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ladv chapel, 2013g.

Window, p.
Saint Aniand; church, 534. Chateau de Meil-
laut, 548
Saint Contest ; church spire, p.
Saint Cross,
Hampshire, 396. Ceiling in
tower, 2023a. Porch, p.
Saint Cvr ;
two aptid^s, p.
!?aint David's,
Pembrokeshire ;
cathedra], cir-
< ular window, p. 993, p.
Saint Denis; abbev, 539. Doorway, 539.
Cliurch, 540, p. 1028. Steeple, fall of,
Edmundsbury. Gee
Buiy Saint
Saint George ;
convent in Russia, 373
Saint George Bocherville
set out with the
English perch, p.
Saint George's hall, Liverpool, lG71e
Saint George's hospital ;
ventilation, 2278A
Saint Germain de lil^ncherbe; quarries, 1G('G/
Siiint Germain's, Cornwall ;
monastery, 389
Saint Germain's, near Paris, 440
Saint Houorine granite, 1GG9_
Saint Hubert ; eliurch, 559, 5G0
Saint James's hall ; ligliting, 22!34/
Saint .James's palace, Westnunster, 42G
Saint Jean au\ IJuis ;
church, 540
Saint John's deals. &c., 17296
.'^aint Leonard ;
church tower, p.
Saint Louis, king
great number of eccle-
siastical buildings erected under, 310
Saint Loup ; church s]>ire, KlOO
S lint Luke's hospital, Old St'ect, 523
Saint Maxiniin ;
church, 540
Saint Petersburg ; founded, 378. Palaces
of, ib. Church of Our Lady of Kazan, t^.
Saint Pierre Canivet
quarries, IGGGA
Saint Pierre-lez-Uitry ;
church, 534
Saint Poole, Sir George ;
designs for, 440
Saint Queutin
chuich, 547. Anse. p. 1007.
Hot. 1 de ViUe, 548, 550
Saint Kiquier ;
church, 547
Saint lioinbaut ; cathedral, 558, 559
Saint Thomas's hospital, 2975e I't set/.
Saint Trond ;
church of St. Martin, 554
Sainte Kadigonde
masons' marks in church,
Saintes ; amphitheatre, 228
Sakkarah, pyramid's 74, 75
Salamanca ;
cathedral, 587, 597, 599. Domi-
nican church of S. Esteban, 598. Colegio
mayor de Santiago el Zebedeo or del arzo-
bispo, 597. University, 595
Salisburj', Wiltshire ;
cathedral, 542. Foun-
ders and dimensions of, 434 ;
Proportion of,
lOlG, p. 1023, p.
1058. Vaulting, 2002</,
2002m. Buttresses, p.
1048. Window,
988. Spire,
Chapter-house, 149966
Saloons, 549
Salsette, excavation of; near Bombay, 57
Saltpetring, lGG7c, lG67i
cathedral, 355
Salzdorf, johann von; architect, 580
San Bernardino
chapel at,
Sand; measures, 2304. Kiver, 1851. Pit,
18.V2. Sea, 1862a. Metallic, 1852c. For
moulding, 2265c, 22G5e. In cement, 2251a.
Paper, 2276(7. How measured, 2301
Sand 1 or samil bricks, 1823
Sanding in painting
; outside work, 2277
Siind -tones; 1664. Buildings, 1665. Crush-
ing force, 1502i
Sangdlo, Giuliano di
architect, 835
Sangallo, Antonio, architect, 343
San Gimignano, 614. Houses, 622
San Miche'i, Michele; architect^ 350
San Pedro de Kates, 600
Sanitary appliances; closets, 22206. Papers,
2277c, 2277A
arrangements for a house, 3036 et seq.
aspect of house construction, 3027 et teq.
spccitioation for a villa, 22946.
Sansovino, Jacopo ;
architect, 351, 355
Santa Maria de Val de Dios ;
church, 589
Santa Maria el Keal de las Hiielgas, near
Burgos; cistercian nunntry, 587
Santarem ;
capture of. 602. San Francisco,
600. St a ISIaria de Marvilla, ib., 607.
The Concei(;ao Yelha, 607
Saracenic or Arabian architecture, 118 tt seq.
Decline of, 128
church of Sta Engracia. 367
Sarcophagus of Duchti-^s of Kent, 1071/'
Sarineiui, Juan; architect, 598
; to a root', 2210
Sarzaua ;
cathedral, 618
Saruin, Old; cathedral, 396
Sash bars ; of zinc, 2224^;. Of metal, 2255/
Door, 21656 ;
in s[)ec., 2285/".
Frames, 2164, 2165. In spec. 228.")fi.
Lines, 2165a, 2260. Pulleys, 2260. Weights,
2165a, 22()3. Mountings, 2165. Pocket
and tittings, 2165u. Tools; glazier's, 222G
Sashes, 2164. Beraoval of, 21G5a. In spec,
2285(/. Cast iron, in spec. 228G
Sash work, 2226
Satuni, temple to (now of Yospasian), at
Kome, 213, 260, 2547
Saul or sal timber, 1728a
Savov, London
palace, 423. Chapel ceiling,
Saw ;
not known to the Greeks, 7. Car])en-
ter's, 2003. Kipping, half ripper, hand,
panel, tenon, sash, dovetailed, compass,
keyhole or twining, 2115. Teeth of, 2116.
Sawing iron, 1767
Saw bench, 2124a, 21246
Saxon and Norman styles ; difference be-
tween, 397
; arrival of, in Britain, 383. Mmncr
of building, j). 1021. Cathedials, propor-
tion of,
Scabbling hammer, 1913
Scaffolding ; in spec, 2282c. Framed, ia
spec, 2284 e
Sca>:liola work, 22J0/t et seq.
Scales of iron
; in mortar, 1858, 1859A
Scales and weights
plumber's, 2212
Scaniozzi, Vincetuo
; architect, 365, 365
Scantle ;
slater's, 2209
Scantlings; for joists, 20152022. For gir-
ders, 2021
Scappled blocked
; to granite, 1915c
Scajipling hammer, 1913
Scarborough museum, 2916
Scarfing, 2007
Scena ; of the Greek theatre, 172
; of Vitruvius, j). 1013
Schciner, Johann
architect, 583
Schelestadt church
octagon steeple, p.
Schiiikel; architect, 2923
parochial church, 583
Schnellmeier, Ileinrich ; architect, 573
Schoiiibcrg house, Pall Mall, 1666;^
palace, 365
Shool, Hanwell district, 2976c
Schorl; in granite, 1669

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