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There are 4 fermentor tanks in the plant.

It takes 20 hours to fll one tank, meanwhile; the other 3

tanks are at varying stages of fermentation. The fermentation process takes an aitional 4! hours
to complete. "uring fermentation, yeast converts the sugar into ethanol an car#on io$ie. The
alcohol after fermentation is complete is calle #eer, an is %0& ' %2& ethanol #y volume. The #eer
is transferre to another tank, the #eer well, an is pumpe to the istillation column.
C6H12O6 ====> 2(CH3CH2OH) + 2(CO2)
Sugar ====> Alcohol + Carbon dioxide gas
(Glucose) (!h"l alcohol)
1# Alcoholic fermentation (2 s!e$s)
%&o successi'e reac!ions(
1# $"ru'a!e ace!aldeh"de + CO2
2# ace!aldeh"de + )A*H e!hanol + )A*+
Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which energy can be released from glucose even
though oxygen is not available. Fermentation occurs in yeast cells, and a form of
fermentation takes place in bacteria and in the muscle cells of animals.
In yeast cells (the yeast used for baking and producing alcoholic beverages), glucose can
be metabolized through cellular respiration as in other cells. hen oxygen is lacking,
however, glucose is still metabolized to pyruvic acid via glycolysis. !he pyruvic acid is
converted first to acetaldehyde and then to ethyl alcohol. !he net gain of "!# to the yeast
cell is two molecules$the two molecules of "!# normally produced in glycolysis.
%easts are able to participate in fermentation because they have the necessary enzyme to
convert pyruvic acid to ethyl alcohol. !his process is essential because it removes
electrons and hydrogen ions from &"'( during glycolysis. !he effect is to free the &"' so
it can participate in future reactions of glycolysis. !he net gain to the yeast cell of two
"!# molecules permits it to remain alive for some time. (owever, when the percentage of
ethyl alcohol reaches approximately )* percent, the alcohol kills the yeast cells.
%east is used both in bread and alcohol production. "lcohol fermentation is the process
that yields beer, wine, and other spirits. !he carbon dioxide given off during fermentation
supplements the carbon dioxide given off during the +rebs cycle and causes bread to rise.
In muscle cells, another form of fermentation takes place. hen muscle cells contract too
fre,uently (as in strenuous exercise), they rapidly use up their oxygen supply. "s a
result, the electron transport system and +rebs cycle slow considerably, and "!#
production is slowed. (owever, muscle cells have the ability to produce a small amount of
"!# through glycolysis in the absence of oxygen. !he muscle cells convert glucose to
pyruvic acid. !hen an enzyme in the muscle cells converts the pyruvic acid to lactic acid.
"s in the yeast, this reaction frees up the &"' while providing the cells with two "!#
molecules from glycolysis. -ventually, however, the lactic acid buildup causes intense
fatigue, and the muscle cell stops contracting.
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*eco+$osi!ion o, ,oods!u,,s generall" acco+$anied b" !he e'olu!ion o, gas# %he bes!-
.no&n exa+$le is alcoholic ,er+en!a!ion/ in &hich sugar is con'er!ed in!o alcohol and
carbon dioxide# *uring ,er+en!a!ion organic +a!!er is deco+$osed in !he absence o, air
(ox"gen)0 hence/ !here is al&a"s an accu+ula!ion o, reduc!ion $roduc!s/ or inco+$le!e
oxida!ion $roduc!s# So+e o, !hese $roduc!s (,or exa+$le/ alcohol and lac!ic acid) are o,
i+$or!ance !o hu+ans/ and ,er+en!a!ion has !here,ore been used ,or !heir +anu,ac!ure on
an indus!rial scale# %here are also +an" +icrobiological $rocesses !ha! go on in !he
$resence o, air &hile "ielding inco+$le!e oxida!ion $roduc!s# Good exa+$les are !he
,or+a!ion o, ace!ic acid ('inegar) ,ro+ alcohol b" 'inegar bac!eria/ and o, ci!ric acid
,ro+ sugar b" cer!ain +olds (,or exa+$le/ Aspergillus niger)# %hese +icrobial $rocesses/
!oo/ ha'e gained indus!rial i+$or!ance/ and are o,!en re,erred !o as ,er+en!a!ions/ e'en
!hough !he" do no! con,or+ !o 1# 2as!eur3s conce$! o, ,er+en!a!ion as a deco+$osi!ion in
!he absence o, air# See also 4ndus!rial +icrobiolog"

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