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0 Introduction
<Begin by providing details why this topic was chosen? Give business requirement. Reason in 1-2
pages. Derive main variables. Impact of X on Y. Conclusion>
Define X in detail.
Mention literature Whatever research was done around X.
Dependent Variable: Quality of Friends
The dependent variable of this research is the Quality of friends. The quality of friends
depends on the quantity of the Smartphone usage. The trend these days is to communicate with
friends via the smartphone using social media and smartphone applications such as facebook,
twitter, whatsapp etc. rather than enjoying quality time with friends.
Whether you are interviewing someone, or just meeting someone for the first time, there is a
special quality about face-to-face interactions. You can catch the subtle tone in their voice, see
their expression as it changes from sad to outraged, and you can look them in the eye to see if
you trust them.

So its unfortunate that real-life interactions are on the out as cell phone conversations, texting,
instant messaging and Facebook emails start to take up more of our time. For young people
especially, having a cell phone or iPod in hand and at the ready is the default mode while
walking the streets. That means much less chance of conversation with the people who populate
their real lives.
Inevitably, excessive smartphone use drives us away from each other, and we only choose to
communicate impersonally and for superficial matters. Somehow, bonding and intimacy no
longer appeal to us, making it impossible for us to build any new, sincere relationships.

Define Y in detail
Mention literature Whatever research was done around Y.
Independent Variable: Smartphone Usage
Technology allows us to be constantly connected to the world, but it can also make us even
more disconnected from each other. In todays world, we compulsively carry our smartphones
with us wherever we go. The classroom, the bathroom, the bedroom, the outdoors our phone
is always in hand. A smartphone is a modern day distraction that is so common; its hardly
noticed any more. It accompanies us wherever we go, demanding our attention multiple times a
day. A phone call, a Facebook notification, a Whatsapp Ping, Twitter notification is all it takes.
A constant, merciless distraction, our smartphones have come to replace deep-felt, long
conversations and there by relationships.

In fact, two recent studies show that cell phones can have a negative impact on close
relationships. Researchers from the University of Essex found that people who engaged in
personal discussions when a cell phone was nearby -- even if neither was actually using it --
reported lower relationship quality and less trust for their partner. They also felt their partner
was less empathetic to their concerns.
Other studies suggest that cell phones can distract our attention from the present moment. And
that's a problem, considering the results of the Mobile Mindset Study, a recent survey that
found three out of five U.S. smartphone users don't go more than hour without checking their
gadgets. The majority of Americans with smartphones (58 percent) said they typically dont go
an hour without checking their phones. Unsurprisingly, this hourly phone-checking fixation was
significantly greater among the youngest age group (18-34 year olds), and declined markedly as
age went up. The smartphone usage has grown by leaps and bounds in the last couple of years
as has our dependency on it.

Relationship of X on Y. How are they connected?
Derive couple of hypothesis.
Hypothesis: Individuals using smartphones are less likely to interact with each other socially i.e.
in Person
One cannot blame the usage of Smartphones solely for avoiding social relationships. The nature
and personality of an individual also affects the way people interact with one another. There
may be some individuals who are introverts by nature which may impact the quality of friends
and they may use the smartphones to avoid personal contact i.e. face to face interactions and
social relationships

2.0 Method (This section describes methods of data collection)
2.1 Organizational Context Respondents worked in which organization, from where all
data has been collected? (1 Para/ 7- 8 lines). If data from customer, then avoid.
2.2 Participants & Procedure How much sample size has been taken, from where, age,
gender ratio, tenure, where they were working, method of collection (Online, Personal,
2.3 Tools (Questionnaire/ Methods) If questionnaire has been borrowed, how many
items? Reliability between the items, If questionnaire was modified, then how? This
should be mentioned for X and for Y.
3.0 Results
3.1 Analytic strategy Which tool from SPSS has been used? If qualitative, then give content
4.0 Discussion
4.1 Write atleast few lines about the purpose? X on Y?Was hypothesis was supported by the
results? If not, then specify. Whether X and Y are co-related or not? Describe results.
4.2 Implication of results
4.2.1 How these results are relevant/ useful?
4.2.2 Can the findings be used anywhere?
4.2.3 Limitations of results, If sample size is less (say, 50) then specify that) If self
report is done, then they will become limitation.
4.3 Suggestion for future research How this report will give guidance to future research?
5.0 References USING APA standard only.
6.0 Appendix
6.1 Anything that is not mentioned above
6.2 Output of SPSS
6.3 Questionnaire

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