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1. The business concept

It was created on December7
in 2010 with the intention of providing all young people a space
where you can combine good rolls, soft drinks, great music, innovative decor and ,of course,
unlimited fun.

2. Target market
Its aimed at proactive young people
3 .Positioning

4. Line extensions

5. Brand extensions

6. Pricing strategies
Wasabi has a promotion of 2x1 in drinks after 8 pm.

7 .Distribution: presence at various points of sale. Other distribution strategies
Wasabi has 2 permanent points of sale. And one which was limited time only
The first was opened in Miraflores in 2010 (permanent point)
Wasabi opened in Santa Maria Beach (km.50) in 2012 which was limited time only
The second restaurant was opened in Regatas Club in 2012 (permanent point)
8. Communication: media used
Wasabi has communication with its customers by Facebook and Twitter. By Instagram post photos
about its new and most popular rolls.
By World Cup fever, if you buy a beer, they give you a primer and you want to say what team is
going to score a goal, and if you guess, you can get other beer free.

9. Physical Evidence
The first thing that strikes you upon entering Wasabi are his large murals of graffiti
masterfully executed by the popular Conrad (urban artist). Its like a colors explotion.
It is in the second floor where the fun is, because besides eating all the rolls you can, you
can organize your Xbox tournament or build your rock band night in private with specially
equipped for groups. You can play on the videogames boxes by 1 hour, the cost of this
service is S/.50.00 or consume in a group of friend S/100.00 in drinks.

10. People (cuanto dura el entrenamiento, que habilidades debera de tener su personal,
conocimiento del servicio)

11. Process
After coming in the restaurant, first, you have to pay, depending of the service you want. If you
want the service of all you can it, you have to pay S/.45.00. If you want this service plus a beer,
the cost of this is S/.53.00. After paying, the waiter takes you to the table. The waiter come after
10 minutes to take your order. Finally, the waiter bring your order after another 10 minutes.
12. Conclusions & recommendations
We would recommend to Wasabi to give a better service, they take 10 minutes to take
the order, we think it is too much, but the food is excellent.
The atmosphere is so nice, modern, spacious and comfortable.
13. Bibliography

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