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Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

The Purpose of this policy is:

to maintain levels of good behaviour
to provide a consistent approach in rewarding good behaviour
to provide a consistent approach in responding to unacceptable behaviour
to ensure that behaviour does not inhibit learning or impede potential.

1. Aims and expectations
To ensure that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and to promote an
environment where everyone feels happy, safe, stimulated and secure.
To promote good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone
to learn.
To behave in a considerate way towards others and take responsibility for their actions
Our school code:- Always be:-
Courteous to everyone and everything

We treat all children fairly and apply this behaviour policy in a consistent way
To help children become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community.
To promote a positive ethos and climate in the school.
To provide a learning environment, which will promote good behaviour.
To ensure that the school's expectations and strategies are widely known and understood.
To encourage the involvement of both home and school in the implementation of this policy.

Class Mission Statements
Each class writes a mission statement at the beginning of the school year. Throughout the year the mission
statements can be used as the basis for discussions on behaviour in the class when appropriate.

Restorative Practices
Being restorative means that members of staff resolve matters alongside students. With this approach you signal
that the behaviour is unacceptable, but you engage both parties in helping resolve the problem constructively,
encouraging children to accept responsibility for their actions.
Situations are resolved using the Restorative Practice questions. Each person involved in the event has the same
opportunity to respond to the same questions.
What happened?
What were you thinking about at the time?
What have your thoughts been since?
Who has been affected by what you did?
In what way have they been affected?
What do you think needs to happen next?

Children should never be asked Why? Many children dont know or cannot articulate the reason for their
behaviour. It is more important for them to understand how their behaviour has affected others.

Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

Assertive Mentoring
Attitude is carefully tracked with children each half term as part of the assertive mentoring meeting. This includes
attendance, punctuality, behaviour, effort, homework and uniform. Each area is colour coded:
Green - excellent/very good,
Yellow - acceptable/satisfactory,
Red - unacceptable

The school communicates to parents about how well children have performed in each of these areas using the half
termly report card.

2. The role of staff
The staff in our school have high expectations of the children in terms of behaviour, and they strive to ensure
that all children work to the best of their ability. All children are treated with respect and understanding.
As adults we should aim to:
create a positive climate with realistic expectations;
emphasise the importance of being valued as an individual within the group;
promote, through example, honesty and courtesy;
provide a caring and effective learning environment;
encourage relationships based on kindness, respect and understanding of the needs of
ensure fair treatment for all

3. The role of the Head Teacher
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher, Education and Inspections Act 2006, to implement the school
behaviour policy consistently throughout the school, and to report to governors, when requested, on the
effectiveness of the policy. It is also the responsibility of the Head Teacher to ensure the health, safety and
welfare of all children in the school. The Head Teacher supports the staff by implementing the policy, by setting
the standards of behaviour, and by supporting staff in the implementation of the policy. The Head Teacher keeps
records of all reported serious incidents of misbehaviour. The Head Teacher has the responsibility for giving
fixed-term exclusions to individual children for serious acts of misbehaviour. For repeated or very serious acts of
anti-social behaviour, the Head Teacher may permanently exclude a child. Both these actions are only taken
after the Chair of Governors has been notified.

4. The role of parents
The school works collaboratively with parents, so children receive consistent messages about how to behave at
home and at school.
We expect parents to support their childs learning, and to co-operate with the school, as set out in the
behaviour and discipline policy. We try to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school, and we
inform parents immediately if we have concerns about their childs welfare or behaviour.
We expect parents to support their childs learning
We aim to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school, and we inform parent/carer
immediately if we have concerns about their childs welfare or behaviour. If a child receives a time out, a letter
will be sent to the parent/carer informing them of the incident. The letter will offer the parent/carer the
opportunity to call in and speak about the incident to the class teacher. A reply slip at the bottom of the letter
should be sent back to inform the school that the parent/carer has spoken to their child about the incident.
If the school has to use reasonable sanctions to punish a child it is essential that parent/carer should support the
actions of the school. If parents have any concern about the way that their child has been treated, they should
contact the Head Teacher and then the school governors. If these discussions cannot resolve the problem, a
formal grievance or appeal process can be implemented.
Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

5. The role of governors
The governing body has the responsibility of setting down these general guidelines on standards of discipline
and behaviour, and of reviewing their effectiveness. The governors support the Head Teacher in carrying out
these guidelines
The Head Teacher has the day-to-day authority to implement the school behaviour and discipline policy, but
governors may give advice to the Head Teacher about particular disciplinary issues. The Head Teacher must take
this into account when making decisions about matters of behaviour.

6. Fixed term and permanent exclusions
Only the Head Teacher (or the acting Head Teacher) has the power to exclude a pupil from school. The Head
Teacher may exclude a pupil for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any one school year.
If the Head Teacher excludes a pupil, s/he informs the parents immediately, giving reasons for the exclusion. At
the same time, the Head Teacher makes it clear to the parents that they can, if they wish, appeal against the
decision to the governing body. The school informs the parents how to make any such appeal.

7. Rewards:
Postcards can be sent home telling parents/carers of outstanding behaviour, attitude or work.

Pupils can be sent to share outstanding behaviour, attitude or work with the Head Teacher.

Smiley faces can be rewarded to children at any point of the day for outstanding behaviour, attitude or work.
For example:
Particularly good work/effort
Displaying good manners
Displaying a caring attitude towards others
Staying on task

The smiley faces will be recorded on a chart in their class.
When the child reaches 10 smiley faces a praise pad will be awarded from the teacher / teaching assistant
25 = bronze certificate from class teacher / teaching assistant
50 = silver certificate from the Deputy to be presented in Friday assembly
100 = gold certificate from the Head to be presented in Friday assembly
Parents/carers will be invited to this assembly if their child is to be awarded a gold certificate.
For every 100 smiley faces, a different prize will be awarded along with the certificate.

Children can also use smiley faces as currency to buy items of stationery from the school shop.

Once awarded, a Smiley can never be deducted
Smileys are intended to help staff focus on positive rather than negative behaviour e.g. if a child is continuing to stay
on task when a partner is trying to distract him, staff may choose to reward the child on task rather than apply a
sanction to the child who is not.

To be awarded for a particular subject / theme in Friday assembly up to 2 children chosen.
An additional star of the week should be presented under a theme chosen by the teacher/teaching assistant.
Children are awarded a certificate and their names displayed in the hall.

Children who receive smiley faces certificate and merits are celebrated in the newsletter.
Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

Marble jar
This is to be used as a class reward once the total has been reached (EYRS/KS1 50) KS2 (100) a class reward can
take place (decided by the class). This should last no longer than one hour.
Examples could include: an extra play, games in class, a short film, a mini party

Cup for behaviour in assembly:
Each day points are awarded by a designated adult for behaviour / attitude in assembly. The class with the most
points at the end of the week receives the cup and are mentioned in the newsletter.

8. Classroom Consequences:
Using the Good to be Green system:
Stage 1: Verbal warning

Stage 2: Yellow card

Stage 3: Red card
If a child reaches this step the behaviour must be recorded on CPOMS. A behaviour resulting in a child being
physically hurt automatically progresses to this stage. Head Teacher and Deputy should be copied into the
CPOMS entry.
Lunchtime session working alone in the blue room, supervised by a member of SLT.
Child completes behaviour thinking sheet.
Red card letter is sent home with the child, to be returned to the class teacher.

Stage 4: Child is removed from the classroom (Time out)
Child escorted to Head Teacher or Deputy Head.
Up to half a day working alone without causing disturbance.
Record on CPOMS.
Parents informed of isolation by letter.

Outside the classroom (e.g. assembly/playtime/lunchtime/PE):
Stages 1 and 2 follow the same routines using a record sheet

Stage 3/4
A red card is noted on the record sheet and a member of the SLT is called and the child is brought inside for the
remainder of the lunchtime. Further action may be taken depending on the incident. A red card letter is sent
home with further contact with home if necessary.

It is essential that at the start of each session each child returns to green.
For regular inappropriate behaviour:
Discussion with SENCO: consider School support of the Code of Practice.
Begin monitoring to identify areas of concern / possible causes/ appropriate targets.
Complete a Behaviour Assessment Profile if necessary.
Parents informed by letter that behaviour is a cause for concern.
Parents discuss concerns agree targets/support.
Consider alternative strategies, inform other agencies.
Access to extra-curricular/enrichment activity linked to improvement.
Access to extra-curricular / enrichment activities dependant on progress.
Referral to multi agencies i.e. Behaviour Support/Ed Psych etc.

If repeated red cards are given out (for example 4 in one week) Stage 5 is triggered.

Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

Stage 5: (Head /SENCO) Pastoral Support Programme (On Report)
Teacher completes a Behaviour Assessment Profile to identify areas of strength and concern.
PSP Meeting with parents/child to agree the way forward.
Clear/realistic targets for behaviour agreed (maximum of three).
Clear rewards/consequences identified for success/failure (including possible exclusion).
Daily feedback to child, weekly feedback to parents.
Involvement of all necessary agencies, i.e. Behaviour Support, Educational Psychologist etc.
Consider Statement of Special Needs.
Consider CAF/EHA.
PSP to last a minimum of 2 weeks/a maximum of 20 weeks, and reviewed fortnightly

If targets are achieved remove from PSP. If PSP failed, move to Stage 6.

Stage 6: (Head Teacher) Behaviour Contract - a last step before exclusion
Clear specific rules which the child must uphold in order to remain in school.
Further sanctions an immediate consequence of breaking the contract.
Reviewed weekly.
Parents, Chair of Pupil Discipline Committee, Behaviour Support informed

If behaviour improves return to PSP If not move to Stage 7.

Stage 7: (Head Teacher) Internal Exclusion (up to 5 days)
Child has no contact with own class or classmates.
No access to playground, extra-curricular or enrichment activity.
Parents, Chair of Pupil Discipline Committee, Behaviour Support informed by letter.
LA informed of likelihood of external exclusion.

If behaviour improves return to class on a Behaviour Contract or PSP. If not move to Stage 8.
Following latest government guidance

Stage 8: (Head Teacher) Fixed Short Term Exclusion (up to 5 days per term)
Parents, Chair of Pupil Discipline Committee, LA Officer informed by letter.
Parents may make representations to Pupil Discipline Committee.
Pupil Discipline Committee may meet but cannot reinstate.
Upon return to school, child stays on Contract for a minimum of 2 weeks.

If behaviour improves remove from Contract to PSP. If not move to Stage 9. Behaviour and Discipline

Stage 9: (Head Teacher) Fixed Long Term Exclusion (up to 45 days per year).
Parents, Chair and Clerk of Discipline Committee, LA Officer informed.
Discipline Committee meet (parents/child or representative may attend/make representations).
LA Officer must be invited to attend but may not reinstate.
Discipline Committee either reinstate or uphold the exclusion.

Upon return to school or if reinstated child stays on Contract or PSP for a minimum of 10 weeks. If behaviour
improves remove from PSP. If not move to Stage 10.

Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

Stage 10: (Pupil Discipline Committee) Permanent Exclusion
Parents, Chair and Clerk of Discipline Committee, LA Officer informed.
Discipline Committee meet and consider all representations and reports (parents/child may attend).
Discipline Committee either reinstate or uphold exclusion.
Parents notified of right to appeal.
If appeal successful, or reinstated child stays on Contract or PSP for the maximum 20 weeks.
If appeal unsuccessful, remove child from school roll.

Serious incidents need to be treated on an individual basis and the circumstances investigated.
In exceptional circumstances permanent exclusion may be considered for a first or one off offence. These may
Serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or a member of staff;
Sexual abuse or assault;
Supplying an illegal drug;
Carrying an offensive weapon;
Serious deliberate damage to school property.

Only the Head Teacher (or the acting Head Teacher) has the power to exclude a pupil from school. The Head Teacher
may exclude a pupil for one or more fixed periods, for up to 45 days in any one school year. The Head Teacher may
also exclude a pupil permanently. It is also possible for the Head Teacher to convert a fixed-term exclusion into a
permanent exclusion, if the circumstances warrant this.

If the Head Teacher excludes a pupil, s/he informs the parents immediately, giving reasons for the exclusion. At the
same time, the Head Teacher makes it clear to the parents that they can, if they wish, appeal against the decision to
the governing body. The school informs the parents how to make any such appeal. The Head Teacher informs the LA
and the governing body about any permanent exclusion, and about all fixed-term exclusions. The governing body
itself cannot either exclude a pupil or extend the exclusion period made by the Head Teacher. The governing body
has a discipline committee which is has three members. This committee considers any exclusion appeals on behalf of
the governors. When an appeals panel meets to consider an exclusion, they consider the circumstances in which the
pupil was excluded, consider any representation by parents and the LA, and consider whether the pupil should be
reinstated. If the governors appeals panel decides that a pupil should be reinstated, the Head Teacher must comply
with this ruling

Recording and Reporting
It is important records of serious incidents of inappropriate behaviour are recorded using the School online
recording keeping system, CPOMS. The following items must be recorded by the member of staff (teaching or
support) dealing with each incident.
When a child moves to Red.
Any incident where a child physically hurts another.
Any incident that could be interpreted as racist or homophobic.

Additional Information
No child should ever be sent to the head as a sanction, as there is no guarantee that the child will arrive or that the
head will be available. If, in exceptional circumstances, a child needs to be removed from class, the head should be
sent for. If unavailable, the deputy or member of the SLT should be called.

Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2014

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones can only be brought to school in exceptional circumstances. Parents who insist that children require a
mobile phone during school hours i.e. for the journey to and from school must seek permission from school. Such
requests will be considered on an individual basis. If permission is granted mobile phones must be handed in to the
school office upon arrival and collected at the end of the school day. They should never be left in trays or coats or
used during school hours.
Reasons: During school hours contact is possible through the schools land lines. Mobile phones are regarded as
hazardous to health. They present an unacceptable disturbance to lessons, potential for theft and cyber bullying.

Personal property
The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage to clothing or personal property. Toys, games and
sports equipment must not be brought to school (except on special occasions when the teacher gives permission).
Any money brought into school should be handed in as soon as possible and never left in trays, bags or coats.
Reasons: Suitable toys, games and sports equipment are provided for the playground and indoor play. Unsuitable
equipment may present a risk to children and present the potential for theft.

Movement in and around School
All staff should see that all children are suitably supervised when moving around the school. Expectations of
behaviour of children sent around the school with messages or to show good work should be clearly stated and
frequently reinforced by appropriate rewards when followed
Children observed behaving appropriately, politely and considerately, i.e. holding doors, lining up quietly etc, should
be thanked, praised or rewarded.

The Head Teacher monitors the effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis. He also reports to the governing body
on the effectiveness of the policy and, if necessary, makes recommendations for further improvements. The school
keeps records of incidents of misbehaviour. The class teacher records minor classroom incidents on individual
behaviour logs, the class teacher is responsible for updating behaviour logs. A record is also kept of any incidents
that occur at break or lunchtimes, these incidents can be added to the behaviour log. The Head Teacher keeps a
record of any pupil who is excluded for a fixed-term, or who is permanently excluded. It is the responsibility of the
governing body to monitor the rate of exclusions and to ensure that the school policy is administered fairly and

The governing body will review this policy every two years. They governors may, however, review the policy earlier
than this, if the government introduces new regulations, or if the governing body receives recommendations on how
the policy might be improved. This policy will be reviewed in September 2016.

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