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2 years old boy, 10 kg, visit emergency

departement. History : 4 day high
fever,spontaneous ptechiae, without vomiting. Lab
Platelet 88.000/ml Ht 36%; further examination
platelet 66.000/ml Ht 48%. Management?
A. Orally since there is no vomit
B. 750 cc/24h parenteral and adjust when needed
C. 1000cc/24h parenteral and adjust when needed
D. 1250cc/24h parenteral and adjust when needed
E. 1500cc/24h parenteral and adjust when needed

4. Diagnosis of typhoid fever is confirmed by
culturing salmonella strain. WOTF is correct
A. (+) blood culture in 40-60% patient during 2nd
week of illness
B. most stool culture (+) during 1st week of illness
C. most urine culture (+) during 1st week of illness
D. bone marrow culture is less sensitive
E. bone marrow culture is the most sensitive
since it less influenced by prior antimicrobial

9. A girl with lobar pneumonia with high fever for 3
days. remission of fever < 1 C
A. Continuous
B. Saddle-back
C. Intermittent
D. remittent
E. Relapsing

14. soalnya lupa, pokoknya mendiskripsikan
penyakit DBD, pertanyaan : causative agent nya?
e.single stranded RNA positive --> ini kayaknya

19. 9 months old infant, bodyweight 7 kg, receive
corticosteroid, sudah dapat vaksinasi BCG waktu
umur 1 bulan. dikasih imunisasi apa sekarang ?
A. Measles, DTP
B. Measles, DTaP
C. Measles, hepatitis
E. DTP, hepatitis B

22. Lesi kulit dipunggung, hypopigmentation.
Ans : tinea versicolor

25. pasien usia 38 tahun kena leprosy. nerve di
elbow medial terhadap epycondile mengalami
perbesaran. apa yang terjadi? a. drop wrist
b. claw thumb
c. claw hand
d. drop hand
e. claw finger

29. 31 year old woman comes with her daughter.
complant : discrete papular itchy lesion with
pinpoint blue color on its top, located at neck and
axilla. diagnosis ?
A. Pediculosis capitis
B. Pediculosis corporis
C. Pediculosis pubis
D. Scabies
E. Insect bite

For questions 38 and 39
4 months old baby boy comes with skin patch at
neck, ibunya juga memiliki skin lesion yang sama di
breast. PE : numular eritropapulosquamous
patches with active borders, clear area at middle.
di rumah pelihara kucing

38. Gambaran mikroskopis skin scrapingnya
seperti apa ?
A. Epithel, long septate-branched hyphae, round
B. Epithel, long septate-branched hyphae,
C. Epithel, short hyphae, round sometimes oval
D. Epithel, budding cells, round spores, germ tubes
E. Epithel, short hyphae, arthrospores, germ tubes

39. tipe funginya ?
A. zoophilic
B. Geophilic
C. Anthropophilic
D. Hydrophilic
E. Keratinophilic

42. Trichrome stain indicated the presence of
intestinal pathogenic protozoa.
WOTF statement is correct for lifecycle of all
intestinan pathogenic protozoa
A. Infective stage occured in soil
B. Encystation in lower ileum
C. The most frequent primary sites are caecum and
E. Cysts and trophozoites may be found in liquid

Options for 47-50
A. Entamoeba dispar
B. Entamoeba coli
C. Giardia lamblia
D. Trichomonas hominis
E. Entamoeba histolytica

47. amoeboid trophozoite with cytoplasmic
pseudopodia and fine granular cytoplasm
48. eccentric karyosome
49. ellipsoidal cyst

For question number 51 until 53, refer to this
A. Negative
B. Primary Infection
C. Secondary Infection
D. Invalid
E. Primary and secondary infection

51. C-Line and M-Line are pink color
52. C-Line, M-Line, and G-Line are pink color
53. C-Line, M-Line, and G-Line are white color

58. A 14 y.o. girl typhoid fever. Salmonella antigen
harus meningkat berapa kali dari acute sera ke
convalescence sera?
A. 1/2x
B. 1x
C. 2x
D. 3x
E. 4x
61. The doctor in charge gives her
chloramphenicol. WOTF is the adverse effect of
the drug?
A. Aplastic anemia
B. Hypotension
C. Weakness
D. Malaise
E. Dizziness

71. Which statement is TRUE about cerebrospinal
A. Lumbar puncture may be drawn at L3-L4
intervertebrae level
B. CSF is formed at choroid plexus within the
C. Choroid plexus only occur along the inferior
horn of the lateral ventricle
D. CSF flows through the ventricle and enter
arachnoid space
E. CSF drains into the venous system when the
venous pressure greater than CSF pressure

72. jenis epitel yang melapisi sisi dalam dari lapisan
meningen terluar adalah..
(pokoknya optionnya ada yang simple squamous,
simple cuboidal, simple columnar, truz gw lupa apa

88. Pasien datang ke RS dengan demam tiba2
mencapai 39 derajat C, sakit kepala dan jaundice 3
hari yang lalu. Memiliki riwayat pekerjaan bekerja
di gudang yang banyak tikus.
Penyebab organisme?
A. Acromonas hydrophila
B. Mycobacterium marinum
C. Streptococcus pyogenes
D. Leptospira interrogans
E. Vibrio Vuilnifiens

89. Which of the following is the characteristic of
this microorganism? (Leptospira)A. Rods with
microgranular form
B. Spirochetes gram negative
C. Rods gram positive
D. Cocci gram positive
E. Spirochetes with hooked ends

A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P ovale
D. P. malariae
95. Schuffner stipple on routine blood

102. Pemeriksaan mikroskopis pada pasien malaria
menunjukkan adanya sel darah merah dengan
ukuran normal, "no stippling", "multiple ring-
form", dan pada beberapa sel darah merah
terdapat trofozoit yang berkembang yang
berbentuk "band". Etiologi apa yang paling
A. Plasmodium malariae
B. Plasmodium vivax
C. Plasmodium falciparum
D. Mixed infection (Plasmodium malariae &
Plasmodium vivax)
E. Mixed infection (Plasmodium falciparum &
Plasmodium malariae)

108. Classification of patient with sepsis
A. Hospitalized in ICU and undergo mechanic
B. Fever with core temperature more than 38.8'C
C. Hypothermia with core temperature less than
36'C and tachypnea
D. Increase circulating imflamatory mediators
E. Combination of infection with Systemic
Inflamatory Response Syndrome

109. Correct statement about plasmodium ?
A. agent does not develop or multiply inside vector
B. agent multiply inside vector
C. agent grow and multiply inside vector
D. agent develop but not multiply inside vector
E. agent grow inside vector

115. Drug nteraction chlorapenicol and
phenytoin?Chloramphenicol Menurunkan
metabolisme phenytoin sehingga bioavailabilitas
Phenytoin di darah meningkat
A. half life phenytoin increase
B. serum concentration phenytoin increase
C. half life phenytoin decrease
D. chlorampenicol doesnt inhibit hepatic
microsomal enzyme
E. serum concentration of both increase

118. WOTF characteristic of Dapson?
A. it inhibits protein synthesis
B. resistance can emerge if very high doses are
C. the combination of dapsone, rifampin and
clofazimine is not iniatially recomended
D. Dapsone is well tolerated
E. Dapsone can not be given to renal failure

122. Indikasi pemberian clofazimin?

125. Side effect permethrin
A. unpleasant odor
B. staining
C. pruritus
D. itching
E. nonirritating

129. MOA acyclovir?Inhibisi DNA polymerase
sehingga mengganggu replikasi DNA
Maaf jawabnnya lupa T___________T

130. Pharmakokinetic spesification of acyclovir:
a. biovailability is affected by food
b. it is cleared by glomerular filtration
c. it is not cleared by tubular secretion
d. it is not cleared by hemolysis
e. it is cleared by peritoneal hemolysis

136. Manakah diantara obat di bawah ini yg
menghambat sistesis ergosterol?
a. Allylamine
b. Polyene
c. triazole
d. Inidazole

142. A 40 year old woman came to the doctor due
to high grade intermittent fever for a week.
Typically it was started by chills, followed by high
fever and sweating. She also had headachen
myalgia, nausea, and vomiting. The patient has just
come back from the P.falciparum endemic area.
Which of the most appropriate combination
antimalaria should be added to amodiaquine?
A. Quinine
B. Mefloquine
C. Artesunate
D. Doxicycline
E. Chloroquine

148. Scaling patch di punggung
A. seborrheic dermatitis
B. pityriasis versicolor
C. pityriasis rosea
D. psoriasis
E. lepra

157. Clue that suggests anaerobic infection:
A. + in facultative anaerobic culture
B. Special cotton swab
C. Foul-smelling discharge
D. Infect mucosal area
E. Grow on McConkey agar

For question 161-162
A 60 year old female complains about red patches,
papules, and blisters on a red base at the right side
of her face, neck, and upper chest since 3 days
ago. She also feels discomfort, pain, numbness,
and varies from superficial itching, tingling, and
burning sensation in the involved area.
161. What is the source of her infection?
A. Aerosolized droplets of the causative agent
B. Contaminated food or water
C. Sexual activity
D. Puncture with contaminated needle
E. Endogenous reactivation of an earlier infection

163. Diagnosis : diphtheria. Stain?
A. gram stain
B. Ziehl-Neelsen
C. Neisser
D. Burr-gins
E. negative staining
164. Viruses can be isolated in the embryonated
egg into appropriate region. Which part of the
embrionated egg for incubation of herpes virus?a.
Amniotic cavity
b. Allantoic cavity
c. yolk sac
d. intraembryonal
e. chorioallantoic membrane

168. A 26 year old obese female presents to the
clinic with scaly erythematous patches on the
grain. Skin scrapping in taken from the lesion, for
microscopic examination.TINEA CRURIS
How is morphologic pattern of the etiologic agent
of that case when you observe using KOH
A. Spaghetti & meatballs appearance--> Malassezia
B. Long branches septate hyphae & arthrospore--
> Dermatophytes
C. Pseudohyphae
D. Long branches non septate hyphae
E. Yeast cells with budding

171. 27 years old athletic male. White patch of skin
mainly on axilla, back, trunk. No itching. Multiple
hypopigmented macules covered by fine scales.
Woods lamp : positive yellow fluorescence.
Diagnosis : tinea versicolor.
WOTF fungus cause disease?
A. Microsporum canis
B. Malassezia furfur
C. Trichophyton beigelii
D. Epidermophyton werneckii
E. Epidermophyton floccosum

178. A 27 y.o. businessman experienced high
fever, serius retroorbital headache, severe joint
and back pain for 5 days. Rash appear on his palm
and sole that lasted for 2 days. At the same time,
his 5 y.o. son experienced mild flu like symptom,
collapse after 2-5 days. There were petechiae on
his forhead, ecchymosis elsewhere. What is the
structure of the virus that aused this disease?
A. double stranded RNA
B. double stranded DNA
C. positive sense single stranded RNA
D. negative sense single stranded RNA
E. single stranded RNA

A. Biologic control
B. Environmental control
C. Vector control
D. Vector survey
195. Alteration in breeding site of vectr

Itraconazole adalah?
A. phenylallamines
B. triazole
C. imidazole
D. allyamines
E. beta-3-glucose synthase inhibitor

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