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United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (UNCND)
Akash Majumdar
Drug trafficking is a worldwide problem which has an immense impact on
the socio-economical condition of countries as well as their political
condition. One of the countries which are at the centre of this problem is
Afghanistan, which produces approximately 93% of the worlds opium. To
address this issue, we need to invest both our time and resources to get to
the root of this predicament. Neighboring countries of Afghanistan,
including India can play an important role in solving this problem.
Opium trafficking is a major problem in the world, but for the under-
developed economy of Afghanistan, opium production has become a life-
sustaining source of income for a sizeable population of the country. Opium
trade accounts for 52% of Afghanistans GDP. For the young and under-
resourced Afghan government, monitoring of opium production has been a
major obstacle that the government is unable to undertake. The world body
has the responsibility to help Afghanistan combat this illicit drug trade by
providing the necessary resources including help in alternate sources of
agricultural income.
The Indian government needs to have a continuous dialogue with the
government of Afghanistan, trying to undermine the poppy production and
provide information of agricultural substitutes. Also, as the Indian
government, efforts would be made to strengthen border security in order
to prevent illicit trade of opium into India. The Indian government, in turn,
will make sure to enact laws to maximally prosecute drug traffickers,
putting into effect severe punishment for offenders.
1) A regional council with representatives from countries of Southern Asia
including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Iran and Afghanistan should be
formed so that a cooperative effort in dealing with this issue can be
2) The Indian government, on their part, should crack down on the Afghan-
influenced opium trade routes in India, ensuring that trafficking ceases.
3) The drug trafficking network needs to be broken, so that the supply line
is disrupted.
4) India will provide Afghanistan with resources in the agricultural field to
help the poppy farmers to cultivate alternate crops for their subsistence
5) All three defense corporations (army, navy, and air force) of India need
to cooperate to help find the trafficking route and break the supply and
demand chain.
6) The Indian government will make efforts to educate its population
against the ill-effects of drugs, especially young adults vulnerable to drug
traffickers and peddlers.
7) The Indian government will encourage and support non-profit
organizations to help rehabilitate drug addicts and provide them with
education and training to support their lives.
In order to address the drug trafficking problem, India can play a significant
role in putting a stop to the drug trafficking taking place in Afghanistan, buy
supporting Afghanistan with resources and armed forces. The only
possibility for successful execution of the plan of action is international
cooperation. This can only be done by Acting locally and thinking globally.

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