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To strengthen the socio-economic status all citizens is the cornerstone of Bangladeshs

constitution, according to the articles 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the constitution, the state has
the responsibility to ensure to its citizens certain basic needs such as health, education,
food and security !opulation !olicy, "##$%& 'n order to translate these constitutional
goals into reality, the (o)ernment had underta*en a +ide array of public policies&
,ealizing the importance of population and de)elopment, the (o)ernment prepared a
!opulation !olicy -utline in 1.76 and had identified population problem as the national
problem /han and /han, "#1#%& 't is no+ +idely recognized that there is a need to ta*e
the scope of the population policy in Bangladesh beyond the confines of achie)ing
population stabilization through reduction of fertility&
Definition of Population Policy
!opulation policy means the measures formulated by a range of social institutions
including (o)ernment +hich may influence the size, distribution or composition
of human population 0ri)er, 1.7"%&
!opulation policy is a deliberate effort by a national go)ernment to influence the
demographic )ariables li*e fertility, mortality and migration -rgans*i and
-rgans*i, 1.61%&
1t last it can be said that population policy is deliberately constructed or modified
institutional arrangements and2or specific programs through +hich go)ernments
influence, directly or indirectly, demographic change 0emeny, 1.88%&
Historical Background of Population Policy in Bangladesh
The first attempt to pro)ide family planning methods +as initiated by a pri)ate
3amily !lanning 1ssociation in 1.54 in order to pro)ide clinical methods in cities
at a limited scale +ith the help of go)ernment and donors 5leland et al., 1..$%&
!opulation problem +as gi)en a high priority in the first 3i)e 6ear !lan 1.74-78%
of the (o)ernment of Bangladesh and the total population size for "### +as
pro7ected to be 18. millions&
The first population policy outline +as formulated in 1.76 (-B, 1.76% and it
+as pro7ected that the population of size 1"1 million in "###&
8ince then, the abo)e policy emphasis has been reflected in all successi)e 5-year
plans and programs&
8ince the 'nternational 5onference on !opulation and 0e)elopment held in 5airo
in 1..$, the (o)ernment of Bangladesh initiated a process to de)elop a
population policy to ta*e account of the challenging issues&
1 proposed national population policy of Bangladesh, "### +as initiated after the
'5!0 held in 5airo in 1..$ to address the outstanding issues as +ell as to ma*e
the programs sustainable&
Then the population policy +as formulated by the (o)ernment in "##$, and ma7or
ob7ecti)es of the policy document ha)e been to reduce T3, and attain
replacement le)el fertility 9,,:1% by the year "#1# so that the population
stabilization for the country is reached by around "#6# !opulation !olicy, "##$%&
1s the population policy of "##$ +as failed to attain 9et ,eproducti)e ,ate-
9,,:1, in "#1" the (o)ernment formulated the population policy, the latest
population policy of Bangladesh !opulation !olicy, "#1"%&
Population Policy Outline-1976
Major Objectives
The national population policy aims at impro)ing the o)erall standard of li)ing of the
people of Bangladesh through impro)ed reproducti)e health reproducti)e health status
and reduction of population gro+th rate&
1. To attain 9et ,eproducti)e ,ate 9,,% e;ual to one by the year "#1# in order to
stabilize the population size by "#6#&
2. To address the causes of maternal mortality including unsafe abortion and reduce
infant mortality rate by ade;uately pro)iding ;uality antenatal deli)ery and post-
natal ser)ices, emergency obstetrics care +here necessary and safe deli)ery
3. To reduce child mortality, disability and blindness through the pro)ision of child
immunization supply of =itamin >1< and other micro-nutrients<
4. To ensure population de)elopment lin*ages and participation of different
ministries in implementing population related acti)ities<
5. To encourage and moti)ate adolescent girls +ho ha)e gone through early
marriages in implementing population related acti)ities<
6. To encourage and moti)ate adolescent girls +ho ha)e gone through early marriage
not to concei)e before attaining the age of "# years<
7. To de)elop human resources +ith the re;uired s*ills through higher education and
training of officials of )arious le)els associated +ith the health and population
8. To underta*e, on an urgent basis, necessary steps to ensure that trained and
s*illed health and family +elfare +or*ers attend up to 5# per cent of birth by the
year "##5, and up to 1## per cent by the year "#1#<
9. To ensure gender e;uity and empo+erment of +omen through enhanced
opportunities in the area of general and )ocational education and by creating
employment and self-employment opportunities for them<
10. To ensure conducti)e en)ironment for better li)ing and public health facilities
including arsenic free +ater&
Implementation Strateies
'n order to achie)e the ma7or ob7ecti)es mentioned abo)e, the follo+ing implementation
strategies +ill be adopted
1. To ensure essential ,?-ser)ices including family planning through a
comprehensi)e client centered approach& These ser)ices can be pro)ided along
+ith health ser)ices at @pazila and @nion le)els& @nion le)el 3amily Aelfare
5enters +ill be established +here)er needed and a doctor +ill be appointed in
these centers in a phased manner<
2. To ensure pro)ision of essential ,?-3! ser)ices at one-stop ser)ice and home
deli)ery system& This +ill help to impro)e ;uality of ser)ices and reduce
discontinuation of contracepti)e use& 't +ill also ma*e ser)ices accessible to the

3. To ensure supply of re;uired medicines and e;uipment to all the ser)ice centers
and strengthens the contracepti)e security system so that clients may not suffer
from any shortage of supply<
4. To raise a+areness amongst high-ris* population groups by ensuring access to
essential information and ser)ices in order to pre)ent 8T0, ,T', and ?'=21'08
infection< and
5. To ensure opportunity and freedom to choose contracepti)e methods according to
indi)idual needs and preference&
!So"rce# $anla%es& 'ational (op"lation (olic)* 1976+
!ational Population Policy -00"
Major Objectives
The ob7ecti)es of the 9ational !opulation !olicy are to impro)e the status of family
planning, maternal and child health including reproducti)e health ser)ices and to impro)e
the li)ing standard of the people of Bangladesh through ma*ing a desirable balance
bet+een population and de)elopment in the conteBt of Cillennium 0e)elopment (oals
C0(s% and 'nterim !o)erty ,eduction 8trategy !aper '!,8!%D
1. ,educe Total 3ertility ,ate T3,% and increase the use of family planning
methods among eligible couples through raising a+areness of family planning<
2. 1ttain 9,, e;ual to one by the year "#1# so as to stabilize population around
3. Ensure ade;uate a)ailability and access of ,? 8er)ices, specially family planning
ser)ices to all including information, counseling and ser)ices for adolescents<
4. 'mpro)e maternal health +ith emphasis on reduction of maternal mortality<
5. ,educe ,T's28T's and pre)ent spread of ?'=21'08
6. ,educe infant and under fi)e mortality rates<
7. ,educe maternal and child malnutrition<
8. !romote and acti)ely support programs for elimination of gender disparity in
education, health and nutrition<
9. Ensure Early 5hildhood 0e)elopment E50% program<
10. Ensure and support gender e;uity and empo+er +omen<
11. 1cti)ely support measures to pro)ide food and social security and shelter for the
disad)antaged including the elderly, destitute, physically and mentally retarded
12. 1cti)ely support measures to regulate and reduce rural to urban migration<
13. 8upport measures for en)ironmental sustainability +ith emphasis on access to safe
drin*ing +ater<
14. 8upport po)erty alle)iating strategies and conduci)e en)ironment for impro)ed
;uality of life<
15. Ensure coordination among rele)ant Cinistries<
Implementation Strateies
1. $er%ice Oriented $trategies
a% !ro)ision for maternal, child and reproducti)e health ser)ices at @pazila and
@nion le)els<
b% Ensure full co)erage of safe deli)ery through s*illed birth attendants<
c% 8pecial attention to young, lo+ parity and ne+ly married<
d% !riority should be gi)en in the pro)isions of social ser)ices to the couples +ith
one child<
2. &dolescent 'elfare $er%ices
a% !ro)ide information and ser)ices, including counseling ser)ices aimed at
(i) delaying age at marriage<
(ii) delay in first birth as far as possible<
(iii) ade;uate spacing bet+een children and
(iv) impro)ed access to reproducti)e health education and methods of
pre)enting 8T's, ?'=21'08 infection<
3. (ender )*uity and )+po,er+ent
a% 3ormulate all programs, both (o)ernment and 9on-(o)ernment conforming to
gender sensiti)ity<
b% 'mpro)e participation of +omen in decision-ma*ing roles at national and local
le)els as +ell as in income generating acti)ities<
c% Eliminate all forms of )iolence and seBual abuse, including traffic*ing of +omen
and children<
4. Population and De%elop+ent $trategies
4.1 Welfare Services for Elderly and Poor
a% 'ntroduce uni)ersal education, social security, health and family planning ser)ices
for the poor<
4.2 Urban Migration and Planned Urbanization
a% 8lo+ do+n the rate of migration from rural areas to 0ha*a and other ma7or cities&
b% Ensure coordinated and planned de)elopment of the to+ns and cities&
4.3 oordinated ollection and Use of !ata
a% !romote regular interface bet+een population and ,? researchers, among the
policy ma*ers, program planners, managers and rele)ant sta*eholders<
4.4 Po"#lation and Environ$ent
a% 0e)elop specific plan to discourage housing in the )illages and cities by
destroying agricultural lands<
5. Hu+an -esources De%elop+ent
a% 'ntroduce population, public health and health science in all le)els of education<
b% @nderta*e initiati)e to incorporate population, family planning, maternal and
child health and reproducti)e health issues in different curriculums<
6. Decentrali.ation of Population Policy &cti%ities
a% 0ecentralize population acti)ities and ensure the peoples participation in
population, nutrition and health acti)ities<
b% !repare action plan through participation of local elites, opinion ma*ers, +omens
representati)es of poorer section along +ith the local le)el (o)ernment official<
7. Participation of !(Os and Pri%ate $ector
a% !ro)ide support to the registered 9(-s in ?ealth, 9utrition and !opulation
sectors to +or* in the underser)ed areas<
b% Encourage them to underta*e moti)ational +or*s and ser)ices particularly for the
poor and other )ulnerable groups<
8. Building of Planned /a+ily
1ccelerated increases in the size of population need to be contained in )ie+ of countrys
limited resources& 1ll out efforts should be ta*en to popularize and ingrain the slogan
Fnot $ore t%an t&o' one c%ild is betterG&
9. -ole of Doctor in I+ple+entation of Population Policy
a% Ensure participation of go)ernment and non-go)ernment doctors in
implementation of population program<
b% Engage go)ernment and non-go)ernment doctors in reducing the incidences of
,T'28T' and pre)enting the spread of ?'=21'08 to+ards ensuring better
reproducti)e health ser)ices<
!So"rce# $anla%es& 'ational (op"lation (olic)* 2004+
!ational Population Policy -01
Major Objectives
Build up Bangladesh as a healthy, happy and +ealthy country through planned population
de)elopment and control&
1+ ,educe Total 3ertility ,ate T3,% at "&1 and achie)e 9et 3ertility ,ate at 1
9T,:1% +ithin "#15 through increasing the use of family planning method at
2+ Ensure ade;uate a)ailability and access of ,? 8er)ices, specially family planning
ser)ices to abled couple and increase consciousness among poor as +ell as
adolescents about family planning, reproducti)e health ,T's28T's and ?'=21'08
and emphasis on counseling and ser)ices<
3+ ,educe maternal mortality and child mortality rates and ta*e proper step to
impro)e child and maternal health ensuring safe motherhood<
4+ Ensure gender e;uity and +omen empo+erment and emphasis on acti)ity to
reduce gender discrimination in family planning, maternal and child health
5+ Ensure coordination among rele)ant Cinistries in strengthening population and
de)elopment lin*ages and ma*ing their respecti)e mandates and implementation
strategies more population focused<
6+ Ensure easy access of information about ,eproducti)e ?ealth 8er)ices, especially
family planning ser)ices&
Implementation Strateies
1+ 1lient 1entered $er%ice
a% Ensure ser)ices through satellite and community clinic along +ith eBisting health
and family +elfare centers at 0istrict, @pazila and @nion le)els<
b% 8upply ser)ices to the abled couple, especially the poor through home )isitation&
Coreo)er, introduce e-reproducti)e health ser)ices<
2+ 1ity Health $er%ice
3ormulate +or*ing plan through effecti)e coordination bet+een local go)ernment
ministry and health and family planning ministry in order to ensure family planning,
maternal and child health ser)ices in city especially, for the slum, floating and poor
3+ &rea Based Planning and $trategies
a% 3ormulate planning in local le)el in accordance +ith national acti)ity to achie)e
definite necessity and ob7ecti)es and implement in local le)el&
b% Ta*e definite acti)ity in both go)ernmental and non-go)ernmental le)el
accordance +ith the reality of coastal area in order to include the coastal people
+ith family planning, maternal and child health and nutritional ser)ices&
4+ Beha%ioral 1hanging 1o++unication 2B113 Progra+
a% F(ot $ore t%an t&o c%ildren' one is betterG- ta*e effecti)e steps to popularize and
establish this citation&
b% Ta*e step to change the discriminatory beha)ior of the society to+ards pregnant
5+ &dolescent 'elfare $er%ices
a% !ro)ide information and ser)ices in order to delaying age at marriage and ensure
ade;uate spacing bet+een children&
b% !ro)ide credit facilities and )ocational training especially to unmarried young
+omen and men& To this end, support to establish an re)ol)ing fund may be
6+ Participation of !(Os and Pri%ate $ector
a% !ro)ide support to the registered 9(-s in ?ealth, 9utrition and !opulation
sectors to +or* in the underser)ed areas&
7+ (ender )*uity and 'o+en )+po,er+ent
a% 3ormulate all programs, both (o)ernment and 9on-(o)ernment conforming to
gender sensiti)ity<
b% 'mpro)e participation of +omen in decision-ma*ing roles at national and local
le)els as +ell as in income generating acti)ities through proper education and
8+ Hu+an -esources De%elop+ent
a% 0esign and implement appropriate training and learning programs for managers
and ser)ice pro)iders from different disciplines, co)ering the necessary miB of
s*ills re;uired for family planning, maternal and child health and reproducti)e
health ser)ices<
b% 8trengthen training acti)ities in order to de)elop s*illed manpo+er li*e nurses,
paramedics, field +or*ers and s*illed birth attendants&
9+ Others
a% Iegal measures
b% 8ocial measures
c% !opulation and en)ironment
d% To discourage urban migration and planned urbanization
e% 5oordinated collection and use of data
f% 0ecentralization of administrati)e and economic po+er
g% !roduction of contracepti)es and supply
h% 5oordination bet+een different policy and plan&
!So"rce# $anla%es& 'ational (op"lation (olic)* 2004+
Outco+e of the Population Policies
13 !opulation gro+th rate has decreased at 1&"8 in "#1$ +hich +as 1&47 in "#11, "&7
in "##7, 4&# in "##$ and mid-7#s B0?8, "#11, and 3airus, "#1$%&
3 'ncreasing a)ailability and access of ,eproducti)e ?ealth 8er)ices, especially
family planning ser)ices to all including information, counseling and ser)ices for
#3 ,educing maternal and child mortality&
"3 'ncreasing +omen empo+erment and gender parity&
03 'ncreasing community healthcare ser)ices in all areas in order to impro)e
maternal and child health through ensuring safe motherhood&
4a5le 16 4/- and 1ontracepti%e Pre%alence7 19718 011
1& The population policy-"##$ failed to attain 9,, e;ual to one by the year "#1#
+hich +as the ma7or ob7ecti)e of this policy&
"& 1ll the policies failed to attain success in 8er)ice -riented 8trategies, 1dolescent
Aelfare 8er)ices, (ender E;uity and Empo+erment, Aelfare 8er)ices for Elderly
and !oor, !opulation and En)ironment, ?uman ,esources 0e)elopment and so on&
4& The Total 3ertility ,ate "&1"%, 5rude Birth ,ate 1.&$6%, 5rude 0eath ,ate 6&"$%
and 'nfant Cortality ,ate 48&4$% are still high in "#1$ 3airus, "#1$%&
$& 't +as not possible to attain the desired success due to early marriage and early
pregnancy as +ell as inability to encourage people using long term and permanent
family planning methods&
5& -)erall contracepti)e pre)alence sho+ed a small decline to 55&8 in "##7 from 58&1
in "##$ 9'!-,T, et al. "##.%&
6& 't lac*ed in strategic details and also operationally )iable issue-specific strategies
+ere inade;uate to achie)e the stated goals&
7& 1 +ide gap bet+een the strategy and implementation process&
8& Iac* of cooperation among different sectors to implement the policy&
.& Iac* of proper monitoring and implementation at all le)els&
To achie)e and implement the goals and ob7ecti)es of the national population policy, the
follo+ing recommendations are neededD
1& Ensure +elfare of the +omen and family<
"& Enhance e;uality through +omenJs empo+erment<
4& Enhance participation of +omen in decision ma*ing in health and related matters<
$& Empo+er +omen to ha)e access to other opportunities<
5& 1ddress legal, social and other issues +hich relate to the interests of +omen<
6& !ut in place a system of mandatory registration of birth, death and di)orce and
de)elop appropriate procedures and implementation strategies to ensure
registration of these )ital e)ents<
7& Ca*e the birth and death registration mandatory and decentralise the po+er and
responsibilities of birth and death registration by geographical area such as
)illage union, thana and district le)els<
8& Establish an office at the district le)el for the registrar<
.& Ca*e sure that )illage +atchman or Kcho*idarK collect information efficiently and
inform the registrar accordingly<
1#& Ca*e a reassessment of the current age at marriage la+ and identify the
implementation strategy<
11& 8trengthen B55 acti)ities to discourage child marriage and pregnancy before "#
years of age<
1"& Encourage small family through legal frame+or*<
14& 1llo+ pro)isions of impro)ed health care and client need based family planning
care to interested indi)iduals so that clients could use contracepti)es +ithout ris*
to life<
1$& 5hange all discriminatory la+s against child, adolescent and +omen to eliminate
discrimination bet+een boys and girls<
15& 'dentify modalities to ensure participation of social and religious leaders and
community representati)es<
16& 'ntegrate the concept of family planning, safe motherhood and infant sur)i)al and
17& 8afety to the population program<
18& Ensure participation of community leaders this is part of '5!0 commitment% in
the population program<
1.& Ensure enhancement of +omenJs empo+erment and male responsibilities<
"#& Ensure high ;uality primary health care including reproducti)e health care<
"1& !ut in place income generating programs to alle)iate the +omen status and their
social empo+erment<
""& (i)e special emphasis on +omenJs general education and )ocational education<
"4& !ro)ide additional facilities at +or*ing place for +or*ing +omen and house+i)es&
To impro)e the o)erall standard of li)ing of the people of Bangladesh through impro)ed
family planning and reproducti)e health care ser)ices and reduction of population gro+th
rate population policy is highly needed& 't is important to implement the national
population policy through strengthening coordinated efforts +ith different go)ernment
and non-go)ernmental organizations and ensure accountability and transparency in all
le)el of the programs& 8o, +e cannot ignore at all the importance of population policy in
Bangladesh in order to control its high population gro+th rate&
Bangladesh 9ational !opulation !olicyL1n outline& 1.76& !opulation 5ontrol and
3amily !lanning 0epartment, (o)ernment of the !eoples ,epublic of
Bangladesh, 0ha*a
Bangladesh !opulation !olicy& "##$& Bangladesh !opulation !olicy Cinistry of
?ealth and 3amily Aelfare (o)ernment of the !eoples ,epublic of
Bangladesh, 0ha*a
Bangladesh !opulation !olicy& "#1"& Bangladesh !opulation !olicy Cinistry of
?ealth and 3amily Aelfare (o)ernment of the !eoples ,epublic of
Bangladesh, 0ha*a
BB8, "#11& )o#se%old *nco$e and E+"endit#re S#rvey. Bangladesh Bureau of
8tatistics BB8%, 0ha*a
5leland, M&, !hillips, M&3&, 1min, 8& and /amal, (&C& 1..$& ,%e !eter$inants of
-e"rod#ctive %ange in .anglades%/ S#ccess in a %allenging Environ$ent.
Aashington, 0&5&D The Aorld Ban*
0emeny, !aul& 1.88& 8ocial science and population policy& Po"#lation and
!evelo"$ent -evie&, 1$D $51-$7.
0ri)er& 1.7"& !opulation !olicy& 'n 9ational !opulation !olicy-"###& 1ccessed on
Muly "#, "#1$, ,etrie)ed from N+++&scribd&com2doc21#88#$8#829ational-
3airus& "#1$& Po"#lation Policy. 1ccessed on Muly "#, "#1$, ,etrie)ed from
/han, 1& ,& and /han, C& "#1#& Po"#lation Progra$s in .anglades%0 Proble$s'
Pros"ects and Policy *ss#es. '5!0, 0ha*a, Bangladesh
9'!-,T& "##1& Citra and 1ssociates and -,5 Cacro, Bangladesh 0emographic and
?ealth 8ur)ey, 1...-"###& 0ha*a, Bangladesh and 5al)erton, Caryland
@81%, 9ational 'nstitute of !opulation ,esearch and Training 9'!-,T%,
Citra and 1ssociates and -,5 Cacro
-rgans*i and -rgans*i& 1.61& !opulation !olicy& 'n !opulation policies in 'ndia "###
1 +ay to+ards social and economic de)elopment& 1ccessed on Muly "#, "#1$,
,etrie)ed from NhttpD22ra)ira7ee".$&+ordpress&com2"#142#82#52population-

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