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Hiroshima Christian ''ission

From the Field
January 1 to Decemher 31 19?7
Personal Expensess (excluding food, clothing, and other misc
household expenses)
Health Insurance
Tithe and offering
Summer travel
fission Expenses:
Office and Publicity
Language Study
Equipment (Duplo)
Receipts from English Teaching:
$ 266.78
The dollar opened the year at 285, and closed at about 235, so
all the above figures are based on an average of 260.
Dear Ones,
I know it's a little late to be t- ".Iking about Christmasbut my, how time does
fly,..! The hi^light of the season here 5,n Hesaka was our Sunday School Christmas
program. Because of invitations from Tokyo, we finally decided to have it on the
18th instead of the 25th, and then started practicing songs and flash-card stories,
baking cookies, and getting nervous. Sachiko thought about 30 kids would come; I
figured 50, since we had invited various classes and community kids. Praise the
Lord, there were 74! He dragged in extra chairs, put people on top of each other,
watered down the Kool-aid, spread out the cookies, and had a hectic, but marvelous
time. I realized that we sure aren't ready to handle that many every Sunday, but
at least the potential is there.
Sachiko and I spent a restful 10 days in Tokyocelebrating Christmas eve
with hei home congreation, attending the wedding of a mutual friend, visiting
various friends. I really enjoyed sharing an old-fashioned fellowship dinner
with the Tokyo-area missionaries, and praying in the new year with Paul and Hark
Pratts' at Isehara.
Hell, the Year of the Horse has brought not only our regular activities, but
need for decisions. The Turners have vrritten that they will be coming back to
Japan, but to Tokyo to facilitate their kids' schooling, Sachiko's minister wants
us to come work with him in Tokyo. He have been having 25-30 in Sunday School
since the beginning of January, and our ladies group is talking about how we can
start making things grow.
So Sachiko and I are trying to decide vrhat we really want to do. Despite the
fact that the grass looks a lot greener elsewhere, I hesitate to leave the small
nucleus that has gathered here; perhaps inadequate shepherding is better than
none. One of my particular concerns about staying in Hiroshima has been for
February, 1978
continuing language studyand just last week, I found that I can get into a
university class that had been completely closed to me before.
After thinking, praying, and deciding to stick it out, Sachiko and I have
started looking for a room to renta place of our own in which to grow. Ue have
found two marvelous possibilities, to the tune of about $1,200 do'.m and $225 a-
month, not counting the needed furnishings. For us, of course, this is impossible?
but God is able.
Ue really need your prayersnot only for the wisdom of making the right
decisions, but for the strength and foresight to carry them out. Please pray that mi
my teaching and study schedule will allow me time to visit and make friends in the
cimmunity. Pray that Sachiico will be able to find an outlet for work in psychology
or counseling, which she is wanting very much to do.
And join with us in praising God in everything.
T'arch 1976
Dear Ones,
Right now, I have a week of spring vacationj "^arch was really a madhouse with
final exams, grading papers, and graduations. It was also entrance exam season? a
time when the whole country goes paranoidgetting into a good school sets the tone
for the rest of one's life.
Uhen the new term starts in April, I will be teaching English three mornings
a week at Hiroshima Jogakuin (Girl's School), and some private classes here in
Hesaka. "y Japanese classes will be on "londay and Tuesday afternoons, I think.
Hith Sunday activities, Bible classes, and calligraphy, that leaves n?.c with one
evening to vratch T.V. On Tuesday, I like to watch "The Little House on the Big
Prairie" and a samurai show. It's amazing how much the samurais are like cowboys
the k good guys always take care of 15 or 20 bad guys, only with swoids instead of
Hell, spring is a time for new beginnings, and new encounters. Yesterday, in
a bread shop, a little girl of 4 or 5 w.mted to know why my hair wasn't black, and
if I could really speak English. On my vir.y home, a guard at one of our ever-presen-!
"obstruction" sites wanted to practice English, asking where I was from and how did
I like it here. Later on, at a supermarket, a stock clerk started asking me
questions and we talked about religion and philosophy over the bananas and oranges.
Thank and praise God, He is bigger than the dollar devaluation shock? 20 or
30 yen doesn't sound like much until you start subtracting it from every single
dollar you've sent^ It adds up pretty fast then. I wish I could thank you
personally for the gifts you've given during the last few months. It really is
through your faith and encouragement that God gives me strength to keep going.
I hope that you will be praying with Sachiko and me about renting a new room
for meetings. As God provides the money we need, it will be a big responsibility.
Please pray**that we will use our time and resources wisely?
**that we can find attractive and practical furnishings at a reasonable
**that all our activities will praise God, who gives us life.
Praising Him,
Hiroshima Chriatian f-lission
Carolyn Barricklow Fund
January 1 to December 31i 1977
Alpino Christian Church
Ralph Barricklow
'trs. Ollie Baxter
Zola Drcwn
and ^vs, Tom Bennett
Camarillo Christian Church-Homen's Fellowship
Cambridge City Christian Church
FrO.lovrship Christian Church
Fidelity Union Life Insurance
Betty J. Greig
'^r. and Tirs. Floyd Hansen
Dr. and "'rs. Thomas S. Hayhurst
Highland Christian Church
North Grand Church )f Christ
'r. and ^rs . Grover A. Payne
Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ Builder's Class
Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ Youth Group
Ur. and :Trs, J.G. Rice
Rising Sun Church of Christ
Rising Sun Church of Christ Ladies Auxiliary
Rising Sun Church of Christ "'ystery Glass
^'r, and ^^rs. Uallace Roche
'"^r, and '-Trs. Orrin Root
Southport Heights Christian Church
South Redford Church of Christ
*'r. and f-lrs. Frank P. Sterrett
Nary S. Stone
Syria Christian Church
"Tr. and Hrs, Bill Turner
Hestern Hills Church of Christ
Total Received
Service Link (-Mission Expense)
Postage and Paper Supplies
Total Expenses
Balance on Hand January 1, 1977
Recei ved
Less Expenses
Balance on Hand December 31f 1977
^ 195.00
$ 39.37
Forwarding Agent,
0a^ri ck-lcrw^ Qoi^ot^fy
July 17, 1978
Dear Ones,
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and encouragements. I hope you've
gotten the most recent TARGETS and have prayed with us about HESAKA CHRISTIAN CENTER
How thankful we are for the used benches and desks from the Jogakuin school, and for
the new things we have been able to buy as God provides the funds!
To start developing a program of English and Bible studies at the Center, I
began a class for high school students. The class is an hour and a half weekly, 50
minutes of English conversation, a 10 minute brealc, and 30 minutes of Bible study in
English. I had no idea how many students would come} we put inserts in the Hesaka
newspapers and prayed. The first class, there were two girls and two boys, and the
next week, one boy brou^t a friend. How pleased I am to have some fellows in a
class for a change! And how I hope they will come to love Jeses.
Hell, I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time, Since the new school
year began in April, I have been really living one day at a timeeach day there has
been just barely enough time to get ready for the next day. Haybe I could have
cau^t up a little on Fridays (my day off), but by then I'm so relieved not to have
to go somewhere, I just absolutely have rebelled at doing anything I ought to do.
Summer vacation started just today, so maybe now I can get cau^t up. There are so
many more things that could be done if there were more time, or more money, or more
people! But we just keep hanging in there, hoping that God can use the little bit
that we're able to give Him.
Not too long ago, I went shopping at a different grocery store. Now that
doesn't sound too exciting, but I ran into Kuniko Akiyoshi, whom I haxin't seen for
quite some time. She seemed so happy to see me, and when I told her about our new
meeting place, she came to worship with us the next Sunday. Kuniko graduated from
college in ^^axch, and after that was sick for about a month, almost to the points of
death. She thou^t a lot about life and death and God, and now wants to study the
Bible seriously to find the answers to her questions. Pray with us for Kuniko, for
her ihysical and spiritual health, and praise God for His Providence!
Probably your summer is half over, but ours is just beginning, so please pray
with us about our summer activities:
**Dedication and appreciation service at the Center, July 38th.
**Vacation Bible School, July 31-Aug.2 (our first attempt)
*^Iise use of time for:
concentrated Japanese study
preparation for fall classes and activities
catching up on correspondence, filing, bookkeeping, housecleaning
getting better acquainted with people of the community.
'uch love to you.
August 10, 1978
Dear Friends,
Since this writing Carolyn has learned that she must have an operation on her
eye. A tiny hole has developed in the retina, and it must be surgically closed.
This surgery is not serious, but none-the-less is surgery. Afterward she must be
perfectly still in the hospital for one month. Please be praying for Caroljni at this
Iwill keep you informed of her recovery. Thanks to each of you for your
prayers and for each of you who share in this ministry by your giving. TTay God
Bless you.
His love to you.
Putting The New Center Together
Moving day! Carol^, Sachiko, and Terumi Fujii
carrying and cleaning.
I ^
The first arrivals for Sunday School in the
new room.
April 16th was moving-in day,
although we didn't have much
to move. It's an adventure to
trust God to provide for our
needs at just the right time.
Praise Him!
! t
Puttmg up posters to point
the way to the third floor.
Sachiko leading the kids in

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