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Evaluation Methods of Polymer Insulators

under Contaminated Conditions

R. Matsuoka, Fellow, IEEE, K .Naito, Lije Fellow, IEEE,
T. Irk, Senior Member, IEEE and K. Kondo, Member, IEEE
Abstract- Although polymer insulators generally show
superior inaulation performance under contaminated and
wetted conditions due to hydrophobicity on their ~Urtace.
Owmg to shortage o f their field experience,
anti-amtamination design criteria are not yet established.
Presently the same design criteria for ceramic insulators
are mostly adopted by considering the hydrophobicity as
safety margin.
In order to establish rationalized insulation design
criteria for polymer insulator^. we made fundamental
investigation. We found out (1) Roughly t wo times
heavier contaminant deposit on hydrophobic polymer
insulators than pornlain under slow deposit conditions,
while such Merencss become smaller under rapid depoait
conditione like typhoon. (2) In spite of smaller leakage
cumnta on hydmphohic polymer in~uhtcm, a stiff power
8ource ia stiU necessary for evaluating their contamination
hshover voltages. (3) Contamination flashover voltages
of hydmphohic polymer ineulat~m should be evaluated
under heavy wetting conditions. Combined t est s under
heavy f os and rain conditions may be good candidates for
evaluating polymer insulators.
Index Te- Accumulation 01 Contaminants, Contamination
Flashover, Evaluation Methods, Plasbover Voltage,
Hydrophobicity, Leakage Current, Polymer Insulston, Power
Source, Silicone Rubber, Wetting Conditions
Polymer insulators generally show superior
insulation performance under contaminated and wetted
conditions compared with conventional ceramic insulators
like porcelain or glass insulators. Such superior
Derformance is fundamentallv owing to hydrophobicity on
In order to establish rationalized design and maintenance
criteria for such insulators, we have conducted fundamental
investugation works and some results are shown here.
Contamination flashover voltage of a hydrophobic
polymer insulator is also similarly influenced by
contamination degree with the case of porcelain insulators,
that is, almost proportional to -115 power of SDD(Salt
Deposit Density)[ I]. Heavier deposit of contaminants on
hydrophobic polymer insulators compared with ceramic
insulators has been measured at various sites 12) - C41 .
Recently we have also made comparative measurement on
porcelain and polymer insulators at the site 50m from
seacoast located in the suburbs of Osaka[site A]. Results are
shown in Tables 1 and 2. Such heavier deposit of
contaminants is partly attributable to oily surface conditions.
Once contaminants deposit on such oily surface, they are not
easily removed by wind or rain due to adhesive nature of their
surface. Under rapid contamination conditions like typhoon,
Table 1 ESDD Ratio of Polymer to Porcelain
Maximum I 7.44 I 8.17 I 4.79 1 8.17
Minimum I 0.81 1 0.93 I 0.67 I 0.67
Measurement period: March 1998 to January 2002.
ESDD measured on 3 month exposed insulators.
- . .
their surface. Hydrophobicity, is, however, Sometimes 10s Table2 ESDD Measurement Results under Rai d Contamination
by surface discharge or heavy wetting, and recovered with
time by the diffusion of low molecular weight silicone onto
the surface from the bulk of silicone rubber. Polymer
insulators are made of organic materials and so ageing change
of surface conditions is not avoidable. In addition, polymer
insulators are quite new comers, and so field experience on
contamination performance of these insulators is limited.
Contamination tlashover/withstand voltage test methods of
these insulators in laboratory are not yet established.
R. Metsuoka ie with Chubu University 1200 Matsumato-do. Kesugai.
K Naito la with Meija University, 1-601 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku-ku.
T. Iris iE \ntb NOK Imulatori, Lld I I 5 5 Tag-, Fulaebm', Komaki. 185-8566.
K. Kondo e; \ntb NGK In~ulDtors. Lid. I 155 Tag-, Ful kboi , Komaki. 485-8566,
Aiehi,487.8501. Japan (e-mail:mst4uo~se.chubu.aedp)
Nagoya 468-8502 Japan (wmsil: kmit&
1ap.n (e-mail:ir*lak@n&
lopsn(s-mul: kavbk@gkOojp)
0-7803-7525-4/02/$17.00 0 2002 IEEE. 2197
oily substances are washed off by heavy rain and/or strong
wind, and so difference in contamination degree between
porcelain and polymer insulators becomes smaller. So,
depending on the critical contamination conditions in a given
site, rapid or slow accumulation of contaminants, a pertinent
correction factor for the design contamination degree of
polymer insulators at a given site against the reference
contamination degree measured on conventional porcelain
insulators must he selected for rationalized design of
hydrophobic polymer insulators. Influence of insulator
diameter on deposit of contaminants on polymer insulatoi
surface was investigated under rapid contamination
conditions at sites A and B. Site B i s located near seacoast in
Okinawa island. Results are shown in Fig.1. Reduction in
ESDD can be found with the increase of average diametei
also in the case of polymer insulators
1.2 r
Pal per
Regressi on c u we
/ o f porcel ai n i nsul at ors
12615W"' 7 350- 980-
126150 12 600 1680
166170 9 450 1602
166170 7 350 1246
9 9 0.2
- 1
166, 136137.5 430 1648
166, 126135 365 I445
2541- (146) 280
0 1
0 200 400 600 800
Average diameter. D. rnm
Fig. 1 Influence of Average Diameter of Insulator on
Contamination Degree under Rapid
Contamination Conditions
In the case of porcelain/ glass insulators, heavy
leakage currents flow along the surface of specimen
insulators in contamination flashover/ withstand voltage tests
especially just before flashover, and so stiff power source is
specified for such evaluation tests[fi].
In the case of hydrophobic polymer insulators, however,
relatively smaller magnitudes of leakage currents have been
measured both in fields and in laboratories. So, it is
expected that stiff power source may not be necessary for
flashover/withstand voltage tests of contaminated
hydrophobic polymer insulators. Weexamined the effect of
stiffness of power source on contamination flashover voltages
of hydrophobic polymer insulators using a stiff and a weak
power sources.
A. Test Method
Comparative flashover voltage tests were conducted hy
using the two power sources shown in Table 3. Dimensional
particulars of specimen insulators are shown in Table 4.
Table 3 AC Power Sources for Insulator Contamination
I Power SauneA I PowerSourceB
( I hour) (Continuous)
( 1 hour) (Ihour)
YO Impedance : 7.0%
Rated Voltage : 70kVl26.3kV
RatedCapaciiy : I40kVA
%Impedance : 2.03%
( 1 hour)
Table 4 Dimensional Particulars of Specimen Insulators
Speeimen Shed Dial Effective Length
NO. I Shedpitch I No'ofSheds [ (ConneetionLength) [ wgeDirtance
Shed Shape
Tests were conducted according to the clean fog method
specified in IEC Pub. 507 except for modified fog density and
special pretreatment for uniform contamination layer on
hydrophobic insulator surface based on our investigation
results [I]. Heavier fog such as 13-15 g/m' gives much lower
flashover voltages to hydrophobic polymer insulators
compared with the case of thin fog conditions used for
ceramic insulators. Special pre-treatment was conducted in
order to get uniform and continuous contaminant layer on
hydrophobic insulators simulating actual contaminant deposit
conditions in fields. Time variations of fog density in both
chambers for conventional thin and special dense fogs are
shown inFig. 2.
In case of polymer insulators, however, discernible
differences cannot be found in the flashover voltage between
the two power sources under the contamination conditions of
0.03 and 0.12 mp/ cm2 while significant difference can be
recognized between the two power sources under heavy
Contamination conditions of 0.5 mg/ cm2.
q 1.4
5 1.2
m ..
h 1.0
1 0.8
0 10 20 30 M 50 60 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 y 1 6 0
Tim b e . min
Tim Lapse. min
( i 1 Chamber A (ii) Chamber B
Fig. 2 Time Variation of Fog Density
B. Test Results
Some typical leakage current and applied voltage wave
forms at the time of flashover by Power Source A are shown
in Fig. 3. In this test facility, in order to minimize the
voltage drop of power supply system, protecting resistor of 25
or 50 kn was inserted between testing transformer and
specimen. So short circuit current was limited to around 1 A.
In the case of porcelain insulators, leakage current increases
gradually to flashover while polymer insulators flash over in
shorter periods after start of increase of leakage current
especially in the case of light contamination conditions.
Comparative 50% flashover voltages obtained by Power
Source A referenced to the corresponding flashover voltages
obtained by Power Source B are shown in Fig. 4. As
expected, higher flashover voltages were obtained by weak
Power Source A in case of porcelain insulators irrespective of
contamination degrees.
Fig.4 Comparative 50% Flashover Voltage
by Two Power Sources
In case of artificial contamination tests of ceramic
insulators, artificial fog is specified for wetting the
contaminated insulators in solid layer methods since it gives
lowest flashover/ withstand voltages. In case of
hydrophobic polymer insulators, however, heavy wetting
conditions such as heavier fog than conventional fog used for
ceramic insulators or rain, give lower flashover/ withstand
voltages [SI 171. In order to find out the severest wetting
conditions giving the lowest flashover voltages for
hydrophobic polymer insulators, we investigated the effect of
rain conditions on flashover voltages of polymer insulators.
A. Test Methoak
Based on the investigation results explained in the former
section, we installed a new power source stiff enough for
contamination tests [ 8] [ 9] .
( i Pomelain/SDD : 0.07mg/cm2 (U) Polymer/SDD 0.03 mg/cmz (id Polymer/SDD 0.6 mg/cm2
Leakage Current and Applied Voltage at the Time of Flashover Fig.3
wetting[5]. Wetting was supplied by simulated rain.
Precipitation and size of water droplets were varied by air
pressure, water flow rate, distance from nozzles to specimen,
etc. A test voltage was applied to the contaminated and
dried specimen, and simulated rain was precipitated over the
specimen for 15 min. to see flashover or withstand. Test
duration of 15 min. was determined by the measurement
results of surface resistance as an example is shown in Fig. 5.
Dimensional particulars of specimen insulators used for this
investigation are shown in Table 5.
0 5 IO 15 20 25 30
Time Lapse. min
(SDD: O.Smg/crn*)
Fig.5 Time Variation of Surface Resistance
Specimen HTV Silicone Rubber Insulators
Shed Shape,
Straighr Sheds Allemale Sheds
No. of Sheds 12 Large USmall7
Effective Length/
Leakage Distance. 600/1680 470/16W
B. Tesl Resulfs
Some examples of leakage current and applied voltage
waveforms at the time of flashovers are shown in Fig. 6.
Flashovers occurred very rapidly after starting of increase of
leakage current. Flashover voltage ratios obtained under
simulated rain conditions referenced to the corresponding
flashover voltage of the same specimen insulator tested under
heavy fog conditions are summarized in Fig. 7. There are
variations in the results, but some tendencies can be seen.
0.12, 0.5 /O.l
Size of Large: 1.8-3.0
Water Dmpleu, Medium : 0.7-1.5
I I Small : 0.25-0.95
In the case of vertical installation, lower flashover voltages
were obtained on very heavily contaminated insulators with
the SDD of 0.5 mgf cm', while higher flashover voltages
were obtained on insulators contaminated with the SDD of
0.12 mp/ cm2 . Under simulated rain conditions, bridging by
water drippings behueen the adjacent shed tips was observed
as some examples are shown in Fig. 8. Any discernible
differences were not obtained in the flashover voltage among
the different precipitation and the different sizes o f water
droplets within the ranges investigated.
In the care of horizontal installation, we estimated much
higher flashover voltages under simulated rain conditions
compared with the case of heavy fog conditions due to water
dripping from individual shed tips without any bridging
between the shed tips. Surprisingly, flashover voltages were
almost same with those under heavy fog conditions in'the
case of very heavily contaminated conditions with SDD of
0.5 mp/ cm'.
( i ) SDD:O.Smg/cmz (Applied V01tage:'iOkV) ( ii )SDD:O.lZmg/cm2 (Applied Vo1tage:SOkV)
Fig. 6 Leakage Current and Applied Voltage at the Time of Flashover
Such lower flashover voltages are attributable to the water
streams flowing down along individual sheds as illustrated in
Fig. 9. Again much higher ratios were obtained on the
explained by the saturation of salt soluble into the water film
deposited on the surface of specimen insulators under heavy
fog conditions. Enough quantity of water is, however,
supplied under simulated rain conditions even with the SDD
of 0.5 mg/cm2. Relationship between SDD and flashover
voltage may beexplained qualitatively by two curves shown
in Fig. IO.
insulators contaminated with SDD of 0.12 mg/ cm2.
different ratios between 0.12 and 0.5 mg/ cm may be
I , I
0.03 0.12 0.5
SDD. mgIcm2
Fig. 10 Contamination F.O.V. Characteristics
of A Polymer Insulator
Based on our investigation results, the followings should
he taken into consideration at the time of evaluation and
design of polymer insulators
(I) Heavier contaminant deposit should be considered on
hydrophobic polymer insulators compared with
conventional ceramic insulators.
(2) A stiff power source should be used for evaluation of
contamination flashover/withstand voltages of
hydrophobic polymer insulators, especially under
heavily contaminated conditions, in spite of smaller
leakage currents measured both in fields and
(3) Contamination flashovedwithstand voltages of
hydrophobic polymer insulators should be evaluated
Fig. 7 Comparative Flashover Voltages under heavy wetting conditions. Both heavy fog and
simulated rain tests mav be eood candidates for standard
I -
contamination flashoveriwithsland voltage test methods
for hydrophobic polymer insulators.
Il l
K. Naito, K. Immi, K. T h u and R. Malsuoka, Performance of
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H.l rnapawa R. Matsuoka S. 110. K. SAanishi. K. Kondo. N. Okada 121 ., ~ ~~ . ~ .
and T. Yonezawa, Comparative Contaminatio Degrees on Porcelain
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K. Kondo, M. Ishiwari, S. Ito, I. Irie, Y. Suzuki and K. Amkawa.
Pollution Performance of Polymer Insulaon under The Marine
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IEC Pub. 507. * Artificial Pollution Tests on High-Voltape lrrsulamn
lo beUsed on A. C. Systems, 1991.
A. de l a 0 and R. S . Gorur. Flashover of Conlaminated Nonceramic
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No. 6, December 1998.
M. Ishiwirri. S. 110, K. Arakawa, T. Nakachi and K. Kondo. Various
Altificial Contamination Withstand Voltsge Test Methods and A
Fig. 8 Dripping of Water at the Tips of Sheds
(Precipitation: 4mmlmin)
( i )Vertical Installation ( li 1 Horizontal lnatallation
Fig. 9 Flashover Paths in Simulated Rain Tests
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[SI N. 0- K. Ikeda, S. Sumi, R Matsuaka K. Kondo and S. Ito,
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K. Ikeda, N. Okada, S. Sumi, R. Mauuoka, K. Takemato, T. Ito, T.
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[ 9]
Rymuke Mabuoks (SMW- F96) was born inGifu Prefecture, J a m in
1941.He received the BS, MS and the Ph.D. degrees, dl in Elsuical
Engineering fmm the Nagoya University in 1964, 1966 and 1994,
respectively. He joined NGK Insulators, Ltd. in 1966. He served as General
Manager of NGK High VoltageLaboratory. He w e d also as manager of
Insulate(. Engineering, in h k c Insulators Inc. fmm 1981 to 1986. He
retired NGK and joined Chubu University as a full-time pmfessor in 1598.
Pmf. Mauuoha is a Member of CERE and IEE of J apan,
Katsuhiko N d o (M66SM8C-FW) was born i n Aichi Prefenm, J apan,
in 1934.He received the EIS, MS and the Ph.D. de- al l in Electrical
Engineering fmm the Nagoya University in 1958, 1%0 and 1976
respectively. He joined NGK Insulators, Ltd. in 1964. He served as General
Manager of Design Deparunent, Gend Manager of NGK, High Voltage
Laboratory, and later as Executive Chief Engineer of Power Business
Group of the Company. He joined Nagoyalnstiate afTechnalogy in 1991
BS a full-time Professor. In 1998, he &red fmm Nagoya Institute of
Technology and joined Meijo University as a full-tim Fmfessor. Prof.
Naito is a Member o f CIGRE and B Fellow of IEEE of U.S.A. He is a
Member of Insulator and Lightning Arrester Subsomminee of IEEE.
Takarbl l ri r (SM91) was born in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. in 1944. He
received the BSc. and Ph.D. de- both in elenrical engineering from
YokohamaNational University in 1968 and 1995, respectively. In 1968 he
joined NGK Insulators, Lid. He is now the General Manager of NGK High
Voltage Labamtory, Power Buincss Gmup. His fields of interest include
insulator contamination, lightning arrester and insulation smength of large air
Kunhki Kondo ( MY8) WBS barn in Aichi Prefechue, Japan in 1967.
He received the B. Sc., M. Sc., and Ph. D. d e p s in electrical engineering
fmmNagoya lnstitutc of Technology in IWO, IW2 and 1997. respectively.
In 1992 hejoined NGK Insulators, Lld. He has been engaged in rereareh of
insulator commination. He is now a Supervisor of NGK High Voltage
I.aboratory, Power Business Gmup.

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