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Desiderio Valacco

From Zarathustra to
Ken Wilber: Lives and Works of
Prominent Mystical Philosophers
able of !ontents
"ntroduction: he Definition of Mystical Philosophy
and its First #e$innin$s..............................................................7
%& M'("!)L P*"L+(+P*,-( +F *, )."/0"'
1.1.1 Zarathustra Mystical Prophet o the A!cie!t Persia ........................1"
1.#.1. Orpheus a!, Pytha-oras The )irst Mystical Philosophers o! the
Europea! Soil............................................................................................1#
1.#.#. Pre.Socratics/ Socrates a!, Plato.....................................................10
1.#.1. Reli-ious Mysticis2 o the Stoic 'lea!thes.......................................13
1.#.0. Represe!tati4e o the Stoic Mo!is2 Posi,o!ius5555555555.13
1.#.6. Miracle.7or8er Apollo!ius o Tya!a555555555555555519
1.#.:. Plutarch;s Isis and Osiris..................................................................#"
1.#.7. Ploti!us The Greatest Pa-a! &elle!ic Philosopher..........................#1
1.#.3. The E!i-2atic &er2es Tris2e-istus.................................................#6
1.#.9. Ia2<lichus; Theur-y a!, =ulia!;s Apostacy......................................#7
1.#.1". Proclus ;the Successor; a!, the e!, o the Aca,e2y.......................1"
1.1.1. Ro2a! Stoics...................................................................................11
1.1.#. Apuleus; Asinus Aureus....................................................................16
1.0.1. The )irst 'hristia! Philosopher =usti!.............................................17
1.0.#. 'hristia! 'atechetic School i! Ale>a!,ria........................................17
1.0.1. Gre-ory;s ;Mysticis2 o Li-ht;...........................................................0"
1.0.0. Mysterious )i-ure o Pseu,o.%io!ysius Areopa-ite55555555..0#
1.6.1. Alle-oric I!terpretatio! o the &oly Scripts <y Philo o Ale>a!,ria.....00
1.:. &IN%+ISM
1.:.1. Pata!Aali;s Yoga-Sutras ....................................................................06
1.7. ?+%%&ISM BIN%IANC
1.7.1. The E!li-hte!e, O!e Gautha2a ?u,,ha.......................................0:
1.7.#. DaAra.(a!a ?u,,his2......................................................................07
1.7.1. Teachi!- o! E2pti!ess o the Philosopher Na-arAu!a.......................09
1.7.0. Asa!-a the )ou!,er o (o-acara....................................................09
1.7.6. ?o,hi,har2a the )ou!,er o 'ha! ?u,,his2...............................61
1.3.1. The )ou!,er o Taois2 Lao.Tse.......................................................61
1.3.#. Tra!sce!,e!talis2 o 'hua!-.TEu..................................................60
1.3.1. The ;%ar8 Teachi!-; o Taoist @a!- Pi.............................................60
1.9. 'ON)+'IANISM
1.9.1. 'o!ucius The &ar2o!y o the 'os2ic a!, Social Or,er...............6:
1.9.#. The 'o!ti!uators o 'o!ucious; @or8 Me!cius a!, &su!.Tse........6:
1& M'("!)L P*"L+(+P*,-( +F *, M"DDL, )2,(
#.1.1. Ma>i2us the 'o!essor....................................................................63
#.1.#. Eriu-e!a/ the Philosopher o the 'aroli!-ia! Re!aissa!ce5555569
#.1.1. ?yEa!ti!e Polyhistor Michael Psellus555555555555555.:1
#.1.0. St. Dictor 'e!ter o Europea! Mystical Philosophy55555555:1
#.1.6. Mysticis2 o the $!i-hts Te2plar5555555555555555...
#.1.:. Al<ertus Ma-!us a!, Ro-er ?aco! Pio!eers o the E>peri2e!tal
#.1.7. ?o!a4e!tura;s Iti!erary o Path to Go,55555555555555.71
#.1.3. ;%octor Illu2i!atis; Ra2o! Lull........................................................76
#.1.9. Rhi!ela!, Mysticis2 o Ec8hart a!, Tauler55555555555577
#.1.1". Pletho! Restorer o Plato!is2 i! the @est55555555555.79
#.1.11. ;Lear!e, I-!ora!ce; o Nicolas o 'ues5555555555555531
#.1.1#. )lore!ti!e Aca,e2y5555555555555555555555531
#.1.11. Ger2a! Mystical Philosophy o 1:th 'e!tury5555555555..37
#.1.16. =oh! %ee;s 'o22u!icatio! 7ith A!-els555555555555590
#.1.1:. PatriEi;s Lo4e Philosophy55555555555555555555..9:
#.1.17. %ella Porta a!, ?ru!o T7o Naples; Great Me!555555555.93

#.#. ISLAM
#.#.1. Sprea,i!- o Isla2/ Suis2 a!, Ge<er............................................1"6
#.#.#. ;Ma2u!;s Re!aissa!ce; a!, Tha<it i<! *urra5555555555.1"7
#.#.1. Al.)ara<i/ the )ou!,er o Isla2ic Neo.Plato!is25555555551"9
#.#.0. ;Picatri>; or ;Ai2 o the @ise;555555555555555555..11"
#.#.6. A4ice!!a Pri!ce o Philosophers a!, Physicia!s55555555.111
#.#.:. Sui 'o!4ert al.GhaEali555555555555555555555.111
#.#.7. Assasi!s the 'ou!terpart to Te2plar;s Or,er...............................110
#.#.3. Ecu2e!ical Mysticis2 o I<! al.Ara<i55555555555555.116
#.#.9. Ru2i )ou!,er o the Or,er o ;Spi!!i!- %er4ishes;5555555117
#.1.1. I!terpretatio! o Seer =etEirah <y Saa,ia ?e! =oseph555555.119
#.1.#. Mystical Poet Solo2o! i<! Ga<irol555555555555555..1#"
#.1.1. Moses ,e Leo! a!, Zohar...............................................................1#1
#.1.0. ;%i4i!e Ra<<i; Isaac Luria555555555555555555551#1
#.0. &IN%+ISM
#.0.1. Sha!8ara =esus o &i!,uis2F.....................................................1#6
#.0.#. Mo,erate Mo!ist Ra2a!uAa55555555555555555551#:
#.0.1. Ma,h4a;s %ualis255555555555555555555555..1#7
#.0.0. 'aita!ya/ the )ou!,er o $rish!a ?ha8ti Mo4e2e!t5555555.1#9
#.6. TI?ETAN ?+%%&ISM
#.6.1. Reor2er o Ti<etha! ?u,,his2 Tso!- $ha.pa555555555...11"
#.:. )AIT& O) SI$&
#.:.1. Mysticis2 o Si8h )aith55555555555555555555511#
#.7. 'ON)+'IANISM
#.7.1. 'os2ic &ierarchy o 'ha!-.Tsai5555555555555555...116
#.7.#. Neo.'o!ucia! 'hu &si555555555555555555555116
#.7.1. The Great Lear!i!- o @a!- (a!-.2i!-5555555555555.11:
#.3. '&AN ?+%%&ISM B'&INESEC
#.3.1. The Si>th Patriarch o 'ha! ?u,,his2 &ui Ne!-...........................113
#.9.1. =apa!ese Mystical Philosopher $u8ai55555555555555.10"
#.9.#. ;Pure La!,; o &o!e! a!, Ri!Eai o Eisai5555555555555101
#.9.1. Soto Teachi!- o %o-e! a!, Lotus School o Nichire!555555..10#
3 & M'("!)L P*"L+(+P*,-( +F *, M+D,-. )2,
1.1.1. Mystical Theolo-y o Shoe2a8er ?oeh2e555555555555106
1.1.#. 'a2<ri,-e Plato!ist &e!ry More555555555555555...107
1.1.1. 'o!4erte, Scie!tist ?laise Pascal..................................................109
1.1.0. Occasio!alists Geuli!c> a!, Male<ra!che.....................................161
1.1.6. Philosopher 'lair4oya!t E2a!uel S7e,e!<or-............................161
1.1.:. Mystical I,eolo-ist o Ro2a!ticis2 )ra!E 4o! ?aa,er....................166
1.1.7. T7o )re!ch Mystical Philosophers.................................................167
1.1.3. Mysticis2 o @riters 'arlyle a!, E2erso!.....................................169
1.1.9. Eliphas Le4i 'o!ti!uator o the Teachi!- o A-rippa a!,
1.1.1". Pio!eer o the Ne7 Thou-ht Pre!tice Mulor,................................1:6
1.1.11. Psycholo-y o %rea2s o 'arl ,u Prel............................................1:7
1.1.1#. T7o Russia! 'hristia! Philosophers.............................................1:3
1.1.11. Sui 'o!4ert Re!e Gue!o! a!, his )ollo7ers...............................171
1.#. ISLAM
1.#.1. Mo,er! Suis..............................................................................179
1.1.1. ?aal She2 To4 a!, &asi,is2.........................................................131
1.1.#. Ne7 &asi,is2 o Marti! ?u<er.......................................................13#
1.0. &IN%+ISM
1.0.1. The Pio!eer o Neo.&i!,u Mo4e2e!t Ra2 Mohu2 Roy...................136
1.0.#. Ra2a8rish!a;s Ecu2e!is2 a!, De!eratio! o %i4i!e Mother.........137
1.0.1. Three Great Me! o Neo.&i!,uis2 ro2
1.0.0. )ather o Mo,er! I!,ia Mahat2a Ga!,hi.......................................19:
1.0.6. Society or the 'o!scious!ess o $rish!a Srila Pra<hupa,a............199
1.0.:. Tra!sce!,e!tal Me,itatio! o Maharishi Mahesh (o-i....................#"1
1.0.7. Sathya Sai ?a<a the A4atar o the Ne7 A-eF................................#"1
1.6. ?+%%&ISM BIN%IANC
1.6.1. Osho E!li-hte!2e!t <y Lo4e/ Me,itatio! a!,
1.:.1. &a8ui! Great Ma! o Mo,er! A-e Ze!.?u,,his2........................#"3
1.:.#. %.T. SuEu8i Pro2oter o Ze! ?u,,his2 i! the @est.....................#"9
4& .,W -,L"2"+.(
0.1.1. ?ahaullah )ulill2e!t o Messia!ic E>pectatio!sF........................#1#
0.#.1. Scie!tolo-y 'hurch o L. Ro! &u<<ar,...........................................#16
5& (,!-, (+!",",( +F *, M+D,-. )2,
6.1.1. Ro<ert )lu,, a!, Rosicrucia! ?rotherhoo,....................................#19
6.#.1. Mystical Philosophy o )ree2aso!ry...............................................##1
6.#.#. ;Le !ou4el ho22e; o Louis ,e Sai!t.
6.#.1. Literary.Scie!tiic Mysticis2 o Goethe...........................................##:
6.1.1. Theosophical Society......................................................................##9
6.1.#. Oshoots o Theosophical Society A!troposophical Society/
Rosicrucia! )ello7ship/ the Arca!e School a!, $rish!a2urti..................#0"
6.0. GOL%EN %A@N
6.0.1. Gol,e! %a7!.................................................................................#09
6.0.#. Oshoots o Gol,e! %a7! Or,o Te2plis Orie!tis/ Society o the
I!!er Li-ht a!, Israel Re-ar,ie................................................................#6#
6.6.1. Ma!ly P. &all;s Secret Teachi!- o all A-es.....................................#:"
6& .,W (!",.!, ).D M'("!"(M
:.1.1. Scie!tiic.Mystical Philosophy o &olis2.........................................#:0
"ntroduction: Definition of the Mystical Philosophy
and its First #e$innin$s
Tal8i!- a<out ,ei!itio!s o the 2ystical philosophy/ as 7ell as the
2ysticis2 i! -e!eral/ o!e 2ust e2phasiEe that their u!eGui4ocal ,ei!i!- is
i2practica<le/ Aust as it -oes or ter2s li8e co!scious!ess/ spirit/ soul a!,
si2ilar. I! 7i,er se!se/ 7e coul, rec8o! or 2ystical each philosophy that
<ri!-s i!to the ocus aith a!, !e-lects the scie!ce a!, ratio!alistic 7ay o
thi!8i!-. Ne4ertheless/ i! the history o philosophy there ha4e <ee! 2a!y
philosophers 7hose teachi!- i!clu,e, <oth. )urther2ore/ it is al2ost
i2possi<le to ,eli2it the iel, o 2ysticis2 i! philosophy a!, that o!e i!
reli-io!/ <ecause o their total i!terlace2e!t/ i! all reli-ious syste2s.
Li8e7ise/ it is har, to tell philosophic ro2 the poetic 2ysticis2/ <ecause
2a!y 2ystical philosophers ha4e <ee! at the sa2e ti2e 7riters a!, poets/
especially those ro2 Easter! philosophies a!, reli-io!s. )or all that/
2ystical philosophy coul, <e ,eter2i!e, 2ore speciically as o!e 7hich
a!y7ise spea8s a<out the u!io! o 2a! 7ith the ,i4i!ity/ i! a 2ystical
tra!ce or ecstasy.
As o!e reli-ious e>perie!ce par exellance, 2ysticis2 has <ee! a su<Aect o
stu,y o A2erica! psycholo-ist a!, philosopher @illia2 =a2es. I! his
opi!io!/ perso!al reli-ious e>perie!ces ha4e their root/ as 7ell as their
ce!ter/ i! 2ystical states o co!scious!ess. I! ,ei!i!- the ter2 ;2ysticis2;
=a2es cites our <asic ,isti!ctio!s 7hich it 2ust i!clu,e u!uttera<le!ess/
!oetic Guality/ tra!sie!ce a!, passi4e!ess. The irst ,isti!ctio! relates to the
act that the Guality o 2ystical e>perie!ce 2ust <e e>perie!ce, perso!ally
a!, i! a ,irect 7ay/ a!, it ca!!ot <e co22u!icate, to others. =a2es
correctly percei4es that 2ystical states are 2ore se!siti4e o!es/ tha!
i!tellectual. (et/ i! spite o the e2phasis o! the se!ses/ here is also the
,isti!ctio! o !oetic Guality/ 7hich e!a<les a ,eep i!tuiti4e i!si-ht i! these
states/ so2eti2es calle, e!li-hte!2e!t/ re4elatio! a!, the li8e. The thir,
characteristic that =a2es attri<utes to these states o co!scious!ess/ i.e.
tra!sie!ce/ ,oes !ot see2 to <e u!i4ersal/ <ecause <y so2e 2ystics these
states ca! last or a lo!- perio, o ti2e/ a!, <y so2e they ca! e4e! tur! i!to
a co!ti!uous state/ 7ithout retur!i!- i!to e4ery,ay/ !or2al state o
co!scious!ess. The sa2e -oes or the ourth characteristic/ passi4e!ess.
Na2ely/ =a2es alo!e !otices that co!ce!tratio! e>ercises or physical
e>ercises Bhe 2ea!t pro<a<ly yo-aC help e!teri!- i!to a 2ystical state o
co!scious!ess/ so 7e ca! tal8 a<out the passi4e!ess as esse!tial
characteristic Aust co!,itio!ally. The passi4e!ess i! act ori-i!ates o!ly the!/
7he! o!e has alrea,y tra!sce!,e, the !or2al 7a8i!- state o
co!scious!ess/ a!, the! the su<Aect ca! e>perie!ce the eeli!- o <ei!-
ta8e! <y so2e ;hi-her orce;.
It see2s/ ho7e4er/ that =a2es o2itte, o!e 4ery esse!tial characteristic/
cite, <eore/ a!, that is lo4e a!, ,esire or the u!io! 7ith the a<solute
/ the
stri4i!- Hto reach the 4ery ori-i! o the <ei!-I/ as says )re!ch theolo-ia!
Louis Gar,et. &o7e4er/ he 2a8es ,iere!ce <et7ee! orie!tal reli-io!s/
7here the path to the a<solute lea,s throu-h the i22a!e!ce o the 2ystics
o o!e;s o7! sel/ a!, 2o!otheistic reli-io!s/ 7here this path lea,s throu-h
the u!io! a!, access to ,epths o ;Go, o aith;. Orie!tal authorities i! the
iel, o 2ysticis2/ opposite to this/ e2phasiEe 2ore the si2ilarities/ as 7ell
as i!terrelatio!ship o 2ystical tra,itio!s o! the ,eepest le4el. So I!,ia!
philosopher a!, 2ystic Ra2a8rish!a thi!8s that/ as e4eryo!e i!4o8es the
sa2e Go,/ it is !ot -oo, to ,i4i,e reli-io!s o! true a!, alse o!es/ <ut 7e
ha4e to co!si,er reli-io!s o!ly as ,iere!t paths to7ar, the a<solute/ a!, i!
that/ ,iere!t reli-io!s suit to ,iere!t searchers/ i! ,iere!t ti2es a!,
The irst <e-i!!i!-s o 2ystical philosophy coul, <e attache, to the !a2es
o -reat philosophers a!, ou!,ers o reli-io!s Zarathustra/ &er2es a!,
Moses. So2e sources BesotericalC place the2 appro>i2ately at the sa2e
perio, o ti2e B11th ce!tury ?'C/ <ut others put the2 i!to Guite ,ista!t
perio, o ti2es/ so esti2atio!s ra!-e ro2 #1r, to :th ce!tury ?'/ thereore
there is a! i22e!se ,i4er-e!ce o 17 ce!turies. There are so2eho7 or the
2ost part accor,a!ces a!, co!or2ities i! co!!ectio! 7ith ,ati!- the lie o
Moses/ 7ho is 2ostly place, i! 11th ce!tury ?'. ?ut/ there are ,iere!t
opi!io!s here as 7ell/ or i!sta!ce Italia! philosopher Gia2<attista Dico i!
his chro!olo-ical ta<le put Moses i! 1:th ce!tury ?'. @ith hi2 a-rees the
chro!olo-y o ;@atch To7er ?i<le a!, Tract Society;. This chro!olo-y is
<ase, upo! the acts ro2 ?i<le e>clusi4elyJ as the 8ey ,ate or ,ati!-
?i<lical e4e!ts it is ta8e! 'yrus; co!Gueri!- o ?a<ylo! i! 619 ?'.
Much 2ore ,isa-ree2e!t appears i! co!!ectio! 7ith other t7o/ Zarathustra
a!, &er2es Tris2e-istus. The irst o!e is place, <y Dico e4e! i! the #1r,
ce!tury ?'/ 7hile the 2ost co!te2porary o the sources tal8 a<out 7th
ce!tury as o!e i! 7hich li4e, Zarathustra/ prophet o a!cie!t Persia.
&o7e4er/ i! the ha!,<oo8 The World's Religions 7e co2e upo! the 4ie7 that
Hpro4es ro2 the la!-ua-e he use, tur! 2a!y co!te2porary scie!tists to
assu2e that he li4e, i! perio, a<out 16"" ?'I/ 7hich 7oul, ha4e the
2ea!i!- o <ei!- Aust hi2 the irst -reat prophet o 7orl,;s reli-io!s. I! the
Re!!aisa!ce it 7as co22o! to co!si,er Zarathustra as the 2ost a!cie!t o
sa-es <eore MosesJ they spo8e a<out hi2 as ;A<raha2;s co!te2porary; Bor
e>a2ple )ra!cesco PatriEiC. Accor,i!- to the chro!olo-y o ;@atch To7er
Society;/ it 7oul, 2ea! that he li4e, i! #1K#" ce!tury ?'. Sources o the
a!tiGuity place Persia! prophet i! 2uch 2ore re2ote history/ <ut ha4i!- i!
2i!, their 4a-ue co!ceptio! a<out elapsi!- o ti2e/ it is har, to ta8e these
William James points out that mystical experiences may happen to anyone, regardless of religious training or
inclinations. ccording to him, such experiences can occur un!idden and "ithout preparation at any time, and
might not !e understood as religious experiences at all. #hey may !e interpreted, perhaps, as artistic, scientific,
or other forms of inspiration, or e$en dismissed as psychological distur!ances.
esti2atio!s i!to serious co!si,eratio!. So/ Gree8 historio-rapher &er2ipus
says that Zarathustra li4e, i4e thousa!, years <eore Troya! 7ar/ 7hile
Aristotle tells that he li4e, si> thousa!, years <eore the ,eath o Plato/
7hich 7oul, 2ea! that he li4e, i! a!cie!t :1r, ce!tury/ 7hat is Guite
i2pro<a<le. Not7ithsta!,i!- all the i2pro<a<ility o such esti2atio!s/
ho7e4er/ it ca! <e assu2e, that Zarathustra pro<a<ly li4e, i! so2e perio,
o ti2e 2ore re2ote tha! to,ay;s historio-raphy co!si,ers/ thereore <eore
7th ce!tury ?'/ a!, possi<ly 2uch earlier.
There are li8e7ise co!tro4ersies a<out the a!cie!t sa-e &er2es
Tris2e-istus/ re-ar,i!- his placi!- i! ti2e. O!e act that is to,ay co!si,ere,
2ore or less relia<le is that o the ori-i!atio! o &er2etic scripts/ a!, it is
the perio, <et7ee! the 1st a!, 1r, ce!tury A%. I! rece!t ti2es/ !either is
the 4ery authorship ascri<e, to E-yptia! !a2e, &er2es/ <ut i! the 2ai! to
a! u!8!o7! 'hristia! author/ or to a 2e2<er o a 2ystical sect/ o Gree8 or
orie!tal ori-i!. To,ay it is co22o!ly accepte, that i! reality there has !e4er
e>iste, a perso! !a2e, &er2es Bor ThotC. (et/ i! Plato;s ti2e there ha4e
<ee! so2e speculatio!s 7hether Thot 7as -o, or Aust a ,i4i!e 2a!. Dico/ i!
his chro!olo-y sur4ey cites t7o &er2eses/ calli!- the2 Mercury
Tris2e-istus se!ior a!, Mercury Tris2e-istus Au!ior. The or2er he places
i! #1st ce!tury/ a!, the latter i! the 16th ce!tury ?'. This ,ichoto2y is
<ase, upo! &er2etic script Asclepius, i! 7hich &er2es Tris2e-istus
2e!tio!s the -ra4e o his -ra!,ather/ o the sa2e !a2e i! &er2opolis/ the
to7! that 7as !a2e, ater hi2. This story see2s to ha4e se!se/ ha4i!- i!
2i!, that E-yptia!s 7ere co!4i!ce, that -o,s ca! <e <or! a!, ,ie/ i!
co!ti!uous process o re-e!eratio!. O!e coul, assu2e that there 7as a
2a!/ historical &er2es BThotC/ 7ho ou!,e, the co22u!ity a!, passe, o!
his 8!o7le,-e to his chose! successors/ either i! 7ritte! Bpossi<ly lost i! the
course o ti2eC or oral or2. So it 7as preser4e, the le-e!, o the a2ous
Boo o! Thot, 7or8 that co!tai!e, secret processes or the achie4e2e!t o the
spiritual re4i4al o the 2a!8i!,/ <y e>pa!sio! o co!scious!ess. 'o!si,eri!-
the act that Thot 7as/ a2o!- the rest/ the -o, o scri<es a!, 7riti!-/ a!,
that hieratic alpha<et 7as i!4e!te, <y the e!, o the 1r, 2ille!!iu2 ?'/ 7e
coul, e>tract the assu2ptio! that the historical Thot.&er2es really li4e, i!
#1st ce!tury ?'/ Aust as Dico cites.
?esi,es all these co!tro4ersies a<out ,ati!- the ti2e i! 7hich three a!cie!t
sa-es li4e,/ there e>ists also the <asic co!tro4ersy/ i.e./ are the irst
<e-i!!i!-s o 2ysticis2 i! philosophy really co!!ecte, 7ith their !a2es.
So2e authors/ !a2ely/ co!si,er as ori-i!ators o 2ystical philosophy
Pytha-oras/ Plato/ or o!ly Ploti!us. At all e4e!ts/ it is the 4ery chro!olo-ical
co!tro4ersy/ Aust ,escri<e,/ that co!tri<utes to this. ?esi,es/ i! spite o the
act that Moses 2ost pro<a<ly li4e, i! 11th ce!tury ?'/ the real <e-i!!i!-s
o 2ysticis2 i! =u,aic philosophy are o 2uch !e7er ,ate/ the earliest ro2
Philo Ale>a!,ri!us B1st ce!turyC. As re-ar,s &er2es Tris2e-istus/ althou-h
o!e ca! assu2e that he li4e, 2uch earlier tha! 1st ce!tury B<y the 7ay/
there e>ist 7ritte! sources ro2 the 1r, ce!tury ?'/ 7here is 2e!tio!e,
Thot/ Thrice the GreatestC/ yet there are !o cre,i<le historical 2aterial
e4i,e!ce a<out that. There re2ai!s o!ly Zarathustra/ as pre,ecessor/ 7ho
7as at least a <it a!terior to Pytha-oras.
1.1.1 Zarathustra Mystical Prophet o the A!cie!t Persia
The !a2e o Zarathustra is 2e!tio!e, or the irst ti2e ! Plato;s 7or8
Alci"iades, 7here he calls hi2 the so! o Or2uE. As it 7as sai, <eore/
historio-raphers a!, philosophers o the a!cie!t Greece place, the Persia!
sa-e i!to 4ery re2ote history. Re!aissa!ce philosophers/ especially
)ra!cesco PatriEi/ -e!erally co!si,ere, that the teachi!-s o Plato a!,
Plato!ists 7ere u!,er the ,irect i!lue!ce o Zarathustra. This relates a-ai!
especially to Plato;s teachi!- a<out the i,eas/ as it ca! <e see! i! Proclus;
co22e!tary o ;#ar$enides', 7here this philosopher cites place i!
Zarathustra;s 7or8/ 7here are 2e!tio!e, i,eas. ?esi,es this/ Zarathustra is
also the pre,ecessor o 2o!is2 i! philosophy. The irst pri!ciple o all thi!-s
he calle, 2o!a,/ a!, u!,er this ter2 he u!,erstoo, that/ 7hich i! itsel
co!tai!s all/ a!, 7hich at the sa2e ti2e is !ot co!tai!e, <y a!ythi!-. This
2o!is2 is see2i!-ly i! co!tra,ictio! 7ith the ,uality o t7o supre2e
pri!ciples i! Zarathustra;s reli-io! the creator Or2uE a!, ,estructi4e
spirit Ahri2a!. ?ut/ here/ there is !o real co!tra,ictio!/ <ecause these
co!trasts i!, resolutio! a!, reco!ciliatio! i! o!e hi-hest u!ity. I!
Zoroastris2/ Ahri2a! is !ot co!si,ere, as <or! o Go,/ !ot e4e! as the
;alle! a!-el;/ <ecause <y that/ Go, 7oul, <eco2e respo!si<le or e4il alo!e.
Ahri2a! is co!si,ere, as e!tirely i!,epe!,e!t e4il spirit/ 7ho 7a!ts to
,estroy the perectio! o Go,;s creatio!. I! spite o this see2i!- ,ualis2/ 7e
coul, co!si,er Zoroastris2 as 2o!otheistic reli-io!/ <ecause Or2uE is the
supre2e ,i4i!ity/ the creator o hea4e!/ earth a!, 2a!/ as 7ell as o ,i4i!e
<ei!-s/ that ca! <e co2pare, 7ith archa!-els a!, a!-els. This -o, is the
pri!ciple o truth a!, -oo,/ a!, <esi,e hi2 there are !o other -o,s.
Prophet Zarathustra tau-ht that this 7orl, is -oo, i! its esse!ce/ <ut the
attac8s o Ahri2a! ,o corrupt hi2. People ha4e their perso!al respo!sa<ility
to choose <et7ee! -oo, a!, e4il/ a!, accor,i!- to their ree 7ill i! choice
they 2a8e/ they 7ill <e Au,-e, o! the other 7orl,. I! Zoroastris2/ there is
the cos2ic <attle <et7ee! -oo, a!, e4il/ 7hich 7ill last or three thousa!,
years/ accor,i!- to the prophecyJ ater that/ the e4il 7ill <e ,estroye,/ a!,
Ahri2a! ,isa<le,/ a!, the! 7ill ta8e place the re!e7al o the creatio!. The
earth a!, hea4e! 7ill <e 2er-e, the!/ to create 7hat is <est i! <oth 7orl,s.
That 7oul, <e/ i! short/ the teachi!- o Zoroastris2. Zarathustra;s teachi!-/
i! act/ has its roots i! the a!cie!t reli-io! o I!,oira!ia!s Bor Arya!sC/
people that settle, i! I!,ia a!, Persia/ a<out 1""" ?'. O this reli-io! 7e
ca! -et o!ly the appro>i2ate picture/ <y co2pariso! 7ith De,as. There are
!u2erous co!or2ities 7ith &i!,u reli-io!/ 7hich still sur4i4e, i!
Zoroastris2/ <ut there are ,iere!ces too. As Aust o!e e>a2ple/ 7e ca! ta8e
7or, ;,o.e4a;/ 7hich i! sacre, script o Zoroastris2 ;A%esta' ,e!otes e4il
spirits/ 7hile i! &i!,u reli-io! ;,e4as; ha4e the 2ea!i!- o ,i4i!e spirits/
spirits o li-ht.
Zarathustra;s reli-io! passe, ro2 -e!eratio! to -e!eratio!/ <y oral
tra,itio!/ 7hile the irst atte2pts o syste2atic collectio! o ol, tra,itio!
too8 place ,uri!- the Parthia! ,y!asty/ 7hich rule, o4er Persia ro2 the
#!, ce!tury ?' to 1r, ce!tury A%. So it 7as 2a,e up ;A%esta', the sacre,
<oo8. I! the 2ost part o the <oo8 prophet Zarathustra is represe!te, i! a
2ythical 2a!!er/ as a 2a! e!,o7e, <y super!atural po7ers. &o7e4er/
closer to the real i-ure is part o the <oo8 that i!clu,es his eulo-ies/ gatha.
They are 2ost li8ely authe!tic Zarathustra;s 7or,s/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 the
rest o ;A%esta', 7here the 7or,s are o!ly ascri<e, to the prophet. I! the
eulo-ies gatha/ Zarathustra poi!ts at ,i4i!e 2ystical tra,itio! a!, he year!s
or acGuire2e!t o the ,i4i!e 8!o7le,-e. &e teaches that achie4e2e!t o
7hole!ess a!, i22ortality lea,s to e!li-hte!2e!t/ 7here o!e ca! -et the
8!o7le,-e o Go, alo!e. The relatio! <et7ee! 2a! a!, Go, is <ase, upo!
lo4e. To achie4e the pure lo4e o Go,/ it is !ecessary to ha4e i! 2i!,
Zarathustra;s 7or,sL HI year! or your i-ure a!, u!io! 7ith you/ co2e to 2e
alo!e a!, -ro7 i!si,e 2eI. )ro2 these Guotes/ o the sacre, <oo8 o
Zoroastris2/ o!e ca! see the i2porta!ce o 2ysticis2 or this reli-io!. The
purpose o 2a! is/ accor,i!- to that/ that he/ <y -oo, thou-ht/ air!ess a!,
piety/ throu-h the perectio! o his <ei!- u!ites hi2sel 7ith Go,.
1.#.1. Orpheus a!, Pytha-oras The )irst Mystical Philosophers o! the
Europea! Soil
Althou-h so2e co!si,er Pytha-oras the irst 2ystical philosopher o!
Europea! soil/ he 7as prece,e, <y the Orphics/ thou-h/ 2ystical sect !a2e,
ater 2ythical cha!ter Orpheus. A<out :"" ?' the Orphics sprea, secret
reli-ious teachi!- that pro2ise, eter!al <eatitu,e to o!es 7ho li4e,
ascetically/ a!, 7ho clea!se, the2sel4es o si!s <y re-ular participatio!s i!
2ysteries. This 2ystical reli-ious 2o4e2e!t spri!-s ro2 Trachia/ a!, it
7as asce!,i!- i! the course o :th ce!tury. The Orphics co!si,ere, their
2o4e2e!t to <e esta<lishe, perso!ally <y Orpheus/ so! o the 2use
Accor,i!- to the Gree8 2ytholo-y/ 7ith his cha!ti!- he 2a,e 7il, a!i2als
ta2e/ a!, also ha, the po7er o 2o4i!- trees a!, sto!es. Ater he lost his
<elo4e, 7o2a! Euri,ice/ he 7e!t to the u!,er-rou!,/ a!, touche, the -o,s
7ith his cha!t. They ,eci,e, to -i4e her <ac8 to hi2/ <ut u!,er o!e
co!,itio!/ that he ,oes !ot tur! to loo8 at her/ <eore they lea4e the
u!,er-rou!,. As he coul, !ot resist/ Orpheus loo8e, at her/ so she
re2ai!e, i! the u!,er-rou!, ore4er. The 2yth says also that Orpheus
ou!, ,eath i! Trachia/ a!, that he 7as tor! asu!,er <y Me!a,es
Bco2pa!io!s o -o, %io!ysiusC/ <ecause he oppose, to the or-ies o the -o,
o i!to>icatio! a!, ,eli-ht %io!ysius. That 7oul, <e all/ co!cer!i!- the
2yth. Ne4ertheless/ Orpheus 7as i! reality co!si,ere, as the ou!,er o !e7
reli-ious teachi!- a<out -o,s a!, reli-ious 2ysteries. This teachi!-/ e>cept
alrea,y 2e!tio!e, asceticis2/ also i!clu,e, the
So/ philosopher a!, 2athe2aticia! Pytha-oras ou!,e, a Guite particular
co22u!ity/ o scie!tiic a!, reli-ious.2ystical character/ i! $roto! i!
souther! Italy/ i! the seco!, hal o the :th ce!tury ?'. O7i!- to the lac8 o
7ritte! 7or8s <y Pytha-oras/ a!, also <ecause o secret acti!- o his
co22u!ity/ 8!o7le,-e o acts a<out his lie a!, 7or8 coul, !ot <e ta8e!
7ith ce!t per ce!t certai!ty. Althou-h there are his <io-raphies pe!!e, up
<y a!cie!t authors/ 7ho use, i2porta!t ori-i!al 7or8s/ yet to hi2 7ere
ascri<e, ,i4i!e epithets/ so i!ally it 7as har, to e>tract historical acts ro2
the le-e!,. I! a!y case/ his perso!ality re2ai!e, shrou,e, <y 4eil o 2ystery
u!til !o7a,ays.
I! his youth Pytha-oras acGuire, a! e>traor,i!ary 8!o7le,-e. O!e o the
2ost i2porta!t teachers o hi2 7as Phere8y,es o Syros/ 7ho 7as
cos2o-rapher a!, o!e o the irst Gree8 prose 7riters. &ere are also t7o
philosophers ro2 Miletus/ Thales a!, A!a>i2a!,er/ 7ho i!tro,uce, you!-
Pytha-oras i! philosophy a!, i! 2athe2atics/ a!, cos2olo-y as 7ell. They
-a4e hi2 a,4ice to tra4el to E-ypt/ to perect a!, ,eepe! his 8!o7le,-e/ <y
priests li4i!- there. Pytha-oras o<eye, this a!, a<out 616 ?' 7e!t to E-ypt.
The ruler o Sa2os/ Polycrates/ i! those ti2es 2ai!tai!e, so2e 8i!, o
allia!ce 7ith E-ypt a!, accor,i!-ly/ <ecause he 7as i! i!ti2ate Bor at least
rie!,lyC relatio!s 7ith e>celle!cy li4i!- there/ he se!t a letter o cre,e!ce or
Pytha-oras. Althou-h so2e reports tell that Pytha-oras 4isite, 2a!y te2ples
a!, tal8e, 7ith 2a!y priests/ accor,i!- to Porphyry/ the philosopher 7as
allo7e, to e!ter Aust o!e te2ple/ that o!e i! %iospolis. There he 7as/ as
Porphyry says/ i!itiate, i!to a priest. Ma!y later Pytha-orasM <elie4es a!,
teachi!-s/ 7he! he ca2e to Italy/ 7ere u!,er ,irect i!lue!ce o 8!o7le,-e
a!, custo2s that he acGuire, ,uri!- his stay i! E-ypt. A2o!- the rest/ here
are or e>a2ple rule o secrecy/ reusal o co!su2i!- <ea!s/ a!, o the
a!i2als; 2eat as 7ell/ also prohi<itio! o 7eari!- clothes 2a,e o a!i2als;
leather/ urther2ore/ aspiratio! to7ar, purity/ so i! co!su22atio! o oo,
a!, ,ri!8s/ as i! the 2oral se!se. @he! i! 6#6 Persia co!Guere, E-ypt/
Pytha-oras/ happe!i!- to <e there/ 7as ta8e! capti4e a!, carrie, a7ay to
?a<ylo!. &o7e4er/ there Pytha-oras i! act ,eepe!e, his 8!o7le,-e 2ore
still/ <ecause he a2iliariEe, 7ith Persia! priests.2a-is. &e lear!e, ro2
the2 secret rituals/ a!, also a<out the 2ystical o<eisa!ce to -o,s. &e
li8e7ise perecte, his 8!o7le,-e o 2athe2atics a!, 2usic. Ater <ei!-
release, ro2 the capti4ity/ a<out 6#" ?'/ Pytha-oras ,i, !ot stay or lo!-
o! his !ati4e isla!, Sa2os. It see2s that rulers li4i!- there ,isli8e, his
philosophical teachi!-s/ so he set out to $roto!/ i! souther! Italy. There he
ou!,e, a philosophical.reli-ious school/ 7ith 2a!y ollo7ers.
Me2<ers o Pytha-oras school ollo7e, the rule o secrecy/ a!, o7i!- to
co22u!itaria! character o the sect/ it is ,iicult to ,iscer! the 7or8s o
Pytha-oras hi2sel ro2 the 7or8s o his ,isciples. Me2<ers o co22u!ity;s
!arro7 circle/ so calle, $athe$atioi/ ollo7e, 2ore se4ere rules tha! 7i,er
circle o ollo7ers. They li4e, all the ti2e i!si,e the co22u!ity/ they ,i, !ot
ha4e perso!al <elo!-i!-s a!, they 7ere 4e-etaria!s. ?elie o Pytha-oras
i!clu,e, e7 <asic pri!ciples/ a2o!- others/ or e>a2ple/ that the reality is
o! its ,eepest le4el o 2athe2atical !atureJ that philosophy is the 2ea! o
spiritual puriicatio!J that soul ca! asce!, to the u!io! 7ith ,i4i!ity Bi!
7hat is relecte, the 2ystical character o their philosophyCJ that certai!
sy2<ols ha4e 2ystical 2ea!i!-/ a!, that all 2e2<ers o <rotherhoo, ha4e
to o<ey strictly the rules o loyalty a!, secrecy.
Pytha-oras <elie4e, that all the relatio!s i! the u!i4erse ca! <e re,uce, to
relatio! <et7ee! !u2<ers. &is a2ous sayi!- isL HAll thi!-s are !u2<ersI.
Accor,i!- to Pytha-oras/ opposite to cha!-ea<le thi!-s o e>perie!ce/
2athe2atical co!cei4i!- co!te!ts ,e!ote ti2eless/ pere!!ial/ i22o4a<le/
a>io2atic characteristics. Accor,i!- to Ale>a!,er Polyhistoria!/ Gree8
eru,ite scholar ro2 the 1st ce!tury ?'/ or Pytha-oras/ the pri!ciple o all
thi!-s 7as 2o!a,/ ro2 7hich ollo7s the ,ya,/ a!, ro2 it !u2<ers. )ro2
the !u2<ers ollo7e, poi!ts/ li!es/ suraces a!, <o,ies/ that all co!sist o
our esse!tial ele2e!tsL ire/ 7ater/ earth a!, air. Pytha-oras; philosophy o
!u2<ers -a4e 2ystical attri<utes to !u2erical relatio!s/ so or e>a2ple
!u2<er 1" ,e!ote, the co2prehe!si4e/ -e!eral/ i,eal har2o!y. I! 2usic/
Pytha-oras ,isco4ere, that o! ,iere!t i!stru2e!ts 4i<rati!- stri!-s 2a8e
har2o!ic to!es/ 7he! the ratio <et7ee! stri!-sM le!-th are 7hole !u2<ers.
&ar2o!ic accor,a!ce prese!te, the <asic pri!ciple o Pytha-orea!s/ a!, it
ou!, applicatio! !ot o!ly i! 2usic/ <ut i! the e!tire creatio!. &e
co!si,ere, the creatio! as u!iGue/ co2prehe!si4e a!, i!te-ral totality/ the
7hole i! 7hich all thi!-s 7ere i!terlace, a!, i!terco!!ecte,. Accor,i!- to
Pytha-orea! teachi!-s Hu!i4erse a!, 2a!/ 2acrocos2 a!, 2icrocos2 are
<ase, upo! the sa2e har2o!ic relatio!sI. I! his philosophical teachi!-
Pytha-oras also stoo, up or opi!io! that the ,y!a2ic o the structure o the
7orl, is ,epe!,e!t o! the i!teractio!s o co!trarietiesJ he o<ser4e, the soul
as i22o4a<le !u2<er that passes throu-h the or2s o 2eta2psychosis/ or
series o rei!car!atio!s/ i! 4arious 8i!,s/ to the i!al puriicatio!J
Pytha-oras also tau-ht that all the e>isti!- thi!-s are i! their esse!ce 2a,e
o or2/ a!, !ot 2aterial su<sta!ce.
'o!cer!i!- reli-io!/ Pytha-oras also stoo, or so2e 8i!, o reor2er/
<ecause he or<a,e <loo, oeri!-s to -o,s. &e hel, that 2a! 2ust !ot
e!treat to -o,s/ <ecause it is o<li-atio! o e4ery 2a! to <e 7orthy o aith.
&e li8e7ise hel, that 2a! 2ust e>press his -ratitu,e to -o,s <y cha!ti!-
hy2!s to the2. Pytha-oras 4ie7e, the Su!/ the Moo!/ a!, the pla!ets as
,eities/ <ecause i! the2 pre,o2i!ates the heat. ?y 2a!;s participatio!/ i!
this heat it is sho7! a relatio!ship <et7ee! 2a! a!, -o,s. The heat is/
accor,i!- to Pytha-oras/ the 2a!iestatio! o all li4i!- <ei!-s/ 7hile the soul
is i22ortalJ the 2ost i2porta!t thi!- i! people;s lie is to o<li-e their soul to
,o 7hat is -oo,.
1.#.#. Pre.Socratics/ Socrates a!, Plato
&eraclitus o Ephesus approache, B7ith his teachi!- a<out ire as the irst
ele2e!tC 2o,er! u!,ersta!,i!- o e!er-y/ that tra!sor2s hersel i!to
2atter a!, 4ice 4ersa. The philosopher 7as <or! a<out 616 ?' i! Ephesus/
to7! that 7as i! i22e,iate pro>i2ity o Pytha-oras; !ati4e Sa2os. )ro2
preser4e, ra-2e!ts o his o!ly 7or8 O! the &ature it is o<4ious that he has
!ot Guite appreciate, Pytha-oras/ as he calls hi2 ;-ra!,ather o ,elu,ers;/
a!, his o2!iscie!ce he calls ;a! e4il 2astership;. I! all li8elihoo, so2e o
Pytha-oras; ,isciples 2a,e a <a, i2pressio! o! hi2J 7ith philosopher
hi2sel he ,i, !ot 2eet/ al2ost or certai!/ as Pytha-oras has let his !ati4e
isla!, 7he! &eraclitus 7as still a <oy. %io-e!es Laertius ,epicts &eraclitus
as a!ceite, 2a!/ 7ho o<ser4e, his surrou!,i!-s 7ith co!te2pt. &e
reuse, to participate i! pu<lic lie/ 7ith,ra7 hi2sel to Arte2is te2ple/ a!,
i!ally <e-a! to hate peopleJ he e4e!tually 7e!t to the 2ou!tai!s a!, there
li4e, as a her2it/ ee,i!- hi2sel 7ith pla!ts a!, her<s.
&is 7or8 On &ature, o!ly ra-2e!tarily preser4e,/ is 7ritte! i! such
la!-ua-e/ that it allo7s ,iere!t i!terpretatio!s. %io-e!es Laertius says that
philosopher too8 pai!s to 7rite it as 4a-ue as possi<le/ that it coul, <e
u!,erstoo, o!ly <y his true ollo7ers. So the 7or8 o &eraclitus the %ar8 Bas
he 7as calle,C let roo2 or ,ia2etrically opposite i!terpretatio!sJ or
e>a2ple Le!i! praises hi2/ hol,i!- hi2 or Ha 4ery -oo, e>positor o
,ialectic 2aterialis2I. O! the other ha!,/ The 'nc(clopedia o! )(stics
spea8s a<out the 2ystical a!, 4isio!ary te2pera2e!t/ 7hich is relecte, i!
the 7or8/ a!, says that &eraclitus e>presses hi2sel o! the pla!e o
reli-ious a!, 2ysterious ecstasy a!, ,eli-ht. Althou-h the philosopher o
Ephesus ha, a critical relatio! to7ar, Pytha-oras/ it is o<4ious that there
are co!4er-i!- poi!ts i! their teachi!-/ irst o all it is the teachi!- o the
u!iGue 7hole o i!terco!!ecte, thi!-s/ a!, also the teachi!- a<out o!e all.
e!co2passi!- a!, i,eal har2o!y. I! &eraclitus; teachi!-/ Aust 7hat 2atters
is the !otio! o the 7hole. BHI you liste!/ !ot to 2ysel/ <ut Lo-os/ it is 7ise
to a,2it that all is o!e.IC The 7hole cha!-es i!to the ire/ 7hich is i! all
thi!-s/ she is the o!e/ i! the 2ultitu,e it is ,isti!-uishe, throu-h pairs o
opposites/ a!, i!,i4i,ual soul is relectio! o the 2o4e2e!t o the 7hole.
Esse!tial characteristic o &eraclitus; teachi!- is also a co2<i!atio! o
reli-ious 4ie7poi!t o the 7orl, 7ith tryi!- to ,escri<e scie!tiically the
u!i4ersal or,er/ i! 7hich he 7as a2o!- the irst.
So &eraclitus i!lue!ce, 2a!y/ a2o!- others also E2pe,ocles/ philosopher
7ho ori-i!ates ro2 to7! Acra-as o! Sicily. &e spri!-s ro2 a! e2i!e!t
a2ily/ 7hich -a4e Oly2pic 7i!!ers. To,ay/ a<out his -lory spea8s the !a2e
o !ei-h<ori!- s2all to7!/ calle, ater hi2 Porto E2pe,ocle. The
philosopher 7as <or! i! 031 ?'/ i! the to7! !ot ar ro2 $roto!/ 7here
Pytha-oras ha, esta<lishe, his school. It is Guite certai! that he ca2e i!to
co!tact 7ith Pytha-oras; ollo7ers a!, that he ha, <ee! u!,er their
i!lue!ce/ a!, also 7ith Par2e!i,es a!, Eleatic School. The esse!ce o his
teachi!- is the i!teractio! <et7ee! the our <asic ele2e!ts Bearth/ 7ater/ air
a!, ireC u!,er the i!lue!ce o lo4e a!, hate. Throu-h lo4e all the thi!-s
u!ite the2sel4es i!to the O!e a!, ater7ar,s a-ai! they ,i4i,e the2sel4es/
u!,er the i!lue!ce o hate. Go, is 2a!ieste,/ accor,i!- to E2pe,ocles/ i!
2ultior2 thi!-s/ 7hich are 2a!ieste, throu-h the our ele2e!ts/ 7hile
throu-h lo4e there co2es a-ai! the u!io! 7ith the O!e/ i! 7hich is relecte,
2ystical character o E2pe,ocles; philosophy.
O Socrates/ 7e ,o !ot posses a!y 7ritte! 7or8/ <ecause he co!si,ere, that
<oo8 ca!!ot <e a su<stitutio! or the li4e co!4ersatio!. @e ca! reach his
thou-ht i! the i!,irect 7ay/ throu-h the 7riti!-s o Plato/ Ne!opho!t a!,
Aristotle. Socrates; character is <est ,epicte, throu-h Plato;s early ,ialo-ues
li8e Apolog( or *rito. Socrates 7as the oppo!e!t o sophists a!, their
relati4is2 o truth. I! relatio! to philosophers o the !ature/ he <rou-ht i!to
the ocus 2a! a!, ethics. Socrates; ratio!alistic ethics relies o! ,i4i!e
2ystical i!!er 4oice/ dai$on, a 4oice that rules o4er our li4es; actio!s.
Socrates; theses 7ere 7or8e, out <y his 2ost a2ous ,isciple Plato/
accor,i!- to 2a!y/ the -reatest o the philosophers o the classical perio,.
&e 7as <or! i! 0#7 ?' i! Athe!s/ a!, accor,i!- to so2e/ i! E-i!a. &is irst
teacher 7as 'ratylus/ <ut the tur!i!- poi!t i! his lie 7as the e!cou!ter
7ith Socrates i! 0"7 ?'J o4er the !e>t ei-ht years he 7as his 2ost ,e4ote,
,isciple. )or so2e reaso! Plato has all his thou-hts ascri<e,/ to 7it/ put i!
2outh o Socrates. O the philosophers 7ho ha, i2pact o! Plato/ 7orth
2e!tio!i!- are also &eraclitus a!, Pytha-oras. &is <asic teachi!- reers to
the 7or, o i,eas. &e co!si,ers the 4isi<le 7orl, o!ly as i2perect relectio!
o the 7orl, o i,eas/ 7hich is o4er.phe!o2e!al. &is <asic 2etho, is
,ialectics/ or the art o ,ialo-ue. The ai2 o the plato!ic co!4ersatio! is to
co2e to the esse!ce o thi!-s/ to pure a!, !o!.co!tra,ictory ter2/ <y
co!ro!tatio! o <elie4es a!, opi!io!s/ <y ,ispro4i!- a!, 4eriyi!-. The
i!lue!ce o &eraclitus ca! <e see! i! Plato;s u!,ersta!,i!- o 2ultitu,e as
the u!ity/ or e>a2ple i! Ti$aeus. Pytha-oras; i!lue!ce ca! <e see! ro2
Plato;s e4aluatio! o 2athe2atical thi!8i!-/ 7hich is co!si,ere, as the
preparatio! or philosophy. Geo2etrical shapes a!, !u2<ers he percei4e,
as 2e,iators <et7ee! the se!siti4e 7orl, a!, the 7orl, o i,eas. A! e>a2ple
or this 7e see i! Ti$aeus, 7here Plato e>plai!s the structure o the 7orl,;s
soul/ throu-h the 2e,iu2 o !u2erical relatio!s thereore/ throu-h
2athe2atics a!, -eo2etry he trie, to u!,ersta!, the la7s that rule i! 2a!
a!, u!i4erse/ i! 2icrocos2 a!, 2acrocos2.
Plato 7as i! 2a!y aspects ori-i!al thi!8er/ althou-h u!,er the i!lue!ce o
the aore2e!tio!e, philosophers. As %io-e!es Laertius Guotes/ he 7as the
irst 7ho e>pose, his teachi!- i! a or2 o ,ialo-ic 2etho,/ the irst 7ho
e>plai!e, the a!alytic 2etho, o the research/ a!, he also use, irst
e>pressio!s li8e ;a!tipo,es;/ ;ele2e!t;/ ,ialectics;/ Guality;/ ;recta!-ular
!u2<er;. Plato 7as the irst i! yet a!other 2atter. Na2ely/ he 7as the irst
philosopher 7ho trie, to realiEe i! practice the utopia! 4isio! o the i,eal
state/ 7hich pri!ciples he ,eli!eates theoretically i! his 7or8 Repu"lic. This
te!tati4e 7as i! co!!ectio! 7ith Plato;s Aour!eys to Sicily a!, his stay i!
isla!,;s city.state Syracuse. )or the irst ti2e he 7e!t there ater the
i!4itatio! ro2 %io!/ the !ephe7 a!, colla<orator o Syracusea! tyra!t
%io!ysus I/ i! the year 133 ?'. Plato trie, as his teacher/ to 7i! o4er his
,isciple or his i,ea o ruli!- the i,eal state. %io!ysus ha, suspecte, that
they or-e the co!spiracy/ so he ,eporte, the philosopher to E-i!a/ 7here he
<eca2e a sla4e. &e 7as li<erate, ro2 the sla4ery <y a! a,2irer !a2e,
A!iciri,es/ 7ho happe!e, to <e there <y cha!ce/ a!, 7ho pai, ra!so2 or
@he! i! the !e>t year he retur!e, to Athe!s/ Plato esta<lishe, his a2ous
Aca,e2y/ a!, o4er the !e>t t7e!ty years he has <ee! its hea,. %uri!- that
ti2e he co2pose, the scripts o his late phase/ li8e #haedo, Repu"lic, +II-,-,
#haedrus, S($posiu$. I! the year 1:7 ?'/ ater the ,eath o Syracusea!
tyra!t/ %io! a-ai! i!4ite, Plato to Sicily. This ti2e he a!ta-o!iEe, 7ith
tyra!t;s so! %io!ysus II/ 7ho capture, hi2 a!, 8ept i! priso! or a 7hile/
a!, the! allo7e, hi2 to retur! to Athe!s. Plato 7as attracte, <y the i,ea o
realiEatio! o a perect state Aust i! Syracuse/ <ecause she represe!te, i! the
irst hal o 0th ce!tury ?' the lea,i!- to7! o! Sicily/ a!, also a -reat !a4al
a!, la!, po7er. At the e!, o his lie/ ,isappoi!te, <ecause o the ailure o
his te!tati4e i! realiEi!- his i,ea/ <ut also 8!o7i!- <etter hu2a!
7ea8!esses a!, aults a!, o<Aecti4e social possi<ilities/ he ha, to a,2it/
that a! i,eal state is i2practica<le/ u!,er the co!,itio!s o that ti2e. @or8
The .a/s is a ruit o his late perio,/ a!, i! it e2phasis is o! the i,ea o
Austice. Plato 7e!t to Sicily o!ce a-ai!/ i! 1:1 ?'/ 7here he spe!t our
yearsJ 7he! %io! ha, alle! as a 4icti2 o co!spiracy/ i! the co!lict 7ith
,e2ocratic oppositio!/ he ,ei!itely retur!e, to Athe!s/ 7here he ,e4ote,
hi2sel to teachi!- a!, co!,ucti!- o the Aca,e2y/ u!til his ,eath.
As the 'nc(clop0die des $(sti1ues +The 'nc(clopedia o! )(stics- Guotes/ a
2ystical threa, ,ra7s throu-h the 7hole Plato;s 7or8/ as a solutio! a!,
i!al respo!se to the ce!tral pro<le2 o 2a!. Mystical ele2e!ts are prese!t
i! so2e 7or8s to a -reater/ a!, i! so2e 7or8s to a lesser ,e-ree. @or8s
especially characteriEe, <y their 2ysticis2 are #ar$enides, #haedrus,
Ti$aeus, a!, pro<a<ly 2ost o all i! S($posiu$. The 7or8 #ar$enides has
a! esse!tial i2porta!ce or the later 2ystical philosophy/ i! the irst place
or the Neo.Plato!is2. The ce!tral pro<le2 is the O!e/ u!i4ersal cause o
e4erythi!-. Plato;s #ar$enides, 7he! ,iscussi!- <ei!-s/ co!si,ers that they
ha4e their esse!ce ro2 the O!e. ?e-i!!i!- 7ith Ploti!us/ all the later Neo.
Plato!ists 7ill up-ra,e this teachi!- i! so2e 7ay. I! #haedrus, i22ortal
soul rule o4er that/ 7hich is ,epri4e, o soul/ her 2ai! characteristic is
2o4e2e!t. @ith her 7i!-s/ soul to7ers up to the hei-hts o ,i4i!e/ 7here
there are !o <ase possessi4e i2pulses/ <ut 7here air2e, the i,e!tity.
Ti$aeus tells us a<out the ,e2iur-e/ 7ho i! his e!,less -oo,!ess 2a,e the
4isi<le 7orl,/ a!, e!,o7 hi2 7ith soul a!, 2i!,/ so he is accor,i!-ly a
li4i!- <ei!-. Go, arra!-e, proportio!ally our ele2e!ts/ creati!- ro2 the2
a har2o!y. Plato calls the soul Bha4i!- her share i! the 2i!, a!, har2o!yC
the <est o all the create, thi!-s. &ar2o!y o soul a!, <o,y/ as the u!ity o
opposites/ realiEes itsel <y the u!iti!- po7er o the hi-her pri!ciple. It is
so2eti2es ,e!ote, as the Mi!, or Lo-os/ a!, so2eti2es as Eros. I!
S($posiu$ Plato says that Eros is !ot o!ly i! hu2a! souls/ <ut he e>ists i!
,iere!t e!tities/ i! <o,ies o li4i!- <ei!-s/ i! pla!ts a!, trees/ i! o!e 7or,/
i! e4erythi!- that li4es. This perceptio! co2es ro2 2e,ici!e/ the scie!ce
that i! Plato;s ti2e Hpercei4e, ho7 Go, is so e>alte, a!, 2ar4elous/ Go,
that per2eates the 7hole u!i4erse/ i!clu,i!- the !ature o 2e! a!, ,eitiesI.
O all ,eities/ Eros is the closest to 2a!/ he is really ally o the 2a!8i!,. &e
i,e!tiies hi2sel 7ith the !otio! o -oo,/ <ecause Hapart ro2 -oo,/ there is
!o other o<Aect o 2a!;s erosI. Plato;s 2ysticis2 ,oes !ot co2prehe!, the
u!io! o 2a! 7ith the supre2e -o,.'reator/ <ut the 7hole relatio! <et7ee!
the ,eity a!, 2a!/ i! actual e>iste!ce or i! ,rea2s/ happe!s throu-h the
se2i.,i4i!e/ to 7it Eros. The -o, o lo4e represe!ts a <i!, <et7ee! the
2ortal a!, i22ortal/ 7hereas lo4e i! itsel is the a2al-a2atio! o opposites.
1.#.1. Reli-ious Mysticis2 o the Stoic 'lea!thes
I! the !e>t/ 1r, ce!tury ?'/ i! the @est Bthat is/ i! the a!cie!t GreeceC
!othi!- o i2porta!ce happe!e,/ as 7ell i! the ce!turies that ollo7e,/ at
least as re-ar,s 2ystical philosophy. I! ti2es that ollo7e, ater Aristotle;s
,eath/ <y the e!, o the 0th a!, <e-i!!i!- o the 1r, ce!tury ?'/ Gree8
philosophy 7as split i!to 7hole ra!-e o ractio!s/ althou-h the process o
ato2iEatio! <e-a! earlier. )or e>a2ple/ there 7ere acti4e so calle, ;Socratic
schools; Me-aric/ 'y!ic a!, 'ire!aic/ the! Epicurus; school/ 7hich
co!ti!ue, o! the teachi!-s o %e2ocritus/ a!, Stoic school/ 7hich
co!ti!ue, o! the teachi!- o 'y!ics. The ou!,er o Stoic school 7as Ze!o o
'itiu2/ a!, the teachi!- co!siste, o three 2ai! partsL lo-ic/ physics a!,
ethics. Althou-h the Stoic teachi!- 7as to a co!si,era<le e>te!t ratio!alistic
a!, 2aterialistic/ yet <y Ze!o;s successor 'lea!thes there is percepti<le
i!lue!ce o 2ystical ele2e!ts/ a!, especially i! his 2($n to Zeus.
Gree8 philosopher 'lea!thes/ <or! a<out 111 ?' i! Assus i! Ly,ia/ 7as a
poet/ a!, o poor ori-i!. So %io-e!es Laertius !otes that he pu2pe, the
7ater to -ar,e!s ro2 the 7ell <y !i-ht/ a!, <y ,ay he practice, i! scie!tiic
,e<ates. Ater Ze!o;s ,eath he too8 o4er the -ui,a!ce o the Stoic school a!,
7rote a ra!-e o 7or8s/ o 7hich o!ly the 2e!tio!e, 2($n to Zeus 7as
preser4e,. 'lea!thes co!si,ere, the u!i4erse as li4i!- <ei!- a!, spo8e that
Go, is the soul o the u!i4erse/ a!, Su! his heart. The ou!,er o Stoic
school Ze!o i! his <oo8 On )an's &ature set as the i!al ai2 Hlie i!
co!so!a!ce 7ith !atureI. Ater Stoics/ our hu2a! !atures are parts o the
!ature o the 7hole u!i4erse. It is !ecessary/ accor,i!-ly/ to a<stai! ro2
e4ery actio! !ot allo7e, <y the reaso!/ 7hich per2eates all the thi!-s/ a!,
is i,e!tical 7ith Zeus alo!e. Stoic 'hryssipus u!,erstoo, !ature/ 7ith 7hich
our lie 2ust <e i! co!so!a!ce/ as the hi-her !ature o 2a!/ 7hile
'lea!thes/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 hi2/ co!si,ere, that o!ly the !ature o the
u!i4erse is o!e 7e ha4e to respect/ a!, i! accor,a!ce 7ith 7hich 7e 2ust
act. This respect to7ar, the u!i4erse a!, Go,/ as his soul/ especially is
e>presse, i! li!es o 2($n to Zeus3 HThe 7hole u!i4erse/ spi!!i!- arou!,
the earthK -oes 7here4er you lea, a!, it is 7illi!-ly -ui,e, <y youI.
'lea!thes also ele4ates the u!ity o all the create, thi!-s/ -oo, as 7ell as
<a,/ i! o!e eter!al Lo-os/ as the La7 o the 7orl, a!, Go,;s creati4e
thou-ht. Philosopher prays altruistically/ or those 7ho s7er4e,/ to rescue
the2 ro2 the pai!ul i-!ora!ce/ that they coul, pay hi2 respect. ?ecause/
Hthere is !o -reater -lory or 2e!K or or -o,s the! to Austly praise the
u!i4ersal @or, o Reaso!I.
1.#.0. Represe!tati4e o the Stoic Mo!is2 Posi,o!ius
%uri!- the #!, a!, 1st ce!tury ?' ca2e o! a perio, o ,eca,e!ce i! Gree8
philosophy/ ater Gree8 to7!s.states lost their political i!,epe!,e!ce/ u!,er
Mace,o!ia! rule. The ce!ter o Gree8 philosophy is !ot Athe!s a!y2ore/ <ut
the ocus is 2o4e, to Ale>a!,ria/ a!, also to Ro2e/ capital o the -reat state
i! e>pa!sio!. So/ it is !ote, that the irst Gree8 philosophers/ 7ho <rou-ht
their teachi!- to Ro2e 7ere Peripatetic 'ritolaus/ Aca,e2icia! 'ar!ea,es
a!, Stoic %io-e!es o ?a<ylo!. They ca2e upo! a hostile attitu,e o a
co!sul 'ato/ a!, they 7ere ,ri4e! out o Ro2e/ <ut si!ce there 7ere also
so2e a,2irers o Gree8 culture a2o!- Ro2a!s/ li8e Scipio Ae2ilia!us/
Stoic Pa!aetius 7as soo! allo7e, to e>pose his teachi!- reely i! e2pire;s
Pa!aetius; ,isciple Posi,o!ius B<. 116 ?'C althou-h <ei!- represe!tati4e o
Stoic 2o!is2 a!, 2aterialis2 i! his teachi!- ha, also a certai! 2ystical
trait. &e co2pare, the u!i4erse 7ith a tree/ 7hich lie source is i! its roots.
The 7orl, is/ accor,i!- to hi2/ rule, <y reaso! a!, pro4i,e!ce/ i! so 2uch
reaso! pe!etrates i!to all o his parts/ si2ilarly to the soul 7hich is i! us.
Li8e 'hryssipus a!, 'lea!thes/ he teaches that the 7orl, is li4i!- <ei!-/
that posses its i!telli-e!ce.
1.#.6. Miracle.7or8er Apollo!ius o Tya!a
Plato!ist 'elsus i! his 7or8 True Word attac8s harshly 'hristia!ity/ a!,
,epicts =esus as ille-iti2ate chil, o a poor =e7ish 7o2a!. Accor,i!- to this
Pa-a! author/ =esus 7e!t as 4ery you!- i! E-ypt/ 7here he acGuire, certai!
2a-ical po7ersJ he 7as 4ery prou, o the2/ a!, 7he! he retur!e, ho2e he
heral,e, to all that he is -o,. &e<re7 Tal$ud co!4eys the story o the
prophet =eshua the NaEare!e/ 7ho2 authorities ,i, ha!-/ o! the e4e o the
cele<ratio! o Pasha/ <ecause he Hpursue, sorcery/ se,uce, a!, ,i4i,e,
=e7sI. Accor,i!- to the $ura!/ =esus 7as Aust a Go,;s ,eputyJ =e7s ,i, !ot
8ill hi2 <y crucii>io!/ <ut it OAust appeare, to the2P/ they Aust sur2ise,
a<out it/ 7ere i! ,ou<t/ a!, ,i, !ot 8!o7 a!ythi!- trust7orthy a<out it.
So2e o the !e7er historia!s li8e ?ru!o ?auer/ Arthur %re7s or $arl
$auts8i ,ispute,/ that =esus e4er li4e, at all. All the aore2e!tio!e,
opi!io!s/ as 7e see/ ,ia2etrically ,ier a2o!- the2/ so =esus 'hrist/ the
ou!,er o 'hristia!ity/ is surely the 2ost co!tro4ersial perso!ality i!
history o reli-io!/ a!, 2ay<e as 7ell i! the e!tire history.
EGually co!tro4ersial perso!ality/ althou-h <y ar less 8!o7!/ is !eo.
pytha-orea! Apollo!ius o Tya!a/ prophet a!, 2iracle.7or8er/ =esus;
co!te2porary <or! a<out the sa2e ti2e/ a e7 years <eore the !e7 era. I!
Apollo!ius; <io-raphy/ 7ritte! <y Gree8 rhetoricia! Philostratus/ so2e sa7 a
te!tati4e o co!structi!- a Pa-a! ri4al to =esus 'hrist. The others/ o! the
co!trary/ thi!8 that he is i! act <i<lical =esus/ thir, i,e!tiy hi2 7ith Paul
o Tarsus/ a!, ourth 7ith Apollo/ 2e!tio!e, i! Acts +45, 67-65-. I!
Philostratus; 7or8 ca! <e percei4e, 2a!y si2ilarities/ 7ith the lie o =esus
,escri<e, i! Gospels. )or i!sta!ceL Apollo!ius; <irth 7as a!!ou!ce, <y a!
archa!-elJ 7he! he 7as t7el4e he 7e!t to Tarsus i! 'ilicia/ or a schooli!-
Ba!, Tarsus is Paul;s <irthplaceCJ he 7e!t ro2 o!e place to a!other
preachi!- a!, heali!- people Bhe retur!e, si-ht to <li!,/ retur!e, to lie a
you!- -irlC/ a!, peror2e, e>orcis2J he 7as e>pose, to attac8s o his
e!e2ies/ althou-h he ha, al7ays ,o!e -oo,J he 7as accuse, or practici!-
sorcery a!, ille-al artJ he 7e!t 4olu!tarily to e2peror %o2itia! to Ro2e/
7ho 7a!te, to e>ecute hi2/ a!, i!ally/ ater his ,eath he appeare, i!
2iraculous 7ay to his ,isciples %a2is a!, %e2etrius. Philostratus cites
se4eral 7or8s that Apollo!ius o Tya!a 7rote/ <ut 7hich ho7e4er/ ha4e !ot
<ee! preser4e,. They are The )(stic Rites, The Oracles, The .i!e o!
#(thagoras, The Will o! Apollonius a!, A 2($n to )e$or(. @or8 The .i!e o!
#(thagoras is also cite, <y Gree8 philosopher Porphyry/ 7hile Ia2<lichus
e4e! Guotes ro2 it. The esse!ce o Apollo!ius; teachi!- ca! <e epito2iEe,/
ater the 7or,s o R.@. ?er!ar,L H&is ai2 7as to co!4ert the thi!8i!- o
priests a!, lay2e! ro2 outer or2s o reli-iosity/ ro2 rituals a!, sacriices
to i!!er 2ea!i!-s/ a!, to cha!-e i,olatry 7ith 2ystical u!ity 7ith Go,/ 7ho
,7ells i!si,eI.
1.#.:. Plutarch;s Isis and Osiris
Gree8 historia! a!, philosopher Plutarch B<or! i! 0: A% i! 'haero!eaC 7as
at the sa2e ti2e a priest at %elphy te2ple. &e co!si,ere, that 2a! ele4ates
hi2sel to Go, throu-h lo4e to7ar, all the <ei!-s/ a!, that is the irst ru!-
o! s la,,er/ <y 7hich 2a! asce!,s to ,eity. Plutarch;s philosophy i! its
esse!ce is Plato!ic/ i!ter7ea4e, 7ith Stoic/ Pytha-orea! a!, Peripatetic
Ater he e!,e, his stu,ies i! 2athe2atics a!, philosophy/ this Gree8
philosopher starte, se4eral ti2es or Ro2e/ 7here he hel, lectures i!
philosophy/ a!, i! all the li8elihoo, he <eca2e acGuai!te, 7ith Ro2a!
e2perors TraAa! a!, &a,ria!. Althou-h he tra4ele, a lot/ his usual ,7elli!-
place 7as his ho2eto7!/ 'haero!ea/ i! Gree8 pro4i!ce ?eotia. There he
peror2e, i2porta!t pu<lic oice/ <y city authorities/ a!, at the sa2e ti2e
co!,ucte, a school/ i! 7hich e,ucatio! 7as co2prehe!si4e/ 7ith e2phasis
o! philosophy/ a!, especially o! ethics. )ro2 the year 96 u!til his ,eath he
7as a priest i! %elphi/ place !ot ar ro2 his ho2eto7!. &e 7as a pro2oter
o reli-ious re!e7al a!, retur! to the tra,itio! o Gree8 past. As a priest o
Pythea! Apollo he <elie4e, i! eter!al Go,;s a!!ou!ce2e!t/ at the sa2e ti2e
!ot reco-!iEi!- the a<solute reli-ious authority. Accor,i!-ly/ his reli-ious
4ie7 is u!i4ersalistic/ si!ce -o,s that ,iere!t !atio!s respect u!,er
,iere!t !a2es are i! esse!ce the sa2e/ 7ith the sa2e pro4i,e!ce that rule
o4er the2.
Plutarch;s literary le-acy is really e!or2ous/ 7ith total o ##7 titles/ a!, his
2ost 8!o7! 7or8 is #arallel .i%es, i! 7hich he ,epicte, <io-raphies o o!e
a2ous Gree8 a!, o!e Ro2a!/ as a co2pariso!. This <oo8 ha, or its ai2
pro2oti!- o 2utual respect <et7ee! Gree8s a!, Ro2a!s/ a!, also/ <y
e2phasiEi!- o their 4irtues a!, 7or8s/ to ser4e as or2 patter! o
e>e2plary <eha4ior. A2o!- Plutarch;s literary patri2o!y/ a! i2porta!t
place ta8es also a collectio! o arou!, :" essays/ u!,er the title )oralia.
This collectio! i!clu,es popular e,ucatio!al treatises 7ritte! pre,o2i!a!tly
i! a or2 o ,ialo-ues a!, ,iatri<es/ o ,iere!t iel,sL reli-io!/ philosophy/
politics/ !atural scie!ce a!, literature. Essays 7hich are 2ost per2eate,
7ith 2ysticis2 are relate, to history o reli-io!. A2o!- the2 areL o!e early
essay/ 8ae$on o! Socrates, a!, also three later scripts/ relate, to te2ple i!
%elphy On the 9ailure o! the Oracles, On the ''' at 8elphi, On the #(thian
&ere it ca! <e a,,e, the 7or8 7hich 2ay<e 2ostly -i4es out the s2ell o
2ysticis2/ On Isis and Osiris. This <oo8 o Plutarch co!tai!s ele2e!ts o
Gree8/ E-yptia! a!, Near East ori-i!. Plutarch is the o!ly o!e 7ho e>poses
the 2yth a<out these E-yptia! ,eities o! the 7holeJ Osiris is o!e o the 2ost
u!i4ersal ,eities a!, Isis is -o,,ess protectress o 2arria-e/ 2e,ici!e/
a-riculture a!, !a4i-atio!. #(ra$id Texts a!, Sarcophagus Texts or the
2ost part co!ir2e, the authe!ticity o Plutarch;s prese!tatio!/ 7hich is
u!,er the si-!iica!t i!lue!ce o a!cie!t Gree8 thou-ht. Plutarch
accor,i!-ly co!si,ers these E-yptia! ,eities as ,e2i-o,s/ ollo7i!-
Pytha-oras a!, Plato. I! ,e2i-o,s/ says Plutarch/ sa2e as i! 2e!/ there are
,iere!t proportio!s o 4irtues a!, 4icesL he Guotes Plato;s thou-ht a<out
,e2i-o,s as 2e,iators <et7ee! -o,s a!, 2e!/ 7ho tra!s2it ,i4i!e
2essa-es i! the or2 o oracles/ so2e as -its/ a!, -oo, thi!-s i! -e!eral.
Plutarch also cites Plato;s cos2ic i-hts <et7ee! t7o supre2e pri!ciples o
-oo, a!, e4il/ a<out 7hich yet &eraclitus has spo8e!. The co2ple>ity o this
7orl, is cause, <y t7o opposite orces/ 7hich ho7e4er are !ot o the sa2e
po7er/ <ut there is prepo!,era!ce <y the <etter. The -oo, ruler is Osiris a!,
he <ri!-s the or,er i! the u!i4erse. Oppose, to hi2 is i2pulsi4e a!, cruel
Typho!/ 7ho <ri!-s ,isor,er/ ,isease a!, ,estructio!. Go,,ess Isis
represe!ts the e2ale pri!ciple o !atureJ it is relate, to all the or2s o
<irth/ <ree,i!- a!, e,ucatio!. She has a! i!<or! lo4e or the irst pri!ciple/
7hich is i,e!tical 7ith the -oo,/ a!, i! her there e>ists co!sta!t lo!-i!- or
hi2. @he! souls are ree a!, 7he! they co2e i!to the real2 o the i!4isi<le/
says Plutarch/ this -o, <eco2es their lea,er a!, 8i!-/ a!, they are
co!!ecte, 7ith hi2 i! co!te2platio! a!, ,esire or his <eauty.
1.#.7. Ploti!us The Greatest Pa-a! &elle!ic Philosopher
I Ori-e! 7as the -reatest 'hristia! philosopher o the &elle!istic perio,/
a2o!- the Pa-a! philosophers the pri2acy or sure <elo!-s to Ploti!us/
Gree8 philosopher 7hose !a2e is co!!ecte, 7ith the re!e7al o Plato!is2.
So2e co!si,er Ploti!us as true a!, pure ori-i!ator o the 2ystical
philosophy/ pro<a<ly <ecause his co2plete philosophical 7or8 posses the
trait o 2ysticis2/ 2ore tha! possesse, a!y other o his pre,ecessors.
Ploti!us; Neo.Plato!is2 i!lue!ce, the e!tire later Europea! 2ysticis2/
i!clu,i!- the 'hristia! 2ysticis2 as 7ell.
)ro2 the Ploti!us; <io-raphy/ 7ritte! ,o7! <y his ,isciple Porphyry/ 7e
lear! that philosopher 7as <or! i! #"6 i! E-ypt/ i! a place !ot 2e!tio!e,/
<ut it is suppose, that it is Ly8opolis. @he! he 7as appro>i2ately at a-e o
#6/ he set out to Ale>a!,ria/ 7here he atte!,e, lectures o ,iere!t
philosophers/ !ot i!,i!- a!y o the2 i! accor, 7ith his taste/ u!til he ca2e
upo! the school o A22o!ius Saccas. I! this school Ploti!us re2ai!e, or
the !e>t te! years/ a!, the! i! #01/ ollo7i!- his ,esire to ,eepe! the
8!o7le,-e o easter! philosophies/ Aoi!e, the e>pe,itio! o e2peror Gor,ia!
III to Persia. &o7e4er/ the e>pe,itio! !e4er reache, its ,esti!atio!/ <ecause
i! Mesopotha2ia the e2peror 7as 2ur,ere,. T7o years later/ Ploti!us
settle, hi2sel i! Ro2e/ 7here he ope!e, his o7! philosophical school. I!
the !e>t te! years the philosopher ,i, !ot 7rite a!ythi!-/ respecti!- the 4o7
he 2a,e 7ith his ello7 ,isciples Ori-e! a!, &ere!ius at A22o!ius; school
i! Ale>a!,ria. Ori-e! 7as thereore at the sa2e ti2e a co!,uctor o his o7!
catechetic school/ <ut also o!ly a pupil at A22o!ius Saccas; school/ si!ce
he sel.critically esti2ate, that he ,oes !ot ha4e suicie!t e,ucatio! i!
Gree8 philosophy. T7o philosophers/ 'hristia! Ori-e! a!, Pa-a! Ploti!us
later ,e4elope, their o7! peculiar philosophical 4ie7s. It see2s that
Ploti!us; 2ai! teachi!-/ that o!e a<out the three hypostases Bthe O!e/ the
I!telli-e!ce/ the SoulC 7as i! act the respo!se to Ori-e!;s i!terpretatio! o
the &oly Tri!ity/ <ase, upo! the Plato!ic sche2e.
)irst 7ho persua,e, Ploti!us to 7rite ,o7! his teachi!- 7as his ,isciple
A2elius/ a!, u!til the arri4al o the seco!, re!o7!e, ,isciple/ Porphyry
B#:1 A%C there 7ere i!ishe, i! total #1 treatises. ?et7ee! #:1 a!, #:3
Ploti!us 7rote yet #0 treatises/ a!, ater Porphyry retreate, to Sicily B#:3C
Ploti!us co2pose, a!other !i!e treatises. Ater Ploti!us; ,eath i! #7" the
irst o!e 7ho e,ite, the script 7as a!other ,isciple !a2e, Eustochius/
ho7e4er this e,itio! is !ot preser4e,. To us reache, Porphyry;s e,itio!/
ori-i!ate, i! the <e-i!!i!- o the 0th ce!tury a!, e!title, 'nneades si!ce it
is co2pose, o si> <oo8s/ each co!sisti!- o !i!e treatises. Porphyry ,i, !ot
respect the ori-i!al or,er o treatises/ to 2a8e a 2ore cohere!t structure.
Also/ i! his tryi!- to respect his o7! !u2erical pla!/ he ,i4i,e, so2e lar-er
7or8s i!to se4eral shorter. %i4isio! o 'nneades i! -roups is relate, to
8i!,re, su<Aects/ i.e. i,eolo-ical ai!ities. So/ the irst E!!ea, ,eals 7ith
ethical Guestio!s/ seco!, a!, thir, 7ith !atural a!, cos2olo-ical the2es/
the ourth 7ith hypostasis o Soul/ the ith 7ith hypostasis o the
I!telli-e!ce/ a!, si>th 7ith the 8i!,s o <ei!-s a!, the O!e.
Si!ce the 7hole Ploti!us; 7or8 is per2eate, 7ith 2ysticis2/ so !either the
ethics is a! e>ceptio!. I! i2itatio! o Plato he hol,s that the 2ost su<li2e
achie4e2e!t o a! i!,i4i,ual soul is si2ilarity 7ith Go,/ i! the -reatest
possi<le ,e-ree. This si2ilarity is acco2plishe, <y the co!te2platio! o the
hi-her soul/ 7hich prese!ts the i!,i4i,ual soul i! its puriie, state. Ploti!us
co!si,ers the hi-her soul u!cha!-ea<le a!, ,i4i!e Blet us re2i!, that
Ori-e! i,e!tiy it 7ith 8i!-,o2 o Go,C/ 7hile lo7er soul he co!si,ers to <e
the a<o,e o perso!ality Bthereore also o passio!s/ as 7ell as 4icesC. I! his
ethical 4ie7/ Ploti!us eGuals the hi-hest pri!ciple 7ith Goo,/ a!, also 7ith
air/ as soul <eco2es so2ethi!- -oo, a!, air 7he! it <eco2es si2ilar to
Go,. Ploti!us; 4isio! o ethics is also holistic. &e thi!8s that Aoyul a!, sel.
suicie!t state <elo!-s to -o,s/ a!, people/ <ecause o the a,,itio! o 7hat
is 7orse/ ha4e to see8 the happi!ess o the re2ai!i!- 7hole/ a!, !ot o!ly o
so2e part o it. &olistic is also Ploti!us; 4isio! o aesthetics/ si!ce 7he!
air!ess ta8es so2ethi!- that is u!iGue/ a!, 7hat has si2ilar parts/ it -i4es
the sa2e to the 7hole.
Ploti!us u!,ersta!,s 2atter as eter!ally recepti4e o<Aect or receptacle o
or2s/ <y 7hich all the e>isti!- thi!-s -ai! their shape. Accor,i!- to
Ploti!us/ there are t7o 8i!,s o 2atter i!telli-i<le a!, se!si<le. )irst is
co!cei4a<le o!ly <y i!telli-e!ce/ 7hile the other ca! <e percei4e, <y the
se!ses. Ploti!us/ i! accor, 7ith the Plato!ic ,octri!e/ hol,s that se!si<le
thi!-s are i! act co!ceptio!s o their respecti4e o<Aects i! the sphere o the
i!telli-i<le/ 7hich are pure a!, eter!al. Se!si<le 2atter is accor,i!-ly o!ly
the copy o the ori-i!al i!telli-i<le 2atter. Si!ce Ploti!us thi!8s that 2atter
is or2e, i! relatio! to pre4iously e>isti!- or2s i! the sphere o i!telli-i<le/
7e ca! say that he is i! a 7ay a pre,ecessor o 2o,er! scie!tist Rupert
Shel,ra8e a!, his theory o 2orpho-e!etic iel,s. Li8e7ise 7e ca! say he i!
certai! 2easure a!ticipate, the possi<ility o the e>iste!ce o su<ato2ic
particles/ <y his assertio! that ato2s ,o !ot ha4e a! or,er o 2atter/ a!,
that 4irtually last ele2e!ts 7hich are i!,i4isi<le Ba.to2osC ,o !ot e>ist/
H<ecause each <o,y is e!tirely ,i4isi<le.I
I! Ploti!us syste2/ !ature is a co!seGue!ce o a collecti4e e>perie!ce o each
i!,i4i,ual soul. Si!ce !ature o the hi-her part o the soul is such/ that she
2ust re2ai! i! co!te2plati4e touch 7ith the I!telli-e!ce/ it is !ot possi<le
or her to ,esce!, to the ,epths o ,iere!tiatio! o! the le4el o 2atter. Soul
2ust accor,i!-ly ,i4i,e hersel i! o!e part 7hich is co!te2plati4e/ a!, the
other/ that is -e!erati4e/ a!, rules o4er acti!-. Accor,i!- to this/ !ature a!,
esse!ce o all the i!telli-i<le <ei!-s that co2e ro2 the O!e is ,ou<le .
co!cer!i!- the I!telli-e!ce/ to her <elo!-s the capa<ility o 8!o7le,-e or
co!te2platio! o the O!eJ o! the other ha!, the Soul posses the aculty o
co!te2plati!- the I!telli-e!ce/ as 7ell as -i4i!- the acti4e or2 to i,eas that
ollo7 ro2 the co!te2platio!.
The ourth E!!ea,/ i! 7hich Ploti!us e>plai!s the hypostasis o the soul/
spea8s a<out the soul as or2/ pro,ucti4e aculty a!, e!er-y ta8e! out ro2
the I!telli-e!ce. I! si>th treatise o this E!!ea, Ploti!us ,escri<es i!
co!crete his o7! 2ystical state/ 7hich/ accor,i!- to Porphyry/ he achie4e,
o!ly our ti2es i! the course o his lie. I! this ,escriptio!/ 4ery i2porta!t
or the 7orl, o holy a!, 2ysticis2/ Ploti!us ,epicts e>pa!sio! o
co!scious!ess outsi,e his o7! <o,y/ a!, i,e!tiicatio! 7ith the ,i4i!e. &e is
Houtsi,e e4erythi!- elseI/ a!, at the sa2e ti2e Hi!si,e hi2 alo!eI/ he see
Ha,2ira<ly -reat <eautyI/ <elie4es to Hposses a <etter ,esti!yI/ a!, <y
reposi!- i! ,i4i!e he i!,s hi2sel Ha<o4e e4erythi!- i!telli-i<leI. These li!es
o the ourth E!!ea,/ later 7ill ha4e i!lue!ce/ i! 4arious or2s/ upo! the
7hole ra!-e o 2ystics Pa-a!/ 'hristia! a!, Isla2ic. As Guotes
'nc(clopedia o! )(stics, phases o 2ystical asce!t co2priseL a7a8e!i!-/
co!ce!tratio! i!si,e o!esel/ 7atchi!-/ certai!ty/ ,i4i!e acti4ity/ Guietu,e i!
,i4i!e/ 7o!,er2e!t a!, se!se o alie!atio! <eore the physical a!, se!si<le
'ite, Ploti!us; ,escriptio! o the 2ystical 4isio! i2plies a ra,ical
coi!ci,e!ce o o!esel 7ith the O!e. The O!e -i4es that/ 7hich he hi2sel
,oes !ot possesL 2ultiplicity. @hile the su<Aect o the co!te2platio! i2plies
2ultiplicity/ his o<Aect i2plies u!ity. I! si>th/ last E!!ea, Ploti!us says that
the O!e/ at the sa2e ti2e is !ot ar ro2 a!ythi!-/ <ut also ar ro2 all
thi!-s. &e is thereore at the sa2e ti2e prese!t a!, a<se!t/ He>cept to those
7ho ca! recei4e hi2 a!, are prepare, or thatI. I! Ploti!us; <io-raphy
Porphyry !otes ,o7! teacher;s last 7or,sL HStri4e to <ri!- <ac8 the -o, i!
yoursel4es to Go, i! allI.
Ploti!us; ,isciple Porphyry 7as <or! arou!, #11 i! to7! Tyr Bto,ay
Le<a!o!C.&e irst stu,ie, philosophy i! Athe!s/ a!, appro>i2ately i! the
1"th year o lie arri4e, to Ro2e/ to Aoi! Ploti!us; philosophical school. &e
re2ai!e, <y his teacher or i4e yearsJ i! #:3 he 7e!t to Sicily/ to reco4er
hi2sel ro2 the attac8 o suici,al ,epressio!/ ollo7i!- Ploti!us; a,4ice.
Porphyry 7rote e>te!si4ely o! the2es ro2 ,iere!t ,o2ai!s o philosophy/
reli-io! a!, scie!ceJ ho7e4er o!ly a s2all part o his 7or8 re2ai!e,
preser4e,. The collectio! o teacher;s <oo8s/ 7hich he e!title, 'nneads, he
syste2atiEe, a!, e,ite, o!ly <y the e!, o his lie/ i! 1"1/ also a,,i!- as a!
i!tro,uctio!/ a Ploti!us; <io-raphy. A little o 7hat is 8!o7! a<out
Porphyry;s lie/ spri!-s Aust ro2 the <io-raphy o his a2ous teacher. @here
Porphyry spe!t the seco!, hal o his lie/ re2ai!s u!8!o7!/ <ut it is
suppose, that he coul, ha4e co!ti!ue to lea, the Neo.Plato!ic school i!
Ro2e/ ater Ploti!us; ,eath.
Porphyry is co!si,ere, 2ai!ly as a! i2porta!t co!ti!uator o Ploti!us; 7or8
a!, pro2oter o &elle!istic Neo.Plato!is2/ rather tha! as a! ori-i!al
thi!8er. ?ut yet this attitu,e 7e ca! accept o!ly co!,itio!ally/ si!ce o the
e>te!si4e philosopher;s 7or8 ca2e to us o!ly the s2aller part o his scripts/
7hile to a !u2<er o his 7or8s a! i!suicie!t atte!tio! has <ee! pai,.
Porphyry is pro<a<ly <est 8!o7! ater his 7or8 Isagoge, that is/ ho7 is i!
?oethius; tra!slatio! e!title, his co22e!tary o Aristotle;s *ategories. This
7or8 ha, a si-!iica!t i2pact o! 2e,ie4al scholasticis2. @or8 On #rosod(
-i4es e4i,e!ce o Porphyry;s i!terest i! 2usic/ a!, treatises On the
2ar$onics a!, Introduction to the Astrono$( o! #tole$( a<out his i!terest i!
astrolo-y a!, astro!o2y. ?esi,e Ploti!us;/ he 7rote also Pythy-ora;s
Porphyry;s ori-i!ality i! relatio! to the a2ous teacher relects i! 7or8s
co!cer!i!- lo-ic a!, philosophy o la!-ua-e/ <ut also i! iel,s i!cli!e, 2ore
to 2ysticis2. )or i!sta!ce/ i! the 7or8 .aunching #oints to the Real$ o!
)ind Porphyry 2a8es ,iere!ce <et7ee! the Soul a!, i!car!ate,/ i.ratio!al
soul/ calli!- her ;seco!, !ature;J i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Ploti!us/ 7ho
co!si,ere, that the hi-her soul a!, i!,i4i,ual soul are o!e. So2e suppose
that the ,isciple ca2e up to his o7! co!clusio!s/ o7i!- to the act that i!
his youth he stu,ie, 'hristia!ity. )or e>a2ple/ St. Au-usti!e calls hi2
apostate ro2 the aithJ a!, historia! Socrates ,irectly Guotes that earlier he
7as 'hristia!. It is 4ery pro<a<le that he has <ee! tau-ht to the 'hristia!
,octri!e i! 'aesarea/ to7! !ot re2otely ro2 his !ati4e Tyr/ 7here Ori-e!
co!,ucte, his school ater the persecutio! ro2 Ale>a!,ria. Later Porphyry
7rote the 7or8 Against the *hristians, 7hich ca2e to us o!ly i! ra-2e!ts. It
ho7e4er has !ot <ee! poi!te, a-ai!st 'hrist a!, his teachi!-/ <ut a-ai!st
his co!te2poraries/ 7ho 7ere i-!ora!t a!, ,ecei4ers/ to 7hose ,octri!e he
oppose, o! philosophical/ as 7ell as e>e-etic <ases. Porphyry;s 4ie7 o!
sal4atio! o the soul/ i! spite o that/ 7as closer to 'hristia!ity/ the! to
4ie7s o his teacher Ploti!usJ it co!siste, i! short o practici!- a 4irtue/
7hich places the soul i! a -ra,ual course o pro-ress to7ar, the supre2e
Go,. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Ploti!us/ 7ho reAecte, tra,itio!al Gree8 reli-io!/ as
7ell as 'hristia!ity/ Porphyry 7as i! that respect co!ser4ati4e/ tryi!- to
preser4e a!cie!t Pa-a! 4ie7 o! 2a!;s 2o,est role i! cos2ic hierarchy. This
positio! -a4e to Porphyry <asis or the aith i! astrolo-y/ thereore i!
,octri!e/ accor,i!- to 7hich stars a!, pla!ets 2a8e i!lue!ce o! 2a! a!,
his lie. $!o7le,-e o the acti!- o hea4e!ly <o,ies i! 2a!/ accor,i!- to hi2
7as !ecessary or -ai!i!- e4er hi-her le4els o 4irtue. Porphyry <elie4e, that
soul recei4es certai! po7ers ro2 each pla!et that e!a<le to -ai! 8!o7le,-e
o either terrestrial or hea4e!ly thi!-s.
Astrolo-y/ i! the co!te>t o Neo.Plato!ic philosophy represe!ts a 2i>ture o
reli-ious a!, 2ytholo-ical 2ysticis2. The teachi!- a<out the i!lue!ce o
stars a!, pla!ets o! the e!tire lie o! Earth has i! its ou!,atio!s <elie/
that stars possess ,i4i!e souls. This <elie has <ee! tra!s2itte, ro2 Plato
B.a/s, Boo ,C o!/ a!, throu-h Stoics it reache, &elle!ist Neo.Plato!ists.
Accor,i!- to Plato/ soul is o!e 7hich rules o4er the hea4e! a!, earth/ as
7ell as o4er the e!tire u!i4erse. ?ut/ each si!-le pla!et a!, star posses their
o7! i!,i4i,ual souls. As souls ha4e i! the2sel4es co!tai!e, e>celle!ce a!,
perectio!s o all 8i!,s/ 7hich are at the sa2e ti2e their causes/ these souls
are -o,s/ ,e,uce, Plato.
1.#.3. The E!i-2atic &er2es Tris2e-istus
I! E-ypt o the 1r, ce!tury 2ost pro<a<ly li4e, Bso2e suppose i! the seco!,
halC/ i! a,,itio! to those aore2e!tio!e, Neo.Plato!ic philosophers/ the
e,itor o &er2etic philosophical te>ts/ 8!o7! as &er2es Tris2e-istus. O!
accou!t o ,i4ersity o te>ts it is possi<le that this philosopher/ 7ho2 7e
coul, also call Pseu,o.&er2es Bto ,iscer! hi2 ro2 the a!cie!t sa-eC/ 7as
author o Aust a part o these scripts. Accor,i!- to a 2a!!er i! 7hich 7ere
these &er2etic te>ts co2pose,/ a!, also re-ar,i!- su<Aect 2atter to 7hich
they are relate,/ o!e o the -reatest co!te2porary authorities o! iel, o
&er2etis2/ A.=. )estu-iere/ ,i4i,e the2 i!to t7o -roups. The irst co2prise
ol, scripts/ those 7hich reaso! a<out astrolo-y/ 2a-ic/ alche2y/ a!, they
prece,e, at least i4e or si> ce!turies to BPseu,oC &er2es Tris2e-istos/ 7ho
co2plete, a!, e,ite, the 7or8s/ as it is suppose,/ i! 1r, ce!tury A%. It
see2s that it is e>a--erate, to suppose a ,irect/ u!i!terrupte, co!!ectio!
7ith &er2es/ 7ho/ a-ai! 2ay<e li4e, i! 10K16th ce!tury ?'/ althou-h it is
possi<le that so2e te>ts 7ere tra!s2itte, or lo!- ti2e i! oral or2/ also
2ay<e supple2e!te,/ i! ce!turies a!terior to irst 2e!tio!i!- o
Tris2e-istus B#!, ce!tury ?'C. The other &er2etic script/ 7hich are relate,
to philosophy a!, theolo-y/ a!, 7hich )estu-iere calls later scripts ,ate
appro>i2ately ro2 #!, a!, 1r, ce!tury A%. )ro2 the irst -roup o scripts/
the 2ost i2porta!t is .i"er 2er$etis Tris$egisti, te>t o astrolo-ical su<Aect
2atter that co2prises astrolo-ical ,octri!es typical or the ti2e a!, place o
ori-i!atio! BPtole2aic E-ypt/ 1r, ce!tury ?'C. A2o!- the scripts o the
seco!, -roup/ the 2ost i2porta!t areL *orpus 2er$eticu$, a collectio! o 17
reli-ious.philosophical treatises/ the! :ore :os$ou, script preser4e, tha!8s
to ?yEa!ti!e eru,ite =oh! o Sto<i/ 7or8 Asclepius, a Lati! tra!slatio! ro2
the ori-i!al Gree8 e!title, A #er!ect 8iscourse, a!, 8iscourse a"out Ogdoad
and 'nnead, testiyi!- a<out the ,eclaratio! o &er2etic ,e4out!ess.
&er2etis2 is the irst historically ,ocu2e!te, e>a2ple o the touch <et7ee!
Gree8 tra,itio! a!, Orie!tal 7is,o2. Sy!cretic character o &er2etic te>ts
relects itsel i! ,i4ersity a!, 2utual per2eati!- o iel,s li8e 2a-ic/
astrolo-y/ alche2y/ Plato!is2/ Stoicis2/ 2ysteries/ a!, also =u,ais2/ as
7ell as G!osticis2. The core o &er2etic G!osis represe!ts a !ostal-ia or
the pri2or,ial u!ity 7ith Go,/ i! 7hich is 2ostly e>presse, its 2ystical
character. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 G!osticis2/ 7here is i! the ore-rou!, Persia!
,ualis2/ i! &er2etic ,octri!e acce!t is put o! Neo.Plato!ic 2o!is2/ as the
2ai! characteristic o aith the i,ea o Go, as )ather a!, 'reator 2o4e,
&er2etis2 closer to 'hristia!ity/ a!, the 2essa-e o truth is i! &er2etic
7riti!-s close to 2essa-e o lo4e i! the Gospels. Accor,i!-ly/ this teachi!-
7as respecte, <y !u2erous 'hristia! theolo-ia!s a!, philosophers o the
a!tiGuity a!, 2i,,le a-es/ a!, especially <y Neo.Plato!ists o &u2a!is2
a!, Re!aissa!ce. So2e o the2 co!si,ere, #:th chapter o Asclepius as
prophetic a!!ou!ce2e!t o the e!, o Pa-a! era a!, triu2ph o
'hristia!ityJ thereore &er2es Tris2e-istus 7as respecte, al2ost as a 8i!,
o ;Pa-a! sai!t;.
The asse2<la-e o te>ts u!,er the title *orpus 2er$eticu$, prese!t a
collectio! o treatises 7ritte! i! Gree8 la!-ua-e. These treatises are i! act
teachi!-s Bteacher i!4ol4e, is al2ost all the ti2e &er2esC i! a or2 o a
,ialo-ue 7ith his ,isciples BAsclepius/ TatC. This 7or8 is so2eti2es calle,
#oi$andres, ater the irst a!, also 2ost i2porta!t treatise. I! it/ &er2es
co22u!icates i! the irst perso! the 2essa-e o re4elatio!/ 7hich he
recei4es/ ro2 Poi2a!,res/ that is/ the I!telli-e!ce o the supre2e a<solute.
The ai2 o re4elatio! is to -i4e to chose! o!e the u!i4ersal 8!o7le,-e/ ro2
the creatio! up to the e!, o the 7orl,/ a<out ,ou<le 2ortal a!, i22ortal
!ature o 2a!/ a!, a<out asce!sio! o the soul o ,e4out 2a! throu-h
se4e! pla!etary spheres up to the ei-hth hea4e!/ 7hich the! re4eals the
!i!th/ i! 7hich 2a!/ <y co!te2platio!/ is eter!ally i! Go,. This treatise has
so2e si2ilarities 7ith ?i<lical <oo8s ;enesis a!, ;ospel according to <ohn=
i! 1"th/ 11th a!, 1#th treatise ca! <e percei4e, rese2<la!ces 7ith Ploti!us;
Neo.Plato!is2. &er2es accor,i!-ly says that ,i4isio! o the u!i4erse
,epe!,s upo! the !ature o the O!e/ that per2eates throu-h the I!telli-e!ce
o the O!e a!, 7hich ca! u!ite 2a! 7ith Go,. Li8e Ploti!us/ he e2phasiEes
the !ee, or rese2<la!ce to Go,/ to -et to 8!o7 hi2. All the <ei!-s o7e their
i22ortality to the I!telli-e!ce/ a!, 2a! 2ost o all/ <ecause he is capa<le o
recei4i!- Go, a!, shari!- his esse!ce/ says the 1#th treatise/ O! *o$$on
Intelligence. Asclepius is 7or8 i! Lati!/ or so2e ti2e it has <ee! ascri<e, to
Apuleius. It ca! <e co!si,ere, as the Su$$a o &er2etic teachi!-/ a!, it
7as 7ritte! i! or2 o &er2es; ,ialo-ues 7ith his three ,isciplesL Asclepius/
Tat a!, A22o!. Their 2eeti!- ta8es place i! the holiest part o the te2ple/
a!, throu-h the 2outh o &er2es spea8s ,i4i!e Eros.
The 2ost i2porta!t part o Asclepius relates to lo4e to7ar, Go,/ -oo, 7ill
a!, piety/ a!, 8!o7le,-e o Go,. &y2!s o -ratitu,e to Go,/ i! the e!, o
the 7or8/ <y their or2 re2i!, o 'lea!thes; 2($n to Zeus, <ut i! ,isti!ctio!
to ;ratio!al; piety o Gree8 philosopher/ &er2etic hy2! is i! its lo4e to7ar,
Go,;s 8!o7le,-e closer to 'hristia! 2ysticis2. I! the sa2e 7ay/ close to
'hristia!ity/ are co2pose, t7o hy2!s i! the 7or8 8iscourse a"out Ogdoad
and 'nnead, HI!4ocatio! o )ather.Teacher to Al2i-hty Go,I a!, H&y2! o
Gratitu,e o So!.,isciple to the Mysterious Go,I. The 4ery 7or8 has si2ilar
2ai! the2e as i! *orpus 2er$eticu$, that is passi!- throu-h se4e!
pla!etary spheres up to ei-hth a!, !i!thJ <ut it ,iers/ as here so!.,isciple
has alrea,y passe, u!,er ather;s -ui,a!ce the irst se4e! spheres/ a!, !o7
i! O-,oa,/ he has to re4eal the !i!th hea4e!/ E!!ea,. :ore :os$ou
co!ti!ues o! tra,itio!al E-yptia! 2yths/ theolo-y a!, 7is,o2/ <ut the te>t
is typically Gree8/ i! &elle!istic style. This 7or8 is a ,ialo-ue <et7ee! Isis
a!, &orus/ a<out the secret teachi!- o &er2es a!, Osiris. I! ,isti!ctio!
ro2 other 7or8s/ here it is spo8e! o &er2es as o -o,/ a!, he represe!ts a
2e,iator <et7ee! the hi-her a!, lo7er 7orl,. 'e!tral the2es are the
!arratio! o cos2o-o!y 2yth a!, creatio! o pri2or,ial soul/ a!, &er2etic
G!oses a!, aspiratio! to7ar, the u!ity 7ith Go,.
1.#.9. Ia2<lichus; Theur-y a!, =ulia!;s Apostacy
?y the hal o the 1r, ce!tury i! 'halcis/ Syria 7as <or! Ia2<lichus/ o!e o
the -reatest philosophers o the late A!tiGuity. As relates historia! o
philosophy Eu!apius/ Ia2<lichus 7as o !o<le ori-i!/ ro2 7ealthy a!,
succesul a2ily. )irstly he 7as A!atolius; ,isciple B7ho recei4e, his
8!o7le,-e ro2 PorphyryC/ a!, later he <eca2e a ,isciple o the a2ous
philosopher hi2sel. Ater a 7hile/ 2a8i!- pro-ress i! philosophic teachi!-/
he -ai!e, 8!o7le,-e that 7as i! !o 7ay lesser tha! Porphyry;s/ He>cept i!
har2o!ious structure a!, orce o styleI. @he! teacher ,ie, i! 1"0/
Ia2<lichus succee,e, hi2 or a 7hile as the hea, o Neo.Plato!ic school a!,
to7ar, the e!, o his lie he ope!e, his o7! school i! A!tioch/ Syria.
Sy!cretic teachi!-s o this school a2al-a2ate, philosophy o Plato a!,
Pytha-oras 7ith &er2etic ,octri!e a!, 7ith ele2e!ts o Orie!tal reli-io!
a!, 2a-ic/ pre,o2i!a!tly o 'hal,ea! ori-i!.
@ith his opus Ia2<lichus succee,e, i! tra!sor2i!- ori-i!ally pure
i!tellectual Neo.Plato!is2 o Ploti!us to a 2ore spiritualiEe, or2 o Gree8.
Ro2a! reli-ious philosophy/ 7hich e2<races 2yths/ rituals a!, 2a-ic
or2ulas. O Ia2<lichus; e!tire 7or8/ there 7ere preser4e, i4e <oo8s/ 7hich
reer to *ollection o! #(thagorean Thining. )ro2 the 7or8s o 2ystical
character i2porta!t are .i!e o! #(thagoras, #rotrepticus, 8e ani$a a!,
especially 8e )(steriis Aegiptioru$, philosopher;s <est 8!o7! 7or8. O other
7or8s/ that ha4e <ee! lost/ o -reatest i2porta!ce is *haldean Theolog(.
As Porphyry 7ith his approach to a certai! ,e-ree 2o4e, a7ay ro2
Ploti!us; teachi!-/ so Ia2<lichus also 2a,e a step or7ar,/ i! relatio! to his
teacher. ?y that/ it 7as o!ly air2e, the ol, rule that the 2ost tale!te,
pupil/ at the sa2e ti2e 2o4es a7ay i! the -reatest ,e-ree ro2 his teacher;
lear!i!-. Ia2<lichus; 7ay to7ar, ,i4i!e is 2ore hieratic the! philosophical.
So/ he hol,s that !ot o!ly the O!e/ <ut all the -o,s a!, i!ter2e,iary e!tities
Ba!-els/ ,e2o!s/ heroes etc.C e>cel a!, tra!sce!, the i!,i4i,ual soul/ a!,
o!e co2es to sal4atio! <y i!4ocatio! o superior <ei!-s. Ritual acts/ <y
7hich this is achie4e,/ Ia2<lichus calls theur-y. The co!cept o theur-y is i!
act co!!ecte, 7ith the i,ea o hi-h 2a-ic/ i.e. %i4i!e 2a-ic/ <y 7hich are
i!4o8e, hea4e!ly po7ers. The co!cept co2es ro2 the Gree8 7or, theos/
7hich 2ea!s H-o,I a!, er-o!/ 7hich ,e!otes ,ee,/ 7or8 or actio!.
Ia2<lichus co!si,ers theur-ic acts as i!,ispe!sa<le/ <ecause accor,i!- to
hi2/ philosophy that is <ase, upo! hu2a! thou-hts o!ly/ is !ot capa<le to
co2e to that/ 7hich is <eyo!, the <or,ers o thou-ht. Theur-y/ accor,i!-ly/
represe!ts a 7ay throu-h 7hich soul ca! e>perie!ce the prese!ce o ,i4i!ity/
i!stea, o -o,;s !ature.
Porphyry/ o course/ su<Aecte, to critiGue such attitu,e o his 2ost -ite,
,iscipleJ Ia2<lichus use, these critical Guestio!s e!title, .etters to Ane"o as
the i!tro,uctio! to his 'g(ptian )(steries, a!, i! co!ti!uatio! -a4e ,etaile,
a!s7ers to the2. Porphyry stoo, ast or the i,ea that ,i4i!ity/ 7hereas
i22aterial/ ca! <e co!cei4e, Aust <y co-!itio!/ i.e. o! the <asis o ratio!al
a!, lo-ical i!ere!ce. Ia2<lichus/ o! the co!trary/ co!si,ere, that hu2a!
soul is !ot capa<le o co!te2plati!- -o, 7ithi! the ra2e o her li2ite,
2i!,/ so she has to cha!-e to pe!etrate up to the ,i4i!e esse!ce/ a!, i! his
opi!io! it is achie4e, <y rituals 7hich tra!sor2 particulariEe, a!,
ra-2e!te, soul i!to <ei!- that is ;pure a!, u!cha!-ea<le;. O! the path o
hu2a! soul/ i.e. asce!t to7ar, the Supre2e Goo,/ a help is oere, <y
i!ter2e,iary ,i4i!itiesJ theur-ic rituals ha4e the tas8 to ser4e as the
2e,iu2 <y 7hich ca! <e achie4e, 2ea!i!-ul ,iscourse 7ith ,eity. The
asce!t throu-h i!4ocatio!s li<erate priests ro2 passio!s Bsi2ilarity 7ith
I!,ia! a!, Stoic teachi!-sC a!, co!,itio!s o the -e!erate, lie/ a!,
accor,i!-ly it lea,s to u!ity 7ith ,i4i!e )irst 'ause/ Ia2<lichus co!clu,es
i! his <est 8!o7! 7or8 8e )(steriis Aeg(ptioru$.
Ia2<lichus ,ie, i! 11"/ a!, i! the !e>t year 7as <or! the seco!, a2ous
e2peror.philosopher =ulia! II i! 'o!sta!ti!ople/ to7! 7hich -ot its !a2e
ater e4e! 2ore a2ous =ulia!;s u!cle/ e2peror 'o!sta!ti!e the Great. As
le-e!, says/ the e2peror 'o!sta!ti!e co!4erte, to 'hristia!ity/ ater he ha,
a 4isio! o cross i! the s8y/ ,uri!- the <attle <y Mil4ius; <ri,-e/ a!, he
u!,erstoo, it as -o,;s si-!. 'hristia!ity the! <eca2e eGual 7ith Pa-a! aith/
a!, ,uri!- the !e>t ,eca,es i!crease, the !u2<er o 'hristia!s a2o!-
Ro2a! eliteJ ho7e4er a2o!- co22o! people there still pre4aile, Pa-a!
aith. T7o successors o 'o!sta!ti!e the Great/ 'o!sta!ti!e II a!,
'o!sta!tius II 7ere also 'hristia!s. The latter 8ille, i! a <attle or the
thro!e =ulia!;s ather/ 7he! <oy 7as o!ly t7el4e. May<e this e4e!t ha,
so2e i2pact o! =ulia!;s later i!cli!atio! to7ar, Pa-a! reli-io!J o! accou!t
o that/ <y 'hristia!s he 7ill -et a !ic8!a2e ;Apostate;. I! the <e-i!!i!-/
thou-h/ the uture e2peror acGuire, 'hristia! e,ucatio!. Later/ e2peror
'o!sta!tius II se!t hi2 to Nico2e,ia/ to 8eep hi2 a7ay ro2 the ce!tre o
po7er a!, capital. Ater7ar,s/ =ulia! 7as se!t to 'appa,occia/ a!, i!
Per-a2u2/ 7here he -ai!e, 8!o7le,-e i! Neo.Plato!ic philosophy ro2
E,esius BIa2<lichus; ,iscipleC/ a!, o Ma>i2us/ philosopher a!, Pa-a!
priest. This latter i!itiate, =ulia! i! Mithra;s cult B,eity o Persia! ori-i!/ <ut
7i,ely accepte, i! Ro2a! troopsC. Ater 'o!sta!tius e>ecute, =ulia!;s hal.
<rother Gallus as 7ell/ =ulia! hi2sel 7as spare,J so2e ti2e later he 7as
e4e! pro2ote, i!to a caesar/ i.e. co22a!,er.i!.chie o the 7ester! part o
the e2pire. =ulia! ou!, hi2sel i! 7o!,er2e!t/ si!ce he ha, !o 2ilitary
e,ucatio!/ <ut he lear!e, ast ro2 iel, oicers/ a!, 2a,e hi2 a 2aster o
2artial arts as 7ell. So/ =ulia! <eca2e/ ro2 the co22o! i-ure that he ha,
<ee! <eore/ a serous ri4al to e2peror/ e>celli!- i! <attles 7ith Ger2a!
tri<es. The tur!i!- poi!t occurre, i! 1:"/ that is/ 7he! troops proclai2e,
=ulia! or a !e7 e2peror. Getti!- rea,y or i22i!e!t ci4il 7ar/ =ulia! set
out o!to 'o!sta!tius; ar2y/ to7ar, the capital. ?ut/ the e>pecte, <attle ,i,
!ot ta8e place/ <ecause i! the 2ea!ti2e 'o!sta!tius su,,e!ly ,ie,.
?eco2i!- the e2peror i! his 1"th year/ =ulia! trie,/ i! i2itatio! o Marcus
Aurelius/ to achie4e the i,eal o e2peror.philosopher. &e curtaile,
e>a--erate, e>pe!ses o the e2peror;s court a!, <rou-ht e,icts a<out
reli-ious tolera!ce. &e re4o8e, so2e pri4ile-es to cler-y/ a!, allo7e, retur!
to those priests 7ho ha4e <ee! <a!ishe, <ecause o heresy. &e i!sti-ate,
the 7or8 o Pa-a! theolo-ia!s/ 7hich 7as !o4elty/ <ecause u!til that ti2e
there 7ere o!ly priests o the ol,/ Pa-a! reli-io!. So2e historia!s thi!8 that
he or<a,e co2pletely the 7or8 to 'hristia! teachers/ <ut this/ i! act/
co!cer!e, o!ly lectures i! -ra22ar/ rhetoric a!, classical literature.
&o7e4er/ =ulia!;s eorts o! reha<ilitati!- the ol, Pa-a! reli-iosity yet ,i,
!ot yiel, lasti!- ruit <ecause alrea,y i! his seco!, year o ruli!- Bi! 1:1C he
ha, <ee! 8ille, o! the <attleiel,/ i! the 7ar 7ith Persia!s.
O =ulia!;s reli-ious.philosophical 7or8s there 7ere preser4e, ei-ht oratio!s.
A2o!- the2/ the ce!tral place hol,s 2($n to :ing 2elios, <ase, upo! the
solar theolo-y a!, co!!ecte, 7ith Mithra;s cult. Althou-h the early
'hristia!s hate, Mithrais2/ it is i!teresti!- that Aust this 4e!eratio!
co!!ects/ 7e ca! say al2ost i! sy2<olical 7ay/ Pa-a! a!, 'hristia! aith.
Na2ely/ althou-h 'hristia!s ,estroye, Mithraistic te2ples/ they preser4e,
the 2ai! holi,ay/ o! #6th o %ece2<er/ 7hich 7as cele<rate, as the
<irth,ay o !e7 su!. 'hristia!s <e-a! to cele<rate it as 'hrist;s <irth,ay/
7hile Ro2a! e2perors <e-a! -ra,ually/ i! the course o the 1r, ce!tury/ to
4e!erate Su!;s cult as supre2e ,i4i!ity/ !e-lecti!- <it <y <it the ol, 2ai!
cult o =upiter. )irstly/ Septi2ius Se4er too8 the title ;The I!4i!ci<le;/ 7hile
the e2peror Aurelia!us e!thro!e, the cult/ calli!- hi2sel ;%eus Sol
I!4ictus;/ 7he! he ca2e to the thro!e i! #7".
=ulia! the Apostate u!,erstoo, Su! i! three ,iere!t @aysL as
tra!sce!,etal/ the! as &elios.Mithras/ a!, i!ally as the 4isi<le Su!. I! his
2($n to :ing 2elios he -loriies rapturously the su! ,eityL HThe ,i4i!e a!,
7holly <eautiul u!i4erse/ ro2 the hi-hest 4ault o hea4e! to the lo7est
li2it o the earth/ is hel, to-ether <y the co!ti!uous pro4i,e!ce o the -o,/
he has e>iste, ro2 eter!ity/ !o!.-e!erate,/ he is i2perisha<le or all the
ti2e to co2e/ a!, he is -uar,e, i22e,iately <y !othi!- else tha! the )ith
Su<sta!ce 7hose cul2i!atio! is i! the <ea2s o the su!. I )ollo7i!- Plato/
=ulia! ,epicts the chai! o <ei!-s/ that e2a!ate ro2 the O!e/ u!iGue cause
o e4erythi!-. So/ ro2 the O!e results the I!telli-i<le 7orl,/ the! co2es
&elios/ the supre2e -o,. ?et7ee! &elios a!, 2a!/ li8e his Neo.Plato!ic
pre,ecessors/ =ulia! puts i!ter2e,iary e!tities Ba!-els/ ,e2o!s/ heroes a!,
other <ei!-sC. It is i!teresti!- the 7ay i! 7hich =ulia! sees 2a!8i!,/
thereore i! relatio! to the u!i4erse as 7hole/ a!, especially i! relatio! to
Solar syste2. Our 7orl, he sees as a! e!tire a!, li4e or-a!is2/ per2eate,
<y soul a!, i!telli-e!ce/ 7hich re2i!,s a lot o 4ie7s o 2o,er! holistic
scie!tists. @e ca! say that i! a 7ay =ulia! the Apostate 7as pre,ecessor o
to,ay;s holistic 7orl, 4ie7.
1.#.1". Proclus ;the Successor; a!, the E!, o the Aca,e2y
I! the year 011 i! 'o!sta!ti!ople 7as <or! Neo.Plato!ic philosopher a!,
scie!tist Proclus/ the 2ost i2porta!t philosopher o the 6th ce!tury. &e
spri!-s ro2 4ery reputa<le a2ily/ ori-i!ati!- ro2 Ly8ia. As his ather ha,
<ee! a hi-h u!ctio!ary o ?yEa!ti!e E2pire/ he has <ee! e>pecte, to ollo7
i! his ather;s steps. =ust <ecause o that reaso!/ he 7as se!t to Ale>a!,ria/
to stu,y la7. ?ut/ ,uri!- his short 4isit to ?yEa!tiu2/ a<out the 2i,st o his
la7 stu,ies/ he <eca2e co!4i!ce, that his lie 4ocatio! 2ust <e o a
philosopher/ a!, !ot o a la7yer. @he! he retur!e, to Ale>a!,ria/ he
accor,i!-ly 7e!t o4er to the stu,y o philosophy/ u!,er teacher
Oly2pio,orusJ i! the <e-i!!i!- he 2ai!ly stu,ie, Aristotle. ?ut/ si,e <y si,e
7ith philosophy/ he also reGue!te, lectures i! 2athe2atics. Not e!tirely
satisie, 7ith 8!o7le,-e he recei4e, i! Ale>a!,ria/ he 2o4e, to Athe!s/
7here his teachers 7ere Plutarch a!, Syria!us. Ater the stu,ies he alo!e
tau-ht at the Aca,e2y. Ater Syria!us; ,eath he <eca2e the hea, o the
Aca,e2y/ a!, -ot !ic8!a2e %ia,ochus B;Successor;C. &e 7ill re2ai! at this
statio! u!til his ,eath/ i! 036.
Proclus ,e,icate, his lie co2pletely to philosophy a!, scie!ce/ a!, li4e, a!
ascetic lie/ !ot 2uch ,iere!t ro2 Pytha-orea!s. &e !e4er -ot 2arrie,J he
7as 4e-etaria! a!, 4ery pious 2a!. &e also 2a,e a trial o poetry/
co2posi!- hy2!s to -o,s. O course/ a 2ai! Proclus; i!terest 7as ,eali!-
7ith philosophy/ 2ore precisely Neo.Plato!ic philosophy/ i! the 7a8e o the
ou!,er o Neo.Plato!is2 Ploti!us/ a!, also o Porphyry a!, Ia2<lichus. I!
a,,itio! to philosophy/ Proclus also ,ealt 7ith 2athe2atics/ -eo2etry/
astro!o2y a!, astrolo-y.
The lar-est part o Proclus; opus co2prise, the co22e!taries o #ar$enides
a!, Ti$aeus, thereore co22e!taries o ,ialo-ues 7hich reaso! a<out the
pri!ciples o <ei!- a!, the !ature o thi!-s. To Plato is also relate, 7or8
#latonic Theolog(, 7hich co2prises a ra!-e o co22e!taries. I! his
percei4i!- o Neo.Plato!is2 Proclus is closer to Ia2<lichus/ tha! to Ploti!us.
Si2ilarity 7ith or2er ca! <e see! i! his 4e!eratio! o theur-y/ so he says
that it is Hpo7er -reater tha! all hu2a! 7is,o2/ 7hich co2prises the
<lessi!- o prophecy/ the puriyi!- po7er o i!itiatio!/ i! o!e 7or, all the
acti4ities i!spire, <y the ,i4i!eI. =ust li8e Ia2<lichus/ Proclus hol,s that Hall
the i!,i4i,ual thi!-s are !ot u!ite, 7ith the O!e !either <y the act o
re4elatio!/ !or <y the acti!- suita<le to their <ei!-/ <ut <y the 2ysterious
acti!- o occult sy2<ols that i!ha<it certai! sto!es/ her<s a!, a!i2alsI.
Proclus; teachi!- a<out 4ertical series/ i! 7hich ,ieri!- Gualities o certai!
-o, Bhe!a,esC are relecte, o! ,iere!t le4els/ accor,i!-ly he -i4es ,i4i!e
attri<utes to pla!ets a!, stars
. ?y this astrolo-ical teachi!- he ,iers ro2
Ploti!us/ a!, he is close to Porphyry a!, Ia2<lichus/ 7ho also co!si,er that
pla!ets i!lue!ce i.ratio!al soul/ as 7ell as earthly <o,ies. ?elie that stars
ha4e ,i4i!e souls/ o course ,o !ot ori-i!ate ro2 Neo.Plato!ists alo!e/ <ut it
has <ee! tra!s2itte, or ce!turies/ ro2 Plato/ throu-h Stoics/ up to
&elle!istc philosophers.
A!other i2porta!t 7or8 o Proclus is 'le$ents o! Theolog(, e>positio! o his
2etaphysical syste2 <y a priori ,e,uctio!s. I! it/ spea8i!- a<out the causal
7orl,/ he re4eals that each cause is at the sa2e ti2e e4ery7here a!,
!o7here. Accor,i!- to the e2a!atio! o his po7er/ he is e4ery7here/ 7hile
<ecause o his !o!.i!terere!ce 7ith su<sisti!- <ei!-s/ he is !o7here. ?y
this assertio! is resol4e, a Neo.Plato!ic a!ti!o2y o the coi!ci,e!t
tra!sce!,e!ce a!, i22a!e!ce.
Proclus/ Aust li8e other !eo.Plato!ists/ ,ee2s that ro2 the O!e ollo7s
,i4i!e I!tellect or reaso!. )ro2 it co!seGue!tly ollo7 or2s. Ater Proclus/
the I!tellect is eter!al/ a!, i! its eter!ity it has e>iste!ce/ po7er a!, acti!-.
Soul/ i! 7hich it is possi<le to ha4e share/ has eter!al e>iste!ce/ <ut
te2poral acti!-. Soul that has its ori-i! i! the I!telli-e!ce has triple acti!-L
as soul alo!e/ as recei4er o ,i4i!e i!telli-e!ce/ a!, also as e2a!atio! o
-o,s. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Ploti!us/ Proclus thi!8s that Heach si!-le soul/
7he! ,esce!,i!- i!to <ei!-/ ,esce!,s 7hole/ a!, !ot i! a 7ay that o!e part
re2ai!s a<o4e/ a!, the other ,esce!,sI.
Proclus has ocuse, his lie 7or8 to ,eli4era!ce o Pa-a! tra,itio! a!,
Plato!ic thou-ht/ ro2 the -ro7i!- a!aticis2 o the 'hristia!s. I! this
e!,ea4or he 7ill !ot succee,/ as i! a e7 ,eca,es ater his ,eath the ,oors o
the Aca,e2y 7ill <e close, or -oo,. ?ut/ <y stra!-e t7ist o ate his 7or8
# &e!a,es ser4e to protect the O!e BThe )irst Pri!ciple/ ro2 7ho2 ste2s all the <ei!-sC
ro2 a!y i!,icatio! o 2ultiplicity/ <ut also as i!ter2e,iary sta-e that ser4es as the <ri,-e
to the supre2e Go,.'reator. They are i,e!tiie, 7ith tra,itio!al Gree8 -o,s/ li8e &elios/
&er2es/ Arthe2is/ Ares/ Aphro,ite/ Zeus a!, 'hro!os B-o,s rulers o pla!etsC.
yet ha, i!lue!ce o! 2e,ie4al philosophic thou-ht/ tha!8s to u!8!o7!
'hristia! author/ 7ho ha,/ i! i2itatio! o Proclus/ 2a,e 7or8s o
e>ceptio!al i2porta!ce or 'hristia! theolo-y a!, philosophy. A<out this
2ystical philosopher/ 7ho si-!e, his 7or8s <y the !a2e o a character ro2
The Acts, there 7ill <e a 7or, or t7o Aust a little <it later.
Appro>i2ately i! 07"/ i! Syria 7as <or! %a2ascius/ the last hea, o the
Aca,e2yJ he 7as <or! i! %a2ascus/ a!, 7as !a2e, there<y so. As 4ery
you!- 2a! he set out to Ale>a!,ria/ 7here he 7as e,ucate, i! rhetoric/
2athe2atics a!, philosophy. &e 7e!t to Athe!s thereater/ 7here Plato!ic
tra,itio! 7as co!ti!ue, <y philosophers Mari!us a!, Ze!o,otus/ Proclus;
successors at the Aca,e2y/ 7hich a2e 7as alrea,y ,ecli!i!-. %a2ascius
<eca2e their ,isciple/ a!, later succee,e, the2 o! the hea, o the
Acca,e2y. This philosopher 7as the last o!e 7ho tau-ht Plato!ic philosophy
i! the chair o Athe!s; Aca,e2y. I! 6#7 the e2peror =usti!ia! 2ou!te, the
thro!e/ a!, t7o years later or,ere, the closure o the Aca,e2y. To-ether
7ith Si2plicius a!, i4e other philosophers %a2ascius 7e!t to &arra!/ to7!
i! Persia! 8i!-,o2/ u!,er the rule o 8i!- 'hosroes I. Later/ it 7as allo7e,
to %a2ascius to tur! <ac8 to ?yEa!tiu2/ o!ly/ !ot to Athe!s/ <ut to
Ale>a!,ria/ 7here he tau-ht still or so2e ti2e. School i! &arra!/ ou!,er o
7hich is co!si,ere, to <e Si2plicius/ 7ill i!cite later the ou!,i!- o a!other
school/ i! ?a-,a,. &o7e4er/ it is a story that <elo!-s to the Mi,,le A-es/
a!, there 7ill <e a 7or, or t7o a<out it i! the seco!, part o the <oo8.
1.1.1. Ro2a! Stoics
;s you!-er co!te2porary/ Ro2a! Stoic Se!eca B<or! appro>i2ately i!
0 ?' i! 'or,o<a/ &ispa!iaC also i!cli!e, so2eti2es to7ar, 2ysticis2 i! his
7or8s. Althou-h 7e ca!!ot co!si,er Stoicis2 i! -e!eral to <e a 2ystical
philosophic <ra!ch/ i! relatio! to other schools o philosophy BPeripatetics/
Epicurea!s/ Sceptics/ 'y!ics a!, othersC it is/ ho7e4er/ closer to 2ysticis2.
Sa2e as Philo/ Se!eca Breprese!tati4e o the Stoic philosophy o the late
perio,C ha, co!si,era<le i2pact o! 'hristia!ity. The Ro2a! Stoic put
e2phasis o! ethics/ a!, co!si,ere, 7is,o2 a!, 4irtue as the i!al cause o
hu2a! acti!-.
Se!eca ha, alrea,y i! his chil,hoo, e>traor,i!ary e,ucatio!/ si!ce his irst
teacher 7as his ather/ Se!eca the el,er/ ro2 7ho2 he i!herite, the
2a-!iice!t style o e>pressio!. O e7 2ai! <ra!ches i! philosophy/ Se!eca
the you!-er has chose! Stoicis2. Althou-h he ha, as the 2e2<er o the
!arro7est circle o Ro2a! Qlite/ a! opportu!ity to e!Aoy 7ealth a!, respects/
he preerre, lie i! reser4e a!, 2o,esty. Stoicis2 o Se!eca is !ot a reli-io!/
yet it co!tai!s so2e reli-ious ele2e!ts. Philosopher;s attitu,e to7ar, Go,
2a!iests itsel 2ay<e i! the <est 7ay i! his 7or8 On Bene!its3 H@hat else is
the !ature <ut Go, a!, Go,;s 2i!, that per2eates all the 7orl, a!, all its
partsI. Se!eca says that u!,er his <e!eits e4erythi!- co2es to e>iste!ce/
<ecause he is the protector a!, 7ar,e!. It ca! <e sai, that he also ,eepe!s
the 2ea!i!- o Go, i! relatio! to those Stoics/ 7ho o!ly i,e!tiie, hi2 7ith
!ature. )or Se!eca/ H!ature ,oes !ot e>ist 7ithout Go,/ !either ,oes e>ist
Go, 7ithout !ature/ <ut sa2e is o!e a!, the other/ ,ieri!- o!ly accor,i!-
to ,oi!- o!e;s ,utyI.
The co!!ectio!s <et7ee! Se!eca;s Stoicis2 a!, early 'hristia!ity coul, <e
sur2ise, o! the <asis o correspo!,e!ce <et7ee! the philosopher a!, St.
Paul that co2prises 10 letters. ?esi,e the act that historia!s a!,
theolo-ia!s still ,iscuss the authe!ticity o the letters/ it is sure that Se!eca
ha, -reat i!lue!ce o! 'hurch athers/ li8e =ero2e/ Tertullia!/ A2<rose.
There are also certai! li!es i! ?i<le/ i!,icati!- that co!tact <et7ee! Se!eca
a!, St. Paul coul, ha4e happe!e,. So i! The Acts 7e rea, that A!!aeus
No4atus Gallio/ proco!sul o Achaia/ too8 si,es o Paul/ 7he! he 7as
accuse, <y =e7s i! 'ori!th +Acts 45,46-4>-. O! the other ha!,/ 7e ca! see
the i!lue!ce o Stoic 2etho, o teachi!-/ diatri"e, i! the 'pistle to the
Ro$ans o 'hristia! preacher Paul. It is possi<le/ accor,i!- to that/ that
there really 7ere certai! co!tacts <et7ee! Se!eca a!, St. Paul i! Ro2e.
(hilo of lexandria, Je"ish mystical philosopher of the 1
As his pre,ecessor Se!eca/ so the !e>t -reat Stoic philosopher Epictetus
i!ter2itte!tly i!cli!e, to 2ysticis2 i! his teachi!-. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2
Se!eca/ 7ho <elo!-e, to rich patricia! stratu2 o society/ Epictetus 7as a
sla4e/ <rou-ht ro2 his !ati4e &ieropolis B<. 6" A%C i! Asia Mi!or. &is
2aster/ 2e2<er o Nero;s <o,y-uar,/ set hi2 ree/ <ecause o his ,isti!cti4e
sharp!ess. &is teacher 7as Ro2a! Stoic Muso!ius Ruus/ a!, later he
tau-ht <y hi2sel. I! 90 A% he 7as e>pelle, ro2 Ro2e/ to-ether 7ith other
Stoic philosophers/ <ecause o his criticis2 o! the e2perorMs %o2itia!
accou!t. Althou-h later he 7as allo7e, to retur!/ 7he! Ner4a ca2e to the
thro!e/ Epictetus ,eci,e, to re2ai! to the e!, i! Nicopolis o Epirus/ 7here
he ou!,e, a philosophical school.
This i2porta!t Stoic philosopher has !ot let 7ritte! 7or8s ater hi2/ <ut
his ,isciple )la4ius Aria!/ accor,i!- to the !otes ro2 lecture 2a,e up
'nchiridion, the 7or8 that outli!es the core o Epictetus; teachi!-. The
acce!t is i!,ee, o! ethics/ li8e <y other Stoics/ a!, it is ratio!alistic <y
Epictetus lie i! accor,a!ce 7ith !ature/ to 7it 2i!,/ 7ith a4oi,i!-
passio!s/ 7hich he calls ;,iseases o the soul;. The ce!tral co!cept is
ree,o2/ a!, she is co2pose, o the i!!er/ spiritual i!,epe!,e!ce o 2a!.
O!ly the 7ise 2a! is ree a!, he ,oes !ot see8 -oo, a!, e4il i! outer/ <ut i!
hi2sel/ so to 7ise 2a! it is all the sa2e/ 7ere he i! priso! or at lar-e.
EGually 7ith St. Paul/ he co2pares the aspira!t o! a spiritual path 7ith the
athlete/ 7ho 2ust <e stro!- a!, <ra4e i! o4erco2i!- ,iiculties/ o! his 7ay
to the 4ictory. Accor,i!- to Epictetus/ 2a! 2ust stri4e ater the accor,a!ce
7ith Go,/ a!, e4e! to stri4e ater the u!ity 7ith the %eity. All the thi!-s are
u!ite, 7ith o!e/ hea4e!ly a!, earthly sta!, to-ether i! 2utual relatio! a!,
our souls are thereore i! ti-ht co!!ectio! a!, touch 7ith Go, as his part.
Ro2a! e2peror Marcus Aurelius 7as <or! i! 1#1/ i! patricia! a2ily o
&ispa!ic ori-i!. Alrea,y i! chil,hoo, he sho7e, i!terest or philosophy a!,
Gree8 culture i! -e!eral. &e 7as a,opte, <y Ro2a! e2peror A!to!i!us Pius
a!, acGuire, his e,ucatio! <y the teacher i! rhetoric )a4ori!us/ a!, <y
Stoic Rusticus. Alrea,y i! his 19th year he <eca2e a co!sul/ a!, <y the a-e
#: he <eca2e a tri<u!e. At 0"/ he replace, his oster.ather A!to!i!us Pius
o! the e2peror;s thro!e. &o7e4er/ as it 7as sai, <eore/ or the !ee, o
,ee!se o e2pire;s <or,ers/ he use, to -o or 7ar ca2pai-!s to ,ista!t
easter! a!, !orther! re-io!s. So he 2a,e 7ar 7ith Parhia!s B1:#.1::C/
reAecte, a!, ,eeate, the tri<es o Marco2a!!i/ *ua,i a!, others i! the
!orth B1:7C/ the! a-ai! ro2 177 u!til his ,eath i! 13" i! Di!,o<o!a Bto,ay
Die!!aC. =ust ,uri!- the 7arare 7ith Ger2a! tri<es he 7rote i! Gree8
la!-ua-e 8iscourses /ith Sel!, 7or8 tra!slate, i! Lati! as )editations, i!
7hich pre,o2i!ate co2po!e!ts co!cer!i!- ethics/ Aust li8e <y other -reat
Stoic philosophers. ?esi,es this 7or8/ also is preser4e, a! epistle o Marcus
Aurelius to the Ro2a! Se!ate/ i! 7hich he i!or2s the Se!ate a<out the
<ra4e attitu,e o the 2e2<ers o 'hristia! reli-io! i! 7ar/ a!, testiies that
they are !ot atheists/ <ut respect Go, e4e! 2ore tha! other sol,iers. &e
cites that 'hristia!s praye, !ot o!ly or hi2/ <ut or the 7hole ar2y/ to <e
sa4e, ro2 hu!-er a!, thirst/ a!, accor,i!-ly he -i4es i!structio!s to
Se!ate/ !ot to co!,e2! 'hristia!s Aust <ecause they <elo!- to this aith.
This is yet a!other proo o e2peror;s -reat ethics. As it says o!e o the
pro4er<s ro2 his )editations3 H'o!si,er yoursel to <e 7orthy o each ,ee,
a!, speech 7hich are i! accor,a!ce 7ith !atureI. Marcus Aurelius
co!te2plate, a<out !ature/ i.e. 7orl, as a 7hole/ he percei4e, the u!i4erse
as o!e <ei!-/ 7ith o!e <o,y a!, o!e soul/ a!, 2e,itate, a<out the
i!terrelatio!ship o e4erythi!- i! the u!i4erse/ a!, 2utual relatio! o thi!-s/
that ollo7s ro2 it. The 7orl, is o!e/ says this last -reat Stoic philosopherJ
it is co2pose, o all that e>istJ there is o!ly o!e Go, i! e4erythi!-/ o!e
esse!ce/ o!e La7/ o!e Lo-os co22o! to all the ratio!al <ei!-s/ a!, o!ly o!e
truth. E2peror.philosopher Marcus Aurelius/ Aust li8e his pre,ecessors/ 7ill
ha4e a! i!lue!ce upo! the orthco2i!- philosophers o Neo.Plato!is2 a!,
1.1.#. Apuleus; Asinus Aureus
I! the course o the #!, ce!tury yet a!other Ro2a! 7riter/ Apuleius/ 7as
,isti!-uishe, <y his 2ystical philosophic 7or8s. This Plato!ist/ <or! a<out
1#6 i! Ma,aurus i! !orther! Arica Bto,ay Al-erC is 2ost 8!o7! or his 7or8
)eta$orphoseon li"ri ,I, later calle, Asinus Aureus +;olden Ass-. I! 'artha-e
he -ot the rhetorical e,ucatio!/ a!, i! Athe!s o a philosopher/ ,eepe!i!-
his 8!o7le,-e <y his Aour!eys throu-h Greece a!, Easter! Ro2a! E2pire.
&e 7as especially i!tereste, i! 2ystery cults/ so i! his teachi!- he 7as close
to Plutarch. )or so2e ti2e Apuleius staye, at Ro2e/ 7here he 7or8e, as a
la7yer/ a!, ater7ar,s he retur!e, to !orther! Arica Bto,ay Al-erC. I! the
to7! EAi he 2arrie, a rich el,erly 7i,o7/ <ut ater a 7hile 7ie;s relati4es
accuse, hi2 or sorcery a!, se,uctio! <y prohi<ite, 2ea!s/ so he ha, to
,ee!, hi2sel ro2 these accusatio!s at the court. It is 2ost pro<a<le that
7riter 7as set ree ro2 the char-e/ si!ce he ater7ar,s 2o4e, to 'artha-e.
&e spe!t the last part o his lie ar ro2 the pu<lic lie/ peror2i!- the ,uty
o the priest o e2peror;s cult/ thereore Aus li8e Plutarch.
I! the aore2e!tio!e, 7or8 )eta$orphoses, there are ,escri<e, the
a,4e!tures o the 2ai! character Lucius/ 7ho/ ,rite, <y curiosity 7a!te, to
tur! hi2sel i!to a <ir,/ <y 2a-ic potio! ro2 the 7or8shop o a sorceress.
?y ta8i!- the 7ro!- 4ial/ ho7e4er/ he tur!e, hi2sel i!to a! ass. The irst
te! <oo8s prese!t the ,escriptio! o Lucius; trou<les/ throu-h 7hich he
passe, i! the shape o ass/ a!, they ha4e 2ai!ly ,isti!ctio!s o a!tastic.
satirical !o4el/ 7ith i!terpose, airy.tale a<out 'upi, a!, Psyche. O!ly i!
11th <oo8 7e i!, certai! 2ystical.philosophical traits/ 7he! the hero
acGuires a-ai! his hu2a! shape/ <y ,e4ouri!- a 7reath o roses/ ,uri!- the
processio! i! ho!or o the -o,,es Isis. The!ceorth Lucius -a4e all o hi2sel
to the ser4ice o the -o,,essJ ater7ar, he is i!itiate, i!to hers a!, Osiris;
2ysteries/ a!, the! i!ally accepte, to the supre2e cou!cil o priests. The
irst te! <oo8s or that reaso! prese!t the alle-oric ,escriptio! o lea4i!-
o!esel to <ase passio!s o 7hich ass is a sy2<ol/ 7hile 11th <oo8 ,e!otes
the sal4atio! i! Isis 2ystery reli-io!/ 7hat is at the sa2e ti2e the poi!t o
this 7or8.
O other 7or8s/ it coul, <e <rou-ht out Apolog(, ,ee!se speech at his trial/
i! 7hich he Guotes/ that he <elie4e to Plato/ 7ho says that Hthere e>ist so2e
,i4i!e orces/ ater their !ature a!, positio!/ i! the 2i,,le <et7ee! -o,s a!,
2e!/ the! they rule o4er all the ,i4i!atio!s a!, sorcerer;s 7o!,ersI. The
7or8 On ;od o! Socrates spea8s as 7ell a<out dai$ones, as i!ter2e,iary
<ei!-s <et7ee! the supre2e Go, a!, 2ortals o! the Earth. This ,ai2o!es/
says Apuleius/ are carriers/ o! o!e ha!, o prayers/ o! the other o -its/ o
earthli!-s a!, hea4e!ly creaturesJ they are H<et7ee! us a!, -o,s !ot o!ly
accor,i!- to their positio! i! space/ <ut also i! re-ar, to their spiritual
,isti!ctio!sL 7ith hi-her o!es they ha4e i! co22o! their i22ortality/ a!,
7ith lo7er sueri!-I. Apuleius is the represe!tati4e o so calle, 2i, 2ystical
Plato!is2/ a!, his teachi!- is eclectic/ as <y the 2ost o his co!te2poraries/
co2prisi!- the 7i,e spectru2/ ro2 the postulates o the Aca,e2y/ throu-h
the Peripatetic lo-ic a!, !atural.scie!tiic i!terests up to !eo.pytha-orea!
1.0.1. The )irst 'hristia! Philosopher =usti!
I! the <e-i!!i!- o the #!, ce!tury/ i! )la4ia Neapolis i! Asia Mi!or 7as
<or! =usti!/ o!e o the irst 'hurch athers. )irstly/ he 7as philosopher o
the Plato!ic li!e/ <ut co!4erte, to 'hristia!ity a<out the year 11" A%.
=usti! 7as a! eclectic/ a!, he ,re7 the i!spiratio! ro2 ,iere!t
philosophical syste2s/ <ut 2ai!ly ro2 Stoicis2 a!, Plato!is2. ?y Stoics/
this 'hristia! philosopher appreciates especially their ethics/ accepts their
theory a<out the u!i4ersal co!la-ratio! a!, accepts Bso2e7hat reshape,C
their co!cept o the creati4e @or,. I! his Apologies =usti! e!,ea4ors to i!,
poi!ts o i!tersectio! <et7ee! the &elle!istic philosophy a!, 'hristia!ity.
Accor,i!- to hi2/ i! o!e/ as i! the other/ there is a share i! Lo-os/ partly
i2pla!te, i! 2e!/ a!, e!tirely 2a!ieste, i! the i-ure o =esus 'hrist.
Theory o the ull share i! Go,;s @or, BLo-osC co2es to e>pressio! o!ly i!
stoicis2. ?y =usti! 7e also i!, the <elie that Gree8 philosophy literally
<orro7e, ,octri!es ,irectly ro2 ?i<le. =usti! opposes Gree8 philosophy
7ith tra!sce!,e!tal character o 'hristia!ity/ a!, he asserts that 'hristia!
,octri!e is superior/ si!ce Hthe real 7or, <eco2es 'hrist/ 7ho 2a!ieste,
hi2sel or us/ <y his <o,y/ 7or, a!, soulI.
Althou-h the Ro2a! rulers o the seco!, ce!tury sho7e, co!si,era<le
tolera!ce to7ar, 'hristia!s/ philosopher =usti! e!,e, his lie <y a!
e>ecutio!/ 2ost pro<a<ly i! 1:6 A%. Si!ce i! that ti2e o! the thro!e 7as
e2peror.philosopher Marcus Aurelius/ so2eo!e coul, ,ra7 the 7ro!-
co!clusio! that he 7as respo!si<le or =usti!;s ,eath o 2artyr. ?ut the ,ata
at our ,ispositio! spea8 ,iere!tly. As it is 7ell 8!o7!/ ,uri!- his al2ost
t7e!ty years lo!- rule/ e2peror Marcus Aurelius 7as 4ery ote! a<se!t ro2
the capital. &e 7as 2ilitary lea,er i! true se!se/ putti!- hi2sel at the hea,
o Ro2a! troops/ ,ee!,i!- easter! a!, !orther! <or,ers o the e2pire. I!
the ti2e o =usti!;s e>ecutio! Marcus Aurelius 7as e!-a-e, i! e>hausti!-
7ar 7ith Parthia!s/ o! the territory o to,ay;s Ira!. 'hristia! philosopher
7as i! act co!,e2!e, <y preect o Ro2e Rusticus a!, 2ost pro<a<ly
throu-h the 2e,iatio! o 'y!ic philosopher 'resce!s/ 7ho plotte, a-ai!st
hi2. The oicial reaso! or the co!,e2!atio! 7as ,isrespect to7ar, the
rituals o sacriice to Pa-a! -o,s/ a!, ,iso<e,ie!ce to7ar, the e2peror/ so
=usti! 7as e>ecute,/ to-ether 7ith si> o his ello7 'hristia!s.
1.0.#. 'hristia! 'atechetic School i! Ale>a!,ria
?y the e!, o the #!, ce!tury Ro2e loses its pri2acy o the lea,i!- to7! i!
the E2pire/ a!, i! that ti2e are ou!,e, t7o philosophical schools i!
Ale>a!,ria. O!e is 'hristia!/ u!,er the lea,ership o Pa!te!us/ 7hile the
other/ Neo.Plato!ic/ 7as ou!,e, <y A22o!ius Saccas. It is Guite !atural
that/ i! that ti2e !e7/ 'hristia! philosophy ou!, her ;ho2e; i! Ale>a!,ria/
the <i- ce!tre o tra,e a!, culture o the easter! part o the E2pire. I! that
ti2e there ha, pre4aile, cli2ate o tolera!ce/ philosophers 7ere 2ostly
eclectics/ a!, i! their stu,y o ol, philosophers/ they pai, 2ost o their
atte!tio! to Plato. I! a,,itio! to 'hristia!s a!, Neo.Plato!ists/ i!
Ale>a!,ria 7as also i!lue!tial the sect o G!ostics. Its 2ost pro2i!e!t
represe!tati4es 7ere ?asili,es a!, Dale!ti!us/ their teachi!- prese!ts a
8i!, o theosophical eclecticis2/ 7hich <y the i!!er co-!itio! o ,i4i!e
attri<utes e!,ea4ors to a2al-a2ate ,iere!t reli-io!s a!, to -i4e the2 a
,eeper se!se. G!ostic sy!cretis2 i!clu,e, a 7i,e spectru2 o teachi!-s/
ro2 the ?a<ylo!ia! astral 2ytholo-y/ =e7ish $a<<ala/ E-yptio! reli-io!/
Persia! Zoroastric ,ualis2 to the Plato!ist Gree8 philosophy. )or the
'hristia! 2ystical philosophy G!osticis2 is o i2porta!ce/ <ecause
'hristia! 'hurch too8 o4er ro2 it a lar-e part o its 2ysticis2/ sacra2e!ts/
a!, the thou-ht a<out the sal4atio! a!, re,e2ptio!.
I!lue!ces o G!ostics especially are e>presse, i! 7or8s o 'le2e!t o
Ale>a!,ria/ philosopher 7ho replace, Pa!te!us o! the hea, o the 'hristia!
catechetic school/ a<out 19" A%. 'le2e!t co!si,ere, G!ostics real a!, true
a,2irers o Go,/ that aspire to7ar, the -reatest achie4a<le si2ilarity 7ith
Go, a!, 'hrist. This philosopher/ <or! i! Athe!s <y the hal o #!, ce!tury/
7as also u!,er i!lue!ce o Philo/ especially re-ar,i!- the alle-oric
i!terpretatio! o the &e/ Testa$ent, a!, also o Stoic a!, Plato!is2.
'le2e!t;s 2ost i2porta!t philosophical 7or8 is trilo-y that co!sists o three
<oo8s u!,er titles #rotrepticus, #aedagogus a!, Stro$ata. The irst <oo8 is a
call/ persuasio! to the aith/ 7ritte! i! a su<li2e poetic 2a!!er. &e
co2pares 'hrist 7ith the ca!ticle that i! people i!cites 2usic/ ,rite, <y
&oly Ghost/ a!, put hi2 i! superior positio!/ i! relatio! 7ith Pa-a! poets
a!, philosophers. 'le2e!t also sho7s the tra!sce!,e!ce o 'hristia!
reli-io!/ a!, e2phasiEes that 2a! 7as <or! o Go, a!, @or, is o!e/ 7hich
calls 2a! to hi2. The seco!, <oo8/ #aedagogicus, is a practical treatise/
7hich calls 'hristia!s to lea, a ,iscipli!e, 7ay o lie/ so i! this 7ay 2a!
coul, <eco2e a real 'hristia!.
The 7or8 Stro$ata +)iscellanies- prese!ts/ as the 4ery !a2e su--ests/ a
collectio! o te>ts ro2 ,iere!t iel,s/ 7ithout so2e ,isti!ct or,er or pla!.
'le2e!t alo!e co2pares his 7or8 7ith a 2ea,o7/ o! 7hich at ra!,o2 -ro7
,iere!t 8i!,s o lo7ers. It is possi<le that these are a!!otatio!s ro2 the
lectures at the catechetic school that he co!,ucte,. ?ut/ i! spite o all the
,i4er-e!ces/ this is also the philosopher;s 2ost co2prehe!si4e 7or8. I! it is
,epicte, the i2porta!ce o philosophy or the acGuire2e!t o 'hristia!
8!o7le,-e. May<e this prese!ts so2e 8i!, o sel.Austiicatio!/ i! relatio! to
2ore co!ser4ati4e teachers o 'hristia!ity/ 7ho e!tirely reAecte, Plato!is2
a!, !o!.'hristia! reli-io! i! -e!eral. O!e o the i2porta!t the2es i!
)iscellanies is relatio! <et7ee! aith a!, 8!o7le,-e. 'le2e!t !a2ely al7ays
-i4es priority to aith a!, says that the irst cause o the u!i4erse is reache,
i! !o other 7ay/ <ut throu-h the aith. )aith/ ou!,e, i! lo4e/ is so2ethi!-
,i4i!e. )aith/ Aoi!e, 7ith lo4e actually 2a8es people <elie4ers/ a!, lea,s
the2 o! path o ,oi!- 7hat is -oo,. &o7e4er/ it is !ot -oo, to !e-lect
philosophy. Reli-ious teachi!-/ thereore/ accor,i!- to 'le2e!t/ has t7o
sources/ a!, perect 'hristia!/ that accor,i!- to the philosopher is i,e!tical
7ith true G!ostic/ 2ust !ot !e-lect either o the2. &e Guotes the thou-ht o
PlatoJ that 7e coul, -et !ear to Go,/ <y <ei!- as si2ilar to hi2 as possi<le/
7hich i!clu,es/ <esi,e aith/ also a co!ti!uous thirst or 8!o7le,-e. &e/ 7ho
ha, reache, the hei-hts o perectio!/ 7he! 2a! is !ot o4erco2e 7ith
passio!s a!y2ore/ he is u!ite, 7ith Go,/ a!, i! so2e 2ysterious 7ay he
<eco2es o!e 7ith hi2.
As the hea, o the 'hristia! catechetic school 'le2e!t 7as replace, <y
Ori-e! B<or! i! 136 i! Ale>a!,riaC. Later/ he 7ill <eco2e surely the -reatest
'hristia! &elle!istic philosopher. &is u!,ou<te, philosophic -reat!ess 7as
a,2ire, e4e! <y so2e o the pro2i!e!t &elle!istic Pa-a! philosophers/ li8e
Porphyry. Ori-e! too8 the lea,ership o the philosophic school 7he! he 7as
4ery you!-/ <y the <e-i!!i!- o the 1r, ce!tury/ 7he! 'le2e!t 7as orce, to
retire/ ater the persecutio! o 'hristia!s. I! this persecutio! his ather
suere,/ as he 7as thro7! i! Aail. Ater his ather;s property has <ee!
co!iscate,/ you!- 2a! 7as co2pelle, to ta8e care o the 7hole a2ilyJ
2other a!, si> you!-er <rothers. &e ear!e, or li4i!- as teacher/ a!, also
<y selli!- his 2a!uscriptsJ he 7as also helpe, <y so2e el,erly 7o2a!/ 7ho
a,2ire, his tale!t. Ori-e! 7as soo! accuse, that he too8 a,4a!ta-e o so2e
7o2e!/ 7ho atte!,e, his school. To put a! e!, to such accusatio!s/ he
castrate, hi2sel o! purpose/ as reports Euse<ius i! his 7or8 2istoria
ecclesiastica. The sa2e author cites his Aour!eys a<roa,L to Ro2e/ Ara<ia/
Palesti!e/ A!tioch a!, Greece. I! the year #1# Ori-e! 7as <a!ishe, ro2
Ale>a!,ria/ a!, he ou!, reu-e i! 'aesarea i! Palesti!e. There he
esta<lishe, his philosophical school. I! ti2e o e2perorMs %ecius rule/ i!
#6"/ he arri4e, i! priso!/ 7here he has <ee! torture,. )our years later he
passe, a7ay/ 2ost pro<a<ly his ,eath 7as a co!seGue!ce o torturi!-.
Ori-e! 7as the irst 'hristia! thi!8er/ 7ho reAecte, G!ostic teachi!- as
heresy/ criticiEi!- its ,ualis2 a!, 2ytholo-ical speculatio!s. &is
si-!iica!ce i! the history o philosophy is <ase, upo! 2ai!ly o! his t7o
2ost i2porta!t 7or8s. O!e is syste2atic treatise *ontra *elsu$, 7hich
prese!ts respo!se to the 7or8 o Plato!ist 'elsus/ True Word. I! 8e #rincipiis
Ori-e! e>pou!,s his ,octri!e/ 7hich i!clu,es &oly Tri!ity B<ase, upo! the
Plato!ic e2a!atio! sche2eC/ pre.e>iste!ce a!, tra!s2i-ratio! o soulsJ a!,
i!ally restoratio! o all souls i! a state o perectio!/ i! a prese!ce o Go,.
The 4ery 7or8 spea8s as 7ell o 2a! a!, his ree 7ill/ a!, a<out the
i!spiratio! a!, i!terpretatio! o the &oly Scripture.
Si!ce i! Ori-e!;s ti2e there has !ot e>iste, yet the ,ei!iti4e attitu,e o
'hurch to7ar, certai! theolo-ical Guestio!s/ Ale>a!,ri!e philosopher ha,
or the irst to ace so2e o the2/ tryi!- to re,uce the2 i!to the <ou!,aries
o ortho,o>y. O!e such Guestio! 7as/ or i!sta!ce/ a<out the su<or,i!atio!
o ,i4i!e perso!s o the &oly Tri!ity. Ori-e!/ althou-h co!si,eri!- the2
i!separa<le/ yet ascri<e, superiority/ accor,i!- to positio!/ to )ather as
'reator/ a!, &oly Ghost as ,e,icator. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Pa-a!
philosophers/ 7ho spea8 a<out !o!.create, 2atter/ Ori-e! <elie4es that
e4erythi!- that e>ists outsi,e Go,/ create, he hi2sel. Go, creates throu-h
all a-es/ <ecause it is i2possi<le to i2a-i!e the !ature o Go, that 7oul, <e
i!acti4e/ or his -oo,!ess that 7oul, !ot <e eicie!t at the sa2e ti2e/ or his
rule 7ithout su<Aects/ as he says i! 8e #rincipiis. Accor,i!-ly/ Ori-e! 2ust
accept also a! e!,less successio! o aeo!s that ha4e prece,e, this 7orl,/ as
7ell as such i,e!tical successio!/ that 7ill co!ti!ue ater the prese!t o!e. I!
the <e-i!!i!- all the souls 7ere create, i,e!tical/ a!, their prese!t ,i4ersity
is the e>clusi4e co!seGue!ce o their use o ree 7ill/ Ori-e! thi!8s. )ro2
here ollo7 our cate-ories o 2i!,sL a!-els/ stars/ 2e! a!, ,e2o!s. Their
parts ho7e4er ca! cha!-e o!ce/ Aust <ecause o all e>iste!ce o ree 7ill/
si!ce o!ly ,i4i!e perso!s o &oly Tri!ity posses the i22uta<le -oo,!ess.
O!e o the 2ost i2porta!t co!cepts o Ori-e!;s philosophy is the u!i4ersal
restoratio! o all souls +apoatastasis-. This teachi!- 7as <ase, upo! &oly
Scripture/ as 7ell as &elle!istic philosophy. The irst traces ca! <e percei4e,
still <y &eraclitus/ 7ho hel, that H<e-i!!i!- a!, the e!, are co22o!I.
Ori-e! has !ot picture, sal4atio! o!ly or the electe,/ 7ho 7ill reAoice i!
hea4e!/ 7hile others sueri!- i! hell/ <ut as reu!io! o all the create, souls
i! Go,.
O the lesser Ori-e!;s 7or8s/ <y its 2ystical i2porta!ce is ,isti!-uishe, The
#ra(er. Philosopher says that there e>ists the prayer o the e>hi<itio!ist/ a!,
o the i-!ora!t o!e/ <ut the true prayer is <y o!e 7ho lo4es the prayer. )or
hi2/ the $i!-,o2 o Go, is i!si,e the o!e 7ho pray/ so he says that HGo, is
ele4ate, <y o!e 7ho ,e,icates hi2 a<o,e i!si,e hi2selI.+!,er ;$i!-,o2 o
Go,; Ori-e! u!,ersta!,s a state o perectio! o the hi-her part o the soul/
citi!- Paul;s thou-ht ro2 the )irst Epistle to the 'ori!thia!s/ that Hhe 7ho
u!ites hi2sel 7ith the Lor, is o!e 7ith hi2 i! spiritI. Prayer/ thereore/
prese!ts the u!ity 7ith Go,.
Ori-e! is o!e o the 2ost i!lue!tial 'hurch )athers o a!tiGuity/ <ut i!
spite o it/ he 7as !e4er <eatiie,. The reaso! or this/ as it see2s/ is 2ore i!
his youthul i!cli!atio! to7ar, corporeal pleasures/ tha! his heretical
teachi!-/ a<out the e>iste!ce o series o successi4e aeo!s/ i! 7hich souls
are puriie, Bor 4irtually/ the teachi!- o rei!car!atio!C. A part o Ori-e!;s
teachi!- 7as a!athe2atiEe, as heretical o! 'hurch 'ou!cil at
'o!sta!ti!ople i! 661. The 'ou!cil 7as co!4o8e, <y ?yEa!ti!e e2peror
=usti!ia!/ a!, Pope Di-ilius/ althou-h happe!e, to <e i! to7!/ reuse, to
atte!, it. The co!clusio!s o the 'ou!cil he si-!e, o!ly a,,itio!ally/ se4e!
2o!ths later/ u!,er the pressure ro2 the e2peror. A si-!iica!t act as 7ell
is that three !e>t popes/ Pela-ius I/ Pela-ius II a!, Gre-ory the Great i!
their ,e<ates relate, to the 'ou!cil ,o !ot 2e!tio!/ either Ori-e! or his
teachi!-. Accor,i!- to this/ a!, si!ce Ori-e!;s 7or8s are pri!te, reely <y
'atholic pu<lishi!- houses/ o!e coul, ,ra7 a co!clusio! that this -reat
philosopher has !e4er <ee! co!si,ere, a heretic i! a true se!se o the 7or,.
1.0.1. Gre-ory;s ;Mysticis2 o Li-ht;
'hristia! theolo-ia! a!, philosopher Gre-ory o Nyssa 7as <or!
appro>i2ately at the sa2e ti2e as the e2peror =ulia! the Apostate/ i!
'appa,ocia/ i! Asia Mi!or. It is 4ery li8ely that there 7ere !o co!tacts
<et7ee! t7o philosophers/ althou-h there is a little possi<ility that they 2et
,uri!- =ulia!;s stay i! 'appa,ocia. Gre-ory 7as o!e o the three 'hurch
)athers o 'appa,ocia/ to-ether 7ith his <rother ?asil a!, his rie!, a!,
!a2esa8e Gre-ory o NaEia!Eus. These three )athers are rec8o!e, a2o!-
the -reatest 'hurch authorities a!, a2o!- 2ost 4e!erate, sai!ts o the
East. ?ut/ Gre-ory o Nyssa/ 7ith his 2ysticis2 a!, lar-e!ess o 4ie7s
surpasse, the other t7o. &is teachi!- 7ill <eco2e a source or 8!o7le,-e or
the latter 'hristia! 2ystics.
Gre-ory o Nyssa spri!-s ro2 ,eeply reli-ious a2ily. &is 2other 7as
,au-hter o 'hristia! 2artyr/ a!, t7o <rothers/ ?asil a!, Peter/ <eca2e
<ishops/ Aust li8e hi2sel. El,er <rother ?asil -a4e e>celle!t i!structio! to
Gre-ory/ <ut 7a!te, hi2 to choose 2o!asticis2 as the 7ay o lie/ 7ith
7hich you!-er <rother ,i, !ot a-ree. I! his youth Gre-ory recei4e, also a
soli, e,ucatio! i! Pa-a! reli-io!. As you!- 2a!/ he chose a secular career
a!, -ot 2arrie,/ i! spite o e!,ea4ors o the 2e2<ers o his a2ily/ to tur!
hi2 to7ar, the 'hurch/ to ,e4ote hi2sel co2pletely to7ar, reli-ious lie.
Gre-ory has <ee! stu,yi!-/ a!, ater7ar,s also teachi!- rhetoric. I!
philosophy/ he 7as u!,er the i!lue!ce o Plato a!, Ploti!us/ StoicsJ Philo
a!, Ale>a!,ria school/ especially Ori-e!/ 7ho arouse, i! hi2 a ,ispositio!
to7ar, the 2ystical thou-ht o East a!, @est.
Arou!, the a-e o 0"/ Gre-ory ater all <eca2e a <ishop i! Nyssa/ a little
to7! o! the <a!8s o the ri4er &alys/ o! the 7ay <et7ee! 'aesarea a!,
A!cyra. This ,uty he accepte, u!7illi!-ly/ ater perse4eri!- a!, repeate,
persuasio!s o his el,er <rother ?asil. I! those ti2es/ i! 0th ce!tury/
episcopal ,uty 7as couple, 7ith 2a!y trou<les a!, ,a!-ers/ a!,
accor,i!-ly 2a!y 2e! si2ply reuse, it. It 7as !ot u!co22o! or pote!tial
ca!,i,ate Aust to ru! a7ay a!, ater7ar,s to <e <rou-ht <ac8 a!, to <e
co!secrate, o! his ,uty. I it 7as so or !ot i! Gre-ory;s case as 7ell/ it is !ot
8!o7!. &o7e4er/ later ?asil ,i, re-ret/ ro2 ti2e to ti2e/ that he put
<rother o! such hi-h ,uty/ <ecause Gre-ory/ 7ith his !ai4e a!, a787ar,
2o4es i!terere, i! his a-e!,a o 'aesarea <ishop. )or i!sta!ce/ o!e such
2o4e 7as co!4ocatio! o the Sy!o, i! A!cyry i! 17#/ a!, yet i! 176 Gre-ory
see2e, i!capa<le o co!,ucti!- the 'hurch/ accor,i!- to his el,er <rother.
Gre-ory ha, to ace -reat ,iiculties i! his ,iocese. There 7ere those 7ho
ha, prete!sio! to7ar, his statio!/ li8e o!e o the courtiers o the e2peror
Dale!s. %e2osthe!es/ -o4er!or o Po!tus/ accuse, Gre-ory or 7asti!-
church property/ as 7ell as irre-ularities co!cer!i!- his electio! or a <ishop
statio!J i!ally/ ater the Sy!o, i! Nyssa he 7as ,is2isse, o his ,uty. Ater
Dale!s; ,eath i! 173 he a-ai! <eca2e <ishop o NyssaJ his real perio, o
acti4ity <e-a! ater ,eath o his <rother ?asil/ i! the !e>t year.
@hat is 2ost i2porta!t i! co!!ectio! 7ith the lie;s 7or8 o Gre-ory o
Nyssa/ o course is !ot co!cer!e, 7ith his a-e!,a o a <ishop/ <ut as
'hurch 7riter/ theolo-ia! a!, philosopher. Ma!y o his 7or8s ,eal 7ith
su<Aect 2atter relate, to the &oly Scripture. &e 7as/ as it 7as 2e!tio!e,/ a
-reat a,2irer o Ori-e!/ a!, i! his e>e-etic i!terpretatio!s he al7ays too8
up alle-ories/ a!, 2ystical 2ea!i!-s hi,,e! <e!eath the literal 2ea!i!- o
te>ts. &e tau-ht that the soul 2ust raise her a<o4e the eeli!-s/ a!, that
real peace ca! <e achie4e, o!ly ater o!e ha, ,espise, all the 7orl,ly thi!-s.
O his e>e-etical 7or8s/ -reat i2porta!ce -oes or his ho2ilies. &o2ilies o!
*anticle o! *anticles spea8 a<out the u!io! o soul 7ith his creator/ 7hile the
characteristic 2o$il( on the 9east o! .ight / i.e. a<out =esus; <aptis2 tells
a<out 7ater as sy2<olic 2ea! o soul;s clea!si!-/ <y 7hich is achie4e,
spiritual <ri-ht!ess.
That 2ysticis2 o li-ht is characteristic or all the 'appa,ocia! athers/ a!,
especially or Gre-ory o Nyssa. $i!-,o2 o Go, represe!ts the li-ht o
co!te2platio!J tra!sce!,e!ce is the source o li-ht/ a!, 2ystic i! his
co!te2platio! <eco2es o!e 7ith that li-ht/ achie4i!- u!io! 7ith the
'reator. Gre-ory spea8s a<out the 2ystical/ spiritual 2arria-e/ 7hich ca! <e
i,e!tiie, 7ith celestial -oo,/ a!, he <elo!-s to chil,re! o li-ht/ Go,;s
chil,re!. ?y 2ystical lie it is ope!e, the -ate to secret o 7or,s/ a!, 7he!
Go, i!ha<its the soul/ it 2o4es i!to Go,. I!spire, <y St. =oh!;s Gospel/
Gre-ory ote! uses 7or,s ;li-ht; a!, ;,ar8!ess;/ a!, he co2pares 2ystical
lie 7ith ;,ar8!ess o the li-ht;/ 7hich has the 2ea!i!- o tra!sce!,e!ce o
Go,;s esse!ce. I! his 7or8 8e ani$a et ressurectione Gre-ory says that Ho!e
7ho is i! the ,ar8 see8 or li-htJ 7ho loses o!esel i! <ri-ht!ess/ 7ith his Aoy
replaces the ,esireI. )or Gre-ory o Nyssa/ as 7ell as or other 2ystical
philosophers/ spiritual path that lea,s to co!te2platio! represe!ts the
top2ost poi!t o 2ystical lie.
1.0.0. Mysterious )i-ure o Pseu,o.%io!ysius Areopa-ite
Aore2e!tio!e, 2ystical philosopher 7ho too8 !a2e o %io!ysius
Areopa-ite Ba co!4ert o St. Paul ro2 Athe!sC is o!e o the 2ost 2ysterious
perso!alities i! the history o 2ystical philosophy. Not to <e co!use, 7ith
ori-i!al i-ure ro2 The Acts, i! literature he 7as !a2e, Pseu,o.%io!ysius
Areopa-ite. E4e! ater 16 ce!turies/ this philosopher/ 7ho is suppose, to
ha4e li4e, o! tra!sitio! ro2 6th to :th ce!tury/ is shrou,e, <y 4eil o
2ystery. @e ca! o!ly sur2ise o his <irthplace a!, ti2e o <irth Balthou-h
so2e thi!8 that he spri!-s ro2 SyriaC/ a<out his e,ucatio! or Ao< a!, ,uty
that he peror2e,. The o!ly act that ca! <e esta<lishe, or a certai!ty i!
co!!ectio! 7ith the i-ure o Pseu,o.%io!ysius is that his 7ritte! 7or, a!,
e>pressio! <ear -reat si2ilarity 7ith 7or8s o Neo.Plato!ic philosophers
Ploti!us a!, Proclus. )urther2ore/ it is also certai! that he 7as 7ell 4erse,
i! <oo8s o the Ol, a!, Ne7 Testa2e!t/ as 7ell as i! the 7or8s o 'hurch
)athers up to 6th ce!tury. I! o!e o his letters Pseu,o.%io!ysius Guotes that
earlier he 7as Pa-a!/ 7hich see2 to <e Guite pro<a<le/ co!si,eri!- the
peculiar character o his opus. Mo,er! theolo-ia! R.). &atha7ay thi!8s that
Pseu,o.%io!ysius 7as i! act a ,isciple o %a2ascius/ !a2e, &eras8ios. I
this is really true/ o course it is i2possi<le to esta<lish/ <ut there is a -reat
possi<ility that this o<scure philosopher 7as a co!te2porary o the last hea,
o the Aca,e2y a!, his ,isciples.
The opus o Pseu,o.%io!ysius Areopa-ite co!sists o our treatises a!, te!
letters. The 7or8 8e di%inus no$ini"us, as the 4ery title i2plies/ ,eals 7ith
e>pla!atio! o ,i4i!e !a2es. The author e2phasiEes that Go,;s !a2es ca!
<e lear!e, o!ly ro2 the &oly Scripture/ a!, that they -i4e us o!ly a!
i2perect 8!o7le,-e a<out Go,. A2o!- other su<Aects/ Pseu,o.%io!ysius
,eals 7ith Go,;s -oo,!ess/ <ei!-/ lie/ 7is,o2/ po7er a!, Austice. *aelestis
hierarchia ,oes ,e4elop the ,octri!e a<out the celestial hierarchy/ 7hich
co2prises !i!e choirs o a!-els/ ,i4i,e, i!to three -roups. The irst tria,
i!clu,es seraphs/ cheru<s a!, thro!es/ the seco!, 4irtues/ ,o2i!atio! a!,
po7ers a!, the thir, pri!cipalities/ archa!-els a!, a!-els. %iere!t choirs
o a!-els/ accor,i!- to Pseu,o.%io!ysius/ ha4e lesser lo4e a!, 8!o7le,-e
a<out Go, the 2ore ,ista!t they are ro2 hi2. &ere is percepti<le si2ilarity
7ith Proclus a!, his he!a,es/ 7hose positio! too8 o4er the a!-els supre2e
i! hierarchy/ 7hile other or,ers replace, Proclus; !ous a!, psyche. The
7or8 'cclesiastica hierarchia e>plai!s the church hierarchy i! the 7ay ho7
Pseu,o.%io!ysius ,oes see it. So/ o! the top is 'hrist as the hea, o the
'hurch/ the! Hholy sacra2e!tsI/ Hteachi!- churchI a!, Hlear!i!- churchI.
The ourth treatise has a sy2<olic title )(stical Theolog(= this is the irst
ti2e that co!cept o 2ysticis2 BGree8 2isti8os 2ysterious/ sacra2e!talC
appears i! a title o so2e philosopher;s 7or8. This short 7or8 has or its
su<Aect pri!ciples i! co!!ectio! 7ith 2ystical u!io! 7ith Go,. Theologia
$(stica also or the irst ti2e 2e!tio!s so calle, ;!e-ati4e theolo-y;/ the
co!cept that 7ill <e ta8e! o4er <y Nicolas o 'ues i! 16th ce!tury. )or
Pseu,o.%io!ysius the u!i4ersal cause is !either se!si<le !or i!telli-i<le
thi!-/ <ut it is a<o4e each air2ati4e attitu,e. Si!ce it is also a<o4e each
!e-atio!/ it is as 7ell <eyo!, each ,epri4atio!. %irect co!te2platio! o Go,
is !ot possi<leJ it is possi<le o!ly to co!te2plate the place 7here he is. I!
2ystical ,ar8!ess o i-!ora!ce/ each co-!itio!al perceptio! is e>ti!-uishe,
a!, o!e e!ters i! the state o tra!sce!,e!ce a!, u!ity 7ith u!i4ersal cause.
=ust <ecause o!e ,oes !ot co-!iEe a!ythi!-/ he co-!iEes a<o4e the
I!telli-e!ce/ says Pseu,o.%io!ysius/ a!, his 2ysticis2 <ears irresisti<le
si2ilarity to the teachi!- o e2pti!ess o ?u,,hist Na-arAu!a/ as 7ell as to
the ;,ar8 teachi!-; o Taoist @a!- Pi.

1.6.1. Alle-oric I!terpretatio! o the &oly Scripts <y Philo o Ale>a!,ria
I! the 1st ce!tury a real re4i4al o 2ystical philosophy occurre,/ as i! that
ti2e acte, 2a!y 2ystically orie!te, philosophers a!,Kor philosophers that
at least partly i!cli!e, to7ar, 2ysticis2. O!e o such 7as Philo o
Ale>a!,ria/ <or! a<out #6 ?'/ i! to7! ater he 7as later !a2e,. &e 7as
<or! i! a clerical a2ily/ o!e o the 2ost e2i!e!t a2o!- the !u2erous
=e7ish a2ilies i! Ale>a!,ria. Thereore/ this to7! 7as at that ti2e a
peculiar 2elti!- pot that <rou-ht a<out a2al-a2atio! o ,iere!t cultures
a!, 7orl,.4ie7s/ so ro2 E-ypt/ as ro2 Gree8 a!, =e7ish tra,itio!. Philo
recei4e,/ alo!- 7ith tra,itio!al =e7ish e,ucatio! also the 8!o7le,-e i!
Gree8 philosophy/ so i! his 7or8s is see! the i!lue!ce o Stoic theories/
Plato;s ,ialo-ues/ !eo.pytha-orea! 7or8s/ as 7ell as 7or8s ro2 'y!ic
As you!- 2a!/ Philo sho7e, prope!sity to7ar, ascetic/ retire,/
co!te2plati4e lie/ <ut <ecause o hi-h pu<lic oice that he peror2e,/ it 7as
!ot possi<le to hi2/ to lea, such a lie. &is 7or8s/ especially 8e %ita
conte$plati%a, sho7 -reat sy2pathies or Therapeuts a!, Esse!es/ t7o
8i!,re, =e7ish ascetic sects. Therapeuts/ as 7ell as Esse!es sou-ht or
peace outsi,e to7!s/ 7here they coul, <e co2pletely ulille, 7ith reli-ious
4e!eratio!/ stu,y o the scripts a!, ,eep co!te2platio!. Philo too8 o4er ro2
the2 a 2etho, alle-oric i!terpretatio! o the holy scripts. As he Guotes i!
The %ita conte$plati%a, Therapeuts 7ith their 2ystical i!terpretatio! o the
La7 ,ier literal i!terpretatio! as <o,y/ a!, alle-oric a!, sy2<olic 2ea!i!-/
that prese!ts soul/ a!, it is reache, <y co!te2platio!. ?y that/ as he says is
<rou-ht to the li-ht the secret 2ea!i!- to those/ 7ho are a<le to percei4e
that/ 7hich is hi,,e! <ehi!, the 4isi<le. The i2porta!ce o Philo;s teachi!-
is i! the act that he/ 7ith his sy!cretic u!,ersta!,i!- o =e7ish reli-io! a!,
&elle!istic philosophy tro, ,o7! the roa, to latter 'hurch athers/ as Ori-e!
a!, 'le2e!t. @ith his theory o lo-os B7hich he ,escri<es as Go,;s 7or,
that acts upo! souls a!, cal2s the passio!sC/ he -a4e a !e7 2ea!i!- to this
ter2/ i! relatio! to the teachi!- o &eraclitus a!, Stoics. Thereore/ his
ori-i!ality is relecte, i! 2oral i!terpretatio! o Go,;s acti!- upo! the 7orl,/
i! ,isti!ctio! 7ith the earlier i!terpretatio! o acti!- o the cos2ic po7ers.
1.:. &IN%+ISM
1.:.1. Pata!Aali;s Yoga-Sutras
I!,ia! philosopher Pata!Aali li4e, 2ost pro<a<ly i! #!, ce!tury ?'/
althou-h a<out his lie/ sa2e as a<out his ti2e o <irth a!, <irthplace
ca!!ot <e sai, a!ythi!- relia<le. So2e scholars i,e!tiy hi2 7ith
-ra22aria! Pata!Aali/ 7hile others assert that they are t7o ,iere!t
perso!s. The reaso! or these i!,ecisio!s is !o!.e>iste!ce o a!y
historio-raphy i! I!,ia/ or the perio, that correspo!,s to Europea!
a!tiGuity. @hat ca! <e sai, 7ith certai!ty is that this I!,ia! philosopher is
the author o the -reatest te>t o ( o I!,ia! philosophy/ Yoga-
sutras. &o7e4er/ he is !ot/ as Guotes Mircea Elia,e i! his 7or8 Yoga, the
creator o the 4ery philosophy o yo-a/ !either the i!4e!tor o yo-a
tech!iGuesJ he Aust e>pose, i! a 7ritte! or2 the teachi!- that has <ee!
passe, o! orally/ ro2 -e!eratio! to -e!eratio!. The 7or, ;yo-a; appears or
the irst ti2e/ i! all li8elihoo, alrea,y i! :atha ?panishad, 7here it is si2ply
sai, that yo-a is the state o cal2e, se!ses/ a!, Hthe 8!o7le,-e o i!!er
(o-a is !ot o!ly the practical syste2 o e>ercises/ <reathi!- a!, 2e,itatio!/
<ut also the separate syste2 o philosophy/ o!e o the si> scholastic syste2s
o I!,ia! philosophy calle, ,arsha!a B4ie7poi!tsC. (o-a philosophy is i!
!arro7 co!!ectio! 7ith sa$h(a philosophy/ <ecause they are t7o si2ilar
syste2s. It is co!si,ere, that the creator o sa28hya philosophy is $apila/
philosopher 7ho li4e, i! 3th ce!tury ?'/ a!, this is also/ accor,i!- to the
tra,itio!/ the ol,est philosophical syste2. The 2ai! ,iere!ce <et7ee!
sa28hya a!, yo-a is that or2er is atheistic/ a!, i! it the path to7ar,
sal4atio! lea,s throu-h the 2etaphysical co-!itio!. (o-a/ o! the co!trary/
postulates the e>iste!ce o o!e Go,J the i!al cause is reache, throu-h the
tech!iGues o 2e,itatio! +dh(ana-. O the -reatest i2porta!ce i! this syste2
is the tech!iGue <y 7hich yo-i co!trols hi2sel/ his passio!s a!, ,esires/
a!, that is co!ce!tratio! +dharana-.
?ut/ the 7hole syste2 i!clu,es also the rules o i!!er a!, outer ,iscipli!e/
proper physical e>ercises asanas, re-ulate, <reathi!- +prana(a$a-, co!trol
o eeli!-s prat(ahara, 7hich to-ether 7ith aore2e!tio!e, tech!iGues o
co!ce!tratio! a!, 2e,itatio! <ri!-s to a hi-her le4el o co!scious!ess/
7hich is sa$adhi, state that ca! <e i,e!tiie, 7ith ?u,,hist nir%ana. I!
sa2a,hi/ yo-i <eco2es o!e 7ith the u!i4erse a!, i! that 7ay he <ri!-s his
o7! co!scious!ess i! the state o eter!al peace/ ree,o2 a!, har2o!y. As
Yoga Sutras cite/ HThe u!io! o the sel 7ith the Supre2e is the outco2e o
the restrai! o the thou-ht curre!t ro2 the 2i!, o e-o/ co!trol o co-!itio!
a!, a!!ihilatio! o e-oI. )or the achie4e2e!t o the 2ystical u!ity 7ith Go,
it is !ecessary to achie4e ree,o2 ro2 ,esires a!, passio!s. I! this 7e ca!
percei4e the si2ilarity 7ith the Stoic school. Ze!o !a2ely co!si,ere, that
passio!s are irratio!al a!, u!!atural 2o4e2e!ts o the soul a!, 7ise 2a!
2ust -et ri, o the2.
1.7. ?+%%&ISM BIN%IANC
1.7.1. The E!li-hte!e, O!e Gautha2a ?u,,ha
?u,,hist reli-io! 7as/ opposite to 'o!ucia!is2/ alrea,y ro2 the <e-i!!i!-
orie!te, to7ar, the 2ysticis2. ?u,,hist 2ysticis2/ as A!,re7 &ar4ey cites/
<e-i!s 7ith the 2o2e!t o e!li-hte!2e!t o his ou!,er/ reli-ious reor2er
Gautha2a ?u,,ha. It too8 place a<out 6#3 ?'/ i! the !orth o I!,ia/ i! the
place !a2e, ?o,hi Gaya. Si,,harta Gautha2a Bu!,er that !a2e he 7as
<or!C starte,/ i! act/ to search ater the 8!o7le,-e i! tra,itio!al &i!,u 7ay/
a!, Aoi!e, ,iere!t spiritual teachers/ 7ho asserte, that they 8!o7 the 7ay
to ree,o2. Throu-h co!ti!uous practice o yo-a/ ?u,,ha aspire, to the
u!io! o the sel Bat$anC 7ith the a<solute BBrah$anC.
Althou-h the ,escriptio!s o ?u,,ha;s lie are i! 2easure i!ter7ea4e, 7ith
the le-e!,/ yet so2e acts ca! <e esta<lishe, 7ith suicie!t certai!ty.
?u,,ha thereore spri!-s ro2 !o<le a2ily/ ro2 Sha8ya tri<e. &is ather
7as the hea,/ that is/ co.ruler o this s2all repu<lic/ 7hich 7as place, o!
to,ay <or,erla!, <et7ee! I!,ia a!, Nepal. Soo! ater the <irth/ ather
Su,,ho,a!a ha, so!;s horoscope <e 2a,e/ <y o!e sa-e BrishiC. Si!ce it 7as
prophesie, that Si,,harta 7ill <eco2e either a -reat 7arrior/ or a -reat
spiritual teacher/ ather has ,o!e his <est to assure the realiEatio! o the
or2er/ a!, !ot the latter. &e ha, three cotta-es <e 2a,e/ i! 7hich his so!
has <ee! tau-ht o scie!ce/ art a!, 2artial arts. I! his cotta-es Si,,harta
spe!t his ,ays isolate, ro2 outer i!lue!ces. Later he -ot 2arrie,/ or a
e2ale relati4e o his/ !a2e, (asho,ara/ a!, -ot a so!/ to 7ho2 he -a4e a
!a2e Rahula. &e elt so2eho7 ettere, i! all the lu>ury that surrou!,e,
hi2/ so he -a4e to so! the !a2e 7hich 2ea!s Hchai!sI. E4erythi!- ettere,
hi2/ pleasure/ po7er/ the a2ily/ 7ie a!, chil,. Si!ce the a2ily lie has !ot
<rou-ht hi2 Aoy a!y2ore/ he ,eci,e, to lea4e his ho2e a!, to <eco2e
ho2eless. This 7ay o lie is still practice, i! I!,ia/ <y those 7ho research
or spiritual truths BsadhuC. Accor,i!- to the le-e!,/ this spiritual cha!-e/ i!
this uture -reat spiritual teacher occurre, ater so calle, Hour 4isio!s o
si-htsI. Si,,harta !a2ely/ as the story -oes/ o! his three e>cursio!s to the
outer 7orl, ace, the lie;s reality/ i! the 7ay that he 7as !ot use, to/ or
2ay<e e4e! 8!e7 <eore. &e sa7 the sueri!- i! its three or2sJ irstly/ the
ee<le ol, 2a!/ ater7ar,s the sic8 2a! i! terri<le pai!s/ a!, i! the e!, the
2our!i!- trai!/ that carrie, a corpse o so2e 2a!. Ater these three si-hts
,eeply shoo8 hi2/ o! his ourth e>it he 2et a happy a!, co!te!te, 2o!8/
7ho tra4elle, a<out 7ith his <e--ar;s ,ish. This ourth e>it i!to the outer
7orl, 7as ,ecisi4e <ecause thereater Si,,harta let ho2e a!, his a2ily he
,e4ote, hi2sel e!tirely to the pursuit o spiritual 8!o7le,-e.
)irstly/ Si,,harta Gauta2a Aoi!e, a e7 <rah2a! teachers/ <ut he 7as !ot
e!tirely satisie,/ <ecause he aspire, to the pure/ supre2e spiritual
8!o7le,-e. &e su<Aecte, hi2sel to the strictest asceticis2 a!, he spe!t
so2e ti2e alo!e/ u!til he acGuire, i4e ollo7ers/ 7ho ollo7e, hi2 i! the
utter2ost sel.,e!ial a!, e>tre2e asti!-. ?ut/ e4erythi!- that he
acco2plishe, 7as/ that he rui!e, his health. &e realiEe,/ that he 2a,e a
2ista8e/ a!, that <y this 8i!, o lie he has !ot co2e !earer to spiritual
truth. @he! he a<a!,o!e, strict asti!- a!, starte, to ta8e re-ular 2eals/
his ,isciples/ ,isappoi!te,/ ha4e all alle! ro2 hi2. O!ce a-ai! he re2ai!e,
alo!e/ <ut still ,ecisi4e to perse4ere o! his 7ay. &e ,eci,e, to ,irect all his
e!er-y to the achie4e2e!t o holi!ess <y the 2e,itatio!. ?y si!8i!- i!to
co!te2platio! u!,er the i- tree he i!ally achie4e, the e!li-hte!2e!t a!,
<eca2e ?u,,ha. &is e!li-hte!2e!t ha, three le4els. O! the irst !i-ht o
2e,itatio! he sa7 all his or2er li4es passi!- <eore hi2. O! the seco!,
!i-ht he co2prehe!,e, the cycles o repeate, <irths a!, realiEe, the la7
ater 7hich they happe!. O! the thir, there 7ere re4eale, to hi2 the our
sacre, truthsL the 8!o7le,-e o sueri!-/ the ori-i! o sueri!-/ the
li<eratio! ro2 sueri!- a!, the 7ay that lea,s to the li<eratio! ro2
The e!li-hte!e, ?u,,ha 7as irstly i!,ecisi4e a<out his !e7ly acGuire,
8!o7le,-e/ a!, he 7as !ot sure 7hether the hu2a!ity 7as rea,y to accept
his teachi!-. Accor,i!- to the le-e!,/ the! appeare, -o, ?rah2a Saha2pati
a!, persua,e, hi2 to pass the ,octri!e urther/ e4e! thou-h <ecause o e7.
Soo! ?u,,ha -athere, arou!, hi2 a -roup o ollo7ers a!, o the2 7as
2a,e a co22u!ity o 2o!8s/ sangha. Ater this e!li-hte!2e!t Gauta2a
tra4ele, or 06 years across I!,ia/ teachi!- a!, li4i!- as <e--ar 2o!8. I! his
3"th year ?u,,ha ,ie, i! to7! $ushi!a-ara/ ro2 the co!seGue!ces o oo,
poiso!i!-. Accor,i!- to the ?u,,hist teachi!-/ the! he e!tere, parinir%ana,
i.e. the state o total e>ti!-uish2e!t/ ro2 7hich there are !o 2ore repeate,
Ater ?u,,ha;s ,eath/ his ,isciples co!ti!ue, his teachi!-/ passi!- it o!to
!e7 -e!eratio!s/ ro2 o!e to a!other. The teachi!- has <ee! passe, o4er <y
oral tra,itio!/ so the irst 7ritte! !otes appeare, !ot earlier tha! 6"" years
ater ?u,,ha passe, a7ay. Those irst !otes ,ate ro2 the irst ce!tury ?'.
The <asic collectio! o !otes is calle, #ali *anon, ater the la!-ua-e i! 7hich
it 7as 7ritte!. This collectio! 7as the 2ai! source or the co!ser4ati4e
Thera4a,a ?u,,hists. More <roa,.2i!,e, Mahaya!a ?u,,hists
ac8!o7le,-e 2a!y 2ore authoritati4e te>ts/ as or e>a2ple Suha%ati%(uha
+The 8escription o! Ra@a Suha%ati-, Sadhar$apundaria +.otus o! the ;ood
.a/-, .ana%atara +Re%elation o! Teaching in .ana-, a!, a<o4e all
#ra@napara$ita Sutra +;uide to the #er!ect Wisdo$-. Accor,i!- to Mahaya!a
?u,,hists/ sal4atio! is !ot ,esti!e, o!ly to a e7 2e! o special 2oral
perectio!/ <ut to all the 2a!8i!,. )ro2 the lap o Mahaya!a ?u,,his2/
ater7ar,s si!-le, the2sel4es out DaAra.ya!a ?u,,his2 i! the 1st ce!tury
A%/ a!, 'ha! ?u,,his2/ i! :th ce!tury A%J these li!es 7ere 2ore
2ystically orie!te,J these li!es 7ere 2ore 2ystically orie!te,/ a<out the2
there 7ill <e 2ore sai, later.
1.7.#. DaAra.(a!a ?u,,his2
Re!e7al o 2ystical philosophy i! 1st ce!tury has !ot cau-ht o!ly the
territory o Ro2a! E2pire/ <ut that happe!e, also i! I!,ia/ i! the or2 o
Aa@ra-(ana ?u,,his2. ?u,,his2 ,i4i,e, itsel 4ery early/ as it 7as sai,
<eore/ i! t7o 2ai! 2o4e2e!ts/ Mahaya!a a!, Thera4a,a. I! course o ti2e
i! ?u,,his2 appeare, 2a!y su<-roups/ a!, the irst <i--er 7as DaAra.
ya!a/ or ;%ia2o!, @ay;. DaAra B%ia2o!,C is relate, to <ri-ht!ess o the 2ost
precious Ae7el i! !ature/ <y 7hich is ,e!ote, a spiritual 7ay to perectio!/ i!
this 8i!, o ?u,,hist teachi!-. DaAra.ya!a represe!te, or ?u,,hists o the
1st ce!tury a !e7 re4elatio! i! ?u,,ha;s ,octri!e. I! the script :alacara-
tantra it is recou!te, that 8i!- Suca!,ra 7e!t to ?u,,ha a!, as8e, hi2 or
a 8i!, o yo-a that coul, sa4e 2e! ro2 $ali.yu-a Bprese!t a-e o ,isputes
a!, ,eca,e!ce i! hu2a! historyC. &e 7as -i4e! a! a!s7er telli!- that
cos2os e>ists i! the 4ery hu2a! <o,y/ he also -ot a! e>pla!atio! o the
i2porta!ce o se>uality a!, the 7ay ho7 to co!trol the rhyth2 o ti2e/ <y
the ,iscipli!e o <reathi!-. The ai2 o DaAra.ya!a is tra!sce!,e!ce throu-h
outer phe!o2e!a o thi!-s to7ar, the state o e2pti!ess 7here the
i!,i4i,ual is i,e!tiie, 7ith the A<solute BNir4a!aC.
O! the irst si-ht this spiritual 7ay has a ,isti!cti4e a!ti.ascetic character/
<ut this relates o!ly to so calle, let ha!, 7ay/ i! 7hich ,iere!t se>ual
practices are use,/ a!, also 2eat a!, !arcotics are allo7e,/ all o 7hich is
!ot appro4e, <y the ri-ht ha!, 7ay. The ri-ht ha!, 7ay/ o! the co!trary/
e2phasiEes 2e,itati4e a!, spiritual ,iscipli!e/ a!, i!sists o! hi-h ,e-ree o
purity i! <eha4ior a!, acti!-.
DaAra.ya!a ?u,,his2 o the let ha!, 7ay is re-ar,e, i,e!tical 7ith Sha8ti
ta!tris2 o &i!,uis2. Shati represe!ts the -o,,ess or cos2ic e2ale
po7er/ 7hich is 4e!erate, i! ta!tra. She is at the sa2e ti2e also a
tra!sor2ati4e po7er o the %i4i!e Mother that acts i! the <ac8-rou!, o all
the <i- cha!-es i! the u!i4erse a!, <ri!-s hu2a! <ei!-s to the -reatest
tra!sor2atio!. I! ta!tris2/ <o,y <eco2es the place o hi-her 8!o7le,-e/
a!, !ir4a!a is achie4e, o!ly i! the state o co2plete li<eratio! o thou-hts
a!, eeli!-s. I! te>ts o Sha8ti yo-a it is i!terprete, u!,er 7hich co!,itio!
a!, i! 7hat or2/ i! the u!io! o 2ale a!, e2ale yo-i ca! pro,uce a
thou-ht o li<eratio! a!, achie4e the u!ity o the sel a!, phe!o2e!al
7orl,/ as Guotes &a!s $R!- i! his 7or8 *hristentu$ und Weltreligionen
+*hristianit( and World Religions-.
@ith ri-ht ha!, 7ay are especially co!!ecte, tech!iGues/ 7hich ser4e as the
2ea! or achie4i!- the i!al cause o the u!io! 7ith the A<solute. )antra
prese!ts so!orous or2 o the ,eity/ it is a! e>pressio! that is repeate,
u!ceasi!-ly a!, it is <elie4e, that her po7er reaches to the arthest
<ou!,aries o the u!i4erse. There are use, also other 2ea!s/ li8e 2e,itatio!
o! so2e ,eity/ sa2e as (antra B -eo2etrical ,esi-! o! 7hich ca! <e ,epicte,
4arious 2a!tras/ a!, $andala B e>te!,e, ya!tra 7hich co!tai!s 2e,itati4e
or2s o ,eities/ a!, other sy2<ols.
Ta!tris2 ,e4elope, i! the <e-i!!i!- i! t7o <or,eri!- re-io!s o I!,ia/ o!
!orth.7est B<or,er 7ith A-a!ista!C a!, i! easter! part o ?e!-al/ thereore
i! re-io!s that hi!,uise, the2sel4es o!ly partly. Later/ this teachi!- i!
7hich are i!terlace, &i!,uistic a!, ?u,,hist ele2e!ts/ sprea, to Nepal/
Ti<et/ 'hi!a a!, =apa!. I! Ti<et DaAra.ya!a too8 root the 2ost/ <ut it 2ust
<e sai, that 2ost o Ti<etha! ?u,,hists accept the ri-ht ha!, 7ay/ that is/
!o!.Sha8ti ta!tris2.
1.7.1. Teachi!- o! E2pti!ess o the Philosopher Na-arAu!a
At this sa2e ti2e B7hich 7as/ o! the territory o the Ro2a! E2pire 2ar8e,
<y the <e-i!!i!-s o the 'hristia! philosophy a!, &elle!istic philosophic
sy!cretis2C/ appeare, i! I!,ia o!e o the -reatest ?u,,hist philosophers/
Na-arAu!a. &e li4e, i! #!, ce!tury Bater so2e sources i! the irst hal a!,
ater others i! seco!, hal/ o! tra!sitio! to 1r, ce!turyC a!, arises ro2 the
south o I!,ia/ re-io! o A!,hra. Na-arAu!a is the ou!,er o Ma,hya2i8a
philosophical school. Me2<ers o this school ha4e oppose, to &i!aya!a
school o Sar4asti4a,a/ 7hich asserte, that -i4e! thi!-s +dhar$a- e>ist/ i.e.
posses the e!tity. Ma,hya2i8a philosophers co!si,ere, that -i4e! thi!-s
ca!!ot ha4e their o7! e!tity/ <ecause they 7ere cause, a!, they as 7ell
yiel, to tra!sie!ce. I! other 7or,s/ they are e2pty +Sun(a-. Thus/ i! the
ce!tre o this philosophical syste2 is the teachi!- a<out e2pti!ess
Ma,hya2i8a philosophers ha4e i!terprete, su!yata as a re2e,y or
sueri!-. She teaches a<out th relati4ity o all thi!-s a!, a<out the
i!,epe!,e!t appeara!ce o certai! e!tities. )or the philosophers o this
,irectio!/ particularistic 4ie7s a!, co!ceptual syste2s are !ot e>tre2es/ <ut
possi<ilities. Ma,hya2i8a alo!e is !ot e2phasiEe, as the a<solute truth/
e>clusi4e i! relatio! to other truths.
To Na-arAu!a are ascri<e, 2a!y 7or8s/ o 7hich 2ost i2porta!t is
)adh(a$ia :aria +)iddle StanCas-. As re-ar,s the other -reat 7or8/
)ahapra@napara$ita sastra +The ;reat Treatise a"out the #er!ect Wisdo$-,
authorship is !ot certai!/ <ecause the 7or8 is !ot preser4e, i! its ori-i!al
or2/ <ut i! its later 'hi!ese tra!slatio!. I! Na-arAu!a;s co!cept o su!yata
so2e @ester! i!terpretatio!s ha4e trie, to i!, so2e 8i!, o a<solute/ e4e!
thou-h !e-ati4e o!e. ?ut/ the Guestio! a<out the a<solute/ i! the 7ay
Ma,hya2i8a philosophers see it/ is 7ro!-ly pose,/ <ecause it co!,itio!s
a-reei!- 7ith 7ro!- perceptio!/ ,i4erts ro2 the path o li<eratio! a!, lea,s
i!to allacy. )or all that there e>ist certai! parallels 7ith the @ester!
2ysticis2. )irst is the si2ilarity 7ith Pseu,o.%io!ysus Areopa-ite a!, his
;!e-ati4e theolo-y;/ a!, the other 7ith yet a!other 'hristia! 2ystic/ Nicholas
o 'ues/ 7ho asserts that or the 8!o7le,-e o Go, it is !ee,e, ;lear!e,
i-!ora!ce; +docta ignorantia-. A<out these latter 2ystical philosophers there
7ill <e so2e 7or,s later.
1.7.0. Asa!-a the )ou!,er o (o-acara
A you!-er co!te2porary o =ulia! the Apostate a!, Gre-ory o Nyssa i!
I!,ia 7as a ?u,,hist 2ystical philosopher Asa!-a. &e 7as <or! <y the hal
o 0th ce!tury/ i! a place calle, Ta>ashila/ !ot ar ro2 to,ay;s to7!
Pesha7ar i! Pa8ista!. Asa!-a 7as ou!,er o Yogacara B'o!sciou!ess.o!lyC
school o Mahaya!a ?u,,his2. &e spri!-s ro2 <rah2a!;s a2ily/ as the
el,est o three <rothers. All the three <eca2e "hishu, i.e. asceticsJ Asa!-a
alrea,y i! his youth <eca2e a! a<<ot o the 2ai! 2o!astic e,ucatio!al
ce!tre i! Ta>ashila. Later/ realiEi!- that he li4es i! ,eca,e!t ti2es/ 7he!
there is !o proper u!,ersta!,i!- o ?u,,ha;s teachi!-/ he 7e!t to
2ou!tai!s/ to ,e4ote hi2sel co2pletely to7ar, ascetic co!te2platio!. &e
2a,e a 4o7 to hi2sel/ that he 7ill puriy hi2sel spiritually/ so he spe!t
ti2e i! prayer to the uture i!car!atio! o ?u,,ha/ to Maitreya/ a ,eity i!
7hich <elie4e, ,e4out &i!,u. They <elie4e, that Maitreya ?u,,ha a<o,es i!
hea4e! Tushita/ 7here he sits o! his thro!e/ i! his royal palace/ i! the 2i,st
o -ar,e!s/ 7ith 7al87ays/ po!,s/ <ir,s a!, lo7ers. Accor,i!- to ?u,,hist
te>ts/ this la!, Bthat correspo!,s to !otio! o 'hristia!s; hea4e!C/ there is
a<solute peace e4ery7here/ it is clea!/ a!, trees are 7ithout thor!s. I! this
la!, rice -ro7s 7ithout <ei!- so7!/ Aust as it 7as o! Earth i! Gol,e! a-e.
Mystic Asa!-a practice, prayer a!, co!te2platio! ,uri!- t7el4e lo!- years/
i! a ca4e 4ery re2ote ro2 settle, places/ i! the strictest co!,itio!s o the
ascetic lie. )i!ally/ ater these t7el4e years o ar,e!t e!,ea4ors/ so2ethi!-
s!appe, i!si,e hi2. I! his 2i!, occurre, alter!ati4ely t7o stro!-
suspicio!s. At o!e 2o2e!t he thou-ht that the story o ?u,,ha Maitreya
7as o!ly a pious 2yth/ a!, at !e>t a-ai!/ he thou-ht that he 7as too si!ul/
so Maitreya ,espise, hi2 a!, reuse, to appear. I! a!y case/ prese!t lie
see2e, to hi2 4ai! a!, useless/ so he co!si,ere, that a!y co!ti!uatio! i!
this ,irectio! 7as o!ly a 7aste o ti2e. O4erco2e 7ith sel.pitiless!ess/ he
thou-ht that he 7oul, <e 2ore useul <y ,oi!- so2e hu2<le ser4ice/ e4e!
s7eepi!- the 2o!astery;s loor/ to e!a<le i! such 7ay the realiEatio! o
lotier aspiratio!s/ i! so2e uture lie. 'li2<i!- ,o7! the 2ou!tai!/ 7here
he thou-ht he 7aste, lo!- years i! 4ai!/ he 7a!,ere, or so2e ti2e/ u!til
he e4e!tually ca2e to outs8irts o so2e to7!. There he sa7 a 7ou!,e, ,o-/
ha, pity o! hi2/ a!, helpe, hi2. Su,,e!ly/ o! the place 7here ,o- 7as/ he
sa7 a <laEi!- 4isio! o uture Maitreya/ 7ith a halo o rai!<o7;s colors. &e
irst stoo, stu!!e, or so2e ti2e/ a!, the! ell o! his 8!ees <eore hi2/
reciti!- praises. @he! he collecte, hi2sel a <it/ he applie, to Maitreya/ a!,
as8e, hi2 7hy has ha, it <ee! so lo!- or hi2 to appear. Maitreya a!s7ere,
that he 7as 7ith hi2 all the ti2e/ <ut Asa!-a coul, !ot ha4e see hi2.
H@ithout co2passio!/ o!e coul, !ot see lo4eI/ he e>plai!e, to the 2ystic.
As le-e!, says/ Asa!-a 7e!t 7ith Maitreya to hea4e! Tushita/ 7here it 7as
e>plai!e, to hi2 the ,octri!e o e2pti!ess o Mahaya!a school/ a!, there
ha4e <ee! ,ictate, to hi2 i4e <oo8s o ?u,,ha;s teachi!-. Ater7ar,s/
Asa!-a ote! 7e!t to hea4e! Tushita/ usi!- super!atural po7er/ a!, -ai!i!-
!e7 8!o7le,-e o )aha(ana Sutras= 7he! he retur!e, to =a2<u,4ipa/ he
tra!s2itte, his 8!o7le,-e to others. Maitreya tau-ht Asa!-a also o
Sa$adhi at Sunlight, a!, ater he e!tere, this state/ the 2ystic -ai!e,
co2plete u!,ersta!,i!- o )aha(ana Sutras. ?ecause i! this teachi!- the
e2phasis 7as o! !o!.,ualis2/ a!, pre,o2i!a!t role o the i!telli-e!ce/
ro2 this spri!-s the !a2e o the school (o-a.'ara BH'o!scious!ess.O!lyIC.
1.7.6. ?o,hi,har2a the )ou!,er o 'ha! ?u,,his2
?u,,his2 arri4e, to 'hi!a alrea,y i! the 1st ce!tury A%/ ho7e4er it ca2e
upo! i2petuous resista!ce o the tra,itio!al 'o!ucia!is2/ a!, later/ i! the
course o ce!turies/ its i!lue!ce -ra,ually ,ecrease,. ?u,,hist teacher ro2
souther! I!,ia PraA!atara ,eci,e, <y the <e-i!!i!- o :th ce!tury/ to se!,
his 2ost -ite, ,isciple ?o,hi,har2a to 'hi!a/ to re4i4e 'hi!ese ?u,,his2
a!, -i4e it a !e7 i2pulse. PraA!atara/ co!si,ere, as #7th patriarch o I!,ia!
?u,,his2 proclai2e, his ,isciple or a successor/ a!, ?o,hi,har2a 7ill
<eco2e later the irst patriarch o 'ha! ?u,,his2.
?o,hi,har2a 7as <or! i! 03# i! a royal a2ily/ as the thir, so! o a 8i!-/ i!
a a2ily that <elo!-e, to ?rah2i! caste. )irstly/ his e,ucatio! 7as steere,
to7ar, i!herita!ce o ather;s thro!e/ <ut later co2i!- i!to co!tact 7ith
?u,,ha;s teachi!-/ he re!ou!ce, the hi-h statio! a!, i!herita!ce/ to
,e,icate hi2sel e!tirely to teachi!-s o ?u,,ha. I! the year 6#:/
?o,hi,har2a set out or souther! 'hi!a 7ith a 2issio! to tra!s2it the
dhar$a teachi!- to sar4asti4a,a ?u,,hists there.
?o,hi,har2a 7as 7elco2e, i! 'hi!a 7ith respects/ a!, i! the !e>t year
B6#7C he 7as e4e! recei4e, i! au,ie!ce <y 'hi!ese e2peror @u Ti/ ro2
Lia!- ,y!asty. E2peror 7as sy2pathiEer o ?u,,his2 a!, 4e-etaria!/ a!,
he ote! ,resse, ?u,,hist clothes a!, practice, ?u,,hist prayer. ?esi,es/
ater he ca2e to the thro!e/ he <uilt 2a!y te2ples/ helpe, i! pu<lishi!-
2a!uscripts a!, -e!erally supporte, 2a!y 2o!8s. ?ut/ all this ,i, !ot
i2press 2uch ?o,hi,har2a/ 7ho co!si,ere, that e2peror has <ee! too
prou, o his 8!o7le,-e o ?u,,his2/ a!, o his 2erits i! respect o
i!cite2e!t o aith. Thereore/ the e2peror -ot shoc8i!- a!s7er to his
Guestio! co!cer!i!- his 2erits/ or all that he ha, ,o!e. The I!,ia! 7ise
2a! a!s7ere,/ that there is !o 2erit i! a!ythi!- that he ,i,. @u Ti ,i, !ot
u!,ersta!, that his practici!- dhar$a ,o !ot ha4e a real 4alue/ <ecause he
,i, all his ,ee,s 7ith i!al -oal to achie4e 2erits or hi2sel alo!e. O! !e>t
Guestio!/ co!cer!i!- the esse!ce o ?u,,his2/ ?o,hi,har2a -a4e a!other
stu!!i!- replyL HDast e2pti!ess a!, !o esse!ce at allI. @he! e4e!tually
e2peror as8e, the 7ise 2a! 7ho he 7as/ he recei4e, a!other surprisi!-
a!s7erL HI ,o !ot 8!o7I. Perple>e,/ e2peror ater7ar,s se!t a7ay the 7ise
2a! ro2 his court/ !ot sur2isi!- that he tal8e, to the 2a! 7ho 7ill
<eco2e the irst patriarch o 'ha! ?u,,his2.
I! the <e-i!!i!-/ !e7 teachi!- 7as !ot accepte, 7i,ely. People ro7!e, o!
?o,hi,har2a/ <ecause they co!si,ere, hi2 heretic. O!ly the si>th
patriarch/ &ui.!e!-/ too8 a lea,i!- part i! a lo7eri!- o 'ha! ?u,,his2.
'ha! co!si,ers that 7e are too 2uch e!sla4e, to 7or,s a!, lo-ic/ a!, as
lo!- as 7e are e!ta!-le, i! that 7ay/ 7e pass throu-h u!uttera<le sueri!-.
The -oal o 'ha! ,iscipli!e is to ta8e !e7 4ie7poi!t/ to o<ser4e the esse!ce
o thi!-s. This !e7 4ie7poi!t is calle, /u Bi! =apa!eseL satoriC a!, it ca! <e
,ei!e, as the i!tuiti4e i!si-ht. 'ha! teachers use so calle, oan as the
e>ercise a!, <ac8-rou!, o a 2e,itatio!. $oa! is so2e 8i!, o ri,,le/
i!co2prehe!si<le ,ialo-ue or a state2e!t/ 7hich purpose is to pro4o8e a
co!tra,ictio!/ a!, ro2 7hich later i! 2e,itatio! a ,irect 2ystical i!si-ht is
ta8e! out.
1.3.1. The )ou!,er o Taois2 Lao.Tse
Taois2 is philosophic teachi!- that also ori-i!ate, i! the :th ce!tury ?'/
li8e others aore2e!tio!e,. HTao is the hi,,e! 7ar,e! o all thi!-s/ it
e!riches the -oo, a!, reAects the e4ilI/ says Tao-te-ing, <oo8 7hich 7as/
accor,i!- to the tra,itio!/ 7ritte! <y Lao.tEu/ ou!,er o this philosophic
teachi!-. The 8!o7le,-e o acts/ a<out the lie o this 'hi!ese sa-e are
u!relia<le/ the sa2e as i! Pytha-orasM caseJ co!cer!i!- the year o <irth/
2ostly is cite, :"0 ?'. This year is/ !a2ely/ 2e!tio!e, <y a 'hi!ese
historia! Ssu2a Tsie!/ 7hose <io-raphical acts 7ere later cite, <y other
sources. Accor,i!- to hi2/ Lao.tse 7as <or! i! eu,al state 'hou Bto,ay
'hi!ese pro4i!ce &u!a!C a!, his real !a2e 7as Peya!- Li. BHLao.tseI is title
a!, !ot a perso!al !a2eJ it ca! <e tra!slate, a<out as Hthe Ol, MasterI.C
The historia! Tsie! also cites that Lao.tEu 7as ,irector o state 'hou;s
archi4e. &e li4e, a!, 7or8e, i! capitol/ to7! Lou Bto,ay &oha!uC. O scarce
i!or2atio! preser4e,/ it is cite, also that he retire,/ at the e!, o his lie/
7rote the 7or8 Tao-te-ing i! three ,ays a!, ater7ar,s ro,e o to Ti<et/ to
the ra4i!e &a! 8u/ 7here he spe!t the rest o his lie as her2it. As le-e!,
says/ he let his 7or8 to his ,isciple (i!.shi. Mo,er! researchers o Taois2
co!si,er that Lao.tse 7as the ori-i!ator o the <asic pri!ciples o this
teachi!-/ a!, also that his teachi!- 7as up-ra,e, throu-h se4eral
-e!eratio!s o his ,isciples u!til 0th ce!tury ?'/ 7he! the 7or8 Tao-te-ing
-ot its i!al or2.
The co!ceptio! a<out the 7hole Taoist 2ystical philosophy re4ol4es is the
i!i!ite 2ysterious Tao/ says A!,re7 &ar4ey/ i! his 7or8 The 'ssential
)(stics. The ter2 HTaoI coul, <e tra!slate, as the 7ay or the pri!ciple o
-e!eral happe!i!-. I! the <e-i!!i!- it ,e!ote, the 2o4e2e!t o celestial
<o,ies arou!, the Earth/ a!, that re-ularity 7as u!,erstoo, as the cause
a!, sy2<ol o all the earthly happe!i!-s. HTaoI is/ accor,i!- to that/ a 8i!,
o the a<solute/ <ut also so2e 8i!, o e!er-y/ 7hich e2a!ates ro2 that
a<solute/ a!, o 7hich all the 2atter -e!erates. Physicist a!, philosopher
@er!er &eise!<er- !otice, the si2ilarity <et7ee! the co!cept o &eraclitus
a!, 2o,er! physics/ i! re-ar, to the li8e!ess o the ire as the irst pri!ciple
a!, 2o,er! co!cept o e!er-y. HI o!e su<stitutes the 7or, ;ire; 7ith
;e!er-y;/ the! &eraclitus; state2e!ts ca! <e reco-!iEe, 7or, or 7or, as the
e>pressio! o our 2o,er! u!,ersta!,i!-I/ cites &eise!<er- i! his 7or8
HPhysics a!, PhilosophyI. A!other physicist/ )ritAo 'apra BTao o! #h(sics-
percei4e, the co!!ectio!s <et7ee! the co!cept o the a!cie!t Gree8
philosopher a!, Taois2. &eraclitus; 7orl, or,er/ i! 7hich Hthe eter!ally li4e
ire <ur!s a!, e>ti!-uishes 7ith 2easureI/ 'apra co2pare, 7ith Taoist i,ea
o cyclic tur!s o yi! a!, ya!-. These 2o4e2e!ts happe! i! !atural a!,
spo!ta!eous 7ay/ si!ce or Taoists it is the pri!ciple o acti!- o the 7hole
!ature/ a!, it shoul, <e also the characteristic o all the hu2a! acti4ities.
O!e o the 2ai! ai2s o all schools a!, sects o Taois2 7as the search or
ree,o2. The i!al cause o Taoists is the i22ortality. O!e o the 7ays or
achie4i!- it is release o passio!s. The co!ti!uators o Lao.tse;s teachi!-s
,e4elope, a 8i!, o Taoist reli-io!/ 7hich i! the course o ti2e tur!e, i!to
the 2ystical tra,itio!/ accor,i!- to their outer a!, i!!er characteristics/ <ut
they are all co!!ecte, <y the u!altera<le 'hi!ese style a!, <y the co22o!
characteristic o searchi!- or the u!ity 7ith Tao.
1.3.#. Tra!sce!,e!talis2 o 'hua!-.TEu
'hi!ese philosopher 'hua!-.TEu surely co!tri<ute, the 2ost or the urther
,e4elop2e!t o Taois2/ i! 0th ce!tury ?'J he is the you!-er co!te2porary
o Plato/ i! the )ar East. @e ha4e 4ery little o relia<le ,ata a<out hi2/ 2ore
precisely al2ost !othi!-/ so it is co!si,ere, that he li4e, i! a certai! perio,
o ti2e/ <et7ee! the years 199 a!, #96 ?'. Ater hi2 7as !a2e, the <oo8
*huang-TCu, <ut o!ly the irst se4e! chapters are co!si,ere, to <e authe!tic.
The other/ ;outer; chapters 7ere 7ritte! <y thi!8ers o 8i!,re,/ yet ,iere!t
theoretical ,irectio!s. The actio! o those chapters is ote! ,e4elope, o! the
<asis o the2es ro2 I!!er 'hapters.
The style o 'hua!-.TEu;s 7riti!- is at the sa2e ti2e tra!sce!,e!tal/ a!, o!
the other ha!,/ per2eate, <y e4ery,ay lie. I! hi2 there are u!ite, the
peace o a 7ise 2a! a!, 2o4e2e!t throu-h the 7orl, o a lay2a!. A thi!
threa, o 2ysticis2 7hich ,ra7s throu-h his 7or8 is i!terlace, 7ith its
ratio!al co2po!e!t. 'hua!-.TEu ha, ,e4elope, urther teachi!-s o the
ou!,er o Taois2 Lao.TEu/ ta8i!- a 2ystical aspiratio! o the teacher/ a!,
a,,i!- to the2 a tra!sce!,e!tal ,i2e!sio!. @hile he ,i, !ot <elie4e i! Go,
creator i! 7ester! se!se/ his aith relie, o! all.per2eati!- Tao, the @ay or
the O!e/ ro2 7hich all the thi!-s ollo7/ thereore <y 7hich are per2eate,
all the create, e!tities/ ro2 the lo7est to the hi-hest. ?y the li!8a-e 7ith
the O!e it is realiEe, the state hsien, that ca! <e tra!slate, as i22ortality/
<ut also as the total e2pti!ess/ i! a ?u,,hist se!se. I! this state/ 2a! is
ree, ro2 7orries a!, selish ,esires/ a!, ope! to i2pressio!s/ that
tra!sce!, si!-le 2aterial thi!-s.
'hua!-.TEu <rou-ht a !e7 ter2 to 'hi!ese philosophy/ that is/ ;sel.
tra!sor2atio!;/ 7hich 7ill <eco2e the i2porta!t pri!ciple o Taois2. I!
re-ar, to this/ i! literature is ote! 2e!tio!e, the ,rea2 o <utterly/ i!
7hich 'hua!-.TEu ,i, !ot 8!o7 7hether is hi2 ,rea2i!- o <utterly/ or is
it a <utterly ,rea2i!- o <ei!- 'hua!-.TEu. This is a! e>a2ple o the
tra!sor2atio! o thi!-s/ a!, that coul, re2i!, us o &eraclitus/ 7ho
<elie4e, that lie is ,y!a2ic/ i! co!sta!t cha!-e. 'hi!ese philosopher
<elie4e, i! a possi<ility to tra!sce!, the ,uality o the e>iste!ce. I! Taois2/
!a2ely/ ,ualities or pairs o oppositio!s are resol4e, i! the u!,a2e!tal
1.3.1. The S%ar8 Teachi!-M o Taoist @a!- Pi
'hi!ese Neo.Taoist philosopher @a!- Pi/ <or! i! ##:/ 7as co!te2porary o
Ori-e!/ Ploti!us a!, Porphyry. Alrea,y i! his youth he 2a!ieste, his
-e!ius/ a!, i! a lieti2e shorter tha! #0 years/ he succee,e, i! a!i2ati!- a
!e7 Taoist 2o4e2e!t/ 8!o7! as hsuan hsueh, %ar8 Lear!i!- or Neo.
Taois2. &e appeare, i! a perio, o ,eca,e!ce/ ater the all o &a! ,y!asty/
a!, i! those tu2ultuous ti2es the pre4aili!- 'o!ucia! philosophy also
e>perie!ce, ,ecay/ up to 2ere practici!- o rituals a!, superstitio!. I! such
historical co!te>t appeare, philosopher @a!- Pi/ -i4i!- !e7 i!ce!ti4e !ot to
Taoist o!ly/ <ut as 7ell to 'o!ucia! thou-ht/ si!ce he ha, certai! i2pact
o! uture ,e4elop2e!t o Neo.'o!ucia!is2.
@a!- Pi elt repulsio! to7ar, the at2osphere o! courts a!, to7ar, the
rituals that 7ere peror2e, i! the !a2e o 'o!ucius. O! the co!trary/ he
7as attracte, <y cou!try lie a!, philosophical ,e<ates 7ith his collea-ues/
ar ro2 restricti4e co!,itio!s o the court a!, -o4er!2e!t. I! @a!-;s
opi!io!/ 'o!ucius; teachi!- i! that ti2e 7ere prese!te, i! supericial
2a!!er/ so he/ althou-h ha4i!- recei4e, lesso!s ro2 'o!ucius; teachi!-/
tur!e, to Taoist classics Lao.Tse a!, 'hua!-.Tse/ to achie4e e!li-hte!2e!t.
&e trie, to -et i!si-ht i!to the <asic 2ea!i!- o their ,e<ates/ searchi!- at
the sa2e ti2e or utter pri!ciples/ 7hich their teachi!- 7as <ase, upo!. &is
aspiratio! or the u!,ersta!,i!- teachi!- o a!cie!t sa-es <rou-ht a<out
his o7! teachi!- hsuan hsueh B7or, hsuan coul, <e tra!slate, as ,ar8 or
2ysteriousC. The 7or, hsuan @a!- Pi too8 o4er ro2 Tao Te *hing, a!, ro2
it 2a,e a 8ey or his o7! u!,ersta!,i!- o the te>t. &e hel, that i! the
<ac8-rou!, o the acti!- o !ature/ <ehi!, 7or,s a!, co!cepts lies hsuan,
thereore ,ar8 or 2ystery/ 7hich is i! act a root o e4erythi!- that ,oes
e>ist. )ro2 this ce!tral i,ea ollo7e, ;%ar8 Lear!i!-;/ a sy!cretic
co2<i!atio! o Taoist pri!ciples a!, 'o!ucia!ist co!cepts. Althou-h he
co!si,ere, 'o!ucius the -reatest sa-e i! history/ he loo8e, at his teachi!-
throu-h the pris2 o Taois2. This usio! o t7o 2ai! ,irectio!s i! 'hi!ese
thou-ht is <est relecte, i! @a!- Pi;s co22e!tary to I *hing, e!title, *hou
Yi .ueh-li.
@a!- Pi; teachi!- has certai! si2ilarities 7ith Ploti!us a!, Neo.Plato!ists/
7hich 2ay see2 peculiar/ i! co!si,eratio! o -eo-raphical ,ista!ce <et7ee!
Ale>a!,ria a!, 'hi!a. So/ i! aore2e!tio!e, 7or8/ 'hi!ese philosopher
says that 2ultitu,e ca!!ot rule o4er 2ultitu,e/ <ut there e>ists the supre2e
O!e/ 7hich rule o4er 2a!y. @a!- Pi thi!8s that or 2a!y to <e supporte,
there is !ecessary or the ruler to preser4e his o!e!ess/ i! the -reatest
,e-ree. As his philosophical 4ie7s i! 2a!y respects ,re7 !ear to ?u,,his2
Bespecially i! theory a<out /u, !o! <ei!-C/ ?u,,hist philosophers ou!, his
co!cepts a!, ter2i!olo-y 8i!,re, to their teachi!-. HNo!<ei!- is i!here!t
i! O!e. ?ut/ 7he! 7e search or it i! 2ultitu,e/ he is li8e Tao, 7hich 7e ca!
search/ <ut !ot i!,/ liste! <ut !ot hear/ reach hi2/ <ut !ot touch hi2I/ says
'hi!ese philosopher @a!- Pi.
1.9. 'ON)+'IANISM
1.9.1. 'o!ucius The &ar2o!y o the 'os2ic a!, Social Or,er
I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Taoists/ 7ho searche, or the har2o!y <et7ee! the
i!,i4i,ual a!, Tao/ the ollo7ers o 'o!ucius aspire, to7ar, the har2o!y
<et7ee! the cos2ic a!, social or,er. This/ seco!, o t7o a2ous 'hi!ese
philosophers/ 7as <or! i! 661 ?' i! s2all place calle, 'huehli. 'o!ucius
spri!-s ro2 a poor a2ily/ 7hose a!cestors o!ce <elo!-e, to the ruli!-
house o Su!-/ a!, they occupie, hi-h statio!s. The philosopher hi2sel has
<ee! e2ploye, i! state ser4iceJ i! his itieth year o lie he 7as calle, to
pri!ce;s court/ 7here he 7as the 2i!ister o Auris,ictio!/ or e7 years. &e
carrie, throu-h 4arious social reor2s/ <ut a<out the year 097 ?' resi-!e,/
<ecause o ,isa-ree2e!t 7ith ruler;s policy a!, his 7ay o lie. 'o!ucius
co!ti!ue, to li4e as a tra4eli!- teacher/ a!, at the e!, o his lie he ,e4ote,
hi2sel to collecti!- a!, e,iti!- o ol, scripts/ a!, e>posi!- his o7!
It is little preser4e, o ori-i!al 'o!ucius; scripts/ <ecause the ollo7ers o
'o!ucius 7ere persecute,/ a!, 7riti!-s ,estroye,/ ,uri!- the ti2es o 'hi!
state/ ro2 appro>i2ately ##1 u!til #"7 ?'. Accor,i!-ly/ to,ay is !ot
possi<le to e>tract 'o!ucius; teachi!-s i! their pri2ary or2. &o7e4er/ to
'o!ucius is ascri<e, the authorship o our 7or8sL I *hing +Boo o!
*hanges-, Shih *hing +#oe$s-, Shu *hing +Ancient Scripts- a!, *hun *hiu
+Spring Annals and Autu$n Annals, i.e. *hronicle o! .u State-. The 'hi!ese
sa-e has !ot co!ce!trate, his atte!tio! o! philosophical.reli-ious
2ysticis2/ <ut ethics/ i.e. the ter2 (en or hu2a!e!ess. It is the -e!eral la7
that has to rule o4er the relatio!s i! a2ily a!, i! the state that is 8!o7! i!
the or2 o Hthe Gol,e! RuleI . H%o !ot ,o to the others/ that you ,o !ot
7a!t others to ,o to youI. &o7e4er/ i! the pri2ary 'o!ucius; 7or8 the
reli-ious 2essa-e is o!ly i2plicitly co!tai!e,. O!ly later ollo7ers/ especially
Neo.'o!ucia!is2/ up-ra,e, the 7or8 o their a2ous teacher/ i! a 2ystical
1.9.#. The 'o!ti!uators o 'o!ucious; @or8 Me!cius a!, &su!.Tse
The other 'hi!ese philosopher o the 0th ce!tury ?'/ Me!cius Bthe
co!ti!uator o 'o!ucius; 7or8C/ is <etter 8!o7! or his teachi!- a<out
ethics/ -o4er!2e!t a!, social or,er/ tha! or 2ysticis2. )or all that/ as
=oh! ?erthro!- re2ar8s i! World's Religions, <oo8 !a2e, ater hi2 ca! <e
u!,erstoo, o!ly i! the li-ht o 2ysticis2. Me!cius !a2ely trie, to sho7 that
the 4ery esse!ce o &ea4e!ly @ay/ the ,i4i!e po7er o the u!i4erse/ <eca2e
the hu2a! !ature. Reli-ious 2essa-e that 7as o!ly i2plicitly co!tai!e, i!
'o!ucius/ <y Me!cius is 2a!ieste, i! a clear 7ay/ creati!- thus the i2a-e
o the teacher o 2ysticis2.
It is co!si,ere, that Me!cius Bor ori-i!ally Me!-.TseC 7as the ,isciple o
'o!ucius; -ra!,so! Tse.Se. &e li4e, 2ai!ly as cou!selor i! politics a!,
eco!o2y at s2aller pri!ce;s courts/ a!, also as the tra4eli!- teacher. @he!
he ha, retire, ro2 the pu<lic lie/ Me!cius/ 7ith a help ro2 his ,isciple
@a!- Zha!- 7rote a 7or8 )encius, 7hich co!sists o se4e! <oo8s/ a!, it is
7ritte! i! a or2 o ,ialo-ue. Me!cius ar-ue, 7ith 4ie7s o his
co!te2poraries/ o! Guestio!s co!cer!i!- ethics a!, social teachi!-J his
i2porta!t is that a sou!, social or,er is achie4e, throu-h the proper
e,ucatio! a!, <y thou-htul eco!o2ic policy.
The !e>t i2porta!t co!ti!uator o the 'o!ucia! teachi!- 7as &su!.Tse. &e
7as <or! a<out 11" ?' i! state Zhao/ a!, he 7e!t to stu,y to state *i/
7he! he 7as 16. The 7or8 o &su!.Tse 7as to so2e e>te!t u!,er the
i!lue!ce o Taois2. )or hi2/ there is !othi!- hi-her tha! the
tra!sor2atio! o 2a! i! har2o!y 7ith !atural or,er. Pro<a<ly u!,er the
i!lue!ce o Lao.Tse/ &su!.Tse sa7 the role o hea4e! as the
acco2plish2e!t 7ithout acti!- a!, realiEatio! 7ithout see8i!-. Ater the
7or,s o =. ?erthro!-/ the 2ea!i!- o hea4e! e4ol4e, ro2 the supre2e
,eity B<y 'o!uciusC throu-h the oscillatio! <et7ee! the supre2e ,eity a!,
2oral po7er/ to the 2ea!i!- o the u!i4erse alo!e/ <y &su!.Tse.
1& M'("!)L P*"L+(+P*,-( +F *, M"DDL, )2,(
#.1.1. Ma>i2us the 'o!essor
The <e-i!!i!- o The Mi,,le A-es i! Europe is characteriEe, <y the
,o2i!io! o ?yEa!ti!e E2pire/ ater the -reatest territorial e!lar-e2e!t/ i!
ti2es o the E2peror =usti!ia!Ms rule/ u!til 6:6. I! a perio, shorter the! #"
years ater the e2perorMs ,eath/ the E2pire lost co!si,era<le territories i!
!orther! Arica/ a!, also i! Italy a!, Spai!. So2eho7 Aust at that ti2e/
arou!, 63" i! 'o!sta!ti!ople Bto,ay Ista2<ulC 7as <or! the irst i2porta!t
2ystical philosopher a!, theolo-ia! o The Mi,,le A-es <y the !a2e
Ma>i2us/ !ic8!a2e, the 'o!essor. Ater =ulia! a!, Proclus he 7as the
thir, si-!iica!t 2ystical philosopher <or! i! the capital o the E2pire.
Ma>i2us 7as o a !o<le 'o!sta!ti!ople a2ily/ a!, o7i!- to his e,ucatio!/
he <eca2e a secretary o the E2peror &eraclios B7ho rule, ro2 :1" to :01C.
The E2peror appreciate, Ma>i2us 4ery 2uch/ <ut the philosopher ,eci,e,
rather to <e a 2o!8/ a!, he 7ith,re7 hi2sel to the 2o!astery i!
'hrysopolis/ place !ot ar ro2 the capital. There he staye, or se4eral years
a!, ater7ar,s he 7e!t to !orther! Arica. The -o4er!or o Arica Gre-ory
proclai2e, hi2sel as e2peror a!, re<elle, a-ai!st ce!tral authorities i!
'o!sta!ti!ople. So Ma>i2us as 7ell ell i!to ,is-race <y the E2peror
'o!sta!s/ as he 7as accuse, or support o Gre-ory. Ater7ar,s Ma>i2us
ta8es the roa, to Ro2e/ 7here he is sustai!e, <y Pope Marti!/ o! accou!t o
co!,e2! o Mo!othelite teachi!-. This ,octri!e/ that spea8s a<out o!e o!ly
7ill o 'hrist Bi! ,isti!ctio! o Ro2e that co!si,ere, he has t7o 7ills/ ,i4i!e
a!, hu2a!C 7as the 2ai! reaso! or i!tri-ues/ i!co!4e!ie!ces a!, ,isputes
<et7ee! Ro2a! popes a!, ?yEa!ti!e e2perors a!, patriarchs/ i! the course
o 7
Ater his arri4al to 'o!sta!ti!ople i! :66/ Ma>i2us 7ill <e co!,e2!e, or
his asse!ti!- 7ith Ro2a! popes. As the 2ai! state2e!t o the accusatio! it
is 2e!tio!e, his alle-e, co!spiracy 7ith Gre-ory/ i! co!!ectio! 7ith the
usurpatio! o the thro!e. The process too8 place o!ly si> years later/ 7he!
Ma>i2us 7as alrea,y 3".o,, years ol,. &e 7as !ot o!ly a!athe2atiEe,/ <ut
also <eate! up a!, 2utilate,/ a!, the! i!ally se!te!ce, to lielo!-
<a!ish2e!t a!, i2priso!2e!t. Soo! Ma>i2us the 'o!essor ,ie, a!, later
he 7as proclai2e, or a sai!t/ si!ce he pai, 7ith lie his plea,i!- or
ortho,o>y a!, ,e4otio! to Ro2e.
Ma>i2us the 'o!essor has al7ays <ee! co!si,ere, o!e o the lea,i!-
theolo-ical 7riters o the Easter! 'hurch. &is thou-ht is i!spire, <y the
Plato!is2/ <ut also <y Ori-e!/ Gre-ory o Nyssa a!, Pseu,o.%io!ysius. This
co2es i!to e>pressio! i! Ma>i2usM 2ai! 7or8s Scholia, A$"igua a!,
)(stagogia, 7here he e>plicates the teachi!-s o his -reat pre,ecessors. T7o
the2es are o special i2porta!ce i! Ma>i2usM 7or8s/ that is/ his cos2ic
4isio! a!, his theory o ,i4i!iEatio!. PhilosopherMs 4isio! o the 2a!ieste,
a!, !o!.2a!ieste, cos2os coul, <e epito2iEe, i! a se!te!ce ro2 the 7or8
A$"igua3 OThe 7hole 7orl, co2pletely e!ters the 7hole Go, a!, <eco2i!-
all that is Go,/ e>cept the i,e!tity o !ature/ he i!stea, o hi2sel recei4es
the 7hole Go,.P Ma>i2us thi!8s that ,i4i!iEatio! is achie4e, throu-h the
asceticis2 a!, co!te2platio!/ <y 7hich is realiEe, the tra!sor2atio! o the
physical 2a! i!to the hea4e!ly 2a!. Si2ilarly to Ploti!us/ Ma>i2us also
hol,s that OGo, al7ays 7a!ts to <eco2e a 2a! i! those/ 7ho are 7orthy o
I2porta!t -rai!s o 7is,o2 are also preser4e, i! Ma>i2usM collectio!s o
sentential BLat. se!te!tia thou-ht/ opi!io!/ pro4er<C/ so o those ethical/ as
o!es o ,e4otio!al !ature/ ,esti!e, to his ,isciples.2o!8s/ or the usa-e
i!si,e the 2o!astery. OI! your theoriEi!- a<out theolo-ical the2es/ ,o !ot
e!,ea4or to u!,ersta!, Go, i! his esse!ceP/ Ma>i2us a,4ise,/ O5 <ut
co!te2plate o! his !ature/ that is eter!al/ i!i!ite/ i!co!cei4a<le/ ho!est
a!, 7ise/ as 7ell as o his o2!ipote!ce/ that rules o4er all a!, Au,-es
e4eryo!e.P OThat/ 7hich sta!,s as a! i2pe,i2e!t o! the spiritual path are
passio!s/ 7hich <e-i! 7ith e-ois2/ a!, e!, 7ith 4a!ity. Physical passio!s
are cause, <y <o,y/ a!, spiritual/ <y outer circu2sta!ces. )ro2 physical
passio!s 7e are set ree throu-h a<sti!e!ce a!, ro2 spiritual <y lo4e.
E4eryo!e 7ho cele<rates Go, i! hi2 throu-h sueri!-/ <ecause o Austice/
a!, throu-h co!te2platio! also is cele<rate, throu-h Go,Ms true rays o
e!li-hte!2e!t. A<solute lo4e 2a8es !o ,iere!ce <et7ee! hu2a! <ei!-s/
!ot e4e! i! o!e trait/ <ut she co2prises all eGually.P I! these pro4er<s o
Ma>i2us the 'o!essor 7e ca!!ot ail to see the stri8i!- si2ilarity 7ith
?u,,histK&i!,u lear!i!-/ i! relatio! 7ith li<eratio! o passio!s/ cherishi!-
o u!co!,itio!al lo4e a!, aspiratio! ater e!li-hte!2e!t.
#.1.#. Eriu-e!a/ the Philosopher o the 'aroli!-ia! Re!aissa!ce
I! Europe/ the <e-i!!i!- o 9
ce!tury 7as 2ar8e, <y the rule o
'harle2a-!e/ 7ho ha, <ee! cro7!e, <y Pope Leo III/ o! the 'hrist2as o
the year 3"". ?ei!- co!scious o the lo7 i!tellectual a!, spiritual le4el o his
E2pireMs su<Aects/ he u!,ertoo8 ,ecisi4e 2o4es. So/ to his court i! Aache!
he <rou-ht to-ether so2e o the 2ost lear!e, 2e! o those ti2es. )ro2
E!-la!, there 7as thus i!4ite, Alcui!/ i! that ti2e the 2ost i2porta!t
theolo-ia! a!, scie!tist. =ust li8e Isi,or o Se4illa or =oh! o %a2ascus/ so
7as Alcui! rather 2ore e!cyclope,ically a!, pe,a-o-ically ,ispose,J he
coul, har,ly <e calle, a thi!8er or a 2ystic. ?ut/ 2ai!ly to hi2 -oes the
2erit or ou!,i!- the e,ucatio!al syste2 o the 2e,ie4al Europe. The irst
Alcui!Ms pupils 7ere i! act the E2peror hi2sel/ as 7ell as the 2e2<ers o
his a2ily. Later their e>a2ple 7as ollo7e, <y other 2e2<ers o the
!o<ility/ u!til the! 2ai!ly illiterate/ too. &o7e4er/ e,ucatio!al reor2 ha,
Aust li2ite, scopes a!, it co2prise, yet o!ly 2e2<ers o hi-her cler-y/
arch<ishops a!, <ishops.
'harle2a-!e ,ie, i! 310/ a!, he let the i22e!se e2pire to three o his
so!s/ 7ho 7ill ,i4i,e it a2o!- the2/ so2e thirty years later. Appro>i2ately
i! 316/ i! Irela!, 7as <or! =oh! Scottus Eriu-e!a/ the 2ost i2porta!t
2ystical philosopher !ot o!ly o the Europea! lo7 Mi,,le A-es/ <ut also the
2ost si-!iica!t philosopher i! -e!eral <et7ee! 7
a!, 11
ce!tury. &e
,iere, ro2 2ost o the scholars o the! Europe <y his e>celle!t 8!o7le,-e
o Gree8 la!-ua-e/ that e!a<le, hi2 i!si-ht i!to 7or8s o 'hristia! Gree8
theolo-ia!s/ li8e Gre-ory o Nyssa/ Pseu,o.%io!ysius Areopa-ite/ a!,
Ma>i2us the 'o!essor. %ra7i!- the 8!o7le,-e ro2 these Easter! authors/
as 7ell as @ester! BAu-usti!e/ ?oetiusC he ,e4elope, to a -reat e>te!t
ori-i!al cos2olo-y/ i! 7hich the supre2e pri!ciple Su!2o4a<le sel.i,e!tical
O!eM -e!erates all thi!-s a!, ater7ar,s retur!s the2 <ac8 to hi2sel.
I! historical sources Eriu-e!a is or the irst ti2e 2e!tio!e, arou!, 36"/ i!
a letter 7ritte! <y <ishop Par,ulus o Lao!/ 7here he calls hi2 OIrish2a!
!a2e, =oh! B=oha!!esC/ 7ho is at the palace o the 8i!-P. The 8i!- i!
Guestio! is so! o 'harle2a-!e/ ruler o the @ester! )ra!8ish E2pire
'harles II/ calle, the ?al,. Alrea,y the! a 4oice 7as sprea, a<roa,/ o his
e>traor,i!ary e,ucatio!/ a!, so the li<raria! o the Ro2a! 'uria A!astasius
a,2ire, ho7 Othis <ar<aria! ro2 a re2ote la!, 8!e7 Gree8P. ?ishop
Par,ulus a!, arch<ishop &i!c2ar -a4e or,er to Eriu-e!a to ,ispro4e the
treatise o a Sa>o! 2o!8 Gottschal8 a<out ,ou<le pre,esti!atio!. &i!c2ar
7as co!cer!e, or this heretical teachi!- !ot to sprea, out a!, co!seGue!tly
e!-a-e, the stro!-est a2o!- theolo-ia!s/ 7ho stoo, at his ,isposal.
Eriu-e!aMs respo!se 7as the treatise 8e di%ina praedestinatione, a po7erul
reutatio! o Gottschal8Ms teachi!-. I! it/ Eriu-e!a ,e!ies a!y %i4i!e
pre,esti!atio! i! co!!ectio! 7ith e4il/ e2phasiEi!- o! the co!trary Go,Ms
u!ity/ tra!sce!,e!ce a!, -oo,!ess. &e also poi!ts at the act that Go,/
<ei!- perectly -oo,/ 7a!ts all the hu2a! <ei!-s to <e sa4e,/ so he ,oes !ot
pre,esti!ate souls or ,a2!atio! a!, hell. ?y iro!y o ate/ this Eriu-e!aMs
treatise has <ee! a!athe2atiEe,/ o!ly a e7 years later. As the reaso! or
co!,e2!atio!/ it is state, his e>a--erate, e2phasis o! hu2a! ree 7ill i!
the process o sal4atio!. Althou-h philosopherMs script ha, <ee! co!,e2!e,/
Eriu-e!a hi2sel co!ti!ue, to e!Aoy the patro!a-e o the 8i!- 'harles the
?al,/ 7ho -a4e hi2 arou!, 3:" the tas8 o tra!slati!- the 7or8s o Psue,o.
%io!ysius Areopa-ite.
The re4elatio! o %io!ysiusM 7or8s ha, ,eep i2pact o! the thou-ht o =oh!
Scottus Eriu-e!a. @ith rapturous eeli!-s he accepte, Areopa-iteMs 2ai!
i,eas/ li8e a ,isti!ctio! <et7ee! the air2ati4e a!, !e-ati4e theolo-y a!,
a!alysis o %i4i!e !a2es/ Aust i! 2etaphorical a!, !ot literal se!se. Later
Eriu-e!a also tra!slate, the 7or8s o Gre-ory o Nyssa/ a!, Ma>i2us the
'o!essor/ too.
Eriu-e!aMs ce!tral 7or8/ #eriph(seon Balso 8!o7! u!,er the title 8e
di%isione naturaeC 7as 7ritte! i! 3:"Ms. I! this 7or8/ 7ritte! i! the or2 o a
,ialo-ue/ it is 4ery o<4ious i!lue!ce o Gree8 'hristia! authors. It really
represe!ts a Neo.Plato!ic Ssu22aM/ that is/ sy!thesis o the co2plete
8!o7le,-e. I! this 7or8/ 7hich tal8s a<out the !ature/ u!,er S!atureM is
u!,erstoo, that/ 7hich is real i! the 7i,est se!se/ that is/ the totality o all
thi!-s o Go, a!, his e!tire creatio!. Eriu-e!aMs ,i4isio! o !ature is
ourol,J irst/ that 7hich creates a!, is !ot create, Bi.e. Go,C/ that 7hich
creates a!, is create, BPri2ary 'auses or I,easCJ that 7hich is create, a!,
,oes !ot create BTe2poral Eects/ create, thi!-sCJ that 7hich is !either
create,/ !or creates B!o!.<ei!-s/ !othi!-!essC.
The irst <oo8 o the 7or8 #eriph(seon ,eals 7ith the irst ,i4isio!/ 7ith Go,
u!,erstoo, as the tra!sce!,e!tal O!e/ that is the cause o the e!tire
creatio!. I! the 7a8e o Pseu,o.%io!ysius/ Eriu-e!a sees Go, as o!e that
tra!sce!,s all a!, he represe!ts Sthe !e-atio! all thi!-sM. Thereore/ Go, is
4irtually !othi!-!ess Bthis re2i!,s o ?u,,hist 2ystical philosophers/ <ut
also o 'hristia! Meister Ec8hartC/ 7hose real esse!ce is u!8!o7! to all the
create, <ei!-s/ i!clu,i!- a!-els. )ollo7i!- Ma>i2us the 'o!essor/
Eriu-e!a says that Go,Ms !ature is i!i!ite a!, i!,escri<a<le. The
philosopher sees the act o creatio! as sel.2a!iestatio!/ 7here the
tra!sce!,e!tal Go, is 2a!ieste, throu-h ,i4i!e eusio! or theopha!ies.
)ocus o the seco!, <oo8 is o! the a!alysis o Pri2ary causes/ that is/ or2
patter!s o all the thi!-s locate, i! Go,Ms 2i!,/ 7hich act as ti2eless a!,
u!cha!-ea<le causes o all the create, thi!-s. This is a! eclectic
co2<i!atio! o ,iere!t earlier ,octri!es/ i!clu,i!- Plato!ic theory o or2s/
or i,eas/ %io!ysius treatise o! %i4i!e !a2es a!, Au-usti!eMs re!e7al o the
Stoic co!cept o eter!al reaso!s.
The thir, <oo8 ,iscusses the !ature o create, acts a!, o the 2ea!i!- o
co!cept Screatio! ro2 !othi!-M. This 7oul, ha4e the 2ea!i!- !ot o creatio!
o so2e pri!ciple outsi,e Go,/ <ut/ the creatio! out o Go,Ms prouse
!othi!-!ess/ Go, that creates or hi2sel alo!e/ a!, all the creatio! re2ai!s
i!si,e hi2. )ourth a!, ith <oo8 Bori-i!ally pla!!e, as o!eC ,iscuss the
retur! o all the thi!-s <ac8 to Go,. ?esi,e the -e!eral retur! o all thi!-s/
Eriu-e!a thi!8s that there e>ists the special retur! as 7ell/ 7here chose!
o!es achie4e ,eiicatio! <y the co2plete 2er-i!- 7ith Go,/ as li-hts <le!,
i!to o!e li-ht/ as 4oices <le!, i! the choir/ as a ,roplet o 7ater 2er-es 7ith
the strea2. Go, shall <e all i! all/ ,e,uces =oh! Scottus Eriu-e!a.
#.1.1. ?yEa!ti!e Poly2ath Michael Psellus
Ater the ,eca,e!t 1"
ce!tury a!, t7o ce!turies o philosophical re2issio!
i! the 'hristia! 7orl,/ i!ally i! 1"13 sa7 the li-ht uture ?yEa!ti!e
philosopher a!, poly2ath Michael Psellus. It is !ot 8!o7! precisely 7hether
he 7as <or! i! the 4ery capitol or i! !ear<y Nico2e,ia. &o7e4er/ it is or
sure that he is the 2ost si-!iica!t phe!o2e!o! i! 'hristia! philosophy
<et7ee! =oh! Scottus Eriu-e!a a!, the ra!-e o philosophers 7ho appeare,
o! the sce!e ,uri!- the !e>t 1#
ce!tury. I! o!e 7or,/ Psellus 7as the 2ost
po7erul perso!ality o the Europea! cultural lie o the 11
Alrea,y as a chil, Michael Psellus sho7e, a ,isti!cti4e prope!sity to7ar,
the acGuisitio! o 8!o7le,-e/ a!, especially to7ar, the 7is,o2 o the
a!tiGuity. Althou-h he e>tre2ely appreciate, 7is,o2 o ol,/ he al7ays 8!e7
ho7 to stay 7ithi! the <ou!,aries o 'hristia! ortho,o>y. Ater he ha,
acco2plishe, his ele2e!tary e,ucatio!/ he stu,ie, la7. &e 7as o!ly 17
7he! he e2ploye, hi2sel as Au,-eMs assista!t i! Phila,elphia. I! his #1
year he co2es to the E2perorMs court. )irstly he 7or8e, as a! oicial/ a!,
ater7ar,s he <eca2e a state secretary. +!,er the E2peror 'o!sta!ti!e IN
Mo!o2achus he <eco2es a proessor at the !e7ly esta<lishe, Aca,e2y i!
'o!sta!ti!ople/ <ut <ecause o his preere!ces to7ar, Plato/ he co2es i!to a
co!lict 7ith ortho,o> theolo-ia!s. I! 1"60/ 7he! occurs a co!lict <et7ee!
the Ro2a! Pope Leo IN a!, 'o!sta!ti!opleMs Patriarch Michael 'erularius Ba
co!lict that e!,e, i! a -reat schis2 o the @ester! a!, Easter!
'hristia!ityC Psellus retires hi2sel i!to a 2o!astery. ?ut/ i! 2o!astery he
,i, !ot stay or lo!-/ so he retur!s a-ai! to hi-h pu<lic statio!s.
&e re2ai!e, i! the oice also ,uri!- the rule o the !e>t e2peror/ Isaac
'o2!e!us/ 7ho ca2e to po7er <y 2ilitary coup ,MQtat/ so o!e coul, assu2e
that he 7as o rather a,apta<le !ature. ?y a! or,er o the E2peror/ Psellus
2a,e up a char-e a-ai!st his !a2esa8e 'erularius/ 7ho 7as soo! ,epose,/
!ot <eco2i!- thus/ accor,i!- to his o7! i,ea/ the pope o the East. @he!
'o!sta!ti!e N %ucas 2ou!te, the thro!e/ he put i! Psellus as a tutor o his
so!/ also !a2e, Michael/ 7ishi!- to 2a8e a! e2peror.philosopher out o
hi2/ i! i2itatio! o Marcus Aurelius a!, =ulia! II. ?ut/ this e,ucatio! later
tur!e, out to <e u!a4aili!- thou-h/ as the you!- e2peror has <ee!
u!successul i! ,ee!se o the E2pireMs <or,ers/ losi!- territories i! Asia
Mi!or a!, Italy/ u!,er the attac8 o Tur8s SelAu8s a!, Nor2a!s. I! this
perio, Michael Psellus ca2e to a hei-ht as a politicia!/ peror2i!- the
u!ctio! o the pri2e 2i!ister/ ro2 1"71 to 1"77.
?esi,e all o his states2a!li8e ,uties/ Psellus al7ays ou!, ti2e or 7riti!-/
so he let !u2erous 7or8s <ehi!, hi2. A2o!- the 7or8s Bo 7hich 2a!y
has !ot <ee! pri!te, yetC the 2ost pro2i!e!t are *ronograph(, 7hich
co2prises ?yEa!ti!e history ro2 973 u!til 1"73J the!/ a 7or8 o
e!cyclope,ic character/ )ani!old Teaching, 7here are co!tai!e, treatises o
2ost ,iere!t iel,s. A 2ystical character has treatise On 8e$ons, 7ritte! i!
a or2 o a Plato!ic ,ialo-ue. The 7or8 co!sists o t7o parts. I! irst he
settles accou!ts 7ith heretics/ 7ho2 he calls <y a! a!achro!is2/ Euchites.
&o7e4er/ here he ,oes !ot ,eal 7ith Euchites/ as a 2atter o act/ <ut 7ith
?o-u2ils/ 'hristia! sect 7hose teachi!- sprea, o! the territory o Trachia i!
ce!tury/ a!, the! throu-h ?alca!s to7ar, the @est/ 7here they <eca2e
8!o7! as 'athars. These SEuchitesM 7ere criticiEe, <y Psellus <ecause o
,isrespect a!, a<olish2e!t o ortho,o> 'hristia! ,o-2as/ so he ascri<es to
Euchites 7ere a 2ystical sect ro2 the 0
ce!tury/ 7hich Gre-ory o Nyssa criticiEe,
<ecause they -a4e up the2sel4es to i,le!ess.
the2 a 7hole ra!-e o se!seless char-es/ li8e pa-a!s ha, ascri<e, to early
As re-ar,s ,e2o!s/ thi!-s are a <it 2ore co2plicate,/ a!, <y perso! !ot
acGuai!te, 7ith su<Aect/ they ca! cause co!usio!.
Michael Psellus i! his
7or8 <ri!-s a! accurate classiicatio! o ,e2o!s/ so he ,i4i,es the2 i!toL
iery/ airy/ phle-2atic/ earthly/ su<terra!ea!/ a!, Sthose 7ho a4oi, li-htM. I!
the e!, o this 7or8 7e ca! i!, a! i!teresti!- re2ar8 that ca! <e classiie,
i!to the 2e,ie4al psycholo-y. So Psellus says that O<y 2a! are !ot !either
2uscles !or !er4es o!es/ that eel/ <ut the i!<or! spiritP. So/ it ca!!ot
happe!/ that the <o,y i! itsel eels the pai!/ <ut o!ly <ecause it is
participa!t o the spirit/ he ,e,uces. ?y all 2ea!s/ this re2i!,s o 2o,er!
a-e theosophists a!, their e>pla!atio! o the u!ctio!i!- o SspiritM/ i.e. astral
It is <elie4e,/ that &er2etic a!, 'hal,ea! scripts o &arra!Ms Sa<ia!s
arri4e, to the @est Aust <y the 2e,iatio! o Michael Psellus. Althou-h his
i!terest or the occult a!, orie!tal philosophy coul, <e co!si,ere, to <e i!
co!trast 7ith his 'hristia! ortho,o>y/ it see2s that it 7as Aust hi2 to <e the
irst li!8 i! a chai! o tra!s2issio! o these scripts. Thereore/ e!tire our
ce!turies these 7or8s ha4e <ee! a patri2o!y o ?yEa!ti!e philosophers/ a!,
i! the 16
ce!tury they 7ere carrie, o4er to Italy. As re-ar,s the 7or8 On
8e$ons, i! 7hich is prese!t a 4ery strict attitu,e to7ar, heretics/ so2e
authors thi!8 that the 7or8 has <ee! 7ritte! actually <y so2e Pseu,o.
Psellus. ?ut/ o! the other ha!,/ there is also a possi<ility that Michael
Psellus 7a!te, <y this 7or8 to ,ri4e a7ay possi<le suspicio!/ a<out his o7!
PsellusM ho2ilies ha4e a certai! trait o 2ysticis2/ too. So he/ co!si,eri!-
PlatoMs thou-ht that 2a! is/ 7hereas o Go,Ms ori-i!/ i! act a piece o Go,J
i! his ho2ilies he Guotes that 7e are really Go,Ms spar8s a!, that Oas <o,y
li4es a!, 2o4es o!/ 7e posses ico!s a!, traits o Go,/ throu-h 7hich 7e
<eco2e Go,Ms spar8sP. Thereore/ 2a! as perso! has to li4e ore4er/ says
Michael Psellus/ ?yEa!ti!e philosopher o the 11
#.1.0. St. Dictor 'e!ter o Europea! Mystical Philosophy
%uri!- the 1#
ce!tury )ra!ce <eca2e a ce!ter o Europea! 2ystical
philosophy/ especially the Parisia! 2o!astery St. Dictor. This 2o!astery 7as
ou!,e, <y the <e-i!!i!- o the 1#
ce!tury <y @illia2 o St. Thierry. This
Althou-h the !a2e S,e2o!M <y 2e,ie4al theolo-ia!s a!, philosophers has totally !e-ati4e
co!!otatio! a!, it ,e!otes a! e4il spirit/ its ori-i!al 2ea!i!- is ,iere!t. Thus i! the
a!tiGuity ,e2o! ote! ,e!ote, a protecti4e spirit or ,eity/ a!, <y Socrates or e>a2ple/ he
represe!ts a perso!iicatio! o co!scie!ce. ?ut/ ater 'hristia!ity ha, <eco2e the oicial
reli-io! o Ro2e/ the co!cept o a!-el presse, out ,e2o!s i! their 2ea!i!- o -oo, spirit/
sa2e as -e!ii o a!cie!t Ro2e. I! other 7or,s/ pa-a! -oo, spirit <eca2e a 'hristia! e4il
spirit. )or e>a2ple/ =oh! o %a2ascus i! 3
ce!tury says a<out ,e2o!s/ that they cause
7ic8e,!ess a!, i2pure passio!s/ a!, that or the2 a pu!ish2e!t o eter!al ire i! hell is
theolo-ia! a!, 2ystic ha, <ee! <or! a<out 1"36 i! Lie-e a!, he ste2s ro2
a! e2i!e!t a2ily. &e e,ucate, hi2sel/ alo!- 7ith his <rother Si2o!/ at
the ?e!e,icti!e 2o!astery i! Rei2s. They <oth e2<race, spiritual lie a!,
<eca2e a<<ots. @illia2 <eca2e the a<<ot o the 2o!astery St. Thierry
Bplace, appro>i2ately o! the hal.7ay <et7ee! Paris a!, Rei2sC i! 1119. &e
ha, alrea,y 2et <eore ?er!ar, o 'lair4au>/ 7ho 7as the <est 8!o7!
2ystical philosopher o that ti2e. Their rie!,ship 7ill last u!til the e!, o
@illia2Ms lie/ i! 1103.
Ater 1116/ thus at the a-e o 6" appro>i2ately/ @illia2 ha, to 7ith,ra7
hi2sel ro2 the ,uty o a<<ot/ as he ha, <ee! i! 7ea8 health or a lo!-
ti2e. &e 7ith,re7 hi2sel to 'istercia! 2o!astery i! Si-!y. &ere he ,e4ote,
hi2sel co2pletely to prayer a!, stu,y till the e!, o his lie/ ,eyi!- to
co!sta!t suer that his ill!ess cause, hi2.
?esi,e the correspo!,e!ce 7ith ?er!ar,/ @illia2 7rote se4eral i2porta!t
7or8s o 2e,ie4al 2ystical philosophy. Especially pro2i!e!t/ <y their
i2porta!ce/ are 7or8s 8e deo conte$plando BO! the 'o!te2platio! o Go,C
a!, 8e natura et dignitate a$oris BThe Nature a!, %i-!ity o %i4i!e Lo4eC.
The 7or8 On the *onte$plation o! ;od co!sists o t7o parts. I! the irst
philosopher ,escri<es his o7! ,esire or the co!te2platio! o Go, a!, i!
seco!,/ the 7ay throu-h 7hich Go, realiEes that ,esire. Accor,i!- to
@illia2/ lo4e starts as 2ere a<ility o lo4e. This a<ility/ 7ill/ is ,istorte, <y
si! a!, it 2ust <e re2o,ele,. The process o re2o,eli!- <e-i!s 7ith
re2i!isce!ce o Go,Ms prese!ce i! soul. @illia2 thi!8s that or2 2atters/
<ecause O7he! the su<sta!ce o the i!!er 2a! has <ee! sote!e, up <y lo!-
practice o pe!a!ce/ it is i2presse, a!, i!or2e, a!e7.P
The seco!, 7or8 8e natura et dignitate a$oris <ri!-s @illia2Ms classiicatio!
o our ,e-rees o lo4e B7ill/ lo4e/ 2ercy/ 7is,o2C. @ill represe!ts the irst
le4el/ o or2 7hich 2o4es itsel a!, <eco2es lo4e. A!, lo4e is !othi!- <ut
the i!te!si4e 7ill to7ar, -oo,. Mercy a!, 7is,o2 are t7o 2ore su<li2e
le4els o lo4e. @illia2 eGuals 2ercy 7ith lo4e to7ar, that o!e/ 7hich 2a!
alrea,y posses/ that is/ to7ar, Go,. @illia2 i,e!tiies 7is,o2 7ith the ol,
a-e a!, at this le4el 2a! has a puriie, soul/ release, o its <ur,e! a!, i!
its perectio! rea,y or the Aoy o 2eeti!- a-ai! 7ith Go,. I! physical ,eath/
says @illia2/ o!e ,ies co2pletely or the 7orl,/ <ut o!ly to li4e i! ple!itu,e
o Go,.
The <est 8!o7! ,isciple o @illia2 o Thierry/ A<elar,/ ha, !ot ollo7e,
teacherMs ootstepsJ 2oreo4er later he ca2e i!to a co!lict 7ith hi2. This
2ost ro2a!tic philosopher o The Mi,,le A-es Ba2e, or his lo4e to7ar,
&eloiseC i! his 7or8 2istor( o! *ala$ities states that Oi! the <e-i!!i!- he ha,
<ee! at his 7ill/ <ut later he <eca2e 4ery u!pleasa!t/ 7he! he starte, to
re<ut his thou-hts/ a!, too8 up ,e<ati!- a-ai!st hi2P. A<elar, ,i, !ot
,iscuss o!ly 7ith @illia2/ <ut also 7ith ?er!ar,/ 7ho ,e!ou!ce, hi2 to the
Pope. Ater this/ 'ou!cil i! Soisso!s too8 placeJ A<elar,Ms 7or8 ha, <ee!
co!,e2!e, a!, he ha, to 7ith,ra7 to 2o!astery 'lu!y.
?er!ar, o 'lair4au> 7as <or! i! 1"9" i! a place !ear %iAo!/ i! a ?ur-u!,i
!o<le a2ily. Pare!ts e,ucate, hi2 7ith special care/ <ecause o!e
clair4oya!t prophesie,/ yet <eore he 7as <or!/ that he 7ill <eco2e a -reat
perso!ality. So they oere, to their chil, the <est e,ucatio!/ a!, ater7ar,s/
his successul stu,ies let ,eep i2pressio! o! his teachers. ?er!ar, <eca2e
4ery e,ucate,/ <ut also 4ery pious. &e sho7e, a special 4e!eratio! to7ar,
the cult o Go,Ms Mother/ so there ha, !ot <ee! a!yo!e 7ho tal8e, a!, 7rote
i! 2ore su<li2e 2a!!er a<out her. BO@he! 7i!, o te2ptatio! starts to <lo7
i! you/ 7he! you -et stra!,e, o! the roc8s o suer/ ta8e up your loo8
to7ar, this star/ the! i!4o8e Mary. I the 7a4es o pri,e or a2<itio! or
calu2!y or e!4y i! you a-itate/ ta8e up your loo8 to7ar, this star/ the!
i!4o8e Mary. $eep her i! your 2outh 8eep her i! your heart. )ollo7 the
e>a2ple o her lie a!, you 7ill co!Guer the 2ercy o her prayer.PC Ater his
2other ha, ,ie,/ ?er!ar, ,eci,e, to -o to the 2o!astery a!, to ,e,icate
hi2sel co2pletely to solitu,e a!, prayer.
I! 1111/ alo!- 7ith a -roup o you!- 2e! ro2 ?ur-u!,y/ ?er!ar, e!tere,
i!to the 2o!astery 'iteau>/ Aoi!i!- the 'istercia! Or,er. O!ly t7o years
later ?er!ar, 7as se!t to parish o La!-res/ !orth o %iAo!/ to i!, a !e7
2o!astery. &e calle, hi2 'lair4au>/ a!, accor,i!- to hi2 7as !a2e,
hi2sel/ too. That is 7he! he -ot <lessi!- ro2 @illia2 o St. Thierry/ a!,
the!ceorth ,ates their rie!,ship as 7ell. The <e-i!!i!-s o 'lair4au> 7ere
pai!ul a!, ull o te2ptatio! si!ce i! the 2o!astery a 4ery strict re-i2e o
lie pre4aile,. &o7e4er/ these se4erities 7ere soothe, ater a 7hile o7i!- to
@illia2Ms i!ter4e!tio! <y the hea, o the or,er. The 2o!astery a,4a!ce,
rapi,ly a!, here ,i, ori-i!ate the irst ?er!ar,Ms 7or8s/ 8e gradi"us
super"iae et hu$ilitatis BO! the Gra,es o Pri,e a!, &u2<le!essC/ a!, 8e
laudi"us )ariae BO! Glory o MaryC.
I! 11#3 it 7as co!4o8e, the 'ou!cil i! Troyes a!, Pope &o!orius II
appoi!te, ?er!ar, as 'ou!cilMs secretary. This 'ou!cil ,iscusse, irstly
certai! co!tro4ersies a2o!- Parisia! <ishops a!, pro<le2s i! co!!ectio!
7ith )re!ch 'hurch i! -e!eral. &o7e4er/ this 'ou!cil 7as also i2porta!t
<ecause o! it ?er!ar, s8etche, rules o the 8!i-ht or,er o Te2plar. The
!e>t year ,i, ori-i!ate 7or8 8e laudi"us no%ae $ilitiae BO! the Glory o Ne7
MilitiaC/ ,e,icate, to &u-o ,e Paye!s/ 8!i-ht 7ho ou!,e, Te2plar Or,er i!
1119/ i! =erusale2. This is the eulo-y o $!i-hts Te2plar a!,
e!coura-e2e!t a!, cou!sel ho7 to <eha4e i! their 8!i-htsM statio!s a!,
ca2pai-!s BA <rie retrospectio! o! 2ystical philosophy o 8!i-htsM or,ers
ollo7s/ i! the !e>t chapter.C
I22e,iately ater this 7or8/ there ori-i!ate, ?er!ar,Ms 2ost i2porta!t
2ystical 7or8 8e a$ore dei BO! Lo4i!- Go,C. I! it ?er!ar,Ms 2essa-e is/ that
the 7ay i! 7hich Go, 2ust <e lo4e,/ is i22e!se lo4eJ he also states
,iere!t ,e-rees o this lo4e. Si!ce 7e are le, <y our car!al ,esires/ so it
see2s to <e that our lust a!, lo4e ha4e their -er2s i! corporeal. ?ut/
properly -ui,e, <y Go,Ms 2ercy throu-h the our sta-es/ lo4e 7ill ha4e her
e!, a!, purpose i! the spirit. Thereore/ irstly 7e ha4e to accept the picture
o earthly thi!-s/ a!, ater7ar,s 7e 7ill <e a<le to -rasp the picture o
hea4e!ly thi!-s. O! the irst le4el 2a! lo4es hi2sel alo!e/ a!, Aust <ecause
o hi2sel alo!e. This irst le4el is/ accor,i!-ly/ co!!ecte, to the corporeal
a!, it ca!!ot ha4e the !otio! o a!ythi!- that -oes <eyo!, this le4el. O! the
!e>t ,e-ree/ i! 2a! occurs a perceptio! that he ca!!ot e>ist or hi2sel
alo!eJ thereore he starts a search or Go,. &o7e4er/ o! this le4el lo4e
to7ar, Go, is selish/ o! accou!t o o!eMs o7! <e!eit. I! course o ti2e/ <y
,eli<eratio! a<out Go,/ rea,i!- Go,Ms @or, a!, <y prayer a!, 4e!eratio! o
Go,Ms co22a!,2e!ts/ little <y little/ o!e co2es at the co-!itio! a<out 7hat
Go, isJ the! he is lo4e, !ot o!ly <ecause he ,oes -oo,/ <ut he is lo4e,
si2ply <y a! u!co!,itio!al lo4e. O! the ourth le4el the eeli!- o lo4e is
puriie, still a!, o! it o!e lo4es e4erythi!-/ Aust <ecause o Go, alo!e.
I! the !e>t ,eca,e/ <esi,e the 7or8 o! his theolo-ical a!, philosophical
7or8s/ ?er!ar, ote! has a share o s2oothi!- out o ,isputes/ either a2o!-
ecclesiastic or lay lea,ers. A! u!-rateul role ell to hi2 i! 1106/ ater the
all o E,essa i! ha!,s o Tur8s SelAu8s a!, co!seGue!tly/ i22e,iate
,a!-er or =erusale2 a!, A!tioch/ co!Guere, i! the )irst 'rusa,e. Na2ely/
Pope +r<a! II co22issio!e, ?er!ar, or a preacher o a !e7 crusa,e. Ater
his call or a !e7 7ar/ i! )ra!ce he ha, co2e upo! 2assi4e respo!se.
?er!ar, the! ,eci,e, to -o to Ger2a!y too/ 7here a hu-e ar2y o #"
thousa!, 2e! 7as <rou-ht to-ether. I! the course o their ca2pai-! to7ar,
the Near East/ Ger2a! crusa,ers co22itte, 2assacre o4er =e7s. =oi!e,
orces o the )re!ch 8i!- a!, Ger2a! e2peror retur!e, i! 1103/ ater their
troops suere, hea4y losses. ?er!ar, ha, proteste, <y the E2peror o!
accou!t o the slau-hter o4er =e7s/ <ut he alo!e 7as accuse, or the ailure
o the crusa,e that he ha, preache,. These accusatio!s ha, sa,,e!e,
?er!ar,/ so i! o!e o his later 7or8s/ Boo o! *onsiderations B,e,icate, to
the Pope Eu-e!ius IIIC/ he e>plai!e, that 7ith crusa,ers/ as 7ith the
&e<re7 people/ Go, 7as o! their si,e as lo!- as they respecte, his
co22a!,2e!tsJ their si!s thereore cause, their 2isortu!e a!, 2iseries i!
the ca2pai-!.
Mo!astery St. Dictor 7as co!,ucte, <y a<<ots Gil,ui! a!, Tho2as/ ater
parti!- o the ou!,er @illia2 o St. Thierry. Ater Tho2asM ,eath i! 1111/
the hea, <eca2e &u-o a St. Dictor/ o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t a!,
i!lue!tial 2ystical philosophers o the 1#
ce!tury. This philosopher too/
li8e ?er!ar,/ co2es o !o<le pare!ts. &e 7as <or! i! 1"9: i! the a2ily 4o!
?la!8e!<ur-. &u-o ha, acGuire, his e,ucatio! i! 2o!astery St. Pa!cras
!ear &al<ersta,t. ?ut/ <ecause o the tur2oil i! Sa>o!y his u!cle Bor2er
@illia2Ms ,isciple/ a!, !o7 a <ishopC ,eci,e, to se!, hi2 to the 2o!astery
St. Dictor/ 7here he arri4e, i! 1106/ appro>i2ately. At 17/ as it 7as
2e!tio!e,/ he ha, <eco2e the hea, o the 2o!astery St. Dictor/ a!, u!,er
his -ui,a!ce the school -ai!e, a -reat reputatio!.
&is o7! 7or8s co4er a 7i,e spectru2 o philosophy a!, scie!ce/ that 7as
tau-ht i! those ti2es. As a philosopher/ he ha, a clear i,ea a<out the
scie!ce/ as purely ratio!alistic a!, ,iere!t ro2 theolo-y. +!,er
SphilosophyM he u!,erstoo, a 7hole ra!-e o 8!o7le,-e/ 7hich ca! <e
reache, <y !atural i!telli-e!ce. &u-o ,i4i,e, philosophy/ i! his 7or8
8idascalion, i! this 7ayL theoretical/ practical/ 2echa!ical a!, lo-ical. This
,i4isio! co2prise, the e!tire e>isti!- 8!o7le,-e. &u-oMs hu-est 7or8 is 8e
sacraa$entis christiane !idei BO! Sacra2e!ts o 'hristia! )aithC. I! it he
,iscusses !u2erous su<Aects/ li8e or e>a2ple creatio!/ a!-els/ sacra2e!ts/
aith/ 'hurch hierarchy/ <aptis2/ eucharist a!, others. ?ut/ 7or8s o the
2ost rele4a!ce or the 2ystical philosophy are 8e arca &oe $orali et $(stica,
8e %anitate $undi, 8e arha ani$ae, a!, 8e conte$platione eius specie"us. I!
the treatise a<out the NoahMs ar8/ &u-o ,epicts ar8 as a sy2<ol 7hich 2ust
<e i!terioriEe,. Ater7ar,s/ o!e co2es to the participatio! i! hierarchies/ i!
such a 7ay/ that ar8 sho7s the history o sal4atio! i! our i!terior/ i.e. heart.
Throu-h the i!ter!aliEatio!/ o!e 7ho co!te2plates asce!,s/ throu-h the
le4els o puriicatio! a!, e!li-hte!2e!t/ to the perectio!. Accor,i!- to
&u-o/ 8!o7le,-e is !ot a! ai2 i! itsel/ <ut it 2ust <e Aust a ru!- o a
la,,er to7ar, 2ystical lie/ throu-h the thou-ht/ 2e,itatio! a!,
&u-oMs 2ystical teachi!- 7as 7i,e!e, a!, ,eepe!e, <y his successor
Richar, a St. Dictor/ his ,isciple a!, su<stitute o! the hea, o the school.
A<out Richar,/ little o relia<le ,ata are 8!o7!/ at least co!cer!i!- his
<io-raphy. Thus/ it is !ot 8!o7! either the year or the place o his <irth. It is
suppose, that he 7as <or! a<out 111" i! Scotla!, or Irela!,. It is 8!o7!
that he ca2e to 2o!astery St. Dictor 7he! a<<ot 7as Gil,ui!/ thereore
possi<ly arou!, 111". The irst really certai! ,ate i! co!!ectio! 7ith
Richar, is 1169/ <ecause there e>ists a ,ocu2e!t Ba letterC 7ith his
si-!ature a!, title o su<.prior o the 2o!astery. The last years Richar, ha,
to e!,ure <esi,e a<<ot Er4isio/ 7ho 7as a,or!e, 7ith so2e Gualities/ !ot
4ery itti!- or the ,uty he peror2e,. Na2ely/ he 7as too 7orl,ly.orie!te,/
he suere, ro2 the 2a!ia o -ra!,eurJ he use, to spe!, pitilessly the
2ea!s o the co22u!ity a!, 2ar-i!aliEe, e4eryo!e 7ho ,i, !ot appro4e his
2o4es. The ,isco!te!t 7ith a<<otMs sel.7ill so reache, e4e! Pope Ale>a!,er
III/ 7ho e4e!tually ,is2isse, hi2 i! 117#/ o!ly o!e year <eore Richar,Ms
Richar,Ms reputatio! o the e>celle!t theolo-ia! sprea, ar <eyo!, the
2o!astery 7alls/ so also the other reli-ious i!stitutio!s heartily reGueste,
copies o his scripts. O his 7or8s/ pro<a<ly the <i--est i2porta!ce has
treatise 8e Trinitate BO! &oly Tri!ityC. Richar,/ as 7ell as his pre,ecessors/
e2phasiEes the i2porta!ce o co!te2platio! a!, co-!itio!. So/ alrea,y i!
the prolo-ue he <ri!-s out his sche2e o spiritual asce!t. &u2a! spirit/
accor,i!- to Richar,/ irst asce!,s to the irst hea4e! a!, that 2ea!s
!othi!- <ut to retur! to o!eMs sel. ?y the asce!t to seco!, hea4e! hu2a!
spirit -ai!s the -lory o i22ortality a!, i! the thir, it is Aoi!e, 7ith 4ery
,i4i!ity. The irst hea4e! o!e ca! reach i22e,iately/ to the seco!, he ca!
arri4e <y acco2plish2e!t o 4irtues a!, up to the thir, he is asce!,e, <y
spiritual co!te2platio!. Accor,i!- to Richar,/ the hi-hest ple!itu,e o lo4e
supposes the hi-hest eGuality i! perectio!. I! hi-hest si2plicity <ei!- a!,
lo4e coi!ci,e/ <ecause i! each o the three perso!s/ o!eMs o7! perso! is
i,e!tiie, 7ith the o7! lo4e/ it is sai, i! 8e Trinitate. Ben@a$in )inor a!,
Ben@a$in )a@or ha4e also a certai! 4alue or the 2ystical philosophy. They
,eal 7ith 2ystical co!te2platio! a!, alle-orical prese!tatio! o the
ta<er!acle/ the te!t o 'o4e!a!t. The ta<er!acle here sy2<oliEes the state o
perectio!/ i.e. it represe!ts a soul that <eca2e the a<o,e o Go,.
#.1.6. Mysticis2 o the $!i-hts Te2plar
The ou!,atio! o the Te2plar Or,er i! 1119/ althou-h 2ostly associate,
7ith 'rusa,es/ ori-i!ally ha, o!ly the ai2 o protectio! o pil-ri2s/ o! their
reli-ious tra4el to7ar, the 'hurch o the &oly Sepulcher i! =erusale2. It is
co!si,ere, that ou!,er o the Or,er 7as a )re!ch !o<le2a! &u-o ,e
Paye!s/ participa!t o the )irst 'rusa,e. At the ti2e o the ou!,atio! o the
Or,er he 7as al2ost 6" years ol,. &e ou!,e, the or,er alo!- 7ith ei-ht
other 8!i-hts/ as 2ilitia orces/ 7ith a tas8 o protectio! o pil-ri2s ro2
su,,e! attac8s o ro<<ers/ reGue!t i! those ti2es.
The you!- Or,er i! its <e-i!!i!-s ace, so2e ,iiculties/ si!ce there 7ere
!o re-ulatio!s or sources o i!co2eJ the oicial status o the Or,er 7as !ot
re-ulate,/ either. $!i-hts Te2plar the! 7ore a lay costu2e/ e!,o7e, <y
their ollo7ersJ a<out their po4erty tells the act/ that t7o o the2 ro,e o!e
horse. They li4e, i! tu2<le,o7! a!, u!,isti!-uishe, Guarters. ?ut/ i!
course o ti2e Te2plar a,4a!ce,/ they <eca2e lar-er i! !u2<er a!, <etter
or-a!iEe,. ?er!ar, o 'lair4au> is pro<a<ly 2ost 2eritorious or the
or-a!iEatio! o the $!i-hts Te2plar. As it 7as sai, <eore/ at the 'ou!cil o
Troyes ?er!ar, prese!te, re-ulatio!s/ <y 7hich 7as ,eter2i!e, the
co2port2e!t o the Or,erMs 2e2<ers. The irst rule co!siste, o 7#
para-raphs. I! ti2es o &u-oMs successor Ro<ert ,e 'rao! it 7as e>te!,e,.
The rule co!siste, o se4e! partsL &ierarchic Statutes/ Pe!a!ce/ Mo!astery
Lie/ Peror2a!ce o the 'ere2o!ial 'hoir/ More a<out Pe!a!ce/ A,2issio!
to the Or,er.
$!i-htsM ,aily ,uties 7ere strictly re-ulate,/ i! i2itatio! o ?e!e,icti!es. I!
a,,itio! to 2ilitary ,uties/ those o<li-atio!s i!clu,e, reli-ious o!es as 7ell/
li8e !u2erous ,aily prayers a!, prese!ce at the 2ass. ?er!ar,Ms 7or8 8e
laudi"us no%ae $ilitiae represe!ts a ser2o!/ 7hich -loriies the Te2plar.
This 7or8 7as a spiritual i!spiratio! or the 8!i-hts a!, a! i!cite2e!t or
their coura-eous e!terprises. ?er!ar,/ alo!- 7ith his e!coura-e2e!t o
8!i-hts i! their i-ht or their ho!ora<le ai2s/ also set o so2e ethical
i2perati4es. So he says that 'hristia! 2ust <e re7ar,e, alrea,y <y
i!cli!atio! o his heart/ i! his i-ht or the -oo, a!, holy thi!-. The o<Aecti4e
2ust !ot <e a 2ere 8illi!-. OIt is a sa, 4ictory o o!e/ 7ho ,estroye, a 2a!/
succu2<i!- to 7ic8e,!ess a!, 4ai! co!ceit5P $!i-hts 2ust stri4e to7ar,
the 4ictory a!, !ot -lory a!, they 2ust !ot allo7 to 7rath a!, hau-hti!ess
to ta8e co!trol o4er the2.
The Te2plar Or,er 7as characteriEe,/ alo!- 7ith certai! spiritual i!itiatio!/
also <y a hierarchical structure. O! the top o the pyra2i, 7as a Gra!,
Master/ co22a!,er.i!.chie o the Or,er/ the! there ollo7e, MaAor.,o2o/
Marshal/ 'o22a!,er o the $i!-,o2 o =erusale2/ %raper/ re-io!al
co22a!,ers/ co22a!,ers o the houses/ the! o course 8!i-hts as the 2ost
i2porta!t ele2e!t o the or,er a!, ser-ea!ts/ co22issio!e, or the lo-istic
support. I! course o the ti2e there 7as ou!,e, a stratu2 o Aoi!e,
2e2<ers/ 7hose ,uties 7ere !ot so strict they Aoi!e, usually or a
,eter2i!e, ti2e/ or e>a2ple ,uri!- the crusa,e. The co!!ectio! o Te2plar
7ith 2ysticis2 a!, 2ystical philosophy 7as !ot Aust throu-h the
perso!ality o ?er!ar,/ <ut also throu-h the 2e,iu2 o their speciic
structure o the Or,er. Na2ely/ such a hierarchic structure 7ill <e a,opte,
later <y the secret societies li8e Rosicrucia!s/ )ree2aso!s or Or,o Te2plis
Orie!tis/ 7hich are all or-a!iEatio!s i2porta!t or the 2o,er! history o the
2ystical philosophy. So2e authors e4e! co!si,er that ater the a<olish2e!t
o the Or,er <y the <e-i!!i!- o the 10
ce!tury $!i-hts Te2plar ou!,e, a
secret or-a!iEatio! i! Scotla!,/ 7hich 7as a ,irect pre,ecessor o
#.1.:. Al<ertus Ma-!us a!, Ro-er ?aco! Pio!eers o the E>peri2e!tal
The e!, o the 1#
ce!tury <rou-ht to Ger2a!y a rise o ,y!asty
&ohe!staue!/ <ut also a <irth o the irst really si-!iica!t philosopher/
Al<ertus Ma-!us. &e 7as <or! i! 1191 i! Lau!i!-e!/ i! souther! pro4i!ce
S7a<ia. A<out his chil,hoo, a!, ele2e!tary e,ucatio! there is !o ,ata/ yet
it is 8!o7! that he 7as se!t/ as you!- 2a!/ to stu,y at the u!i4ersity i!
Italia! to7! Pa,ua. Ater co2pleti!- his stu,ies/ he tau-ht theolo-y i!
se4eral Ger2a! to7!s. +po! his arri4al to 'olo-!e he retreate, i!to solitu,e
a!, ,e4ote, hi2sel to co!te2plati4e lie o a scie!tist a!, 7riter. I! 1#06 he
7as tra!serre, to Paris/ 7here soo! he 7ill <e e!title, %octor o Philosophy/
at this ol,est u!i4ersity i! Europe Besta<lishe, a<out 116"C. &is lectures 7ill
<e atte!,e, <y a Guiet a!, serious you!- 2a! !a2e, Tho2as AGui!as/ 7ho
7ill later <eco2e o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t 2e,ie4al philosophers. It is
pro<a<le that Aust Al<ert/ o!e o the -reatest polyhistors o his ti2e/ ser4e,
as i!spiratio! or Tho2asM co2prehe!si4e 7or8 Su$$a theologiae.
I! 1#03 Al<ert 7as se!t <ac8 to 'olo-!e/ to esta<lish the irst -e!eral house
o stu,ies BStu,iu2 Ge!eraleC o the %o2i!ica! Or,er. Tho2as ha, <eco2e
seco!, proessor/ <ut o!ly or a 7hile/ as i! 1#6# he retur!e, to Paris.
Na2ely/ the! <eca2e appare!t ,iere!ces ater so2e ,octri!al Guestio!s
<et7ee! the teacher a!, his or2er ,isciple/ as it has <ee! a case 2a!y
ti2es <eore/ throu-hout the history o philosophy. ?ut i! spite o all this
theolo-ical ,iscor,a!ces/ t7o o the2 7ill re2ai! i! -oo, ter2s/ u!til
Tho2asMs precocious ,eath i! 1#70. Al<ertus Ma-!us ha, peror2e, the
,uty o pro4i!cial o %o2i!ica! Or,er u!til 1#67/ a!, t7o years later he 7as
appoi!te, as <ishop o Ratis<o! Bto,ay Re-e!s<ur-C. &o7e4er/ i! this statio!
he 7ill re2ai! o!ly or a short perio,/ si!ce he soo! resi-!e, to ,e,icate
hi2sel to the proessorship at the 'olo-!eMs u!i4ersity/ 7hich he alo!e
ou!,e,. I! 1#:9 Pope +r<a! ID calls hi2/ that as his le-ate preach a!other
'rusa,e BThe ei-hth/ a!, i! act/ the last o!eC. Al<ertus tra4ele, or a year
throu-h Ger2a!y a!, ?ohe2ia/ oste!si<ly preachi!- the !e7 'rusa,e.
RealiEi!- that e4ery7here he co2es upo! lu8e7ar2 respo!se/ he spe!,s
2ore ti2e i! stu,yi!- lora a!, au!a/ as 7ell as -eolo-ical characteristics o
-eo-raphical area that he passe, throu-h. &e retur!e, to 'olo-!e i! 1#7"/
a!, there he 7ill spe!, the rest o his lie.
Al<ertusM i22e!se opus i!clu,e,/ i! a,,itio! to philosophy a!, theolo-y/
also 2athe2atics/ astro!o2y/ physics/ -eolo-y/ <ota!y/ Eoolo-y/ alche2y
a!, 2a-ic. )or those ti2es he ha, really a! asto!ishi!-ly 7i,e 8!o7le,-e/
so he 7as !ic8!a2e, SMa-!usM/ a!, he 7as also 8!o7! as S%octor
+!i4ersalisM. &e possesse, a -reat -it o perceptio! a!, it is i! act o<4ious
ro2 his stu,ies i! Eoolo-y a!, <ota!y. O! accou!t o his i!sisti!- o
i!tro,uctio! o e>peri2e!ts i! !aturalistic researches/ Al<ertus coul, <e
calle, the pio!eer o the e>peri2e!tal 2etho,. I! his 7or8 8e $ineraliu$ he
saysL OThe purpose o !atural scie!ce is !ot si2ply to accept state2e!ts o
others/ <ut to i!4esti-ate the causes at 7or8 i! !ature a!, i! the 7or8 8e
%egeta"ili"us and plantis he u!a2<i-uously asserts that the e>peri2e!t is
the o!ly certai! -ui,e i! researches.
I! the iel, o philosophy/ Al<ertus Ma-!us 7as at those ti2es the 2ost
i2porta!t co22e!tator o Aristotle/ 7hose 7or8s he careully stu,ie,. &e
accepte, his pri!ciples as 7ell applyi!- the2 i! his syste2atiEatio! o
theolo-yJ it 2ea!s that he e>pose, i! the scie!tiic 7ay the apolo-y o the
'hristia! ,octri!e. &e ,i4i,e, philosophy i!to co!te2plati4e/ 7hich <esi,es
2etaphysics also co2prise, scie!ces o physics a!, 2athe2atics a!,
practical philosophy/ 7hich ca! <e either i!,i4i,ual or a2ily a!, social.
Althou-h i! his perceptio! o !ature he i!cli!e, to Aristotelia! 2etho,s a!,
e>peri2e!ts aith re2ai!e, u!s7er4i!-/ so he hel, that spiritual lie i! its
esse!ce co!sists o ar,e!t tur!i!- o soul to7ar,s the ,i4i!e. %isti!cti4e
characteristics o 2ystical <ear t7o o his 7or8sL 8e adherendo 8ei BO!
+!io! 7ith Go,C a!, his co22e!tary o the 7or8 o Pseu,oi.%io!ysius
I! the 7or8 8e adherendo 8ei he says that i the heart a!, soul raise
the2sel4es <y ,esire a!, lo4e ro2 7hat is <e!eath the2 a!, i the soul
recollects itsel 7ithi! the o!e/ u!cha!-i!-/ all.suici!- -oo,/ the! this soul
7ill <e 2ore recollecte, a!, stro!- the 2ore its ,esires a!, thou-hts soar to
Go,. I! the sa2e 7or8 he states that 2a! 2ust i!, his 7ay to his o7!
i!!er heart a!, e!ter hi2sel <y lo!-i!- or the i!!er li-ht o spiritual Aoy.
Al<ertusM co22e!tary o Pseu,o.%io!ysius re4eals that philosopher
attri<utes a -reat i2porta!ce to !e-ati4e theolo-y o %io!ysia! type. To
reach the 2ore perect co-!itio! o oursel4es a!, Go,/ 7e 2ust -et ri, o the
earthly pictures. OGo, ca!!ot <e see! i! his esse!ce/ ace to ace/ <ut he 7ill
2a!iest hi2sel i! that 7ay o!ly i! the hea4e!ly atherla!,.P E!li-hte!e,
a!, puriie, soul 7ill percei4e Go,Ms eects/ a!, !ot Go, hi2selJ <y
asce!,i!- a<o4e all the create,/ it 7ill percei4e 7hat is super!atural a!,
It see2s that i! course o ti2e people <e-a! to ascri<e to Al<ertus so2e
super!atural Gualities/ so i! that 7ay ori-i!ate, tales a!, le-e!,s a<out
hi2 as 2a-icia! a!, sorcerer. So2e Al<ertusM <io-raphers i!terprete, these
stories si2ply <y his artul!ess i! !atural scie!ce/ <ut the act is/ that he
occupie, hi2sel Balo!- 7ith scie!ce a!, philosophyC also 7ith 2a-ic a!,
alche2y. )ro2 the 7or8 8e $ira"ilis $undi ca! <e see! the i!lue!ce o
Ara<ia! philosopher A4ice!!a/ co!cer!i!- his opi!io! a<out 2a-ical <i!,i!-
o thi!-s. So he Guotes A4ice!!aMs thou-ht a<out the orce i! hu2a! soul/
7hich su<Au-ates other orces to her/ 7he! carrie, <y e>cessi4e aects.
Al<ertus says that he re4eale, that the reaso! or this 7as se!siti4ity o the
hu2a! soul a!, it is also Guote, that astrolo-ical ti2e has a certai!
i2porta!ce or acti!- o! soul. I! the 7or8 .i"ellus de alchi$ia B?oo8let
a<out Alche2yC he 7ar!e, a<out the secrecy i! peror2i!- o alche2ical
proce,ures/ <ecause Oi!soar 8!o7le,-e co2es to a lar-er !u2<er o people/
there coul, occur so2e 2ista8es a!, thereater 8!o7le,-e coul, <e lost.P
'atholic 'hurch certai!ly co!ceale, Al<ertusM 2a-ical a!, alche2ical te>ts/
<ut so2e o the2 ca2e to us/ thou-h. It see2s that Aust those 7or8s 7ere
a! o<stacle to the ca!o!iEatio! o this -reat philosopher. Na2ely/ Al<ertus
7as proclai2e, or a sai!t o!ly si> a!, hal ce!turies ater his ,eath/ i!
&is you!-er co!te2porary Ro-er ?aco! has !e4er <ee! proclai2e, or a
sai!t/ o! the co!trary/ 7he! his 7as :0/ he ca2e i!to priso! <ecause o
heresy/ 7here he spe!t ull 10 years. &o7e4er/ the lie paths o Al<ertus
Ma-!us a!, o E!-lish philosopher are i! 2a!y 7ays co!or2a<le. Li8e a
2aAority o 2e,ie4al philosophers/ Ro-er ?aco! also spri!-s ro2 a 7ealthy
a2ily. &e 7as <or! i! 1#10/ i! Ilchester i! south o E!-la!,. It see2s that
alrea,y as you!- 2a! he sho7e, the prope!sity to7ar, philosophy a!,
especially to7ar, Aristotle. I! 1#10 he 7e!t to stu,y i! Paris/ 7here he 7ill
-ra,uate a<out 1#0". I22e,iately thereater he <e-a! to teach a<out the
i,eas a!, theories o Aristotle. I! the year 1#07 he retur!e, to E!-la!,/
7here he <eca2e a lecturer at the irst E!-lish u!i4ersity i! O>or,. As
Al<ertus Ma-!us 7as also a lecturer i! Paris at those ti2es/ they ha,
pro<a<ly 8!o7! each other. Surely they 7ere !ot 4ery i!ti2ate rie!,s/
co!si,eri!- ?aco!Ms too critically ,ispose, 2i!,. Na2ely/ 4ery ote! 7as the
cutti!- e,-e o philosopherMs critiGue poi!te, at his co!te2poraries/ so
theolo-ia!s/ as scie!tists. )or e>a2ple/ o! Al<ertus Ma-!us he 7rites that
Ohe ,oes !ot 8!o7 a!ythi!- o the scie!ce o perspecti4e/ 7hich is !ecessary
i! or,er to 8!o7 the 7hole/ a!, thereore/ he ca! 8!o7 !othi!- o the
7is,o2 o philosophy.P )urther2ore/ a<out Al<ertusM 8!o7le,-e o alche2y
he saysL OI!,ee,/ he7 7ho has co2pose, so 2a!y a!, such -reat 4olu2es
o! !atural 2atters/ is i-!ora!t o these u!,a2e!tals o alche2y/ a!, so his
<uil,i!- ca!!ot sta!,5P I!,ee,/ such harsh state2e!ts procure, to Ro-er
?aco! 4ery e7 rie!,s a2o!- his collea-ues/ scie!tists a!, philosophers.
Ater his retur! to E!-la!, i! 1#07/ philosopherMs i!terests ha4e 7i,e!e,
co!si,era<ly. +!til the!/ his i!terest has <ee! ocuse, o! tra,itio!al
scholastic the2es/ thereore 2ai!ly 7hat he ha, <ee! lecturi!- i! Paris.
?aco!Ms i!terests cha!-e, 7he! he ha, re4eale, the 7or8 The Secrets o!
Secrets. It is Pseu,o.AristotleMs 7or8/ i! Ara<ic. This <oo8 has or a -ui,i!-
thou-ht the i!terco!!ecte,!ess o all thi!-s i! !ature a!, also the
co!!ectio! <et7ee! ,iere!t scie!ces a!, theolo-y. )ro2 The Secrets o!
Secrets ?aco! ,ra7s the i!spiratio! or a 8i!, o a philosophy/ 7hich 7e
coul, call i! our 2o,er! la!-ua-e holistic. So/ philosopherMs stu,y -ra,ually
i!clu,e, also !atural scie!ce/ 2e,ici!e/ astrolo-y/ alche2y a!, 2a-ic/ as
7ell as stu,ies i! la!-ua-e Gree8/ &e<re7 a!, Ara<ic.
O4er the !e>t e7 years Ro-er ?aco! 7rote co22e!taries o Secrets.
Philosopher e2phasiEes a 4alue o the 2e,ici!e a!, stresses the i2porta!ce
o the re-i2e o lie as prereGuisite or the sa!ity a!, lo!- lie Bhe alo!e li4e,
or 3" years/ 7hich is Guite a! ol, a-e or those ti2esC. I! this 7or8 ?aco!
also e2phasiEes the i2porta!ce o alche2y a!, astrolo-y/ <ecause o the
si-!iica!ce o the pri!ciple o correspo!,e!ce <et7ee! pla!ets a!, stars/
,ispositio! a!, Gualities/ ele2e!ts a!, 2etals. Philosopher co!si,ers these
scie!ces 4ery useul or the theolo-y/ too.
Arou!, 1#6" ?aco! e!tere, the )ra!cisca! Or,er/ 7hat 7as the usual
practice or scie!tists o those ti2es. ?ut/ Aoi!i!- the Or,er also 2ea!t a!
o<li-atory re4ie7 o the 2a!uscript <y the hea, o the Or,er <eore
pu<lishi!-/ 7hich !arro7e, to a certai! ,e-ree the possi<ility o ree acti!-.
Althou-h ?aco! ha, <ee! appreciate, <y 2a!y/ the -e!eral o the
)ra!cisca! Or,er ?o!a4e!tura ha, ,ra7! hi2 <ac8 ro2 his positio! o
lecturer at O>or, to Paris B1#67C/ 7here he 7as te2porarily co2pelle, to
a<a!,o! his scie!tiic researches. I! spite o this perio, o re2issio! i! his
7or8 B7hich laste, or al2ost o!e ,eca,eC/ his i2pact sprea, out. So/ )re!ch
'ar,i!al Guy ,e )oulGues Buture Pope 'le2e!t IDC <eca2e i!tereste, i!
?aco!Ms 7or8/ too. @he! 'ar,i!al as8e, hi2 to prese!t his i,eas i! a 7or8/
the philosopher hesitate,. O! the seco!, i!Guiery/ !o7 o Pope 'le2e!t ID/
he a!s7ere, that he is hi!,ere, <y the prohi<itio! o the hea, o the Or,er.
The! the Pope or,ere, ?aco! to se!, hi2 his 7or8/ <ut secretly. Althou-h
he ha, to ace pro<le2s i! the co2pletio! o PopeMs 7ish B<esi,e the
prohi<itio! o the Or,erMs el,ers/ also 7ith lac8 o 2o!ey he !ee,e, or the
parch2e!t a!, pay2e!t o copyi!-C/ he peror2e, this tas8 successully.
I! the <e-i!!i!- o 1#:7 Ro-er ?aco! se!t to Ro2e his ,isciple/ =oh! o
Paris/ 7ith the 7or8 Opus $aius, i! 7hich he ha, e>pose, i! short his 2ai!
i,eas a!, pri!ciples. =oh! also recei4e, i!structio!s ho7 to prese!t a le!s
Bhis o7! i!4e!tio!C a!, so2e ,ra7i!-s i! the iel, o physics. %uri!- the
sa2e year/ the philosopher i!ishe, his Opus $inus, the 7or8 7hich
prese!ts the recapitulatio! o the 2ai! thou-hts ro2 the irst 7or8/ 7ith a!
ai2 to acilitate the rea,i!- o the 7or8 to Pope. )or the sa2e purpose he
co2pose, the thir, <oo8/ e!title, Opus tertiu$, se!t shortly <eore PopeMs
,eath i! 1#:3. +!ortu!ately/ ?aco!Ms rie!, Pope 'le2e!t ID ,ie, too early/
7ithout a possi<ility to realiEe the thou-hts a!, a,4ices he ha, -otte! ro2
Ro-er ?aco!.
Ro-er ?aco! ha, co!ti!ue, to 7rite i! Paris Balthou-h he 7a!te, to retur!
to O>or,CJ e4e!tually i! 1#73 the Ge!eral o )ra!cisca! Or,er Blater Pope
Nicholas IDC =ero2e o Ascoli i2priso!e, hi2. PhilosopherMs ,octri!e 7as
co!,e2!e, a!, reAecte,/ si!ce it Sco!tai!s 2a!y suspicious !o4eltiesM. I!
1#9# ?aco! has <ee! release, ro2 priso!J the last t7o years o his lie he
spe!t at O>or,/ re2ai!i!- acti4e i! his researches u!til his ,eath.
The lie opus o Ro-er ?aco! co2prises a<out 3" 7or8sJ the aore2e!tio!e,
three are the 2ost i2porta!t. I! Opus $aius philosopher has e>pose, his
pri!ciples o the e>peri2e!tal scie!ce. &e hol,s that there e>ist t7o
u!,a2e!tal 7ays o the acGuire2e!t o 8!o7le,-e/ i.e. i!!er a!, outer
e>perie!ce. This i!!er e>perie!ce prese!ts so2e 8i!, o 2ystical
illu2i!atio!. It co!sists o se4e! ,e-rees/ a!, they are spiritual
e!li-hte!2e!t/ 4irtue/ spiritual e>perie!ce/ <eatitu,e/ spiritual se!siti4ity/
Go,Ms peace a!, the state o rapture. Outer e>perie!ce/ o! the other ha!,
i!clu,es e>peri2e!tatio!/ 7hich ser4es or the 4eriicatio! o the acts. OIt is
o!ly the ool that chooses reaso! o4er aith or aith o4er reaso!/ or Go, is
the -i4er o <oth.P
Polyhistor Ro-er ?aco! 7as 7ay ahea, o his ti2e. Li8e Al<ertus he hel,
that Earth has a shape o a sphere/ a!, that it ca! <e saile,. I! his pro<a<ly
2ost i!teresti!- 7or8 'pistola de secretis operi"us he oere, his 4isio! o
7hat 7ill happe! i! the course o a<out se4e! hu!,re, years. So he oresa7
that <i- ships 7ill <e 2o4e, <y a si!-le 2a! a!, O7ith a -reater 4elocity
the! i they 7ere ull o 2e!P. &e also oresa7 that cars 7ill <e 2o4e, <y
the2sel4es/ 7ithout horses o o>e!/ as 7ell that they 7ill <e 2o4e, 7ith a!
u!<elie4a<le rapi,i,y. I! his 4isio!s he also sa7 Slyi!- 2achi!esM/ i.e.
airpla!es. =ust li8e Al<ertus Ma-!us/ so E!-lish philosopher Ro-er ?aco!
out-ro7! i!to a le-e!,. &o7e4er/ a!ciul stories a<out scie!tist.sorcerer
ha, !ot ou!,atio!s i! reality/ <ut they relecte, the !otio! o 2e,ie4al
people a<out o2!iscie!t 7ise 2e!/ li8e 7ere these t7o philosophers o 11
#.1.7. ?o!a4e!tura;s Iti!erary o Path to Go,
Althou-h i! pre4ious chapter 2e!tio!e, as o!e 7ho ,o!e a7ay 7ith Ro-er
?aco! ro2 his positio! o lecturer at O>or,/ ?o!a4e!tura is also o!e o the
-reatest 2ystical philosophers o 11
ce!tury. ?or! i! 1##1 !ear Diter<o i!
ce!tral Italy/ he is as 7ell the irst i2porta!t 2e,ie4al 2ystical philosopher
ro2 Ape!!i!es pe!i!sula. As a chil,/ he ha, cau-ht a ,a!-erous ,iseaseJ
he 7as cure, a!, rescue, ro2 ,eath throu-h the 2e,iatio! o St. )ra!cis
o Assisi/ ou!,er o the )ra!cisca! Or,er. This e4e!t surely ha, a! i2pact
o! ?o!a4e!turaMs Aoi!i!- the Or,er/ arou!, 1#0". Reco-!iEi!- his
e>ceptio!al tale!t/ el,ers o the Or,er se!t hi2 to stu,y at Paris +!i4ersity.
Si!ce arou!, 1#06 there lecture, t7o other philosophers/ Al<ertus Ma-!us
a!, Ro-er ?aco!/ it is certai! that they 2utually 8!o7! each other.
?o!a4e!turaMs teacher 7as Ale>a!,er o &ales/ )ra!cisca! a!, ou!,er o
the )ra!cisca! School/ i! that ti2e alrea,y a-e,. ?o!a4e!tura ha, <eco2e
his stu,e!t arou!, 1#0#. Si> years later he -ra,uate,. Ater7ar,s/ he
co!ti!ue, o! the sa2e u!i4ersity/ as a lecturer/ u!til 1#6:J the! there
occurre, a 8i!, o a!i2osity to7ar, lecturer.2o!8s.
?o!a4e!tura 7as appoi!te, -e!eral o )ra!cisca! Or,er i! )e<ruary/ 1#67/
!ot yet 1: years ol,. I! those ti2es this ,uty 7as couple, 7ith <i-
,iiculties/ <ecause o i!!er ractio!s. O!es calle, the2sel4es SspirituelesM/
a!, others Srela>atiM. The or2er i!terce,e, or the a<solute respect o the
Or,erMs rules/ 7hile the latter 7a!te, to <ri!- i!to so2e i!!o4atio!s.
?o!a4e!tura ha, succee,e, i! i!,i!- the co2pro2ise <et7ee! t7o partiesJ
the result 7as the act S'o!stitutio!es Nar<o!sesM/ i! 7hich are 2a,e so2e
2i!or cha!-es i! the Or,erMs rule/ <ut still hol,i!- o! the <asic pri!ciples o
the ou!,er/ St. )ra!cis o Assisi. I! the sa2e year B1#:"C ori-i!ate, the
7or8 .egend, ,e,icate, to the lie a!, 7or8 o St. )ra!cis.
A year <eore ,i, ori-i!ate o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t a2o!- ?o!a4e!turaMs
7or8s/ Itinerariu$ $entis in 8eu$ BIti!erary o Mi!, i! Go,C. This 2ystical
iti!erary spea8s a<out/ as 4ery title i2plies/ a<out the statio!s o! our 7ay
to7ar, the +!io! 7ith the Supre2e E!,. =ust li8e his -reat pre,ecessors/ so
the Italia! philosopher e>pou!,s a -ra,ual a,4a!ce2e!t o! the 7ay that
lea,s to7ar, the 2eeti!- 7ith Go,. The 2a!/ 2icrocos2/ accor,i!- to
?o!a4e!tura/ <y the si> ,e-rees o i!creasi!- e!li-hte!2e!t is 2etho,ically
-ui,e, to the peace o co!te2platio!. O! the irst ,e-ree 7e tra!sce!,
oursel4es i! the spirit/ <y the prayer. ONo<o,y ca! reach the <eatitu,e i he
,oes !ot tra!sce!, hi2sel alo!e/ !ot <o,ily/ <ut i! spiritP/ says the
philosopher. Seco!, ,e-ree represe!ts the co!te2platio! o Go, i! all the
li4i!- <ei!-s he create,. OThis 7orl,/ calle, 2acrocos2 pe!etrates our soul/
calle, 2icrocos2/ throu-h the ,oor o i4e se!ses5P O! the thir, ,e-ree/ i!
our 2i!, 7e create the 4isio! o Go,/ i! 7hich shi!es his relectio!. O! the
ourth/ 7e co!te2plate the irst pri!ciple i! our soul a!, o! the ith the
perectio!s o Go,/ relate, to the u!ity o esse!ce. O! the si>th/ last ,e-ree
<y 2e,itatio! 7e i22erse i!to the perect e!li-hte!2e!t o 2i!, throu-h
ecstasy. Thereore/ <y 2ysticis2 7e are carrie, to the sphere o o4er.2i!,
rapture. =ust li8e St. )ra!cis o! the 2ou!t Der!a/ so 7e 2eet Go, i! our
eusio! o lo4e a!, ecstatic e>perie!ce.
I! his seco!, i2porta!t 7or8 8e reductione Artiu$ ad Theologia$ he a-ai!
,epicts the relatio! <et7ee! i!ite a!, i!i!ite/ !atural a!, super!atural
a!, relatio! <et7ee! scie!ce a!, art to7ar, theolo-y. I! this 7or8
?o!a4e!tura tries to pro4e/ that theolo-y as teachi!- a<out Go, a<sor<s all
the other iel,s/ Aust li8e ,iere!t li-hts ha4e their source i! o!e Go,Ms li-ht.
Thereore/ philosophy i! itsel ,oes !ot e>ist outsi,e theolo-y/ i!
?o!a4e!turaMs opi!io!.
I! 1#:6 Pope 'le2e!t ID appoi!te, ?o!a4e!tura Arch<ishop o (or8/ <ut i!
accor,a!ce 7ith )ra!cisca! 2o,esty/ he reuse, this ho!or. It is i!teresti!-/
that the !e>t Pope 7as electe, accor,i!- to ?o!a4e!turaMs a,4ice. That 7as
Teo<al,o Disco!ti o Piace!Ea/ 7ho <eca2e Pope Gre-ory N. ?o!a4e!tura
re2ai!e, o! the hea, o the )ra!cisca! Or,er u!til May/ 1#70J t7o 2o!ths
later he ,ie,. I! his secretaryMs ,iary B7hich 7as ,isco4ere, i! 19"6C it is
7ritte! that he has <ee! poiso!e,. &e 7as <urie, at )ra!cisca! church i!
Lyo!/ )ra!ce. @he! ?o!a4e!turaMs re2!a!ts ha4e <ee! tra!serre, to the
!e7.<uilt 'hurch o St. )ra!cis/ it 7as ou!, that his hea, re2ai!e,
perectly preser4e, a!, his to!-ue re, as it 7as ,uri!- his lie. This e4e!t
!ot o!ly i!cite, the citiEe!s o Lyo! to choose hi2 or a protector/ <ut also a
7ish or his ca!o!iEatio!. &o7e4er/ he 7as proclai2e, sai!t o!ly hal a
ce!tury later/ 2ostly <ecause o ,isputes i!si,e the )ra!cisca! Or,er/ ater
?o!a4e!turaM ,eath.
#.1.3. ;%octor Illu2i!atis; Ra2o! Lull
A<out the Spa!ish philosopher Ra2o! Lull/ 'nc(lop0die des $(sti1ues BThe
E!cyclope,ia o MysticsC/ says that Ohe 7as ?o!a4e!turaMs ,isciple/ <ecause
i! his 2ystical asce!t he ollo7s Iti!erariu2 o soul to7ar, Go,P. &o7e4er/
Ra2o! Lull 7as !ot a ,isciple o the Italia! philosopher i! literal se!se/
<ecause he ha, !ot atte!,e, his lectures at Paris +!i4ersity. This
philosopher 7as <or! a<out 1#16 o! Spa!ish isla!, Mallorca/ i! the <i--est
to7! Pal2a Bto,ay re!o7!e, tourist resortC. LullMs ather/ e2i!e!t citiEe! o
?arcelo!a/ also too8 part i! the i!4asio! o the isla!,/ to-ether 7ith
'atalo!ia! ar2y o =a2es I o Ara-o!. So/ the philosopher spri!-s ro2 a
7ealthy a2ily/ close to $i!- =a2esJ he has -ro7! up i! a! at2osphere o
2ultiarious a!, reli-ious co.e>iste!ce <et7ee! three -reat aiths/ =u,ais2/
'hristia!ity a!, Isla2. I! his youth Lull ha, -otte! e>celle!t e,ucatio!/ yet
he ,i, !ot i!cli!e to reli-iosity. &e <eca2e a courtier o $i!- =a2es I/ 7ho
assi-!e, hi2 the role o tutor to his so! =a2es II/ uture ruler o Mallorca.
Ra2o! Lull ote! tra4ele, 7ith you!- pri!ce throu-h 'atalo!ia/ Ara-o!/
'astille a!, )ra!ce. I! 1#67 he ha, -otte! 2arrie, a!, soo! he -ot t7o
chil,re!. &e ha, co!ti!ue, 7ith tra4els a!, Aoy o he,o!istic lie u!til his
year/ 7he! he e>perie!ce, a su,,e! co!4ersio!. O!e e4e!i!- Lull ha,
<ee! e!-a-e, i! co2posi!- a so!- Bhe 7as !a2ely a trou<a,ourC/ 7he! he
ha, all at o!ce a 4isio! o the cruciie, 'hrist. Ater the 4isio! ha, repeate,
or yet three co!secuti4e !i-hts Lull surre!,ere, hi2sel a!, lo4e to7ar, the
7orl, e>cha!-e, 7ith lo4e to7ar, Go,. &e ,eci,e, to <eco2e a 2issio!ary/
7ho 7ill sprea, out S-oo, !e7sM throu-hout the 7orl,. &e also ,eci,e, to
,e4ote hi2sel to 7riti!- <oo8s/ 7hich 7oul, prese!t to all ope!.2i!,e,
people the <asic truths a!, 4alues o the 'hristia! aith.
Three 2o!ths ater the 4isio! Lull Aoi!e, a cele<ratio! o St. )ra!cis east/
7here the local preacher recou!te, i! touchi!- 2a!!er a<out his co2plete
,e4otio! to aith a!, re!ou!ce2e!t o the e!tire property. I! Ra2o! Lull
there ha, <ee! or2e, a! aspiratio! to7ar, the 2o!8ish 8i!, o lie a!, he
i22e,iately <rou-ht the ,ecisio!. &e let to his 7ie a su2 o 2o!ey e!ou-h
to support her a!, chil,re! a!, set out or the 7orl,. &e ha, spe!t a year
4isiti!- 4arious sa!ctuaries a!, 7he! he retur!e, ho2e/ he ,e,icate,
hi2sel to lear!i!- o Ara<ic a!, Lati!. &e <e-a! to 7ear a -ar2e!t o a
rou-h a<ric/ 7hich re2i!,e, o )ra!cisca! ,ress a!, his or2er peers
<e-a! to thi!8 that he 7as out o his 2i!,. %uri!- the !e>t !i!e years/ as
he stu,ie, Ara<ic/ he co!te2porarily i22erse, hi2sel i!to the spirituality
o Isla2/ especially Sui tra,itio!. &e also stu,ie, $a<<ala/ 7hich 7as !ot
e>actly i! accor,a!ce 7ith 7ishes o the local 'hurch authorities. @he!
Ra2o! Lull i!ally elt rea,y or the ser4ice to Go, a!, hu2a!ity/ he 7as
alrea,y 0"/ <ut he 7as 4ery 7ell prepare, or the 2issio!ary tas8/
co!si,eri!- his 2astery o la!-ua-es a!, 4arious reli-ious tra,itio!s.
%uri!- his stu,ies/ as he sat i! co!te2platio! a!, prayer i! a ca4e o the
!ear<y 2ou!t Ra!,a/ he su,,e!ly -otte! the i!spiratio! or the 7or8 Art
a"reu@ada dD atro"ar %eritat BThe Art o )i!,i!- TruthC. This <oo8 represe!ts a
co2<i!atio! o al.GhaEaliMs lo-ic -eo2etrical sy2<olis2/ $a<<ala a!,
Tri!itaria! perspecti4es o the Plato!ic 'hristia!ity. I! the 7or8/ Lull
,e4elope, a 8i!, o al-e<raic a!, a!alo-ous 2etho, or e>pressio! o
spiritual a!, philosophical truths. This 2etho, 7ill <e ,e4elope, urther i!
his later 7or8 Ars )agna or Ars generalis ulti$a. Ra2o! Lull co!si,ere, that
,i4i!e 2a!iestatio! <e-i!s 7ith !i!e ,i-!ities or attri<utes o Go,/ 7hich
correspo!,s to sephirots o the $a<<alistic Tree o Lie a!, also to ha,ras
B,i-!ities o ,i4i!e !a2esC o Isla2. These Go,Ms attri<utes accor,i!- to Lull/
areL -oo,!ess/ 2a-!iice!ce/ eter!ity/ po7er/ 7is,o2/ 7ill/ 4irtue/ truth a!,
-lory. Spa!ish philosopher 7a!te, to pro4e that there e>ist u!i4ersal
,octri!es a!, especially hypothesis that Go, 2a!iests hi2sel throu-h
creati4e tria,s/ 7hile he alo!e re2ai!s totally tra!sce!,e!tal. &is
2a!iestatio!s/ accor,i!-ly/ reach the people/ a7a8i!- the2 a!, poi!ti!- to
their spiritual possi<ilities.
Ra2o! Lull is also the author o the irst <i- reli-ious ro2a!ce Blan1uerna,
7hich is as 7ell the irst Europea! !o4el a!, irst <i--er 7or8 7ritte! i!
co22o! la!-ua-e B'atalo!ia!C. I! short/ story -oes o! li8e thisL the 2ai!
character/ ?la!Guer!a/ her2it 7ho li4es i! 7oo,/ <eco2es irstly a<<ot/ later
a <ishop a!, i! the e!, pope. &e per2a!e!tly carries throu-h reor2s a!,
as the pope/ he thorou-hly reor2s the 'hurch. ?ut/ i! the e!, he
re!ou!ces e4erythi!-/ i! or,er to achie4e e!li-hte!2e!t/ <y co!seGue!t
acco2plish2e!t o e4er hi-her le4els o 2e,itatio!.
Spiritual treatise Boo o! the .o%er and Belo%ed is the a2al-a2atio! o the
realistic story a!, alle-ory. I! this 2ystical 7or8 Lo4er represe!ts the
aithul a!, ,e4ote, 'hristia! a!, ?elo4e, is Go,. The Lo4er 7a!ts to cli2<
hi-hJ he asce!,s <y his i!telli-e!ce a!, soul. Throu-h the co!te2platio!
Lull ,epicts the u!io! <y the 2ystical i2a-e o the clou, that <eca2e <ri-ht
a!, sple!,i,/ li8e Moo! a!, the Su!. A li-ht/ or 2ore precisely the li-ht o
aith is the ce!tral !otio! o LullMs 2ysticis2. A!other <oo8/ e!title, The
Boo o! .ight spea8s a<out the e!li-hte!2e!t o the 2i!, a!, i!cite2e!t or
the u!,ersta!,i!- o i!telli-i<le thi!-s a!, re4eali!- o the secrets o
!atural <ei!-s. %octri!e o the truthMs li-ht is the 2ost i2porta!t to Lull/ so
it is e4i,e!t 7hy he 7as calle, S%octor Illu2i!atisM.
I! the seco!, hal o his lie Ra2o! Lull tra4ele, as ote! as i! the irst. So
he ha, <ee! se4eral ti2es to Tu!isia/ 7here he trie, to co!4ert the
Su!<elie4ersM to 'hristia!ity. &e preache, the u!ity o three 2o!otheistic
reli-io!s =u,ais2/ 'hristia!ity a!, Isla2/ or the successul opposi!- to
the i!4asio! o Mo!-olia!s/ 7hich prese!te, a -ro7i!- threat or the Near
East a!, Europe i! 11
ce!tury. ?ut/ or this i,ea he ha, !ot succee,
7i!!i!- o4er/ !either the rulers o lea,i!- Europea! cou!tries/ !or the Pope.
Accor,i!- to o!e le-e!, Ra2o! Lull passe, a7ay ater he ha, <ee! sto!e,
o! his last Aour!ey to Tu!isia. &o7e4er/ it see2s that he retur!e, ro2 that
last tra4el a!, ,ie, i! his <irthplace arou!, 111:.
#.1.9. Rhi!ela!, Mysticis2 o Ec8hart a!, Tauler
The thi!8i!- o Ger2a! 2ystical philosopher Meister Ec8hart surprisi!-ly
<ears Guite resa2<la!ce to =apa!ese Ze! ?u,,hist Nichire!. Na2ely/ he
poi!ts to7ar, the ,epth o soul as the place o Go,Ms <irth i! 2a! o Go,
7ho other7ise is !ot Go,. Ec8hart/ o!e o the -reatest 2ystics o the @est
7as <or! a<out 1#:"/ i! easter! Ger2a! pro4i!ce ThRri!-e!/ i! the 4ici!ity
o to7! Gotha. Li8e other 2e,ie4al 2ystical philosophers/ so Ec8hart co2es
ro2 a !o<le a2ily/ too. ?ut/ si2ilarly to =apa!ese 2ystic Eisai he percei4e,
at a! early a-e the -ap <et7ee! aristocratic i,eals a!, practice. So/ 7he! he
7as appro>i2ately 1: years o a-e/ he Aoi!e, the %o2i!ica! Or,er. ?ecause
o his i!tellectual a<ilities/ he 7as chose! or a stu,y at the $Tl!Ms
u!i4ersity/ esta<lishe, i! 1#03 <y Al<ertus Ma-!us. Ater7ar,s he 7as se!t
to a,,itio!al stu,ies at Paris +!i4ersity. O! his retur!/ he 7as appoi!te,
prior at Erurt a!, later also 4icar o ThRri!-e!. Arou!, 11""/ alrea,y i! his
2ature a-e/ Ec8art retur!s to Paris/ this ti2e i! a role o lecturer. &e lea,s
,e<ates 7ith )ra!cisca!s/ or,er 7ith 7hich there 7as alrea,y esta<lishe, a
-reat ri4alry. At u!i4ersity/ he let such i2pressio!/ that he 7as e!title, 7ith
2asterMs ,e-ree. )ro2 that ti2e o!/ he <eca2e 8!o7! as Meister Ec8hart.
Three years later he retur!e, to Ger2a!y/ 7here he 7as electe, or
pro4i!cial o Sa>o!y/ 7hile i! 11"7 he 7as electe, or 4icar -e!eral o the
%o2i!ica! Or,er i! ?ohe2ia. )our years later he retur!e, to the chair o
the Parisia! u!i4ersityJ ro2 1110 he lectures i! Stras<our-. O! 1117 he
<eco2es a prior i! )ra!8urt a!, the! i! 11#" he retur!s <ac8 to $Tl!Ms
u!i4ersity/ 7here he re2ai!s u!til his ,eath.
Ater Ec8hartMs ,eath i! 11#9 Pope =oh! NNII <rou-ht a <ull SI! a-ro
,o2i!icoM <y 7hich he a!athe2atiEe, the 7or8 o Ger2a! philosopher. I!
course o ce!turies/ Ec8hartMs 7or8s 7ere 4irtually e>co22u!icate, ro2
the 'hurch/ althou-h his thou-ht co!ti!ue, to li4e throu-h the 7or8s o
Tauler/ Nicholas o 'ues a!, other philosophers. Not 2a!y o Ec8hartMs
7or8s ha4e reache, us. There are our treatises preser4e,L On &o"le )an, On
Separation, Boo o! 8i%ine *o$!ort B7ritte! i! i2itatio! o Se!ecaC a!,
Spiritual Teachings. There 7ere preser4e, appro>i2ately 1#" ser2o!s.
PhilosopherMs ser2o!s represe!t !ot o!ly the lar-est/ <ut also the li4eliest
a!, 2ost i!teresti!- part. Scripts i! Lati! ha4e 2ai!ly scholastic character/
<ecause o their purpose a!, respect o the aca,e2ic tra,itio!. Ser2o!s i!
Ger2a! 7ere i!te!,e, to a less e,ucate, au,ie!ce. They e>press i! a clear
a!, li4ely 2a!!er the thou-ht o the author/ as 7ell as his 2ystical
e>perie!ce. I! Ec8hartMs ser2o! 7e ca! ote! co2e upo! the citatio!s o
philosophers li8e Se!eca or A4ice!!a/ 7hich -i4e e4i,e!ce a<out the
lar-e!ess o his spiritual 4ie7s. &is speeches are 2ore ,irecte, to7ar, the
i!tellect a!, they e>cel <y ,epth o his 2ystical teachi!-. The2es i! his
ser2o!s co2prehe!, Go,Ms esse!ce/ relatio! <et7ee! Go, a!, 2a!/
capa<ility a!, acti!- o hu2a! soul a!, retur! o all create, thi!-s to Go,.
Ec8hart sa7 Go, i! all thi!-s a!, accor,i!-ly/ he 7as accuse, <y his
a,4ersaries or pa!theis2. ?ut/ the philosopher as 7ell poi!te, out that Go,
is !ot a!y7here so co2plete as i! the soul a!, i! a!-els/ that is/ i! 2ost
i!ti2ate a!, hi-hest part o the soul. Ec8hart co!si,ere, that soul 2ust <e
out o ti2e a!, space/ i she 7a!ts to 8!o7 Go,. O@he! 2a! sur2ou!ts
ti2e a!, ,7ells i! eter!ity/ he 7or8s o! o!e a!, sa2e 7or8 7ith Go,.P I!
i2itatio! o A4ice!!a/ he thou-ht that soul has t7o acesL o!e hi-her/ 7hich
al7ays co!te2plates Go, a!, other lo7er/ 7hich loo8 ,o7!7ar,s/ ruli!- the
Ec8hart ha, <ee! attac8e, i! his ti2e 2ai!ly <ecause o his state2e!ts
a<out Go, as !othi!-!ess a!, li<eratio! ro2 Go,/ 7hich out o its co!te>t
see2 to <e heretical thou-hts. It see2s that Ger2a! philosopher 7as Aust at
particular 2o2e!ts closer to &i!,u or ?u,,hist tra,itio!/ the! to his
'hristia! pre,ecessors. Althou-h Ec8hartMs 7or8 has <ee! !e-lecte, or
ce!turies/ it see2 s that he 7as e!tirely reha<ilitate, i! 1936/ 7he! Pope
=oh! Paul II i! o!e o his speeches 2e!tio!e, Ec8hartMs thou-ht a<out the
!ee, to S-o out o o!eselM/ to let the roo2 or Go,. Althou-h <y this it see2s
that 2a! separates ro2 his !ei-h<ors/ it is Aust the co!trary/ <ecause it is
the o!ly le4el 7here 7e ca! truly reach the2/ that is i! Go,.
Ec8hartMs pupil =oha!!es Tauler/ <or! i! Stras<our- o! ri4er Rhi!e/ is o!e
o the -reatest 2e,ie4al 2ystics a!, preachers. &e co2es o a! e2i!e!t/ <ut
at the sa2e ti2e 4ery reli-ious a2ily/ so his sister also ,e,icate, her lie to
'hurch/ <eco2i!- a !u!. Tauler hi2sel e!tere, the %o2i!ica! Or,er 7he!
he 7as 16. &e e,ucate, hi2sel irstly i! his ho2eto7! a!, later i! $Tl!. It
is possi<le that alrea,y i! Stras<our- he liste!e, to Ec8hartMs ser2o!s a!,
at $Tl!Ms u!i4ersity he ha, a cha!ce to 2eet <etter 7ith the teachi!-s o
Meister Ec8hart. It is !ot 8!o7! 7hether he stu,ie, as 7ell i! Paris or !ot/
<ut it is 2ost pro<a<le that he retur!e, ro2 $Tl! to his !ati4e to7!. Tauler
,i, !ot tra4el 7i,elyJ the o!ly e>ceptio! is his Aour!ey to ?asel i! 1119/
<ecause o PopeMs i!ter,ict. Na2ely/ Pope =oh! NNII/ ater he ha,
e>co22u!icate, Luis ID o ?a4aria also or<o,e the ser4ice i! all territories
that e4i!ce, hi2 loyalty. Ger2a! e2peror 7as e>co22u!icate,/ irstly
<ecause o political ,ispute/ <ut also <ecause o -i4i!- shelter to E!-lish
heretic/ )ra!cisca! 2o!8 @illia2 Occa2.
I! ?asel/ %o2i!ica! 2o!8 7as a ce!tral i-ure i! circle o the society
S)rie!,s o Go,M. This society ha, a certai! 2ystical character. The !a2e
they chose ater St. =oh! Gospel/ 16/11 BOGreater lo4e has !o o!e tha! this/
that he lay ,o7! his lie or his rie!,s.PC Arou!, 1107 Tauler retur!e, to
Stras<our-. I! those ti2e pla-ue sprea, across the Europe a!, i! so2e
places it carrie, o a hal/ a!, <y a!, lar-e at least o!e thir, o the
populatio!. Tauler hi2sel <eca2e the 4icti2 o the !e>t epi,e2ic o pla-ue
i! 11:1.
O so2e 7or8s/ attri<ute, to =oha!!es Tauler/ o!ly or the collectio! o his
ser2o!s it 7as ,eter2i!e, or sure that it is his 7or8. These ser2o!s i!
Ger2a! ha4e co!si,era<le literary a!, li!-uistic 4alueJ as 7ell they
represe!t a source o ,eep spiritual eeli!-. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Meister
Ec8hart/ Tauler 7as !ot so speculati4e/ <ut 7as i! his e>pressio! clearer/
2ore practical a!, 2ore a,apta<le to co22o! people. I! the ocus o
TaulerMs 2ysticis2 is ,octri!e S4isio esse!tiae %eiM/ co!te2platio! o Go,Ms
Tauler ,oes !ot 2e!tio! i! his ser2o!s Ec8hartMs !a2e/ 2ai!ly <ecause o
co!,e2!atio! o the Pope =oh! NNII. &o7e4er/ the threa, o teacherMs
thou-ht ote! ,ra7s throu-h. Tauler is 2uch 2ore cautious i! his
e>pressio! o 2ystical e>perie!ceJ 2ai!ly he put e2phasis o! the i!!er 7ay/
7hich soul 2ust pass i! his lo4e or Go,. Accor,i!- to Tauler/ there are si>
7ays throu-h 7hich 2a! ca! ollo7 the Lor, three i! lo7er a!, three i!
hi-her po7ers. I! lo7er there are aith/ hope a!, lo4e. Tauler also poi!ts out
po4erty as o!e o the !ecessary prereGuisitesL OI 7e e4er are to attai! a!, <e
co2pletely u!ite, to Go,/ all that is !ot a<solutely !ecessary/ either <o,ily
or spiritually/ 2ust <e cast o.P O!e o the 4ery i2porta!t thi!-s i! his 4ie7
is the u!i4ersal lo4e. I! this/ he is i! a 7ay pre,ecessor o the 2o,er! a-e
!atural 2ysticis2 a!, o 2ystics <elo!-i!- to ecolo-ical 2o4e2e!t. So/
Tauler saysL OI ha4e 2y !atural se!se i! co22o! 7ith treesJ a!, 2y <ei!-/
7hich is still 2ore to 2e/ i! co22o! 7ith all creatures. &ea4e! is 2ore tha!
all that is there<yJ thereore it is also !o<ler. The !o<ler thi!-s are/ the
co22o!er they are. Lo4e is !o<le/ <ecause it is u!i4ersal.P
#.1.1". Pletho! Restorer o Plato!is2 i! the @est
The irst hal o the 16
ce!tury <rou-ht a state o a-o!y to ?yEa!tiu2.
*uo!,a2 -reat Easter! Ro2a! E2pire !o7 7as re,uce, to Aust three s2all
e!cla4es/ i.e. capital 'o!sta!ti!ople/ so calle, E2pire o Tre<iEo!, i! Asia
Mi!or a!, %espotate o Morea o! Pelopo!!esus. The i!al all o ?yEa!tiu2
7as postpo!e, <y Tur8sM <attles 7ith Mo!-olia!s i! the East. Tryi!- to
pre4e!t the i2pe!,i!- all o the E2pire/ ?yEa!ti!e e2peror =oh! DIII
Paleolo-os ,eci,e, to search or a help i! the @est. &e 7as ,ispose, e4e! or
a reco!ciliatio! o the @ester! a!, Easter! 'hurch a!, 7ith that ai2 o! his
2i!, he atte!,e, t7o cou!cils/ i! )errara a!, i! )lore!ce B1013.19C. ?ut/ i!
100" he retur!e, to ?yEa!tiu2 7ithout -etti!- a!ythi!- ,o!e.
The ailure i! tryi!- to esta<lish the 2ilitary allia!ce o 'hristia! cou!tries
i! the 7ar a-ai!st Tur8s 7as ollo7e, <y co!co2ita!t success o pe!etratio!
o ?yEa!ti!e.Gree8 culture to the @est. Na2ely/ i! E2perorMs
co2pa!io!ship/ o! his Aour!ey to Italy/ there 7ere !u2erous philosophers/
theolo-ia!s a!, scie!tists/ 7ho <rou-ht 7ith the2 a lot o scripts
'hristia!/ <ut also pa-a!/ ro2 the a!tiGuity. A2o!- those latter the
-reatest i!terest arouse, the 7or8s o Plato/ 7ho 7as u!til the! ee<ly
8!o7! i! the @est. O PlatoMs 7or8s/ the o!ly accessi<le u!til the! 7as
O!e o the 2ost e2i!e!t scholars o the E2perorMs suite 7as Geor-ios
Ge2istos/ calle, Pletho!. &e 7as <or! i! 'o!sta!ti!ople/ arou!, the year
11:". Si!ce he co2es o pro2i!e!t a2ily/ he 7as e!a<le, e>celle!t -e!eral
a!, hi-h e,ucatio!. I! 113" he ha, -o!e to stu,y i! A,ria!opol a!, there
2et a 2ysterious =e7 !a2e, &eliseus. &e recei4e, ro2 hi2 a! i!lue!ce o
Zoroastris2/ also possi<ly &er2etis2. &e alo!e 8!e7 o <eore Plato!is2J he
7as so ,e4ote, to the a!tiGue philosopher that he 7as !ic8!a2e, Pletho!/
i.e. he -otte! a !a2e that sou!,s 4ery ali8e.
Pletho! spe!t the 2ost o his lie i! Mistra/ the <i--est to7! o the %espotate
o Morea. This to7! 7as situate, i! the 4ici!ity o Guo!,a2 Sparta/ o! the
Pelopo!!esus. There the ?yEa!ti!e philosopher achie4e, a lo!- a!, proliic
career/ as teacher/ Au,-e/ philosopher a!, 7riter. E4e!tually he <eca2e the
2ost appreciate, scholar i! the %espotate. Pletho! ha, a custo2 o
re2i!,i!- the E2peror/ a<out ho7 Otheir la!-ua-e a!, culture <ear 7it!ess
that they are Gree8sP. &e also use, to a,4ise the E2peror a<out the
!ecessity o protectio! o Pelopo!!esus a!, or-a!iEatio! o the ,ee!si4e
syste2. &e e2phasiEe, that ro2 that place &elle!is2 starte, to sprea, all
arou!, the 7orl, a!, thereore Gree8 culture ha, to <e sprea, a!e7. &e
7as 4ery critical to7ar, the cler-y a!, 2o!8sJ he use, to say or the2 that
they ,o !ot co!tri<ute to society/ <ut o!ly ta8e care o -etti!- rich.
@he! he ha, <ee! prese!t at )lore!ce 'ou!cil/ Pletho! 7as alrea,y at a!
a,4a!ce, a-e. ?ut/ his spirit 7as still ir2/ so he 7as 4irtually the 2ost
i2porta!t cultural perso!ality i! the !u2erous suite o the ?yEa!ti!e
E2peror. &o7e4er/ his <i--est co!tri<ute ,uri!- the 'ou!cil he -a4e i! his
ree ti2e. Na2ely/ as he 7as a lay scie!tist/ 2ost o the ti2e his prese!ce at
the 4ery cou!cil 7as !ot !ee,e,. Thereore/ he ha, i2pro4ise, a 8i!, o
te2porary school Bor a courseC or those )lore!ti!es/ 7ho 7a!te, to <e
tau-ht i! Plato!is2. The! Pletho! 4irtually Si!tro,uce,M Plato i!to the
7ester! 7orl, a!, si2ulta!eously shoo8 the pre4aili!- Aristotelis2. O!e o
the Pletho!Ms au,itors 7as 'osi2o ,e Me,ici/ ou!,er o the )lore!ti!e
,y!asty/ 7hich or ce!turies rule, o4er )lore!ce a!, Tusca!y. Dery soo!
'osi2o ca2e upo! a! i,ea a<out ou!,i!- o Plato!ic aca,e2y. That i,ea
7as realiEe, o!ly ater t7o ,eca,es ater the co!clusio! o the 'ou!cilJ
ho7e4er/ i22e,iately thereater Pletho!Ms au,itors <e-a! to carry his i,eas
o4er to !e7 ,isciples.
Still ,uri!- his stay i! )lore!ce Pletho! 7rote the 7or8 8e di!erentiis,
,escriptio! o ,iere!ces i! PlatoMs a!, AristotleMs 4isio! o Go,. I! this 7or8
he or e>a2ple ,ee!,e, PlatoMs state2e!t that Go, is/ as the supre2e ruler/
also the creator o the 7hole u!i4erse. &e also ,ee!,s the seco!, PlatoMs
state2e!tJ that souls are 2a,e i! course o ti2e/ as the !ecessary
co!seGue!ce o the causal creatio!. Thir,ly/ he criticiEe, AristotleMs opi!io!
a<out Go, as the ,irect 2o4er o the e4e!ts i! spheres/ 7hat 7oul, place
hi2/ accor,i!- to Pletho!/ o! the sa2e le4el 7ith e!tities that ,epe!, o!
hi2. Pletho! al7ays e2phasiEe, that PlatoMs teachi!- is 2ore i! a-ree2e!t
7ith 'hristia! ,octri!e/ the! AristotleMs.
%uri!- his lo!- lieti2e/ Pletho! 7rote Guite a !u2<er o 7or8s/ ro2
,iere!t iel,s. &o7e4er/ i! his late perio,/ he spe!t 2ost o the ti2e
co2posi!- a 4olu2i!ous 7or8/ i! 7hich he e>pou!,e, his esoteric teachi!-.
@or8 7as ,isco4ere, o!ly ater philosopherMs ,eath Bhe ,ie, i! 106#/ a year
<eore the all o 'o!sta!ti!opleC a!, <y its co!te!t shoc8e, 2a!y. Pletho!/
7ho ,uri!- his lie ,eclare, hi2sel as 'hristia!/ all the ti2e ha, actually
co!ceale, his true <elies. O!ly ater Boo o! .a/ has <ee! ,isco4ere,/ it
<eca2e clear that Pletho! 7as !ot o!ly a co!4i!ce, pa-a!/ <ut also that he
,e!ie, 'hristia!ity as 7ell as Isla2/ as ,istortio!s o reli-ious truth.
Ma!uscript o Pletho!Ms Boo o! .a/ ater his ,eath ca2e i!to ha!,s o
'o!sta!ti!opleMs Patriarch Ge!!a,ios II/ 7ho ,estroye, it i! 10:".
)ortu!ately/ a lar-e !u2<er o Pletho!Ms 7or8s ca2e i!to possessio! o his
or2er ,isciple/ 'ar,i!al ?essario!. Ater his ,eath 'ar,i!al -ra!te, his
o7! li<rary to the li<rary o De!ice. A2o!- the other <oo8s there 7as as 7ell
a su22ary o Boo o! .a/s, so 7e ca! -et to 8!o7 at least <asically the
co!te!t o this 7or8. So/ or Pletho! the supre2e Go, is Zeus/ ather a!,
creator o other -o,s. A!, o other -o,s/ the 2ost i2porta!t are Posei,o!/
&elios a!, $ro!os. These ,eities Pletho! co!si,ers as the -o,s o the seco!,
or,er a!, there are those o thir,/ as 7ell. Our soul/ si!ce <ei!- o the sa2e
8i!, as there are those -o,s/ is i22ortal a!, re2ai!s i! the u!i4erse
ore4er. Goo, e>ists i! us o7i!- to our relatio!s 7ith -o,s/ a!, this is Aust
the purpose o lie. Our luc8 is i! our i22ortal <o,y/ place, there <y -o,s/
7ho u!ite our hu2a! 8i!,. This 7oul, <e the <rie su22ary o Boo o!
Geor-ios Ge2istos Pletho! plea,e, or a 8i!, o u!i4ersal reli-io!/ <ase,
upo! the pa-a! roots a!, Neo.Plato!is2. @ith his lectures i! )lore!ce he
stri4e, to so7 a see, o such uture reli-io!/ 7hich 7oul, e4e!tually
su<stitute 'hristia!ity a!, Isla2. I! this ai2 he ,i, !ot succee,J ho7e4er/
his i2pact o! thou-ht o 16
a!, 1:
ce!tury is such that he ca! <e !a2e,
the ather o the Re!aissa!ce thou-ht.
#.1.11. ;Lear!e, I-!ora!ce; o Nicolas o 'ues
The !a2e o Nicholas o 'usa 7as 2e!tio!e, se4eral ti2es i! pre4ious
chapters. This co!ti!uator o Pseu,o.%io!ysiusM a!, Ec8hartMs thou-ht 7as
<or! i! 10"1 i! @est Ger2a! place calle, 'ues Bi! Lati! 'usaC/ i! the
4ici!ity o Trier. Nicholas co2es o a 7ealthy a2ilyJ his ather 7as a ship.
o7!er. There e>ists a le-e!,/ a<out ho7 his ather/ a!-ry <ecause o so!Ms
<oo8ish !ature a!, i!a<ility to steer a <oat/ hit hi2 7ith a! oar a!, thro7!
hi2 o4er the <oar,. Alle-e,ly/ ater this e4e!t he 7e!t to %e4e!ter/
Netherla!,s/ or schooli!-. The irst relia<le ,atu2 ro2 NicholasM <io-raphy
is that he e!rolle, the +!i4ersity o &ei,el<er-. &o7e4er/ ater o!ly o!e year
he 2o4e, to Pa,uaMs u!i4ersity/ 7hich atte!,e, earlier his -reat pre,ecessor
Al<ertus Ma-!us. Si> years later he -ra,uate,/ thus <eco2i!- the ,octor i!
ca!o! la7.
I! 1011 he <e-i!s his pu<lic career/ <y ta8i!- part at 'ou!cil o ?asel. This
cou!cil ha, hu-e -oals o reor2atio! o the 'hurch a!, reco!ciliatio! o the
@ester! a!, Easter! 'hurch/ <ut it resulte, i! ailure/ <ecause o the
co!lict <et7ee! Pope Eu-e!e ID a!, car,i!als. Nicholas o 'usa -a4e a
stro!- support to the u!iicatio! o t7o churches/ ro2 the 4ery <e-i!!i!-.
&e also plea,e, or the reor2 o cale!,ar/ 7hich 7ill result i! the 7or8 8e
reparatione calendarii. Later/ 7he! 'ou!cil ha, 2o4e, to )lore!ce/ the Pope
co!i,e, hi2 a! i2porta!t 2issio! i! 'o!sta!ti!ople/ 7ith a tas8 to <ri!- a
?yEa!ti!e ,ele-atio! to Italy. This tas8 he ha, peror2e, 2ore tha!
successully/ <ecause to the )lore!ce 'ou!cil ca2e !ot o!ly Patriarch a!,
arch<ishops/ <ut also the E2peror =oh! DIII Paleolo-os. I! 'o!sta!ti!ople
the! occurre, the e!cou!ter o t7o -reat philosophers/ Nicholas o 'usa a!,
Ge2istos Pletho!. I! ?yEa!ti!e capital Nicholas pro4i,e, hi2sel 7ith a
lar-e Gua!tity o Gree8 scriptsJ a2o!- others he too8 7ith hi2 the 7or8
Theologia #latonica <y Proclus. At the 'ou!cil/ Nicholas ou-ht so heartily
that Pope Eu-e! ID proclai2e, hi2 or a car,i!al secretly Bin pettoC. The !e>t
pope co!ir2e, this/ so i! 1003 Nicholas <eca2e oicially a car,i!al.
I! Au<ilee year 106" Nicholas 7as appoi!te, PopeMs le-ate to Norther!
Ger2a!y a!, Netherla!,s. &e tra4ele, a lot/ reor2e, 2o!8sM or,ers a!,
presi,e, o4er chapters a!, sy!o,s. @he! his lo!-.sta!,i!- rie!, E!!ea
Sil4io Piccolo2i!i <eca2e pope/ he 7as su22o!e, to Ro2e. As %icarious
generalis, he 7oul, su<stitute the Pope i! case he let the to7!J this ,uty he
peror2e, 4ery successully. @he! he ha, -otte! a prese!ti2e!t that the
e!, o his earthly lie is !ear/ i! 10:0/ 7ith his o7! sources he esta<lishe, a
hospital i! his !ati4e 'ues/ or the acco22o,atio! o el,erly a!, 7ea8
@ith the sa2e ar,or that he peror2e, 'hurch ,uties/ he also 7rote
philosophical 7or8s/ per2eate, <y 2ysticis2. &is scripts ca! <e ,i4i,e, i!to
our cate-oriesL le-al/ philosophical/ theolo-ical a!, scie!tiic. As re-ar,s his
philosophical 7or8s/ the <est 8!o7! a!, 2ost i2porta!t is 8e docta
ignorantia BO! Lear!e, I-!ora!ceC/ 7ritte! ,uri!- the 'ou!cil i! )lore!ce.
@he!ce co2es this peculiar title o the <oo8/ 7e ca! -et to 8!o7 ro2 the
!e>t citatio!L OSi!ce that/ 7hat is ,i4i!e i! us surely is !ot 4ai!/ 7e shoul,
8!o7 that 7e are i-!ora!t. I 7e realiEe this -oal/ 7e 7ill achie4e Sthe lear!e,
i-!ora!ceM. =ust li8e Socrates/ Nicholas o 'usa also thi!8s that the 7iser
2a! <eco2es/ the 2ore a7are he -ets o his i-!ora!ce Bi! relatio! to the
a<solute 8!o7le,-eC.
The 7or8 8e docta ignorantia is ,i4i,e, i!to three <oo8s. The irst <oo8
co!ce!trates o! the co!cept o Go, as the 2a>i2al a<solute. Nicholas o
'usa spea8s o Go, as o the u!ity o all the opposites Bcoi!ci,e!tia
oppositoru$C. The a<solute 2a>i2u2 or hi2 is at the sa2e ti2e 2i!i2u2
too/ <ecause he is prese!t i! that/ 7hat is the s2allest. Go, is o!e/ the
<e-i!!i!- o a !u2<er. Seco!,!ess/ as a !u2<er/ co2es ater a u!ity. The
u!ity is thereore/ accor,i!- to its !ature/ <eore the seco!,!ess a!, si!ce it
is a!terior ater its !ature/ it is eter!al. Nicholas -i4es a -reat i2porta!ce to
2athe2atical proportio!. Throu-h the proportio! ca! <e searche, the truth
the a<solute e>act!ess !e4er ca! <e reache,/ <ut 7e ca! ,ra7 o!ly !ear it/
to a -reater or lesser e>te!t.
The seco!, <oo8 prese!ts the e>pla!atio! a!, the ,ei!itio! o the u!i4erse/
7hich is also o!e o the u!,a2e!tal co!ceptio!s o Nicholas o 'usa. &e
co!si,ers that i! each thi!- Ba!, 2ost perectly i! 2e!C the u!i4erse/
2acrocos2 is relecte,. &e sees the i,e!tity o the u!i4erse i! its ,i4ersity/
as actually is his u!ity i! the plurality. &e has a certai! 8i!, o 4isio! that
7e call i! 2o,er! la!-ua-e holo-raphic u!i4erseL as Go, is i! all thi!-s
throu-h the 2e,iu2 o u!i4erse/ ro2 this it ollo7s that all thi!-s are i! all
a!, a!ythi!- i! each o the2.
The thir, <oo8 spea8s a<out 'hrist a!, 'hurch. Nicholas o 'usa says that
all the <ei!-s realiEe their u!ity i! !atures o 'hrist a!, i! such u!ity
'hurch alo!e achie4es the -reatest u!ity. @e ca! co!clu,e that the lea,i!-
thou-ht o the Ger2a! philosopher i! this 7or8 7as u!ityJ si!ce the <oo8
ori-i!ate, i! the course o 'ou!cil/ at 7hich t7o churches ha, to re.u!ite. It
is 2ost pro<a<le that this u!ity ha, Nicholas o 'usa o! his 2i!,.
As re-ar,s !e-ati4e theolo-y Bco!cept that is ote! attache, to NicholasMs
teachi!-C <y Nicholas it is !ot so e>plicit/ as <y his pre,ecessor Ec8hart.
Na2ely/ Go, 2ea!s <y Nicholas the S!e-ati4e i!i!iteM/ 7here !e-ati4e poi!ts
at o!e positi4e co!cept. Thereore/ as Go, is the u!i4ersality o e4erythi!-/
there ca!!ot <e ascri<e, a!y !a2e to hi2. Accor,i!- to Nicholas/ Go, is li8e
a! i!i!ite sphere/ ce!ter o 7hich is e4ery7here/ a!, circu2ere!ce i! each
place. Ne-ati4e theolo-y here si2ply 2ea!s o4erco2i!- o the 2i!,Ms rule/
,eter2i!e, <y lo-ic. O4erco2i!- is achie4e, throu-h the 2ystical process/
7hich tra!sce!,s the !e-atio! a!, i! 7hich the O!e su<sists co!tai!e, i!
#.1.1#. )lore!ti!e Aca,e2y
As it 7as aore2e!tio!e,/ 'osi2o ,e Me,ici/ i22e,iately ater the e!, o
)lore!ce 'ou!cil <e-a! 7ith the realiEatio! o his -e!erous i,ea ou!,atio!
o Plato!ic aca,e2y. &is pla!s ,i, !ot realiEe so rapi,ly/ <ecause o 2a!y
o<Aecti4e circu2sta!ces. Ater the year 1061 Ball o the ?yEa!ti!e E2pireC
2a!y scholars a!, clerics escape, to Italy a!, <rou-ht 7ith the2 a
2ultitu,e o 2a!uscripts o -reat 4alue. Dirtually this historical e4e!t
co!tri<ute, to a lo7eri!- o Italia! a!, -e!erally 7ester! Europea! culture.
I! the 2ea!ti2e/ a you!- 2a! B7ho2 ,e Me,ici a lo!- ti2e a-o ,esi-!e,
the role o the co!,uctor o the uture aca,e2yC 2ature, a!, -ai!e, a!
e>celle!t e,ucatio!. It 7as the so! o the perso!al physicia! o the Me,ici
a2ily/ Marsilio )ici!o.
Italia! 2ystical philosopher Marsilio )ici!o 7as <or! i! 1011 i! s2all to7!
)i-li!e/ south o )lore!ce. &e co2es o a pro2i!e!t physicia!Ms a2ily. Ater
the re2o4al o the a2ily to )lore!ce/ ather ca2e to the court o Me,icis. At
the ti2e o 'ou!cil/ Marsilio 7as o!ly si> years ol,. As he ha, sho7! alrea,y
i! his early youth a stro!- thirst or 8!o7le,-e/ at the sa2e ti2e <ei!-
hu2<le a!, 8i!,/ he 2a,e a -oo, i2pressio! o! 'osi2o ,e Me,ici. So/ he
e!a<le, you!- 2a! the sources to co2plete his e,ucatio!/ i!clu,i!- also
the stu,y o Gree8 la!-ua-e. Na2ely/ 'osi2o 7a!te, to -i4e hi2 later a
7hole collectio! o Gree8 scripts B2ostly Plato!icC/ to tra!slate the2. ?esi,es
Plato!ic ,ialo-ues/ you!- philosopher also tra!slate, &er2etic 7riti!-sJ i!
10:# he 7as re7ar,e, 7ith a 4illa i! 'are--i/ !ear )lore!ce.
I! this 4illa )ici!o the! ou!,e, his Aca,e2y/ <ase, upo! Plato!ic
pri!ciples. &o7e4er/ this i!stitutio! ha, !ot -otte! strictly philosophical
character/ as throu-h it 2arche, past 2a!y !a2es o Italia! a!, Europea!
culture/ a2o!- the2 also architects/ pai!ters a!, poets. I! this co2pa!y
)ici!o 7as rather a 8i!, o i!or2al hea,.2aster/ 7ho ha, <ee! i!tro,uci!-
his pupils a!, -uest scie!tists 7ith pro-ra2s o stu,ies. I! 1071 Marsilio
Aoi!e, the 'hurch a!, <eca2e a ca!o! o the )lore!ti!e church Sa!
Lore!Eo. &e ,i, !ot co!si,er his philosophy as a! o<stacle or the
peror2a!ce o church ,uty/ <ecause he thou-ht that i! Plato!ic tra,itio!
there 7ere real roots a!, ou!,atio!s o 'hristia!ity.
Althou-h he has <ee! o ra-ile health si!ce his chil,hoo,/ he tra!sor2e,
his i,eas 4ery e!er-etically i!to 7or8sJ so i! 10:9 ori-i!ate, a <oo8 o
co22e!taries o! Plato/ e!title, Theologia #latonica. =ust li8e other 'hristia!
Plato!ists/ so )ici!o use, Au-usti!e as his 2o,el or the eclectic
a2al-a2atio! o Plato a!, 'hrist. &e hel, that OPlato!ic teachi!- is relate,
to the ,i4i!e la7 o <oth Moses a!, 'hrist as the Moo! is to the Su!P. The
u!i4erse is or Marsilio o!e 2a-!iice!t har2o!ic hierarchy that co!sists o
i4e special su<sta!ces. Loo8i!- ro2 a<o4e ,o7!7ar,s/ e4ery o!e o the2 o
the2 is 2ore specialiEe, a!, particulariEe, tha! its pre,ecessor. O! the top
is Go, a!, a!-el a!, o! the <otto2 <o,y a!, Guality. O!e thi!- that
co!!ects the2 is the soul i! the 2i,,le. This Sthir, esse!ceM/ ho7 is calle, <y
)ici!o/ is a co!!ectio! <et7ee! thi!-s that are eter!al a!, those te2poral.
Accor,i!- to is !atural i!sti!ct/ it asce!,s to7ar, hi-her spheres the! a-ai!
it ,esce!,s to7ar, the lo7er o!es. The path <y 7hich 2a! shoul, -o is
co!te2pt to7ar, the te2poral thi!-s a!, si2ulta!eous ,esire or the
eter!al/ that is/ or the co22u!io! 7ith Go,.
)ici!oMs seco!, i2porta!t 7or8 Bori-i!ate, i! 1039C is The triplici %ita BThree
?oo8s o! LieC. The irst t7o <oo8s are 2e,ical treatises a!, they 2ai!ly tell
us a<out ho7 to li4e lo!- a!, healthy. The thir, <oo8 is 2ost i2porta!t/
ro2 the philosophical poi!t o 4ie7 a!, it is e!title, 8e %ita coelitus
co$paranda BO! O<tai!i!- Lie ro2 the &ea4e!sC. I! it )ici!o ,iscuss
the2es i! co!!ectio! 7ith theory a!, practice o astrolo-ical 2a-ic. Si!ce
the 7or, 2a-ic alo!e is a2<i-uous/ the philosopher eels the !ee, to poi!t
out a<out 7hich 8i!, o 2a-ic he spea8s. )ici!o says that this is the sa2e
2a-ic that ha, <ee! practice, <y Ma-i/ 7ho ca2e to 2a8e a <o7 to !e7<or!
'hrist. I it is so/ 7hy 7oul, <e Ma-us so2ethi!- a7ul a!, o,ious/ as8s
)ici!o a!, a,,s that Ma-us i! ?i<lical ter2s Aust ha4e the 2ea!i!- o a
7ise 2a! a!, a priest. &is ,eali!- 7ith astrolo-y he ha, Austiie, i! a letter
to )lore!ti!e <ishop/ <y these 7or,sL O5 7hile earthly 2atters 7ere i!,ee,
the co!cer! o others/ hea4e!ly 2atters i! truth 7ere the sole co!cer! o the
priestJ so that 7hile hu2a! aairs 2i-ht <e let to hu2a! cou!sel/ 2atters
or supre2e authority shoul, <e reerre, to the ruler o hea4e!.P
All the !ature is i!terco!!ecte, <y ai!ities/ says )ici!o/ 7hat is 2ost
,isti!cti4ely relecte, i! astrolo-ical correspo!,e!ces. A!, that is e>actly the
tas8 o Ma-us.healer/ i.e. esta<lishi!- the correspo!,e!ce <et7ee! the
i!,i4i,ual a!, the @orl, Soul. This is achie4e, <y the help o talis2a!/
7hich <eha4es as a recei4er/ <y its a<sorptio! o the spirit that is e2a!ate,
ro2 the @orl, Soul. Accor,i!- to )ici!o/ the @orl, Soul/ <y the 2e,iu2 o
i!ter2e,iary e!tities also create the or2s o physical thi!-s/ as relectio!s
o i,eas.
The short treatise 8e A$ore BO! Lo4eC has as 7ell 2ystical traits a!, it
,ra7s the i!spiratio! ro2 PlatoMs S($posiu$. )ici!o ,e4elops a Plato!ic
teachi!- o! lo4e/ i!terpreti!- lo4e as a 2ea!s to co2i!- to Go,/ throu-h the
<eauty. Lo4e is a lie pri!ciple/ 7hich ,eli4ers the u!i4erse ro2 the state o
pri2or,ial chaos. It is also the po7er 7hich co!!ects a!, u!ites the cos2os
a!, har2o!ically Aoi!s all his le4els. Lo4e stri4es to7ar, the a<olitio! o
lo7er or2s or the <e!eit o hi-her/ u!i4ersal e>pressio!s. I! this se!se a
2a! represe!ts a picture o Go,. Marsilio )ici!o/ ater all/ is 8!o7! as
philosopher 7ho i!4e!te, the co!cept o SPlato!ic lo4eM a!, u!,er it he
u!,ersta!,s a rie!,ship as the hu2a! e>pressio! o ,i4i!e lo4e.
Gio4a!!i Pico ,ella Mira!,ola 7as surely the 2ost tale!te, a2o!-
!u2erous )ici!oMs pupils at )lore!ti!e aca,e2y. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 the
2o,eratio! o his teacher/ Pico 7as ,isti!-uishe, <y a trait o i!sole!ce/
so2eti2es o! a 4er-e o i2pru,e!ce. &o7e4er/ he ,i, !ot recei4e to <e o!
the hea, o the Aca,e2y/ <ecause he ,ie, you!-/ alrea,y at 1#. &e 7as <or!
i! 10:1 i! Mira!,ola/ to7! a<out 1"" 8ilo2eters !orth o )lore!ce.
Althou-h he ste2s ro2 a 7ealthy a2ily/ he re!ou!ce, the i!herita!ce or
the <e!eit o his <rothers. @he! he 7as 10/ he 7e!t to ?olo-!a to stu,y
ca!o! la7 a!, to prepare hi2sel or a career i! the 7i!- o 'hurch. ?ut/
ater so2e ti2e he 7as repelle, <y too ratio!alistic character o his stu,y/ so
he 7e!t o4er to stu,ies o philosophy a!, theolo-y. The !e>t se4e! years he
spe!t stu,yi!- at se4eral u!i4ersities i! Italy a!, )ra!ce. &e 2a!a-e, to
2aster i4e la!-ua-esJ <esi,es Lati! a!, Gree8/ also &e<re7/ Ara2aic a!,
Ara<ia!. The 8!o7le,-e o la!-ua-es e!a<le, hi2 stu,ies i! 7i,e ra!-e o
iel,s that he ha, <ee! i!tereste, i!L Zoroastris2/ &e<re7 $a<<ala/ Orpheus
a!, Pytha-oras/ Isla2ic philosophy. Alrea,y <eore his t7e!tieth year he
i!ishe, the 7or8 2eptaplus, 2ystical.alle-oric i!terpretatio! o ?i<le Bliteral/
alle-oric a!, occultC. Pico 7rites this 7or8 i! the or2 o se4e!ol,
u!,ersta!,i!- o the e4olutio! a!, Nature/ ro2 the ele2e!tary 8i!-,o2s to
hea4e!ly 7orl,s. The !e>t 7or8/ 8e ente et uno BO! ?ei!- a!, +!ityC
e>plai!s his state2e!t a<out ho7 ca! Plato!ic a!, Aristotelia! syste2 <e
har2o!iEe,J he Guotes so2e passa-es i! AristotleMs )etaphisics, 7hich
co!ir2s this. Pico poi!ts out our ,isti!ctio!s/ 7hich a,or! so Go,/ as all
the thi!-s that he create, <ei!-/ truth/ -oo,!ess/ u!ity.
PicoMs -reatest a!, 2ost coura-eous e!terprise ha, to <e a treatise o! !i!e
hu!,re, philosophical Guestio!s B*onclusiones philosophicae ca"alisticae et
theologicaeC. As the i!tro,uctio! to this treatise/ i! 103: he 7rote Oratio de
ho$inis dignitate BOratio! o! %i-!ity o Ma!C. I! this 7or8/ 7ritte! i! the
or2 o speech/ the ce!tral thou-ht is putti!- 2a! i! ocus/ the!
har2o!iEi!- o ,i4erse philosophies/ scie!ces a!, reli-io!s a!, re4eali!- o
secret 7is,o2/ 7hich is the esse!ce o all reli-ious.philosophical syste2. I!
Oratio Pico also i!tro,uce, a !e7 co!cept o ree,o2 o choice.
The philosopher has !e4er hel, this speech i! pu<lic a!, the 2ai! treatise
*onclusiones !either. &e has -otte! i!te!tio! to hol, it i! Ro2e a!, to
su22o! all the lea,i!- philosophers a!, theolo-ia!s/ ro2 the 7hole
Europe a!, e4e! 7i,er. The you!- a!, pro2isi!- philosopher has -otte! a
-oo, 2i!, to ,ee!, his 9"" theses i! a pu<lic ,e<ate/ 7hat 7oul, ha4e to
<e a! i!tro,uctio! i!to a !e7 reli-ious.philosophical syste2/ 2a,e o
ele2e!ts o 'hristia!ity/ a!tiGue Gree8 philosophy/ &er2etis2/ $a<<ala/
Zoroastris2 a!, Isla2ic philosophy a!, reli-io!. Pico ha, pu<lishe, his
philosophical theses i! Ro2e <y the e!, o 103:/ <ut soo! papal
co22issio! ,e!ote, 11 theses as heretical/ so ,e<ate 7as <a!!e, a!, 7or8
<ur!t at sta8e.
Pico ,ella Mira!,ola se!t a ,ee!se o his theses to Lore!Eo Me,ici i!
)lore!ce. Me,ici ,eli4ere, up PicoMs ,ee!se to 'roatia! philosopher =uraA
%ra-iUiV/ 7ho 7as at that ti2e a lecturer at )lore!ti!e Aca,e2y. The! i! his
2i,,le a-es/ %ra-iUiV 7as alrea,y re!o7!e, or his oral a!, 7ritte! ,e<ates.
It is 4ery li8ely that to hi2 -oes the 2erit that Pico 7as spare, ro2 a char-e
a!, ree, o i2putatio!. As Ro2e ,i, !ot prese!t a!, i,eal a2<ie!t or
acti!-/ Pico retur!e, to )lore!ce/ <ut preci,i!-ly he staye, or so2e ti2e i!
Last years o his lie Pico spe!t i! )lore!ce/ 7riti!- a!, sprea,i!- his
teachi!-s. I! act/ they represe!te, a 8i!, o ou!,atio!/ o! 7hich lai,
Re!aissa!ce philosophical thou-ht. 'lose to the e!, o lie he ha, i!te!tio!s
to reli!Guish his title a!, 7ealth a!, to <eco2e a 7a!,eri!- 2o!8 a!, a
preacher. I! 1091 he 7as co2pletely e>o!erate, ro2 a!y -uilt/ <y the !e7
Pope Ale>a!,er DI. &is 7ish o starti!- a 7a!,eri!- lie/ ho7e4er/ re2ai!e,
u!ulille,/ <ecause he su,,e!ly ,ie,/ ater a! attac8 o e4er/ i! 1090. ?ut/
there al7ays re2ai!e, a suspicio!/ that he 2i-ht ha4e <ee! poiso!e,.
As re-ar,s )lore!ti!e Aca,e2y/ it co!ti!ue, to act or so2e ti2e ater
)ici!oMs ,eath i! 1099. The teacherMs 7or8 ha, <ee! co!ti!ue, <y his
aithul ,isciple )ra!cesco Za!oli 'atta!i. Gra,ually -etti!- arther ro2
2ystical philosophy B7hich 7as i! ocus i! )ici!oMs ti2eC aca,e2ics <e-a! to
-et i!4ol4e, 2ore a!, 2ore i!to Guestio!s i! co!!ectio! 7ith society a!,
politics. So the Aca,e2y e>perie!ce, its e!, i! 16##/ 7he! a !u2<er o its
2e2<ers 7ere accuse, or a co!spiracy a-ai!st the )lore!ti!e Arch<ishop
Giulio ,e Me,ici/ later Pope 'le2e!t DII.
#.1.11. Ger2a! Mystical Philosophy o 1:th 'e!tury
Ger2a! hu2a!ist =oha!!es Reuchli! 7as <or! i! 1066 i! PorEhei2us/
?a,e!.@Rrte2<er-. &e -ai!e, ele2e!tary e,ucatio! there a!, ater7ar,s
stu,ie, Lati!/ <y %o2i!ica! 2o!astery i! his ho2eto7!. The! he ha,
e!rolle, u!i4ersity i! )rei<ur-/ 7here he also ha, <ee! stu,yi!- philosophy/
-ra22ar a!, rhetoric. ?ut/ soo! he <rou-ht ,ecisio! a<out the a,,itio!al
stu,y o la7. &e co2plete, this stu,y i! 1031. Ne>t year he tra4els to Italy
a!, at the )lore!ce Aca,e2y he 2eets Pico ,ella Mira!,ola/ 7ho lea4es a
,eep i2pressio! upo! hi2. &ere he 2et as 7ell so2e o the lea,i!- Italia!
philolo-ists. I! 1030 he 7as pro2ote, i!to a ,octor o la7. )or so2e ti2e he
7or8e, as a cou!selor o the cou!t E<erhar, 4o! @Rrte2<er- a!, later as a
lecturer at the u!i4ersity o &ei,el<er-.
I! 109" he tra4els a-ai! to Italy. O! his seco!, Aour!ey he -ot 2ore
i!tereste, i! stu,y o $a<<ala a!, o &e<re7 la!-ua-e/ too. Reuchli! 7ill
later <eco2e the irst 'hristia! author o a &e<re7 -ra22ar. This 7or8 7ill
<e release, i! 16":/ u!,er the title 8e rudi$entis he"ricis. ?ut i! the
2ea!ti2e he pu<lishe, B1090C his irst 2ystical 7or8/ ro2 the iel, o
2ystical $a<<ala/ 8e %er"o $iri!ico. This <oo8 ha, <ee! 7ritte! i! a or2
Bco22o! i! those ti2esC o a Plato!ic ,ialo-ue. The co!4ersatio! is le, <y
three charactersL Epicurea! Si,o!ius/ =e7 ?aruch a!, 'hristia! 'ap!io!.
All o the2 e>pose his 4ie7 a!, 'ap!io!/ as the last o!e/ co!clu,es that all
the ,i4i!e !a2es are u!ite, u!,er the !a2e o =esus 'hrist.
&e ,eepe!e, his teachi!- o! 'hristia! $a<<ala i! his 7or8 e!title, de arte
ca"alistica B1617C. This 2uch a2<itious 7or8 7as ,escri<e, as the irst
co2prehe!si4e treatise o! $a<<ala 7ritte! <y a !o!.=e7 a!, it 7as also
calle, S?i<le o the 'hristia! $a<<alistsM. I! it/ Reuchli! says that the !a2e
o Messiah ,oes !ot co!sist o three letters BI/&/SC <ut o i4e B(/&/S/@/&C so
he ,e,uces that o!ly this or2 o pe7!ta-ra22ato! is correctJ or Reuchli!
it i! sy2<olical 7ay represe!ts the la7 o 2ercy.
This is also a ti2e 7he! Reuchli! ,ispute, 7ith $Tl!Ms %o2i!ica!s/ hea,e,
<y co!4erte, =e7 Peer8or!. Na2ely/ Ger2a! philosopher oppose, the
,estructio! o =e7ish <oo8s/ irstly o Tal$ud, 7hich %o2i!ica!s peror2e,
syste2atically. A-ai! it 7as 'roatia! philosopher =uraA %ra-iUiV the o!e 7ho
,ee!,e, a hu2a!ist philosopher. The ,ee!se o Reuchli!/ ,escri<e, i! the
7or8 8e!ensio praestantissi$i %iri Iochannes Reuchlin BThe %ee!ce o the
'o2pete!t Ma! =oha!!es Reuchli!C poi!te, out the !ee, o =e7s to posses
their o7! sacre, <oo8s/ as the e>pressio! o their reli-ious i,e!tity.
Reuchli! has <ee!/ as 7ell as his ,ee!,er %ra-iUiV/ close to the e!, o his
lie path i! that ti2e. =oha!!es Reuchli! spe!t the last years o his lie as a
lecturer at u!i4ersities o I!-olsta,t a!, TR<i!-e! a!, ,ie, i! 16##.
Reuchli!Ms co!te2porary a!, ello7.cou!try2a!/ 2ystical philosopher
=oha!! Trithe2ius 7as <or! i! 10:#/ i! 4illa-e Tritte!hei2/ Rhei!la!,.
PalE. &e ha, -otte! a har, chil,hoo,J u!til his 16
year he ha, !ot -otte! a
possi<ility o e,ucatio!/ <ecause his ather ha, !ot allo7e, hi2 to -o to
school. The! he 2astere, i! a 4ery short ti2e the s8ill o rea,i!- a!,
7riti!-/ as 7ell as <asics o Lati!. Si!ce he suere, 2altreat2e!t i! his
!ati4e house/ he ha, ,eci,e, to escape. Ater ati-ui!- he so2eho7 reache,
@RrE<ur-. &ere tau-ht re!o7!e, hu2a!ist =a8o< @hi2peli!-/ 7ho e!a<le,
the e,ucatio! to the a2<itious you!- 2a!.
I! 103# he ha, -ra,uate, a!, ,eci,e, to 4isit his !ati4e 4illa-e. As it 7as
2i, 7i!ter/ o! his 7ay there he ou!, hi2sel e>pose, to a s!o7stor2/ so
he sou-ht a shelter i! the !ear<y ?e!e,icti!e 2o!astery i! Spo!hei2. There
he 7as please, 7ith the at2osphere that pre4aile,J so he 2a,e a 2o!8ish
4o7 a!, ,eci,e, to re2ai!. Althou-h he ha, <ee! the you!-est 2e2<er o
the 2o!8ish co22u!ity/ he 7as soo! electe, a<<ot/ i! his ##
year. &is
electio! 7as a real <lessi!- or a s2all place li8e Spo!hei2. Trithe2ius
<e-a! 7ith a youthul ar,or to or-a!iEe the lie i! the 2o!astery that ha,
<ee! pre4iously !e-lecte,.
The you!- a<<ot spe!t a lot o ti2e i! the arra!-e2e!t a!, re!e7al o the
2o!astery a!, he <uilt a li<rary/ i! 7hich ha, <ee! o4er the years collecte,
2ore tha! t7o thousa!, 4olu2es. This u!iGue li<rary 2a,e Spo!hei2 a
7i,ely re!o7!e, place/ especially i! scie!tiic a!, philosophical circles.
A2o!- his !u2erous rie!,s a!, a,2irers 7ere or i!sta!ce =oha!!es
Reuchli! a!, Ro2a!.Ger2a! E2peror Ma>i2ilia! I. ?ut/ as the ti2e 7e!t
o!/ so he -ai!e, 2ore a!, 2ore oppo!e!tsJ so i! 16":/ ater #1 years at the
hea, o the 2o!astery/ he 7as orce, to 7ith,ra7. The E2peror Ma>i2ilia!
7a!te, to <ri!- hi2 at the court/ a!, to -i4e hi2 a positio! o the
historio-rapher o the I2perial house/ <ut Trithe2ius lo!-e, or a Guite lie/
i! reclusio!. So he chose or his !e7 reu-e a 2o!astery o St. =aco< i!
@RrE<ur-. &ere he ca2e upo! o!ly three 2o!8s/ so he ha, a! opportu!ity
to ,e4elop a 7hole ra!-e o acti4ities/ si2ilar as he ha, ,o!e i! Spo!hei2.
&ere Trithe2ius spe!t the last te! years o his lie/ ,uri!- 7hich he ha,
7ritte! a !u2<er o 7or8s.
A2o!- the accusatio!s that <eall to hi2 7hile he 7as at Spo!hei2/ 7as the
o!e a<out ,eali!- 7ith ,e2o!s. So/ he 7as co2pelle, to 7rite a <oo8 i! his
,ee!se/ e!title, Antipatus $ale!icioru$ B16"3C/ a a!atical 7or8 poi!te,
a-ai!st sorcery. Trithe2ius represe!ts a! e>celle!t e>a2ple o Re!aissa!ce
a2al-a2atio! o 'hristia!ity/ &er2etical philosophy/ 2a-ic/ astrolo-y/
alche2y a!, $a<<ala. &is 2a-ical syste2 7as <ase, upo! the pri!ciples o
sy2pathy a!, har2o!y <et7ee! three 7orl,s 2aterial/ hea4e!ly a!,
a!-elic. To those 7ho loo8e, 7ith suspicio! o! his ,eali!- 7ith 2a-ic/ he
a!s7ere, si2ilarly to )ici!oL OThe 7or, 2a-ic is the Persia! ter2 or 7hat i!
Lati! is calle, 7is,o2/ o! 7hich accou!t 2a-icia2s are calle, 7ise 2e!/
Aust as 7ere those three 7ise 2e! 7ho/ accor,i!- to the Gospel/ Aour!eye,
ro2 East to a,ore/ i! his cri</ the i!a!t 7ho 7as the So! o Go, i! lesh.P
The 2ai! Trithe2iusM 2ystical 7or8s i!clu,e Steganographia, 7ritte! a<out
1099 a!, 8e septu$ secundeis, a 7or8 ro2 16"3. The the2e o
Steganographia is irstly/ se!,i!- o secret 2essa-es <y a!-els/ althou-h it
touches other thi!-s as 7ell. Trithe2ius i! this 7or8 poses the hierarchy o
spirits a!, a!-els that rule o4er 4arious territories o Earth/ as 7ell as o4er
certai! ,ays a!, hours. The seco!, <oo8/ 8e septu$ secundeis ,eals 7ith
the history o the 7orl,/ <ase, upo! the astrolo-y. I! this 7or8 Trithe2ius
Guotes that this 7orl, is rule, <y the so calle, Seco!,ary I!telli-e!cies/
7hich are se4e! i! !u2<er. Spirits that rule o4er pla!ets are i! act
archa!-els/ ta8e! o4er ro2 the &e<re7 astrolo-y. So/ Satur!Ms ruler is
pla!et Oriiel/ De!usM ruler is A!ael/ ruler o =upiter is Zachariel/ o Mercury
is Raphael/ o Mars is Sa2uel/ o Moo! is Ga<riel a!, o Su! is Michael.
Each o!e o the2 rules ro2 the <e-i!!i!- o the 7orl,/ cha!-i!- ater the
perio, o 160 years a!, our 2o!ths/ ater the state, or,er. As it has alrea,y
happe!e, 7ith Al<ertus Ma-!us or Ro-er ?aco!/ so it 7as the case 7ith
Trithe2ius/ too le-e!,s associate, 7ith his !a2e soo! 2elte, 7ith
ele2e!ts o the le-e!, a<out %r. )aust.
Si2ilar stories a!, le-e!,s ha, <ee! 2a,e up a<out Trithe2iusM pupil a!,
successor A-rippa 4o! Netteshei2. This 2ystical philosopher 7as <or! i!
103: i! the 4ici!ity o $Tl!. &e co2es o a! i2po4erishe, aristocratic a2ily/
4o! Netteshei2/ a!, he too8 o4er the !a2e ro2 Ro2a! ar2y lea,er a!,
ou!,er o $Tl! B'olo!ia A-rippi!aC. &e ote! use, o!ly the Lati!iEe, part o
his lo!- !a2e/ i.e. 'or!elius A-rippa. I! his youth he 7as 8!o7! or the
curious act that he reuse, to spea8 a!y other la!-ua-e sa4e Lati!. I! his
!ati4e to7! he ha, e!rolle, a u!i4ersity/ i! 1099 a!, -ra,uate, three years
later. As 4ery you!- he Aoi!e, the ar2y o the E2peror Ma>i2ilia! I. later/
arou!, 16"7/ he e!rolle, Parisia! u!i4ersity. So2eho7 si2ulta!eously/ he
2et his teacher Trithe2ius. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 hi2/ he 7as 4ery restless
spirit a!, tra4ele, a lot/ ote! cha!-i!- his place o resi,e!ce.
I! Paris A-rippa ha, ou!,e, o!e o the irst secret societies/ 7hich
2e2<ers 7ere stu,e!ts i!tereste, i! ,eali!- 7ith alche2y a!, 2a-ic. I! the
course o the year 16"3 A-rippa ha, tra4ele, throu-h )ra!ce/ Spai! a!,
Italy. The !e>t year he <eca2e a lecturer at the u!i4ersity o %le Bi! the
4ici!ity o %iAo!C. &e lecture, theolo-y/ soo! <eco2i!- 4ery popular/ so his
courses 7ere atte!,e, e4e! <y Parlia2e!t cou!selors.
A-rippa 7as o!ly #1 years ol, 7he! he se!t a 2a!uscript o his 7or8 8e
occulta philosophia to his teacher a!, rie!, =oha!!es Trithe2ius. A-rippa
has -otte! the a,4ice !ot to pu<lish his 7or8 BO'o22u!icate the co22o!
secrets to co22o! rie!,s a!, secrets o hi-her or,er to -reat rie!,sPC. So/
the 7or8 ha, <ee! circulati!- as a 2a!uscript or the !e>t #0 years/ -ai!i!-
a -reat reputatio! a2o!- those 7ho ha, -otte! a cha!ce to rea, it. A-rippa
7as soo! co2pelle, to 7ith,ra7 ro2 a positio! o lecturer at the u!i4ersity
i! %le/ accuse, or preachi!- heresy. Si!ce the E2peror Ma>i2ilia! I 7as
7ell.,ispose, to7ar, hi2/ he se!t hi2 as a! a2<assa,or to the court o
$i!- &e!ry DIII. A-rippa ,7elt i! E!-la!, or i! the house o )ici!oMs
,isciple =oh! 'olet/ 7ho 7as at the ti2e lecturer at O>or,. ?ut/ he ,i, !ot
stay or lo!- i! E!-la!,/ as i! 1611 he retur!s to $Tl!/ 7here he <eco2es
the lecturer at the u!i4ersity.
I! 161# A-rippa ,eparts to Italy/ 7here he is lecturer at Pa4iaMs u!i4ersity.
&ere he stays or !e>t three years as a! oicer a!, ,iplo2at i! %u8e,o2 o
Mila!. I! 1617 he <eca2e or a short ti2e a court physicia! o %u8e o
Sa4oy/ 'harles III/ <ur alrea,y !e>t year he set out or MetE/ 7here he 7or8s
as to7!Ms a,4ocate. I! this statio! he 7as 4ery successul/ so he a!ta-o!iEe,
7ith 2a!y. )or e>a2ple/ he ha, release, so2e 7o2a! ro2 accusatio! o
7itchcrat a!, i22e,iately ca2e i!to co!lict 7ith the I!Guisitor o MetE. I!
16#0 he ca2e to Lyo!/ 7here he <eca2e a court physicia! o *uee! 2other/
Louise o Sa4oy. &ere he co2pose, as 7ell o!e o his 7or8s/ co22e!tary o!
LullMs Ars Bre%is.
Ater lea4i!- )ra!ce/ A-rippa ,eparts to A!t7erpe!/ 7here he ha, -otte! a
positio! o a historio-rapher a!, cou!selor o the archi4e o the !e7 $i!-/
'harles D. I! 16#9 there 7as a! epi,e2ic o pla-ue i! the to7!. &o7e4er/
A-rippa ,i, !ot lea4e the to7!/ <ut he re2ai!e, a!, helpe, the sic8/ o7i!-
to his 8!o7le,-e o 2e,ici!e. ?ut/ physicia!s 7ho ha, let the to7! ater
their retur! accuse, hi2 or Guac8ery/ arai, that they 2i-ht lose their
7ealthy patie!ts. The !e>t year A-rippa pu<lishes the 7or8 8e incertitudine
et %anitate scientiaru$, a critical retrospectio! o $a<<ala. It is o<4ious that
this 7or8 ori-i!ate, u!,er the pressure/ to release hi2 ro2 the accusatio!s
o! his accou!t. Thereore/ this 7or8 re2i!,s o 7or8s 7ritte! <y earlier
2ystical philosophers/ 7hich ha4e -otte! ori-i!ate, ro2 the sa2e reaso!
o Michael Psellus/ Pico ,ella Mira!,ola Ba-ai!st astrolo-yC/ a!, o A-rippaMs
teacher Trithe2ius.
?ut/ i! spite o A-rippaMs criticis2 to7ar, the 2isuse o 2a-ic/ 7he! the
!e>t year appeare, the irst e,itio! o 8e occulta philosophia, it ca2e upo!
the ierce oppositio! o %o2i!ica! 2o!8s/ scie!tists a!, e4e! the E2peror
hi2sel. A-rippa 2o4es a-ai!/ irst to ?russsels a!, the! to ?o!!. I!
Ger2a!y/ A-rippa is persecute, <y %o2i!ica! i!GuisitorsJ thereore he
escape, to )ra!ce/ i! spite o <a, relatio!s 7ith )ra!cis I/ 7hose 2other he
ha, treate, <eore. I22e,iately upo! his arri4al to )ra!ce/ he ha, <ee! put
i! priso!/ <ut soo! he 7as release,/ o7i!- to the i!ter4e!tio! o so2e
i!lue!tial rie!,s. &e set out or Lyo!/ yet he has !e4er reache, it. The path
o his lie e!,e, i! Gre!o<le/ 7here he ,ie, i! po4erty/ i! 1616.
The -reatest A-rippaMs achie4e2e!t or sure is 4olu2i!ous 7or8 8e occulta
philosophia. It represe!ts a 8i!, o e!cyclope,ic sur4ey a!, co2prehe!si4e
i!terpretatio! o the e!tire 2ystical philosophy/ u!til the!. This 7or8 is
<ase, upo! the u!,a2e!tal i,eas i the Re!aissa!ce philosophy/ i.e. that
2a! is a 2i!iature copy o Go,/ that is/ o the u!i4erse. I! his opi!io!/
e4erythi!- that e>ists has soul/ as the part o the u!i4ersal @orl, Soul. This
is relecte, i! 2a-ical traits o her<s/ 2etals/ 2i!erals/ a!i2als a!, other
2a!iestatio!s o the !ature. The irst is relate, to !atural 2a-ic/ the seco!,
to celestial a!, thir, to the ritual 2a-ic. I! the <oo8 a<out !atural 2a-ic/
A-rippa spea8s a<out the our ele2e!ts/ @orl,Ms Soul/ pla!ets a!,
astrolo-ical i!lue!ces/ 2a-ical <i!,i!-/ ,i4i!atio!/ or2atio! o 2a! a!,
2ystical u!io! o 2a!Ms 2i!, 7ith 2i!,s o stars.
The seco!, <oo8 ,eals 7ith the2es i! co!!ectio! 7ith the celestial 2a-icL
!u2<ers/ -eo2etrical i-ures a!, <o,ies/ 2usical har2o!y/ celestial <o,ies
a!, astrolo-ical ,i4i!atio!. A-rippa e2phasiEes a-ai! the i2porta!ce o
astrolo-y/ as all the 8i!,s o ,i4i!atio! ha4e their roots i! her. The thir,
<oo8/ o! ritual 2a-ic/ i!clu,es ,i4i!e !a2es/ i!telli-e!ces a!, spirits/ their
or,ers a!, seals o spirits. I! this <oo8 A-rippa Guotes the characteristics o
a perso!/ aspiri!- to spiritual -ro7th. The a<sti!e!ce/ accor,i!- to hi2/
ortiies a!, protects a-ai!st 4ices a!, 2ali-!a!t spirits a!, puriies 2a!Ms
2i!, helpi!- 2a! to u!ite 7ith Go,. Perso!s 7ho aspire to7ar, pure spirit
2ust a4oi, 2eat/ a!, they 2ust practice asti!-. Di-or a!, purity o soul o
those ,e4ote, to Go, 2a8e their 2i!, a! eter!al Go,Ms te2ple. Solitu,e is
also i2porta!t/ <ecause releasi!- o earthly Ao<s a!, cares 2a8e the 2i!,
prepare, or recei4i!- o hea4e!ly ,i4i!itiesM -its. I! our asce!t to7ar, the
u!ity 7ith all thi!-s/ 7e 2ust ree oursel4es ro2 the i!,i4i,ual se!se o
2ultiplicity a!, co2e o!to the o4er.2i!, le4el/ source o the u!i4ersal -oo,
a!, truth.
@he! A-rippa 7as se4e! years ol, B1091C/ i! s2all to7! Ei!sie,el! i!
S7itEerla!, 7as <or! 2ystical philosopher a!, the -reatest physicia! o the
Re!aissa!ce/ 8!o7! as Paracelsus. &e ste2s ro2 the !o<le a2ily 4o!
&ohe!hei2. Na2ely/ his ather 7as a so! o a! i2po4erishe, S7a<ia!
aristocrat/ 7ho ha, <ee! co2pelle, to sell a a2ily castle. )ro2 the souther!
Ger2a! pro4i!ce ather @ilhel2 2o4e, to Ei!sie,el!/ ater he ha,
-ra,uate, 2e,ici!e. &ere he ha, -otte! 2arrie, a!, -ot a so!/ 7ho2 he
!a2e, ater AristotleMs ,isciple/ Theophrastus. To Ei!sie,el! rushe, each
year thousa!,s o pil-ri2s/ to 7orship the <lac8 Mother o Go, Bo!e o the
relati4ely rare o!es i! EuropeC. Pil-ri2s/ usually e>hauste, o lo!- Aour!eys/
ote! sou-ht or a help o his ather. So/ you!- &ohe!hei2 ha, lear!e, ro2
a 4ery early a-e a<out the secrets o the art o 2e,ici!e. @he! he 7as !i!e/
his 2other ,ie,/ so he 2o4e, to Dillach i! 'ari!thia 7ith his ather.
Arou!, 16"9 you!- &ohe!hei2 ha, e!rolle, a stu,y o 2e,ici!e i! ?asel/
<ut our years later he i!terrupte, his stu,ies a!, <e-a! to 7a!,er/
si2ilarly to his co!te2porary A-rippa. The! he too8 a pseu,o!y2
Paracelsus/ ater the physicia! o a!cie!t Ro2e 'elsusJ he a,,e, prei>
para. Bo4er/ a<o4eC to poi!t out/ that he sur2ou!ts hi2. &e co!ti!ue, his
stu,ies at )errara/ 7here he -ra,uate, B1616C a!, -ot a ,octorMs title. &ere
Paracelsus ca2e i! closer co!tact 7ith Plato!ic philosophy/ 7hich attracte,
hi2 ro2 <eore. The !e>t year he 7e!t to Spo!hei2/ 7here Trithe2ius
tau-ht hi2 o alche2y a!, 2a-ic. This 2eeti!- 7as 4ery e!li-hte!i!- or the
you!- physicia!/ as ro2 Trithe2ius/ he lear!e, a<out the !ature o the
spiritual <ei!-s/ o i!!er 2ea!i!- o !atureMs si-!s a!, o the relatio!
<et7ee! 2acro a!, 2icrocos2.
The !e>t ei-ht years Paracelsus spe!t i! tra4eli!- across the Europe. &e irst
set out 7est7ar,/ 4isiti!- Mo!tpellier u!i4ersity/ the! ater7ar,s he also
4isite, Se4illa/ Paris a!, Sor<o!!a/ E!-la!,/ Netherla!,s a!, %e!2ar8/
7here he reor-a!iEe, the phar2acy a!, set !e7 sta!,ar,s i! pro,uctio! o
2e,ica2e!ts. Later he 7e!t to S7e,e! a!, to Russia/ 7here he ell i!to
TartarsM capti4ity/ ater the sie-e o Mosco7. Tartars <rou-ht hi2 to 8ha!
?a<ur/ ,esce!,e!t o the a2ous Ge!-his.8ha!J i! his ser4ice Paracelsus
spe!t a certai! perio,. The roa, too8 hi2 e4e! to I!,ia/ 7here ?a<ur ha,
esta<lishe, his e2pire <y the <e-i!!i!- o 1:
ce!tury. I! 16#1 he tra4els to
'o!sta!ti!ople/ i! a ,iplo2atic 2issio!/ i! co2pa!y o 8ha!Ms so!.
Ater7ar,s/ Paracelsus co!ti!ue, to Ale>a!,ria a!, ro2 there to Greece.
)ro2 Greece he procee,e, his 7ay alo!- the %al2atia! coast a!, i!ally
reache, Dillach i! 16#0. %uri!- this i!cre,i<le Aour!ey o 2a!y thousa!,
2iles Paracelsus ha, <ee! e>a2i!i!- a!, stu,yi!- all the ti2e. No7/ he 7as
rea,y or teachi!-/ too.
Ater a <rie perio, ,uri!- 7hich he ha, peror2e, a 2e,ical practice i!
SalE<ur-/ he 7as calle, to ?asel/ to heal a re!o7!e, pri!ter =oha!!es
)ro<e!/ a rie!, o Eras2us a!, Ger2a! hu2a!ists. I! 16#: 'ity cou!cil o
?asel appoi!te, hi2 a proessor i! !atural history/ 2e,ici!e a!, sur-ery
a!, he also -ot a positio! o a to7!Ms physicia!. &is i!!o4atory 2e,ical
theories a!, strict co!trol o 2e,ica2e!ts prepare, i! phar2acies/ i!curre,
a ra-e o certai! circles. &is u!co2pro2isi!- actio!s/ li8e pu<lic <ur!i!-.up
o the oicial te>t<oo8 o 2e,ici!e/ A4ice!!aMs *anon, ha, 2a-e this ra-e
o!ly stro!-er. @he! his a,4ersaries ha, u!ite, the2sel4es i! plotti!-
a-ai!st hi2/ u!,er pressure he ha, to lea4e the to7!.
I! 16#9 the roa, le, hi2 to NRr!<er-/ 7here he co!ti!ues his 2e,ical
practice. &ere he cure, so2e alle-e,ly i!cura<le sic8 2e!. Most pro<a<ly it
7as syphilis i! Guestio!/ a ,isease <rou-ht <y sailors/ o! their retur! ro2
7ester! I!,ia. I! this to7! Paracelsus ,i, !ot li!-er or lo!-/ as he ,i, !ot
i! a!y other/ o4er the last t7e!ty years o his lie. @a!,eri!- ro2 o!e place
to a!other/ 2ai!ly o! the territory o Ger2a!y/ Austria a!, S7itEerla!,/
Paracelsus <arely supporte, hi2sel/ al7ays o! the 4er-e o po4erty. &e
carrie, o4er his teachi!- to his ,isciples ote! or ree/ a!, he also ha!,e,
out 2e,ica2e!ts to poor o!es/ 7ithout co2pe!satio!. Paracelsus ,ie, i!
1601. A<out his ,eath there are se4eral 4ersio!s. Accor,i!- to o!e/ he 7as
attac8e, <y ro<<ers/ hire, <y o!e o his ri4al i! 2e,ical proessio!.
Accor,i!- to a!other 4ersio! Bthat 7as 2ay<e i!4e!te, <y his e!e2iesC he
stu2<le, i! a ,ru!8e! state a!, ell/ hea4ily i!Auri!- his hea, a!, soo!
Althou-h he ha, !o 7or8s 4olu2i!ous as A-rippaMs 8e occulta philosophia,
Paracelsus i! the course o his lie co2pose, a<out 6" 7or8sL ro2 practical
a!, philosophical 2e,ici!e/ alche2y/ !atural scie!ce/ philosophy a!, other
iel,s. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 his co!te2porary/ 7ho 7rote i! Lati!/ Paracelsus
preerre, 7riti!- i! Ger2a!/ thus pro4i,i!- hi2sel a 7i,er pu<lic/ i.e. o!e
outsi,e the aca,e2ic a!, theolo-ia! circles. ParacelsusM Sphilosophia sa-a>M
co2prehe!,s ,i4erse iel,s/ li8e $agica B2a-ic a!, 7ill po7erC/ astrologia
Bastrolo-y a!, spiritual i!lue!cesC/ signatu$ Bteachi!- a<out si-!s a!,
8!o7le,-e a<out the i!!er esse!ce throu-h the outer si-!sC/ nigro$antia
Ba<out sorcery a!, apparitio!sC/ necro$antia B,i4i!atio! <y ,ea,C/ $edicina
adepta Bphilosophy o a,epts/ 7is,o2 o alche2y a!, co!te2platio!C/
$athe$atica adepta B2athe2atics o a,epts a!, 8!o7le,-e o occult
relatio!s/ -eo2etry/ cos2o-raphy/ 2easures/ 7ei-hts a!, !u2<ersC.
I! his 7or8 #hilosophia occulta Paracelsus says or 2a-ic that it is scie!ce
a<out super!atural thi!-s/ 7hich co2prises e4erythi!- that elu,es hu2a!
u!,ersta!,i!-. &e ,iscer!s 2a-ic as co2ple> art that i!clu,es 7is,o2 a!,
the sorcery/ 7hich i!clu,es causi!- har2 to others. &e <elie4e, that
astrolo-ical 2a-ic ca! <e helpul i! reco4eri!- ro2 ill!ess/ so he ,e,icate,
i! his 7or8 Archidoxa $agiae se4eral sectio!s to astrolo-ical talis2a!s or
curi!- ,iseases. &o7e4er/ li8e 2ost o others Re!aissa!ce philosophers/
Paracelsus reAects a<solute astrolo-ical ,eter2i!is2/ so he asserts that
philosopher 2ust rule o4er stars a!, !ot 4ice 4ersa . o!ly to people o! lo7er
le4el are u!,er co2pel to act ater the2. Paracelsus 7as a pious/ althou-h
so2e7hat u!ortho,o> 'hristia!. &e use, to say that Go,Ms ,ee, ha, <ee!
re4eale, to us throu-h the 7is,o2 a!, Go, reAoices 7he! 7e <eco2e si2ilar
to hi2. I! the 7or8 8e !unda$ento sapientae he says that all the 7is,o2
<elo!-s to Go,/ so <y tryi!- to u!,ersta!, oursel4es/ 7e ca! co2e to ,i4i!e
truth that is -i4e! to 2e!.
ParacelsusM 2e,ical philosophy poi!ts at !e7 approach to 2a! a!, scie!ce.
&is art o heali!- 7as <ase, upo! our pillarsL !atural philosophy or
8!o7le,-e a<out !ature/ astrolo-y/ alche2y a!, 2e,ical ethics. &is
philosophy is lo4e to7ar, 7is,o2/ i! u!,a2e!tal Plato!ic 2ea!i!- o the
7or,. True philosopher 2ust i!, a &ea4e! i! hi2sel alo!e/ he co!si,ere,/
so that thi!-s 7hich are i! us a!, those outsi,e 2a8e o!e a!, u!iGue
<ei!-/ ,iere, o!ly <y its phe!o2e!al or2s. Si!ce 2a! co!tai!s i! hi2sel
the e!tire 2acrocos2/ it is !ecessary to 8!o7 correspo!,i!- relatio! i! the
i!,i4i,ual parts o the hu2a! <o,y a!, o! <asis o the 8!o7le,-e o this
relatio! to prepare a! appropriate 2e,ici!e. It is !ecessary to co!cei4e the
&ea4e! a!, the 7hole 'reatio!/ i! their all i!te-rity/ <ecause the e!tire
create, !ature correspo!,s to o!e truth. Philosophy o 2ai!te!a!ce o
health co!sists o li4i!- i! accor,a!ce 7ith the 7hole/ i! u!ity a!,
ParacelsusM si2ple ,ei!itio! o alche2y says that this is a process o
puriicatio! <y ire. The art o alche2y co!sists o the separatio! o the
useless ro2 the useul/ the! <ri!-i!- it to the state o the -reatest
perectio!. Nature ,oes !ot <ri!- a!ythi!- perect <y itsel. Ma!Ms tas8 is to
ter2i!ate the process that !ature i!itiate,. @e ha4e to <ur! a7ay all the
lo7er ele2e!ts/ so the o!ly those truly air a!, ,i4i!e re2ai!. =ust the o!es
7ho ha, carrie, throu-h this alche2ical process i! the2 ca! <eco2e o!e
7ith their creator/ the Lor,.
#.1.16. =oh! %ee;s 'o22u!icatio! 7ith A!-els
I! the course o The Mi,,le A-es/ E!-la!, ,i, !ot -i4e 2a!y pro2i!e!t
2ystical philosophers/ so it ha, -otte! to pass three ce!turies/ ro2 Ro-er
?aco! u!til 16#7/ 7he! e4e!tually =oh! %ee 7as <or!. The sphere o
i!terest o this poly2ath co2prise, a 7i,e ,o2ai! o &er2etical a!,
$a<<alist philosophy/ 2athe2atics/ astrolo-y/ -eo-raphy a!, !a4i-atio!.
Dery early i! lie he -ai!e, a reputatio! o a co2pete!t 2athe2aticia! a!,
astro!o2er a!, lea,i!- e>pert i! !a4i-atio!. I! the last thir, o his lie he
,e4ote, hi2sel al2ost e!tirely to the 'hristia! a!-elic 2a-ic a!, &er2etic
=oh! %ee co2es o a a2ily o @elsh ori-i!. &e 7as <or! at To7er 7ar,s/
cou!ty o Lo!,o!/ as a chil, o courtMs oicial. Ater his ele2e!tary
schooli!-/ he -ra,uate, at St. =oh!Ms 'olle-e at 'a2<ri,-e/ <ut i! 2ea!ti2e
he also lecture, Gree8 la!-ua-e at the !e7ly esta<lishe, Tri!ity 'olle-e a!,
he stu,ie, !a4i-atio! i! Netherla!,s. Ater the -ra,uatio! he tra4ele, across
the Europe/ perecti!- his 8!o7le,-e at his stu,ies i! ?el-iu2/ 7hile i!
Paris he lecture, 2athe2atics. I! 166# he 2et i! E!-la!, 7ith Italia!
physicia! a!, polyhistor =ero2e 'ar,a! Bcar e>perts 8!o7 hi2 <etter as the
i!4e!tor o so calle, 'ar,a!Ms a>isC/ 7ho ca2e o! the Isla!,/ o! the call o
Scottish Arch<ishop &a2ilto!/ to cure hi2. 'ar,a! 7as the! at the pea8 o
his -lory a!, he 2a,e a -reat i2pact o! you!- %ee. ?esi,e their 2utual
i!terest i! 2athe2atics/ they <oth also share, their i!terest or 2ystical
spheres. 'ar,a! co22u!icate, to %ee his e>perie!ce i! clair4oya!ce a!,
other or2s o e>trase!sory perceptio!/ 7hich e!coura-e, E!-lish 2ystic
a!, -a4e hi2 i!cite2e!t or his uture e!,ea4ors i! this iel,.
+!til 1666 %ee 7as i! ser4ice o Earl o Pe2<ro8e a!, %u8e o
Northu2<erla!,/ i! the 2ea!ti2e reAecti!- the positio! o a ,oce!t at
O>or,. The proessorship at E!-lish u!i4ersities ,i, !ot attract hi2/
<ecause o -i4i!- e2phasis to rhetoric a!, -ra22ar a!, ,isa4ori!-
philosophy a!, scie!ce. So/ %ee chose a 4ocatio! o astrolo-er a!, <e-a! to
cast horoscopes/ also or the royal a2ily. I! 1666 he 7as put i!to a priso!
or a 7hile/ u!,er suspicio! o plotti!- a-ai!st the *uee! Mary Stuart/ 7ith
,au-hter o &e!ry DIII/ Elisa<eth. Alle-e,ly/ he sa7 i! MaryMs horoscope that
her ruli!- 7ill !ot last or lo!-/ 7hich i! reality ca2e trueJ three years later
Elisa<eth I <e-a! her lo!- lasti!- rule. Si!ce he coul, !ot co!4i!ce Mary o
the !ecessity o esta<lishi!- o a !atio!al li<rary/ he alo!e set hi2sel to
7or8 o! it a!, ha4i!- collecte, a lar-e !u2<er o <oo8s/ he create, his o7!
pri4ate li<rary i! Mortla8e. %ee collecte,/ Aust li8e Trithe2ius ,i,/
thousa!,s o 4olu2es/ so his li<rary <eca2e the lar-est i! E!-la!,.
@he! Elisa<eth too8 o4er the thro!e i! 1663/ %ee <eca2e her cou!cilor o!
Guestio!s co!cer!i!- scie!ce a!, astrolo-y. &e 7as also a cou!cilor i!
co!!ectio! 7ith E!-lish !a4al e>pe,itio! to ar o4erseas cou!tries. &e
pro4i,e, his help i! !a4i-atio!/ <ut also a 8i!, o i,eolo-ical support or the
?ritish e>pa!sio!. It 7as Aust hi2 7ho irst use, the ter2 S?ritish E2pireM.
?esi,e the !a4i-atio!/ o 7hich he 7ill later 7rite a <oo8/ %ee 7as a! e>pert
i! carto-raphy/ too. %uri!- his stu,ies i! ?el-iu2/ he -ot acGuai!te, a!,
associate, 7ith Gerar, Mercator/ the -reatest carto-rapher a!, -eo-rapher
o that ti2e. %ee possesse, a hu-e collectio! o !a4al 2aps a!, !a4i-atio!
i!stru2e!ts/ as 7ell.
)ro2 ti2e to ti2e %ee tra4ele, across the Europe. I! 16:1 i! A2ster,a2 he
ca2e upo! the <oo8 o Trithe2ius/ Steganographia= esoteric 7or8 a<out the
secret alpha<et a!, co22u!icatio! 7ith a!-els. I!spire, <y this <oo8/ the
!e>t year he 7rote a <oo8 )onas hierogliphica, the $a<<alist i!terpretatio! o
the picto-raphy that he alo!e i!4e!te,/ 7a!ti!- to e>press a 2ystical u!ity
o the 7hole creatio!. This <oo8 7ill ha4e also a! i!lue!ce o! the last phase
o %eeMs lie/ i! 7hich he al2ost e!tirely ,e4ote, hi2sel to stu,ies o the
esoteric philosophy. Mathe2atics has al7ays hel, a! i2porta!t place i!
%eeMs opus a!, this scie!ce %ee u!,erstoo, i! a 2ystical 7ay too/ 7hat 7ill
<e ,isa4ore, alrea,y i! the !e>t/ ratio!alistic 17
ce!tury. O!e o the %eeMs
practical co!tri<utio!s to 2athe2atical scie!ce 7ill <e his preace to the
E!-lish e,itio! o Eucli,. The 7or8 7ill <e i!te!,e, or the pro2otio! o the
stu,y a!, applicatio! o 2athe2atics or the perso!s 7ithout the aca,e2ic
e,ucatio!J as such/ it ca2e upo! a4ora<le receptio! <y the -ro7i!- stratu2
o tech!ical i!telli-e!ce.
?esi,e his passio! or the carto-raphy a!, !a4i-atio!/ there has al7ays
<ee! his passio! or the 2ystical iel,s/ 7hich !e4er slac8e!e,. ?ut/ as ti2e
passe, a7ay/ his ocus o i!terest 2o4e, ro2 the o<ser4atio! o stars to the
i!terpretatio! o e4e!ts o! the <asis o the co!te2platio! o crystal Bi! other
7or,s/ scryi!-C. &e co!si,ere, that co!te2plati!- crystal ca! i!,uce a state
o tra!ce/ i! 7hich o!e ca! percei4e the 7orl, o spiritual e!tities/ as 7ell as
the outli!es o uture e4e!ts. %eeMs irst atte2pts ha, !ot <ee! satisactory/
<ut the! i! 163# he 2et you!- 2a! !a2e, E,7ar, $elley/ 7ho i2presse,
hi2 7ith his e>trase!sory a<ilities.
=oh! %ee !ote, ,o7! their co22u!icatio! 7ith a!-els 4ery careully/ <ut i!
the course o his lie he ,i, !ot pu<lish it. O! the co!trary/ he has hi,,e!
these 2a!uscripts/ part o the2 i! the secret ,ra7er o a chest a!, a!other
part he <urie, i! the -rou!,/ at his estate. These 2a!uscripts 7ill <e
pu<lishe, 2ore tha! hal a ce!tury ater %eeMs ,eath. The 2a!uscripts that
7ere <urie, 7ill <e pu<lishe, <y the scholar Meric 'asau<o!/ u!,er a title A
True and 9aith!ul Relation o! What #assed !or )an( Years "et/een 8r. <ohn
8ee and So$e Spirits. The 2a!uscripts ro2 the chest 7ere pu<lishe, <y
Elias Ash2ole/ as 9i%e Boos o! )(stical 'xercises o! 8r. <ohn 8ee. These t7o
<oo8s -i4e a ,etaile, ,escriptio! o the syste2 o co22u!icatio! 7ith a!-els
o %ee a!, $elley/ ,uri!- 163# a!, 1631. So/ 7e lear! that they ha, i! their
sQa!ces 4isio!s o a!-els a!, archa!-els/ li8e Michael/ +riel a!, Raphael.
They re4eale, the2 the co!te!ts o 4arious sacre, <oo8s/ a2o!- others also
o the lost 2ysterious Boo o! 'noch a!, they tau-ht the2 to a!-elic
alpha<et/ o! 7hich they 2utually co22u!icate. They also co!4eye, to the2
4isio!s o uture e4e!ts/ li8e the e>ecutio! o the *uee! Mary Stuart a!, the
7ar 7ith Spa!ish Ar2a,a. ?eore each sQa!ce %ee praye, or Go,Ms help/ i!
acGuiri!- the true 8!o7le,-e a!, u!,ersta!,i!- ,i4i!e la7/ so there is !o
,ou<t that i! his acti!- he e>clusi4ely ,ealt 7ith 7hite or ,i4i!e 2a-ic.
Ater his 7or8 o! the reor2 o =ulia! cale!,ar/ %ee set out 7ith $elley or
Europe. I! )ra!ce %ee 2et a Polish !o<le2a! A,al<ert Las8i. The !e>t year
they tra4ele, to-ether to Pra-ue/ 7here Las8i 2et %ee 7ith Ru,olph II. The
Ger2a! E2peror 7as i!cli!e, to &er2etis2 a!, 2a-ic/ so the ello7ship
7e!t <y i! 2utual pleasure. O! that occasio! %ee also 2et 7ith Tycho
?rache/ Ru,olphMs perso!al astrolo-er. I! 1636 %ee ha, a<o,e i! $ra8o7/ as
the -uest o Polish 8i!-/ to retur! !e>t year <ac8 to Ru,olphMs court. &ere
%ee ha, a cha!ce to -et acGuai!te, 7ith the hu-e E2perorMs collectio! o
esoteric 7or8s. ?ut soo! they ou!, the2sel4es e>pose, to the persecutio!
o the I!Guisitio!/ so they ha, to lea4e the E2perorMs court. They ou!,
reu-e <y ?ohe2ia! !o<le2a! Rose!<er-/ i! 7hose castle they spe!t t7o
I! 1633 occurre, a <attle <et7ee! the E!-lish a!, Spa!ish leet/ Aust as it
ha, happe!e, e7 years earlier i! %eeMs 4isio!. The Spa!ish i!4asio! 7as
stoppe,. Soo! %ee <ro8e up his rie!,ship 7ith $elley/ a!, i! 1639 he
retur!e, i! E!-la!, or -oo,. The rest o his lie he spe!t peaceullyJ si!ce
he still e!Aoye, the support o *uee! Elisa<eth/ he 7as appoi!te, hea, o
'hrist 'olle-e i! Ma!chester.
%ee is -e!erally co!si,ere, as the pre,ecessor o the Rosicrucia! Society/
2ystical <rotherhoo, that 7ill <e esta<lishe, shortly ater his ,eath.
Throu-h the 7hole 2ystical 7or8 o %ee a certai! threa, ,ra7s throu-h/
7hich poi!ts at his aith i! so2e 8i!, o u!i4ersal 2ystical re4elatio!. I!
a,,itio!/ t7o o %eeMs helpers/ 'oo8 a!, Sa!,ers 7ere closely associate,
7ith society. 'oo8 7as also colla<orator o o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t a2o!-
Rosicrucia!s/ %re<<el/ 7hile Sa!,ers 7as the e,itor o ?aco!Ms 7or8
'pistola de secretis operi"us artis et naturae a!, ,e,icate, it to the
?rotherhoo,. %eeMs 7or8 7ill <e co!ti!ue, i! 17
ce!tury <y 2ystical
philosopher Ro<ert )lu,,/ 7ho 7as o!e o the chie apolo-ists o the
Rosicrucia! Society.
#.1.1:. PatriEi;s Lo4e Philosophy
)ra!cesco PatriEi Balso 8!o7! as )ra!e PetriVC is <y all 2ea!s o!e o the
2ost i2porta!t 2ystical philosophers o the 1:
ce!tury. This Re!aissa!ce
philosopher 7as <or! i! 16#9/ o! isla!, 'res/ 'roatia. &is ather 7as a!
e2i!e!t Au,-e a!, his 2other a close relati4e o the re!o7!e, Protesta!t
theolo-ia! Mathias )lacius. ?oth 'roats a!, Italia!s co!si,er the
philosopher StheirsM. Althou-h his ori-i! is u!Guestio!a<ly 'roatia!/ there
re2ai!s a act that he ha, spe!t t7o thir,s o his lie i! Italy a!, that he
7rote 7or8s/ i! a,,itio! to Lati!/ also i! Italia!. Gior,a!o ?ru!o calls hi2
SItalia! philosopherM/ i! his 7or8 On the *ause, #rinciple and ?nit(. May<e it
7oul, <e 2ost correct to call hi2 Italia! philosopher o 'roatia! ori-i!/
althou-h 2ystical philosophy shoul, !ot <e li2ite, 7ithi! !atio!al <or,ers/
PatriEi acGuire, his ele2e!tary e,ucatio! o! his !ati4e isla!, 'res.
Ater7ar, he 7e!t to tra,e school i! De!ice/ 7here he ha, also stu,ie,
-ra22ar. So2e ti2e he spe!t i! I!-olsta,t/ Ger2a!y/ 7here he stu,ie,
Gree8/ as )laciusM protQ-Q. &e staye, there or a 7hile/ u!til the E2peror
'harles D ,i, !ot 7a-e the 7ar a-ai!st Protesta!ts. I! 1607 he ha, e!rolle,
2e,ici!e at Pa,ua u!i4ersity/ <ut soo! he 2o4e, o4er to stu,ies o
philosophy a!, 2athe2atics. &e stu,ie, classical philosophy a!, literature/
especially Plato a!, Aristotle. &ere PatriEi ca2e i! co!tact 7ith the a!cie!t
sy!cretic thou-ht/ li8e other Re!aissa!ce philosophers <eore hi2J 7ith
2ystical 'hal,ea!/ Ara<ia!/ a!, &e<re7 tra,itio!J also 7ith &er2etic
scripts a!, Neo.Plato!ic philosophy. A2o!- Neo.Plato!ic thi!8ers/ his
i22e,iate pre,ecessors/ he especially stu,ie, Marsilio )ici!o a!, Pico ,ella
Ater atherMs i! 1661 PatriEi tra4ele, a lot/ 2ostly throu-h !orther! Italy/
stayi!- i! so2e places or shorter a!, i! others or lo!-er perio,. I! that
ti2e he occupie, hi2sel 2ai!ly 7ith <oo8 a!, cotto! tra,e/ as 7ell as
pu<lishi!-. The! he ou!, a patro! i! De!iceJ it 7as cou!t 'o!tari!i.Zeo.
&ere he also pu<lishes his irst 7or8/ .a cittE !elice B&appy To7!C. This
youthul 7or8 o PatriEi <elo!-s to so calle, utopia! literature. It ori-i!ate,
i! i2itatio! o PlatoMs Repu"lic, as 7ell as o the Re!aissa!ce 7or8/ ?topia o
Tho2as More/ ater 7hich this literary 8i!, ha, -otte! its !a2e. I! this
7or8 PatriEi -i4es a,4ices a<out the co!structio! o a! i,eal to7!/ its
locatio!/ cli2ate/ sea curre!ts a!, 7i!,s/ 2ost a4ora<le co!,itio!s or
tra,e a!, a<out ur<a! or-a!iEatio! o lie i! -e!eral.
)ra!cesco PatriEi 7rote poetry/ too. So/ i! 1663 he pu<lishe, a poe2 e!title,
'ridano, 7ritte! i! !e7/ heroic 4erse o 11 syla<les. &e occupie, hi2sel also
7ith stu,yi!- history/ so t7o years later he pu<lishe, a 7or8 8ella historia
BO! &istoryC/ i! 7hich he ,iscuss the 7ay o 7riti!- a<out history/ the
!ature o historical 8!o7le,-e a!, ,eter2i!atio! o her u!,a2e!tal
cate-ories. The 7or8 8ella retorica BO! RhetoricC i! 7hich PatriEi -i4es the
historical re4ie7 o the rhetoric/ <e-i!!i!- 7ith Gree8 sophists.
PatriEi the! ou!, a !e7 patro!. It is Arch<ishop )ilippo Moce!i-o/ ro2
re!o7!e, De!etia! !o<le a2ily. Ater7ar,s he ,eparts or 'yprus/ as a
2a!a-er Arch<ishopMs estate. O! that isla!, PatriEi ca2e i!to possessio! o
4ery 4alua<le 2a!uscripts/ 7hich <rou-ht alo!- to 'yprus scholars a!,
philosophers that ha, escape, ro2 the e!sla4e, ?yEa!ti!e E2pire. A part
o 2a!uscripts PatriEi purchase, as ori-i!al e,itio!s a!, a part he ha,
-otte! copie,. It 7as really a! i2pressi4e collectio!/ 7hich i!clu,e,/ a2o!-
others/ 7or8s o Plato/ Porphyry/ Proclus/ Zoroaster/ Michael Psellus a!,
Ge2istos Pletho!.
I! 1677 he is i! to7! Mo,e!a a!, there he 7rites a 7or8 o 2ystical
character e!title, .D a$orosa !iloso!ia BA Lo4e PhilosophyC. I! it/ the ce!tral
i-ure is S!e7 %ioti2aM TarGui!ia MolEa/ 7ho e2<o,ies a! i,eal 7o2a!/ so
air <y her <o,y/ as <y her spirit. I! a,,itio! to the ,ialo-ue o! art/
especially poetry/ PatriEi ,e,icates a co!si,era<le part to the ,ialo-ue a<out
<eauty a!, lo4e. Li8e i! PlatoMs S($posiu$ appears i!ter2e,iary e!tity Eros/
as a 2e,iu2 <et7ee! 2a! a!, Go,/ here appear the pla!ets o the solar
syste2. To each pla!et PatriEi attaches certai! astrolo-ical traits. So/ De!us
is sy2<oliEe, <y her lo4e a!, <eauty/ Mars is characteriEe, <y its 7arli8e
spirit a!, <rutality/ Mercury is a,or!e, 7ith <eauty o spirit a!, i!telli-e!ce
a!, Satur! <y the ple!itu,e o spirit a!, 7is,o2. Satur! is also a ruler o
scie!ce a!, he assi-!e, to each o his so!s o!e o the three iel,s o scie!ce.
The philosophy <elo!-e, to =upiter a!, he ,i4i,e, her i!to physics/ lo-ic
a!, ethics. To Phoe<us BSu!C he -a4e 2athe2atics/ 7hich is ,i4i,e, urther
i!to 2usic/ astrolo-y a!, arith2eticJ to thir,/ Mercury/ he assi-!e, rhetoric/
,i4i,e, urther i!to ,ialectic/ poetry a!, rhetoric.
O!e o the i2porta!t the2es o .o%e #hilosoph( is the relatio! <et7ee!
selish a!, altruistic lo4e. All 8i!,s o lo4e ori-i!ate ro2 the lo4e to7ar,
o!esel/ says PatriEi/ <ecause 7e <ear Go,Ms lo4e i!si,e. Go, lo4es the thi!-s
he create,/ !ot <ecause o the2sel4es alo!e/ <ut <ecause o -oo,!ess i!
the2. Such is lo4e o 2ercy/ 7hich ori-i!ates ro2 the lo4e 7e <ear i! us
a!, -oo, that 7e ,esire. @e are i2pure 7he! 7e are ulille, 7ith e4il a!,
7he! 7e are ulille, 7ith -oo,/ the! 7e are si2ilar to Go,/ co!clu,es
PatriEi. I! the sa2e year/ 1677/ PatriEi 7rote 8el!ino, o%ero del "accio
B%olphi!/ or O! $issCJ 7hich <ri!-s i!to ocus so2ethi!- see2i!-ly <a!al/
<ut also 4ery hu2a!/ li8e a 8iss is. It is i! the 4ery core o lo4eMs
co!te2platio! a!, lo4e philosophy too/ as her practical e>pressio!.
The !e>t year PatriEi <eco2es a proessor i! Plato!ic philosophy at )errara
u!i4ersity a!, i! this positio! he 7ill spe!, the !e>t 10 years. PatriEiMs 2ost
i2porta!t philosophical 7or8 &o%a de uni%ersis philosophia BNe7 Philosophy
o the +!i4erseC ori-i!ate, i! 1691/ <y the e!, o his a<o,e i! )errara. O!
the <asics o rich a!cie!t philosophical herita-e/ PatriEi 2a,e his o7!
sy!thesis o !atural philosophyJ a peculiar prese!tatio! o his o7!
e2a!ati4e syste2. I! it/ the esse!ce o the 7orl, is li-ht. Accor,i!- to
PatriEi/ there are our or2s o e2a!atio!L li-ht/ orce/ psychis2 a!, or,er.
The 7hole u!i4erse is characteriEe, Aust <y these our or2s he is
per2eate, <y soul that 2o4es a!, 2e,iates i! all e4e!ts.
PatriEi ,e,icate, each part o his &e/ #hilosoph( o! the ?ni%erse to so2e
the! pro2i!e!t car,i!al. O!e o the2/ car,i!al Al,o<ra!,i!i/ the !e>t year
B169#C <eca2e Pope 'le2e!t DIII. Si!ce he appreciate, PatriEi ro2 <eore/
he calle, hi2 to Ro2e to ta8e the chair. I! Ro2e PatriEi re2ai!e, u!til his
,eath i! 1697. &e is <urie, i! 'hurch Sa!tM O!orio/ !e>t to a2ous poet
TorGuato Tasso.
#.1.17. %ella Porta a!, ?ru!o T7o Naples; Great Me!
I! the <e-i!!i!- o the 1:
ce!tury the $i!-,o2 o Naples ell u!,er the rule
o Spai!. I! 1616/ i! s2all place Dico EGue!se !ear the capital Naples 7as
<or! a philosopher/ scie!tist a!, 7riter Gia!<attista ,ella Porta/ o!e o the
2ost po7erul perso!alities o Italia! Re!aissa!ce. &is ather e!tere, i!
1601 i!to the ser4ice o the E2peror 'harles D. i! that ti2e/ the i22e!se
'harlesM E2pire e>pa!,e, throu-hout the Europe/ ro2 Spai! to Ger2a!y/
Austria a!, $i!-,o2 o Naples. %ella Porta 7as e!a<le, 7ith a!
e>traor,i!ary e,ucatio!/ <y his pri4ate tutors/ so he ,i, !ot ha4e to atte!,
re-ular schools. &is a2ily ortu!e e!a<le, philosopher to ,e,icate hi2sel
co2pletely to scie!tiic researches.
&is 2ost re!o7!e, 7or8 )agia naturalis BNatural Ma-icC he pu<lishe, 4ery
early B1663C/ Aust li8e his a2ous pre,ecessors Pico ,ella Mira!,ola a!,
A-rippa 4o! Netteshei2. ?ut this 7or8 7ill <e later Bi! 1630C e>te!,e, a!,
supple2e!te,. %ella Porta has alrea,y i! his youth esta<lishe, a society
calle, SAcca,e2ia ,ei se-retiM/ 7ith a 2ai! -oal o lea,i!- ,e<ates a!,
stu,yi!-J the 2eeti!- 7ere hel, re-ularly i! ,ella PortaMs !ati4e house. This
society 7as ,is<a!,e, <y the I!Guisitio! i! 1673/ ater philosopher has <ee!
su22o!e, to Ro2e a!, i!terro-ate, i! co!!ectio! 7ith their acti4ity. &is
e>pla!atio! that they ha, <ee! ,eali!- 7ith ,isco4eri!- the secrets o !ature
a!, !ot 7ith sorcery 7as accepte,/ so there 7as !o 2ore harass2e!t.
I! 1679 ,ella Porta 2o4e, to Ro2e a!, e!tere, the ser4ice o the 'ar,i!al
Lui-i ,M Este. &e ha, also or so2e ti2e li4e, a!, 7or8e, i! De!ice. )or this
'ar,i!al i! those ti2es 7or8e, as 7ell so2e other re!o7!e, literary 2e!/
li8e a -reat poet TorGuato Tasso/ or e>a2ple. ?ut <esi,es ,eali!- 7ith
literature/ ,ella Porta also u!,ertoo8 a scie!tiic 7or8/ 2a8i!- optical
i!stru2e!ts or the 'ar,i!al.
The philosopher stu,ie, reractio! a!, the result o this 7or8 is 8e
re!ractione optices parte, ro2 1691. &e clai2e, that it 7as Aust hi2 to i!4e!t
the telescope/ <ut it see2s that he ,i, !ot co!struct it <eore Galileo/
Other iel,s 7ith 7hich he ha, <ee! ,eali!- co2priseL crypto-raphy/
2echa!ics/ 7or8 o! ca2era o<scura B<ecause o this he is calle, a ather o
the photo-raphyCJ i! the 7or8 8e spiritali he ,escri<e, a stea2 e!-i!e a!,
he 7as the irst to percei4e the ther2ic eect o the rays o li-ht. &e also
pu<lishe, a! e!cyclope,ic ha!,<oo8 i! a-riculture/ e!title, Aillae a!, the
7or8 i! the iel, o che2istry/ 8e distillatione. &e 7rote as 7ell o the
physio-!o2y/ i.e. scie!ce 7hich re4eals the te2pera2e!t a!, character o a
perso! o! <asis o perso!Ms acial li!es. &is 7or8 8e hu$ana ph(siogno$ia
7ill ha4e a! i2pact o! the S7iss scie!tist o the 13
ce!tury/ =oha!!
$aspar La4ater.
O his !u2erous 7or8s ro2 4arious iel,s the traits o 2ystical <ears
2ostly his capital 7or8 )agia naturalis. ?ut it 2ust <e stresse, that this
relates esse!tially Aust to this 4olu2i!ous 7or8 o the e!cyclope,ic
character. The i22e!se sphere o i!terest o )agia naturalis co2prises
the2es ro2 the eco!o2y/ alche2y a!, che2istry a!, physics. O
eco!o2ical the2es there areL a-riculture/ cattle.<ree,i!-/ hu!ti!- a!,
ishi!-. I! co!!ectio! 7ith che2istry/ there are prese!te,L ,istillatio!/ case.
har,e!i!- o steel/ cos2etics/ 2a!uacture o artiicial Ae7els a!,
pyrotech!ics. The physics co2prises 4arious physical e>peri2e!ts/ optics
a!, 2a-!etis2. I! the 7or8 )agia naturalis it is 4isi<le the i!lue!ce o
,e<ates a!, e>peri2e!ts o ,ella PortaMs Acca,e2ia ,ei se-reti/ as 7ell as
,eli<eratio! o! special i!terests/ a<out the2es that he ha, 7or8e, out i!
separate pre4iously pu<lishe, <oo8s.
The irst <oo8 <ears the title The *auses o! Things Which #roduce Wonder!ul
'!!ects, a!, 2ai!ly i! this <oo8 7e ca! actually rea, o the !atural 2a-ic/
althou-h the e!tire 7or8 <ears the title )agia naturalis. Gia2<attista ,ella
Porta co!si,ers that it is !ecessary Bli8e his pre,ecessorC to ,ecli!e the
co!tro4ersies co!cer!i!- the character o 2a-ic that he 7rites a<out.
Thereore he 2a8es a clear ,isti!ctio! <et7ee! !atural 2a-ic/ 7ith 7hich
2a!y 7ise 2e! ,ealt throu-hout the history/ a!, sorcery/ that they
co!,e2!e, a!, ,espise,. As ,ella Porta says/ 2a-icia! is o!e 7ho stu,ies
a!, e>plai!s ,i4i!e thi!-s/ i! other 7or,s/ he is a 7ise 2a!. &e states that
E-yptia!s co!si,ere, the 4ery !ature to <e a 2a-icia!/ as she has a po7er
o attracti!- the si2ilar thi!-s. &e sees a 2a-ic as a re4ie7 o the 7hole
course o the !ature.hea4e!/ stars/ ele2e!tsJ the 7ays o their 2o4e2e!t
a!, cha!-i!-. The tas8 o a 2a-icia! is there<y to u!co4er the hi,,e!
secrets o li4i!- <ei!-s/ her<s/ 2etals a!, o their ori-i!atio! a!, ,ecay.
%ella Porta e2phasis the i2porta!ce o the e>peri2e!t a!, i! so 2uch 7e
ca! co!si,er hi2 the successor o Al<ertus Ma-!us a!, Ro-er ?aco!. Either
the 8!o7le,-e 7ithout practice a!, 7or8 or the practice 7ithout theoretical
8!o7le,-e has !ot a <i- 4alueJ they are so i!terco!!ecte, that o!e 7ithout
the other are 4ai! a!, purposeless. Accor,i!-ly/ the secrets o !ature are
re4eale, o!ly to those 7ho are rea,y to ta8e pai!s a!, 7or8 har,.
Althou-h ,ella Porta 7as a <it s8eptical to7ar, the astrolo-y/ i! the irst
<oo8 o )agia naturalis he !e4ertheless Guotes that <et7ee! pla!ets there
e>ist relatio!s o sy2pathy a!, a!tipathy/ har2o!y a!, ,ishar2o!y. A2o!-
pla!ets i! har2o!ic relatio! he rec8o!s =upiter a!, De!us/ 7hilst Mars a!,
Satur! he co!si,ers ,ishar2o!icJ he Guotes as 7ell the ,iscor, i!
co!!ectio! 7ith u!a4ora<le a!-les <et7ee! pla!ets. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2
Neo.Plato!ists/ he thi!8s that shapes o thi!-s o! Earth co2e ,irectly/ ro2
Go,. It is i!teresti!- his Guotatio! o I!,ia! 7ise 2e!Ms thou-ht/ that
co!si,er the 7hole u!i4erse to <e i!terlace, a!, i!terco!!ecte,/ as 7ell as
that it prese!ts a li4i!- <ei!-J this is also o!e o the u!,a2e!tal thou-hts
o the 2o,er! holistic scie!ce.
Mo,er! !atural scie!ce also o7es a lot to the other -reat Re!aissa!ce -reat
2a! <or! i! $i!-,o2 o Naples/ to Gior,a!o ?ru!o. This a2ous
philosopher 7as <or! i! 1603 i! Nola !ear Naples. &is ather 7as a
proessio!al sol,ier/ a!, ro2 hi2 ?ru!o pro<a<ly i!herite, his so2eti2es
i2petus character. &e e!tere, 4ery early the %o2i!ica! Or,er/ that is/ a <i-
2o!astery i! Naples/ 7here o!ce ha, thou-ht Tho2as AGui!as. Soo! he
<eca2e s8ilul i! the art o 2!e2o!ics so that he 7as e4e! calle, to Ro2e/
to ,e2o!strate his art <eore the Pope. It is possi<le that i! this early perio,
he ca2e u!,er the i!lue!ce o Gia2<attista ,ella Porta/ <ut also o other
2ystical sources/ li8e Plato a!, &er2es Tris2e-istus. I! 167# he 7as
or,ai!e, priest/ <ut our years later/ <ecause o his i!cli!atio! to7ar,
hetero,o>y he tur!s the atte!tio! o the I!Guisitio!. &e escapes ro2 the
to7!/ to sa4e hi2 ro2 the prosecutio! at the court. The sa2e happe!s i!
Ro2eJ the! he lea4es the %o2i!ica! Or,er or -oo, a!, <e-i!s his
7a!,eri!-s throu-hout the 7ester! a!, ce!tral Europe.
The !e>t se4e! years Gior,a!o ?ru!o spe!t i! )ra!ce. ?ut he ha, irst set
out or Ge!e4a/ 7here he accepte, a $al4i!ist aith a!, lecture, philosophy/
Aust or a <rie perio,. Na2ely/ he 7as soo! e>co22u!icate, <y the ,ecisio!
o $al4i!ist 'ou!cil/ <ecause o the ,isrespect to7ar, the hea,s o the
'hurch. The roa, the! lea,s hi2 to Toulouse/ 7here he -ot a title Ma-ister
atriu2J there he lectures Aristotelia! philosophy or a<out t7o years. As i!
that area i!te!siie, the ,isputes <et7ee! 'atholics a!, &u-e!ots a!,
threate!e, to tur! i!to a ull scale 7ar/ ?ru!o ,eci,e, to lea4e or Paris.
I! 1631/ o! his arri4al to Paris/ he hol,s lectures a!, !e>t year he pu<lishes
his irst 7or8s 8e u$"ris idearu$ BThe Sha,o7s o I,easC a!, Ars $e$oriae
BArt o M!e2o!icsC. &e e!Aoys the support o 2i-hty patro!s/ a2o!- others
o the )re!ch $i!- &e!ry III. I! 1631 he 7e!t to E!-la!,/ 7ith the
reco22e!,atio! o the $i!-. I! E!-la!, ori-i!ate, <oo8s Il spacio della
"estia trion!ante BThe E>pulsio! o the Tru2pha!t ?eastC a!, *ena delle
ceneri BThe Ash @e,!es,ay SupperC. )or so2e ti2e/ ?ru!o has hel, lectures
at O>or,. &e tau-ht !e7 'oper!ica! cos2olo-y/ 7hich i! those ti2es has
!ot <ee! accepte, yet a!, he criticiEe, the Aristotelia! syste2. Ater the
4ehe2e!t pu<lic ,e<ate 7ith collea-ues.lecturers/ he ha, <ee! accuse, or
the pla-iaris2 o Marsilio )ici!o/ so he 7ith,re7 to the house o )re!ch
a2<assa,or 'astel!au/ <y 7ho2 he recei4e, a reu-e. A!-ry at O>or,
proessors/ i! his 7or8 *ena delle ceneri he sarcastically re2ar8s that Othey
8!o7 2ore a<out <eer/ tha! a<out Gree8 philosophy.P
I! 1636 Gior,a!o ?ru!o retur!s to Paris. %uri!- the perio, o o!e year that
he ha, spe!t i! Paris/ there 7ere se4eral tries o reco!ciliatio! 7ith the
'atholic 'hurch. ?ut/ they all aile,/ <ecause o ?ru!oMs reusal o the
i2pose, co!,itio! to retur! to the %o2i!ica! Or,er. Ater the 4iole!t ,e<ate
7ith Parisia! proessors.Aristotelia!s at the 'olle-e ,e 'o2<rai/ he 7as
co2pelle, to lea4e )ra!ce.
The !e>t i4e years ?ru!o 7ill spe!, 2ostly i! 'e!tral EuropeJ i! Ger2a!y/
?ohe2ia a!, S7itEerla!,. I! these Protesta!t cou!tries he 7rote a !u2<er
o <oo8s i! Lati!/ i! iel,s o philosophy/ cos2olo-y/ physics/ 2athe2atics
a!, 2!e2o!ics. I! Ger2a!y he ,i, !ot succee, to -et a positio! o a
lecturer i! Mar<ur- <ut ater7ar,s he -ets per2issio! or lecturi!- i!
@itte2<er-/ 7here he tau-ht Aristotelia! philosophy or t7o years. I! 1633
he arri4es to Pra-ue. &e has a support o the E2peror Ru,olph II/ <ut he
aile, to -et a proessorshipJ ho7e4er thereater he 2a!a-e, to o<tai! it i!
&el2sta,t. (et/ he 7as a-ai! e>co22u!icate,/ this ti2e <y Lutera!s/
repeati!- the patter!/ ater 7hich he is accepte, <y the lay rulers a!, the!
reuse, <y the 'hurch authorities.
I! his Europea! 7a!,eri!-s/ he i!ally reache, )ra!8urt i! 1691. %uri!-
the )ra!8urt ?oo8 )air/ he accepte, the i!4itatio! o the De!etia!
!o<le2a! Zua!e Moce!i-o/ to co2e to De!ice a!, teach hi2 the art o
2!e2o!ics. ?ut/ ?ru!o 7a!te, irst to -o to Pa,ua as there ha, <ee!
4aca!t a chair o 2athe2atics. )or so2e ti2e he lecture, there/ <ut the!/
ho7e4er/ he set out or De!ice/ 7here he 7ill <eco2e sa pri4ate tutor o
Moce!i-o. I! the course o ti2e/ you!- 2a! <eca2e rustrate,/ realiEi!- that
?ru!o ,oes !ot 7a!t to re4eal a!ythi!- 2ore tha! 2ere art o 2!e2o!ics.
@he! ?ru!o co22u!icate, his 7ish to retur! to Ger2a!y/ Moce!i-o
,e!ou!ce, hi2 to the I!Guisitio!. I! May o 169# he 7as arreste, <y
De!etia! i!Guisitors. At the i!terro-atio! he ,ee!,e, hi2sel <y clai2i!-
that his 7or8s are o philosophical !ature a!, !ot theolo-ical. &e ha,
see2e, to <e rea,y or repe!ta!ce a!, re!u!ciatio! o his heretical
state2e!ts/ <ut the! Ro2a! I!Guisitio! i!terere,/ ,e2a!,i!- his
e>tra,itio!. I! the e!, e>tra,itio! ho7e4er ,i, occur a!, ?ru!o arri4e, to
Ro2a! priso! i! 1691. +!til to,ay/ it re2ai!e, u!clear 7hy he spe!t ull si>
years i! Aail <eore he 7as <rou-ht to trial.
The chie i!Guisitor/ 'ar,i!al Ro<erto ?ellar2i!o i! 1669 ha, ,eli4ere,
?ru!o a list o heretical theses/ 7hich he ha, to re!ou!ce. It see2e, that
?ru!o 7ill loose!J !a2ely/ he 7as rea,y to re!ou!ce so2e o his state2e!ts/
u!,er certai! co!,itio!s. ?ut/ I!Guisitio! 7as i2placa<le i! her clai2s that
he has to re!ou!ce Aust all o his theses that she alrea,y ,e!ote, as
heretical. ?y the e!, o the year philosopher is ,ecisi4e i! his attitu,e a!,
thi!8s that he ,oes !ot ha4e a si!-le thi!- to either repe!t o/ or re!ou!ce.
?y the <e-i!!i!- o =a!uary/ 1:"" ?ru!o 7as co!,e2!e, to ,eath <y
<ur!i!- up at the sta8eJ o! the )e<ruary/ 3
he 7as ha!,e, o4er to the lay
authorities a!, the 4ery pu!ish2e!t 7ill <e e>ecute, o! )e<ruary/ 17
1:""/ o! the Ro2a! sGuare 'a2po ,ei iori.
Althou-h he 7e!t o ro2 this 7orl, too early/ a!, i! spite o his !u2erous
7a!,eri!- throu-h the to7!s o 7ester! a!, ce!tral Europe/ Gior,a!o
?ru!o let <ehi!, hi2 a ro7 o 4alua<le philosophical 7or8s/ a!, al2ost
throu-h all o the2 a 2ystical threa, ,ra7s. I! his 7or8 8e la causa,
principio et uno BO! the 'ause/ Pri!ciple a!, +!ityC he e>pou!,s his
2etaphysical syste2 <ase, upo! the !e7 co!ceptio! o ,eity/ arisi!- ro2
his cos2olo-y. ?ru!oMs pa!theistic ,octri!e i,e!tiies Go, 7ith !ature a!,
ater hi2 the Soul o the @orl, per2eates all thi!-s 2a,e o 2atter. Physical
creator o the u!i4erse is the u!i4ersal Mi!,J it is the irst a!, 2ai! po7er o
the Soul o the @orl,. 'os2os co2prises all the opposites i! his <ei!- a!,
o!e co!trariety is the pri!ciple o a!other thi!-. Tra!sor2atio!s are
circular/ <ecause there ,o e>ist o!e su<stratu2/ o!e pri!ciple/ o!e li2it a!,
o!e co!ti!uatio! a!, per2eatio! o o!e a!, the other. ?asically/ at the
roots/ lo4e a!, hate/ rie!,ship a!, Guarrel are o!e a!, sa2e thi!-. The
-reatest -oo,/ that is 7a!te, the 2ost/ the 2ost perect perectio! a!,
-reatest <lessi!-/ they are i! u!ity/ 7hich i2plies e4erythi!-. The u!i4erse/
accor,i!- to ?ru!o is Aust the u!ity i! 7hich all the opposites coi!ci,e
Bcoi!ci,e!tia opposotoru2C.
I! his 7or8 .a cena delle ceneri Gior,a!o ?ru!o e>pose, his support o the
'oper!ica! helioce!tric syste2. ?ut/ 7hile 'oper!icus li2its his teachi!- to
solar syste2/ ?ru!o e>te!,s it to the 7hole u!i4erse/ 7hich he ,ee2
i!i!itely <i-. ?ru!o sees i! all stars e!tities si2ilar to our Su!/ 7ith their
pla!etary syste2s a!, li4i!- <ei!-s ,7elli!- there.
8e u$"ris idearu$ <ri!-s ?ru!oMs prese!tatio! o the art o 2!e2o!ics
<ase, upo! the 2a-ical ou!,atio!s. &e i,e!tiies the hea4e!ly 2o,els/ as
causes o all se!siti4e thi!-s 7hich hu2a! 2i!, 8!o7s/ 7ith pictures o 1:
hea4e!ly ,eca!s Bas rulers o 1: ,eca,es o Zo,iacal circleC. ?ru!o here
applies the coi!ci,e!ce o opposites o Nicholas ,e 'usa o!to )ici!oMs
co!ceptio!s o the hierarchy o <ei!-s. This ,octri!e is a try o the ,ei!itio!
o the roles o <ei!-s. This ,octri!e is a try o the ,ei!itio! o the roles o the
ratio!al soul/ 7hich is 2a!ieste, as the u!i4ersal 7orl, soul a!, i!,i4i,ual
7orl, soul.
'ertai! i2porta!ce also <ears the 7or8 8e $agia BO! Ma-icC. I! it ?ru!o
<ri!-s orth his ,i4isio! o 2a-ic ,i4i!e/ !atural a!, 2athe2atical. %i4i!e
2a-ic is a sy!o!y2 or theur-y/ that is/ i!4ocatio! o -o,s a!, a!-els.
Natural 2a-ic is o!e that ,epe!,s o! sy2pathies a!, a!tipathies/ li8e
2e,ici!e a!, alche2y. Thir,/ 2athe2atical is calle, such <ecause o the
a!alo-y 7ith relatio!s o !u2<ers i! 2athe2atics a!, -eo2etry. &ere
<elo!- or i!sta!ce sorcery/ illusio!is2/ !ecro2a!cy/ prophesy.
Accor,i!- to ?ru!o/ 2a-ic is -oo, or <a, i! itsel/ <ut it ,epe!,s o!
,irecti!- 2a-ical actio!s to7ar, -oo, Bheali!-C or e4il B<e7itch2e!tC. I! his
e>pla!atio! o the acti!- o the astrolo-ical 2a-ic ?ru!o <ri!-s orth his
4ersio! o the Neo.Plato!ic sche2e/ accor,i!- to 7hich hi-her e!tities
-ra,ually i!lue!ce lo7er o!es. So/ ater hi2 Go, i!lue!ces the ,eities/
,eities stars/ stars ,e2o!s Bi! early a!tiGue 2ea!i!- o orces that
i!lue!ce lie a!, ,esti!yC/ ,e2o!s ele2e!ts/ ele2e!ts se!ses/ se!ses
spirit a!, i!ally spirit i!lue!ces the spiritual <ei!-. I! the 7or8 8e $agia
7e ca! also i!, the i,ea o attractors/ characteristic or the 2o,er! chaos
theory. O?y strai-ht li!e/ si2ilar aspire to7ar, si2ilar/ a!, to that/ 7ith
7hich is cohere!t. It is ,ou<le attractio!L o!e <y co!se!sus/ 7he! parts
co!4er-e to7ar, the 7hole5 Other is 7ithout the co!se!sus/ 7he! the
co!trariety is attracte, <y the o4erco2i!- co!trariety a!, ca!!ot esche7 it.P
=ust li8e 2o,er! holistic scie!tist %eepa8 'hopra hol,s/ so ?ru!o ,ee2s
too/ that the all 2atter is per2eate, <y spirit a!, i!telli-e!ce. Neither spirit
!or <o,y e4er lose the2sel4es e!tirelyJ there e>ists o!ly a! eter!al
alter!atio! o the state o co!,e!satio! a!, ,issipatio!.
%eath o Gior,a!o ?ru!o ,e!ote, the e!, o a <ri-ht epoch i! the history o
2a!8i!,/ the Re!aissa!ce/ a! epoch that <rou-ht orth so2e really sple!,i,
2i!,s. ?ru!o hi2sel sta!,s as the li-ht at the e!, o the tu!!el 7hich le,
throu-h The Mi,,le A-es/ &u2a!is2 a!, Re!aissa!ce. The ore at his sta8e
is a sy2<ol co2para<le to the ire that Pro2etheus <rou-ht to the people/
!ot cari!- a<out the ra-e o the Oly2pia! -o,s a!, thereore he ha, to <e
pu!ishe,. Althou-h he suere, the co!seGue!ces or his try to o4erco2e the
,i4isio! <et7ee! the !ature a!, ,eity/ his sacriice 7as !ot i! 4ai!. &e let
as a! i!herita!ce the li!es o ,irectio! or a !e7 philosophy a!, !e7 ethics/
7hich 7ill <e i! accor, <oth 7ith hu2a! !ee,s a!, the ,i4i!e 7ill.
#.#. ISLAM
#.#.1. Sprea,i!- o Isla2/ Suis2 a!, Ge<er

The 2ost i2porta!t historical e4e!t i! the course o the 7
ce!tury 7as
u!,ou<te,ly the outer e>pa!sio! o Ara<ia/ ater i! :1" the ou!,er o Isla2
Moha22a, or the irst ti2e i! history esta<lishe, the u!ity o the state. I!
Aust te! years Ara<ia!s co!Guere, the hu-e territory/ ro2 Tur8esta! to
E-ypt/ 7ith !ot Guite a hu-e ar2y. The ,ecisi4e actor 7as the reli-ious
e!thusias2 o the 7arriors/ 7ho 7e!t i!to <attles 7ith the i!cre,i<le
coura-e/ assure, that i they ,ie/ they -o ,irectly i!to hea4e!. Isla2 has its
ori-i!s i! Ara<ia! to7! Mecca/ 7here 7as <or! the ou!,er o the !e7
reli-io! Moha22a,/ a<out 67".
The acts a<out Moha22a,Ms lie are 7ell 8!o7! a!, historically ou!,e,/
so there 7as !ot a! opportu!ity to prese!t hi2 as a ,i4i!ity/ li8e it 7as
prese!te, the ou!,er o 'hristia!ity. Moha22a, 7as a 2ercha!t <y
occupatio!/ happily 2arrie, 7ith 16 years ol,er 7i,o7. @he! he 7as 0"/ he
recei4e, the irst a!!ou!ce2e!t ro2 Go,/ i! a ca-e/ 7ithi! a little o his
ho2eto7!/ a!, three years later a!!ou!ce2e!t to preach Go,Ms 2essa-e
pu<licly. I! the <e-i!!i!- he ha, <ee! ri,icule, a!, hu2iliate,J ater7ar,s
his s2all -roup o a<out 7" people 7as ,ri4e! out o to7!. I! the year :##
Moha22e, alo!e let his !ati4e Mecca a!, set out or 16" 8ilo2eters ar
to7! =atri</ later re!a2e, i!to Ma,,i!ah. )i4e years later/ he a!, his
i-hters reAecte, the attac8 o Mecca!s/ to e4e!tually co!Guer Mecca i! :#9.
I! this to7! there has <ee! a sa!ctuary calle, $a<a/ yet ro2 pre.Isla2ic
ti2es. Accor,i!- to the Ara<ia! le-e!,/ i! this to7! ha, stoppe, A<raha2
BI<rahi2C/ o! his 7ay to $a!aa!/ a!, he 7as the o!e 7ho <uilt the
sa!ctuary. 'o!Gueri!- o Mecca i!ti2ate, the sprea,i!- Isla2 to
u!i2a-i!e, <or,ers/ a!, it ,e!ote, a <e-i!!i!- o Isla2ic ci4iliEatio!/ 7hich
,o2i!ate, o4er -reat parts o Asia/ !orther! Arica a!, Spai!/ <et7ee! 7
a!, 11
Isla2 too8 o4er its 2ai! ,o-2a/ 2o!otheis2/ ro2 =e7ish a!, 'hristia!
preachi!-. So/ a co!si,era<le part o :uran is ulille, 7ith i-ures ro2
=e7ish Tora a!, 'hristia! -ospels. Moha22a, ca2e i!to co!tact 7ith the
2e2<ers o =e7ish reli-io! alrea,y i! Mecca/ a!, later/ i! Ma,,i!ah/ 7hilst
he coul, ha4e 2et 'hristia!s o! his Aour!eys to Syria/ a!, 2ay<e also to
E-ypt a!, Mesopota2ia. I! all li8elihoo, there has <ee! so2e i!lue!ce ro2
Nestoria! 'hristia!s. They 7ere ollo7ers o 'o!sta!ti!ople Patriarch
Nestorius B<or! i! SyriaC/ 7hose teachi!-/ that to St. Mary the !a2e o
Theoto8os ,oes !ot appertai!/ si!ce she <ore o!ly a 2a!/ 7as co!,e2!e,
o! 'ou!cil o Ephesus/ i! 011. O! that cou!cil =esusM 2other ha, <ee!
,eiie,/ 4irtually ta8i!- the place o Thir, perso! i! the Tri!ity/ althou-h the
&oly Ghost re2ai!e, or2ally the thir, perso!. Thereore/ :uran has at least
to a certai! ,e-ree ri-ht i! sayi!- that Tri!ity co!sists o Go,.)ather/ Go,Ms
Mother a!, =esus/ So! o Go,. Moha22a, pro<a<ly recei4e,/ <esi,es
'hristia! teachi!-/ also so2e i!lue!ces ro2 Zoroastris2 a!, Neo.
Plato!is2. 'ertai! si2ilarity 7ith Zoroastris2 ca! <e see! i! e>iste!ce o
Sheyta!/ as alle! a!-el a!, 7e ca! co2pare hi2 7ith Zoroastria! Ahri2a!J
the seco!, si2ilarity is the e>iste!ce o -i!s or e4il spirits/ co2para<le to ,o.
e4as o Zoroastris2. Neo.Plato!is2 ha, 2ore i!lue!ce o! Isla2ic 2ysticis2
Suis2 Bthere 7ill <e 7or, or t7o a<out it laterC. As re-ar,s 4ery :uran, it is
percei4a<le reGue!t use o the Neo.Plato!ic O!e/ as the si-! o the supre2e
Go,.creator. B)or i!sta!ceL OA!, your Go, is o!e Go,P/ OSayL &e is Allah
The O!e etc.C I! Isla2ic theolo-y o The Mi,,le A-es/ Ploti!us a!, Neo.
Plato!is2 7ill ha4e a pro2i!e!t positio!.
Suis2 is Isla2ic 2ystical 2o4e2e!t/ o 7hich 2ai! characteristics are
asceticis2/ ecstatic ,esire a!, lo4e to7ar, Go,. Its irst <e-i!!i!-s are i!
Persia/ i! to7! ?asra 7here li4e, irst Isla2ic 2ystics . al.&asa! a!, Ra<ia/
i! the course o the 3
ce!tury. &o7e4er/ it ca! <e asserte, that the ou!,er
o Isla2/ Moha22a,/ 7as at least partially a 2ystic/ eeli!- Go,
alter!ati4ely ar a!, close/ as tra!sce!,e!tal a!, i22a!e!t/ that re2i!,s o
Neo.Plato!ic 4isio! o Ploti!us a!, Proclus. Go, is u!,erstoo,/ accor,i!-ly/
as o!e 7ho acts !ot o!ly i! hea4e!/ <ut i! the 7orl, also/ as 7ell as i! the
hu2a! soul. The air2atio! o lo4e <et7ee! Go, a!, 2a! is prese!t i!
se4eral places i! :uran, or i!sta!ce OSayL i you lo4e Allah/ ollo7 2e a!,
Allah 7ill lo4e you5 BSura 1/11C. Althou-h or all that/ tra,itio!al Isla2 a!,
Suis2 stoo, i! Guite sharp co!trariety. O! o!e si,e stoo, supre2e
u!,ersta!,i!- o Go, a!, theolo-ia!s attitu,e that o!e ca!!ot reach the
Go, outsi,e the a!!ou!ce2e!tJ o! the other stoo, the co!essio! o Go,Ms
i22a!e!ce a!, i22ersio! o the i!,i4i,ual <ei!- i!to Go,Ms e!tity. Suis2
al7ays represe!te, a 8i!, o reactio! a-ai!st the process o Au,iicatio! a!,
i!tellectualiEatio!/ as 7ell as a-ai!st 7orl,li!ess. The !a2e Su!i spri!-s
ro2 Ara<ia! 7or, SsuM Bi.e. la>C/ si!ce the irst ascetics ,resse, the2sel4es
i! cloa8s 2a,e o rou-h la>e! a<ric.
I! 3
ce!tury i! Persia also has <ee! acti4e =a<ir i<! &ayya2/ <etter
8!o7! as Ge<er/ Ara<ia! poly2ath/ 2eritorious or the re!asce!ce o
alche2y. @ith his 7or8 Ge<er actually ou!,e, Ara<ia! alche2y
/ a!, she
7ill later i!lue!ce Europea! 2ystical philosophers/ li8e Al<ertus Ma-!us
a!, Ra2o! Lull. Ge<er acte,/ to-ether 7ith a circle o scholars/ at the court
o the a2ous caliph &aru! al.Rachi, i! ?a-,a,. Their ra!-e o acti!-
co2prise, a series o iel,s <esi,e alche2y a!, philosophy they also
occupie, the2sel4es 7ith 2athe2atics/ 2a-ic/ astro!o2y/ astrolo-y/
2e,ici!e a!, 2ilitary scie!ce.
The irst <e-i!!i!-s o alche2y coul, <e trace, <ac8 i! a!cie!t E-ypt/ a!, i! the irst e7 ce!turies
o !e7 era its ele2e!ts 2er-e, 7ith Neo.Plato!ic 2ysticis2. Alche2y 7as esse!tially a sy2<olic
process i!4ol4i!- to 2a8e -ol,/ re-ar,e, as the sy2<ol o illu2i!atio! a!, sal4atio!. This is achie4e,
throu-h se4e! sta-esL calci!atio!s/ putreactio!/ solutio!/ ,istillatio!/ co!Au!ctio!/ su<li2atio! a!,
philosophic co!-eal2e!t. The i!al sta-e 2ea!t <i!,i!- to-ether i!separa<ly o the i>e, a!, 4olatile
pri!ciples i! 2a!. Alche2ical e4olutio! is epito2iEe, i! or2ula SSol4e et 'oa-ulaM. It 7oul, 2ea!
a!alyEi!- all the ele2e!ts i! o!esel/ ,issol4i!- all the i!erior/ the!/ 7ith the stre!-th acGuire, ro2
the prece,i!- operatio!/ to co!-eal.
&e 7as <or! i! Tus/ i! Persia! re-io! $horasa!/ the! u!,er the rule o
+22aya, ,y!asty. It is co!si,ere, that he 7as <or! arou!, the year 7##
A%. As phar2acist;s so!/ he co!ti!ue, a!, ollo7e, the ootsteps o his
ather i! the ,o2ei! o 2e,ici!e/ u!,er the patro!a-e o the ?ar2a8i, DiEir.
It is 8!o7! that at the a-e o 16 he 7as e!-a-e, i! alche2y i! to7! $ua/
7here his a2ily ha, e2i-rate, ro2 (e2e!. E4e!tually/ his co!!ectio!s
7ith ?ar2a8i, co!tri<ute, his alli!- i!to ,is-race/ to-ether 7ith that
a2ilyJ so/ he spe!t the last perio, o his lie i! house arrest.
&e is <est 8!o7! or his co!tri<utio! to 2o,er! scie!tiic ,iscipli!e o
che2istry/ i! the 7ay that he ,isti!ctly reco-!iEe, the i2porta!ce o
e>peri2e!tatio!. Ge<er <eca2e alche2ist at the court o a2ous chali
&aru! al.Rachi,/ to 7ho2 he ,e,icate, his <oo8 :ita" al-Zuhra B$!Ai-a o
De!eriC. I! his other 7ell 8!o7! <oo8/ Boo o! Stones, he states that the
purpose is to co!use a!, lea, i!to erra!eous thi!8i!- e4eryo!e e>cept
those o!es/ 7ho2 Go, lo4es a!, cares or. &is 7or8s 7ere thereore 7ritte!
i! a 8i!, o esoteric co,e/ 7hich 2a,e i2possi<le the u!,ersta!,i!- to
those !ot i!itiate, i! his school o alche2y.
Ge<er 7as ,eeply reli-ious a!, he e2phasiEe, co!sta!tly that the crat o
alche2y is possi<le Aust to those ,eeply ,e,icate, to the 7ill o Go,. &e
,ee2e, that alche2ist is literally the i!stru2e!t o Go, o! the Earth/ as the
2a!ipulatio! o reality is possi<le Aust to hi2. Ge<er;s alche2ical researches
7ere theoretically <ase, upo! the ela<orate, !u2erolo-y o pytha-orea! a!,
!eoplato!ic syste2. The !ature a!, properties o ele2e!ts 7ere ,ei!e,
throu-h !u2erical 4alues ascri<e, to co!so!a!ts o the Ara<ia! alpha<et/
a!, !u2<er 17 7as o the -reatest i2porta!ce.
I! co2pariso! 7ith aristotelia! physics/ Ge<er a,,e, our properties Bheat/
col,!ess/ ,ry!ess a!, hu2i,ityC to our ele2e!ts Bire/ earth/ 7ater/ airC. ?y
the 2etals/ t7o properties 7ere i!!er/ a!, t7o outer. Ge<er suppose, that
<y the 2o,iicatio! o properties o so2e 2etal/ a!, <ase, upo! the co!te!t
o sulphur a!, 2ercury/ it 7oul, <e possi<le to o<tai! !e7/ ,iere!t 2etal.
This theory co!seGue!tly le, to7ar, the alche2ical pursuit o eli>ir Bal.i8sirC/
7hich 7oul, allo7 the tra!sor2atio!. I! 7ester! alche2y this it has
<eca2e 8!o7! as philosophical sto!e.
This Ara<ia! alche2ist is ote! 2ista8e!ly i,e!tiie, 7ith alche2ist =a<ir
i<! Alah ro2 Se4illa. The latter !a2ely li4e, i! 10
ce!tury a!, he 7rote
also i2porta!t 7or8s ro2 2athe2atics a!, astro!o2y/ ho7e4er he is
co!si,ere, to <e pseu,o.Ge<er.
#.#.#. ;Ma2u!;s Re!aissa!ce; a!, Tha<it i<! *urra
I! i2itatio! o 'harle2a-!e/ ?a-,a, 8hali al.Ma2u! also ,eci,e, to carry
throu-h a lar-e e,ucatio!al reor2 i! the Ara<ia! E2pire. &is ather/
le-e!,ary 8hali &aru! al.Rachi, B8!o7! or his so2eho7 i,ealiEe,
character i! Ara"ian &ightsC !a2ely/ 8ept up a correspo!,e!ce 7ith
)ra!8ish e2peror/ so it is possi<le that ha, a! i!or2atio! ro2 the irst
ha!, a<out the e4e!ts i! co!!ectio! 7ith 'aroli!-ia! Re!aissa!ce. ?ut/
le-e!, says that al.Ma2u! 7as persua,e, <y Aristotle/ 7ho appeare, i! his
,rea2s/ co!4i!ci!- that there is !o co!tra,ictio! <et7ee! aith a!, reaso!.
A!y7ise/ al.Ma2u!/ li<erate, o reli-ious preAu,ices/ ,eci,e, to raise i!
?a-,a, the &ouse o @is,o2 Bthat it ho7 he !a2e, his e,ucatio!al ce!terC.
&e co22itte, the 2ai! role Bsi2ilar to o!e that ha, Alcui! <y 'harle2a-!eC
to philosopher al.$i!,i/ 7ho 7as i! act the irst si-!iica!t Ara<ia!
philosopher. At sa2e ti2e/ al.$i!,i 7as also the 2ost lear!e, Ara< o his
ti2e/ co22a!,i!- o4er e>te!si4e e!cyclope,ic 8!o7le,-e he 7as
acGuai!te, 7ith lo-ic/ philosophy/ -eo2etry/ 2athe2atics/ 2usic a!,
astro!o2y.astrolo-y. I! ?a-,a,Ms &ouse o @is,o2 7ere collecte, 7or8s o
Gree8/ Persia! a!, I!,ia! 7riters/ a!, they 7ere tra!slate, to Ara<ia!.
Thereore/ Isla2ic 8!o7le,-e 7as a,,e, o!to Gree8 ou!,atio!s/ that is/
<elie that <ehi!, the 4isi<le 7orl, chaos there e>ists u!,erlyi!- or,er/ o4er
7hich rule -e!eral la7s/ accessi<le to hu2a! reaso!. Thus/ scie!tiic
e!,ea4ors 7ere pri2arily poi!te, at philosophical ai2s/ to7ar, i!,i!- out
the u!,a2e!tal la7s o the u!i4erse.
I! the year 31" ?a-,a, 8hali al.Ma2u!/ i! his 7ar ca2pai-! a-ai!st the
ar2y o ?yEa!ti!e E2pire passe, throu-h &arra!/ to7! i! 7hich Bas it 7as
2e!tio!e, i! the irst part o the <oo8C Si2plicius ha, ou!,e, his Neo.
Plato!ic school three ce!turies a-o. Ater they ha, co2e u!,er the Isla2ic
rule i! :19/ &arra!ia!s coul, still practice, their aith a!, philosophy
reely/ 2eeti!- 7ith the tolera!t attitu,e o local authorities. The irst
pro<le2 e2er-e, Aust i! 31"/ ater they ha, <ee! percei4e, <y ?a-,a,
8hali/ o! his tra4el throu-h &arra!. Na2ely/ they 7ere 7eari!- speciic
costu2es/ <y 7hich they ,iere, ro2 local Musli2s. Al.Ma2u! ha, as8e,
the2 a<out their reli-ious appurte!a!ce/ <ut he ,i, !ot -et satisyi!-
a!s7er/ as &arra!ia!s hesitate, to a,2it that they <elo!- to pa-a! reli-io!.
Al.Ma2u! the! put a! ulti2atu2 they 7ill either accept Isla2/ or a!other
reli-io! allo7e, <y :uran, other7ise he 7ill ha4e the2 e>ecute/ 7he! he
retur!s ro2 the ca2pai-!. The! o!e local shei8 ,eci,e, to help the2/ a!,
su--este, the2 to tell 8hali/ that they are SSa<ia!sM. Na2ely/ they 7ere also/
alo!- 7ith Musli2s/ 'hristia!s a!, =e7s 2e!tio!e, as ortho,o> i! :uran
Bsura #/:#C.
So/ this co!4ersio! sa4e, li4es o &arra!ia!s a!, &er2etis2
'Sabians' is controversial term because it could be identified with several etnic and religiouous
communities. The oldest of them was the Semitic ethnic group, which has been formed from 10th to
8th century ! on the territory od today "emen. #ust this community is mentioned in the $ld
Testament, i.e. their %ueen who pays a visit to &ing Solomon and pay obeisance to him and #ewish
'od "ehowah. The other ethnic(religious community are )andeans and their first traces could be
establish from the *th century +, on, on the territory of today -ran and -ra%. )andeism presents an
amalgamation of abilonian, .ebrew, /arathustrian and !hristian elements, orinated on basis of
'nosticism. )andeans re0ect !hrist as false prophet, and they call #ohn the aptist their prophet and
teacher. $utside their community, that is, among the )uslims, they were 1nown as 'Subba', and that
is where the name 'Sabians' stems from. -n &uran, under 'Sabians' are recogni2ed only the members of
the latter community, that which called themselves ')andeans'. They are monotheists, although their
teaching is in essence dualistic, li1e that of /oroastrism.
practically <eca2e the oicial reli-io! o SSa<ia!sM a!, it <eca2e also
reco-!iEe, a!, accepte, <y Isla2ic authorities.
A<out the year 37# there occurre, a schis2 a2o!- &arra!ia!s/ or Sa<ia!s/
ho7 they calle, the2sel4es !o7/ so o!e -roup ,eci,e, to set out or ?a-,a,/
to settle there per2a!e!tly. The <est 8!o7! perso!ality i! this -roup 7as
philosopher Tha<it i<! *urra/ <or! i! 316. Ater 2o4i!- to ?a-,a,/ as 4ery
e,ucate, perso!/ he soo! -ai!e, aectio! o 8hali. O course/ the 7hole
co22u!ity o Sa<ia!s 7as reco-!iEe, <y the authorities/ -ai!i!- as 7ell
status o i!,epe!,e!ce/ i! relatio! to Isla2. Thereore/ this philosophical
school that has <ee! co!ti!ui!- tra,itio! 16" years lo!-/ 7hich lea!t o!
ou!,atio!s that 7ere put Neo.Plato!ists <a!ishe, ro2 Athe!s/
Oli2pio,orus a!, Si2plicius. &o7e4er/ this school has !ot co!ti!ue,
e>clusi4ely Neo.Plato!ic teachi!-/ <ut i! course o ti2e there occurre,
i!teractio! 7ith &er2etis2/ so 2ost pro<a<ly ca2e i!to their o7!
i!lue!ces ro2 Ale>a!,ria/ too. Neo.Plato!ic Sa<ia!s !o7 reco-!iEe,
&er2etic teachi!-s as sources o their philosophy.
The lie o Sa<ia!sM lea,er Tha<it i<! *urra i! ?a-,a, 7as ulille, 7ith
teachi!-/ as 7ell as 7ith 7riti!-. Tha<itMs opus co2prise, o a ra!-e o
,iere!t iel,s/ i!clu,i!- 2athe2atics/ astro!o2y/ lo-ic/ 2e,ici!e/ a!, o
course philosophy. &is 2other la!-ua-e 7as Syria!/ <ut he 8!e7 also Gree8
a!, Ara<ia!. &e 7rote appro>i2ately 16" 7or8s/ a!, also correcte, earlier
tra!slatio!s. &is tra!slatio!s co!tri<ute, co!si,era<ly to the ,e4elop2e!t o
later Ara<ia! philosophy. A2o!- his 2ost i2porta!t 7or8s are/ or i!sta!ceL
Tractatus de solutione $(sterioru$ in #latonis Repu"lica o"%ioru$, .i"er de
religione Sa"ioru$, .i"er de legi"us 2er$etis, et de orationi"us 1ui"us utuntur
ethnici, .i"er de con!ir$atione religionis ethicoru$. )ro2 the last o!e =e7ish
author ?arhe<raeus Guotes the citatio! i! 7hich Tha<it i<! *urra <ri!-s
out his apolo-y i! ,ee!ce o a pa-a! reli-io!. So he Guotes that pa-a!s 7ere
those 7ho ci4iliEe, the 7orl,/ <uilt to7!s a!, har<ors a!, tau-ht secret
7is,o2. I! a,,itio!/ pa-a!s O,isco4ere, the art o heali!- o soul a!, <o,y
a!, set the syste2 o -o4er!2e!tP. @ithout pa-a!is2/ 7orl, 7oul, <e
e2pty a!, 2isera<le/ ,e,uce, Tha<it i<! *urra.
?y the <e-i!!i!- o the 1"
ce!tury lea,er o Sa<ia!s ha, ,ie,/ <ut the sect
alo!e co!ti!ue, to e>ist a!, act or a!other ce!tury a!, a hal. %uri!- this
ti2e/ still pre4aile, tolera!ce a!, ree,o2 o thou-ht a!, to !o!.Musli2s
7ere accessi<le e4e! hi-h statio!s at court. ?ut/ ro2 the 2i,,le o the 11
ce!tury o!/ Sa<ia!s <e-a! to ,isappear/ 2ai!ly <ecause o the -ro7i!-
se4erity o ule2as BIsla2ic la7yers.theolo-ia!sC.
#.#.1. Al.)ara<i/ the )ou!,er o Isla2ic Neo.Plato!is2
Philosopher al.)ara<i B<or! a<out 37" i! Tur8esta!C 7as !ot a Sui 2ystic/
ho7e4er i! Ara<ia! 7orl, he is -e!erally co!si,ere, as the ou!,er o
Isla2ic Neo.Plato!is2 a!, as the -reatest represe!tati4e o this <ra!ch o
philosophy si!ce Proclus BD ce!turyC. &is teachi!- has Aust partially
characteristics o 2ysticis2/ as it is a! eclectic co2<i!atio! o Neo.
Plato!is2 a!, Aristotelia! philosophy. Al.)ara<i has !ot let a!y
auto<io-raphy/ so there are relati4ely little relia<le ,ata a<out his lie. &e
7rote 2ore tha! 1"" 7or8s/ <ut u!ortu!ately o!ly a s2aller part has <ee!
preser4e,. The <i--est part o his opus 2a8e treatises i! lo-ic a!,
philosophy o la!-ua-e/ as 7ell as philosophy o politics/ reli-io!/
2etaphysics/ psycholo-y a!, !atural philosophy. A2o!- his <est 7or8s are
Airtuous *it( Bote! co2pare, 7ith PlatoMs Repu"licC/ Treatise o! the )ind,
Boo o! .etters a!, Boo o! the 'nu$eration o! Sciences.
Al.)ara<iMs 2etaphysical thou-ht is ocuse, 2ai!ly o! three 2ai! the2es/
a!, these areL )irst ?ei!- that is Go,J e2a!atio! a!, hierarchy o <ei!-sJ
a!, i!!er structure o <ei!-. O! the su22it o the hierarchy is %i4i!e
?ei!-/ 7ho2 al.)ara<i ,e!otes as SThe )irstM. )ro2 it e2a!ates seco!, <ei!-
that is the )irst I!tellect Bthat 4irtually represe!ts the seco!, <ei!-C. Sa2e
as Go,/ this <ei!- too co!sists o the i22aterial su<sta!ce. The )irst
I!tellect u!,ersta!,s Go, a!, accor,i!- to this co2prehe!sio! pro,uces
the thir, <ei!-/ i.e. the Seco!, I!tellect. The )irst I!tellect also u!,ersta!,s
his o7! esse!ce a!, the result o this u!,ersta!,i!- is the creatio! o <o,y
a!, soul o the irst hea4e!. Each o!e o the !e>t i!tellects that e2a!ate are
co!!ecte, 7ith the pro,uctio! o si2ilar astral phe!o2e!a/ i!clu,i!- i>e,
stars/ Satur!/ =upiter/ Mars/ Su!/ De!us/ Mercury a!, Moo!. O special
i2porta!ce is e2a!ati4e hierarchy o the Te!th I!tellect/ <ecause it <ri,-es
hea4e!ly a!, terrestrial 7orl,s. This Te!th I!tellect B!ous poieti8osC is
respo!si<le or the actualiEatio! o the pote!tial o thou-hts i! 2a!Ms
i!tellect/ as 7ell as o e2a!ati!- or2s o 2a! a!, the su<lu!ary 7orl,.
&ere acti4e i!tellect practically ta8es o4er the role o Ploti!usM +!i4ersal soul.
#.#.0. ;Picatri>; or ;Ai2 o the @ise;
The i!lue!ce that ha, the <oo8 Se!er YetCirah o! =e7ish 2ysticis2 is
co2para<le 7ith i!lue!ce o the 7or8 ;ha(at al-hai$ BAi2 o the Sa-eC o!
Ara<ia! 2e,ie4al 2ysticis2/ so o! philosophy/ as o! astrolo-y/ 2a-ic a!,
I! the @est this 7or8 is 8!o7! u!,er the !a2e #icatrix, <ecause
o the i!accurate tra!slatio! o the !a2e o Ara<ia! 7riter 7ho2 is
2ista8e!ly attri<ute, the authorship. It is attri<ute, to Ara<ia!
2athe2aticia! ro2 A!,alusia/ al.MaAriti/ 7ho li4e, i! 1"
&o7e4er/ it is <elie4e, that #icatrix ori-i!ate, i! &arra!/ as there &er2etis2
lourishe,J it 7as pro<a<ly later carrie, o4er to Spai!.
#icatrix 4irtually represe!ts a 2a!ual Btheoretical a!, practicalC o
astrolo-ical 2a-ic. Astrolo-y has/ i! the course o its ,e4elop2e!t i!
a!tiGuity/ e>perie!ce, a -reat asce!t i! ti2e o Ale>a!,ria! sy!cretis2/ a!,
its su22it i! sy!thesis 7ith &er2etic thou-ht. To earthly phe!o2e!a it 7as
attri<ute, pla!etary i!lue!ce/ a!, astrolo-y 7as co!si,ere, as
2a!iestatio! o the <o!, <et7ee! 2acro a!, 2icrocos2os. So/ #icatrix also
These iel,s 7ill per2a!e!tly co!4er-e to each other a!, <e 2utually per2eate,/ i! se4eral
ce!turies to co2e.
asserts that all the thi!-s i! the 7orl, su<2it the2sel4es to hea4e!ly or2s
that pla!ets ha4e po7er a!, i!lue!ce o4er this 7orl,/ a!, accor,i!- to that/
2o4e2e!t o the pla!ets is i! the 4ery roots o 2a-ic.
The 7or8 #icatrix is ,i4i,e, i!to our <oo8s. Si!ce the 7or8 has !ot <ee!
7ritte! syste2atically a!, 2etho,ically/ so i! each <oo8 appear Au2<le,
to-ether/ the2es ro2 the 4arious iel,s. The 7or8 ,eals 7ith ,iere!t
the2es ro2 philosophy Bauthor co!si,ers philosophic ,octri!es as
ou!,atio!s o the talis2a!ic artC/ theory o 2a-ic/ astro!o2y/ astrolo-y/
!atural scie!ces/ a!, practical 2a-ic. I! the i!tro,uctio! author e2phasiEes
the reaso! or 7riti!- this <oo8 a!, that is the eluci,atio! o the !ature o
2a-ic secret that has <ee! careully 8ept <y a!cie!t philosophers.
I! the irst <oo8/ it is e2phasiEe, the i2porta!ce o philosophy/ or the
<etter u!,ersta!,i!- o ,i4i!e thi!-s/ !atural a!, 2oral a!, also as
presuppositio! or 2a-ic/ 7hich 7oul, <e the! her i!al ele2e!t. &ere/ there
ca! <e ou!, certai! si2ilarities 7ith al.)ara<iMs Boo o! the 'nu$eration o!
the Sciences/ as 7ell as 7ith Neo.Plato!ic ,octri!es. &ere is prese!te, a
,i4isio! o 2a-ic o! theoretical/ that co2prises the 8!o7le,-e o hea4e!/
a!, practical/ 7hich co!sists o e>ploitatio! o !atural 8i!-,o2/ a!i2al/
4e-eta<le a!, 2i!eral. I! the e!, o the irst <oo8 the author cites Neo.
Plato!ic thou-ht o the e>iste!ce o chai! o hypostases as the li!8 <et7ee!
upper a!, lo7er 7orl,s/ 7hich is the pri2ary pri!ciple o 2a-ic. The thir,
<oo8 <ri!-s Guotatio!s o the astrolo-er al.Ta<ariJ they represe!t
i!structio!s or the 4e!eratio! o pla!ets/ accor,i!- to the custo2s o
Sa<ia!s. &ere are -i4e! ,irectio!s or the i!4ocatio! o a si!-le pla!et/ or a
certai! purpose/ <ut here is also -i4e! a! i!,uce2e!t or lo4e to7ar, Go,.
The ourth <oo8 <ri!-s 2ore philosophical the2es/ li8e theory o i4e
su<sta!ces/ a!, co!cepts o su<sta!ce/ i!tellect a!, soul. I! the last <oo8
author e2phasiEes that throu-hout the philosophy 2a! aspires to7ar, the
si2ilarity 7ith Go,J i! co!!ectio! 7ith this/ he ,eals 7ith the theory o lo4e.
The 7or8 e!,s 7ith testiyi!- o Socrates a!, a,2o!ish2e!ts o Pytha-oras/
as a co!clusio!. This 7or8 7ill ha4e a co!si,era<le i!lue!ce o!
Re!aissa!ce philosopher Marsilio )ici!o a!, o! his astrolo-ical 2a-ic.
#.#.0. A4ice!!a Pri!ce o Philosophers a!, Physicia!s
O!e o the 2ost pro2i!e!t philosophers o 11
ce!tury is <y all 2ea!s
Ara<ia! philosopher/ !atural scie!tist a!, physicia! A4ice!!a. &e 7as <or!
i! 93" i! a s2all place $har2ayta!/ !ear ?u8hara i! easter! Persia Bto,ay
+E<e8ista!C. @he! he 7as i4e years ol,/ a2ily 2o4e, to ?u8hara/ the!
capital a!, e,ucatio!al ce!ter o Sa2a!i,s/ ,y!asty that rule, o4er easter!
Persia. Alrea,y i! his te!th year A4ice!!a -ai!e, thorou-h 8!o7le,-e i!
-ra22ar/ literature/ :uran, -eo2etry a!, 2athe2atics/ as 7ell as i!
I! the <e-i!!i!- o his stu,y/ he pai, 2ore atte!tio! to 2etaphysics a!,
2e,ici!e/ a!, later he ,e,icate, hi2sel to philosophy a!, lo-ic. I! his 1:
year he 7as alrea,y a re!o7!e, physicia!J the! he 7as allo7e, a,2itta!ce
to the royal li<rary o Sa2a!i,s i! ?u8hara/ 7here he 2a!a-e, to rea, all
the <oo8s there/ i! a perio, o t7o years. That -a4e hi2 e>celle!t
ou!,atio!s or his urther spiritual ,e4elop2e!t. Alrea,y <eore he 7as #1/
he ha, <e-u! 7ith 7riti!- <oo8s i! 2athe2atics/ !atural scie!ce/ ethics.
Althou-h 2a!y o his 7or8s ,isappeare, i! 7ars a!, plu!,ers/ 2a!y o
the2 reache, to us as 7ell. O7i!- to historical circu2sta!ces/ that is/ i-hts
or supre2acy a2o!- Persia! ,y!asties/ it 7as !ot ,esti!e, or hi2/ to stay
or lo!- i! o!e place. So he tra4ele, ote! ro2 o!e court to a!other/ usually
lea4i!- <eore the all o a ,y!asty/ to a4oi, <loo,y i!ter!eci!e <attles.
I! the to7! &a2a,a!/ 7here he ha, treate, rulers li4i!- there/ it 7as
-ra!te, to hi2 a title o 7aEir. Ater rulerMs ,eath i! 1"#1/ A4ice!!a tha!8e,
or the oere, title a!, ,uty a!, 7a!te, to 2o4e to to7! Ispaha!. ?ut/ his
e!e2ies too8 a,4a!ta-e o the !e7 situatio! a!, i2priso!e, hi2 i! ortress
)ar,Aa!. 'ut o ro2 the 7orl,/ i! this priso! he 7rote se4eral treatises/ also
a 2ystical alle-ory Risalah 2ayy i<! (aGEa!/ 7or8 that -i4es out s2ell o
2ysticis2 or the 2ost i! all o his opus. Su,,e!ly/ the ruler o Ispaha! Ala
al.%a7lah attac8e, &a2a,a!/ setti!- ree A4ice!!a. So/ it 7as i!ally 2a,e
possi<le or A4ice!!a to 7or8 per2a!e!tly/ 7ithout i!terruptio!s/ <ecause
i! Ispaha! B<i- cultural a!, e,ucatio!al ce!terC he coul, ,e,icate hi2sel to
his stu,ies i! peace.
It 7as Aust at the court o Ala al.%a7lah that A4ice!!a 7rote Al-Fanun,
2e,ical ca!o!/ 7hich 7ill <eco2e a sta!,ar, te>t<oo8 i! Europe u!til 17
ce!tury. O other 7or8s/ e>ceptio!al i2porta!ce has :ita" al-She!a B?oo8 o
&eali!-C/ <oo8 that represe!ts a! e!cyclope,ia o the philosophical thou-ht
o his ti2e Bit is ,i4i,e, i!to lo-ic/ physics/ 2athe2atics a!, 2etaphysicsC.
Althou-h A4ice!!aMs philosophical path <e-a! i! Aristotelia! lo-ic/ later
espousal o Neo.Plato!ic theory o e4olutio! -ra,ually le, philosopher to
2ysticis2. &is e2a!ati4e sche2e is e!tirely accor,a!t 7ith al.)ara<iMs. Li8e
hi2/ A4ice!!a thou-ht that ro2 Go,Ms co!te2platio! e2a!ates the )irst
I!tellect/ a!, ro2 it the Seco!,. The process o e2a!atio! -oes o! up to the
last/ te!th/ 7hich is relate, to Moo!/ a!, rules o4er the su<lu!ary 7orl,.
This e2a!atio! is calle, the Acti4e I!tellect/ a!, 2a!y Isla2ic philosophers
i,e!tiy it 7ith the archa!-el Ga<riel. I! his 2ost 2ystical 7or8 Risalah
2a(( i"n Ya1Can A4ice!!a ,epicts the spiritual path/ that a! aspira!t/ sali,
Btra4elerC 2ust pass/ ater the 2eeti!- 7ith teacher/ &ayy i<! (aGEa!. The
path <e-i!s i! the real2 o BspiritualC ,eath/ a!, it e!,s i! the real2 o real/
pure lie/ that is i!,iscer!i<le ro2 the 4ery %i4i!ity. Sali8 2ust lear! the
teachi!- o the su<li2e o!es/ i.e. the real i!terpretatio! o thi!-s. There<y
he 2ust pass throu-h the real2 o pure 2atter/ 2aterial <o,y/ throu-h our
i!tellectual 8i!-,o2s/ 7hich i!clu,e the i2a-i!atio!/ the 7orl, o i!telli-i<le
a!, i!ally the a!-elic 7orl,. &e passes throu-h our ele2e!ts a!, !i!e
hea4e!ly spheres. Li8e a <ir, he ele4ates hi2sel a<o4e the cos2ic crypt i!
7hich he is a!, co2es i!to the Go,Ms prese!ce. Thereore/ soul retur!s to
her %i4i!e orce. A4ice!!aMs 2ystical philosophy 7ill ha4e i2pact o! 7hole
ra!-e o 2e,ie4al philosophers/ a2o!- others o! Europea! 2ystical
philosophers Al<ert Ma-!us a!, Ro-er ?aco!.
#.#.6. Sui 'o!4ert al.GhaEali
Al.GhaEali Bi! Isla2ic 7orl, 8!o7! as A<u &a2i,C is o!e o the -reatest
Musli2 theolo-ia!s a!, 2ystical philosophers. &e 7as <or! i! 1"63 i! Tus/
place i! !orther! Ira!. &e recei4e, his e,ucatio!/ e>cept i! his !ati4e place/
also i! Gur-a! a!, Nishapur/ !ear<y to7!s. Thus he -ai!e, a 7i,e
e,ucatio! i! tra,itio!al Isla2ic reli-ious scie!ce/ philosophy a!, la7. I! 11
ce!tury Ira! ell u!,er the rule o Tur8s SelAu8s. Al.GhaEali/ <ecause o his
e>celle!t e,ucatio!/ -ai!e, a4or o 7aEir NiEa2 al.Mul8/ 7ho appoi!ts hi2
o! the hea, o the u!i4ersity i! ?a-,a,/ i! 1"91. ?eco2i!- thus the lea,er
o the Isla2ic society/ he at the sa2e ti2e -a4e lectures i! Isla2ic la7 a!,
ou-ht a-ai!st heretical teachi!-s o 4arious sects prese!t o! the reli-ious
sce!e o that ti2e. ?ut/ alrea,y i! 1"96/ al.GhaEali ha, e>perie!ce, a stro!-
spiritual crisis/ a!, soo! let ?a-,a,. I! that ti2e/ he ha, alrea,y 7ritte!
t7o philosophical 7or8s/ )a1asid al !alasi!a BThe I!te!tio!s o the
PhilosophersC a!, Taha!ut al !alasi!a BThe I!cohere!ce o the PhilosophersC/
i! 7hich he su<Aecte, the 7or8s o his pre,ecessors al.)ara<i a!, A4ice!!a
to critical Au,-e2e!t.
Ater he ha, re!ou!ce, the career at the u!i4ersity/ <ut also the 7orl, i!
-e!eral/ he spe!t t7o years 7a!,eri!- as Sui throu-h Syria a!, Palesti!e.
Ater the pil-ri2a-e to Mecca/ he retur!e, to his !ati4e Tus/ e!tirely
,e,icati!- hi2sel to the 2ystical lie o Sui philosophers a!, e>perie!ce, a
peculiar co!4ersio!. Na2ely/ he su,,e!ly -ai!e, i!si-ht/ that thereMs !o
other 7ay to certai! 8!o7le,-e a!, ,isco4ery o truth/ e>cept throu-h
Suis2. Soo! there ori-i!ate, a!other i2porta!t al.GhaEaliMs 7or8/ Ih(a
ulu$ al-din BThe Re4i4al o the Reli-ious Scie!cesC. This 2ystical 7or8 he
7rote i! Ara<ic/ <ut or the practical use he co2pose, a! a<ri,-e, 4ersio! i!
Persia!/ e!titli!- it :i$i(a e sadat BThe Alche2y o &appi!essC. )ro2 this
7or8 o!e ca! percei4e a !e7 le4el o u!,ersta!,i!- o aith/ ro2 a
tra,itio!al or2 relate, to sharia, to the ,irect u!io! 7ith Go, i! the
2ystical Sui e>perie!ce. Al.GhaEali trie, to re4i4e reli-ious scie!ces o!
ou!,atio!s o Suis2/ -i4i!- e4i,e!ces/ 7hich 7ill later co!tri<ute to its
oicial reco-!itio!.
PhilosopherMs 7or8 Ih(a ulu$ al-din, that is/ the a<ri,-e, e,itio! Alche$( o!
2appiness represe!ts a core o al.GhaEaliMs 2ystical 7or8. &is -oal/ as o
practical 2ystic/ is lea,i!- o 2a! ro2 the or2al acGuai!ta!ce 7ith
Isla2ic aith to7ar, a real 8!o7le,-e a<out Go,. The irst our chapters o
the Alche$( o! 2appiness are a co22e!tary o 7ell 8!o7! li!e i! 2adis
Btra,itio!al sayi!-s o Moha22a,C/ O&e/ 7ho 8!o7s hi2sel/ 8!o7s Go,P.
?ut/ the poi!t is i! the last/ ei-hth chapter/ e!title, SLo4e to7ar, Go,M. Al.
GhaEali calls lo4e to7ar, Go, the hi-hest o all the2es/ as a! ulti2ate -oal/
to7ar, 7hich e4eryo!e shoul, aspire. O!e/ 7hose i!!er eye is ope! to
percei4i!- o <eauty a!, perectio! o Go,/ 7ill ,espise all the outer
percei4i!-/ !o 2atter ho7 <eautiul they are. Accor,i!- to the philosopher/
there e>ist i4e causes that i!cite lo4e. )irst is/ that 2a! lo4es hi2sel a!,
perectio! o his o7! !atureJ seco!,/ that 2a! lo4es his <e!eactor/ i.e. Go,J
thir,/ that 2a! represe!ts lo4e i!cite, <y the co!te2platio! o Go,Ms
attri<utes/ his po7er a!, 7is,o2J ourth cause is aectio! o a 2a! to7ar,
Go, <ecause he 2a,e hi2 accor,i!- to his o7! picture.
I! his last 7or8/ auto<io-raphy e!title, Al-)un1idh$in al-dalal BThe
%eli4erer ro2 ErrorC/ philosopher states that Oscie!ce o Suis2 stri4e
to7ar, the separatio! o heart ro2 a!ythi!- that is !ot Go,/ a!, to allo7/
as the o!ly occupatio!/ the 2e,itatio! a<out ,i4i!e <ei!-P. This S2e,itatio!
o heartM al.GhaEali ,escri<es i! ollo7i!- 7ayL OLet hi2 re,uce his heart to a
state i! 7hich the e>iste!ce o a!ythi!- a!, its !o!.e>iste!ce are the sa2e
to hi2. The!/ as he sits i! solitu,e let hi2 !ot cease sayi!- co!ti!uously
7ith his to!-ue SAllah/ AllahM/ 8eepi!- his thou-ht o! it. At least he 7ill
reach a state 7he! the 2otio! o his to!-ue 7ill cease/ a!, it 7ill see2 as
thou-h the 7or, lo7e, ro2 it. The!/ the or2 o the 7or,/ its letters a!,
shape are re2o4e, ro2 his heart/ a!, there re2ai!s the i,ea alo!e/ as
thou-h cli!-i!- to his heart. So ar/ all is ,epe!,a!t o! his 7ill a!, choiceJ
<ut to <ri!- the 2ercy o Go, ,oes !ot sta!, i! his 7ill or choice. &e has
!o7 lai, hi2sel <are to the <reathi!-s o that 2ercy/ a!, !othi!- re2ai!s
<ut to a7ait 7hat Go, 7ill ope! to hi2/ as Go, has ,o!e ater this 2a!!er
to prophets a!, sai!ts.P
#.#.7. Assasi!s the 'ou!terpart to Te2plar;s Or,er
The sa2e 4alue that the $!i-hts Te2plar ha, or 'hristia!ity/ o! the si,e o
Isla2 ha, the or,er o Is2aili NiEari/ usually 8!o7! u!,er the !a2e
Assassi!s. This or,er 7as ou!,e, <y the e!, o the 11
ce!tury i! Persia
<y &assa!.i.Sa<<ah. Assassi!s acte, i! Mesopota2ia/ Palesti!e a!, Syria/
7here they ha, occasio!al co!licts 7ith crusa,ers.
The teachi!- o Is2aili represe!te, a! eclectic 2i>ture 2a,e o Isla2ic/
'hristia! a!, =e7ish 2ystical philosophy/ i!ter7ea4e, 7ith G!ostic/
Zoroastria!/ Neo.Plato!ic a!, &i!,u ele2e!ts. O!e o the 2o,els o
teachi!- o the Is2aili 7is,o2 7as a syste2 o -ra,ual i!itiatio!/ 8!o7! as
Ni!e %e-rees o @is,o2.
The irst lea,er o Assassi!s/ &assa!.i.Sa<ah 7as <or! i! 1"66 i! Persia/ i!
the 4ici!ity o Tehera!. I! his youth he tra4ele, throu-h E-ypt/ Syria/ Ira8
a!, throu-hout Persia/ sprea,i!- his Is2aili teachi!-. Si!ce the part o
Persia 7as alrea,y u!,er the rule o Tur8s SelAu8s/ his 2issio!ary Aour!eys
7ere at the sa2e ti2e re4olutio!ary/ too. I! 1"9"/ 7ith 2e2<ers o his sect
he co!Guere, the ortress Ala2ut/ o! the hi-h 2ou!tai! cra- a!, there he
2a,e a ce!ter o resista!ce to SelAu8sM rule. &asa!.i.Sa<ah ,e,icate, his
ti2e to prayer/ ast/ 2a8i!- a!!otatio!s co!cer!i!- his teachi!-/ ,e4elopi!-
strate-y o his re4olutio!ary ca2pai-!/ ruli!- his s2all state a!, eorts
,irecte, to7ar, sprea,i!- o Is2aili NiEari teachi!-. &assa!.i.Sa<ah 7as
acGuai!te, 4ery 7ell 7ith 2athe2atics/ astro!o2y/ 2a-ic a!, alche2y a!,
he co!,ucte, 4ery ascetic a!, pious lie.
The 2issio! o &assa!.i.Sa<ah a2o!- Syria! Is2aili is 2eritorious or the
early Europea! co!tacts 7ith Assassi!s ,uri!- the 'rusa,es. The irst
,ocu2e!te, e!cou!ter occurre, i! Septe2<er/ 11":. Pri!ce o A!tioch
Ta!cre, ha, attac8e, the Assassi!sM castle Apace a!, ater his 4ictory he
i2pose, a ta> to the sect. i! the !e>t lo!- perio, u!til the 11
ce!tury there
7ere se4eral atte2pts o the 2utual approach/ as 7ell as o or2i!- allia!ce
o Assassi!s a!, 'rusa,ers Bor e>a2ple/ a-ai!st the co22o! e!e2y/ Tur8s
SelAu8sC. Althou-h Assasi!s BNiEariC ,isappeare, i! political se!se i! 11
ce!tury/ ater the ,eeat <y Mo!-olia!s a!, E-yptia! Ma2alu8s/
!e4ertheless/ they co!ti!ue, to e>ist as 2i!ority reli-ious -roup. A lar-e part
o Is2aili NiEari escape, to I!,ia/ 7here they ou!,e, their co22u!ity/ still
e>isti!- !o7a,ays.
Is2aili NiEari ha, <ee! i!!o4ators/ 7ho sprea, a 2o,el o hierarchic
2ystical secret society. The or,er o Assasi!s i!lue!ce, the $!i-hts
Te2plar/ 7ho ha, <ee! or-a!iEe, i! the si2ilar/ hierarchic 7ay. The syste2
o !i!e ,e-rees o i!itiatio! <e-a! 7ith i!tro,uctio! to the esoteric 2ea!i!-
o the a!!ou!ce2e!t o :uran. Ater7ar,s it co!ti!ue, 7ith e>pla!atio! o
the truth as the teachi!- o I2a2/ the! <y teachi!- o $a<alistic 2ystery
a<out the !u2<er se4e!/ accepta!ce o prophets ater Moha22a,/ teachi!-
a<out t7el4e apostles a!, 2ystical 2ea!i!- o !u2<er 1#/ <y the
philosophical teachi!- o Pytha-oras/ Plato a!, Aristotle/ 2ystical ,ualistic
teachi!- o the irst a!, seco!, cause/ <y 7or8i!- out o this t7o pri!ciples
a!, i!ally <y stu,yi!- o cos2olo-ical teachi!-s a<out soul/ hea4e! a!,
hea4e!ly i!telli-e!ces.
#.#.3. Ecu2e!ical Mysticis2 o I<! al.Ara<i
I! a tra!sitio! ro2 1#
to 11
ce!tury i! Spai! li4e, poet a!, philosopher
Muhy,i! i<! al.Ara<i/ o!e o the -reatest Sui 2ystics. &e 7as <or! i! 11:6
i! Murcia/ i! souther! re-io! o A!,alusia/ 7here i! those ti2es lourishe,
&ispa!o.Ara<ia! culture. I! souther! hal o Spai! pre4aile,/ at least to a
certai! e>te!t/ a co.e>iste!ce o three 2ai! reli-io!s =u,ais2/ 'hristia!ity
a!, Isla2. These cultures/ that ,e4elope, o!e !ear<y the other/ e4e!
2utually per2eate, the2sel4es. I! the south o Spai! there pre4aile, a rich
cultural lie/ architecture ,e4elope,/ the classics o Gree8 philosophy 7ere
tra!slate, a!, o!e <y the other there 7ere stu,ie, spiritual teachi!-s o
three A<raha2ic reli-io!s.
I<! al.Ara<i ha, -ro7! up i! a! i!tellectual at2osphere/ <ei!- a<sor<e, i!
stu,yi!- the 2ost i2porta!t i,eas i! the iel,s o scie!ce/ reli-io! a!,
philosophy. I! his #"
year he 7as i!itiate, i!to Suis2. +!til the a-e o #"/
he has !ot li4e, yet a co2plete spiritual lie/ <ut i!stea, he stu,ie, a little/
a!, little he e!Aoye, ha4i!- parties 7ith his rie!,s. ?ut/ su,,e!ly/ i! the
2i,,le o o!e such party i! Se4illa/ he hear, a 4oiceL OO/ Muha22e,/ it 7as
!ot or this that you 7ere create,.P The! he 7ith,re7 hi2sel i!to seclusio!/
a!, ater se4eral ,ays e>perie!ce, a triple 4isio!. I! it/ he 2et prophets
Moses/ =esus a!, Moha22a,/ 7ho -a4e hi2 their spiritual i!structio!s.
This e!li-hte!2e!t co2pelle, hi2 to ,e,icate hi2sel e!tirely to the
spiritual path. Later/ i! the course o his lie/ I<! al.Ara<i 7ill recei4e 2a!y
si2ilar spiritual 2essa-es.
A<out the year 1#""/ 7he! he 7as appro>i2ately 16/ I<! al.Ara<i ,eci,e, to
,epart east7ar,. Alrea,y the! he -ai!e, a reputatio! as Sui 7riter a!,
spiritual teacher/ 2asteri!- o4er the e>te!si4e spiritual 8!o7le,-e. I! that
ti2e i! Spai! <e-a! 'hristia! recon1uista/ a!, i! a course o se4eral
,eca,es Ara<s 7ill lose all the territories co!Guere, i! 3
ce!tury. &e too8
his 7ay to 'airo irst a!, the! to =eusale2 a!, Mecca/ 7here he
acco2plishe, a pil-ri2a-e i! 1#"#. There I<! al.Ara<i spe!t a<out t7o
years/ i! a co2pa!y o the 2ost i!lue!tial a!, 2ost lear!e, a2ilies i!
to7!/ stu,yi!- a!, 7riti!- his 7or8s. &ere ori-i!ate, his si-!iica!t poe2
collectio! The Interpreter o! 8esires, 2ystical script 7hich -i4es asto!ishi!-
i!si-ht i!to all the ,epth a!, <eauty o lo4e o! the spiritual path. As 2a!y
ha, u!,erstoo, his poetic alle-ories too literally/ philosopher 7as co2pelle,
to 7rite a co22e!tary o! his o7! li!es. Na2ely/ this collectio! -a4e out too
2uch s2ell o erotic a!, se!sual !otio!s.
A!other i2porta!t al.Ara<iMs 7or8 ori-i!ate, i! Mecca a!, that is 9utuhat
al-)a(ah BMecca! Ope!i!-sC. This co2prehe!si4e 7or8/ co!sisti!- o 6:"
chapters/ represe!ts a true e!cyclope,ia o his 2ystical syste2. I!
i!tro,uctio! it says that he has !ot reache, the co!te!t 7ith his o7!
reaso!i!-/ <ut it 7as Spoure,M i!to hi2 <y his A!-el o I!spiratio!/ ,uri!-
his 4isit to the sa!ctuary $a<a. I<! al.Ara<i co!si,ere, all the -reat
prophets as i!terpreters o o!e -e!eral pri2or,ial reli-io!. So he says i!
9utuhat3 OThere is !o 8!o7le,-e e>cept that ta8e! ro2 Go,/ or he alo!e is
the $!o7er5 the prophets/ i! spite o their -reat !u2<er a!, the lo!-
perio,s o ti2e 7hich separate the2/ ha, !o ,isa-ree2e!t i! 8!o7le,-e o
Go,/ si!ce they too8 it ro2 Go,. So/ I<! al.Ara<iMs e2phasiEe is Aust o!
,irect ta8i!- ro2 Go,/ i! 7hich there is co!cor,a!ce i! ,iere!t reli-ious
I! I<! al.Ara<iMs 4ie7/ Go, is !ot u!,erstoo, as ?ei!-/ !ot e4e! as the
Supre2e ?ei!-/ that 7oul, e>ist outsi,e or a<o4e the u!i4erse. Na2ely/ he
thi!8s that e4erythi!- that e>ists is a part/ <ut also the 2a!iestatio! o the
O!e!ess o Go,. Accor,i!-ly/ hu2a! <ei!-s are also the parts o Go,/ 7hile
the i,ea o the separate, sel results ro2 i-!ora!ce. This teachi!- is calle,
pa!e!theis2. I<! al.Ara<i <elie4es/ i! i2itatio! o Ploti!us that Go, posses
so the tra!sce!,e!tal as the i22a!e!t aspect/ too.
The seco!, i2porta!t philosopherMs 7or8 <ears the title 9usus al-hia$ BThe
@is,o2 o the ProphetsC. Althou-h relati4ely short/ it is co!si,ere, as a 8i!,
o a testa2e!t o this -reat spiritual teacher. I! this 7or8 the philosopher
,e,icates o!e chapter to each o #7 prophets a!, ,eputies/ ro2 A,a2/ up
to Moha22a,. 'o!!ecti!- 2e,itatio!s a<out the 2ea!i!- o -reat
prophets/ I<! al.Ara<i <ri!-s out his o7! theosophical teachi!-. I! so ar
7or8 9utuhat ca! <e co2pare,/ <y its 4olu2i!osity 7ith a! e!cyclope,ia/
7hilst 9usus ca! <e percei4e, as the 7orl,Ms 2ap o Go,Ms 7is,o2/ i! 7hich
is ,eli!eate, each cou!try that -a4e a prophet. This 7or8 is surely a
4alua<le ,o2ai! or the e>ploratio!/ <ecause i! it/ 2ay<e or the irst ti2e/
o!e thi!8er o! the Europea! soil poi!te, to the possi<ility o a 7i,er
u!,ersta!,i!- o ecu2e!is2 i! the 7orl, o spirituality. The core o I<! al.
Ara<iMs 2ysticis2 is e>presse, i! 7ell 8!o7! a!, ote! cite, li!esL OMy heart
has <eco2e capa<le o e4ery or2K It is a pasture or -aEelles a!, a co!4e!t
or 'hristia! 2o!8sK A!, a te2ple or i,ols a!, the pil-ri2Ms $aa<aK a!,
the ta<les o Torah a!, the <oo8 o *ura!K I ollo7 the reli-io! o lo4eL
7hate4er 7ay Lo4eMs ca2el ta8e/ that is 2y reli-io! a!, 2y aith.
#.#.9. Ru2i )ou!,er o the Or,er o ;Spi!!i!- %er4ishes;
@he! al.Ara<i 7as alrea,y a 2i,,le a-e, 2a! B1#"7C/ o! the opposite e!, o
e>.Ara<ia! E2pire/ i! easter! Persia! pro4i!ce $horaEa!/ i! place ?al8h
Bto,ay A-a!ista!C 7as <or! yet a!other -reat Sui 2ystic/ !a2e, =alal al.
%i! Ru2i. &is ho2eto7! 7as o!e o the 2ost pro2i!e!t i! Ira! a!, his
a2ily e!Aoye, respect/ si!ce it -a4e a ro7 o la7 a!, reli-ious u!ctio!aries
Bule2asC. Ru2iMs ather ,eci,e, to -o to ?a-,a, i! 1#1#/ <ecause o the
i22i!e!t ,a!-er o the Mo!-olia! i!4asio!. Three years later a2ily -oes or
a pil-ri2a-e to Mecca a!, ater7ar,s to Asia Mi!or Ba part u!,er the rule o
Tur8s SelAu8sC. O! their 7ay ro2 Ara<ia a2ily -oes throu-h %a2ascus a!,
stops i! Malatya/ 7here i! 1##: Ru2i 2arrie, a ,au-hter o a atherMs
rie!,. The!/ a2ily 2o4e, o!ce a-ai! B1##9C a!, arri4e, to the capital o
7ester! Tur8s SelAu8s/ $o!ya. T7o years later/ Ru2iMs ather ,ie, a!, he
i!herite, his hi-h statio! o to7!Ms ule2a.
Arou!, 1#1# arri4e, to $o!ya a or2er atherMs ,isciple ro2 ?al8h/ 7ho 7ill
teach you!- Ru2i to the ,octri!e o Suis2. Se4eral years later Ru2i
hi2sel alrea,y <eca2e a Sui authority. A! i2porta!t 2eeti!- occurre, i!
1#00/ 7he! Ru2i 2et a 7a!,eri!- ,er4ish a!, Sui ,e4otee Sha2s al.%i! o
Ta<riE. This spiritual teacher carrie, o4er to Ru2i sacre, secrets ro2
scripts 8Cir ad-8ourani. The secret o this script co2es ro2 the &oly
?reath/ ater the li!e ro2 :uran OTruly to Go, 7e <elo!- a!, truly to hi2
7e shall retur! Bsura #/16:C. This secret o the &oly ?reath is i! co!!ectio!
7ith the tech!iGue/ <y 7hich 7e retur! to our ori-i!s/ <y our co2plete
surre!,er to the teacher/ to <eco2e/ step <y step/ Oa co2plete %i4i!e
I!halatio! a!, E>halatio! i! the Lo4e Ocea! o Go, Al2i-htyP. Ru2i is
co!si,ere, the ou!,er o the Or,er o Ma4la7iAah BS@hirli!- %er4ishesMC/
7ho <y their spi!!i!- i! ecstatic ,a!ce co2e to the u!ity 7ith Go,.
?esi,e <ei!- the )ou!,er o Ma4la7iAah Or,er/ =alal al.%i! Ru2i is pro<a<ly
e4e! 2ore re!o7!e, ater his poetry/ so his collectio!s are e4e! !o7a,ays/
2ore tha! se4e! ce!turies ater his ,eath/ <estsellers o the 7orl, poetry.
The collectio! )aithna%i 7ith its 07 thousa!, li!es represe!ts a 2asterpiece
o the Persia! literature. I! this 7or8/ 7hich a<ou!,s o sy2<ols a!,
alle-ories Ru2i si!-s o the i!to>icatio! <y Go,Ms lo4e. It is the 7or8 that
e>pou!,s Sui teachi!- a!, Austiies Go,Ms 7ays to7ar,s 2e!. Na2ely/ Suis
percei4e the u!i4erse as the proAectio! a!, relectio! o the i2a-e o Go,. I!
Sui poetry there are reGue!t allusio!s o! theories o Pytha-oras a!, Plato/
a<out ho7 2usic 7a8es i! the soul a re2e2<ra!ce o hea4e!ly har2o!ies/
7hich soul ha, liste!e, to/ <eore she 7as separate, ro2 Go,. So Ru2i i!
)aithna%i saysL OThe so!- o the spheres i! re4olutio!sK Is 7hat 2e! si!-
7ith lute a!, 4oiceKAs 7e are all 2e2<ers o A,a2K@e ha4e hear, these
2elo,ies i! Para,ise.P
Ru2iMs 2ystical poetic 4isio!s are 4ery ote! i!ter7ea4e, 7ith a spirit o
ecu2e!is2 Aust li8e <y his a2ous pre,ecessor I<! al.Ara<i. A<out this
testiy ollo7i!- li!esL O@hat ca! <e ,o!e/ oh <elie4ers/ as I ,o!Mt reco-!iEe
2yselFK IM2 !either a 'hristia! !or =e7/ Ma-ia! or a Mosle2KIM2 !ot o the
East or @est !either la!, !or seaKIM2 !ot o NatureMs 2i!e !or the stars i!
&ea4e!KIM2 !ot o earth/ 7ater/ air or ireKIM2 !ot o &ea4e!/ !or the ,ust o
this carpetKIM2 !ot o I!,ia/ 'hi!a/ ?ul-aria !or SaGsi!KIM2 !ot o the
8i!-,o2 o IraG or $horasa!KIM2 !ot o this 7orl,/ !or the !e>t/ Para,ise
!or &ellKIM2 !ot o A,a2/ !or E4e/ E,e! !or RiE7a!KMy place is i! the
Placeless/ 2y trace is i! the TracelessKIM2 !either <o,y !or soul/ as I <elo!-
to the soul o the ?elo4e,.P
Si!ce Ru2i tau-ht that OMusli2s/ 'hristia!s/ =e7s a!, Zoroastia!s shoul,
<e 4ie7e, 7ith sa2e eyeP/ it is !o 7o!,er that thousa!,s o people ro2
,iere!t !atio!s a!, reli-io!s 7ere prese!t at his u!eral. &is 2ausoleu2 i!
to7! $o!ya to,ay is a place o pil-ri2a-e or 2a!y <elie4ers.
)or his are7ell ro2 this 7orl,Ms lie Ru2i sa!- o these li!esL OO! the ,ay I
,ie/ 7hile IM2 <ei!- carrie, to7ar, the -ra4e/ ,o!Mt 7eepK %o!Mt say S&eMs
-o!eW &eMs -o!eWMK %eath has !othi!- to ,o 7ith -oi!- a7ayK The su! sets
a!, 2oo! sets/ <ut theyMre !ot -o!eK %eath is a co2i!- to-etherK The to2<
loo8s li8e a priso!/ <ut itMs really release i!to u!io!.P @e ca! see that or
Ru2i/ as it 7as li8e or @illia2 o St. Thierry or i!sta!ce/ ,eath represe!ts
a Aoy o the re.u!io! 7ith Go,.
#.1.1. I!terpretatio! o Seer =etEirah <y Saa,ia ?e! =oseph
I! the year 39# 7as <or! =e7ish philosopher Saa,ia <e! =oseph/ !ear the
to7! )ayu2 i! E-ypt. &e 7as the irst really si-!iica!t =e7ish philosopher
ater Philo o Ale>a!,ria. It is !ot 8!o7! 2uch a<out his chil,hoo, a!,
e,ucatio!. ?ut/ i! all li8elihoo, he -ai!e, rather a <roa, e,ucatio!/
accor,i!- to his 7or8s. Alrea,y i! his t7e!tieth year he achie4e, his irst <i-
7or8/ =e7ish ,ictio!ary that he e!title, Agron. At #1/ he 2o4e, to Palesti!e/
a!, at the a-e 1: he 7as put as the hea, B-ao!C o =e7ish aca,e2y i! Sura/
?a<ilo!ia. There/ as he 7as a stra!-er/ he ,i, !ot co2e upo! a! accepta!ce/
so i!a co2petiti4e i-ht he ha, to a<a!,o! his positio! to =oseph <e! =aco<
a!, he spe!t !e>t se4e! years i! ?a-,a,/ ar ro2 the Aca,e2y. &e retur!e,
to the hea, o the Aca,e2y our years later a!, i! that positio! re2ai!e,
u!til his ,eath i! 90#.
Sa2e as Philo/ Saa,ia co!si,ere, E-ypt or his ho2ela!,. &is pre,ecessor
ha, u!ite, &elle!ist la!-ua-e a!, culture 7ith &e<raic spiritJ i! the sa2e
7ay/ throu-h Saa,ia <e! =osephMs 7or8s Ara<ia! culture a!, la!-ua-e
pe!etrate, i!to the history o =e7ish culture. Saa,ia 7as really u!i4ersal
philosopher a!, scie!tist/ 7hose opus co2prises/ i! a,,itio! to philosophy
a!, theolo-y/ as 7ell -ra22ar/ le>ico-raphy a!, tra!slati!- acti4ity. I! his
2ost i2porta!t 7or8 Al-a$anat /al itiadat BO )aith a!, $!o7le,-eC/ he
prese!te, syste2atically the philosophical ou!,atio!s o the <asic te!ets o
=e7ish reli-io!/ a!, <eca2e the irst creator o =e7ish philosophy o reli-io!.
?ut/ co!cer!i!- the 2ystical philosophy/ the 2ost i!teresti!- 7or8 o Saa,ia
<e! =oseph is Ta!sir :ita" al-)a"ad, or co22e!tary o the <oo8 Se!er
YetCirah. This <oo8/ 7hich 7ill <eco2e o!e o the esse!tial sources o
2e,ie4al =e7ish 2ystical philosophy actually ori-i!ate, yet i! the late
a!tiGuity. The author is u!8!o7!/ o!ly it is suppose, that it coul, <e so2e
=e7ish Neo.Pytha-orea!/ 7ho li4e, appro>i2ately <et7ee! 1
a!, :
ce!tury. The Boo o! *reation ,epicts sy2<olically the <e-i!!i!- o the
cos2os/ <y usi!- ## letters a!, 1" so.calle, sephirots. I! this 2ystical <oo8
2a! is represe!te, as 2icrocos2os that acco22o,ates to 2acrocos2os.
This <oo8 prese!ts a theoretical -ui,e or u!,ersta!,i!- o the structure o
creatio!/ <ut ro2 it/ it is o<4ious also the co!!ectio! o the li!-uistic
theory/ a!, o 2a-ical <elie i! the po7er o letters a!, 7or,s.
I! his co22e!tary o! the Boo o! *reation Saa,ia <e! =oseph e!,ea4ore, to
thro7 li-ht upo! the co!te!t o this 2ystical 7or8/ throu-h the philosophy
a!, other 8!o7le,-e/ especially <y the syste2 o &e<re7 pho!olo-y/ that he
i!4e!te,. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Pytha-orea!s/ 7ho co!si,er that the irst
create, thi!-s 7ere !u2<ers/ Saa,ia attri<utes to the source o the Go,Ms
creatio!/ i! a,,itio! to 1" !u2<ers/ as 7ell ## letters. All that is create, has
its !a2e/ or e>a2ple/ !a2es o a!-els correspo!, to e4e!ts that happe! i!
co!!ectio! 7ith their tas8. The !a2es o cos2ic <o,ies 4ary/ i! relatio! to
their ,iere!t characteristics. Saa,ia e>plai!s that there e>ist te! cate-ories
i! 7hich ca! <e or,ere, all the create, thi!-s. I! later =e7ish literature/ the
i!terpretatio! o Seer (etEirah 7ill <e 7or8e, out urther a!, also
supple2e!te,/ especially i! &asi,ic 2o4e2e!t i! the 13
#.1.#. Mystical Poet Solo2o! i<! Ga<irol
Solo2o! i<! Ga<irol/ <etter 8!o7! u!,er his lati!iEe, !a2e A4ice<ro!/ 7as
a =e7ish poet a!, philosopher. &e 7as <or! i! Mala-a/ Spai! i! 1"#1. &e
7as o!e o the irst teachers o Neo.Plato!is2 i! the 2e,ie4al Europe. &is
7or8/ tra!slate, i! Lati! as S)o!s 4itaeM 7as o!e o the 2ai! sources o Neo.
Plato!is2/ a!, it i!lue!ce, also the Europea! scholasticis2.
I<! Ga<irol alrea,y as a chil, re2ai!e, 7ithout ather/ a!, he 2o4e, 7ith
his 2other to Zara-oEa. There he acGuire, e>celle!t cos2opolita! e,ucatio!.
&e 2a,e hi2sel 2aster i! Ara<ic a!, <i<lical &e<re7J at the sa2e ti2e he
assi2ilate, Isla2ic Neo.Plato!is2 a!, AristotleMs philosophy. )ro2 a! early
a-e he stri4e, to Aoi! the ratio!al 7ay o thi!8i!- 7ith se!satio! or sacral. It
see2s that alrea,y i! his youth he ha, a eeli!- that he ha, -ro7! ol, too
early/ so he co2plai!e, i! his 1:
year that he has alrea,y a heart o a! 3"
year ol, 2a!. I! spite o his ra-ile <o,y a!, health/ he steere, the 7hole
e!er-y that he ha, to7ar, philosophy a!, reli-io!. So/ <y the a-e o 1: he
alrea,y 7rote such hi-h Guality poetry/ that she sta!,s o! the 4ery top o
&e<re7 2e,ie4al literature. &is poe2s coul, <e co2pare, 7ith ut2ost
reaches o Sui poetry. O7i!- to his <rillia!t 2i!, a!, creati4e i2a-i!atio!/
he coul, al7ays i!, patro!s/ 7ho 8!e7 to appreciate his tale!t a!, 7ho
supporte, hi2.
A perio, o 2isortu!e i! his lie <e-a! i! 1"19/ ater his patro! =e8uthiel
ha, co2e i!to co!lict 7ith authorities i! Zara-oEa/ so he has alle! as a
4icti2 o courtMs i!tri-ues. At the sa2e ti2e i<! Ga<irol alo!e ha, alle! i!to
,is-race <y to7!Ms authorities/ so soo! he 2o4e,/ irst to Gra!a,a a!,
ater7ar,s to Dale!cia. I! 1"06 his 2other ,ie, a!, he ha, e>perie!ce, a
8i!, o a tur!i!- poi!t i! his lie/ as ro2 that ti2e he ,e4ote, hi2sel
al2ost co2pletely to philosophy. @hat i<! Ga<irol co!sta!tly e2phasiEe,
7as aspiratio! to7ar, -ai!i!- o spiritual 8!o7le,-e/ as a preparatio! or
u!io! 7ith Source o Lie/ ro2 7hich soul e2a!ate,.
A2o!- i<! Ga<irolMs philosophical achie4e2e!ts/ three 7or8s are especially
si!-le, out. )irst o the2/ a lo!- philosophical poe2 :ether )aluth Btitle
relate, to the hi-hest a!, lo7est sephirot o $a<<alistic Tree o LieC ,epicts
the structure o the u!i4erse a!, the attri<utes o the ,i4i!ity/ sho7i!- that
those attri<utes i! act represe!t 2ore the relectio! o li2ite, hu2a! 2i!,/
tha! the real !ature o the +!8!o7a<le. @hile this 7or8 has <ee! 7ritte! i!
<i<lical &e<re7/ ethical treatise :ita" islah al-ahlag BThe I2pro4e2e!t o
the Moral *ualitiesC is 7ritte! i! Ara<ic a!, it represe!ts the irst =e7ish
syste2atiEatio! o ethics. I<! Ga<irolMs ethical thou-ht as its ou!,atio! has
ethical i2perati4e/ 7hich he co!si,ers a,apte, to the !ature o soul/ a!,
accor,i!-ly he -i4es su--estio!s or Spolishi!-M the Gualities o soul/ 7hich
ta8e out soul o!to the path o li<erati!- 8!o7le,-e.
I<! Ga<irolMs 2ystical philosophy reaches its cul2i!atio! i! the 7or8 Yan"u
al-ha(ah BThe Source o LieC/ tra!slate, i! 1#
ce!tury as S)o!s 4itaeM/ a!,
pu<lishe, <y his Lati! !a2e A4ice<ro!. Si!ce i! this 7or8 he ,i, !ot use
reere!ces ro2 Bi"le, Tal$ud a!, other &e<re7 sacral literature/ he has
<ee! co!si,ere, as Musli2/ or e4e! as a 'hristia!. Li8e Ploti!us/ Ga<irolMs
2ystical philosophy is roote, i! the i!!er se!se/ that is/ tra!sce!,e!tal
e>perie!ce o the ,i4i!e. This supre2e ,i4i!ity/ )irst ?ei!- a!, A<solute/ is
outsi,e o a!y possi<ility o characteriEi!- or u!,ersta!,i!-. It is i! act
e>presse, i! us o!ly i! acti!- o ,i4i!e 7ill. E4erythi!- that e>ists outsi,e
the A<solute ca! <e either spiritual or 2aterial. The irst hypostasis 7hich
e2a!ates is the +!i4ersal I!tellect a!, seco!, is +!i4ersal Soul. She is the!
2a!ieste, so i! 2acrocos2 Bthe e!tire u!i4erseC as i! 2icrocos2 B2a!C/ i!
,iere!t or2s. +!i4ersal Matter represe!ts a su<stratu2 o the 7hole
corporeality/ 7hile +!i4ersal or2 co!tai!s i! itsel all the e>isti!- or2s.
+!i4ersal )or2 a!, Matter represe!t/ accor,i!- to i<! Ga<irolMs teachi!-/ a
la,,er up 7hich 2a! asce!,s i! the search or e4er hi-her 8!o7le,-e a<out
the %i4i!e @ill. )or that reaso!/ the 8!o7le,-e a<out the @ill/ )or2 a!,
Matter is so2ethi!- 2ost su<li2e that 2a! ca! achie4e. It is i! act a
8!o7le,-e that creates 7is,o2J it pre4e!ts the spiritual ,eath o 2a!/ at the
sa2e ti2e <ri!-i!- hi2 to the u!io! 7ith 4ery source o lie. This
2etaphysical 7is,o2 4irtually represe!ts also the 4ery purpose o creatio! o
the hu2a! 8i!,J it is the u!io! o the hu2a! soul 7ith the hi-her 7orl,/
thereore a retur! to ,i4i!e Source.
This <oo8 is i2porta!t or 2e,ie4al Plato!is2/ <ut to this i2porta!ce it ca!
<e a,,e, its si-!iica!ce or astrolo-y/ u!,erstoo, i! a hi-her se!se/ i.e. as
the scie!ce 7ith co!4i!ci!- philosophical a!, 2etaphysical ou!,atio!s.
9ons %itae oers 2etaphysical Austiicatio! o the astrolo-y/ <y prese!ti!- the
hea4e!ly spheres as e2a!atio!s o spiritual S7heelsM o i!telli-i<le su<sta!ce
that e>ists a<o4e the2. Thereore/ physical 7orl, is u!,er the i!lue!ce o
i!telli-i<le 2o4e2e!ts that are tra!s2itte, throu-h the soul i!to the
su<lu!ary 7orl,/ causi!- cha!-es i! hi2. &o7e4er/ soul is !ot the source/
<ut Aust a le4el i! tra!s2issio! o astrolo-ical po7ers/ ro2 the 'reator
throu-h i!ter2e,iary e!tities to the su<sta!ce. 9ons %itae, sa2e as #icatrix,
7ill ha4e a -reat i2pact o! later 2ystical philosophers o the Re!aissa!ce.
#.1.1. Moses ,e Leo! a!, Zohar
)ro2 the Spai! co2es also the !e>t -reat 2ystical philosopher/ Moses ,e
Leo!. &e 7as <or! <y the 2i,,le o the 11
ce!tury/ i! to7! accor,i!- to
7hich he -otte! his !a2e a!, 7hich is at the sa2e ti2e the capital o the
pro4i!ce o the sa2e !a2e BLeo!C i! the !orth o Spai!. Althou-h it is !ot
8!o7! a!ythi!- a<out MosesM pare!ts a!, ori-i!/ o! the <asis o so2e
,etails ro2 his lie o!e coul, assu2e that ,oes !ot spri!- ro2 a 7ealthy
a2ily. Spai! o the 11
ce!tury 7as u!,er the co!si,era<le i!lue!ce o the
Isla2ic philosophy a!, 2ysticis2/ e4e! 'hristia! parts i! the !orth/ li8e
Leo!. Philosophers li8e al.)ara<i or A4ice!!a 2a,e a! i2pact !ot o!ly o!
'hristia!/ <ut also o! =u,aic thou-ht. Moses ,e Leo! 7as i! his youthul
,ays 2ore u!,er the i!lue!ce o ratio!alists li8e Mai2o!i,es a!, later/ Aust
li8e al.Ara<i/ he stri4e, to7ar,s the ,irect 2ystical i!si-ht.
O7i!- to the lac8 o historical acts/ o!e ca! o!ly sur2ise a<out the e>act
iti!erary o the MosesM spiritual ,e4elop2e!t. &o7e4er/ it coul, <e assu2e,
that he ca2e i!to co!tact 7ith so2e o the pro2i!e!t G!ostics a!,
$a<<alists o those ti2es/ 2ost pro<a<ly the! alrea,y i! the seco!, hal o
his lie. It see2s that throu-h the 2e,iu2 o so2e o the pro2i!e!t
$a<<alists/ he ca2e i!to possessio! o the collectio! Zohar B?oo8 o
Sple!,orC/ 2ystical co22e!tary o Tora, the 7or8 co!si,ere, to <e the 2ost
i2porta!t or the =e7ish 2ysticis2.
Zohar ,oes !ot co!sist o o!e <oo8 o!ly/ <ut o a -roup o <oo8s. These
<oo8s i!clu,e the i!terpretatio! o Pe!tateuch/ as 7ell as the 2aterial i!
co!!ectio! 7ith theosophical theolo-y/ 2ythical cos2o-o!y/ 2ystical
psycholo-y a!, so2e 8i!, o scie!ce that prece,e, to,ay a!thropolo-y.
Moses ,e Leo! e,ite, a!, supple2e!te, the 7or8/ ascri<i!- it to a Ra<<i
ro2 the #
ce!tury/ Si2o! <e! (ohai. Accor,i!- to the le-e!,/ ,uri!- the
Ro2a! persecutio! he spe!t 11 years i! a ca4e stu,yi!- Tora, a!, ,uri!-
that ti2e/ i!spire, <y Go, 7rote Zohar.
The 2ysterious co!!ectio! <et7ee! Zohar a!, Moses ,e Leo! cause,
co!tro4ersies short ti2e ater i ha, <e-u! to circulate a2o!- the
$a<<alists. So2e o the2 thou-ht that Moses ha, Aust e,ite, ol, 2aterials/
part o 7hich really ha, <ee! 7ritte! <y Si2o! <e! (ohai/ 7hile others
co!si,ere, Moses as creator o this 7or8. ?ut/ all o the2 a-ree, a<out the
act/ that it is a! i2porta!t G!ostic 7or8/ so this collectio! <eca2e i!alli<le
reli-ious rea,i!- 2atter i! =e7ish co22u!ities/ ha4i!- <arely lesser
i2porta!ce tha! Tora a!, Tal$ud. I! the course o ti2e/ 7or8 has <ee!
su<Aecte, as 7ell to ratio!alistic critiGue/ so it 7as esta<lishe, or a certai!ty
that Si2o! <e! (ohai is !ot the true author o the 7or8. )or e>a2ple/ it 7as
!otice, that Zohar co!tai!s the !a2es o ra<<is 7ho li4e, ater Si2o!J it
also ,escri<es so2e rituals that 7ere esta<lishe, i! later perio,/ it 2e!tio!s
the <attles 7ith Musli2s 7hich occurre, ce!turies later a!, else.
?y the 2i,,le o #"
ce!tury =e7ish historia! o reli-io!s Gerscho2
Schole2 asserts that Moses ,e Leo! is the 2ost pro<a<le author o the
collectio! Zohar. &e co!si,ers that Moses 7rote the 2ai! part o Zohar i!
Ara2aic la!-ua-e/ i! the or2 o 2iscella!eous collectio! o co!4ersatio!s
a!, lectures o Si2o! <e! (ohai a!, his ,isciples. Schole2 says that to
$a<alists Zohar <eca2e a 8i!, o Bi"le, e!Aoyi!- or ce!turies a!
u!Guestio!a<le positio! as a holy a!, authoritati4e te>t.
I! Zohar Moses ,e Leo! i,e!tiies Tora 7ith Tree o Lie. As the tree co!sists
o 2a!y parts/ 7hich to-ether are calle, StreeM/ so Tora co!tai!s 2a!y i!!er
a!, outer parts that 2a8e u!iGue Tora. Si2ilarly as i! Ta!tris2 or
G!osticis2 or e>a2ple/ so i! $a<<ala there e>ists a story a<out successi4e
e2a!atio!s/ 7hich lo7 out ro2 the %i4i!ity. $a<<alistic ,octri!e i! a 7ay
spea8s a<out the !ature o Go,/ a<out sephirots or spheres o his ,i4i!e
e2a!atio!s that or2 successi4e ro7s o i!4isi<le spheres a!, 4isi<le 7orl,/
ro2 -o,s a!, a!-els up to 2e! a!, 2i!erals. This e2a!ati4e sche2e is
characteristic or all the =e7ish Neo.Plato!is2.
The Tree o Lie represe!ts sy2<olically the 2o,el o the u!i4erse/ 7ith all
the possi<le relatio!s o! ,iere!t le4els o 2acro a!, 2icrocos2. It is i! act
the 4ery esse!ce o the philosophy o $a<<ala a!, it is actually a
represe!tatio! o the structure o u!i4erse i! a sy2<olical or2. Thereore/
o! the top is E! So BI!i!iteC/ u!8!o7a<le a!, tra!sce!,e!tal ,eity. Its irst
2a!iestatio! is $eter B'ro7!C a!, it is ,epicte, as S!othi!-M ro2 7hich all
others sephirots e2a!ate/ <ut also as %i4i!e 7ill/ ori-i!al i!cite2e!t o the
e!tire creatio!. &o82ah B@is,o2C is the irst co-!iEa<le 2a!iestatio! o E!
So a!, it relates to the Go,Ms 7is,o2/ the i,eal thou-ht o creatio!/ 7hich
spri!-s ro2 the pri2or,ial ori-i!al 7ill. ?i!ah BI!telli-e!ceC represe!ts a!
e>pa!sio! o &o82ah a!, it ca! <e calle, SThe uterus o cos2osMJ it co!tai!s
all the phe!o2e!a i! the late!t o e2<ryo!ic or2. The !e>t se4e! sephirots
represe!t se4e! u!,a2e!tal archetypes/ 7hich are i! the <ac8-rou!,/
o4erseei!- the 'reatio!. Accor,i!- to Zohar, ro2 ?i!ah lo7 out se4e!
ri4ers/ represe!te, sy2<olically <y se4e! re2ai!i!- sephirots. They are
se4e! pri2or,ial cos2ic archetypes/ relate, to se4e! ,ays o creatio!.
#.1.0. ;%i4i!e Ra<<i; Isaac Luria
The -reatest $a<<alist o Re!aissa!ce 7as <or! i! 1610 i! =erusale2. &is
atherMs a2ily 7as o Ash8e!aEi =e7s ori-i!/ e2i-ra!ts ro2 Ger2a!y a!,
his 2otherMs a2ily 7ere Sephar,s/ pro<a<ly <a!ishe, ro2 Spai! i! 109#
7he! there occurre, hu-e e>ile o =e7s. As the se4e! years ol, <oy/ he 7e!t
7ith his 2other to E-ypt/ ater atherMs ,eath. I! E-ypt he stu,ie, u!,er the
tutela-e o his teachers I<! A<i Zi2ra a!, ?eEael Ash8e!aEi a!, -ai!e, a
soli, e,ucatio! i! =e7ish La7 a!, Ra<<i!ic literature.
Si,e <y si,e 7ith his -ai!i!- reputatio! o the ortho,o> 2e2<er o the
=e7ish co22u!ity/ he stu,ie, the 2ysteries o $a<<ala. ?eore he 2o4e, to
Sae, i! Galilee/ he ha, 7ritte! a short treatise o! the Boo o! *onceal$ent,
<ase, upo! the sectio! ro2 Zohar= !othi!- i! that 7or8 i!,icate, o his
uture re4olutio!ary i!si-hts.
I! 167" Luria 2o4e, 7ith his a2ily to Sae, 7here he ha, a reputatio! as a
teacher o $a<<ala/ <ut also <ecause o 2e,itatio! practices. There he
perecte, his 8!o7le,-e <y the re!o7!e, $a<<alist Moses 'or,o4ero/ <ut
Aust a short 7hile 'or,o4ero ,ie, o!ly a e7 2o!ths later/ <y the e!, o
that year B167"C. Althou-h <ei!- Aust arri4e, to Sae,/ Isaac Luria
i22e,iately i2pose, hi2sel as 'or,o4eroMs successor. Ma!y earlier
'or,o4eroMs ,isciples !o7 starte, to -ather i! the esoteric circle o Isaac
Luria. A!, 7hile his reputatio! or the 8!o7le,-e o hala -re7 so i!
Europe/ as i! E-ypt/ his $a<<alistic teachi!- re2ai!e, hi,,e! ro2 a 7i,e
pu<lic. Luria a!, his -roup ha4e <uilt special li4i!- Guarters or the2 a!,
their a2ilies or the co22o! 7or8 a!, perso!al 2e,itatio!/ super4ise, <y
Luria. ?eore Isaac Luria ,ie, i! 167# Bless tha! three years ater his arri4al
to Sae,C/ he ha, alrea,y i2pri!te, a! i!,eli<le 2ar8 o his ,i4i!e
i!spiratio! a!, that is 7hy he ha, -otte! a !a2e S%i4i!e Ra<<iM.
Luria/ Aust li8e other true scholars o the eter!al 7is,o2/ ,i, !ot see8 or
cha!-es or supple2e!ts o $a<<ala. &e co!ti!ue, the tra,itio! o Zohar,
7hich ser4e, hi2 as a -ui,e or ,epth.2e,itatio!/ 7hile his i!si-hts a!,
ratio!al u!,ersta!,i!- 7ere ir2ly esta<lishe, o! lie/ <ase, upo! ethical
pri!ciples. As e4ery true scholar/ so Luria <rou-ht as 7ell a !e7 perspecti4e
to holy the2es he stu,ie,.
A!, althou-h Aristotelia! thou-ht o creatio! ro2 !othi!- BScreatio e>
!ihiloMC 7as alrea,y i!lue!tial <y =e7ish 2ystical philosopher/ or Luria the
chie Guestio! 7asL 7he!ce pri2or,ial 2atterF Luria tau-ht that 2a!ieste,
e>iste!ce ha4e its irst <e-i!!i!- i! Ci$Cu$, i! co!tractio!/ 7hich 7oul,
2ea! i! a 7ay e!tra!ce o Go, i!to hi2. I! co2pariso! 7ith Eter!ity/ the
place o 7ith,ra7al is Aust a poi!t/ it is calle, tehiru, a!, it ,e!otes the
pri2or,ial u!i4erse. This 7ith,ra7al o Go,/ ho7e4er/ lea4es the i2pri!t
a!, it 7ill <eco2e the recepti4e su<stratu2 or the creati4e po7er o
e2a!atio!/ 7hich ollo7s ater the co!tractio!.
Ai!.Soph Bi! LuriaMs $a<<ala e>pressio! or that/ 7hat is i!i!ite a!,
li2itlessC o! o!e e!, a!, the ut2ost co!tractio! Ci$Cu$ o! the other ha4e
as the 2e,iu2 the Sephirot/ Tree o Lie a!, it 2a8es A,a2 $a,2o!/ the
pri2or,ial 2a!. )ro2 the hea, o A,a2 $a,2o! li-hts ra,iate their
co2ple> patter!s/ the a!cie!t la!-ua-e o the pri2or,ial Tora/ 7hich
represe!ts <y itsel a sphere o spiritual archetypes. Dery i2porta!t co!cept
i! $a<<ala is o tiun, re!e7al o or,er/ 7hich prese!ts at the sa2e ti2e its
re,e2ptio!. )i4e or2s o tiun create a-ai! A,a2 $a,2o!/ as a partially
re!e7e, cos2os/ 7hich o!ly 2a!8i!, ca! lea, to its ulill2e!t.
Luria! G!osis is co!ce!trate, 2ai!ly o! the i!terrelatio! <et7ee! all the
i4e or2s BAri8h/ A<<a/ I22a/ Zeira!pi!/ She8hi!ahC/ o! their i!lue!ce a!,
relectio! i! e4erythi!- that happe!s i! the lo7er 7orl,/ <ehi!, the sphere
She8hi!ah/ the last le4el o the 7orl, o e2a!atio!. Mysticis2 o Luria!
$a<<ala relects 2ostly i! the custo2 o <e4aili!- o She8hi!ah. She8hi!ah
represe!ts a e2ale ele2e!t i! Go,/ a!, <y $a<<alists it is i,e!tiie, 7ith
ecclesia. Accor,i!-ly/ ritual sy2<olically represe!ts the 2ystical 7e,,i!- o
Go, a!, Israel. Ritual co!sists o t7o parts/ Sritual or RachelM a!, Sritual or
LeahM. Rachel a!, Leah Bt7o 7i4es o =aco</ A<raha2Ms -ra!,so!J Ge!esis
#9/0.16C represe!t t7o aspects o She8hi!ahJ o!e represe!t her e>ile ro2
Go, a!, <e4aili!- a!, the other her reu!io! 7ith Lor,.
I! spite o LuriaMs reusal o e>posi!- his teachi!- i! 7ritte! or2/ he <eca2e
8!o7! i! all the ce!ters o 2ystical teachi!-L i! E-ypt/ Italy a!, the ce!tral
Europe. LuriaMs thou-ht -a4e !ot o!ly a !e7 spiritual i2petus to the popular
=e7ish reli-io!/ <ut also ,eeply i!lue!ce, Re!aissa!ce thi!8ers.
#.0. &IN%+ISM
#.0.1. Sha!8ara =esus o &i!,uis2F
The 3
ce!tury <rou-ht to I!,ia o!e o the -reatest 2ystical philosophers i!
a history o &i!,u thou-ht/ Sha!8ara. Althou-h there ,o e>ist 4arious ,ata
a<out his <irth/ 2ostly is state, year 733. Sha!8ara 7as <or! i! a 4illa-e
$ala,i i! souther! I!,ia! pro4i!ce $erala. &is ather ha, ,ie, 7he! he 7as
at a! early a-e/ so he 7as <rou-ht up <y his 2other. &e 7as a 8i!, o
pro,i-y/ <ecause alrea,y i! his chil,hoo, he lear!e, the our De,as. At a!
early a-e he also let his !ati4e 4illa-e/ to <eco2e a 7a!,eri!- 2o!8
sa!yasi!. Sha!8ara too8 his 7ay to the <a!8s o the ri4er Nar2a,a/ 7here
he ca2e upo! a -roup o 2o!8s/ 7ho ha, stoo, arou!, a! ol, 2a!/
a<sor<e, i! 2e,itatio!. It 7as spiritual teacher/ Go4i!,a ?ha-a4atpa,a.
Sha!8ara e>presse, his 4e!eratio! to7ar, the teacher 7ith a <o7/ a!, ro2
that 2o2e!t o! he <e-a! 7ith his stu,y o the ou!,atio!s o A,4aita
teachi!-/ 7rote se4eral hy2!sto Shi4a/ so2e philosophical treatises a!,
co22e!tary to Brhadaran(aa ?panishad.
Later Sha!8ara tra4ele, alo!- I!,ia e>te!si4ely/ teachi!- a!, 7riti!-. So/ he
7rote/ alo!- 7ith co22e!taries o other +pa!isha,s/ also a co22e!tary o
Brah$a-Sutra a!, Bhaga%ad-;ita. &e e!-a-e, hi2sel i! !u2erous ,e<ates
7ith ?u,,hist scholars/ as 7ell as 7ith a,here!ts o Mi2ha!sa School a!,
all that co!tri<ute, to his spiritual asce!t. I! a short perio, o ti2e
Sha!8ara <eca2e the lea,i!- authority i! De,a!ta philosophy/ a!, he
starte, to tra4el all alo!- I!,ia/ -ai!i!- 2ore a!, 2ore ,isciples. I! place
calle, Praya-/ he 2et Mi2ha!sa philosopher $u2arila/ 7ho ha, ,e,icate,
all his lie to the i-ht a-ai!st ShereticalM teachi!-s o =ai!is2 a!, ?u,,his2.
This philosopher/ 7ho ha, co!tri<ute, a lot to ,ecrease the popularity o
?u,,his2 i! I!,ia/ later co22itte, suici,e. Sha!8ara/ ,eeati!- re!o7!e,
Mi2ha!sa philosophers i! his ,e<ates/ at the sa2e ti2e 7o! the2 o4er/ to
<eco2e his ,isciples. &e tra4ele, urther alo!- the cou!try/ ou!,i!-
2o!asteries B2athsC/ <y o!e i! the !orth/ east/ 7est a!, south o I!,ia.
O!e o the <est 8!o7! e4e!ts ro2 Sha!8araMs lie is his e!cou!ter 7ith a
2a! ro2 the caste o u!toucha<les/ i! place calle, $ashi. Na2ely/ ,uri!-
his 4isit to a local te2ple/ this 2a! 7ith a ,o- <loc8e, his 7ay. At
Sha!8araMs reGuest to 2o4e asi,e/ the 2a! as8e, hi2L O%o you 7a!t 2e to
2o4e 2y soul/ at2a! a!, e4er lasti!-/ or this <o,y 2a,e o clayFP Sha!8ara
reco-!iEe, i! this 2a! Shi4a 7ho too8 o! hu2a! shape/ so he <o7e, <eore
hi2. &e later co2pose, a poe2 i! his ho!or/ )anisha #anchaa$. A!other
story o his lie tells that he stoo, o! the ri4er <a!8/ ,e2a!,i!- o his pupil
to -o a!, etch his clothes that 7ere o! the other <a!8. No<o,y ,are, to ,o
it/ e>cept a pupil !a2e, Sa!a!,a!a/ 7ho <e-a! to 7al8 o! 7ater a!, the!
acco2plishe, teacherMs or,er. This re2i!,s o a sce!e ro2 Gospels BMt 10/
#3.1#C/ 7here 'hristMs ,isciple Peter also 7al8s o! 7ater. The si2ilarity 7ith
=esus/ <esi,e aore2e!tio!e, style o lie o a 7o!,eri!- preacher/ co2pletes
Sha!8araMs 2ysterious ,eath/ at the a-e o 1#. Accor,i!- to o!e 4ersio! he
Ocli2<e, o! the 2ou!tai! $aila-a a!, ,isappeare,P/ that 2ay poi!t at
asce!sio!J thereore/ thereMs a!other si2ilarity 7ith =esus.
The lea,i!- thou-ht o Sha!8araMs De,a!ta philosophy ca! <e ou!, i!
*handog(a ?panishad, Ota t4a2 asiP Bthat is youC. This 2ea!s that a!
i!,i4i,ual soul or sel is i! esse!ce eGual to u!i4ersal sel Bat2a!C that is
a-ai! i,e!tical 7ith A<solute reality B?rah2a!C. This physical 7orl,
represe!ts Aust the phe!o2e!al or2 o ?rah2a!. )or Sha!8ara/ co2plete
u!,ersta!,i!- o ?rah2a! is the supre2e -oo,. Such u!,ersta!,i!-
eli2i!ates i-!ora!ce Ba%id(aC/ root o all e4il a!, -er2 o sa$sara, co!ti!ue,
cos2ic cycle o <eco2i!-/ <ei!- a!, ,issol4i!-. Thus/ 2o!istic teachi!- o
De,a!ta/ represe!te, <y Sha!8ara/ spea8s a<out the a<solute ?rah2a!/ as
real sel o a! i!,i4i,ual/ 7hose i!,i4i,ual soul is o!ly a! illusio!/ 7hich
arises ro2 the i-!ora!ce. It is ,o!e a7ay 7ith 8!o7le,-e a<out o!eMs o7!
sel/ as u!ite, 7ith ?rah2a!. Si!ce there ,o e>ist o!ly o!e ?rah2a!/
7ithout the other/ Sha!8araMs syste2 is calle, a.,4aita B!o!.,ualC De,a!ta.

#.0.#. Mo,erate Mo!ist Ra2a!uAa
'o!te2porary o Psellus a!, i<! Ga<irol i! I!,ia/ &i!,u philosopher
Ra2a!uAa/ 7as <or! i! 1"17 i! place Peru2<a,ur/ !ear Ma,ras. &e 7as
<or! i! a a2ily o ?rah2a!s/ o 7ho2 he recei4e, as a herita-e a -reat
8!o7le,-e i! De,as. =ust li8e his co!te2poraries/ alrea,y i! his early a-e he
e>presse, his 2a-!iice!t tale!t. &is i!telli-e!ce a!, capa<ility o
u!,ersta!,i!- o hi-hly a<stract philosophical co!cepts 7ere 8!o7! ar a!,
7i,e. &is irst teacher 7as (o,a4acharia/ re!o7!e, represe!tati4e o A,4aita
teachi!-/ esta<lishe, <y Sha!8ara. Althou-h his !e7 -uru ha, <ee!
i2presse, 7ith his a!alytic s8ill/ he 7as also 7orrie, <y Ra2a!uAaMs -reat
i!terest i! "hati Blo4e or surre!,er to Go,C. They ha, ote! co!licte, a<out
the certai! Guestio!s a!, teacher se!se, that his 2ost tale!te, pupil pulls
,o7! his authority/ <it <y <it. So/ he <e-a! to thi!8 up/ to i!, out a 7ay
ho7 to -et ri, o hi2. ?ut/ he ,i, !ot succee, to carry throu-h his pla!/
si!ce Ra2a!uAa 7as 7ar!e, <y his cousi!/ !a2e, Go4i!,a ?hatta.
@he! he ha, realiEe, that his 4ery e>iste!ce has <ee! threate!e,/
Ra2a!uAa set out to Srira!-a2/ to 2eet there (a2u!acharya/ re!o7!e,
Dishista,4aita philosopher o that ti2e. @hereas the 4oice a<out Ra2a!uAa
ha, sprea, out/ (a2u!acharya ha, alrea,y hear, a<out the you!-
philosopher/ 2oreo4er/ he assi-!e, to hi2 the role o his successor. ?ut/
u!til Ra2a!uAa arri4e, to Srira!-a2/ (a2u!acharia ha, alrea,y ,ie,/ as he
7as the! at a! el,erly a-e. &o7e4er/ <eore his ,eath he let ,irectio!s/
7hich i!clu,e, three teacherMs 7ishes. The irst 7as that he shoul, teach
the ,octri!e o surre!,er to Go, BprapatiC as the path to7ar, the li<eratio!.
Seco!, 7as a 7ish to 7rite the 7or8 Aishistad%aita Bhash(a, a co22e!tary
to Brah$asutra, 7hich has <ee! tra!s2itte, u!til the! o!ly <y oral
tra,itio!. Thir, 7ish 7as relate, to cele<ratio! a!, eter!iEi!- o !a2es o
Parasara a!, Sa,a-opa/ t7o &i!,u sai!ts. All the three tas8s 7ere
acco2plishe, successully <y Ra2a!uAa/ so he ulille, the last 7ish o the
Ra2a!uAa ha, settle, i! Srira!-a2/ a!, co!ti!ue, to preach Dishista,4aita
philosophy/ as 7ell as to 7rite <oo8s. &is philosophy is calle,
SDishista,4aitaM/ <ecause it Aoi!s ad%aita Bo!e!ess o Go,C 7ith %ishesa
Battri<utesC. I! this philosophy/ si2ilar as i! Sha!8araMs syste2/ ?rah2a! is
the o!ly thi!- 7hich e>istsJ all other is Aust the 2a!iestatio! o ?rah2a!.
&o7e4er/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Sha!8ara/ 7ho co!si,ere, that 7hat 7e
percei4e is appare!t a!, te2porary a!, a result o illusio!/ Ra2a!uAa
ascri<e, that to Go,Ms attri<utes/ 7hich ca!!ot e>ist alo!e or the2sel4es.
This Go,Ms attri<utes he calle, praaras B2o,esC/ sesha BaccessoriesC a!,
ni(a$a Bco!trolle, aspectsC. I! Ra2a!uAaMs syste2 o philosophy/ 7hich 7e
ca! ,escri<e as 2o,erate 2o!is2/ Go, has t7o i!separa<le 2o,es
Bpra8arasCJ they are 7orl, a!, souls. They relate to hi2 as the <o,y to the
soul a!, they ,o !ot e>ist separately ro2 hi2. Ra2a!uAaMs 2ost i2porta!t
7or8s i!clu,es/ <esi,e aore2e!tio!e, co22e!tary o Brah$asutra, also
Aedantasangraha BSu22ary o the Mea!i!- o De,asC a!, co22e!tary o
Bhaga%ad ;ita.
#.0.1. Ma,h4a;s %ualis2
I!,ia! philosopher Ma,h4a is the 2ai! represe!tati4e o %4aita B,ualisticC
school o &i!,u philosophy. A<out the year o <irth o Ma,h4a there are
so2e co!tro4ersies. Ol,er sources cite the year 1197 a!, so2e !e7er the
year 1#13. The philosopher spri!-s ro2 the south o I!,ia/ li8e Sha!8ara
a!, Ra2a!uAa. &e 7as <or! i! the south7est pro4i!ce $ar!ata8a/ i! the
4ici!ity o to,ay to7! +,upi. Accor,i!- to NaraAa!a ?hatta BMa,h4aMs
<io-rapher a!, so! o o!e o his ,isciplesC you!- Ma,h4a e>presse, a 7ish
to <eco2e a 2o!8.ascetic alrea,y as ei-ht year ol, <oy. &is pare!ts
!aturally ha, ,isa-ree, 7ith that/ <ut 7he! <oy has -ro7! up a little <it
a!, 7as appro>i2ately 1: years ol,/ he actually realiEe, his i!te!tio! a!,
<eca2e sa!yasi!.
As a chil,/ Ma,h4a ote! ra! ro2 ho2e/ <ut he 7oul, ha4e al7ays <ee!
ou!, i! co!4ersatio!s 7ith priests/ i! so2e o the !ear<y te2ples. This
re2i!,s 4ery 2uch o =esus as a chil,/ a!, o e4e!t ,escri<e, i! ne/
Testa$ent BLu8e #/01.6#C. Ater -ai!i!- a <asic e,ucatio! at !ati4e +,upi/
Ma,h4a set out or southeast pro4i!ce Ta2il Na,u/ to supple2e!t his
e,ucatio!. There he 2et 7ith A,4aita scholars a!, le, co!4ersatio!s 7ith
the2. The! ,o2i!ate, i! &i!,u e,ucatio! Sha!8araMs 2o!istic A,4aita
teachi!-/ 7ith 7hich you!- 2a,h4a 7as !ot Guite i! accor,. Alrea,y i! the
course o his e,ucatio! such attitu,e cause, hi2 acri2o!ious ,iscussio!s
7ith teachers/ 7hat 7oul, co!ti!ue as 7ell i! his 2ature a-e. %uri!- his lie
Ma,h4a e!tere, ,iscussio!s !ot o!ly 7ith represe!tati4es o A,4aita
teachi!-/ <ut also 7ith =ai!ists/ ?u,,hists a!, ollo7ers o Nyaya teachi!-
This Aour!ey has <ee! i2porta!t or Ma,h4a/ <ecause it e!a<le, his 2eeti!-
7ith ollo7ers o Ra2a!uAa/ 7ho 7ere also critically ,ispose, to7ar,
Sha!8araMs A,4aita De,a!ta. O! the other ha!,/ it -a4e hi2 i!cite2e!t to
ou!, his o7! school o De,ic thou-ht. Ma,h4a soo! retur!e, to +,upi / <ut
his heart lo!-e, a-ai! or Aour!eys. This ti2e he ,eci,e, to -o !orth a!, to
2a8e a pil-ri2a-e to the holy De,ic place Dyasa/ i! the !orther! part o
&i2alayas. It is !ot 8!o7! 2uch a<out ho7 7e!t o! this Ma,h4aMs Aour!ey
o # thousa!, 8ilo2eters. It is Aust reporte, that ater he ha, reache, place
calle, ?a,ari/ he 2ysteriously ,isappeare, o!e !i-ht. @he! he i!ally
reappeare,/ he ra,iate, 7ith sple!,or a!, Aoy/ ater he ha, recei4e, the
<lessi!- o the Dyasa.sai!t.
O! his retur! to +,upa/ he i22e,iately <e-a! 7ith 7riti!- o his
co22e!tary to Brah$a-sutras. @ith appeara!ce o this i2porta!t
co22e!tary Ma,h4a ha, i!ally so2ethi!- positi4e a!, co!structi4e/ or his
,e<ates 7ith oppo!e!ts. &e soo! <e-a! 7ith 2issio!ary 7or8. As i! his
youth he ha, <ee! e!-a-e, 7ith sport/ his physical it!ess 7as o! a hi-h
le4el a!, it o course helpe, hi2 o! his !u2erous Aour!eys a!, preachi!-.
I! his teachi!-s he 7as so co!4i!ci!-/ that he soo! co!4erte, !ot o!ly his
or2er teachers/ <ut also 2a!y other lear!e, 2e!/ to his !e7 %4aita school
o De,ic thou-ht. Soo! he raise, his o7! te2ple i! !ati4e +,upa/ ,e,icate,
to $rish!a. This te2ple is still !o7a,ays o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t
$rish!aMs te2ples i! I!,ia. Ma,h4aMs 2a-!etic perso!ality attracte, 2a!y
ollo7ers <y its clear!ess o thou-ht a!, <roa,!ess o e,ucatio!J it also
pro4o8e, reactio!s o! the si,e o his oppo!e!ts/ 7ho ,isa-ree, 7ith his
reli-ious a!, social reor2s.
I! the course o his lie Ma,h4a 7rote 2a!y i2porta!t co22e!taries. ?esi,e
those o! Brah$a-sutras, there are as 7ell co22e!taries o! ?panishads,
Bhaga%ad-gita, )aha"harata a!, Bhaga%ad-puranas. All i! all/ he 7rote 17
7or8s. Ma,h4a ,e4elope, his o7! theolo-y/ <ase, upo! the i!terpretatio! o
?panishads/ i!al parts o Aedas. &e e2phasiEe, pluralistic 4ie7 o
separate, 7orl,s o hu2a! soul a!, -o, Dish!u. Si2ilar to 'hristia!s a!,
Musli2s/ he sta!,s or the teachi!- a<out i!car!atio!/ a!, e>iste!ce o the
eter!al pu!ish2e!t i! hell/ 7hich 2a8es hi2 a si!-le phe!o2e!o! i! the
e!tire &i!,u thou-ht.
I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Sha!8ara/ Ma,h4a co!si,ers the 7orl, to <e real he is
create,/ sustai!e,/ rule, a!, a-ai! ,estroye, <y -o, Dish!u. Ma,h4a set as
his -oal the arri4al i!to Go,Ms pro>i2ity/ a!, !ot yet <eco2i!- o!e 7ith hi2.
OI 7a!t to see a!, cele<rate Go, a!, !ot to <eco2e Go, 2ysel.P I! his
relatio! to7ar, Sha!8araMs 2o!is2/ 7e ca! percei4e the parallel 7ith al.
GhaEali a!, his opposi!- to the i,e!tiicatio! 7ith the A<solute.
Ma,h4a also 7rote/ li8e his Europea! co!te2poraries/ treatises o! alche2y.
&is Sar%a darshana sa$grahe, 7hich is ,e,icate, to the scie!ce a<out
2ercury Brasas%ara darshanaC spea8s a<out hoe this 2etal -i4es stre!-th
a!, prolo!- the lie <esi,e that/ it is as 7ell the 2ea! o li<eratio!. Rasa
B2ercuryC accor,i!- to Ma,h4a represe!ts the Gui!tesse!ce o -o, Shi4a. I!
si2ilar 7ay/ Europea! alche2ists i,e!tiie, 2ercury 7ith the process o
tra!s2utatio! o the 2atter a!, spirit ro2 the i!erior a!, tra!sie!t/
to7ar, the superior a!, sta<le/ that is/ ro2 the co22o! hu2a!/ to7ar,
,i4i!e. &o7e4er/ alche2ists ,o !ot stri4e to <eco2e o!e 7ith Go,/ <ut
to7ar, the esta<lish2e!t o a pure relatio! 7ith Go,.
#.0.0. 'aita!ya/ the )ou!,er o $rish!a ?ha8ti Mo4e2e!t
I! 103:/ i! Mayapur/ !orther! I!,ia 7as <or! a!other -reat 2ystic/ !a2e,
'aita!ya. &e is the ou!,er o &are $rish!a 2o4e2e!t. &e ste2s ro2 a
poor a2ily o ?rah2i!. &o7e4er/ ather a!, 2other e!a<le, hi2 a -oo,
e,ucatio!. &is ather 7as a pa!,it Blear!e, ?rah2i!C so <oy ote! stu,ie,
his <oo8s. +!til he 7as 1"/ 'aita!ya ha, alrea,y 2astere, Sa!s8rit
-ra22ar a!, i! a couple o years he so perecte, Nyaya philosophy/ that he
coul, oppose the 2ost lear!e, pa!,its. @he! he 7as 1:/ he set out or a
holy place Gaya/ 7here he has -otte! a! i!itiatio! <y a 7ise 2a! Is7ara
Puri. Is7ara 7as a ollo7er o Dish!u tra,itio!/ 7hich 'aita!ya co!ti!ue, to
preach/ co2pletely ,e,icati!- hi2sel to his 2issio!.
Ater so2e ti2e 'aita!ya has lost his i!terest or philosophic ,e<ates.
RealiEi!- that or this perio,/ $ali.yu-a/ is o -reatest i2porta!ce to
cele<rate $rish!aMs !a2e/ he starte, to sprea, a !e7 teachi!- :rishna
"hati, 7hich represe!ts lo4e a!, ,e4otio! to7ar, Go,. I! the <e-i!!i!- this
cele<rati!- o Go,Ms !a2e ha, occurre, i! the !arro7 circle o ollo7ers/ <ut
the! 'aita!ya or,ere, to his pupils/ to sprea, the lear!i!-. 'aita!ya
reAecte, the pri4ile-es o caste/ Aust as o positio! i! society/ o the 8i!, o
philosophy that so2eo!e represe!ts/ sa2e as yo-iMs asceticis2. &e si2ply
e2phasiEe, the i2porta!ce o ,e4otio!al si!-i!- o Go,Ms !a2e.
@he! 'aita!ya 7as #0/ he <eca2e a 7a!,eri!- 2o!8 a!, he spe!t years o!
his Aour!ey throu-h the south I!,ia. &e also 4isite, Dara!asi a!, at
Dri!,a4a! he esta<lishe, a 8i!, o u!i4ersity. There his ,isciples Rupa a!,
Sa!ata!a Gos7a2i 7rote a lar-e !u2<er o <oo8s/ i! 7hich they 7or8e, out
?ha8ti teachi!- o their teacher. 'aita!ya oppose, the i2perso!al
philosophy o Sha!8ara a!, co!si,ere, that the Supre2e ,eity a!,
i!,i4i,ual soul are i!,iscer!i<le a!, si2ulta!eously o!e a!, ,iere!t. This
lear!i!- 'aita!ya i,e!tiie, 7ith that o $apila/ the ou!,er o Sa!8ya
philosophy/ <ecause this syste2 reco22e!,s the 2e,itatio! o! Lor,Ms
tra!sce!,e!tal or2. 'aita!ya ha, thou-ht that si!-i!- a!, cele<rati!- o
Go,Ms !a2es is i! act a so!orous i!car!atio! o the 4ery ,eity. Na2ely/ he
hel, that si!ce Lor, is the a<solute a!, truth/ there is !o ,iere!ce <et7ee!
his holy !a2e a!, his tra!sce!,e!tal or2. 'aita!ya spe!t the last perio, o
his lie i! =a-i!ath Pur/ i! ,e4otio!al ser4ice o $rish!a. &is teachi!- 7ill <e
carrie, o4er to the @est <y spiritual teacher S7a2i Pra<hupa,a i! #"
#.6. TI?ETAN ?+%%&ISM
#.6.1. Reor2er o Ti<eta! ?u,,his2 Tso!- $
I! Ti<et/ Tso!- $ is usually co!si,ere, as the i!car!atio! o ?u,,ha
a!, a pri!cipal teacher o the irst %alai La2a/ Ge!,o! %ru<a. La2ais2
BTi<eta! ?u,,his2C appears alrea,y i! 7
ce!tury. It 7as i!tro,uce, <y the
$i!- alo!e/ 7ho 7as at the sa2e ti2e ou!,er o the Ti<eta! state/ So!-
tse! %a2po. I! the <e-i!!i!- ?u,,his2 ca2e upo! the stro!- resista!ce o
the ollo7ers o the tra,itio!al ?o! reli-io!/ <ut <y the e!, o the ce!tury
I!,ia! 2issio!ary Pa,2asa2<ha4a succee,e, i! creatio! o a sy!cretic
2i>ture/ Aust li8e $u8ai ha, ,o!e i! =apa!. O4er the !e>t ce!turies
La2ais2 ha, -ro7! stro!-er a!, it -ra,ually <eca2e the pre4aili!- reli-io!.
&o7e4er/ ater 11
ce!tury Ti<eta! ?u,,his2 slo7ly <e-a! to ,ecay.
Althou-h the 7ealth a!, po7er o 2o!asteries ha, -ro7!/ so that 2a!y
eu,alists ca2e i!to clerical class/ the spiritual co2po!e!t ha, -otte!
7ea8er. So/ i! clerical circles the celi<acy la7 ha, <ee! <ro8e!/ the politics
o po7er ha, <ee! carrie, throu-h a!, !epotis2 e2er-e, as 7ell. I! such
historical circu2sta!ces 7as <or! Tso!- $ i! 1167/ i! A2,o/ easter!
So2e ,etails ro2 the <io-raphy o Ti<eta! reor2er re2i!, o the portrait o
=esus i! the &e/ Testa$ent, Aust li8e <y &i!,u philosophers Sha!8ara a!,
Ma,h4a. So there e>ists a story a<out ho7 Tso!- $ pare!ts ,rea2t a
ro7 o u!usual ,rea2s <eore the chil,Ms <irth. )or i!sta!ce/ his 2other
,rea2t o A4alo8itesh4ara B&ea4e!ly ?u,,haC/ a!, his ather o ,eity
DaArapa!i/ 7hich a!!ou!ce,/ that <oy 7oul, -ro7 i!to a! i2porta!t
reli-ious i-ure. To e4e! -reater si2ilarity 7ith the Bi"le, there appeare, i!
the s8y a! auspicious star/ so his uture teacher/ reco-!iEi!- the e2a!atio!
o Ma!Ausri B?u,,hist -o, o 7is,o2C set out or <oyMs ho2e/ <ri!-i!- hi2
co!secrate, prese!ts. This teacher ha, <ee! to Tso!- $ so2e 8i!, o
spiritual 2e!tor/ u!til his 1:
year/ 7he! he 7e!t to the <i- te2ple i!
Lhasa/ to 2a8e a 4o7 to ?o,hisatt4a/ u!,er the picture o ?u,,ha.
Thereater he tra4ele, a lot/ all across Ti<et/ al7ays i! a search or the <est
spiritual teacher. &e 7a!te, to perect his spiritual 8!o7le,-e to the
-reatest ,e-ree possi<le. I! his 19
year he 7as alrea,y a re!o7!e, scholar.
I! place calle, Zhalu he 2et a 2o!8 !a2e, Re!,a7a Zho!!u Lo,ro a!,
recei4e, ro2 hi2 the esse!ce o Ma,hya2i8a lear!i!-. &ere he also
a!!u!ciate, the 2etho,/ 7hich 7ill <eco2e the ou!,atio! o his reor2.
&is reputatio! ha, starte, to sprea, a!, soo! he ha, -otte! i!4itatio!s ro2
4arious 2o!asteries/ to teach ol,er 2o!8s. O! o!e occasio! he 7as e4e!
i!4ite, to <e a tutor to the uture 'hi!ese e2peror/ <ut he ,ecli!e, this
&e <e-a! 7riti!- his 7or8s at 1#. &is 2ost i2porta!t 7or8 is calle, The
;reat 'xposition o! the #ath o! Secret )antra. I! this 7or8 he prese!te, the
2ai! characteristics o all ?u,,hist Ta!tra syste2s a!, e>plai!e, the
,iere!ces <et7ee! Sutras a!, Ta!tra/ these t7o <ra!ches o ?u,,hist
teachi!-. Tso!- $ put 2e,itatio! i! the ce!ter o his gelupa BPath o
4irtueC teachi!-. &e co!si,ere, that the -ro7i!- o the 7hole <ei!- ,e2a!,s!trol i! o!eMs thou-hts/ eeli!-s/ 7or,s a!, ,ee,s. I! his a,4a!ce, a-e
he co2pose, 2a!y 4alua<le co22e!taries/ at the sa2e ti2e co!ti!ui!-
7ith his teachi!-s. &e has passe, a7ay i! his :#
year/ si2ply ta8i!- a
2e,itati4e Lotus posture a!, ,ra7i!- his last <reath. Ater his ,eath he
appeare, se4eral ti2es to his ,isciples/ 7hat a-ai! poi!ts at the si2ilarity
7ith =esus.
#.:. )AIT& O) SI$&
#.:.1. Mysticis2 o Si8h )aith
@hilst i! the @est )ici!o e!,ea4ore, to 2a8e a philosophical a2al-a2atio!
o 'hristia!ity a!, Neo.Plato!is2/ at the sa2e ti2e i! the East/ i! I!,ia/
spiritual teacher a!, his co!te2porary !a2e, $a<ir trie, to realiEe a
sy!thesis o Isla2 a!, &i!,uis2. This poet a!, philosopher/ 7ho ha, a
-reat i!lue!ce o! the ,e4elop2e!t o Si8h reli-io!/ 7as <or! a<out 100" i!
!orther! I!,ia/ i! the 4ici!ity o to7! Dara!asi. &e co2es o a Musli2
a2ilyJ his 2other a!, ather 7ere 7ea4ers a!, he alo!e i! the course o his
lie peror2e, this Ao</ too. I! his youth he <eca2e a ,isciple o &i!,u
ascetic Ra2a!a!,a/ 7ho 7as the ollo7er o 2o,erate 2o!istic teachi!- o
Ra2a!uAa. Althou-h <ei!- &i!,u/ $a<iriMs teacher 7as a 2a! o 7i,e
reli-ious culture. As the co!si,era<le part o !orther! I!,iaMs populatio!
recei4e, Isla2 aith ro2 11
ce!tury o!/ this territory 7as/ as re-ar,s
philosophy/ u!,er the si-!iica!t i!lue!ce o Suis2/ chiely o -reat Persia!
2ystics li8e al.Attar a!, Ru2i. Thereore $a<ir/ alrea,y as a you!- 2a! ha,
a<sor<e, these ,i4erse i!lue!ces a!, little <y little i! hi2 7as <or! the i,ea
to <le!, perso!al Moha22e,a! 2ysticis2 7ith the tra,itio!al theolo-y o
I! 16
ce!tury/ to7! Dara!asi 7as a ce!ter o sy!cretic te!,e!cies o ?ha8ti
reli-io!/ so there ote! 2et Suis a!, ?rah2i!s i! their philosophical
,e<ates. ?oth atte!,e, Ra2a!a!,aMs lectures a!, a2o!- the2 7as $a<ir/
too. &e e>presse, his respect to7ar, the teacher i! his philosophical poe2s/
as Ra2a!a!,a is the o!ly teacher 2e!tio!e, i! the2. It see2s that $a<ir
ha, <ee! Ra2a!a!,aMs ,isciple or 2a!y years. O! the other ha!,/ it see2s
as 7ell that he !e4er <eca2e a 7a!,eri!- ascetic/ !or he e4er li4e, a lie o a
her2it. &e 7as 2arrie,/ hea, o a a2ily a!, he ote! ,ra7 i!spiratio! or
his poe2s ro2 e4ery,ay lie.
)ro2 the sta!,poi!t o ortho,o>y/ either &i!,u or Isla2ic/ $a<ir 7as
o<4iously a heretic. &e e>presse, a ,isa-ree2e!t 7ith the e!tire
i!stitutio!al reli-io!/ that is/ 7ith outer or2s o 4e!eratio! o Go,.
Thereore he ,e!ote, the 7hole apparatus relate, to &i!,u a!, Musli2
piety Bte2ple a!, 2osGue/ i,ols a!, holy 7ater/ sacre, scripts a!, cler-yC as
2ere su<stitutes or the reality/ as ,ea, thi!-s that stay o! i! the 7ay
<et7ee! the soul a!, her lo4e o Go,. It is !o surprise the!/ that he
e!cou!tere, a resista!ce a!, e4e! persecutio! i! Dara!asi/ the ce!ter o a
clerical i!lue!ce. As he 7as Musli2 <y his !ati4ity/ so2eho7 they 2a!a-e,
to classiy hi2 as Sui/ so he e4a,e, the ,eath pe!alty. ?ut/ arou!, 1096/
he 7as/ ho7e4er/ ,ri4e! a7ay ro2 Dara!asi/ so he co!ti!ue, his lie
carryi!- his 8!o7le,-e o! his ,isciples/ i! 4arious places o !orther! I!,ia.
$a<irMs philosophical poetry <ri!-s i!to the ocus the co!cept o u!i4erse as
Lo4e/ <ut also as a -a2e i! 7hich are realiEe, 4arious 2a!iestatio!s o the
A<solute/ throu-h the 2o4e2e!t/ rhyth2/ co!ti!uous cha!-e. This $a<irMs
co!cept is plai!ly illustrate, i! ollo7i!- li!esL OSi!ce the ,ay 7he! I 2et
7ith 2y Lor,K There ha, <ee! !o e!, to the sport o our lo4eK @hether I
rise or sit ,o7!/ I ca! !e4er or-et &i2K )or the rhyth2 o his 2usic <eats
i! 2y earsK I a2 i22erse, i! that o!e -reat <lissK @hich tra!sce!,s all
pleasure a!, pai!.P %uri!- his lie $a<ir 7rote 2a!y poe2s/ 7hich ,eep
spiritual truths. The Gurus o Si8h reli-io! Bo 7hich he is a 8i!, o spiritual
ori-i!atorC 7ill i!clu,e i! their sacre, scripts ;uru ;ranth Sahi" 70" $a<irMs
The ou!,er o Si8h reli-io! Guru Na!a8 7as <or! i! 10:9 i! Tal7a!,i/
Pu!Aa< Bto,ay Pa8ista!C i! a si2ple &i!,u a2ily. &is ather 7as a!
e2ployee/ <y local Musli2 -o4er!2e!t. )ro2 his early youth Na!a8
socialiEe, 7ith chil,re! o <oth &i!,u a!, Musli2 ori-i!. @he! he 7as si>/
pare!ts se!t hi2 to a local teacher/ or schooli!-. &e 7as -i4e! teachi!- i!
Isla2ic literature a!, he also lear!e, Persia! a!, Ara<ic la!-ua-e. E4eryo!e
coul, see that he has <ee! a 4ery -ite, <oy/ as he u!,erstoo, thi!-s Guic8ly
a!, put s2art Guestio!s to his teachers. I! his 11
year he ha, to <e
a,or!e, <y a holy threa,/ accor,i!- to the tra,itio!al &i!,u custo2. ?ut/ to
the astou!,i!- o his pare!ts a!, others prese!t at this sole2! cere2o!y/
he reuse, this sy2<ol. I!stea, o this 2aterial si-!/ he 7ishe, or spiritual
-oo,sL 2ercy/ 2o,esty/ truth.
As you!- 2a! Guru Na!a8 spe!t a lot o ti2e i! 2e,itatio! a!, spiritual
co!4ersatio!s 7ith holy 2e! o Isla2 a!, &i!,u reli-io!/ 7ho ,7elt i!
7oo,s/ i! the 4ici!ity o his !ati4e place. O! the other ha!,/ pare!ts 7a!te,
that his so! lea,s a co22o! lie/ Aust li8e the2sel4es/ so they 2arrie, hi2/
alrea,y i! his 1:
year/ or a ,au-hter o so2e pious 2ercha!t. Guru Na!a8
,i, !ot oppose/ <ecause he co!si,ere, that 2arria-e is !ot a! o<stacle to
o!eMs spiritual e!,ea4ors. The! he ha, -otte! a Ao< o cler8/ Aust li8e his
ather. ?ut/ he ,e,icate, a lot o his ree ti2e/ <eore a!, ater his Ao</ to
2e,iatio! a!, si!-i!- o reli-ious hy2!s.
Spiritual tu!i!- poi!t i! his lie occurre, i! 1099/ 7he! he 7as 1". Ater he
,isappeare, or three ,ays/ he a-ai! appeare,/ <ut cha!-e,/ resple!,e!t o
so2e stra!-e li-ht. Ater a sile!ce that laste, or a 7hile/ he uttere, these
7or,sL OThere is !o &i!,u/ !o Musli2P. The! he set out or a lo!- Aour!ey/
,e,icate, to sprea,i!- o %i4i!e 2essa-e. This 2essa-e he co22u!icate,
or 7ee8s i! the or2 o 2usical hy2!s/ acco2pa!ie, <y his ello7
Mar,a!a/ o! i!stru2e!t ra<a<. Ater the irst Aour!ey that laste, 1# years/
he retur!e, ho2e. &e ,i, !ot stay lo!-/ <ut a-ai! set out or a lo!- Aour!ey/
this ti2e south7ar, <ou!,/ i! ,irectio! o Sri La!8a. O! his thir, Aour!ey
he reache, Ti<et a!, o! his ourth he 4isite, holy places o Isla2 Mecca/
Ma,,i!ah a!, ?a-,a,.
Ater he ha, spe!t !early all o his lie tra4eli!-/ he retur!e, to Pu!Aa< a!,
settle, i! $arthapur. Ma!y pil-ri2s pai, hi2 a 4isit/ to liste! to his hy2!s
a!, ser2o!s. A!, he preache, a society 7ithout castes/ 7ithout ,ieri!- o
people accor,i!- to their <irth/ appurte!a!ce to this or that reli-io!/ or
-e!,er. &e i!tro,uce, a pu<lic 8itche!/ 7here coul, co2e 2e2<ers o all
castes/ rich a!, poor. I! 161# he 7as approache, <y a ,isciple calle, Leh!a.
I! hi2/ Guru Na!a8 reco-!iEe, his successor/ a!, -a4e hi2 a !a2e A!-a,.
Accor,i!- to a le-e!,/ 7he! Guru Na!a8 ,ie,/ there occurre, a Guarrel
<et7ee! Musli2 a!, &i!,u/ <ecause <oth o the2 7a!te, to <ury hi2
accor,i!- to their o7! custo2. @he! they ,isco4ere, the sheet/ i!stea, o
his <o,y/ they ou!, Aust a heap o resh lo7ers. So/ i!stea, o his <o,y/
they ha, <urie, each their hal o lo7ers.
Si8h reli-io!/ esta<lishe, <y Guru Na!a8/ posses a stro!- 2ystical a!,
pious ou!,atio!. The style a!, co!te!t o the holy script ;uru ;rantha is
poetical a!, 2etaphorical a!, it i!cites hearts o <elie4ers to lo4e Go,.
Mysticis2 i! the reli-io! o Si8h is 4ery e>plicit. This ca! <e see! ro2 a
characteristic e>cerptL OGo, is ocea! a!, ,isciple a s2all ishJ 7he! this is
u!,erstoo,/ the u!io! <eco2es possi<le a!, this is li8e 7he! 2etal is
2elte, 7ith 2etal a!, 7ater 2i>e, 7ith 7ater. That u!ity is achie4e, <y the
7or, o the true Guru.P
#.7. 'ON)+'IANISM
#.7.1. 'os2ic &ierarchy o 'ha!-.Tsai
'o2i!- o ,y!asty Su!- i!to po7er i! 'hi!a i! 1"
ce!tury 2ar8e, a !e7
lourishi!- o culture a!, so2e co!si,er this perio, Bthat laste, u!til the
ce!turyC ,e!ote, the -reatest reaches o 'hi!ese 2e,ie4al culture. Ater
se4eral ce!turies o lull/ i! 7hich philosophy ha, re,uce, hersel to
co22e!taries o tra,itio!al scripts a!, ruitless pole2ics o 'o!ucia!s/
Taoists a!, ?u,,hists/ there spra!- up a -ite, -e!eratio! o Neo.
'o!ucia!s. Their 7or8 has a! eclectic a!, sy!cretic character. A2o!-
the2/ i! the 11
ce!tury 2ost pro2i!e!t 7as 'ha!-.Tsai. This philosopher
7as <or! i! to7! 'ha!-.a! Bco!te2porary Nia!C i! 1"#"/ thereore
appro>i2ately at the sa2e ti2e as Psellus/ i<! Ga<irol a!, Ra2a!uAa. &e
co2es ro2 a! e2i!e!t a2ily Bhis ather 7as a to7! preectC that e!a<le,
hi2 a Guality e,ucatio!. &e stu,ie, the classics o 'o!ucia!is2/ <ut he as
7ell pai, atte!tio! to Taoist te>ts/ 7hich also ha, i2pact o! his
philosophical thou-ht. &e <eca2e a cler8 i! to7!Ms a,2i!istratio!. I! 1":9/
ater he ha, tur!e, o e2perorMs atte!tio! o! hi2sel/ he 7as appoi!te, or
a ,irector o his li<rary. &e let this positio! 7he! the pri2e 2i!ister/ @a!-
A!.shih/ <e-a! a series o ra,ical eco!o2ic reor2s/ e>pressi!- thus his
,isa-ree2e!t 7ith hi2.
'ha!-.Tsai <ou!, up to-ether cos2olo-y/ theory o hu2a! !ature/ history
a!, ethical syste2. Neo.'o!ucia!is2 o the Su!- perio, is/ -e!erally
spea8i!-/ per2eate, <y i!terest or cos2olo-ical a!, 2etaphysical
Guestio!s. They i! a 7ay oppose, to ?u,,hist ethics/ o! the cos2olo-ical
le4el. Philosopher 'ha!-.Tsai <elie4e, i! o!e/ sel.creati!-/!o4ati!-
a!, sel.sustai!i!- cos2os. &is teachi!- has certai! si2ilarities 7ith his
&i!,u co!te2porary Ra2a!uAa/ as he co!si,ere, that 2atter a!, e2pti!ess
ca! <e separate,/ that is/ that they are t7o -e!eral 7ays o e>iste!ce/ as the
or2 a!, or2less!ess. 'ha!-.Tsai sees !ature as hierarchyL there e>ists/
or i!sta!ce/ a chro!olo-ical or,er i! creatio!/ 7hat i!,ee, 2a8es the or,er
o &ea4e!. This hierarchical or,er o hea4e! is also relecte, o! hu2a!
society/ to 7hich are as 7ell appropriate !atural pri!ciples o or,er. 'ha!-.
Tsai thi!8s that hu2a! e>iste!ce co2es i!to this <o,ily or2 ro2 the
cos2ic 2atter. Thereore/ 2a!Ms <o,ily or2 i!corporates the cos2ic
pri!ciple o the i!i!ite cycle o co!,e!satio! a!, ,ispersio!. ?y this
'hi!ese philosopher also/ li8e <y so2e Europea! a!, Isla2ic 2e,ie4al
philosophers/ o!e o the u!,a2e!tal thou-hts is 2utual per2eatio! o
2icro a!, 2acrocos2. Accor,i!-ly/ 'ha!-.Tsai poi!ts out/ that hu2a!
<ei!-s are i,e!tical to the other e!tities i! the u!i4erseJ hu2a! !ature is
co!seGue!tly i,e!tical 7ith the !ature o cos2os.
#.7.#. Neo.'o!ucia! 'hu &si
The Su!- ,y!asty perio, i! 'hi!a <rou-ht yet a!other a2ous philosopher
o Neo.'o!ucia!is2. I! 111" 7as <or! 'hu &si/ a little 2ore tha! a
ce!tury ater his -reat pre,ecessor 'ha!- Tsai. 'hu &si also re4i4e,
'o!ucia! i,eals/ <ase, upo! ethical pri!ciples/ 7hich sustai! a
har2o!ious lie o a co22u!ity. This 'hi!ese has -ro7! up a2o!- the
philosophersJ 4ery early/ alrea,y i! his 19
year/ he -ai!e, a! aca,e2ic
e,ucatio!. &e 7or8e, i! such positio!/ 7hich -a4e hi2 a possi<ility o
satisactio! o his philosophical i!terests. So/ he 7as or three years a!
archi4ist <y preectMs ,eputy. Ater7ar,s/ ,uri!- the !e>t #" years he
peror2e, a ra!-e o less i2porta!t ,uties/ li8e or e>a2ple the o!e o the
hea, o the te2ple a!, others. %uri!- this ti2e/ 'hu &si 7rote se4eral
<oo8s/ he ,e4elope, a 4olu2i!ous correspo!,e!ce a!, too8 a part i! oral
,e<ates/ a<out ,i4erse philosophical Guestio!s.
Si!ce i! the course o ti2e his opi!io! has <ee! e4er i!creasi!-ly
appreciate,/ he 7as i! his ol, a-e electe, at a positio! o a city preect. Ater
'hu &si ha, accuse, so2e hi-h pu<lic oicials or i22oral <eha4ior a!,
corruptio!/ o!e e2perorMs relati4e too8 a ca2pai-! a-ai!st the philosopher.
Thus 'hu &si a!, his school ell i!to ,is-raceJ they 7ere ,ri4e! a7ay ro2
the pu<lic sce!e a!, 2ar-i!aliEe,. O!ly ater philosopherMs ,eath his 7or8
e>perie!ce, reha<ilitatio! a!, respects. Moreo4er/ 'hu &siMs e,ucatio!al
a!, e>a2i!atio! syste2 ha, li4e, out u!til the #"
ce!tury/ that is/ u!til
19"6/ 7he! it 7as a<olishe, <y the ,ecisio! o the e2press TEu &si.
)or 'hu &si/ the 2ai! pri!ciples o hu2a! !ature are lo4e/ Austice/ respect
a!, 7is,o2. I! act/ the esse!ce o his teachi!- coul, <e su<su2e, i! Aust
t7o phrasesL Ototal su<sta!ce a!, -reat u!ctio!i!-P a!, O7is,o2 as hi,,e!
a!, store,P. 'hu &si <elie4e, that i o!e ,oes !ot 2a8e a! eort to preser4e
his i!telli-e!ce/ it alls i!to the state o chaos a!, i!co2prehe!sio!. As the
7ay to preser4e o!eMs i!telli-e!ce/ he reco22e!,e, e>ercises throu-h the
process o e>a2i!atio! o thi!-s/ u!til o!e 7ill co2prehe!, the <asic
pri!ciples. PhilosopherMs sche2e i! a 7ay re2i!,s o @illia2 o St. Thierry/
7ho also poi!ts out lo4e a!, 7is,o2. ?esi,e this/ as )re!ch philosopher
i!sists o! re2a8i!- o soul/ so 'hu &si e2phasiEe the i2porta!ce o or2i!-
o the i!telli-e!ce. &u2a! !ature or hi2 is i! its esse!ce 7ithout a or2/
<ut it co!sists o the real pri!ciples. The i!telli-e!ce sta!,s or store.roo2/
7hich co!tai!s a!, stores pri!ciples. ?y it/ 7e are !ot o!ly co!te2plati!-
the outer o<Aects/ <ut 7e also re4eal the pri!ciples o the u!i4erse. )or 'hu
&si/ lo4e is the pri!ciple o aectio!J aectio! to7ar, the people a!, other
creature is the 2a!iestatio! o this pri!ciple. Ri-hteous!ess represe!ts a
pri!ciple o the o<li-atio!/ the re4ere!ce o respectul!ess a!, 7is,o2 o
2oral ,iscri2i!atio!.
#.7.1. The Great Lear!i!- o @a!- (a!-.2i!-

'hi!ese Neo.'o!ucia! philosopher @a!- (a!-.2i!- 7as <or! i! 107#/ i! a
perio, o rule o ,y!asty Mi!- B10
ce!turyC. I! reli-io! a!,
philosophy this perio, is characteriEe, <y the e!,ea4or o 2er-i!- three
reli-io!s/ 'o!ucia!is2/ Taois2 a!, ?u,,his2 i!to o!e/ u!,er the slo-a!
Saniao-Yiiao BThree aiths o!e aithC. The lear!i!- o @a!- ya!-.2i!-
co!ti!ues/ to the -reat e>te!t/ to the teachi!- o his -reat pre,ecessor 'hu
&si. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 'hu &si/ 7ho put the e2phasis o! the process o
e>a2i!atio! o thi!-s/ @a!- (a!-.2i!- <rou-ht i!to ocus the Guestio! o
i!telli-e!ce a!, 2orality.
@a!- ya!-.2i!- ha, -ra,uate, at #1 a!, 7or8e, i! 2i!or positio!s <y the
-o4er!2e!t i! Na!8i!-. &e <eca2e a pro4i!cial Au,-e 7he! he 7as 1"/ <ut
a year later resi-!e,/ to ,e,icate hi2sel to stu,ies o Taois2 a!,
?u,,his2. @he! he 7as 11/ he Aoi!e, the ar2y/ 7here he staye, or t7o
years. ?y his plea,i!- or the release o t7o oicers/ he ca2e i!to co!lict
7ith the authorities a!, he 7as co!seGue!tly ostraciEe, to pro4i!ce. There
he 7as char-e, 7ith care or horses/ 7hich ser4e, or ur-e!t 2ail ,eli4ery.
I! this pri2iti4e rural area/ 7here he ha, !o i!tellectual co2pa!y/ he
,e,icate, hi2sel to ,e4elop2e!t o the co!cept o! the i!,i4i,ual
respo!si<ility or i!4esti-ati!- his o7! 2i!,. &e ca2e upo! co!clusio! that
it is !ecessary to ,e4elop i!tuiti4e a<ilities/ <ut also si!cerity/ to <ri!- the
i!telli-e!ce to the clear thi!8i!-. &e also co!clu,e, that the 8!o7le,-e
i2plies acti!-/ <ecause 7ithout acti!- there ca! !ot e>ist a real 8!o7le,-e.
I! the e!,/ 'hi!ese philosopher u!,erstoo, that there e>ists a! all.
per2eati!- u!ity 7hich co2prehe!,s hea4e!/ earth a!, i!,i4i,ual 2a!.
&e retur!e, to Na!8i!- i! 1610/ to ta8e o4er a positio! o u!ctio!ary i! the
-o4er!2e!t. &is philosophic i,eas alrea,y attracte, pu<lic atte!tio!. ?ut/
ater a 7hile/ he a-ai! <eca2e Sperso!a !o! -rataM 7ith his assertio!s that
his 7or8 ;reat .earning is 2ore suita<le or lear!i!- tha! teachi!- that let
'hu &si. Ater7ar,s/ @a!- (a!-.2i!- retreate, ro2 a pu<lic lie to his
!ati4e place a!, there attracte, ,isciples a!, ollo7ers as 7ell.
The esse!tial pri!ciple o his ;reat .earning is the si!cerity o purpose a!, it
is achie4e, <y the e>a2i!atio!. The si!cerity o purpose the! results i! the
-reatest perectio!/ 7hich represe!ts the ori-i!al a!, u!,a2e!tal !ature o
the i!telli-e!ce. The 2a>i2al ,e4elop2e!t o the i!tuiti4e a<ility <ri!-s us
to u!,ersta!,i!- o <asic pri!ciples o e4erythi!- that e>ists. ?y that/ 2a!
achie4es si2ulta!eously the perect 4irtue. ?y it/ o!e co!si,ers hea4e!/
earth a!, all the e>isti!- thi!-s as o!e all.per2eati!- u!ity.
#.3. '&AN ?+%%&ISM B'&INESEC
#.3.1. The Si>th Patriarch o 'ha! ?u,,his2 &ui Ne!-
I! I!,ia o the 7
ce!tury/ the 2ost pro2i!e!t ?u,,hist philosopher is
%har2a8irti/ o!e o the -reatest ?u,,hist philosophers ater Na-arAu!a.
&o7e4er/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Na-arAu!a/ he has !ot up-ra,e, ?u,,hist
teachi!- i! a 2ystical 7ayJ he put e2phasis o! episte2olo-y a!, lo-ic.
Appro>i2ately at the sa2e ti2e as the I!,ia! philosopher/ i! :13 7as <or!
the uture Si>th Patriarch o 'ha! ?u,,his2 &ui Ne!-/ i! a s2all &si!
'hou/ i! the south o 'hi!a. )or hi2/ %.T. SuEu8i Bo!e o the lea,i!- 7orl,Ms
authorities o 'ha!.Ze! ?u,,his2C says that Ohe playe, the 2ost i2porta!t
role i! the history o Ze!P. Dirtually/ he 7as a ou!,er o Ze! i! a true se!se/
7hich ,iere, ro2 other ?u,,hist sects. So/ &ui Ne!- ste2s ro2 poor
4illa-e a2ilyJ i! a,,itio!/ he 7as illiterate/ a!, that ,i, !ot -i4e hi2 so2e
<i- cha!ces i! lie. &o7e4er/ o!e ,ay/ ater he ha, ,eli4ere, ire7oo, i! a
local 7or8shop/ he o4erhear, a 2a! reciti!- parts o 8ia$ond Sutra -
O%epe!,i!- upo! !othi!-/ you 2ust i!, your o7! 2i!,.P
I! a! i!sta!t/ &ui Ne!- e>perie!ce, e!li-hte!2e!t. The 2a!/ 7ho recite,
sutra/ e!coura-e, you!- 2a! to loo8 or the )ith Patriarch &u!- =e!. To
the 2o!astery Tu!- 'hia!/ i! the !orther! pro4i!ce 'hi 'hou/ le, a 7ay
lo!-er tha! a thousa!, 8ilo2eters/ <ut you!- &ui Ne!- 7as ,ecisi4e i! his
i!te!tio!/ a!, this ,ista!ce he tra4ele, o! oot/ i! a<out a 2o!th. @he! he
ha, e4e!tually reache, his ,esti!atio!/ he a,,resse, the )ith Patriarch
7ith these 7or,sL OI a2 a co22o! 2a! ro2 &si! 'hou/ $7a!tu!-. I ha4e
tra4ele, a lo!- ti2e to pay you a respect/ a!, I as8 o you !othi!- <ut
e!li-hte!2e!t.P Patriarch 7as struc8 7ith 7o!,er/ that a! illiterate peasa!t
ro2 the <ar<aria! south has such a2<itio!s. ?ut/ he recei4e, a 7ise
a!s7er ro2 &ui Ne!-L OAlthou-h there are !orther! 2e! a!, souther!
2e!/ !orth a!, south 2a8e !o ,iere!ce to their ?u,,ha !ature. A
<ar<aria! is ,iere!t ro2 (our &oli!ess physically/ <ut there is !o
,iere!ce i! our ?u,,ha Nature.P Ater these 7or,s/ &ui Ne!- 7as
i22e,iately accepte, as his ,isciple/ <ut &u!- =e! ha, to suppress this
ro2 other 4ery e,ucate, 2o!8s ro2 the !orth. So/ he se!t you!- 2a! to
the 8itche!/ to split ire7oo, a!, pou!, rice.
I! ti2es o the )ith Patriarch 'ha! ?u,,his2 7as still u!,er the stro!-
i!lue!ce o I!,ia! ?u,,his2 that put the acce!t o! stu,ies a!,
2etaphysical ,e<ates. It 7as Aust &ui Ne!- 7ho cha!-e, this/ ater he ha,
<eca2e the Si>th Patriarch. It happe!e, ater the ,ecisio! o &u!- =e!/ to
choose or his successor that 2o!8/ 7ho 7ill i! e7 4erses e>press his
7is,o2 i! the <est 7ay. She! &siu/ 7ho co!si,ere, hi2sel as the <est
e,ucate, 2o!8/ rhy2e, these li!esL OThe <o,y is the 7is,o2.treeK The
2i!, is a <ri-ht 2irror i! a sta!,K Ta8e care to 7ipe it all the ti2eK A!,
allo7 !o ,ust to cli!-.P
&ui Ne!-/ as his respo!se to these 4erses/ rhy2e, these o!esL
O)u!,a2e!tally !o 7is,o2.tree e>istsK Nor the sta!, o a 2irror <ri-htK
Si!ce all is e2pty ro2 the <e-i!!i!-K @here ca! ,ust ali-ht.P &u!- =e!
B7ho ,ie, i! :76C co!si,ere, that the o!e 7ho has to replace hi2 7as Aust
&ui Ne!-/ so he -a4e hi2 a ro<e a!, a <o7l/ the i!si-!ia o a patriarch. This
cause, a!-er o his ri4al/ 7ho thou-ht that the lea,ership o 'ha!
?u,,his2 ha, to appertai! to hi2. &o7e4er/ later 7as ou!, a sort o
a-ree2e!t <et7ee! the a,here!ts o o!e a!, o the other/ so t7o ,iere!t
schools si!-le, the2sel4es out. O!e school/ !a2e, School o Su,,e!
A7a8i!- 7as hea,e, <y &ui Ne!-/ 7hile the other school BSchool o Gra,ual
E!li-hte!2e!tC le, She! &siu. Althou-h so2e pote!tial ,isciples 7ere
co!use, <y this ,iere!ce/ Si>th Patriarch e>plicate, that co!cer!i!-
%har2a Bcos2ic or,er/ rule o <eha4iorC there ca! <e o!ly o!e school/
<ecause %har2a is o!e. The o!ly ,iere!ce is i! act that so2e ,isciples
co2e to e!li-hte!2e!t rapi,ly/ 7hile or others it ta8es a certai! perio, o
ti2e to achie4e it.
The Si>th Patriarch o 'ha! ?u,,his2 &ui Ne!- i! his teachi!- e2phasiEe,
!o.,uality a!, o!e!ess o e4erythi!- that e>ists. &is ,isciples practice, so
calle, Sitti!- 'ha! B=apa!eseL ZaEe!C/ 7hich he ,escri<e, as o<ser4i!- o!eMs
o7! !ature/ 7ithout 2a8i!- a!y 2o4e. &is school re2ai!e, as the o!ly
i2porta!t school o 'hi!ese ?u,,his2/ a!, &ui Ne!-Ms ,isciples
tra!s2itte, %har2a all o4er Asia. Ater his ,eath/ his 7or8s 7ere collecte,
a!, ,e!ote, as the o!ly 'hi!ese ?u,,hist sutra/ calle, The Sixth #atriarchDs
#lat!or$ Sutra. O!e o the ce!tral parts o this sutra is relate, to 7is,o2 a!,
it i!clu,es &ui Ne!-Ms pro4er<s. It is i!teresti!- that so2e pro4er<s are i!
their esse!ce 4ery si2ilar to those o ?yEa!ti!e philosopher Ma>i2us the
'o!essor. )or i!sta!ce/ &ui Ne!- saysL OThe esse!ce o Mi!, is -reat
<ecause it e2<races all thi!-s that are 7ithi! our !ature. I at all ti2es a!,
at all places 7e stea,ily 8eep our thou-ht ree ro2 oolish ,esire/ a!, act
7isely o! all occasio!s the! 7e are practici!- PraA!a B@is,o2C. PraA!a ,oes
!ot 4ary 7ith ,iere!t perso!sJ 7hat 2a8es the ,iere!ce is 7hether o!eMs
2i!, is e!li-hte!e, or ,elu,e,.
#.9.1. =apa!ese Mystical Philosopher $u8ai
I! 3
ce!tury Bi! 7hich ?u,his2 i! I!,ia starte, to ,ecli!eC i! =apa! 7as
<or! the irst i2porta!t philosopher . ?u,,hist teacher $u8ai. This
philosopher 7as <or! i! 770/ i! pro4i!ce Sa!u8i/ o! souther! isla!,
Shi8o8u. @ith his o7! Shi!-o! teachi!- he trie, to reco!cile ?u,,his2
7ith Shi!tois2/ autochtho!ic =apa!ese a!i2istic reli-io!. &is early spiritual
path starte, 7ith stu,y o 'o!ucia! teachi!-/ a!, ater7ar,s o Taois2 a!,
?u,,his2 as 7ell. &is pare!ts/ 2e2<ers o the local aristocracy/ e!a<le,
$u8ai the <est possi<le e,ucatio! i! that ti2e. I! 3"0 =apa!ese E2peror
$a22u se!,s $u8ai as a! e!4oy to 'hi!a that the! 7as u!,er the rule o
Ta!- ,y!asty. Ater his arri4al to the capital 'ha!-.a!/ $u8ai ,e,icate,
hi2sel to the stu,ies o Sa!s8rit/ as 7ell as so2e 8i!, o esoteric
?u,,his2/ calle, 'he!.ye!. &is teacher 7as irstly I!,ia! A2o-ha DaAra/
a!, ater7ar,s &ui.8uo/ o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t ?u,,hist teachers i!
the! 'hi!a.
T7o years later $u8ai ha, retur!e, to =apa!/ 7here he <e-a! to perect his
Shi!-o! teachi!-. @or, Shi!-o! i! =apa!ese 2ea!s STrue @or,sM/ a!, i!
act it is tra!slatio! o the Sa!s8rit 7or, or 2a!tra. Accor,i!- to Shi!-o!
School/ there e>ist three 8i!,s o 2ysteries/ i! co!!ectio! 7ith ?u,,his2L
<o,y/ speech a!, 2i!,. Mysteries o <o,y relate to ,iere!t postures o a
<o,y i! 2e,itatio!/ 2ysteries o 2i!, to co2prehe!sio! o truth/ 7hile
2ysteries o speech relate to true 7or,s o ?u,,ha. I! Shi!-o! ?u,,his2/
these 2ysteries i! a or2 o speech are tra!s2itte, ro2 o!e ,isciple to
a!other. Accor,i!-ly/ there ,oes !ot e>ist a!y other 7ay o tra!s2itti!- the
teachi!-/ he!ce the ter2 Sesoteric ?u,,his2M. %e!-yo %aishi/ o!e o the <est
8!o7! ollo7ers o the ri4al Te!,ai ?u,,his2/ 7as o opi!io! co!trary to
$u8ai. &e <elie4e, that ?u,,his2 coul, <e stu,ie, also throu-h the
lear!i!- o te>ts. $u8ai co!si,ere, that teachi!-s ,e2a!, serious
,eli<eratio!/ a!, also i!teractio! o teacher a!, ,isciple/ or co2plete
u!,ersta!,i!-/ as te>ts ca!!ot <e ta8e! literally. O! the other si,e/ %e!-yo
%aishi ,oes !ot accept the teachi!-s o the tra,itio!al =apa!ese reli-io! a!,
he is aithul to the ori-i!al 'hi!ese teachi!- tien-tai. $u8ai 7as/ a-ai!/ 4ery
,ispose, to7ar, sy!cretic a2al-a2atio! 7ith autochtho!ic Shi!tois2/
satisyi!- thus the hu!-er o pupils or 2a-ical a!, 2ystical. &is approach
7as 2ore successul/ as he -ai!e, 2ore ollo7ers or his teachi!-/ especially
ater ,eath o %e!-yo %aishi i! 3##.
Esoteric teachi!- o Shi!-o! ?u,,his2 that $u8ai ha, <rou-ht attracte,
ollo7ers i! =apa!/ as 7ell as i! 'hi!a. &is approach also cause, echo i!
Ze! teachi!-s/ e4e! <y sects that criticiEe, hi2 at irst. Posthu2ously $u8ai
<eca2e 8!o7! also as $o<o %aishi a!, he has <ee! cele<rate, i! =apa! as
a -reat sai!t. Te!,ai a!, Shi!-o! sects 7ere soo! supple2e!te, <y others
that 7ere partly i!cite, <y special curre!ts i! 'hi!ese ?u,,his2/ a!, partly
ori-i!ate, i! co!seGue!ce o =apa!ese !o4elties.
#.9.#. ;Pure La!,; o &o!e! a!, Ri!Eai o Eisai
'hu &siMs co!te2porary i! =apa! 7as &o!e!/ ?u,,hist philosopher <or! i!
1111 i! place Mi2asa8a/ i! the south o the <i--est =apa!ese isla!,
&o!shu B!ear<y to,ay O8aya2aC. The perio, o =apa!ese history <et7ee!
the 1#
a!, 10
ce!tury is calle, $a2a8ura/ as the capital 7as i! this to7!/
!ear to,ay (o8oha2a. Alrea,y at 11/ &o!e! let his pare!tsM ho2e a!, set
out or a ce!ter o Te!,ai ?u,,his2 o! the 2ou!tai! &iei/ to <eco2e a
2o!8. &e stu,ie, u!,er the super4isio! o his teacher Ei8u. I! that ti2e/ i!
the 2ai! there e>iste, t7o schools o ?u,,his2/ Shi!-o! Bto 7hich <elo!-e,
$u8ai i! 3
ce!turyC a!, Te!,ai ?u,,his2/ to 7hich <elo!-e, &o!e! i! his
youth/ u!til his 2ature a-e. &e e>perie!ce, co!4ersio! ater he rea, a 7or8
o Sha!.tao/ *o$$entar( on )editation Sutras. I! it/ he ca2e upo! a
para-raph i! 7hich the author/ 'hi!ese philosopher Sha!.tao poi!ts out the
2ea!i!- o the repetitio! o the !a2e A2i,a Bo!e o the ?u,,haMs !a2eC/ i!
a!y 2o2e!t/ !o 2atter i 2a! sta!,s/ sits or lies. &o!e! the! elt that he
i!ally ou!, a! i,eal path/ 7hich ca! <e ollo7e, <y or,i!ary people as 7ell/
7ithout tiri!- o!esel <y ati-ui!- a!, lear!i!- o te>ts that i!terce,e,
2e2<ers o Te!,ai School.
This sect 7as calle, &e$"utsu, ater the 2a!!er i! 7hich has <ee!
pro!ou!ce, the phrase SNa2u A2i,a ?utsuM BI <o7 to A2i,a ?u,,haC. Sect
<eca2e re!o7!e, also ater the !a2e =o,o BPure La!,C/ si!ce the
pro!ou!ci!- o 2a!tra SNe2<utsuM allo7s the realiEatio! o the 7ay lea,i!-
to7ar, A2i,aMs Pure La!,/ 7hich i! other 7or,s 2ea!s to7ar, ?u,,haMs
ori-i!al !ature. =apa!ese Ne2<utsu 4ery re2i!,s o &i!,u reciti!- o the
holy sylla<le SO2M. So reciti!- o it 2a8es possi<le i,e!tiyi!- o!esel 7ith
?rah2a/ as <y pro!u!ciatio! o SNe2<utsuM o!e realiEes the u!ity 7ith
A2i,a ?u,,ha. Seco!, hal o his lie &o!e! ,e,icate, to sprea,i!- o this
teachi!-/ Pure La!, ?u,,his2. The teachi!- really sprea, across =apa!/
especially a2o!- the lo7er classes o the 2e,ie4al =apa!.
I! 1#"1/ the! alrea,y :3 years ol, &o!e! ha, <ee! approache, <y Shi!ra!/
you!- 2o!8 B<or! i! 1171C/ 7ho 7ill later <eca2e his 2ost -ite, pupil/ a!,
7ho 7ill separate the 2o4e2e!t o Pure La!, e!tirely ro2 Te!,ai School.
Shi!ra! e2phasiEe, the supre2acy o the a<solute aith/ 7hich SNe2<utsuM
e!a<les/ as 7ell as the cos2ic i2porta!ce o A2i,aMs ori-i!al co4e!a!t or
the sal4atio! o all the se!siti4e <ei!-s/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 the tra,itio!al
practices or the achie4e2e!t o e!li-hte!2e!t. &is ra,ical attitu,e/ to-ether
7ith the reAectio! o or,i!atio! a!, celi<acy/ <rou-ht a<out his <a!ish2e!t.
Shi!ra!Ms reli!Guish2e!t o 2o!8.hoo, a!, his 2arria-e ,e!ote, i! act a
tur!i!- to7ar, a 8i!, o lay ?u,,his2. &is teachi!- =o,o.Shi!shu BTruly
Pure La!,C <eca2e popular/ especially a2o!- the rural populatio! o the
ce!tral part o the isla!, &o!shu/ <ut he acGuire, his a,here!ts ro2 the
7arrior caste o sa2urai/ too.
Sa2urais B7ho esta<lishe, the2sel4es as a special 2ilitary class/ si2ilar to
Europea! chi4alryC accepte, !e7 ?u,,hist teachi!- Ri!Eai as 7ell. It 7as
ou!,e, <y philosopher Eisai/ 7ho 7as <or! i! 1101/ i! the surrou!,i!-s o
to,ay O8aya2a/ Aust li8e &o!e!. I! the <e-i!!i!-/ also li8e hi2/ he <elo!-e,
to Te!,ai School. I! 11:3/ i! his #3
year/ he 7e!t to 'hi!a/ 7here he 2et
7ith 'ha! BZe!C i,eas. The! he ha, spe!t si> 2o!ths i! 'hi!a/ <ut retur!e,
a-ai! i! 1137J u!,er the -ui,a!ce o the teacher Nua! &uai.cha!- he
<eca2e a teacher o Ze!/ too. @he! he retur!e, to =apa!/ he <rou-ht 7ith
hi2 -ree! tea. &e 7as as 7ell the irst to i!tro,uce the culti4atio! o tea/
a!, cere2o!y o ,ri!8i!- tea. Ater his arri4al he esta<lishe, a te2ple i!
$yusho/ o! the isla!, o the sa2e !a2e/ the irst =apa!ese Ze! te2ple.
Eisai ha, <e-u! slo7ly to preach a !e7 aith a!, starte, to -ai! respect/ so
ro2 2e2<ers o the tra,itio!al Te!,ai School/ as ro2 the E2perorMs court/
throu-h a 8i!, o ,eli<erate ,iplo2acy.
EisaiMs school Ri!Eai co2es ro2 a 2i!i2alist souther! style o 'hi!ese
'ha!/ the school o the su,,e! e!li-hte!2e!t/ esta<lishe, <y/ as 7e
re2e2<er/ Si>th Patriarch &ui Ne!-. Eisai eli2i!ate, ro2 the =apa!ese
practice o ?u,,his2 all the tra,itio!al ele2e!ts/ e>cept the sitti!-
co!te2platio! a!, $ondo co!te2platio! Bi!si-ht i! the !ature o satoriC. ?y
i!tro,uci!- this 2i!i2alist or2 o ?u,,his2/ Eisai stri4e, to7ar, the
reor2 o the ol, Te!,ai School/ to 7hich he <elo!-e, i! the <e-i!!i!-.
Later/ he 2o4e, i!to the capital $a2a8ura. Si!ce the po7er o sho-u!s
Bco22a!,ers.i!.chieC a!, their 7arrior.sa2urais ha, -ro7!/ a!, as they
rea,ily accepte, the !e7 teachi!-/ accor,i!-ly/ i! a short perio, o ti2e
there shot orth a 7hole ra!-e o !e7 Ze! te2ples. Supporte, <y the ruli!-
caste/ Ze! ?u,,his2 ha, Bespecially EisaiMs Ri!Eai SchoolC i22e!se
i!lue!ce o! =apa!ese thou-ht i! -e!eral/ o! culture a!, philosophy. A<o4e
all/ Ri!Eai School is 2ostly associate, 7ith =apa!ese cere2o!y o tea
,ri!8i!-/ i8e<a!a a!, the art o archery.

#.9.1. Soto Teachi!- o %o-e! a!, Lotus School o Nichire!
The 2ost tale!te, ,isciple o a =apa!ese philosopher Eisai 7as %o-e!. &e
7as <or! i! 1#"" i! $yoto/ i! a !o<le a2ily. &is ather 7as a 2i!ister a!,
his 2other 7as a ,au-hter o the i2perial re-e!t. ?oth o his pare!ts 7ere
,ea, u!til he 7as ei-ht years ol,. (et as a <oy he ,eci,e, to <eco2e a 2o!8.
At 11/ %o-e! re!ou!ce, ho!ors a!, social positio! that <elo!-e, to hi2 <y
i!herita!ce. &e set out to the ce!ter o the Te!,ai ?u,,his2 o! the 2ou!t
&iei. Alrea,y at such youthul a-e/ he 7as 4ery astute. So/ he percei4e, that
there e>ists a -ap <et7ee! theory a!, practice a!, that i! this school it is
put too 2uch e2phasis o! e4ery,ay acti4ities a!, too little ti2e is spe!t o!
,octri!al stu,yi!- a!, aith.
@he! he ha, realiEe, that there he has !ot 2uch to lear!/ he 2o4e, to
$e!i!Ai Te2ple i! $yoto/ ou!,e, <y Eisai i! 1#10. This teacher let -reat
i2pressio! o! hi2/ 7ith his spirituality a!, ethics. ?ut/ ater o!e year Eisai
ha, ,ie, a!, !e7 teacher/ MyoEe!/ 7as assi-!e, to %o-e!. Throu-h the
!e>t si> years he 7as his ,e4ote, ,isciple a!, the! he 2a,e a ,ecisio! to -o
to 'hi!a/ to perect 2ore spiritually. @he! he sai, this to MyoEe!/ he !ot
o!ly ca2e upo! appro4al/ <ut the teacher e>presse, his 7ill to Aoi! his
,isciple/ so they to-ether set out o! a Aour!ey to 'hi!a.
So/ i! 1##1 %o-e! a!, MyoEe! reache, the atherla!, o 'ha! ?u,,his2.
%o-e! e!tere, 7ith -reat e!thusias2 i!to 'hi!-.te ssu Te2ple o! the
2ou!t Tie! tu!-/ 7here years a-o Eisai ha, <ee! stu,yi!-. At that ti2e the
A<<ot o the 2o!astery 7as =u.chi!-/ 2a! o e>traor,i!ary 7is,o2 a!,
character. Althou-h it 7as Li!.chi BRi!EaiC ce!ter/ he alo!e <elo!-e, to the
ol,er Tsao.tu!- BSotoC School/ that o the -ra,ual e!li-hte!2e!t. %uri!- the
2e,itatio!/ he -ai!e, the i!si-ht i!to the !ature o ,uality/ i.e. that she
2ust !ot <e ,e!ie,/ <ut has to <e percei4e, i! the li-ht o tra!sce!,e!tal
!o!.,uality/ 7hich represe!ts the o!ly truth Brelati4eC o the ,ualistic 7orl,.
I! 1##6 %o-e! has <eco2e the irst =apa!ese 2o!8 to i!herit the li!e Tsao.
tu!-J 7he! he retur!e, to =apa! t7o years later/ he <eca2e a ou!,er o the
-ra,ual/ Soto School.
O! retur! to his ol, $e!i!Ai Te2ple/ %o-e! i22e,iately <e-a! 7ith 7riti!-
te>ts a!, aprea,i!- o the !e7 teachi!- 7hat 7as percei4e, as ra,i4al
separatio! o ,octri!e a!, pra>is o those ti2es. %uri!- !e>t se4eral years
%o-e! <e-a! to -ai! reputatio! as the 2ost i2porta!t teacher o the
2e,itatio!. Arou!, 1#1" ori-i!ate, 7or8 Sho"ogenCo, collectio! o essays
7hich co2prehe!,e, all aspects o ?u,,hist thou-ht a!, practice. %o-e!
7as ,e2ocratic i! his teachi!-s a!, allo7e, e4e! the poorest o!es to Aoi!
hi2. &e supporte, the eort o 2o!8s as 7ell as o lay2e!J he hel, or a!
i,eal the ho2eless liestyle/ 7hich accor,i!- to his opi!io! tra!sce!,e, the
co22o! li4es o 2o!8s a!, lay2e!. &is 2oto 7as OStu,yi!- o ?u,,his2 is
stu,yi!- selP/ <ecause he perso!ally elt that it is !ecessary al7ays to -rasp
7ith o!eMs 2i!, the prese!t 2o2e!t/ i! 7hich all the si> se!ses really 7or8
a!, !e4er lose the co!scie!ce a<out the sel i! the prese!t ti2e.
The $a2a8ura perio, i! 2e,ie4al =apa!/ <esi,e ou!,ers o sects =o,o/
Ri!Eai a!, Soto o Ze! ?u,,his2 <rou-ht also the last -reat reor2er/
!a2e, Nichire!. This philosopher 7as <or! i! 1###/ i! pro4i!ce A7a.
Althou-h later ollo7ers trie, to ascri<e hi2 aristocratic ori-i!/ he alo!e ha,
state, that his ather 7as Aust a isher2a!. I! his youth he e!tere, the
2o!astery o! 2ou!t $iyosu2i/ 7here he stu,ie, Te!,ai School a!,
especially the practice o SNe2<utsuM. I! 1#19 he 7e!t to stu,y/ to the
capital $a2a8ura. Nichire!/ li8e his co!te2porary %o-e! ha, thou-ht that
ol, teachi!- =o,o ,i, !ot suit a!y2ore the spirit o that ti2e. Thereore/ o!
retur! to his 2o!astery o! 2ou!t $iyosu2i he 7rote a short treatise/ 7hich
relecte, his 7ish to reor2 =apa!ese ?u,,his2. &e co!ti!ue, his stu,ies at
the 2o!astery o! 2ou!t &iei/ 7here %o-e! ha, also spe!t a certai! perio,
o ti2e. &ere Nichire! stu,ie, ,iere!t schools o ?u,,hist thou-ht a!, 2et
the i,ea o hongau ho$on teachi!- o the ori-i!al e!li-hte!2e!t/ 7hat
7ill later ti!-e his o7! teachi!-.
%eci,i!- to reor2 thorou-hly Te!,ai ?u,,his2/ he i!tro,uce, to his
teachi!- .otos-sutras, 7hich he co!si,ere, i,eal or $appo perio,/ i.e. perio,
o ,eca,e!ce/ i! 7hich ori-i!al teachi!-s o ?u,,ha -et ,ar8e!e, a!, lost.
I! 1#61/ 7he! ,ie, his co!te2porary %o-e!/ Nichire! ,eci,e, to e>pou!,
pu<licly his teachi!-. &o7e4er/ his harsh style <rou-ht hi2 e!e2ies/ so o!
o!e occasio! he <arely escape, ,eath. A<out 1#:"/ 7he! =apa! 7as
threate!e, <y Mo!-olia! i!4asio!/ Nichire! asserte, that losi!- the support
o -o,s 7as a result o sprea,i!- the SNe2<utsuM practice. PhilosopherMs
state2e!ts 7ere !ot 7elco2e, <y authorities/ so he 7as <a!ishe, to
pe!i!sula IEuJ se4eral years later to isla!, Sa,o. Althou-h there he acte,
u!,er the pressure o authorities/ he still tau-ht his lear!i!- a!, -ai!e, a
certai! !u2<er o ollo7ers. I! 1#70 it 7as -ra!te, to Nichire! to retur! to
$a2a8ura. There he ou!,e, his te2ple/ syste2atiEe, his o7! teachi!-s/
!ot i!tereri!- i! politics a!y2ore. &is theory o ori-i!al e!li-hte!2e!t
e>plai!s ho7 people 2ust/ i! re4eali!- their o7! e!li-hte!2e!t/ tor!
the2sel4es to their o7! !ature. Accor,i!- to Nichire!/ thereore/ the
a<solute is the <asis o each <ei!-/ a!, !ot a -oal that 2ust <e achie4e,.
3& M'("!)L P*"L+(+P*,-( +F *, M+D,-. )2,
1.1.1. Mystical Theolo-y o Shoe2a8er ?oeh2e
O!e o the 4ery peculiar perso!alities o the 2ystical philosophy o the 17
ce!tury is =a8o< ?oeh2e. This sel.e,ucate, 2ystical philosopher 7as <or!
i! place Alt Sei,e!<er- i! the 4ici!ity o GoerlitE Bto,ay Z-orEelec i! Pola!,C
i! the! easter! Ger2a!y/ i! 1676. &is irst proessio! 7as that o shepher,/
o! the hill !ear his !ati4e place. The o!ly e,ucatio! he recei4e, ha, <ee! at
local school i! Sei,e!<er-. This place is e4e! !o7a,ays 7ell 8!o7! or its
shoe2a8er crat. So/ it is !o 7o!,er that 10 year ol, ?oeh2e <eca2e
appre!tice <y a shoe2a8er/ as his pare!ts esti2ate, hi2 too 7ea8 or
ati-ue o the a-riculture la<or. I! his #0
year ?oeh2e is alrea,y a 2aster.
shoe2a8er i! GoerlitE/ 2arrie, <y a ,au-hter o a local <utcher. It see2s
that he ha, -otte! si> chil,re!.
The tur!i!- poi!t i! the lie o =a8o< ?oeh2e occurre, i! year 1:"". he the!
e>perie!ce, a ,eep 2ystical state o e!li-hte!2e!t. The ecstatic e>perie!ce
o the e!li-hte!2e!t 7ith 4isio! o the all.per2eati!- %i4i!ity ,eeply
i!lue!ce, his e!tire later lie path. Ater this o!e/ he e>perie!ce, a!other
e!li-hte!2e!t/ 7hich cleare, up 7hat i! prece,e!t 4isio!s ha, <ee!
o<scure or 4a-ue. ?ut/ ro2 these e>perie!ces o e!li-hte!2e!t 2a!y years
ha, passe,/ <eore ?oeh2e ,eci,e, to 7rite ,o7! his irst 7or8.
?oeh2eMs irst treatise e!title, Aurora, ro2 1:1#/ e>presses his theolo-ical
i!si-hts i! a ,eep/ so2eti2es har,ly co2prehe!si<le prophetic 2a!!er. The
7or8 e>perie!ce, o!ly a 2i!or popularity/ i! !arro7 circle o ?oeh2eMs
ollo7ers. ?ut/ it si2ulta!eously e>perie!ce, the stro!- oppositio! as 7ell/
ro2 the 'hurch authorities. So/ local pastor e4e! reGueste, ?oeh2eMs
<a!ish2e!t ro2 the to7!. The city cou!cil ha, passe, this ,e2a!,/ so the
hapless philosopher really ha, to lea4e GoerlitE. Si!ce ?oeh2e ha, <ee!/
ho7e4er ,ee2e, a! e>e2plary citiEe!/ i!ha<ita!ts re<elle, a-ai!st this
,ecisio!/ so ?oeh2e 7as soo! e!a<le, to retur!. The repeal o ,ecisio! 7as
co!,itio!e, thou-h/ <y suspe!sio! o 7riti!- <oo8s. This ,ecisio! ?oeh2e
respecte, i! the course o the !e>t i4e years. Ater7ar,s/ he co!ti!ue, to
7rite/ <ut e>clusi4ely or the pri4ate use/ a2o!- rie!,s.
I! this seco!, phase o his acti!-/ <et7ee! 1:13 a!, 1:#0 Bthat is/ u!til his
,eathC =a8o< ?oeh2e ha, ile, Guite o !u2<er o <oo8s/ so his opus
a2ou!te, to #: 7or8s. O!e o his 2ost re!o7!e, is 8e signatura reru$ BThe
Si-!ature o all Thi!-sC. Ater the 7or,s o the 4ery author i! the
I!tro,uctio!/ it is Otruly a 2ystical 2irror o the hi-hest 7is,o2P. The true
8!o7le,-e/ accor,i!- to the philosopher/ is the -reatest treasure that 2a!
ca! collectJ it relates also to the 8!o7le,-e a<out hi2sel alo!e/ si!ce 2a!.
2icrocos2 is the -reat ,i4i!e 2ystery a!, it is the re,uce, prese!tatio! o
the 7hole u!i4erse. The u!,a2e!tal thou-ht o the 7or8 8e signature reru$
is that the 7hole 4isi<le 7orl, 7ith all his <ei!-s is the si-!ature/ o a shape
o the i!!er spiritual 7orl,. ?oeh2e ollo7s the !e-ati4e theolo-y o his
pre,ecessors/ Ec8hart a!, Nicholas o 'usaL Go, create, all thi!-s out o
!othi!- a!, the sa2e !othi!- is he alo!e.
Ater ?oeh2eMs e2a!ati4e sche2e/ ro2 !othi!-!ess the u!,erlyi!-
-rou!, irstly/ a ,i4i!ity is <or! a!, the! o!e ro2 a!other there lo7 outL
eter!al !ature/ spiritual 7orl, a!, i!ally 4isi<le !ature. ?oeh2e 7ithi! his
opus ela<orate, a ru,i2e!tary or2 o ,ialectics that co!sist o positi4e a!,
!e-ati4e polar pri!ciple. These pri!ciples lo7 out ro2 the ori-i!ally
u!,iere!tiate, !o!.<ei!- o %eity that ?oeh2e ,e!otes as pri2or,ial
A<yss or S+!-ru!,M. Ater7ar,s it ,e4elops throu-h or,ere, le4els o the
2a!iestatio! to7ar, the u!i4ersal sel.re4eali!-.
O!e ?oeh2eMs co!ceptio! says that %i4i!e e2a!atio! ro2 the pure
O!e!ess i!to the ,iere!tiate, actuality reGuires co!ro!tatio! 7ith
separatio! a!, oppositio!s. =ust ro2 this creati4e e!cou!ter/ he thi!8s/
e2a!ates the se!siti4e u!i4erse. I! that se!se i!e4ita<le are so the co!lict/
as the sueri!-. ?oeh2e percei4es these !e-ati4e ele2e!ts as 2oti4ati!-
actors/ 7hich sti2ulate 2a!iol, 2a!iestatio!s o the !ature.
The last te! years o his lie =a8o< ?oeh2e spe!t as tra4eli!- sales2a!/
selli!- 7oole! -lo4es i! Pra-ue a!, %res,e!. Occasio!ally he ,roppe, i!to
GoerlitE. I! 1:#0 there he pu<lishe, his 7or8 8er Weg Cu *hristo BThe @ay
to 'hristC. A-ai! he ca2e upo! the <elli-ere!t attitu,e o the cler-y/ so o!ce
a-ai! he 7as co2pelle, to lea4e the to7!. ?y the e!, o that year ?oeh2e
ha, <ee! ta8e! ill i! %res,e!J he cau-ht a e4er a!, soo! he ,ie,. &is
a,4ersaries i! GoerlitE 7ere so rele!tless/ that hty 7a!te, to ,e!y hi2 a
<urial ser4ice. O!ly ater the i!ter4e!tio! o a local aristocrat/ cou!t 4o!
%roh!a/ a priest 7as se!t to peror2 a! oratio!. ?ut this priest <e-a! his
oratio! 7ith a ,eclaratio!/ that he 7oul, rather 7al8 t7e!ty 2iles/ tha! say
a 7or, o praise a<out the ,eu!ct. &o7e4er/ ?oeh2e has <ee! -loriie,
posthu2ously as the -reatest Ger2a! philosopher o 17
ce!tury. A<out his
i2porta!ce tells the act/ that he i!lue!ce, later Ger2a! thi!8ers li8e
?aa,er/ Schelli!-/ &e-el a!, others.
Althou-h 'harles @. Lea,<eater Bi! his 7or8 *harasC spea8 o =oha!!
Geor- Gichtel as ?oeh2eMs pupil/ this Ger2a! 2ystic/ ho7e4er/ ,i, !ot
recei4e his 8!o7le,-e ,irectly ro2 hi2/ as he 7as <or! 10 years ater his
,eath. ?or! i! Ratis<o!/ ?a4aria B1:13C/ Gichtel stu,ie, theolo-y a!, la7
a!, or so2e ti2e he 7or8e, as a la7yer. &e reache, ?oeh2eMs teachi!-
pro<a<ly throu-h so2eo!e <elo!-i!- to the circle o irst philosopherMs
,isciples. As he 7as a stro!- perso!ality/ he soo! <e-a! to -ather his
ollo7ers a!, ou!,e, a 8i!, o 2ystical 'hristia! 2o4e2e!t. ?ecause o his
criticis2 to7ar, the lo7 le4el o e,ucatio! o the Luthera! cler-y/ he ,re7 o!
a hatre, o the 'hurch authorities/ so i! 1::6 he 7as <a!ishe,. T7o years
later/ ater a perio, o 7a!,eri!-s/ he ou!, a reu-e i! Z7olle/ Netherla!,s/
7here he li4e, a!, acte, u!til his ,eath. ?y his acti!- he co!tri<ute, a lot
to sprea,i!- o ?oeh2eMs i,eas i! Netherla!,sJ a2o!- the rest/ he pu<lishe,
his 7or8s i! A2ster,a2 i! 1:3#.
=oha!! G. Gichtel is i2porta!t or the Europea! 2ystical philosophy/
<ecause he pu<lishe, irst a 7or8 o! e!er-y ce!tres i! 2a! B'ha8rasC i!
1:9:. 'ha8ras are e!er-y ce!ters o! the surace o the etheric <o,y/
throu-h 7hich e!er-y lo7s ro2 o!e 2a!Ms <o,y to the other i! &i!,uis2
they are 8!o7! ro2 a!cie!t ti2es. Gichtel ,i, !ot co2e to his 8!o7le,-e
a<out cha8ras throu-h so2e I!,ia! 2ystic/ <ut/ as he alo!e says/ <y Si!!er
re4elatio!M/ that is/ <y clair4oya!ce. The 7or8 7here these e!er-y ce!ters are
,escri<e, is calle, #ractical Theosoph(= i! it he e>plai!s the pri!ciples o
three 7orl,s i! 2a! a!, ce!ters o the i!!er 2a!. &e ca2e to this
8!o7le,-e O<y ,i4i!e co!te2platio!/ ater 7hat he se!se,/ e>perie!ce, a!,
ou!, outP.
Accor, to Lea,<eater/ Gichtel ,e4elope, his clair4oya!ce i! all li8elihoo, <y
li4i!- a true spiritual lie/ <ut i! re-ar, to cha8ras Opro<a<ly he 7as !ot
a7are o their real character a!, useP. )irst a!, seco!, cha8ras Bcro7! a!,
<ro7C Gichtel prese!ts 7ithout a co22e!t/ ho7e4er he 8!o7s that they are
co!!ecte, 7ith psychic processes. &e calls solar ple>us the area o a!-er. To
heart cha8ra he attri<utes selish lo4e/ to throat cha8ra 2alice a!,
co4etous!ess a!, to ce!ters o the hea, pri,e. &e also ascri<es certai!
pla!ets to ce!ters/ so Moo! rules o4er the throat cha8ra Bat the <otto2 o
the spi!eC/ Mercury o4er sacral cha8ra/ De!us o4er solar ple>us/ Su! o4er
heart cha8ra/ Mars rules o4er throat cha8ra/ =upiter o4er <ro7 char8a a!,
Satur! o4er cro7! char8a. Gichtel co!si,ers heart cha8ra to <e the ce!tral
o!e/ ro2 7hich e!er-y circulates i! spiral 2o,eL it irst pass throu-h
sacral/ the! it cli2<s up to the throat/ the! it lo7er to the splee!/ procee, to
the eye<ro7/ the! it lo7ers circularly to the root cha8ra a!, i!ally it rises
up to the cro7! char8a. Accor,i!- to Gichtel/ i! i!!er or-a!s there are
ce!ters o our ele2e!ts.
I! his ha!,<oo8 o practical theosophy/ Gichtel says that i!!er 'hrist has
his area i! i!!er Earth. ?ut/ i! our ele2e!ts are also prese!t restless!ess
a!, ,ispute/ <uil,i!- a!, ,estructio!. So/ or e>a2ple he says that
i!,i4i,ual ire <elie4es or itsel that it is Go,/ althou-h it is Aust a ire that
<ur!s so lo!-/ as there is 2atter. @he! that purpose is acco2plishe,/ o!e
ca! u!,ersta!, that the ire 7as !ot ,i4i!e. Go, 7a!ts ro2 us co2passio!
a!, that is the reaso! 7hy he e!li-hte!s us 7ith his li-ht/ says =oha!!
1.1.#. 'a2<ri,-e Plato!ist &e!ry More
O!e o t7o -reat E!-lish 2ystical philosophers
o the 17
ce!tury/ &e!ry
More/ 7as <or! i! 1:10/ i! Gra!tha2/ Li!col!shire. &e co2es o 2o,erately
7ealthy $al4i!ist a2ily. Alrea,y at his early a-e he ,ou<te, the rectitu,e o
the $al4i!ist ,octri!e a<out the pre,esti!atio!/ at the sa2e ti2e 2ore a!,
2ore espousi!- Neo.Plato!ist philosophy. &is irst co!tact 7ith Neo.
Plato!is2 ha, <ee! throu-h the 2e,iu2 o E,2u!, Spe!cerMs poetry. &e
acGuire, his e,ucatio! irst i! his !ati4e Gra!tha2/ the! at Eto! 'olle-e
a!, i! 1:11 he 7e!t to 'a2<ri,-e +!i4ersity. There he -ra,uate, i! 1:16/
i! 1:19 too8 a 2aster ,e-ree a!, staye, at 'a2<ri,-e u!til his ,eath
Ater the -ra,uatio!/ More <e-a! 7ith serious stu,ies o Neo.Plato!ist
philosophers/ especially Ploti!us/ also partly throu-h 7or8s o Marsilio
)ici!o a!, he stu,ie, Plato alo!e/ as 7ell. Accor,i!- to his o7! 7or,s/ he
7as the irst at 'a2<ri,-e to stu,y Ploti!us. At the sa2e ti2e he ha, <ee!
rea,i!- a 7or8 o! Ger2a! 2ystical theolo-y/ e!title, Theologia ;er$anica= it
2a,e a certai! i2pact o! hi2/ too. More 7as surely the irst a!, 2ost
pro2i!e!t represe!tati4e o the 'a2<ri,-e Neo.Plato!ic philosophy.
&e!ry More 7as a 2a! o 2o,est !ature/ 7ho ,i, !ot li8e ho!ors. So he
,ecli!e, the oere, positio! o the hea,2aster o 'hristMs 'olle-e Bi! 1:60CJ
i!stea, o hi2 it ha, <ee! appoi!te, his collea-ue/ Neo.Plato!ist Ralph
'u,7orth. I! 1:76/ 7he! he 7as alrea,y :1/ he accepte, to <e a ca!o! o
Gloucester 'athe,ral/ <ut soo! he 7ith,re7/ to ce,e his positio! to %r.
E,7ar, )o7ler/ later <ishop o Gloucester. More 7as 8!o7! i! that ti2e as
the A!-el o the 'hristMs 'olle-e. &e re2ai!e, a aithul 2e2<er o the
A!-lica! 'hurch/ i! spite o the ,a!-er that <rou-ht such ,e4otio! i! the
ti2e o the 'i4il @ar a!, i!terre-!u2 Bi! 0"Ms a!, 6"Ms o 17
&is irst <e-i!!i!- o ,eali!- 7ith philosophy 7as actually ,e!ote, <y
7riti!- o Plato!ic poetry. Althou-h this poetry 7as !ot o -reater literary
i2porta!ce/ it re4eals ,eep MoreMs ,e,icatio! to Neo.Plato!ic philosophy.
&o7e4er/ this ,e,icatio! 7as !ot e!tire/ si!ce it i!clu,e, stro!- co!!ectio!
7ith 'hristia!ity a!, partly also e2piric 2etho,. A certai! i!lue!ce o!
More ha, also the 2aterialistic philosophy o Tho2as &o<<es a!, Re!Q
%escartes/ <ut he al7ays e2phasiEe, that purely 2aterialist approach to
either !ature or 2a!/ is si2ply i!tellectually i!appropriate. &is 2essa-e 7as
that o!ly a philosophy 7hich respects a prese!ce o spirit ca! Au,-e i! a
correct 7ay a<out our e>perie!ce. MoreMs philosophy spea8s a<out the acti4e
sprea,i!- o spirit that per2eates the e!tire !ature a!, 7hich is 2a!ieste,
i! us a spirit a!, i! its i!i!ite or2 as %i4i!ity.
More represe!ts a 2ystical a!, theosophical si,e o the 'a2<ri,-e Plato!ic
2o4e2e!t. At the sa2e ti2e/ he is the 2ost proliic author a2o!- the
'a2<ri,-e Plato!ists. This spiritual -e!ius a!, si-!iica!t perso!ality o
?ritish philosophy/ 8!o7! or his 2o,esty/ -e!erosity a!, piety/ 7rote 2a!y
7or8s/ a2o!- 7hich 2ost pro2i!e!t are *on@ectura *a""alistica, 8i%ine
#he other is )o!ert *ludd.
8ialogues, The I$$ortalit( o! the Soul, 'nchiridiu$ )etaph(sicu$,
'nchiridiu$ 'thicu$.
The 7or8 *on@ectura *a""alistica B1:61C prese!ts a co!!ectio! <et7ee! the
i!terpretatio! o SGe!esisM/ Neo.Plato!ic !atural 2a-ic a!, ethical thou-ht.
The 7orl, is here prese!te, i! the or2 o threeol, $a<<alaL the irst
co2prises paraphrase o the three irst chapters o SGe!esisMJ seco!, is
philosophical $a<<ala a!, i!terpretatio! o the si!-le co!cepts o $a<<alaJ
i! the thir, part/ the 2oral $a<<ala/ it is ,escri<e, the soul o 2a!/ 7hich
co!tai!s our <asic 4irtuesL pru,e!ce/ Austice/ po7er o the spirit a!,
The I$$ortalit( o! the Soul B1:69C is the irst <i--er 7or8 ro2 the iel, o
philosophical theolo-y. Spea8i!- o spirit/ he says that pe!etra<ility a!,
i!,i4isi<ility are i22e,iate ,isti!ctio!s o the spirit. The 8i!,s o spirit/
accor,i!- to More/ are e2<ryo!al or2s/ the souls o a!i2als/ hu2a! souls
a!, souls o a!-els. The soul/ as the acti4e spirit has a or2ati4e po7er o
acti!- upo! <o,y/ so Othere is a -oo, reaso! to <elie4e i! its pre.e>iste!ce/
7hich is co!siste!t 7ith the -oo,!ess o Go, a!, supporte, <y 2a!y
authorities/ i!clu,i!- &er2es Tris2e-istusP. More <elie4es i! the e>iste!ce
o the Natural Spirit/ or2ati4e su<sta!ce 7hich per2eates the e!tire
!ature. All the !atural phe!o2e!a 7hich ca!!ot <e e>plai!e, <y 2ere
2echa!ical pri!ciples are cause, <y these or2ati4e po7ers/ 2a!ieste, i!
acti!- o -ra4itatio! a!, sy2pathetic 2a-ic.
8i%ine 8ialogues B1::3C is a treatise 7hich epito2iEes MoreMs -e!eral 4ie7s
co!cer!i!- philosophy a!, reli-io!/ 7hilst 'nchiridiu$ 'thicu$ Bro2 the
sa2e yearC represe!ts his 2ost i2porta!t 7or8 ro2 the iel, o ethics. More
sees 4irtue as the i!tellectual soul po7er/ <y 7hich are o4erco2e a!i2al
traits a!, <o,ily passio!s. Ater hi2/ soul al7ays aspire to7ar, 7hat is
a<solute a!, <est a!, Sri-ht reaso!M is the copy o the eter!al la7/ 7ritte! i,
,i4i!e 2i!,.
The 7or8 'nchiridiu$ )etaph(sicu$ B1:71C is the last i2porta!t 7or8 o
&e!ry More. I! it/ he critically re.sur4eys the 'artesia! 2echa!is2 a!,
<ri!-s orth a clear prese!tatio! o his 4italist theory. Go,Ms e>iste!ce/ ater
More/ ca! <e pro4e, throu-h the 2a!iestatio!s o !ature. Phe!o2e!a li8e
or e>a2ple -ra4itatio!/ 2a-!etis2 a!, !ature o li-ht a!, colors are
i!e>plica<le 7ithout the suppositio! o 4italistic orces. &e!ry More ,e,uces
that space a!, Go, are o!e a!, <oth are a<solute/ i22o4a<le/ eter!al/ sel.
e>isti!-/ i!,estructi<le/ u<iGuitous/ <o,iless/ a!, they per2eate all thi!-s.
1.1.1. 'o!4erte, Scie!tist ?laise Pascal
?laise Pascal B<or! i! 1:#1 i! 'ler2o!t.)erra!,/ Au4er-!eC is )re!ch
2athe2aticia!/ physicist a!, 2ystical philosopher. &is ather/ 2e2<er o
the local -e!try/ 7as a Au,-e o proessio!. As he 7as i!cli!e, to7ar,
scie!ce/ i! the irst place to7ar, 2athe2atics/ this i!cli!atio! he ha,
carrie, o4er to his so!/ 7ho 7oul, sho7 his e>ceptio!al tale!ts alrea,y i!
his chil,hoo,. I! 1:11 the a2ily 2o4e, to Paris. )ather too8 care or little
?laise a!, his t7o sisters/ as 2other ha, ,ie, 7he! he 7as o!ly three years
)ather Etie!!e ,eci,e, to ,e,icate all his care to so!Ms e,ucatio!. So he ha,
,eci,e, that ?laise shoul, !ot lear! yet 2athe2atics/ <ut that he 2ust
,e4ote all o his ti2e to stu,ies o Lati! a!, Gree8. ?ut/ ?laise coul, !ot
ha4e respecte, atherMs ,ecisio!/ <ecause he si2ply <ur!e, 7ith ,esire or
stu,yi!- 2athe2atics. So/ ?laise ,re7 secretly B7ithout atherMs 8!o7le,-e/
<ut also 7ithout <oo8s/ 7hich ather ha, 2a,e i!accessi<leC/ 7ith a little
piece o coal -eo2etrical i-ures o! the loorJ 2oreo4er/ he soo! <e-a! to
i!4e!t <y hi2sel ,iere!t co!cepts a!, a>io2s. @he! ather ha, e!tere,
u!!otice, the so!Ms roo2 o! o!e occasio! a!, sa7 so!Ms -eo2etric
,e>terities/ he 7as si2ply asto!ishe,. &e realiEe, that he ha, 2a,e a
2ista8e <y i2posi!- his prohi<itio!/ so he at o!ce <rou-ht his so! a copy o
Eucli,Ms 'le$ents.
I! 1:13/ <ecause o atherMs resista!ce to7ar, the policy o 'ar,i!al
Richelieu/ a2ily 7as co2pelle, to lea4e Paris. They 7e!t to li4e i! Roue!/
to7! a<out 1"" 8ilo2eters ro2 Paris. )ather ha, cha!-e, his proessio!
a!, <eca2e a ta> collector. &is so! ?laise soo! B1:0"C pu<lishes his irst
7or8/ 2athe2atical treatise 'ssai pour le coni1ues BEssay o! 'o!icsC/ at o!ly
17. T7o years later he co!structe, a 2echa!ical calculator/ a prototype o
the 2achi!e or a,,itio! a!, su<tractio!. Althou-h this ,e4ice ,i, !ot
acco2plish co22ercial success/ 7e ca! co!si,er it as pre,ecessor o to,ay
electro!ic calculator. Ater7ar,s/ there ollo7e, other 7or8s ro2 the iel, o
2athe2atics/ or e>a2ple Traite de triangle arith$eti1ue BTreatise o!
Arit2etic Tria!-leC/ i! 7hich he ,escri<e, a sche2e o <i!o2ial coeicie!ts/
later calle, PascalMs Tria!-le. I! 1:60/ i!cite, <y reGuest o his rie!, ,e
MQrX/ to e>plai! hi2 so2e Guestio!s co!cer!i!- haEar, -a2es Bhe 7as
!a2ely a passio!ate -a2<lerC/ he esta<lishe, a 2athe2atical theory o
Si,e <y si,e 7ith 2athe2atics/ ?laise Pascal ha, <ee! also ,eali!- 7ith
physics/ irstly <y researchi!- pressure o -ases a!, liGui,s. I! this iel, he
ha, success too/ ,isco4eri!- the la7 Blater calle, Pascal La7C o hy,rostatics/
7hich says that pressure cause, <y acti!- o orce i!so2e poi!t o! the
surace o the liGui,/ sprea,s throu-h the liGui, u!ior2ly i! all ,irectio!s.
?y the e!, o 1:60/ ater he e>perie!ce, a reli-ious co!4ersio!/ Pascal
a<a!,o!e, ,eali!- 7ith <oth 2athe2atics a!, physics. Ater the po7erul
reli-ious 4isio!/ 7hich laste, or a<out t7o hours/ Pascal ha, !ote, ,o7!
his e>perie!ce o! a piece o paper a!, the!ceorth he <rou-ht it al7ays 7ith
hi2. Soo! Pascal <e-a! 7riti!- 7or8s i! ,ee!se o =a!se!ist Mo4e2e!t a!,
o philosopher A!toi!e Ar!oul,. =a!se!ists ,e!ie, the ree,o2 o 7ill a!,
they 7ere a,here!ts o Au-usti!eMs teachi!- o! pre,esti!atio!. I! 1:67
Pascal 7or8 .ettres #ro%inciales BPro4i!cial LettersC. This 7or8 co2prises a
collectio! o pa2phlets ori-i!ate, i! ,ee!se o =a!se!ist Ar!oul,J it is
critically poi!te, a-ai!st =esuits/ 7ho ha, -otte! a co!si,era<le i!lue!ce o!
)re!ch politics. Ater PopeMs threat <y e>co22u!icatio!/ Pascal 7ith,re7/
<ut he ho7e4er 2a,e a certai! co!tri<utio! to later B1771C a<olish2e!t o
=esuit Or,er.
PascalMs 2ost i2porta!t a!, 2ost i!lue!tial 7or8 i! the iel, o the 2ystical
theolo-y is #ensGe BThou-htsC/ pu<lishe, or the irst ti2e posthu2ously/ i!
1:7". Na2ely/ i! 1:69 Pascal 7as seriously ta8e! ill a!, 4irtually cease, his
literary 7or8/ as 7ell as his classiicatio! o the collecte, 2aterial or the
proAect ori-i!ally e!title, Apologie de la religion *hretienne BApolo-y o the
'hristia! Reli-io!C. As the ori-i!al PascalMs i!te!tio! 7as to prese!t a
cohere!t treatise i! ,ee!se o 'hristia! aith/ the 7or8 ha, to <e re!a2e,
i!to #ensGe. The atte2pts o e,itors to put i! or,er ,i4erse a!, ,isperse,
!otes 7ere o!ly partially ruitul. &o7e4er/ i! spite o its i!cohere!ce a!,
ra-2e!tatio!/ this <oo8 <elo!-s to 2ost i2porta!t 7or8s o the 2o,er!
'hristia! 2ystical philosophy.
Gui,i!- thou-ht that ,ra7s throu-h the 7hole 7or8 #ensGe is that
acGuire2e!t o 8!o7le,-e 2ust <e a reli-ious e>perie!ce/ <ecause
i!telli-e!ce i! itsel ca! !ot lea, to certai! co!clusio!s/ 7he! the <asic
pri!ciples o! 7hich it is ou!,e, are Guestio!a<le. =ust <y %i4i!e re4elatio!/
7e ca! -ai! security/ e2phasiEes Pascal. Ma! ca! reach the co!scious!ess
a<out Go, 7ith his heart. May<e the <est 8!o7! PascalMs pro4er< is that
Oheart has its o7! reaso!s/ u!8!o7! to his 2i!,P. 'o!seGue!tly/ he
percei4es Go, i!tuitio!ally. Reli-io! ser4es to sho7 2a! that Go, e>ists/ a!,
that 7e are o<li-e, to lo4e hi2J accor,i!-ly/ the true happi!ess is 7he! 7e
are i! hi2 a!, our o!ly 2isortu!e/ 7he! 7e are ,etache, o hi2. ?laise
Pascal too is o!e o the pre,ecessors o the 2o,er! holistic 4ie7/ 7he! he
saysL O5the parts o the 7orl, are so i!terrelate, a!, their co!!ectio! 7ith
o!e a!other such that I <elie4e that is i2possi<le to 8!o7 o!e 7ithout the
other a!, 7ithout the 7hole.P
1.1.0. Occasio!alists Geuli!c> a!, Male<ra!che
I! the seco!, hal o the 17
ce!tury/ 7ithi! the 'artesia! philosophy/ there
occurre, a <ra!ch u!,er the !a2e occasio!alis2. This 2ystical
philosophical teachi!- spea8s a<out occasio!al causes Bcausae
occasionalesCJ accor,i!- to it si!-le occasio!s are o!ly cha!ces or
opportu!ities/ <ecause the real cause is al7ays a!, o!ly Go,. Me2<ers o
this <ra!ch/ li8e Geuli!c> a!, Male<ra!che assert that <et7ee! <o,y a!,
soul there is !o ,irect!seGue!tial li!8. )or the2/ the co!!ectio!
<et7ee! the2 is o!ly appare!t/ si!ce <y each o our 2o4e2e!t/ o!e 7ho
really acts is i! act Go,. So/ he i!ter4e!es <y our each 7illi!- act/ to i!cite
i! our <o,ies a 2o4e2e!t 7hich soul ca!!ot co22u!icate <y hersel.
Ar!ol, Geuli!c>/ o!e o t7o 2ost i2porta!t 2e2<ers o this <ra!ch/ 7as
<or! i! 1:#0 i! A!t7erpe!/ ?el-iu2. Ater the -ra,uatio! he <eca2e a
proessor at ?el-ia! u!i4ersity Lou4e!/ u!til 1:63J that is the ti2e 7he! he
co!4erte, to $al4i!is2. Ater7ar,s he 2o4e, to Netherla!,s/ 7here he
co!ti!ue, to teach at Lei,e! u!i4ersity. This to7! 7as the! a reu-e or !e7
co!4erts/ persecute, i! their cou!tries. &ere Geuli!c> ,ie,/ too early/ i! his
year/ !ot recei4i!- to 2eet the pu<lishi!- o his 2ai! 7or8s
)etaph(sica a!, 'thica.
&is philosophy is characteriEe, <y a! u!usual co2<i!atio! o ratio!alis2
a!, 2ysticis2. ?ut/ si!ce it is the seco!, hal o 17
ce!tury/ 7he!
ratio!alis2 o %escartes/ &o<<es a!, ). ?aco! alrea,y pre4aile,/ this
co2<i!atio! is !ot peculiar as it 2ay see2. Rapi, ,e4elop2e!t o
2echa!ical ,e4ices Ba!, chiely o 7atches a!, cloc8s i! 1:67 &uy-e!s
co!structe, a cloc8 7ith pe!,ulu2C co!si,era<ly co!tri<ute, to the -ro7i!-
accepta!ce o ratio!alist a!, 2echa!istic 4ie7. I! that ti2e co22o! 4ie7
a<out the u!i4erse 7as 2echa!isticJ accor,i!-ly/ cos2os ha, <ee!
percei4e, as a 2echa!is2 that Go, i! the <e-i!!i!- ha, S7ou!, upM a!,
the! let it to 2o4e <y itsel. )or e>a2ple/ i! %escartesM poi!t o 4ie7/ e4e!
pla!ts a!, a!i2als 7ere 2ere 2echa!is2s. A!, Ar!ol, Geuli!c> hel, that
Oli8e t7o cloc8s/ 2a,e <y the sa2e 2aster/ al7ays sho7 the sa2e ti2e/ i!
the sa2e 7ay there correspo!, u!ctio!s o spirit a!, <o,y/ i! o!e 7orl,
or,er ,eter2i!e, <y Go,.
I! his 7or8 )etaph(sica, pu<lishe, posthu2ously/ Geuli!c> hol,s that our
co!scie!ce posses certai! 2o,alities that ,o !ot ,epe!, o! oursel4es alo!e.
To arouse ,iere!t 2o,alities o co!scious!ess i! us/ Go, !ee,s a!
i!stru2e!t <y 7hich 7e ca! act/ a!, that i!stru2e!t is our <o,y. Go,/
accor,i!- to Geuli!c>/ peror2 our 2o4e2e!ts/ <ut ho7e4er/ 2a! is still
respo!si<le/ <ecause he posses 7ill. I! his seco!, 7or8 'thica philosopher
spea8s o o!e 4irtue/ 7ith 7hich 2a! shoul, pay his respect to Go,/ that is/
o prayer. Accor,i!- to Geuli!c>/ / 7e ha4e to pray to <e a<le to peror2 our
,aily ,uties a!, 7e shoul, !ot ,e2a!, ro2 Go, to ulill our 7ishes. @e
li4e i! Go,Ms 7orl, a!, 7e ha4e to respect that/ 7hat 7oul, happe!
accor,i!- to his 7ill. Real ree,o2 a!, <lessi!- e>pect us i 7e are capa<le
to separate 2i!, ro2 i2pressio!s a!, accept Go,Ms u!i4erse/ i! the 7ay it
is. Me,itatio! o! our o7! 2i!, acti!- a!, reacti!- is the o!ly 7ay to
co-!itio! o oursel4es a!, the o!ly 7ay to ree,o2/ Geuli!c> co!clu,es.
The seco!, i2porta!t represe!tati4e o occasio!alis2 is )re!ch philosopher
Nicole Male<ra!che/ <or! i! Paris i! 1:13. @he! he 7as ##/ he e!tere, the
Oratory Or,er/ ou!,e, <y St. Philip Neri. )our years later/ ater rea,i!-
%escartesM 7or8 Trait0 de lD ho$$e, he ,eci,e, to ,e4ote hi2sel to stu,ies o
philosophy. +!til his ,eath he 7oul, aspire to eluci,ate the i,eas o
%escartes a!, to up-ra,e the 'artesia! philosophy/ i! spite o the poor
health/ 7hich co!sta!tly acco2pa!ie, hi2 throu-h his lie. This )re!ch
philosopher/ althou-h <ei!- oppo!e!t o Ar!oul, a!, =a!se!ists/ 7as !ot
a! ortho,o> 'atholic either/ si!ce Ro2e co!,e2!e, his i,eas <ecause o
O,istortio! o the 'atholic ,octri!eP B1:37C.
Nicole Male<ra!che ha, 7or8e, out 'artesia! ,ualis2 i! a spiritual.
i,ealistic ,irectio!/ -etti!- closer to his co!te2porary Spi!oEa/ <ut
si2ulta!eously reAecti!- his pa!theis2. Accor,i!- to spiritualist 4ie7/ the
7orl, i! its esse!ce co!sists o spiritual e!tities/ 7hilst <o,ily 2a!iestatio!
is Aust a! o<Aecti4atio!/ a pro,uct o spiritual actors.
The pri!ciple 2essa-e o Mele<ra!cheMs 7or8s 8e la recherch0 de la %eritG
BSearch or the TruthC a!, 'ntretiens sur la $0taphisi1ue et sur la religion
B%ialo-s o! Metaphysics a!, Reli-io!C that our i,eas ,o !ot <ri!- either
,irect or certai! 8!o7le,-e a<out thi!-s/ <ut 7e see Oall the thi!-s i! Go,P.
Male<ra!che <e-i!s his research ,irecte, to7ar, the truth <y e>a2i!atio!
o the causes o 2ista8es. The <i--est source o 2ista8es is our o4er.
co!i,e!ce to7ar, our se!ses a!, the reaso! is that our se!ses are -i4e! to
us to ser4e to practical !ee,s a!, !ot re4eali!- !ature o thi!-s. Accor,i!-
to Male<ra!che there e>ists o!ly o!e cause a!, o!e Go,. I create, <ei!-s
,o !ot create the2sel4es Ba!, this is the <asic pre2ise o occasio!alis2C
Go, is the o!ly cause a!, the! it is o<4ious that Go, is o!e 7ho creates all
our i,eas/ too.
1.1.6. Philosopher 'lair4oya!t E2a!uel S7e,e!<or-
The irst i2porta!t 2ystical philosopher ater Male<ra!che 7as <or! a<out
hal a ce!tury later/ i! 1:33/ i! Stoc8hol2/ S7e,e!. E2a!uel S7e,e!<or-
7as <or! i! ti2e 7he! it ha, e!,e, the outer e>pa!sio! o S7e,e! a!,
7he! 8i!-,o2 stri4e, to i!te-rate itsel eco!o2ically a!, politically i!to
the! Europe. S7e,e!<or- 7as 2ay<e the last 2ystical philosopher/ 7ho2
7e ca! ,ei!e as poly2ath. &e 7as a scie!tist 7ith e>traor,i!ary 8!o7le,-e
i! a!ato2y/ 2athe2atics/ physics a!, che2istryJ he ,ealt 7ith psycholo-y
a!, stu,ie, theolo-yJ he 7as e>pert or 2etallur-y a!, 2i!i!-J he spo8e
!i!e la!-ua-es a!, 8!e7 se4e! 8i!,s o tra,e.
This S7e,ish -e!ius 7as <or! i! a a2ily o =esper S7e,<er-/ as thir, o
!i!e chil,re!. As a little chil, he 2o4e, to +psalla a!, i! 1:9: his 2other
,ie,. )ather 7or8e, i! +psalla as a proessor i! theolo-y. Ater o!e year he
2arrie, a 7ealthy 7i,o7/ ro2 a a2ily o 2i!e o7!ers. Little E2a!uel 7as
ro2 his earliest a-e occupie, 7ith thou-ht a<out Go,/ a<out sal4atio! a!,
hu2a! sueri!-. At the a-e o si> he alrea,y ,iscusse, Guestio!s o aith
7ith priests atherMs collea-ues. &e li4e, 7ith his ather to the a-e o 11/
u!til his ather tra!ser to to7! S8ara. E2a!uel re2ai!e, to li4e <y his
el,er sister/ u!til he -ra,uate, at the u!i4ersity +psalla i! 17"9.
S7e,e!<or- ha, <ee! i! his you!-er ,ays u!,er the stro!- i!lue!ce o
sisterMs hus<a!,/ li<raria!/ scie!tist/ a!, later ?ishop o Li!8Tpi!-. Ta8i!-
his a,4ice/ S7e,e!<or- set out i! 171" to E!-la!,/ to perect hi2sel i!
2o,er! scie!ce.
I! E!-la!, S7e,e!<er- ha, staye, or t7o years/ stu,yi!- 2athe2atics a!,
astro!o2y. ?esi,es/ he ,7elt <y so2e tra,es2e!/ o ,iere!t proessio!s/
7a!ti!- to try out i! their crats. So/ or e>a2ple he ha, lear!e, the crats o
e!-ra4i!-/ 2a!uacture o 2athe2atical i!stru2e!ts a!, later i!
Netherla!,s he lear!e, also -lass.-ri!,i!-. ?et7ee! 171# a!, 1710 he ha,
staye, i! Netherla!,s a!, )ra!ceJ ater7ar,s he spe!t a year i! Ger2a!y.
O! his Aour!eys S7e,e!<or- ha, passe, his ti2e 4ery thou-htullyL he
atte!,e, lectures/ 4isite, the <est li<raries/ al7ays sou-ht <oo8shops to <uy
<oo8s that i!tereste, hi2J he rea, a!, stu,ie,/ ote! lea,i!- co!4ersatio!s
7ith aca,e2icia!s o! ,iere!t su<Aects/ 7hich he ,ee2e, i2porta!t. O all
the scie!ces 7ith 7hich he ha, <ee! occupie, o! his Aour!ey/ i! ocus 7as
2athe2atics. %uri!- his i4e years stay a<roa, he ha, thou-ht out !o less
tha! 10 i!4e!tio!sJ or so2e o the2 he 2a,e ,ra7i!-s a!, or all o the2
he 2a,e !ecessary 2echa!ical a!, 2athe2atical calculatio!s.
O! his retur! to S7e,e!/ S7e,e!<or- ha, i!itiate, a scie!tiic 2a-aEi!e/
e!title, 8aedalus 2(per"oreus. As it ha, <ee! sol, i! too s2all !u2<er o
copies a!, 7ithout a,eGuate i!a!cial support/ 2a-aEi!e cease, to release
i! 1713. +!til 17#" he ha, <ee! e!-a-e, i! 4arious proAects/ 7riti!-
pu<licatio!s ro2 ,iere!t iel,s a!, thi!8i!- up ,iere!t i!4e!tio!s.
&o7e4er/ he ha, !ot <ee! o! per2a!e!t 7a-e. &is i!a!cial situatio!
i2pro4e, si-!iica!tly ater his step2other ha, ,ie,/ lea4i!- hi2 i!
i!herita!ce a co!si,era<le possessio!. These resources 7ill suice
S7e,e!<or- to <e-i! a! i!,epe!,e!t scie!tiic career. I! a,,itio!/ our years
later he 7oul, -et a Ao< o assessor i! the -o4er!2e!t/ <y the 2i!i!- <oar,.
At this ,e2a!,i!- Ao< S7e,e!<or- coul, ully e>press his i!tellect/ si!ce his
u!ctio! reGuire, a,2i!istrati4e tech!ical a!, Au,icial co2pete!ce. This
,uty S7e,e!<or- 7oul, peror2 i! the course o the !e>t t7e!ty years.
%uri!- this irst phase o S7e,e!<or-Ms as philosopher a!, scie!tist/ he ha,
pu<lishe, three i2porta!t <oo8s. The irst o!e/ e!title, Opera philosophica
et $ineralogical is a proper prese!tatio! o his o7! 4isio! o !atural
philosophy/ i! 7hich he sees the e!tire !ature as o!e hu-e or-a!is2. This
7or8/ 7hich co!sists o three 4olu2es/ 7as pu<lishe, i! 1710. I! the sa2e
year he pu<lishe, a 2i!or philosophical 7or8/ In!inite and 9inal *ause o!
*reation. The thir, 7or8 is The 'cono$( o! SoulDs :ingdo$, pu<lishe, i!
I! his irst 7or8 Bthat is/ i! the irst 4olu2e/ SPri!cipiaMC S7e,e!<or- has
,eli!eate, his philosophical 2etho,/ 7hich co2prise, e>perie!ce/ -eo2etry
a!, po7er o the 2i!, a!, he prese!ts i! it his cos2o-o!y/ as 7ell.
Accor,i!- to S7e,e!<or-/ OSi!ce 2a! rese2<les !ature i! his <o,y a!,
or-a!s/ or as to 2ea!s/ i he is u!,iere!tiate, ro2 the rest o the !ature
as to e!,s as 7ell/ the! the pri!ciples 7hich e>plai! Sthe least o creatio!M
7oul, li8e7ise e>plai! 2a!P/ so that 2a8e the urther philosophical
e>a2i!atio! o !ature u!!ecessary. The treatise In!inite and 9inal *ause o!
*reation sho7s the e>iste!ce o I!i!ite/ as also the u!iGue role o 2a! i! the
Or,er o 'reatio!. Ma!8i!, is 2ea!s <y 7hich Go, achie4es his i!al
purpose a!, 2e,iu2 7hich co!!ects Go, a!, 2a! is lo4e. All 2a!Ms
a<ilities/ se!siti4e/ i!tellectual/ his ree,o2 a!, capacity to lo4e they ser4e
or the realiEatio! o this i!al cause o creatio!. The thir, 7or8 The
'cono$( o! SoulDs :ingdo$ re4eals that causal 7orl,/ <y ,etaile,
e>a2i!atio! o the co!seGue!tial 7orl,/ u!,ersta!,i!- the rules o
-o4er!2e!t/ <y 7hich soul acts i! his 8i!-,o2/ that is/ i! <o,y. I! the e!,/
S7e,e!<or- ha, trie, to u!,ersta!, the pri2e4al cause <y 7hich
2icrocos2 acts/ or to Oe>plore the !ature o hu2a! soulP.
S7e,e!<or- ha, i!terrupte, his scie!tiic career Bsi2ilar to PascalC su,,e!ly
i! 1706/ alli!- i!to spiritual crisis. The!ceorth he <e-a! to research
careully Bi"le/ a!, result 7oul, <e the 7or8 Arcana coelestia, i! 7hich he
oere, his 2ystical i!terpretatio! o irst <oo8s o the SOl, Testa2e!tM. This
7or8s o his e>plai!s/ sa2e as !e>t/ Apocalipse Re%ealed, the i!!er se!se o
SGe!esisM/ part o SE>o,usM a!, SApocalipseM usi!- the ,octri!e o
correspo!,e!ce. Accor,i!- to a!cie!t ,octri!e/ S7e,e!<or- thi!8s/ all that
is 4isi<le i! the 2aterial 7orl, correspo!,s to so2ethi!- i! the i!4isi<le
astral 7orl,. The e!tire !atural 7orl, correspo!,s to spiritual 7orl,/ !ot
o!ly -e!eral se!se/ <ut also i! particulars. Thereore/ all that e>ist i! !atural
7orl,/ at the sa2e ti2e prese!ts a certai! i,ea.
S7e,e!<or-Ms reli-ious teachi!- <ri!-s orth a !e7 4isio! o Go,/ !e7
i!si-ht i! !ature o relatio!s <et7ee! the spiritual a!, !atural 7orl, a!,
u!i4ersal a!, ratio!al ethics that lea,s people to the purposeul lie. Ater
1706/ S7e,e!<or- ha, also ,e4elope, his e>traor,i!ary a<ilities/ i! the irst
place the po7er o prophecy a!, clair4oya!ce. The 2ost a2ous o
e>trase!sory 4isio!s relates to the co!la-ratio! i! Stoc8hol2/ 7hich he
Ssa7M ro2 GTte<or-/ 136 8ilo2eters ,ista!t to7!. T7o ,ays later/ courier
ro2 Stoc8hol2 co!ir2e, S7e,e!<or- Ss 4isio!/ up to ,etails.
I! his last pu<lishe, <oo8/ True *hristian Religion B1771C E2a!uel
S7e,e!<or- e>pou!,s his u!i4ersal theolo-y o the !e7 church a!, he
assertsL O@ith the a,4e!t o Ne7 'hurch/ !o7 it is allo7e, to e!ter the
2ysteries o the aithP. The esse!ce o Go, is relecte, i! lo4e a!, 7is,o2.
The esse!ce o Go,Ms lo4e co!sist o lo4e or others/ ,esire or the u!ity 7ith
the2J a!, 2a8i!- the2 happy. S7e,e!<or- sees lo4e i! her real !ature as
aspiratio! to7ar, the u!ity. Thereore/ a!-els a!, 2e! are ater the ,eath
happy i! the u!ity 7ith Go,.
1.1.:. Mystical I,eolo-ist o Ro2a!ticis2 )ra!E 4o! ?aa,er
GoetheMs you!-er co!te2porary a!, his ello7.cou!try2a! )ra!E 4o!
?aa,er <e-a! to act <y the e!, o 13
ce!tury/ 7he! i! art/ irstly i!
literature there ca2e i!to ocus the !e7 2o4e2e!t/ Ro2a!ticis2. This
2o4e2e!t/ i! the <e-i!!i!- e>clusi4ely artistic ha, starte, to sprea, 2ore
a!, 2ore/ so Ro2a!ticis2 is also 2e!tio!e, i! iel,s o philosophy/ politics
a!, others. Accor,i!-ly/ )ra!E 4o! ?aa,er is ote! 2e!tio!e, i! the co!te>t
o the philosophy o the Ro2a!ticis2J i! his case/ it 2ea!t the co2<i!atio!
o the i!tuiti4e 8!o7le,-e a!, e>perie!ce.
Do! ?aa,er 7as <or! i! the capital o ?a4aria/ Mu!ich/ i! 17:6. Si!ce he
7as physicia!Ms so!/ he alo!e stu,ie, 2e,ici!e/ too. At 1:/ he e!rolle, the
u!i4ersity o I!-olsta,t/ at the a-e o 19 he alrea,y -ra,uate,. ?ut/ he
co!ti!ue, to stu,y or t7o 2ore years i! Die!!a. Ater7ar,s/ he ha,
retur!e, to his ho2eto7!/ 7here he assiste, or so2e ti2e his ather/ court
physicia! o the ?a4aria! Elector. &o7e4er/ it see2s that soo! he ha, -otte!
<ore, 7ith the calli!- o physicia!/ so he 7e!t to stu,y 2i!i!- i! )rei<er-.
Ater the -ra,uatio!/ he acGuire, practical 8!o7le,-e <y tra4eli!- o4er
2i!i!- areas o !orther! Ger2a!y. I! 179# he set out to E!-la!,/ 7here he
7oul, stay u!til 179:.
I! E!-la!, 4o! ?aa,er ,eals 7ith Guestio!s co!cer!i!- 2i!i!- i!,ustry/
<ut he also stu,ies the 7or8 o 2ystic =a8o< ?oeh2e/ as 7ell as o E!-lish
philosophers &artley/ &u2e a!, Go,ui!. The latter o!es 7ere <y ar lesser
i! accor, 7ith his taste. ?esi,es 7ith ?oeh2e/ he 7as also attracte, <y
2ystical speculatio! o Meister Ec8hart a!, Sai!t.Marti!. I! 179: he
retur!s to Ger2a!y a!, -ets acGuai!te, 7ith )rie,rich &. =aco<i. Schelli!-
ha, also co!si,ere, hi2 a rie!,J 4o! ?aa,er ha, <ee! u!,er his
percei4a<le i!lue!ce/ ,uri!- this phase. This rie!,ship 7oul, last u!til
13##/ 7he! ?aa,erMs critiGue o 2o,er! philosophy/ i! his letter to Russia!
TEar Ale>a!,er I/ e!tirely estra!-e, Schelli!- ro2 hi2.
Throu-hout all the ti2e o ,eali!- 7ith philosophy/ 4o! ?aa,er also
peror2e, his Ao< o 2i!i!- e!-i!eer. )or his 7or8 i! the iel, o 2i!i!- he
recei4e, ac8!o7le,-e2e!ts/ too. )or e>a2ple/ he ,i, recei4e a! a7ar, o 1#
thousa!, -ul,e! or his i!!o4atory 2etho, o usi!- Glau<erMs salt i!stea, o
potash/ i! the pro,uctio! o -lass. )ro2 1317 to 13#" he ha, <ee! a
superi!te!,e!t o ?a4aria! 2i!es. )or his 2erits/ he 7as -ra!te, a !o<iliary
title. I! 13#" 4o! ?aa,er retire, a!, co!seGue!tly he !o7 -ot 2uch 2ore
ti2e or ,eali!- 7ith philosophy.
Soo! 4o! ?aa,er pu<lishe, his 7or8 9rag$enta *ognitionis. Althou-h so2e
o his critics ,e!ote, this 7or8 as u!syste2atic/ he !e4er e4e! trie, to
assert the co!trary/ <ecause he percei4e, his 7or8 2ore i! or-a!ic ter2s/
li8e er2e!t or see, ro2 7hich there has yet to ori-i!ate so2ethi!- !e7.
@he! Mu!ich u!i4ersity ha, <ee! ope!e, i! 13#:/ he 7as appoi!te,
proessor o speculati4e theolo-y. &is philosophic.reli-ious lectures Blater
pu<lishe, u!,er the title Speculati%e 8og$atiC attracte, a si-!iica!t
atte!tio!. &o7e4er/ i! 1313 he 7as co2pelle, to resi-! ro2 the positio! o
lecturer/ ater 'hurch authorities ha, or<i,,e! lectures i! reli-ious
philosophy to lay2e!.
To outli!e the philosophy o 4o! ?aa,er i! short is Guite a har, tas8/
<ecause Ger2a! philosopher li8e, to e>press hi2sel i! o<scure aphoris2s/
or i! 2ystical sy2<ols a!, a!alo-ies. &is ,octri!e is 2ai!ly e>pose, i!
short separate, essaysJ so2e o the2 are/ or e>a2ple co22e!taries o
?oeh2eMs or Sai!t.Marti!Ms 7or8s a!, so2e are collectio!s o his
correspo!,e!ce or o short 7or8s pu<lishe, i! 4arious 2a-aEi!es.
O!e o the <asic -ui,i!- thou-hts throu-h 4o! ?aa,erMs 7or8 is that 2a!Ms
8!o7le,-e is Aust a participatio! i! Go,Ms 8!o7le,-e. Do! ?aa,er hol,s that
all the reli-io! a!, scie!ce are reli-ious. &e ,ee2e, that !atural theolo-y or
ethics are i2possi<le. Ater 4o! ?aa,erMs opi!io! the e!tire co!te>t o
reli-io! 2ust <e re,uce, to e>act 8!o7le,-e. There ,oes !ot e>ist close,
truth or 4irtue. The scie!ce ollo7s ro2 the aith/ <ut aith is also ,e4elope,
a!, reshape, i! scie!ce.
The la7 o lo4e to7ar, Go, a!, !ei-h<or or 4o! ?aa,er is the u!iti!-
pri!ciple o e>iste!ce/ ree,o2/ eGualityJ the opposite pri!ciple o selish lo4e
or hi2 is the root o ,iscor,/ sla4ery a!, ,espotis2. The e!tire history o
2a! a!, 2a!8i!, 4o! ?aa,er sees as the history o re,e2pti4e lo4e or Go,.
I! his <rie essay SatCe aus der erotischen #hilosophie BSe!te!ces ro2 the
Erotic PhilosophyC 4o! ?aa,er poi!ts out the reco!ciliatio! 7ith Go, as the
prereGuisite or the u!ity 7ith hi2. The!/ t7o lo4ers ca! e>alt the2sel4es i!
their 2utual supple2e!ti!- a!, stri4i!- to7ar, perectio!/ to the
co22u!io! 7ith Eros. Their ,iere!t to!es ,o achie4e har2o!y i! the 4ery
su<sta!tialityJ thus <ei!-s sta!,i!- i! the 2utual relatio! o lo4e achie4e
co22u!io! o Go,/ 2a! a!, !ature.
1.1.7. T7o )re!ch Mystical Philosophers
)re!ch 2ystical philosopher Mai!e ,e ?ira! 7as <or! i! 17:: !ear the to7!
?er-erac/ PQri-or,. &e ha, <ee! stu,yi!- i! the !ei-h<ori!- PQri-eu>. Ater
the -ra,uatio! he Aoi!e, the ar2y/ <ut ater e7 years he resi-!e, a!,
e!tere, i!to politics. I! 1797/ ater <e-a! the rule o %irectory i! )ra!ce/
Mai!e ,e ?ira! e!tere, the 'ou!cil o )i4e &u!,re,. ?ut/ soo! he ha, to
7ith,ra7 ro2 this supre2e le-islati4e <o,y/ <ecause o his royalist
,e4iatio!s. Retur!i!- to his !ati4e place/ he ,e,icate, hi2sel e!tirely to
Soo! ollo7e, the irst 7or8s. &e <e-a! 7ith essay Sur lD a"itude BO! the
&a<itC i! 13"# a!, the! co!ti!ue, 7ith 8eco$position de la pens0e
B%eco2positio! o the Thou-htC ro2 13"6/ .a perception i$$ediate
BI22e,iate Perceptio!C ro2 13"7 a!, 7or8 Rapports du ph(si1ue et $orale
de lDho$$e BRelatio! o Physical a!, Moral <y Ma!C. @ith these 7or8s Mai!e
,e ?ira! proile, hi2sel as the oppo!e!t o the ratio!alistic philosophy o
Ater this philosophical S<rea8M Mai!e ,e ?ira! retur!s to )re!ch political
sce!e a!, he is electe, three ti2es to the Parlia2e!tL i! 131#/ 1316 i! 13#".
I! his later perio, his aspiratio! to7ar, 2ysticis2 is e4er 2ore e>presse,.
This 7oul, e4e!tually lea, hi2 to practical ,eali!- 7ith 'hristia!ity/ so he
,ie, as a aithul chil, o the 'hurch i! 13#0.
The ,e4elop2e!t o Mai!e ,e ?ira!Ms philosophy ca! <e ,i4i,e, i!to three
phases. The irst laste, u!til 13"0 a!, it 7as calle, Sthe philosophy o
7orl,M/ as i! that ti2e he 7as ollo7er o 'o!,illacMs se!sualis2
. &e soo!
a<a!,o!e, se!sualis2/ to ,e,icate hi2sel to the syste2 <ase, upo! the
a!alysis o i!!er ,eli<eratio!. Seco!, phase/ the philosophy o 7ill ,i, last
ro2 13"0 to 1313. To a4oi, the traps o 2aterialis2/ <ut also o atalis2/ he
a,opte, the ,octri!e o i22e,iate perceptio!/ sho7i!- that 2a! ca! co-!iEe
#his !ranch of philosophy !oils do"n all the cognition to senses, sensual impressions and experiences
!ot o!ly his i!!er sel/ <ut the outsi,e 7orl, as 7ell. This ca! <e achie4e,/
accor,i!- to Mai!e ,e ?ira!/ <y 7illi!- eort/ throu-h 7hich 7e ,iere!tiate
the i!!er perceptio! ro2 the outer e>perie!ce/ <y ,iscer!i!- e-o ro2 !o!.
The thir, phase philosophy o reli-io! that <e-a! i! 1313/ ,e!ote, the
represe!tatio! o 2ystical i!tuiti4e philosophy. To t7o states o 2a!/ !otio!
a!, 7ill/ he a,,s the thir,/ that is lo4e/ or lie i! co22u!io! 7ith Go, i!
7hich lie o Go,Ms -race Si2<i<esM !otio!s a!, 7ill. Mai!e ,e ?ira!Ms style is
,iicult/ <ut Dictor 'ousi! calls hi2 the <i--est )re!ch 2etaphysicia! yet
ro2 Male<ra!che.
The other philosopher.2ystic/ =ose &oe!e.@ro!s8i co2es to )ra!ce <y the
e!, o the ce!tury Bhe 7as <or! i! @olsEty!/ Pola!, i! 1773C/ a!, i! 13""
he acGuires )re!ch !atio!ality. This ecce!tric philosopher a!,
2athe2aticia! i! 13"1 Aoi!e, the o<ser4atory i! Marseille. There he
,e4elops his e>ceptio!ally co2ple> theory a<out the structure a!, ori-i! o
the u!i4erse. %uri!- his 7or8 at the o<ser4atory he ,e4elope, a! e>te!si4e
correspo!,e!ce 7ith !early all i2porta!t scie!tists/ irstly 2athe2aticia!s.
I! 131" he ha, set out to Paris/ 7here he -ot 2arrie,. I! the sa2e year he
pu<lishes his irst 7or8 o! <asics o scie!ce a!, 2athe2atics. &is theories
are ,isti!cti4ely Pytha-orea!. &oe!e.@ro!s8i hol,s that !u2<ers are
ou!,atio!s o e4erythi!- that e>ists i! the u!i4erse. ?ut/ his a2al-a2atio!
o philosophy a!, 2athe2atics see2e, so2e7hat !e<ulous to the 2ost o
his collea-ues/ 2athe2aticia!s a!, scie!tistsJ so2e o the2 e4e! ,is2isse,
it as or,i!ary Au!8. &is pre4ious correspo!,e!ce ho7e4er ha, e!a<le, that
e4e! so2e re!o7!e, 2athe2aticia!s/ li8e =oseph Louis La-ra!-e pai,
atte!tio! to his 7or8s a!, 7rote re4ie7s a<out it.
&oe!e.@ro!s8i ha, <ee! e!-a-e, also i! i!!o4atory 7or8. So/ he i!4e!te, a
4ehicle 7hich he ,ee2e, that it 7oul, <eco2e a! alter!ati4e or the rail7ay
traic. ?ut/ he ,i, !ot i!, a!yo!e 7illi!- to e!ter i!to pro,uctio! o such a
4ehicle. I! 1319 &oe!e.@ro!s8i ,eparte, to E!-la!, 7ith a! ai2 to
actualiEe a!other pate!t/ his ,e4ice or 2easuri!- the lo!-itu,e. The
co2pete!t <oar, i! Lo!,o! ,i, !ot i!, his proAect i!teresti!- or the
realiEatio!/ as it co!tai!e, o!ly a -e!eral ,escriptio! a!, lot o 4a-ue thi!-s.
&o7e4er/ i! spite o this ailure/ he re2ai!e, i! Lo!,o!/ 7here he e4e!
pu<lishe, o!e 7or8 ro2 the iel, o 2athe2atics/ 7hich sli-htly i2pro4e,
his u!e!4ia<le i!a!cial situatio!.
I! 13## &oe!e.@ro!s8i retur!s to )ra!ce/ a-ai! e!teri!- i!to a!tastic
proAects i! co!!ectio! 7ith 2athe2atics. ?esi,es the po4erty/ he ace, the
co!te2pt o scie!tists. )or e>a2ple/ he 7or8e, o! the realiEatio! o
perpetuu2 2o<ile/ ,e4ice 7hich 7oul, 2o4e co!ti!ually <y itsel a!, o!
a!other ,e4ice/ 7hich he calle, pro-!o2eter/ 7hich tas8 7oul, ha4e <ee!
the pro-!osticatio! o uture. Throu-hout all o his lie 2isu!,erstoo,/ o!ly
short <eore his ,eath/ i! 136#/ he ou!, his soul 2ate/ 7ho coul,
u!,ersta!, hi2 at least a little. It 7as Eliphas Le4i/ a 2a! 7ho 7oul,
<eco2e the 2ost i2porta!t )re!ch 2ystical philosopher o the seco!, hal
o 19
ce!tury. Le4i 7as o!e o the rare o! 7ho2 &oe!e.@ro!s8i let ,eep
i2pressio! a!, e4e! 2a,e a certai! i2pact. I! the course o his lie 2ostly
ri,icule, a!, u!,eresti2ate,/ =ose &oe!e.@ro!s8i o!ly posthu2ously
e>perie!ce, certai! ac8!o7le,-e2e!ts. So/ scie!tists percei4e, his
2athe2atical 7or8 i! 2ore a4ora<le li-ht/ a,2itti!- that it co!tai!s so2e
lashes o ,eep i!si-ht. As the 2ost i2porta!t part o his 2athe2atical 7or8
it 7as esti2ate, his 7or8 o! seriesJ so/ accor,i!- to hi2 coeicie!ts i! these
series ,eter2i!a!ts 7ere calle, @ro!s8ia!s.
?esi,es the 2ysticis2 o !u2<ers o Pytha-orea! pro4e!a!ce/ &oe!e.
@ro!s8i i!tro,uce, i!to his 2ystical philosophy a 8i!, o 2essia!is2.
Althou-h he e2i-rate, to the @est/ it see2s that his soul re2ai!e, i! the
East/ as he plea,s i! his 7or8 )eatapoliti1ue $essiani1ue or Sla4o!ic/ i.e.
Russia! 2essia!is2. So/ &oe!e.@ro!s8i prophesie, a 7orl, 7ar/ i! 7hich
7oul, occur a co!lict <et7ee! Sla4o!ic a!, Ger2a! 7orl, Bas it happe!e,
or real so2e hal a ce!tury laterC. &e ,ee2e, that !e7 Messiah 2ust ha4e
<ee! <or! i! Russia/ 7ho 7oul, ha4e <rou-ht the 8i!-,o2 o co-!itio! <y
aith. As 2a!y other 2ystical philosophers ro2 the past/ he co!si,ere, that
the i!al cause o 2a! is to <eco2e si2ilar to Go,.
1.1.3. Mysticis2 o @riters 'arlyle a!, E2erso!
I! 1311/ shortly <eore the ,eath o Ra2 Mohu2 Roy
i! the south o
E!-la!,/ i! the opposite part o the Isle/ i! Scotla!,/ occurre, a historical
2eeti!- o ?ritish 7riter Tho2as 'arlyle a!, A2erica! essayist Ralph @.
E2erso!. A threa, 7hich co!!ects these t7o 7riters is their co22o! lo4e
to7ar, 2ysticis2 a!, philosophy.
Scottish 7riter Tho2as 'arlyle 7as <or! i! 1796 i! place Eccleeche!/
%u2riesshire/ as the el,est chil, i! the a2ily o 2aso! =a2es 'arlyle.
Ater i!ishi!- -ra22ar school/ you!- 'arlyle set out or E,i!<ur-h/ i!
13"9. There he e!rolle, a u!i4ersity. Ater -ra,uati!- literature a!,
philosophy he e!rolle, theolo-y/ 7hich he ha, <ee! stu,yi!- a!other i4e
years/ at the sa2e ti2e teachi!- at -ra22ar school a, pri4ately. ?et7ee!
131: a!, 1313 he ha, <ee! teachi!- at $ir8cal,y a!, thereater o!ly
pri4ately. The!/ he ha, retur!e, to E,i!<ur-h a!, stu,ie, la7 or so2e
ti2e. %uri!- this perio, there ori-i!ate, 'arlyleMs irst 7or8/ .i!e o! Schiller.
)ro2 13#0 o!7ar,s/ Tho2as 'arlyle <eco2es a ull ti2e 7riter. &e stu,ies
the Ger2a! literature atte!ti4ely/ especially Goethe/ 7hose Willia$ )aster he
tra!slates i!to E!-lish. I! 13#: 'arlyle -ot 2arrie, a!, <eca2e a
colla<orator o the literary 2a-aEi!e 'din"urgh Re%ie/, 7hose e,itor ha,
<ee! 7ieMs relati4e. 'arlyle ater7ar,s pu<lishe, se4eral essays o! Goethe
a!, ro2 13#7 <e-a! his correspo!,e!ce 7ith a2ous Ger2a! 7riter/ 7ho
+indu mystical philosopher
ha, <ee! alrea,y a! a-e, 2a!. %uri!- the !e>t e7 years he 7rote a! essay
o! Scottish poet Ro<ert ?ur!s a!, a 7hole ro7 o historical essays.
I! 1310 'arlyle 2o4e, to Lo!,o!/ 7ith his 7ie. There he pu<lishe, his
2ystical.philosophical !o4el/ peculiarly e!title, Sartor Resartus, it ,e!otes
his literary <rea8.trou-h/ <ut si2ulta!eously causes co!tro4ersies a2o!-
critics a!, rea,ers. I! this 7or8 the author 7ith a certai! ,ose o hu2or
e>pou!,s his Sphilosophy o clothesM. ?ehi!, it/ / as a 2atter o act/ is
hi,,e! 'arlyleMs spiritual auto<io-raphy. It is a<out a sel.2a,e philosopher/
7ho <elie4es that e4erythi!- ca! <e e>plai!e, i! ter2s co!cer!i!- clothes.
O7i!- to a<u!,a!t use o !eolo-is2s a!, 2etaphors/ la!-ua-e o Sartor
Resrtus is close,/ sel.reere!tialJ accor,i!-ly it is i!co2prehe!si<le to the
a4era-e rea,er. The !et o 2etaphors co!cer!i!- clothes is ,ei!e, i!
relatio! to the !et o !otio!s/ u!til they <eco2e a hu-e/ sel.,ei!i!- !et.
Net/ as a or2 relate, to 7ea4i!- is o!e o the pri2ary 2etaphors o this
peculiar 7or8. E4e! 7hat reers to so2e other o<Aect outsi,e this sy2<olic
patter!/ i! the e!, te!,s to7ar, <ei!- i2<i<e, i!to it. This to so2e ,e-ree
re2i!,s o the co!cept o 2o,er! holistic scie!tist )ritAo 'apra a!, his We"
o! .i!e. 'arlyleMs A2erica! rie!, E2erso!/ <esi,es praises or Sartor
Resartus, also a,,e, his re2ar8 that Oits u!atho2a<le ,ictio! see2e, to
i!,icate that the SProphetM ,espaire, o i!,i!- a co!te2porary au,ie!ceP.
'arlyleMs !e>t i2porta!t 7or8 is The 9rench Re%olution ro2 1317. It
,escri<es the re4olutio!ary e4e!ts ro2 1739 to the appeara!ce o Napoleo!J
i! it 'arlyle <rou-ht out his 4ersio! o history as a u!ctio! o po7erul a!,
-e!ius i!,i4i,uals. &is thesis o! heroes as i!car!atio!s o history he 7or8s
out i! se4eral 7or8s that ollo7e, 2eroes, 2ero Worship and 2eroic in
2istor( B130"C/ .i!e and Oli%er *ro$/ell a!, 2istor( o! 9rederic the ;reat
The 7or8 #ast and #resent ro2 1301 Bsi2ilar to the pre4ious o!e/ *hartis$C
is o social.philosophical !ature a!, it represe!ts a critiGue o the i,olatry o
Ma22o! a!, irrespo!si<ility o laisseE.aire eco!o2y a!, co!co2ita!t
atheis2/ 7hich all 2a8e the e>isti!- social or,er u!<eara<le. Atheis2/
,iscusse, i! the 7or8 #ast and #resent is !ot so theolo-ical Guestio!/ <ut
2ore a Guestio! o 2oral or,er. As the -o4er!2e!t acts i! accor, 7ith
hypothesis o! the !o!.e>iste!ce o Go,/ it is !ot possi<le to realiEe the true
Austice i! society. )or the irst ti2e 'arlyle i!tro,uces a !arrator/ 7ho ta8es
o! a role o a prophet/ 7ho a,,resses hi2sel to the rea,ers 7ith
tra!sce!,e!tal authority/ usi!- e>pressio!s li8e SNatureM/ S+!i4erseM/ SEter!al
la7 o !atureM/ S&ea4e!M or SThe Supre2e Go,M. The archaic speech o the
7or8 #ast and #resent so2eti2es re2i!,s o the <i<lical B$i!- =a2es
Dersio!C/ it is 2ore si2ilar to the speech ro2 a pulpit/ the! to the historical
research. &a4i!- o! 2i!, that arou!, 1300 a seco!, co2i!- o Messiah ha,
<ee! e>pecte,/ it is easier to u!,ersta!, the character o this 7or8 a!, its
prophetic o4erto!es.
'arlyleMs A2erica! Ralph @al,o E2erso! also 7rote socio.philosophical
7or8s. So/ i! 136: ha, ori-i!ate, 'nglish Traits, 7or8 7hich 'arlyle praise,
as the Oprecise portrait o the E!-lish custo2s o the 2i, Dictoria! eraP.
These t7o 7riters ,e4elope, i! the course o their li4es a co2prehe!si4e
correspo!,e!ceJ it 7oul, <e pu<lishe, posthu2ously/ i! 1311.
A2erica! essayist a!, poet Ralph @. E2erso! 7as <or! i! ?osto!
Massachusetts i! 13"1/ as ourth o ei-ht chil,re!/ i! a a2ily o a priest
@illia2 E2erso!. &is ather ,ie, 7he! Ralph 7as o!ly ei-ht years ol,. The!
a2ily re2ai!e, 7ithout a i!a!cial support/ so 2other 7as co2pelle, to sell
so2e property a!, to 7or8 as a 2ai,J !e4ertheless/ they <arely 2a!a-e, to
2a8e e!,s 2eet. I! his chil,hoo, a!, early a,olesce!ce Ralph ha, <ee!
u!,er the i!lue!ce o Mary E2erso!/ atherMs sister. Althou-h 7ithout a
hi-h or2al e,ucatio!/ she 7as 4ery sharp a!, spiritual perso!. She 7as the
irst o!e to acGuai!t you!- Ralph 7ith &i!,u script a!, Neo.Plato!is2.
O7i!- to her ope!!ess to7ar, !atural reli-io! a!, philosophy/ she has
tro,,e! ,o7! a 7ay to his !ephe7 that 7oul, later <ri!- hi2 to his
tra!sce!,e!tal positio!s.
E2erso! e!rolle, &ar4ar, 7he! he 7as 10. Ater the -ra,uatio! i! 13#1/ or
so2e ti2e he tau-ht at the school o his u!cle Sa2uel Ripley i! @altha2.
Later/ he ha, e!rolle, the &ar4ar, %i4i!ity School a!, i! 13#9 he <eca2e a
priest. &e <e-a! 7ith preachi!- i! +!itaria! churches o Massachusetts a!,
Ne7 E!-la!, a!, i! the sa2e year he -ot 2arrie,. &o7e4er/ this 7as !ot a
lo!-.lasti!- 2arria-e/ si!ce his 7ie ,ie, o tu<erculosis o!ly year a!, a hal
Althou-h he 7as successul preacher 7ho ha, <ee! char2i!- his
au,itoriu2 or se4eral years/ i! 131# E2erso! su,,e!ly Guit his 4ocatio!
a!, !e4er retur!e, to the pulpit a-ai!. Alrea,y i! 1311/ ater his retur!
ro2 Great ?ritai! B7here he 2et 'arlyle/ as it 7as 2e!tio!e,C E2erso!
starte, his !e7 career/ o a lecturer. &e 2o4e, to 'o!cor,/ a to7! i! 7hich
he 7oul, li4e u!til his ,eath B133#C. I! 1316 he re.2arrie, a!, 7ith his
seco!, 7ie he ha, -otte! our chil,re!.
I! 'o!cor, E2erso! clu!- closely to his stu,ies/ so he ha, rea, hu!,re,s o
<oo8s i! ,iere!t la!-ua-es/ i!clu,i!- rece!t scie!tiic pu<licatio!s/ !e7
tra!slatio!s o the holy scripts o Easter! reli-io!s a!, also 7or8s ro2
literature a!, history. &e e>erte, a special i!terest or the philosophy o
I22a!uel $a!t. I! 131: he pu<lishe, his irst 7or8/ e!title, &ature.
E2erso!/ si!ce he 7as a city <oy/ has !ot -otte! a cha!ce to o<ser4e !ature
too ote! i! his youth. As a 2atter o act/ he <eca2e a true lo4er o !ature
o!ly ater he retur!e, ro2 Europe/ 7here he ha, atte!,e, a <ota!ical
e>hi<itio! i! Paris. &is essay &ature accor,i!-ly co!si,ers !ature as the
,i4i!e e>a2ple o the i!spiratio! a!, source o i22e!se possi<ilities or
2a!Ms ulill2e!t. E2erso! or e>a2ple as8s hi2sel/ 7hy his thou-ht o
2ultiplicity -ot lost/ i! his o<ser4i!- o so2e 2a-!iice!t la!,scape a!, 7hy
it is lost i! a Guiet se!se o u!ity. &e sta!,s o! the <are soil a!, he 2er-es
7ith the !ature/ he is S!othi!-M/ he sees Se4erythi!-M/ throu-h hi2 the
curre!ts o the u!i4ersal Go, ,o circulate/ he actually eels that he is the
particle o Go,.
E2erso!Ms lecture An A$erican Scholar B1317C is the critiGue o the A2erica!
,epe!,e!ce upo! the Europea! thou-ht. E2erso! plea,s or the creatio! o
the !e7 literary herita-e/ so his speech ha, <ee! calle, a! i!tellectual
%eclaratio! o I!,epe!,e!ce. The !e>t year/ 1313/ he hol,s a co!tro4ersial
speech at &ar4ar,/ <y 7hich he ,isputes the 4alue o the historical
'hristia!ity a!, oicial churches. E2erso!Ms appeara!ce is the apolo-y o
his tra!sce!,e!tal philosophy a!, i2perso!al 4isio! o Go,. @ith a circle o
ollo7ers he 7oul, start the 2a-aEi!e 8ial a!, <eco2e a spiritual lea,er o
Tra!sce!,e!tal Mo4e2e!t.
Ralph @. E2erso! 2ay<e is <est 8!o7! ater his collectio!s o essays/
pu<lishe, i! 1301 a!, 1300. A2o!- the2 especially pro2i!e!t are essays
The O%er-Soul a!, Sel!-Reliance. E2erso! ta8es o4er the i,ea o So4er.soulM
ro2 Ploti!us. This is !ot a Go, i! co!4e!tio!al 'hristia! se!se/ <ut rather
a! ocea! o li-ht or ,epository o the spiritual po7er/ accessi<le to e4eryo!e
7ho ope!s hi2sel up to its i!lue!ce. E2erso! percei4es the u!ity o 2a!
a!, thus u!,ersta!,s supre2e ,eity i! each actio! o the soulJ so e4e! the
si2plest i!,i4i,ual 7ho i! his i!te-rity cele<rates Go,/ <eco2es hi2.
E2erso!Ms tra!sce!,e!ce is i! co!!ectio! 7ith %ia a!!ir$ati%e o 2ystics/
si!ce it poi!ts out positi4e Gualities o Go,. I! the essay The Sel!-Reliance
E2erso! e2phasiEes i!tuitio! as the source o 2a!Ms spiritual perceptio!s/
2oreo4er this -it o !ature he co!si,ers a <asis o Ssel.relia!ceM. This !otio!
o!e shoul, !ot co!si,er i! a se!se o sel.suicie!cy/ <ut as a! a<ility o
heari!- the Go,Ms 4oice 7ithi! us/ as a capa<ility to o4erco2e passio!s/ as
the !atural e>perie!ce o the co-!itio! o Go,Ms prese!ce i! the u!i4ersal
creatio!. E2erso! thi!8s that 7e repose i! the lap o a! i22e!se
i!telli-e!ce/ 7hich 2a8es us respo!si4e or her truth a!, to or-a!s o her
To-ether 7ith 'arlyle/ A2erica! essayist !urture, a! a,2iratio!/ al2ost a!
o<sessio! 7ith po7erul historical perso!alities. So/ he hol,s that stro!-est
i2pressio!s o aith co2e ro2 -reat 2e! 7ho alrea,y 7ith their irst
appeara!ce attract our se!ses. A2o!- o!e o these perso!alities/ a,2ire, <y
E2erso!/ is Persia! 7ise 2a! Zarathustra. Alrea,y his 4ery appeara!ce/
accor,i!- to E2erso!/ represe!ts a! i!car!atio! o the ,i4i!e truthJ such
4isio! o Zarathustra later 7oul, ser4e to Ger2a! philosopher NietEsche/ or
his 4ersio! o this historical i-ure.
E2erso!Ms poetry is li8e7ise per2eate, 7ith 2ysticis2 a!, lo4e to7ar, Go,
a!, !ature. &is poetry is ecu2e!ical. )or e>a2ple/ i! the poe2 Brah$a he
,epicte, his u!,ersta!,i!- o &i!,uis2L O)ar or or-ot to 2e is !earK
Sha,o7 a!, su!li-ht are the sa2eK The 4a!Guishe, -o,s to 2e appearK
A!, o!e to 2e are sha2e a!, a2e.P A!, i! the poe2 Saadi he pai, his
respect to Isla2L O?ehol,/ he 7atches at the ,oorWK ?ehol, his sha,o7 o!
the loorWK Ope! i!!u2era<le ,oorsK The hea4e! 7here u!4eile, Allah
poursK The loo, o truth a!, the loo, o -oo,K The seraphMs a!, cheru<Ms
oo,K Those ,oors are 2e!L the pariah hi!,K A,2its the to the perect
Mi!,.P E2erso! ha, u!ite, i! hi2sel a soul o a prophet a!, i!spiratio! o
a poet ha4i!- -reat i2pact o! 2o,er! 7riters a!, thi!8ers. ?y 2a!y he is
co!si,ere, to <e the ce!tral perso!ality o the A2erica! cultural lie o 19
1.1.9. Eliphas Le4i 'o!ti!uator o the Teachi!- o A-rippa a!, Paracelsus
I! the course o 17
a!, 13
ce!tury 2a-ic ha, <ee! e4er less a part o
2ystical philosophy/ so there ha, to pass al2ost three hu!,re, years u!til
her retur!. Ater the e>a--erate, ratio!alis2 o the A-e o E!li-hte!2e!t/
!e7 co!,itio!s ,i, e!ter <y stre!-the!i!- 2o4e2e!t o Ro2a!ticis2 i! the
<e-i!!i!- o 19
ce!tury/ 7he! a-ai! i!4i-orates the i!terest or the e>otics
o The Mi,,le A-es a!, Re!aissa!ce a!, thi!8ers li8e A-rippa a!,
Paracelsus. )re!ch 2ystical philosophers Eliphas Le4i is usually co!si,ere,
as the restorer o the Re!aissa!ce 2a-ic. ?ecause o the -ro7i!- -ap
<et7ee! the aca,e2ic philosophy a!, the co!ti!uators o the 2ystical
tra,itio! li8e Le4i Bhe 7oul, <e ollo7e, <y the 2e2<ers o Theosophical
2o4e2e!tC to the latter 7oul, <e ,ispute, e4e! a 4ery title o a philosopher.
They 7oul, <e calle, <y 4arious ,epreciati!- !a2es li8e a,4e!turers/
stra!-e ello7s/ a!ciers a!, to their philosophy ,ispute, a!y 4alue/ up to
eGualiEi!- it 7ith superstitio!. &o7e4er/ i! these rece!t ti2es 7e are
7it!esses o the -ra,ual re4aluatio! o the 2o,er! 2ystical philosophy.
Eliphas Le4i Ba.8.a. Alpho!s Louis 'o!sta!tC 7as <or! i! 131" i! Paris/ i! a
2o,est a2ily o a shoe2a8er. As Le4i ha, <ee! a! e>traor,i!ary i!telli-e!t
chil, a!, his ather 7ithout sources to e,ucate hi2 i! Guality pri4ate
schools he ,eci,e, to se!, hi2 to a se2i!ary. So/ Le4i <e-a! his stu,ies or
a cler-y2a!. Ater the -ra,uatio! he 7or8e, or a 7hile at the se2i!ary St.
Sulpice. ?ut/ he 7as e>co22u!icate, ro2 the 'hurch or his 7riti!-s/ i!
7hich he ha, e>presse, his letist 4ie7s. %uri!- the orties there ha4e <ee!
2assi4e riots o 7or8i!- class i! <i--er to7!s/ i!clu,i!- Paris. Le4i/
ste22i!- ro2 7or8i!- class hi2sel/ e>presse, the soli,arity 7ith re<els.
Later/ 7or8i!- as a Aour!alist/ he ca2e i!to a co!lict 7ith authorities/ <ei!-
also thro7! i! priso! se4eral ti2es. It is !ot 8!o7! 7hether he ca2e i!to
co!tact 7ith $arl Mar>/ 7hilst latter ,7elt i! Paris. &o7e4er/ i! all li8elihoo,
Le4i 7as repelle, 7ith Mar>Ms atheis2/ si!ce he re2ai!e, to his ,eath a
pious 'atholic Bi! spite o his i!terest or the 2ystical a!, 2a-icC. &is letist
i,eas/ thereore/ 7ere closer to +topia! socialists Sai!t.Si2o! a!, )ourrier.
I! o!e 2i!or 7or8 o his/ pu<lishe, i! 1306/ u!,er the title .e li%re des
lar$es B?oo8 o TearsC/ he <rou-ht out or the irst ti2e his esoteric i,eas.
The !e>t year he -ot 2arrie, 7ith 13 years ol, Marie.NoQ2i/ 7ith 7ho2 he
7oul, ha4e -otte! o!e chil,. Ater the chil, ha, ,ie,/ couple ,i4orce,/ i!
1361. Le4i ha, co!ti!ue, to 7or8 as a Aour!alist a!, he also ha, a certai!
i!co2e o -i4i!- lesso!s i! $a<<ala. I! 1360 he ha, -o!e to Lo!,o!/ 7here
he 2et a !o4el 7riter E,7ar, ?ul7er.Lytto!. Si!ce the 7riter 7as a
Rosicrucia!/ they soo! ou!, 2a!y the2es o co22o! i!terestJ ater their
co!4ersatio! Le4i ha, -otte! a! i!spiratio! or his irst 4olu2i!ous 7or8 o!
The 7or8 7as pu<lishe, i! 1366/ e!title, 8og$e et rituel de la haute $agic
B%o-2a a!, Ritual o the &i-h Ma-icC. The <oo8 co!sists o t7o parts/
theoretical a!, practical/ as the 4ery title i2plies. As re-ar,s philosophy/ the
irst part is 2ore i2porta!t.
Le4i sees the u!i4erse as <ala!ce, <y t7o
orces/ attracti4e a!, repulsi4e. They e>ist so i! scie!ce/ as i! philosophy
a!, reli-io!J i! physics they cause <ala!ce/ i! philosophy criticis2/ 7hile i!
reli-io! they <ri!- pro-ressi4e re4eali!-. There e>ist three i!telli-i<le 7orl,s/
7hich correspo!, o!e to the other <y hierarchic a!alo-ies/ they are !atural/
spiritual a!, ,i4i!e 7orl,s. The pri!ciple o har2o!y is u!ity/ 7hich is
e>presse, throu-h the o,, !u2<ers. The 2ost perect o all !u2<ers is
!u2<er three/ 7hich prese!ts a trilo-y o u!ity. The tria,/ accor,i!- to Le4i/
represe!ts a purpose a!, supre2e e>pressio! o lo4e.
The astral li-ht is a! i2porta!t !otio!/ 7hich Eliphas Le4i re.i!tro,uce, to
philosophy. This ter2 is 8!o7!/ al<eit u!,er ,iere!t !a2es/ yet ro2
&elle!is2. It has <ee! carrie, throu-h Neo.Plato!ic philosophy/ <ut ater
the Re!aissa!ce al2ost ell i!to o<li4io!/ up to 19
ce!tury. Le4i tal8s a<out
astral li-ht as the realiEatio! o the or2 o spiritual li-ht/ 7hich the!
prese!ts a realiEatio! o the ,i4i!e li-ht. Astral li-ht recei4es a!, preser4es
the i2pressio!s ro2 all the 4isi<le thi!-s. ?y their attracti4e po7er stars
relects their si-!s i! astral li-ht a!, i! that 7ay it is repro,uce, the picture
o the u!i4erse o!to all the <o,ies 7hich are or2e, i! !atural or physical
7orl,. Le4i says that astral li-ht has a ,irect i!lue!ce o! !er4es that
tra!s2it si-!als to the <rai!. I! the 7or8 8og$e et rituel Le4i pays a respect
to his pre,ecessor &oe!e.@ro!s8i/ or 7ho2 he says that i! his <oo8s the
8ey o the tra!sce!,e!t $a<<ala has <ee! has <ee! applie, s8illully to a!
a<solute reor2 o all scie!ces.
I! 13:1 Eliphas Le4i is a-ai! i! Lo!,o!/ 7ith his rie!, ?ul7er.Lytto! a!,
i! his circle o rie!,s he perects his 8!o7le,-e i! clair4oya!ce/ 2a-ic/
astrolo-y a!, 2es2eris2. I! the sa2e year it is pu<lishe, the 7or8 .e cle!
des grandes $(steres BThe $ey to the Great MysteriesC. This 7or8 co!sists o
se4eral parts i! 7hich the author researches the reli-ious/ philosophical a!,
!atural 2ysteries. The -oals o this 7or8 are/ accor,i!- to the authorMs
7or,sL har2o!iEi!- the cate-ories o scie!ce a!, aithJ re4eali!- o the
philosophical pri!ciples 7hich reco!cile all the a!ti!o2iesJ re4eali!- o the
u!i4ersal eGuili<riu2 o !atural orces. Accor,i!- to the Guestio! o reli-io!/
Le4i 2o4es closer to the u!i4ersalistic 4ie7/ ater 7hich aith i! Go, is
-reater tha! all the reli-io!. I! a certai! 7ay/ Le4i thi!8s that ,iere!t
reli-io!s alrea,y ,o i-ht u!,er the sa2e <a!!er. This ti2e it is a i-ht o
pro-ressi4e orces a-ai!st the o<solete u!,ersta!,i!-s/ i! all the reli-ious
syste2s. @hat is co22o! to all is aithJ reli-ious eeli!- is co22o! to all
the 2a!8i!,. The act o aith starts 7ith u!ity a!, it retur!s to it/ as 7ell.
ccording to ,e$i, there exists only one dogma in magic, that the $isi!le is the manifestation of the in$isi!le.
ll the religions are su!sumed in the unity of one dogma, "hich is the confirmation of the !eing and
e-uali.ation "ith it, "hich at the same time creates a mathematical $alue. #here exist only one principle, one
truth, one mind and one a!solute and uni$ersal philosophy.
I! the seco!, part o the <oo8 .e cle! des grandes $(steres Le4i says that
scie!ce searches ater truth i! all/ 7hile aith attri<utes all to the u!i4ersal
a!, a<solute truth. @hile scie!ce e>a2i!es the real 7orl, i! all his ,etails/
aith e>plai!s the2 <y the u!i4ersal reality/ a<out 7hich scie!ce ca!!ot
testiy. O!ly the aith ca! oer the solutio! or secret scie!ces/ Le4i thi!8s.
&e sees 2a! as <ei!- i! his esse!ce u!iGue/ si2ulta!eously 2ortal a!,
i22ortal/ threeol, i! its su<sta!ce/ 7hich he calls Splastic 2e,iu2M. This
thir, part is or2e, o the astral li-ht a!, it relects i2a-i!atio! a!,
,rea2sJ it also acts upo! !er4ous syste2 a!, 2o4e2e!ts o the <o,y.
The thir, part o the <oo8 .e cle! 7or8s out the su<Aect 2atter i! co!!ectio!
7ith !otio!s o li-ht a!, 2a-!etis2 a!, it also ,escri<es the phe!o2e!a
co!cer!i!- 4arious altere, states o co!scious!ess/ li8e so2!a2<ulis2/
halluci!atio!s or ecstasy.
I! 13:3 Eliphas Le4i 7rote a!other i2porta!t 7or8/ .e ;rand Arcane +The
;reat Arcana- 7hich 7oul, <e pu<lishe, o!ly posthu2ously/ i! 1393. I! this
7or8 too he e2phasiEe the 4alue o $a<<ala/ as the syste2 o the spiritual
perectio! a!, he e4e! plea,s that uture priests shoul, stu,y occult
scie!ces a!, a<o4e all the -reat =e7ish $a<<ala/ as the 8ey to the u!i4ersal
sy2<olis2. Le4i a-ai! plea,s or a u!i4ersal reli-io!/ i! 7hich all the
<elie4ers are u!ite, <y their eeli!-s o the true <rotherhoo, a!, he oresees
that such a reli-io! 7oul, e4e!tually ,eeat 7orl,li!ess/ <y co2i!- o the
spiritual rule o Messiah. It is !ot 8!o7! 7hether Le4i ha, <ee! acGuai!te,
7ith teachi!- o the Persia! !o<le2a! ?ahaullah/ <ut so2e o his
state2e!ts are stri8i!-ly si2ilar 7ith those o his Easter! co!te2porary/
7ho 7as also a reli-ious reor2er Ba<out 7ho2 there 7ill <e 2ore laterC. )or
e>a2ple/ Le4i has oresee! that ater the 7orl, 2eet -reat !e7 u!i4ersal
reli-io!/ the 7ars 7ill ,isappear a!, there 7ill co2e a ti2e i! 7hich there
7ill e>ist o!e i!ter!atio!al la7/ <ecause i!ter!atio!al ,uties a!, o<li-atio!s
7ill <e u!i4ersally proclai2e, a!, reco-!iEe,.
I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 &oe!e.@ro!s8i/ Le4i ,oes !ot attri<ute 2essia!is2 to
a!y state or !atio!/ <ut i!stea, he says that sy2<olic &ea4e!/ 7hich
4arious reli-io!s ,o pro2ise to ri-hteous/ is !ot a cou!try/ <ut a state o
soul. Le4i eGuates Go, 7ith li-ht a!, says that 7e 2ust let li-ht i!to our
souls/ i 7e 7a!t to eel Go, i! us.
1.1.1". Pio!eer o the Ne7 Thou-ht Pre!tice Mulor,
A2erica! philosophical 7riter Pre!tice Mulor, 7as a co!te2porary o the
ou!,ers o Theosophical Society/ 7ith 7ho2 he <ears certai! co22o!
traits. &is teachi!-/ 7ith the po7er o the positi4e thi!8i!- i! its ocus is
<ase, upo! the 2ystical 'hristia!ity a!, &i!,uis2/ althou-h there are
o<4ious other i!lue!ces/ li8e spiritis2 a!, e4olutio!is2/ or e>a2ple. I! his
thi!8i!- he is 4ery close to thou-ht heali!- 2o4e2e!tJ @illia2 =a2es thi!8s
that his 7or8s are characteriEe, 2ostly <y sy2pathetic 2a-ic. Mulor, has
hel, that sy2pathy 7as the 2ost i2porta!t actor o each o!eMs ate a!,
that thou-ht/ accor,i!- to so2e i!e4ita<le la7 attracts ro2 its
surrou!,i!-s 7hat is si2ilar.
Pre!tice Mulor, 7as <or! i! 1310 i! place Sa- &ar<or o! Lo!- Isla!,/ i!
the 4ici!ity o Ne7 (or8. As 4ery you!-/ i! 136:/ he 2o4e, to =a2esto7!/
'alior!ia. It ha, <ee! the ti2e o SGol, )e4erM/ so he trie, his cha!ce as a
-ol, 2i!er a!, ater7ar,s as coo8 a!, teacher/ <ut he achie4e, success
o!ly 7he! he <e-a! to 7rite articles/ essays a!, <oo8s. &e 7as 7ell 8!o7!
i! literary circles o Sa! )ra!cisco a!, he associate, 7ith re!o7!e, 7riters
li4i!- there/ li8e Mar8 T7ai! a!, others. &e 7rote/ a2o!- the rest/ short
hu2orist stories/ or local 2a-aEi!es a!, !e7spapers.
@he! he 7as 11/ Mulor, -ot i!tereste, i! the phe!o2e!a co!cer!i!- 2i!,
a!, spirit a!, he <e-a! to li4e o! a! ol, 7hale<oat. +po! his arri4al o! the
East 'oast he set out or the s7a2py area o Passaic/ Ne7 =ersey/ 7here he
spe!t !e>t 17 years. =ust here ,i, ori-i!ate so2e o his <est 7or8s/
i!clu,i!- The White *ross .i"rar(, 7ith its 2ai! the2e o thou-ht curre!ts
a!, their use.
Essays 7hich or2 this 4olu2i!ous 7or8 e2<o,y the special philosophy a!,
they also prese!t a peculiar i!si-ht i!to the 2ysteries that surrou!, 2a!.
&is e>traor,i!ary i!si-hts are <y its lesser part result o <oo8s 7hich he
rea, a!, <y their -reater part o his relectio!s upo! the thi!-s 7hich
surrou!, 2a! a!, his ,irect co!tact 7ith !ature.
Pre!tice Mulor, co!si,ere, hi2sel a researcher o the spiritual lie a!, he
!e4er 7orrie, 7hether people 7oul, ,ee2 his 7or8s seriously/ or !ot. As the
2ost i2porta!t thi!- i! lie he hel, a creatio! o the proper happi!ess.
I! 1391 Pre!tice Mulor, retur!e, to !ati4e Sa- &ar<or 7ith a! i!te!tio! to
7rite a 7or8 a<out the Lo!- Isla!, ater the Gol, Rush/ <ut he passe, a7ay
o! his <oat/ ,uri!- the !a4i-atio!. &e 7as <urie, i! the ce2etery o Sa-
&ar<or. O! his to2<sto!e there 7ere car4e, 7or,s 7hich 2ar8e, his opus/
a!, 7hich ,re7 throu-h his essays as -ui,i!- thou-ht SThou-hts are
&is collecte, 7or8s 7ere pri!te, u!,er the title The White *ross .i"rar(, <ut
posthu2ously 7ere pu<lishe, also the si!-le collectio!s o essays/ li8e
Thoughts are Things, The ;od in You, Your 9orces and 2o/ to ?se The$, The
;i!t o! ?nderstanding a!, the 7or8 o the auto<io-raphical character .i!e "(
the .and and Sea.
The 2ai! characteristics o the e!tire Mulor,Ms 7or8 are pa!theis2 a!,
pa!psychis2. &e thi!8s that i! u!i4erse there is !o a<solutely ,ea, or !o!.
li4i!- 2atter/ <ut there e>ist o!ly 4arious !ua!ces o lie a!, a!i2atio!. &e
co!si,ers !atural thi!-s closer to Go, tha! o!es that 2a! has 2a,e i! a!
artiicial 7ay. ?ut/ <et7ee! the 2aterial a!, spiritual Mulor, ,oes !ot ,ra7
a sharp ,eli2itatio!/ <ut he co!si,ers <oth a u!iGue su<sta!ce 7hich
per2eates 2utually each other. Matter/ accor,i!- to hi2 prese!t o!ly a
li4i!- or2 2a,e o su<tle spiritual ele2e!t. &is percei4i!- o the 7hole
creatio! is holistic/ <ecause he hol,s that there e>ists a! i!terco!!ectio! o
all the or2s o lie/ so hu2a! <ei!-s or2 li2<s o o!e <o,y.
Mulor, co!si,ers the u!ity 7ith Nature as so2ethi!- that is a<o4e the
eeli!-sJ i! act he hol,s that it is the u!io! 7ith the I22e!se ?ei!-. &e
percei4es lo4e as real/ Aust li8e air or 7ater/ as li4e/ acti4e po7er. Go, is or
hi2 the eter!al lie/ Aoy a!, peace a!, the 2ore o his traits are relecte, i!
us/ the 2ore 7e 7ill <e closer to hi2/ he ,e,uces.
1.1.11. Psycholo-y o %rea2s o 'arl ,u Prel
'arl ,u Prel is usually co!si,ere, as the -reatest Ger2a! 2ystical
philosopher o 19
ce!tury. &e 7as <or! i! 1319 i! to7! La!,shut/ ?a4aria.
&e ste2s ro2 the !o<le a2ily o )re!ch ori-i!/ ,u PrelJ he alo!e ha, a title
o <aro!. I! Mu!ich he i!ishe, the -ra22ar school a!, atte!,e, u!i4ersity
ater7ar,s. ?ut/ ater the -ra,uatio! he ,i, !ot chose a! aca,e2ic/ <ut a
2ilitary career. &e has re2ai!e, i! the ar2y u!til 137#. I! the 2ea!ti2e/ i!
13:3 he -ot a ,octor ,e-ree/ at the u!i4ersity o TR<i!-e!. The title o his
,issertatio! ro2 the ,o2ai! o psycholo-y o ,rea2s 7as Oneirorition 8er
Trau$ %o$ Standpunt des transcendentalen Idealis$us.
O! his retur! ro2 the ar2y/ 7here he acGuire, a captai!Ms -ra,e/ 'arl ,u
Prel <e-a! to 7rite his 7or8s. &is 2ost i2porta!t 7or8 ro2 the se4e!ties
7as <oo8 e!title, 8er :a$p! urns 8asein a$ 2i$$el. I! it ,u Prel
e!,ea4ore, to apply %ar7i!ist lear!i!- o or-a!ic e4olutio! !ot o!ly o!to
iel, o co!scious!ess/ <ut also 7i,er/ as the u!i4ersal 7orl, pri!ciple.
I! the ei-hties o 19
ce!tury ,i, ori-i!ate so2e si-!iica!t ,u PrelMs 7or8s/
a!, a2o!- the2 especially pro2i!e!t is 8ie #hilosophie der )(sti, ro2
1336. I! this irst 2ore 4olu2i!ous 7or8/ ater 7hich he is <est 8!o7!/ he
,eals 7ith late!t po7ers i! 2a!/ li8e parapsycholo-ical phe!o2e!a/ as 7ell
as ,rea2s/ tra!ce a!, hyp!otic state. A!!ie ?esa!t i! her essay )odern
Science and the 2igher Sel! calls this <oo8 Sa2ousM a!, o!e i! 7hich perso!
ca! i!, 2a!y ,etails relate, to e>peri2e!ts o! co!scious!ess i! ,rea2s.
OThe ,rea2s a!, !ot the 7a8i!- state are ,oors o 2etaphysicsP/ asserts ,u
Prel i! his #hilosoph( o! )(sticis$. Accor,i!- to hi2 ,rea2s ,o ori-i!ate i!
solar ple>us/ locate, o! the top o 2a!Ms a<,o2e!. This solar ple>us is the
<i--est co2ple> o !er4es i! the <o,y/ 7ith its u!ctio! o co!trolli!- the
a<,o2i!al or-a!s. This co2ple> is co!!ecte, 7ith solar ple>us char8a o
&i!,u reli-ious sy2<olis2/ 7hich is i,e!tical 7ith e2otio!al ce!ter o the
<o,y. %u Prel asserts that 7he! 7e -et asleep/ our <rai! reposes a!, its role
is ta8e! <y solar ple>us. I! other 7or,s/ it prese!ts a physical <asis o
u!co!scious!ess. Lea,<eater i! his 7or8 8rea$s says that astral <o,y
,uri!- the sleep usually loats a<o4e the physical <o,y a!, so2e !e7
authors say that it is co!!ecte, 7ith physical <o,y Aust i! area o ple>us
I! 1339 'arl ,u Prel pu<lishe, his e,itio! o $a!tMs lectures o! psycholo-y
7ith i!tro,uctory essay e!title, :ants $(stische Weltanschaung. I! it he
e!,ea4ore, Bo! <asis o lectures a!, $a!tMs <oo8 TrHu$e eines
;eistersehersC to co!!ect the <elies o spiritis2 a!, $a!tia! philosophy. As
the $a!tMs theory o! tra!sce!,e!tal 8!o7le,-e <ears certai! si2ilarities
7ith !otio! o u!co!scious/ so ,u Prel e4i,e!tly poi!ts at the ,eli2itatio! o
t7o 7ays i! 7hich co!scious!ess u!ctio!s o!e <ase, upo! physical
se!ses a!, other tra!sce!,e!tal.
'arl ,u Prel 7as a philosopher a!, psycholo-ist 7ho li4e, i! ti2es 7he!
2o,er! psycholo-y o!ly <e-a! to esta<lish her as a proper scie!ce. To hi2
-oes the 2erit or the e>plicit prese!tatio! o the stratiie, structure o
2a!Ms co!scious!ess/ sho7i!- that <ehi!, the co!scious Sel there e>ists a
seco!,/ ,eeper/ 7hich is 2a!ieste, i! altere, states o co!scious!ess li8e
tra!ce/ hyp!osis or ,rea2.
1.1.1#. T7o Russia! 'hristia! Philosophers
Althou-h Russia! philosophy <e-a! to -ro7 o!ly o! tra!sitio! ro2 17
ce!tury/ relati4ely soo! it starte, to oer !ote7orthy results. As the
'hristia! 2ystical philosophy ha, <ee! alrea,y or ce!turies i! a state o
stale2ate a!, e4e! ,eca,e!ce/ u!til the appeara!ce o a Russia!
philosopher Dla,i2ir Solo4ie4/ o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t a2o!- 2e,ie4al
2ystical philosophers/ Nicholas o 'usa/ ha, sa!8 i!to o<li4io!. Solo4ie4
a!, his pre,ecessor ro2 16
ce!tury 7ere closely li!8e, <y the sa2e
ar,e!t i,ea o the reu!io! o Easter! a!, @ester! 'hurch.
Dla,i2ir Solo4ie4 7as <or! i! 1361 i! the a2ily o Russia! historia! Ser-ey
Solo4ie4/ 7ho ha, <ee! close to the court o Ro2a!os. So/ 7he! Ale>a!,er
III <eca2e appare!t heir to the thro!e/ his ather 7as appoi!te, as his tutor.
I! all the li8elihoo, Dla,i2ir -or 7ithi! his ho2e a! e>celle!t e,ucatio!/ too.
Alrea,y ro2 his chil,hoo, he rea, <oo8s o re!o7!e, philosophers/
especially Spi!oEa. I! his tee!a-e years he passe, throu-h a phase o a
reli-ious s8epticis2/ <ei!- ,eli-hte, 7ith 7or8s o )re!ch philosopher
Re!a!. Later/ Solo4ie4Ms philosophical e,ucatio! has co!ti!ue, <y his stu,y
o 2ystical literature/ ro2 4arious epochs. &e seriously tac8le, 7ith
lear!i!- o Gree8 a!, Patristic tra,itio! a!, also o Ger2a! classical
Ater the -ra,uatio! at Mosco7 u!i4ersity/ he ha, re2ai!e, there as a
lecturer u!til 1331/ 7he! he ha, to 7ith,ra7/ <ecause o his plea,i!- or
the assassi!s o the Tsar Ale>a!,er III. @he! he ha, lost a chair he
e>perie!ce, a shoc8/ <ut he ,i, !ot lose his coura-e a!, he perse4eri!-ly
co!ti!ue, to <uil, a!, realiEe his <elies. Ater a<a!,o!i!- the
proessorship/ Solo4ie4 o!ly occasio!ally hel, pu<lic lectures a!, he
co2pletely ,e,icate, hi2sel to stu,y o the2es i! co!!ectio! 7ith reli-io!
a!, politics. The special e2phasis i! his acti!- he put o!to the e!,ea4or
,irecte, to7ar, the reu!io! o the separate, 'hristia! churches.
I! 133: Solo4ie4 is i! Za-re</ 'roatia Bthe! part o Austro.&u!-aria!
E2pireC 7here he 7rites a 7or8 2istor( and 9uture o! the Theocrac(. &e
prophecies appeara!ce o the ree theocracy/ as the 4a!-uar, o the %i4i!e
$i!-,o2 o! Earth a!, the reco!ciliatio! o Easter! a!, @ester! 'hurch.
&eartily plea,i!- or the practical realiEatio! o his utopia! i,ea/ Solo4ie4
spe!t 2a!y years i! his e!,ea4or o ,ra7i!- !ear a!, putti!- to-ether
represe!tati4es o Ortho,o> a!, 'atholic aith. O!e o the <ishops 7ith
7ho2 he associate, 2ostly 7as 'roatia! =osip =uraA Stross2ayer. I! 1333
Solo4ie4 is a-ai! i! Za-re</ 7here he 7rites a!other i2porta!t 7or8/ Russia
and the ?ni%ersal *hurch. 'hristia! 'hurch/ accor,i!- to Solo4ie4/ 2ust
relect the perect u!ity o &ea4e!ly $i!-,o2 a!, so it ca!!ot <e e>clusi4e
or li2ite, o! so2e !atio!s a!, states o!ly/ <ut it 2ust ha4e a!
i!ter!atio!al ce!ter/ ro2 7hich it has to sprea, out/ !ot o!ly across the
7orl,/ <ut throu-hout the 7hole u!i4erse. The real 'hurch o! Earth 2ust
<e o!e a!, u!i4ersal a!, it 2ust u!ite all the !atio!s i! the 7orl,/ ,e,uces
Solo4ie4. The pla! o the reu!io! o t7o churches reache, the Pope too a!,
he sai, that it 7as a 7o!,erul i,ea/ <ut u!ortu!ately har,ly achie4a<le.
O4er the last e7 years o his lie Solo4ie4 -ot i!to a ,eep crisis/ ,isappoi!te,
7ith i,ea o theocracy. &e loses his aith i! pla!etary e2<o,i2e!t o Go, i!
the history a!, his soul is ulille, 7ith a pre2o!itio! o the arri4al o
A!tichrist a!, the 7orl, catastrophe. &e ,ie, i! 19""/ !ot arri4i!- to i!ish
his 7or8. &o7e4er/ his e!,ea4ors 7ere !ot totally utile/ as he -a4e a stro!-
i2pulse to a 2o4e2e!t i! the !e>t ce!tury/ 7hich ha, or its -oal putti!-
to-ether o churches separate, or ce!turies the ecu2e!ical 2o4e2e!t.
The special a!, ori-i!al co!tri<utio! o Solo4ie4 7as his teachi!- a<out the
@orl, Soul/ i! 7hich he co!ti!ues the thou-ht o Plato a!, Neo.Plato!ic
philosophy. &e calls the @orl, Soul <y the !a2e o sacre, Sophia/ Go,Ms
7is,o2. She prese!ts the hi-hest a!, all.e2<raci!- or2 a!, li4e soul o
the !ature a!, u!i4erse eter!ally u!ite, i! Go,. Sopia is or Solo4ie4 the
!otio! o Go, o! the 7orl, a!, 2a!8i!,J she is the i-ure o tra!sor2e,
7orl, a!, ,i4i!iEe, 2a!8i!,.
A2o!- those 7ho ha4e co!ti!ue, the 2ystical philosophical thou-ht o
Solo4ie4/ surely the 2ost i2porta!t o!e is Ni8olai ?er,yae4. This Russia!
philosopher 7as <or! i! 1370 i! $ie4 Bto,ay +8rai!eMs capitalC i! the
aristocratic a2ily. As his ather a!, all the a!cestors ater atherMs li!ea-e
ha, <ee! -e!erals a!, 8!i-hts/ so there 7ere si2ilar e>pectatio!s ro2
you!- Ni8olai/ i.e. to acco2plish a 2ilitary career. Althou-h he e!rolle, a
2ilitary school/ he coul, !ot acco22o,ate hi2sel to the strict ,iscipli!e/ so
he let the school. Ater7ar,s he e!rolle, a la7 stu,y at $ie4 u!i4ersity. )or
ta8i!- part i! ,e2o!stratio!s/ he 7as e>pelle, ro2 the u!i4ersity a!,
<a!ishe, to the !orth o Russia/ to pro4i!ce Dolo-,a.
Ater the <a!ish2e!t/ ?er,yae4 ha, ,eparte, to Ger2a!y/ 7here he stu,ie,
Bi! &ei,el<er-C 2o,er! philosophy. I! 19"1 he retur!s to $ie4/ the! he
a<i,es or so2e ti2e i! S. Peters<ur- a!, ro2 19"7 he <e-a! to act i!
Mosco7. I! all o these to7!s there 7ere esta<lishe, reli-ious.philosophical
societies. I! Mosco7 there 7as ou!,e, society SI! 2e2ory o D. Solo4ie4M/
7ith acti4e participatio!/ <esi,es ?er,yae4/ o so2e other pro2i!e!t
Russia! philosophers/ li8e Ser-ey ?ul-a8o4 a!, (e4-e!i Tru<ets8oi. I! this
perio, ?er,yae4 ha, e!tirely estra!-e, hi2sel ro2 social.,e2ocratic i,eas
a!, he <e-a! to <uil, a perso!al 2etaphysics/ ou!,e, o! 'hristia!ity. No7
he a,4ocate, a ree,o2 o the spirit a!, ou-ht or the ree,o2 o perso!al
?er,yae4 ha, !e4er accepte, the tra,itio!al Ortho,o> aith a!, <ecause o
his li<eral sta!ces he ca2e i!to co!lict 7ith Russia! Ortho,o> 'hurch. )or
his article SE>ti!-uishers o the SpiritM/ poi!te, at &oly Sy!o,/ he ha, <ee!
co!,e2!e, to <a!ish2e!t a-ai!/ <ut the se!te!ce 7as !ot e>ecute,
<ecause o <ursti!-.out o the )irst @orl, @ar. %uri!- the 7ar/ i! 191:/
?er,yae4 pu<lishe, his 7or8 The )eaning o! *reati%it(, i! 7hich he su2s up
the 2ost i2porta!t o his i,eas u!til the!. The act o creatio! he i,e!tiie,
7ith acti!- o a spirit. 'reati4e act/ accor,i!- to ?er,yae4/ co2es o a spirit
a!, !ot o !atureJ <y ,esce!,i!- i!to the 7orl, spirit -e!erates the !e7/ it
tur!s i!to a 2atter that 7as !o!.e>iste!t.
Ater the Octo<er Re4olutio! o 1917 a!, ?olshe4i8s co2i!- i!to po7er/
?er,yae4 <e-i!s to poi!t the cutti!- e,-e o his critiGue to7ar, the i,eolo-y
o Mar>is2. So/ o4er the !e>t e7 years he ha, <ee! se4eral ti2es arreste,
a!, i2priso!e,. %uri!- the year 19#" he 7as a proessor at Mosco7
u!i4ersity/ <ut o!ly or a short 7hile. I! the sa2e year he 7as arreste, a!,
t7o years later se!te!ce, to a lielo!- <a!ish2e!t ro2 the So4iet +!io!.
?er,yae4 the! 7e!t to ?erli!/ 7here he too8 a part i! 7or8 o Russia!
Scie!tiic I!stitute a!, he 7as a ou!,er o Russia! Reli-ious.Philosophical
Aca,e2y. I! 19#1 he pu<lishes t7o i2porta!t <oo8s/ #hilosoph( o!
Ine1ualit( a!, )eaning o! 2istor(. I! the or2er he ,eals 7ith social
philosophy a!, i! a latter 7ith the philosophy o history. I! ?er,yae4 4ie7/
history prese!ts a path that lea,s to7ar,s the other 7orl,. It is i2possi<le
to achie4e the perect state i!si,e the historical processJ it ca! <e achie4e,
o!ly at the tra!sce!,e!tal le4el <y the appeara!ce o the %i4i!e or,er.
%uri!- his stay there ori-i!ates o!e 2ore 7or8/ The &e/ )iddle Ages B19#0C.
I! it ?er,yae4 <ri!-s orth his 4isio! o the !e7 7orl, or,er at 7hich hea,
7oul, <e a theocracy/ as it ha, <ee! alrea,y i! The Mi,,le A-es. I!
,isti!ctio! ro2 the ol, 2e,ie4al theocracy/ i! the !e7 there 7oul, <e
,e,icate, atte!tio! to the ree,o2 o the spirit. Such/ 2ore perect society
coul, <e achie4e, <y the -ra,ual acco2plish2e!t o e4er hi-her spiritual
le4el <y the e!li-hte!2e!t a!, tra!sor2atio! o 2a! a!, 2atter.
?er,yae4 ,e!otes hi2sel as 'hristia! socialist/ plea,i!- or the <rotherhoo,
a!, u!ity o the 2a!8i!, i! 'hrist.
I! 19#6 ?er,yae4 set out or Paris a!, alo!- 7ith hi2 his Reli-ious.
Philosophical Aca,e2y that he ha, esta<lishe,/ too. The !e>t year he starts
a !e7 2a-aEi!e !a2e, #ath. &e ,i, esta<lish co!!ectio!s 7ith 2a!y
re!o7!e, philosophers o that ti2e/ li8e =. Maritai!/ E.Gilso!/ G. Marcel/ E.
Mou!ir a!, also the author a!, e,itor o 'nc(clopedie des $(sti1ues Marie.
Ma,elei!e %a4y. ?er,yae4 ,eepe!s his philosophy o ree,o2 i! the 7or8
#hilosoph( o! 9ree Spirit B19#7K#3C. To earlier hypothesis that aith is
suppositio! o 8!o7le,-e a!, co-!itio!/ he a,,s the assertio! that aith
Oope! the 7ay to -!osisP. &e ,e!otes aith as the ree act o spirit a!, act o
ree choice a!, lo4e. @ith the act o aith 2a! reely re!ou!ces hi2sel o his
little ratio!alistic 2i!,/ to -ai! the -reat cos2ic 2i!,/ Sthe 2i!, o 'hristM.
%uri!- the thirties ?er,yae4 7rote yet so2e 2ore 7or8s/ a2o!- 7hich are
pro2i!e!t *hristianit( and *lass Struggle a!, )an and )achine. I! the irst
7or8/ ?er,yae4 plea,s or a society 7hich 7oul, suppose spirituality to
eco!o2y a!, politics. &e also plea,s or the a<olish2e!t o social classes
a!, or a society <ase, upo! 7or8 a!, calli!-s or proessio!. Such a society
7oul, <ear 7or8i!-.aristocratic traits a!, i! it all the people 7oul, <e
7or8ers a!, aristocrats at the sa2e ti2e. I! the social hierarchy hi-her
positio!e, 7oul, <e !ot o!es 7ho possesse, -reater 2aterial -oo,s/ <ut
those 7ho ha4e 2ore o spiritual 4irtues/ li8e 7is,o2/ si!cerity/ ho!esty/
-e!erosity. Such a society 7oul, <e esta<lishe, a!, aste!e, i! reli-io!. I!
the short 7or8 )an and )achine ?er,yae4 says that 2a! <eco2es e4er 2ore
the sla4e o the or-a!iEe, society a!, tech!olo-y a!, o 2achi!e/ i! 7hich
the 4ery society has tra!sor2e,J i! it 2a! is tra!sor2e,/ too. ?er,yae4
,ee2s that there 2ust !ot <e allo7e, the auto!o2y o the tech!olo-y/ <ut
she hersel 2ust <e su<2itte, to the spirit a!, spiritual 4alues. The 2a!Ms
spirit 7oul, 2a!a-e i! all that o!ly i he is !ot alo!e/ <ut lea!t o! Go, a!,
u!ite, 7ith hi2.
%uri!- the Ger2a! i!4asio! ?er,yae4 ha, escape, ro2 Paris/ <ut ater a
short 7hile he retur!e,. Se4eral ti2es his house ha, <ee! searche, o4er <y
Gestapo. I! 190# he su<2itte, hi2sel to a ,iicult operatio! a!, i! 1906
his 7ie ,ie,. Ater the 7ar/ i! 1907/ he recei4e, a! ho!ora<le %octorMs
,e-ree ro2 'a2<ri,-e +!i4ersity. I! March o !e>t year he ,ies/ at 76.
1.1.11. Sui 'o!4ert Re!e Gue!o! a!, his )ollo7ers
=ust i! the year B19#3C 7he! Re-ar,ie
ha, 2o4e, to Paris/ )re!ch 2ystical
philosopher Re!Q Gue!o! 2o4e, ro2 that to7! or -oo,/ settli!- ,o7! i!
E-yptia! capital 'airo. This philosopher is a peculiar i-ure o #"
spirituality. &is 7or8 is per2eate, <y t7o 2ai! su<Aects/ 2ost represe!te,
i! his 7or8s/ i.e. the i,ea o pri2or,ial tra,itio! a!, critiGue o the 2o,er!
7orl,. Gue!o!/ 7or8i!- out the a!cie!t sy2<olis2 a!, 2ytholo-y o East
a!, @est/ 7orl,Ms reli-io!s a!, 2etaphysical ,octri!es/ ,ee2s that their
e!tirety 4irtually prese!ts a! e>pressio! o preser4atio! a!, tra!s2issio! o
the pri2or,ial 8!o7le,-e.
/srael )egardie, mem!er of 0ritish secret society 1olden 2a"n.
Re!Q Gue!o! 7as <or! i! 133: i! ?lois B!ear A2<oise/ !ati4e place o Sai!t.
Marti!C. &e co2es o a 7ealthy a2ily his ather 7as a! architect. &e ha,
-ai!e, a tra,itio!al 'atholic e,ucatio! at pri2ary a!, -ra22ar school a!,
i! 19"0 he 7e!t to Paris/ 7here he e!rolle, stu,y o 2athe2atics. &o7e4er/
he soo! -a4e up this stu,y a!, <e-a! stu,yi!- a ra!-e o alter!ati4e
spiritual iel,s li8e occultis2/ G!osticis2 a!, Shi4aistic <ra!ch o
&i!,uis2. It see2s that 4ery early he ca2e i!to a co!tact 7ith so2e
2e2<er o A,4aita De,a!ta school a!, i! all li8elihoo, he 7as i!itiate,.
A<out this there are !o ,etails/ <ecause Gue!o! has !ot spo8e at all a<out
his early &i!,u i!lue!ces. &o7e4er/ ro2 his 7or8s/ especially Introduction
g0n0ral E lDetude des doctrines hindoues a!, .Dho$$e et son de%enir selon le
AIdJnta o!e ca! see that that 7as a si-!iica!t i2pact.
I! 191# Re!Q Gue!o! 7as a,2itte, to the Great Maso! Lo,-e o )ra!ce/ <ut
thereater he co!4erte, to Isla2 a!, <eca2e a 2e2<er o Sui Or,er. I!
191: he -ra,uate, philosophy/ 7ith his 7or8 o! Lei<!iE a!, i!i!itesi2al
calculatio!. Thirty years later he 7oul, retur! to this su<Aect 2atter/ i! his
7or8 o! Guestio!s co!cer!i!- the !ature o li2it a!, i!i!ity/ 7here 7oul,
<e represe!te,/ alo!- 7ith 2athe2atical calculatio!s/ also the -eo2etrical
sy2<olis2 principes du calcul in!initesi$alC.
Gue!o! <e-a! 7ith 7riti!- o 2ore 4olu2i!ous 7or8 o!ly ater the )irst
@orl, @ar/ i! the t7e!ties. &e <elie4e, i! u!i4ersal a!, o<Aecti4e spiritual
truth/ 7hich ca! <e e>presse, <y ter2s o 7orl,Ms reli-io!s/ as o
'hristia!ity/ so o Isla2 a!, &i!,uis2. T7o aore2e!tio!e, <oo8s o!
&i!,uis2 prese!te, a! atte2pt to e>press this truth. Gue!o! co!si,ere,
that &i!,uis2 co2prises the 2ost a!cie!t a!, 2ost co2prehe!si4e
8!o7le,-e o tra,itio!al 2etaphysics/ 7hich i! a 7ay prese!ts the 8ey or
e4ery other tra,itio!al or2. The 7or8 .Dho$$e et son de%enir selon le
AIdJnta 7as calle, Othe irst relia<le e>positio! o &i!,u 2etaphysics i!
so2e 7ester! la!-ua-eP.
I! his early 7or8s .e th0osophis$e . 2istoire dDune pseudo-religion a!,
.Derreur spirite Gue!o! 2a8es a critical re.sur4ey o theosophy a!,
spiritis2. Accor,i!- to hi2/ theosophy is o!ly a !e7 sect 7ithout a historical
ou!,atio!/ 7ith esoteric teachi!- 7hich i! its esse!ce is alie! to Easter!
tra,itio!. The o<Aecti4ity o this Au,-2e!t coul, <e surely ,ispute,/ as 7ell
as his state2e!t that spiritis2 is Aust a 8i!, o tra!spose, 2aterialis2.
The irst phase o Gue!o!Ms 7or8 characteriEe, also 7ith t7o 2ore 7or8s
ro2 the iel, o criticis2 o the 2o,er! 7orl,. Their titles are Orient et
Occident a!, .e crise du $onde $oderne. I! these 7or8s his critical cutti!-
e,-e is poi!te, at 2aterialistic 7ester! ci4iliEatio!. The 2ore 7e are
i22erse, i! the 2aterial/ there are e4er 2ore prese!t a!, e2phasiEe, the
actors o ,i4isio! a!, oppositio!/ says Gue!o!. ?ecause o his a4oritis2
to7ar, hierarchic syste2 o ruli!-/ i! 7hich elite steers the 2asses B7ho2
he so2eti2es call Sor-a!is2 7ithout a hea,MC he 7as reproache, or the
support o authoritaria! a!, e4e! totalitaria! re-i2e. ?ut/ <y Gue!o! the
e2phasis is o! spiritual/ so accor,i!-ly he co!si,ers Bi! 7a8e o ?er,yae4C
that a! i,eal or,er coul, <e achie4e, o!ly <y strictly esta<lishe, spiritual
elite. I! his *risis o! the )odern World he e>plicitly says that 'atholic
'hurch shoul, <e the o!e 7hich 7oul, esta<lish u!ity a!, o4erco2e ar.
lu!- -lo<al ,isor,er.
The 7or8 *risis o! the )odern World 7as pu<lishe, i! 19#7/ <ut alrea,y the
!e>t year Gue!o! e>perie!ces a ra,ical spiritual tur!/ ater the ,eath o his
7ie. The! he ,eci,es to lea4e Paris a!, @est ore4er/ so he ,eparts or the
Musli2 cou!try/ E-ypt. )ro2 191" o!7ar,s he li4es i! 'airo/ 7here he is
e2ploye, as a lecturer at the u!i4ersity. It see2s that ater his 7ieMs ,eath
Gue!o! <eca2e 4ery suspicious to7ar, e4eryo!e/ 2ay<e e4e! para!oi,. So/
he 7oul, !ot 7a!t to -i4e his 'airo a,,ress to a!yo!e/ si2ply he 7a!te, to
<e let i! peace. &e alle-e,ly ha, -otte! e!e2ies i! )ra!ce a!, he suspecte,
that they ha, trie, to ,o hi2 har2 <y the 2e,iu2 o <lac8 2a-ic. I! 'airo
Gue!o! later esta<lishe, a a2ily/ recei4e, a title o shei8 a!, -ot a Musli2
!a2e/ A<, al.@ahi, (ahya.
I! the !e7 e!4iro!2e!t Gue!o! has co!ti!ue, to 7rite 7or8s
pre,o2i!a!tly lea!t o!to the pri2or,ial tra,itio!. &e ,i, !ot re2ai!
e>clusi4ely 7ithi! the li2its o Isla2/ <ut he co!ti!ue, i! his stri4e to7ar,
co!!ecti!- tra,itio!s o East a!, @est. O!e such 7or8 is or e>a2ple .e
s($"olis$e de la croix. Gue!o! sees the cross !ot o!ly as 'hristia!/ <ut as a
u!i4ersal sy2<ol/ si!ce 7e ,o e!cou!ter it i! 4arious or2s e4ery7here. This
sy2<olis2 o course ori-i!ates i! the pri2or,ial tra,itio!. Althou-h there ,o
e>ist 4arious i!terpretatio!s o the cross/ they are !ot co!tra,ictory/ <ut
co2ple2e!tary o!es a!, they represe!t the sa2e truth/ o!ly ro2 ,iere!t
poi!t o 4ie7. The 7or8 .es etats $ultiples de lDKtre ,eals 7ith pure
2etaphysics. Gue!o! e2phasiEes that the <ei!- is 2a!iol, a!, that it
co2prises 2a!y states/ 2a!ieste, as 7ell as !o!.2a!ieste,. The ai2 o
<ei!- is to li<erate itsel ro2 the2 all a!, achie4e the co-!itio! o the
I22e!se Possi<ility. I! the 7or8 .e regne de la 1uantite et les signes des
te$ps Gue!o! e>plai!s the !ature o 2aterialistic ,e4iatio!s o the 2o,er!
7orl,. &e percei4es the history as the ,esce!t ro2 the or2 or Guality
to7ar, the 2atter or Gua!tity/ <ut ater the rule o Gua!tity Gue!o! pre,icts
the rule o Sre4erse, GualityM/ as the e4i,e!ce o the e!, o this era.
+!til his ,eath i! =a!uary/ 1961 Re!Q Gue!o! 7rote #7 <oo8s a!, 16"
articles. %uri!- three ,eca,es o 7riti!- he ha, <ee! ,isco4eri!- the
co22o! esse!ce o 2etaphysical ,octri!es ro2 ,iere!t reli-ious tra,itio!s
a!, a!cie!t sy2<ols. &e al7ays stresse, that the pri2ary tas8 o the
i!itiate, is the preser4atio! o the pri2or,ial 8!o7le,-e a!, stri4i!- to7ar,
the re!e7al a!, reha<ilitatio! o the ori-i!al 4alues. &e ha, al7ays o! his
2i!, this thou-htL OSprea,i!- o li-ht a!, -atheri!- 7hat is ,isperse,.P
@ith his 7or8 Gue!o! ,i, i!lue!ce the 7hole ro7 o authorsJ a2o!- the
re!o7!e, 2ystical philosophers he ha, -reatest i2pact o! =ulius E4ola a!,
?Qla &a24as.
Gue!o!Ms ollo7er/ Italia! 2ystical philosopher =ulius E4ola/ i! ,isti!ctio!
ro2 his teacher acti4ely supporte, totalitaria! re-i2e a!, co!seGue!tly he
prese!ts Bli8e or e>a2ple 'ro7leyC o!e o those ,ar8 spots i! other7ise
<rillia!t history o 2ystical philosophy. The perio, <et7ee! t7o 7ars is
characteriEe, <y -ro7i!- o e>tre2e i,eolo-ies o NaEi.ascis2 a!, ?olshe4i8
co22u!is2J accor,i!-ly/ so2e philosophers li4i!- i! those ti2es 7ere
pro!e to accept either o these totalitaria! i,eolo-ies. It is the ti2e 7he!
2ysticis2 ha, -otte! ,isti!ctly !e-ati4e o4erto!e/ or i!sta!ce i! the re4i4al
o the a!cie!t Ger2a! pa-a! 2ytholo-y <y Alre, Rose!<er- or Ru,ol 4o!
Se<otte!,or. Its practical e>pressio! ,i, this 8i!, o 2ysticis2 -et i!
2assi4e a,oratio! a!, ,i4i!iEatio! o the lea,er/ i! the se!se o u!ity 7ith
hi2/ 7hich is ,e4iatio! ro2 the true 2ysticis2/ i! 7hich 2a! eels to <e
o!e 7ith Go,. I! seco!, hal o the t7e!ties a!, i! course o the thirties
=ulius E4ola ha, <ee! a cou!terpart to those Ger2a! i,eolo-ists. &o7e4er/
his e!tire opus is !ot characteriEe, <y the apolo-y o the totalitaria!
i,eolo-y. O! the co!trary/ it is peculiar the lar-e!ess o his spiritual 4ie7s
&i!,uis2/ ?u,,his2/ Ta!tris2/ Taois2J 7ester! &er2etis2/ alche2y a!,
2yth o! Graal. Accor,i!-ly/ E4ola ,oes !ot it i!to a cate-ory o a! e>tre2e
ri-htist as !arro7.2i!,e, !atio!alist. I! a,,itio!/ i! the post.7ar perio,
E4ola has sho7! i! se4eral o his 7or8s a critical sta!ce to7ar, ascis2/
althou-h/ a-ai!/ ro2 the ri-htist 4ie7poi!t.
=ulius E4ola 7as <or! i! 1393 i! Ro2e a!, he co2es o a 7ealthy Sicilia!
a2ily o !o<le ori-i!. I! his youth he has sho7! i!terest or philosophy/
especially to7ar, NeitEscheJ i! art his i!terest has <ee! ocuse, o! pai!ti!-
B)uturis2 a!, %a,ais2C a!, poetry B%MA!!u!EioC. I! 1917 he Aoi!e, the
ar2y/ as artillery oicer/ o! 2ou!tai! positio!s i! the %olo2ites. &e ,i, !ot
ta8e part i! <i- <attles. At the e!, o the 7ar/ the !e>t year/ he co2es <ac8
ho2e to Ro2e. I! that ti2e he <e-a! to 2o4e i! art circles a!, to ,eal 7ith
pai!ti!- a!, poetryJ he ,i, e>peri2e!ts 7ith !arcotic ,ru-s/ too. &e has
pai!te, se4eral pai!ti!-s 7hich critics e4aluate, as i2porta!t or Italia!
%a,ais2J he also starte, a correspo!,e!ce 7ith TEara/ ori-i!ator o this art
style. ?ut/ alrea,y ha, stoppe, pai!ti!- a!, the !e>t year he stoppe,
7riti!- poetry as 7ell.
Ater 19## there <e-a! a perio, i! 7hich he ,e,icates hi2sel e>clusi4ely to
philosophy. I! the 2i,,le o t7e!ties his i!terest or esoteric iel,s ,i, -et
stro!-er. E4ola ,i, ca2e i!to a co!tact 7ith Ro2a! spiritual circles/ !a2ely
7ith ollo7ers o $re22erE/ a!troposophists a!, theosophists. &e
colla<orates i! se4eral 2a-aEi!es/ 7here he pu<lishes articles o esoteric a!,
2a-ical su<Aect 2atter. )ro2 19#7/ he is the 2e2<er o so.calle, +R.-roup/
a society 7hich practices i!,i4i,ual S2a-ical i,ealis2M. I! this ti2e E4ola
pu<lishes his irst 4olu2i!ous 7or8/ e!title, Teoria dellD Indi%iduo Assoluto.
I! it he a2al-a2ate his i!terest or philosophy a!, 2a-ic/ sacral a!,
G!ostic. &is ai2 is to try to o4erco2e the ,uality o SIM a!, S!o!.IM/ <y
e>plai!i!- the e>pa!,e, perceptio! o the su<Aect/ i! 7hich are e>pa!,e,
the li2its o the 4ery <ei!-/ i! relatio! to a co22o! perceptio! o the
su<Aect/ i! 7hich are e>pa!,e, the li2its o the 4ery <ei!-/ i! relatio! to a
co22o! perceptio! i! a 7a8i!- state. I! 19#3 E4ola 7rites I$perialis$o
pagano. I! this 7or8 he criticiEes 'atholic 'hristia!ity/ 7hich he co!si,ers
,epri4e, o pure spirituality a!, o sacral tra,itio!. &e plea,s or retur! to
polytheis2 o the pre.'hristia! era/ i! 7hich ha, acte, i!,i4i,ualiEe, or2s
o ,i4i!e po7ers heroes. ?ut/ alrea,y i! 2i,.thirties he -a4e up the ra,ical
a!ti.'atholicis2/ 2oreo4er/ he attac8s Rose!<er- a!, his a,here!ts or O<y
!!is2 they trie, to co!4ey politics i!to reli-io!P.
I! 191"/ alo!- 7ith se4eral ello7s Ba2o!- the rest E2ilio Ser4a,io/ ather o
the Italia! psychoa!alysisC E4ola starte, the 2a-aEi!e Torre. (et/ <ecause o
pole2ic articles that ha, <ee! ,isli8e, <y re-i2e/ the 2a-aEi!e 7as soo!
e>ti!-uishe,. I! 1911 E4ola pu<lishes o!e o his 2ost i2porta!t 7or8s ro2
the iel, o esoteric philosophy/ u!,er the title TradiCione 'r$etica. The <oo8
,eals 7ith the herita-e o 7ester! alche2ical a!, 2a-ical tra,itio! a!, o
&er2etical sy2<olis2. E4ola sees alche2ical 7or8 as cha!-e a!,
tra!sor2atio! ro2 o!e <ei!- i!to a!other/ ro2 o!e stu i!to a!other/
ro2 7ea8!ess i!to a po7er/ ro2 <o,ily !ature to the spiritual o!e.
Alche2ical eter!al <irth E4ola i,e!tiies 7ith re.i!te-ratio! a!, re4eali!- o
the philosophical sto!e.
The 7or8 Ri%olta contro il $ondo $oderno B1910C is co!si,ere, as E4olaMs
$agnu$ opus. It co!sists o t7o partsJ i! the irst is a<out teachi!- relate,
to cate-ories o tra,itio!al spirit a!, seco!, <ri!-s orth the i!terpretatio! o
history <ase, upo! the tra,itio! to the 2o,er! 7orl,. E4olaMs re4olt is
poi!te, a-ai!st the 2o,er! 7orl, esta<lishe, o! criteria o useul a!,
te2poral/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 the 7orl, o tra,itio!/ ou!,e, o! 4alues o
sacral a!, eter!al.
%uri!- the thirties E4ola pu<lishes t7o 2ore 7or8s 7ith su<Aect 2atter
relate, to esoteric philosophy. )aschera e %olto dello spiritualis$o
conte$poraneo is the 7or8 7hich spea8s critically o! pseu,o.spiritual
curre!ts li8e spiritis2/ cult o Super2a!/ Sata!is2 a!, 4ariety o other
pseu,o.2ysticis2s. Il $istero del ;raal spea8s a<out alche2y a!, search or
the &oly Grail a!, o a secret reli-io! o Ghi<eli!sM i2perialis2.
Ater the ailure 7ith 2a-aEi!e Torre E4ola see8s a saer reu-e a!, i!,s it
i! re-i2e 2a-aEi!e Regi$e !ascista= i! it he is e,itor o a cultural ru<ric. O!
<ursti!-.out o the Seco!, @orl, @ar/ E4ola re-isters hi2sel as 4olu!teer
or the ,eparture to So4iet ro!tli!e/ <ut he is tur!e, ,o7!/ or !ot <ei!- a
2e2<er o a )ascist Party. Na2ely/ E4ola ha, !e4er or2ally Aoi!e, a!y
party. I! 1901/ i! a ull play o <attles a!, 7ar/ he pu<lishes the 7or8 o!
?u,,hist reli-io!/ .a dottrina del ris%eglio. I! it E4ola puts i! the ore-rou!,
the aristocratic character o ?u,,his2 a!, its 2asculi!e character a!,
i-hti!- spirit/ i! the e>positio! o ?u,,hist ,octri!e.
Ater the capitulatio! o Italy/ E4ola set out irst to Ger2a!y a!, thereater
to Die!!a. Alrea,y to7ar, the e!, o 7ar/ he 7or8s o! the e>a2i!atio! o
the archi4e o )ree2aso!s/ or the !ee,s o SS. I! air rai,s o Allie, )orces i!
April/ 1906/ he 7as <a,ly i!Aure,J as his <ac8<o!e 7as <ro8e!/ he re2ai!e,
paralyEe,. There ha, ollo7e, a lo!- perio, at hospitals/ irst i! Die!!a a!,
later i! ?olo-!a/ 7here he 7as tra!serre, i! 1903. O!ly i! 1961 he ,i,
retur! to his ho2e i! Ro2e.
I! the post.7ar perio, E4ola pu<lishes se4eral 7or8s o political !ature/ <ut
as 7ell so2e ro2 the iel, o spirituality. O political 7or8s/ pro2i!e!t are
;li uo$ini e le ro%ine a!, *a%alcare la tigre. I! the or2er E4ola plea,s or a!
or-a!ic state/ 7hich ou!,atio!s co!sist o 4alues li8e Guality/ ri-hteous
i!eGuality a!, perso!alityJ o state i! 7hich e4eryo!e is e!title, 7ith ri-hts
i! accor, 7ith his !atural ,i-!ity. I! the seco!, part E4ola e4o8es the
stoical or2ula o apoliteia/ as the separatio! ro2 the political 7orl, a!,
loyalty to a! i,eal state/ <ase, upo! the strict i!,i4i,ual ethics. E4ola
a,,resses the Su!,iere!tiate, 2a!M/ 7ho i! spite o the act that he ,oes
!ot <elo!- to this 7orl,/ ,oes !ot ha4e a! i!te!tio! to <e le!ie!t/ !ot i!
psycholo-ical 7ay/ !or e>iste!tial. &e plea,s or such a 2a!/ 7ho see8s
ree,o2 i!si,e hi2sel alo!e/ 7ho 7oul, -ai! co!trol o4er hi2sel a!, 7ho
7oul, realiEe his autarchy.
E4olaMs i!terest i! the hu2a! se>uality <rou-ht orth i! 1963 7or8
)eta!isica del sesso. I! this 7or8 too is prese!t the critiGue o the 2o,er!
7orl, a!, its proa!iEe, attitu,e to7ar, se>uality. Such proa!e se>ualiuty/
accor,i!- to E4ola/ ,oes !ot possess a tra!sce!,e!ce !or u!ity. As
historical e>a2ples/ he states ,iere!t 8i!,s o tra!sce!,e!tal se>uality/
li8e those i! Ta!tris2/ Taois2/ as 7ell as i! $a<<ala a!, Eleusi!ia!
I! the seco!, hal o the si>ties E4olaMs health <e-a! to ,eteriorate
co!ti!ually. I! 19:3 he suere, a heart attac8 a!, o!ce a-ai! t7o years
later. &e ,ie, i! 1970 i! Ro2e.
=ulius E4ola/ ste22i!- ro2 a! aristocratic a2ily/ re2ai!e, throu-hout his
7hole lie a! elitist/ loyal to Gue!o!Ms i,ea o the hierarchic syste2/ hea,e,
<y pri4ile-e, stratu2 o the spiritual elite. Ater the Seco!, @orl, @ar he
<eca2e a7are that ascist state coul, !ot lea, to7ar, the achie4e2e!t o
such a! i,ea. As 2ai! ,e4iatio!s/ E4ola has Guote, totalitaria!is2/ 7hich
he co2pares 7ith So4iet etatis2/ syste2 ar ro2 tra,itio!al that is <ase,
upo! spiritual 4alues. Tra,itio!al state is or-a!ic/ <ut !ot totalitaria!/ E4ola
thi!8s. State pe,a-o-is2 a!, pressure o!to the perso!al lie a!, 2orality is
a!other ault o such a syste2/ sa2e as ,e2o-raphic ca2pai-! ollo7i!- the
pri!ciple Si! !u2<er there is po7erM. The i,ea o the !arro7.2i!,e,
!atio!alis2 is corrupte, too/ the i,ea o !atio!alis2 <ase, upo! the 2ere
se!se o <elo!-i!- to the ho2ela!, a!, !atio!/ tie, e>clusi4ely to the
!atio!al history a!, !ot to the tra,itio! i! a hi-her se!se. Other ,e4iatio!s
are 2e,iocre philisti!e co!ser4ati4is2/ catholiciEe, a!, co!4e!tio!alist.
Accor,i!-ly/ E4ola al7ays retur!s to the i,ea o elite/ as the hea, ruli!- o4er
the <o,y/ i.e. or-a!ically ,rate, state.
The seco!, i2porta!t ollo7er o Gue!o!/ &u!-aria! 2ystical philosopher
?Qla &a24as / throu-hout his lie ha, !ot achie4e, a2e/ si!ce he spe!t the
last thir, o his lie i! a!o!y2ity/ <ecause o the i2pose, <a! o pu<lishi!-
7or8s/ i2pose, <y &u!-aria! co22u!ist re-i2e. &e ha, <ee! 4irtually
u!8!o7! a2o!- his ello7.cou!try2e! too/ u!til the e!, o the ei-hties a!,
,e2ocratic cha!-es/ 7he! his <oo8s are pri!te, a-ai!. %uri!- his lie ?Qla
&a24as has pu<lishe, Aust t7o collectio!s o essays/ In%isi"le 2istor( B1901C
a!, Re%olution in the Art B1907C. The true e4aluatio! o his e!tire 7or8 i! the
@est has yet to co2e/ si!ce 2a!y o his <oo8s are still 7aiti!- to <e
tra!slate,. &is peculiar style i! 7hich there are e!t7i!e, tra,itio!al
2ystical philosophical i,eas 7ith 2i!ute ,escriptio! o the !ature/ i! a 7ay
re2i!, o E2erso! a!, Mulor,/ althou-h he ,i, !ot poi!t out a!y o the2
as his role 2o,el.
?Qla &a24as 7as <or! i! 1397 i! to7! PreUo4 i! Slo4a8ia Bthe! Austro.
&u!-aria! Mo!archyC/ i! a a2ily o a! E4a!-elical pastor. Soo! his a2ily
2o4e, to ?ratisla4a/ 7here &a24as 7oul, i!ish his pri2ary a!, -ra22ar
schooli!-. Soo! ater he ha, i!ishe, -ra22ar school/ he passe, the
i!structio! o the ca,et school a!, the! he 7as se!t to !orther! ro!t/ i!
+8rai!e. &e ha, <ee! 7ou!,e, t7ice a!, he also e>perie!ce, a !er4ous
<rea8,o7!. The trou<les ,i, !ot i!ish 7he! the 7ar 7as o4er/ <ecause soo!
his a2ily 7as co2pelle, to lea4e the cou!try/ <ecause o atherMs reusal to
s7ear alle-ia!ce to the !e7 -o4er!2e!t. &a24as a2ily thereater tries to
settle ,o7! i! ?u,apest. I! that ti2e pre4aile, u!e2ploy2e!t a!, po4ertyJ
?Qla ha, e!rolle, the u!i4ersity a!, he stu,ie, &u!-aria! a!, Ger2a!
la!-ua-e a!, literature.
%uri!- his stu,y/ &a24as colla<orates i! !e7spapers a!, 2a-aEi!es. Ater
the -ra,uatio! i! 19#7/ he 7oul, -et e2ploye, as a li<raria! at ?u,apest
Metropolita! Li<rary. I! the Seco!, @orl, @ar he -oes to the ro!tli!e
a-ai!. O! the retur! ro2 Russia/ he sa4e, a -roup o =e7s a!, eari!-
co!seGue!ces/ he ,eserte, the ar2y. &e recei4e, to 2eet the e!, o the 7ar
hi,i!- as the 2ilitary ru!a7ay. &e ha, 2a!a-e, to sa4e his lie/ <ut his
apart2e!t 7as ,estroye, i! a! air.rai,/ as 7ell as the <i- li<rary a!, tru!8
ull o 2a!uscripts.
I! the post.7ar perio, &a24as also ,eals 7ith pu<lishi!- acti4ityL he e,its
the a!tholo-y o the 7orl, literature a!, pu<lishes a ro7 o poc8et.e,itio!
<oo8s/ ro2 ,iere!t iel,s !atural a!, social scie!ces a!, art. @he! the
pu<lishi!- acti4ity ca2e u!,er the patro!a-e o the state/ i! 1907/ &a24as
<eca2e persona non grata. Ater the co!lict 7ith PartyMs 2i-hty 2a! GyTr-y
Lu8YcE. &e arri4e, to the ?.list o the re-i2e/ 7hich practically 2ea!t the
<a! o pu<lishi!- <oo8s. E4e! 7orse/ &a24as lost his 7or8i!- place o
li<raria!. The! he ha, retreate, ro2 the 7orl,J he 7e!t to li4e i! a s2all
house i! the 7oo,/ 7here he 7rote his !o4el *arni%al. &e 7as co2pelle, to
7or8 as a! a-ricultural la<orer i! or,er to sur4i4eJ thereater he 7or8e, as
la<orer at the po7er pla!t.
I! such hea4y co!,itio!s o lie/ i! a perio, o 1".o,, years &a24as 7rote
so2e o his 2ost i2porta!t 7or8s/ e>clusi4ely i! his ree ti2e Beither early i!
the 2or!i!- or late i! the e4e!i!-C. Althou-h he 7as o a stro!- <o,ily
co!stitutio!/ such a ati-ui!- routi!e has totally e>hauste, hi2. I! 19:0 he
7as i!ally retire,. &e retur!e, to ?u,apest a!, i! pe!sio! 7rote a!other
t7o !o4els a!, a collectio! o essays. &e ,ie, i! 19:3 ro2 <rai!
he2orrha-e/ i! total a!o!y2ity a!, po4erty. O!ly so2e t7e!ty years later
he 7oul, e>perie!ce a posthu2ous ac8!o7le,-e2e!t a!, ,eser4e, a2e.
?esi,es ?er,yae4/ he is pro<a<ly the -reatest east.Europea! 2ystical
philosopher o the #"
&a24asM $agnu$ opus, 7or8 Scientia sacra has as 7ell as Gue!o!Ms a!,
E4olaMs 7or8s/ the 7or, Stra,itio!M as its -ui,i!- thou-ht. &a24asM 7ie/
7riter $atali! $e2Q!y/ has co2pare, this 7or8 7ith sy2pho!y o e4erythi!-
that o! pri2or,ial esse!ce ,o oer Ti<eta!/ &i!,u/ Persia!/ 'hal,ea!/
E-yptia!/ Sui/ South.A2erica! sources/ as 7ell as Ale>a!,ria! G!osticis2/
aryth2olo-y/ alche2y. I! this 7or8 &a24as re4eals that i! ou!,atio!s o
,iere!t !atio!al/ reli-ious a!, la!-ua-e particularities there is o!ly o!e
cre,i<le co22u!ity a!, that is 2a!8i!,. Si!-le tra,itio!s are co!!ecte,
i! space a!, ti2e a!, they create u!ityJ si2ilarly <et7ee! the2 co2es a
act that i! a!cie!t ti2es all the !atio!s ,re7 ro2 the sa2e source/ the
pri2or,ial spiritual 2a!iestatio!. The seco!, 8ey 7or, o Scientia sacra is
7athcul!essJ &a24as i,e!tiies that 7or, 7ith 8!o7le,-e o the a<solute
or,er o the e>iste!ce/ o the la7 o lie i! the u!i4erse. &e co!si,ers arousal
a!, 7atchul!ess as i!itiatio!/ or !e7 <irth/ 7hich is the thir, 8ey 7or, o
Scientia sacra. These three 7or,s tra,itio!/ 7atchul!ess a!, i!itiatio! at
the sa2e ti2e characteriEe the seco!,/ post.7ar phase o &a24asM creati4e
)ro2 the hu-e opus o ?Qla &a24as there ca! <e si!-le, out so2e other
7or8s/ li8e Antologia hu$ana3 9i%e Thousand Years o! Wisdo$, In%isi"le
2appening, 2ungarian 2(perion, a!, *arni%al. &ere are as 7ell so2e
i2porta!t collectio!s o essays/ li8e Silentiu$, #ath$os a!, Boo o! .aurel
;ro%e. ?Qla &a24as sai, that 2ysticis2 is 8!o7le,-e 7hich sees the u!ity
o all thi!-s. She is !ot oppose, to 8!o7le,-e/ <ut she is the -reatest ,e-ree
o e4olutio!.
1.#. ISLAM
1.#.1. Mo,er! Suis
Li8e &asi,is2 a!, other 2ystical <ra!ches/ so Suis2 too e>perie!ce, a
8i!, o re!asce!ce i! 2o,er! ti2es. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 2e,ie4al Suis/ 7ho
!early al7ays ca2e ro2 Isla2ic cou!tries/ the 2ost i2porta!t
co!te2porary Suis co2es pre,o2i!a!tly ro2 I!,ia a!, so2e o the2 are
<or! i! the @est. The 2o,er! thou-ht a!, scie!ce o #"
ce!tury also ,i,
i!lue!ce Suis2. A2o!- the 2ost 2eritorious or the <rea8throu-h o
Suis2 i! the @est are Asia! I!,ia!s &aErat I!ayat $ha!/ I,ries Shah a!,
$ha7aya Sha2su,,i! AEee2iJ a!, ?a7a Muhaiya,,ee! ro2 Sri La!8a.
&aErat I!ayat $ha! B133#C is ou!,er o the u!i4ersal Suis2 a!, o Sui
Mo4e2e!t I!ter!atio!al. &is 2essa-e o lo4e/ har2o!y a!, <eauty
ori-i!ate, u!,er the i!lue!ce o Sui tra,itio!/ <ut also upo! the approach
7hich stri4es to7ar, har2o!iEi!- o @ester! a!, Easter! thou-ht. I! the
e!, o his !o4itiate I!ayat $ha! alo!- 7ith his teacher Muha22e, A<u
&ashi2 set out or the @est/ to ,e4elop a !e7 culture/ 7hich 7oul,
represe!t the co2<i!atio! o Easter! 7is,o2 a!, ratio!alistic 4ie7 o the
%uri!- his lo!-sta!,i!- a<o,e i! the @est/ I!ayat $ha! ,i, esta<lish the
school or spiritual e>ercises i! Paris/ <ase, upo! the tra,itio!al teachi!- o
'hishti or,er. The co2po!e!t part o this Neo.Sui lear!i!- 2a8es also his
4isio! o u!ity o reli-ious i,eals a!, 7a8i!- o the ,i4i!ity i!si,e 2a!.
I!ayat $ha! 7as a2o!- the irst 7ho prese!te, Sui teachi!-s to
7ester!ers. &is teachi!- <ears a ,isti!cti4e ecu2e!ical trait/ so or e>a2ple
a2o!- the 2ai! pri!ciples o the +!i4ersal Suis2 7e i!, thou-hts o!L
e>iste!ce o the o!ly o!e a!, eter!al Go,J o!e reli-io! that a,4a!ces to7ar,
the i,eal o the ulill2e!t o the lie purpose o each soulJ o!e 2oral
pri!ciple o Lo4e/ 7hich co2es o a heart ,e4ote, to the ser4ice o Go, a!,
2a!8i!,. I!ayat $ha! co!si,ere, that there is o!ly o!e truth/ a true
8!o7le,-e a<out the <ei!- per2eati!- us i!si,e out/ 7hich prese!ts the
esse!ce o 7is,o2.
?a7a Muhaiya,,ee! Barou!, 19""C is 4e!erate, Sui sai!t ro2 Sri La!8a.
&is spiritual 8!o7le,-e a!, e>perie!ce he share, 7ith people o all races
a!, reli-io!s all across the 7orl,. I! his youth he li4e, i! Au!-les o Sri
La!8a. Alrea,y the! he 7as re!o7!e, as sai!t a!, he attracte, pil-ri2s
7ho ca2e ro2 ar.a7ay places to a,2ire the ,epth o his ,i4i!e 8!o7le,-e.
)ro2 all Sri La!8a ca2e <elie4ers o ,iere!t reli-io!s a!, eth!ic
appurte!a!ce a!, liste!e, to his pu<lic speeches. Ma!y 2e! a!, 7o2e!
ha, -otte! a,4ices ro2 hi2/ i! re-ar, o o4erco2i!- e4ery,ay pro<le2s
rich/ poor/ a2ous a!, co22o! people.
I! the <e-i!!i!- o se4e!ties ?a7a Muhaiya,,e! co2es to A2erica a!, he
esta<lishes Muhaiya,,ee! )ello7ship i! Phila,elphia. I! A2rica he ,i,
attract as 7ell people ro2 ,iere!t reli-io!s a!, social a!, eth!ic
<ac8-rou!, that ca2e to liste! to hi2. &is teachi!- later ,i, e>pa!,
B<ra!ches o his )ello7ship has sprea, to 'a!a,a/ Great ?ritai! a!,
AustraliaC. @here4er he 7e!t/ he a!s7ere, tirelessly to 2a!y perso!al a!,
2ystical Guestio!s that people put hi2 ,uri!- pu<lic peror2a!ces. I! a
perio, o so2e 16 years ?a7a Muhaiya,,ee! pu<lishe, 2ore tha! #" <oo8s.
I! his teachi!-s he e2phasiEe, the i2porta!ce o peror2i!- ,uties/ irstly
co!cer!i!- spirituality/ prayer/ charity a!, lo4e that 2a! coul, e>perie!ce
%i4i!e -race. &e also e2phasiEe, the i2porta!ce o repairi!- o!eMs o7!
2ista8es a!, o puriicatio! o heart. &e ,ee2e, the 2ost i2porta!t thi!- i!
lie the surre!,er o heart to Go,.
I,ries Shah B19#0C is also a! i2porta!t Sui author o #"
Especially 4alua<le is his co!tri<utio! to the <ri,-i!- the -ap a!,
acco22o,ati!- o the classical spiritual thou-ht to the !ee,s o 2o,er!
7orl,. &e spe!t his youth i! E!-la!,/ 7here he acGuire, his e,ucatio!. &e
tra4ele, a lot/ across Europe a!, Mi,,le East/ ,e4elopi!- his Sui e,ucatio!.
As <y other Suis/ his lie ha, <ee! ,e,icate, also to ser4i!-/ so he helpe,
2a!y people o ,iere!t 7al8s o lie.
I,riesM 7ritte! 7or8 i! 2a!y 7ays sur2ou!te, the !otio!s o 7ester!ers
a<out Sui teachi!-s. &e ha, a certai! i2pact o!to so2e @ester!
i!tellectuals. &e ,i, !ot li2it Suis2 o!to Isla2/ <ut he co!si,ere, it e4e!
ol,er tha! it/ i!,epe!,e!t ro2 :uran a!, u!i4ersal i! re-ar, o sources/
-oals a!, its traits. &e co!si,ere, that spiritual teachi!-s ha4e to <e
prese!te, i! a or2 a!, !otio!s 7hich are custo2ary i! so2e co22u!ity.
&e ou!,e, the i!stitute or cultural researches i! Lo!,o!J su<Aects o
pu<lic a!, se2i!ars are co!!ecte, pre,o2i!a!tly 7ith aspects o hu2a!
!ature. This ou!,atio! has 2ore psycholo-ical tha! reli-ious approach a!,
it is <ase, upo! the tra,itio!al psycholo-y/ 7hilst to stu,e!tMs choice is let
the i!,i4i,ual ree,o2 ater the Guestio!s o! aith a!, Go,.
$ha7aya Sha2su,,i! AEee2i B19#7C is the ou!,er o Sui or,er AEee2ia.
&e is also o I!,ia! ori-i!. &is teacher *ala!,ar ?a<a Auliya ha, carrie,
o4er his spiritual 8!o7le,-e ,uri!- si>tee! years. ?eore he ,ie, he o<li-e,
hi2 to tra!s2it the 8!o7le,-e <y 2issio!ary 7or8. $ha7aya Sha2su,,i!
AEee2i ,i, o<ey hi2 a!, he tirelessly 7or8e, !i-ht a!, ,ay o! his 2issio!
o sprea,i!- the Suis2 all o4er the 7orl,.
I! the teachi!-s o this Sui 2ystic there is a pro2i!e!t ,esire or a7a8i!-
the eeli!- o lo4e or Go, i! hu2a! heart. &e re4eale, the 2ysteries 7hich
ha, surrou!,e, the spiritual 8!o7le,-e a!, tra!s2itte, the2 ro2 the le4el
o u!realistic a!, i2a-i!ary tra,itio!al teachi!- o!to lear!i!- 2ore i!
accor, 7ith 2o,er! scie!tiic thi!8i!-. As $ha7aya Sha2su,,i! AEee2i
sprea, his 8!o7le,-e/ so he ope!e, 2ore tha! 7" ce!ters o his or,er/ i!
,iere!t parts o the 7orl,. &is -oal 7as to pro2ote a!, sprea, spiritual
8!o7le,-e a!, ser4e to people/ oeri!- solutio!s relate, to their <o,ily/
2e!tal/ 2arital a!, social pro<le2s. O! the spiritual pla!e his 2essa-e to
the people 7as that they shoul, co!cei4e the i!!er 8!o7le,-e a!,
u!,ersta!, their late!t a<ilities/ as they coul, -et to 8!o7 the 'reator o the
u!i4erse a!, so e!Aoy the <lesse, lie o! this a!, the other 7orl,.
1.1.1. ?aal She2 To4 a!, &asi,is2
I! the irst hal o 13
ce!tury/ si,e <y si,e 7ith sprea,i!- o the
)ree2aso!ry 2o4e2e!t/ i! =e7ish 7orl, there <e-a! to -ro7 &asi,is2/ as
the reli-ious 2ystical 2o4e2e!t. This 2o4e2e!t e2phasiEe, the prese!ce o
Go, i! e4ery,ay lie a!, 4alue o a prayer. The teachi!- o &asi,is2 is <ase,
upo! t7o theoretical co!ceptsJ reli-ious pa!e!theis2 or Go,Ms o2!iprese!ce
a!, the i,ea o 8e%eut, co22u!io! o Go, a!, 2a!. That co22u!io! is
achie4e, <y the co!ce!tratio! o thou-hts o! Go,/ !o 2atter 7hat 7e ,o i!
our e4ery,ay lieJ special or2 o co22u!io! is the ecstatic prayer/ a!, also
,a!ci!- a!, si!-i!- i! a reli-ious rapture.
The ou!,er o &asi,is2 is ?aal She2 To4/ also 8!o7! as Israel <e! ElieEer.
BGersho2 Shole2/ o!e o the -reatest 2o,er! authorities i! the iel, o
=e7ish 2ysticis2 co!si,ers hi2 Othe 2ost re!o7!e, =e7ish 2ystic o4er the
last e7 ce!turiesP.C &e 7as <or! arou!, 17"" i! A8u/ place i! south.
easter! Pola!,/ i! a poor a!, pious a2ily. I! school/ he ha, <ee!
,isti!-uishe, a2o!- other chil,re! o!ly <y his reGue!t ,isappeara!ces.
+sually they 7oul, i!, hi2 i! so2e 7oo, o surrou!,i!-s/ 7here he 7oul,
ha4e e!Aoye, i! ,eli-htul rapture/ i! the 2a-ic char2 o the !ature. &e ha,
!e4er <ee! e,ucate, or a Ra<<iJ i!stea,/ he <eca2e alrea,y as a you!-
2a! a! assista!t i! a sy!a-o-ue. &e -ot 2arrie, 4ery early/ at 13/ <ut his
7ie soo! ,ie, a!, ?aal She2 To4 let his !ati4e place.
I! the !e>t perio, o his lie he 7or8e, as the helper i! s2all =e7ish
co22u!ities i! Polish Galicia/ u!til he i!ally settle, ,o7! i! a s2all place
)lust. ?ecause o his ho!esty a!, 8!o7le,-e o hu2a! !ature/ local
resi,e!ts electe, hi2 or a Au,-e 2e,iator/ or people 7ho co!,ucte, suits
a-ai!st each other. &o7e4er/ he 7as ,epri4e, o this ser4ice/ as =e7s ha,
alrea,y -otte! their o7! ci4ilia! courts i! Pola!,. ?ut/ i! his ar<itra-e he
let ,eep i2pressio! o! a 7ealthy a!, lear!e, Ephrai2 o ?ro,y/ so he
pro2ise, hi2 a ha!, o his ,au-hter.
Ater the 2arria-e/ the couple li4e, 2o,estly/ <ecause al2ost all the
property ha, <ee! i!herite, <y the <rother.i!.la7. They 2ai!tai!e,
the2sel4es <y supplyi!- the surrou!,i!- 4illa-es 7ith <uil,i!- 2aterial.
So2e7hat later ?aal She2 To4 -otte! a Ao< o <utcher i! place $shilo7ice/
<ut soo! he too8 o4er the -ui,a!ce o the local ta4er!/ <ou-ht <y his
<rother.i!.la7. %uri!- his lo!- stays i! !ature he associate, 7ith cou!try
her<alists a!, lear!e, ho7 to prepare her<al 2e,ici!es. I! his treat2e!ts
he acco2plishe, e>traor,i!ary results. &is reputatio! as a healer sprea,
also a2o!- the !o!.=e7ish populatio!/ e4e! a2o!- the !o<ility. Arou!, the
a-e 16/ he <e-a! to 2a!iest so2e o his prophetic a<ilities.
@ith his si!cerity a!, si2plicity soo! he 7o! o4er 2a!y a,here!ts. &e
tau-ht the2 ho7 true reli-ious practice ,oes !ot co!sist o!ly o scholastic
theolo-ical 8!o7le,-e/ <ut also o lo4e or Go,/ i! aectio!ate aith a!,
prayer. Such 8i!, o teachi!- ha, <ee! 7elco2e, !ot o!ly <y co22o!
people/ <ut also <y lear!e, ra<<is 7ho 7ere !ot co!te!te, 7ith
scholasticis2 a!, ascetical u!,ersta!,i!- o $a<<ala.
Arou!, 170" ?aal She2 To4 settle, ,o7! i! place Mie,Ey<o,E. Nu2erous
pupils a!, ollo7ers starte, to -ather arou!, hi2. &e ,i, !ot teach the2
syste2atically/ <ut throu-h pro4er<s a!, para<les. These pro4er<s later
sprea, out <y oral tra,itio!. Later/ a,here!ts o &asi,is2 ,i, 7rite ,o7!
a!, also ,e4elope, the u!<ou!, thou-hts o their ou!,er i!to a reli-ious
syste2. &asi,ic 2o4e2e!t irstly ,e4elope, i! Pola!,/ +8rai!e a!,
Lithua!iaJ later/ i! 19
ce!tury it sprea, o4er to @ester! Europe a!,
As ?aal She2 To4 ,i, !ot let a!y 7ritte! 7or8s/ to -et so2e i!si-ht i!to the
ori-i!al thou-ht it is !ecessary to re.sur4ey the ol,er &asi,ic authors. ?ut/
ater his ,eath B17:"C the 2o4e2e!t ha, ,i4i,e, i!to se4eral sects a!, each
o!e o the2 asserte, to <e the i!heritor o the ori-i!al thou-ht o the
ou!,er. So/ it is !o easy tas8 to estee2 the authe!ticity o state2e!ts
ascri<e, to ?aal She2 To4.
The pa!e!theistic co!ceptio! o Go, 2a8es the esse!tial threa, o the
ori-i!al &asi,ic teachi!-. The ou!,er co!si,ere, the e!tire u!i4erse/
i!telli-e!ce a!, 2atter as 2a!iestatio! o the %i4i!e ?ei!-. This
2a!iestatio! is !ot i,e!tiie, 7ith e2a!atio! ro2 Go,/ li8e i! $a<<alaMs
co!ceptio!/ si!ce &asi,ic lear!i!- hol,s that !othi!- ca! <e separate, ro2
Go,J that all the thi!-s are i! act ,iere!t or2s i! 7hich Go, re4eals
hi2sel. Pa!e!theistic lear!i!- a!, 2etaphysical co!ceptio! o Go, <y the
2e,iatio! o ?aal She2 To4 ha, -otte! also a practical e>pressio!. &is
reli-ious te!ets -i4e out the s2ell o opti2is2. Si!ce Go, is i22a!e!t i! all
thi!-s they 2ust posses so2ethi!- -oo, i! the2/ he ,ee2e,. The seco!,
i2porta!t poi!t o his teachi!- is the !e-atio! o asceticis2 as practice that
is pleasa!t to Go,. )ro2 the 4ery <e-i!!i!-s ?aal She2 To4 ou-ht a-ai!st
the 4ie7s that ha, e>presse, co!te2pt to7ar, 7orl,ly thi!-s/ 7hich u!,er
the earlier i!lue!ce o Isaac Luria a!, $a<<ala <eca2e al2ost a ,o-2a. The
ou!,er o &asi,is2 put a! acce!t o! the prayer. It oers a eeli!- o u!ity
7ith Go,/ that is/ 7he! 2a! te2porarily loses his eeli!-s o separatio! i!
his rapturous Aoy/ 7hich is !ecessary to pay respect to Go, i! a true 7ay.
1.1.#. Ne7 &asi,is2 o Marti! ?u<er
Philosopher Marti! ?u<er is o!e o the 2ost pro2i!e!t =e7ish thi!8ers o
ce!tury. &e 7as <or! i! Die!!a i! 1373. &is a2ily -a4e se4eral <rillia!t
scholars a!, his -ra!,ather Solo2o! ?u<er 7rote 2a!y critical e,itio!s o
2i,rash literature. Re2ai!i!- 4ery early i! lie 7ithout his 2other/ he
2o4e, to his -ra!,ather Solo2o!/ 7ho li4e, i! L4o4/ 7ester! Russia. There
he ca2e i!to a co!tact/ alrea,y as a <oy/ 7ith &asi,is2. @he! he 7as 13/
he e!rolle, Die!!a u!i4ersity. %uri!- his stu,y he especially -ot i!tereste,
i! 2ystical philosophy/ so he e4e! ,ee!,e, a %octorMs ,issertatio! ro2 this
iel,/ e!titli!- it On #ro"le$ o! the Indi%iduation3 *usanus and Boeh$e. I!
these early years ?u<er ,i, e!-a-e hi2sel i! co!!ectio! 7ith Zio!ist
2o4e2e!t/ <ut as he 7as pri2arily i!tereste, i! cultural.e,ucatio!al
aspects a!, !ot political/ he soo! ca2e i!to co!lict 7ith the lea,er o the
2o4e2e!t Theo,or &erEl a!, i!ally 7ith,re7.
(et i! his t7e!ties he <e-a! to 7rite <oo8s o! su<Aect 2atter ro2 &asi,is2.
So he ha, 7or8e, o! the stories o re!o7!e, &asi, Ra4 Neh2a! o
?ratisla4a. That alrea,y ha, <rou-ht hi2 a certai! reputatio!/ 7hich he
later co!ir2e, <y his 7or8s o! the history o the 2ystical 2o4e2e!t/
2asidis$ and )odern )an a!, Origin and )eaning o! 2asidis$. ?u<erMs
ro2a!tic prese!tatio! o &asi,is2 ,i, i!tereste, !o!.=e7ish people too/ or
this spiritual e>perie!ce a!, or u!,ersta!,i!- o =e7ish lo4e to7ar, Go,.
I! the ,escriptio! o the ,e4elop2e!t o ?u<erMs philosophical thou-ht there
ca! <e ,isti!-uishe, three phases. The irst is characteriEe, <y 2ystical
preoccupatio!s/ seco!, <y e>iste!tialis2 a!, thir, <y the ,e4elop2e!t o
the philosophy o ,ialo-. ?ut/ there 2ust <e e2phasiEe, that !either i! his
late phases ?u<er ,i, !ot reAect 2ysticis2 e!tirely/ <ut he Aust preser4e, a
2ystical thi!8i!- i! so2e7hat altere, or2.
The -reat i2pact o! ?u<er ha, -otte! Ger2a! 2ystical philosophers
Meister Ec8hart a!, =a8o< ?oeh2e. The or2er 7as calle, <y ?u<er Sthe
-reatest thi!8er o the 7ester! 2ysticis2M. These Ger2a! 2ystics prese!te,
a 8i!, o a <ri,-e to7ar, the =e7ish 2ysticis2. ?oeh2eM i,ea o! the <irth o
soul o S+r-ru!,M re2i!,s o the $a<<alist a!, &asi,ic i,ea a<out the u!io!
o Go, a!, his i22a!e!ce i! e>ile. These t7o co!cepts <rou-ht ?u<er o!to
the thou-ht o realiEatio! o Go, throu-h t7o 2e!/ later replace, <y the i,ea
o 2eeti!- <et7ee! Go, a!, 2a!.
?esi,es the 7or8i!-.out o &asi,ic stories/ ?u<er also ,ealt 7ith other
reli-ious.philosophical tra,itio!s/ so he e,ite, the collectio! o 'hua!-.TEuMs
para<les/ or 7hich he 7rote also a! i!tro,uctio!. I! it he says that tao
BpathC i the u!ity o cha!-e a!, tra!sor2atio! a!, perect re4eali!- o tao
is 2a! 7ho co!!ects the <i--est cha!-e 7ith truest u!ity. Tao/ althou-h
co!si,ere, as u!ity o e4erythi!-/ e>ists o!ly pote!tially i! thi!-s/ u!til it
<eco2es li4e a!, 2a!ieste,/ <y its co!tact 7ith co!scious <ei!- o the
u!ite, 2a!.
I! the perio, <et7ee! t7o 7ars ?u<erMs 2ysticis2 ha, <ee! chiely
co!ce!trate, o! the pro<le2 o the relatio! <et7ee! the i!,i4i,ual a!, the
7orl,. &e opposes the ,i4isio! <et7ee! SIM a!, 7orl, o ,ualities i!si,e the
4ery 2a!/ the ,ou<le !ature o his 2i!, a!, e2otio!s. Such ,i4isio!s are
o4erco2e o!ly <y 2ystical u!ity 7ith e4erythi!-. ?u<er ,o !ot percei4e Go,
as ,i4i,e,/ <ut e4ery7here as a 7hole/ O7here he re4eals hi2sel/ he is
e!tirely prese!tP. The ,ualis2 co2es i!to e>pressio! 2ostly i! his <est
8!o7! <oo8 Ich und 8u BI a!, (ouC ro2 19#1. The 8ey co!cept i! it is ,ialo-
. relatio! 7hich i!clu,es the co!crete circu2sta!ces o the participa!ts a!,
i2porta!ce o Go,Ms prese!ce. The i!al -oal is !ot/ accor,i!- to ?u<er/ Aust
SI.(ouM relatio! o 2a! 7ith the 7orl,/ <ut <et7ee! 2a! a!, eter!al source
o the 7orl,/ that is/ Go,.
I! 1913 Marti! ?u<er i22i-rates to Palesti!e 7here he 7or8s as proessor
o social philosophy a!, -e!eral sociolo-y/ at the u!i4ersity o =erusale2. &e
,ie, i! 19:6.
1.0. &IN%+ISM
1.0.1. The Pio!eer o Neo.&i!,u Mo4e2e!t Ra2 Mohu2 Roy
I! the course o 13
ce!tury I!,ia! philosophy has e>perie!ce, so2e 8i!, o
sta-!atio!. It is ti2e o ?ritish colo!ial co!Guest o I!,ia a!, as its
ater2ath the i!tro,uctio! o E!-lish e,ucatio!al syste2. ?y 4ery I!,ia!s
occurre, a ,i4er-e!ce i! relatio! to the accepta!ce o orei-! i!lue!ceJ
7hilst o!es stri4e, at all costs to preser4e the ol, or2s o culture a!,
i!stitutio!s/ others <eca2e s8eptical to7ar, &i!,u tra,itio! a!, they 7ere
pro!e to the accepta!ce o the 'hristia! 4ie7poi!t.
As the co!seGue!ce o such ,iere!t i2pacts/ o! the I!,ia! spiritual sce!e
o the irst hal o the 19
ce!tury appeare, 4arious 2o4e2e!ts. The irst
a2o!- those 2o4e2e!ts 7as ?rah2o Sa2aA/ 7ith his ou!,er a!, lea,er
Ra2 Mohu2 Roy. &is i2pact 7as so po7erul that they so2eti2es calle,
hi2 a ather o 2o,er! I!,ia. )ou!,i!- his ?rah2o Sa2aA 2o4e2e!t i!
13#3/ he co!tri<ute, to the re!asce!ce o &i!,u culture o 19
ce!tury/ <ut
he si2ulta!eously set o! challe!-es to the tra,itio!al culture/ i-hti!- or
e,ucatio!al/ social a!, political reor2s.
Ra2 Mohu2 Roy 7as <or! i! 177# i! place Ra,ha!a-ar/ ?e!-al/ i! the
4ici!ity o 'alcutta. &is ather peror2e, a pu<lic ser4ice a!, li8e7ise he
e,ucate, his so! i! that ,irectio!. So/ Roy ha, -otte! i!structio! i! ?e!-ali/
Ara<ic a!, Persia! la!-ua-e. @hile lear!i!- Ara<ic/ he also <e-a! to rea,
$ura! a!, so he ,isco4ere, 2o!otheis2. Ater a 7hile a2ily ha, se!t hi2
to ?e!ares/ 7here he stu,ie, Sa!s8rit/ De,a!ta a!, +pa!isha,s. &is aith
i! 2o!otheis2 7as sustai!e, <y the teachi!-s ro2 De,a. @he! he
retur!e, ho2e/ he alrea,y -ai!e, a -reat spiritual 8!o7le,-e a!, <e-a! to
oppose the tra,itio!al 4alues o ather a!, rest o the a2ily. Ater
per2a!e!t co!licts i! his !ati4e ho2e/ Roy ,eci,e, to set out o! a lo!-
Passi!- throu-h se4eral cou!tries Ra2 Mohu2 Roy e4e!tually reache,
Ti<et. ?ut/ ater a 7hile he retur!e, ho2e/ 7here he lear!e, to 2a!a-e the
atherMs estate. &e also 2astere, E!-lish la!-ua-e a!, i! 1797 2o4e, to
'alcutta/ 7here he -ot e2ploye, as a <a!8er. I! 13"1 he <eca2e a re4e!ue
oicer a!, later a pri4ate teacher o la!-ua-e to E!-lish2a! Tho2as
@oo,or,e/ 7ho 7as archi4ist at the court i! Murshi,a<a,.
The !e>t year B13"0C Roy pu<lishe, a 7or8 i! Persia!/ e!title, Tuh%at ul
$uh/ahhidin BA Git to Mo!otheistC. I! this 7or8 he criticiEes the e>isti!-
reli-io!s as irratio!al/ ,ecepti4e/ i!tolera!t a!, as 2ea!s o co!trol o the
society. This is at the sa2e ti2e his protest a-ai!st the i,olatry a!, a try to
i!, a u!i4ersal reli-io!/ <ase, upo! the i,ea o the u!ity o the %i4i!e.
Soo! Roy let Murshi,a<a, a!, the! he -ot e2ploye, as a cler8 at east I!,ia
'o2pa!y/ 7here he 7or8e, u!til 1316. %uri!- this ti2e Roy -ai!e, a <roa,
8!o7le,-e ro2 7ester! culture a!, ,i, perect his E!-lish. Ater he ha,
retur!e, to 'alcutta/ he ou!,e, a society At2iya Sa<ha/ 7hose ai2 7as
Osprea,i!- o reli-ious truth a!, pro2otio! o ree ,iscussio! o! theolo-ical
I! 1316 Roy pu<lishe, a 7or8 Aedantasara, 7ith paraphrases o chose!
sutras ro2 Brah$asutra"has(a. &e also 7rote co22e!taries o!
+pa!isha,es/ <et7ee! 131: a!, 1319. I! 13#" he pu<lishe, 7or8s A
8e!ense o! 2indu Theis$ a!, A Second 8e!ense o! )onotheistical S(ste$ o!
the Aedas. I! spite o the act that he trie, to pro4e ho7 2o,er! &i!,uis2
ca! successully resist the challe!-e o 'hristia!ity/ his &i!,u oppo!e!ts
calle, hi2 atheist/ ,estroyer o the reli-io! a!, si!ul 2o,er!ist. The e!2ity
o his oppo!e!ts -re7 to such e>te!t/ that it tur!e, i!to the ope! threat <y
,eath/ so that Roy 7as co2pelle, to hire <o,y-uar,s.
I! a,,itio! to <oo8s 7ith &i!,u su<Aect 2atter/ Roy 7rites a 7or8 o!
'hristia! reli-io!/ i! 7hich he e2phasiEes 'hristMs 2orality a!, also his
ethical pro4er<s. I! this 7or8/ e!title, The #recepts o! <esus3 The ;uide to
#eace and 2appiness, Roy o2its all that coul, ,iscre,it 'hristia!ity i! the
eyes o &i!,u/ li8e purely theolo-ical sectio!s a!, ,escriptio!s o =esusM
7o!,ers. This ti2e he e>perie!ce, a ierce critiGue ro2 'hristia!s/ tooJ or
e>a2ple priest Marsh2a! calle, hi2 a alsiier o Gospels.
Ne4ertheless/ there 7ere !ot all o! the 'hristia! si,e so !e-ati4ely ,ispose,
to7ar, RoyMs 4isio! o reli-io!. &e ou!, his allies a2o!- ?ritish a!,
A2erica! 'hristia!s +!itaria!s. I!! 13#1 i! 'alcutta there ha, <ee!
ou!,e, a <ra!ch o this churchJ a2o!- ou!,ers/ <esi,es Roy/ there 7ere
so2e pro2i!e!t ?rah2a!s a!, a or2er ?aptist priest @illia2 A,a2.
Roy ha, a stro!- co!4ictio! that 7o2e! shoul, -et i!4ol4e, i!to the
e,ucatio!al syste2. &e alo!e too8 steps co!cer!i!- this Guestio!J he
ou!,e, i! 13## a! A!-lo.&i!,u school i! E!-lish/ 7ith 7ester!
e,ucatio!al pro-ra2. I! 13#7 occurre, RoyMs co!lict 7ith A,a2 a!,
co!seGue!tly he 7ith,re7 ro2 this church. The !e>t year he ou!,e, his
o7! 2o4e2e!t ?rah2o Sa2aA/ ,e,icate, to o!e Go,J it too8 as a! authority
De,ic scripts. This 2o4e2e!t e!a<le, &i!,u 2e2<ers o hi-her castes to
practice 2o!otheis2 a!, u!i4ersalis2/ i!si,e their o7! culture.
Ra2 Mohu2 Roy 7as also a ierce a,4ersary o &i!,u custo2 sati
Bcre2atio! o 7i,o7 ater hus<a!,Ms ,eathC. &is lo!-.lasti!- <attle i!ally
<ore ruit i! 13#9/ 7he! -o4er!or o I!,ia @illia2 ?e!ti!c8 ,eclare, this
custo2 ille-al. Roy co!si,ere, sati a Scruel 2ur,er u!,er the cloa8 o
The last e7 years o his lie Ra2 Mohu2 Roy spe!t i! E!-la!,. &e ca2e
there to lo<<y <y ?ritish -o4er!2e!t or certai! social a!, eco!o2ic reor2s
i! his cou!try. I! E!-la!, he ha, <ee! recei4e, 7ith all ho!ors/ as a!
e2i!e!t -uestJ he 7as also recei4e, i! au,ie!ce <y $i!- @illia2 ID. I! 1311
his health <e-a! to ,eteriorate a!, he <reathe, out/ pro!ou!ci!- the holy
&i!,u 2a!tra SO2M. RoyMs 7or8s 7oul, <e i!spiratio! or 2a!y -reat 2e! o
spirit i! the 7est/ i!clu,i!- 7riters Ralph @. E2erso!/ &e!ry %. Thoreau
a!, others. ?ut/ the -reatest herita-e he let <ehi!, 7as his ,rea2 a<out
the u!i4ersal reli-io!/ <ase, upo! the %i4i!e u!ity.
1.0.#. Ra2a8rish!a;s Ecu2e!is2 a!, De!eratio! o %i4i!e Mother
=ust li8e his -reat &i!,u pre,ecessor Ra2 Mohu2 Roy/ Ra2a8rish!a ste2s
ro2 ?e!-alJ he also co!ti!ues his u!i4ersalistic teachi!-. &e is at the sa2e
ti2e a,orer o -o,,ess $ali/ 7hich he ,ee2s %i4i!e 2otherJ teacher o !o!.
,ualist a,4aita De,a!ta Bi! 7hich he is the co!ti!uator o Sha!8araMs
teachi!-C a!, a,4ocate o the i,ea that ,iere!t reli-io!s lea, to7ar, the
sa2e -oal . as it 7as 2e!tio!e, i! I!tro,uctio! o this <oo8. Ra2a8rish!a
puts the spiritual si,e o reli-io! a<o4e the 2ere practici!- o rituals. It ca!
<e sai, that there is !o ,ou<t that chiely to hi2 -oes the 2erit or the
re!asce!ce o &i!,uis2 i! 19
This -reat 2a! o 2o,er! &i!,u thou-ht 7as <or! i! 4illa-e $a2arpu8ur i!
the 4ici!ity o ?ur,7a!/ @est ?e!-al/ i! 131:. he co2es o a poor a2ily.
&is ather 7as a 4ery pious 2a! a!, his 2other a! e2<o,i2e!t o si2plicity
a!, co2plaisa!ce. Ater he ha, 2astere, s8ill o rea,i!- a!, 7riti!- i!
pri2ary school/ he ,i, !ot co!ti!ue his e,ucatio!/ <ut he ,e,icate, hi2sel
to ser4i!- the ,eity Ra-hu4ira/ at ho2e. Re-ular school repelle, hi2/ as 7ell
as the e!,ea4or or pili!- 2o!ey. O! the co!trary/ he a,ore, !ature a!,
spe!t his ti2e o! 2ea,o7s a!, i! orchar,s outsi,e the 4illa-e/ playi!-
-a2es 7ith his co!te2poraries. ?ut/ he also li8e, to liste! to 2o!8s i! their
,e<ates/ 7he! they stoppe, i! his 4illa-e/ o! their passa-e throu-h.
Ater his ather ha, ,ie, Ra2a8rish!a a!, his 7hole a2ily ca2e i!to a!
u!e!4ia<le positio!/ 7ithout e!ou-h 2ea!s or lie. The ol,er <rother
Ra28u2ar <eca2e the hea, o the a2ily. &e co!,ucte, a school o
Sa!s8rit a!, ser4e, as a priest at the te2ple i! %a8hi!esh7ar. (ou!-
Ra2a8rish!a ha, a ,uty o ,ecorati!- the statue o -o,,ess $ali/ to 7hich
te2ple ha, <ee! ,e,icate,. Ater his <rother Ra28u2ar ha, 7ith,ra7!/
Ra2a8rish!a <eca2e the cler-y2a! o the te2ple.
?y ser4i!- i! the te2ple o -o,,ess $ali/ Ra2a8rish!a <eca2e 7i,ely 8!o7!
ater his piety a!, spirituality. &e co!ti!uously praye, or 7i,e!i!- o his
reli-ious e>perie!ces/ especially or the teachi!-s o other reli-io!s. ?y so2e
7o!,er/ there al7ays ca2e to hi2 teachers o other reli-io!s a!, he easily
a,opte, their teachi!-. I! his ##
year he 2arrie, Sara,a %e4i/ i! that ti2e
still a chil,. She <eca2e his irst ,isciple a!, their relatio! ha, <ee!
e>clusi4ely o spiritual !ature. This ,i4i!e relatio!/ really u!iGue i! the
history o reli-io!s/ ha, laste, u!til Ra2a8rish!a ,ie, B133:C a!, Sara,a
%e4i later hersel alo!e <eca2e a spiritual teacher. @ith her/ there 7as a
,e4ote, -roup o 1: you!- ollo7ers/ le, <y a!other a2ous philosopher a!,
rhetoricia!/ Di4e8a!a!,a.
Ra2a8rish!aMs 2ystical achie4e2e!t nir%ialpa Sa$adhi BliterallyL
co!ti!uous 2e,itatio!C<rou-ht hi2 to the co-!itio! that -o,s o ,iere!t
reli-io!s are o!ly ,iere!t i!terpretatio!s o the A<solute/ <ut that the
+lti2ate Reality ca! !e4er <e e>presse, <y hu2a! la!-ua-e. Ra2a8rish!a
ha, spe!t/ i! accor, 7ith his <elie that there e>ist o!ly o!e truth calle, <y
,iere!t !a2es/ certai! phases o his lie i! ,eli<eratio! a!, u!,ersta!,i!-
o 4arious reli-ious tra,itio!s Isla2/ 'hristia!ity/ as 7ell as other (o-ic
a!, Ta!tric sects i!si,e &i!,uis2.
The achie4e2e!t o !ir4i8alpa Sa2a,hi ha, also le, hi2 to the
u!,ersta!,i!- o t7o phe!o2e!al or2s o 2aya. &e i!terprete, ho7 a%id(a
$a(a prese!ts the ,ar8 orces o creatio! Bse!sual 7ishes/ e4il passio!s/
-ree,/ lust/ a!, crueltyC/ 7hich hol, the 7orl, o! lo7er le4el o
co!scious!ess. O! the other ha!, %id(a$a(a prese!ts hi-her orces o
creatio! Bspiritual 4irtues/ Gualities o e!li-hte!2e!t/ co2plaisa!ce/ purity/
lo4e a!, pietyC 7hich ele4ate 2a! to the hi-her le4els o co!scious!ess. The
utter -oal is to achie4e the state o $a(atita, i.e. release ro2 2aya/ illusio!
or 4isio! o this 7orl,.
The 8ey co!cept o Ra2a8rish!aMs teachi!- areL o!e!ess o e>iste!ce/ the
,i4i!ity o hu2a! <ei!-s/ u!ity o Go, a!, har2o!y o reli-io!s a!,
co!si,eri!- lust a!, -ree, the 2ai! itters o 2i!, i! lie.
Althou-h the -reatest I!,ia! philosopher o 19
ce!tury ,i, !ot lea4e
7ritte! 7or8s ater/ 7e ca! approach his teachi!-s <y the 2ea!s o 7or8 Sri
Sri Ra$arishna :ata$hita, 7hich is tra!slate, also as the Gospel o Sri
Ra28rish!a/ author o 7hich is o!e o his ,isciples/ Mahe!,ra!ath Gupta.
=ust li8e ha, ,o!e his a,4aita pre,ecessor Sha!8ara 2ore tha! thousa!,
years a-o/ so Ra2a8rish!a re4italiEe, &i!,uis2 that e!a<le, hi2 to
successully cope 7ith challe!-e o Isla2 a!, 'hristia!ity i! 2o,er! a-e.
@hat Ra2 Mohu2 Roy ha, achie4e, 7ith his ?rah2o Sa2aA 2o4e2e!t/
Ra2a8rish!a 7oul, up-ra,e 7ith his Ra2a8rish!a Missio!. &is teachi!-s
7oul, <e co!ti!ue, a!, sprea, !ot o!ly throu-h I!,ia/ <ut across the @est
as 7ell/ <y his <est 8!o7! ,isciple Di4e8a!a!,a.
1.0.1. Three Great Me! o Neo.&i!,uis2 ro2 'alcutta
Spea8i!- i! -e!eral/ o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t traits o the 2ystical
philosophy o #"
ce!tury is the <rea8throu-h o the Neo.&i!,u
philosophical thou-ht to the @est i! Europe a!, A2erica. +!til the!
e>clusi4ely o!e 7ay 2issio!ary ,irectio! Bo @ester! 'hristia!s to the EastC
has <ee! replace, <y t7o.7ay co22u!icatio!/ !o7 also &i,u thi!8ers
parti!- 7est7ar, a!, sprea,i!- their teachi!-. )irst i! a ro7 o these
charis2atic Neo.&i!,u 7as Ra2a8rish!aMs ,isciple Di4e8a!a!,a. O!
ou!,i!- the Ra2a8rish!a Missio! i! 1397/ he <e-a! to tra!s2it De,a!ta
teachi!- a!, I!,ia! culture/ 7ith a! ai2 to <ri!- to-ether t7o ci4iliEatio!s.
+!ortu!ately/ his precocious ,eath Balrea,y i! 19"#C pre4e!te, the
realiEatio! o his lieMs 2issio!/ the pio!eer 7or8 o! <ri,-i!- the -ap <et7ee!
East a!, @est.
&e 7as <or! as Nare!,ra!ath %utta i! 13:1 i! 'alcutta/ the capital o @est
?e!-al. Alrea,y as a chil, he e>presse, 2aturity i! his thi!8i!-/ a!,
e>traor,i!ary 2e2ory/ too. At a! early a-e he <e-a! to practice 2e,itatio!.
At school/ he e>celle, !ot o!ly <y his assi,uity i! lear!i!-/ <ut also <y his
out.e,ucatio!al acti4itiesJ he or-a!iEe, a! a2ateur theater co2pa!y a!, he
occupie, hi2sel 7ith 4arious 8i!,s o sports. As the you!- 2a!/ he <e-a!
to Guestio! the 2ea!i!- o ,iere!t superstitious custo2s/ as 7ell as
,iscri2i!atio! <ase, upo! the caste or reli-ious appurte!a!ce.
I! 133" Di4e8a!a!,a e!rolle, the Scottish 'hurch 'olle-e i! 'alcutta a!,
he <e-a! the stu,y o philosophy. At the 'olle-e he stu,ie, @ester! lo-ic
a!, philosophy a!, the history o Europea! !atio!s. At that ti2e i! you!-
Di4e8a!a!,a occur the irst Guestio!s co!cer!i!- Go, a!, his prese!ce.
Such reli-ious ,eli<eratio!s <rou-ht hi2 i! touch 7ith the 2o4e2e!t
?rah2o Sa2aA/ ou!,e, <y Ra2 Mohu2 Roy. ?ut/ the recitatio! o
co!-re-atio!al prayers a!, si!-i!- o ,e4otio!al so!-s ,i, !ot satisy
Di4e8a!a!,aJ his <asic aspiratio! 7as the co-!itio! o Go,. The! he hear,
ro2 o!e proessor at the colle-e o Ra2a8rish!a/ the! cler-y2a! o the
te2ple i! %a8shi!es7ar.
Di4e8a!a!,a a!, Sri Ra2a8rish!a 2et or the irst ti2e i! No4e2<er/ 1331.
(ou!- Di4e8a!a!,a ha, as8e, o! that occasio! the teacher ,irectly/ i he
sa7 Go,. Ra2a8rish!a -a4e hi2 a! air2ati4e a!s7er/ a,,i!- that he ha,
see! Go, clearer tha! he sees hi2 !o7. Di4e8a!a!,a 7as asto!ishe,/
eeli!- that teacherMs 7or,s -i4e out s2ell o ho!esty a!, that they co2e
ro2 the ,epths o e>perie!ce. )ro2 that ti2e he <e-a! to pay 4isits to
Ra2a8rish!a reGue!tly a!, ro2 hi2 he -ot lesso!s i! A,4aita De,a!ta/
philosophy o !o!.,ualis2. ?esi,es/ he ha, ,ecli!e, his ,ou<ts a!, oere,
Di4e8a!a!,a a 4isio! o Go,J 7ithi! a e7 years he tur!e, hi2 i!to a 7ise
2a!/ 7orthy o i!heriti!- hi2.
I! ti2e o Ra2a8rish!aMs ,eath B133:C/ Di4e8a!a!,a 7as alrea,y e!tirely
prepare, to ,epri4e hi2sel o e4erythi!- 7orl,ly/ 7ith a! ai2 to co-!iEe
Go,. To-ether 7ith a -roup o Ra2a8rish!aMs ,isciples he 2a,e a 4o7 that
he 7oul, or,ai! hi2sel as a 2o!8. The! he co!ti!ue, to li4e 7ith the2 i! a
house i! ?ara!a-ore. Soo! you!- 2o!8s <e-a! their lie o 7a!,eri!-
2o!8s.ascetics. I! 139"/ Di4e8a!a!,a set out or a lo!- Aour!ey/ i! hu2<le
2o!astic clothes/ 7ith <e--arMs ,ish a!, 7ithout a!y pri4ate property. &e
cruise, all alo!- I!,ia/ <y eet. %uri!- this perio, o 7a!,eri!-s/ he ,7elt i!
4ery ,iere!t a<o,es so2eti2es at raAaMs courts a!, so2eti2es i! huts o
the poor. As he ha, co2e i!to co!tact 7ith cultures o 4arious re-io!s o
I!,ia a!, 7ith ,iere!t classes/ he ha, !otice, that there pre4aile, i!eGuity
a!, tyra!!y o the hi-her castes o4er the lo7er o!es.
I! o!e o his speeches/ that i! Ma,ras/ Di4e8a!a!,a spo8e a<out his 4isio!s
o the uture I!,ia a!, &i!,uis2. %eli-hte, au,itoriu2 propose,
Di4e8a!a!,a or the represe!tati4e o &i!,u reli-io! at the orthco2i!-
@orl, Parlia2e!t o Reli-io!s. Di4e8a!a!,a accepte, this oer a!,
supporte, <y his rie!,s ro2 Ma,ras/ RaAa o Ra2!a, a!, MaharaAa o
Mysore a!, $shatri set out to A2erica/ to that i2porta!t spiritual
The @orl, Parlia2e!t o Reli-io!s 7as hel, i! Septe2<er/ 1391 i! 'hica-o
a!, it ,e!ote, the irst or2al -atheri!- o the represe!tati4es o Easter!
a!, @ester! spiritual tra,itio!s. A2o!- the participa!ts there 7ere
'atholic/ Ortho,o> a!, Protesta!t 'hristia!s/ 2e2<ers o &e<re7 a!,
Isla2ic reli-io!/ &i!,u a!, ?u,,hists/ ollo7ers o 'hi!ese reli-io!s a!,
Zoroastria!s. Also prese!t a2o!- the2 7as A!!ie ?esa!t/ as the
represe!tati4e o theosophy. Di4e8a!a!,a has char2e, 7ith his appeara!ce
the participa!ts/ <e-i!!i!- his speech 7ith a2ous 7or,sL OA2erica!
<rothers a!, sisters5P This appeara!ce i! +!ite, States at the sa2e ti2e
,e!ote, the <e-i!!i!- o the !e7 7a4e o i!terest or the &i!,uis2 as the
reli-io! a!, philosophy o 4ital i2porta!ce or the @est. @ithi! se4eral years
ro2 the Parlia2e!t/ there alrea,y esta<lishe, De,a!tic ce!ters i! Ne7 (or8
a!, Lo!,o!J &i!,uis2 also e!tere, as the su<Aect to u!i4ersities.
I! the !e>t our.year perio, Di4e8a!a!,a tra4ele, co!sta!tly a!, hel,
lectures i! the @est. &e retur!e, to I!,ia i! 1397. O! his retur!/ he hel, a
series o lectures/ a-ai! co2i!- upo! ,eli-hte, receptio!. The! he ou!,e,
Ra2a8rish!a Missio!/ 7ith the -oal o tra!s2itti!- the teachi!- o the -reat
teacher/ or the <e!eit o the 2a!8i!,J 7orl,ly a!, spiritual a,4a!ce2e!t
a!, or the ,e4elop2e!t o to-ether!ess a2o!- the 2e2<ers o ,iere!t
Di4e8a!a!,aMs er4e!t preachi!- i! the @est/ ho7e4er/ ,i, !ot -et
<y 7ithout accusatio!s o the ortho,o> &i!,u/ 7ho reproache, hi2 or
co2pro2isi!- his ori-i!al 2o!astic 4o7s. Tor! <et7ee! the aspiratio!s or
the 2issio!ary 7or8 i! the @est a!, si2ulta!eously ulille, spiritually <y
the ,e4otio! or the ho2ela!,/ o4er the last e7 years o his lie he ha, <ee!
e>pose, to co!sta!t te!sio!. Stresses a!, ati-ui!- tra4eli!- co!tri<ute, to
the a--ra4atio! o his health co!,itio!/ so alo!- 7ith ,ia<etes/ he also
<eca2e ill o ca!cer. &e 7as o!ly 19 7he! he passe, a7ay i! =uly/ 19"# i!
?ellur Math !ear 'alcutta.
There e>ists a story a<out ho7 Di4e8a!a!,a 2et 7ith a2ous scie!tist
Ni8ola Tesla. Their 2eeti!- pro<a<ly occurre, i! 139:/ ater Di4e8a!a!,a
ha, hel, a pu<lic lecture i! Ne7 (or8. De,a!ta teachi!-s ,i, let ,eep
i2pressio! o! Tesla. O! the retur! to I!,ia/ Di4e8a!a!,a i! o!e o his
lectures 2e!tio!e, a scie!tist O7ho scarcely has ti2e to eat his 2eal or to -o
out o his la<oratory/ <ut yet 7ho 7oul, sta!, <y the hour to atte!, 2y
lecture o! De,a!taP. &o7 that scie!tist BTeslaC e>presse, hi2sel/ De,a!ta
teachi!-s Oare so scie!tiic/ they so e>actly har2o!iEe 7ith the aspiratio!s o
the a-e a!, 7ith co!clusio!s to 7hich 2o,er! scie!ce is co2i!- at the
prese!t ti2eP.
#his institution today is one of the greatest monastic orders in /ndia.
I! spite o his too short lieti2e/ Di4e8a!a!,a oere, a lot to the spiritual
thou-ht o #"
ce!tury a!, his <oo8s Bco2pile, ro2 lectures that he ha,
hel, 7orl,7i,eC are still 4ery i!lue!tial a!, they prese!t u!,a2e!tal te>ts
or each stu,e!t o &i!,u practice o (o-a. )our 8i!,s o yo-a 8ar2a/
<ha8ti/ raAa a!, A!a!a are prese!te, throu-h our <oo8s o the sa2e !a2es.
Di4e8a!a!,a e>plai!s that 8ar2a yo-a 2ea!s puriicatio! o the 2i!,
throu-h the 7or8. ?ecause -oo, ,ee,s cause -oo, 8ar2a a!, <a, ,ee,s <a,
o!e/ soul is i! its eter!al state o <i!,i!-/ 7ithout the hope o the li<eratio!.
@hat 7e ,o/ 7e 2ust peror2 7ithout the 7ish or -atheri!- ruit. )or a
8ar2a yo-i it is ,i4i!ity that is pri2ary a!, 7ishes to sacriice or others/
7ithout the hi,,e! selish 2oti4e. ?ha8ti yo-a/ that is/ path o lo4e is
achie4e, <y the lo!-i!- or Go, a!, <y that is also achie4e, the true
,e4otio!. To the perect u!ity 7ith Go, o!e co2es -ra,ually. I! the
<e-i!!i!- it is selish lo4e/ <ut i! the e!, it tur!s i!to a -reat la2e/ 7he!
our Sel <eco2es o!e 7ith the I!i!ite. O!e ca! reach raAa yo-a throu-h
pra!aya2a/ co!ce!tratio! a!, 2e,itatio!. ?y practici!- these 2etho,s
there ca! <e so2eti2es acGuire, so calle, super!atural po7ersL
Di4e8a!a!,a ,o !ot thi!8 that these po7ers are !ot !atural/ he co!si,ers
the2 i!<or! to the hu2a! 2i!,. Our 2i!, is the part o the u!i4ersal 2i!,
a!, co!!ecte, 7ith e4ery other 2i!,. A!, each 2i!,/ !o 2atter 7here it is/
it is i! the real co22u!icatio! 7ith the 7hole 7orl,. =!a!a yo-a tells us
that At2a
is the o!ly reality/ 7hilst all the rest is relati4e B2ayaC.
%eli<eratio! o! this philosophical truth is the !e>t step a!, thir,/ the last
o!e/ is li<eratio! BMo8shaC throu-h the sacriice o ,esires o the se!ses a!,
process o, the co!trol o the 2i!,.
Ma!y years ater Di4e8a!a!,aMs ,eath/ a2ous I!,ia! poet a!, philosopher
Ra<i!,ra!ath Ta-ore sai,L OI you 7a!t to lear! so2ethi!- a<out I!,ia/
stu,y Di4e8a!a!,a. ?y hi2 e4erythi!- is positi4e a!, there is !othi!-
!e-ati4e.P I! his you!-er ,ays Ta-ore ha, <ee! 2ore critically ,ispose,
to7ar, Di4e8a!a!,a/ <ecause o his 4e!eratio! o i,ols. The co22o! traits
that a,or!e, these t7o philosophers ro2 'alcutta 7ere their !u2erous
teachi!-s a!, tra4eli!- i! the @est a!, across Asia/ as 7ell as preachi!-
peace a!, u!,ersta!,i!- a2o!- the people. Ta-ore 7as the irst 7i!!er o
No<el PriEe ro2 I!,ia! co!ti!e!t/ i! 1911/ a!, his e!tire lie 7or8 is o
e>traor,i!ary i2porta!ce or the 2o,er! I!,ia! culture.
Ra<i!,ra!ath Ta-ore ste2s o a re!o7!e, a2ily/ 7hich -a4e 2a!y e2i!e!t
politicia!s a!, artists. &is ather %e<e!,ra!ath ,i, ta8e the lea,ership o
the 2o4e2e!t ?rah2o Sa2aA/ ater the ,eath o the ou!,er Ra2 Mohu2
RoyJ his ollo7ers calle, hi2 $aharishi, out o respect. Ra<i!,ra!ath 7as
the 10
a!, the last chil, i! this !u2erous a2ily. &e 7as <or! i! 13:1 i!
'alcutta. T7o el,er <rothers ha, <ee! alrea,y pro2i!e!t i! philosophy a!,
2usic a!, his sister as 7riter o !o4els/ so he -ot the i!spiratio! or his lie
4ocatio! alrea,y 7ithi! the a2ily. At a! early a-e he a,opte, the ele2e!ts
o the ol, I!,ia! a!, !e7 Europea! culture a!, art. &e <e-a! to 7rite
poetry at ei-ht. &e recei4e, his pri2ary e,ucatio! <y pri4ate tutors. &e
3oul or 3elf.
tra4ele, a lot 7ith his ather throu-hout !orther! I!,ia $ash2ir a!,
&i2alayaJ these Aour!eys 7ere also ulille, 7ith lear!i!-.
Ta-ore ha, co!ti!ue, his e,ucatio! at ?e!-al Aca,e2y a!, i! 1377 he set
out or a stu,y to E!-la!,/ 7here he e!rolle, Lo!,o!Ms +!i4ersity 'olle-e.
Ater o!e year o stu,yi!- la7 he let the u!i4ersity a!, retur!e, to I!,ia.
Ta-ore pu<lishe, his irst collectio! 7he! he 7as 17J as a 2atter o act it
7as pu<lishe, <y o!e o his rie!,s/ 7ho 7ishe, to surprise hi2. I! !e>t
se4eral years he has alrea,y <uilt a certai! literary reputatio! 7ith se4eral
7or8s/ a2o!- 7hich e>celle, a collectio! o poetry Sandh(a Sangit,
pu<lishe, i! 133#.
I! 1331 Ta-ore -ot 2arrie, a!, 7ith his 7ie Mri!ali!i %e4i he ha, i4e
chil,re!J ho7e4er/ so2e o the2 ,ie, at 4ery early a-e. The ather co22itte,
to Ra<i!,ra!ath 2a!a-i!- o the a2ily property i! re-io! Sheli,ah/ i! the
estuary o Ga!-es Bto,ay part o ?a!-la,eshC. Later ,i, Aoi! hi2 o! the
property his 7ie a!, chil,re!. Ta-ore ote! ha, to tra4el ,oEe!s o
8ilo2eters i! his 4isits o the spacious property. &e ear!e, or li4i!- ro2
the lease o the <oat/ or 7hich te!a!ts 7oul, pay a yearly re!t. I! the perio,
up to the e!, o ce!tury Ta-ore also 7rote a lot. &e i!4e!te, a !e7 -e!re/
u!til the! u!8!o7! i! ?e!-al short story. The 2ost success ha4e ha, the
stories *a"uli/allah B)ruit seller ro2 $a<ulC/ :shudita #ashan B&u!-ry
Sto!esC a!, Atithi BRu!a7ayC.
I! 19"1 Ta-ore 2o4e, to Sha!ti!i8eta!/ place !ear ?alpur/ a<out 16"
8ilo2eters !orth o 'alcutta. O! this property it 7as <uilt a! e,ucatio!al
co2ple>/ 7hich co!siste, o ashra2/ e>peri2e!tal school/ li<rary/ as 7ell as!es a!, par8s. +!ortu!ately/ ,uri!- this perio, ,ie, irst his 7ie a!,
the! so! a!, ,au-hter. These sa, a2ily e4e!ts let Ta-ore i! ,eep -rie.
&o7e4er/ he so2eho7 2a!a-e, to collect the stre!-th to carry o!. &e ha, a
stro!- support ro2 ?e!-ali rea,i!- pu<lic/ 7ho ha, alle! or his 7or8s.
)ro2 this perio, the 2ost !ote7orthy are 7or8s &ai%ed(a a!, :ha(a.
Ta-ore has also <e-u! 7ith tra!slatio! o his 7or8s i!to E!-lish/ irstly o
poetry 7ritte! i! ree 4erse. I! 191# he ,eparte, to E!-la!,/ <ri!-i!- alo!-
the tra!slatio!s. There/ o! the pu<lic rea,i!-s he cause, a! atte!tio! o
so2e pro2i!e!t @ester! poets li8e @illia2 ?. (eats a!, EEra Pou!,. (eats
7oul, tac8le o! 7riti!- i!tro,uctio! or Ta-oreMs collectio! ;itan@ali, or
7hich he 7oul, recei4e a No<el PriEe the !e>t year.
Ater his -reat success 7ith collectio! ;itan@ali Ta-ore <eca2e a2ous 7riter
7orl,7i,e. I!! the perio, <et7ee! t7o 7ars he tra4ele, a lot a!, hel,
lectures all arou!, the 7orl,. I! 19## the school i! Sha!ti!i8eta! / 7hich
he ha, esta<lishe, <y the <e-i!!i!- o the ce!tury/ has out-ro7! i!to a
u!i4ersity/ !a2e, Dis4a.?harati. The curriculu2 put the e2phasis o!to
rural re!e7al/ social reor2 a!, a! i!ter!atio!al u!ity. Ta-ore 7as a -reat
oppo!e!t o !atio!alis2/ as o =apa!ese a!, @ester!/ so o the ,o2estic/
I!,ia! !atio!alis2. &is paciist a!, i!ter!atio!alist essay &ationalis$ in
India arouse, critiGues a!, ,erisio! ro2 I!,ia! 2ilitarists/ <ut also a praise
ro2 the re!o7!e, paciist/ )re!ch 7riter Ro2ai! Rolla!,. ?esi,es 7ith this
7riter/ Ta-ore also 2et 7ith 2a!y <rillia!t thi!8ers his co!te2poraries/
i!clu,i!- &e!ri ?er-so!/ Al<ert Ei!stei!/ Tho2as Ma!!/ Geor-e ?er!ar,
Sha7/ a!, &.G. @ells/ as 7ell 7ith Mahat2a Ga!,hi/ 7ith 7ho2 he share,
4ie7s o! !o!.4iole!t path to7ar, the i!,epe!,e!ce.
Ta-ore co!ti!ue, 7ith 7riti!- poetry i! his ol, a-e/ too. =ust a e7 hours
<eore he ,re7 his last <reath/ o! Au-ust 7/ 1901/ he ha, ,ictate, his last
poe2. I! the course o lie he 7rote a<out 6" ,ra2as/ 1"" collectio!s o
poetry/ 0" !o4els a!, short stories/ <oo8s o essays a!, philosophy. &is
2ost i2porta!t philosophical 7or8 Sadhana ori-i!ate, i! 1911. It relects
the <asic i,eas prese!te, i! &i!,u sacre, scripts/ li8e De,as a!,
+pa!isha,s. I! this 7or8 perceptio! o thi!-s -oes to the 4ery core a!,
e>presses all the ,epth o Ta-oreMs i!si-ht. Sadhana co22u!icates the 4ery
esse!ce o !ature a!, her 2a!iestatio!s/ si2ilarly as essays o E2erso!.
OThe 2a! 7ho has his spiritual eyes ope! 8!o7s that ulti2ate truth a<out
earth a!, 7ater lies i! the apprehe!sio! o the eter!al 7ill 7hich 7or8s i!
ti2e a!, ta8es shape i! the orces 7e realiEe u!,er those aspectsP says
Ta-ore/ co!clu,i!- that it is a perceptio! o the soul <y soul.
Such co-!itio!/ i! 7hich Go, is i! e4eryo!e a!, all/ is the ce!tral thou-ht o
Ta-oreMs philosophy. It also co2es to the ore-rou!, i! the 2ost i2porta!t
7or8/ the collectio! o the poetry i! prose ;itan@ali. Derses o this <oo8 are
per2eate, 7ith i,eas o the u!i4ersal lo4e a!, 2ystical u!ity o 2a! a!,
u!i4erse/ 2a! a!, Go,. Lo4e to7ar, Go, i! Ta-oreMs 4erses is ,epicte, <y
(eats i! I!tro,uctio! li8e Oa 2a-ic -ul 7herei! lo4ers 2ay <athe their o7!
<itter passio! a!, re!e7 their youthP. Ta-ore re4eals the soul a!,
surre!,ers hi2sel to its spo!ta!eity. A!, Ta-ore si!-s li8e thisL OThou 7ho
art the $i!- o 8i!-s hast ,ec8e, thysel i! <eauty to capti4ate 2y heart.
A!, or this thy lo4e loses itsel i! the lo4e o thy lo4er a!, there art thou
see! i! the perect u!io! o t7o.P I! last poe2 o the collectio! ;itan@ali
Ta-ore cele<rates Go, i! this 7ayL OLet all 2y so!-s -ather to-ether their
,i4erse strai!s i!to a si!-le curre!t a!, lo7 to a sea o sile!ce i! o!e
salutatio! to thee.P A!, really/ it is as it 7as the 7hole curre!t o Ta-oreMs
7or8 ha, <ee! ,irecte, to7ar, the tra!sce!,e!ce/ to7ar, the 2ystical u!ity
7ith Go,.
I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Ta-ore/ 7hose 2ysticis2 ha, <ee! pre,o2i!a!tly o
poetic !ature/ Sri Auro<i!,oMs 2ystical philosophy 7as 2ore ,irecte, to7ar,
scie!tiic.philosophical ,eli<eratio!/ 2ore precisely to7ar, the i!,i4i,ual
a!, collecti4e spiritual e4olutio!. I! the irst perio, o his pu<lic acti4ity/
Auro<i!,o ha, <ee! a pro2i!e!t acti4ist i! i-ht or the i!,epe!,e!ce o
I!,ia a!, i! his later phase he ,e,icate, hi2sel co2pletely to the
philosophical 7or8. Alrea,y i! his lieti2e he <eca2e a charis2atic
perso!ality/ so his ollo7ers co!si,ere, hi2 a! a4atar/ to 7it/ a! i!car!atio!
o -o, Dish!u.
Sri Auro<i!,o is the thir, -reat 2a! o Neo.&i!,uis2 <or! i! 'alcutta Bi!
137#C. &e co2es o a a2ily o a physicia! e,ucate, i! Great ?ritai!/ so it
7as i! a 7ay ,esti!e, that Auro<i!,o -ai!s Europea! e,ucatio!/ too. &e
7e!t to E!-la!, alrea,y at se4e!/ to-ether 7ith t7o el,er <rothers. &e
acGuire, a pri2ary e,ucatio! <y pri4ate tutors. @he! he arri4e, at St. PaulMs
School i! Lo!,o!/ his 8!o7le,-e 7as alrea,y such/ that he s8ippe, o!e
-ra,e. &e recei4e, a7ar,s or his 7or8s i! literature a!, history. Ater the
-ra22ar school/ he ha, e!rolle, 'a2<ri,-e +!i4ersity/ at 7hich he
-ra,uate, i! 1391 a!, the! retur!e, to I!,ia.
O! his retur!/ Auro<i!,o -ot a! e2ploy2e!t i! pu<lic ser4ice. &e ha,
7or8e, or a 7hile as a re4e!ue oicer a!, later he ear!e, or lie 7or8i!- as
a teacher i! E!-lish. I! these years/ to7ar, the e!, o ce!tury Auro<i!,o
ha, to ace the act that he/ o7i!- to stu,y o 2a!y years i! ?ritai!/ -ot
a!-liciEe,. So/ or i!sta!ce he ,i, !ot 8!o7 his 2other la!-ua-e/ ?e!-ali/ as
he <e-a! to stu,y it o!ly i! his t7e!ties. ?esi,es ?e!-ali/ he lear!e,
Sa!s8rit too/ to <e a<le to stu,y +pa!isha,s/ i! their ori-i!al or2.
I! the perio, o the tur! o the ce!turies Sri Auro<i!,o -ets 2ore a!, 2ore
i!4ol4e, i!to I!,ia! 2o4e2e!t or the i!,epe!,e!ce. It is the ti2e o
repressi4e rule o the! Dice.Roy/ Lor, 'urEo!. I! 1336 there 7as ou!,e,
I!,ia! Natio!al 'o!-ress/ o! ?ritish i!itiati4e/ ai2e, at ca!aliEi!- o the
re4olt o 2asses a!, pre4e!ti!- i!sur-e!cies o! the lar-er scale. The
'o!-ress 7as split i!to t7o 7i!-sL o!e 2o,erate/ pro!e to support the policy
o -ra,ual reor2s a!, ,ialo- a!, other 2ilita!t that co!si,ere, that
cha!-es coul, !ot <e achie4e, i! a peaceul 7ay. This 2ilita!t 7i!- 7as
especially i!lue!t i! ?e!-al/ the 2ost ,e4elope, re-io!/ 7ith hi-hest
perce!ta-e !ot o!ly o i!,ustrial 7or8ers/ <ut o i!tellectuals/ too.
Auro<i!,o ,i, co2e i!to a co!tact 7ith a,here!ts o the 2ilita!t 7i!-/
a2o!- the rest also or the reaso! that his <rother ?ari!,a ha, <ee!
,irectly i!4ol4e, o!to re4olutio!ary acti4ities.
?y the <e-i!!i!- o the ce!tury/ Auro<i!,o ,i, e!-a-e hi2sel/ u!,er
<rotherMs i!lue!ce/ to the 7riti!- o re4olutio!ary pa2phlets. ?ut the
-ro7i!- 2ilita!cy o ?e!-ali i!tellectuals ha, or its co!seGue!ce the
,ecisio! o ?ritish authorities to ,i4i,e ?e!-al. Lor, 'urEo! ,ee2e, that <y
partitio! o &i!,u i!tellectuals/ 7ho the! 7oul, !ot 2a8e 2aAority i! either
o t7o !e7ly.or2e, re-io!s a!, i! that 7ay he 7oul, 2a8e <lu!t the
cutti!- e,-e o the re4olutio!ary resista!ce.
I! the perio, <et7ee! 19": a!, 19"3 Sri Auro<i!,o e!-a-e, hi2sel
4i-orously i!to political acti4ity. &e starte, a !e7 2a-aEi!e Bande )atara$/
i! 7hich it 7as i!cite, !atio!al co!scious!ess. The 2a-aEi!e a,4ocate,
2etho,s li8e <oycott o ?ritish -oo,s/ pro-ra2 o !atio!al e,ucatio! a!,
passi4e resista!ce. ?ut Auro<i!,o ,i, !ot e>clu,e at that ti2e the possi<ility
o 4iole!t resista!ce either/ as the 2ea!s o achie4i!- the i!,epe!,e!ce.
OThe !ature o repressio! is o!e that ,eter2i!es the !ature o resista!ceP/
he 7rote i! that ti2e. The! there 7ere 2a!y you!- 2e! 7ith u!i4ersity
e,ucatio!/ 7ho 7ere u!e2ploye,J a part o the2 7as e!-a-e, i!to acti4ities
o 2ilita!t or-a!iEatio!s. Those you!- o!es 7ere especially i!spire, <y the
Italia! re4olutio!ary 2o4e2e!t o 19
ce!tury/ hea,e, <y Giuseppe MaEEi!i.
As the re4olutio!ary e!thusias2 ha, -ro7! stro!-er/ co!seGue!tly 2ore
a!, 2ore lea,ers o 2ilita!t 2o4e2e!ts 7ere either e>ecute, or se!te!ce,
to lo!-.sta!,i!- i2priso!2e!t. So/ the 2artyrs 7ere create,/ i! this 7ay. O
the pure 2artyr,o2 also 7rote Auro<i!,o i! Bande )atara$. ?ritish
authorities co2<i!e, the attac8s o! 2ilita!ts 7ith the atte2pt o certai!
co!stitutio!al reor2s/ e!a<li!- i! that 2a!!er a certai! !u2<er o I!,ia!s
to participate i! the -o4er!2e!t. Auro<i!,o calle, such tries Sreor2s o
co2ical operaM/ ,e!oti!- the2 as <urlesGue a!, arcical. I! 19"3 he 7rites
a! apolo-y o the a--ressi4e 2etho,s o i-ht as the respo!se to the
repressio! o the authorities. OA--ressio! is u!Aust o!ly 7he! u!pro4o8e,J
4iole!ce/ u!ri-hteous 7he! use, 7a!to!ly or or u!ri-hteous e!,s.P To as8
2asses o 2a!8i!, to act as sai!ts/ to rise to the hei-ht o ,i4i!e lo4e a!,
practice it i! relatio! to their a,4ersaries or oppressors is to i-!ore the
hu2a! !ature/ ,ee2e, Auro<i!,o. Actually/ it ha, !ot e4e! <ee! pu<lishe,
i! the 2a-aEi!e/ si!ce the 2a!uscript 7as capture, <y police. &o7e4er/ it
7as e>pose, as corpus delicti at the court/ i! co!!ectio! 7ith trial or the
co!spiracy co!cer!i!- the 2ur,er o a ?ritish Au,-e. Auro<i!,o 7as
char-e,/ alo!- 7ith 1" other 2e!. Ater the lo!-.lasti!- trial/ he 7as
release,. &e re2ai!e, i! priso! or 2ore tha! a year/ thou-h.
This perio, spe!t i! priso! 7as or Auro<i!,o a ti2e o ,eep ,eli<eratio!
a!, i!te!si4e 2e,itatio!. Gra,ually he ca2e upo! co-!itio! o the i!al
truths o &i!,u reli-io!. &is stay i! priso! ,e!ote, the tur!i!- poi!t i!
perso!al e4olutio! o Sri Auro<i!,o. Later he asserte, that ,uri!- the
i!te!si4e 2e,itatio! i! his priso! cell he ha, <ee! 4isite, <y S7a2i
Di4e8a!a!,a/ 7ho ,i, lea, hi2 throu-h yo-a to -reat hi-hts a!, co-!itio! o

O! his release ro2 the priso!/ Auro<i!,o starte, t7o !e7 7ee8ly 2a-aEi!es
:ar$a (ogin Bi! E!-lishC a!, 8har$a Bi! ?e!-aliC. Alrea,y the 4ery titles o
2a-aEi!es i!,icate the !e7/ !o!.4iole!t a!, spiritual 7ay/ or the
achie4e2e!t so o perso!al ree,o2/ as o the ree,o2 o I!,ia/ as 7ell.
No!etheless/ ?ritish authorities co!si,ere, hi2/ e4e! i! such a paciist
e,itio!/ pote!tially ,a!-erous. So/ i! 191" he 7as co2pelle, to 2o4e to
Po!,icherry/ to7! i! the south o I!,ia/ the! u!,er the )re!ch rule. I! this
to7! he starte, i! 1910 the 2o!thly 2a-aEi!e Ar(a. I! the !e>t perio, u!til
19#"/ it 7oul, pu<lish series o essays/ 7hich 7oul, <e later collecte, a!,
pu<lishe, as <oo8s. A2o!- the rest/ here is also Auro<i!,oMs $agnu$ opus
.i!e 8i%ine, as 7ell as The S(nthesis o! Yoga, 'ssa(s on the ;ita, The Secret o!
the Aeda, 2($ns to the )(stic 9ire, The ?panishads, The 9oundations o!
Indian *ulture, The Ideal o! 2u$an ?nit( a!, The 9uture #oetr(.
Ater this e>ceptio!ally proliic perio, Bsa4e so2e poe2s a!, essaysC the o!ly
-rater 7or8 7as epic poe2 Sa%itri. &o7e4er/ ater the 7ith,ra7al ro2 the
pu<lic lie i! 19#:/ Auro<i!,o 7oul, co!ti!ue his 4olu2i!ous
correspo!,e!ce 7ith his ,isciples. &is letters/ o 7hich -rater part has <ee!
7ritte! i! thirties/ 7oul, <e pu<lishe, later/ i! the <oo8 e!title, .etters on
4ne of the forms of 5ishnu.
%uri!- his acti4ity i! Po!,ichery/ Auro<i!,oMs closest colla<orator 7oul,
<eco2e Mirra Richar,/ a 7o2a! o Tur8ish.E-yptia! ori-i!. Auro<i!,o
respecte, 4ery 2uch this e>traor,i!ary 7o2a!/ also 8!o7! as SMotherMJ or
her or-a!iEatio!al a<ilities he reli!Guishe, to her pla!!i!-/ <uil,i!- a!,
thereater also -ui,i!- the ashra2. Ater Auro<i!,oMs ,eath i! 196"/ Mirra
Richar, <eca2e the lea,er o the co22u!ity a!, ollo7ers ,i, pay respect to
her i! the sa2e 7ay they ha, ,o!e to the philosopher o 'alcutta.
O!e o the 2ai! Auro<i!,oMs philosophical achie4e2e!ts 7as the
i!tro,uctio! o the co!cept o e4olutio! i!to the De,a!ta thou-ht. O!e 2ore
2aterialistically orie!te, co!cept e>iste, alrea,y or ce!turies/ i! Sa28ya
philosophyJ <ut/ Auro<i!,o reAecte, the 2aterialistic te!,e!cies so o
Sa28ya/ as o %ar7i!is2 a!, he set the !e7 theory o the e4olutio! o spirit.
The 2ost i2porta!t Auro<i!,oMs 7or8 is surely .i!e 8i%ine. I! this
4olu2i!ous 7or8 he ,escri<es the process o the creatio! o u!i4erse ro2
the real i,ea o the A<solute/ up to the 2a!ieste, u!i4erse. This process
Auro<i!,o calls Si!4olutio!M. Thereater he ,epicts the process <y 7hich the
create, u!i4erse e4ol4es/ ater the orces o 2i!, a!, spirit a!, that is
process o Se4olutio!M. The i!al cause o the creatio! is the reu!io! o
'o!scious!ess a!, Po7er <y <ri!-i!- the Spiritual ?ei!- i!to the e>iste!ce
that co!seGue!tly e!a<les the %i4i!e lie o! the Earth. This e4olutio! -oes
o! at our le4elsL i!,i4i,ual/ social/ pla!etary a!, the le4el o the e!tire
u!i4erse. The path to7ar, the e4olutio! o the collecti4e soul lea,s throu-h
the -ro7th o co!scious!ess. ?y it/ a! i!,i4i,ual ca! achie4e the le4el o the
super2a!. &o7e4er/ it is !ot a! e-oistical super2a! orie!te, to7ar,
,o2i!atio! Bli8e <y NietEscheC/ <ut it is the sel.actualiEe, <ei!-/ 7ho 7oul,
prese!t the leap or7ar, i! the e4olutio! o 2a!. Auro<i!,oMs i,eas 7oul, <e
7or8e, out se4eral ,eca,es later <y $e! @il<er/ i! his holistic co!ceptio! o
1.0.0. )ather o Mo,er! I!,ia Mahat2a Ga!,hi
A e7 years ater Auro<i!,oMs 7ith,ra7al ro2 politicsM sce!e I!,ia!
2o4e2e!t or i!,epe!,e!ce recei4e, to 2eet the 2a! a<le to lea, I!,ia to
the -oal/ throu-h his !o!.4iole!t 2etho, o ahi$sa. I! 1916/ !a2ely/ ca2e
to I!,ia the la7yer ro2 South Arica/ Moha!,as Ga!,hi Blater calle,
Mahat2a/ the Great TeacherC a!, e7 years ater he too8 the lea,ership o
I!,ia! !atio!al 2o4e2e!t. Ga!,hi ,i, pro2ote sat(agraha B resiste!ce to
the tyra!!y throu-h the 2assi4e ci4il ,iso<e,ie!ce a!, reusal o a!y
cooperatio! 7ith the -o4er!2e!t. &is 7ay o stru--li!- that <rou-ht I!,ia to
i!,epe!,e!ce/ i!spire, 2a!y other 2o4e2e!ts or ci4il ri-hts a!, ree,o2
Moha!,as Ga!,hi 7as <or! i! 13:9 i! Por<a!,ar/ GuAarat/ as a so! o hi-h
2u!icipal u!ctio!ary. &is a2ily <elo!-e, to the hi-her/ 2erca!tile caste
4aishya. Gro7i!- up <y his pious 2other/ i! =ai! surrou!,i!-s/ ro2 the
earliest a-e he a,opte, pri!ciples o !o!.4iole!ce to7ar, li4i!- <ei!-s/ o
4e-etaria!is2/ asti!- a!, i!terreli-ious tolera!ce. Ga!,hi -ot 2arrie,/
accor,i!- to a! ol, I!,ia! custo2/ at a! early a-e. &e 7as o!ly 10 a!, so
ol, 7as his spouse/ !a2e, $astur<a/ too. At school/ Ga!,hi ,i, !ot e>cel/
he 7as Aust a! a4era-e pupil. At school/ Ga!,hi ,i, !ot e>cel/ he 7as Aust a!
a4era-e pupil. So/ he <arely passe, the e!tra!ce e>a2i!atio! at ?o2<ay
u!i4ersity i! 1337.
The !e>t year Ga!,hi ha, ,eparte, to E!-la!, a!, there he e!rolle, Lo!,o!
+!i4ersity 'olle-e/ 7here he stu,ie, la7/ li8e Ta-ore ,i, so2e te! years
<eore. %uri!- his stu,y he a,opte, so2e 7ester! custo2s/ li8e or e>a2ple
7ay o clothi!- or atte!,i!- ,a!ci!- lesso!s. ?ut/ at the sa2e ti2e he
re2ai!e, aithul to &i!,u pri!ciples o a<sti!e!ce ro2 2eat/ alcohol a!,
pro2iscuity. &e Aoi!e, the De-etaria! Society a!, there he 2et so2e
2e2<ers o the Theosophical Society. +!,er their i!lue!ce he starte, to
stu,y ?ha-a4a,.Gita a!, also the scripts o 'hristia!ity/ ?u,,his2 a!,
other reli-io!s. I! his ree ti2e he stu,ie, philosophy/ too. &e 7as especially
attracte, <y i,eas a!, pri!ciples o the !o!.4iole!ce o A2erica! 7riter
&e!ry Thoreau/ ro2 the 7or8 *i%il 8iso"edience a!, <y the i,eas o E!-lish
sociolo-ist =oh! Rus8i!/ a<out the cou!try lie i! accor, 7ith !ature.
+po! his retur! to I!,ia i! 1391/ Ga!,hi has trie, to achie4e the career o
la7yer i! ?o2<ay/ <ut he 7as !ot successul. I! 1311 he ,eci,e, to accept
the Ao< i! ?ritish colo!y Natal i! souther! Arica/ so he 2a,e a o!e.year
co!tract 7ith so2e I!,ia! ir2. I! ti2e o his arri4al to South Arica Ga!,hi
7as still a 2o,est 2a!/ o polite <eha4ior a!, i!,iere!t i! re-ar, to
politics. ?ut/ as he ha, ace, the ,iscri2i!atio! to7ar, <lac8s a!, I!,ia!s/
he ha, to cha!-e. &e <eca2e 4ery resolute i! his ai2 to oppose the policy o
aparthei,. So/ this a!ti.racist acti4ity i! South Arica ser4e, as the perect
preparatio! or his later stru--le i! !ati4e I!,ia. Alrea,y i! 1390 he ou!,e,
the I!,ia! 'o!-ress o Natal/ or the a-itatio! o his co2patriotsM ri-hts.
%uri!- the ?oer @ar B1399.19"#C he or2e, a! a2<ula!ce u!it/ or ser4i!-
the 7ou!,e, <lac8 South Arica!s. )ro2 19": o! he <e-a! his peaceul
re4olutio!/ sayi!- that he 7oul, rather -o to priso! the! respect a!ti.Asia!
la7s. Thousa!,s o I!,ia!s ,i, Aoi! the peaceul protests. As the 2ai!
!e-otiator or the ri-hts o I!,ia!s i! the !e7ly esta<lishe, state/ calle,
South Arica! +!io!/ he 2et se4eral ti2es 7ith Ge!eral =a! 'h. S2uts
later Pri2e Mi!ister. They settle, a! a-ree2e!t o!ly i! 1910/ shortly <eore
the )irst @orl, @ar a!, Ga!,hiMs ,eparture ro2 South Arica.
?y the <e-i!!i!- o 1916 Ga!,hi retur!e, to I!,ia/ ater ull ## years o
a<se!ce. &is acti4is2 or I!,ia!sM ri-hts up to the! ha, alrea,y 2a,e hi2
a2ous/ so i! his ho2ela!, he 7as recei4e, as a hero. +po! his arri4al to
I!,ia/ he 2et 7ith the! lea,er o I!,ia! Natio!al 'o!-ress Gopal Go8hale/
7ho2 he co!si,ere, as the role 2o,el. )or his philosophy o political
stru--le <y !o!.4iole!t 2etho,s he ca2e i!to a co!lict 7ith the !e>t lea,er
o 'o!-ress/ Lo82a!ya Tila8. Na2ely/ the 2ilita!t Tila8 supporte,
e>clusi4ely the 4iole!t stru--le/ a-ai!st the ?ritish authorities. I! 19#"/ ater
J.6h. 3muts is considered the in$entor of the term 7holism7. +e used it first in his !oo8 Holsim and Evolution.
Tila8Ms ,eath/ Ga!,hi ca2e o!to the hea, o the I!,ia! Natio!al 'o!-ress.
The! he starte, a ca2pai-! or the reusal o cooperatio! 7ith ?ritish/
i!citi!- I!,ia!s to pro,uce clothes o! their o7! a!, to <oycott ?ritish
-oo,s. Ater the -e!eral <oycott i! 19## a!, <ursti!-.out o <i- riots Ga!,hi
7as thro7! i! priso!. Althou-h he ha, <ee! se!te!ce, to si> years o
i2priso!2e!t/ alrea,y i! 19#0 he 7as release,.
?et7ee! 19#6 a!, 19#9 Ga!,hi 7ith,re7 ro2 the acti4e ,eali!-s 7ith
politics. At the sessio!s o the I!,ia! Natio!al 'o!-ress i! 19#9 i! Lahore
the 2aAority o participa!ts ,e2a!, the co2plete i!,epe!,e!ce o I!,ia.
There ollo7e, as !e7 ca2pai-! o ci4il ,iso<e,ie!ce a!, ,e2o!strati4e
2arch. Ga!,hi ,i, ,istil pu<licly sea salt/ protesti!- i! such 7ay a-ai!st the
?ritish 2o!opoly o! salt. Ga!,hi ha, e!,e, i! priso! a-ai!/ <ut soo! he
7as release,. I! 1911 he 7e!t to Lo!,o!/ to participate the Rou!, Ta<le
'o!ere!ce. This co!ere!ce ha, or its -oal sol4i!- the ?ritish.I!,ia!
,ispute/ <ut it sol4e, o!ly so2e u!esse!tial Guestio!s/ 7hile the pro<le2 o
tra!s2issio! o the rule re2ai!e, i!tact. Moreo4er/ the !e>t -o4er!or o
I!,ia/ Lor, @illi!-,o! e4e! rei!orce, the repressio! a-ai!st the I!,ia!
i-hters or the i!,epe!,e!ce.
I! 1910/ ater se4eral u!successul atte2pts o! hi2/ Ga!,hi reli!Guishe,
his positio! o the presi,e!t o the I!,ia! Natio!al 'o!-ress a!, he <e-a! a
2e,itati4e lie 7ith his ,isciples i! the cou!try. ?ut/ ater 191: Ga!,hi is
<ac8 to the politics a!, to-ether 7ith Nehru he lea,s the 'o!-ress.
Gra,ually he <eca2e co!4i!ce, that I!,ia 7oul, !ot -ai! a real ree,o2 i
she re2ai!s to <e the part o the ?ritish E2pire. )ro2 ti2e he u!,erta8es
hu!-er.stri8es/ 7ishi!- to orce -o4er!2e!t to carry throu-h the reor2s
a!, to rectiy the i!Austice. @he! the Seco!, @orl, @ar <ro8e out/ Ga!,hi
i! the <e-i!!i!- supporte, ?ritish/ i! their stru--le a-ai!st the orces o the
A>is. ?ut/ as the 7ar ha, a,4a!ce,/ he ou!, hi2sel e>pose, to the critiGue
a!, co!seGue!tly rei!orce, his ,e2a!,s or the i!,epe!,e!ce o I!,iaJ he
<e-a! to spea8 i! a4or o the resolutio! popularly calle, S*uit I!,iaM. O!
<ursti!-.out o riots/ i! 190#/ Ga!,hi 7as arreste, o!e 2ore ti2e. %uri!-
his t7o.year stay i! priso! he ,i, e>perie!ce a perso!al tra-e,yL his 7ie
$astur<a ,ie,. &e 7as release, ro2 priso! earlier/ <ecause o the
a--ra4atio! o his health co!,itio! a!, the i!,ispe!sa<le operatio!.
Ga!,hi has co!ti!ue, his i-ht ater the Seco!, @orl, @ar as 7ell. &e
oppose, ,ecisi4ely to ?ritish pla!s or the partitio! o I!,ia/ <ecause he
,ee2e, that Mosle2s/ &i!,u a!, others ca! li4e to-ether peaceully i! the
co22o! state. @he! I!,ia i!ally recei4e, to 2eet the i!,epe!,e!ce i!
su22er o 1907/ there 7ere/ i! spite o Ga!,hiMs e!,ea4ors/ or2e, t7o
states BI!,ia a!, Pa8ista!C. That 7as practically a! i!tro,uctio! i!to the
<loo,y ci4il 7ar/ i! 7hich ,i, suer hu!,re,s o thousa!,s a!, 2illio!s
7ere <a!ishe, ro2 their hearths. Mahat2a Ga!,hi ,re7 o! hi2 the hatre,
o &i!,u !atio!alists a!, <y the <e-i!!i!- o 1903 he ell as the 4icti2 o
the atte2pt.
I! a,,itio! to the act that he 7as the 2ost pro2i!e!t i-ure o I!,ia!
2o4e2e!t or the i!,epe!,e!ce/ Ga!,hi 7as also a ,e4ote, stu,e!t o the
&i!,u philosophy. &is opus i!clu,es 7or8s pu<lishe, ,uri!- his lie li8e
'thical Religion, Ashra$ O"ser%ance, Sath(agraha in South A!rica= 7or8s
pu<lishe, posthu2ously :e( to 2ealth, )ediu$ o! Instruction, )( &on-
Aiolence, )( Socialis$ a!, !u2erous collecte, 7or8s o articles/ essays/
speeches a!, i!ter4ie7s. O!e o the <est co2pilatio!s o Ga!,hiMs thou-ht is
the e!cyclope,ic e,itio! )ind o! )ahat$a ;andhi, e,ite, <y R.$. Pra<hu a!,
+.R. Rao. This 4olu2i!ous 7or8 <ri!-s orth Ga!,hiMs thou-hts o! 2a!y
su<Aects/ li8e truth/ !o!.4iole!ce/ coura-e/ ,e2ocracy/ si2plicity/ tutorship/
celi<acy/ sel.relia!ce.
Ga!,hiMs philosophical co!cept o Truth as the eGui4ale!t o Go, a!, lo4e
ha, i! itsel a proper 2ystical trait/ 7hich tra!sce!,e, the ter2s o 7orl,
a!, ti2e. )or Ga!,hi/ Go, is the source o li-ht a!, lie/ <ut he is also
a<o4e/ or outsi,e this. &e sees hi2 throu-h the eyes o a hu2a!ist a!,
pa!theistL OI a2 e!,ea4ori!- to see Go, throu-h ser4ice o hu2a!ity/ or I
8!o7 that Go, is !either i! hea4e!/ !or ,o7! <elo7/ <ut i! e4ery o!e.P I!
his auto<io-raphy Ga!,hi states that his i!al ai2 is!itio!/ throu-h
the 4isio! o Go, a!, achie4e2e!t o $osha Bli<eratio!C. To7ar, this -oal it
7as ,irecte, his e!tire 7or8L speeches/ 7ritte! 7or8s a!, all the
u!,erta8i!-s i! the iel, o politics. &is e!-a-e2e!t i! politics Ga!,hi sa7
i! a holistic 7ay. &e ,ee2e, that it is !ot possi<le to lea, a! e!tirely
reli-ious 7ay o lie/ 7ithout i,e!tiyi!- o!esel 7ith the 7hole hu2a! race.
This is possi<le/ accor,i!- to Ga!,hi/ o!ly throu-h the e!-a-e2e!t i!
politics. The 7i,e spa! o 2a!Ms acti4ities Ga!,hi percei4e, as o!e
i!,i4isi<le 7hole. It is !ot possi<le to separate social/ eco!o2ical/ political
a!, purely reli-ious 7or8 i!to i2per2ea<le ,epart2e!ts/ he ,ee2e,.
E4eryo!e shoul, use his resources or the ser4ice o society a!, ta8e or it
o!ly as 2uch/ as he ,eser4e, or that ser4ice. I such a syste2 <eca2e a
rule/ e>cessi4e 7ealth a!, e>cessi4e po4erty 7oul, ,isappear. All the
reli-io!s shoul, <e co!si,ere, as eGually 4alua<le. The! 7oul, ,isappear all
the ,isputes i! co!!ectio! 7ith reli-io!s a!, peace 7oul, pre4ail too.
1.0.6. Society or the 'o!scious!ess o $rish!a Srila Pra<hupa,a
I! the last Guarter o the #"
ce!tury the I!ter!atio!al society or $rish!a
'o!scious!ess BIS$'ONC <eca2e o!e o the 2ost a2iliar e>pressio!s o
&i!,u reli-io! i! the @est. The 2ost 2eritorious or this !e7 <rea8throu-h
o &i!,uis2 to the @est is the ou!,er o the Society A.'. ?ha8ti4e,a!ta
S7a2i Par<hupa,a/ 7ho <rou-ht $rish!a.<ha8ti teachi!- i! 2i, si>ties to
A2erica. As 7e re2e2<er/ this teachi!- ha, <ee! tau-ht ori-i!ally <y Sri
'aita!ya i! 1:
ce!tury a!, it 7as carrie, throu-h later at schools i! the
!orth o I!,ia/ the 2ost re!o7!e, <ei!- i! Dri!,a4a!. Pra<hupa,a ha,
sprea, the teachi!-s o Sri 'aita!ya throu-h his 2issio! !ot o!ly across
A2erica/ <ut also 7orl,7i,e/ tra4eli!- a!, hol,i!- lectures o! si>
co!ti!e!ts. &is <oo8s ha4e <ee! tra!slate, i!to 2ore tha! 6" la!-ua-es.
Sri Sri2a, A.'. ?ha8ti4e,a!ta S7a2i Pra<hupa,a Bor shorter Srila
Pra<hupa,aC is o!e 2ore i! a ro7 o a2ous &i!,u philosophers co2i!-
ro2 'alcutta. &e 7as <or! i! 139:/ as A<hay 'hara! %e. Li8e
Di4e8a!a!,a/ he also stu,ie, at Scottish 'hurch 'olle-e i! 'alcutta. Srila
Pra<hupa,a/ <eore his ,e,icatio! to reli-ious lie o sa!yasi! ha, <ee!
2arrie, 7ith chil,re! a!, he ,i, co!,uct a s2all phar2aceutical ir2. &e
2et or the irst ti2e his spiritual teacher Srila ?ha8tisi,,ha!ta Saras7ati
Tha8ura i! 19##. The teacher has chose! Aust hi2 <ecause o his hi-h
e,ucatio! a!, perect 8!o7le,-e o E!-lish la!-ua-e/ or sprea,i!- o Sri
'aita!yaMs a!, De,ic 8!o7le,-e i! -e!eral. Srila Pra<hupa,a ha, <eco2e
his ,isciple/ <ut he 7as or2ally i!itiate, o!ly i! 1911.
I! 1917 ?ha8tisi,,ha!ta Saras7ati Tha8ura ,ie,. Srila Pra<hupa,a ha, !ot
<e-a! i22e,iately to preach $rish!a.<ha8ti teachi!-/ <ut he irstly 7a!te,
to stu,y 7ell all the sacre, scripts li8e De,as/ +pa!isha,s a!, others. I!
1900 he starte, a ort!i-htly 2a-aEi!e i! E!-lish Bac to ;odhead. I! that
ti2e Srila Pra<hupa,a also 7rote his co22e!tary o! ?ha-a4a,.Gita. )or his
2erits/ i! 1907 he recei4e, ho!orary title S?ha8ti4e,a!taM/ ro2 the Gau,ya
Dais!a4a Society. I! 196" Srila Pra<hupa,a ha, re!ou!ce, his 2arital lie
a!, he <e-a! to li4e a retire, lie i! 2e,ie4al te2ple Ra,ha.%a2o,ara i! the
holy city Dri!,a4a!. The !e>t year he spe!t i! i!te!si4e stu,y a!, 7riti!-.
I! 1969 he <e-a! a lie o sa!yasi! a!, he -ot ,o7! o!to tra!slati!- a!,
7riti!- the co22e!tary o Sri2a,.?ha-a4ata2. ?esi,es this 4olu2i!ous
7or8/ co!sisti!- o three 4olu2es he 7rote also a <oo8 'as( <ourne( to
Other #lanets.
Ater pu<lishi!- three 4olu2es o Sri$ad-Bhaga%ata$ Srila Pra<hupa,a elt
that the ti2e has co2e or the 2issio! 7hich he ha, <ee! co!i,e, <y
teacher ?ha8tisi,,ha!ta Saras7ati Tha8ura. I! 19:6/ althou-h alrea,y at
:9 years o a-e a!, 7ith e7 rupees i! his poc8et/ Pra<hupa,a tra4els to
Ne7 (or8. Ater o!e year/ ollo7e, <y co!si,era<le ,iiculties/ he ,i, ou!,
I!ter!atio!al Society or $rish!a 'o!scious!ess IS$'ON. +!til his ,eath
i! 1977/ the Society has -ro7! i!to a 7orl, or-a!iEatio!/ 7hich co!sists o
2ore the! hu!,re, ashra2s/ schools/ te2ples/ i!stitutes a!, ar2s.
Pro<a<ly the -reatest co!tri<utio! o Srila to spirituality are his <oo8s
Barou!, :" i! allC o! De,a!ta philosophy/ reli-io!/ literature/ a!, culture.
?esi,es the aore2e!tio!e, <oo8s/ a2o!- his pro2i!e!t 7or8s are alsoL Sri
*aitan(a-carita$rita= :rishna, the Supre$e #ersonalit( o! ;odhead= Teachings
o! .ord *aitan(a= Ra@a-Aid(a3 The :ing o! :no/ledge= &ectar o! 8e%otion= The
Science o! Sel!-RealiCation= The #ath o! #er!ection= #er!ect Fuestions, #er!ect
Ans/ers= .i!e *o$es !ro$ .i!e a!, others.
I! his 7or8s Srila Pra<hupa,a 2ai!ly ollo7s the teachi!- o Sri 'aita!ya/
or 7hich he says that they are i,e!tical 7ith teachi!-s o the philosopher
$apila/ the ou!,er o Sa28ya.yo-a. Pra<hupa,a poi!ts out tat this syste2
o yo-a reco22e!,s the 2e,itatio! o! Lor,Ms tra!sce!,e!tal or2.
Accor,i!- to Pra<hupa,a/ Sri 'aita!ya is the perso!ality 7ho tra!sce!,s
the li2ite, reach oh historical circu2sta!ces. I! ti2es 7he! 2a! i! the
@est ha, orie!te, his e>plorati4e spirit to7ar, the stu,y o the structure o
the physical u!i4erse a!, ,isco4ery o !e7 co!ti!e!ts/ Sri 'aita!ya i! the
East ha, le, re4olutio! orie!te, to7ar, the i!!er 2a!/ to7ar, the
u!,ersta!,i!- o the spiritual !ature o 2a!/ says Pra<hupa,a.
O!e o the 2ost i2porta!t 7or8s o Srila Pra<hupa,a/ 7hich spea8s a<out
2a!Ms u!,ersta!,i!- o his o7! spiritual !ature/ is The Science o! Sel!-
RealiCation. As the 2ai! -oal o reli-io! Pra<hupa,a poi!ts out the co-!itio!
o Go, a!, lo4e to7ar, Go,. &e sees all the li4i!- <ei!-s as particles o Go,
so their relatio! to7ar, hi2 is the sa2e as the relatio!s o so!s to7ar, the
ather. Pra<hupa,a also !otices the si2ilarity 7ith 'hristia!s/ 7ho also
co!si,er Go, as the supre2e ather. Such a! u!,ersta!,i!- o!e ca! i!, i!
The or2 o Lor, <y 7hich he is prese!t e4ery7here is calle, Para2at2a
BO4er.soulC. At2a BsoulC is prese!t the! o!ly i! so2e place/ 7hile Para2at2a
is e4ery7here. As the perso!al soul is prese!t <y its co!scious!ess i! all the
parts o the <o,y/ so is the O4er.soul/ Para2at2a/ 7ith its o4er.
co!scious!ess prese!t i! the e!tire create, 7orl,.!scious!ess ca!
<e reache, o!ly i the i!,i4i,ual achie4e the co!!ectio! o his co!scious!ess
7ith it. The process o achie4i!- the co!!ectio! is calle, surre!,er or
co!scious!ess o $rish!a. O!e ca! reach the co!scious!ess o $rish!a
throu-h the process o 2e,itatio! o!to the tra!sce!,e!tal so!orous
4i<ratio! o so calle, 2aha.2a!tra B&are $rish!a &are $rish!a $rish!a
$rish!a &are &areK &are Ra2a &are Ra2a Ra2a Ra2a &are &areC. Srila
Pra<hupa,a i! his 7or8 The Science o! Sel!-RealiCation co!clu,es that <y
si2ple si!-i!- o this 2a!tra o!e reaches the co-!itio! o Go,/ 7hich
si2ulta!eously i!clu,es the co-!itio! o !ature.
1.0.:. Tra!sce!,e!tal Me,itatio! o Maharishi Mahesh (o-i
I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 Srila Pra<hupa,a/ 7ho ha, preache, the perso!al Go,
B$rish!aC/ his co!te2porary Maharishi Mahesh (o-i <rou-ht to the @est his
teachi!- <ase, upo! Sha!8araMs i2perso!al 4isio! o the A<solute reality/
i.e. A,4aita De,a!ta
. ?y the re4i4al o Sha!8araMs a!cie!t teachi!-s/
Maharishi has <rou-ht to the @est the tech!iGue o tra!sce!,e!tal
2e,itatio! BTMC/ as the practical e>pressio! o the !e7 &i!,uis2. A certai!
si2ilarity ,oes e>ist 7ith &u<<ar,Ms %ia!etics as TM ca! <e ,ee2e, as 7ell
as the 2o,er! scie!ce o the 2e!tal health. Maharishi preers to spea8 o
his philosophic.reli-ious syste2 rather as o the scie!ce o the creati4e
i!telli-e!ce/ tha! as o !e7 reli-io!. &o7e4er/ si2ilarly as i! ?u,,his2/ the
i!al ai2 is achie4i!- the hi-her states o co!scious!ess a!, e4e!tually the
Maharishi Mahesh (o-i Ba.8.a. Mahesh Sri4asta4aC 7as <or! i! 1911 !ear
=a<alpur/ Ma,hya Pra,esh. At the +!i4ersity o Allaha<a, he -ra,uate, i!
ccording to 3rila (ra!hupada, 3han8ara7s mission had !een to re9esta!lish the 5edic influence, after a period
of 0uddhist domination.
physics. I! 1901 he <eca2e the ,isciple o S7a2i ?rah2a!a!,a Saras7ati
Bcalle, Guru %e4C/ 7ho tau-ht hi2 o 2e,itatio!. Arou!, 190" Guru %e4
ha, tac8le, 7ith re4i4al o Sha!8araMs teachi!-. I! that ti2e the 2o!astery
7hich ha, <ee! esta<lishe, i! 9
ce!tury <y Sha!8ara 7as e2pty 2ore
tha! 16" years. Guru %e4 ha, <ee! alrea,y 7".o,, years ol, 7he! he <e-a!
to teach. &is 8!o7le,-e he tra!s2itte, as o! people 7ho acti4ely too8 a part
i! 7orl,ly lie/ as o! her2its.ascetics. ?y that/ there 7ere repose, the
ou!,atio!s o the 2o,er! re4i4al o the a!cie!t practice o 2e,itatio!.
Maharishi ha, appreciate, 4ery 2uch his teacher/ 7ho prese!te, a!
i!spiratio! or his later 2issio!. Guru %e4 ha, passe, a7ay i! 1961 a!,
ater his ,eath Maharishi spe!t t7o years as a her2it i! +ttar $ashi o!
&i2alaya. Ater this t7o.year perio, spe!t i! solitu,e a!, 2e,itatio!/
su,,e!ly he elt a! ur-e to ,epart to the to7! i! the utter2ost south o
I!,ia/ Na-ercoil. There he ha, 2et a 2a! 7ho as8e, hi2 i he ca2e ro2
&i2alaya a!, i he hel, lectures. O! the or2er Guestio! he a!s7ere,
positi4ely/ as8i!- hi2sel 7he!ce that 2a! 8!e7 that he ca2e ro2 !orth.
To his surprise/ the sa2e 2a! !e>t ,ay tol, hi2 that he ha, or-a!iEe,
series o se4e! pu<lic lectures. O4ertoo8 <y surprise/ Maharishi ,i,
i2pro4ise lectures o! se4e! the2es. It 7as !ot the e!, o story/ si!ce that
2a! Bi! act/ the local li<raria!C oere, hi2 !e7 serious o lectures i! the
!ei-h<ori!- to7!. The!ceorth/ Maharishi <e-a! to tra4el ro2 to7! to to7!
o souther! a!, ce!tral I!,ia/ hol,i!- lectures. Ater each series o lectures/
Maharishi tau-ht the tech!iGue o tra!sce!,e!tal 2e,itatio! to those 7ho
7ishe, to lear! it.
I! 1967 Maharishi ou!,e, SThe Spiritual Re-e!eratio! Mo4e2e!tM/ the irst
o se4eral or-a!iEatio!s.pre,ecessors o to,ay TM 2o4e2e!t. The !e>t year
he co2es to Ma,ras/ to 2e2orial cele<ratio! o the a!!i4ersary o Guru
%e4Ms <irth,ay. O! that occasio! Maharishi hel, a speech i! 7hich he
-loriie, his teacher/ a!!ou!ci!- that he 7oul, sprea, tra!sce!,e!tal
2e,itatio! all arou!, the 7orl,. O4er the !e>t e7 2o!ths Maharishi ha,
tra4ele,/ hel, speeches i! <i--er a!, s2aller I!,ia! to7!s a!, i!itiate,
people i!to TM. ?ut/ i! the <e-i!!i!- o 1969/ he ,eci,e, to e>pa!, the
tra!sce!,e!tal 2e,itatio! outsi,e the <or,ers o I!,ia. &e irst ,eparte, to
?ur2a a!, the! to Malaysia a!, &o!- $o!-J i! spri!- o 1969 he arri4es to
&a7ai. I! April/ 1969 Maharishi ca2e to Sa! )ra!cisco a!, starte, his
2issio! o! the A2erica! soil.
TM 2o4e2e!t ha, e>perie!ce, a real <oo2 i! 2i, si>ties/ 7he! there ,i,
occur a -reat 7a4e o i!terest or Orie!tal philosophy a!, reli-io!. I! 19:6
stu,e!ts o +'LA 7ith accepte, 7ith e!thusias2 TM courses a!, ater
MaharishiMs lectures at ?er8eley/ &ar4ar, a!, (ale/ stu,e!tsM 2e,itatio!
societies 7ere ou!,e, all across the +SA. I! su22er o 1971 there 7as
esta<lishe, Maharishi I!ter!atio!al +!i4ersity BMI+C 7ith a! ai2 to oer a
holistic pro-ra2. This u!i4ersity ha, i! a 7ay the pio!eer role o the
pro2oter o holistic e,ucatio!/ si!ce it i!cite, the a<ility o the
i!ter,iscipli!ary li!8a-e o 8!o7le,-e ro2 ,iere!t iel,s.
I! the irst hal o the se4e!ties there 7ere peror2e, scie!tiic researches as
i! the co!!ectio! 7ith i2pro4e2e!t o the i!,i4i,ual health a!, sel.
actualiEatio!/ so those relate, to the i!lue!ce o iel,s o -roup 2e,itatio!
Bso calle, Maharishi eectC. Na2ely/ Maharishi has oresee! that -roup
2e,itatio! 7oul, ha4e a a4ora<le eect o!to ,ecrease o the !e-ati4e
te!,e!cies i! the society.
The researches ha4e pro4e, that 7he! 1 perce!t
o the populatio! is so2e to7! or co22u!ity practice TM tech!iGue/ there
,o occur ,ecrease o cri2i!al/ hospital treat2e!ts/ social riots/ acci,e!ts
a!, other !e-ati4ities.
Tra!sce!,e!tal 2e,itatio! is a 2etho, <y 7hich 7e co2e to 2ore Guiet
le4els o thou-ht a!, to the state o pure co!scious!ess. This is the ourth
state o co!scious!ess/ ,iere!t ro2 the ,eep sleep/ ,rea2i!- a!, 7a8i!-
state. Maharishi spea8s also o hi-her states o co!scious!ess/ cos2ic a!,
rei!e, cos2ic co!scious!ess. The hi-hest state is the state o u!ity/ i!
7hich o!e co2es to the co-!itio! o the creati4e i!telli-e!ce/ as the
ou!,atio! o our sel. Accor,i!- to Maharishi/ o! that hi-hest le4el it is
<ri,-e, the -ap <et7ee! the o!e 7ho reco-!iEe a!, the o<Aect o co-!itio!J
perso! practically ,oes !ot ,iscer! hi2sel ro2 the o<Aects o his
I! a,,itio! to the 2e,itatio!/ Maharishi has also ,e4elope, a! a,4a!ce,/ so
calle, Si,,!iGue/ <ase, upo! the a!cie!t scripts o Ri- De,a a!,
Pata!AaliMs Yoga-sutras. ?y this or2 o 2e,itatio! there occur a short lasti!-
eect o liti!- a<o4e the -rou!,/ o le4itatio!/ 7ith si2ulta!eous su<Aecti4e
se!se o lo7i!- o e!er-y up o!eMs spi!e/ se!se o easi!ess/ pleasure a!,
The process at the <asis o all Si,hi.e>ercises is the applia!ce
o so calle, Sa2ya2a/ 7hich co2prises ,hara!a/ ,hya!a a!, Sa2a,hi. ?y
the -roup practice o this 2etho, it suices the -roup o people
correspo!,i!- to the sGuare root o 1 perce!t o the populatio!/ or the
creatio! o the i2pro4e, Guality o lie.
Maharishi has set se4eral i2porta!t ,o2ai!s o hu2a! lie a!, society as a
7hole/ i! apply o the scie!ce o creati4e i!telli-e!ce. They areL creati!- o
the i,eal e,ucatio!al syste2 o 2e,ical care/ eco!o2y/ ,ee!se a!, syste2
o -o4er!2e!t. )or that purpose there are esta<lishe, u!i4ersities
7orl,7i,e/ 7here stu,e!ts are e,ucate, i! accor, 7ith De,ic scie!ce. The
special atte!tio! is pai, to Ayur4e,a scie!ce o health a!, lie i! -e!eral.
I! this ,o2ai! ,i, e>cel o!e o the 2ost -ite, MaharishiMs pupils/
e!,ocri!olo-ist a!, holistic scie!tist %eepa8 'hopra/ o! 7ho2 there 7ill <e
a 7or, or t7o i! last chapter.
1.0.7. Sathya Sai ?a<a the A4atar o a Ne7 A-eF
@e re2e2<er that o the si2ilar eect o -roup practici!- o prayer a!, 2e,itatio! spo8e
'.@. Lea,<eater a!, Alice ?ailey.
Pata!Aali ,escri<es that 2etho, i! the thir, chapter BDi<huti pa,aC o his Yoga-sutras.
O all the -reat 2e! o 2o,er! Neo.&i!,uis2/ Sathya Sai ?a<a is the o!ly
o!e 7ho ha, !e4er <ee! i! the @est. (et/ he 7as the irst o!e 7ho attracte,
@ester!ers to 2a8e pil-ri2a-e i! a -reat !u2<er to I!,iaJ to his ashra2
Prasa!thi Nilaya2 i! the souther! part o the cou!try. The actor that surely
co!tri<ute, 7as his 2iraculous po7er o heali!-. ?ut/ 2a!y pil-ri2s co2e
o purely spiritual reaso!sL 2a!y o the2 co!si,er Sai ?a<a the -reatest
spiritual perso!ality o to,ay a!, they also see hi2 as a4atar Bi!car!atio! o
the ,i4i!ityC. Sai ?a<a 2o4e2e!t is !ot a !e7 reli-io!/ !or so2e particular
or2 o &i!,uis2. Rather/ it is a path that ca! <e ollo7e, <y <elie4ers o
,iere!t reli-io!s. Sai ?a<a says that his ai2 is !ot to co!4ert a 2a!/ <ut to
2a8e hi2 stea,ast i! his o7! aith. &is 2essa-e is si2ilar as o!e o ?ahai
reli-io!L O?elie4e i! Go,/ or there is o!ly o!e Go, or all 2a!8i!,/ thou-h
he 2ay <e calle, <y 2a!y !a2es.
Satya Sai ?a<a Ba.8.a. Sathya NaraAa!a RaAuC 7as <or! i! 19#: i!
Putaparthy !ear ?a!-alore i! souther! I!,ia. &is pare!ts 7ere poor
a-ricultural la<orers. &e ha, <ee! ,isti!-uishe, a2o!- the rest o chil,re!
o!ly <y his air 4oice a!, tale!t or si!-i!- "ha@anas, I!,ia! spiritual so!-s.
@he! he 7as 1# a scorpio! <itte! hi2. The! <oy ha, alle! i!to a co2a/
ro2 7hich he a7o8e occasio!ally. I! those 2o2e!ts he recite, 4erses ro2
De,a/ 7hich he ha, !e4er rea, !or liste! to. Ater a 7hile Sathya ha,
reco4ere, co2pletely a!, i! 190" he a<a!,o!e, his or2al e,ucatio! at
school. The! he a!!ou!ce, his 2issio! o spiritual re!asce!ce/ <y
preachi!- o the pri!ciples o truth/ ri-hteous <eha4ior/ peace a!, ,i4i!e
lo4e. &e ,eclare, that he 7as the i!car!atio! o Sai ?a<a o Shir,i/ the sai!t
7ho ha, passe, a7ay i! 1913. si!ce alrea,y the! you!- Sathya sho7e,
2iraculous a<ility o 2aterialiEatio! o ruits/ s7eets/ 4arious reli-ious relics/
people truste, hi2.
Near the !ati4e place there ha, <ee! <uilt a! ashra2/ <y a help ro2 his
aithul a,2irersJ Sai ?a<a ope!e, it sole2!ly i! 196" a!, !a2e, it
Prasa!thi Nilaya2 BA<o,e o the %i4i!e PeaceC. I! the course o the ities
a!, si>ties/ as the !u2<er o ollo7ers a!, pil-ri2s ha, -ro7!/ ori-i!ally
2o,est ashra2 out-ro7! i!to a hu-e spiritual co2ple>/ occupyi!- a! area
o 1" thousa!, sGuare 2eters. I! the late si>ties this ashra2 <eca2e to
attract e4er <i--er !u2<er o 7ester!ers/ si!ce the! i! A2erica a!, Europe
there a! e!or2ous -ro7th ,i, occur o i!terest or Orie!tal reli-io!s. I! that
ti2e B2ore precisely i! 19:3C Sai ?a<a ha, let or the irst ti2e Ba!, solely
o! that occasio!C I!,iaJ ho7e4er/ he ,i, !ot 4isit A2erica !or Europe/ <ut
Easter! Arica.
I! the !e>t perio, Sai ?a<aMs or-a!iEatio! -ot stro!-er still/ e>pa!,i!- its
acti4ity o!to e,ucatio!/ 2e,ical care a!, ,iere!t hu2a!itaria! proAects.
The ou!,atio! Sri Sathya Sai 'e!tral Trust 7as esta<lishe, i! 197#J
i!a!cial 2ea!s are 2ai!ly collecte, ro2 orei-! sources. Such i!a!cial
support e!a<les ree pri2ary/ 2e,iu2 a!, hi-h e,ucatio!/ as 7ell as ree
2e,ical care. O e,ucatio!al ou!,atio!s/ three u!i4ersities are especially
pro2i!e!t BPrasha!ti Nilaya2/ @hiteiel, a!, A!a!tapurC a!, o 2e,ical
t7o <i- a!, 2o,er! hospitals/ i! the 4ici!ity o Puttaparthi a!, i! su<ur<s
o ?a!-alore. I! a,,itio!/ a hu-e hu2a!itaria! proAect ,i, e!a<le the supply
7ith ,ri!8i!- 7ater o the ,rau-ht.stric8e! localities o re-io! A!,hra
Pra,esh/ throu-h the ca!al $a!,alaru Poo!,i.
Sai ?a<a a<i,es i! his 2ai! ashra2 i! Puttaparthi a!, ,uri!- the hot
su22er perio, he is usually i! the other ashra2 i! @hiteiel,. O!e o the
2ost i2porta!t ,aily routi!es is darshan Bspiritual si-htC. %uri!- the
,arsha! Sai ?a<a 7al8s a2o!- his ollo7ers/ liste!s to so2e o the2/ ta8es
letters ro2 the2 a!, he 2aterialiEes a!, ha!,s out the holy po7,er
%i"huti. So2eti2es he i!4ites a -roup o people/ or a! i!,i4i,ual/ or a tal8 i!
the separate roo2 o the ashra2/ 7hat is co!si,ere, a -reat pri4ile-e.
The ocal poi!t i! Sai ?a<aMs teachi!- is that 2a! i! his true esse!ce is o!e
7ith Go,. &e sees 2a! as at$a, or ,i4i!e spirit. Ma! i!,s Go, 7he! he has
ou!, his hi,,e! sel. Ma! i!,s the i!al cause <y ollo7i!- our si-!postsL
pre2a/ satya/ ,har2a a!, sha!ti. Pre2a is ,i4i!e lo4e a!, she/ ater her
!ature o!ly -i4es a!, ,oes !ot ,e2a!, a!ythi!- i! retur!. )ro2 the source
i! our o7! heart/ the curre!t o lo4e lo7s to7ar, the -reat ocea! o lo4e
Go,. =ust <ecause she is prese!t i! each 2a!/ ,i4i!e lo4e lo7s ro2 the
i!,i4i,ual heart to7ar, all the people. O! Sai ?a<aMs path this si-!post
Bpre2aC is the 2ost i2porta!t o!e. Sathya is the path o 8!o7le,-e/ i! our
co!sta!t search or the true sel. ?ut/ this 8!o7le,-e 2ust <e per2eate,
7ith lo4e/ to <e e>presse, i! the true 2a!!er. %har2a coul, <e ,ei!e, i! a
si2ple 7ay as ri-hteous acti!- a!, <eha4ior/ i! accor, 7ith ,i4i!e la7s.
Sha!ty is i!!er peace/ o 7hich Sai ?a<a says that it prese!ts the true
!ature o 2a!. &e co!clu,es that pre2a/ to-ether 7ith spiritual 8!o7le,-e
<ri!-s the u!ity a!, the 7orl, peace to 2a!8i!,.
1.6. ?+%%&ISM BIN%IANC
1.6.1. Osho E!li-hte!2e!t <y Lo4e/ Me,itatio! a!, Lau-hter
Osho Balso 8!o7! as ?ha-4a! Sri RaA!eeshC coul, !ot <e cate-oriEe, i!to
Neo.&i!,uis2/ <ut rather i!to Neo.?u,,his2/ as i! his teachi!- he 7as
so2eho7 closest to ?u,,ha a!, ?o,hi,har2a. As al2ost all others 2o,er!
I!,ia! 2ystical philosophers/ Osho also <ears a percei4a<le trait o
ecu2e!is2. &e appreciate, all the -reat tra,itio!sL 'hristia! 2ysticis2/
Suis2/ 7ise 2e! o Taois2 a!, -reat -urus o yo-a/ De,a!ta a!, ta!tris2.
?ut/ he ha, al7ays poi!te, out that ?u,,ha 7as a<o4e all the rest o
teachers a!, the 8i!, o 2e,itatio! <y 7hich he ha, acco2plishe,
e!li-hte!2e!t B%ipassanaC is a<o4e all the 2e,itatio!s. &e asserte, that the
-reatest 4alues i! lie are lo4e/ 2e,itatio! a!, lau-hter
a!, that the o!ly
ai2 i! lie is to reach the spiritual e!li-hte!2e!t.
Osho ste2s ro2 the pro4i!ce Ma,hya Pra,esh Bli8e Maharishi Mahesh (o-iC
7here he 7as <or! i! 1911/ i! 4illa-e $uch7a,a. &e 7as the el,est o 11
chil,re!/ i! the a2ily o =ai! clothes 2ercha!t. +po! his <irth/ a!
astrolo-er has pre,icte, that the chil, 2i-ht ,ie <eore its se4e!th <irth,ay.
Thereore/ his pare!ts ha, se!t hi2 to 2ater!al -ra!,ather a!,
-ra!,2other/ 7here he staye, u!til he 7as se4e! years ol,. Alrea,y i! his
youth Osho has sho7! the te!,e!cy to7ar, the i!,epe!,e!ce a!, reli-ious
!ature/ Guestio!i!- social !or2s a!, reli-ious.philosophical <elies. I!
1961/ he -ra,uate, philosophy at =ai! colle-e i! =a<alpur. Accor,i!- to his
o7! 7or,s/ i! March o that year he e>presse, the spiritual e!li-hte!2e!t.
Three years later/ he achie4e, the MasterMs ,e-ree at u!i4ersity i! Sa-ar.
I! the perio, <et7ee! 1967 a!, 19:: Osho 7or8e, as a proessor/ irstly at
Sa!s8rit 'olle-e i! Raipur a!, later at =a<alpur u!i4ersity. %uri!- this
perio, o proessorship he tra4ele, a lot across I!,ia/ hel, pu<lic lectures
a!, too8 part i! ,e<ates 7ith ortho,o> reli-ious authorities. Ater !i!e years
o teachi!- stu,e!ts at u!i4ersities/ Osho 7ith,ra7s a!, ,e,icates hi2sel
co2pletely to his 2issio! o risi!- o hu2a! co!scious!ess. )ro2 ti2e to
ti2e he hol,s speeches i! the ope!/ so2eti2es i! ro!t a! au,ie!ce
cou!ti!- o te!s o thousa!,s. )our ti2es a year he or-a!iEes i!te!si4e te!.
,ay 2e,itatio! courses.
I! April/ 197" Osho i!tro,uces his re4olutio!ary ,y!a2ic 2e,itatio!. It
<e-i!s 7ith a perio, o ree 2otio!s/ 7hich lea, to catharsis/ ollo7e, <y
perio, o sile!ce a!, peace. I! the course o ti2e this tech!iGue <e-a! to
e!ter i!to the practice o psychotherapists/ physicia!s/ teachers a!, others.
I! su22er o 197" Osho 2o4es to Mu2<ai Be> ?o2<ayC. At this ti2e he
<eco2es 8!o7! u!,er the !a2e ?ha-4a! Sri RaA!eesh. &e i!itiates his
ollo7ers i!to 2e,itatio! i! o!e ca2p i! the ope!J i! a,,itio! to I!,ia!s/
also ,o arri4e irst @ester!ers. A2o!- the2 there are psychotherapists/ 7ho
7oul, later ,i4ul-e OshoMs tech!iGue all across A2erica a!, Europe.
/n his lectures he used to crac8 a :o8e $ery often, ma8ing his audience laugh.
I! 1970 OshoMs co22u!ity Blater calle, Osho I!ter!atio!al 'o22u!eC
2o4es to Pu!e/ to7! 7ith 2uch 2ore pleasa!t cli2ate/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2
hot a!, hu2i, Mu2<ai. The ashra2 that 7as <uilt i! Pu!e e4e! to,ay
prese!ts the heart o the co22u!ity. O4er the !e>t se4e! years Osho hol,s
re-ular lectures/ 7ith i!si-hts i!to all the 2ai! spiritual <ra!ches/ i!clu,i!-
yo-a/ Ze!/ Taois2/ Ta!tris2 a!, Suis2.
Ater the a--ra4atio! o his health co!,itio!s/ i! 1931 Osho ,eparts to
+!ite, States/ to Ore-o!/ 7here his ollo7ers has <ou-ht a lar-e property i!
@asco 'ou!ty. I! the irst hal o ei-hties here has -ro7! a! a-ricultural
co22u!ity a!, s2all to7! RaA!eeshpura2/ 7ith a<out i4e thousa!,
i!ha<ita!ts. Soo! RaA!eeshpura2 <eca2e the <i--est spiritual co22u!ity
i! A2erica! history/ as they soo! out!u2<ere, the local populatio! a!,
the!ce they coul, elect their o7! local -o4er!2e!t. This has cause,
,isputes/ irstly 7ith ,o2icile populatio! a!, later also i!terere, state
-o4er!2e!t/ se!,i!- )?I a-e!ts. I! Septe2<er 1936 it 7as ,isco4ere, that
OshoMs secretary a!, spo8es7o2a! Ma A!a!, Sheila ha, <ee! i!4ol4e, i!to
so2e ille-al acti4ities li8e poiso!i!-/ arso!/ ea4es,roppi!- a!, atte2pte,
2ur,er. Althou-h i! these acti4ities too8 part o!ly Sheila a!, e7
acco2plices/ authorities too8 the opportu!ity to co2pletely -et ri, o the
co22u!ity. Osho ha, <ee! co2pelle, to pay the i!e o 0"" thousa!,
,ollars a!, the! he 7as ,eporte, ro2 the +!ite, States.
The !e>t perio, u!til =uly/ 193: <ri!-s !e7 trou<les to Osho. Tra4eli!-
across Europe a!, A2erica there has <ee! or<i,,e! the e!tra!ce Bor he
ha, <ee! ,eporte, i22e,iately upo! the arri4alC i! total o #1 state.
Thereore he retur!e, to Mu2<ai a!, i! a couple o 2o!ths to ashra2 i!
Pu!e. The! he <e-i!s to lea, the -roup 2e,iatio!s/ perso!ally/ ater the
e4e!i!- speeches. %uri!- the !e>t se4eral years OshoMs health starte, to
,eteriorate. &e suspecte, that he ha, <ee! poiso!e, ,uri!- his stay i!
priso! i! +SA. I! =a!uary/ 199"/ Osho ,ie,/ i! his 69
I! the ocus o OshoMs teachi!- is the e!li-hte!2e!t. Accor,i!- to hi2/
e!li-hte! 2i!, ,oes !ot 2ea! so2e ,ei!ite 8i!, o 2i!, <ut it is si2ply the
tra!sce!,e!ce o the 2i!,. Osho ,i, !ot reAect a!y reli-io!/ <ut he tau-ht
that reli-io! o lo4e is the source o all true tra,itio!s a!, accor,i!-ly to a!
e!li-hte!e, 2a! so2e speciic reli-io! is superluous. &e sa7 reli-io! as a
try to ,estroy the o<stacles <et7ee! 2a! a!, the 7hole/ ater 7hich 2a!
eels that the 7hole i22erses i!to hi2 a!, he i!to the 7hole. To <e o!e 7ith
the 7hole/ accor,i!- to Osho 2ea!s to <e the sai!t.
Osho sees 2e,itatio! as the state o !o!.2i!,/ thereore e!tirely 7ithout the
o<Aect/ as state 4oi, o a!y co!te!t. &e co2pares the co!scious!ess i!
2e,itatio! 7ith a totally cal2 ocea!/ 7ithout a!y sur-e or 7a4es/ the ocea!
7hich relects the 7hole u!i4erse. Osho as 7ell tau-ht a!other 2etho, o
achie4e2e!t o hi-her state o co!scious!ess/ i.e. throu-h the practice o
Ta!tris2. The sa2e -oal as a! 2e,itatio! is e>perie!ce, throu-h the u!io!
o lo4ersJ this is the source 7here o!e i!,s Go, i! har2o!y/ truth a!, u!ity
o the 7hole lie. The! o!e ca! eel the u!ity 7ith the 7hole u!i4erse.
1.:.1. &a8ui! Great Ma! o Mo,er! A-e Ze!.?u,,his2
?et7ee! 11
a!, 13
ce!tury =apa!ese Ze! ?u,,his2 ha, <ee! i! so2e
8i!, o sta-!atio!J philosophers 2ai!ly carrie, o4er the tra,itio!/ 7ithout
so2e i!!o4atory -rasps. So it 7e!t up to the appeara!ce o &a8ui!/ 7ho2
%aisetE T. SuEu8i calls Othe ou!,er o 2o,er! =apa!ese Ze!P. &e is
2eritorious or the tra!sor2atio! o Ri!Eai School Bteachi!- esta<lishe, i!
ce!tury <y EisaiC. All the co!te2porary practicers o Ri!Eai Ze! use the
practices ,irectly arise, ro2 the teachi!-s o &a8ui!.
&a8ui! 7as <or! i! 1:36 i! 4illa-e &ara/ at the oot o the holy 2ou!tai!
)uAi. &is 2other 7as a ,e4ote, ollo7er o Nichire!Ms ?u,,his2/ o Lotus.
sutra. It is 4ery li8ely that her piety ha, a ,ecisi4e i2pact o! his ,ecisio! to
<eco2e a ?u,,hist 2o!8. @he! he 7as 16/ his pare!ts allo7e, hi2 to lea4e
ho2e a!, Aoi! the local te2ple %aisho.Ai. There he ser4e, his !o4itiate/
7hich laste, three or our years. %uri!- this ti2e he stu,ie, ?u,,hist te>ts/
a2o!- the rest also .otus-sutra/ 7hich 7as the 2ost appreciate, o all the
Sutras <y Nichire!Ms sect. &o7e4er/ that sutra ha, a ,isappoi!ti!- eect o!
&a8ui!J he ,ee2e, it Aust a collectio! o si2ple stories o the cause a!,
@he! he 7as 19/ he ha, a! u!pleasa!t e>perie!ce rea,i!- a story a<out the
'hi!ese Ze! teacher (e!.to/ 7ho ha, <ee! <rutally 2ur,ere, <y ro<<ers.
That story ha, 2o4e, hi2 so 2uch/ that he ,roppe, his ori-i!al i!te!tio! to
<eco2e a! e!li-hte!e, 2o!8. &e ,eci,e, the! to tra4el a!, stu,y literature
a!, poetry/ or so2e ti2e. @hilst he ha, <ee! stu,yi!- literature i! the
co2pa!y o his rie!,/ 2o!8 ?ao/ he ha, such a positi4e e>perie!ce/ 7hich
tur!e, hi2 <ac8 to the path o 2o!astic lie. I! the te2ple Ei-a!.Ai 7here he
ha, arri4e, ater7ar,s/ he e>perie!ce, his irst e!li-hte!2e!t. Ater he ha,
let this te2ple/ he 2et a teacher 7ho ha, a <i--est i2pact o! hi2. It 7as
ShoAu 7as a 4ery ,e2a!,i!- teacher/ 7ho ,i, !ot hesitate to i!sult a!,
stri8e &a8ui!/ i! his tries to <ri!- hi2 to the state o satori. %.T. SuEu8i
e>plai!s that such 2etho,s are applie, i! or,er to co!strai! the pupil to
,epri4e hi2sel o the co4ers o illusio!s a!, hypocrisy/ 7hich the! 2a8e
i2possi<le the co!tact 7ith i!!er Sel. A!, co!seGue!tly Oto -et i! touch
7ith this i!!er Sel/ throu-h 7hich the pupil -ets a real 8!o7le,-e o Ze!/
teacher ote! has to recourse to appare!tly i!hu2a! 2etho,sP. Such acts
ha4e ha, o<4iously a -oo, i2pact o! &a8ui!/ as he e>perie!ce, se4eral
states o e!li-hte!2e!t/ u!,er ShoAuMs -ui,a!ce. Ater ei-ht 2o!ths &a8ui!
let his teacher/ <ut later al7ays poi!ti!- out that it 7as Aust ShoAu/ 7ho ha,
<ee! his ori-i!al teacher.
Ater se4eral years o tra4eli!-/ i! his 11
year &a8ui! ca2e <ac8 to Shoi!.
Ai/ te2ple i! 7hich he ha, <ee! or,ai!e, as a 2o!8. Soo! they electe, hi2
or a! a<<otJ this ,uty he 7oul, peror2 o4er the !e>t hal a ce!tury. At the
a-e 01/ he e>perie!ce, the i!al a!, total e!li-hte!2e!t/ rea,i!- Aust that
.otus-sutra 7hich he ha, ,is2isse, i! ti2e o his !o4itiate. This e>perie!ce
2ea!t the tur!i!- poi!t i! &a8ui!Ms lie. No7/ 7he! he e>perie!ce, this
hi-hest le4el o e!li-hte!2e!t/ he coul, ,e4ote the rest o his lie helpi!-
others to achie4e state ensho Bi!itial e>perie!ce o 7a8i!- a!, percei4i!-
so2eo!eMs true !atureC. The !e>t 0" years &a8ui! 7oul, spe!, i! 7riti!-
a!, teachi!-. I! the course o ti2e the co22u!ity o 2o!8s -re7 lar-er a!,
lar-erJ ater a certai! perio,/ they <eca2e really !u2erous. )ro2 such a
lar-e !u2<er/ o se4eral hu!,re, 2o!8s/ &a8ui! has chose! 3" o the2/ as
uture teachers/ 7ho 7oul, teach &a8ui!.style Ze! ?u,,his2. &a8ui! ,ie,
at the a-e 31 i! 4illa-e &ara/ the sa2e i! 7hich he 7as <or!. I! the course
o ti2e his !ature ha, tur!e, i!to a ce!ter or Ze! stu,ies.
The 2ost i2porta!t part o &a8ui!Ms teachi!- is relate, to the practice o
8oa!. &e proou!,ly <elie4e, that the <est 7ay to achie4e e!li-hte!2e!t is
the i!te!si4e 2e,itatio! o! 8oa!. &a8ui!Ms syste2atiEatio! o the 8oa!
practice <rou-ht a<out a! i2porta!t tur!i!-.poi!t i! teachi!- o Ze!. I! the
syste2 ,e4elope, <y &a8ui! a!, his ollo7ers/ teachers assi-! 8oa!s to
their ,isciples a!, they 2e,itate upo! the2. O!ce they passe, the threshol,
o <i- suspicio!s/ they are su<Aecte, to the test. @he! they pass it/ they
recei4e a !e7 8oa!. &a8ui!Ms role i! the ,e4elop2e!t o 8oa!Ms syste2 ha,
2a!ieste, i! choice a!, creatio! o this 2ysterious 7or,s/ e>pressio!s a!,
,ialo-s. &e i!4e!te, pro<a<ly the 2ost re!o7!e, 8oa! i! Ze! ?u,,his2L
O@hat is the sou!, o o!e ha!, clappi!-FP/ as a su<stitutio! or the
tra,itio!al Mu 8oa!. &a8ui! si!cerely <elie4e, that the path to
e!li-hte!2e!t is ope! to a!yo!e a!, that e4eryo!e 7ho 7oul, approach
8oa! 7ith true ar,or coul, co2e upo! it.
1.:.#. %.T. SuEu8i Pro2oter o Ze! ?u,,his2 i! the @est
E!cyclope,ic ha!,<oo8 WorldDs Religion states that =apa!ese philosopher
a!, reli-iolo-ist %aisetE T. SuEu8i ha, playe, the 2ost i2porta!t part i!
sprea,i!- o Ze! ?u,,his2 i! the @est. Na2ely/ Aust <y the 2ea!s o his
<oo8s a!, essays Birstly/ throu-h his popular 7or8 An Introduction to Zen
Buddhis$C 2a!y @ester!ers ca2e or the irst ti2e i! co!tact 7ith Ze!
teachi!-s. &is pio!eer role is <eyo!, ,ispute/ <ecause ro2 the
chro!olo-ical list o Ze! literature i! E!-lish
/ it is e4i,e!t that he 7as the
irst teacher o this su<Aect outsi,e =apa!.
%aisetE T. SuEu8i 7as <or! i! &o!,a.2achi !ear $a!aEa7a i! 137". &e 7as
the ourth chil, i! a a2ily o a physicia!. Althou-h he ste2s ro2 the
a!cie!t sa2urai <ra!ch/ SuEu8i re2ai!e, early 7ithout the ather a!, he
-re7 up i! poor circu2sta!ces. ?ut/ his el,er <rother/ 7ho i! 2ea!ti2e
<eca2e a la7yer/ !ot7ithsta!,i!- e!a<le, hi2 appropriate e,ucatio!. So he
e!rolle, u!i4ersity @ase,a i! To8yo. %uri!- the stu,ies he also e!rolle, a
spiritual stu,y/ i! te2ple E!-a8u.Ai i! $a2a8ura. &is teachers $ose! Roshi
a!, Soye! Sha8u ,ee2e, hi2 4ery tale!te,. +!,er the super4isio! o Soye!
Sha8u/ his stu,y o Ze! or its 2ost part co!siste, o i!!er/ !o!.4er<al
s -uotes the editor 6h. +umphreys in the aforementioned "or8, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism
e>ercises/ li8e sitti!- 2e,itatio! BEaEe!C. %uri!- the ti2e spe!t at the te2ple
E!-a8u.Ai/ SuEu8i li4e, a 2o!astery lie.
I! the !i!eties o the 19
ce!tury Soye! Sha8u i!4ite, SuEu8i to the +!ite,
States. I! the <e-i!!i!- he ha, 7or8e, as a tra!slator a!, later he <e-a! a
career o a 7riter/ i! E!-lish. (et i! his youth SuEu8i has 2astere, se4eral
orei-! la!-ua-es B'hi!ese/ Sa!s8rit/ Pali a!, so2e Europea! la!-ua-esC.
So/ he -ot the tas8 o tra!slati!- the classical 'hi!ese 7or8 Tao-te-ching i!to
E!-lish. ?esi,es li4i!- i! +!ite, States/ SuEu8i ha, as 7ell tra4ele, all o4er
Europe/ <eore he ca2e <ac8 to =apa! a!, o4ertoo8 the proessorship.
I! 1911 SuEu8i 2arrie, A2erica! 7o2a!/ ?eatrice Ers8i!e La!eJ she 7as a
2e2<er o Theosophical Society. %e,icati!- hi2sel to the teachi!- a!,
sprea,i!- o Mahaya!a ?u,,his2/ the couple li4e, i! surrou!,i!-s o the
te2ple E!-a8u.Ai/ u!til 1919. The! they 2o4e, to $yoto/ 7here SuEu8i
7or8e, as a proessor at u!i4ersity Ota!i. I! that ti2e he ou!,e, the
Easter! ?u,,hist Society. It 7as ,irecte, to7ar, Mahaya!a ?u,,his2/
e!a<li!- atte!,i!- o lectures a!, se2i!ars a!, pu<lishi!- o 2a-aEi!e The
'astern Buddhist. SuEu8i ha, 8ept all the ti2e his co!tacts 7ith @est/ so or
e>a2ple he ha, a !oticea<le appeara!ce at the @orl, 'o!-ress o Reli-io!s
hel, i! 191: i! Lo!,o!.
Ater the Seco!, @orl, @ar SuEu8i also toure, i! the +!ite, States. So/ he
ha, peror2e, a series o lectures at A2erica! u!i4ersities i! 1961 a!,
<et7ee! 196# a!, 1967 he 7as a proessor at 'olu2<ia +!i4ersity. &e ,ie,
i! =uly/ 19::.
The !a2e %aisetE T. SuEu8i is ote! co!!ecte, 7ith $yoto school o
philosophy/ <ut he is !ot co!si,ere, o!e o its oicial 2e2<ers. Alo!- 7ith
Ze!/ he tau-ht also other =apa!ese tra,itio!s/ or e>a2ple Shi! ?u,,his2.
&e ha, <ee! also i!tereste, i! 'hristia! 2ysticis2/ so he stu,ie, so2e
re!o7!e, @ester! 2ystics.
I! the @est/ SuEu8i <eca2e 4ery popular a2o!- the rea,i!- pu<lic a!,
so2e i2porta!t @ester! authors 7rote co22e!taries o! his 7or8s.
Pro<a<ly the <est 8!o7! e>a2ple is An Introduction to Zen Buddhis$, 7hich
co!tai!s the preace o a2ous psycholo-ist 'arl G. =u!-. This author has
stresse, the i2porta!ce o u!co!scious!ess or the practice o Ze!/ as <asis
o 2etaphysical suppositio!s. &e ,ee2e, that Ze! ,isciple ater lo!-.lasti!-
practice a!, ,estructio! o ratio!al u!,ersta!,i!- i! the e!, -et the
respo!se ro2 the 4ery Nature.
%aisetE T. SuEu8i hel, that the East is sy!thetic i! its 2etho, o reaso!i!-
Bi! ,isti!ctio! ro2 the a!alytical @estC a!, that it stri4es to7ar, the
u!i4ersal a!, i!tuiti4e u!,ersta!,i!- o the 7hole. The -oal o Ze!
?u,,his2 is/ accor,i!- to hi2/ the i!si-ht i!to the real !ature o 2a!Ms
2i!, or soul. The i!tellectual e>pla!atio! or the 2ystical e>perie!ce o Ze!
SuEu8i has ou!, i! $e-o! philosophyL OThe O!e co2prises All a!, All is
i22erse, i! O!e. The O!e is All a!, All is O!e. The O!e per2eates All a!,
All is i! O!e.P
4& .,W -,L"2"+.(
0.1.1. ?ahaullah )ulill2e!t o Messia!ic E>pectatio!sF
I! 1300 it 7as e>pecte, co2i!- o Messiah !ot o!ly i! 'hristia! 7orl,
/ <ut
also i! Isla2ic Bulill2e!t o the prophecies ro2 :uran a!, tra,itio!al
scriptsC. So/ i! that year appeare, a Shii sect o ?a<i/ ou!,e, <y a #6 years
ol, 2ercha!t ro2 ShiraE MirEa Ali Moha22a,/ calle, ?a< B%oorsC. O!e o
the i!itiate, 7oul, <e ?ahaullah/ later ou!,er o ?ahai aith/ 7hich 7oul,
later split ro2 Isla2 a!, ,e4elop a u!i4ersal paciist ,octri!e.
?ahaullah 7as <or! i! 1317 i! Tehera!/ capital o Persia. &e ste2s ro2 a
!o<le a2ily/ 7hich ori-i!ates ro2 a!cie!t Persia! 8i!-s. As a chil, he ha,
!ot <ee! atte!,i!- re-ular schools/ <ut he acGuire, his e,ucatio! i!stea,
ro2 pri4ate tutors. &e 7as a pious Musli2/ 4ery i!telli-e!t as 7ell a!,
alrea,y at 10 he le, ,e<ates o! reli-ious 2atter 7ith lea,i!- ule2as. Ater
atherMs ,eath/ 7he! ?ahaullah 7as ##/ it ha, <ee! oere, to hi2 a statio!
o a 2i!ister i! the -o4er!2e!t Bhe 7as e!title, to it <y ri-ht o i!herita!ceC/
<ut he ,ecli!e, it. At #3 he ha, accepte, a !e7 aith o ?a<is2/ o 7hich he
<eca2e a! ar,e!t supporter. )ou!,er o the !e7 aith ?a< ,ie, as a 2artyr
i! 136"/ ater si> years o preachi!- a!, ater a!ta-o!iEi!- to the
-o4er!2e!t. &is ,eath cause, a re4olt o ?a<i a!, o!e o the2 atte2pte, to
the lie o Persia! Shah/ i! 136#. There ollo7e, arrests o 2a!y 2e2<ers o
the sect/ a2o!- the rest it 7as thro7! i! Aail ?ahaullah/ too. )ro2 the!
o!7ar,s <e-a! a 0" year lo!- perio, o his co!ti!uous <a!ish2e!t a!,
&e spe!t our 2o!ths i! Tehera!Ms priso!. Ater it ha, <ee! pro4e, that he
,i, !ot ta8e a part i! the preparatio! o the atte2pt/ he 7as <a!ishe, alo!-
7ith his a2ily a!, a s2all -roup o ollo7ers to ?a-h,a,. @he! he there
trie, to reor-a!iEe the aithul a!, -ather the2 a-ai!/ he ca2e upo! the
resista!ce a!, reAectio! <y so2e o his oppo!e!ts. So/ he ha, to 7ith,ra7 to
the 2ou!tai! re-io! o $ur,ista!/ 7here he spe!t t7o years. There he has
associate, 7ith pro2i!e!t Suists a!, soo! a2o!- the2 -ai!e, reputatio!/
<ecause o his eru,itio! a!, 7is,o2. @he! ru2ors o his reputatio! ha,
reache, ?a-h,a,/ he 7as calle, <ac8 to his co22u!ity. The !e>t se4e!
years he spe!t i! teachi!- a!, 7riti!- <oo8s. &is <est 8!o7! 7or8s ro2
this perio, are Boo o! *ertitude a!, 2idden Words. As his popularity i!
to7! -re7/ so there occurre, e4er stro!-er resista!ce o Isla2ic cler-y a!,
Persia! -o4er!2e!t/ so he 7as <a!ishe, o!ce a-ai!/ this ti2e to
'o!sta!ti!ople. O! the e4e o the ,eparture to the capital o Tur8ey/ i! the
-ar,e! Ri,4a! i! the 4ici!ity o ?a-h,a,/ ?ahaullah ,eclare, his ,i4i!e
2issio!/ 7hich is at the sa2e ti2e co!si,ere, as the ou!,atio! o ?ahai
aith. It 7as i! April o 13:1.
?ahaullah a!, his s2all co22u!ity re2ai!e, i! 'o!sta!ti!ople or o!ly
our 2o!ths. O! repeate, i!siste!ce o the Persia! a2<assa,or they 7ere
#hen namely ended a period of prophesied 23'' years, according to the 0oo8 of 2aniel
<a!ishe, a-ai!/ this ti2e to A,ria!ople/ to7! i! the Europea! part o
Tur8ey. &ere they 7oul, re2ai! or the !e>t our a!, the hal years. )ro2
this to7! ?ahaullah se!t a 7hole ro7 o epistles to Europea! rulers a!, also
to Pope Pius IN/ to Persia! Shah a!, Tur8ish Sulta!. I! 13:3/ as the ?ahai
co22u!ity <eca2e i!creasi!-ly i!lue!tial/ they ha, to -o to e>ile o!ce
a-ai!/ <ut this ti2e their ,esti!atio! has <ee! i!al. It 7as the city.ortress
A88a/ o! the coast o the Me,iterra!ea! Sea/ the city 7hich ,uri!- 'rusa,es
ote! cha!-e, the rulers a!, suere, hea4ily.
I! city.ortress A88a ?ahaullah a!, his co22u!ity B7hich i! that ti2e
!u2<ere, a<out 3" peopleC 7oul, re2ai! o4er the !e>t t7o years u!,er 4ery
har, co!,itio!s. A88a 7as at that ti2e a co!4ict colo!y/ !otorious <y its
u!<eara<le cli2ate a!, ,e4astati!- ,iseases. I! a,,itio!/ to local resi,e!ts
it ha, <ee! or<i,,e! co!tact 7ith 2e2<ers o ?ahai co22u!ity/ 7ho 7ere
also ,epicte, as e!e2ies o or,er o the state a!, propa-ators o
<lasphe2ous a!, i22oral i,eas. &o7e4er/ later it 7as -ra!te, to the
co22u!ity to settle o! a property outsi,e the city 7alls. &ere 7oul,
?ahaullah spe!, the last perio, o his lie a!, 7rite a 7or8 :ita"-i-A1das,
7hich is co!si,ere, as a 8i!, o S?i<le o ?ahai aithM.
Ater ?ahaullah ,ie, i! 139#/ the lea,ership o ?ahai reli-io! 7as ta8e! o4er
<y his so! A<,ul ?aha. &e is the 2ost 2eritorious or the sprea,i!- o aith
all across Arica/ Europe a!, North A2erica. Ater the )irst @orl, @ar/ or
his 2erits i! oeri!- o hu2a!itaria! ai,/ he 7as assi-!e, 7ith a title SSirM
<y ?ritish -o4er!2e!t/ u!,er 7hich a,2i!istratio! ha, <ee! Palesti!e. The
a,2i!istrati4e ce!ter o ?ahai aith 7oul, re2ai! i! the &oly La!,/ i! &aia/
7here 7oul, <e <uilt a te2ple/ 7ith a <eautiul -ar,e!. To,ay/ ?ahai aith
has arou!, si> 2illio! ollo7ers 7orl,7i,e/ i! 2ore tha! 1"" thousa!, local
seats/ o! all co!ti!e!ts.
?ecause o its Isla2ic ori-i!/ ?ahai aith is ote! co!si,ere, as Isla2ic sect/
<ut it see2s to <e i!correct. O!e su<sta!tial characteristic 7hich
,isti!-uish this reli-io! ro2 Isla2 is the eli2i!atio! o the pri!ciple o
Aiha,/ a!, accor,i!-ly/ this reli-io! posses a 4ery ,isti!cti4e paciist trait.
The seco!, esse!tial characteristic is the pri!ciple o eGuality o ri-hts
<et7ee! 2e! a!, 7o2e!/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 :uran, 7hich allo7s 2a! to <e
a 2aster o his 7ie. O !o less i2porta!ce is the tolera!ce to7ar, reli-io!s
7hich are !ot strictly 2o!otheistic/ li8e ?u,,his2 a!, &i!,uis2. To these
aore2e!tio!e,/ there shoul, <e a,,e, i2porta!t pri!ciples li8e a<olitio! o
preAu,ice/ har2o!y <et7ee! the scie!ce a!, reli-io!/ plea,i!- or the u!ity
o all Go,Ms reli-io!s a!, plea,i!- or the 7orl, court o ar<itratio!/
parlia2e!t a!, -o4er!2e!t. Althou-h ?ahai aith starte, as a! oshoot o
Isla2/ to co!si,er it o!ly a sect o this reli-io! 7oul, <e as 7ro!- as
,ee2i!- 'hristia!ity a sect o &e<re7 reli-io!.
So2e author hol, that ?ahai theolo-y is u!,er the co!si,era<le i!lue!ce o
the Isla2ic Neo.Plato!is2/ 7hich has/ as it is 7ell 8!o7!/ its roots i!
2ystical theolo-y o Ploti!us a!, i! &elle!istic philosophy. ?ut/ it 7oul, !ot
<e correct to see o!ly i!lue!ce o these tra,itio!s/ <ut also o all the other
reli-ious tra,itio!s/ so it is a 8i!, o 2eta.philosophical pere!!ial
philosophy/ 7hich tra!sce!,s the <or,ers/ ti2es/ places/ cultures a!,
historical ,e4elop2e!t. Ater ?ahaullah/ i! each epoch ,i4i!e co22a!,s
cha!-e/ i! accor, 7ith ,e2a!,s o the certai! epoch/ 7ith the e>ceptio! o
the La7 o lo4e 7hich is eter!al a!, i22uta<le. &is successor A<,ul.?aha
co!clu,es that each reli-io! that is !ot a cause o lo4e a!, u!ity/ ca!!ot <e
calle, a reli-io!.
0.#.1. Scie!tolo-y 'hurch o L. Ro! &u<<ar,
?y the e!, o 1961 A2erica! 7riter Laayete Ro! &u<<ar, esta<lishe, a
!e7 reli-io! a!, -a4e it !a2e SScie!tolo-yM. This is pro<a<ly the 2ost
si-!iica!t reli-io! o o!es that ori-i!ate, i! #"
ce!tury. The ollo7ers poi!t
out that this is the astest -ro7i!- reli-io! i! the 7orl,/ 7ith so2e 1"
2illio! <elie4ers. Scie!tolo-y is totally speciic i! relatio! to 7hat 7e
!or2ally u!,ersta!, u!,er the ter2 Sreli-io!M. It is/ !a2ely/ 2ore si2ilar to
so2e 2o,er! scie!ce o 2e!tal health/ 7ith a! a,2i>ture o ?u,,hist.li8e
teachi!-s. The 2ai! postulates o this reli-io! areL 7e are i! act i22ortal
<ei!- BTheta!C 7hich pote!tially possess u!li2ite, po7ersJ 7e e4ol4e
throu-h a ro7 o i!car!atio!s/ to7ar, e4er -reater perectio!J o!e ca! reach
the sal4atio! throu-h perso!al e!li-hte!2e!t/ 7hich is achie4e, <y proper
The ou!,er o Scie!tolo-y L. Ro! &u<<ar, 7as <or! i! 1911 i! Til,e!/
Ne<ras8a. &is ather 7as a !a4y oicer a!, his 2other teacher at hi-h
school. @he! Ro! 7as t7o years ol,/ a2ily 2o4e, to Mo!ta!a. At the a-e o
1# he 2o4es a-ai!/ this ti2e to Seattle/ @ashi!-to!/ 7here his ather is
statio!e, at !a4al <ase. I! 19#7 a!, 19#3/ as hi-h school pupil he 4isite,
t7ice his ather at +.S. !a4y <ase o! isla!, Gua2 i! Paciic. %uri!- o!e o
these 4oya-es across the ocea!/ he pai, a short 4isit to 'hi!a/ alo!- 7ith a
-roup o other chil,re! o the oicers statio!e, i! Paciic. I! 19#9 &u<<ar,
i!ishe, his hi-h school e,ucatio! i! the capital o +!ite, States a!,
ater7ar, the school or reser4e !a4y oicers.
I! 191" he e!rolle, the re!o7!e, Geor-e @ashi!-to! +!i4ersity/ 7here he
stu,ie, !uclear physics. ?ut/ o! the seco!, year o stu,y he -a4e up a!,
ro2 @ashi!-to! %.'. he retur!e, to the state @ashi!-to!. I! the !e>t
perio, &u<<ar, tac8le, to 7riti!-/ pu<lishi!- a !u2<er o S) stories i!
4arious 2a-aEi!es. Little <y little/ he <eca2e a re!o7!e, 7riter o scie!ce.
ictio!. The critics esti2ate, as <est a2o!- his S) 7or8s the !o4els 9inal
Blacout a!, 9ear. O!e u!pu<lishe, 7or8 ro2 1913/ e!title, 'xcali"ur,
co!tai!s certai! co!cepts a!, i,eas/ 7hich he 7oul, later 7or8 out i! his
teachi!- o Scie!tolo-y Bor e>a2ple/ the co!cept o sur4i4alC.
I! the thirties &u<<ar, li4e, 7ith his 7ie Mar-aret i! ?re2erto!/ !ear
Seattle. O! the <ursti!-.out o the Seco!, @orl, @ar he Aoi!e, the +.S.
Na4y/ 7ith a ra!8 o su<.lieute!a!t. )irstly/ he 7as se!t to Australia/ <ut
ater a 7hile he retur!e, to +SA. I! 190# he 7as shortly a co22a!,er o a
patrol <oat ,esi-!e, to protect ?osto! har<or. Ne>t year he 7as a
co22a!,er o the su<chaser i! the @est coast/ 7ith <ase i! Ore-o!. @he!
this <oat/ south7ar, <ou!,/ arri4e, i! pro>i2ity o Sa! %ie-o/ Lieute!a!t
&u<<ar, or,ere, a ire upo! the !ear<y isla!,/ thi!8i!- that it 7as
u!i!ha<ite,. &o7e4er/ the isla!, !ot o!ly 7as i!ha<ite,/ <ut it <elo!-e, to
Me>ico. So/ u!i!te!tio!ally causi!- a <or,erli!e i!ci,e!t/ he 7as relie4e, o
co22a!, a!, later assi-!e, to a car-o ship/ as !a4i-atio! oicer. ?y the
e!, o 1906 Lieute!a!t &u<<ar, ,i, lea4e the acti4e 2ilitary ser4ice.
I! 190: &u<<ar, 2et at Pasa,e!a a proessor o aero!autics =ac8 Parso!s/
7ho 7as as 7ell a colla<orator o Aleister 'ro7ley. I! that ti2e Parso!s 7as
the hea, o the local O.T.O. or-a!iEatio!. &u<<ar, ha, <ee! 4ery i!tereste,
i! O.T.O. teachi!-s/ so later he 7oul, <uil, i! so2e o their i,eas i! his o7!
reli-ious.philosophical syste2 o Scie!tolo-y. &e also esta<lishe, so2e 8i!,
o <usi!ess part!ership 7ith Parso!s. Na2ely/ he ca2e upo! the i,ea o the
<usi!ess 7ith yachts a!, the2 t7o Aoi!tly i!4este, 2o!ey i! it. &u<<ar,
the! 7e!t to )lori,a a!, <ou-ht three yachts/ <ut soo! the <usi!ess
e>perie!ce, a ailure. Parso!s ha, sue, &u<<ar,/ 7ho i!4este, o!ly a s2all
part a!, sGua!,ere, a lot o Parso!sM 2o!ey o! hi-h li4i!- i! )lori,a. Ater
the trial at court/ Parso!s 2a!a-e, to retur! Aust a hal o the su2 that he
?y the e!, o the orties &u<<ar, <e-a! to ,e4elop his theory o the 2i!,/
7hich he co!si,ere, re4olutio!ary. &e starte, to percei4e the hu2a! <rai!
as syste2 a8i! to a ,i-ital co2puter. &e ha, <elie4e, that it 7as possi<le <y
2a! to achie4e so2e 8i!, o opti2iEatio!/ li8e <y co2puter
,era-2e!tatio!/ si2ply <y erasi!- the space i! the lo!-.ter2 2e2ory o the
perso!. ?y this proce,ure/ he thou-ht/ there coul, <e a!!ihilate, the aects
o the !e-ati4e 2e2ory/ <y the eli2i!atio! o psycholo-ical a!, so2atic
e>perie!ces ro2 the past. The !e7 scie!ce &u<<ar, calle, S%ia!eticsM. The
tech!iGue 7as or the irst ti2e i!tro,uce, o! the pa-es o S) 2a-aEi!e
Astounding i! May/ 196" a!, e7 7ee8s later he pu<lishe, a <oo8/ e!title,
8ianetics3 The )odern Science o! )ental 2elath.
To-ether 7ith the e,itor o 2a-aEi!e Astounding =oh! 'a2p<ell a!,
physicia! e!,ocri!olo-ist %r. =oseph @i!ter/ &u<<ar, ou!,e, %ia!etic
Research )ou!,atio!. The hea,Guarters o this or-a!iEatio! 7as i!
EliEa<eth/ Ne7 =ersey. Alrea,y i! 196# &u<<ar, ou!, hi2sel i! a!
u!e!4ia<le situatio! <oth o his colla<orators ha, lat hi2/ accusi!- hi2 o
authoritaria! <eha4ior a!, creatio! o cultJ i! a,,itio!/ he 7as close to
<a!8rupt. Moreo4er/ there starte, a ro7 o attac8s <y !atio!al associatio!s
o psychiatrists a!, psycholo-ists a!, A2erica! Me,ical Associatio!/ too.
Surprisi!-ly/ &u<<ar, 2a!a-e, to i!, a 7ay out o this Au2<le. I! the 2i,
196# he co2es upo! a! i!-e!ious i,ea/ to e>te!, %ia!etics o!to so2e 8i!,
o reli-ious syste2/ 7hich he calle, Scie!tolo-y
. Ater he ha, proclai2e,
B<y the e!, o the !e>t yearC Scie!tolo-y a reli-io!/ there 7as ou!,e, the
irst 'hurch o Scie!tolo-y i! 'a2,e!/ Ne7 =ersey. Shortly ater7ar,s/
&u<<ar, 2o4es to E!-la!,. I! the course o the ities he rule, o4er the
Scie!tolo-y 2o4e2e!t ro2 his Lo!,o! oice. I! 1969 he ha, <ou-ht a
2a! Sai!t &ill i! Susse> a!, it <eca2e the 7orl, hea,Guarters o
the Scie!tolo-y 'hurch.
I! the 2i, si>ties Scie!tolo-y <eca2e a su<Aect o !u2erous co!tro4ersies
all across the E!-lish.spea8i!- area BGreat ?ritai!/ Ne7 Zeala!,/ South.
Arica! Repu<lic/ Australia a!, 'a!a,aC. To escape a! u!7a!te, pu<licity/
/n distinction from 2ianetics, "here "e tal8 a!out the mind, in 3cientology the emphasis is on the immortal
spiritual !eing ;#hetan<.
&u<<ar, 2o4e, i! 19:: to Rho,esia. As the 'hurch o Scie!tolo-y ha, the!
alrea,y <ee! 7ell.o/ &u<<ar, oere, to the -o4er!2e!t Bu!,er the stro8e
o +.N. sa!ctio!sC a help/ 7a!ti!- to i!4est a lar-e su2 i!to sta--ere,
Rho,esia! eco!o2y. ?ut/ soo! he 7as as8e, to lea4e the cou!try. I! 19:7/
as co!tro4ersies arou!, Scie!tolo-y ,i, !ot slac8e!/ &u<<ar, ,eci,e, to
push hi2sel o to the sea. &e proclai2e, hi2sel co22o,ore o a s2all
leet B7ith a cre7 co!sisti!- solely o 2e2<ers o the 'hurch o Scie!tolo-yC/
a!, he spe!t the !e>t ei-ht years cruisi!- the Me,iterra!ea! Sea. O! these
4oya-es &u<<ar, ha, e>perie!ce, all sorts o trou<les/ li8e or e>a2ple/ that
they 7ere spy ships/ <ecause o -ra,es a!, u!ior2s they 7ore. This stra!-e
reli-ious !a4y BSea Or-C <eca2e a part o &u<<ar, e2pire. &e alo!e ha,
-o!e ashore i! the 2i, se4e!ties a!, or so2e ti2e li4e, o! )lori,a.
I! 1977 the oices o the 'hurch <eca2e a! o<Aect o ).?.I. i!4esti-atio!.
A-e!ts ,i, collect e4i,e!ce relate, to so.calle, operatio! S!o7y @hite/ i.e.
o! spy !et that the 'hurch ha, ,e4elope,. T7o years later &u<<ar,Ms 7ie
Mary a!, se4eral hi-h ra!8i!- 2e2<ers o the 'hurch 7ere char-e, or
co!spiracy a-ai!st the +.S. -o4er!2e!t. &u<<ar,/ althou-h !ot <ei!-
i!,icte,/ ha, <ee! calle, a colla<orator i! co!spiracy a!, a-ai! ou!,
hi2sel a tar-et o 2e,ia i!terest. The! he 7ith,re7 to the ra!ch i! s2all
place 'resto!/ 'alior!ia. I! the course o the ei-hties &u<<ar, retur!e, to
S)/ so he pu<lishe, !o4els Battle!ield 'arth a!, )ission 'arth. O4er the last
i4e years o his lie he ,i, !ot appear i! the pu<lic at all. &e ,ie, o! his
ra!ch i! =a!uary/ 193:/ ro2 a heart attac8.
L. Ro! &u<<ar, pu<lishe, a -reat !u2<er o 7or8s ,uri!- his lie. ?esi,es
aore2e!tio!e, 7or8 8ianetics there are also or e>a2ple 2($n o! Asia,
2istor( o! )an, Scientolog(3 The 9unda$entals o! Thought, 2a%e (ou .i%ed
Be!ore This .i!e, #uri!ication Rundo/n, The Wa( to 2appiness a!, 2a!y
others. &is philosophical sta!ce he e>plai!e, i! the 7or8 )( #hilosoph(
ro2 19:6. I! it he says that the e!tire 8!o7le,-e 7e ha4e a!, use ,o
repose o! philosophy. As he is oppo!e!t o the aca,e2ic psychiatry a!,
psycholo-y/ so he is a-ai!st aca,e2ic philosophy tooJ he says that she has
<ee! up to !o7 reser4e, o!ly or a pri4ile-e, 2i!ority/ at the sa2e ti2e
<ei!- i!accessi<le to a co22o! 2a!. Accor,i!- to &u<<ar,/ 7is,o2 is
,esi-!e, or a!yo!e 7ho aspires to7ar, it. Philosophy 2ust i!, its use i!
practiceJ accor,i!-ly/ each philosophical 8!o7le,-e 7orth as 2uch as it
u!ctio!s. As a positi4e e>a2ple/ he poi!ts out the A2erica! philosopher
@ill %ura!t/ author o the popular <oo8 The Outline o! #hilosoph(.
Accor,i!- to &u<<ar,/ the i!al -oal is to achie4e that soul BTheta!C retur!
to the !atural state o the co2plete ree,o2/ -ai!i!- the co!trol o4er 2atter/
e!er-y/ space/ ti2e/ thou-hts/ or2s a!, lie itsel. This li<erate, state is
calle, SOperati!- Theta!M BOTC. Althou-h &u<<ar, reproaches the
i!accessi<ility o the aca,e2ic philosophy/ his o7! Scie!tolo-y teachi!- o
the hi-her/ OT le4el is i!accessi<le as 7ell/ as it is reser4e, o!ly or the
!arro7 circle o the i!itiate,. O all the rece!t reli-io!s/ Scie!tolo-y is or
sure the 2ost co!tro4ersial. &itherto/ there 7ere !ote, 2a!y co!licts 7ith
other reli-ious co22u!ities/ a2o!- the rest 7ith the A!-lica! 'hurch/
Russia! Ortho,o> 'hurch/ Luthera! 'hurch a!, others. So2e o these
co22u!ities co!si,er Scie!tolo-y a-!ostic a!, e4e! sata!ic reli-io!.
&o7e4er/ these accusatio!s are pro<a<ly e>a--erate,. Alrea,y i! the 7or8
Science o! Sur%i%al &u<<ar, poi!te, out that Othe pro-ress to7ar,s sur4i4al
o! hi-her le4els is a pro-ress as 7ell to7ar, Go,.P The e>iste!ce o Go, a!,
spiritual 2a!iestatio! he i,e!tiies 7ith Theta u!i4erse.
5& (,!-, (+!",",( +F *, M+D,-. )2,
6.1.1. Ro<ert )lu,, a!, Rosicrucia! ?rotherhoo,
It see2s that the <e-i!!i!- o the Mo,er! a-e i! philosophical se!se
coi!ci,es 7ith the <e-i!!i!- o acti!- o philosophers.ratio!alists a!,
e2piricists li8e %escartes or &o<<es. I! the course o 17
Ratio!alis2 a!, E2piricis2 7oul, <eco2e pre4aili!- philosophical
,octri!esJ accor,i!-ly/ Neo.Plato!is2 a!, 2ysticis2 are presse, out o the
ore-rou!,. I! the irst ,eca,es o the 17
ce!tury o!e o the lea,i!- roles i!
Europea! 2ystical philosophy plays E!-lish2a! Ro<ert )lu,,.
)lu,, 7as <or! i! 1670 i! ?earste,/ $e!t/ as the ith chil, i! the a2ily. &e
7as so! o a 8!i-ht 7ho peror2e, the ,uty o 2ilitary treasurer i! the ar2y
o Elisa<eth I. Not 7a!ti!- to ollo7 his atherMs ootsteps/ he ha, e!rolle,
2e,ici!e at O>or,/ 7here he -ra,uate, irst a!, the! -ot his 2asterMs
,e-ree B1:""C. I! course o his stu,ies he ha, <ee! aci!- pro<le2s/ <ecause
o his reAectio! o the co!4e!tio!al 2e,ici!e teachi!-/ a,heri!- i!stea, to
Paracelsus. Ater he ha, co2plete, his stu,ies/ )lu,, tra4ele, across
EuropeJ he 4isite, )ra!ce/ Spai!/ Italy a!, Ger2a!y.
I! )ra!ce/ )lu,, staye, a little lo!-er. &e spe!t a certai! ti2e associati!-
7ith 2e2<ers o the =esuit Or,er i! A4i-!o!. There he ca2e i!to trou<les
<ecause o his air2ati4e attitu,e i! co!!ectio! 7ith -eo2a!cy/ <ut he -ot
out o it/ o7i!- to the i!ter4e!tio! o Le-ateMs ,eputy. I! Marseille )lu,,
tau-ht Maltese 8!i-ht 'harles o Lorrai!e 2athe2atics a!, MarGuis ,e
OriEo! he tau-ht 2usic. I! retur!/ ro2 o!e tra4eler ro2 )eE/ he -ot lesso!s
i! 2e,ici!e/ che2istry a!, alche2y. %uri!- the ti2e o his Europea!
Aour!eys/ )lu,, also staye, a <it lo!-er i! Ger2a!y/ 7or8i!- as tutor i!
se4eral aristocratic a2ilies.
I! 1:"6/ ater he ha, retur!e, to E!-la!,/ )lu,, -ot his Ph.%. at O>or,.
There occurre, so2e ,iiculties i! co!!ectio! 7ith -ai!i!- his ,octorMs
,e-ree/ a-ai! or his Paracelsia! 4ie7s. )our years later he 7as accepte, to
the Royal 'olle-e o Physicia!s. +!til the!/ he ha, alrea,y a practice/ 7ith
!oticea<le results. ?esi,es so2e e>traor,i!ary heali!-s o patie!ts that he
acco2plishe,/ he ha, also success 7ith his 2e,ical theories/ or e>a2ple
7ith his theory o celestial har2o!ies a!, circulatio! o the 4i<rati!- orces
throu-h the pla!ets. &is 4ie7s arouse, the i!terest o the perso!al physicia!
o the $i!- =a2es I/ @illia2 Pa,,y. +po! the <ases o his i,eas o!
circulatio!/ Pa,,y su--este, to his rie!,/ a!ato2ist @illia2 &ar4ey/ the
co!cept o circulatio! o <loo, i! hu2a! or-a!is2. &ar4ey/ 7ho2 is
attri<ute, the irst ,escriptio! o the <loo, circulatio!/ i! his 7or8
'xercitatio anato$ica de $otu cordis et sanguinis in ani$ali"us, ha, -otte!
the help Aust ro2 Ro<ert )lu,,/ i! pu<lishi!- the 2a!uscript.
There are so2e co!tro4ersies co!cer!i!- the act/ 7hether )lu,, 7as the
2e2<er o Rosicrucia! ?rotherhoo, or !ot. &o7e4er/ ,espite the act that he
ha, !ot <ee! 2ay<e oicially a 2e2<er o the Society/ it is sure that his
7or8s ro2 1:1: a!, 1:17 prese!te, a! ar,or apolo-y o the ?rotherhoo,
a!, its teachi!-. The irst 7or8/ Apolog(, has or its ai2 to O7ash a7ay the
i!a2y ro2 the ?rotherhoo, !a2eP/ as its su<title su--ests. A-ai!/ li8e
2a!y o his pre,ecessors ro2 the past/ )lu,, is o<li-e, to e>plai! that
S2a-icM is the 7or, 7hich ori-i!al 2ea!i!- is a sy!o!y2 or the 7is,o2.
Natural 2a-ic i! )lu,,Ms 4ie7 is the 8!o7le,-e a<out the secret attri<utes o
!ature. Accor,i!- to hi2/ the ,i4i!e is !o!.2a!ieste,/ e>cept i! the
,e4elop2e!t o cos2os/ 7here li-ht a!, ire are the cause o all the e!er-ies.
The seco!, apolo-etic script/ 8!o7! as Tractatus, 7as pu<lishe, the !e>t
year/ 1:17. I! it/ )lu,, a,,s that i! the ori-i!al !ature o 2a!/ his 2i!,
7as a palace o li-ht. I! so ar he ulills the ,i4i!e spirit 7ith ,eli<eratio!
a<out ire/ la2e a!, li-ht/ 2a! ca! restore his pri2e4al state o
co!scious!ess/ )lu,, co!clu,es.
I! years prece,i!- Tractatus, i! Europe appeare, three <oo8s o! Rosicrucia!
?rotherhoo,. Pu<lishi!- o the 7or8 9a$a 9raternitatis BThe Story o the
?rotherhoo,C i! 1:10 a!!ou!ce, the e>iste!ce o ?rotherhoo,/ 7hich -oals
7ereL ,e,icatio! to the spiritual lieJ reor2 a!, a,4a!ce2e!t o the spiritual
teachi!- a!, ,eali!- 7ith 2a-ic/ <ase, upo! the astrolo-y a!, $a<<ala. The
author is u!8!o7!/ as 7ell as o that o!e pu<lishe, the !e>t year/ u!,er the
title *on!essio 9raternitatis B'o!essio! o the ?rotherhoo,C. These t7o <oo8s/
<y their prese!tatio! o a! i2a-i!ary Aour!ey/ <ri!- orth the 8!o7le,-e
ro2 the 4arious iel,s. This 8!o7le,-e ha, <ee! collecte, <y the 2e2<ers
o 8!i-ht or,ers Bchiely o $!i-hts Te2plarC ,uri!- the ti2e o 'rusa,es.
They co!tai! a le-e!,ary story o Ger2a! !o<le2a! 'hristia! Rose!8reutE/
his Aour!ey to the &oly La!, a,optio! o the secret 8!o7le,-e ro2 the iel,s
o 2e,ici!e/ 2athe2atics/ astrolo-y/ $a<<ala. Accor,i!- to this le-e!,/
'hristia! Rose!8reutE o! his retur! to Ger2a!y ha, ou!,e, a <rotherhoo,
tas8 o 7hich ha, <ee! to cherish this teachi!-/ up to the ripe!i!- o
co!,itio!s or so2e reor2 o! the lar-e scale. The story i! its co!ti!uatio!
says that 1#" years ater Rose!8reutE ,ie,/ a 2e2<er o the ?rotherhoo,
ha, ,isco4ere, his crypt. %etaile, ,escriptio! o this crypt 7oul, later
<eco2e a 2o,el o arra!-e2e!t a!, ,ecoratio! o roo2s o other secret
societies Ba2o!- the rest/ )ree2aso!sC.
The thir, script ,ates ro2 the year 1:1: a!, it is e!title, *h($ische
2ochCeit B'he2ical @e,,i!-C. The author o this 7or8 is Ger2a! theolo-ia!
=oha!! Dale!ti! A!,rae. &e pu<lishe, it u!,er the pseu,o!y2 S'ristia!
Rose!8reutEM. It prese!ts a! alle-ory/ o o!e o the 2ost i2porta!t the2es i!
2ystical philosophy/ that is/ the co!cept o the alche2ical u!io! o the
opposites. This alche2ical ro2a!ce is ,i4i,e, i!to se4e! ,ays/ ,uri!- 7hich
'ristia! Rose!8reutE recei4es the i!4itatio! or the royal 7e,,i!-/ accepts it/
tra4els to the royal palace/ e>perie!ces 4arious 7o!,ers a!, te2ptatio!sJ
i!ally/ ho7e4er/ he is prese!t at 7e,,i!- a!, the! he retur!s. O! the
se4e!th/ last ,ay/ 'ristia! Rose!8reutE a!, other -uests are appoi!te,
$!i-hts o the Gol,e! Sto!e. The!/ it is rea, to the2 the Rule o the Or,er.
It spea8s a<out the Or,er that al7ays searches its sources i! Go, a!,
NatureJ a<out the reAectio! o all the 4ices a!, 7ea8!essesJ a<out helpi!-
the 7orthy a!, !ee,y peopleJ a<out !ot usi!- the ho!ors o the or,er or the
achie4e2e!t o the 7orl,ly proitJ i!ally/ a<out the rea,i!ess or the
sacriice/ i!clu,i!- ,eath/ 7he! Pro4i,e!ce reGuires it.
Ater Ma!ly P. &all/ Rosicrucia! Society ha, -otte! three 2ai! -oalsL the
a<olitio! o all 2o!archic or2s o ruli!- a!, their su<stitutio! <y the ruli!-
o the electe, philosophersJ a reor2 o scie!ce/ philosophy a!, ethicsJ
,isco4ery o the u!i4ersal 2e,ici!e/ or pa!acea/ or all the 8i!,s o ,iseases.
The 2ai! sy2<ols o the Rosicrucia! Society 7ere rose a!, cross/ rose as
e2ale a!, cross as 2aleJ they <oth prese!t u!i4ersal se>ual si-!s. =ust
<ecause o phallus sy2<olis2/ to Rosicrucia!s 7ere attri<ute, se>ual
i22orality a!, practici!- o o<sce!e rituals/ i! their secret cere2o!ies.
BThat is the reaso! 7hy Ro<ert )lu,, elt o<li-e, to 7rite his apolo-ies.C ?ut/
the real sy2<olic 2ea!i!- relates to the re.<irth. Na2ely/ as the <irth is the
8ey o the 2aterial e>iste!ce/ it is !atural that ?rotherhoo, a,opte, these
characteristic sy2<ols/ 7hich represe!t the repro,ucti4e process. E>plai!i!-
this sy2<olis2/ Ma!ly P. &all a,,s that rose a!, cross ,e!ote the
re,e2ptio! o 2a! throu-h the u!io! o his lo7er te2porary !ature a!, his
hi-her !ature that is eter!al.
As re-ar,s Ro<ert )lu,,/ ater his t7o apolo-ies ,e,icate, to Rosicrucia!s/
he 7rote his 2ost i2porta!t 7or8/ e!title, ?tris1ue cos$i historia B&istory o
T7o @orl,sC. This 7or8 co!sists o t7o 4olu2es SMacrocos2M a!,
SMicrocos2M. The i22e!se/ <ut also har2o!ic syste2 o the u!i4erse i!
)lu,,Ms 4ie7 is prese!te, as the i!terrelatio! <et7ee! 2icrocos2/ 7hich
relects 2acrocos2/ 7ith 7hich is co!!ecte, throu-h astral
correspo!,e!ces. &e 2er-e, the <asic &er2etic a!, $a<<alist teachi!-s o
Pico ,ella Mira!,ola a!, Marsilio )ici!o 7ith the astral 2e,ici!e thou-ht o
Paracelsus a!, 2athe2atical 2a-ic o =oh! %ee.
)lu,, sees the Soul o the @orl, as the i!4isi<le ire/ 7hile 4isi<le !ature is
e!li4e!i!- it/ si!ce the ire is the Gui!tesse!tial ele2e!t o all thi!-s. The
archetype 7orl, o pure i,eas re2ai!s i! %i4i!e Mi!,/ 7hilst Spirit/ 7ithout
a or2 or shape/ represe!ts a iery lo4e. &e i2presses a!, ,e4elops the
structure esse!ce o i,eas i! cos2os.
)lu,, ,epicts the or,er o le4els a!, classes o <ei!-s/ stati!- lie as i4eol,
pri!cipleL ,i4i!e li-ht/ spiritual su<sta!ce/ ratio!al 2i!,/ i!tellectual spirit
a!, the part o the ,i4i!e 2i!,. Si!ce the 2icrocos2 is 2o4a<le i2a-e o
the ,i4i!ity/ 2icrocos2 is te2porary i2a-e o the 2acrocos2. The u!i4erse
is li8e a 2usical i!stru2e!t a!, his 8ey<oar, co!sists o i!ter4als a2o!-
the a!-elic spheres/ i>e, stars a!, ele2e!ts. Accor,i!- to )lu,,/ the sa2e
har2o!ies 7hich rule o4er spheres are also prese!t i! 2i!,/ as 7ell as i!
the soul/ 7hich co!sist o three partsL se!siti4e/ spiritual a!, i!tellectual.
)lu,, co!si,ers that si!ce the 7hole u!i4erse tur!s arou!, the ce!tral
poi!t/ 2a! ca! raise ro2 this 7orl, to the co22u!io! 7ith Go,.
)urther courses o history 7ere u!a4ora<le or Ro<ert )lu,, a!,
Rosicrucia!s. Reactio!ary orces le, <y Austria a!, &a<s<ur- ,y!asty
<e-a! the e>hausti!- Thirty (ears @ar. I! the irst phase o @ar/ 4ictories o
&a<s<ur- coalitio! <rou-ht also a !e-ati4e spiritual i!lue!ce. So/ a!ti.
Rosicrucia! se!ti2e!t sprea, also to )ra!ce a!, E!-la!,. The pressure ha,
<ee! such that )lu,, 7as co2pelle, to stop usi!- the ter2 SRosicrucia!M/
althou-h he retai!e, i! his philosophical 7or8s their 4ie7s. Me2<ers o
Rosicrucia! ?rotherhoo, co!ti!ue, their 7or8 i! still ,eeper a!o!y2ity/
i!4isi<le to the pu<lic eye. ?ut/ their Su!,er-rou!,M i!lue!ce yet reache,
i!tellectuals a!, political thou-ht o uture ti2es/ putti!- at sa2e ti2e
ou!,atio!s or the ori-i!atio! o Maso!ic or-a!iEatio!s.
6.#.1. Mystical Philosophy o )ree2aso!ry
Lo!,o!/ to7! i! 7hich 2ystical philosopher S7e,e!<or- B13
staye, i! his youth a!, also e!,e, his lie path/ is as 7ell i! co!!ectio! 7ith
sprea,i!- o )ree2aso!ry 2o4e2e!t. I! 1717 i! Lo!,o! there 7as
esta<lishe, a Gra!, Lo,-e/ ori-i!ate, <y the usio! o our 2i!or lo,-es. I!
the !e>t appro>i2ately itee! years )ree2aso!ry 2o4e2e!t 7ill ta8e a!
upper ha!, all across Europe a!, ater7ar,s i! A2erica/ too. The seco!,
lo,-e 7as or2e, i! Paris B17#6C a!, the! others i! Ma,ri, B17#9C/
?or,eau> a!, St. Peters<ur- B171#C/ &a2<ur-/ )lore!ce a!, ?osto! B1711C.
)ree2aso!ry as 2ystical a!, hierarchically or-a!iEe, 2o4e2e!t occurre, i!
ti2es a!, co!,itio!s o li<eral A-e o E!li-hte!2e!t o 13
ce!tury/ <ut its
roots reaches ,eep i!to the past. O!e o the sources o the 2o,er!
speculati4e Maso!ry is the operati4e ree.2aso!ry. Scottish associatio!s
B-il,sC o ree 2aso!s 7ere esta<lishe, alrea,y i! 1#
ce!tury. I! the
<e-i!!i!- they 7ere e>clusi4ely o operati4e characterJ ro2 the 10
o! they a,opt 2ore a!, 2ore speculati4e traits/ althou-h i! the <e-i!!i!-
o!ly sy2<olically. It is suppose, that E!-lish a!, Scottish $!i-hts Te2plar/
ha4i!- o! their 2i!,s the ate o their )re!ch <rethre!/ irstly 7e!t o4er to
u!,er-rou!, acti4ity a!, ater7ar,s they ha, -ra,ually e!-a-e, the2sel4es
i! the 7or8 o the operati4e ree2aso!s -il,s. I! the <e-i!!i!- these
Saccepte, 2aso!sM or2e, the 2i!ority/ <ut i! the course o ti2e they
eGualiEe, i! !u2<erJ <y the e!, o the 17
ce!tury they are alrea,y
pre,o2i!ati!- 2aAority. It is esti2ate, that u!til the <e-i!!i!- o the 13
ce!tury 7" per ce!t o the 2e2<ership 7ere 2e! ro2 other proessio!.
A2o!- ree2aso!s there ha, <ee! philosophers/ too. As o!e o the 2ost
pro2i!e!t 2aso!s 7ith philosophical <ac8-rou!,/ 7e ca! si!-le out =oha!!
G. )ichte/ the Ger2a! thi!8er. &is opus/ -e!erally ta8e!/ ,oes !ot <ear the
trait o 2ysticis2/ <ut !o!etheless he let i! herita-e pro<a<ly the <est 7or8
co!cer!i!- the <asic pri!ciples a!, the 4ery purpose o e>iste!ce o
)ree2aso!ry it is )ichteMs #hilosophie der )aurerei BPhilosophy o
Maso!ryC. As i! the course o 17
a!, 13
ce!tury ha, occurre, a -ro7i!-
ra-2e!tatio! o hu2a! 8!o7le,-e/ <y stri4i!- or the specialiEatio! i!
e,ucatio!/ )ichte poi!te, at !ecessity to o4erco2e such o!,e, approach/
plea,i!- or the -e!eral up<ri!-i!- a!, u!i4ersal e,ucatio!/ o the e!tire
2a!. Scie!tists/ accor,i!- to )ichte/ shoul, ha4e a 4ie7/ !ot o!ly o4er their
!arro7 specialty/ <ut o4er the <or,erli!e <ra!ches o scie!ce.
As o!e o the <asic pri!ciples/ )ichte states the attitu,e a<out this terrestrial
lie as o!ly the preparatio! a!, -er2 o hi-her e>iste!ce/ certitu,e o 7hich
ca! <e -raspe, o!ly i!tuiti4ely. The 7hole hu2a!ity shoul, co!stitute the
u!iGue/ pure/ 2oral a!, <elie4i!- co22u!ity a!, at the sa2e ti2e u!iGue
a!, e!tirely le-al state. I!tellectual <ei!- 2ust rule o4er the !o!.i!tellectual
!ature totallyJ ,ea, 2echa!is2 has to <e su<2itte, to the or,er o 7ill/ says
)ichte. &e also steps out a-ai!st o!,e,!ess o the reli-ious e,ucatio!/
especially i! respect o the outer a!, !atio!alist or2 o reli-io!. O! the
co!trary it is !ecessary to respect reli-io!s a!, custo2s o other !atio!s/
si!ce they ha4e ri-ht Aust li8e a!y other. Accor,i!- to )ichte/ Maso! is !ot
reli-ious/ <ut he acts a!, thi!8s i! such 7ay.
?esi,es acti!- o! cultural pla!/ the 2e2<ers o )ree2aso!ry 2o4e2e!t
also acte, o! political pla!. So/ or e>a2ple/ the philosophy o )ree2aso!ry
appeare, to <e i! the <ac8-rou!, o creatio! o A2erica! !atio! a!, state
i! 13
ce!tury. Maso!ic 2o4e2e!t/ ro2 thirties o!7ar,s/ Guic8ly sprea, i!
A2erica! colo!ies. Philosophical i2porta!ce o )ree2aso!ry or the
A2erica! re4olutio!aries ca! <e percei4e, throu-h the sy2<ols 7hich their
lea,er ha, chose!/ or the prese!tatio! o !e7 A2erica! !atio!. Those 7ere
the sy2<ols o Maso!ic <rotherhoo,. The propositio! or the oicial seal o
the !e7 state ha, co!tai!e, the sy2<ol o the tru!cate, pyra2i, a!, the
SAll.Seei!- EyeM i!si,e the tria!-le. These sy2<ols ca! <e see! e4e! to,ay o!
the <ac8 si,e o the 1 ,ollar <ill. This early proposal also i!clu,e, a i-ure o
the <ir, phoe!i>/ 7hich 7ill <e later su<stitute, <y the i-ure o ea-le.
?esi,es the irst A2erica! presi,e!t Geor-e @ashi!-to!/ 2a!y others 7ere
Maso!s/ too/ a!, 2a!y 2e2<ers o the Se!ate/ as 7ell. Maso!ic lo,-es o
the 13
ce!tury also playe, a 2ai! role i! <ursti!- out o )re!ch
Re4olutio!. There are so2e hypotheses that ,estructio! o the 2o!archy
7as or-a!iEe, <y Maso!s also as so2e 8i!, o re4e!-e or the e>ter2i!atio!
o their pre,ecessors $!i-hts Te2plar i! 10
6.#.#. ;Le !ou4el ho22e; o Louis ,e Sai!t.Marti!
As the A-e o E!li-hte!2e!t o 13
ce!tury ha, put its ocus at reaso! a!,
ratio!ality/ it ,i, !ot a<ou!, 7ith truly 7orthy a!, i2porta!t 2ystical
philosophers. As hal a ce!tury ha, passe, <et7ee! S7e,e!<or- a!, his
pre,ecessor/ li8e7ise it ha, to pass a!other 6" years <et7ee! S7e,e!<or-
a!, his successor/ 2ystical philosopher a!, )ree2aso!. &is !a2e 7as
Louis ,e Sai!t.Marti! a!, he 7as <or! i! A2<oise/ Tourai!e. &is ather 7as
a 2e2<er o local -e!try. &is 2other ,ie, soo! ater she ha, -i4e! <irth to
Louis. Ater7ar,s/ ather re.2arrie,J step2other oere, to Louis/ <esi,es
lo4e/ also a! i!structio! i! 'hristia!ity/ teachi!- hi2 o lo4e to7ar, Go, a!,
2a!. Sai!t.Marti! acGuire, his e,ucatio! at the 'olle-e Po!t.Leroy/
-ra,uati!- i! la7. ?ut/ as you!- Sai!t.Marti! 7as !ot so i!tereste, i! le-al
career/ he opte, or 2ilitary career/ i! his ##
I! 17:6/ ater atherMs i!ter4e!tio! at the 2i!istry/ you!- Sai!t.Marti! -ot a
-ra,e o su<.lieute!a!t a!, appoi!te, to -arriso! o ?or,eau>. I! this to7!
he 7oul, -et i!to the co!tact 7ith pro2i!e!t Maso! o Portu-uese ori-i!/
Marti!eE ,e PasGualis/ 7ho 7as also the ou!,er o the Maso!ic lo,-e i!
Paris. Sai!t.Marti! ha, <ee! accepte, to Maso!ic Or,er i! 17:3J three years
later he let the ar2y. &e ha, <ee! 7or8i!- or so2e ti2e as a secretary o
PasGualis. The! i! 1771 he ha, -o!e to Lyo!/ 7here he ha, a i!a!cial
support o the 7ealthy Maso!/ @iller2oE/ also a! e2i!e!t 2e2<er o the
Or,er. I! Lyo!/ Sai!t.Marti! 7rites his irst 7or8 8es erreurs et de la %0ritG
BO! Errors a!, the TruthC. The <oo8 7as i22e,iately attac8e, <y Doltaire
a!, his partisa!s/ <ut it also procure, to Sai!t.Marti! !e7 rie!,s a!,
)ro2 Lyo! Sai!t.Marti! ha, set out to Italy/ 7here he spe!t a<out three
years. I! 173# he arri4es to Paris/ 7here ori-i!ates the 7or8 Ta"leau naturel
BNatural PictureC. )i4e years later/ ,uri!- his stay i! Lo!,o!/ there ori-i!ates
his thir, <oo8/ e!title, .D ho$$e de desir BMa! o %esireC. The !e>t year
B1733C Sai!t.Marti! set out to Stras<our-/ 7here he 7oul, stay or three
years. &ere he -ot acGuai!te, or the irst ti2e 7ith 7or8s o =a8o< ?oeh2e/
<ut also 7ith S7e,e!<or-Ms/ throu-h the 2e,iu2 o the !ephe7 o S7e,ish
philosopher/ 7ho a<o,e i! Stras<our- at that ti2e/ too. I! 179"/ <y the e!,
o his stay at Stras<our-/ there ori-i!ates the 7or8 .e nou%el ho$$e BA Ne7
Ma!C. I! the sa2e year Sai!t.Marti! resi-!e, ro2 the I!terior Or,er a!, he
reGuire, that his !a2e ha, <ee! o<literate, ro2 all the re-isters si!ce
I! 179# he pu<lishe, a !e7 <oo8/ 'cce ho$o= his acti4ities ,uri!- the
!i!eties 7ere <asically co!cer!e, to Ecole Nor2ale i! Paris/ the i!stitutio!
or the e,ucatio! o uture teachers. ?y the e!, o his lie Sai!t.Marti! ,eals
2ai!ly 7ith stu,yi!- ?oeh2eMs 7or8s a!, he 7rites his last <oo8/ .e
$inistere de lD ho$$e esprit BMi!istry o the Ma!.SpiritC. The <oo8 ha, <ee!
release, i! 13"# a!, the !e>t year Sai!t.Marti! ,ie,/ at :1.
Throu-hout the e!tire opus o Louis ,e Sai!t.Marti!/ i!,ee,/ there ,ra7s a
2ystical threa,. That is u!,ersta!,a<le/ si!ce he is o!e o the rare
apolo-ists o the 2ystical 4ie7poi!t i! 4ery ratio!alistic 13
ce!tury. Alrea,y
i! his irst 7or8 he e!tere, i!to a co!lict 7ith 2aterialistic philosophers/
ho7e4er he a4oi,e, to ali-! hi2sel a2o!- the apolo-ists o the 'hristia!ity.
So/ i! his 7or8 Bi"le is !ot 2e!tio!e, ,irectly a!, he poi!ts at =esus o!ly i!
hi,,e! 2a!!er/ as the Acti4e 'ause/ or as Great 'hie a!, Gui,e a!, li8e.
To this Gui,e/ says Sai!t.Marti!/ is co22itte, the or,er o the u!i4erse.
)ro2 the pri2e4al state o u!ity 2a! si!-le, hi2sel out/ <ut i! the ti2e o
reu!io!/ 2a! a!, his property 7ill <e practically reu!ite,/ they 7ill <e
or-e, <y the Repairer. The 7ay o ,i4isio! is the 7ay o 2ista8es/ 7hile the
7ay o truth is that o u!ity/ co!clu,es the philosopher.
@or8 &atural #icture re4eals the Go,Ms paths to the 2a!. I! hi2/ there is the
e!tire u!i4erse/ prese!te, as o!e <i- te2ple. The %i4i!e creatio! is !ot o!ly
his outer 4isi<le si-!/ <ut also a cha!!el throu-h 7hich his thou-hts are
co22u!icate, to i!telli-e!t <ei!-s. ?ut/ or the alle! 2a! the o!ly 7ay o
co22u!icatio! is throu-h si-!s a!, sy2<ols. The ai2 o the <oo8 A &e/
)an is to ,escri<e a process that lea,s to the re!e7al i! Ne7 @orl,. &e is
prese!te, sy2<olically throu-h three epochs. The irst correspo!,s to the
history o Israel/ seco!, to 'hristMs lie a!, thir, to the Re4elatio!. 'hristMs
lie i! act illustrates the story o a Ne7 Ma!/ ro2 his <irth to the 2ystical
,eath. &is seco!, co2i!- <ri!-s !e7 hea4e! a!, !e7 earth/ heral,e, i!si,e
us/ the te!t o 'o4e!a!t a!, &ea4e!ly =erusale2 <uilt i! our spiritual
The last 7or8 )inistr( o! )an-Spirit i! a 7ay prese!ts Sai!t.Marti!Ms last
co!te2platio!/ i! 7hich he ope!s 2a!y sources o thou-hts a!, he
e2<races <y his 4ie7 2a!y paths o 4isio!. I! this 7or8 he co2<i!es
thou-hts that co2e o the school o his irst teacher ,e PasGually 7ith
lear!i!- o ?oeh2e. &ere Sai!t.Marti! ,eals 7ith ,eli<eratio! o!
i22ortality/ a<out the 7ay that lea,s to re!e7al/ spiritual lie a!, its
co22u!icatio!/ a<out the Sa<<ath o the !ature/ soul a!, 7or,/ a<out the
,octri!e o the Eter!al @or, a!, her relatio! to the u!i4erse a!, 2a!.
The Marti!ist Or,er co!ti!ue, to e>ist e4e! ater Sai!t.Marti!Ms ,eath. I!
the course o 19
ce!tury it occupie, a 4ery pro2i!e!t positio! a2o!- the
2ystical <rotherhoo,s. ?ut/ ater the ,eath o charis2atic lea,er Papus i!
the )irst @orl, @ar/ the Or,er e>perie!ce, a slo7 ,ecli!e a!, to,ay/ ,i4i,e,
i!to se4eral ractio!s/ is u!,isti!-uishe, a2o!- the spiritual societies o the
2o,er! a-e.
6.#.1. Literary.Scie!tiic Mysticis2 o Goethe
Li8e his )re!ch co!te2porary Sai!t.Marti!/ so Ger2a! literary -reat 2a!
Goethe 7as a )ree2aso!/ too. &e 7as <or! i! )ra!8urt a2 Mi! i! 1709. ?y
his literary 7or8 he 2ar8e, the e!, o 13
a!, the irst hal o the 19
ce!tury. Althou-h he is re!o7!e, ater his literary opus/ it is also si-!iica!t
his co!tri<utio! to scie!ce a!, !atural philosophy.
Goethe co2es o a a2ily o a! i2perial cou!selor. The irst e,ucatio! he
recei4e, Aust <y his ather a!, <y se4eral tutors. Alrea,y i! his ei-hth year
he coul, ,ier a!, use a <it o Gree8/ Lati!/ )re!ch a!, Italia! la!-ua-e. I!
17:6/ 7he! he 7as 1:/ Goethe 7e!t to LeipEi- +!i4ersity to stu,y la7/
o<eyi!- thus atherMs 7ish. )i4e years later he 7oul, co!ti!ue his stu,ies i!
Stras<our-J si!ce he 7as thirsty o 8!o7le,-e/ he atte!,e, a,,itio!al
lectures i! a!ato2y/ sur-ery a!, che2istry. I! this to7! he <eca2e a close
rie!, o philosopher a!, 7riter =oha!! G. &er,er. Goethe ha, -ra,uate, i!
1771 a!, the! he retur!e, to !ati4e )ra!8urt/ 7here he peror2e, le-al
Ao<s. ?ut/ si,e <y si,e he 7ith literary 7or8/ 7hich attracte, hi2 2uch
2ore. %uri!- this perio, there ori-i!ate, the 7or8 that 7oul, <eco2e o!e o
his 2ost re!o7!e, The Su!!erings o! Young Werther. I! 1776 he accepts a!
i!4itatio! o @ei2ar %u8e $arl Au-ustus/ to <eco2e his cou!selor. )i4e
years later he <eca2e a )ree2aso!/ a 2e2<er o @ei2ar lo,-e SA!!a
A2aliaM. I! @ei2ar Goethe 7oul, spe!, the 2ost o his lie.
I! 1731 Goethe lea,s the 2i!eralo-ical researches a!, he hol,s lectures i!
hu2a! a!ato2y. The !e>t year a !o<ility title is -ra!te, to hi2. )our years
later he tra4els to Italy/ 7here he is i2presse, <y Gree8.Ro2a! sculpture/
architecture a!, literature. )ro2 that perio, arises his lo4e to7ar, you!-
'hristia!a Dulpius/ 7ho 7oul, <eco2e 2other o his chil,re! a!, 7ho2 he
7oul, 2arry i! 13":. i! 1737 Goethe lea,s -eolo-ical a!, <ota!ical
researches i! Italy/ i! surrou!,i!-s o Naples a!, o! Sicily.
GoetheMs aesthetic theory 7as u!,er the stro!- i!lue!ce o his ri!,
)rie,rich Schiller/ 7ith 7ho2 he ,e4elops a! i!te!si4e colla<oratio!. I!
13"3/ at the co!-ress o 2o!archs i! Erurt/ he 2eets 7ith Napoleo!
?o!aparte/ 7ho i!4ites hi2 to co2e to Paris. I! the sa2e year it is release,
the irst part o his 2asterpiece 9aust. Seco!, part o the <oo8 7oul, <e
i!ishe, o!ly i22e,iately <eore his ,eath/ i! 1311. ro2 131:/ 7he! his
7ie ,ies/ Goethe spe!,s 2ore a!, 2ore ti2e stu,yi!- scie!ce/ althou-h the
2ost i2porta!t o his scie!tiic 7or8s/ Zur 9ar"enlehre BO! Theory o 'olorsC
he pu<lishe, yet i! 131". i! this 7or8 Goethe prese!te, the color i!
2ystical 7ay/ as Oa ,e-ree o ,ar8!ess co!!ecte, 7ith a sha,o7P/ i!
,isti!ctio! ro2 Ne7to!/ 7ho i! his e>peri2e!t 7ith pris2 <ro8e the 7hite
color i!to the 4isi<le spectru2 o rai!<o7 colors.
A2o!- the !u2erous 7or8s o GoetheMs hu-e opus/ <y its stre!-th/ ,epth
a!, e>pressi4e!ess especially pro2i!e!t is 9aust, the 7or8 7hich author
ha, <ee! 7riti!- throu-hout ull :" years. This ,ra2a represe!ts a
sy!thesis o GoetheMs perso!al e>perie!ce a!, his 4isio! o the 7orl, as a
sta-e o! 7hich is 7a-e, a! eter!al <attle <et7ee! -oo, a!, e4il. Goethe is
asci!ate, <y the relatio! o the hu2a! <ei!- a!, the u!i4erse/ the relatio!
o 2icro a!, 2acrocos2/ i! 7hich 2a! is Aust a part o a! i22e!se <ei!-
a!, si2ulta!eously he co!tai!s it i! its e!tirety.
%octor )aust 7as a real historical perso!ality ro2 1:
ce!tury. It 7as
Ger2a! physicia!/ 2a-icia! a!, healer !a2e, Geor-ius Sa<ellicus )austus
7ho ha, <ee! ote! 2ista8e!ly i,e!tiie, 7ith Trithe2ius a!, 7ith his
,isciple A-rippa. The real )aust 7as !ot so2e i2porta!t historical
perso!ality/ <ut arou!, his i-ure there ha, <ee! 7ea4e, le-e!,s/ sprea,i!-
ater his ,eath o4er Ger2a!ic a!, Protesta!t cou!tries.
The irst 7ho 7or8e, out this le-e!, 7as E!-lish 7riter 'hristopher
Marlo7e. =ust Marlo7Ms 7or8/ e!title, The Tragical 2istor( o! .i!e and 8eath
o! 8octor 9austus ha, -otte! a! i!lue!ce o! Goethe a!, i!cite, hi2 to
,e,icate hi2sel Balrea,y arou!, 1776C to 7riti!- o his o7! 4ersio! o
9aust. It 7as the 7or8 i! 7hich he i!tro,uce, his lie e>perie!ces/ 4ie7poi!t/
lo4e a!, hatre,/ aspiratio! or the perect 8!o7le,-e/ 2a-ic a!, spiritual i!
-e!eral. Goethe has create, i! 9aust a i-ure 7hich re2i!,s 4ery 2uch o
hi2sel alo!e/ o his i!te!si4e i2pulse to7ar, 8!o7le,-e/ as the part o his
artistic a!, scie!tiic -e!ius. I! this 7or8 2ytholo-y ca2e i!to po7erul
e>pressio!. I! GoetheMs co!ceptio! it has a 2a-ical po7er. She is 4ery
i2porta!t or a si!-le i!,i4i,ual/ <ecause it is <ase, upo! archetypal
co!i-uratio! that also shapes hu2a! acti!- a!, i!terpretatio!s o reality.
I2porta!t characteristic o GoetheMs 9aust is the relectio! o crisis a!,
<rea8,o7! o ratio!alis2J it is as 7ell i!si-ht that hu2a! reaso! ca!!ot as
a 2ere i!stru2e!t co2e upo! so2e tra!sce!,e!tal/ 2etaphysical truths.
Accor,i!-ly/ 9aust is also partly a 2etaphorical prese!tatio! o 7ester!
Ger2a!ic 2a! o! the tra!sitio! ro2 13
to 19
Goethe ,i, <elie4e i!to the ,i4i!ity o 2a!/ especially artist/ 7ho shares the
u!i4erse 7ith Go, a!, rules o4er it to-ether 7ith hi2. Tur!i!- the historical
)aust i!to the sy2<ol o hope/ this i-ure 2ea!t the i!car!atio! o the soul
or Ger2a!ic !atio!s/ co2para<le 7ith Luther a!, Reor2atio!. Goethe
i!tro,uce, to reli-io! his particular co!ceptio! o the !e7 i,eal o hu2a!ity/
7ith the e2phasis o! su<Aecti4e eeli!- a!, critiGue o ,o-2a. Accor,i!-ly/
his 9aust has to <e percei4e, as 2a!iesto o the hu2a!iEe, philosophy/
7hich <ri!-s <ac8 2e! to Go,Ms -race a!, lo4e/ at the sa2e ti2e reAecti!-
,o-2a/ cre,o a!, co!essio!s.
6.1.1. Theosophical Society
The i,ea o spiritual u!i4ersalis2/ 7hich <eca2e pro2i!e!t i! the seco!,
hal o 19
ce!tury/ has <rou-ht orth the ou!,atio! o Theosophical
Society/ a!other i2porta!t or-a!iEatio! i! the course o the ,e4elop2e!t o
2o,er! 2ystical philosophy. The society 7as ou!,e, i! Ne7 (or8 <y
&ele!a P. ?la4ats8y/ &e!ry S. Olcott a!, @illia2 *. =u,-e o! No4e2<er/ 17/
1376. I! the <e-i!!i!- the -oals o Theosophical Society ha, <ee! ,irecte,
rather !arro7ly/ o!to researchi!- o parapsycholo-ical phe!o2e!a/ <ut soo!
they out-ro7! i!to u!i4ersal research a!, teachi!- o u!i4ersal spirituality.
So/ i! 1339/ as the u!,a2e!tal ai2s o the Society there 7ere proclai2e,L
or2i!- o a !ucleus o the +!i4ersal ?rotherhoo, o hu2a!ityJ pro2otio! o
the stu,y o co2parati4e reli-io!/ philosophy a!, scie!ceJ research o the
u!e>plai!e, la7s o !ature a!, late!t po7ers i! 2a!.
&ele!a P. ?la4ats8y/ o!e o the three ou!,i!- 2e2<ers o Theosophical
Society 7as <or! i! E8ateri!osla4 Bto,ay %!yepropetro4s8C/ +8rai!e. She
ste2s ro2 a !o<le a2ily o Russia!.Ger2a! ori-i!. &er ather 7as a iel,
oicer a!, her 2other a 7riter. &er i2porta!ce i! the history o the 2ystical
philosophy/ a2o!- the rest/ lies i! act that she 7as the irst 7o2a! 7ho
<ro8e ce!turies.lo!- ,o2i!atio! o e>clusi4ely 2e2<ers o 2ale -e!,er.
Alrea,y ro2 her chil,hoo,/ o!e coul, ha4e -otte! a prese!ti2e!t that
&ele!a 7oul, -ro7 up i!to a! e>traor,i!ary a!, po7erul i-ure. Si!ce her
ather/ colo!el 4o! &oh! ote! ha, <ee! tra!serre, ro2 o!e -arriso! to the
other/ so 7ith hi2 2o4e, alo!- the 7hole a2ily. &ele!a ca2e i!to co!tact
7ith ,iere!t people a!, cultures a!, alrea,y the! e>presse, prope!sity
to7ar, le-e!,s a!, tra,itio!al 7is,o2. )ro2 ti2e to ti2e she 7e!t to her
-ra!,ather a!, -ra!,2other/ 7here she ha, access to their hu-e li<rary/
7ith 2a!y <oo8s ro2 philosophy a!, esoteric scie!ces. @he! &ele!a 7as
t7el4e/ her 2other ,ie, a!, she co!ti!ue, to li4e 7ith 2otherMs pare!ts. I!
this perio, o a,olesce!ce/ she <e-i!s to e>press traits o o<sti!acy/ iery
te2pera2e!t a!, ,isrespect o social !or2s. ?ut ,eep i!si,e/ she eels the
,esire or stu,y o the secrets o super!atural a!, !u2i!ous.
&ele!a 4o! &ah! -ot 2arrie, 4ery you!-/ i! 1309/ 7he! she 7as o!ly 17.
)ro2 her hus<a!,/ Ge!eral Ni8eor ?la4ats8y/ to 7ho2 she ha, <ee!
2arrie, o!ly or e7 2o!ths/ she too8 o4er o!ly her sur!a2e/ so ro2
the!ceor7ar, she 7oul, <e &ele!a Petro4!a ?la4ats8y. The !e>t ,eca,e or
her ha, <ee! ulille, 7ith !u2erous Aour!eys/ all arou!, the 7orl,. I! 1361
she ,7elt or so2e ti2e i! E!-la!,J later she 7oul, ,isco4er that Aust there
she ha, 2et her teacher/ 7ho appeare, to her i! ,rea2s. O4er the !e>t
se4e! years she ha, tra4ele, across Norther! a!, Souther! A2erica/ I!,ia
a!, Ti<et. I! A2erica she has stu,ie, the tra,itio!al 7is,o2 o A2erica!
I!,ia!s a!, o a!cie!t A2erica! ci4iliEatio!s. I! 136: she co2es to I!,ia/
ater7ar,s she set out or Ti<et/ acco2pa!ie, <y a Luthera! priest a!,
Mo!-olia! sha2a! a!, there she also 2et 7ith %alai.La2a.
O! her retur! to Russia i! 1363 &ele!a P. ?la4ats8y 7as ta8e! seriously ill
a!, e4e! or a e7 ,ays she 7as o! the 4ery e,-e o ,eath. Later/ arou!,
13:"/ she ha, -otte! a short lasti!- lo4e aair 7ith Esto!ia! aristocrat
Nicholas Meye!,or/ ater 7hich she <ore a chil,. @he! her so! 7as i4e/ he
cau-ht a -ra4e ,isease. I! her ,esire to help a chil,/ she set out to Italy/ to
?olo-!a/ <ut there 7as !o 2ore help or little (uri a!, he ,ie,. &er the!
rie!, A-ar,i Metro4ich a-ree, that chil, 2i-ht <e <urie, u!,er his !a2e.
Later/ &.P. ?la4ats8y 7oul, a,2it that o! the ,ay o ,eath o her so!/ or
her ,ie, the Russia! Ortho,o> aith. Althou-h she ha, !e4er <ee!
co2pletely ,e4ote, to 'hristia!ity/ up to the! there 7ere 2o2e!ts 7he! she
,eeply <elie4e, i! the re,e2pti4e po7er o 'hurch a!, 'hrist.
)ro2 Italy/ &.P. ?la4ats8y ,eparts a-ai! to I!,ia a!, the! to Ti<et/ 7here
she 2eets 7ith teachers Morya a!, Mahat2a $oot &oo2i. %uri!- this
i2porta!t lie perio, she e>perie!ce, a stro!- spiritual -ro7th/ lear!i!- a!,
tra!slati!- holy Ti<eta! te>ts i! E!-lish. A2o!- the rest o the <oo8s/ here
she ou!, a Boo o! 8C(an, a <oo8 that later ser4e, as <asis or later
2asterpiece The Secret 8octrine. @he! she let Ti<et i! 137"/ she starte, to
thi!8 o tra!s2issio! o this a!cie!t 8!o7le,-e to the @est. ?ut/ <eore that
she e>perie!ce, a horri<le sea acci,e!t/ o! the <oat to E-ypt. I! the terri<le
e>plosio! o -u!po7,er a!, other hi-hly i!la22a<le stu 7hich <oat has
tra!sporte,/ there perishe, 0"" people/ a2o!- the2 also her rie!,/ opera
si!-er A-ar,i Metro4ichJ she 7as luc8y to <e a2o!- the ha!,ul o
&.P. ?la4ats8y the! retur!s to her a2ily i! RussiaJ ho7e4er she 7oul, !ot
stay or lo!- here/ <ecause soo! she -ot <ore, <y Guarrels 7ith her au!ts.
She ,eci,e, to -o to Paris/ 7here she spe!,s a certai! perio, o ti2e. )i!ally
i! 1371/ ater she hear, a<out the <i- e!thusias2 co!cer!i!- the spiritist
phe!o2e!a i! the +!ite, States/ she 4e!ture, a7ay a 4oya-e across the
ocea!. Ater her arri4al to Ne7 (or8/ she ha, <ee! e!-a-e, i! a couple o
o,, Ao<s a!, i! her ree ti2e she i2presse, people surrou!,i!- her 7ith her
2e,iu2 a<ilities. The tur!i!- poi!t i! her lie occurre, i! 1370/ 7he! she
2et 'olo!el &e!ry S. Olcott/ 7ho i! that ti2e 7or8e, as a Aour!alist. It
see2s that she i22e,iately li8e, hi2/ <ut she also co!si,ere, hi2 <it
chil,ish a!, cre,ulous. O! the other ha!,/ Olcott 7as i2presse, <y her
i!telli-e!ce a!, spirituality/ <ut he ,i, !ot i!, her se>ually attracti4e/ or
her so2e7hat a!,ro-y!ous loo8.
The oicial ,uty o &.P. ?la4ats8y i! Theosophical Society 7as that o
correspo!,i!- secretary. The 7or8 co!cer!i!- -ui,a!ce o the Society ha,
<ee! e!truste, to Olcott/ 7hile she ocuse, the 2ost o her e!er-y to 7riti!-.
?esi,es 7riti!- articles o! esoteric scie!ces/ ,uri!- this perio, &.P.
?la4ats8y prepares her irst <i--er 7or8/ 2o!u2e!tal Isis ?n%eiled. This
4olu2i!ous 7or8 o a<out thousa!, pa-es 7as pu<lishe, i! 1377 a!, it
,eli!eates the <asic pri!ciples o the esoteric philosophy a!, a!cie!t
u!i4ersal 7is,o2. Isis ?n%eiled at the sa2e ti2e prese!ts a settli!- o
accou!ts 7ith Si!alli<ilityM/ i.e. ,o-2as o 2o,er! scie!ce a!, reli-io!. So/
she opposes to the positi4is2 o )re!ch 2athe2aticia! a!, philosopher
Au-uste 'o2te/ as 7ell as o others 2aterialists o the 19
ce!tury/ 7ho
,e!y the e>iste!ce o the 4ital orce i! li4i!- or-a!is2s. I! the seco!, part o
the <oo8 she hol,s a critical sta!ce a-ai!st 'hristia!ity . so 'atholic/ as
Protesta!t/ especially to7ar, the practice o <ur!i!-.up o 7itches ro2 16
to 17
ce!tury. A2o!- the 2ultitu,e o the2es represe!te, i! the irst part
o the <oo8/ a2o!- the 2ore i2porta!t areL $a<<ala/ cyclic e4olutio! o the
2a!8i!,/ 2a-ic/ 2e,iu2 phe!o2e!a/ astral li-ht/ 2es2eris2/ !atural
orces/ the i!lue!ce o pla!ets/ stratiie, !ature o 2a!/ rei!car!atio!/
E-yptia! a!, &i!,u 7is,o2. The seco!, part <ri!-s/ <esi,es critiGue o
'hristia!ity/ also the 2ysteries o $a<<ala/ esoteric teachi!- o ?u,,his2
a!, co2pariso! o De,ic scripts a!, Bi"le, as 7ell as o ?u,,his2 a!,
?y the e!, o 1373/ &.P. ?la4ats8y a!, 'olo!el Olcott tra4el to I!,ia/ to
,eepe! the stu,ies i! &i!,u reli-io! a!, ?u,,his2. I! I!,ia they <oth
recei4e, the su<sta!tial support or their e!,ea4ors. Their 2ai! 2issio! 7as
the prese!tatio! o the a!cie!t philosophy. The 2ai! -oal o &.P. ?la4ats8y
7as to put e2phasis o! philosophical a!, ethical teachi!- ai2e, at their
sprea,i!-J thereore she a!, Olcott tra4ele, a lot/ all across I!,ia a!, to
'eylo!/ too.
'o!ti!uous strai! o tra4el a!, 7or8 i! a tropic cli2ate ha, -ra,ually put i!
,isor,er the health o &.P. ?la4ats8y/ so i! 133# she 7as ta8e! ill o chro!ic
i!la22atio! o 8i,!eys/ ollo7e, <y hi-h pressure a!, e,e2. )or so2e ti2e
she ha, e!,ure,/ <ut i! 1330 she 7as co2pelle, to lea4e I!,ia a!, so she
set out to )ra!ce/ to reco4er i! a 2il,er cli2ate. ?y the e!, o the year &.P.
?la4ats8y 7oul, <e <ac8 i! I!,ia/ <ut o!ly or a 7hile/ <ecause her heart
trou<les this ti2e <eca2e so serious/ that her 4ery lie 7as e!,a!-ere,. She
ha, !o choice/ <ut to resi-! ro2 her positio! o the correspo!,i!- secretary
a!, retur! to Europe. &ere she coul, i! peace i!ish her seco!,
2o!u2e!tal 7or8/ yet 2ore 4olu2i!ous the! the irst/ e!title, The Secret
8octrine. The 7or8 o! this <oo8 she <e-a! yet 7he! she a!, Olcott ca2e or
the irst ti2e to I!,ia.
)or so2e ti2e &.P. ?la4ats8y li4e, i! @RrE<ur- a!, i! 133: she 2o4e, to
Oste!,e/ ?el-iu2 to <e closer to the Lo!,o! lo,-e o Theosophical Society.
&er ar,e!t supporters soo! persua,e, her to co2e to Lo!,o!/ 7here she i!
1333 <rou-ht to the e!, her Secret 8octrine. This e>ceptio!ally 4olu2i!ous
7or8 co!sists o t7o <oo8s. The irst is e!title, *os$ogenesis a!, the
seco!, Anthropogenesis. The purpose o the 7hole 7or8 7as to prese!t the
u!,a2e!tal i!terco!!ectio! <et7ee! all the reli-io!s/ scie!ces a!,
philosophy/ as 7ell as o 2icro a!, 2acrocos2/ 7hich are per2eate, <y o!e
a!, u!iGue %i4i!e pri!ciple. *os$ogenesis co!sists o three parts. The irst
7or8s out the i,ea o the cos2ic e4olutio!/ seco!, the e4olutio! o
sy2<olis2 a!, thir, <ri!-s orth the co2pariso! <et7ee! the scie!ce a!,
the secret teachi!-. Anthropogenesis also co!sists o three parts. The irst
<ears the sa2e !a2e Anthropogenesis, the seco!, Archaic S($"olis$ o!
the WorldDs Religions 7hilst thir,/ li8e i! the irst 4olu2e co2pares scie!ce
7ith secret ,octri!e. The Secret 8octrine ,eli!eate, the sche2e o e4olutio!
i! relatio! to the u!i4erse a!, 2a!8i!, a!, it is <ase, upo! three pre2isesL
The Last Reality as the o2!iprese!t/ tra!sce!,e!tal pri!ciple out o the
reach o thou-htJ u!i4ersal la7 o !atural cyclesJ i,e!tity o all souls 7ith
the u!i4ersal O4er.Soul a!, their a!, their 7ay throu-h 2a!y ,e-rees o
i!telli-e!ce <y rei!car!atio!/ i! accor, 7ith cyclic a!, 8ar2ic la7s.
I! her last t7o a!, hal years o lie &.P. ?la4ats8y ,i, co!ce!trate o! the
helpi!- o you!- theosophists i! tur!i!- the2 to7ar, the co22o! -oal
helpi!- o 2a!8i!,. This she e2phasiEe, i! her !u2erous letters a!,
articles/ <ut also i! t7o 2ore <oo8s/ co2pose, i! 1339. :e( to Theosoph(
prese!ts the i!tro,uctio! i!to the theosophical thou-ht a!, theolo-y. I! this
7or8 she corrects the 7ro!- sta!ces a<out the theosophy a!, theosophical
Society/ e>plai!i!- that it is <ase, upo! the <rotherhoo, o the 2a!8i!,.
The 7or8 ro2 the sa2e year The Aoice o! Silence is a 2ystical is a 2ystical
a!, poetical 7or8 i! co!!ectio! 7ith the path o e!li-hte!2e!t. I! this 7or8
&.P. ?la4ats8y e>pou!,s the ethical pri!ciples that ,isciples o! their
spiritual path ollo7e, ro2 the a!cie!t ti2es. T7o years later/ &.P.
?la4ats8y ,iesJ her 7or8 7oul, <e co!ti!ue, <y a! acti4ist or 7o2e!Ms
ri-hts/ A!!ie ?esa!t/ 7hose ho2e i! Lo!,o! <eca2e a hea,Guarter o the
Theosophical Society.
The irst presi,e!t o the Theosophical Society/ 'olo!el &e!ry S. Olcott 7as
<or! i! 131# i! Ora!-e/ Ne7 =ersey. Ater he i!ishe, colle-e i! Ne7 (or8/
he 2o4e, to his u!cles i! Ohio/ 7here he 7or8e, o! their ar2. This
arouse, i! hi2 the i!terest or the a-riculture. As u!cles also sho7e, so2e
i!terest to7ar, para!or2al phe!o2e!a a!, 2es2eris2/ the i!lue!ce 7as
t7ool,. O! his retur! to East 'oast arou!, 1361/ he -ot the e2ploy2e!t at
the ar2 o scie!tiic a-riculture i! Ne7ar8. Alrea,y at #1/ he -ai!e, the
i!ter!atio!al reputatio! or his 7or8/ a!, at #6 he 7rote a 7or8 Sorghu$
and I$phee, 7hich 7oul, <eco2e a te>t<oo8 at a-ricultural schools. I! 1367
he tra4els across the Europe/ perecti!- his 8!o7le,-e i! a-riculture a!, the
!e>t year he <eco2es the e,itor o the a-ricultural ru<ric o &e/ Yor
Ater the <ursti!- out o the A2erica! 'i4il @ar he Aoi!e, the Norther!
Ar2y. &e ou-ht o! the territory o Norther! 'aroli!e/ <ut ater he ha, <ee!
ta8e! ill o ,yse!tery B13:#C he 7as 7ith,ra7! to Ne7 (or8. @he! he ha,
reco4ere, o the ,isease/ the Mi!istry o @ar appoi!te, hi2 a special
co22issio!e, 7ith tas8 o i!4esti-atio! o rau, a!, corruptio! <y the
Musteri!- a!, %is<urse2e!t Oice. )or his co!scie!tious a!, eicie!t 7or8
he has <ee! a7ar,e, 7ith a -ra,e o colo!elJ u!til the e!, o the 7ar he
peror2e, the sa2e ,uty <y the Na4y %epart2e!t i! @ashi!-to!. &e ha,
-ai!e, such a co!i,e!ce <y Mi!istry/ that he 7as appoi!te, to a special
co22issio! or the i!4esti-atio! o Li!col!Ms 2ur,er i! 13:6.
Ater the 7ar 'olo!el Olcott retur!s to Ne7 (or8/ 7here he 7oul, i!ish his
stu,ies i! la7. I! 13:3 he 7as a,2itte, to the Ne7 (or8 ?ar a!, specialiEe,
or cases relate, to i!sura!ce/ custo2s a!, re4e!ue. O4er the !e>t 1" years
&.S. Olcott 7oul, peror2 his la7yerMs practice/ ha4i!- such clie!ts as <i-
co2pa!ies/ <a!8s/ Stoc8 E>cha!-e/ steel 2a!uacturers or i!sura!ce
co2pa!ies. &o7e4er/ i! the 2ea!ti2e/ i! 1370 Olcott si2ulta!eously
co!ti!ue, to 7or8 as a Aour!alist/ reporti!- o! u!usual spiritist phe!o2e!a
at the ar2 o E,,ys i! Der2o!t. Olcott -ot i!tereste, i! spiritis2 yet ro2
his tee!a-e ,ays/ as it 7as 2e!tio!e, <eore. =ust at this ar2 there
occurre, a 2eeti!- 7ith charis2atic Russia! 7o2a! that 7oul, ateully
cha!-e his lie.
Ater the esta<lish2e!t o Theosophical Society i! 1376/ Olcott co!ti!ue,
7ith his la7yerMs practice ,uri!- the ,ay a!, helpi!- ?la4ats8y i! her 7or8
Isis ?n%eiled, ote! late i!to the !i-ht. It 7as ati-ui!- lie perio,/ 7hich
,e2a!,e, a -reat sel.,iscipli!e/ to satisy all the o<li-atio!s. I! 1373 t7o
ou!,i!- 2e2<ers 2o4e to ?o2<ay/ I!,ia. 'olo!el Olcott <ecause o his
2erits -ets letter o reco22e!,atio! ro2 Presi,e!t &ayes a!, a ,iplo2atic
I! I!,ia a!, o! 'eylo! <oth Olcott a!, &.P. ?la4ats8y stea,ily 7or8e, upo!
the re4i4al o ?u,,his2 a!, other easter! reli-io!s. &.S. Olcott 7as 7ell
8!o7! or his 7or8 7ith ?u,,hists/ especially o! 'eylo!J this 7or8
so2eho7 ,i, 2ostly attach to his heart. I! 1331 he i!ishe, his Buddhist
*atechis$, or the use at ?u,,hist schoolsJ it is still i! use !o7a,ays. The
!e>t year hea,Guarter o Theosophical Society 2o4e, to A,yar. Olcott <e-a!
7ith his practice o 2a-!etic heali!-J or a perio, o a<out a year he treate,
thousa!,s o people a!, so2e o the2 cure, i! 2iraculous 7ay.
?y the hal o the ei-hties there occurre, a split 7ith &.P. ?la4ats8y/ ater
she 7e!t to Europe a!, resi-!e, ro2 her ,uty o correspo!,i!- secretary.
Olcott has co!ti!ue, 7ith his 7or8 i! Asia/ hol,i!- lectures/ ou!,i!- !e7
<ra!ches o Theosophical Society a!, 7or8i!- o! co!4er-e!ce o ?u,,hists
a!, &i!,u. I! 133: i! A,yar there 7as esta<lishe, a hu-e li<rary/ at 7hich
or the irst ti2e -athere, reli-ious teachers o &i!,uis2/ ?u,,his2/
Zoroastris2 a!, Isla2/ to <less the co22o! -oal. Accor,i!- to Olcott/ this
-oal 7oul, !ot <e a pro2otio! o a certai! philosophy/ <ut e!coura-e2e!t o
people to research the e>isti!- spiritual tra,itio!s/ as 7ell as i!si,e the2
I! the course o the !i!eties there occurre, a! estra!-e2e!t ro2
hea,Guarter i! A2erica/ 7hich ha, <ee! co!ti!ue, to lea, <y the thir,
ou!,i!- 2e2<er/ @illia2 *. =u,-e. The ,ei!iti4e split <et7ee! t7o
<ra!ches occurre, i! 1396 a!, e7 years later/ ater =u,-eMs ,eath/
hea,Guarter 7oul, 2o4e to 'alior!ia/ 7here it is still !o7a,ays Bi!
Pasa,e!aC. Ater the <rea8i!-.up 7ith =u,-e/ Olcott has co!ti!ue, his
theosophical 7or8 7ith A!!ie ?esa!t/ still tra4eli!- a lot/ lecturi!- a!,
ou!,i!- !e7 <ra!ches. &e co!ti!ue, his acti4ity u!til short ti2e <eore his
,eath. O! his 4oya-e o! the ship <y the e!, o 19": he -ra4ely hurt his le-
a!, ater he retur!e, to A,yar he ,ie,/ <ecause o heart ailure.
Olcott 7as replace, o! his positio! o the presi,e!t o Theosophical Society
<y his colla<orator i! I!,ia si!ce 1396/ A!!ie ?esa!t. This seco!, a2ous
e2ale theosophist 7as <or! i! Lo!,o! i! 1307. &er chil,hoo, 7as !ot the
happy o!e. @he! she 7as i4e/ her ather ,ie,J her 2other/ !ot ha4i!-
2ea!s or her support/ co!i,e, A!!ie to the tutorship o her rie!,/ Elle!
Marryat. This 7o2a!/ althou-h <ei!- ,e4ote, 'al4i!ist/ e!,ea4ore, to
e!a<le A!!e a 7i,er e,ucatio!.
?or! as A!!ie @oo,/ <y her 2arria-e to the priest )ra!8 ?esa!t B13:7C/ she
too8 his sur!a2e. +!til 137" she ha, -otte! 7ith hi2 t7o chil,re!.
&o7e4er/ this 2arria-e has !ot <rou-ht luc8 to A!!ie ?esa!t/ a2o!- the
rest <ecause her li<erti!e spirit colli,e, 7ith tra,itio!al 4ie7s o her
hus<a!,. A!!ie the! realiEe, that her reli-io! 4ie7s ,isa-ree 7ith 'hurch
,o-2a a!, they e4e! i!cli!e to atheis2. Ater she ha, ,i4orce, i! 1370/ she
totally reAecte, 'hristia!ity a!, Aoi!e, the secular Society. The a-e!,a o
this society i!clu,e, the i-ht or ree,o2 o speech/ 7o2e!Ms ri-hts/
secularis2/ <irth co!trol/ )a<ia!ist socialis2 a!, 7or8ersM ri-hts.
A!!ie soo! <eca2e a close colla<orator o 'harles ?ra,lau-h/ the e,itor o
the ra,ical 2a-aEi!e &ational Re!or$er a!, lea,er o the secular 2o4e2e!t
i! ?ritai!. @riti!- or this 2a-aEi!e i! the !e>t e7 years she pu<lishe,
2a!y articles o! su<Aects as 2arria-e a!, 7o2e!Ms ri-hts. I! 1377 ?esa!t
a!, ?ra,lau-h pu<lishe, a <oo8 <y 'harles $!o7lto! 9ruits o! #hilosoph(,
7or8 7hich a,4ocates <irth co!trol. +!,er the accusatio! that they
pu<lishe, a! i22oral a!, o<sce!e 7or8/ they 7ere <oth co!,e2!e, to si>
2o!ths i2priso!2e!t/ <ut the 'ourt o Appeal ho7e4er passe, se!te!ce i!
their a4or/ i.e. release, the2 ro2 the -uilt. No7 A!!ie ?esa!t 7rote her
o7! 7or8 o! that su<Aect/ e!titli!- it The .a/s o! #opulation.
I! the ei-hties A!!ie ?esa!t <eco2es a 2e2<er o Social %e2ocratic
)e,eratio! Bo!e o the pre,ecessors o the later La<our PartyC. She starte,
her o7! 2a-aEi!e The .in a!, co!ti!ue, her stru--le or 7o2e!Ms ri-hts.
She especially ,isti!-uishe, hersel i! 1333/ 7riti!- a<out the sla4ish
co!,itio!s i! 7hich 7or8 7o2e! i! a 2atch actory S?rya!t a!, MayM. Ater
three 7o2e! 7ho supplie, her 7ith i!or2atio! ha, <ee! ire,/ A!!ie
?esa!t helpe, to or-a!iEe their o7! sy!,icate a!, also i! co!!ectio! 7ith
three.7ee8 stri8e. It yiel,e, ruit/ <ecause the 7or8ers -ot co!si,era<le
<etter2e!ts i! co!!ectio! 7ith 7or8 co!,itio!s a!, 7a-esJ those 7o2e!
7ere retur!e, to their Ao</ too.
The year 1339 7as the tur!i!- poi!t i! lie o A!!ie ?esa!t/ <ecause ater
she ha, rea, Secret 8octrine a!, 2et 7ith &ele!a P. ?la4ats8y/ she ,eci,e,
to Aoi! the Theosophical Society. The Russia! 7o2a! i22e,iately percei4e,
her prou, spirit/ pro<a<ly seei!- her o!e ,ay o! the hea, o the
theosophical 2o4e2e!t/ that is/ e>actly as it 7oul, happe! later. Alrea,y
the! it 7as 8!o7! that A!!ie ?esa!t has e>celle!t rhetoric s8ill a!, that
she alrea,y achie4e, success as a 7riter. Soo! ater the ,eath o ?la4ats8y/
A!!ie ?esa!t has pu<lishe, her irst theosophical 7or8/ The Se%en
#rinciples o! )an a!, Reincarnation. +!til the e!, o her lie she 7oul,
pu<lish 2ore tha! 0" <oo8s a!, hu!,re,s o articles/ essays a!,
I! 1391 A!!ie ?esa!t ha, or the irst ti2e tra4ele, to I!,iaJ t7o years later
she settle, ,o7! per2a!e!tly i! ?e!ares a!, <e-a! her spiritual/
e,ucatio!al a!, social 7or8 i! I!,ia. I! the !e>t perio, o her lie/ <esi,es
e!or2ous e!er-y that she ha, put i!to Theosophical Society/ li8e7ise she
7oul, put a co!si,era<le eort i!to the stru--le or the i!,epe!,e!ce a!,
pro-ress o I!,ia. O!e o her irst successes i! the ,o2ai! o e,ucatio!
7oul, <e the ope!i!- o 'e!tral &i!,u 'olle-e i! 1393.
The perio, <et7ee! 1396 a!, 19": 2ea!t or Theosophical Society the
perio, o co!sta!t a,4a!ce2e!t a!, certai!ly a lio!Ms share i! it ha, Aust
A!!ie ?esa!t. )ro2 this perio, there arise 7or8s li8e :ar$a, The Ancient
Wisdo$, A%atars a!, Thought 9or$s Bi! colla<oratio! 7ith '.@. Lea,<eaterC.
As she al7ays poi!te, out i! i!tro,uctio!s o her 7or8s/ their ai2 7as to
approach 7ith theosophical teachi!- a 7i,er rea,i!- pu<lic. Dolu2i!ous
a!, so2eti2es har,ly co2prehe!si<le 2aterials ro2 Isis ?n%eiled a!,
Secret 8octrine !o7 7ere prese!te, i! a 2ore accessi<le a!, so2e7hat
si2plistic or2. &o7e4er the 7or8s o A!!ie ?esa!t Bas 7ell as those o '.@.
Lea,<eaterC ,o !ot prese!t 2ere copyi!- out or ,escri<i!- o the 7or8s <y
&.P. ?la4ats8y/ <ut they 7ere as 7ell e!riche, <y their o7! ,eli<eratio! a!,
,isco4eries/ so they ca! <e co!si,ere, -e!ui!e. So2eho7/ the ce!tral place
a2o!- all those <oo8s ta8es Ancient /isdo$. I! it/ there are prese!te, the
si2ilarities a2o!- the 7orl,Ms reli-io!s/ as the i!tro,uctio! or the stu,y o
theosophy. I! this <oo8 there are ,epicte, 4arious le4els o e>iste!ce/ ro2
the lo7est physical up to the hi-hest ?u,,hic a!, Nir4a!ic. The author here
,eals 7ith rei!car!atio! a!, 8ar2a a!, 7ith 2a!Ms asce!t to7ar, the
hi-her spheres/ that prese!t his spiritual e4olutio!/ that is/ the e4olutio! o
I! 19"7 A!!ie ?esa!t <eco2es the presi,e!t o the Theosophical SocietyJ
the! there <e-i!s a !e7 perio, o her lie a!, 7or8. @hilst i! ti2e o Olcott
the ocus ha, <ee! o! Thera4a,a ?u,,his2 a!, 'eylo!/ !o7 ?esa!t 2a,e a
certai! s7er4e i!to the ,irectio! o &i!,uis2 a!, ce!tral I!,ia/ as the
,o2ai! o acti!-. I! 1911 it 7as esta<lishe, a <ra!ch u!,er the !a2e
SOr,er o the Star i! the EastM/ ,e,icate, to the !e7 @orl, Teacher/ i.e.
$rish!a2urti/ i! 7ho2 ?esa!t a!, Lea,<eater reco-!iEe, a !e7 Messiah.
This <ra!ch 7oul, pro4o8e a reactio! o the Ger2a! sectio! o Theosophical
Society/ hea,e, <y Ru,ol Stei!er/ 7ho 7oul, lea4e the2 to ou!, their o7!
or-a!iEatio!/ A!throposophical Society.
This <it co!tro4ersial perio, up to the )irst @orl, @ar 7as also 2ar8e, <y
7orthy 7or8s <y A!!ie ?esa!t li8e An Introduction to Yoga, Occult *he$istr(
Bi! colla<oratio! 7ith Lea,<eaterC/ Stud( in *onsciousness, 'soteric
*hristianit( a!, )(sticis$. The 7or8 Occult *he$istr( is i!teresti!- <ecause
it -i4es the i!si-ht i!to the structure o ato2s a!, 2olecules <y
clair4oya!ce. Stud( in *onsciousness prese!ts a co!tri<utio! to the scie!ce
o psycholo-y/ <ecause it ,eals 7ith the2es li8e co!scious!ess/ 7ill/ ,esire
a!, e2otio!s. 'soteric *hristianit( ,eals 7ith the hi,,e! si,e o the reli-io!/
especially 'hristia!ityJ o 'hrist as historical/ 2ythical a!, 2ysticalJ
e>piatio!/ resurrectio! a!, asce!sio!/ Tri!ity/ prayer/ or-i4i!- o si!s/
sacra2e!ts a!, Re4elatio!. The 8!o7le,-e o spiritual truth 2ust <e
achie4e, ro2 i!si,e/ ro2 the %i4i!e Spirit/ o 7hich 7e are i! act a te2ple.
The I!!er Spirit prese!ts the 2i!, o 'hrist a!, this i!!er li-ht pours o!to
our lo7er 2i!,. )(sticis$ spea8s a<out the i,ea o Go,/ 'hrist a!, Ma!.
?esa!t percei4es 2ysticis2 as ,irect 8!o7le,-e li8e that o!e o! 7hich
scie!ce is <ase, upo!J o!ly/ here it is !ot throu-h outer percei4i!-/ <ut
throu-h the i!!er co-!itio!. ?esa!t thi!8s that there ca! <e ou!, a!
i,e!tical a!s7er to the i,ea o 'hrist/ throu-h all the epochs a!, reli-io!sJ it
is sa2e/ al7ays a!, e4ery7here/ !o 2atter that he <ears ,iere!t !a2es i!
,iere!t reli-io!s.
%uri!- the )irst @orl, @ar A!!ie ?esa!t has re2ai!e, i! I!,ia a!, Aoi!e,
the I!,ia! 2o4e2e!t or the i!,epe!,e!ce a!, sel.-o4er!2e!t. She playe,
the pro2i!e!t role i! creatio! o the plator2 or I!,ia! i!,epe!,e!ce
BI!,ia! &o2e RuleC a!, she <eca2e/ althou-h Aust or a short 7hile/ a
presi,e!t o I!,ia! Natio!al 'o!-ress. Na2ely/ soo! there occurre, a
parti!- 7ith Ga!,hi. Si!ce ?ritish -o4er!2e!t ha, esti2ate, her acti!-
su<4ersi4e/ ,uri!- the 7ar she ha, <ee! se4eral ti2es i!ter!e,. @ith this
acti4ity she 7oul, co!ti!ue ater the )irst @orl, @ar. ?y the e!, o the
t7e!ties A!!ie ?esa!t set out or +!ite, States 7ith her protQ-Q
$rish!a2urti/ prese!ti!- hi2 as !e7 Messiah a!, i!car!atio! o ?u,,ha.
?ut i! 19#9 $rish!a2urti Ba<out hi2 there 7ill <e a 7or, or t7o laterC
re!ou!ce, such a role/ ,is2isse, SThe Or,er o the Star i! the EastM a!,
<ro8e his relatio!s 7ith Theosophical Society. A!!ie ?esa!t retur!e, to
I!,ia/ 7here she ,ie, i! Septe2<er/ 1911. O! the hea, o the Society she
7as replace, <y %r. Geor-e S. Aru!,ale.
A!!ie ?esa!tMs colla<orator o lo!- sta!,i!- a!, o!e o the 2ost proliic
authors o the Theosophical Society/ 'harles @. Lea,<eater 7as <or! i!
1360 i! Stoc8port/ 'heshire. &is ather 7as a <oo88eeper/ 7ho ,ie, 7he!
'harles 7as ei-ht years ol,. &e ha, -ra,uate, i! literature/ <ut i! spite o
this he ,e,icate, hi2sel to the 'hurch call/ <eco2i!- i! 1373 ,eaco! o
A!-lica! 'hurch. Alrea,y the !e>t year he <eco2es a cler-y2a!J ho7e4er he
,i, !ot li!-er or a lo!- ti2e i! the 'hurch/ si!ce i! 1331 he Aoi!s the
Theosophical Society. The !e>t year/ upo! the arri4al o &.P. ?la4ats8y to
Lo!,o!/ he 2et her a!, ,eci,e, to ,epart to I!,ia. There he <eco2es a close
colla<orator o 'olo!el Olcott/ 7ith 7ho2 he hol,s lectures i! I!,ia a!, o!
'eylo!. ?et7ee! 133: a!, 1339 he li4e, a!, 7or8e, pre,o2i!a!tly o!
?y the e!, o 1339/ Lea,<eater retur!s to E!-la!, a!, the !e>t year he
2eets A!!ie ?esa!t. Their close colla<oratio!/ !ot7ithsta!,i!- i!ter2itte!t
<rea8s/ 7oul, last u!til ?esa!tMs ,eath i! 1911. ?esi,es re-ular lectures i!
theosophy/ !i!eties <rou-ht Lea,<eater pu<lishi!- o a 7hole ro7 o <oo8s/
li8e The Astral #lane, The 8e%ahanic #lane, In%isi"le 2elpers, 8rea$s,
*lair%o(ance. I! these 7or8s he ,eals 7ith the hi-her pla!es o <ei!-/ astral
a!, hea4e!ly/ 7ith i!4isi<le helpers Ba!-elsC 7ho act ro2 these le4els a!,
also 7ith ,rea2s a!, clair4oya!ce. As Lea,<eater says/ i! !ature there e>ist
,iere!t le4els/ o 7hich each o!e possess its o7! 2atter o speciic ,e-ree
o ,e!sity/ 7hich per2eates the 2atter o the lo7er le4el. )ro2 hi-her
pla!es/ the o!es 7ho help 2a! are a!-els/ as 7ell as a,epts/ hi-hly
,e4elope, spirits/ capa<le o acti!- o! the astral le4el. O! this le4el 7e i!,
oursel4es i! our ,rea2s. %uri!- the ,rea2 astral <o,y usually loats a<o4e
the physical <o,y/ <ut <ecause it posses a trait o 2o4a<ility/ it ca! set out
to a lo!- ,ista!ce/ too. )ro2 there/ it ca! <ri!- ,iere!t i2pressio!s/
,epe!,i!- o! places that it 4isite, a!, people that it 2et. @e ca! percei4e
2a!Ms astral <o,y <y 2ea!s o our clair4oya!ce. Accor,i!- to Lea,<eater/
this a<ility is i!<or! i! e4ery 2a! a!, it ca! <e ,e4elope,. To a! a,4a!ce,
a,ept/ it is possi<le to achie4e the co2plete astral clair4oya!ce/ i! 7hich
there is !o <rea8 i! the co!ti!uity o the co!scious!ess/ !ot e4e! ,uri!- the
I! 19""/ 'harles @. Lea,<eater set out or a si>.2o!th tour across the
+!ite, States/ 7here he hel, series o lecturesJ ater7ar,s he 7e!t to Europe
a!, hel, there lectures/ too. ?et7ee! 19"# a!, 19"6 he also hel, series o
lectures a!, ater7ar,s co!ti!ue, as 7ell i! Australia a!, Ne7 Zeala!,.
)ro2 this perio, there ori-i!ate 7or8s Thought 9or$s Bi! colla<oratio! 7ith
A!!ie ?esa!tC/ An Outline o! Theosoph(, )an Aisi"le and In%isi"le a!, So$e
;li$pses into Occultis$. I! his 7or8 Thought 9or$s there are ,escri<e,
eects i! the etheric 2atter/ that is/ or2s/ 2a,e <y 4i<ratio!s cause, <y
2e!tal i2a-es. &ere are ,epicte, 4arious characteristics o thou-ht or2s/
as co!seGue!ces o e>pressio!s o ,iere!t e2otio!s/ as 7ell as o states o
An Outline o! Theosoph( s8etches the 2ai! pri!ciples o theosophy
a!, )an In%isi"le and Aisi"le e>plicates his theory a<out ,iere!t 8i!,s o
2e!/ i! relatio! to su<tle <o,ies that they posses. Thereore/ here are
,escri<e, su<tle <o,ies Bastral/ 2e!tal a!, causalC o a sa4a-e/ a4era-e 2a!
a!, spiritually ,e4elope, 2a!/ as 7ell as ,iere!t colors i! aura as eects o
4arious e2otio!s a!, ,isor,ers relati!- to their health. I! 4olu2i!ous 7or8
So$e ;li$pses o! Occultis$ there are 2a!y the2es prese!te,/ li8e relatio! o
Theosophy to7ar, ?u,,his2 a!, 'hristia!ity/ 2a! a!, his su<tle <o,ies/
rei!car!atio!/ lie ater ,eath/ clair4oya!ce/ telepathy/ spiritis2/ ,rea2s/
2es2eris2/ 4e-etaria!is2/ 2a-ic a!, 2ysteries o the a!tiGuity.
I! 19": Lea,<eater 7as accuse, that he tau-ht his pupils 2astur<atio!/
7hich 7as a <i- sca!,al or the! 2orality o Dictoria! E!-la!,/ i! that ti2e
2astur<atio! ha, <ee! co!si,ere, as so2ethi! u!!atural a!, sel.a<usi4e.
&e ha, !ot <ee! le-ally persecute,/ <ut he e>perie!ce, a 2oral co!,e2! <y
*or example, emotional changes are reflected in alteration of the color of aura, the "rapper "hich is "ound
around all the li$ing !eings.
so2e pro2i!e!t 2e2<ers Bli8e $atheri!e Ti!-ley/ Alre, Si!!et/ Geor-e
Mea, a!, othersC so he ha, to lea4e Theosophical Society. ?ut/ this
<a!ish2e!t ,i, !ot last or lo!- as alrea,y i! 19"3 Lea,<eater retur!s/ o!
i!siste!ce o the !e7 presi,e!t A!!ie ?esa!t. I! colla<oratio! 7ith her later
that year he 7oul, 7rite the 7or8 Occult *he$istr(.
+!til the <ursti!-.out o the )irst @orl, @ar Lea,<eater 7rote yet se4eral
i2porta!t 7or8s li8e The Inner .i!e, A Text"oo o! Theosoph(, The .i!e A!ter
8eath, )an, Whence, 2o/ and Whither a!, The 2idden Side o! Things. I! the
irst our 7or8s he ,eals 7ith 7i,e!i!- a!, supple2e!t o the2es
represe!te, i! earlier 7or8s. The <oo8 The 2idden Side o! Things <ri!-s
orth the ,escriptio! o ,iere!t hi,,e! i!lue!ces/ as there are i!lue!ces o
pla!ets a!, e!er-ies ro2 2a!Ms surrou!,i!-sJ other the2es co!cer!
i!lue!ce o our 2e!tal states a!, custo2s o! oursel4es alo!eJ i!ally the
last o!es ,eal 7ith our i!lue!ce o! other people.
I! 1910 the paths o A!!ie ?esa!t a!, 'harles @. Lea,<eater te2porarily
separate,. Lea,<eater ha, -o!e to Australia/ 7here i! 191: he <eca2e the
<ishop o Li<eral 'atholic 'hurch. This 'hurch 7as esta<lishe, <y
theosophist =a2es I. @e,-e7oo,. This church ste2s ro2 the Ol, 'atholic
'hurch a!, i! relatio! to Ro2a! 'atholic/ it is characteriEe, <y i!tellectual
ree,o2 i! the i!terpretatio! o Bi"le a!, respect o i!,i4i,ual
co!scious!ess a!, co!scie!ce. Si2ilarities are relate, to sacra2e!ts a!,
rituals/ 7hich are 4ery ali8e.
'harles @. Lea,<eater co!ti!ue, his proliic literary acti4ity/ ater the )irst
@orl, @ar/ 7he! ori-i!ate, 7or8s The Science o! Sacra$ents, The )onad,
The )asters o! the #ath, The 2idden .i!e in 9ree$asonr( a!, *haras. @or8
The Science o! Sacra$ents <ri!-s i!to the 2o,er! 2ystical thou-ht o!e
really !e7 ele2e!t/ i.e. that reli-ious rituals practice, <y a -roup o <elie4ers
,o !ot aect o!ly the2sel4es alo!e/ <ut also their surrou!,i!-s. Si2ilar
hypothesis 7oul, <e propose, se4eral ,eca,es later <y Maharishi Mahesh
(o-i Bco!cer!i!- the i!lue!ce o a -roup 2e,itatio! o! the 7i,er
surrou!,i!-sC. The 7or8 o Lea,<eater is 2ai!ly co!ce!trate, upo! the
sacra2e!t o eucharisty. Lea,<eater thi!8s that te2ple a!, church are !ot
o!ly places o reli-ious 4e!eratio!/ <ut also a ce!ter o 2a-!etic ra,iatio!/
<y 7hich spiritual orces are poure, upo! the 7hole cou!ty.
I! the 7or8 The )onad he spea8s a<out the ,iiculties i! relatio! to
,ei!itio! a!, ,escriptio! o the 2o!a,.
The 2ai! pro<le2/ ater
Lea,<eater/ is the 2ulti,i2e!sio!ality o hi-her pla!es/ 7hich is har,ly
co!cei4a<le to co22o! physical 2i!,/ 7hich is use, to thi!8 o!ly i! 1.
,i2e!sio!al ter2s. It is !ot possi<le or a!yo!e to -rasp the 2o!a, i! its
o7! a<o,e/ <ut o!ly 7he! it passes o4er to the lo7er pla!e a!, shrou,s
ccording to ,ei!ni., monad is simple, indi$isi!le su!stance, "hich permeates the complex matter.
itsel 7ith the 2atter.
The 7or8 )onad also ,eals 7ith 2e,itatio! a!,
achie4e2e!t o the hi-her states o co!scious!ess.
The !e>t 7or8 )asters and the #ath spea8s o -reat teachers a,epts/ o
spiritual 7ay that each ollo7er o the Path has to pass/ o ,e-rees o
i!itiatio!s a!, o the hierarchy o the i!itiate,. The 2idden .i!e in
9ree$asonr( re4eals ,etails ro2 the history o )ree2aso!ry/ structure o
Maso!ic lo,-es/ rituals a!, cere2o!ies a!, i!itiatio!s i!to lo7er a!, hi-her
,e-rees. I! his last i2porta!t 7or8 The *haras Lea,<eater spea8s o
'ha8ras ce!ters o e!er-y o! the surace o etherical ,ou<le o 2a! a!,
7hich ser4e or tra!s2issio! o e!er-y ro2 o!e 2a!Ms <o,y to the other.
I! 191"/ alrea,y a-e,/ <ishop Lea,<eater set out or his last tour i! Europe
a!, his lectures 7ere e4ery7here recei4e, e!thusiastically. @he! A!!ie
?esa!t 7as ta8e! ill i! 1911/ he ca2e to I!,ia/ to help her i! last 2o!ths o
her lie. &er aithul colla<orator sur4i4e, her or o!ly si> 2o!ths/ passi!-
a7ay i! March/ 1910. 'harles @. Lea,<eater/ to-ether 7ith A!!ie ?esa!t
co!si,era<ly co!tri<ute, to the populariEatio! o the theosophical thou-ht/
7ith his a<ility o e>pressio! i! ,irect/ co!4i!ci!- a!, si2ple style. O7i!- to
hi2/ 2a!y hi,,e! a!, 2ysterious !otio!s a!, co!cepts coul, co2e i!to the
co!scious!ess o -reater !u2<er o people.
6.1.#. Oshoots o Theosophical Society A!troposophical Society/
Rosicrucia! )ello7ship/ the Arca!e School a!, $rish!a2urti
As it 7as aore2e!tio!e,/ the esta<lish2e!t o the SOr,er o the Star i! the
EastM a!, attri<utio! o a Messia!ic character to $rish!a2urti/ cause, a
4ehe2e!t reactio! o the Ger2a! <ra!ch o Theosophical Society/ hea,e, <y
Ru,ol Stei!er. I! 1911 the 7hole <ra!ch steppe, out ro2 the Theosophical
Society a!, they co!ti!ue, their acti!- as a! i!,epe!,e!t or-a!iEatio!/
u!,er !a2e o A!troposophical Society. This cha!-e o !a2e ha, !ot -otte!
o!ly or2al character/ <ut it relecte, the u!,a2e!tal ,iere!ce i! relatio!
to the or2er hea,Guarter i! A,yar. The e2phasis is !ot o! Go, a!y2ore/
!ot o! 'hrist or the i,ea o Ne7 Messiah/ <ut the ocus is o! antropos, i.e.
2a!. Stei!er ,i, !ot ,ee2 a!troposophy as so2e or2 o a !e7 reli-io!/ <ut
si2ply as a 7ay o acGuiri!- !e7 co-!itio!s o! the 7orl, a!, 2a!.
Ru,ol Stei!er/ the ou!,er o A!troposophical Society 7as <or! i! 13:1 i!
4illa-e %o!Ai $ralAe4ec !ear Za8o4ec/ i! the! Austro.&u!-aria! Mo!archy.
As his ather 7as a! e2ployee o Austria! rail7ay/ a2ily ote! ha, to 2o4e.
I! the ti2e o Ru,olMs <irth it happe!e, to <e i! a s2all 'roatia! 4illa-e/
!ear the <or,er 7ith &u!-ary. Ru,ol has spe!t his chil,hoo, a!, youth i!
,iere!t Austria! to7!s a!, 4illa-es. I! those places/ Ru,ol has acGuire,
his e,ucatio! i!ter2itte!tly/ so he ha, to recei4e also a certai! a,,itio!al
e,ucatio! <y his ather/ at ho2e. The -ra22ar school he atte!,e, i!
*or instance, manifestation of the monad on the higher mental plane is ego. 4n the next plane., "hen it is
manifested as the mind, it is only a particle of "hat mental aspect of monad really is. ccordingly, ego is not
mere shrouded manifestation of the monad, !ut of its small part.
@ie!er.Neusta,t/ ro2 137# u!til 1379. &e passe, the i!al e>a2 7ith a!
e>celle!t -ra,e.
Ater he i!ishe, the -ra22ar school/ Stei!er e!rolle, the &i-h Tech!ical
School i! Die!!a/ 7here he stu,ies 2athe2atics a!, !atural scie!ce. ?ut/
i! a,,itio! to this stu,y/ he atte!,s si2ulta!eously lectures i! philosophy
at Die!!a u!i4ersity. As he re2ar8e, i! his auto<io-raphy/ or the real
relatio! to7ar, the su<Aects he ha, <ee! stu,yi!- at the &i-h Tech!ical
School/ he !ee,e, a secure ou!,atio! i! philosophy. %uri!- his stu,ies he
pai, a special care to the stu,y o GoetheMs 7or8s. &e 7as co!4i!ce, that
they ca! -i4e a 2ore accurate !otio! o the 7orl, tha! !atural 2aterialistic
scie!ces a!, %ar7i!is2.
I! 1331/ o! the -ra,uatio! at &i-h Tech!ical School/ Stei!er <eca2e o!e o
the e,itors o the a!tholo-y e,itio! 8eutchen &ationalliteratur. &e e,ite,
GoetheMs 7or8s ro2 the ,o2ai! o !atural scie!ce/ or 7hich he also 7rote
a! i!tro,uctio!. Later B19#6C/ this 7or8 7oul, <e pu<lishe, i!,epe!,e!tly/
u!,er the title ;oetheDs &atur/iLenscha!tliche Schri!te BGoetheMs Naturalistic
ScriptsC. I! 139" he 7e!t to @ei2ar/ 7here he 7or8s o! settli!- o GoetheMs
archi4e. The !e>t year he 7oul, <e pro2ote, i!to Ph.%./ at Rostoc8
Stei!er pu<lishe, his irst i2porta!t 7or8 i! 1390/ e!titli!- it #hilosoph( o!
9reedo$. The 7or8 a,4ocate, the i,ea o spiritual release o 2a!/ throu-h
co!scious acti4e thi!8i!-. So/ he ,ee2s that o<ser4atio! a!, thi!8i!- are
t7o co!seGue!tial poi!ts or all the spiritual stri4i!- o 2a!/ i he is
co!scious o the2. &e resol4es the a!ti!o2y <et7ee! ,ualis2 a!, 2o!is2
i! the 7ay that he o<ser4es the 7orl, as ,uality/ 7hich the! co-!itio! 7or8s
out i!to u!ity. Stei!er co!si,ers that the 4ery lie is u!ity. &is 4isio! o
scie!ce is holistic/ as he ,e,uces that the 2ore scie!ces stri4e to <eco2e
a<sor<e, i!to a speciic iel,/ the arther they -et ro2 the co-!itio! o li4i!-
7hole o the 7orl,.
Ater he ha, i!ishe, his 7or8 at GoetheMs archi4e/ i! 139: he 7e!t to
NRr!<er-/ 7here he settles NietEscheMs archi4e/ upo! the i!4itatio! o
philosopherMs sister Elisa<eth. Mrs. )Trster.NietEsche 7ishe, that Stei!er
ha, re2ai!e, i! NRr!<er-/ as e,itor a!, co22e!tator o her <rotherMs 7or8.
?ut/ Stei!er Aust e>presse, -ratitu,e or this ho!or a!, 7e!t to ?erli!
i!stea,/ at the positio! o the chie e,itor o literary 2a-aEi!e )agaCine !Mr
The tur!i!- poi!t i! lie a!, career o Ru,ol Stei!er happe!e, i! 1399.
Na2ely/ the!/ ater pu<lishi!- the article ;oetheDs Secret Re%ealing i!
2a-aEi!e that he ha, e,ite,/ he recei4e, a! i!4itatio!/ to hol, a speech i!
ro!t o 2e2<ers o the Ger2a! sectio! o Theosophical Society. &e ca2e
upo! 4ery -oo, receptio!/ so ater a series o lectures he e4e!tually <eca2e a
lea,er o Ger2a! theosophists. I! the sa2e year he 2et Marie 4o! Sie4ers/
his uture 7ie a!, stea,y colla<orator. I! a perio, <et7ee! 19"# a!, 191#
he hel, pu<lic lectures re-ularly/ i! ?erli! a!, all across Europe. &e also
pu<lishe, so2e i2porta!t 7or8s Theosophie BTheosophyC/ Wie erlangt $an
'renntniLe der hNheren Welten B&o7 are AcGuire, 'o-!itio!s o &i-her
@orl,sC/ 8ie ;ehei$/iLensca!t i$ ?$riL BThe )ou!,atio!s o Secret Scie!ceC
a!, 8ie ;eistige 9Mhrung des )enschen und der )enschheit BSpiritual
Gui,a!ce o Ma! a!, Ma!8i!,C.
I! 191#/ ater the <rea8i!-.up 7ith A,yar hea,Guarters/ Ger2a!
Theosophical Society co!ti!ues its 7or8 i!,epe!,e!tlyJ ro2 the !e>t year
u!,er a !e7 !a2e A!troposophical Society. The! there <e-a! the
co!structio! o the a!troposophical cultural ce!ter !a2e, Goethea!u2/ i!
ho!or o a2ous 7riter a!, philosopher. ?uil,i!- 7oul, <e i!ishe, o!ly
ater the )irst @orl, @ar/ <y persiste!t 7or8 o <uil,ers 4olu!teers. This
cultural ce!ter e!a<le, the happe!i!- o lar-e spa! o acti4ities i! 4arious
iel,s/ li8e 2athe2atics/ 2e,ici!e/ <io,y!a2ic a-riculture/ schools o
pai!ti!-/ speech/ ,ra2a a!, euryth2ics
. Althou-h the irst Goethea!u2
e>perie!ce, a tra-ic e!, B<ur!e, up o! Ne7 (ears E4e 19#1C/ Stei!er
u!hesitati!-ly i!itiate, the co!structio! o a !e7 <uil,i!-. +!ortu!ately/ he
,i, !ot li4e to see its ope!i!- he ,ie, i! March/ 19#6.
Stei!erMs literary herita-e is i22e!se a!, it co2prises 0" 7or8s/ i!clu,i!-
also essays/ ,ra2a/ poetry a!, auto<io-raphy. ?ut the collectio! o his
lectures i!clu,es still urther 1"" 7or8s appro>i2ately/ i! 7hich is co4ere,
so to say e4ery si!-le i2a-i!a<le a!, possi<le the2e. Ta8i!- i!to
co!si,eratio! o!ly the !arro7er iel, o 2ystical philosophy . 2ost
represe!te, the2es there are i!itiatio!J ,rea2sJ lie ater ,eathJ
co!scious!ess a!, 2e,itatio!J i2a-i!ati4e/ i!tuiti4e a!, i!spire, co-!itio!J
spiritual e4olutio! o 2a!.
Stei!er ,iscer!s the co22o!/ 7a8i!- state o co!scious!ess a!, hi-her
co!scious!ess/ 7hich is i! co!!ectio! 7ith i2a-i!atio!/ i!tuitio! a!,
i!spiratio!. @hilst the or,i!ary co!scious!ess e>perie!ces o!ly the prese!t/
i2a-i!ati4e co!scious!ess ca! e>perie!ce si2ulta!eously past/ prese!t a!,
uture. I! it there is !o 2e2ory/ as <y co22o! co!scious!ess. O!e co2es
to i2a-i!ati4e co-!itio! throu-h 2e,itatio!. Stei!er i!terprets it as ree
creatio! o !otio!s ro2 o!eMs i!!er sel the atte!tio! is ,irecte, to7ar, the
i!!er stre!-th/ 7hich creates !otio!s. ?y 2e,itatio!/ co!scious!ess
tra!sce!,s ro2 the physical le4el o!to ethereal. The 2a! that i2a-i!es/
accor,i!- to Stei!er/ realiEes the i!,epe!,e!ce o soul o! physical <o,y/
<ecause it acts !o7 co!sciously. O!e ca! reach the hi-her states o
co!scious!ess i! ,rea2s as 7ell. Stei!er ,ee2s that i!spiratio! lea,s to
2a!Ms astral <o,yJ i!tuitio!/ o! the other ha!,/ lea,s to 2a!Ms Sel/ that is/
to E-o. It see2s that <y this it ca! <e e>plai!e, i!spiratio! or the artistic
7or8s/ or i!tuiti4e i!si-hts o philosophers a!, scie!tists.
I! his ,escriptio! o lie ater ,eath Stei!er ,iers ro2 Lea,<eater a!, other
theosophists i! so 2uch that he states that etheric <o,y/ to-ether 7ith
astral o!e a!, e-o/ lea4es physical <o,y i! 2o2e!t o ,eath. Stei!er hol,s
=e" artistic form, a com!ination of gymnastic exercises and dance rhytm, "hich 3teiner de$eloped "ith a
help of his "ife >arie
that 2a!Ms spiritual ,e4elop2e!t co!ti!ues ater his ,eath/ <y his co2i!-
i!to co!tact 7ith ,i4i!e spiritual <ei!-s/ irst i! Moo! sphere/ the! i! Solar
sphere. ?et7ee! the ,eath a!, !e7 <irth 2a!/ accor,i!- to Stei!er/ li4es
throu-h a part o e4olutio! o u!i4erse/ u!,er the -ui,a!ce o hi-her
spiritual <ei!-s Ba!-elsC/ <y 7hich also e4ol4es the spiritual part o the
uture physical or-a!is2/ i! !e7 earthly i!car!atio!.
Ru,ol Stei!er asserte, that true cos2olo-y ca! ori-i!ate o!ly <y
e!rich2e!t o co22o! co-!itio! 7ith i!spiratio!. &o7e4er/ he a,,s that
such a cos2olo-y !ee,s 'hristia!ity as 7ell. ?ut/ as a 2atter o act his
4isio! o 'hristia!ity a!, 'hrist is so2e7hat speciic. So/ he says i! his
7or8 #hilosoph( *os$olog( Religion that Solar <ei!- ha, ,esce!,e, to Earth
a!, <eca2e a hu2a! <ei!- i! <o,y o =esus o NaEareth <y ulilli!-
Gol-otha 2ystery. ?y 'hristMs act/ accor,i!- to Stei!er hu2a! soul puriies
hersel ,uri!- her tra!sitio! ro2 the 7orl, o souls to la!, o spirits.
&u2a! e4olutio! is ,eeply co!!ecte, 7ith 'hristMs <ei!- throu-h the ,eathJ
i! true cos2olo-y 'hrist prese!ts a u!i4ersal/ cos2ic po7er. That po7er
acts ater ,eath as 7ell/ a<,ucti!- the soul to Moo!Ms sphere a!, ta8i!- a
part i! <uil,i!- a !e7 uture or-a!is2. ?y the e!tra!ce o 'hristia!ity i!to
hu2a! e4olutio! the reli-ious co!scious!ess cha!-es a!, it <eco2es a!
echo o 7hat 2a! e>perie!ces i! the spiritual 7orl,/ <et7ee! the ,eath a!,
!e7 <irth/ Stei!er ,e,uces.
?y the esoteric 'hristia!ity is per2eate, the teachi!- o yet a!other oshoot
o Theosophical Society/ i.e. The Rosicrucia! )ello7ship/ u!,er the -ui,a!ce
o a! A2erica! o %a!ish ori-i!/ Ma> &ei!,el. Surely/ this is !ot the o!ly
or-a!iEatio! that co!ti!ues Rosicrucia! tra,itio!s/ !or it is the 2ost
!u2erous o!e. &o7e4er/ its charis2atic lea,er is the author o a ro7 o
2ystical 7or8s/ 7hich classiy hi2 a2o!- the i2porta!t 2ystical
philosophers o the irst hal o #"
ce!tury. &is capital 7or8/ The
Rosicrucian *os$o-*onception 7ith its 2o!u2e!tality re2i!,s o Secret
8octrine <y &.P. ?la4ats8y.
Ma> &ei!,el 7as <or! i! 13:6 i! %e!2ar8. Ater the -ra22ar school he let
his ho2e a!, his a2ily a!, ,e,icate, hi2sel to the stu,y o e!-i!eeri!-.
Ater the -ra,uatio!/ he 7or8e, as e!-i!eer o! <i- passe!-er stea2ships/
7hich !a4i-ate, o! li!es <et7ee! Europe a!, A2erica. ?et7ee! 1396 a!,
19"1 he 7as e2ploye, at so2e Ne7 (or8 ir2/ as co!sulti!- e!-i!eer.
I! 19"1 &ei!,el ha, 2o4e, to Los A!-eles a!, <y the e!, o that year he
co2es or the irst ti2e i!to the co!tact 7ith theosophy. )ro2 2ere curiosity
he 7e!t to hear a lecture o! rei!car!atio!/ hel, <y 'harles @. Lea,<eater
Bat that ti2e o! his +.S. tourC. It is i!teresti!- that o! that occasio! he also
2et his uture 7ie/ Au-usta )oss. I22e,iately ater that irst lecture/
&ei!,el ha, clu!- seriously o!to stu,y o theosophical literature a!,
alrea,y i! 19"0 he <eca2e a 4ice.presi,e!t o Los A!-eles <ra!ch o
Theosophical Society.
I! his ar,e!t ,esire or ,eepe!i!- his 8!o7le,-e i! theosophy/ &ei!,el ha,
i! 19"7 set out to Ger2a!y/ to <e prese!t at cycle o lectures hel, <y Ru,ol
Stei!er. %uri!- his stay i! Ger2a!y/ &ei!,el ha, so2e 8i!, o spiritual
e>trase!sory e>perie!ce/ i! 7hich he recei4e, ro2 a hi-hly e4ol4e, spiritual
<ei!- BEl,er <rother o Rosicrucia! or,erC ,irectio!s a!, i!structio!s or the
ou!,atio! o the !e7 or,er.
+po! his retur! to A2erica i! 19"3/ &ei!,el i22e,iately <e-a! to or2ulate
the Rosicrucia! teachi!- i! a 7ritte! or2 a!, the !e>t year he pu<lishe, it
as a 7or8 Rosicrucian *os$o-*onception. This 7or8 o esoteric.'hristia!
character prese!ts a u!i4ersal sur4ey o the e4olutio!ary processes i! 2a!
a!, u!i4erseJ it is a 7or8 7hich <ri!-s i!to 2utual relatio! scie!ce a!,
reli-io!. The author e>plai!s 2a!Ms path throu-h i!4olutio!/ e4olutio! a!,
epi-e!esisJ he i!tro,uces 2etho,s o ,e4elop2e!t o late!t orces i! 2a!
a!, o ,irect acGuisitio! o co!scious!ess a<out i!!er 7orl,s. This 7or8 also
prese!ts esoteric i!terpretatio! o 'hristMs 2issio! a!, a!alysis o ?i<lical
te>ts ro2 the 2ystical poi!t o 4ie7.
Rosicrucia! philosophy o Ma> &ei!,el i! its <asis is 'hristia! Balthou-h it
co!tai!s ele2e!ts o Orie!tal reli-io!s/ as 7ellC a!, its esoteric character is
corro<orate, <y citatio!s ro2 ?i<le. The 2ost i2porta!t are Matthe7 11/11
BO?ecause it is -i4e! u!to you to 8!o7 the 2ysteries o the 8i!-,o2 o
hea4e!/ <ut to the2 is !ot -i4e!PC a!, Lu8e 3/1" B5P+!to you it is -i4e! to
8!o7 the 2ysteries o the 8i!-,o2 o Go,J <ut to others i! para<lesJ that
seei!- they 2i-ht !ot see a!, heari!- they 2i-ht !ot u!,ersta!,.PC. Ma>
&ei!,el co!si,ere, @ester! 7orl, the 4a!-uar, o a hu2a! race/ ho7e4er
also that reli-ious truth ca!!ot <e ou!, i!si,e the popular 'hristia!ity/ <ut
i!si,e the esoteric o!e.
I! the sa2e year 7he! the 7or8 The Rosicrucian *os$o-*onception 7as
pu<lishe,/ it 7as ou!,e, The Rosicrucia! )ello7ship i! to7! Ocea!si,e/
'alior!ia. O4er the last te! years o his lie/ ro2 19"9 u!til 1919/ Ma>
&ei!,el ha, ace, serious health pro<le2s a!, ,iicult 2aterial situatio!/
<ut i! spite o all he u!hesitati!-ly co!ti!ue, his spiritual 7or8. &e
pu<lishe, a lar-e !u2<er o 7or8sJ he hel, 2a!y lectures/ esta<lishe,
2a-aEi!e Ra(s !ro$ the Rose *ross a!, the sectio! or the spiritual heali!-.
&e prese!te, his philosophy o spiritual heali!- i! the 7or8 Occult #rinciples
o! 2ealth and 2ealing a!, also i! the 7or8 relate, to astro.2e,ici!e/ Astro-
8iagnosis B A ;uide to 2ealing. &e ascri<e, a si-!iica!t i2porta!ce to
astrolo-y/ 7hat ca! <e ,e,uce, ro2 the i!tro,uctory !ote to the 7or8
)essage o! the StarsL O5 the e4olutio!ary career o 2a!8i!, is i!,issolu<ly
<ou!, up 7ith the ,i4i!e hierarchies 7ho rule the pla!ets a!, the si-!s o
the Zo,iac a!, the passa-e o the Su! a!, the pla!ets throu-h the t7el4e
si-!s o Zo,iac/ 2ar8s 2a!Ms pro-ress i! ti2e a!, space.P Ma> &ei!,el ,i,
!ot co!si,er his 7or8 as the eter!al truth that is -i4e! ore4er/ <ut as the
7or8 that 7ill <e cha!-e, a!, up-ra,e,/ i! the eter!al search or the truth.
&er o7! esoteric 4isio! o 'hristia!ity ha, also theosophist Alice ?ailey/
7o2a! 7ho let Theosophical Society i! 19#1 a!, the! esta<lishe, Arca!e
School. This school is ,eeply i!ter!atio!al i! its spiritual ,eli<eratio!/ 7ith
2ai! i,eas that all the spiritual paths lea,s to Go,a!, that co!scious!ess o
people 2ust <e per2eate, <y aspiratio! to7ar, the 7elare o the e!tire
hu2a! race. Althou-h Alice ?aileyMs teachi!- is pre,o2i!a!tly 'hristia!/ it
co!tai!s also the ele2e!ts o Orie!tal spirituality/ li8e teachi!- a<out 8ar2a
a!, rei!car!atio!. As their se!ior co!te2poraries Stei!er a!, &ei!,el/ she
7rote !u2erous 7or8s/ too.
Alice ?ailey 7as <or! i! Ma!chester/ Great ?ritai! i! 133"/ i! a a2ily o a!
e!-i!eer. Ater she i!ishe, her pri2ary schooli!-/ she spe!t a certai!
perio, o ti2e i! 2o!astery a!, later ,e,icate, hersel to a 2issio!ary 7or8.
She too8 the roa, to a la!, as ar as I!,ia. I! I!,ia she ,i, !ot co2e i!to
co!tact 7ith theosophists yet/ <ut she 7as <usy 7ith the e4a!-elical 7or8 <y
?ritish ar2y. I! 19"7 there she ha, 2et a cler-y2a! @alter E4a!sJ they
soo! e2i-rate, to +!ite, States. There E4a!s soo! <eca2e a priest o the
Episcopal 'hurch. Althou-h they ha, -otte! three chil,re!/ their 2arria-e
7as short.lasti!-.
I! 1916 Alice 2et t7o E!-lish 7o2e! i! to7! Paciic Gro4e i! 'alior!ia a!,
they soo! i!tro,uce, her i!to theosophy a!, 7or8s o &ele!a P. ?la4ats8y.
The !arro7/ ,o-2atic 'hristia!ity/ o 7hich she ha, <ee! a ollo7er <eore
she ce,e, a place to !e7/ <roa, spiritual horiEo!s/ althou-h 'hrist still
re2ai!e, a ce!tral i-ure o her spiritual ,eli<eratio!s. I! 1917 Alice 2o4e,
to &olly7oo,/ to <e closer to the hea,Guarters o Theosophical Society/ 7hich
7as at the ti2e i! $roto!a. There soo! ollo7e, her 2arria-e 7ith )oster
?ailey/ the la7yer 7ho e>presse, a ,isti!cti4e prope!sity to7ar, the
Alice ?ailey ha, si2ilar e>perie!ce o Scha!!eli!-M
as Ma> &ei!,el/ i! year
1919/ 7ith spiritual teacher %A7al $hul. &e 7oul, <e her spiritual -ui,e till
the e!, o her lie/ ,uri!- ull 1" years. The result o this Scolla<oratio!M
7oul, <e 19 7or8sJ urther se4e! 7or8s ?ailey 7rote i!,epe!,e!tly. )or
7or8s that ori-i!ate, throu-h cha!!eli!- she asserte, that they 7ere
,ictate, to her <y a! i!!er 4oice/ 7hilst she aithully !ote, it/ 7or, <y 7or,.
Althou-h she state, that her spiritual -ui,e %Ah7al $hul 7as Ti<eta! the
7or8s ,i, !ot co!tai! ele2e!ts o Ti<eta! ?u,,his2/ <ut they are 2ai!ly a
co2<i!atio! o theosophy a!, 'hristia!ity.
A2o!- the auto!o2ous 7or8s o Alice ?ailey/ the 2ost i!teresti!- are t7o
7or8s/ The *onsciousness o! the Ato$ ro2 19## a!, 9ro$ Intellect to
Intuition ro2 191#. I! the irst she sets a hypothesis a<out ho7 the sa2e
<asic la7s rule o4er the e4olutio! o ato2 a!, o4er the e4olutio! o Solar
syste2. Macrocos2 is repeate, i! 2a!.2icrocos2 a!, he a-ai! is relecte,
i! ato2s/ says ?ailey. Ato2s/ accor,i!- to her/ possess Guality/ they sho7
characteristics o 2i!, a!, i!telli-e!ce a!, they ca! also 2a8e a choice
<et7ee! 2ore possi<ilities. ?ailey ,iscer!s three 8i!,s o co!scious!ess.
The a<solute co!scious!ess is that o!e/ i! 7hich e4erythi!- is co!tai!e,/
2a!ieste, a!, !o!.2a!ieste,. The u!i4ersal co!scious!ess is o!e that
6ommunication "ith spiritual !eing
i!clu,es ti2e a!, space a!, 7hich ca! <e i,e!tiie, 7ith -roup
co!scious!ess. I!,i4i,ual co!scious!ess is a particle o the u!i4ersal o!e/
7hich ca! percei4e <y hersel.
I! the 7or8 9ro$ Intellect to Intuition 2ai!ly she ,eals 7ith !ature a!,
2ea!i!- o the ter2 2e,itatio!. Me,itatio! ,iers ro2 prayer <ecause she
is pri2arily the orie!tatio! o the 2i!, that co2es to reco-!itio! a!,
u!,ersta!,i!- o the or2ulate, 8!o7le,-e. Alice ?ailey e2phasiEes that
2e,itatio! i! ,iere!t reli-ious syste2s <ri!-s to the sa2e -oal/ that is/ to
the u!ity 7ith ,i4i!ity. She also poi!ts out Bsi2ilarly as Lea,<eaterC that
2e,itatio! -ai!s her true se!se i it is practice, i! lar-er -roups/ or the
7ell<ei!- o society a!, the pla!et as a 7hole.
The 7or8 The Reappearance o! the *hrist a!!ou!ces the seco!, co2i!- o
'hrist/ 7ho 7ill !ot co2e o!ly or the sal4atio! o 'hristia!s/ <ut the e!tire
hu2a! race. She a!!ou!ces the A-e o AGuarius/ 7hich 7ill <ri!-
to-ether!ess a!, 2ore hu2a! relatio!s <et7ee! the !atio!s. Accor,i!-ly/
the ai2 o prayer shoul, !ot <e ,irecte, to7ar, the perso!al sal4atio!/ <ut
to7ar,s the creatio! o hu2a! relatio!s i! -e!eral/ o! the 7i,est possi<le
<asis/ says Alice ?ailey.
I! years that ,irectly prece,e, the )irst @orl, @ar ,i, ori-i!ate a !e7
Messia!ic e>pectatio!/ li8e i! orties o the 19
ce!tury. This e>pectatio! ,i,
!ot pass <y the lea,ers o Theosophical Society either/ especially <ecause the
ou!,er &ele!a P. ?la4ats8y i! 1339 sai, that the tas8 o theosophy 7as to
prepare the hu2a!ity or the co2i!- o Maitreya/ the @orl, teacher o the
A-e o AGuarius. T7e!ty years later/ i! A,yar/ Lea,<eater ,isco4ere, i! a
i-ure o you!- 2a! $rish!a2urti the i!car!atio! o a !e7 @orl, TeacherJ
<y his clair4oya!ce he appraise, that his aura is co2pletely li<erate, o
selish eeli!-s. 'o!4i!ci!- A!!ie ?esa!t i!to 4erity o his e>trase!sory
appraisal/ the couple <e-a! 7ith spiritual preparatio! o $rish!a2urti or
his ,esi-!ate, role. As a 2atter o act/ he ha, later ,e!ie, his 2essia!is2/
<ut/ ho7e4er/ he ater7ar,s <eca2e o!e o the -reatest thi!8ers o #"
=i,,u $rish!a2urti 7as <or! i! 1396 i! s2all to7! Ma,a!apalle Ba<out #""
82 !orth o Ma,rasC. &e co2es o a ?rah2a!Ms a2ilyJ his ather 7as also a
2e2<er o Theosophical Society. &e 7as the ei-hth chil, out o te! i! all. I!
his chil,hoo, he ,i, !ot ,isti!-uish hi2sel especially ro2 other chil,re!.
&e 7as o rather ,elicate health a!, at school he ,i, !ot sho7 a!y
particular tale!t/ !ot e4e! assi,uity i! 2asteri!- school su<Aect 2atter.
A !e7 perio, i! $rish!a2urtiMs lie <e-i!s i! 19"9/ 7he! his a2ily 2o4es to
A,yar/ 7here 7as the hea,Guarters o Theosophical Society. &is ather/ si!ce
he 7as a! e,ucate, 2a!/ 7or8e, as re4e!ue oicer a!, i! his ree ti2e he
7as also acti4e i! Theosophical Society. Se4eral 2o!ths ha, passe, <eore
Lea,<eater reco-!iEe, i! $rish!a2urti a! i!car!atio! o the @orl, Teacher.
The! the presi,e!t o Theosophical Society ,eci,e, to a,opt a <oy/ to -i4e
hi2 a <etter tutorship a!, spiritual e,ucatio!. The ather ha, a-ree, i! the
<e-i!!i!-/ <ut later he re-rette,/ <ecause he coul, !ot al2ost see his so! at
all. Ater the ,ispute ha, e!,e, at court/ ather e4e!tually lost the la7suit
a!, $rish!a2urti 7as se!t Balo!- 7ith his you!-er <rother Nytia!a!,a/ as
7ell a,opte,C to E!-la!,/ to co2plete his e,ucatio!.
The perio, ro2 191# u!til 19##/ $rish!a2urti a!, his you!-er <rother
7oul, spe!, i! E!-la!,. Partially they acGuire, their e,ucatio! at pri4ate
schools a!, partially <y tutors. Ori-i!ally/ it ha, <ee! pla!!e, or hi2 to
stu,y at 'a2<ri,-e/ <ut <ecause o S2essia!icM a2e that alrea,y starte, to
ollo7 hi2 7here4er he 7e!t/ this i,ea 7as ,roppe,. Ater he ha, -ra,uate,/
i! the <e-i!!i!- o the t7e!ties/ he <e-a! to hol, lectures at theosophical
2eeti!-s a!, to 7rite i! 2a-aEi!es. $rish!a2urti i! this perio, <eca2e
2ore auto!o2ous/ he tra4ele, a lot a!, -ot acGuai!te, 7ith i!tellectuals o
the ti2e/ 7riters/ co2posers a!, pai!ters. &is <rother Nytia!a!,a ha,
cau-ht tu<erculosis/ so they 2o4e, to 'alior!ia/ hopi!- that cli2ate there
7oul, ha4e a curati4e eect. ?ut/ it see2e, that !othi!- coul, ha4e help
a!y2ore/ so <rother ,ie, i! 19#6. This sa, e4e!t ha, struc8 $rish!a2urti
-ra4ely a!, <rou-ht hi2 i!to serious spiritual crises.
As the year 19#6 7as the Au<ilee o!e/ A!!ie ?esa!t ,ee2e, that
$rish!a2urti shoul, ha4e a!!ou!ce, his 2issio! oicially. This a4o7al
happe!e, o! 6"
a!!i4ersaryMs cele<ratio! o the ou!,atio! o Theosophical
Society i! A,yar. ?esi,es/ it has <ee! ,eci,e, that Society shoul, <uy
-rou!,s i! ,iere!t parts i! the 7orl,/ or 2assi4e -atheri!-s a!, 2eeti!-s
i! ro!t o 7hich $rish!a2urti 7oul, ha4e co22u!icate his ,i4i!e 2essa-e.
The !e>t year $rish!a2urti 7as a!!ou!ce, e4ery7here as the !e7 Messiah.
?ut/ it see2s that he e4er har,er supporte, this <ur,e!/ i.e. o the
i!car!atio! o the !e7 @orl, Teacher. Ater a lo!- ,eli<eratio!/ i! 19#9 he
i!ally <rou-ht ,ecisio! o re!ou!ce2e!t ro2 the i2pose, role.
$rish!a2urti/ the! 10 years ol,/ ,is2isse, the Or,er o the Star i! the East/
a hu-e or-a!iEatio! 7hich !u2<ere, at the ti2e !o less tha! :" thousa!,
people. This ,ecisio! ,e2a!,e, a lot o coura-e/ as there 7ere hu-e 2ea!s
i!4este,/ !ot to 2e!tio! a! i22e!se eort o the 2e2<ers ,uri!- 13 years
o its e>iste!ce. I! his speech o! the occasio! o the ,issolutio! o the Or,er/
$rish!a2urti e2phasiEe, that 7ay to the truth is a pathless la!, a!,
accor,i!-ly it ca!!ot <e approache, <y a!y path 7hatsoe4er/ <y a!y
reli-io!/ <y a!y sect. &is 2ai! tas8 <eca2e ro2 !o7 o! Oho7 to set 2a!
a<solutely/ u!co!,itio!ally reeP.
I! the thirties $rsih!a2urti has tra4ele, 7orl,7i,e/ hol,i!- pu<lic lectures
a!, lea,i!- co!4ersatio!s as 7ith 7ell 8!o7!/ so 7ith co22o! people.
A2o!- the 2ost reGue!t the2es o his speeches are !ature o truth/
sueri!- a!, ree,o2. &e ,i, !ot 7a!t to 2a8e a cult o his perso!ality/ !or
he 7a!te, !u2erous ollo7ersJ he ,ee2e, that relatio! <et7ee! -uru a!,
,isciple is !ecessarily e>ploitati4e. I! the ti2e o the Seco!, @orl, @ar
$rish!a2urti a<o,e i! +!ite, States. ?ecause o his ope! a!, ra,ical
paciis2 he li4es i! solitu,e/ i! !arro7 circle o rie!,s i! 'alior!ia. &e has
<ee! close to Al,ous &u>ley/ 7ho i!cite, hi2 to <e-i! to 7rite a-ai!. I!
1960 there 7as pu<lishe, $rish!a2urtiMs pro<a<ly 2ost i!lue!tial <oo8/
e!title, The 9irst and .ast 9reedo$. &e pai, co!si,era<le atte!tio! to the
e,ucatio! as 7ell/ a<out 7hich testiies the 7or8 'ducation and Signi!icance
o! .i!e ro2 1961. )ro2 the ities/ there is a!other i2porta!t 7or8/
*o$$entaries on .i%ing, co2prisi!- three 4olu2es.
I! the course o si>ties/ $rish!a2urti -a4e the per2issio! or recor,i!- his
speeches/ so it 2a,e his teachi!- accessi<le to e4e! 2ore !u2erous
au,ie!ces/ i! the ori-i!al or2. )ro2 this perio, o his lie there are so2e
i!teresti!- ,e<ates 7ith A2erica! a!, I!,ia! pupils a!, stu,e!ts/
pu<lishe, i! <oo8s .i!e Ahead B19:1C/ Thin on These Things B19:1C a!,
Tals /ith A$erican Students B19:3C. Althou-h alrea,y a-e, a!, o ,elicate
health/ $rish!a2urti supports 7ell the ati-ue o !u2erous lecturi!- tours.
O a -oo, help are his ,aily routi!es yo-a/ hi8i!- a!, 4e-etaria!is2. ?y
the e!, o the si>ties there 7as pu<lishe, a!other i2porta!t <oo8/ u!,er
the title 9reedo$ !ro$ the :no/n.
The! <e-a! the last phase o $rish!a2urtiMs acti!-/ phase 7hich 7as
surprisi!-ly the 2ost proliic/ 7he! his spiritual i!lue!ce reaches the
top2ost poi!t. I! the irst hal o the se4e!ties there appear a stri!- o !e7
7or8s The ?rgenc( o! *hange, The I$possi"le Fuestion, Be(ond Aiolence,
Tradition and Re%olution a!, The A/aening o! Intelligence. I! the seco!, hal
o the se4e!ties the special 2ea!i!- ha4e his 2eeti!-s 7ith philosopher a!,
physicist %a4i, ?oh2/ 7ith 7ho2 he lea,s lo!- a!, sharp co!4ersatio!s.
Ater ?oh2Ms 7or,s/ 7hat arouse, his i!terest 7ere $rish!a2urtiMs ,eep
i!si-hts i!to the !ature o the o<ser4er a!, the o<ser4e,. That pro<le2 7as
!ot o!ly his ocus/ <ut o other theoretical physicists Bo Gua!tu2 physicsC
as 7ell.
?y the 4ery e!, o his lie/ i! the ei-hties/ $rish!a2urti starte, to pay 2ore
atte!tio! to e,ucatio!al proAects/ 2ore precisely to the co!structio! o
e,ucatio!al ce!ter i! ?roc87oo, Par8 i! E!-la!,. +!ortu!ately/ he ,i, !ot
li4e lo!- e!ou-h to see the i!au-uratio! o this ce!ter/ <ecause i! )e<ruary/
193: he ,ie,. So to say/ till his last <reath he ha, <ee! acti4eJ his last
pu<lic lecture he hel, i! =a!uary/ 193:/ althou-h at the e!, o his tether/ i!
his 91
year. Ater the cre2atio! o his relics/ the ash has <ee! ,i4i,e, i!to
three partsJ so o!e thir, 7as se!t to his atherla!, I!,ia/ seco!, to the
cou!try 7here he acGuire, his e,ucatio! E!-la!, a!, thir, re2ai!e, i!
cou!try 7here he spe!t the 2ost o his lie a!, 7here he i!ally ,ie, i!
+!ite, States.
%uri!- his lo!- a!, proliic lie/ $rish!a2urti has hel, cou!tless lectures/
pu<lishe, 2ore tha! 6" <oo8s/ <ut the core o his teachi!- is co!tai!e, still
i! the speech ro2 19#9. I! ,isti!ctio! ro2 his theosophical teachers/
'harles @. Lea,<eater a!, A!!ie ?esa!t/ he ,i, !ot pay 2uch atte!tio! to
su<Aects li8e 8ar2a a!, rei!car!atio!/ astral a!, ,e4aha!ic pla!e/
clair4oya!ce a!, parapsycholo-ical phe!o2e!a. The ter2s 7hich
$rish!a2urti uses the 2ost i! his speeches a!, ,e<ates areL truth/ ree,o2/
thou-ht/ o<ser4er a!, o<ser4e,/ co!scious!ess/ 2e,itatio!/ lo4e. &e ,ee2e,
that 2a! 2ust i!, the truth i! relectio! o relatio!ships/ i! u!,ersta!,i!-
o co!te!ts o his o7! 2i!,/ throu-h the o<ser4atio! a!, !ot throu-h
i!tellectual a!alysis or i!trospecti4e ,iscer!2e!t. &e ,ei!e, ree,o2 as
pure u!,irecte, o<ser4a!ce/ ,epri4e, ro2 ear o pu!ish2e!t or re7ar,.
$rish!a2urti co!si,ere, the true relatio! as state o 2i!, a!, heart i!
7hich all the co!stitutio! 7hich 2a,e a !otio! is ter2i!ate,/ so there e>ist
the co2plete har2o!y !ot o!ly i!si,e us/ <ut also i! our relatio! 7ith
others. The pure o<ser4atio!/ accor,i!- to $rish!a2urti/ ori-i!ates 7he!
2a! <eco2es a7are o the 2otio! o his thou-hts a!, 7he! he ,isco4ers
that separatio! <et7ee! thi!8er a!, a thou-ht/ o<ser4er a!, o<ser4e, is a
,elusio!. Such a! i!si-ht ca! <e achie4e, 7he! 2i!, is cal2 a!, i! a
2e,itati4e state. The! 2a! realiEes that there e>ists o!ly o!e/ So!e that isM
a!, !othi!- 2ore. @he! the 2i!, is i! state o 2e,itatio!/ there e>ist a!,
i22e!se <eatitu,e/ says $rish!a2urti a!, a,,s that ro2 such sile!ce o
the 2e,itati4e 2i!, there ollo7 lo4e a!, <eauty.
6.0. GOL%EN %A@N
6.0.1. Gol,e! %a7!
I! the !i!eties o 19
ce!tury a!other her2etical or-a!iEatio! playe,
i2porta!t role i! the 7orl, o 2ysticis2 a!, 2ystical philosophy. It 7as the
her2etical society !a2e, Gol,e! %a7!. It 7as esta<lishe, i! Lo!,o! i!
1333/ <y three Maso!s a!, Rosicrucia!s/ @illia2 @. @estcott/ S.L.
MacGre-or Mathers a!, @illia2 R. @oo,2a!. The latter 7as electe, or the
irst presi,e!t. The 2ai! i!itiator o the esta<lish2e!t o Gol,e! %a7! 7as
physicia! @illia2 @. @estcott. As the 2ost i2porta!t -oal o the Society/ it
7as proclai2e, philosophical/ spiritual a!, psychical e4olutio! o the
2a!8i!,. I! teachi!-s o Gol,e! %a7! there are i!tert7i!e, 2a!y ele2e!ts
o E-yptia!/ Gree8/ =u,eo.'hristia!/ G!ostic tra,itio!J the spa! o stu,y
co2prise, $a<<ala/ astrolo-y/ ,i4i!atio!/ alche2y a!, 2a-ic.
The ori-i!ator o Gol,e! %a7! @illia2 @. @estcott 7as <or! i! 1303 i!
Lea2i!-to!/ i! the 4ici!ity o ?ir2i!-ha2/ i! a a2ily o a physicia!/ as
you!-est o si> chil,re!. +!til he 7as te!/ <oth o his pare!ts ,ie, a!, the!
he 7as a,opte, <y his u!cle/ 7ho 7as also a physicia!. &e atte!,e, the
-ra22ar school i! $i!-sto! upo!.Tha2es a!, ater7ar,s he e!rolle,
Lo!,o! +!i4ersity. Li8e his ather/ he -ra,uate, i! 2e,ici!e a!, <eca2e a
physicia!. Soo!/ i! 1371/ he <eca2e a part!er i! u!cleMs sur-ery i! place
Martoc8/ So2erset. The! he -ot 2arrie, a!, 7ith his 7ie Elisa<eth ha, i4e
I! the sa2e year 7he! he <e-a! his practice o a physicia!/ @estcott
<eca2e a )ree2aso!/ <y Aoi!i!- Parret a!, A>e lo,-e i! place 're78er!e. I!
1370 he <eco2es Master o the Lo,-e. &is u!cle ,ie, i! 1379 a!, the!
@estcott 7ith,ra7s to &e!,o!/ 7here he ,e,icates hi2sel to stu,y o
$a<<ala/ &er2etis2 a!, alche2y. &e spe!t a lot o ti2e stu,yi!- 7or8s o
Eliphas Le4i. So2e7here arou!, 133" he Aoi!e, the Rosicrucia! Society
BSocietas Rosicrucia!a i! A!-liaC.
I! 1331 @estcott retur!s to 2e,ici!e/ <eco2i!- irst ,eputy coro!er or
&o>to! a!, te! years later 'oro!er or North.East o Lo!,o!/ a positio!
7hich he 7oul, hol, u!til the retire2e!t i! 1913. &is 7or8s i! 2e,ici!e
pre,o2i!a!tly 7or8e, o! iel,s o alcoholis2 a!, suici,e. @estcottMs
collea-ues ro2 the 2e,ical proessio!/ as it see2s/ ,i, !ot 8!o7 o his
i!terests i! relatio! to esoteric philosophy.
I! the course o the ei-hties @estcottMs i!terest or &er2etis2 a!, acti!- i!
secret societies ha, <ee! e4er 2ore -ro7i!-. So i! 133# he <eca2e a
secretary -e!eral o Rosicrucia! Society. &e also colla<orate, 7ith
Theosophical Society o &.P. ?la4ats8y.
I! 1337 there occurre, a! e4e!t/ 7hich ha, ,ecisi4e i2porta!ce or the
esta<lish2e!t o the or-a!iEatio! Gol,e! %a7!. O!e a-e, Maso!/ re4ere!,
@oo,or,/ ,eli4ere, @illia2 @estcott a *ipher )anuscript, te>t o a<out :"
pa-es. The priest alle-e,ly ou!, it i! a cup<oar, 7here $e!!eth Mac8e!Eie
Bre!o7!e, Maso! i! that ti2eC ha, store, it. Short ti2e ater he ha, -i4e! it
to @estcott/ he ,ie,. )ortu!ately/ @estcott possesse, the 8ey or ,ecipheri!-
the 2a!uscript Bro2 the Trithe2iusM 7or8 #oligraphieC so it 7as ou!, that
it is ,escriptio! o the rituals o so2e 2ysterious or,er. *ipher )anuscript
also co!tai!e, the !a2e a!, a,,ress o a 2ysterious Ger2a! a,ept/ Miss
Spra!-el ro2 NRr!<er-.
As Miss Spra!-el ha, <ee! a hi-h ,e4otee o Ger2a! Rosicrucia! Or,er/ she
appro4e, the ou!,atio! o Gol,e! %a7! a!, appoi!ti!- o @estcott a!,
a!other t7o Rosicrucia!s/ @illia2 @oo,2a! a!, Sa2auel Ly,ell MacGre-or
Mathers/ as lea,ers o the !e7 or-a!iEatio!. Althou-h all three o the2 are
,ee2e, ou!,i!- 2e2<ers o Gol,e! %a7!/ to @estcott as the true creator
it appertai!s the <i--est 2erit. This secret society 7as oicially ou!,e, o!
March 1/ 1333.
I! its early perio, ro2 1333 u!til 1391 Gol,e! %a7! ha, <ee! chiely a
theoretical school ,eali!- 7ith $a<<ala/ &er2etis2/ astrolo-y a!, alche2y
a!, 4ery little 7ith practical 2a-ic. ?y the e!, o 1391 %r. @oo,2a!/ the
irst electe, presi,e!t ,ie, a!, !o<o,y has ta8e! his place. The !e>t year
MacGre-or Mathers 2o4e, to Paris a!, @estcott <eca2e lea,er o the Or,er
i! E!-la!,. O4er the !e>t e7 years the or,er the Or,er ha, -ro7!/ so
se4eral lo,-es 7ere ou!,e, i! A2erica/ too Bi! 'hica-o/ Ne7 (or8/
Phila,elphia a!, Los A!-elesC.
I! March/ 1397 the irst serious pro<le2s occurre, or @estcott/ <ut also or
his or-a!iEatio!. So2e scripts 7ith his !a2e 7ere ou!, i! a coach/ so his
ties 7ith Gol,e! %a7! reache, the authorities. &e ha, <ee! a,2o!ishe,/
that to a 2a! o such a statio! ,oes !ot suit practici!- 2a-ic. So/ @estcott
ha, to resi-!. The role o lea,er he -a4e up to the actress )lore!ce )arr. ?ut/
i! so2e 7ay he re2ai!e, i! co!!ectio! 7ith Gol,e! %a7!/ !o7 as secret
cou!selor <ehi!, the sce!es.
Ater the schis2 i! Gol,e! %a7! that occurre, i! 19""/ 7he! the
or-a!iEatio! split i!to t7o i!,epe!,e!t <ra!ches/ Stella Matuti!a a!, Alpha
et O2e-a/ @estcott sho7e, i!cli!atio! to7ar, the latter/ hea,e, <y
Mac-re-or Mathers. Ater 191" @estcott ha, co2pletely a<a!,o!e, acti4e
e!-a-e2e!t 7ith oshoots o Gol,e! ,a7!/ althou-h he re2ai!, i! rie!,ly
relatio! 7ith so2e pro2i!e!t 2e2<ers/ stayi!- thus still i!or2e, a<out
7hat is -oi!- o!. Ater his retire2e!t i! 1913 @estcott 2o4e, to South
Arica 7ith his you!-est ,au-hter a!, her a2ily. &e ,ie, i! 19#6 i!
As it 7as aore2e!tio!e,/ @estcottMs 7or8 co2prises so 2e,ical 7or8s/ as
esoteric/ too. @estcott e,ite, a 7hole series o &er2etic a!, G!ostic te>ts i!
co!!ectio! 7ith Gol,e! %a7! a!, pu<lishe, as *ollectanea 2er$etica. &is
7or8s relate, to Rosicrucia! Or,er i!clu,e, &u$"ers, Their Occult #o/er
and )(stic Aalue, An Introduction to the Stud( o! :a""alah a!, Rosicrucians3
#ast and #resent, At 2o$e and A"road.
The seco!, 2ost i2porta!t 2e2<er o Gol,e! %a7!/ MacGre-or Mathers
7as <or! as Sa2uel Li,,ell Mathers i! 1360 i! Lo!,o!. &is ather @illia2
,ie, 7hile Sa2uel Li,,ell 7as still a <oy. &e atte!,e, ?e,or, Gra22ar
School. Ater he ha, i!ishe, the or2al e,ucatio!/ he ,e,icate, hi2sel to
the lie o a scholar i! solitu,eJ he !e4er -ot so2e oicial e2ploy2e!t.
Alrea,y as a 4ery you!- 2a! he ca2e i!to co!tact 7ith )ree2aso!s/ 2ore
precisely 7ith $e!!eth Mac8e!Eie/ the author o 'nc(clopedia o! )asonr(.
&e 7as i!itiate, i!to Maso!ic or,er i! 1377 a!, alrea,y the !e>t year he
<eco2es Master Maso!. I! 133# he 7as a,2itte, to Rosicrucia! Or,er. I! a
e7 years he <eca2e the 2e2<er o the &i-h 'ou!cil o this or-a!iEatio!. I!
2i, ei-hties he 2eets &ele!a P. ?la4ats8y/ 7ho i!4ites hi2 or colla<oratio!
i! Theosophical Society. Althou-h he a,2ire, this e>traor,i!ary 7o2a!/ he
has !ot accepte, her i!4itatio!/ <ecause at the ti2e he 7as close to A!!a
$i!-sor, a!, her i,eas i! co!!ectio! 7ith esoteric 'hristia!ity. &e also
supporte, her acti4ities or the a<olish2e!t o 4i4isectio!. There is !o ,ou<t
that A!!a $i!-sor, i!lue!ce, MathersM sta!ces relate, to e2a!cipatio! o
7o2e! a!, especially the i,ea that 2e! a!, 7o2e! ha4e to colla<orate i!
their spiritual researches/ as ha, it alrea,y ,o!e 2e2<ers o Theosophical
@he! i! 1333 Gol,e! %a7! ha, <ee! esta<lishe,/ the irst i!itiate 7as
Mi!a ?er-so!/ sister o re!o7!e, )re!ch philosopher &e!ri ?er-so!. She
ha, <ee! MatherMs lielo!- part!er. )our years later they 7oul, 2o4e to
Partis. I! 1390 Matherses ou!,e, i! Paris the Ahathoor te2ple/ 2e2<er o
7hich 7oul, <eco2e also )re!ch occultist Papus.
Alrea,y the !e>t year/ 1396/ there occurre, pro<le2s or MacGre-or
2athers/ ater his ,isputes 7ith A!!ie &or!i2a!/ 7ealthy 7o2a! 7ho
supporte, hi2 i!a!cially. This 7o2a! 7as a rie!, o his 7ie/ still ro2
school ,ays/ 7he! they to-ether atte!,e, the art school. A!!ie &or!i2a!
<e-a! to -i4e o<Aectio!s to Mathers/ i! co!!ectio! 7ith his ,a<<li!- 7ith
politics a!, other thi!-s u!relate, to the Or,erJ i! retur! he accuse, her or
u!,er2i!i!- his authority. I! 139: he se!t a letter to Lo!,o!/ i! 7hich he
,e2a!,s payi!- respect to hi2 as the u!,ispute, lea,er o the Or,er. &e
-ot support o all the 2e2<ers sa4e A!!ie &or!i2a!/ 7ho 7as co!seGue!tly
e>co22u!icate, ro2 the Or,er.
Such a -ui,a!ce o the Or,er Sro2 the ,ista!ceM has !ot relecte, a4ora<ly
o!to its cohesio!/ so i! 19"" the Or,er split up. The actress )lore!ce )arr/
7ho replace, @estcott o! the hea, o Lo!,o! <ra!ch/ oppose, the i!itiatio!
o Aleister 'ro7ley i! 19"". This ecce!tric/ i! the Or,er o!ly a<out a year/
has trie, at all costs to haste! his a,4a!ce2e!t/ so he 7e!t to Mathers i!
Paris/ to i!itiate hi2 i!to the hi-her ,e-ree. Ater7ar,s/ Mathers se!t <ac8
'ro7ley to Lo!,o!/ to ta8e o4er the oices a!, i!4e!tory o the Or,er. This
atte2pt aile,/ o7i!- to @illia2 ?. (eats a!, so2e other a,epts/ 7ho eAecte,
<oth 'ro7ley a!, Mathers ro2 the Or,er. Re!o7!e, poet (eats too8 o4er
the lea,ership a!, trie, to co!soli,ate Gol,e! %a7!/ <ut it resulte, o!ly i!
<i--er co!usio!J ,ei!iti4e schis2 i!to se4eral ractio!s occurre, i! 19"1.
A,2irers o MacGre-or Mathers co!ti!ue, their acti4ity i! the Or,er Alphy
et O2e-a. Soo! there occurre, a ,ispute <et7ee! Mathers a!, 'ro7ley/ 7ho
7oul, ou!, his o7! or-a!iEatio!/ Ar-e!tu2 Astru2. Mathers li4e, 7ith his
7ie Mi!a i! Paris u!til his ,eath i! 1913/ 2ost pro<a<ly o Spa!ish e4er.
The oshoots o or2er Gol,e! %a7! <rou-ht orth e7 i2porta!t i-ures
<et7ee! t7o 7arsJ a2o!- the2 2ost pro2i!e!t 7ere %io! )ortu!e a!,
Israel Re-ar,ie.
MathersM literary herita-e i!clu,e, the tra!slatio!s o se4eral i2porta!t
occult 7or8s/ as :e( o! Solo$on, <oo8 7hich 7as/ accor,i!- to tra,itio!/
co2pose, <y =e7ish $i!- Solo2o!J the! 7or8 o $!orr 4o! Rose!roth
:a""ala 8enudata a!, The Boo o! the Sacred )agic o! A"ra-)elin the )age,
or 7hich it is suppose, that it ha, <ee! the 7or8 o =a8o< <e! Moses
Moeli!. I! the i!tro,uctio! o this latter <oo8 MacGre-or Mathers
e2phasiEes that it is the 7hite 2a-ic i! Guestio! a!, he also states that this
8i!, o 2a-ic is use, i! ho!or o Go, a!, the <e!eit o those !ear a!, the
e!tire Go,Ms creatio!. Mathers also states authorMs 7i,e reli-ious 4ie7s/
si!ce he i!sists that this syste2 o sacre, 2a-ic ca! achie4e a!yo!e/ !o
2atter i he is =e7/ 'hristia!/ Musli2 or heathe!. Preace or the 7or8
:a""ala 8enudata 7as 7ritte! <y Mi!a Mathers. &er 7or,s co!ir2 the
sta!ce o her hus<a!,L ODerily there is a little ,iere!ce <et7ee! a si!-le
Go, a!, har2o!y o Supre2e )orces/ so a<solutely li!8e, that the eect
7oul, <e that o a! i!,i4isi<le u!it/ a plurality 7hose actio! is u!iie,/ a!
u!ity 7hose actio! is pluraliEe,P.
6.0.#. Oshoots o Gol,e! %a7! Or,o Te2plis Orie!tis/ Society o the
I!!er Li-ht a!, Israel Re-ar,ie
Ater the co!tro4ersial Aleister 'ro7ley ha, <ee! e>pelle, ro2 Gol,e!
%a7!/ or so2e ti2e he acte, i!,epe!,e!tly a!, i! 19"7 he Aoi!e, the
or-a!iEatio! Or,o Te2plis Orie!tis. This society 7as esta<lishe, <y the e!,
o 19
ce!tury <y Ger2a! che2ist $arl $ell!er a!, Aust li8e Gol,e! %a7!/
it has Rosicrucia! a!, Maso!ic roots. The Or,er o Easter! Te2plars soo!
starte, to <e i,e!tiie, 7ith 'ro7leyMs !a2e a!, still !o7a,ays he is or sure
the 2ost charis2atic i-ure/ si!ce his successors ,i, !ot succee, to e>cel
hi2. At the sa2e ti2e/ Aleister 'ro7ley is 2ost ,ea2e, perso!ality o
2o,er! 2ystical philosophy. To so2e e>te!t he alo!e co!tri<ute, to his ill
a2e <y his ecce!tric <eha4ior a!, state2e!ts. The 2e2<ers o 'hristia!
churches call hi2 ather o 2o,er! Sata!is2 a!, <lac8 2a-icia!/ <ut it
see2s that there is a ,ose o e>a--eratio! i! this attitu,e. Surely there are
certai! aspects i! 'ro7leyMs liestyle a!, <eha4ior Bse>ual pro2iscuity/
e>peri2e!ts 7ith ,ru-s/ tra!s-ressio! o 'hristia! ta<oosC/ 7hich are
u!accepta<le to 'hristia!s/ <ut it is also certai! that arou!, 'ro7leyMs !a2e
there has <ee! circulati!- 2yths a!, ru2ors 7hich ca!!ot <e either
co!ir2e,/ !or ,e!ie,.
Aleister 'ro7ley Ba.8.a. Ale>a!,er 'ro7leyC 7as <or! i! a pious 'hristia!
a2ily i! 1376 i! Lea2i!-to! Spa/ i! the 4ici!ity o ?ir2i!-ha2. As a chil,/
'ro7ley a,ore, his ather/ <re7er a!, lay preacher. &e ote! tra4ele, 7ith
hi2 throu-h E!-la!, a!, liste!e, to his ser2o!s. )ather <elo!-e, to the
u!,a2e!talist 'hristia! sect SPly2outh ?rethre!M. )ollo7ers o this
teachi!- ,i, strictly a!, literally respect ?i<le a!, they li4e, i! ear ro2 the
eter!al ,a2!atio!. I! his you!-er ,ays SAlic8M Bas they calle, hi2C a,opte,
a!, a,4ocate, the <elies o his pare!ts. As he 7oul, !ote ,o7! i! his
auto<io-raphy/ i! that ti2e he 7as the 2ost ,e4ote, ollo7er o =esus at the
school. It 7as !ot allo7e, to hi2 to rea, a!y other <oo8 sa4e ?i<le. I! that
ti2e he <eca2e asci!ate, 7ith apocalyptic literature. &e ha, atte!,e, a
pri4ate 'hristia! school i! 7hich he 7as ,isti!-uishe, a2o!- the other
chil,re! <y his 8!o7le,-eJ this early perio, 7as happy or 'ro7ley.
I! his t7elth year 'ro7ley ,i, e>perie!ce a shoc8. &is ather/ 7ho 7as his
i,ol a!, role 2o,el ,ie,/ ater a lo!- ill!ess. This tra-e,y struc8 hea4ily
you!- 'ro7ley. @ith his 2other he 2o4e, to Lo!,o!/ to her relati4es. The
role o ather too8 o4er 2otherMs <rother/ also hi2sel a 'hristia!
u!,a2e!talist/ 7ho 7oul, <y his a<use ,ecisi4ely act upo! 'ro7leyMs
relatio! to7ar, the reli-io!. To 2a8e thi!-s 7orse/ his <i-ote, a!, a!atical
teachers at -ra22ar school as 7ell a<use, hi2J he ace, ote! physical
pu!ish2e!t a!, hu2iliatio!s. &e elt relie o!ly ater he e!rolle, 'a2<ri,-e
+!i4ersity i! Octo<er/ 1396.
Ater his three year stu,y o che2istry at 'a2<ri,-e/ 'ro7ley set oot o! his
lie path o the researcher o esoteric iel,s. I! 1393 he ha, ,eparte, to
S7itEerla!,/ 7here he 7as e!-a-e, i! 2ou!tai!eeri!- a!, rea, the <oo8
:a""alah ?n%eiled <y S.L. MacGre-or Mathers. There he -ot acGuai!te, 7ith
2a! !a2e, =ulia! ?a8er/ 7ho 7oul, 2eet hi2 upo! his retur! ro2
Lo!,o! 7ith 2e2<ers o Gol,e! %a7!. I! the <e-i!!i!- 'ro7ley <eca2e
i!ti2ate 7ith e>perie!ce, a,ept Alle! ?e!!ett. Si!ce ?e!!ett 7as i! a!
u!e!4ia<le i!a!cial situatio!/ 'ro7ley i!4ite, hi2 to his apart2e!t. No7 he
i!ally -ot opportu!ity to recei4e the teachi!-s a!, rituals o Gol,e! %a7!
ro2 irst ha!, a!, ro2 a 2a! o -reat 8!o7le,-e. ?e!!ett 7as a
2athe2aticia! a!, a! e>pert i! the iel, o electricity. &e 7as a ,e,icate,
researcher o &i!,uis2 a!, ?u,,his2 as 7ell. 'lose relatio!ship 7ith
?e!!ett ha, a ,ecisi4e i2pact o! 'ro7leyMs later i!terest to7ar, the Orie!tal
As it 7as aore2e!tio!e,/ 'ro7leyMs a2<itio! or rapi, a,4a!ce2e!t i! the
hierarchy o the Or,er <rou-ht to co!lict 7ith lea,i!- 2e2<ers o the
Lo!,o! lo,-e. I! a perio, shorter tha! t7o years B<et7ee! 1393 a!, 19""C
'ro7leyMs a2<itio! a!, Mathers autocratic style o -ui,a!ce o Or,er/ as it
see2s/ ,i, ,ecisi4ely u!,er2i!e the u!ity o Gol,e! %a7!. Alle! ?e!!ett
,eparte, to ?ur2a a!, 'ro7ley to Me>ico. I! 19"1 'ro7ley 7e!t to I!,ia
a!, the! to ?ur2a/ 7here he pai, a 4isit to ?e!!ett. )ro2 ?ur2a/ 'ro7ley
procee,s to &i2alaya 7here he ta8es a part i! 2ou!tai!eeri!- e>pe,itio!. I!
19"# he 7e!t to Scotla!,. There he 7oul, 2eet his uture 7ie Rose/
throu-h his rie!,/ Geral, $elly.
Aleister a!, Rose i! 19"0 ,eparte, to-ether to 'eylo! Bto,ay Sri La!8aC a!,
upo! their retur! they stoppe, i! E-ypt. &ere/ i! 'airo ,i, occur a!other
i2porta!t e4e!t i! 'ro7leyMs lie. ?y the 2e,iu2 o Rose he !ote, ,o7! The
Boo o! .a/. I! this script there are t7o 8ey se!te!ces or the !e7 reli-io! o
Thele2a that he esta<lishe,L O%o 7hat thou 7ilt shall <e the 7hole o the
la7P a!, OLo4e is the la7/ lo4e u!,er 7illP. ?esi,es these sayi!-s/ 7hich <ear
certai! si2ilarity to OLo4e a!, ,o 7hat thou 7iltP <y St. Au-usti!e. The Boo
o! .a/ also co!tai!s a co!si,era<le part o te>t that is co!use,/ 4a-ue/
co!tra,ictory or ,irectly !o!.ethical/ so it see2s that the o!ly thi!- that
,ra7s throu-h the <oo8 as co22o! 7oo is the 7ay o e>pressio! i! a style
o a!cie!t E-yptia! prayers. )or e>a2ple/ here 7e i!, NietEschea! attitu,e
o reAecti!- the co2passio! or 7ea8 a!, ee<leJ re4e!-eul a!, 7arli8e -o,
li8e that o Israel/ per2issio! or 8illi!- u!<elie4ers Bli8e i! $ura!C/ pa-a!
sacriice o chil,re! a!, other !o!se!se/ ,is2isse, <y co!te2porary
2e2<ers o O.T.O. or-a!iEatio!.
?y Aoi!i!- Ger2a! Or,o Te2plis Orie!tis i! 19"7 'ro7ley/ ho7e4er/ ,i,
preser4e certai! auto!o2y/ <ecause the sa2e year he ou!,e, his o7!
or-a!iEatio!/ Ar-e!tu2 Astru2/ pro2oti!- the i!,i4i,ual stu,y o
occultis2/ i! i2itatio! o Gol,e! %a7!Ms teachi!-. I! 191# Aleister 'ro7ley
is o! the hea, o ?ritish O.T.O. &e <eca2e a ou!,er o a u!iGue society
2a,e up o three ,iere!t/ yet co!!ecte, sectio!sL O.T.O./ Ar-e!tu2 Astru2
a!, G!ostic 'hurch. )or the latter o!e he co2pose, a te>t o G!ostic 2ass/
si2ilar to 'atholic 2ass/ i! 1911. This ha, to <e the ce!tral cere2o!y o the
' Ro7ley spe!t the perio, o the )irst @orl, @ar i! +!ite, States. %uri!-
this i4e years lo!- a<o,e he ha, <ee! 2ai!ly e!-a-e, i! 7or8 co!cer!i!-
2a-ic. )ro2 the lea,er o the Or,er Reuss he o<tai!e, per2issio! or
cha!-es a!, re2a8es o rituals/ <y 7hich he create, ori-i!al O.T.O. rituals/
,iere!t ro2 those o Maso!s. I! 19#" he 7e!t to Italy. I! 4illa-e 'ealu o!
Sicily he ou!,e, a co22u!ity calle, A<<y o Thele2a. The !e>t year he
too8 the 1"
/ hi-hest -ra,e o the Or,er BIpssisi2usC. Si!ce he i!itiate,
hi2sel alo!e i!to hi-her ,e-rees ro2 the 6
o!/ it is Guestio!a<le 7hether
he really reache, the hi-hest ,e-ree or !ot. Ater he ha, <ee! <a!ishe, <y
Mussoli!iMs re-i2e i! 19#1/ 'ro7ley 7e!t to Tu!is. There he cau-ht a
chro!ic <ro!chitis a!, si!ce i! that ti2e it 7as prescri<e, heroi! as
2e,ici!e/ he <eca2e a ,ru-.,epe!,e!t/ too.
The seco!, hal o the t7e!ties 'ro7ley spe!t 2ai!ly i! Paris. I! 19#3 his
secretary <eca2e Isrteael Re-ar,ieJ he helpe, hi2 to 7rite the
auto<io-raphy/ 7hich coul, i2pro4e his pu<lic i2a-e. ?ut ater 191" the
couple -ot e4er 2ore alie!ate, ro2 each other a!, e4e!tually their paths
The !e>t year 'ro7ley ha, also spe!t o! Aour!eys throu-hout Europe a!,
Norther! Arica a!, he soAour!e, or the 2ost i! Ger2a!y/ ,uri!- the
Seco!, @orl, @ar the 2ai! part o Europea! O.T.O. <ra!ches ha, <ee!
either ,estroye, or <a!ishe, to u!,er-rou!, acti4ity.
?y the e!, o the 7ar the o!ly acti4e lo,-e 7as the o!e i! 'alior!ia. $arl
Ger2er/ 'ro7leyMs represe!tati4e i! Ger2a!y/ ca2e to A2erica ater <ei!-
release, ro2 the co!ce!tratio! ca2p. Alrea,y <eore/ 'ro7ley appoi!te,
hi2 or his successor o! the hea, o O.T.O. or-a!iEatio!. The last couple o
years 'ro7ley has spe!t i! E!-la!, he ,ie, i! %ece2<er/ 1907/ i! a
<oar,i!- house i! &asti!-s/ ro2 a respiratory i!ectio!.
I! the ocus o 'ro7leyMs literary herita-e is 7or8 8!o7! u!,er the !a2e
Boo 9our. I! act/ it is a co2prehe!si4e ha!,<oo8 o 'ro7leyMs syste2 o
2a-ic. It co!sists o our partsL )(sticis$ B1911C/ )agic +'le$entar( Theor(,
191#-, )agic in theor( and practice B19#9C a!, Thele$a B The .a/ B191:C. )or
the 2ystical philosophy o -reater i2porta!ce is the irst part/ )(sticis$.
This 7or8 is a practical ha!,<oo8 o RaAa (o-a/ i! that ti2e o!e o the rare
o!es i! the @est. 'ro7ley has 7ritte! it i! i2itatio! o Di4e8a!a!,aJ i! it he
e>plai!s i! a si2ple 2a!!er e4e! the hi-hest states o co!scious!ess/ li8e
,hya!a a!, Sa2a,hi. I! the preace 'ro7ley e>plai!s that o!e ca! co2e to
hi,,e! sources o e!er-y <y ollo7i!- 4ery ,ei!ite rulesJ success o applie,
proce,ures is 2a!ieste, <y the u!io! o su<Aect a!, o<Aect. 'ro7ley ,ei!es
yo-a Aust as a or2 o 2e,itatio! 7hich ai2 is the u!io! o su<Aect a!,
o<Aect/ 2icrocos2 a!, 2acrocos2/ 2a! a!, Go,. &e says that <y stu,y o
reli-ious practices o -reat reli-io!s/ he has ou!, i,e!tity.i!.,i4ersity o
the2 all. The 2ai! i,ea/ he says/ is that Go, as the A<solute is al7ays
prese!t/ <ut either 4eile, or 2as8e, <y 2i!,Ms thou-ht. =ust <y o!eMs
practice o yo-a o!e ca! reach hi2/ that is/ o!e ca! co2e to Sa2a,hi/ state
i! 7hich each part o the u!i4erse <eco2es the 7hole/ 7here there are !o
2ore co!trarieties <et7ee! 2a!ieste, a!, !o!.2a!ieste,.
'ro7leyMs 7or8 7oul, <e co!ti!ue, <y his ,isciple a!, secretary Israel
Re-ar,ie a!, he 7oul, ha4e i2pact o! the ou!,er o Scie!tolo-y 'hurch/
Ro! &u<<ar,/ too. As re-ar,s O.T.O./ it still e>ists !o7a,ays. A2o!, se4eral
actio!s ,isputi!- a<out the ri-ht to i!herita!ce o ori-i!al 'ro7leyMs Or,o
Te2plis Orie!tis/ A2erica! <ra!ch 7o! the ollo7ers o Gra,y McMurtry.
So2e 'hristia!s ha4e accuse, 2e2<ers o O.T.O. to <e Sata!ists Bi2puti!-
the sa2e accusatio!s to Scie!tolo-ists/ tooC. The respo!se o 'ro7leyMs
ollo7ers is that the <asic postulates o their reli-io! are totally opposite o
the postulates o Sata!is2J accor,i!-ly they i!clu,e aspiratio! or the sel.
co-!itio!/ co2i!- to the 2ystical e>perie!ces a!, 8!o7le,-e o hi-her
truths/ as 7ell as the o4erco2i!- o E-o.perso!ality a!, stri4i!- to7ar, the
u!io! 7ith u!i4erse.
A!other i2porta!t oshoot o Gol,e! %a7! is %io! )ortu!e a!, her Society
o the I!!er Li-ht/ esta<lishe, i! 19#0. The 2ai! a-e!,a o its 2e2<ers is
the e>pa!sio! o co!scious!ess i! psychic a!, spiritual ,o2ai!s. Such
e>pa!,e, co!scious!ess is !ot a! ai2 i! itsel/ <ut it prese!ts a path
,e,icate, to the ser4ice o Go, a!, e4olutio! o li4i!- or2s. The pri2ary
orie!tatio! is 'hristia!/ i! ,isti!ctio! ro2 'ro7leyMs/ althou-h the teachi!-
o Society co2prises also the pa-a! tra,itio! o E-ypt a!, Greece a!, 'eltic
2ytholo-y/ as a part o the ?ritish cultural herita-e.
%io! )ortu!e Ba.8.a. Diolet )irthC 7as <or! i! the !orth o @ales/ !ear the
s2all to7! Lla!,u,!o/ i! 139". Soo! ater her <irth the a2ily 2o4e,
south7ar,/ to @esto!.super.Mare. )ather a!, 2other ha, <ee! helpi!- to
ru! a s2aller hy,rotherapeutic health.resort/ i! the 4ici!ity o ?ath. This
area/ i! ?ristol surrou!,i!-s 2a,e a ,eep i2pressio! o!to little Diolet. The
place o 2a-!iice!t <eauty Bto,ay !atural reser4eC ,i, i!cite i2a-i!atio!/ so
she 7as o!ly our years o a-e/ 7he! she ha, 4isio! o Atla!tis. This early
i!,icatio! later 7oul, 2a!iest throu-h the ,e4elop2e!t o her e>trase!sory
a<ilities/ i! her a,olesce!ce.
Ater the -ra22ar school she ha, e!rolle, Lo!,o! +!i4ersity/ ,epart2e!t o
psycholo-y a!, psychoa!alysis. Ater the -ra,uatio! she 7or8e, or so2e
ti2e as a psychotherapist o! ?ru!s7ic8 SGuare i! Lo!,o!. %io! )ortu!e
accepte, )reu,Ms thou-ht that se>uality is ou!,atio! o the e!tire
psycholo-ical 7ell<ei!-J 2oreo4er/ she ,ee2e, that it is <asis or the
spiritual 7ell<ei!-/ too. Ater the )irst @orl, @ar she ha, 7i,e!e, her
i!terest o!to occult scie!ces a!, her irst 2e!tor 7as Irish occultist a!,
Maso! Theo,ore Moriarty. I! 1919 she 7as i!itiate, i! the lo,-e Bori-i!ate,
ro2 Gol,e! %a7!C Alpha a!, O2e-a/ <ut soo! she Aoi!e, Stella Matuti!a/
le, <y MathersM 7i,o7 Mi!a. O4er the !e>t e7 years she ,e4elope, her
2e,iu2 a<ilities/ at the sa2e ti2e pursui!- her i!terest or occultis2 a!,
%io! )ortu!e 7as a ree thi!8er a!, i! course o ti2e she ,e4elope, her o7!
4ie7s o!to $a<<ala/ 2ystical cos2olo-y a!, pa-a! 2ytholo-y/ reli-io! a!,
philosophy. &er te!,e!cy to7ar, ree ,eli<eratio! 7ith lea!i!- o! her
perso!al cha!!eli!- e>perie!ce has <rou-ht her to ,isputes 7ith Mi!a
Mathers. So/ i! 19#0 she ,eci,e, to ou!, her o7! or-a!iEatio!/ u!,er the
!a2e o Society o the I!!er Li-ht. Soo! she ha, ,ra7! a -roup o ollo7ers
a!, o4er the !e>t se4eral years 7or8e, out the teachi!- o the Society/ 7hich
co!siste, o the 7i,e spa! o 2etaphysical iel,s. )ro2 su<Aect 2atter
represe!te,/ a2o!- others there 7ere 2ale.e2ale relatio!ship/ esoterical
or,ers a!, their 7or8/ e>ercises a!, 7or8 o the i!itiate/ Arthuria! le-e!,s/
pri!ciples o esoteric heali!- a!, else. As the i!al -oal o the Society there is
state, the ,e4elop2e!t o the hi-hest pote!tials/ throu-h the ,e4elop2e!t o
hi-her co!scious!ess a!, <ala!ce, e>pressio! o the e!tire hu2a! <ei!-. I!
practical e>ercises there is a special e2phasis o! 8!o7le,-e o the
$a<<alistic Tree o Lie a!, o! practice o 2e,itatio!.
+!til 191" %io! )ortu!e has pu<lishe, a ro7 o <oo8s/ a2o!- 7hich
pro2i!e!t are 'soteric Orders a!, Training and Wor o! an Initiate. These
7or8s ,escri<e the syste2 o acti!- o esoteric or,ers a!, trai!i!- o the
i!itiate i! style o the a!cie!t schools o i!itiatio!. I! this perio, she also
pu<lishe, t7o !o4els/ Secret o! 8r. Ta%erner a!, 8e$on .o%er. I! her !o4els
)ortu!e has stri4e, to ,epict 2etaphysical pri!ciples o the esoteric
philosophy a!, their possi<le applia!ce i! e4ery,ay lie.
I! the !e>t phase/ ,uri!- the thirties/ there ori-i!ate, i2porta!t 7or8s li8e
#s(chic Sel! 8e!ence a!, o!e o her 2ost si-!iica!t 7or8s/ The )(stical
Fa"alah i!tro,uctio! i!to the &er2etic $a<<ala/ syste2 7hich 2a8es the
ou!,atio! o the @ester! esoteric tra,itio!. This latter 7or8/ a2o!- the
rest/ co!si,ers also 2acrocos2ic archetypes/ li8e or e>a2ple o ather/
2other/ 2a-icia! a!, 7ise 7o2a!. They/ accor,i!- to )ortu!e prese!t
<i!,s o soul 7ith certai! Sli!es o orcesM i! 2acrocos2 u!i4erse/ that is/
those archetypes <ri!- hu2a! to the ,i4i!e. I! the perio, <et7ee! 1916 a!,
1913 )ortu!e pu<lish three 2ore !o4elsL The Winged Bull, The ;oat 9oot
;od, The Sea #riestess. These !o4els are as 7ell practical e>pla!atio! o the
pri!ciples -i4e! i! 7or8s o 2ore theoretical !ature. I! the <e-i!!i!- o the
orties/ 7ith <ursti!-.out o the Seco!, @orl, @ar ca2e a har, ti2e or the
Society o the I!!er Li-ht. %uri!- the 7ar/ )ortu!e has !ot pu<lishe, a
si!-le 7or8/ <ecause o the ratio!aliEatio! o paperJ co22u!icatio! 7ith
2e2<ers ha, <ee! acco2plishe, throu-h so calle, )onthl( .etters. %uri!-
the 7ar/ %io! )ortu!e 7rote her last !o4el )oon )agic. &er scripts ro2 the
last phase 7oul, <e e,ite, a!, pu<lishe, posthu2ously <y Gareth $!i-ht.
Soo! ater the e!, o the Seco!, @orl, @ar/ <y the <e-i!!i!- o 190: %io!
)ortu!e ,ie, o leu8e2ia.
Ater their paths separate,/ Israel Re-ar,ie Aoi!e, Stella Matuti!a/ o!e o the
e7 Gol,e! %a7! <ra!ches. It 7as i! 1911. &is e!try to Gol,e! %a7! 7as
ollo7e, <y rese!t2e!t o so2e e2i!e!t 2e2<ers/ or his colla<oratio! 7ith
!otorious 'ro7ley. ?ut/ the ,ecisi4e support he -ot Aust ro2 %io! )ortu!e/
7ho ha, <ee! ,eli-hte, <y his 7or8 The Tree o! .i!e. %uri!- his 6".o,,
years career/ Israel Re-ar,ie has <uilt his reputatio! !ot o!ly o Gol,e!
%a7! -reatest a,ept/ <ut also as o!e o the -reatest a,epts o #"
ce!tury i!
Israel Re-ar,ie 7as <or! i! a =e7ish a2ily i! 19"7 i! Lo!,o!. &e spe!t his
chil,hoo, i! poor East E!,. @he! he 7as 10/ his a2ily 2o4e, to +!ite,
States a!, -ot esta<lishe, i! @ashi!-to!. Re-ar,ie e,ucate, hi2sel at art
schools i! @ashi!-to! a!, Phila,elphia. Alrea,y i! that perio, he
2a!ieste, a! e>traor,i!ary i!tuitio! i! lear!i!- a!, soo! he -ot i! touch
7ith theosophical literature the 7or8s o &.P. ?la4ats8y/ 7or8s ro2 iel,s
o yo-a a!, &i!,uis2. &e use, to spe!, a lot o ti2e i! 'o!-ress Li<rary/
carryi!- throu-h his o7! stu,ies. Soo! he ou!, a teacher to teach hi2 i!
&e<re7 la!-ua-e/ so ater a 7hile he coul, stu,y the $a<<alistic literature
I! )e<ruary/ 19#: Rehar,ie Aoi!e, the Rosicrucia! Society. %uri!- this year
a!, i! a course o !e>t year he a,4a!ce, to the ,e-ree o Zelator. I! this
ti2e his i!terest or occultis2 -ot stro!-er. 'ro7leyMs <oo8s ha4e <ee! a true
re4eali!- or hi2J he -ot so ,eli-hte, that he 7ishe, to 2eet hi2. Re-ar,ie
ha, 7ritte! a letter to 'ro7ley a!, he -ot a respo!se. Ater a <rie
correspo!,e!ce/ 'ro7ley oere, to Re-ar,ie a positio! o his secretary. So/
i! Octo<er/ 19#3 Re-ar,ie ,i, tra4el to Paris. O4er the !e>t three years he
ha, <ee! 7aiti!- i! 4ai! or 'ro7ley to teach hi2 o secrets i! 2a-ic a!,
yo-a. Re-ar,ie ,i, !ot i!sistJ so realiEi!- that his e2ployer ,oes !ot ha4e a!
i!te!tio! o tra!s2itti!- his 8!o7le,-e to hi2/ he tac8le, to stu,y <y
hi2sel/ pai!sta8i!-ly e>a2i!i!- each a4aila<le <oo8/ 2a-aEi!e or
2a!uscript i! the iel, o 2a-ic.
The thirties 7ere u!co22o!ly proliic or Re-ar,ie/ so ro2 that perio, ,i,
ori-i!ate his <est 7or8s. I! 191# he pu<lishe, t7o <oo8s. A ;arden o!
#o$egranates is the result o his o7! $a<<alistic stu,iesJ it is <ase, upo! as
o! his o7! e>a2i!atio!s/ so o! collecte, 8!o7le,-e ro2 ,iere!t sources.
The seco!, 7or8 The Tree o! .i!e a2al-a2ates 2aterial ro2 ,iere!t iel,s
i!to a lar-e a!, u!iGue 7hole. So/ this co2prehe!si4e 7or8 i!clu,es a!cie!t
2ytholo-y a!, 2a-ic o E-ypt a!, Greece/ 'hal,ea!s/ Israelites/ yo-a/
&i!,uis2 a!, 2o,er! theosophy.
Re-ar,ie ,i, !ot li!-er or lo!- i! Stella Matuti!a. RealiEi!- that the Or,er
a!, its teachi!- 7oul, !ot last i so2eo!e ,o !ot pu<lish the2 a!,
pro2ul-ate/ he let Stella Matuti!a <y the e!, o 1910. Soo! thereater he
pu<lishe, the 7or8 The Art o! True 2ealing, i! 7hich he e>pou!,e, i! a
co!cise 2a!!er his philosophy o the alter!ati4e 2e,ici!e. Si2ilarly to the
2o,er! holistic scie!tist %eepa8 'hopra/ he co!si,ers as 7ell that
e4erythi!- i! the !ature 4i<rates <y pulsati!- lieJ he spea8s o a!
u!cha!-ea<le rhyth2 prese!t e4ery7here i! the cos2os. Re-ar,ie poi!ts
out the i2porta!ce o practici!- e>ercises o rhyth2ical <reathi!- a!,
rela>atio! a!, reco22e!,s the e>ercise o the Mi,,le Pillar/ <y 7hich is
e!ha!ce, the e!er-y iel, o the or-a!is2.
I! the seco!, hal o the thirties Re-ar,ie ,e,icates hi2sel to the stu,y o
psycholo-y a!, psychotherapy/ irstly i! Lo!,o! a!, the! i! Ne7 (or8. I!
1917 he i!ishe, the 7or8 The #hilosopherDs Stone, <oo8 o! the alche2y
ro2 the =u!-ia! perspecti4e. I! the sa2e year he pu<lishe, a 4olu2i!ous
7or8/ co!sisti!- o our <oo8s/ i! 7hich he e>pose, or the irst ti2e i!
pu<lic the rituals a!, teachi!-s o Gol,e! %a7!. This 7or8/ si2ply e!title,
;olden 8a/n cause, a tu2ultuous reactio! a!, protest o 2e2<ers o the
or-a!iEatio!/ 7hich 7or8 u!til the! ha, <ee! shrou,e, <y a 4eil o 2ystery.
Re-ar,ie Austiie, such a 2o4e <y his 7ish to sa4e the teachi!-s o Gol,e!
%a7! ro2 o<li4io! a!, to oer a possi<ility to a 7i,er circle o 2e! to -et
acGuai!te, 7ith the2.
O! his retur! to A2erica/ Re-ar,ie stu,ie, psychotherapy a!, the stu,y
i!clu,e, )reu,ia!/ =u!-ia! a!, ReichMs 2etho,s a!, tech!iGues. I! 1913
he pu<lishe, the 7or8 The )iddle #illar, i! 7hich there 7ere e>pose,
practical e>ercises o cere2o!ial 2a-ic o Gol,e! %a7!/ step <y step. I! the
sa2e <oo8 Re-ar,ie co2pares these 2a-ical tech!iGues 7ith 2etho,s a!,
hypotheses o psychoa!alysis. &e practically trie, to <ri,-e the -ap <et7ee!
2a-ic a!, psychotherapy.
Ater the -ra,uatio! i! 1901 Re-ar,ie has <ee! e!rolle, i!to +.S. ar2y/
7here he stays u!til the e!, o the 7ar. %uri!- this ti2e he ha, <ee!
stu,yi!- 'hristia! 2ysticis2J his i,eas he 7oul, ,epict i! the 7or8 The
Ro$ance o! )etaph(sics, pu<lishe, ater the 7ar/ i! 190:. I! 1907 Re-ar,ie
2o4es to 'alior!ia/ 7here he -ot pri4ate practice/ as chiropracticist a!,
Reichia! therapist. I! this ater.7ar perio, Re-ar,ie ha, also tau-ht
psychiatry o! Los A!-elesM 'hiropractic 'olle-e a!, 7rote !u2erous articles
i! 2a-aEi!esJ as 7ell/ he 7rote a ro7 o <oo8s.
Israel Re-ar,ie ha, retire, i! 1931 a!, the! he 7ith,re7 hi2sel to Se,o!a/
AriEo!a/ 7here he co!ti!ue, to 7rite. &is 7or8s ro2 this late phase
i!clu,e, titles li8e *ere$onial )agic, The .aC( )anDs ;uide to Relaxation,
The *o$plete ;olden 8a/n S(ste$ o! )agic. E4e! i! retire2e!t he co!ti!ue,
to -i4e a,4ices ro2 the ,o2ai! o health a!, 2a-ic/ u!til his ,eath. &e ,ie,
ro2 a hart attac8 i! 1936/ at ,i!!er i! o!e o his a4orite restaura!ts.
6.6.1. Ma!ly P. &all;s Secret Teachi!- o all A-es
I! the course o t7e!ties a!, thirties 7he! i! Europe hel, pro2i!e!t roles
Gue!o!/ E4ola a!, others/ i! A2erica appeare, a! i2porta!t spiritual
teacher !a2e, Ma!ly Pal2er &all. This A2erica! o 'a!a,ia! ori-i! ha,
i2pose, hi2sel alrea,y as you!- 2a! a!, later <eca2e the 2ost proliic
A2erica! author o the 2ystical philosophy i! #"
ce!tury. %uri!- his lo!-
a!, successul career he 7rote 2ore tha! 16" <oo8s/ hu!,re,s o essays
a!, cou!tless articles i! ,iere!t 2a-aEi!esJ alrea,y i! his lieti2e he has
<ee! co!si,ere, the lea,i!- authority i! iel,s o reli-io!/ 2ytholo-y/
2ysticis2 a!, occultis2.
Ma!ly P. &all 7as <or! i! Peter<orou-h/ O!tario B!ear<y Toro!toC/ i! 19"1.
Si!ce his pare!ts ,i4orce, shortly ater his <irth/ he ha, <ee! !urture, <y
his 2ater!al -ra!,2other. @hile still a chil,/ she <rou-ht hi2 alo!- to
+!ite, States/ 2ore precisely to Siou> )alls/ South %a8ota/ 7here she
2o4e,. Gra!,2other/ 7ho ha, i!cite, i! hi2 the thirst or 8!o7le,-e/ ,ie,
7he! he 7as 1:. The! he 7as a,opte, <y a! i!,epe!,e!t <ra!ch o
Rosicrucia! co22u!ity i! 'alior!ia/ <ut ater a 7hile he let the co22u!ity
a!, Aoi!e, li<eral e4a!-elist co!-re-atio! calle, the 'hurch o the People.
Alrea,y i! his tee!a-e ,ays Ma!ly ,e,icate, hi2sel to the stu,y o 4arious
tra,itio!s o a!cie!t 7is,o2. Dery early he ca2e upo! co!clusio! that
7is,o2 ca!!ot <e reache, <y ollo7i!- Aust o!e spiritual path. I!stea,/ he
percei4e, 7is,o2 as the supre2e ,o2ai!/ 7here there are a2al-a2ate, a!,
per2eate, philosophy/ reli-io! a!, scie!ce a!, 7here are !o <or,ers
<et7ee! the2.
At 19/ he 2o4e, to Los A!-eles a!, alrea,y at that early a-e <e-a! his
career. I! autu2! 19#" he hel, his irst pu<lic lecture i! Sa!ta Mo!ica/
'alior!ia. The the2e o the lecture 7as rei!car!atio!. The !e>t year he 7as
i!4ite, to hol, a 7hole series o lectures i! Los A!-eles. +!til the e!, o his
si> ,eca,es lo!- career he 7oul, hol, al2ost ei-ht thousa!, lectures. At his
!u2erous lectures he prese!te, teachi!-s o East a!, @est i! ro!t o
thousa!,s o au,itorsJ he ha, e>pose, the 7ay i! 7hich a!cie!t 2yths/
2ysteries a!, sy2<ols ,e!ote, the 7is,o2 o a!cie!t tra,itio! a!, the 7ay
they are use, i! e4ery,ay lie. O!ly 7he! e,ucatio! reaches its pea8/ it is
ti2e to put i! the ser4ice or the !ei-h<or. &all ,ee2e, the sou!,
perso!ality the ou!,atio! to start a career i! the iel, o esoteric
philosophy. &o7 to achie4e this/ he e>plai!e, i! the <oo8 Sel! ?n!old$ent "(
8isciplines o! RealiCation.
Alrea,y i! his t7e!ties Ma!ly P. &all as 7ell <e-a! to pu<lish his 7or8s.
A2o!- these earliest 7or8s pro2i!e!t are The Wa(s o! the .onel( Ones a!,
the .ost :e(s o! 9ree$asonr(. I! this latter <oo8 &all e>plai!s the 7ay that
ca!,i,ate has to pass to reach the hi-hest ,e-ree/ that o Master )ree2aso!.
Maso!ry/ althou-h !ot <ei!- a reli-io!/ co!tai!s 2a!y reli-ious ele2e!ts. It
is actually the lost 8!o7le,-e/ sou-ht <y 2a!y/ throu-hout the ce!turies.
&all co2pares 2aso! 7ith a! architect o the su<li2e 2ystery/ 7ho <uil,s
the te2ple i! his o7! soul. &e 2ust <e the copy o the Great Architect o the
u!i4erse a!, he 2ust try to <uil, !o<le or2s i! this lo7er u!i4erse. A
pursuit or the truth 2ust <e the ai2 o the 2aster. PrereGuisites or
reachi!- the truth are ,e4otio!/ re-e!eratio! o the <o,y/ puriicatio! o the
soul a!, or-a!iEatio! o the spirit. Maso! shoul, <e a,or!e, <y
respo!si<ility i! e4ery,ay 7or8 a!, lie. @hether i! a lo,-e or outsi,e/ the
true 2aso! 2ust <e a supre2e result o the si!cere aspiratio!/ &all
I! this early perio, Ma!ly P. &all <e-a! 7ith preparatio!s or his $agnu$
opus, 7hich 7oul, <e pu<lishe, i! 19#3/ u!,er the title The Secret
Teachings o! All Ages. I! his pursuit or the a!cie!t 7is,o2/ o! his lo!-
Aour!eys i! 19#1 a!, 19#0 he 4isite, 2a!y cultural ce!ters i! Asia/ Europe
a!, E-ypt. &is a4orite place or the research o ol, a!, rare te>ts 7as
Lo!,o!Ms ?ritish Museu2. O7i!- to his rie!,ship 7ith -e!eral
(ou!-hus<a!, Blea,er o the ?ritish e>pe,itio! to Ti<etC it 7as allo7e, to
hi2 the access to the e>clusi4e 2aterial o the Museu2/ to the ori-i!als o
4ery rare a!, precious a!cie!t 2a!uscripts. O! his Aour!eys &all ,i,
stre!-the! his co!4ictio! a<out the !ee, o the co2parati4e stu,y o
reli-io!/ ai2e, at 2a!Ms spiritual e4olutio!. O! his retur! ro2 the Aour!ey
&all starte, to 7rite his ,e2a!,i!- a!, 4olu2i!ous 7or8/ 7hich ,eli!eates
the co2plete @ester! tra,itio! The Secret Teachings o! All Ages.
?et7ee! his retur! a!, pu<lishi!- o the 7or8 Ma!ly P. &all spe!t certai!
ti2e i! the @all Street/ 7here he 7or8e, as i!a!cial cler8. This <rie perio,
spe!t i! the 7orl, o hu-e i!a!cial po7er capital cause, hi2 ,eep
suspicio!s co!cer!i!- the 2a!!er o lea,i!- the <usi!ess. It see2e, to hi2
that hu2a! i!,i4i,ual 7as lost i! that syste2 a!, that 2a! i! the pursuit
or the 2aterial a,4a!ta-e ote! loses his soul/ a!, so2eti2es his lie/ too.
Na2ely/ he ha, 7it!esse, a tra-ic e4e!t/ 7he! o!e o his collea-ues/
,espaire, or the ailure o his i!4est2e!ts/ co22itte, a suici,e.
The ,isappoi!t2e!t 7ith a 7orl, o i!a!cial <usi!ess o!ly i!cite, 2ore his
research o the pro<le2 o hu2a! race/ ori-i! o 2a! a!, his ate. &e spe!t
a lot o ti2e i! Ne7 (or8 Pu<lic Li<rary stu,yi!- spiritual curre!ts o the
a!cie!t ci4iliEatio!s. &e ha, co2e upo! co!clusio! that 2o,er! authorities
i! the iel, o philosophy ,i, !ot appreciate the ol, i,ealistic syste2s or
,eeper aspect o the co2parati4e reli-io!.
Seriously tac8li!- the ,e2a!,i!- 7or8/ &all ha, collecte, i! the course o
t7e!ties a co!si,era<le heap o te>ts o those or-otte! a!cie!t sa-es a!,
i!ally i! 19#3 he pu<lishe, The Secret Teachings o! All Ages. This 7or8 o
e!cyclope,ic character/ as the 4ery title i2plies/ co2prises a stri!- o
su<Aects co!cer!i!- the 2ystical philosophy o a!tiGuity/ The Mi,,le A-es
a!, 2o,er! a-eL Atla!tis/ E-yptia! reli-io!/ &er2es Tris2e-istus/ a!tiGue
2ysteries/ Pytha-oras/ astrolo-y/ sy2<olis2/ 2a-ic/ alche2y/ $a<<ala/
Tarot/ Paracelsus/ Rosicrucia! Society/ Maso!ry/ 2ystical 'hristia!ity/ Isla2
a!, 2ytholo-y o A2erica! I!,ia!s. I! the i!tro,uctio! o this 7or8 &all
prese!te, i! short the 7hole ,e4elop2e!t o philosophy/ starti!- 7ith Thales
a!, A!a>i2a!,er/ up to NietEsche a!, ?er-so!. &all ,ee2s that philosophy
,i, ori-i!ate ro2 the reli-ious 2ysteries o the a!tiGuity/ 7hich preser4e,
the u!i4ersal tra!sce!,e!tal 8!o7le,-e. Mysteries ha, <ee! 8ept i! secret
societies/ 7hich 2e2<ers 7ere o<li-e, to the 4o7 o sile!ce. The la!-ua-e o
the 2ysteries is la!-ua-e o sy2<olsJ thereore e4ery or2 o e>iste!ce is a
sy2<ol o the ,i4i!e acti4ity. Accor,i!-ly/ i!si,e the 4arious e2<le2atic
i-ures/ alle-ories a!, a!cie!t rituals there is hi,,e! the secret teachi!-
co!cer!i!- 2ysteries o lie/ preser4e, or eo!s/ carrie, throu-h 2a!y
ce!turies <y 2e2<ers o s2all -roups o i!itiates.
@or8 The Secret Teachings o! All Ages 7as supple2e!te, the !e>t year <y
the 7or8 .ectures on Ancient #hilosoph(. It ori-i!ate, as the co22e!tary
a!, e!lar-e2e!t o &allMs $agnu$ opus. I! it/ special atte!tio! is pai, to
Neo.Plato!is2/ early 'hriste!,o2/ as 7ell as to so2e the2es alrea,y
prese!te, i! pre4ious 7or8.
I! 1910 Ma!ly P. &all esta<lishe, Philosophical Research Society BPRSC 7ith
a si2ple -oal o creati!- a u!i4ersal <rotherhoo,/ 7hich 7oul, -ather all the
lo4ers o 7is,o2. This society still e>ists !o7a,ays. Its acti4ity co2prises a
hu-e spa! lectures/ se2i!ars/ 7or8shops a!, peror2a!ces o!
philosophical su<Aects. I! the co2ple> o the society are also i!clu,e,
a!, <oo8shop. The hea,Guarters o the society is ro2 the 4ery
<e-i!!i!- i! Los A!-eles. It is alrea,y or ,eca,es the place 7here are
stu,ie, all the spiritual tra,itio!s. Pro-ra2s o the Society e2phasiEe the
!ee, o i!te-ratio! o philosophy/ reli-io! a!, scie!ce i! a u!iGue syste2 o
I! the 2ultitu,e o <oo8s that &all pu<lishe, ,uri!- his lieti2e especially
pro2i!e!t are series o <oo8s u!,er collecti4e !a2e The Adept Series #RS.
This collectio! o 1# 4olu2es i!clu,es esoteric tra,itio!s o a!cie!t Greece
a!, Ro2e B7or8s The Initiates o! ;reece and Ro$e a!, )(stics and )(steries
o! AlexandriaC. @ester! tra,itio! BOrders o! the Fuest B The 2ol( ;rail, Orders
o! the ;reat Wor B Alche$(, Orders o! ?ni%ersal Re!or$ation B ?topias,
)asonic Orders o! 9raternit(, A$ericaDs Assign$ent /ith 8estin(CJ Easter!
tra,itio! BThe .ight o! the Aedas, Arhats o! Buddhis$, The Sages o! *hina,
#he li!rary originated of the pri$ate collection of !oo8s of >anly (. +all. #he !oo8s of this collection "ere
used !y some reno"ned scientists and philosophers, among the rest 6arl 1. Jung, for the needs of the "or8
Psychology and Alchemy
The )(stics o! Isla$ a!, Aenerated Teachers o! <ains, Sihs and #artsC. The
-reat !u2<er o 7or8s <y Ma!ly P. &all is o e,ucatio!al !ature a!,
i!clu,es 4arious sur4eys li4es a!, 7or8s o ,iere!t philosophers a!,
,iere!t tra,itio!al philosophical syste2s. To such <elo!- also 7or8s li8e
#ath/a( o! #hilosoph(, T/el%e World Teachers or Sages and Seers. O!e o
the <oo8s 7ritte! i! si2ilar style as Secret Teachings o! All Ages is the 7or8
The #hoenix, 7ith su<title An Illustrated Re%ie/ o! Occultis$ O #hilosoph(.
?ecause o his 2erits i! pro2ul-atio! o Maso!ic i,eas/ i! 1971 Ma!ly P.
&all 7as pro2ote, i!to the hi-hest/ 11
,e-ree/ i! spite o the act that i!
the course o his lie he ,i, !ot <elo!- to a!y Maso!ic lo,-e. &e -ot this
ac8!o7le,-e2e!t or 7riti!- series o <oo8 co!cer!i!- philosophical <asis o
)ree2aso!ry. Ma!y people respecte, this 2a!/ or 2a!y !o<le traits that
ha, a,or!e, hi2
. Althou-h he ,ispose, 7ith a! i22e!se e!cyclope,ic
8!o7le,-e/ he treate, co22o! people 7ith respect/ !e4er i2posi!- his
philosophical pri!ciples. O philosophers <or! arou!, the tur! o the
ce!turies/ he ,i, lea4e this 7orl, as the last o!e/ i! 199".
4ne of +all7s admirers and friends "as the president of )osicrucian *ello"ship >ax +eindel. *or his !oo8
Blavatsky and the Secret Doctrine +all did "rite and /ntroduction.
6& .,W (!",.!, ).D M'("!"(M
:.1.1. Scie!tiic.Mystical Philosophy o &olis2
The last Guarter o #"
ce!tury 7as characteriEe, as 7ell <y the co!4er-e!ce
o the aca,e2ic scie!ce a!, 2ystical philosophy. This Sphe!o2e!aM ,i,
occur earlier o!ly i!ter2itte!tly/ si!ce so2e o the 2ystical philosophers
7ere also scie!tists/ <ut o!ly o4er the last ,eca,es this phe!o2e!o! ,i,
a,opt traits o a co!sta!t tre!,. O!e o the reaso!s is surely that/ that is
i22a!e!t to !e7 holistic a!, ecolo-ical 4ie7poi!t. ?ut/ it see2s that the
separatio! o scie!ce ro2 reli-io! a!, reli-ious philosophy has <ee! 2ai!ly
characteristic o the @est/ so this 7as Aust e>pecte, co!seGue!ce o the
arri4al o &i!,uis2/ ?u,,his2 a!, Taois2 to Europe a!, A2erica. A2o!-
the !u2erous scie!tiic.2ystical authors/ 7e 7ill ta8e a -li2pse Aust o! e7
2ost re!o7!e,.
&u!-aria! scie!tist a!, philosopher Er4i! LasElo B<or! i! 191# i! ?u,apestC
is -e!erally co!si,ere, as the ou!,er o syste2s philosophy a!, -e!eral
theory o e4olutio!. As the chil, a!, a,olesce!t/ he sho7e, a! e>traor,i!ary
2usical tale!t . he 7as a real pro,i-y. So/ alrea,y at se4e! he e!tere, the
Aca,e2y o )ra!E LisEt a!, at !i!e he <e-a! to peror2 7ith ?u,apest
philhar2o!ic orchestra. At 16 he 7as alrea,y a! i!ter!atio!al star o
classical 2usic/ 7i!!i!- presti-e a7ar,s. ?ut/ o! approachi!- his #"
he -ot e4er 2ore attracte, <y philosophy a!, u!,a2e!tal Guestio!s li8e
2ea!i!- o !ature a!, lie/ a!, o ate a!, society. &e co!ti!ue, to peror2
2usic i! his t7e!ties as 7ell/ <ut at the sa2e ti2e atte!,i!- courses a!,
se2i!ars at 'olu2<ia +!i4ersity a!, Ne7 School or Society Research.
LasElo ,i, al7ays <ri!- alo!- his 4olu2i!ous !otes ro2 philosophy/
7here4er he 7e!t o! co!certs a!, tours. Ater o!e such co!cert i! &a-ue at
the ,i!!er occurre, co!4ersatio! a<out his a!!otatio!s. &is i!terlocutor
happe!e, to <e a! e,itor o the philosophy li<rary/ o the local pu<lishi!-
house. Ater the e,itor ha, sur4eye, the 2a!uscript/ he sho7e, -reat
i!terest a!, a 7ish to pu<lish the2. They 7ere pu<lishe, e4e!tually i!
19:1/ 7hich 2ea!t also a tur!i!- poi!t i! his career/ as the 2usic re2ai!e,
or -oo, a Sseco!, raterM i! his lie. The 2ai! su<Aect o i!terest !o7 there
7as philosophy/ especially the2es li8e ori-i! o the u!i4erse/ !ature a!,
,irectio! o the e4olutio! o lie a!, co!scious!ess/ as 7ell as the 2ea!i!- o
cha!-es a!, tra!sor2atio!s i! 2o,er! culture a!, ci4iliEatio!s. Soo!
LasElo -ai!e, a Ph.%. ,e-ree at Sor<o!!a/ <eco2i!- thus or2ally aca,e2ic
I! the course o the si>ties a!, se4e!ties Er4i! LasElo hel, lectures i!
philosophy a!, syste2s scie!ce at (ale +!i4ersity a!, also at se4eral others.
%uri!- his proessorship at (ale there ori-i!ate, his 7or8 Introduction to
S(ste$s #hilosoph(, u!,a2e!tal 7or8 i! the iel, o syste2s philosophyJ it
ori-i!ate, u!,er the i!lue!ce o Austria! <iolo-ist 4o! ?ertala!y. I! the
perio, <et7ee! 1973 a!, 1936 LasElo 7or8e, to +N/ o! researches i!
co!!ectio! 7ith i!ter!atio!al !e7 eco!o2ic or,er a!, re-io!al a!,
i!terre-io!al cooperatio!. I! the seco!, hal o the ei-hties LasElo <e-i!s to
,eal 2ore i!te!si4ely 7ith Guestio!s o e4olutio!/ 7hich results i! 7or8s
'%olution3 The ;rand S(nthesis, ro2 1937 a!, three 7or8s ro2 the !i!eties
The *reati%e *os$os B1991C/ The Interconnected ?ni%erse B1996C a!, The
Whispering #ond B199:C. These 7or8s spea8 a<out the creati4e cos2os/
7hich is i!terco!!ecte, a!, e4olutio!al. Accor,i!- to LasElo as the
ou!,atio! o e4erythi!-/ o 2atter a!, co!scious!ess/ there is Eero poi!t
iel,/ as the co22o! cos2ic source 7hich -e!erates the2.
Althou-h his earler 7or8s ha, <ee! to so2e e>te!t per2eate, 7ith
2ysticis2/ it see2s that the 2ost 2ystical traits <ear the 2ost rece!t 7or8
Science and Acashic 9ield B#""0C. I! it he e>pou!,e, his u!iGue co!cept
7hich prese!ts a <i!, <et7ee! the scie!ce a!, spirituality. I! his i!te-ral
theory LasElo clariies ho7 2o,er! scie!ce ,isco4ere, A8asha iel, o
pere!!ial philosophy. This iel, !a2ely ha, <ee! presuppose, <y a!cie!t
2ystics 7ho thou-ht that there ha, e>iste, a! i!terco!!ecte, cos2ic iel,/
7here ha, <ee! re-istere, all the e4e!ts that e4er happe!e, i! the u!i4erse.
This A8asha iel, Bi,e!tiie, <y LasElo 7ith Eero poi!t iel,C prese!ts at the
sa2e ti2e the source o all the thi!-s i! space a!, ti2e/ as 7ell as the
co!ti!uous 2e2ory o the u!i4erse. Althou-h Er4i! LasElo ,oes !ot use the
co!cept o -o, or the 'reator it see2s that it is i2plicitly co!tai!e, i! the
ter2 A8ash iel,. &i!,u philosophy i,e!tiies this co!cept 7ith a 8i!, o
e!er-y o the Supre2e ?ei!- i! its pri2or,ial a!, u!,iere!tiate, or2.
=ust li8e LasElo/ so A2erica! physicist )ritAo 'apra percei4es the u!i4erse
as i!terco!!ecte,/ 2ore precisely as the ,y!a2ic !et o !o!.separate,
e!er-y patter!s. 'apraMs irst <i--er 7or8/ Tao o! #h(sics B1976C is i2porta!t
!ot o!ly or the holistic scie!ce/ <ut also or the philosophy/ as he 7as the
irst a2o!- 2o,er! physicists to ,escri<e the si2ilarities <et7ee! the
theories o Gua!tu2 physics a!, a!cie!t Orie!tal 2ysticis2.
)ritAo 'apra 7as <or! i! 1919 i! Die!!a/ AustriaMs capital. &e ha, atte!,e,
Die!!a u!i4ersity/ 7here o!e o the lecturers 7as re!o7!e, physicist @er!er
&eise!<er-. &e ha, ta8e! a %octorMs ,e-ree i! 19:: a!, ater7ar,s he
7or8e, or t7o years i! Paris/ o! researchi!- proAects i! co!!ectio! 7ith
hi-h e!er-y physics. I! 19:3 he ha, set out to +SA/ 7here he <eca2e a
lecturer at Sa!ta 'ruE +!i4ersity i! 'alior!ia. I! the irst hal o the
se4e!ties 'apra co!ti!ues the research at the I2perial 'olle-e i! Lo!,o!. I!
this perio, there ori-i!ate, Tao o! #h(sics, pio!eer 7or8 i! the iel, o !e7
scie!tiic.2ystical philosophy. Ater 'apraMs 7or,s/ he -ot the irst
i!spiratio! i! 19:9/ o! the <each i! Sa!ta 'ruE/ 7atchi!- rolli!- o 7a4es
a!, liste!i!- to the rhyth2 o his o7! <reathi!-. ?eore his ,eparture to
Lo!,o!/ he put to-ether a photo.2o!ta-e o ,a!ci!- Shi4a
a!, traces o
the collisio! o su<ato2ic particles. ?y 2e,itatio! o4er that picture later i!
Lo!,o!/ he e>perie!ce, a po7erul i!tuiti4e i!si-ht i! the reality o the
e>iste!ce o parallels <et7ee! 2o,er! physics a!, Orie!tal 2ysticis2.
I! 'apraMs opi!io!/ the 2ost i2porta!t trait o the Orie!tal 7orl,.4ie7 is the
co!scious!ess o the u!ity a!, i!ter,epe!,e!ce o all the thi!-s a!, e4e!tsJ
all the thi!-s are percei4e, as i!separa<le a!, 2utually ,epe!,e!t parts o
the -reater cos2ic 7hole/ i.e. as ,iere!t 2a!iestatio!s o the sa2e
ulti2ate reality. A!, also ater the u!,ersta!,i!- o the 2o,er! Gua!tu2
physics e4erythi!- i! the u!i4erse is co!!ecte, 7ith e4erythi!-/ so !o part o
it is u!,a2e!tal. ?y ?ellMs theore2 it is i!co!testa<ly pro4e, the
i!terco!!ectio! o the u!i4erse at Gua!tu2 le4el/ i.e. i!sta!t !o!.local
co!!ectio! <y 2easuri!- t7o 4ery ,ista!t electro!s. ?y this it 7as pro4e,
the i!terco!!ectio!/ i!ter,epe!,e!ce a!, i!separa<ility at the Gua!tu2
le4el o e4erythi!- 7ith e4erythi!- else i! the u!i4erse.
)ritAo 'apra is pro<a<ly o!e o the -reatest 2o,er! pro2ul-ators o Taois2/
i! spite o the act that Tao o! #h(sics -ra!ts to this reli-io! <arely a ,oEe!
pa-es. As the 2ost i2porta!t achie4e2e!t o Taoists 'apra ,ee2s the
u!,ersta!,i!- o cha!-e a!, tra!sor2atio! as esse!tial traits i! the
!ature. These cha!-es are 2a!ieste, as ,y!a2ic i!teractio! o polar
opposites o yi! a!, ya!-. As it ha, <ee! state, i! the irst part o the <oo8/
'apra i! Tao o! #h(sics percei4e, the si2ilarities <et7ee! Taois2 a!,
&eraclitesM co!cept o 7orl, or,er i! 7hich eter!ally li4i!- ire <ur!s a!,
e>ti!-uishes itsel 7ith 2easure.
'apra also re2ar8s the parallels 7ith &i!,uis2. Na2ely/ accor,i!- to
&i!,u u!,ersta!,i!- o !ature/ all the or2s are relati4e/ lui, o eter!ally
cha!-ea<le 2aya. The 7orl, o 2aya is i! eter!al alter!atio!/ i! o!e
,y!a2ic -a2e/ i! 7hich the acti4e pri!ciple is 8ar2a a!, all the u!i4erse is
i! such acti4ity 7here e4erythi!- is ,y!a2ically co!!ecte, 7ith e4erythi!-
else. &i!,u ,i4i!ity Shi4a/ prese!te, o! the co4er o Tao o! #h(sics is
sy2<olic cos2ic ,a!cerJ he is the -o, o creatio! a!, ,estructio!/ 7ho
supports 7ith his ,a!ce the e!,less rhyth2 o the u!i4erse. I! the
?u,,his2 too 'apra !otices the parallels 7ith 2o,er! physicsJ they are
2ost percepti<le i! 7or8 A4ata2sa8a.sutra/ or 7hich %.T. SuEu8i says that
it 7as the co!clusio! o ?u,,hist thou-ht. The ce!tral the2e o this 7or8/
as i! other Orie!tal reli-io!s/ is the u!ity a!, i!terco!!ectio! o all the
thi!-s a!, e4e!ts.
+indu di$inity.
Ater Tao o! #h(sics )ritAo 'apra 7rote se4eral i2porta!t 7or8s/ li8e The
Turning #oint, The We" o! .i!e a!, 2idden *onnections, <ut i! the2
2ysticis2 7as !ot so e>plicit as i! his irst 7or8. To,ay/ 'apra is ,irector o
his 'e!ter or Ecoliteracy i! ?er8eley/ 'alior!ia a!, he is also a te2porary
lecturer at Schu2aher 'olle-e i! E!-la!,. &is i!terests are or a lo!- ti2e
,irecte, to7ar,s holistic/ ,eep ,eli<eratio! o ecolo-y/ throu-h his co!cept o
!et. This co!cept/ accor,i!- to 'apra is the 8ey o the ,e4elop2e!t o
scie!tiic u!,ersta!,i!- !ot o!ly o ecosyste2s/ <ut also o the 4ery !ature
o lie. The!ce i! 'apraMs 'e!ter e2phasis is put o! the u!,ersta!,i!- o the
2ost i2porta!t pri!ciples o ecolo-y/ or e>a2ple i!ter,epe!,e!ce/ recycli!-/
part!ership/ ,i4ersity a!, sustai!a<ility.
I! 2o,er! holistic scie!ce there are percepti<le te!,e!cies o scie!tists
to7ar, tra!sce!,e!ce o <or,ers i2pose, <y still pre4aili!- re,uctio!is2.
So/ or e>a2ple a!alo-ously to !uclear physicist 'apra/ 7ho shite, his
i!terest ro2 the stu,y o physics o su<ato2ic particles to7ar, ecolo-y a!,
<iolo-y/ ?ritish <iolo-ist Rupert Shel,ra8e passe, the sa2e 7ay/ <ut i!
re4erse ,irectio!. Shel,ra8e thi!8s a<out the u!i4erse as a! i22e!se !et o
i!teracti4e particles i! 7hich each co2<i!atio! <i!,s participati!- particles
i!to a u!iGue Gua!tu2 syste2. &is 2ost 2ystical 7or8 #h(sics o! Angels
Shel,ra8e 7rote i! colla<oratio! 7ith A2erica! li<eral theolo-ia! Matthe7
)o>. I! it/ throu-h the Plato!ist ,ialo- <et7ee! <iolo-ist a!, theolo-ia!
there are prese!te, peculiar parallels <et7ee! the 7or8s o a!tiGue a!,
2e,ie4al 2ystics o! a!-els a!, 2o,er! Gua!tu2 physics.
Rupert Shel,ra8e 7as <or! i! 190# i! Ne7ar8.o!.Tre!t/ Notti!-ha2shire.
)ro2 a! early a-e he too8 i!terest i! pla!ts a!, a!i2als. &e i!herite, that
i!terest ro2 his ather 7ho ha, <ee! a! a2ateur !aturalist. Ater he ha,
i!ishe, the -ra22ar school/ he 7e!t to 'a2<ri,-e to stu,y <iolo-y a!,
<ioche2istry. This stu,y has rustrate, hi2 or e>clusi4ely 2aterialistic
approach to scie!ce o lecturers at the u!i4ersity. So/ alrea,y as a stu,e!t
he use, to rea, alter!ati4e literature/ or e>a2ple the scie!tiic 7or8s o
Goethe/ 7hose approach he co!si,ere, holistic/ 7ith the i!te-ral a!, ,irect
i!si-ht. I! a,,itio! to <iolo-y/ Shel,ra8e has also stu,ie, philosophy a!,
history or o!e year at 'a2<ri,-e as 7ell/ 7here he -ot his %octorMs ,e-ree i!
At 'a2<ri,-e Shel,ra8e ha, <ee! or a 7hile a 2e2<er o the -roup calle,
SEpipha!y PhilosophersM. This -roup o philosophers/ physicists a!, 2ystics
stu,ie, 4arious iel,s li8e Gua!tu2 theory/ philosophy o scie!ce/
parapsycholo-y/ alter!ati4e 2e,ici!e a!, holistic philosophy o !ature. At
'a2<ri,-e Shel,ra8e ,i, co!ti!ue his proessio!al career/ 7or8i!- till 1971
as %irector o stu,ies i! <ioche2istry a!, cell <iolo-y. &e also ,ealt 7ith
research 7or8 o! ,e4elop2e!t o pla!ts a!, e>a2i!e, the process o a-i!-
o cells. ?et7ee! 1970 a!, 1973 he a<o,e i! &y,era<a,/ I!,ia/ 7or8i!- as
colla<orator at a! a-ricultural i!stitute. O! his retur! to 'a2<ri,-e he
co!ti!ue, his research 7or8 o! ,e4elop2e!t o pla!ts. ?ut he <eca2e 2ore
a!, 2ore co!4i!ce, that 2echa!icist approach is !ot satisactory/ i! the
stu,y o li4i!- or-a!is2s.
Shel,ra8e the! <e-a! to research the holistic tra,itio! i! <iolo-y a!, that
ha, <ee! the approach 2ostly i-!ore, u!til the! ro2 oicial scie!ce.
Gra,ually i! hi2 <e-a! to raise i,ea o 2orphic reso!atio!/ 7hich he 7oul,
7or8 out i! the <oo8 &e/ Science o! .i!e B1931C. Accor,i!- to Shel,ra8e/
si2ilar !atural structures har2o!iEe their <eha4ior <y the help o reso!a!ce
7ith the <eha4ior o their pre,ecessors. Reso!a!ce is tra!s2itte, ro2 the
2orpho-e!etic iel,s/ spaces that shape or-a!is2s/ crystals a!, 2olecules.
I! these iel,s/ Shel,ra8e thi!8s/ is collecte, the e!tire e>perie!ce a!,
recollectio! o each si!-le species o li4i!- <ei!-s/ as 7ell as so calle, !o!.
li4i!- 2atter. @e re2e2<er that i! the irst part o the <oo8 it 7as
2e!tio!e, that si2ilar i,ea i! pri2or,ial or2 ha, e>iste, yet <y Ploti!us/
7ho co!si,ere, that 2atter ha, <ee! or2e, i! relatio! to pre4iously
e>isti!- or2s i! sphere o the i!telli-i<le.
Shel,ra8e later up-ra,e, his theory i! 7or8s The #resence o! the #ast B1933C
a!, The Re"irth o! &ature B199"C. I! the 2i, !i!eties his colla<oratio! 7ith
A2erica! theolo-ia! Matthe7 )o> yiel,e, i! t7o 7or8s/ &atural ;race B1996C
a!, #h(sics o! Angels B199:C. This latter <oo8 is i!teresti!- <ecause a!-els
ha, <ee! o4er last e7 ce!turies 2e!tio!e, u!7illi!-ly e4e! <y theolo-ia!s/
!ot to 2e!tio! scie!tists. I!stea, o the a!cie!t hierarchy o a!-els
accor,i!- to hea4e!ly spheres/ Shel,ra8e su--ests the !e7 o!e i! 7hich
irst or,er o a!-els ,eals 7ith 2atters 7hich <elo!- to the hi-hest le4el o
the u!i4erseJ the seco!, or-a!iEes -roups o -ala>ies a!, star syste2sJ the
thir, or,er ,eals 7ith pla!ets. Shel,ra8e states that i! The Mi,,le A-es a!,
e4e! earlier
e>iste, the <elie that u!i4erse prese!ts a! i22e!se or-a!is2
li4i!- <ei!-. I! rece!t ti2es this <elie 7as re4italiEe, throu-h astrolo-y/
7hich has preser4e, up to !o7a,ays the tra,itio! o! the i!lue!ce o
pla!ets/ that is/ o spirits or a!-els 7ho rule o4er the2. Shel,ra8e ,ee2s
that hea4e!ly <o,ies/ as 7ell as -roups o <o,ies/ posses the i!telli-e!ce a!,
co!scious!ess. &e sees the co!!ectio! <et7ee! a!-els a!, 2o,er! physics
i! that/ that a!-els ,o !ot ha4e 2ass or <o,y a!, they ca! <e percei4e, o!ly
7he! they act/ Aust li8e Gua!ta o li-ht/ photo!sJ photo!s are localiEe, Aust
<ecause o their acti4ity/ li8e a!-els. )o> says that a!-els are part o the
!ature/ they ollo7 her la7sJ they ollo7 the sa2e !atural patter!s o
i!terco!!ectio! <et7ee! the 7hole a!, its parts. )o> also thi!8s that
2o,er! reli-ious practice shoul, <e i! har2o!y 7ith !e7 scie!tiic i!si-hts
o! the u!i4erse it shoul, <e s!atche, ro2 the <oo8s a!, retur!e, to
Shel,ra8eMs i!terlocutor i! the ,ialo- o! a!-els/ A2erica! theolo-ia!
Mathe7 )o> surely is o!e o the 2ost co!tro4ersial i-ures o 2o,er!
'hristia!ity. Lea!i!- o! 2ystical 'hristia! tra,itio!/ this or2er %o2i!ica!
oere, the i,ea o spiritual creatio!/ u!i4ersal -race a!, cele<ratio! o Go,
i! each li4i!- <ei!-. I! his 7or8 Original Blessing he opposes the i,ea o the
ori-i!al i!<or! si! a!, accor,i!-ly to the theolo-y o )all a!, Re,e2ptio!.
)or his u!ortho,o> sta!ce/ he 7as e>pelle, ro2 the %o2i!ica! Or,erJ
ho7e4er !u2erous a,2irers co!si,er hi2 the -reatest co!te2porary
s "e ha$e seen, !y 3toics or Julian the postate.
'hristia! 2ystic. &e re4i4e, the a!cie!t 2ystical teachi!-s i! a 2o,er!
holistic spirit. &e spea8s i! a4or o the i!terrelatio!ship o all reli-io!s/
social Austice/ ,epe!,e!ce o the spirit o! co!scious!ess o the ecolo-ical
surrou!,i!-s/ e2i!is2 a!, accepta!ce o ho2ose>uality.
Matthe7 )o> 7as <or! i! 190" i! Ma,iso!/ @isco!si!. &e co2es o the
i!ter2arria-e Bi! reli-ious se!seC so he has -ro7! i! ecu2e!ical
at2osphere/ 7hat 7oul, ha4e i2pact o! his later reli-ious co22it2e!t. &e
ha, Aoi!e, the %o2i!ica! Or,er i! 19:" a!, he 7as or,ai!e, priest se4e!
years later. &e -ra,uate, philosophy a!, theolo-y i! 19:7 a!, ater7ar,s
atte!,e, post-ra,uate stu,y i! Paris/ )ra!ce. &e -ot his %octorMs ,e-ree i!
reli-ious scie!ces i! 197". Se4e! years later he ou!,e, his I!stitute i!
'ulture a!, 'reatio! Spirituality/ to the &oly Na2es 'olle-e i! Oa8la!,/
Ater pu<lishi!- the 7or8 Original Blessing i! 1931/ )o> ou!, hi2sel
e>pose, to <lo7s o Datica!Ms 'o!-re-atio! or the %octri!e o the )aith/
hea,e, <y the! car,i!al =ose RatEi!-er Bto,ay Pope ?e!e,ict NDIC. This
re4olutio!ary 7or8 spea8s o the cele<ratio! o <eauty/ co2passio!/ Austice/
a<out the 7ay to7ar, the positi4e 8!o7le,-e a!, ecstatic u!ity 7ith the
7hole 'reatio!. The esse!tial 2essa-e o the 7or8 is cele<ratio! o lie as
<lessi!-/ the ori-i!al <lessi!- ro2 7hich all other 7oul, ollo7. This 2o,el
o the ori-i!al <lessi!- a,4ocates pa!e!theis2/ 7hich percei4es Go, Ba!,
,i4i!e -oo,!ess a!, lo4eC i! the create, or,er/ ope!i!- the possi<ility that
all hu2a!s are ori-i!ally -oo,/ <ecause they 7ere 2a,e accor,i!- to the
i2a-e o Go,.
Datica!/ eari!- )o>Ms -ro7i!- popularity/ trie, to sile!ce hi2 or the irst
ti2e i! 1933. O4er the !e>t i4e years Datica!Ms co!-re-atio! stri4e, to pro4e
the heresy that 7oul, e4e!tually lea, to his e>pulsio! ro2 the 'atholic
'hurch. )i!ally i! 1991 he 7as e>pelle,. &o7e4er/ he co!ti!ue, his
e,ucatio!al 7or8/ !ot a!y2ore u!,er co4er o &oly Na2es 'olle-e/ <ut i!
his o7! ou!,atio! calle, +!i4ersity o 'reatio! Spirituality/ also i!
Oa8la!,/ 'alior!ia. No7 the ou!,atio! is calle, @is,o2 +!i4ersity a!,
Matthe7 )o>/ <esi,es <ei!- ,irector e2eritus/ also still hol,s lectures.
Stu,e!ts at this u!i4ersity ca! lear! o! su<Aects li8e pri2iti4e Bi!,i-e!ousC
reli-io!sJ 'hristia!ity/ colo!iEatio! a!, cultural i2perialis2J ecolo-yJ
2ytholo-yJ spirituality o creatio!J cos2olo-yJ 2ysticis2 a!, ,eep
@hile Matthe7 )o> is o!e o the -reatest co!te2porary heretics i! the iel,
o reli-io!/ A2erica! e!,ocri!olo-ist %eepa8 'hopra is pro<a<ly o!e o the
-reatest heretics i! the iel, o 2e,ici!e. This -reat pro2ul-ator o the
holistic co!cept o health a!, Ayur4e,a Btra,itio!al I!,ia! syste2 o
2e,ici!eC is ote! the tar-et o the criticis2 o the 2e,ical esta<lish2e!t/
<ecause o 2a!y reere!ces i! his 7or8 o! co!!ectio! <et7ee! Gua!tu2
physics a!, process o heali!- a!, <ecause o Se>a--erate, 2ystiicatio! o
&i!,uis2 a!, Ayur4e,a. This MaharishiMs pupil ca! <e ,ee2e, i! a 7ay Bi!
relatio! to his i!lue!ce o! cha!-e o para,i-2 i! philosophy o 2e,ici!eC
the successor o Paracelsus/ to 7it/ as co!te2porary 4ersio! o the a2ous
physicia! a!, philosopher. 'hopra ote! e2phasiEes that &i!,uis2 ha,
si-!iica!t i!lue!ce o! hi2/ especially the teachi!- o De,a!ta a!,
%eepa8 'hopra 7as <or! i! Ne7 %elhi/ I!,iaMs capital/ i! 1907. As you!-
2a! he -ot o!, o E!-lish literature a!, ha, a 7ish to <eco2e a Aour!alistJ
ho7e4er he ,i, e!roll 2e,ici!e. Ater the -ra,uatio! i! 197" at All I!,ia
I!stitute o Me,ical Scie!ces i! his !ati4e to7!/ he 2o4e, to +!ite, States.
)irstly he ha, i!ter!e, at a Ne7 =ersey hospital a!, ater7ar,s at +!i4ersity
o Dir-i!ia hospital/ 7here he specialiEe, e!,ocri!olo-y. Ater7ar,s/ he
7or8e, or so2e ti2e as e!,ocri!olo-ist/ i! his pri4ate oice/ at the sa2e
ti2e <ei!- a lecturer at se4eral 2e,ical schools. I! 1936 he <eca2e chie o
sta at Ne7 E!-la!, Me2orial &ospital.
Shortly ater he ha, ta8e! the !e7 u!ctio! at ?osto!Ms hospital/ 'hopra
rea, a <oo8 o! tra!sce!,e!tal 2e,itatio!. Getti!- ,eli-hte, 7ith a!cie!t
&i!,u tra,itio! o holistic heali!- BAyur4e,aC a!, ,isappoi!te, <y the
aca,e2ic 2e,ici!e B,ee2i!- that it ,epe!,s too 2uch o! sy!thetic ,ru-sC
he -ot i! touch 7ith Maharishi a!, esta<lishe, the Ayur4e,ic health ce!ter
i! La!caster/ Massachusetts. 'hopraMs 7ester! 2e,ical e,ucatio! a!, the
reputatio! he ha, acGuire, u!til the!/ helpe, hi2 to -ai! 2a!y a,here!ts/
also a2o!- so2e cele<rities.
'hopraMs 2e,ical philosophy ca2e i!to e>pressio! throu-h se4eral
i2porta!t 7or8s/ a2o!- 7hich are pro2i!e!t or e>a2ple *reating 2ealth
B1937C or Ageless Bod(, Ti$eless )ind B1991C. I! these 7or8s he has spo8e!
or the irst ti2e o! 2ystical co!!ectio!s <et7ee! 2e,ici!e a!, Gua!tu2
physics. So 'hopra states that i! our cells co!ti!ually occur Gua!tu2
e4e!ts 7hich elu,e the li!ear elapsi!- o ti2e. Su<ato2ic particles i! our
cells prese!t shea4es o 4i<ra!t e!er-y/ 7hich tra!s2it the e!er-y.
Accor,i!- to 'hopra/ the e2pti!ess i!si,e each ato2 pulses <y i!4isi<le
i!telli-e!ce a!, each 2e!tal i2pulse is auto2atically tra!sor2e, i!to
<iolo-ical i!or2atio!J <ioche2ical reactio!s i! our <o,y are i!cite, <y
co!scious!ess. 'hopra thi!8s that each cell is e!tirely co!scious o our
eeli!-s. &e sees the Gua!tu2.2echa!ic <o,y as co!scious!ess i! 2otio!.
I! 2a!/ there is ocuse, the i!i!ite i!telli-e!ce o the u!i4erse. Its curre!t
is calle, Spra!aM a!, it ca! <e 2a!ipulate, i! or,er to 2ai!tai! our health.
Such holistic approach has its roots i! Ayur4e,a/ the a!cie!t script o I!,ia!
philosophy. This script spea8s o 2utual relatio! <et7ee! oo,/ <eha4ior/
<iolo-ical rhyth2s/ surrou!,i!-s a!, thou-htsJ all o these 4alues are
e>a2i!e, ro2 the 4ie7poi!t o the 7hole/ 7hich is co!cei4e, <i--er tha!
the 2ere su2 o its parts.
Ater 1991 'hopra li4es a!, 7or8s i! La =olla/ 'alior!ia/ 7here he is the
e>ecuti4e ,irector o Sharp I!stitute or &u2a! Pote!tial a!, Mi!,K?o,y
Me,ici!e. )ro2 that year 'hopra act i!,epe!,e!tly/ i! relatio! to
MaharishiMs TM 2o4e2e!t. T7o years later/ 'hopra ope!e, his health ce!ter
calle, 'hopra 'e!ter or @ell ?ei!-/ also i! La =olla.
O 'hopraMs !e7er 7or8s/ <y its 2ysticis2 is ,isti!-uishe, 2o/ to :no/
;od B#"""C. 'hopra u!,ersta!,s Go, as su<ato2ic process/ process i!
7hich e4eryo!e ca! -et i!4ol4e,/ !o 2atter 7hat reli-io! o!e ,oes a,here to.
'hopra ,escri<es Go, as se4e!ol,/ as se4e! 4isio!s Protector/ Al2i-hty/
Go, o Peace/ Re,e2ptor/ 'reator/ Go, o Miracles a!, True ?ei!-. %iere!t
i!,i4i,uals 7ill percei4e Go, i! ,iere!t 7ays. There are se4e! co!secuti4e
,e-reesJ the o! 7ho reach the top2ost le4el is closest to Go, a!, he is
2ostly i! har2o!y 7ith hi2.
$e! @il<er/ A2erica! holistic scie!tist a!, philosopher spea8s as 7ell o
-ra,ual e4olutio! o hu2a! co!scious!ess. Li8e Auro<i!,o/ he spea8s o a!
e4olutio! o! a lar-er scale/ i.e. the e4olutio! o the u!i4erse as the 7hole.
The i2porta!t place i! @il<erMs opus occupies the i!te-ral theory o
co!scious!ess/ i! 7hich are per2eate, iel,s o 2ysticis2/ post2o,er!is2/
scie!ce a!, syste2s theory. Althou-h he is co!si,ere, the ou!,er o
tra!sperso!al school o psycholo-y/ i! the course o the !i!eties he
,ista!ce, ro2 this <ra!ch a!, calle, his approach Si!te-ral psycholo-yM a!,
Si!te-ral philosophyM.
$e! @il<er 7as <or! i! 1909 i! O8laho2a 'ity/ i! a a2ily o +S air orce
oicer. ?ecause o atherMs co!sta!t tra!sers/ a2ily ha, to 2o4e ote! ro2
o!e state to a!other. So they li4e, o! ?er2u,as/ i! Te>as/ I,aho a!,
Ne<ras8a/ 7here he i!ishe, hi-h school. I! 19:3 he e!rolle, 2e,ici!e at
%u8e +!i4ersity/ <ut alrea,y o! irst year he ha, -otte! ,isappoi!te, i!
scie!ce a!, <e-a! the stu,y o! his o7!/ o psycholo-y a!, philosophy o
East a!, @est. The! he retur!s to Ne<ras8a/ 7here he e!rolls the u!i4ersity
a!, or so2e ti2e he stu,ies che2istry a!, <iolo-y. &e ,i, !ot -ra,uate/
<ecause he co!ti!ue, si2ulta!eously to stu,y philosophy a!, psycholo-y.
Alrea,y i! 1971 @il<er i!ishe, the 2a!uscript or his irst 7or8/ The
Spectru$ o! *onsciousness. I! this 7or8 he pose, the ou!,atio!s or his
uture spiritual ,e4elop2e!t/ throu-h the sy!thesis o @ester! a!, Easter!
reli-io!/ philosophy/ physics a!, psycholo-y. There ha, -otte! to pass our
years <eore @il<er ou!, a pu<lisher theosophical pu<lishi!- house *uest
?oo8s. E4e!tually/ this <oo8 e>perie!ce, a! e>celle!t receptio! <y rea,i!-
pu<licJ so2e e4e! co2pare, hi2 7ith such -reat 2e! as @illia2 =a2es/
Si-2u!, )reu, or Al<ert Ei!stei!.
I! the <e-i!!i!- o the ei-hties/ @il<er pu<lishe, t7o 7or8s i! iel,s o the
i!,i4i,ual psycho.spiritual ,e4elop2e!t BThe At$an #ro@ectC a!, cultural a!,
spiritual e4olutio! o the 2a!8i!, B?p !ro$ 'denC. I! the irst 7or8 he
co!!ects the achie4e2e!ts o the ,e4elop2e!tal psycholo-yL ,escri<i!- the
pri2or,ial structures o co!scious!ess o 2ystical tra,itio!s to7ar, !e7er
structures o co!scious!ess. I! that 7ay he prese!te, the a,4a!ce2e!t o
the i!,i4i,ual co!scious!ess o! a hierarchical scale. I! the seco!, 7or8
@il<er 7rites a<out the historical e4olutio! o co!scious!ess o! the 7i,er
scale/ throu-h ,iere!t historical epochs/ ro2 prehistoric ti2es to 2o,er!
I! the seco!, hal o the ei-hties @il<er a<a!,o!e, 7riti!- or a 7hile
<ecause o the -ra4e ,isease o his 7ie. I! 1937 he ha, 2o4e, to ?oul,er/
'olora,o/ 7here he later ou!,e, his SI!te-ral I!stituteM. At this @il<erMs
holistic i!stitute/ the e,ucatio! o stu,e!ts is ,irecte, to7ar, i!te-ral
solutio!s o to,ayMs pro<le2s/ so there are stu,ie, or e>a2ple i!te-ral
2e,ici!e/ i!te-ral politics/ i!te-ral eco!o2y/ i!te-ral ecolo-y a!, other
I! 1996 @il<er pu<lishe, a 4olu2i!ous 7or8 Sex, 'colog(, Spiritualit(
. I!
this 7or8 he puts the ou!,atio!s o his i!te-ral philosophy. I! this 7or8
@il<er e!,ea4ors to co!!ect 2a!y pluralist co!te>ts o scie!ce/ 2oral
aesthetics/ Easter! a!, @ester! philosophy a!, 7orl,Ms spiritual tra,itio!s.
&is i,ea 7as !ot to i!sist o! ,etails/ <ut o! -e!eral le4el/ at 7hich 7orl, is
percei4e, as the 7hole. I! this 7or8 @il<er assu2e critical sta!ce !ot o!ly
to7ar, @ester! culture/ <ut also to7ar, 2o4e2e!ts li8e Ne7 A-e/ poi!ti!-
out that these approaches ,o !ot posses the ,epth a!, 2i!utely 7or8e, out
!ature o pere!!ial philosophy/ 7hich prese!ts the co!cept reposi!- i! the
<ac8-rou!, o all the -reat reli-ious teachi!-s.
Integral #s(cholog(, @il<erMs 7or8 ro2 year #"""/ is the all.co2prehe!si4e
sur4ey o the psycholo-ical scie!ce/ 7ith a! e2phasis o! spirituality a!, o!
the structures a!, states o co!scious!ess. The i!te-ratio! o sel i! @il<erMs
opi!io! is possi<le throu-h the authe!tic spiritual practice/ or e>a2ple
throu-h co!te2plati4e prayer or i!te!si4e 2e,itatio!. The i!al ai2/
accor,i!- to @il<er/ is the tra!sor2atio! o co!scious!ess/ <y 7hich 7e
co2e i!to the co!tact 7ith Si!i!ite lo4eM a!, 7e pe!etrate the S2ysteries o
It see2s that the 8ey 7or, o 2o,er! 2ystical philosophy o to,ay/ <y the
<e-i!!i!- o the #1st ce!tury is co!4er-e!ce/ that is/ acco22o,atio! a!,
2utual approach a!, aspiratio! to7ar, the sa2e -oal o reli-io!/ philosophy
a!, scie!ce. Mysticis2 is !ot a!y2ore so2ethi!- ,iscar,e, a priori i!
aca,e2ic circles. It is !ot !ecessarily i,e!tiie, 7ith superstitio! as it 7as
o4er the last se4eral ce!turies. To this/ 2ore le>i<le 4ie7poi!t si-!iica!tly
co!tri<ute, theories o 2o,er! physics/ or e>a2ple i!,eter2i!acy pri!ciple
a!, chaos theory 7hich <oth at least i2plicitly e>press traits o 2ysticis2.
So/ there happe!e, the u!e>pecte, . i!stea, o total ,iscar, o 2ysticis2/
7ith -ro7th o scie!tiic 8!o7le,-e/ there occurre, the S2arria-eM <et7ee!
the2. 'o!seGue!tly/ 2a! ,oes !ot ha4e to <e a prophet to pre,ict urther
co!4er-e!ce o scie!ce/ reli-io! a!, philosophy. &o7e4er/ i! the e!, 7e ha4e
to lea4e certai! ,ose s8epticis2/ i! relatio! to their total a2al-a2atio! i!
the !ear uture. Nature ,i,/ !a2ely/ i2pose, so2e restrictio! co!cer!i!-
the pe!etratio! i!to 4ery su<tle le4els o e>iste!ce
. ?ut/ the 2a-ic char2 o
2ysticis2 is Aust i! that/ that so2ethi!- still re2ai!s hi,,e!. To re4eal all
#his is only th first $olume of the future Kosmos Trilogy.
the secrets o the u!i4erse/ 7e shoul, <eco2e eGual to the 'reator a!, that
is o course i2possi<leJ there ho7e4er re2ai!s the aspiratio! to7ar,
reachi!- its pro>i2ity. I 7e 2a,e Aust a s2all step or7ar, i! relatio! to
a!tece,e!t -e!eratio!s/ 7e ha4e ,o!e alrea,y a lot.
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A<,ul.?aha #11
A-rippa 4o! Netteshei2 39/ 9"/ 91/ 9#/ 99/ 1:1/ ##7
Al<ertus Ma-!us :9/ 7"/ 71/ 71/ 77/ 3#/ 39/ 1""/ 1":
Al.)ara<i 1"9/ 11"/ 111/ 11#/ 111/ 1#1
Al.GhaEali 7:/ 111/ 110/ 1#3
al.Sa<ah/ &asa! i<! 110/ 116
Apollo!ius o Tya!a 19/ #"
Apuleius #:/ 16/ 1:
Aristotle 3/ 16/ 13/ #0/ 1"/ 7"/ 71/ 3"/ 31/ 3:/ 91/ 97/ 1"3/ 116/ 1#"
Asa!-a 09/ 6"
A4ice!!a 71/ 73/ 9#/ 111/ 11#/ 111/ 1#1
AEee2i/ $ha7aya Sha2su,,i! 179/ 13"
?aa,er/ )ra!E 4o! 166/ 16:/ 167
?aal She2 To4 131/ 13#
?aco!/ Ro-er :9/ 71/ 7#/ 71/ 39/ 90/ 9:/ 111
?ahaullah 1:6/ #1#/ #11/ #10
?ailey/ Alice #"1/ #01/ #00/ #06
?er,yae4/ Ni8olai 1:9/ 17"/ 171
?er!ar, o 'lair4au> :0/ :6/ ::/ :3/ :9
?esa!t/ A!!ie 1:7/ 19"/ #1#/ #11/ #10/ #16/ #1:/ #17/ #13/ #19/ #06/ #0:/
?la4ats8y/ &ele!a P. ##9/ #1"/ #11/ #1#/ #11/ #10/ #16/ #1:/ #0#/ #00/ #06/
#09/ #61/ #67
?Th2e/ =a8o< 106/ 10:/ 16:/ 131/ ##6/ ##:
?o!a4e!tura 7#/ 71/ 70/ 76
?ru!o/ Gior,a!o 9:/ 93/ 1""/ 1"1/ 1"#/ 1"1
?u<er/ Marti! 13#/ 131/ 130
?u,,ha/ Gautha2a 0:/ 07/ 03/ 6"/ 61/ 11"/ 113/ 10"/ 101/ 101/ #":/ #1:
'aita!ya 1#9/ 199/ #""/ #"1
'apra/ )ritAo 61/ 1:"/ #:6/ #::/ #:7
'arlyle/ Tho2as 169/ 1:"/ 1:1/ 1:#
'ha!- Tsai 116/ 11:
'hopra/ %eepa8 1"1/ #63/ #:9/ #7"
'hu &si 116/ 11:/ 117/ 101
'hua!-.tEu 60
'lea!thes 13/ 19/ #7
'le2e!t o Ale>a!,ria 13/ 19/ 00
'o!ucius 6:/ 67
'ro7ley/ Aleister 171/ #1:/ #61/ #6#/ #61/ #60/ #66/ #67
%a2ascius 11/ 1#
%ee/ =oh! 90/ 96/ 9:/ ##1
%o-e! 10#/ 101/ 100
Eisai 101/ 10#/ 101
E2erso!/ Ralph @. 169/ 1:"/ 1:1/ 1:#
E2pe,ocle 16
Epictetus 11/ 10
Eriu-e!a 69/ :"/ :1
E4ola/ =ulius 171/ 170/ 176/ 17:/ 173
)ichte/ =oha!! G. ##1/ ##0
)ici!o/ Marsilio 31/ 30/ 36/ 3:/ 39/ 9"/ 97/ 1"1/ 1"1/ ##1
)lu,,/ Ro<ert 9:/ #19/ ##"/ ##1/ ###
)ortu!e/ %io! #66/ #6:/ #67
)o>/ Matthe7 #:7/ #:3/ #:9
Ga!,hi/ Mahat2a 191/ 19:/ 197/ 193/ 199/ #1:
Ge<er B=a<ir i<! &ayya2C 1"6/ 1":/ 1"7
Geuli!c>/ Ar!ol, 161/ 16#
Gia!<attista ,ella Porta 93/ 99/ 1""/ 1"1
Gichtel/ =oha!! 10:/ 107
Goethe 169/ ##:/ ##7/ ##3/ #:7
Gre-ory o Nyssa 0"/ 01/ 0#/ :"
Gue!o!/ Re!X BA<, al.@ahi, (ahyaC 171/ 17#/ 171/ 17:/ 173
Guru Na!a8 111/ 110
&a8ui! #"3/ #"9
&all/ Ma!ly P. ##1/ #:"/ #:1/ #:#
&a24as/ ?ela 171/ 17:/ 177/ 173
&ei!,el/ Ma> #0#/ #01/ #00/ #:1
&eraclitus 10/ 16/ 1:/ #1/ 0"/ 00/ 61/ 60/ #::
&er2es Tris2e-istus 3/ 9/ #6/ #:/ #7/ 1"1
&oe!e @ro!s8i/ =ose 163/ 169
&o!e! 101/ 10#
&u<<ar,/ L. Ro! #16/ #1:/ #17/ #13
&u-o a St. Dictor ::/ :7
Ia2<lichus #7/ #3/ #9/ 1"/ 11
=esus 'hrist 19/ #0/ #9/ 17/ 13/ 01/ 63/ 76/ 31/ 30/ 36/ 37/ 1#6/ 11"/ 10:/
107/ 17"/ 171/ 13:/ ##6/ #1"/ #1:/ #19/ #0#/ #01/ #00/ #06
=ulia! the Apostate #7/ #3/ #9/ 1"/ 0"/ 09/ 63/ :#
=usti! 17
$a<ir 11#/ 111
$ha!/ &aErat I!ayat 179
$!i-hts Te2plar :3/ :9
$rish!a2urti/ =i,,u #16/ #1:/ #19/ #06/ #0:/ #07/ #03
$u8ai 10"/ 101
Lao.tEu 61/ 60/ 66
LasElo/ Er4i! #:0/ #:6
Lea,<eater/ 'harles @. 10:/ 107/ #"1/ #16/ #1:/ #17/ #13/ #19/ #01/ #0#/
#06/ #07
Le4i/ Eliphas 163/ 1:1/ 1:0/ 1:6
Lull/ Ra2o! 76/ 7:/ 77/ 9"/ 1":
Luria/ Isaac 1#1/ 1#0
Mac-re-or Mathers/ S.L. #09/ #6"/ #61/ #6#/ #61
Ma,h4a 1#7/ 1#3/ 11"
Maharishi Mahesh (o-i #"1/ #"#/ #"1/ #13
Mai!e ,e ?ira! 167/ 163
Male<ra!che/ Nicole 161/ 16#/ 161
Marcus Aurelius #9/ 10/ 16/ 17
Meister Ec8hart 77/ 73/ 79/ 31/ 31
Me!cius BMe!-.tseC 6:/ 67
Moha22a, 1"6/ 1":
More/ &e!ry 107/ 103
Moses 3
Moses ,e Leo! 1#1/ 1##
Muhaiya,,ee!/ ?a7a 179/ 13"
Mulor,/ Pre!tice 1:6/ 1::/ 1:7
Na-arAu!a 09/ 113
Nichire! 10#/ 101/ 100
Nicholas o 'usa 09/ 77/ 31/ 3#/ 31/ 1"1/ 10:/ 1:3
Olcott/ &e!ry S. ##9/ #1"/ #11/ #1#/ #11/ #10/ #16/ #1:
Ori-e! #1/ ##/ #0/ 19/ 0"/ 01/ 00/ 60/ 63
Orpheus 1#
Osho #":/ #"7
Paracelsus 91/ 9#/ 91/ 1:1/ #19/ ##1/ #:1/ #:9
Pascal/ ?laise 109/ 16"/ 161
Pata!Aali 06/ #"1
PatriEi/ )ra!cesco B)ra!e PetriVC 9:/ 97/ 93
Philo o Ale>a!,ria 00/ 119
Picatri> BGhayat al.ha8i2C 11"/ 111/ 1#1
Pico ,ella Mira!,ola 36/ 3:/ 37/ 9"/ 97/ 99
Plato 3/ 9/ 1"/ 10/ 16/ 1:/ 17/ #1/ ##/ #6/ #7/ 1"/ 11/ 16/ 13/ 01/ 00/ 60/ :#/
:1/ 3"/ 31/ 30/ 36/ 97/ 93/ 1"1/ 11"/ 116/ 113/ 103/ 1:9
Pletho!/ Geor-ios Ge2istos 79/ 3"/ 31/ 3#/ 97
Ploti!us 9/ 17/ #1/ ##/ #1/ #0/ #6/ #:/ #7/ #3/ 1"/ 11/ 01/ 0#/ 60/ 66/ 69/
1":/ 11"/ 11:/ 1#1/ 103/ 1:#
Plutarch #"/ #1/ 16
Porphyry 11/ #"/ #1/ ##/ #1/ #0/ #6/ #7/ #3/ 1"/ 11/ 19/ 60/ 97
Posi,o!ius 13/ 19
Prel/ 'arl ,u 1:7/ 1:3
Proclus 1"/ 1"/ 11/ 0#/ 01/ 63/ 3#/ 97/ 1":/ 1"9
Psellus/ Michael :1/ :#/ :1/ 9"/ 97/ 1#:/ 116
Pytha-oras 9/ 1#/ 11/ 10/ 16/ 1:/ #"/ #1/ #7/ 61/ 36/ 111/ 117/ #:1
Ra2 Mohu2 Roy 136/ 13:/ 137/ 133/ 139/ 191
Ra2a8rish!a 3/ 137/ 133/ 139/ 19"
Ra2a!uAa 1#:/ 1#7/ 11#/ 116
Re-ar,ie/ Israel #6#/ #60/ #66/ #67/ #63/ #69
Reuchli!/ =oha!!es 37/ 33
Richar, a St. Dictor :7
Ru2i 117/ 113
Saa,ia ?e! =oseph 119
Sai!t.Marti!/ Louis ,e ##0/ ##6/ ##:
Sathya Sai ?a<a #"1/ #"0/ #"6
Se!eca 11
Shah/ I,ries 179/ 13"
Sha!8ara 1#6/ 1#:/ 1#7/ 1#3/ 1#9/ 11"/ 137/ 133/ #"1/ #"#
Shel,ra8e/ Rupert #1/ #:7/ #:3
Shi!ra! 101
Socrates 10/ 16/ 1:/ #"/ 16/ 3#/ 111
Solo2o! i<! Ga<irol 1#"/ 1#1
Solo4ie4/ Dla,i2ir 1:3/ 1:9/ 17"
Sri Auro<i!,o 191/ 190/ 196/ 19:/ #71
Srila Pra<hupa,a 1#9/ 199/ #""/ #"1
Stei!er/ Ru,ol #16/ #19/ #0"/ #01/ #0#/ #01
SuEu8i/ %aisetE T. 113/ #"3/ #"9/ #1"
S7e,e!<or-/ E2a!uel 161/ 160/ 166/ ##1/ ##0/ ##6
Ta-ore/ Ra<i!,ra!ath 191/ 19#/ 191/ 197
Tauler/ =oha!!es 77/ 73/ 79
Tha<it i<! *urra 1"7/ 1"9
Trithe2ius/ =oha!! 33/ 39/ 9"/91/ 9#/ 90/ 96/ ##7/ #6"
Tso!- $ 11"
DaAra.ya!a ?u,,his2 07/ 03
Di4e8a!a!,a 137/ 133/ 139/ 19"/ 191/ 196/ #""
@a!- Pi 60/ 66
@a!- (a!-.2i!- 11:/ 117
@estcott/ @illia2 @. #09/ #6"/ #61
@il<er/ $e! 19:/ #71/ #7#
@illia2 o St. Thierry :1/ :0/ :6
Zarathustra BZoroasterC 3/ 9/ 1"/ 11/ 97

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