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Linguistics 106: Metaphor

Fall 2014

Instructor: George Lakoff
Office Hours: Dwinelle 1213 2 ! 3:1" p#

$o %SI: &ro'essor La(o'' will run section 102 Fri)ays 2 *3 p# Dwinelle 242+
,ther sections cancelle)+
Section required*, starts week 2 Se!te"ber #
Lecture: &u,&$ ':'( ) #
-oo#: *+2 ,winelle
.ourse .ontrol $o. #2-(#
- units
/oo(s 0re1uire)2
Lakoff, George and .ark /o$nson. *0+(. Second ed. 2((2. Metaphors We Live By.
1ni2ersity of 3$icago 4ress. !a!erback% 5.6L78
Lakoff, George and .ark &urner. *0+0. More Than Cool Reason: A Field Guide To
Poetic Metaphor. 1ni2ersity of 3$icago 4ress. !a!erback% 5.&398
Lakoff, George and .ark /o$nson. *000. Philosophy in the Flesh. !a!erback%. 7asic
7ooks. 54:&;8
<arious !a!ers on bS!ace.
&$e course requires no !re2ious background in linguistics. Students fro" outside of
linguistics, bot$ undergraduate and graduate, are "ost welco"e.
$o &rere1uites+ Lower )i3ision stu)ents #ust ha3e per#ission o' instructor+
4hat Is Metaphor5
3once!tual "eta!$or is t$e dee!est for" of "eaningful t$oug$t. :t brings toget$er
"any of t$e "ost co"!le= "ec$anis"s of t$oug$t and language.
&$is course is a tour of your own "ind > t$e !art usually $idden fro" 2iew, below
consciousness, t$at guides $ow you understand e2ery as!ect of t$e world.
Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 1
?ll $u"an beings $a2e a largely unconscious, e=tensi2e syste" of "eta!$orical
t$oug$t. :"!ortant !arts of t$at syste" are uni2ersal@ t$e rest is culturally s!ecific, and
so"eti"es !ri2ate.
&$e dee!est !arts of t$e syste" > t$e 4ri"ary .eta!$ors > are learned early in life.
4ri"ary "eta!$ors are !$ysical > neural circuits linking two distinct areas of t$e brain.
&$e rest of t$e syste" of "eta!$orical t$oug$t is co"!le= and is built on t$e !ri"ary
"eta!$ors. .ost of t$e "eta!$ors we use are co"!le=, but get t$eir "eaning 2ia t$e
!ri"ary "eta!$or syste".
.eta!$orical t$oug$t is anyt$ing but e=traneous. :t is constituti2e of t$e way we
understand our e=!erience.
7ecause t$e syste" "ostly o!erates below t$e le2el of consciousness, it went "ostly
unnoticed for o2er 2,#(( years of 6estern t$oug$t. Since *0+(, it $as been studied in
great detail.
.eta!$orical t$oug$t begins before language. Linguistic "eta!$ors are e=!ressions of
"eta!$orical t$oug$t. .eta!$orical t$oug$t goes beyond language. :t occurs in gesture@
in t$e understanding of art@ in !$iloso!$y@ in t$e structure of $ig$er "at$e"atics@ in
science@ in !olitics > and es!ecially in our understanding > and "isunderstanding >
of $u"an relations$i!s and of oursel2es.

&$e goal of t$is course is to "ake t$e unconscious conscious, to introduce you to dee!
c$a"bers of your "ind t$at you cannot see directly, to notice "eta!$orical t$oug$t
w$ere it occurs, and to analyAe it in detail.
6he Meta$et &ro7ect
:?94? $as been funding a large, "ulti)year, o!en source, uni2ersally accessible
!roBect on "eta!$or researc$ at :3S: t$e :nternational 3o"!uter Science :nstitute% at
7erkeley, called .etaCet. :t includes t$e following !arts to be worked on for a nu"ber of
*. .eta!$or analysis at bot$ t$e conce!tual and linguistic le2els, like w$at is taug$t
in t$is course.
2. ? co"!uteriAed re!ository of bot$ conce!tual and linguistic "eta!$ors, and t$e
cascades in w$ic$ t$ey occur.
'. ? !arsing gra""ar t$at can auto"atically analyAe "eta!$orical as well as
non"eta!$orical language.
-. ? statistical engine t$at can disco2ers linguistic "eta!$ors in a cor!us.
#. ?n analytical engine t$at takes as in!ut linguistic "eta!$ors and gi2es
conce!tual analyses as out!ut.
D. E=!eri"ents t$at test our analyses.
:n sections and $o"eworks, you will learn to use t$e co"!uter syste" for entering and
searc$ing "eta!$or analyses.
Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 2
-ea)ing 8ssign#ents
&$is is a discussion class, not a lecture class. :t is assu"ed t$at you will $a2e read t$e
assigned readings before t$e classes on t$e weeks s!ecified. &$e class discussion will
co2er t$e readings and "uc$ "ore.
For 4ee( 1 08ugust 292: Intro to the /asic .oncepts
For 4ee( 2 0Septe#ber 2 4 2
&uesday: Lakoff and /o$nson .6L7, c$. *)*(, *+, ?fterword%.
&$ursday: Lakoff, E"bodied 3ognition 4a!er
For 4ee( 3 0Septe#ber : 112
&uesday: Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y in t$e ;les$, 3$a!ters *)#.

&$ursday: Lakoff, ?nger. ;ro" Women Fire and !an"erous Thin"s bS!ace%
For 4ee( 4 0Septe#ber 16 192
&uesday: 3$ang, Cancy, S. Carayanan, .. 4etruck bS!ace%
Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y in t$e ;les$, ?!!endi=

&$ursday: Lakoff, &$e Ceural &$eory of .eta!$or bS!ace%
bS!ace 9eadings on 7lends &7?%
For 4ee( " 0Septe#ber 23 2"2
&uesday: Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y in t$e ;les$, 3$a!ters D and F
6a(e*ho#e 1ui; gi3en out
&$ursday: Lakoff and &urner, 3$a!ters * and 2.
For 4ee( 6 0Septe#ber 30 ,ctober 22
&uesday: Lakoff, &$e 4olitical .ind, 3$a!ters ' and -
6a(e*ho#e 1ui; )ue
Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 3
Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y in t$e ;les$, 3$a!ter *-, .orality
For 4ee( < 0,ctober < :2
&uesday: Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y :n t$e ;les$, 3$a!ter *(.
3$a!ter **.
&$ursday: Go o2er 3$a!ter **.
For 4ee( 9 0,ctober 14 162
&uesday: ,iscussion of c$a!ters *( and ** and t$eir consequences
First short paper )ue in class ne=t wee(.
&$ursday: Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y :n t$e ;les$, 3$a!ter *2.
9eddy, The Conduit Metaphor bS!ace%
For 4ee( : 0,ctober 21 232
&uesday: Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y :n t$e ;les$, 3$a!ter *'.
Lakoff, ,rea"s bS!ace%
First short paper )ue in class+
&$ursday: Lakoff and &urner, 3$a!ters ' and -
For 4ee( 10 0,ctober 29 ,ctober 302
&uesday: Lakoff and CuGeA, Where Mathematics Comes From, 3$. '. bS!ace%
&$ursday: Lakoff and CuGeA, Where Mathematics Comes From,
3$a!ters + and 0

For 4ee( 11 0$o3e#ber 4 $o3e#ber 62:
&uesday: Lakoff and /o$nson, 4$iloso!$y in t$e ;les$, 3$a!ters *# H *0, 2*
&$ursday: Leite ed%, .aster .etony"y List bS!ace%
Lakoff, .eta!$or and 6ar
Lakoff, &$e 4olitical .ind, 3$a!ter *

Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 4
For 4ee( 12 0$o3e#ber 11 132
&uesday: bS!ace ?. Goldberg 3$a!ter on .eta!$or and Gra""ar
Secon) Short paper )ue in class ne=t wee(
&$ursday: bS!ace ,iscussion of E=a"!les
For 4ee( 13 0$o3e#ber 19 202:

&uesday: bS!ace ,iscussion of E=a"!les
Secon) short paper )ue in class
For 4ee( 14: 0$o3e#ber 2" $o3e#ber 2< 6han(sgi3ing2:
&uesday: bS!ace ,iscussion of E=a"!les
&$ursday: &$anksgi2ing 7reak
For 4ee( 1": 0Dece#ber 2 Dece#ber 42

&uesday: /o$nson, .ark. *0+*. :ntroduction: .eta!$or in t$e 4$iloso!$ical
&ake)$o"e ;inal Gi2en Out
&$ursday: Last 3lass Last ,iscussion
.ourse -e1uire#ents
bSpace ?ll assign"ents and announce"ents will be !osted on bS!ace.
$tt!:IIbs! :t is 2ery 2ery i"!ortant t$at you create an account and
add t$is class to your list of courses. &o add t$e class, ty!e J"eta!$orK in t$e searc$
bo=, t$en click enroll on t$e botto" rig$t of t$e class descri!tion. :f it says J?ccess
9estrictedK t$atLs because you didnLt click enroll on t$e botto" rig$t, but t$e class
na"e+ :f you donLt already $a2e an account, go to $tt!:IIbs! and si"!ly
click create an account+ ,onLt stress H itLs 2ery easy.
4or(ing groups: &$e s!irit of t$e course is "eant to be coo!erati2e, not co"!etiti2e.
;or t$e sake of !ro"oting coo!eration, t$e instructor reco""ends t$at students for"
s"all grou!s four to si= students !er grou!% to discuss eac$ ot$ersM !a!ers and gi2e
eac$ ot$er suggestions. Howe2er, students "ust write u! t$eir own !a!ers and written
Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 5
assign"ents and not s$ow t$e" to ot$er students before $anding t$e" in. :f a fellow
student gi2es you an idea t$at you use in a !a!er or $o"ework, !lease acknowledge it
wit$ a footnote.
>o#ewor( Discussion ?uestions: &$ese are questions to be discussed in your
grou!s. .any of t$e" will include e=a"!les to be analyAed using t$e .etaCet wiki.
&$eir !ur!ose is two)fold: to get you used to using t$e wiki and to "ake sure you
understand i"!ortant issues. &$ey are not to be written u!. :ssues arising fro" t$ese
discussions s$ould be broug$t u! in class or in sections. 4referably in class, so t$at
students not in your section can get t$e benefit of t$e discussion.
?ui;: ? take)$o"e quiA will be gi2en out on t$e &uesday of 6eek # Septe#ber 23%
and is to be $anded in at t$e beginning of class on t$e &uesday of 6eek D Septe#ber
6wo >o#ewor(s: Dates to be )eter#ine) an) announce) in a)3ance+
Short &apers: &wo s$ort !a!ers -)D !!.% due in class on t$e &uesdays of weeks 0
,ctober 21% and *2 $o3e#ber 112. &$e !ur!ose of t$e s$ort !a!ers is to !ro2ide
!ractice in doing "eta!$or analysis.
Ma7or ta(e*ho#e e=a#: Gi2en out in class on 6hurs)ay $o3e#ber 2:. ,ue in
4rofessor LakoffLs "ailbo= in t$e Linguistics Office, *2(' ,winelle Mon)ay Dece#ber
L86@ &8&@-S 4ILL $,6 /@ 8..@&6@D+
Sections: 4erfor"ance in section will be !art of your grade. Nour Bob in sections will be
to ask questions about t$e readings and to discuss t$e t$oug$t questions for t$at week.
%ra)es: ?ssign"ents will be e2aluated as <ery Good c$eck !lus%, Okay c$eck%, Cot
Ouite &$ere c$eck "inus%, and 4retty 7ad "inus%. :n rare cases, t$e grade
E=traordinary !lus% will be gi2en, if t$e work is really su!erb and abo2e and beyond t$e
call of duty. ?ll assign"ents are obligatory and late assign"ents will not be acce!ted.
Section atten)ance: Section !artici!ation is required and attendance will be noted.
4art of your grade will de!end on section !artici!ation. :f your co"!uted grade falls
between two grades say between 7P and ?)% at t$e end of t$e ter" and your class
!artici!ation $as been satisfactory, t$en your course grade will be t$e $ig$er of t$e two
grades. &$e idea is to encourage class !artici!ation.
Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 6
%ra)ing in'or#ation: 4ercentages of total grade for eac$ !art of course:
&wo Ho"eworks: *( Q eac$ total 2(Q%
&ake)$o"e quiA: *# Q
&wo s$ort !a!ers: *# Q eac$ total@ '(Q%
Section 4artici!ation: *(Q
.aBor take)$o"e E=a": 2# Q
-ea)ings ,n bSpace:
3$ang, Cancy, S. Carayanan, .. 4etruck 2((2%. 4utting ;ra"es in 4ers!ecti2e, The
#ineteenth $nternational Con%erence on Computational Lin"uistics &C'L$#G ())(%,
&ai!ei, &aiwan.$tt!:IIwww.icsi.berkeley.eduIQFEsnarayanIcoling)-('.!df
/o$nson, .ark. *0+*. :ntroduction: .eta!$or in t$e 4$iloso!$ical &radition.
Lakoff, George. .eta!$or and 6ar. :n Harry Rreisler ed.%, Con%rontation in the Gul%
:nstitute for :nternational Studies, 1ni2ersity of 3alifornia, 7erkeley, *002.

Lakoff, George. How 1nconscious .eta!$orical &$oug$t S$a!es ,rea"s. :n ,an Stein
ed%, Co"nitive *cience and Psychoanalyisis Cew Nork: ?"erican 4syc$iatric
Lakoff, George. ?nger. 3ase Study *. :n Women Fire and !an"erous Thin"s.
Lakoff, George. &$e Ceural &$eory of .eta!$or. :n 9ay"ond 6. Gibbs, /r.,&$e
3a"bridge Handbook of .eta!$or and &$oug$t. Cew Nork: 3a"bridge 1ni2ersity
4ress, 2((+.
Lakoff, George and 9afael CuGeA, Where Mathematics Comes From, Cew Nork: 7asic
7ooks, 2(((. 3$a!ters. ', + and 0
Lakoff, George. E=!laining E"bodied 3ognition 9esults. Topics in Co"nitive *cience.
Leite, Cao"i ed.%. .aster .etony"y List. 1n!ublis$ed.
9eddy, .ic$ael. *0F0I*00' 2nd ed.%. &$e 3onduit .eta!$or. :n Ortony, ?ndrew ed.%
.eta!$or and &$oug$t.
&urner, .ark. 3$a!ters # S D of The Literary Mind
Syllabus for Linguistics 106 Page 7

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