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National Seminar of Environmental Engineering Student Association is a routine activity that is

organized by the Student Association of Environmental Engineering, University of Lambung

Mangkurat. This activity reflects the real contribution of the students to sustain the condition of
environment as well as educating society.
The development of all aspect in life demands a dynamic changing in life. These developments

Considering the dynamic changing of life, we realize that it also demands
Perkembangan kehidupan diseluruh aspek merupakan perkembangan yang selalu dinamis dan
menuntut perubahan yang cepat. Pemenuhan terhadap tuntutan inilah yang tentunya memerlukan
kesinergisan antara ketersediaan sumber daya alam, kemajuan sumber daya manusia beserta
teknologinya, serta kemampuan dalam pengembangan ke depannya.
The development of all aspects of life is the development of a dynamic and ever-demanding rapid
change. Compliance with these demands which would require kesinergisan between the availability
of natural resources, the advancement of human resources and technology integration, as well as in
the development of future capabilities.
dynamic development in human life is directly proportional to the consumption of natural resources.
increasing use of natural resources as a consequence increasing human needs raises fears of
scarcity. therefore
These problems, efforts are needed to support the preservation of the environment to the socio-
cultural harmony. One of the environmental conservation efforts that can be done on water and
energy, since water is a vital necessity for the existence of living creatures and the whole level of
energy is one of the human needs that must be met. To support the preservation of the
environment to the socio-cultural harmony can be done with the concept of conservation efforts
praktissebagai technology in water and energy conservation.
This practical technology refers to the development and application of products, equipment and
systems to maintain the natural environment and natural resources and minimize the negative
impression of human activity. Energy conservation according to Regulation No. 70 in 2009 is defined
as a systematic attempt, planned and integrated in order to conserve resources and increase
domestic energy utilization efficiency. Thus, water conservation is an effort to maintain the
existence and continuity of the state, the nature and function of water resources in order to be
available in quantity and quality for now and the future to come. Where both the water and energy
conservation should be coupled with efforts to seek and create new technology.
Water and energy efficiency means doing water and energy conservation, which will positively affect
the existence of the resource itself and to increase economic development, therefore, the concept is
in line with the well established concept of development (sustainable development) in which
development is carried out to meet the needs of the community now let without losing sight of the
purpose of the coming generations.

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