-key combination is the NTHROOT function. It returns the primary Value1 root of Value2. On the keyboard,
the NTHROOT function is represented by n .
Example: 3 8 returns 2
Syntax: numer(a,b)
Simplified Numerator. For the integers a and b, returns the numerator of the fraction a/b after simplification.
Example: numer(10/12) returns 5
Syntax: odd(Intg(n))
Returns 1 if the integer is odd, otherwise returns 0.
Example: odd(6) returns 0
Syntax: odesolve(Expr,VectVar,VectInitCond,FinalVal,[tstep=Val,curve])
Ordinary Differential Equation solver. Solves an ordinary differential equation given by Expr, with variables declared
in VectrVar and initial conditions for those variables declared in VectrInit. For example, odesolve(f(t,y),[t,y],[t0,y0],t1)
returns the approximate solution of y'=f(t,y) for the variables t and y with initial conditions t=t0 and y=y0.
Example: odesolve(sin(t*y),[t,y],[0,1],2) returns [1.82241255674]
Syntax: open_polygon(LstPnt||LstCplx)
Returns and draws the polygonal line where its vertices are the element of l.
Syntax: Value1 OR Value2
Logical OR.
Returns 1 if either Value1 or Value2 is non-zero, otherwise returns 0.
Example: 3 OR 2 returns 1
Syntax: order_size(Expr)
Remainder (O term) of a series expansion: limit(x^a*order_size(x),x=0)=0 if a>0
Syntax: ordinate(Poinnt) or ordinate(Vecctor)
Returns the ordinate of a point or a vector.
Example: ordinate(point(1+2*i)) returns 2
Syntax: orthocenter(Triangle) or orthocenter(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Returns the orthocenter of a triangle; that is, the intersection of the three altitudes of a triangle. The argument can
be either the name of a triangle or three non-collinear points that define a triangle. In the latter case, the triangle
does not need to be drawn.
Example: orthocenter(0,4i,4) returns (0,0)
Syntax: pa2b2(Intg(n))
Returns [a,b] such as a^2+b^2=n (for n prime and n=1 (mod 4))
Example: pa2b2(17) returns [4,1]
Syntax: pade(Expr(Xpr), Var(x), (Intg(n) || Poly(N)), Intg(p))
Pade approximation P/Q=Xpr mod x^(n+1) or mod N with degree(P)<p
Example: pade(exp(x),x,10,6) returns (-x^5-30*x^4-420*x^3-3360*x^2-15120*x-30240)/(x^5-30*x^4+420*x^3-
Syntax: parabola(Point, Line) or parabola(Point, Realk) or parabola(Expr)
Draws a parabola, given a focus point and a directrix line, or the vertex of the parabola and a real number that
represents the focal length
parabola(GA, GB) draws a parabola whose focus is point A and whose directrix is line B.
parabola(GA, 1) draws a parabola whose vertex is point A and whose focal length is 1.
parabola(x-y^2+y-2) draws the graph of the parabolic equation x=y^2-y+2
Syntax: parallel(Point, Line)
Draws a line through a given point that is parallel to a given line.
parallel(A, B) draws the line through point A that is parallel to line B.
parallel(point(32*i), line(x+y5)) draws the line through the point (3, 2) that is parallel to the line whose equation
is x+y=5; that is, the line whose equation is y=x+1.
Syntax: parallelogram(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Draws a parallelogram given three of its vertices. The fourth point is calculated automatically but is not defined
symbolically. As with most of the other polygon commands, you can store the fourth points coordinates into a CAS
variable. The orientation of the parallelogram is counterclockwise from the first point.
parallelogram(0,6,9+5i) draws a parallelogram whose vertices are at (0, 0), (6, 0), (9, 5), and (3,5). The coordinates of
the last point are calculated automatically.
Syntax: parameq(Obj)
Returns a parametric equation for the geometric object Obj. The parametric equation is true for all complex numbers
that represent points on Obj.
Example: parameq(circle(0,1)) returns -exp(i*t)
Syntax: partfrac(RatFrac or Opt)
Performs partial fraction decomposition on a fraction.
Example: partfrac(x/(4-x^2)) returns (-1/2)/(x-2)-(1/2)/((x+2)
Syntax: pcoeff(Vect)
Returns the polynomial coefficients having the roots specified in the vector Vect.
Example: pcoeff([1,0,0,0,1]) returns poly1[1,-2,1,0,0,0]
Syntax: perimeter(Polygon) or perimeter(Circle)
Returns the perimeter of a polygon or the circumference of a circle.
perimeter(0,1,i) returns 2+2
If GA is the point at (0, 0), GB is the point at (1, 0), and GC is defined as circle(GA, GB-GA), then perimeter(GC) returns
If GA is the point at (0, 0), GB is the point at (1, 0), and GC is defined as square(GA, GB-GA), then perimeter(GC)
returns 4.
Syntax: perimeterat(Polygon, Pnt||Cplx(z0))
Displays at point(z0), with a legend, the perimeter of a circle or of a polygon (e.g. triangle, square, ...).
Syntax: perimeteratraw(Polygone, Pnt||Cplx(z0))
Displays at point(z0), the perimeter of a circle or of a polygon (e.g. triangle, square, ...).
Syntax: PERM(n, r)
Permutations. Returns the number of permutations (with regard to order) of n things taken r at a time: n!/(n-r)!
Example: PERM(5,2) returns 20
Syntax:perpen_bisector(Segment) or perpen_bisector(Point1, Point2)
Draws the perpendicular bisector of a segment. The segment is defined either by its name or by its two endpoints.
perpen_bisector(GC) draws the perpendicular bisector of segment C.
perpen_bisector(GA, GB) draws the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.
perpen_bisector(3+2i, i) draws the perpendicular bisector of a segment whose endpoints have coordinates (3, 2) and
(0, 1); that is, the line whose equation is y=x/3+1.
Syntax: perpendicular(Point, Line) or perpendicular(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Draws a line through a given point that is perpendicular to a given line. The line may be defined by its name, two
points, or an expression in x and y.
perpendicular(GA, GD) draws a line perpendicular to line D through point A.
perpendicular(3+2i, GB, GC) draws a line through the point whose coordinates are (3, 2) that is perpendicular to line
perpendicular(3+2i,line(x-y=1)) draws a line through the point whose coordinates are (3, 2) that is perpendicular to
the line whose equation is x y = 1; that is, the line whose equation is y=-x+5.
The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle. Internally represented as 3.14159265359.
Syntax (non-CAS, Textbook Entry disabled): PIECEWISE(test1, case1, ...[, testn], casen)
Syntax (CAS, Textbook Entry disabled):piecewise(test1, case1, ...[, testn], casen)
Syntax (Textbook Entry enabled):
{case1 if text1
{casen [if textn]
Evaluates cases one after another until one case is true. Returns the corresponding case.
Example (Textbook Entry):
,Even if (324 MOD 2) == 0
,Odd if

returns Even
Syntax: pivot(Mtrx(A),Intg(nl),Intg(nc))
Returns the matrix from A creating zeros in the column nc, by the method of Gauss-Jordan with the element A[nl,nc]
as pivot.
Example: pivot([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],0,1) returns [[1,2],[0,-2],[0,-4]]
Syntax: PIXOFF([G], x, y)
Sets the color of the pixel of G with coordinates (x,y) to white.
Syntax: PIXOFF_P([G], x, y)
Sets the color of the pixel of G with coordinates (x,y) to white.
Syntax: PIXON([G], x, y, [color])
Sets the color of the pixel of GROB G with coordinates (x,y).
Syntax: PIXON_P([G], x, y, [color])
Sets the color of the pixel of GROB G with coordinates (x,y).
Syntax: plotcontour(Expr(Xpr),[LstVar],[LstVal])
Draws 11 contour-lines z=z_min,,...z=z_max of the surface z=Xpr, where the contour-lines are defined by the 3rd
Syntax: plotfield(Expr,VectVar,[Opt])
plotfield(f(t,y),[t,y]) draws the slope field of the differential equation y'=f(t,y)
Syntax: plotfunc(Expr)
Draws the plot of a function, given an expression in the independent variable x. Note the use of lowercase x.
Example: plotfunc(3*sin(x)) draws the graph of y=3*sin(x).
Syntax: plotimplicit(Expr,Var1,Var2)
plotimplicit(f(x,y),x,y) or plotimplicit(f(x,y),[x,y]) graph of f(x,y)=0
Syntax: plotinequation(Expr,[x=xrange,y=yrange],[xstep],[ystep])
Shows the graph of the solution of inequations with 2 variables.
Syntax: plotlist(Lst(l)||Mtrx(M))
Draws a polygonal line through the points of abscissa 0,...,n and ordinate l=[y0,...,yn] or the line through the points of
abscissa in the first M column and the ordinates in the second column.
Syntax: plotode(Expr,VectVar,VectInitCond)
plotode(f(t,y),[t,y],[t0,y0]) draws the solution of y'=f(t,y) and y(t0)=y0 or of the system [x'=g(t,x,y),y'=h(t,x,y)] with
x(t0)=x0 and y(t0)=y0.
Syntax: plotparam(Cplx||Lst,Var||Lst(Var))
plotparam(a(x)+i*b(x),x=x0..x1) draws the curve X=a(x),Y=b(x) x=x0..x1 or
plotparam([a(u,v),b(u,v),c(u,v)],[u=u0..u1,v=v0..v1]) draws the surface X=a(u,v),Y=b(u,v),Z=c(u,v) u=u0..u1 and
Syntax: plotpolar(Expr,Var,VarMin,VarMax)
plotpolar(f(x),x,a,b) draws the polar curve r=fx) for x in [a,b]
Syntax: plotseq(Expr(f(Var)),Var=[a,xm,xM],Intg(p))
For seeing the pth terms of the sequence u(0)=a,u(n)=f(u(n-1))
Syntax: pmin(Mtrx,[Var])
Returns the minimal polynomial of a square matrix.
Example: pmin([[1,0],[0,1]],x) returns x-1
Syntax: point(Real1, Real2) or point(Expr1, Expr2) or point(Complex)
Creates a point, given the coordinates of the point. Each coordinate may be a value or an expression involving
variables or measurements on other objects in the geometric construction.
point(3,4) creates a point whose coordinates are (3,4). This point may be selected and moved later.
point(abscissa(GA), ordinate(GB)) creates a point whose x-coordinate is the same as that of a point A and whose y-
coordinate is the same as that of a point B. This point will change to reflect the movements of point A or point B.
Syntax: point2d(Var1, Var2, ..., Varn)
Randomly re-distributes a set of points such that, for each point, x is in the interval [-5, 5] and y is in the interval [-5,
5]. Any further movement of one of the points will randomly re-distribute all of the points.
Syntax: POISSON(, k)
Poisson probability mass function. Computes the probability of k occurrences of an event in a time interval, given
expected (or mean) occurrences of the event in that interval. For this function, k is a non-negative integer and is a
real number.
Example: POISSON(4, 2) returns 0.14652511111
Syntax: POISSON_CDF(, x)
Cumulative poisson distribution function. Returns the probability of x or fewer occurrences of an event in a given
time interval, given expected (or mean) occurrences.
POISSON_CDF(4, 2) returns 0.238103305554
Syntax: POISSON_ICDF(, p)
Inverse cumulative poisson distribution function. Returns the value x such that the probability of x or fewer
occurrences of an event in a time interval, with expected (or mean) occurrences of the event in the interval, is p.
Example: POISSON_ICDF(4, 0.238103305554) returns 2
Syntax: polar(Crcle,Pnt or Cplxe(A))
Returns the line of the conjugated points of A with respect to the circle.
Syntax: polar_coordinates(Pnt or Cplx or LstRectCoord)
Returns the list of the norm and of the argument of the affix of a point (for 2D) or of a complex number or of the the
list of rectangular coordinates.
Example: polar_coordinates(point(1+2*i)) returns *5,atan(2)+
Syntax: polar_point(Real(r),Real(t))
Returns the point (for 2D) with the arguments r and t as polar coordinates.
Syntax: pole(Crcle,Line)
Returns the point having the line as polar with respect to the circle.
Syntax: poly2symb(Lst,Var)
Returns a polynomial (orthe polynomial and its value) in Var (by default x), the polynomial being defined by the
vector of coefficents in Vect .
poly2symb([1,2,3],x) returns (x+2)*x+3
poly2symb([1,2,3],x=2) returns (x+2)*x+3=11
Syntax: POLYCOEF(vector or list)
Polynomial coefficients. Returns the coefficients of the polynomial with the roots specified in vector.
POLYCOEF({-1, 1}) returns {1, 0, -1}
Syntax: POLYEVAL(vector or list , value)
Polynomial evaluation. Evaluates a polynomial with the coefficients specified in vector, at value.
POLYEVAL({1, 0, -1}, 3) returns 8
Syntax: polygon(Point1, Point2, , Pointn)
Draws a polygon from a set of vertices.
polygon(GA, GB, GD) draws ABD
Syntax: polygonplot(Mtrx)
Draws the polygons joining for j fixed and for k=0..nrows, the points (xk,yk) where xk=element row k column 0 and
yk=element row k column j, when the xk are sorted (we obtain ncols-1 polygons).
Syntax: polygonscatterplot(Mtrx)
Draws the points (xk,yk) and the polygons joining for j fixed and for k=0..nrows, the points (xk,yk) where xk=element
row k column 0 and yk=element row k column j ,when the xk are sorted (we obtain ncols-1 polygons).
Syntax: polynomial_regression(Lst||Mtrx(A),[Lst],Intg(n))
Returns the coefficients (an,...a1,a0) of y=an*x^n+..a1x+a0): it is the best polynomial that approximates the points
where the coordinates are the rows of A (or the 2 lists) (n is the 2nd argument).
Example: polynomial_regression([[1.0,1.0],[2.0,4.0],[3.0,9.0],[4.0,16.0]],3) returns [-0.0,1.0,-0.0,0.0]
Syntax: POLYROOT(vector)
Polynomial roots. Returns the roots for the polynomial whose coefficients are specified in vector.
Example: POLYROOT([1, 0, -1]) returns {-1, 1}
Syntax: POS(list, element)
List Position. Returns the position of element within list. If there is more than one instance of the element, the
position of the first occurrence is returned. A value of 0 is returned if there is no occurrence of the specified element.
Example: POS({0, 1, 3, 5}, 1) returns 2
Syntax: potential(Vect(V),VectVar)
Returns U such as derive(U,Vector_of_variable)=V
Example: potential([2*x*y+3,x^2-4*z,-4*y],[x,y,z]) returns 2*x^2*y/2+3*x-4*y*z
Syntax: pow2exp(Expr)
Converts powers to exponentials. Essentially the inverse of exp2pow.
Example: pow2exp(a^b) returns exp(b*ln(a))
Syntax: power_regression(Lst|Mtrx(A),[Lst])
Returns the coefficients (m,b) of y=b*x^m: it is the best monomial that approximates the points where the
coordinates are the rows of A (or the 2 lists).
Example: power_regression([[1.0,1.0],[2.0,4.0],[3.0,9.0],[4.0,16.0]]) returns 2.0,1.0
Syntax: powerpc(Cercle,Pnt or Cplx)
Returns the real number d^2-R^2 (d=distance between point and center, R=radius).
Example: powerpc(circle(0,1+i),3+i) returns 8
Syntax: powexpand(Expr)
Expresses a power in the form of a product.
Example: powexpand(2^(x+y)) yields (2^x)*(2^y)
Syntax: powmod(a, n, p)
Power and modulo. For the integers a, n, and p, returns a^n mod p.
Example: powmod(5,2,13) returns 12
Syntax: prepend(Lst,Elem )
Puts the element at the beginning of the list.
Example: prepend([1,2],3) returns [3,1,2]
Syntax: preval(f(Var), Real1, Real2, [Var])
Returns f(Real2)-f(Real1).
Example: preval(x^2-2,2,3) returns 5
Syntax: prevprime(a)
Previous prime. Returns the previous prime number before the integer a.
Example: prevprime(11) returns 7
Syntax: primpart(Poly,[Var])
Returns the polynomial P divided by the gcd of its coefficients.
Example: primpart(2x^2+10x+6) returns x^2+5*x+3
Syntax: PRINT(expr) or PRINT(string) or PRINT( )
Prints either the result of expr or string to the terminal.
The terminal is a program text output viewing mechanism which is displayed only when PRINT commands are
executed. When visible, you can use the up/down keys to view the text, BKSP to erase the text and any other key to
hide the terminal. You can show the terminal at anytime using the ON+T combination (press and HOLD the ON key,
then press the T key, then release both keys). Pressing ON stops the interaction with the terminal.
PRINT with no argument clears the terminal.
Syntax: product(Expr||Lst,[Var||Lst],[Intg(a)],[Intg(b)],[Intg(p)])
Multiplicates the values of the expression when the variable goes from a to b with a step p (product
expression,var,begin,end,step) by default p=1) or product of the elements of a list or product element by element of
2 lists or matrix.
Example: product(n,n,1,10,2) returns 945
Syntax: projection(Curve, Point)
Draws the orthogonal projection of a point onto a curve.
Example: projection(circle(x^2+y^2=4),point(6,6)) creates a point on the circle at (2, 2)
Syntax: proot(Vect||Poly)
Returns all computed roots of a polynomial given by its coefficients (may not work if roots are not simple).
Example: proot([1,0,-2]) returns [-1.41421356237,1.41421356237]
Syntax: propfrac(Frac or RatFrac)
Simplifies and writes the fraction (or rationnal fraction) A/B as Q+R/B with R<B (or deg(R)<deg(B))
Example: propfrac(28/12) returns 2+1/3
Syntax: Psi(Real(a),Intg(n))
Psi(a,n) returns the nth derivative of the digamma function at x=a (Psi(a,0)=Psi(a))
Example: Psi(3,1) returns ^2/6-5/4
Syntax: ptayl(Poly(P(var)),Real(a),[Var])
Returns the Taylor polynomial Q such as P(x)=Q(x-a)
Example: ptayl(x^2+2*x+1,1) returns x^2+4*x+4
Syntax: purge(Var)
purge(varname) unassigns the variable varname
Syntax: PXC(x, y) or PXC(,x, y-)
Transform pixel coordinates into cartesian coordinates. Returns a list.
Syntax: q2a(QuadraForm,VectVar)
q2a(q(x,y),[x,y]) returns the symmetric matrix associated with the quadratic form q
Example: q2a(x^2+2*x*y+2*y^2,[x,y]) returns [[1,1],[1,2]]
Syntax: QR(matrix)
QR Factorization. Factors an mn matrix into three matrices:
{[[mm orthogonal]],[[mn uppertrapezoidal]],[[nn permutation]]}.
Example: QR([[1,2],[3,4]])
Syntax: quadrilateral(Point1, Point2, Point3, Point4)
Draws a quadrilateral from a set of four points.
quadrilateral(GA, GB, GC, GD) draws quadrilateral ABCD.
Syntax: quantile(Lst(l),Real(p))
Returns the quantile of the elements of l corresponding to p (0<p<1)
Example: quantile([0,1,3,4,2,5,6],0.25) returns [1.0]
Syntax: quartile1(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the 1st quartile of the elements (or of the columns) of the argument.
Example: quartile1([1,2,3,5,10,4]) returns 2.0
Syntax: quartile3(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the 3rd quartile of the elements (or of the columns) of the argument
Example: quartile3([1,2,3,5,10,4]) returns 5.0
Syntax: quartiles(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the min, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile, and max of the elements (or of the columns) of the argument.
Example: quartiles([1,2,3,5,10,4]) returns [[1.0],[2.0],[3.0],[5.0],[10.0]]
Syntax: quo((Vect or Poly),(Vect or Poly),[Var])
Returns the Euclidean quotient of 2 polynomials
Example: quo([1,2,3,4],[-1,2]) returns poly1[-1,-4,-11]
Syntax: quorem(Poly1, Poly2) or quorem(Vector1, Vector2)
Returns the Euclidean quotient and remainder of the quotient of 2 polynomials in a vector. If the polynomials are
expressed as vectors of their coefficients, then this command returns a similar vector of the quotient and a vector of
the remainder.
quorem(x^3+2*x^2+3*x+4,-x+2) returns [-x^2-4*x-11, 26]
quorem([1,2,3,4],[-1,2]) returns [[-1, -4, -11] [26]]
Syntax: QUOTE(expression)
Returns the expression unchanged and un-evaluated.
This function is mostly used with the STO command in order to store a function in a function variable. For example
if you want to store SIN(X) in cannot do SIN(X)F1 as SIN(X) would be evaluated and a numerical result would
be stored into F1. QUOTE(SIN(X))F1 will store SIN(X) in F1.
Syntax: radical_axis(Crcle,Crcle)
Returns the line of points with same powerpc with respect to the 2 circles.
Syntax: radius(Circle)
Returns the radius of a circle.
Example: If GA is the point at (0, 0), GB is the point at (1, 0), and GC is defined as circle(GA, GB-GA), then radius(GC)
returns 1.
Syntax: randexp(Real(a))
Returns a random real according to the exponential distribution of parameter a>0
Example: randexp(1) returns 1.17118631006
Syntax: RANDINT([a],[b],[c])
Random number. Returns a pseudo-random integer generated using a seed value, and updates the seed value.
With no argument, this function returns a random integer x from 0 to 1. With one argument, this returns a random
integer x from 0 to a. With two arguments, this returns a random integer x from a to b. With three arguments, this
returns a list of size a with each element being a random integer x from b to c.
Example: RANDINT(3,1,6) returns { random1, random2, random3 }
Syntax: RANDMAT (matrixname, rows, columns)
Creates a random matrix with the specified number of rows and columns, and stores the result in matrixname. The
entries will be integers ranging from 99 to 99.
Example: RANDMAT(M1,2,2) returns [[n1,n2],[n3,n4]]
Syntax: ranm(Intg(n),[Intg(m)],[Interval or quote(DistribLaw)])
Returns a list of size n or a n*m matrix that contains random integers in the range -99 through 99 with uniform
distribution or contains random numbers according to the law in quote.
Example: ranm(3) returns [-20,72,-86]
Syntax: RANDNORM(*+,*+) or RANDNORM(n,,)
Return a random number from the normal distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation . Default
values are 0 and 1.
With three arguments, returns a list of size n with each element being a random number fron the normal
distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation .
Example: RANDNORM(3,0,1) returns { random1, random2, random3 }
Syntax: randnorm(Real(mu),Real(sigma))
Returns a random real with normal distribution N(mu,sigma)
Example: randnorm(0,1) returns -0.860967215689
Syntax: RANDOM([a],[b],[c])
Random number. Returns a pseudo-random number generated using a seed value, and updates the seed value.
With no argument, this function returns a random number x with 0 x < 1. With one argument, this returns a
random number x with 0 x < a. With two arguments, this returns a random number x with a x < b. With three
arguments, this returns a list of size a with each element being a random number x with b x < c.
Example: RANDOM(3,0,10) returns { random1, random2, random3 }
Syntax: randperm(Intg(n))
Returns a random permutation of [0,1,2,..,n-1]
Example: randperm(4) returns [2,1,3,0]
Syntax: randpoly([Var],Intgr,[Dist])
Returns a vector of coefficients of a polynomial of variable Var (or x), of degree Intgr and where the coefficients are
random integers in the range -99 through 99 with uniform distribution or in an interval specified by Intrvl.
Example: randpoly(t, 8, -1..1) returns a vector of 9 random integers, all of them between -1 and 1.
Syntax: RANDSEED([value])
Sets the random number generator seed. With no input, uses current time value as seed.
Example: RANDSEED(3.14)
Syntax: RANK(matrix)
Rank of a rectangular matrix.
Example: RANK([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 2
Syntax: ratnormal(Expr)
Rewrites Expr as an irreducible rational fraction
Example: ratnormal((x^2-1)/(x^3-1)) returns (x+1)/(x^2+x+1)
Syntax: RE(x+yi)
Real Part. Returns the real part of a complex number.
Example: RE(3+4i) returns 3
Syntax: reciprocation(Crcle,Lst(Pnt,Line))
Returns the list where a point is replaced with its polar or a line is replaced with its pole, with respect to the circle C
Syntax: RECT([G], [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [edgecolor],[fillcolor])
Draws a rectangle on G, with diagonal defined by points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), using edgecolor for the perimeter and
fillcolor for the inside.
The following values are optional and their defaults are listed:
x1, y1=top left corner of G
x2, y2=bottom right corner of G
Note: To erase a GROB, execute RECT(G). To clear the screen execute RECT().
Syntax: RECT_P([G], [x1, y1], [x2, y2], [edgeColor],[fillColor])
Draws a rectangle on G, with diagonal defined by points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), using edgeColor for the perimeter and
fillColor for the inside.
The following values are optional and their defaults are listed:
x1, y1=top left corner of G
x2, y2=bottom right corner of G
Note: To erase a GROB, execute RECT(G). To clear the screen, execute RECT(). Syntax: rectangle(Point1, Point2, Point3) or rectangle(Point1, Point2, Realk)
Draws a rectangle given two consecutive vertices and a point on the side opposite the side defined by the first two
vertices or a scale factor for the sides perpendicular to the first side. As with many of the other polygon commands,
you can specify optional CAS variable names for storing the coordinates of the other two vertices as points.
rectangle(GA, GB, GE) draws a rectangle whose first two vertices are points A and B (one side is segment AB). Point E
is on the line that contains the side of the rectangle opposite segment AB.
rectangle(GA, GB, 3, p, q) draws a rectangle whose first two vertices are points A and B (one side is segment AB). The
sides perpendicular to segment AB have length 3*AB. The third and fourth points are stored into the CAS variables p
and q, respectively.
Syntax: rectangular_coordinates(LstPolCoord)
Returns the list of the abscissa and of the ordinate of a point given by the list of its polar coordinates.
Example: rectangular_coordinates([1,-1]) returns [cos(1),-sin(1)]
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Syntax: REDIM(matrixname, size)
Redimensions the specified matrix or vector to size. For a matrix, size is a list of two integers {n1, n2}. For a vector,
size is a list containing one integer {n}. Existing values in the matrix are preserved. Fill values will be zeros.
Syntax: reduced_conic(Expr,[LstVar])
Returns the origin and the matrix of a base in which the conic (given by its equation) is reduced, 0 or 1 (0 if the conic
is degenerate), and the equation of the conic in this base and also its parametric equation
Example: reduced_conic(x^2+2*x-2*y+1) returns [[-1,0],[[0,1],[-1,0]],1,y^2+2*x,[[-1+(-i)*(t*t/-2+(i)*t),t,-4,4,0.1]]]
Syntax: ref(Mtrx(M))
Performs Gauss reduction of a matrix AX=b (M=A|(-b))
Example: ref([[3,1,-2],[3,2,2]]) returns [[1,1/3,-2/3],[0,1,4]]
Syntax: reflection(line, Object) or reflection(Point, Object)
Reflects a geometric object over a line or through a point. The latter is sometimes referred to as a half-turn.
reflection(line(x=3),point(1,1)) reflects the point at (1, 1) over the vertical line x=3 to create a point at (5,1).
reflection(1+I, 3-2i) reflects the point at (3, -2) through the point at (1, 1) to create a point at (-1, 4).
Syntax: rem(Poly1, Poly2) or rem(Vector1, Vector2)
Returns the Euclidean remainder of the quotient of 2 polynomials. If the polynomials are expressed as vectors of
their coefficients, then this command returns a similar vector of the remainder.

rem(x^3+2*x^2+3*x+4,-x+2) returns 26
rem([1,2,3,4],[-1,2]) returns [26]
Syntax: remove(FncBool(f)||e,Lst(l))
Removes the occurences e of l or the elements e such that f(e)=true
Example: remove(x->x>=5,[1,2,6,7]) returns [1,2]
Syntax: reorder(Expr,LstVar)
Reorders the variables in E according to the order of the 2nd argument
Example: reorder(x^2+2*x+y^2,[y,x]) returns y^2+x^2+2*x
Syntax: REPEAT command(s) UNTIL test;
executes command(s) UNTIL the test is true.
A:= A-1;
will print 5 4 3 2 1
Syntax: REPLACE(object,start,object)
Replaces portion of a matrix, vector or string starting at start by object.
For a matrix, start is a list containing two numbers; for a vector or string it is a single number.
Note: for strings, you can do: REPLACE("string", "sub_string", "replace_string")
Syntax: residue(Expr,Var(v),Cplx(a))
Returns the residue in a of the expression Expr with v as variable
Example: residue(1/z,z,0) returns 1
Syntax: restart(NULL)
Purges all the variables
Syntax: resultant(Poly,Poly,Var)
Returns the inert form of the resultant for modular computation (irem/mod)
Syntax: RETURN expression;
Exits from a function and returns the value of expression (optional).
Syntax: REVERSE(list)
Reverse list. Reverses the order of the elements in list and returns them in a new list.
Example: REVERSE({2, 3, 4, 5}) returns {5, 4, 3, 2}.
Syntax: revlist(Lst(l))
Returns the list l in reverse order
Example: revlist([1,2,3]) returns [3,2,1]
Syntax: RGB(R, G, B, [A])
Returns an integer number that can be used as the color parameter for a drawing function. Based on Red, Green and
Blue components values (0 to 255).
If Alpha is greater than 128, returns the color flagged as transparent. There is no alpha channel blending on Prime.
Syntax: rhombus(Pnt(A)||Cplx,Pnt(B)||Cplx,Angle(a)||Pnt(P)||Lst(P,a)),[Var(C)],[Var(D)])
Returns and draws the rhombus ABCD such that the angle (AB,AD)=a or such that in the plane ABP the
Syntax: RIGHT(string, n)
Returns the last n characters of the string.
Example: RIGHT("MOMOGUMBO",5) returns "GUMBO"
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Tap OK to exit this page. Syntax: right_triangle(Point1, Point2, Realk)
Draws a right triangle given two points and a scale factor. One leg of the right triangle is defined by the two points,
the vertex of the right angle is at the first point, and the scale factor multiplies the length of the first leg to determine
the length of the second leg.
Example: right_triangle(GA, GB, 1) draws an isosceles right triangles with its right angle at point A, and with both legs
equal in length to segment AB.
Syntax: romberg(Expr(f(x)),Var(x),Real(a),Real(b))
Uses Romberg's method to return the approximate value of the integral of the expression over the interval a to b
Example: romberg(exp(x^2),x,0,1) returns 1.46265174591
Syntax: ROTATE(string, n)
If n is not negative, takes the first n characters of string and put them on the right of string. If n is negative, takes the
last n characters and put them on the left of string. If ABS(n)>dim(string), returns string.
ROTATE("12345",2) returns "34512"
ROTATE("12345",-1) returns "51234"
ROTATE("12345",6) returns "12345"
Syntax: rotate(Point, Angle, Object)
Rotates a geometric object, about a given center point, through a given angle.
Example: rotate(GA, angle(GB, GC, GD),GK) rotates the geometric object labeled K, about point A, through an angle
equal to CBD.
Syntax: ROUND(value, [places])
Rounds value to system display settings. If optional places is given, rounds value to places decimal places. If places is
negative, rounds to significant digits instead.
ROUND(7.8676,2) returns 7.87
Syntax: row(Mtrx(A),Intg(n)||Interval(n1..n2))
Returns the row n or the sequence of the rows n1..n2 of the matrix A
Example: row([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],1) returns [4,5,6]
Syntax: rowAdd(Mtrx(A),Intg(n1),Intg(n2))
Returns the matrix obtained from matrix A when the n2th row is replaced by the sum of the n1th and n2th rows
Example: rowAdd([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],1,2) returns [[1,2],[3,4],[8,10]]
Syntax: rowDim(Mtrx)
Returns the number of rows of a matrix
Example: rowDim([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) returns 2
Syntax: ROWNORM(matrix)
Row Norm. Finds the maximum value (over all rows) for the sums of the absolute values of all elements in a row.
Example: ROWNORM([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 7
Syntax: rowSwap(Mtrx(A),Intg(n1),Intg(n2))
Returns the matrix obtained from A by swapping the n1th row and the n2th row
Example: rowSwap([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],1,2) returns [[1,2],[5,6],[3,4]]
Syntax: RREF(matrix)
Reduced-Row Echelon Form. Changes a rectangular matrix to its reduced row-echelon form.
Example: RREF([[1,-2,1],[3,4,-1]]) returns [[1,0,.2],[0,1,-.4]]
Syntax: rsolve((Expr or LstExpr),(Var or LstVar),(InitVal or LstInitVal))
Gives the value of a recurrent sequence or of a system of recurrent sequences
Example: rsolve(u(n+1)=2*u(n)+n,u(n),u(0)=1 returns [-n+2*2^n-1]
Syntax: RB(Real *, bits *,base++)
Transform a real number into an integer. Optionally specifies bits and base.
0: system, 1: bin, 2: oct, 3: dec, 4: hex
Syntax: SCALE(matrixname, value, rownumber)
Multiplies the specified row_number of the specified matrix by value.
Syntax: SCALEADD(matrixname, value, row1, row2)
Multiplies the specified row1 of the matrix name by value, then adds this result to the second specified row2 of the
matrix matrixname.
Syntax: SCHUR(matrix)
Schur Decomposition. Factors a square matrix into two matrices. If matrix is real, then the result is
{[[orthogonal]],[[upper-quasi triangular]]}.
If Complex mode is on and the matrix is complex, then the result is
Example: SCHUR([[1,2],[3,4]])
Syntax: SEC(value)
Secant. The Secant function; that is, 1/cos(x).
Example: SEC(0) returns 1 in degree mode
Syntax: segment(Point1, Point2)
Draws a segment defined by its endpoints.
segment(1+2i, 4) draws the segment defined by the points whose coordinates are (1, 2) and (4, 0).
segment(GA, GB) draws segment AB.
Syntax: select(FncBool(f),Lst(l))
Selects the elements e of l such that f(e)=true
Example: select(x->x>=5,[1,2,6,7]) returns [6,7]
Syntax: seq(Expr(Xpr),Intg(n)||Var(var),[Intg(a)],[Intg(b)],[Intg(p)])
Returns the sequence (if 2 or 3 arguments) or the list (if 4 or 5 arguments) obtained when var goes from a to b (step
p) in Xpr, or when Xpr is repeated n times.
Example: seq(2^k,k=0..8) returns 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256
Syntax: seqsolve((Expr or LstExpr),(Var or LstVar),(InitVal or LstInitVal))
Gives the value of a recurrent sequence (u_{n+1}=f(u_n) or u_{n+2}=f(u_{n+1},u_n)...) or of a system of recurrent
Example: seqsolve(2x+n,[x,n],1) returns -n-1+2*2^n
Syntax: series(Expr,Equal(var=limit_point),[Order],[Dir(1,0,-1)])
Returns the series expansion of an expression in the vicinity of a given equality variable. With the optional third and
fourth arguments you can specify the order and direction of the series expansion. If no order is specified the series
returned is
fifth order. If no direction is specified, the series is bidirectional.
Example: series((x^4+x+2)/(x^2+1),x=0,5) returns 2+x-2x^2-x^3+3x^4+x^5+x^6*order_size(x)
Syntax: SETBASE(#integer[, base])
Sets the base used for display of this integer.
If base is not specified the calculator default is used.
0: system, 1: bin, 2: oct, 3: dec, 4: hex
Syntax: SETBITS(#integer[, bits])
Sets the number of bits used for calculations with this integer to bits.
If bits is not specified the calculator default is used.
Syntax: shift_phase(Expr)
Returns the expressions where the phase of the evaluated trigonometric expressions is increased by /2
Example: shift_phase(sin(x)) returns -cos((+2*x)/2)
Syntax: Si(Expr)
Sine integral int(sin(t)/t,t=0..x)
Example: Si(1.0) returns 0.946083070367
Syntax: SIGN(value) or SIGN(x+yi)
Sign. Returns the sign of value. If positive, the result is 1; if negative, -1. If zero, the result is zero. For complex inputs
returns the unit vector.
Example: SIGN (2) returns 1
Syntax: signature(Permut)
Returns the signature of a permutation
Example: signature([2,1,4,5,3]) returns -1
Syntax: similarity(Point, Realk, Angle, Object)
Dilates and rotates a geometric object about the same center point.
Example: similarity(0, 3, angle(0,1,i),point(2,0)) dilates the point at (2,0) by a scale factor of 3 (a point at (6,0)), then
rotates the result 90 counterclockwise to create a point at (0, 6)
Syntax: simplify(Expr)
Simplifies an expression.
Example: simplify(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/239)) yields (1/4)*
Syntax: simult(Mtrx(A),Mtrx(B))
Returns the matrix where the column of index k is solution of A*X=column of index k of B (=B[,k..k] with
nr=number of rows of B)
Example: simult([[3,1],[3,2]],[[-2],[2]]) returns [[-2],[4]]
SIN: the sine function.
Syntax: SIN(Value)
Returns the sine of Value. Value is interpreted as either degrees or radians, depending on the setting of Angle
Measure in Home Modes or Symbolic Setup.
Example: in radians mode, SIN(/2) returns 1
Syntax: sin2costan(Expr)
Rewrites Expr so that sin(x) is replaced by cos(x)*tan(x)
Example: sin2costan(sin(x)) returns tan(x)*cos(x)
Syntax: sincos(Expr)
Returns an expression with the complex exponentials rewritten in terms of sine and cosine.
Example: sincos(exp(-i*x)) returns cos(x)-i*sin(x)
Syntax: single_inter(Curve,Curve,[Pnt(A)||LstPnt(L)])
Gives one of the intersections of 2 curves or surfaces (or the intersection near A or not in L)
Syntax: SINH(value)
Hyperbolic sine.
Example: SINH(1) returns 1.17520119364
Syntax: SIZE(list)
List Size. Returns the number of elements in list.
Example: SIZE({0, 1, 2, 3}) returns 4
Syntax: slope(Line||Pnt||Cplx,[Pnt||Cplx])
Returns the slope of the line defined in the argument
Example: slope(line(1,2i)) returns -2
Syntax: slopeat(Segment, Point) or slopeat(Line, Point) or slopeat(Ray, Point)
Displays, with a legend, the value of the slope of the segment, ray, or line (Line may be a tangent, bisector, etc.) at
the location Point in Plot view.
Example: slopeat(line(point(0,1), point(3,2)),point(-10,4)) places "sline(point(0,1),point(3,2)=1/3" at the point (-10,4)
in Plot view
Syntax: slopeatraw(Line, Pnt||Cplx(z0))
slopeatraw(d,z0) displays the value of the slope of the line or segment d at point(z0)
Syntax: solve(Expr,[Var] )
Solves a polynomial equation or a set of polynomial equations.
Example: solve(x^2-3=1) returns {-2,2}
Syntax: SORT(list)
Sort list. Sorts the elements of list in ascending order.
Example: SORT({2, 9, 5, 3}) returns {2, 3, 5, 9}.
Syntax: SPECNORM(matrix)
Spectral Norm of matrix.
Example: SPECNORM([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 5.46498570422
Syntax: SPECRAD(matrix)
Spectral radius of matrix.
Example: SPECRAD([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 5.37228132327
Syntax: spline(Lst(lx),Lst(ly),Var(x),Intg(d))
Returns the natural spline through the points given by lx and ly, variable x, degree d
Example: spline([0,1,2],[1,3,0],x,3) returns [-5*x^3/4+13*x/4+1,5*(x-1)^3/4+-15*(x-1)^2/4+(x-1)/-2+3]
Syntax: sqrfree(Expr)
Returns a polynomial factorized as a product of powers of coprime factors where each factor has roots of multiplicity
Example: sqrfree(x^4-2*x^2+1) returns (x^2-1)^2
Syntax: (Expr)
Returns the square root of Expr
Example: 50 returns 5*2
Syntax: square(Point1, Point2)
Draws a square, given two consecutive vertices as points.
Example: square(0, 3+2i, p, q) draws a square with vertices at (0, 0), (3, 2), (1, 5), and (-2, 3). The last two vertices are
computed automatically and are saved into the CAS variables p and q.
Syntax: STARTAPP("AppName")
Starts the app AppName. The App's START function will run if present. The Apps default view will be started. Note
that the START function is always executed when the user presses the START menu key in the App Library. Also
works for apps saved in the App Library.
Syntax: STARTVIEW(ViewNumber[,Redraw])
Starts a view of the current app. Redraw, is optional; if Redraw, is true (non 0), it will force a refresh for the view.
The view numbers are as follows:
3=Symbolic Setup
4=Plot Setup
5=Numeric Setup
6=App Info
7=Views key
If the current app has views defined under the Views menu, then the following view numbers are used:
8=First special view (Split Screen Plot Detail)
9=Second special view (Split Screen Plot Table)
10=Third special view (Autoscale)
11=Fourth special view (Decimal)
12=Fifth special view (Integer)
13=Sixth special view (Trig)
If ViewNumber is negative, the following global views are used:
-3=Memory Manager
Syntax: stddev(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the standard deviation of the elements in a list or of the list of standard deviations
Example: stddev(*1,2,3+) returns (6)/3
Syntax: stddevp(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the population standard eviation of the elements of a list with the second argument as weight.
Example: stddevp([1,2,3]) returns 1
Syntax: FOR var FROM start TO (or DOWNTO) finish [STEP increment] DO command(s) END;
Sets variable var to start; then, for as long as this variables value is less than or equal to (or more than for a
DOWNTO) finish, executes command(s) and adds (or substract for DOWNTO) 1 (or increment) to var.
will print 1 3 5 7 9
Syntax: sto(arg1,Var)
Stores the first argument in the variable given as second argument
Example: sto("hello",b)
Syntax: STRING(expression)
Evaluates expression and returns the result as a string.
Syntax: STRINGFROMID(integer)
Returns the built-in string associated with the ID of the current language.
Syntax: STUDENT(n, x)
Students t probability density function. Computes the probability density of the Students-t distribution at x, given n
degrees of freedom.
Example: STUDENT(3, 5.2) returns 0.00366574413491
Syntax: STUDENT_CDF(n, x)
Cumulative Students t distribution function. Returns the lower-tail probability of the Students t probability density
function at x, given n degrees of freedom.
Example: STUDENT_CDF(3, -3.2) returns 0.0246659214813
Syntax: STUDENT_ICDF(n, p)
Inverse cumulative Students t distribution function. Returns the value x such that the Students-t lower-tail
probability of x, with n degrees of freedom, is p.
Example: STUDENT_ICDF(3, 0.0246659214813) returns -3.2
Syntax: sturmab(Poly,Var,Cplx1, Cplx2)
Returns the number of sign changes of a polynomial in the interval (Cplx1, Cplx2] or the number of complex roots in
(Cplx1, Cplx2] if Cplx1 or Cplx2 is non-real.
Example: sturmab(x^3-1,x,-2,5) returns 1
Syntax: sturmseq(Poly,[Var])
Returns the Sturm sequence corresponding to a polynomial or to a rational fraction
Example: sturmseq(x^3-1,x) returns [1,[[1,0,0,-1],[3,0,0],9],1]
Syntax: SUB(object, start, end)
Extracts a portion, of a list or matrix.
For a matrix, start and end are two lists of two numbers ({row, col}) specifying the top left and bottom right of the
portion to extract.
For a vector or list, start and end are two numbers specifying the indexes of the first and last objects of the portion to
Syntax: SUBGROB(srcG, [x1, y1], [x2, y2], trgtG)
Sets graphic trgtG to be a copy of the area of srcG between points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). If both (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are
not specified, then the entire graphic srcG is used. If (x1, y1) is not specified, then the top left corner of srcG is used;
if (x2, y2) is not specified, then the bottom right corner of srcG is used.
trgtGRB can be any of the graphic variables except G0.
SUBGROB(G1, G4) will copy G1 in G4.
Syntax: SUBGROB_P(srcG, [x1, y1], [x2, y2], trgtG)
Sets graphic trgtG to be a copy of the area of srcG between points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). If both (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are
not specified, then the entire graphic srcG is used. If (x1, y1) is not specified, then the top left corner of srcG is used;
if (x2, y2) is not specified, then the bottom right corner of srcG is used.
trgtGRB can be any of the graphic variables except G0.
SUBGROB(G1, G4) will copy G1 in G4.
Syntax: subMat(Mtrx(A),Intg(n1),Intg(n2),Intg(n3),Intg(n4))
Extracts a sub matrix with first element=A[n1,n2] and last element=A[n3,n4]
Example: subMat([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],1,0,2,1) returns [[3,4],[5,6]]
Syntax: subst(Expr,Var=value)
Substitutes a value for a variable in an expression.
Example: subst(x/(4-x^2),x=3) returns -3/5
Syntax: sum(Expr,Var,Real1, Real2,[Step])
Returns the discrete sum of Expr with respect to the variable Var from Real1 to Real2. You can also use the
summation template in the Template menu.
Example: sum(n^2,n,1,5) returns 55
Syntax: sum_riemann(Expr,List(Var1,Var2))
Returns, in the neighbourhood of n=, an equivalent of the sum of Expr(Var1,Var2) for Var2 from Var2=1 to
Var2=Var1 when the sum is looked at as a Riemann sum associated with a continuous function defined on [0,1]
Example: sum_riemann(1/(n+k),[n,k]) returns ln(2)
Syntax: suppress(Vect(l),Intg(n))
Returns l without the element of index n
Example: suppress([0,1,2,3],2) returns [0,1,3]
Syntax: surd(Expr,Intg(n))
Returns Expr to the power of 1/n
Example: surd(8,3) returns 8^(1/3)
Syntax: SVD(matrix)
Singular Value Decomposition. Factors an m n matrix into two matrices and a vector: {[[m m square orthogonal]],[[n
n square orthogonal]], [real]}.
Example: SVD([[1,2],[3,4]])
Syntax: SVL(matrix)
Singular Values. Returns a vector containing the singular values of matrix.
Example: SVL([[1,2],[3,4]])
Syntax: SWAPCOL(matrixname, column1, column2)
Swap Columns. Exchanges column1 and column2 in the specified matrix matrixname.
Syntax: SWAPROW(matrixname, row1, row2)
Swap Rows. Exchanges row1 and row2 in the specified matrix matrixname.
Syntax: sylvester(Poly,Poly,Var)
Returns the Sylvester matrix of two polynomials
Example: sylvester(x^2-1,x^3-1,x) returns [[1,0,-1,0,0],[0,1,0,-1,0],[0,0,1,0,-1],[1,0,0,-1,0],[0,1,0,0,-1]]
Syntax: symb2poly(Expr,[Var]) or symb2poly(Expr, ListVar)
Returns the coefficients of a polynomial Expr with respect tothe variable Var or if the second argument is a list
returns the internal format of the polynomial. Essentaiilly the inverse of poly2symb().
Example: symb2poly( (x+2)*x+3) returns [1,2,3]
Syntax: table(SeqEqual(index=value))
Defines an array where the index are strings or real numbers
Syntax: tail(Lst or Seq or Str)
Returns the list (or sequence or string) without its first element
Example: tail([3,2,4,1,0]) returns [2,4,1,0]
TAN: the tangent function.
Syntax: TAN(Value)
Returns the tangent of Value. Value is interpreted as either degrees or radians, depending on the setting of Angle
Measure in Home Modes or Symbolic Setup.
Example: in radians mode, TAN(0) returns 0
Syntax: tan2cossin2(Expr)
Rewrites Expr with tan(x) replaced by (1-cos(2*x))/sin(2*x)
Example: tan2cossin2(tan(x)) returns (1-cos(2*x))/sin(2*x)
Syntax: tan2sincos(Expr)
Rewrites Expr with tan(x) using sin(x)/cos(x)
Example: tan2sincos(tan(x)) returns sin(x)/cos(x)
Syntax: tan2sincos2(Expr)
Rewrites Expr with tan(x) replaced by sin(2*x)/(1+cos(2*x))
Example: tan2sincos2(tan(x)) returns sin(2*x)/(1+cos(2*x))
Syntax: tangent(Curve, Point)
Draws the tangent(s) to a given curve through a given point. The point does not have to be a point on the curve.
tangent(plotfunc(x^2), point(1,1)) draws the tangent to the graph y=x^2 through the point (1,1); that is, the line
whose equation is y=2*x-1.
tangent(plotfunc(x^2), GA) draws the tangent to the graph of y=x^2 through point A. Point A can then be moved and
the tangent will move with it.
tangent(circle(GB, GC-GB), GA) draws one or more tangent lines through point A to the circle whose center is at point
B and whose radius is defined by segment BC.
Syntax: TANH(value)
Hyperbolic tangent.
Example: TANH(1) returns .761594155956
Syntax: taylor(Expr,[Var=Value],[Order])
Returns the Taylor series expansion of an expression at a point or at infinity (by default, at x=0 and with relative
Example: taylor(sin(x)/x,x=0) returns 1-(1/6)*x^2+(1/120)*x^4+x^6*order_size(x)
Syntax: tchebyshev1(Integer))
Returns the nth Tchebyshev polynomial of the first kind.
Example: tchebyshev1(3) returns 4*x^3-3*x
Syntax: tchebyshev2(Integer)
Returns the nth Tchebyshev polynomial of the second kind.
Example: tchebyshev2(3) returns 8*x^3-4*x
Syntax: tcollect(Expr)
Collects trigonometric expressions.
Example: tcollect(sin(x)+cos(x)) returns 2*cos(x-1/4*)
Syntax: texpand(Expr)
Expands a transcendental expression; that is, an expression containing trigonometric, logarithmic, or exponential
functions. texpand develops the expression in terms of sin(), cos(), ln(), and exp().
Example: texpand(sin(2*x)+exp(x+y)) returns 2*cos(x)*sin(x)+exp(x)*exp(y)
Syntax: TEXTOUT(text, [G], x, y, [font], [textColor], [width], [backgroundColor])
Draws text on graphic G at position (x, y) using font. Paints the background before drawing the text using color
backgroundColor. If width is specified, does not draw text more than width pixels wide. If backgroundColor is not
specified, the background is not erased.
The sizes for font are:
0=current font (default)
2=font_12 (Small)
3=font_14 (Medium)
4=font_16 (Large)
Syntax: TEXTOUT_P(text, [G], x, y, [font], [textColor], [width], [backgroundColor])
Draws text on graphic G at position (x, y) using font. Paints the background before drawing the text using color
backgroundColor. If width is specified, does not draw text more than width pixels wide. If backgroundColor is not
specified, the background is not erased.
The sizes for font are:
0=current font (default)
2=font_12 (Small)
3=font_14 (Medium)
4=font_16 (Large)
Starts an "IF...THEN...END" or "IF...THEN...ELSE...END" branch structure.
Syntax: IF test THEN command(s) [ELSE commands] END;
Evaluates test. If test is true (non 0), executes command(s); otherwise, executes the comands in the ELSE clause
nothing happens.
IF A<1
Syntax: tlin(Expr)
Returns a trigonometric expression with the products and integer powers linearized
Example: tlin(sin(x)^3) returns (3/4)*sin(x)-(1/4)*sin(3*x)
Syntax: FOR var FROM start TO (or DOWNTO) finish [STEP increment] DO command(s) END;
Sets variable var to start; then, for as long as this variables value is less than or equal to (or more than for a
DOWNTO) finish, executes command(s) and adds (or substract for DOWNTO) 1 (or increment) to var.
will print 1 3 5 7 9
Syntax: TRACE(matrix)
Trace of a square matrix. Finds the trace of a square matrix, equal to the sum of the diagonal elements ( also equal to
the sum of the eigenvalues).
Example: TRACE([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns 5
Syntax: trace(Point)
Begins tracing the specified point.
Syntax: translation(Vector, Object)
Translates a geometric object along a given vector. The vector is given as the difference of two points (head-tail).
translation(0-i, GA) translates object A down one unit.
translation(GB-GA, GC) translates object C along the vector AB.
Syntax: tran(Mtrx)
Transposes a matrix (without conjugation)
Example: tran([[1,2,3],[1,3,6],[2,5,7]]) returns [[1,1,2],[2,3,5],[3,6,7]]
Syntax: triangle(Point1, Point2, Point3)
Draws a triangle, given its three vertices.
Example: triangle(GA, GB, GC) draws ABC.
Syntax: TRIANGLE([G], x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, c1, [c2, c3], [Alpha], ["ZString", z1, z2, z3]) or TRIANGLE([G], {x1, y1, [c1],
[z1]}, {x2, y2, [c2], [z2]},{x3, y3, [c3], [z3]}, ["ZString"]) or TRIANGLE([G], [[x/y coordinate matrix]], [[color matrix]], {[[z
matrix]], [zcode], [[[projection matrix]]], [zstring]) or TRIANGLE([G])
Draws a triangle between specified cartesian coordinates in the graphic using the specified color and transparency (0
Alpha 255). If 3 colors are specified, blends the colors in between the vertexes.
The next form of TRIANGLE allows display of multiple triangles at a time.
This is mostly used if you have a set of vertices and want to display them all at once.
The first 2 matrices indicate the x/y coordinates and colors of each points. TRIANGLE will draw 1 quadrilateral for
each set of 4 adjacent vertices and blends the colors associated with the 4 points.
If a z and projection matrix are provided, for each point, this matrix is multiplied by the [x,y,z,1] vector to create the
display x,y coordinates.
If zcode is a list that contains 3 real numbers { ex, ey, ez } then x,y are further modified by doing x=ez/z*x-ex and
y=ez/z*y-ey creating a perspective projection.
If zstring is provided, z clipping will happen using the z value (see below).
If zcode="N" or is a list that starts with "N", then each z is normalized to be between 0 and 255.
About ZString
TRIANGLE([G]) returns a string adapted for z clipping.
To use Z clipping, call TRIANGLE to create a Z clipping string (initialized at 255 for each pixels). You can then call
TRIANGLE with appropriate z (0-255) values for each of the triangle vertexes and TRIANGLE will not draw pixels
further than the already drawn pixels. ZString is automatically updated as appropriate.
Syntax: TRIANGLE_P([G], x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, c1, [c2, c3], [Alpha], ["ZString", z1, z2, z3]) or TRIANGLE_P([G], {x1, y1,
[c1], [z1]}, {x2, y2, [c2], [z2]},{x3, y3, [c3], [z3]}, ["ZString"]) or TRIANGLE_P([G], [[x/y coordinate matrix]], [[color
matrix]], {[[z matrix]], [zcode], [[[projection matrix]]], [zstring]) or TRIANGLE_P([G])
Draws a triangle between specified pixel coordinates in the graphic using the specified color and transparency (0
Alpha 255). If 3 colors are specified, blends the colors in between the vertexes.
The next form of TRIANGLE allows display of multiple triangles at a time.
This is mostly used if you have a set of vertices and want to display them all at once.
The first 2 matrices indicate the x/y coordinates and colors of each points. TRIANGLE_P will draw 1 quadrilateral for
each set of 4 adjacent vertices and blends the colors associated with the 4 points.
If a z and projection matrix are provided, for each point, this matrix is multiplied by the [x,y,z,1] vector to create the
display x,y coordinates.
If zcode is a list that contains 3 real numbers { ex, ey, ez } then x,y are further modified by doing x=ez/z*x-ex and
y=ez/z*y-ey creating a perspective projection.
If zstring is provided, z clipping will happen using the z value (see below).
If zcode="N" or is a list that starts with "N", then each z is normalized to be between 0 and 255.
About ZString
TRIANGLE_P([G]) returns a string adapted for z clipping.
To use Z clipping, call TRIANGLE_P to create a Z clipping string (initialized at 255 for each pixels). You can then call
TRIANGLE_P with appropriate z (0-255) values for each of the triangle vertexes and TRIANGLE_P will not draw pixels
further than the already drawn pixels. ZString is automatically updated as appropriate.
Syntax: trig2exp(Expr)
Replaces trigonometric functions in Expr with complex exponentials( without linearization).
Example: trig2exp(sin(x)) returns (exp(i*x)-(1/exp(i*x)))/(2*i)
Syntax: trigcos(Expr)
Simplifies the argument Expr using the formulas sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2=1 and tan(x)=sin(x)/cos(x) (privileging cosine)
Example: trigcos(sin(x)^4+sin(x)^2) returns cos(x)^4-3*cos(x)^2+2
Syntax: trigexpand(Expr)
Expands trigonometric functions.
Example: trigexpand(sin(3*x)) returns (4*cos(x)^2-1)*sin(x)
Syntax: trigsin(Expr)
Simplifies the argument Expr using the formulas sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2=1 and tan(x)=sin(x)/cos(x) (privileging sine)
Example: trigsin(cos(x)^4+sin(x)^2) returns sin(x)^4-sin(x)^2+1
Syntax: trigtan(Expr)
Simplifies the argument Expr using the formulas sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2=1 and tan(x)=sin(x)/cos(x) (privileging tangent)
Example: trigtan(cos(x)^4+sin(x)^2) returns (tan(x)^4+tan(x)^2+1)/(tan(x)^4+2*tan(x)^2+1)
Syntax: TRN(matrix)
Transpose. Transposes matrix. If Complex mode is on and the matrix contains complex elements, then TRN finds the
conjugate transpose.
Example: TRN([[1,2],[3,4]]) returns [[1,3],[2,4]]
Syntax: trunc(Real, [Integer]) or trunc(List, [Integer])
Truncates a value to n decimal places (by default n=0).Accepts complex numbers.
trunc(4.3) returns 4
trunc({3.25, 8.71, 9.01},1) returns {3.2, 8.7, 9.}
Syntax: TRUNCATE(value, [places])
Truncates value to system display settings. If optional places is given, truncates value to places decimal places. If
places is negative, truncates to significant digits instead.
Example: TRUNCATE(2.3678,2) returns 2.36
Syntax: tsimplify(Expr)
Returns an expression with transcendentals rewritten as complex exponentials
Example: tsimplify(exp(2*x)+exp(x)) returns exp(x)^2+exp(x)
Syntax: type(Expr)
Returns n in [1..12] that defines the type of the argument
Example: type("abc") returns DOM_STRING
Syntax: TYPE(object)
Returns the type of the object:
0: Real
1: Integer
2: String
3: Complex
4: Matrix
5: Error
6: List
8: Function
9: Unit
14.?: cas object. the fractional part is the cas type
Syntax: UFACTOR(Value_Unit1, 1_Unit2)
Unit factor conversion.
Converts a measurement using a compound unit into a measurement expressed in constituent units.
Example: a Coulomba measure of electric chargeis a compound unit derived from the SI base units of Ampere
and second: 1 C = 1 A * 1 s. Using UFACTOR, you can express a measurement in Coulombs as a product of Amperes
and time.
UFACTOR(100_C,1_A)) returns 100_A*s
UFACTOR(100_C, 1_min) returns 1.66666666667_min*A
Syntax: unapply(Expr,Var)
Returns a function defined by an expression.
Example: unapply(2*x^2,x) returns (x)->2*x^2
Syntax: UNCHECK(n)
Unchecks (deselects) the corresponding symbolic definition field in the current app. The integer n must be between
0 and 9 for most apps. For Statistics 1-Var and Statistics 2-Var apps, n must be between 1 and 5.
For example, UNCHECK(3) would uncheck F3 if the current app is Function.
Syntax: REPEAT command(s) UNTIL test;
executes command(s) UNTIL the test is true.
A:= A-1;
will print 5 4 3 2 1
Syntax: USIMPLIFY(Value_Unitsexpr)
Unit simplification.
Simplifies Value in a complex unit expression Unitsexpr to an equivalent value in a simpler unit expression.
Example: a Joule is defined as 1 kg*m^2/s^2.
USIMPLIFY(5_kg*m2/s2) returns 5_J
Syntax: valuation(Poly(P))
Returns the valuation (degree of the term of lowest degree) of the polynomial P .
Example: valuation(x^4+x^3) returns 3
Syntax: vandermonde(Vect(V))
Returns the Vandermonde matrix=[V^0,V^1,..]
Example: vandermonde([1,2,3]) returns [[1,1,1],[1,2,4],[1,3,9]]
Syntax: variance(Lst||Mtrx,[Lst])
Returns the variance of a list with the second argument as the weight, or the list of variance of the columns of a
Example: variance([3,4,2]) returns 2/3
Syntax: vector(Pnt,Pnt || Pnt,Vect)
Defines a vector(origin is 0 if 1 arg) with two points or two components or two affix (for 2D) or with a point and a
vector or with a point (its extrmity and its origin is [0,0,0]).
Syntax: vertices(Polygon or Polyedr(P))
Returns the list of the vertices of the polygon or polyhedron P.
Syntax: vertices_abca(Polygon or Polyedr(P))
Returns the closed list [A,B,...A] of the vertices of the polygon or polyhedron P.
Syntax: VIEW "text", Function()
VIEW. Allows a programmer to customize the Views menu. Causes "text" to apear when VIEW key is pressed and
Function to be executed when the OK menu key (or ENTER key) is pressed.
Syntax: vpotential(Vect(V),LstVar)
Returns U such as curl(U)=V
Example: vpotential([2*x*y+3,x^2-4*z,-2*y*z],[x,y,z]) returns [0,-2*x*y*z,-x^3/3+4*x*z+3*y]
Syntax: WAIT(n)
Halts program execution for the specified number of seconds.
If n is omitted or 0, halts execution until the user presses a key and returns the keycode (or -1 after 1 minute).
If n is -1, halts executions until the user presses a key or there is a mouse event.
If a key is pressed, the keycode is returned.
After a 1 minute timeout, returns -1
If a mouse event happends, a list of the form { type, [x, y], [dx, dy] } is returned. Normally x/y is the event position
unless otherwise indicated.
Type can be:
0: Mouse Down
1: Mouse Move
2: Mouse Up (x/y is not provided)
3: Mouse Click (note, if a click is detected, there is no MouseUp)
5: Mouse Stretch. x/y is the delta since the last event. dx/dy is the delta since the ORIGINAL mouse down...
6: Mouse Rotate, x is original angle, y is new angle in 32nd of a circle.
7: Mouse Long Click, This means that the mouse stayed down for 1 second...
WAIT(5) halts program execution for 5 seconds.
Syntax: when(Cond,Expr1,Expr2)
If condition (even symbolic) returns expr1 else returns expr2 (? is the infixed version of when).
Syntax: WHILE test DO command(s) END;
executes command(s) WHILE the test is true.
A:= A-1;
will print 5 4 3 2 1
Syntax: white(Opt)
Option of the display command to display with color.
Syntax: Value1 XOR Value2
Exclusive OR.
Returns 1 if either Value1 or Value2 is non-zero but not both; otherwise, returns 0.
Example: 3 XOR 2 returns 0
Syntax: XPON(value)
Exponent. Returns the exponent of value.
Example: XPON(123.4) returns 2
Syntax: ('display')=[color]
For example, suppose you have drawn a circle in the Geometry app. In Symbolic view, the circle's definition might be
GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA). If you wanted that circle to be, say, red, you could modify that definition to read:
Example: GC:=circle(GA,GB-GA, ('display')=red)
Syntax: zeros(Expr,[Var])
Returns the zeros (reals or complex according to the CAS settings) of the expression Expr for the variable Var (or the
matrix where the lines are the solutions of the system : Expr1=0,Expr2=0...).
Example: zeros(x^2+4) returns [] in real mode and [-2*i,2*i] in complex mode
Syntax: Zeta(Real(a))
Returns if a>1 sum(1/n^a,n,1,)
Example: Zeta(2) returns ^2/6
Syntax: zip(Fnc2d(f),Lst(l1),Lst(l2),[Val(default)])
Returns a list whose j-th entry is f(l1[j],l2[j]): without default value its length is the minimum of the lengths of the two
input lists and else the shorter list is padded with the default value.
Example: zip('+',[a,b,c,d], [1,2,3,4]) returns [a+1,b+2,c+3,d+4]
Syntax: ztrans(Expr,[Var],[ZtransVar])
Z transform of a sequence.
Example: ztrans(a^x)

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