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SC = Single Crochet
SL ST = Slip Stitch
INVDEC = Invisible Decrease
INC = Increase
SK = Skip
CH = Chain
repeat x # = do the sequence once then repeat it appropriate # of times
Main Head/Body (all use this except for the mushroom, which has a different
pattern below)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined
1. SC x 7; (7)
2. INC x 7; (14)
3. SC x 2, INC, SC, INC, SC x 2; repeat; (18)
4. SC x 4, INC, SC x 8, INC, SC x 4; (20)
5. SC x 20; (20)
6 8. repeat round 5 for rounds 6 through 8; (20)
9. SC x 5, INVDEC, SC x 7, INVDEC, SC x 4; (18)
10. SC, INVDEC; repeat x 5; (12)
11. INVDEC x 5; finish off and leave long tail for sewing shut
Bunny Ear (make 2)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined
1. SC x 7; (7)
2. SC, INC, SC x 3, INC, SC; (9)
3. SC x 9; (9)
4. repeat round 3; (9)
5. INVDEC, SC x 2, INVDEC, SC x 3; (7)
6. SC, INVDEC, SC x 2, INVDEC; (5)
7. SC x 5; (5)
Carrot Top
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 6; join CH; (6)
2. SL ST around; join CH; (6)
Work the next round in the back loop of the first round.
3. (work this sequence in the hole of one stitch) SL ST, CH x 5, turn then starting in
second chain from hook SC x 4, SL ST then in the next stitch do a SL ST; repeat x 2;
4 Leaf Top
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined
1. SC x 8; join with a SL ST; (8)
2. (work this sequence in the hole of one stitch) SC, DC x 3, SC then in the next ST
do a SL ST; repeat x 3; join then finish off (20)
Bear Ear (make 4, sew two together right sides facing out to make 1 ear)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 7; (7) join then finish off and leave a long tail for sewing.
Cat ear (make 2)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 4; join then CH; (4)
2. INC, SC, INC, SC; join then CH; (6)
3. SC, INC, SC; repeat; join then CH; (8)
4. SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, SL ST; finish off and leave a long tail for sewing in.
Duck Beak (make 1)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 4; join then CH; (4)
2. INC, SC, INC, SC; join then CH; (6)
3. SC, SL ST; finish off then leave long tail for sewing in.
Dog Ear (make 2)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined
1. SC x 7; (7)
2. SC, INC, SC x 3, INC, SC; (9)
3. SC x 9; (9)
4. repeat round 3; (9)
5. INVDEC, SC x 2, INVDEC, SC x 3; (7)
6. SC, INVDEC, SC x 2, INVDEC; (5)
Mushroom Cap
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 7; join then CH; (7)
2. INC x 7; join then CH; (14)
3. SC x 2, INC, SC, INC, SC x 2; repeat; join then CH; (18)
4. SC x 4, INC, SC x 8, INC, SC x 4; join then CH; (20)
5. SC x 20; join then CH; (20)
6-7. repeat round 5 for rounds 6 and 7; (20)
SL ST around the bottom
Mushroom Cap Cover
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 7; join then CH; (7)
2. INC x 7; join then CH; (14)
3. SC x 2, INC, SC, INC, SC x 2; repeat; join; (18)
Finish off and leave long tail for sewing. Stuff mushroom cap and pin the cover in
place then sew closed.
Mushroom Bottom
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in joined rounds.
1. SC x 7; join then CH; (7)
2. INC, SC; repeat x2; SC; join then CH; (10)
3. SC around; join then CH; (10)
4. SC around; join then CH; (10)

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