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Bachelor program of
RocknRoll Entrepreneurs
180 ECTS


1.2 Admission Requirements 3
1.3 Career Opportunities / Job Perspectives 3
1.4 Language of Instruction and Examination 3
1.5 Name of the Program 3
1.6 Awarded Qualification 3
1.7 Further Study Opportunities 4
2.1 Knowledge 4
2.2 Skills 4
2.3 General Proficiency 4
3.1 Study Structure 5
3.2 Internationalization and Exchange Possibilities 5
4.1 Study Design 5
4.2 Elective Courses 5
6.1 Requirements for Study Participation 6
6.2 Access Exam 6
6.3 Examination Methods 6
6.4 Grading System 7
Examen facultatum 9
Creative Business 11
Business Economy Error! Bookmark not defined.
Venture development 15
Experiences, marketing and sales 17
Communication Skills 19
Project Management 25
Social Media and Communication 27
Event Management 29
GoLive I 31
GoBusiness II 33
GoLive II 35
Exam philosophicum 38

Research design and BA thesis 39
1. Introduction

1.1 Target Group / Audience
Bachelor of Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs is an international program taught at UiT- Campus Alta.
Language of instruction is English.
The program is designed for people who want to make a living within the wide definition of cultural
and creative industries. Examples could be arts, crafts, music, dance, events and festivals and more.
The core of the program is business know-how and entrepreneurship with basis in intangible
A high level of personal initiative and involvement is required. This is assumed throughout the
programme to ensure the students full benefit.
1.2 Admission Requirements
Admission requirements are Higher Education Entrance Qualification or proven equivalent
competence for admission to higher education.
Applicants need to have a Higher Education Entrance Qualification and certified language
requirements in English. A list of the requirements for the Higher Education Entrance Qualification in
Norway can be found in the GSU-list of NOKUT on the web site for the Norwegian Agency for Quality
Assurance in Education (NOKUT).
1.3 Career Opportunities / Job Perspectives
Upon completion of the program Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs candidates will have the practical skills,
knowledge and attitude required to work as
Manager of ones own Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI) business company within arts,
crafts, music, dance, events and festivals or other.
Manager in CCI business companies, organisations or in public services in the culture sector.
Business consultant for CCI companies, organisations and public services in the culture

1.4 Language of Instruction and Examination
All courses will be taught in English.
Written exams may be written in the Norwegian language.
1.5 Name of the Program
Bachelor of Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs
1.6 Awarded Qualification
Bachelor degree

1.7 Further Study Opportunities
Candidates may apply for master programs within Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) management
or entrepreneurship.

2. Learning Outcome
2.1 Knowledge
Candidates will:
- Have knowledge of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) commercial and social significance;
- Have knowledge of the theoretical foundation in entrepreneurship and CCI subjects; key topics,
processes, tools and methods;
- Know research and development work in entrepreneurship and the CCI and have knowledge of the
disciplines research and development work;
- Know the main features of the history of entrepreneurship and the CCI, i.e. its place and function in
the society;
- Have knowledge of the various core industries that make up the CCIs.
2.2 Skills
Candidates will have the capability to:
- Develop and plan various CCI projects through conceptualization, presentation and building of
- Manage and implement plans in the realization of CCI projects.
- Employ tools for communication CCI projects to customers and interested parties.
- Analyze theoretical subject material in connection with written and oral tasks and evaluate
practices in the CCIs.
- Find, evaluate and use relevant information and subject material in analyzes of problems and to
solve work tasks;
2.3 General Proficiency
Ability to apply knowledge and skills independently in different situations:
- Understand academic, social and ethical issues relevant to the CCIs;
- Solve challenges in a team or alone, drive innovation to develop the CCI and its products;
- Could present and communicate theories, issues and solutions orally and in writing both in business
and in academic context.


3. Organization and structure

3.1 Study Structure
The program is organized as a three years full-time study program divided over six terms (180 ECTS).
3.2 Internationalization and Exchange Possibilities
For the 5
semester the students may alternatively apply for international exchange or a practice
semester in a company or an organization.

4. Contents

4.1 Study Design

4.2 Elective Courses
No elective courses


5. Teaching, Learning and Working Methods

The course activities consist of different teaching methods. Lectures will give students an overview of
the theoretical fields and deeper knowledge of selected entrepreneurship and Cultural and Creative
Industries (CCI) areas. Students will analyse, discuss, and put their knowledge into relevant contexts.
External lectures, field trips and practice will train practical skills and help candidates to get an overall
insight of the field of work. Through group work students will be able to discuss subjects for a deeper
understanding. In individual tasks students will use theoretical literature and examples from
entrepreneurship and the CCI. Students will get supervision and individual guidance in writing essays,
group assignments and written exams. Students are expected to perform independent studying,
including curriculum not specified in the scheduled teaching.

6. Examination and Evaluation

6.1 Requirements for Study Participation
Candidates can have an authorized absence of up to 30% of mandatory teaching, but have to fulfil all
the work course requirements. If a student has authorized absence, he/she will have the
responsibility to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes, as described in the learning objectives.
Candidates are required to report their absence to a student advisor as soon as possible. In the case
of illness a medical statement must be presented.
6.2 Access Exam
Candidates must meet the requirements presented in each course plan before they are given
allowance to take exam.
6.3 Examination Methods
Students will be evaluated by course work requirements and examinations. The course work
requirements must be approved in order to qualify for the examination. Examination methods will
vary between courses and will in general be written exams, home exams (writing assignments) and
oral exams. Exams will be evaluated with letter grades (A-F) or pass / fail.


6.4 Grading System
The grading system is twofold. One system consists of letter grades from A to F, and the second
system consists of the criteria passed/failed.
The following grading scale is used for letter grades A-F:
Symbol Description General, qualitative description of valuation criteria
A Excellent An excellent performance, clearly outstanding. The
candidate demonstrates excellent judgment and a high
degree of independent thinking.

B Very Good A very good performance. The candidate demonstrates
sound judgment and a very good degree of independent

C Good A good performance in most areas. The candidate
demonstrates a reasonable degree of judgment and
independent thinking in the most important areas.

D Satisfactory A satisfactory performance, but with significant
shortcomings. The candidate demonstrates a limited
degree of judgment and independent thinking.

E Sufficient A performance that meets the minimum criteria, but no
more. The candidate demonstrates a very limited degree
of judgment and independent thinking.


7. Course Descriptions

The program is structured so that the various courses underpin and complement each other.
It is particularly directed towards developing Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) business ventures
and entrepreneurial projects. Although the practical learning context will be the local, arctic
environment, practical elements together with the theoretical framework presented can be applied
Examen facultatum + Creative Business: Candidates will learn basic reading, writing and learning
techniques that are necessary for further studies. They will get supervision and individual guidance in
writing essays, group assignments and written exams. Candidates will get a first impression of what
the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) are and be introduced to key elements of value creation
based on intangible resources.
Experiences, Marketing and Sales: Using basic concepts, models and theories, the course will provide
candidates with knowledge and practical skills in marketing, sales and experience production. Both
theoretical and practical exercises are included here.
GoBusiness I: Venture Development and Venture Economy: The GoBusiness courses give the
candidates theoretical knowledge and practical skills of how to plan and set up a business. The
courses cover economic and managerial key elements for business start-ups.
Innovation Practice, Project Management and Event: Innovation practice gives the candidates a
theoretical knowledge of innovation and methods of such, as well as giving them the opportunity to
work with real life cases from the field of events. In the Project Management course, the candidates
take the work further, by mapping out a real project based on the same cases.
Communication Skills and Social Media and Communication: In these courses the candidates get
knowledge and experience in communicating through different media.
GoLive I: GoLive I is a practical course where the case-project from Project Management is put to life
and communicated to the public.
GoBusiness II & GoLive II: Through these courses the candidates gain knowledge and experience
through creating, planning, managing, communicating and evaluating their own real-life business
Possible changes
Course details and contents might change due to operational reasons.


8. Course Outlines

Course title
Examen facultatum
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Autumn
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTC
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites None beyond those in the admission requirements for the program.
Content Offer an introduction to social science by studying their history,
scientific thinking and contemporary debate in theory of science.
Relevance in study program The course is a mandatory course in the tourism programs.
Learning outcomes
Objective of the course
- History of social science
- Models of humans and society
- Theory of science and research design
- Ethics in social science research
Students should:
-be capable of taking a critical stand towards research as well as
theories within social science
-be capable of applying and comprehend methodological and
theoretical competence within their own studies

- have a good foundation for further studies in humanitarian
and social sciences

Teaching and working
Mainly lectures, following a weekly time schedule. Individual work,
including obligatory assignments. Teamwork, including obligatory
Examination and evaluation Formative evaluation:
Oral presentations and written assignments must be approved
before final examination can take place.

Summative evaluation:
Semester paper of max. 10 pages.
70% attendance is required in order to take the exam.

Summative evaluation and grading: scale A F with F for failed.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training None
Instruction and examination
Language of instruction is English.
The exam can be answered in Norwegian and English
Syllabus The syllabus will be published on Fronter at a semester start


Course title
Creative Business
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Spring
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites and target
Primarily for 1
year students registered in the Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs programme.
Also open for students in Arctic Adventure Tourism and Media
Production as an elective subject.

Content Purpose:
The course is designed to give the students a general
understanding of the essential assets in creative businesses, and
how these can be developed and presented to the market.

Social relevance of the subject:
Cultural and Creative Industries is experiencing rapid growth,
globally. It is important that people who intend to work within this
industry, have a broad understanding of the industrys global
significance and its relation to other economies.

Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a Bachelor in Rock
n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding. After completing the course:
- The candidate has knowledge of international definitions of
the term creative business
- The candidate has knowledge of development of intangible
assets as basis for business.
- The candidate has knowledge of the customers needs in
terms of creative products.
- The candidate has knowledge of the market in terms of
creative products.

Skills. After completing the course:
- The candidate is able to discuss the definition boundaries
of the term creative business.
- The candidate is able to, in theory, design and present
products based on intangible assets.
- The candidate is able to discuss the customers needs in
terms of creative products.

General competence. After completing the course:
- The candidate has a general understanding of the idea of
conform definitions of the Cultural and Creative Industries.
- The candidate has an understanding of how their own
intangible assets vary from their fellow students, and how
these may compete or complete with each other, in regard
to product development and market communication.

Teaching and working
Methodology and design:
- Lectures
- Class discussions
- Written assignments, individual and team
- Oral presentations, individual and team

Examination and evaluation Summative:
- Class participation 70% (If not fulfilled, the students can
apply for writing an extra written assignment)
- Written home exam. Duration 4 days.
- Grades A E for passed exam, F for failed.
- Possibility of re-sit exam in case of F.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training None
Instruction Will be given in English.
Written exam may be answered in Norwegian or English.
Syllabus To be submitted


Business Economy
Norwegian name Forretningskonomi
Code AAT-1004
Level Bachelor
Credits 10 ECTS
Department Faculty of Finnmark/Dept. of Tourism and
Northern Studies
Duration 1 semester
Offered from which year/semester 2 year, autumn semester
Purpose Business economy discusses different concepts
dealing with the business in an economical
context. Gives introduction to basic cost-benefit
analysis, accounting choice of product,
investment theory , budgeting and target pricing
Prerequisites and target groups Passed first year of Bachelor in Arctic Adventure
Learning outcomes Knowledge :
Be able to explain central concepts and
important tools used in analysis of business
economic problems.
Examples of concepts:
Regular cost, variable costs, alternative costs,
contribution margin, present value, end-value,
cost of capital, target pricing and budgeting
Examples of tools:
Contribution margin, absorption costing, product
analyses, cost account, calculation of products

Be able to use concepts and tools in analysis and
discussion around business economic issues

Sort relevant form irrelevant information

Give written answers on questions that give the
reader understanding of used method and the
process to an answer.
When a tool is given, be able to use it correct.
From a described situation, choose correct tool
and apply it correct.


Teaching and learning methods Lectures and seminars
Coursework Two individual written assignments must be
passed during the semester to be able to attend
the exam
Examination and evaluation 4 hours school exam
Instructions and examination laguage English
Syllabus The syllabus will be published on Fronter at the
start of the semester


Course Title
Venture development
Level Bachelor (introductory)
Credits 10 ECTS
Department Faculty of Finnmark/Dept. of Tourism and
Northern Studies
Duration 1 semester
The course aims to give the students knowledge
about central topics and elements of a business
plan. The course will enable the students to write
a business plan.
Prerequisites and target groups
Open for all students.
Obligatory for 1
years students registered in the
Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs programme.
Learning outcomes
The candidate knows the structure of a
business plan.
The candidate knows the outline of
processes and necessary considerations
for the development of a business plan.

The candidate is able to actively
participate in the development of a
business plan.
The candidate is able to make decisions
related to the development of a business

General Competence
The candidate is able to communicate
ideas, and reflect upon fellow students,
lecturers and professionals ideas and
suggestions concerning the development
of a business plan.
The candidate is able to detect and
employ basic theory for developing a
business plan.
Teaching and learning methods
The course will take use of a variety of different
Concentrated periods of lectures and
Exercises and class/group discussions
Written assignments

Lectures may be available on-line upon request

but students are recommended to attend
lectures on campus for the full benefit of the
One obligatory written assignment must pass as
approved before final evaluation can take place.
The assignment may be written in English or
Examination and evaluation
Individual written exam of 4 hours duration. The
written exam counts for 100% of the final mark.
The exam may be written in English or
Instructions and examination language English
Syllabus The syllabus will be published on Fronter at
the start of the semester


Course title
Experiences, marketing and sales
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Credits (ECTS): 20 ECTS
Prerequisites None beyond those in the admission requirements for the program.
Content General value basis
- The course will relate marketing, sales and experience
themes to the value basis of respect and consideration for
nature and culture

- traditional marketing functions: the ps
- market segmentation
- consumer behavior, AIDA
- tourism consumption

- Experiences: production and consumption
- Types and levels of experiences
- The psychological basis for experiences
- Experience settings: indoors and outdoors
- Environmental psychology
- Experience production and design; elements and processes
- Experience and service: storytelling, hospitality and guiding
- Experience production and guest knowledge: markets and
- The experience economy ideology
- Experience products and producers: visits/presentations
and analysis of production, connected to content themes

- Sales channels
- B2c, b2b, agents, workshops
- Internet
- Value based pricing
Relevance in study program The course is a mandatory course in the tourism programs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge
- of basic concepts, models and theories of marketing and
sales, particularly relationship marketing
- of basic concepts, models and theories of experience

- be able to analyze experience products and suggest
changes/improvements to existing products
- be able to develop a presentation, a brochure or an internet
presentation of an experience product
- be able to communicate with relevant stakeholders


- contribute in processes concerning development of
profitable experience products and marketing and sales of
- contribute with a critical and reflective view of development
with regard to sustainability of nature and culture and the
economic viability of destinations
Teaching and working
The course is given once a year during December, January and
- Weekly lectures, seminars, student presentations
- individually/in groups
- Practical training, e.g. role play
- Industry visits, guest lectures
Coursework Formative evaluation
- 2 written assignments/reports, individually
- 1 presentation/report, in groups
Examination and evaluation 70% attendance is required in order to take the exam.
Summative evaluation and grading: scale A F with F for failed:
- Individual school exam, 40%
- Individual written home exam, 60 %
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training Excursions with reports
Instruction and examination
Language of instruction is English.
The exam can be answered in Norwegian and English
Syllabus The syllabus will be published on Fronter at a semester start


Course title
Communication Skills
Course code
Course category Mandatory course for students in the Bachelor of Rock `n`Roll
Entrepreneurs program.
Semester Autumn
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites and target
Obligatory course for students in the Bachelor of Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs program.
The course is also open for all other students at UiT.
Content Purpose:
To give the candidates
An understanding of communication as a process that
creates reality.
Tools to analyse and make conscious choices in relation to
language and means in a formal presentation, informative
and persuasive.
Training in dissemination of own presentation and
assessment of others' presentations.

Social relevance of the subject:
Knowledge of, and skills in communication is important for all
people at all levels of society.
Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a
Bachelor in Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge:
- The candidate has knowledge of presentation techniques
and tools for formal presentations through the use of
psychology, audience analysis, rhetoric, text analysis and
- The candidate has basic knowledge of how to employ
presentation techniques and tools in formal presentations.

- The candidate is able to employ presentation techniques
and tools in formal presentations in front of an audience.
- The candidate is able to provide constructive criticism and
show respect for others' presentations.

General Competence:
- The candidate has knowledge of presentation techniques
and tools for formal presentations through the use of
psychology, audience analysis, rhetoric, text analysis and
- The candidate has basic knowledge of how to employ
presentation techniques and tools in formal presentations.


Teaching and working
Methodology and design:
- Lectures
- Class discussions
- Response groups and individual self-evaluations
- Oral presentations, individual and team
- Portfolio journal
Examination and evaluation Formative evaluation:
The students are required to keep an up to date individual log,
describing their learning process and the progress of the project.
Based upon the log the student will hand in an individual reflection
paper where the learning project is measured on a theory basis.
All obligatory assignments must pass as approved before final
evaluation can take place.

Summative evaluation:
- Class participation 70% (If not fulfilled, the students can
apply for writing an extra written assignment)
- Oral exam counts for 75% of the mark
- Portfolio journal counts for the remaining 25 % of the mark
- Letters A-F. E is the lowest passing grade. F is failure.
- Possibility of re-sit exam in case of F.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training Yes
Instruction Will be given in English.
Project report and oral presentation may be answered in
Norwegian or English.
Syllabus To be submitted


1 a Name of
Praksis i innovasjon

b Semester Offered autumn 2015

c Study points (credits) 10 ECTS

d Teaching language English

e Prerequisites and target
Qualified for university studies
Bachelor students 2
and 3
year; especially students in
entrepreneurship related subjects
Russian diploma 2
and 3
2 Contents This learning-by-developing course is twofold:
1. Practical innovation work cooperating with real-life
cases (SME, public organisation etc.) Case representatives
present a problem or need which has to be solved by
teams of students. Small teams of students will learn to
compete for best ideas, they have to detect potential
(business) partners for the firm / organisation and do other
practical efforts in order to develop their idea to a
sustainable solution for the firm / organisation: a
competitive advantage, entering a new market, designing
of new products, services etc.
Students are provided with methodological tools which
directly support their learning by developing, such as
Business Model Canvas; Work journal writing
2. Theory basics on Innovation
The need for innovation; Entrepreneurship and Innovation;
Value-driven (service) innovation and Executing innovation:
Lean Start-up methods and Business modelling and

3 Expected learning
outcomes of completed



By the end of the course, students will know basics about
Selected methods of creating ideas
Detecting business relevant value of ideas
Key principles and elements of entrepreneurial behaviour
Distinctive entrepreneurial practices of SME

By the end of the course, students are expected to have
improved their
Communication / team-work skills
Ability to establish and use networks
Project and time management
Information gathering and proceeding skills
Decision skills and familiarity with risk assessment and
strategic thinking
Both individually and as part of a group, students will be
able to communicate problem solutions in a concise way

Over the course, the following main competencies will be
trained: Recognizing and developing innovation / business
opportunities; Relationship competencies in person-to-
person or individual-to-group-based, partly cross-cultural,
interactions; Conceptual competencies, reflected in
entrepreneurial behaviours; Organizing competencies
Strategic competencies, i.e. setting, evaluating and
implementing the strategies of the team / firm;
Commitment competencies, i.e. capability to move ahead
with a project; Self-reflection and self-assessment
4 Learning methods and
organization of learning

Learning by developing:
Communication with firms and competing student groups.
The course is based on team work, guided by a teacher
who acts as coach / mentor


Practical work is conducted parallel to lectures and
Introduction into the case by case representatives
Introductory lectures / seminars on theories and methods
Exemplary video lectures, Video conferences with firm
Group work, -discussions, brainstorming
Use of Open learning environments and Social media
During a final Innovation Workshop competing ideas are
presented and assessed by a jury of experts; final individual
and team evaluation

5 Requirements (work
requirements, attendance,
process learning)
The course is teamwork-based, i.e. attendance is
Students are required to deliver a letter of motivation and
to fill in a prior-to-project questionnaire
Individual Work journal written over the entire project
period / Reflective diary
Individual notes to be included into group report
Obligatory group report; Obligatory group presentation
The project report shall present resources and actions to
solve the task assigned by the case firm/organisation

6 a Formative assessment

Individual work journal and presentations in class
Business opportunity team report: Presentation of business
idea and tentative action plan for implementation
Peer evaluation. You will be evaluated by each of your
teammates for your participation.


b Final assessment

Evaluation of individual Work Journal, oral group
presentation of a business idea / opportunity and Business
opportunity team report
Evaluation of the final result will consist of two parts:
1. Project report for the case companies
2. Final presentation at the Innovation Workshop
3. Individual course evaluation after completed Business
Innovation Workshop

7 Grades Passed / failed
8 Practical training Real life innovation work, partly On line communication

9 Internationalisation Involved international students; Potential for networking
across borders

10 Syllabus Sarasvathy et al. on
Osterwalder, Business Model Canvas
Ries, Lean Startup
Hand-outs: Guidelines Work Journal; Student team project
activities; Article collection


Course title
Project Management
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Autumn
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites, target groups
and social relevance of the
Project Management is an obligatory course for students in the
bachelors of Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs. Also open for
international students on Campus Alta.
The use of projects is increasing in a world that is constantly

Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a Bachelor in Rock
n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding.
- Know some vital terms in the terminology of projects
which are related to some important stages of the life cycle
of the project; the initiation, teambuilding, planning,
organising, controlling and learning.

- - Be able to use the knowledge introduced in the course in
real projects.

General competence.
- Have a necessary confidence in project manager to be a
manager of small projects.

Teaching and working
Mainly teacher presentations and group discussions.
The course takes the view of an organisational perspective, which
focuses on projects as temporary organisations that act within the
border of an on-going base organisation. We introduce some vital
terms in the terminology of projects, which are related to some
important stages in the life-cycle of the project; the initiation,
teambuilding, planning, organising, controlling and learning. The
role of the project manager will be seen in the light of being the
main responsible person in a project. We also use one lecture
focusing on an important issue when planning a project in the
public sector; the cost-benefit analysis.

Examination and evaluation Summative:
- Obligatory group/individual term paper. The paper shall
present different views of one part of the course by using
at least 2 articles or books in addition to the course-
literature. The paper has to be approved before the
students can present themselves for the final exam.
- Individual written 4 hour exam.

- Grades A E for passed exam, F for failed.
- Possibility of re-sit exam in case of F.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training None
Instruction Will be given in English.
Written exam may be answered in Norwegian or English.
To be submitted


Course title
Social Media and Communication
Course code
Course category Mandatory for 2nd years students registered in the RocknRoll
Entrepreneurs programme and the Media Production programme.
Open to students from other programmes.
Semester Spring
Credits (ECTS) 10ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites None beyond those in admission requirements for the program.
Content An introduction to social media and new technologies, with an
emphasis on understanding and using social media and networked
user-generated content for different communication purposes.
Relevance in study program The course is a part of the Bachelor program in Arctic Adventure
Learning outcomes Knowledge
The student has:
Basic knowledge of social networking sites role and
potential in marketing
Basic knowledge of how social networking sites affect us.
Why do we use them? How do we (re)present ourselves? Is
privacy possible? How does information spread?
Basic knowledge of copyright and fair use laws and
regulations with an emphasis on the Internet
The student is able to:
Make use of different channels of media for strategic
communication purposes
Evaluate a simple publishing contract with regards to basic
legal matters and is able to register his/her own material as

General Competence
The student is able to:
Understand and facilitate various media for communication

Discuss the importance of managing copyrights and fair use
in creative businesses.
Social relevance of the
Knowledge, skills and competence of media are factors of increasing
importance at all levels of society.
Structure, scope and
organization, including
obligatory parts.
Mainly lectures, following a weekly time schedule.
Individual work, including obligatory assignments.
Teamwork, including obligatory assignments.
Examination and evaluation - Formative evaluation (work requirements, obligatory
lessons etc.)
- Minor oral presentations and written assignments
must be approved before final examination can take
- Summative evaluation (formal evaluation for the
- 5-day home exam.
Letters AF. E is the lowest passing grade. F is failure.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Internationalization Open to international students. Prerequisites apply.
Resit exam
Instruction and examination
Lectures will be given in English.
Syllabus - Bernoff, J. and Li, C. (2011): Groundswell, Expanded and Revised
Edition: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies.
Boston: Harvard Business Review Press
- Rainie, L and Wellmann, B. (2013): Networked The New Social
Operating System. Cambridge: MIT Press
- Mayeux, J. and Bengal, O. (2013): New Frontier of Copyright Law
and Fair Use on the Internet: Essential Guide for Writers, Bloggers,
Video Producers, Web Designers and Music Producers [Kindle
Edition]. Amazon Digital Services


Course title
Event Management
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Spring
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites and target
Event Management is an obligatory course for students in the
bachelors of Rock n Roll Entrepreneurs*

The course is also open for all other students at UiT.

* The course GoLive I contains a field practice related to the
Event Management course, 10 ECTS. GoLive I is open for all Event
Management students, and is obligatory for the Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs students.

Content Purpose:
In a growing events industry it is a demand for suitably qualified
graduates who have the ability to understand the events field. The
course aims to give the students knowledge about different
events, event tourism and the connection with, and impact on the

Social relevance of the subject:
The society in general needs knowledge about the importance of
how to organize and manage events such as festivals, sporting,
entertaining and cultural events, as well as exhibitions and
conferences. This competence is also transferable to other societal

Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a Bachelor in Rock
n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding. After completing the course:
- The candidate understands the essentials of what is the
event field, with planning, managing, implementing and
evaluating projects in the event business and related fields
of work.

Skills. After completing the course:
- The candidate is able to see the importance of co-
operation in networks as means for learning and
- The candidate is able to understand planning, managing,
implementing and evaluating projects in the event business
and related fields of work.


General competence. After completing the course:
- The candidate is able to take responsibility for given
assignments in a project.
- The candidate is able to communicate ideas, and reflect
upon fellow students, lecturers and professionals ideas
and suggestions concerning a project.
- The candidate is able to detect and employ basic theory
when carrying out ideas and plans for a given project.
Teaching and working
Methodology and design:
- Lectures
- Workshops
- Class discussions
- Written assignments

Examination and evaluation Summative:
- Class participation 70% (If not fulfilled, the students can
apply for writing an extra written assignment)
- Written 4 hour exam.
- Grades A E for passed exam, F for failed.
- Possibility of re-sit exam in case of F.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training None
Instruction Will be given in English.
Written exam may be answered in Norwegian or English.
Syllabus To be submitted


Course title
GoLive I
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Spring
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Prerequisites and target
Obligatory course for students in the Bachelor of Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs program.

All students enrolled in the GoLive I course, must also be enrolled
in the Event Management course, or must have passed the Event
Management course in advance.

Content Purpose:
The course aims to enable the students to make use of Learning by
as a framework for theoretical and practical learning.
The students will employ the method, supervised by the course
lecturer, in co-operation with professionals in the field of event and
related businesses. The students will be assigned to a specific event

Social relevance of the subject:
The society in general needs knowledge about the importance of
how to organize and manage events such as festivals, sporting,
entertaining and cultural events, as well as exhibitions and
conferences. This competence is also transferable to other societal

Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a Bachelor in Rock
n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding. After completing the course:
- The candidate knows how to employ Learning by
Developing as a tool for learning and development.
- The candidate understands the essentials of planning,
managing, implementing and evaluating projects in the
event business and related fields of work.

Skills. After completing the course:
- The candidate is able to employ co-operation in networks
as means for learning and developing.
- The candidate is able to participate in planning, managing,
problem solving, critical reasoning, implementing and

Learning by Developing (LbD) is an innovative operating model, which requires students to undertake projects
rooted in the world of work aiming to produce new practices, the progress of which requires collaboration between
teachers, students and workplace experts. LbD may also be described as a learning vehicle for the development
of two sets of competences. The first being generic such as work/life knowledge and skills and the second being
subject specific competences. LbD also contributes to regional development through the student interaction on
projects and especially through the University playing a strong role in creating international links. Much effort is
expended in ensuring local, regional and international ties. (Laurea University, Helsinki, 2008)


evaluating projects in the event business and related fields
of work.

General competence. After completing the course:
- The candidate is able to take responsibility for given
assignments in a project.
- The candidate is able to communicate ideas, and reflect
upon fellow students, lecturers and professionals ideas
and suggestions concerning a project.
- The candidate is able to detect and employ basic theory, in
a practical case, and carrying out ideas and plans for a
given project.

Teaching and working
Methodology and design:
- The students will make use of Learning by Developing as a
framework for theoretical and practical learning.
- The students will employ the method, supervised by the
course lecturer, in co-operation with professionals in the
field of culture-related projects.

- The course will take use of a variety of different methods,
with a main emphasis on Learning by Developing.
- Workshops
- Journaling, reflection, evaluation
- Written assignments (log, reflection paper and project
- report)
- Oral presentations
- Practical experience
Examination and evaluation Formative evaluation:
The students are required to keep an up to date individual log,
describing their learning process and the progress of the project.
Based upon the log the student will hand in an individual reflection
paper and a team project report where the project is measured on
a theory basis.
All obligatory assignments must pass as approved before final
evaluation can take place.

Summative evaluation:
Team project report and oral presentations count for 100% of the
total mark.

Grades A E for passed exam, F for failed.
Possibility of re-sit exam in case of F.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training Yes
Instruction Will be given in English.
Project report and oral presentation may be answered in
Norwegian or English.
Syllabus To be submitted


Course title
GoBusiness II
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Autumn
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Prerequisites and target
Obligatory course for students in the Bachelor of Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs program.

Open exclusively to students in the Bachelor of Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs program.
The course GoBusiness I: Venture Development and Economy must
be approved as passed before entrance to GoBusiness II.

Content To write a business plan, individual or in team with others, and
register an enterprise, for real or for practice through the concept
of Student Enterprise

Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a Bachelor in Rock
n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding
The candidate knows the structure of a business plan.
The candidate knows the outline of processes and
necessary considerations for the development of a
business plan and registration of an enterprise.

The candidate is able to develop a business plan, based
upon his or her own business idea and consider an ideas
commercial potential.
The candidate is able to make decisions related to the
development of his or her business plan.
The candidate is able to complete the registration process
for his or her enterprise (for real or for practice).

General competence.
The candidate is able to communicate ideas, and reflect
upon networks and business partners ideas and
suggestions concerning the development of his or her
business plan.
The candidate is able to detect and employ basic theory for
developing his or her business plan.



Teaching and working
Methodology and design:
The course builds upon the 1
year course GoBusiness I: Venture
Development and Economy. In GoBusiness II the students write
their own business plan, and formally register their enterprises.
There will be no ordinary lecture hours, only regular meetings by
appointment and 2-3 open seminars. All the ventures are assigned
to a supervisor through the process. In addition, each venture
must sign an agreement with a mentor from the trade.
Note that Finnmark University College is not financially or legally
responsible for any decisions or actions on behalf of the students'
real ventures.
Examination and evaluation Formative evaluation:
2 drafts must pass as approved before summative evaluation can
take place.

Summative evaluation:
Final draft and registration of enterprise.

Approved or Not Approved (Fail)

Practical training No
Instruction Will be given in English.
Business plan may be written in Norwegian or English.
Syllabus To be submitted


Course title
GoLive II
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Autumn
Credits (ECTS): 20 ECTS
Prerequisites and target
Obligatory course for students in the Bachelor of Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs program.

Open exclusively to students in the Bachelor of Rock n Roll
Entrepreneurs program.
The courses GoBusiness I: Venture Development and Economy and
GoLive I must be approved as passed before entrance to GoLive II.

Content The course aims to take the students to a proficient level of
Learning by Developing
as a framework for theoretical and
practical learning, and also provide students with experience in
implementing their business plans.

Relevance in study program The course is mandatory for the achievement of a Bachelor in Rock
n Roll Entrepreneurs.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding
The candidate knows the outline of processes and
necessary considerations for the implementation of a
business plan.
The candidate knows how to employ Learning by
Developing at proficient level.
The candidate understands the essentials of planning,
managing, implementing and evaluating creative business

The candidate is able to implement his or her business plan
and take use of and further develop knowledge acquired in
the GoBusiness course series.
The candidate is skilled in co-operation in networks as
means for learning and developing.

Learning by Developing (LbD) is an innovative operating model, which requires students to undertake projects rooted in
the world of work aiming to produce new practices, the progress of which requires collaboration between teachers,
students and workplace experts. LbD may also be described as a learning vehicle for the development of two sets of
competences. The first being generic such as work/life knowledge and skills and the second being subject specific
competences. LbD also contributes to regional development through the student interaction on projects and especially
through the University playing a strong role in creating international links. Much effort is expended in ensuring local,
regional and international ties. (Laurea University, Helsinki, 2008)


The candidate is skilled in planning, managing,
implementing and evaluating creative business projects.

General competence.
The candidate is able to communicate ideas, and reflect
upon networks and business partners ideas and
suggestions concerning the implementation of his or her
business plan.
The candidate is able to detect and employ basic theory for
implementation of his or her business plan.
The candidate is responsible for creating his/her own
innovative assignments.
The candidate communicates ideas, as well as reflects and
acts upon professionals ideas and suggestions concerning
a project.
The candidate detects and employs theory when planning
and carrying out ideas for a given project.
The candidate is able to find literature of relevance to
supplement his/her own competence.
The candidate has sufficient competence to manage
his/her assignments.

Teaching and working
Methodology and design:
The course builds upon the previous course GoBusiness I: Venture
Development and Economy, and GoLive I. In GoLive II the students
implement their business plan through their enterprises. There will
be no ordinary lecture hours, only regular meetings by
appointment and 1-2 open seminars. All the ventures are assigned
to a supervisor through the process. In addition, each venture
must sign an agreement with a mentor from the trade.
Note that Finnmark University College is not financially or legally
responsible for any decisions or actions on behalf of the students'
real ventures.
The students will make use of Learning by Developing as a
framework for theoretical and practical learning, as learned in Go
Live I. The students will employ the method, supervised by course
lecturer, in co-operation with case-owners.
The projects content will reflect upon the students professional
interests and/or developmental needs.
The course will take use of a variety of different methods, with a
main emphasis on Learning by Developing.
- Workshops; initiated, planned and run by the students.
- Journaling, reflection, evaluation
- Written assignments (log, reflection paper and project
- Oral presentations
- Practical experience

Examination and evaluation Formative evaluation:

The students are required to keep an up to date individual log,
describing their learning process and the progress of the project.
Based upon the log the student will hand in an individual reflection
paper and a project report where the project is measured on a
theory basis.
All obligatory assignments must pass as approved before final
evaluation can take place.

Summative evaluation:
Reflection paper, theory based report and oral presentation.

Approved or Not Approved (Fail)

Practical training Yes
Instruction Will be given in English.
Reflection paper, project report and oral presentation may be given
in Norwegian or English.
To be submitted


Course title
Exam philosophicum
Course code
Level Bachelor (third year, spring semester)
Semester Spring
Credits (ECTS): 10 ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites Completed the two first years of bachelor in Arctic Adventure
Tourism with at least 100 ECTS passed.
Content Main topics:
-History of Philosophy, Scientific History and Ethics. The two first
deals with different schools of thinking and philosophers during the
history that has formed our scientific traditions.

-In Ethics the focus is on central ethical theories which explore the
prerequisites for correct moral action.
Relevance in study program The course is a mandatory course in the tourism programs.
Learning outcomes After fulfilled course and passed exams of the course the student
should have these results:
-Knowledge of the central questions which can be raised to humans
of moral and political practice as these are answered during the
history of philosophy and as they are raised today.

-Elementary introduction to scientific thinking and academic writing.

-Be able to reflect critically over your own standing in managing and
producing scientific knowledge. This goes for scientific theory and
ethical aspects of these actions.

-A good ground for further studies
Teaching and working
Lectures runs over 9-12 weeks and is organized with lectures (2
hours a week) and seminars (3 hours a week). Seminars are directed
towards different disciplines, but do not have bindings for later
graduating studies.
All lectures and seminars are given in English.

Coursework Written paper appr. 5 pages (2000 words) and oral exam. Both must
be passed. The paper and exam is given a total grade
Examination and evaluation 70% attendance is required in order to take the exam.
Summative evaluation and grading: scale A F with F for failed:

Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Practical training None
Syllabus The syllabus will be published at semester start


Course title
Research design and BA thesis
Course code
Course category Bachelors
Semester Spring
Credits (ECTS): 20 ECTS
Location Alta
Department Department of Tourism and Northern Studies
Prerequisites and target
Obligatory course for students in the Bachelor of Arctic Adventure
The full BARock program except for the thesis (i e 160 ECTS) must
be passed before the submitting of the thesis for assessment.
Compulsory for students in BA Rock.
Content and purpose The thesis is the final task of the BA Rock degree. The student shall
undertake individually a minor research project based on empirical
fieldwork and use of analytical perspectives from the studies.
Students will gain experience in designing, executing and reporting
a topic relevant for the cultural and creative industries and/or
related sectors of society.

The research design methodological aspects of the work will be
dealt with in a course at the beginning of the semester. Topics:
- Purposes
- Use of theory
- Types of data
- Data collection and sampling
- Analysis
- Reporting: the thesis

Individual guidance / mentoring will be given throughout the
process of the thesis work. The student and mentor will agree on a
plan and calendar for the guidance.
Learning outcomes Knowledge and understanding.
After completing the course students will:
- Have specialized knowledge in the subject of the thesis
- Have an understanding of the interrelationship between
theory and data
- Have proficiency in the use of research tools
- Know how to develop and undertake minor empirical and
analytical tasks

Skills. After completing the course the students will:
- Be able to reflect on and discuss issues of Cultural and
Creative Industries theory and practice
- Have skills in handling written material of some size
- Be able to plan and undertake assembling data, analyzing
these critically and report the work reflectively


General competence. After completing the course the students
- Have experience in conducting research on a small scale
- Have experience in dealing analytically with a limited
- Be able to undertake examinations of local and regional
- Be able to work independently and take advantage of

Structure, scope and
organization, including
compulsory elements
Methodology and design (compulsory):
- Lectures
- Seminars
- The thesis topic has to be accepted by mentor
- Individual guidance according to a plan set up by student
and mentor
- Mentor resource per student: 30 hours

Examination and evaluation Formative evaluation:
To be assessed and accepted by course responsible teacher(s)
before submittance of thesis:
- Assignment 1: One page on suggested thesis theme with
explanation for choice, presented in seminar
- Assignment 2: 3-5 pages developing the theme, the paper
presented in seminar
- Assignment 3: A paper related to the course in design and
methodology, approximately 5 pages.

Summative evaluation:
- Exam only in semesters when design and methodology
course is given.
- Thesis can be written in English or Norwegian.
- Thesis size approximately 25 pages / 10000 words, to be
submitted within 1 June.
- Thesis to be graded by external assessment together with
an oral examination; decisive weight given to the written
Marks - Grades A E for passed exam, F for failed.
Possibility of re-sit exam in case of F.
Resit exam See the guideline for resit examination on:
Instruction Will be given in English.
Syllabus To be submitted

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