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Carlos Alises & Carlos Expsito


Throughout our lives we all ask endless questions about what we want to do
in the future, whether short or long term, or whether it has to do with the
study or work, questions like: What do we want? How do we want? How
soon? and after we get what we wanted, what we do with it?
These questions allow you to define the way we choose to reach a decision
or another, may be trivial or momentous.
That is why Motivation" is what guarantees us to be focused on what we
want, and direct people toward getting the things they crave. You could say
that all the processes and decisions that are made in the course of life, are
subject to the degree of incentive or motivation you have. Hence the
motivation is used as an educational tool by teachers in the case of schools
or related to education, and in the case of the employers to improve
workforce development.
Motivation Concept

Motivation consists of all the
factors that cause, maintain
and direct behavior toward a

Other Definitions:
"A set of reasons involved in an elective act according to their origin,
they may be innate and physiological (hunger, sleep) or social nature;
the latter are acquired during socialization, forming depending on
interpersonal relationships, values, norms and social institutions."
"A set of factors that drive a person to want to do something or
achieve a goal, in the motivational process the stress produced by
the perception of a lack moves the person to searching behavior and
the effort to get concrete achievements to meet this need and
reduce the stress"
General predisposition that directs behavior toward achieving a goal.
It is this need that drives the people.

Motivation types
Motivation has different forms of classification. So if it born from a need
that is generated spontaneously is called: internal motivation; or it can be
induced externally: external motivation. The first arises for no apparent
reason, is the most intense and lasting. Another type of internal motivation
which is not arises spontaneously, is induced by ourselves, that is, self-
imposed and required be kept by achieving results.
Other authors define motivation is positive and negative:
Positive motivation. It is the
constant desire to improve, always
guided by a positive spirit; it may be
intrinsic and extrinsic.
Negative motivation. It is the
obligation of the person enforced
through punishments, threats, etc...
family or society.

Other classifications:
Intrinsic Motivation (IM). When the person is still interest in the
study or work, always showing improvement and personality in
achieving their aims, aspirations and goals.
Defined by the carrying out of an activity for the pleasure and
satisfaction that one experiences while learning, exploring or trying
to understand something new. Here several concepts such as
exploration, curiosity, learning objectives, intrinsic intellectuality
and finally the MI learning are related.
Extrinsic Motivation (EM). Is extrinsic when the student is just
trying to learn, not because he likes the subject or career if not for
the advantages it offers. Contrary to the IM, extrinsic motivation is
in a broad range of behaviors which are means to get a goal, not the
goal in themselves.
Relationship between motivation and behavior
According to some researchers, there are three principles that explain the
nature of human behavior. These are:
The behavior is caused. That is, there is an internal or external root
cause in human behavior resulting from the influence of heredity and
The behavior is motivated. The impulses, desires, needs or trends,
are the reasons for the behavior.
The behavior is goal-oriented. There is a purpose in all human
behavior; because there is a cause that generates it. The behavior is
always directed toward some goal.
Motivational cycle:
The starting point of the motivational cycle is given by the
emergence of a need. This need breaks the equilibrium
state in which a person is producing a state of tension that
leads the individual to develop a behavior likely to release
tension and release of nonconformity and imbalance. If the
behavior was effective, the need is satisfied, returning to
its previous equilibrium state.

If we focus on motivation as a process to meet needs, arises what is called
the motivational cycle, the stages are:
a) Homeostasis. It is a process by which the human body remains in a state
of equilibrium.
b) Encouragement. It is when a stimulus appears and generates a need.
c) Necessity. This need (still unfulfilled) causes a state of tension.
d) State of stress. The voltage produces an impetus which gives rise to a
behavior or action.
e) Behavior. when the behavior is active, goes to meet the need. This
achieves the objective successfully.
f) Satisfaction. If the need is satisfied, the body returns to its equilibrium
state, until another stimulus appears. All fulfillment is basically a release of
tension allowing the return to the previous homeostatic balance.

However, to round out the basic concept, it should be noted that when a
need is not satisfied within a reasonable time, it can lead to certain
reactions such as:

a) Behavioral Disorganization (illogical and unexplained behavior).
b) Aggression (physical, verbal, etc.).
c) Emotional reactions (anxiety, distress, nervousness and other
manifestations such as insomnia, digestive and circulatory problems etc...)
d) Line, apathy and disinterest.

For example, in schools we can see usually that
when the routes which lead the objective of the
student (grades, projections, goals, sports skills,
etc...) are blocked they "surrender". The moral
decay, they meet with friends and family to
complain and, in some cases, take revenge or
choose inappropriate behaviors, how to react to

School Motivation or Motivation for Learning

It is to encourage the student to learn, and create the necessary
conditions to achieve their goals. Motivation refers to the condition or
states that activate or energize the body, leading to a certain objective
oriented behavior. Motivation is also considered as the process of action
arouse, sustain the activity in progress and regular pattern of activity.

The mechanism by which society shapes people to behave in a certain way,
operate as follows:

1) The stimulus is activated.
2) The person responds to the stimulus.
3 ) The Company , through a senior member with ( parent, boss , priest,
teacher , etc. . ) , Tries to teach , judge the behavior and decide if it is
appropriate or not .
4) The reward (incentive or reward) is given to be positive achievement or
participation. If deemed inadequate, provides a sanction (punishment).
5) reward increases the probability that in the future, when such stimuli,
the default response is repeated. Each time this happens a reinforcement
occurs and therefore increase the likelihood of the occurrence of the
desired behavior. The pleasure or well-being that comes from having done
work or have met with a set goal is the best encouragement you can get .
Once instituted such behavior is said to have been learning.
6) The punishment is less effective; decreases the likelihood that the
behavior will be repeated with similar stimuli.
7) Learning is acquiring new or potential behavioral types. This scheme
applies not only to teach social norms but also any kind of matter. Once you
have learned something, it becomes part of the behavioral repertoire.


Unquestionably drawn to achieve goals and
objectives in life humans must be motivated to do
so. On several occasions the environment or the
internal part of each of us, conspire to obtain
rewards that allow us to stay motivated. That is
why we must reinforce from childhood, the
positive over that negative, to properly direct the
attention of children to plan objectives, thus
obtaining learning and knowledge. It will not be
immediate, but it develops a process of
assimilation, because it will be repeated many times.

That feeling of euphoria and triumph should be inculcated in children by
teachers at the school level and by their families to formal level, so that is
created in them an awareness to success , to the positive and to the
individual and social improvement .

Esa sensacin de euforia y triunfo debe serle inculcada a los nios por los
docentes a nivel escolar y por sus familias a nivel extraescolar, de tal
manera que se crea en ellos una concientizacin hacia el triunfo, hacia lo
positivo y hacia el mejoramiento individual y social.
Por ltimo la motivacin dirige la vida y los logros del humano y gracias a ella
se han logrado grandes avances en todas las disciplinas del saber.

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