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Cell Is the Basic Living Organism.

By: Clarissa Claudia Hadisuwito

10 IPA
id you !now that the yo!e "rom an ostrich#s egg is the $iggest cell% &ven the
cells in a single organism may have di""erent sha'es( si)es( and *o$s. Organisms li!e
humans are made u' o" trillions o" cells. +here are also one celled organisms such as
euglenas( amoe$as( and $acteria. +here are many di""erent !inds o" cells. +he two !inds
you are most li!ely to $e "amiliar with are animal and 'lant cells. +he word cell comes
"rom the Latin cellula( ,a small room,. All organisms are made u' o" cells( Cells also are
the $asic units that "orm the structure and carry out the "unctions o" all organisms. It was
discovered $y -o$ert Hooke and is the "unctional unit o" all !nown living organisms.
One o" the most im'ortant tools that scientists use to study cells is the
microsco'e. An o'tical microsco'e can magni"y a cell u' to two thousand times. I" an ant
were to $e magni"ied at two hundred thousand times( it would $e more than two and one
hal" miles ."our !ilometers/ long. &lectron microsco'es can magni"y a cell $y one million
times. But even with such large magni"ications( the very detailed 'arts o" some cells can#t
$e seen. I" you would li!e to see real 'hotogra'hs o" cells viewed through the lens o" an
electron microsco'e.
+here are a lot o" di""erent !inds o" cells. i""erent cells can have di""erent
'ur'oses( di""erent *o$s( di""erent sha'es( and di""erent characteristics. 0or e1am'le( 'lant
cells have a cell wall and animal cells don#t. Cells come in di""erent sha'es. +hey can $e
sha'ed li!e snow"la!es( $alls( cu$es( saucers( rectangles( $o1es( coils( or $lo$s o" *elly.
Animals cells are usually s'herical or "lat2sided. +he amoe$a( a one2celled organism that
lives in water( has no regular sha'e. It is a *elly2li!e cell that changes sha'e to move
around. 3ome muscle cells are long( thin( and 'ointed on $oth sides. 3ome nerve cells(
with their long $ranches( loo! li!e trees. +he si)es o" cells can $e very di""erent. 4ost
cells are 151(000 o" an inch .0.0067 centimeter/ in diameter. Around 700 average si)ed
cells could "it on a 'eriod at the end o" a sentence. +he $acterial cell is one o" the smallest
o" all the cells( and the yol! o" a ostrich egg is the $iggest o" all cells.
Cells in our world come in two $asic ty'es( 'ro!aryotic and eu!aryotic.
,8aryose, comes "rom a 9ree! word which means ,!ernel(, as in a !ernel o" grain. In
$iology( we use this word root to re"er to the nucleus o" a cell. ,Pro, means ,$e"ore(, and
,eu, means ,true(, or ,good., 3o ,Pro!aryotic, means ,$e"ore a nucleus(, and
,eu!aryotic, means ,'ossessing a true nucleus., +his is a $ig hint a$out one o" the
di""erences $etween these two cell ty'es. Pro!aryotic cells have no nuclei( while
eu!aryotic cells do have true nuclei. +his is "ar "rom the only di""erence $etween these
two cell ty'es( however. +he di""erence $etween 'ro!aryotic and eu!aryotic cells are
&u!aryotic cells have a true nucleus( $ound $y a dou$le mem$rane. Pro!aryotic cells
have no nucleus. +he 'ur'ose o" the nucleus is to se:uester the ;A2related "unctions o"
the $ig eu!aryotic cell into a smaller cham$er( "or the 'ur'ose o" increased e""iciency.
+his "unction is unnecessary "or the 'ro!aryotic cell( $ecause its much smaller si)e means
that all materials within the cell are relatively close together. O" course( 'ro!aryotic
cells do have ;A and ;A "unctions. Biologists descri$e the central region o" the cell
as its ,nucleoid, .2oid<similar or imitating/( $ecause it#s 'retty much where the ;A is
located. But note that the nucleoid is essentially an imaginary ,structure., +here is no
'hysical $oundary enclosing the nucleoid. &u!aryotic ;A is linear= 'ro!aryotic ;A is
circular .it has no ends/.&u!aryotic ;A is com'le1ed with 'roteins called ,histones(,
and is organi)ed into chromosomes= 'ro!aryotic ;A is ,na!ed(, meaning that it has no
histones associated with it( and it is not "ormed into chromosomes. +hough many are
slo''y a$out it( the term ,chromosome, does not technically a''ly to anything in a
'ro!aryotic cell. A eu!aryotic cell contains a num$er o" chromosomes= a 'ro!aryotic cell
contains only one circular ;A molecule and a varied assortment o" much smaller
circlets o" ;A called ,'lasmids., +he smaller( sim'ler 'ro!aryotic cell re:uires "ar
"ewer genes to o'erate than the eu!aryotic cell. Both cell ty'es have many( many
ri$osomes( $ut the ri$osomes o" the eu!aryotic cells are larger and more com'le1 than
those o" the 'ro!aryotic cell. -i$osomes are made out o" a s'ecial class o" -;A
molecules .ri$osomal -;A( or r-;A/ and a s'eci"ic collection o" di""erent 'roteins. A
eu!aryotic ri$osome is com'osed o" "ive !inds o" r-;A and a$out eighty !inds o"
'roteins. Pro!aryotic ri$osomes are com'osed o" only three !inds o" r-;A and a$out
"i"ty !inds o" 'rotein. +he cyto'lasm o" eu!aryotic cells is "illed with a large( com'le1
collection o" organelles( many o" them enclosed in their own mem$ranes= the 'ro!aryotic
cell contains no mem$rane2$ound organelles which are inde'endent o" the 'lasma
mem$rane. +his is a very signi"icant di""erence( and the source o" the vast ma*ority o" the
greater com'le1ity o" the eu!aryotic cell. +here is much more s'ace within a eu!aryotic
cell than within a 'ro!aryotic cell( and many o" these structures( li!e the nucleus( increase
the e""iciency o" "unctions $y con"ining them within smaller s'aces within the huge cell(
or with communication and movement within the cell.
Animal cells are highly organi)ed. +he many 'arts that ma!e u' the cell
wor! in synch with each other. +hese 'arts are called organelles. +he most
im'ortant organelle in the cell is the nucleus. +he nucleus holds all o" the
$lue'rint in"ormation "or the cell. +he ;A o" a cell is "ound in the nucleus
along with -;A. +he nucleus is surrounded $y two mem$ranes due to the need to
$e highly selective with materials that enter the cell#s nucleus. +he cell
itsel" is surrounded $y a mem$rane. In $etween the mem$rane o" the nucleus and
the cell mem$rane is cyto'lasm. It is in the cyto'lasm where all o" the other
organelles are stored. +here are si1 main organelles in the cyto'lasm. 0irst(
the mitochondria( which 'rovides energy to the cell through A+P and res'iration.
+hen there is the endo'lasmic reticulum which se'arates 'arts o" the cell. +hen
there is the 9olgi a''aratus which is used "or sorting( storing( and secretion
"or the cell. ;e1t are lysosomes( which hydroly)e macromolecules. +hen there
are centrioles that 'lay a ma*or role in cell division. And lastly there are
vacuoles which have a variety o" storage "unctions.
+he 'lant cell is similar in most ways. +he only really $ig di""erences
$etween the 'lant cell and the animal cell are as "ollows. +he "irst is the
outer mem$rane. +he 'lant cell has a cell wall that highly acts as su''ort to
the cell( where the animal cell has a more "le1i$le( so"ter outer mem$rane.
Also in the 'lant cell are chloro'lasts( which are not in the animal cell.
Chloro'lasts carry out 'hotosynthesis which is the 'lants a$ility to ma!e it#s
own "ood. +his also accounts "or the large central vacuole in the 'lant cell.
It is used "or storage.
Li!e all living things( cells die. I" you watched a cloc! "or one minute( a$out three
$illion cells in your $ody die. In that same minute( a$out three $illion cells divided so that
all the cells that died were re'laced. ead s!in cells "la!e o"" and dead cells "rom internal
organs will 'ass through and out o" the $ody with waste 'roducts. +he length o" time
cells live can vary. 0or e1am'le( white $lood cells only live "or thirteen days( red $lood
cells live "or a$out one hundred and twenty days( liver cells live a$out eighteen months(
and nerve cells can live u' to one hundred years. +hat is a very $ig di""erence>
In conclusion( cell is the $asic living organism that have a lot o" !inds and
"unction although the si)e o" cell is very small And cell is li"e?s $arcode.
Plant cell. &nchanted Learning.
Accessed on @21026011
Animal cell. &nchanted Learning.
Accessed on @21026011
0unction o" cells. &how.
Accessed on @21026011
&ttrig. C21026011. Cell. &nglish Di!i'edia.
Accessed on @21026011
The following is a glossary of plant cell anatomy terms.
amyloplast 2 an organelle in some 'lant cells that stores starch. Amylo'lasts are "ound in
starchy 'lants li!e tu$ers and "ruits.
ATP 2 A+P is short "or adenosine tri'hos'hate= it is a high2energy molecule used "or
energy storage $y organisms. In 'lant cells( A+P is 'roduced in
the cristae o" mitochondria and chloro'lasts.
cell membrane 2 the thin layer o" 'rotein and "at that surrounds the cell( $ut is inside the
cell wall. +he cell mem$rane is semi'ermea$le( allowing some su$stances to 'ass into the
cell and $loc!ing others.
cell wall 2 a thic!( rigid mem$rane that surrounds a 'lant cell. +his layer o" cellulose "i$er
gives the cell most o" its su''ort and structure. +he cell wall also $onds with other cell
walls to "orm the structure o" the 'lant.
centrosome 2 .also called the ,microtu$ule organi)ing center,/ a small $ody located near
the nucleus 2 it has a dense center and radiating tu$ules. +he centrosomes is where
microtu$ules are made. uring cell division .mitosis/( the centrosome divides and the
two 'arts move to o''osite sides o" the dividing cell. Enli!e the centrosomes in animal
cells( 'lant cell centrosomes do not have centrioles.
chlorophyll 2 chloro'hyll is a molecule that can use light energy "rom sunlight to turn
water and car$on dio1ide gas into sugar and o1ygen .this 'rocess is
called 'hotosynthesis/. Chloro'hyll is magnesium $ased and is usually green.
chloroplast 2 an elongated or disc2sha'ed organelle containing chloro'hyll.
Photosynthesis .in which energy "rom sunlight is converted into chemical energy 2 "ood/
ta!es 'lace in the chloro'lasts.
christae 2 .singular crista/ the multi'ly2"olded inner mem$rane o" a
cell#s mitochondrion that are "inger2li!e 'ro*ections. +he walls o" the cristae are the site o"
the cell#s energy 'roduction .it is where A+P is generated/.
cytoplasm 2 the *ellyli!e material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are
Golgi body 2 .also called the golgi a''aratus or golgi com'le1/ a "lattened( layered( sac2
li!e organelle that loo!s li!e a stac! o" 'anca!es and is located near the nucleus. +he
golgi $ody 'ac!ages 'roteins and car$ohydrates into mem$rane2$ound vesicles "or
,e1'ort, "rom the cell.
granum 2 .'lural grana/ A stac! o" thyla!oid dis!s within the chloro'last is called a
mitochondrion 2 s'herical to rod2sha'ed organelles with a dou$le mem$rane. +he inner
mem$rane is in"olded many times( "orming a series o" 'ro*ections .called cristae/. +he
mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into A+P .adenosine tri'hos'hate/
"or the cell.
nuclear membrane 2 the mem$rane that surrounds the nucleus.
nucleolus 2 an organelle within the nucleus 2 it is where ri$osomal -;A is 'roduced.
nucleus 2 s'herical $ody containing many organelles( including the nucleolus. +he
nucleus controls many o" the "unctions o" the cell .$y controlling 'rotein synthesis/ and
contains ;A .in chromosomes/. +he nucleus is surrounded $y the nuclear mem$rane
photosynthesis 2 a 'rocess in which 'lants convert sunlight( water( and car$on
dio1ide into "ood energy .sugars and starches/( o1ygen and water. Chloro'hyll or closely2
related 'igments .su$stances that color the 'lant/ are essential to the 'hotosynthetic
ribosome 2 small organelles com'osed o" -;A2rich cyto'lasmic granules that are sites o"
'rotein synthesis.
rough endoplasmic reticulum 2 .rough &-/ a vast system o" interconnected(
mem$ranous( in"olded and convoluted sac!s that are located in the cell#s cyto'lasm .the
&- is continuous with the outer nuclear mem$rane/. -ough &- is covered with
ri$osomes that give it a rough a''earance. -ough &- trans'ort materials through the cell
and 'roduces 'roteins in sac!s called cisternae .which are sent to the 9olgi $ody( or
inserted into the cell mem$rane/.
smooth endoplasmic reticulum 2 .smooth &-/ a vast system o" interconnected(
mem$ranous( in"olded and convoluted tu$es that are located in the cell#s cyto'lasm .the
&- is continuous with the outer nuclear mem$rane/. +he s'ace within the &- is called the
&- lumen. 3mooth &- trans'ort materials through the cell. It contains en)ymes and
'roduces and digests li'ids ."ats/ and mem$rane 'roteins= smooth &- $uds o"" "rom
rough &-( moving the newly2made 'roteins and li'ids to the 9olgi $ody and mem$ranes
stroma 2 'art o" the chloro'lasts in 'lant cells( located within the inner mem$rane o"
chloro'lasts( $etween the grana.
thylakoid disk 2 thyla!oid dis!s are dis!2sha'ed mem$rane structures in chloro'lasts that
contain chloro'hyll. Chloro'lasts are made u' o" stac!s o" thyla!oid dis!s= a stac! o"
thyla!oid dis!s is called a granum. Photosynthesis .the 'roduction o" A+P molecules
"rom sunlight/ ta!es 'lace on thyla!oid dis!s.
vacuole 2 a large( mem$rane2$ound s'ace within a 'lant cell that is "illed with "luid. 4ost
'lant cells have a single vacuole that ta!es u' much o" the cell. It hel's maintain the
sha'e o" the cell.
The following is a glossary of animal cell terms:
cell membrane 2 the thin layer o" 'rotein and "at that surrounds the cell. +he cell
mem$rane is semi'ermea$le( allowing some su$stances to 'ass into the cell and $loc!ing
centrosome 2 .also called the ,microtu$ule organi)ing center,/ a small $ody located near
the nucleus 2 it has a dense center and radiating tu$ules. +he centrosomes is where
microtu$ules are made. uring cell division .mitosis/( the centrosome divides and the
two 'arts move to o''osite sides o" the dividing cell. +he centriole is the dense center o"
the centrosome.
cytoplasm 2 the *ellyli!e material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are
Golgi body 2 .also called the 9olgi a''aratus or golgi com'le1/ a "lattened( layered( sac2
li!e organelle that loo!s li!e a stac! o" 'anca!es and is located near the nucleus. It
'roduces the mem$ranes that surround the lysosomes. +he 9olgi $ody 'ac!ages 'roteins
and car$ohydrates into mem$rane2$ound vesicles "or ,e1'ort, "rom the cell.
lysosome 2 .also called cell vesicles/ round organelles surrounded $y a mem$rane and
containing digestive en)ymes. +his is where the digestion o" cell nutrients ta!es 'lace.
mitochondrion 2 s'herical to rod2sha'ed organelles with a dou$le mem$rane. +he inner
mem$rane is in"olded many times( "orming a series o" 'ro*ections .called cristae/. +he
mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into A+P .adenosine tri'hos'hate/
"or the cell.
nuclear membrane 2 the mem$rane that surrounds the nucleus.
nucleolus 2 an organelle within the nucleus 2 it is where ri$osomal -;A is 'roduced.
3ome cells have more than one nucleolus.
nucleus 2 s'herical $ody containing many organelles( including the nucleolus. +he
nucleus controls many o" the "unctions o" the cell .$y controlling 'rotein synthesis/ and
contains ;A .in chromosomes/. +he nucleus is surrounded $y the nuclear mem$rane.
ribosome 2 small organelles com'osed o" -;A2rich cyto'lasmic granules that are sites o"
'rotein synthesis.
rough endoplasmic reticulum 2 .rough &-/ a vast system o" interconnected(
mem$ranous( in"olded and convoluted sac!s that are located in the cell#s cyto'lasm .the
&- is continuous with the outer nuclear mem$rane/. -ough &- is covered with
ri$osomes that give it a rough a''earance. -ough &- trans'orts materials through the cell
and 'roduces 'roteins in sac!s called cisternae .which are sent to the 9olgi $ody( or
inserted into the cell mem$rane/.
smooth endoplasmic reticulum 2 .smooth &-/ a vast system o" interconnected(
mem$ranous( in"olded and convoluted tu$es that are located in the cell#s cyto'lasm .the
&- is continuous with the outer nuclear mem$rane/. +he s'ace within the &- is called the
&- lumen. 3mooth &- trans'orts materials through the cell. It contains en)ymes and
'roduces and digests li'ids ."ats/ and mem$rane 'roteins= smooth &- $uds o"" "rom
rough &-( moving the newly2made 'roteins and li'ids to the 9olgi $ody( lysosomes( and
vacuole 2 "luid2"illed( mem$rane2surrounded cavities inside a cell. +he vacuole "ills with
"ood $eing digested and waste material that is on its way out o" the cell.

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