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Desert Magazine Book Shop

life editor of the Portland Oregonian, the author of Sunset Books. Just published, this book lists

has spent his life exploring and writing about more than 5000 private and public camp-
the outdoors, so his recipes for preparing food grounds in the 1 1 western states and British
in a Dutch Oven corne f'om experience. If you Columbia and Western Alberta, including hun-
haven't had food cooked in a Dutch Oven, you dreds of new campsites to care for the ever
haven't lived . . . and if you have you will increasing amount of people taking to the open
find these recipes new and exciting culinary road. Just right for planning a vacation. Large
adventures—as well as his style of writing. format, slick paperback, illustrated, 128 pages,
Heavy paperback, 106 pcges, $3.95. $1.95.

Lummis. First published in 1892, this is a re- Onas Ward. Segregated into categories of red,
print of the personal experiences of the west blue, white and yellow for easier identification,
em historian who, in 1884, walked from Ohio there are 190 four-color photos of flowers found
to Los Angeles, covering 3507 miles in 143 in the Mojave, Colorado and Western Arizona
days. Lummis writes in a matter-of-fact man- deserts, all of which clso have common and
ner of adventures which make fascinating scientific names plus descriptions. Heavy, slick
reading and give a keen insight into the people paperback. $4.50.
he encountered. This is a classic of Western RELIC TRAILS TO TREASURE
Americana. Hardcover, 270 pages, $8.50. LOST DESERT BONANZAS by Eugene Conrotto.
By WES & RUBY BRESSIE Brief resumes of lost mine articles printed in
BAJA CALIFORNIA BY ROAD, AIRPLANE AND back issues of DESERT Magazine, by a former
BOAT by Cliff Cross. Author of a popular travel Relics which recently were considered editor. Hardcover, 278 pages. $7.00.
guide to the mainland of Mexico, Cross has only junk, today are collector items.
compiled a comprehensive book on Baja Cali- This book lists hundreds of items with A GUIDEBOOK TO THE SOUTHERN SIERRA
fornia. The new guide is well illustrated with their current value, including arrowheads, NEVADA by Russ Leadabrand. Illustrated with
detailed maps of the villages and bays along dolls, kettles, posters, bottles or what- good photographs and maps, this volume covers
the 1000-mile route plus travel, history and have-you. With this price-guide you will the Sierra region south of the Sequoia National
fishing information. Large format, heavy paper- wont to take another look at the "junk" Park, including most of the Sequoia National
back, 170 pages. $3.50. stored in your attic—or judge the value Forest. Paperback, $1.95.
of your collections. Heavy paperback,
SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN ARTS & CRAFTS by Tom 191 pages, profusely illustrated. NEVADA'S TURBULENT YESTERDAYS by Don Ash-
Bahti. Beautifully illustrated with 4-color photo- baugh. The best book about Nevada's ghost
graphs, this book describes the arts and crafts $4.50 towns and the rugged individuals who built
of the Indians of the Southwest and offers sug them. 346 pages, $7.95.
gestions on what to buy and how to judge GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS OF CALI-
authentic jewelry, rugs, baskets and pottery. FORNIA by Remi Nadeau. The only good, hard-
Large format, heavy paperback, 32 paqes SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN TRIBES by Tom Bahti. cover book on the California ghost towns. We
$1.00. An excellent description, history and current recommend it highly. $5.95.
status of the Indians of the Southwest, including
INYO MONO JEEP TRAILS by Roger Mitchell. dates of their ceremonies and celebrations. Pro- CALIFORNIA GOLDEN TREASURES by Chgrles
Author of DEATH VALLEY JEEP TRAILS, veteran fusely illustrated .with 4-color photographs of Laudier. Treasure clues for the Mother Lode
explorer Mitchell takes you on 18 different the Indian Country and the arts and crafts of country. Full of tips and hints, paperback, $3.00.
4-wheel-drive trips into the Sierra Nevada the many tribes. Large format, heavy paper-
Mountains, where he explores ghost towns, In- SOUTHWEST INDIAN COUNTRY by the Editors
back, 72 pages, $2.00.
dian territory and scenic canyons and moun- of Sunset Books. A concise and comprehensive
tain passes. Paperback, 36 pages, rllust., $1.00. SOUTHWEST INDIAN CRAFT ARTS by Clara Lee guide covering the 48 reservations and Pueblo
Tanner. One of the best books on the subject, villages in Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and
LOST LEGENDS OF THE WEST by Brad Williams covering all phases of the culture of the In- Colorado. Includes what to see, how to buy,
and Choral Pepper. The authors examine the dians of the Southwest. Authentic in every way. conduct, history, and ceremonials. Large format,
'lore, legends, characters and myths that grew Color and black and white illustrations, line colored illustrations, neavy paperback, 80
out of the Old West in a sequel to their popu- drawings. Hardcover, 205 pages. $15.00. pages, $1 .95.
lar first book, The Mysterious West. lnc!uded
among the more than 20 "lost legends' are GHOSTS OF THE GLORY TRAIL by Nell Murbar-
such intriguing subjects as lost bones, lost ger is a fast moving chronicle of Western boom-
ger, the well known "roving reporter of the
ladies, lost towns, and lost diamonds. Hard- camp and bonanza. Rich in human interest as
desert. An intimate chronicle of Arizona's once-
cover, illustrated, 192 pcges, $5.95. well as authentic history, this book covers ghost
booming mining towns, stage stations, army
towns of Nevada, western Utah and eastern
posts, marauding Indians and fantastic human
NAVAJO RUGS, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE by California. Hardcover, 291 pages. Price $6.75.
characters. 380 pages, illustrated. Hardcover,
Gilbert S. Maxwell. Concerns the history, legends $7.50. GUIDEBOOK TO THE SAN BERNARDINO MOUN-
and descriptions of Navajo rugs. Full color TAINS by Russ Leadabrand. Lake Arrowhead,
photos. Paper, $2.50. TERRIBLE TRAIL: the Meek Cutoff, 1845 by Clark Big Bear Lake and other mountain roads take
and Tiller. Narrates the tragic tale of the Meek you to resorts, lakes and picnic areas. Paper
emigrant train and lays the groundwork for a $1.75.
solution to the Blue Bucket lost gold. $4.00.
PLEASE THE WONDERFUL PARTNERSHIP OF ANIMALS Tory Peterson. The standard book for field iden-
AND MAN by K. L. Boynton. A book that should tification sponsored by the National Audubon
Add 50 cents PER ORDER be read by everyone interested in staying alive, Society. 2nd edition, enlarged with new section
it tells the story of how life on earth developed on Hawaiian birds. 658 in full color. Hardcover.
(Not Each Book) through the ages by plants and animals work- $5.95.
for handling and mailing ing together and how tfiis partnership must
work today so man can continue to exist on JEEP TRAILS TO COLORADO GHOST TOWNS by
CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ALSO this planet. Large 8x11 format, heavy paper, Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, infor-
ADD 5 PERCENT SALES TAX 48 pages, $1.00. .After reading this book you mal history of life in the mining camps deep in
will realize why it is really a "matter of life Colorado Rockies. Fifty-eight towns are included
Send check or money order to Desert Maga- or breath." the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the
zine Book Shop, Palm Desert, California as examples of the vigorous struggle for exist-
92260. Sorry, but we cannot accept charges 1200 BOTTLES PRICED by John C. Tibbitts. Up ence in the mining camps of the West. 239
or C.O.D. orders. dated edition of one of the best of the bottle pages, illustrated, end sheet map. Hardcover.
books. $4.50. $5.50.

WALTER ARENDALE, Advertising Manager
JACK DELANEY, Staff Writer
JOLEEN ROBISON. Woman's Viewpoint Editor

GLENN VARGAS, Lapidary Editor

K. L. BOYNTON. Naturalist
Volume 33, Number 10 OCTOBER, 1970


WHEN MICA TURNED TO GOLD by Dorothy Robertson




PALA by Jack Pepper



Drenched by laic summer
tlumdershowers, cacti will
soon be blooming through-
out the West. Photo by
David Muench, Santa Bar
bara, California, shows ,i DEPARTMENTS
blooming barrel cactus,
(.holla and saguaro in (lit
Sonora Desert of Arizona.

BOOK REVIEWS by Jack Pepper

RAMBLING ON ROCKS by Glenn and Martha Vargas

WOMAN'S VIEWPOINT by Joleen A. Robison

DESERT LIFE by Hans Baerwald

LETTERS Reader's Comments


EI.TA SHIVELY, Executive Secretary MARVEL BARRETT. Circulation Mat

EDITORIAL, CIRCULATION AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea St., Palm Desert, California 92260. Telephone Area Code
71-1 346-8144. Listed in Standard Rate and Data. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States, Canada and Mexico; 1 year, $5.00; 2 years,
S9.5O; 3 years $13.00. Other foreign subscribers add $1.00 U.S. currency for each year. See Subscription Order Form in this issue. Allow
five weeks for change of address and send both n-.w and old addresses with zip codes. DESERT Magazine is published monthly. Second
class postage paid at Palm Desert. California and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3. 1879. Contents copyrighted 1970
by DESERT Magazine and permission to reproduce any or all contents must be secured in writing. Unsolicited manuscripts and photo-
graphs WILL NOT BE RETURNED unless accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
P.D.Q. A Peek T HERE ARE not many who have
not heard the expression one
picture is worth a thousand words."
In many instances this is untrue, but

P.D.Q. -AS A
j in the certain people do have the ability to
make the camera lens "speak". One
such man is Hans Baerwald, whose

Publisher's works will be appearing regularly
in DESERT Magazine under the title
of "Desert Life" (see page 39). Dr.
Baerwald, (a former veterinarian) has
UNIT, SHOWN a feeling for our desert creatures and
IN PICTURE spends hours waiting for just the right
[lose or setting. The Baerwald's yard in nearby Desert Hot Springs is a sanctuary
Arbor to mount dish
or disk (sold only within a sanctuary, the city itself is a wildlife refuge, as they maintain a good supply
Motor speed with the dish or
control ..$15.95 disk) $5.00 of food and water for their little friends. Many of his picture-studies are taken in the
Off-set shaft—to mount 4" Flat Starlap .. . $3.95
lap pan . . . . . . . $ 2 . 5 0 Vial of thinner for yard. Although he has a battery of 10 cameras at his disposal he favors a 35mm single-
5 " lap pan with diamond compound $.50
hose $5.95 Diamond compound to use reflex camera fitted with a 6()() millimeter telephoto lens, with a triple extension.
Diamond dish or on maple spools
flat disk; 4 " 1200 grit $5.50 With this awesome piece of equipment his photos bring you so close to the subject
180 grit . . . . . . 536.00 8000 grit $4.00
260 grit . . . . . $31.00 14000 grit $4.00 it seems almost an invasion of privacy. Here's a man who loves his work and shows it.
600 grit . . . . ..$26.00 Maple spools on arbor,
1200 grit . . ..$25.00 right or left 1 V 2 " $3.00 I'm sure you'll agree that he belongs in DESERT.
Size 4 x 6" Complete with Cord . . Another expression that has special significance to DESERT readers is "good
$9.95 things come in bunches". It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the appoint-
Cast aluminum to last a lifetime. Plug it i n - ment of Mary Frances Strong as Field Trip Editor effective with the November issue.
just the right temperature—Not too hot to ruin
wax or make it brittle. Heat cabochons on asbestos Mary I-ranees' background is an envious one: Born in California, she spent her first
pad on heater.
eight years in the mining towns of Colorado's continental divide country. Her back-
No Mess — Try One
You won't part with it!! yards were the mining dumps of Ophir, Telluride, Cripple Creek, Ouray and Breck-
enridge where her interest in our earth began and later led to a college major in
geology with a minor in journalism.
Exploring and mapping the southwest desert country has been her way of
life since her college days. In 19^3 she joined the staff of Gems & Minerals where
she held the position of Field Trip Editor for 16 years. During this time she
MODEL 3A TUMBLER traveled over 300,000 miles in California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Texas and
ONE BARREL 3 LB. CAPACITY Oklahoma looking for gem fields, geological points of interest, old mines and
$9.95 complete ghost towns plus archeological sites. Her travels on the Mojave desert have been
Outstanding features of Models 3A and 33B published as ''Treasure Map of the Great Mojave Desert" and ''Desert Gem Trails."
Gem Sparkle Tumblers are:
The Mojave Desert is her home and there are few miles of it she hasn't
trod. For eight years she was the only other woman besides Nell Murbarger who
habitually traveled the desert alone.
In 1961 she married Jerry Strong who shares her deep love of the desert
country and does most of the photographic work accompanying her articles. Each
fall finds them loading their pickup with trail bikes, cameras and rock hunting
equipment, hitching on a trailer and with "Lobo" their 100-pound Alaskan Malemute,
• Special molded heavy duty plastic barrel
for long, long life. Will polish up to 3 head out on new desert trails. Trails that will lead to many pleasurable hours of read-
pounds of rock in each barrel. ing for her DESERT family.
• Positive sealing screw type lid with neo-
prene lid gasket.
I'll close with one more familiar expression: "Who's watching the store?"
SHIPLEY'S Jack and Bill are! Which is my way of telling you our bookshop will be open Satur-
days from 9 to 3:30 beginning October 3. Come by and visit with us.
On Hwy. 160 in southwest Colorado, 18 miles
east of Durango or i y 2 miles west of Bayfield.
Mailing Address:
Bayfield D, Colorado 81122
Phone: 303-884-2632

"Here's hoping your trail is a long one, etc." Born to Run Free - Wishing you a Blessed Christ Memories of a Frontier Christmas - Merry "Blessed are they that have not s e e n " - M a y
Merry Christmas...Good friends, etc. C. M. Russell mas and Happiness in the New Year Steflen Christmas and Happy New Year — Swanson the Peace and Joy of Christmas, etc. — EchoHawk

Bright colorful scenes fold to make a rich card 5 x 7. We can print your
name, or ranch brand or BOTH in red to match the greeting. Also, your
return address on the deluxe white envelopes-extras included. You
will be proud to send these beautiful cards and you'll like our "stam-
pede service" on orders right up 'til Christmas.
SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE AND CATALOG I Red Ribbon Roadrunners-Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year-Lau

, ...&

• - •

Yucca C a n d l e s - M a y the Peace and Happiness "Whisper of a Pine Tree, etc." Peace and Caroling Neighbors - Thoughts of treasured "Thou f i l l ' s ! the solitude."-Peace and Good
of Christmas, etc. Vannerson Good Will at Christmas, etc. — Lau friends make Christmas.. . etc. — FitzSimmons Will at Christmas, etc. Barks

• •
\ •& *

I-- r

A Memory of Christmas May you have a Merry Hello there, folks, etc. Merry Christmas and "Within an old log church, e t c . " - M a y you "Christmas Spirit" May you and yours this
Christmas in the old fashioned way, etc. Stahley Happy New Year Marks have the Spirit of Christmas, etc. - G o m e z Christmas Day and every day, etc. - Lowdermilk

HOW TO ORDER: Circle total quantity and cost. Mix and assort at no extra cost.
Order all of one kind or as many of each as desired. Canada residents please remit in U.S.
dollar values. Colorado residents add 3% sales tax. California residents add 5%. No C.O.D.
Fill out coupon or order by letter and mail with check or money order.

TOTAL QUANTITY 12 25 SO 75 100 ISO 200 300 500

. . .
WITHOUT NAME $2.25 $4.25 $ & 5 0 ~ $12.50 $16.00 $23.50 $31.00 $46.00" $74.00
WITH NAME OR BRAND $3.25 5.50 10.00 14.50 18.00 26.00 34.00 50.00 80 00
WITH NAME AND BRAND $4.50 6/5 11.25 15.75 19.25 27.25 35.25 51.25 8175
RETURN ADDRESS $1.25 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 6.50

FILL IN T200 T220 T230 T243

"In the heart of the wilderness" - May the Joy QUANTITY
Surprise on the Trail Merry Christmas and a
of Christmas he with you, etc. Swanson New Year chuck full of Happiness Thomas
DESIRED T203 T222 T232 T147
CARD T205 T223 T235 T248
BESIDE T109 T228 T239 T249
NUMBER T114 • • • • i :• L'l-T>?:W_irT^ |


Rte., St., or Box No.

City State

A Good Day for Visiting May the Spirit Christmas Eve on the Desert May you have
Christmas Abide With You, etc, Thomas the Spirit of C h r i s t m a s , e t c . - Lau


The two areas differ dramatically in
The delicate climate, history, topography and tempera-
balance between ment. Both books are well illustrated
life and its with black and white photos and contain
environment... excellent, detailed maps. In addition to
the relationship of suggestions of where to go and what to
plant to animal, and
of both to their sur-
roundings .. . the
ecology of meadow,
Reviews sec, the editors furnish historical back-
ground of the areas.
Travel Guide to Southern California
covers the Los lAngeles Area, San Diego
lake, marsh and and Over the Border, Palm Springs and
forest, algae and the Southeast Desert, Mojave Desert and
dragonflies, deer Death Valley, The Sierra and the Valleys
and jays .. .the cycli- and Santa Barbara and Up the Coast.
cal progress of the CALIFORNIA TRAVEL GUIDES Travel Guide to Northern California
seasons — all are includes San Francisco, The East Bay,
By the Editors of Sunset Books
North Bay Counties, North Along the
lovingly portrayed in For presentation purposes, the editors
Coast, South From San Francisco, Mon-
beautiful, simple of Sunset Books have divided California
terey Peninsula, Central Valley, Sierra
language and draw- into two parts for their newly-revised and
Nevadas and the Northern Mountains.
ings by a sensitive up-to-date travel guides to the Golden
Both are large S x 11 format, 4-color
artist, who guides us State.
cover, heavy paper. Si.95 each. W H E N
about her 40 acres An imaginary boundary line was drawn ORDERING SPECIFY W H I C H BOOK.
of land, high in the beginning at the ocean near San Simeon,
thin, clear air of the continuing across the Coast Range and FOUR WHEEL DRIVE HANDBOOK
Colorado Rockies. the southern tip of the Central Valley, By fames T. Croxv & Cameron Warren
and then turning northward across the
BEYOND Sierra Nevada range south of Yosemite
National Park.
Two veteran back country drivers have
put together a long overdue book on how

THE to drive, what to do, and what to take

when you are headed for the wilderness.

ASPEN A GOOD BOOK FOR THE Whether you are a neophyte or a vet-
eran, you'll find valuable information in

GROVE LAPIDARY HOBBYIST this book—information which might

ave your vehicle or your life.
ByANNZWINGER "TUMBLING The material packed into this volume
With 208 line drawings. '£ ratBUNt
58.95, now at your book- was gathered from actual experience in
store, or use coupon bel
to order from TECHNIQUES the field and is presented in a detailed
manner so it can easily be followed and
Included among the many chapters are
BAROQUE Why Four Wheel Drive?, Options and
JEWELRY" Accessories, Driving Techniques, Tire
2nd Edition
Troubles, Ignition Troubles, Cautions
(By G. L. Daniel)
and Precautions and many others.
This complete illustrated book takes a
step-by-step approach to the techniques There is one chapter on the various
of tumbling gemstones and assembling makes of four-wheel-drive vehicles on
jewelry. Very clear, very well organized. the market and their performances. Al-
+ Tumbler Types * Speeds * Prepara- though this reviewer has spent 20 years
tion of Material * Charging * Grits,
driving the back county of the West, he
coarse, fine • Polishing + Cementing
To your bookseller, or 41668
* Eipoxy Setting + Wiring * Layout is not a vehicle test driver (although I
Dept. D M - 1 0 . P.O. Box 6 8 6 . • Packaging + Helpful Hints have owned most of the popular 4 W D
Lynbrook, N. Y. 11563
Please send me BEiYOND THE ASPEN
GROVE by Ann Zwinger, tor which I en-
vehicles) so will not comment one way
Order direct or
close check or money order for $8.95,
plus 50tf for postage and handling (and
applicable sales tax if any). $250 pick one up at
your local Rock
or the other on this particular chapter.
This book is highly recommended for
Calif, residents
.1 Name.
add 13c sales tax Shop. anyone who has been bitten by the bug
of back country driving . . . and once
City S1ate_
GORDON'S you have been bitten, there's no cure!
Paperback, illustrated, % pages, $2.50.


By John D. Mitchell

The second of John D. Mitchell's

books on lost mines in the western hemis-
phere, which were out-of-print for many
years, is now available again.
This book, and Mitchell's first, Lost
Two Great Lost Mine Books
Muwy of the Great Southwest, (see Book
Reviews, Sept. '70), have been reprinted by JOHN 0. MITCHELL
from the original copies by The Rio
Grande Press, Inc., of Glorieta, New
Mexico. Both are available through the
Desert Magazine Book Store.
Mitchell spent the majority of his life
living m Arizona and traveling through-
out the West tracking down and investi-
gating legends of lost mines. He was not
only an exhaustive researcher, but also Along the Old Frontier
had a flair for presenting the material in
a dramatic way.
Many of the lost mine articles (each
one is a chapter) in his second book, ap-
peared in Desert Magazine 20 years ago. Calif, residents add
Since these magazines are no longer 5% state sales tax
available, lost mine buffs now have a
chance to read the legends first-hand. An
original map. tirst published with the
book, and one pinpointing the areas of
the lost mines, has also been reproduced.
Although current readers of Desert
Magazine will be familiar with many of LOST MINES
the lost mines listed by Mitchell, he pro- OF THE
vides additional first-hand information GREAT SOUTHWEST
on these, and describes many others which
are not as well known. Hardcover. 240
of the
pages. $7.50. $750 GREAT


By John C. Tibbitti Calif, residents add
After 10 printings of the original, the 5% state sales tax

author has completely revised and brought

up to date his popular 7200 Bottles
Priced. Tibbitts is author of eight books
on bottle-collecting and is a charter mem-
ber and was first president of the Antique
Bottle Collectors Association.
The two major anil important changes
in this revised edition is that every bottle
has been repriced to the 1970 market,
and a complete index added. The 1200 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260
bottles listed are classified and briefly
described as to color mil form. General
categories of the bottles are illustrated. Please send check or money order
Slick paperback, 171 pages, S4.95.
to Hit

by Dorothy Robertson

AYDEN HILL'S genesis began when

H a group of well-armed Yrekans
went into the Big Valley country in the
camp, Haskins called them over to ex-
amine his find. But no one else could
hazard a guess either. All agreed it had
early fall of 1869 to hunt for the Lost too much glitter to be real gold. It must
Cabin Mine. The party kept close to- be mica. However, some prudently gath-
gether as they combed the primitive wild ered up some of the shining material to
northeastern California region for the take back to Yreka for assay.
Indians were actively hostile. Once home, the assay reports showed
The ghost town of Hayden Hill On the last night in the region they the specimens were tiny bits of gold!
is located in scenic Big Valley camped on the slopes of a high hill, Immediately the men rushed to gather
in Northern California near Las- close to a spring seepage. It was Rever- supplies, enough for a protracted stay
end H. D. Haskins' turn to cook the on the hill bordering the Big Valley to
sen Volcanic National Park. The
next morning. The men decided to make the east. There they spent the entire win-
main ghost town is accessible
one last search in the higher reaches of ter, despite the cold and snow, mining
by passenger car, but back- the hill upon which they were camped. feverishly, and at the same time, fighting
country vehicles are needed to After the men had left camp, Haskins off Indians.
explore surrounding isolated decided, as his last good turn of the By spring, J. W. Hayden and Seneca
areas. day, to clean out the muddy spring for Lewis had arrived and located several
the benefit of any others who might be claims on the north and east slopes of
passing that way. While he was shoveling what the miners called The Hill. Shortly
out the wet mud he noticed a great deal thereafter the fast-growing settlement
of shiny material which he thought was was called Providence City.
mica. Yet, as he examined the glittering Hopeful miners began to pour into
specks, excitement mounted. Could it the burgeoning diggings. Soon Provi-
possibly be gold?
dence City boasted several saloons, a rest-
As the rest of the party returned to aurant, a hotel, a postomce and school,
in fine, sandy, clay-like material which
made crushing unnecessary.
In use only a short time, the
That year, from the Golden Eagle
bull of the mill still stands
Mine alone, more than a million dollars
on Hayden Hill overlooking
in gold was taken out, while a total of
Big Valley.
$2,593,000 in gold was taken from the
few working mines on Hayden Hill.
flour, beans and bacon. And then in Some of the mines once operating on
1916 State mining reports noted that two Hayden Hill were the Sunrise, the Even-
rich veins remarkable for the small ing Star, the Idaho and the Bluebell; the
amount of quartz contained therein, had Golden Eagle, the Daisy Dean, the
been uncovered on Hayden Hill. Also, Leora and the Juniper; the Gray Goose, small nuggets were found, and that the Brush Hill, the Mount Vernon and
much of the Hayden Hill gold occurred the Lucky Star. continued


a butcher shop, livery and feed stables, a

blacksmith shop and a newspaper, The
Mountain Tribune. The peak population
reached 3000.
The Providence Mining Company real-
ized some $40,000 from washing the de-
composed quartz. However, unfortunately
for the partners of the Providence, they HYDRAULIC CONTROL •
became involved in a mill enterprise with IT RAISES-IT LOWERS
a San Francisco company whose superin- FOR TRAVEL SAFETY. Wind resistance is reduced with Alaskan's low profile in highway
tendent knew nothing of mining. After travel. Gas mileage is increased and crosswind cut down. With lowered top, passengers ride in
crushing 100 tons of wall rock in which luxurious comfort.

no pay dirt was found except from that A UP FOR LIVING COMFORT. Alaskan camper top, operated by patented hydraulic system, is raiset
in seconds. (Let a child do it, and see how easy it is.) Safety lock prevents accidental lowering
obtained from the vein on the surface of
Weather-tight, walk-in quarters completely furnished. Three-burner stove, stainless steel sink
the mine, the disgusted partners con- cabinets, icebox, beds, plus many other luxury features.
demned The Hill and packed off their 8 ft. and 10 ft. models. Sold and installed only at Alaskan Camper factories at factory prices
mill. Also available at authorized factory outlets.

Although there was gold on The Hill, Write today to the factory nearest you for free folder describing the most advanced camper on the road.
R. D. HALL MFG., INC., 9847 Glenoaks Blvd., G. R. GRUBBS MFG., INC.,
it was of such low grade it was by-passed, Sun Valley, (San Fernando Valley) d/b/a Alaskan Camper Sales, 9042 Long-
California 91352, Dept. D2 point Rd., Houston, Texss 77055, Dept. D 2
and one by one the miners began drifting Factory Outlet: ALASKAN CAMPER SALES, INC., FORT LUPTON CAMPERS, 1100 Denver Ave.
away. Interstate 80 (half way between Fort Lupton, Colorado 80621,'Dept. D2
S.F.-Sacramento), Route 1, EINARS CAMPER MFG. CO.,
By 1874 Hayden and Lewis had the Box 332, Suisun City, Calif. 94585, Dept. D 2 d'b/a Alaskan Campers North Central,
ALASKAN CAMPERS NORTHWEST, INC., 3726 North 9th Avenue, Sioux Falls,
entire Hill 10 themselves and it became 6410 South 143rd Street, (Tukwila) Seattle, South Dakota 57104, Dept. D 2
Washington 98168, Dept. D 2
known as Kayden Hill—the name it PENNACAMP, INC., 401 West End Avenue, Manheim, Penn. 17545, Dept. D2
bears today. Hi.yden and Lewis stayed on,
realizing enough gold to keep them in
Make Your
More Fun
and J£
• Detectron
• Excelsior Find
Get the Bes;
Top Guarantee . .
Easy to Operate
$119.95 to
Old Coins
$165.00 Treasures
Stop By And See Our . . .
Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold
Pans, Dry Washors, Books on Treasures a n d
Lost Mines . a n d other items of f u r for
the entire f a m i l y . For i n f o r m a t i o n just write
to or call:

CO MPT ON Exploring and looking for artifacts and bottles, the author's party spoil two
days in the Hayden Hill area. Sear the Nevada border, the site is seldom visited.
1405 South Long Beach Blvd. Ironically, it had been Seneca Lewis to yellow-mto-orange and reds, and
Ph. 632-9096 Compton, Calif. 90221 who had discovered the Brush Hill Mine, swirled in browns. Larger, heavier slabs
only to sell out for a paltry sum to G. F. of this material are ideal for stepping
Hoes and the brothers Lee L. and W . F. stones in gardens, or up-ended, as bor-
Educational Harbert, owners of the nearby Evening ders for flowerbeds.
No Care Required Star. These three partners then proceeded Hayden Hill is easy of access and easy

GLASS to take out in excess of one hundred thou-

sand dollars in gold from the Brush Hill
to find. It is only 14 miles south of
Adin in Big Valley, California, off State

GARDEN property. Though both Hayden and Lewis

discovered many good mines in their day,
139. The Hill turnoff itself is signed.
The Hayden Hill mountain road climbs
6 Plants in 1 $ 2 - 0 0 both died poor men. in a westerly direction for four miles to
Even people who don't have 2 f o r $3 75 Today Hayden Hill is listed as an his- the diggings. A word of caution to visit-
"luck" with most house plants 3for $500
will succeed with this packet toric ghost town of pioneer days. Visitors ors with dogs and youngsters. The mine
of six woodland plants (Red Partridge Beiries, pass through some of the most scenic 'hafts are very deep and some not cover-
White Flowering Rattlesnake Plantain, Tree-like
Ground Pine, Fern-like Club Moss, Palm tree country to be found in Lassen County— • ed. Also, remember that there is no
like Pipsissewa, Carpet like Sheet Moss) that a land of green meadows, cool mountains, drinking water available and Hayden Hill
will fill any gallon-size container with a minia-
ture garden in 2-3 weeks. No care needed. lakes and streams teeming with trout. At is remote, so fill up with gasoline at Adin
Easy instructions included. Full satisfaction sunset and early morning, travelers will before venturing out into the rugged
guaranteed or return shipping label for refund.
Send $2.00 for 1, $3.75 for 2, or $5.00 for 3 encounter deer and antelope. There arc- back country!
Glass Garden packets. We pay the postage. gray honkers, swans and pheasant and Once you reach this fascinating region
— — • Please Pr'mi Plainly r — ducks seen in watered regions. you will be amazed at the scenic beauty.
2800 NO. HOLLISTON AVE. Although the Hayden Hill country is Far below The Hill lie vast valleys and
ALTADENA, CALIF. 91001 off the traveled ways, it is an interesting beautiful Sylvie Lake in the middle dis-
Please send Glass Garden Packets. I en and scenic place to visit. Its old weather- tance. In the farthest distance rises glit-
close $ tering, snow-draped Mt. Lassen, and over
worn gray buildings still stand, including
Q Please send free catalog.
the old mill up on the brow of the hill. a hundred miles northwestward is spark-
Bottle collectors find numerous old ling Mt. Shasta.
dumps scattered over the Hill worth- Today the only sounds heard among
Address, while, while rock collectors are interested the old weathered relics of buildings of
in the colorful Wonder Stone of the re- Hayden Hill are winds blowing up mem-
City. _State 2ip_ gion—delicately tinted and beautifully ories of a hustling settlement of days
patterned in shades ranging from cream gone by. •

, - • \

Send check or money order to




D ESERT DWELLER since ancient times,

the stately sage grouse is lord of
the high places. His is a desolate king-
so to speak—the last step up—the stage
at which an area, after undergoing a
long, long series of successive changes,
setting things, a climax community will
remain essentially the same.
In the high deserts of the Great Basin
dom of vast and windswept plains and finally reaches a fairly stable situation. (that vast area lying between the Rocky
buttes, of sub-zero blizzards in winter, of Certain plants have become the dominant and Sierra Nevada Mountains) a sage-
parched and shimmering heat in summer. vegetation; certain animals, the dominant brush vegetation climax evolved about 30
Big and powerful, supremely confident, inhabitants of the community. million years ago under changing geologi-
he knows how to live in this most for- So well established are these particular cal conditions, most of them bad. Sage-
midable desert land. plants and animals, so well in tune with brush weathered them all. It developed
He is also a most satisfactory bird all their interacting environmental con- into an exceptionally hardy plant—stunt-
from the scientific standpoint. Ecologists, ditions that they successfully keep other ed, even prostrate on the ground in ex-
greatly impressed with his success, view plant and animal competitors from gain- tremely poor soil, but growing some 10
him as a beautiful illustration of the ing a significant foothold, and hence feet high where there is water. It is the
working of a most important kind of from changing the status quo of the cli- dominant plant of the area, an evergreen
plant-animal relationship: the climax max community. Barring any great dis- shrub, the only one to flourish the year
community. asters such as geological unheavals, fire, around, snow or not. Evolved under such
"Climax" here is the top of the ladder, flood or man poking his nose in and up- harsh environmental conditions, sage-
brush today is tough and well equipped him up to prime weight and condition Biologist Ciirard reported seeing a
for survival. for the coming arduous breeding season. brood leave the nest only 17 minutes
So is the sage grouse. For, as the plant Besides furnishing the groceries, sage- .liter the last chick hatched. Trekking
evolved to stand the desert's high eleva- brush comes in a wide variety of styles along sturdily after their mother, they
tions, long sub-zero winters, its winds perfect for grouse shelter. Snow encrust- headed for a small hollow with free
and drifting snow, so did this grouse. A ed, a clump makes a fine winter wind- water in it some 162 yards distant—a
big bird - some 2-1 inches long and break. For summer midday siestas, the long walk for a hatchling. Here was to
weighing as much as 7 pounds in top taller, thicker growth is the best sun be found a goodly supply of insects, this
form, he can meet every demand put shield. Shorter sagebrush, widely enough heavy protein matter making up about
upon him. Capable of long flights in spaced to allow a quick getaway if wild- I'S''< of chick diet the lirst month. Ten-
search of food, shelter or water, he is cats come prowling, is best for squatting der sagebrush leaves account for most of
equally well adapted to cope with howl- under at night, as these grouse do not the rest, the percentage reversing quickly
ing blizzards, and blasting heat. He is a roost. in favor of the plant as the weeks go on.
true dominant inhabitant of the sage- It took the brood two hours to travel the
The bird's association with the plant distance, the hen having her troubles
brush climax community.
starts early in life. In fact, probably the keeping the chicks from wandering off to
Key to the bird's welfare is sagebrush
first thing a chick sees upon stepping see the big world right away.
itself. While many small mammals and
damply out of his shell, is sagebrush. The
some big game eat this plant at certain
nest he's in is under a low tangle of it. Straying chicks continue to be a prob-
seasons, none is so dependent upon it
his mother (a hen of discernment) hav- lem. It is essential they stay close to the
the year around. Sagebrush provides the
ing selected the spot ideal for egg-hiding. hen, for it is from her that they learn
adult grouse with a minimum of 8 0 % (if
its summer food, almost 100r r in winter. Sage grouse chicks arrive in a ready-to- what's good to eat and how to get it.
The birds consider the leaves, tender go fashion. They've spent 25 days in the Also, until their own internal warming
rhoots, flowers most tasty. They couldn't egg putting the finishing touches on machinery get to working properly, they
eat anything more nutritious. nervous systems, bones and musculature must be brooded periodically during the
eyes and the like, instead of taking half day, and they sleep under her wings at
Recent analyses show that some 16%
of this plant is protein, 46r'( carbohy- the time, but being only half-done at
drates, and an astonishingly high [4% hatching as are song birds. Bright eyed The hen is also their first line of de-
fat. (Five times more than any other des- anil warmly dressed in soft down, pat- fense. From the moment of hatching, the
ert plant tested.) The heavy fat content terned in blotches of greyish black, sage chicks know instinctively how to run and
of sagebrush is the grouse's life-saver in grouse chicks dry quickly in the desert hide at her command while she creates a
winter, keeping him warm, and stocking air. diversion. Hers is the old phony broken-

When just one-day

old, sage grouse
chicks start toddling.
much to the concern
of the mother tC*

grouse who has a

(?*% - u ^
difficult time keeping
them under the
protection of

-' f?***^'-
n'ltor in iilii "'*"~

wing-routine, flopping along the ground these bare arenas to battle each other for
TURN THOSE until almost caught, and then zooming
off in flight. But when all is safe, the
the major roles. Yearlings are driven off
at once. Then the others, with much
DESERT scattered chicks have to be rounded up
again. Clucking and calling, the hen goes
clucking, hissing and threatening, finally
settle down to fighting it out. The strong-
ROCKS INTO to a sagebrush dump or small mound
where she can best be seen, and the
est and toughest becomes star of the
show, the cock who will do three-quarters
BEAUTIFUL chicks, whistling plaintively, come strag-
gling in.
of the mating in this arena. The sub-cock,
next in line, handles the rest. Next come
GEMS The whole job of incubating and fam- several guards who keep intruders out of
the arena, and act as marshals for the
ily raising is carried on by the hens alone,
the cocks staying far, far away from the hens. By early April, when the hens be-
hard work. Theirs is a more stellar role gin coming, the roles have all been deter-
in the sage grouse domestic drama, played mined, and everybody knows his lines.
early in the spring. Zoologist Scott was Winning the battles and hence the
the first to describe the performance, and stellar role is just the beginning, for the
Patterson's work supplied more details major cock must then captivate the hens,
and interpretation. since in sage grouse circles, wooing is
About the middle of March in the high done only at the invitation of the ladies.
desert, in snow or not, the curtain goes What has proven to be most successful
up on THE GREAT SAGE GROUSE down through the ages, is a strutting
SPECTACULAR—a super colossal woo- Cakewalk accompanied by sound effects,
COMES COMPLETE WITH 6" DIAMOND BLADE, ing season of some two months duration staged in the witching hour of pre-dawn
involving a cast of hundreds. It is also an twilight, when the desert is silent, waiting
elaborately staged affair, held in open for day.
JUST $49 50 places reserved for courtship and used Clad in full nuptial plumage, the
year after year . . . arenas that may vary magnificent big cock is a symphony in
PLUS POSTAGE (Wt. 11 lbs.)
in size from a few hundred square feet to black and dazzling white. He hoists his
perhaps several acres. Even in drier sec- long black tail feathers up into a stiff
tions where the population is low, there fan, raising the trailing filiplumes on the
is an arena about every five miles. The sides of his neck into a lyre-shaped crown.
show is marked by a highly evolved cere- But still more splendor is to come.
mony, and it is put on by a complex Gulping in air, and inflating enormous
hierarchy of master cocks, sub-cocks and air sacs that lie either side of his wind-
guard cocks, each with his special role to pipe, he produces his costume's piece de
play. resistance: two great orange colored bal-
Rammed full of protein and layered loons of bare skin that appear suddenly
THE SPARKLE TUMBLER with fat from a winter's eating of super- among the stiff white feathers of his
HOLDS 3 LBS. OF GEM MATERIAL nutritious sagebrush leaves, perhaps as chest. A tasteful splash of color to the
manv as 6() cocks assemble in one of formality of his ensemble, these sacs are
FOR ONLY $1150

SHARP 1967
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO One-owner, A-l condition, 4-wheel drive, standard transmission, 327
V-8 engine, radio, heater, mud tires, Warn hubs, limited slip real axle.
Write or call
DESERT MAGAZINE, Palm Desert, California 92260
P.O. BOX 4073D (714) 346-8144
also responsible for his show's orchestra- that completely covers their food supply.
tion, for his pompous Cakewalk is done Even in the lower deserts the winter is
to music. tough, but the grouse are well dressed for
Now the cock begins his strutting, it with thick layers of down and water-
hunching up his wings and swishing shedding top feathers. They even have
their edges along the feathers of his cape special snowshoes, comb-like fringes that
as he takes a few steps forward. His grow out in the fall along each side of NOTICE
orange sacs, fully inflated and bouncing all three toes, spreading the birds' weight
on his chest vibrate like skins of a drum so that they can walk over the snow. Like ALL-INDIAN POW WOW
and out rolls a booming plopping sound all members of the grouse tribe, their YUCCA VALLEY, CALIF.
of such resonance it carries for at least 3 nasal openings are completely feathered, SEPT. 19 and 20
miles. but in addition, they have a shut-off valve
inside that closes up the nostrils and keeps
Naturally no hen within earshot can
out blowing snow. Hence they can feed
Lowest Photo Prints Price
resist this compelling overture music. De-
murely dressed in brownish grey and unconcernedly even on windswept ridges Highest Quality
during heavy winter storms. KODACOLOR FILM
white speckles with touches of black, they DEVELOPED & PRINTED
slip through the sagebrush into the arena. Dependent one hundred percent on 8 Jumbo Prints (rectangular) $1.78
12 Jumbo Prints (square) $2.18
Gathered in small admiring groups, sur- sagebrush with occasional insect larvae 12 Jumbo Prints and
rounded by the guards, they watch the and eggs from plant galls, the grouse has New Roll of Kodacolor except 126 $2.98
cock strut his stuff, until dazzled by his trouble if the snow is too deep. Fortun- 1 2 Jumbo Prints and
New Roll of Kodacolor film, 126 $3.07
magnificence, overcome by such beautiful ately pronghorn antelope (see Desert, Kodacolor Neg reprints (square) $ .14
plopping and booming, they succumb to Sept. '70) also eat this shrub .at this sea- All prices comparably low.
Price sheets and envelopes
his charms, one by one. son, and in pawing away the snow, ex- available.
pose leaves for grouse to get at, too. No gimmicks
The nest building-brooding season is
No lies
now underway and the grouse, although By January, the cocks start practicing 47 years of continuous
basically convivial birds, are all too busy service guarantees your
their strutting in private. It will soon be quality.
for socializing. The hens have family curtain time again, and that show of MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO.
chores, the cocks have gone off by them- shows must go on ! D P. O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona 85364 or
selves to recuperate and loll away the hot P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, Calif. 92112

summer, feeding early in the morning,

early evening and beating the heat by
inactive resting under a sagebrush dur-
ing the day.
Except for occasional meetings at
special feeding places, the hens and
chicks see neither hide nor feather of the
cocks until it is time later in the fall for
the whole flock to gather and fly down
to the lower elevations to escape the ex-
tremely deep snow of the high deserts
We, the boating pioneers, offer you exploring, hunting, fishing, hiking,
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A revolutionary new design
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Land of

Swimming and fishing for trout in the river are favorite pastimes
at the San Luis Rey River Campground of U.S. Forest Service.

a picnic lunch with a squirrel to studying northern San Diego County. State 76
There are many places of interest the stars at the home of the world's east from U.S. 395 to County S-6 will
and excellent public and private largest optical telescope, or enjoying a take you to this scenic sierra.
stroll through a natural garden filled You can spend a day, a weekend, or
campgrounds for vacationing
with fragrant azaleas. If you are a fisher- longer on the mountain since there are
families in the Palomar Mountain man there is a trout pond, a large lake facilities for picnicking, camping, and
area of Southern California. with a variety of fish, and a scenic stream cabins available.
well stocked with trout. On the west side of the mountain is

T HF. FOREST Service refers to their

national forests as "The Land of
Many Uses," but I like to call Califor-
The Palomar area offers trails to fol-
low, cool mountain springs to sip from,
wildflowers to smell and billowy white
Palomar Mountain State Park, one of the
finest and most scenic campgrounds in
Southern California. Within the park,
nia's Palomar Mountain area the "Land clouds to enjoy while resting at the edge Doane Pond is kept stocked with scrappy
of Many Pleasures." of a soft mountain meadow. This lofty little trout that eagerly respond to the
On a lazy summer Jay you ran enjoy highland is part of the Palomar District fisherman's offerings.
a multitude of pleasures from sharing of the Cleveland Nationial Forest in State park rangers offer interesting
Pleasures by Ernie Cowan

A fisherman displays a string of fish he caught during a day's

angling at Lake Henshaw. Lake and campgrounds open all year.

campfire programs and nature walks The high point of Palomar Mountain at the base of the mountain on State 76
along some of the many srenic trails dur- is the home of the world famous 200- near Lake Henshaw. Since there are only
ing summer months. The Doane Valley inch Hale telescope. Here visitors can a few units at the river camp, it usually
nature trail is a self-guiding path with enjoy an educational tour through the is full, especially on summer weekends.
points of interest and natural landmarks massive silver dome. The view of earth A new commercial campground and
marked to correspond to a printed guide from atop Mt. Palomar is also impressive, picnic area, called Oak Knoll, was opened
available at the trailhead. This scenic with pine covered hills and green mea- at the intersection of State S6 and State
trail crisscrosses lazy Doane Creek, then dows laying below. 76 just as this issue of Desert Magazine
opens into a big meadow and loops back In addition to the state park, the For- was going to press.
to the Doane Valley Campground. estry Service has two campgrounds in the If you are planning a trip to Palomar,
Just west of the state park on a high Palomar area. The Observatory Camp- you might take the scenic loop which
overlook is the State Division of For- ground is located in an oak-studded mea- offers the best look at the area. After tak-
estry's Boucher Lookout. From this view dow below Palomar Observatory, and the ing S-6 to the mountain top and enjoying
point the visitor cm see forever on a San Luis Rey Campground offers river the many attractions there, take County
clear day. bank camping on the San Luis Rey River Continued mi page 37
The Phinney Canyon road
becomes a little more dif-
ficult near the crest, but
those reaching the top
have a spectacular view of
Death Valley and the High

N THE HEAT of the

summer, one of my
greatest pleasures is
searching for seldom-
traveled roads which
leave the desert floor
and reach into the cooler mountain ele-
vations. Most of these attempts raise
false hopes. Many well-meaning ruts
snake up an alluvial fan and dip into a
canyon mouth, only to come to a dis-
appointing halt.
Happily, diligence is eventually re-
warded with the discovery of a road that
never quite gives up the ghost, but keeps
climbing between canyon walls, from one
near washout to the next.
The road up Phinney Canyon is one
of these, climbing from the flat expanse
of Sarcobatus Flat to the 7600-foot crest
of the Grapevine Mountains in the north-
east corner of Death Valley National
Monument. Since this road is approached
from the Nevada side of Death Valley
few visitors come here, and the canyon
still appears just as the miners must have
left it.
Phinney Canyon is reached by taking
U.S. 95 north from Beatty, Nevada.
After 11.5 miles, take the well-traveled
Text and color photo by Sam P e t t y dirt road to Sarcobatus Flat which angles
~-***- V

F,: - * '

off to the left. Sarcobatus Flat is a vast * • . .. • ^

desert plain ringed by mountains on

three sides. The uninterrupted miles of
uniformly spaced sagebrush found here
make a beautiful sight for the desert
traveler who appreciates open expanse
Still undisturbed by civilization.
As the road passes eastward across
Sarcobatus Flat, the mouth of Phinney
Canyon can be seen slightly to the right.
From now on, you will be in Death Val-
ley National Monument, so be sure to
bring your own fuel for cooking and
Seventeen miles from the highway,
the road dips into the canyon wash and
starts climbing into a green forest of
pinon pine and juniper. Unless con-
ditions have changed, owners of two-
wheel-drive vehicles will have to do
shovel work at occasional washouts if
they are to proceed further up the can-
yon (an absolute must!).
Three miles after entering the canyon,
a road branches to the right and stops
after only thirty yards. The Phinney
Mine is a half-mile hike further up this took pictures of some of them with the Vertical mine shaft (above) is one of
narrow side canyon. The small cabin 35mm camera and tripod, leaving the many in rugged area. Part of the
here in fairly good condition; the originals undisturbed for future visitors. wallpaper of a miner's shack was the
rats and the ram having accomplished Two tunnels, complete with an ore November 28, 1937 issue of the Los
the majority of damage thus far. The old car and tracks, are behind the cabin and Angeles Times. All black and white
newspapers inside dating from the a water pipe tan be followed to a small photos by Dick Wetzel.
1920s and 5<)s made great reading. We spring which was running a steady trickle

of good water a year ago. The cabin was

undermined by heavy rains of early 1969
and was in imminent danger of falling
to the canyon bottom when we were
there. Don't build cabins on tailing piles!
Continuing up the main canyon, a mine
shaft can be found at the right side of
the road. Here the road becomes difficult
for 4-wheel-dnve vehicles but continued
effort will be rew.irded when reaching
the crest and the floor of Death Valley
comes into view. The road disappears
here but you will want to continue on
foot to see Doe Spring, a small water
seep located a short walk west of the
road's end.
Nothing could be better during a hot
summer weekend than making camp
among the trees and granite cliffs of
Phinney Canyon, and looking down on
shimmering Sarcobatus Flat and the Ne-
vada desert beyond. If you should try it
in winter, be prepared for cold weather—
and who knows, there is always that
chance of snow!
N THE verdant valley of Pala just off
I the highway between Riverside and
San Diego, California, is an Indian mis-
sion and school that refused to die. The Pepper
story of Mission San Antonio de Pala is
one of compassionate Franciscan priests,
friendly Indians and the changing attitude
of white men.
Despite floods, earthquakes, wars and
greedy gringos, this comparatively small
mission has survived for 156 years and
today is the center of the social and Original bell
spiritual activities of all of the residents in the Mission
of the community. campanile has been
Its doors are also open to visitors and summoning the
travelers who find relaxation under the faithful for
cools trees in the picnic area in front of 156 years.
the mission and solace in visiting the
chapel. Only six miles from the- speeding charge of the San Luis Rey Mission, per time, Pala was actually a full-fledged
traffic on U. S. 39s), the secluded valley sonally directed work at Pala. mission.
of Pala has remained virtually unchanged. A sister asistencia of Pala was built at For a dozen years the Pala Indians
The possibility of establishing a mis- Las Flores but fell into ruin and neglect worked on their mission, built adobe
sion in the area was first recorded by within 35 years. Unlike Las Mores, Pala homes to replace their former reed huts
Father Juan Mariner in his diary in I 79^: refused to die and has served Indians and and decorated the chapel, while making
"In the afternoon before sunset we white man continuously for 156 years. pottery and baskets. They were unaware
passed a rancheria which is called Pale:' But they were not all peaceful years. of the conflict between the Catholic
(Pale is Indian for water.) "It has a Church and the Mexican government
The Franciscan fathers soon discovered
great deal of running water which can which ended with the secularization of
the Pala Indians which are of the Sho-
easily be taken out. It also has very much the missions in 1834.
shonean group -were of a "superior"
good soil . . . there is a level plot on The end came on August 22, 1835
level of the aboriginal culture and were
which to place the mission. There is an when the Franciscans surrendered the
intelligent, peaceful and made beautiful
unlimited amount of good timber, plenty Mission of San Luis Rey and all its
baskets, pottery and stone implements
of stones, firewood and good pasture properties to Pio Pico, the Mexican
and were quick to learn the arts of the
land. It also has five rancherias that speak official. By 1846, the Franciscans were
white man. Also, their religion included
the language of San Juan Capistrano." forced to abandon all of their Califor-
the idea of a Supreme Being, Chinig-
nia missions, with the exception of
Despite Father Mariner's glowing re- chinch, so the transition from their re-
Santa Barbara, opening the way for ex-
port, it was decided to establish the Mis- ligion to Christianity was not difficult.
ploitation by Mexican rancheros and
sion San Luis Rey de Francia near Ocean- Working together, the missionaries the newlv arrived white settlers.
side in 1798 as the first of the inland and Indians made thousands of adobe
missions of California, and Pala was Many of the Pala mission buildings
bricks, hauled lumber down from Palo-
designated as an asistencia, or a subsidi- tell into disrepair, but the Indians kept
mar Mountain and started building. By
ary to the "Mother Mission" of San Luis 1 the chapel open for worship, despite the
820 they had built a quadrangle mission
Rey. fact there was not a priest in residence.
site covering more than 25,000 square
The Reverend fose Mut, of the Mission
A granary was built at Pala in 1810 feet with living quarters for the fathers,
San fuan Capistrano is said to have
and other buildings soon followed with dormitories, classrooms, shops and gran-
walked barefooted to Pala where he bap-
the chapel opened on June 13, 1816 by aries, plus an aqueduct for water. Al-
Padre Antonio Peyri, who, although in though still called an asistencia, by this CuHtiuued >n page 3fi
• .

^ M


EO IN 1 8 5 8 . 8 Y WAR REN HALL. DIV 'ISION..
• v> i - i r . t M t , BUT t F.RF ELD'OVERLAND MAIL
E PTEM&ER. 15, 183 8 TO MARCH 2, '.Tfl6l-


MARKER PLACE D BY t,i ,N o\t.o'6.'hovnrt .

»N I M " . « R f T BUITCRFII I P

by Robert C. Likes
The Southern Emigrant Trail—later called the
Butterfield Overland Stage Route—stretched
from St. Louis, Missouri to San Francisco.
Probably the deadliest section of the trail was
through the desert areas of Southern California.



Sonora Road, until the discovery of gold

brought a flood of Americans westward
in 1849. From this date on, it was called
the Southern Emigrant Trail.
In 1850, great herds of sheep and
cattle were driven across the old trail to
feed the exploding population on the
west coast. Because thousands of ani-
mals perished and left a trail of bleach-
ing bones from Yuma to the Carrizo
Corridor, the Southern Emigrant Trail
in the journey along the Southern Emi- was called the Jornada del Muerto —
grant Trail and the colorful Butterfield Journey of Death.
GREAT TROUGH in the Anza- Overland Stage Route. By 1856, the United States Govern-
Borrego desert area of San Die- Kit Carson passed this way in 1846, ment realized it had a growing communi-
go County winds through the desolate guiding General Stephen Watts Kearny cation problem with this far-flung em-
Carrizo and Vallecito Valleys and then and his dragoons through the corridor pire on the Pacific coast. A mail contract
rises into the cool, green coastal'hills of when it was nothing more than a wilder- linking San Antonio with San Diego was
Southern California. This natural pas- ness between waterholes. One year later, awarded in 1857. The first mail crossing
sageway is the legendary Carrizo Cor- Colonel St. George Cooke and his Mor- the Colorado Desert and through the
ridor. mon Battalion followed Kearny's route Carrizo Corridor on mule back was
Along its course of rutted and sandy and established the first wagon road known as the "Jackass Mail."
washes flowed a steady stream of Cali- into Southern California. This wagon A second and larger contract was
fornia history, for this was the last leg road became known as Cookes Road, or awarded to John Butterfield in 1858.
The first mail pouches were loaded aboard Carrizo Springs. This section of the old
the departing Butterfield Stage in St. trail crosses a Navy bombing range and
Louis, Missouri, and in exactly 23 days, special permission is required before
23 hours and 30 minutes, the mail entry. The stage station at Carrizo
pouches were safely delivered in San Springs has completely vanished.
Francisco, California, more than 2800 After leaving Carrizo Springs, the old
miles away. stage road followed the Carrizo Wash
Exploring the Butterfield Overland east until it reached the junction of the
Trail from the vanished Carrizo Springs Vallecito Wash. Turning up the Valle-
Station to the old Warner Adobe reveals cito Wash, the trail plowed through the
the least spoiled section of its entire sand to a point nine miles from the Car-
route in California. Although this sec- rizo station where it left the wash to
tion was the gateway to the promised reach Palm Spring, a short distance
land, it is doubtful that the traveler away. The first native palms, Washing-
looked forward to making the passage. tonid filifera, seen in California by a
With its annual rainfall of something non-Indian were the ones at Palm
less than five inches, this lonely land Spring. Pedro Fages first described the
supports only an arid growth of ocotillo, palms in 1772. Sixty-five years later,


Traces of the
Old Southern
Emigrant Trail
(above and below)
cholla and indigo brush, though there- Colonel Cooke reported a clump of 20 can be seen along
are stands of smoke trees and mesquite to 30 palms at the spring, but by 1853, pres en t-da y Calif o rn id
in the washes. In 1847, Colonel Cooke after a steady stream of gold seekers, State Route S2 in
described the eroded hills and rocky the number of palms had dropped to San Diego County.
slopes as " . . . the worst L5 miles of three or four. One of the best
road since we left the Rio Grande." When the Butterfield line built an views is at Box
When the Overland Stage established a animal changing station at the spring Canyon rest stop
route through the corridor, it was the m 1858, the majestic grove of palms where the trad can
epic battle of man against the elements, had been reduced to a few burnt stumps. be seen from a
with a succession of Indian raids, hold- Today the site of the Palm Spring sta- lookout platform.
ups and accidents thrown in just to make tion is marked by a monument standing
it interesting. in a clump of green mesquite, and three
The Carrizo Gap, through which the small palms. The spring still -provides
Carrizo Wash passes, is the eastern en- water at this small oasis, and the seren-
trance to the Carrizo Corridor. Follow- ity is in marked contrast to the flurry of
ing this route, the Butterfield Overland activity that took place when this was a
Stage located the first way-station at vital oasis along the Butterfield Trail.
After leaving Palm Spring, the old Using the coach for cover, Ol' Bill
road continued following the shifting and his armed passengers continued to
sands of the Vallecito Wash until it hold off the bandits, forcing them to re-
reached one of the most famous way treat. After another volley of gunfire,
stations along the route. Vallecito was the bandits rode off into the night.
the first oasis with an abundance of Soldiers who had been stationed at Val-
water and green grass, providing wel- lecito and who had heard the shooting,
come relief for the weary passengers came riding up just as Bill was cutting
after days of exposure to the heat and the dead animal out of the harness. After
Historians do not a brief exchange of words, the soldiers
glare of the desert.
agree as to whether rode off in pursuit of the outlaws and
W. L. Ormsby, a passenger in 1858,
the Butterjield Stage Bill headed the stage toward Vallecito,
commented, " . . . a perfect oasis," then
slop at Warner's
went tin to say, " . . . a most refreshing feeling sure the bandits would be caught.
Ranch was the large
relief from the sandy sameness of the The next morning, Ol' Bill was aston-
adobe building
desert." The Vallecito station was orig- ished to see there were no prisoners.
(lower right) on the
inally constructed of sod-bricks with a When questioned about this, the cor-
ranch or the smaller
roof of hand-hewn beams, pegged and poral in charge of the detail of soldiers
budding (opposite
tied in place with rawhide, then covered smiled, and then replied, "Well, let's
page) about a
mile away. Another
wooden building
is near the
smaller adobe.

' >»•>•
• * • • ;

with willow poles and tules before a look at it this way, Bill. Vallecito has no
final topping of sod. The famous station accommodations for prisoners—.outside
was reconstructed in 1934, and today it of the graveyard, that is."
is a San Diego County Park. From Vallecito, the road went west,
Many colorful stories centered around gradually gaining elevation until it
the Vallecito stage station. One such reached the upper end of Vallecito Val-
account was the night "OF Bill," one of ley, where it turned and entered a nar-
the drivers, was held up a few miles row canyon. This was the only passage-
south of the station. Five men on horse- way between Vallecito and San Felipe
back engaged in a running gun battle Valleys, and it was here that Colonel
with the passengers on the stage as Ol' Cooke and his men were almost defeated
Bill had his team going "hell-bent-for- in their attempt to blaze a wagon road
leather." Just when it looked as though into Southern California.
the stage might reach the safety of the "I came to the canyon and found it
Valecito station, one of the animals on much worse than I had been led to ex-
the team was shot and the stage came to pect," Cooke later reported, " . . . there
•i terrifying halt. are many rocks to surmount, but the
worst is the narrow pass." All of their the ridge became known as Foot and north of Wilson's store, and equidistant
road building tools had been lost when Walker Grade. Upon reaching the sum- between the San Felipe Station to the
the party forged the Gila River in Ari- mit, the course ahead became routine and south, and the Oak Grove Station to the
zona, so axes were used to increase the allowed the coach and exhausted passen- north. However, both the Wilson store
opening. Even then, the chasm was too gers to move swiftly through the lower and the Warner adobe are historic land-
narrow by a foot of solid rock, and reaches of the San Felipe Valley. The marks, and worth the time to visit.
Cooke ordered the wagons to be taken next stop was the San Felipe Station. The ,At Warner's the trail branched, one
apart and carried through. It required site is located on private property just heading southwest to San Diego by way
two days for the men to work their way north and a little west of Scissors Cross- of Santa Ysabel; the other pressed on in
out of the canyon. The pass was widened ing. a northwest direction across the small
for the Butterfield run, and was known The next \6 miles of the pioneer trail valley and through the hills until it
as Cookes Pass or Devils Canyon. continued north through the increasingly reached the Oak Grove Station ten miles
For some unexplainable reason, the fertile San Felipe Valley and crossed an- away. The store at Oak Grove utilized
pass now bears the name of Box Canyon, other pass before it dropped down be- the foundation and ancient walls of the
and for obvious reasons, it is by-passed tween the rolling hills surrounding the original Butterfield Station. From here
by the paved highway. There is a histori- station at Warner's. the stage route generally followed what
is now State 79 until it reached Temecula,
with a stop between at Aguanga.
With the termination of the Butter-
field Overland route in 1861, the de-
cline of the Southern Emigrant Trail be-
gan. More northerly routes were being
discovered and used, paticularly the Ca-
jon and San Gorgonio passes. New routes
were being used from San Diego to
Yuma via Campo and Jacumba, and even
the discovery of gold in the mountains
west of the old trail in 1870 did little to
revive its use.
In the early 1900s, the pioneer trail
through the Carrizo Corridor lay almost
forgotten. It was simply a road that "be-
gan nowhere, and ended nowhere"—a
sad epitaph compared to the address
Colonel Cooke gave his men upon com-
pletion of their assigned task.
"History may search in vain for an
equal march of infantry," he said. "We
have dug deep wells which the future
traveler will enjoy . . . we have worked
our way over mountains . . . hewed a
The historic Vullecho stage stop offered palm trees and water for the weary passage through a chasm of living rock
passengers. It is now restored as a San Diego County landmark and camping area. more narrow than our wagons . . . and
thus marching half naked and half fed,
cal marker here, and a parking area from The historical marker at the old Wil- and living upon wild animals, we have
which you can look down into this fam- son Store proclaims it to be the Butter- discovered and made a road of great
ous pass. However, a far more rewarding field Overland stage station, yet, accord- value to our country."
experience is to climb down into the nar- ing to historian William Wright, this
Much of this famous route lies within
row defile and view it from the same per- structure had not yet been built when the
the boundaries of the Anza-Borrego
spective that confronted Cooke in 1847. Butterfield Stage discontinued operations
Desert State Park, and so the areas of
Box Canyon was the end of the Car- in 1861. Wright claims the Wilson Store
historic interest are preserved for present
rizo Corridor and the old stage route be- was one of two buildings constructed in
and future generations to see and
came easier as the team of horses follow- 1863 at a spot known as Kimbleville. He
appreciate. •
ed the rutted ribbon into more open acknowledges the Wilson store was later
country. After crossing a dry lake bed, used as a stage stop, but not for the But-
the trail led straight up a rocky ridge terfield line. Instead, Wright says the old Creek bed through Box Canyon was
with a grade so steep passengers had to Warner adobe, built in 1849, is the real part of the Butterfield Stage Route.
get out and either walk up or push the Butterfield stage station. The Warner Photo by David Muench, Santa Bar-
coaches up the incline. Because of this, adobe is located one and a half miles bara, California.
•• -M X

"';V' '
- • • . . .

i'' • •

F INDING REMNANTS of prior life

always fascinating-—whether it is a
candle mold of the last century, or a

fossil of another geologic era. To find an

antique of the 1800s, one need only visit
an antique shop. To find a fossil millions
of years old is another story. Usually
much leg work is needed to find the
exact formation and then hours may be
spent digging to find even a fragment of
prehistoric life.
At the Wheeler Amphitheatre in
western Millard County, Utah, it is dif- Shale layers arc pried apart (above)
ferent. Fossil trilobites are everywhere— with a chisel in search of trilobites. A
in the rain-washed gullies, among the handful of the fossils, millions of .' *
piles of cardboard-thin Wheeler Shale, years old, (right) were found within
and hidden in the gray limestone walls only a few minutes in the Utah hunt-
of the Marjum formation that surround ing grounds.
the bowl-shaped area.
This desolate spot, just east of Ante-
lope Springs in the House Range, is well
known to paleontologists and rock
hounds around the world for the abund- range in size from microscopic juveniles
ance and variety of trilobite fossils. Be- to an occasional four-inch adult.
cause of the arid desert climate the soft Collecting trilobites from Utah's An-
shale erodes slowly, leaving complete telope Springs area is great sport for all
trilobites weathered free from the matrix. the family. Those who want to take it
In most climates the nonresistant shale easy can drive to the area, sit on a mound
would be completely eroded in short time. of shale, and find enough trilobites to
Trilobites are an extinct form of sea keep them busy all afternoon without
life that inhabited the oceans 500 million moving more than a few feet in any
years ago. At that time, much of North direction. Members who enjoy climbing
America was covered by warm shallow can chip trilobites from the limestone
seas. Approximately 20 different trilobite ledges and cliffs that surround the area.
species are known from western Utah's Hikers may be spurred on by knowing
Wheeler Shale. Trilobites found there that eight-inch trilobites in the Smith-


about 200 yards east of the original

spring. Black circles pock the ground on
the west rim of the bowl-shape am-
phitheatre where past visitors have built
campfires. It seems that someone is al-
ways at the area collecting fossils.
Probably the first men to collect trilo-
bites here were Indians. The Pachavee
(Ute for little water bug) was worn for
magical protection. A hole was bored in
Common trilobites found at the Utah Wheeler Amphitheater are: A. Elrathia the head of the trilobite and it was
kingil; B. Peronopsis interstricta; (.. Asaphiscus wheeled. Although most are the strung and worn around the neck as an
size of a coin, some measuring eight inches hare been found. amulet. In the early 1900s Indians still
traveled long distances to obtain a Pa-
sonian Institution were collected from the It may take a few minutes to find the
rocky slopes to the east at the turn of first fossil—but soon they can be spotted
the century. everywhere. The most common trilobite
If you decide to try your luck collect- species found in the Wheeler Shale is
ing the supreme creation of the Cam- Elrathia kingii. It ranges up to two inches
brian Period, take plenty of water and in length and has a prominent head with
food. It is about 40 miles to the nearest two crescent-shaped eyes, a thorax of 13
town Baker, Nevada, to the west and segments, and a small tail. Another com-
Delta, Utah, to the east. mon trilobite is the tiny dumbell-shaped
The route to Antelope Springs is Peronopsis interstricta, which has a head
dearly marked on Utah highway maps. and tail of equal size and only two seg-
The gravel roads that lead from U.S. ments in its thorax. Brachiopods, mol-
6-50 to the fossil area are in good condi- lusca, sponges, and less common trilo-
tion except when it rains. Then beware. bites also occur in the shale.
Gravity carries the rain streams across Trilobite (pronounced try-low-bite)
low spots in the road, cutting foot-deep means three lobed. The name refers to
gullies in a matter of minutes. the longitudinal body units rather than
The locale of the original Antelope- to the head, thorax and tail. Trilobites
Springs is easy to spot. Two huge dead belong to the diversified Arthropoda
Lombardy Poplar trees rise from the phylum that includes modern-day lob-
site. A pipe now carries the water to a sters, spiders, insects, and centipedes.
reservoir on the east side of the range. Only the calcified parts of the trilobites
The most popular collecting area is are found in the Wheeler Shale, but in
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/« //n' steep walls of Marjutn (.ai/yo//. a few miles from the fossil area, is a well-
preserved former abode of a hermit—who served a raisin brew during Prohibition.

British Columbia trilobites have been pre- his still that was hidden in the rugged
served with soft appendages extending terrain beyond his home.
beyond the margins of the exoskeleton. The old man built his home in a na- G i g a n t i c Gem Maker's
Paleontologists surmise that most of these
primitive creatures used their appendages
tural cave etched in the steep canyon
wall. He bricked the entrance with tightly
From the manufacturer ot the world's
to walk on the sea floor or to swim short fitted stones, leaving two small windows largest selection of gem making
equipment. Over 200 wanted items
distances. A few species were probably and a door. Inside a concrete floor was you can purchase from
favorite dealer. Write

planktonic or free-floating forms that poured and niches were chiseled in the
drifted at the surface. Lack of teeth or cave walls to hold wooden shelves. SINCE W 1848
other biting mouth parts indicate that The stove is a monument to its creator's Box 35, REDLANDS D,
CALIF. 92i73
trilobites fed by filtering or sifting ingenuity. A metal barrel, pipe and tin
minute organic particles. tans have been magnificently fitted to
The planktonic trilobites were trans-
ported long distances by ocean currents.
A few of the western Utah trilobite
make a heating and cooking contraption.
The stove and shelves are the only fur-
nishings left in the cave.
species have been identified in New- Utah's House Range lies on the north- PROSPECTOR SUPPLY
foundland, Australia, Russia and Sweden. west side oi the Sevier Desert. Like all OFFERS THE FOLLOWING FAMOUS

While you are in the House Range you deserts, it has an appeal all its own. Liz- DETECTORS
may wish to visit an abandoned hermit's ards, badgers and rabbits scurry out of WHITE'S

home in Marjum Canyon, about ten sight as your feet crunch the brittle shale. RAYSCOPE KEENE DREDGES
miles to the south-southwest of Antelope Twisted bleached tree skeletons writhe PRECISION
Springs. The dwelling is situated at the in the sun. And hungry insects gorge TOPO MAPS
end of a short road leading north into themselves inside tissue-like cacti blos- GOLD PANS
the first side-canyon above the mouth of soms. DETECTRON

Marjum Canyon. The path that leads be- RELATED EQUIP.

If you are tired of freeways, neon signs
tween the high canyon walls to his abode and TV, maybe you should take a break 6286 BEACH BLVD.
was well-worn during prohibition days, and come collect trilobites in western BUENA PARK, CALIF. 90620
for the old hermit furnished imbibers Utah. Wouldn't you love to own a genu- (714) 521-6321
with a special raisin-flavored brew from ine 500-million-year-old antique? •
People of
The old church was dedicated to San Isidro by fa/her Letrado in 1629. Ruins of
burial ground and courtyard arc near church, Letrado was murdered in IG]2.

N TOP of Chupadera Mesa, in the plants from undecorated brown pottery. Bones and stones he used for knives,
O heart of New Mexico, a twenty-
minute hike takes one back eleven cen-
His village contained two or three fam-
ilies. These Ninth Century dwellings arc-
needles, axes, and arrowheads.
Because water was scarce, the mesa
turies—to the time of Charlemagne. evidence of the earliest known inhabit- dweller dug deep wells in the sandy
Gran Quivira National Monument en- ants of the area which is now Gran Qui- valley and built basins by damming the
compasses 61 1 history-rich acres. Its lo- vira National Monument. arroyos. When all else failed, he turned
cation, 26 miles south of Mountainair, Before Columbus left Spain for the to his religion.
places it somewhat "off-the-beaten-path" New World, there'd been some changes Plants and animals, as well as men,
but since its establishment in 1909, the made on the mesa. A Fourteenth Cen- had souls. A Mogollon believed that the
monument has continued to attract a tury Mogollon would have been in- forces of nature could be controlled by
steady stream of visitors. They come to fluenced by the Pueblo peoples to the proper performance of ancient rites,
examine the archeological and historical west and north. His home might be a passed from the spirits down through
exhibits in the visitor center's museum community house of gray-blue limestone generations. For "something new" on
and to picnic among the pinyons, enjoy- from the ridge. He raised corn, squash, the religious scene, there were under-
ing the invigorating air at 6620 feet, and beans. He gathered saltbush seeds, ground kivas, ceremonial chambers, which
But, mainly, they come to stroll the well- cholla pods, prickly pear cactus, and made their appearance after 1100 A.D.
marked Mission Trail among restored yucca flowers, stalks, seeds and roots. In religion, as well as in secular life,
reminders of three distinct long-ago cul- He hunted deer, pronghorn, quail, rab- the Mogollon sought harmony with
tures. To stroll, and to study, and to bits, and rats. With the Plains Apache, nature.
wonder—what would it have been like he traded corn for bison hides and meat.
The site of his seeking can be visited
to have lived here then? Artistic and inventive, as well as prac-
today in (iran Quivira National Monu-
A resident of (iran Quivira's semi-arid tical, the Mogollon of that era cooked ment. It is the Pueblo de las Humananas,
region around 800 A.D. would have be- his food in sturdy pots, decorated with which was named by Spanish explorers
longed to the Mogollon (Mug-ee-yown) coils of clay. He ate from pottery that who were next to arrive on the mesa.
Indian group whose culture dates back was gray-with-black, or maybe black-on- Tales of vast wealth to the north had
to 400 A.D. He would have lived in a white. He wore sandals and carried bas- inspired the Spanish to push up the Rio
pit-house and eaten wild game and wild kets; both were made from yucca plants. Grande roadway from Mexico City to
uivira Archeologists recently reset the original pine beam over the entrance to San
Buenaventura Mission. Visitor's (.enter contains exhibits and is open year-round.
many parts of the Southwest. Coronado's Onate's expedition, which he financed tura. From 1666 to 1669, the mission
quest for riches in "The Land of Qui- himself under a contract with the viceroy was served by F'ather Paredes. There is
vira" had come to a disappointing climax of Mexico, included 83 wagons, 400 no record of any priest between that time
in L541 with the discovery of Quivira in men, women and children, 7000 head and the mission's abandonment in the
what is now central Kansas. Instead of of livestock, 8 Franciscan padres and 4 early 1670s.
treasure houses of gold, Coronado found lay brothers. They began their northward
If one had been a resident ol Gran
only Indian teepees. But his expedition march in fanuary, 1598, and Onate hur-
Quivira during the padres' period, he
had come within 40 miles of the place ried on ahead to explore the country. It
would have learned some new ways:
which is now officially called Gran was in October that he visited the Pue-
wheat bread cooked in beehive ovens;
Quivira. blo de las Humanas. Exactly how long he
wool for weaving from cattle, sheep
In 1598, Juan de Onate, a wealthy stayed there is not known.
and goats; Catholic saints to add to his
Spanish nobleman of Mexico, whose Records of Spanish missionary activity supernatural spirits; an elective governor
charge was a challenging one: "Colonize at Gran Quivira are also sketchy. It is system which never did succeed. And,
New Mexico and convert the heathen first mentioned in 1626, as a visitation it the saints and spirits were with him,
Indians to the Catholic Faith," made point of the mission of Abo, 20 miles
he might have survived the drought
the first known visit to the Pueblo de las northwest. In 1627, Fray Alonso de
(1666-70) and accompanying famine
Humanas. Benavides entered the Humanas pueblo
ami pestilence; he might, also, have sur-
The Spanish crown's approach to col- on the Day of San Isidro. Three years
vived the increasing Apache raids to
onization called for replacement of In- later, Father Letrado built an impressive
move with the remaining Indians of the
dian ways with Spanish ways—economic, church which he dedicated to San Isidro.
Pueblo de las Humanas into the Socorra
political, and religious. Franciscan padres Transferred to Zuni in February of I 632,
region of the Rio Grande Valley, to live
visited pueblos, introducing Catholicism Father Letrado was murdered one week
among friends who spoke his language.
and establishing missions which were later. The Zunis did not take kindly to
actually entire communities, including conversion. He would not return to his ancestral
industrial and agricultural schools, farm- It was Father Diego Santander who home on the Chupadera ridge, but his
ing and grazing lands, weaving rooms, enlarged the facilities in 16^9 and re- life would be long remembered—by the
and religious instruction centers. dedicated the mission to San Buenaven- things he left behind. •
approach is through Winnemucca, and one
travels to the northwest. From California
go through Cedarville, Calif., but it is

Rambling long and arduous, and only recently

paved. The third route is south through
Oregon, over a little traveled area on very
primitive roads. Virgin Valley is situated
on the fringe of one of the federal go-
vernment's antelope ret ages. However,
this offers no problem to the visitor
searching for wood opal.

The valley is an eroded flood plane,

with the usual formation a soft siltstone.
The sediments that formed the siltstone
were a fine volcanic ash washed in dur-
ing one of the recent eras of geologic
history. Along with the sediments came
many trees and shrubs, and there is the
possibility that many smaller plants grew
there also. As the sediments piled one on
HE WESTERN portion of the United
T States contains numerous areas
where petrified wood may be found.
top of the other, native plants, as well as
those that were washed in, were buried
in what was evidently a shallow lake.
These are loosely termed petrified for-
Evidence of the lake are fish fossils found
ests. Many of these are made up of trees,
within the confines of the valley. Certain into kindling wood. The fracturing along
logs, etc., that are opalized, To the min-
layers hold more plant remains than the wood grain is nearly identical to that
eralogist this is known as wood opal.
others, depending upon what and how when ordinary wood is split with an axe.
Of the areas where wood opal is common,
much was being brought in at the time. Sometimes the ends of these pieces are
the state of Nevada has a large share.
Finally, the stream or streams bringing soft and much resemble the tip of a paint
Many small desert valleys, remnants of
this wealth of floating material subsided, brush. This hair-like structure is the pure
prehistoric lakes, are popular collecting
and then ceased to flow. At this point, strands of opal that filled the cellular
areas. The Gabbs Valley, a dry lake near
the formation of the wood opal began, spaces and are now evident because the
the town of Wellington; a large area at
following generally the process described surrounding wood has rotted away. Some
the foot of the Charleston Mountains,
in an earlier column. of the wood has such faithful detail that
and Virgin Valley are among the best
paleontologists have found the area very
known of these locations. The greatest part of the material here interesting. Imagine a grape stem (prob-
By far the most interesting is Virgin is simply wood opal, some very soft and ably one of the native plants), complete
Valley, and it has been a MUST for many fibrous. Such material was not complete- with tendrils and leaf scars, now preserv-
avid mineral collectors. Surprisingly ly preserved, allowing the wood structure ed with opal. Many other species of per-
though, only a few collectors have made to rot away in recent years. The mounds fectly preserved plants are also repre-
the trip to Virgin Valley as it is in a very and stream beds of the valley are strewn sented.
remote section of northern Nevada. Three with it. Many of the banks and promon-
An interesting relationship between
roads lead to the valley, and, until re- tories have piles of white or near white-
undecayed and decayed wood occurs
cently, only one was paved. The best wood that looks as it someone split logs
here. Any undecayed wood is usually
quite faithfully preserved as stated
ONLY GOLD LOOKS LIKE GOLD! above, resembling the original wood in
ONLY THE WHITE'S S-63 TR DELUXE offers these outstanding features: texture and color. If instead, the wood is
ALL TRANSISTORIZED SOLID STATE CIRCUITRY decayed to any extent, the remaining
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Use your BankAmericard or Master Charge
It is no wonder this opal field is well
Petrified wood is found in
numerous areas of the western DECORATIVE
United States, some of which WAGON
me still open to collectors. WHEELS
son family of Scottsdale, Arizona, who Authentic reproduction:
have been working it commercially. Most Wood with metal tire and
hub bands. Rustic brown
of the specimens they sell are submerged oil stain finish. Indoor
in a small bottle, especially designed for outdoor use. Wheel diameter 36 inches.
$ 3 9 . 9 5 Postpaid west of the Rockies
display purposes. Even though the speci-
FREE Information
mens must be kept in water, the market
for it is good with sales and supply keep- Dept. D, 5901 Williams Hwy.
ing pace. Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

The demand for opal among collectors

has been such that the Hodgsons allow YOU FIND IT WITH
persons to dig on one portion of the KOVACS CUSTOM MADE
mine for a fee. Collectors have taken METAL DETECTORS
advantage of this opportunity, and very HIKER 1 IT. All Transistor $185.00
few of them have come away disappoint- Detect Placer Gold, Lode Veins, Coins
ed. In order to help diggers, extensive Interchangeable waterproof Loops

work with heavy equipment has been 4 YEARS WARRANTY- FREE LITERATURE
Now available underwater Metal Detector
done each spring to remove waste and ex-
pose new ground. MIKE KOVACS
On the rare occasions that a piece of 10123 Stonehurst Ave. Ph. (21 3) 768-01 14
Sun V a l l e y , Calif. 9 1 3 5 2
Virgin Valley opal does yield a gemstone,
Many "I these fiery pieces arc perfect it is an exquisite thing indeed. The play
casts of a piece oi wood that had entirely of color will compare very favorably FREE CATALOG
rotted away before the opal was intro- with the finest opal found anywhere, FUN & PROFIT
duced. Some were lir limbs about the (ait stones are a real rarity, and nearly WITH
size of a short pencil, with all leaf bases all specimens in collections are kept con- METAL DETECTORS
perfectly cast, and the whole thing blaz- stantly in water. Even though this method GOLDAK, WHITE'S, DETECTRON, RAY5COPE

ing red and green opal. A number of is a nuisance, the specimens, when dis- Prospecting and Hiking Equipment
Books — Topo Maps
small fir cones have been found, complete played in a suitable container are a sight
FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
with all parts. and again in precious opal. to leave one breathless. The almost com- states, each state has index.

In most cases, the precious opal is in plete spectral play of color is reward JACOBSEN SUPPLIERS
chunks, sometimes above fist size, solid enough. One does not need a cut stone to 9322 California Ave., South Gate, Calif.
get the full effect from this opal. • Phone 569-8041 90280
colorful opal with or without the surface-
configuration of the wood that was orig-
inally buried. Partial limbs of brown opal
of a woody color, covered with trans-
parent dewdrop-like lumps of precious XJiA
hyalite opal are common. W e have had
the privilege of collecting some of these.
The opal contains .1 high percentage of
water, and thus practically all pieces ADDRESS ZIP CODE

crack and fall apart as soon as they are D SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO:
allowed to dry. The only satisfactory
method of keeping these beauties is to NAME
place them in a jar of water. Many
methods of curing the opal have been
tried. Slow drying in air or other liquids
is the most common approach. Slow dry-
ing in air is probably more successful than
realized- we have seen it work on a num- Sign Gift Card: "From
ber of occasions. On the other hand, who One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $13.00
would take a nice large piece "jumping" (Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Years)

with many colors and take the chance of • PAYMENT ENCLOSED • BILL ME LATER
(includes tax and postage)
The Rainbow Ridge Mine, probably
Date Binder(s) with Year(s| • Undated
the best producer, is owned by the Hodg-
The project can be simple. Cover that seeds will need to be washed and dried
heat-up waste-basket with burlap and let before they can be used.

your child make a border at the top and
Feed and pet stores carry seeds—plump
bottom with rows of different seeds.
golden wheat, millet and oats. In the fall,
Pre-schoolers will spend hours decorat-
garden stores occasionally sell seeds at

ing painted juice cans with large melon
bargain prices. This is a good time and
seeds, beans and cloves. How proud
little ones are of the pencil holder they place to obtain crinkled black onion seeds.
decorate themselves. The muted shades and coarse texture
Grown-ups may want to tackle a seed of a seed mosaic will look great in most
mosaic. Designs can be copied from a casual decors, especially modern and
child's coloring book, calendar or maga- early American—although I noticed an
zine picture. Fabric, wall paneling and exquisite rice mosaic in a formal French
cork make attractive backgrounds. Or the provincial living room. A floral painting
background can be filled in with seeds of pink and red roses had been covered
but this means extra work and often de- with rice tinted the exact shade as the
tracts from the main design. oil paints. The rice was glued over the
painting in the same direction as brush
In (he illustrated pheasant mosaic the
strokes. The mosaic in its ornate gold
seeds are glued to a rectangle of %-inch
frame resembled beadwork or fine needle-
plywood. The beveled edges are painted
point from a few feet away.
dull black, thus eliminating the need

A YEAR AGO this month I began writ-

ing Woman's Viewpoint. Last fall
I wondered if readers ever really took
for a frame. Soft earthy shades of western
birds are especially attractive for seed pic-
If your family tries a seed project this
fall be sure they D O N O T eat any seeds.
tures. An owl mosaic has a three-dimen- The ones gathered in the backyard or
time to write magazine editors. This
sional effect by using part of a styrofoam countryside may be poisonous.
year I know they do—and how I appre-
ciate it! As each deadline rolls around
and the manuscript is sealed in its brown
envelope and mailed, I start to wonder
what to write for the next issue. Some- hi this pheasant
how during the next 30 days an idea mosaic, seeds iverc
pops up, recipes pour in, or a reader glued to plywood and
shares an idea that is perfect for Wo-
man's Viewpoint. Thanks. r:v .; beveled edges
painted black.
As the second year begins, if you Seeds give the
readers have a question, suggestion or mosaic a
criticism to improve our column, let's three-dimensional
hear from you. I have a question maybe effect.
you can answer. At gift shops they sell
small gold coated leaves made into jewel-
ry. Does anyone know how the leaves , • . : . ;

are coated and with what' They would

make ideal gifts and so easy to mail. ball for the body. Overlapping sunflower Last year Miriam Cameron of Rialto,
Have you been collecting material for seeds are glued on the ball for feathers. California, sent this autumn centerpiece
crafts? Early fall is the prime time to A divided lazy-susan is marvelous to suggestion. It arrived a bit late so it was
harvest pods, weeds, cones and seeds. keep the seeds separated and accessible. saved for this year. Set a large pumpkin
Don't let your husband talk you out of Egg cartons and muffin tins also make in the center of a tray and surround it
stopping to gather a few prickly Douglas handy containers. with cones, leaves, acorns and sprigs of
Fir cones or a handful of round black milk weed. "The adults loved it and the
After the design is traced onto the
Jimson seeds. When you get the urge to children were hard put to keep 'hands
background with chalk or pencil the fun
create a wreath, centerpiece, mosaic or off."
begins—choosing the perfect seed color
other masterpiece this winter you'll be and texture for each spot. Besides using Jane Swazey of Seattle, Washington,
glad you took the time to collect in the seeds gathered in the hills, raid the kit- says "cattails will stay firm longer when
fall. chen for rice (which can be dyed any coated with hair spray." •
Seed crafts are particularly fun because color with food coloring), barley, split
everyone from 3 to 103 can participate. peas, peppercorns and various beans.
The projects are inexpensive and yet Plan a meal using several types of melon
good looking. Seeds, tweezers, glue and and fresh pumpkin pie and you'll have
a background are all that is needed. plenty of seeds for flower petals. The
1971 ISSUE
A new and exciting information hand-
book featuring basic ideas on the rock
hobby. Includes prices on the newest in
lapidary equipment.



I he oak-studded Palomar Observatory Campground is (/pouted by the U.S. Fores-

try Service and has spacious camping sites. ADOBE INCENSE BURNERS
Includes Juniper or Pinon Incense
LAND OF MANY PLEASURES $2.50 post paid
Continued I rum page 17 San Clemente Sales
212 W. Valencia, San Clemente, Calif. 92672

S-7 east, down the sloping backside of Mountain, or take you back to U.S. 395.
the mountains into the Lake Henshaw
During the summer months, portions
basin. Lake Henshaw is one of the larg-
of the National Forest around Palomar Keene Dredges and Drywashers
est impoundments in San Diego County Prospectors Equipment
Mountain are closed to public entry be-
and offers good fishing for most varieties Whites Metal Locators — Sale or Rental
cause of fire hazard. These trails are
of fresh water fish. Boats are available at New wall map showing all known Gold
usually marked, but to be safe obtain a deposits in Arizona, overlaid on current
the lake, and fishing tackle, meals and
forest map from the fire station near the State Highway Dept. map, $2.00 plus 25c
picnic supplies can be purchased at the postage and handling.
Palomar Observatory. Arizona residents include 4 % state tax.
resort. Cabins, trailer spaces and camping
BankAmericard and Master Charge accepted.
spots are also available at the lake. This detailed map is also of great Convenient budget terms available.
Making Lake Henshaw the eastern value in planning your visit to see all of 118 E. Roosevelt, PHOENIX, ARIZONA
point of your loop trip, turn west again the high points offered in this "Land of Phone (602) 252-4770
along State 76. For the next 14 miles the Many Pleasures." L~]
highway runs beside the San Luis Rey
River, which drains from Lake Henshaw. ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS
This scenic little river is stocked each
week with trout by the State Department GENUINE GOLD WIRE
of Fish and Game. The Forest Service
campground is about two miles west of jXD&vruof I
Lake Henshaw and plenty of scenic pic- NAME PIN AND JEWELERY
nic spots can be found along the river's
Quality Lifetime Guaranteed! Hand Made Especially for You
edge next to the highway. The La Jolla
Indians have developed river camping Any Name Each $1.50; with Birthstone $2.00
units to the west of the Forest Service
camp, offering enjoyable camping and Write for FREE Christmas Catalog
Est. 1939
fishing at reasonable rates.
Following State 76 west will bring F. "GOLDWIRE" ROBINSON
BOX 3939, DESERT SAGE, MESA, ARIZONA 85207 PHONE 602-986-1729
you back to the S-6 route up Palomar

Lapidary — rockhounding
''-jewelry making... add up to
G a fascinating creative art!
offered.. .imports (
Dept 52 -1633 E. Walnut — Pasadena, Calif.

Sales and Service
Looking for a Jeep—Try us! Both Spanish pioneers and Indians are buried in the Mission cemetery. Graves
are decorated on All Souls Day, Nov. 2. Another annual event is the colorful
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CENTER Corpus Christi Fiesta. Held GO days after Easter, it attracts thousands of visitors.
Dept. DM 1625 S. Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton, California
Continued from page 21

METAL LOCATORS tized, married and buried members of the area, the alleged rainmaker outdid
the Pala Mission during these trying himself and flooded the entire basin.
times. The flood washed away the adobe base of
In IS77, a patent to the entire Pala the campanile and the bells and tower
Mission was given to a Mr. William came tumbling down.

*275°f*149 I) Models (complete) Veal. His wife, being a Catholic, per-

suaded her husband to return the chapel,
The faithful Indians immediately re-
covered the bell and most of the floating
structure and rebuilt the campanile which
"ELDORADO" / two rooms and the cemetery to the
Church. was reded icated exactly one hundred
OR WRITE FOR On Christmas Day, 1899, an earth- years after the Mission San Antonio de
quake shook the valley, severely damag- Pala first opened its doors to the faithful.
Wor dway Box 90993
ing the Mission Chapel and collapsing It was that faith that has kept the Pala
Los Argeles, Calif. 90009
the roof of the sanctuary. But this was Mission alive so today it can serve the
the end of the stormy days. residents of Pala Valley and weary tra-
velers just as it has for the past \">6
The plight of the Mission and the
OFFR EQUIPMENT valiant members was brought to the at-
years. •

CATALOG tention of the Landmarks Club of

Southern California whose purpose was
to "conserve the Missions and other his-
toric landmarks of Southern California."
They purchased the remainder of the
4 W H E E DRIVE ENTHUSIASTS mam quadrangle ami started restoration.
52 Pages of goodies • Priced Right The work was done by the Pala and
ARMSTRONG ,., Cupeno Indians. The Cupenos had just
NORSEMAN *""" arrived after having been evicted from
4Pty ID I'Wrti 29 5 OD
2 Tim & 9' Wida Whe»lj 198.95 their village of Cnpa (Warner Hot
Springs) in May, 1903. A resident priest Even though he used a 6()()mm lens,
569 1675
was then assigned and activities increased.
Peace was once again restored—but not
Hans Baerwald spent weeks gaining
the confidence of these Burrowing
SOUTH GATE, CALIFORNIA 90280 for long. Owlets before they would pose for
In 1916 when San Diego hired George this family portrait. Photo taken with
I.. Hatfield to bring much needed water to Exacta camera, Plus-X film, f8 at 125.

The Trading Post Classified Ads • ^ Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified
rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You DESERT MAGAZINE, January 1941 through
name it-—we find it! Western Americana, March 1962; lacking April, June, July 1944; EQUIPMENT
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send July through December 1952; 3 copies
us your wants. No obligation. International stained; plus February (clipped), May, Sep- LAND CRUISING and Prospecting, a 1908 re-
Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. tember 1940; plus three duplicates. 19 print, only $2.50 ppd. Quality 14" gold
WILD & WOOLLY WEST BOOKS: Indians, Ghost volumes are perfect. $175 express collect. pan, only $3.50 ppd. California, please add
Towns, Old Trains, Prospecting, Mark Twain, Long runs Lapidary Journal, Arizona High- 5 % sales tax. R. E. Yandell, Dept. D, P. O.
Yukon Poems, etc. Send stamp for illustrated ways Ben Cash, 211 Montclaire, N. E., Al- Box 2786, San Bernardino, Calif. 92406.
catalog, or $1.00 for sample illustrated book buquerque, New Mexico 87108.
1963 WILLYS JEEP—Good condition. Four cyl.
on the Wild West. Filter Press, Box 5D, Palmer OLD BOTTLES PROFITABLE^ "1200 Old Medi- Heater. Submit offer to Desert Magazine,
Lake, Colorado 80133. cine Bottles Bartholmew, prices current, Dept. CJ5 or phone 714 347-9214.
'OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem descriptions, illustrated, $3.95; "1001 Bit-
stones,- here are a few of the 300 or more ters Bottles", Bartholomew, PC, $4.95; "Old
American Bottles," Barber (1900) $3.00; • GEMS
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium,
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel, "American Bottles Old and New" Wal- SHAMROCK ROCK SHOP, 593 West La Cadena
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl- bridge 11920) $3.95; "Wonders of Glass Drive. Riverside, California 92501. Parallel
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth SI to $2 a and Bottle Making" Sauzay (1871) 236pp, to Riverside Freeway. Phone 686-3956.
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an 44 engravings, $5.00; "Manufacturing and Come in and browse; jewelry mountings,
emerald the size of your thumb may be Bottling Carbonated Beverages" Tufts chains, supplies, minerals, slabs, rough ma-
worth $1000 or more; learn how to find, (cl885) $3.50; "Hostetters Almanac" (1883) terial, equipment, black lights, metal de-
identify and cash in on them. New simple $1.95. Postpaid. Frontier Books, Fort Davis, tectors, maps, rock and bottle books.
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For- Texas 79734.
ROCKHOUND SPECIALS! 30 different beauti-
tunes in Minerals,'' it may lead to knowledge DEAD MEN DO Tell Tales" By Lake Erie Schae- fully polished agates, etc., $3.00; 15 differ-
which may make you rich! Duke's Research fer. Facts about Frank Fish's mysterious death, ent named mineral stones, $2.00. Both
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences still unexplained. Sequel to "Buried Treasure units, $4.50. Ernie Phillips, Box 131 Ban-
New Mexico 87901 . & Lost Mines" the Treasure Hunters manual. ning, Calif. 92220.
LOST DESERT GOLD, legendary and geological $3 postpaid. L. Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton
POCKET GOLD, $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust,
history of the southern California desert, with Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710^
$1. Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money-
photos and maps to pinpoint locations. $2.50 SOME NEED TANGIBLE reason to visit boonies. back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 237D, Mt.
postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., Box 67, Bell Old bottle hobby furnishes profitable motive. Shasta, California 96067.
flower, Calif. 90706. "Old Bottle Magazine provides necessary
"UPPER MOJAVE DESERT," first book to reveal knowledge. $5.00 delivers twelve invaluable
issues. OBX, Box 243-D, Bend, Oregon • INDIAN GOODS
route of extinct Tonopah-Tidewater Railroad,
original names of present towns and cities, 97701. FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi
the Borax story, biographies of pioneers. ANTIQUE BARBED WIRE Identification Hand- jewelry. Old pawn and Kachina dolls. Navajo
Hardbound. Many priceless photos. Only book; 200 wires illustrated, $1.00. My rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo blankets and
$4.95 postpaid from author: Mary O'Conley, sketch list catalogue 25c. Wire Sales, Box vests, pottery. Kaibab moccasins. A collector's
Baker, Calif. 92309. 6392-P, Bakersfield, Calif. 93306. paradise! Open daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mon-
RIVER OF GOLD, the richect treasure of them GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- days. Buffalo Trading Post, Highway 18,
all. A new book "Treasure Travels ' contains ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- P.O. Box 697, Apple Volley, Calif. 92307.
all new photos, maps and other valuable lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid. AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
information on California's most fabuious Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
treasure. $3 postpaid. Gedco Publishing Co., items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
DESERT MAGAZINE: Vol. 1 through 3 1 , com-
_ Box 67, Bellflower, Call-. 90706 Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
plete through 1968; 3 in binders. Sound
DESERT MAGAZINES—send self-addressed en- condition. $135 postpaid. J. L. Keel, 119 Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
velope for list of back issues being disposed N. Bemiston, Clayton, Mo. 63105. STONE SPEAR, 20 inches long (wide blade)
of. Jim Terra, 89 North 9th Street, San Jose,
flint. Price $100.00 to collectors. Donald E.
Calif. 951 12.
• BUSINESS Doyle, 2140 Medford Ave., Escondido, Caif.
"GEMS & MINERALS,'' the monthly guide to 92025.
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50 OPPORTUNITY! WRITING FILLERS. Tells how,
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone, WANTED BY private party: old northwest In-
what to write. Includes Directory telling
Calif. 92359. dian totems and masks. Also Apache baskets.
where to sell your articles. Send $1.00.
Write: E. Silver, 1121 Avalon, Wilmington,
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder Dubo s, 305 Swan Avenue, Houma, Louisi-
Calif. 90744.
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, ana 70360.
Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor- GOLD WIRE JEWELRY NAMES!! Finest work-
dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, manship and quality!! Send name, with $1
Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. for sample and sales kit. Goldwire, P. O. CHRISTMAS JEWELRY SALE. Price lists available.
AMERICA BY CAR tells you what to see and Box 1001, Apache Junction, Arizona 1 0D- Free Christmas earrings with each order of
where to go in every corner of the U.S. Lists 85220. $2 or more. Jean's Jewelry, Box 1101,
scenic roads, important sights, best places to Glendale, Arizona 85301.
eat and stay. Discover This great country by
car. #HP-20T-2—only $2.95. Davis & Son,
Dept. 7084 Midtown Station, Portsmouth, Vir- GOLD DRY Washer plans, portable hand opera- • MAPS
ginia 23707. ted, recover gold from gold diggings, from OVERVIEW OF MOJAVE Desert Map, new two
GOLD HOBBY—the book for prospectors; plans dry river beds, etc., by air principle. $2.00. color, 22x35 inch map on topo base. Fea-
for famous folding drywasher, test for un- R. Bown, P.O. Box 7 9 1 , Arcadia, Calif. 91006 tures Ghost Towns, Mining Camps, Historic
seen gold, some desert dangers to be aware FOR SALE: Gula s gold dry washers. All one Trails and Routes, Abandoned Railroads, In-
of. Hard back, $3.95 and 30c handling fee. unit, 52 lbs., with motor, $225.00. F.O.B. dian Sites, Geology and Special Back Country
P. O. Box 4195, Torrance, Calif. 90510. 9884 Coalinga, Montclair, Calif. 91763. to Explore. Price: $3.00 folded, $3.25 rolled.
TRUE WEST, No. 1 to 70; "Frontier Times" No. Phone (714) 626-6948. Desert Enterprises, Box 286-D, Ontario, Calif
1 to 35—make offer. C. E. Miller, P.O. DRYWASHERS, GOLD PANS, metal detectors, 91764.
Box 34, Oakhurst, Calif. 93644. books, custom Jeep seats, etc. Send for liter- GHOST TOWNS: Southern California and south-
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and ature. Hoffman's Desert Products, Box 402, east Nevada regions. Old T&T railroad map
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 La Mirada, California, or see display at of the early 1900s. $1.95 ppd. PhoCar, Box
Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif. 90706. 13244 Whittier Blvd., Whittier, Calif. 5743, Pasadena, Calif. 91107.
"THE ROAD MAP TO California Pioneer Towns, FOR SALE—640 acres in Round Valley, Provi- GOLD, SILVER, RELICS! Located with powerful
Ghost Towns, and Mining Camps"—over dence Mountains, San Bernardino County. Detectron Metal Detectors. Free information.
400 places with index classifying and de- Elevation 5200, trees, shallow water. Forty Terms. Detectron, Dept. D-10, Box 243, San
scribing town or site. Folded or rolled, $2.95. acres or more, averages $80 acre, time pay- Gabriel, Calif. 91778.
"The Road Map to Lost Mines and Buried ments. Phone 1213] 426-6491. Murphy
Treasures of California"—127 locations with Brothers, 3520 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach,
text providing best available clues. Folded
only. $4.00. California residents adc1 5% OLD BLUE GLASS telephone insulator makes ex-
LARGE AERIAL photograph, and underground
sales tax. Both maps for $6.50. Varna En- cellent paperweight, etc. Mint condition.
water depth chart, of your land. Mark on
terprises, P. O. Box 2216, Dept. A, Van $3.50 postpaid. K. Hill, 1880 Braemar Rd.,
road map and send $3.00 to: Security En-
Nuys, Calif. 91404. Pasadena, Calif. 91 103.
terprises, P. O. Box 2426, Santa Clara,
SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino Calif. 95051.
$3; Riverside S I ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large GOVERNMENT LANDS . . . low as $1.00 acre! • MISCELLANEOUS
$2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25, Million acres! For exclusive "Government
other California counties SI.25 each. Nevada SLEEP—WITHOUT PILLS! Simple exercises. 64
Land Buyer s Guide" plus "Land Opportunity
counties SI each. Include 5 percent sales tax. page book, only $1.00. The Gift Gallery,
Review" listing lands available throughout
Topographic maps of all mapped western Dept. 3H, P. O. Box 38143, Dallas, Texas
U.S., send $1.00. Satisfaction guaranteed.
areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third 75238.
United Lands, 306-RJ Carry Building, Wash-
Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ington, D.C. 20005. WHERE TO RETIRE OR VACATION. Where costs
PROSPECTORS, ROCKHOUNDS, CAMPERS! Rand are low! Norman Ford's 100,000 word book,
GOVERNMENT LANDS—low as $1 acre. Mil- "Off-the-Beaten-Path" covers hundreds of
McNatly Western Campground and Trailering ions acresl For exclusive copyrighted report—
Guide, $1.95 plus 25c mailing charge. Cali- world Paradises. Only $2.50. California resi-
plus "Land Opportunity Digest" listing lands dents include 5 % tax. Ember Enterprises,
fornia residents add 5 % sales tax. Mason available throughout U.S., send $ 1 . Satis-
Map Service, P. O. Box 7 8 1 , San Gabriel, Box D7, 10530 Encino Ave., Granada Hills,
faction guaranteed! Land Disposal, Box 9091- California 91344.
Calif. 91778. 59J, Washington, D.C. 20023.
GOVERNMENT PUBLIC LAND (400,000,000 tic 8x10 photo reprints of the original from
• MINING acres] in 25 states. Low as $1.00 acre. 1970 National Archives, 5 0 % off. All three only
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- report. Details $1.00. Land Information, $1.29. Unicus, Box 99-A, Lakewood, Calif.
est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per 422DM Washington Building, Washington 90714.
sample. Reed Engineering, Box 121, Wright- D.C. 20005.
GUMMED NAME AND address labels: 1000—
wood, California 92397. $ 1 , 3000—$2.25. Two week delivery. C.
ASSAYS: GOLD and silver, $3.00. Gold, silver, • TREASURE FINDERS Friday, 4705 Adam Road, Santa Susana.
lead and copper—combined assay—$4.00. Calif. 93063.
Spectograph, $5.00. Jtah Assaying Co., Box FIND BURIED TREASURE with revolutionary
SAMOYED PUPPIES. Beautiful, intelligent, raised
146, Wendover, Utah 84083. patented, analytical metal detector. Features
with children. Easily trained to pack supplies
push button and automatic tuning, negligible
into the wilderness. J. D. Campbell, 1310
ground pickup, greatest range. Free catalogue.
• OLD COINS, STAMPS W. Cinnabar, Phoenix, Arizona 85201. Phone
Gardiner Electronics Co., Dept. 5 1 , 4729 N.
7th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona 85013.
RARE 1878 CC Dollar $5.00. P, O or S mint
FREE TREASURE GUIDE! Fact-filled collectors PURPLE BOTTLES? How to color old glass in-
$3.00 each. Illustrated 65 page Catalogue
edition; send 50t for postage. Also request doors. Not an applied finish. Faster than
of coins, 50c. N. Shultz, Box 746, Salt Lake
free literature on ultrasensitive, professional sunlight. No danger of breakage. Complete
City, Utah 8411 G\_
Fisher Detectors, Fisher Research, Dept. D-10, instructions. $1.00. Massey's, 5457 Pine-
Palo Alto, California 94303. hurst, Riverside, Calif. 92504.
• PHOTOS POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil- ANTIQUES, RELICS, ETC. Turn old bargain pieces
SELL YOUR PHOTOS. Report tells how, where. ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms into beautiful antique show pieces. Learn
Color slide markets. Only $1.00. Goodfellow free information. Underground Explorations, the secrets of professional refinishing and
Sales, Dept. 6, 1609 Avenida Sirio, Tucson, Dept. 3A, Box 793, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025. restoring from this 190 page book for $ 1 .
Arizona 85710. Nancys Buy-Lines, Dept. X-4, Box 164, Hunt-
METAL DETECTORS: Detectron, Fisher, Goldak,
ington Park, Calif. 90255.
Metrotech, Precision, Rayscope. Send for free
• PLANTS, SEEDS information. Aurora Prospector Supply, 6286 "ZOLAR" WORLD FAMOUS astrologer, horo-
Beach Blvd., Buena Park, Calif. 90620. (714) scope, fortune-telling cards, 32 in all, amaz-
FREE WILDFLOWER SEEDS. Send a self-addressed 521-6321. ing and amusing, $2.98. Irvine, 1626 Cata-
stamped envelope to Clyde Robin, P. O. Box TREASURE-METAL a n d mineral ocators . Free 24 lina, Burbank, Calif. 91505.
2091, Castro Valley, Calif. 94546. We will page booklet. GeoF inder Co , Box 37, Lake-
send you absolutely free a package of SHOPPING BY MAIL is fun. Write for our free
wood, Calif. 90714. catalog "Gifts for Gracious Living." Ember
beautiful Califorinia Poppy seeds. Offer ex-
GOLDAK Treasure Locators—Pleasure and profit Enterprises, 10530 Encino Ave., Granada
pires May 1 971 .
in a hobby you'll enjoy. Find coins, relics, Hills, Calif. 91344.
gold, silver. Charge on Bankamericard. Gol- NEW, UNUSUAL, AMAZING artist picto-graph
• REAL ESTATE dak, Dept. DM, 1101-A Airway, Glendale, system helps you to become a successful
California 91 201. and admired artist—proud of the profes-
LANDI EASY TERMS less than bank rates. North-
west Timbered Acreages as low as $950 total ROTH METAL LOCATORS—for pleasure and sionalism of your art. Saves time. Eliminates
price. 5-10-20-40 acres. For people who treasure. Authorized Roth dealer. Free infor- frustration. Straight forward. Easily under-
love the land—a tract of Recreation Land to mation. Sonac Industries, Box DM-1202, Po- stood. Step by step directions. Illustrated.
have for your very own! In Northern Idaho, mona, Calif. 91766. A boon to artists or would be artists. Has
Northeastern Washington and Western Mon- commercial applications. $2.95 plus 35c
tana. In the heart of lakes and big game handling/postage or write for free details.
trust. Detectors, prospecting, treasure-hunting
country. All covered with growing timber. Ac- Franklane Enterprises, Dept. D, 209 Corbett
equipment, sporting goods. Exanimo, Sequndo
cess and Title insurance with each tract. This St., Carson City, Nevada 89701.
2, Colorado 81070.
is select land with natural beauty, recrea-
tional and investment values. Plan for the GHOST TOWN EXPLORERS: Over 400 Mother ROCKHOUND PARADISE. Why work picked-
future and retirement recreation. We have Lode locations in "California Pioneer Towns," over areas? Explore Nevada's sparsely popu-
tracts of many types and sizes from which $2.50 postpaid. Goldbug, Box 588-D, Alamo, lated back-country. Bonanza for rock, fossil
to choose, including beautiful Northwest Calif. 94507. and mineral collectors. Brand new Nevada
Waterfront property. Your inspection is wel- Rock Finder gazetteer, hot off the press.
FREE 128 page catalog on detectors, books and
comed. Write us for tree list, maps and com- Chucked full of accurate, complete details,
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
plete information. Write to: Dept 3C, Re- locations, directions and maps by counties.
Lakewood Blvd., Bellfiower, Calif 90706.
forestation, Inc., P. O. Box 106, Opportunity Where to go and how to get there, includes
Station, Spokane, Wash. 92214. WHITE'S GOLDMASTER Metal-Mineral detectors. other valuable information and points of
Sales and rentals. (Rental applies on pur- interest. Clearly written and easily under-
FOR SALE: New 2 bedroom and den cabin. chase). Discount for cash. Bookman, 622 stood. Send $1.25 plus 15c handling/post-
Garage, patio, viewport, 2 1 /, acres. F.A.P., Orange, Redlands, California 92373. Phone age to Franklane Enterprises, 209 Corbett
P. O. Box 35, Pinon Hills, Calif. 92372. 793-6112, 10 a.m.—5 p.m. Closed Tuesdays. Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701.
In the last few issues of your magazine, you
have omitted the Four Wheel Drive Chatter.
I realize you may not have anyone to write the
section, or maybe you may have production |
Calendar of
costs to cover, etc. But there are many people, i
including my jeep club, who read that section
for information. The Four Wheel Drive
Western Events
Chatter was the first section I turned to when This column is a public service
I received the magazine. Please let me know if and there is no charge for listing
you will have the iWD column in the future. your event or meeting—so take
UDO WINKLER, advantage of the space by send-

Editor Monterey Park. California. in your announcement. However,

Editor's Note: Since we reluctantly discontin- we must receive the information
ued /he Four-Wheel-Drive Chatter, we have at least two months prior to the
hud many letters asking when we would con- event. Be certain to furnish com-
Utter* requesting answers mutt include plete details.
tinue it and the Back Country Page—especially
stomp 00 j^lf"ooor#$j#o #nv^!ops»
now that cool weather will soon return to the
desert areas. Bill Bryan, our excellent former
Back Country editor, became involved in com- SEPTEMBER 26 & 27, NORTH AMERI-
petition vetoing and had to give up his writing. CAN ROCK AND MINERAL Annual Show,
Desert Safaris . . . We are planning 1o reins!ale the feature in 5353 West Imperial Highway, Los Angeles,
In regards to the new format with the the near future. California.
Desert Safari you have adopted for Desert
as in the August '70 issue, we would like to OCTOBER 2 - 4, AMERICAN INDIAN &
state our approval. We find it not a real de- WESTERN RELIC SHOW & SALE, Great
The Power of Words . . .
parture from the past issues, and welcome the Western Exhibit Center, 2120 South Eastern
personal attention given to a specific area Printed matter is one of the primary ways Ave., Los Angeles. Antique and modern In-
which will motivate us to plan to visit that one generation passes on its value systems dian arts and crafts, artifacts and collectors'
to another. The article, "Doing Nutting," pieces, Western Americana, Pre Columbian
particular area. Best wishes for continued
(Aug. 70) is no exception. and Alaskan items.
This article intimates that the Paiute In-
dians are " . . . primitive . . . " because
Twentynine Palms, California. SHOW sponsored by the Centinela Valley
they elect to wait until the pinyon cones fall
from the trees to gather them, rather than Gem and Mineral Club, Hawthorne Memorial
(as the author's group did) " . . . whacked Center, El Segundo Blvd. and Prairie Avenue,
at the branches with long poles having hooks Hawthorne. California.
One of the fellows at my plant, who also on the ends."
subscribes to Desert, told me when your OCTOBER 3 & 4, PROSPECTORS' CLUB
That this latter method of harvesting OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3rd Annual
"Desert Safari" on Big Bear Lake first tame-
should be contemplated at all is unfortunate. Convention, Pioneertown, Calif., 4 miles north
out in the August issue he thought you were
But that it is exhibited as a positive behav- of Yucca Valley on State Route 62 in River-
going commercial. I'm a fisherman and follow-
ioral example is tragic. side County. Public invited to watch or parti-
ed the article and went to Big Bear . . . my
first visit. It was great, including the trout I Question: Is this article in tune with your cipate. Open Competition Metal Detector Con-
caught. When your "Desert Safari" on the editorial policy of conservation? test, Ladies Only Detector Contest, Amateur
Mother Lode appeared in ihe September issue, Statement: Please print this letter in the Gold Panning Contest and activities for child-
this same guy told me "now they are on the next issue so that if some of your readers go ren. Write Jack Dorler, 2717 Normallin St..
ball . . . I'm going to spend my vacation in pinyon nut hunting they will consider re- Torrance. Calif. 90505.
that area. I guess its everyone to his own jecting the techniques of gathering advocated
taste . . . so I suggest you keep calling the by Elizabeth Beebe.
sponsored by the Long Beach Gem and Min-
shots. JOHN ERIC ANDERSON, eral Society, Wardlow Park Club House,
MAURY STEVENS, San Diego, California. 3457 Stanbridge, Long Beach. Many unusual
Los Angeles, California. displays including black opal and rare jade.
Working lapidary booth and door prizes. Write
Editor's Note: Since Reader Anderson wants
Perry Griffith. 22") East 6th St.. Long Beach,
his letter printed, tie are doing just that.
Calif. 90812.
However, as a teacher in the Speech Com-
munication Department of San Diego Stale OCTOBER 7-11, VENTURA COUNTY
4WD Information . . .
College, he should know it is not fair to FAIR, Ventura, (Calif.) Fairgrounds. Midway,
We have been subscribers to your wonderful take words out of context. The author of rodeos, horseshows, live stock auction, exhibits,
magazine for the past several years. We enjoy the article stated: "The Paiute Indians follow etc. Adults, Si.00, children, 2^ cents.
it very much. However, we have always relied the procedure with more finesse in a primi-
upon it for our information regarding 4-wheel- tive sort of way." She is NOT using the word OCTOBER 8-18, FRESNO GEM & MIN-
drive events taking place throughout the year ERAL SOCIETY'S 19th Annual Gem and
primitile from an anthropological sense, but
and we recently note that you have not pub- Mineral Show, Fresno District Fairgrounds.
rather front the definition of "simple" or
lished this type of information for the past Demonstrations, sales and food. Write Ed
"plain" and is not degrading the Indians. As
few months. Myers. 3813 E. Shields, Fresno, Calif. 93726.
to the question is gathering pinyon nuts as
We have a i-wheel-drive machine and described in tune with "your editorial policy OCTOBER 18, LEATHERAMA sponsored by
would look forward to once again seeing com- of conservation'' we can state the trees arc not the Leathercraft Guild, Memorial Park, Orange
ing events published m your magazine. damaged any -more than orange trees after Avenue and 3rd Street, Azusa, Calif. All
CORDY M. PIEPER, being picked. We feel there is "nutting doing" types of leather goods, carving demonstrations.
Altadena, California. any harm in "Doing Nutting." Free admission and free door prizes.
• / _ '
Model 720 Metal Locator
Molded, rugged hi-impact plastic housed detection head and apparatus box.
High quality miniature speaker with perforated protective cover radiates exclu-
sive "Tell-Tone" signal. Heavy duty plated metal swivel adjusts to all positions
thru 180 degrees. Coiled cable sealed inside telescoping handle; no exposed
wires. Extends from 25 to 38 inches for operators of all sizes. Slanted control
panel with easy-set, one knob adjustment control is readily accessible and
visible to operator in all positions. Wide range sensitive meter, easy to read,
works in conjunction with speaker or ear phones. Miniature headphone jack
automatically cuts out speaker when headphone is inserted. Internal circuits
fully transistorized. Concealed battery compartment houses standard 9-volt
long life battery. Polished cast aluminum housing makes unit comfortable to
handle over long periods of time . . . extremely rugged yet very light. Com-
pletely epoxy sealed to insure "All-Weather" operation. Weighs less than 4 lbs.
EFFECTIVE DEPTH RANGE (Under Normal Conditions) 3 " Bullet 7" Penny 8 - 1 2 " Silver
Dollar 18" Pistol 24" Jar of Coins 30" Kettle 36" Placer Gold Deposit
48" Metal Chest 6 0 " Large Metallic Object.

wim m
JJJ's Blue Book #17 is chock
full of everything you need for
prospecting rockhounding, lapi-
dary or jewelry making. Thou- •\
sands of jewelry items for the
stones you find. $1.00 or free
with a $5.00 order. MODEL 7 2 0 . . . . N O . 2 4 7 - 8 $149.50*

.a low cost, lightweight version Model 8 2 0 Metal Locator

01 the famOUS '720' Same Speaker for Model 8 2 0 . . , ,ifc>. 21 tf-ll..,$14.75
features, same performance characteristics but without speaker and meter
...equipped w i t h headphones, one piece handle ready t o operate
Warranty j| MODEL 8 2 0 . . . . N O . 2 4 7 - 7 $ 94.50*
Goldak instruments a r e guaranteed to j§
outperform similar competing devices j | The BONANZA', a powerful transmitter-receiver type
and all carry a t w o year warranty aa locator, is capable of pinpointing large metal
against defects in workmanship and S objects, buried treasures, placer pockets, ore veins,
materials- H etc., buried to depths as great as 20 feet. True-
Power' battery checking system, depth indicator, rugged
injection-molded Cycoloc' rases, detailed instructions. Uses
X flashlight batteries, ready to operate. Rugged carrying

BONAN case available as optional accessory. NO. 247-10 $16.00*

Model 1100 Metal Locator NO. 247-9 $175.00*

Prices subject to chanqe without notice.
(Prices of mountings do not include stones; except as noted )
Prices F.O.B. Lot Angeles Add postage and insurance.
Add Sales Tax in California
Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to 5:1 5 p.i
Closed Saturday and Sunday
4959 YORK BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90042 PHONE (213) 255-1488

$795.°° FULL PRICE

«20P0 Down & $20.°° Per Month



Elmer Butler

Box 486, Kingman, Arizona 86401

Park Your Trailer-Build Your Home-Hold For Investment

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