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1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders,
General and Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, Work Schedule
and rawin!s.
". The #uantities !i$en in the Bill of Quantities are esti%ated and pro$isional, and are
!i$en to work ordered a co%%on basis of pa&%ent will be the actual #uantities of work
ordered and carried out, as %easured b& the Contractor and $erified and certified b&
the 'n!ineer and $alued at the rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities.
(. The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, e)cept insofar as it
is otherwise pro$ide under the Contract, include all constructional plant, labour
super$ision, %aterials, erection, %aintenance, insurance, profit, ta)es and duties,
to!ether with all !eneral risks, liabilities and obli!ations set out of or i%plied in the
The pa&%ent for insurance ite% to the Contractor shall be the actual pre%iu% a%ounts
paid to the Insurance co%pan& with addition of contract ta) and handlin! char!e paid
as lu%psu% a%ount.
*. The rates and prices shall be #uoted entirel& in +epalese ,upees.
-. The rates or price shall be entered a!ainst each ite% in the Bill of Quantities, whether
#uantities are stated or not.
.. The whole cost of co%pl&in! with the pro$isions of the contract shall be included in
the ite%s pro$ided in the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no ite%s are pro$ided the
cost shall be dee%ed to be distributed a%on! the rates and prices entered for the related
ite%s of work.
/. General directions and descriptions of work and %aterials are not necessaril& repeated
or su%%ari0ed in the Bill of Quantities. ,eferences to the rele$ant sections of the
contract docu%entation shall be %ade before enterin! rates or prices a!ainst each ite%
in the Bill of Quantities.
1. 2ro$isional Su%s included and so desi!nated in the Bill of Quantities shall be
e)pended in whole or in part at the direction and discretion of the 'n!ineer.
3. The %ethod of %easure%ent of co%pleted work for pa&%ent shall be as described in
these docu%ents.
14. Contract ta) is pa&able on the !ross $alue of all interi% and final pa&%ents to
Contractors at the percenta!e rate deter%ined fro% ti%e to ti%e b& the 5inistr& of
6inance. Contract ta) shall be included in the rated and prices entered in the Bill of
Quantities at the rate shown in the schedule of ta)es.
i8 The a&work Schedule 9Section II8 is pro$ided for the $aluation of:
a8 Work e)ecuted on a da&work basis pursuant to Clause *. of the
Conditions of Contract and
b8 2ro$isional Su% ite%s in the Bill of Quantities which are described as
bein! for work on a da&work basis.
+o work shall be carried out as da&work e)cept on the written order of the
ii8 ;ll #uantities in the a&work Schedule are pro$isional but the a%ounts shall
be e)tended and the totals carried to the Su%%ar&.
iii8 The Contract ,ated in the a&work Schedule shall appl& up to the date of
e)pir& of the 2eriod of 5aintenance.
i8 6or the purpose of pa&%ent of da&work, labour shall be !rouped into the
classes contained in the he a&work Schedule and the classes shall ha$e the
%eanin!s assi!ned to the% therein. 2ro$ided that if the Contractor e%plo&s a
%an on da&work of lower classification than that for which the %an is
#ualified, then in respect of such a %an the Contract will be paid onl& at the
Contract ,ate for the lower classification.
ii8 Contract ,ates for the $arious classes of labour in the a&work Schedule shall
co$er all the Contractor<s obli!ations whatsoe$er in pro$idin! and %aintainin!
such labour at the place of work includin! wa!es, pa&%ent of conditions and
or skill, bonus, tra$ellin! and subsistence allowance and e)penses, watchin!
and insurance of all kinds, site super$ision, ad%inistrati$e and welfare
char!es, the use and %aintenance of protecti$e clothin!, the use and
%aintenance of statin!, scaffoldin!, portable electric tools, non7%echanical
plant and hand tools of e$er& kind, o$erheads, profit and all incidental
iii8 The ti%e of !an!ers or char!e7hands workin! with their !an!s will be paid for
at the Contract ,ate for <!an!er<, but the cost of super$isin!7fore%en and
walkin!7!an!ers shall be dee%ed to be included under site super$ision.
i$8 The Contract ,ates for labour are for units of 5onda&s and a da& shall be
dee%ed to be a nor%al workin! da& of 1 hours. ;n& less ti%e shall be paid for
i8 The Contract ,ates for %aterials in the a&works Schedule shall co$er all the
Contractor<s obli!ations whatsoe$er in suppl&in! %aterials into store or
stockpile on sit includin! o$erheads and profit.
ii8 The Contractor shall be paid for subse#uent handlin! of %aterials at the
appropriate Contract ,ates for labour and plant.
i8 The Contract ,ates for plant in the a&work Schedule shall appl& to all plant
whether belon!in! to the Contractor or hired b& hi% and shall co$er all the
Contractor<s obli!ations whatsoe$er in pro$idin! and %aintainin! such plant at
the place of work includin! all fuel and lubricants, all au)iliar& e#uip%ent
consu%able stores, o$erhauls, repairs, replace%ent and all other char!es
necessar& for efficient operation and use of the plant, o$erheads and profits but
e)cludin! operators and attendants for who% labour char!es shall appl&. The
a%ounts char!ed shall be the actual hours worked at the direction of the
'n!ineer after the 2roject Inchar!e<s appro$al, no allowance bein! %ade for
standin! ti%e, at the rates laid down for Contractor<s own plant in the
a&work Schedule.
ii8 2a&%ent for plant on da&work will be li%ited to ite%s listed in the a&work
Schedule or added thereto b& the Contractor when tenderin!, unless otherwise
a!reed b& the 'n!ineer.
iii8 The Contractor ,ated for plant shall appl& both to plant which is alread&
a$ailable at Site and to plant brou!ht to site especiall& for da&work but in the
latter case the Contractor shall be rei%bursed his additional net costs in
transportin! such plant to and fro% the Site.

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