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Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

'Un caso muy comn, como en mi caso, al comenzar a utilizar MySQL, necesitaba migrar
'bases de datos desde Access a MySQL. La solucin a este problema, nos la aporta un
'mdulo creado por Pedro Freire de CYNERGI.
'Los pasos que debemos seguir para instalar este mdulo, y su posterior uso son:
' 1. Abre el archivo de Access .mdb que deseas exportar.
' 2. En la ventana de objetos de la BD selecciona "Mdulos", y despus en "Nuevo".
' 3. Entonces se te abrir una ventana nueva, borra todo texto (cdigo) que haya
' 4. Copia todo el texto del archivo de Pedro Freire y pgalo en el nuevo mdulo.
' 5. Cierra la ventana de cdigo del mdulo, selecciona que "S" desea guardar los
' cambios y nombra el mdulo (p.e. "MexportSQL"). El mdulo es ahora parte de tu
' base de datos Access
' 6. Vuelve a abrir el mdulo, o pincha con el ratn en "Diseo" con nuestro nuevo
' seleccionado. Mueve el cursor hasta donde aparezca la primera palabra
' y presiona F5 o selecciona "Ejecutar" en el men.
'La ejecucin del mdulo nos crear dos archivos (esql_add.txt y esql_del.txt) en el
' directorio C:\temp (el que trae por defecto, pero lo podemos cambiar).
' (y que debe existir) A nosotros el archivo que nos interesa es esql_add.txt,
' el cul como mejor nos parezca deberemos llevarnoslo a nuestra mquina Linux.
'Ahora solo tenemos que seguir los paso que explicamos en el captulo anterior:
' 1. Creamos la base de datos: mysqladmin create mybd
' 2. Volamos los datos y la nueva base de datos: cat esql_add.txt | mysql mybd
' exportSQL version 3.2-dev
' based on exportSQL version 2.0 from
' (C) 1997-98 CYNERGI -,
' (C) Pedro Freire - (do not add to mailing lists without
' (c) 2000-2001 Dobrica Pavlinusic <> - added PostgreSQL support
' This code is provided free for anyone's use and is therefore without guarantee or
' This does NOT mean CYNERGI delegates its copyright to anyone using it! You may
change the
' code in any way, as long as this notice remains on the code and CYNERGI is
notified (if you
' publish the changes: if your changes/corrections prove valuable and are added to
the code,
' you will be listed in a credit list on this file).
' You may NOT sell this as part of a non-free package:

' "exportSQL"
' Export all tables in a MS-Access database file to 2 text files:
' one containing SQL instructions to delete the new tables to be created,
' and the other with SQL instructions to create and insert data into
' the new tables. The table structure and data will resemble as much as
' possible the current Access database.
' Copy-and-paste this text file into an Access module and run the first
' (and only public) function. in more detail, you:
' * Open the Access .mdb file you wish to export
' * in the default database objects window, click on "Modules", and then on "New"
' * The code window that opens has some pre-written text (code). Delete it.
' * Copy-and-paste this entire file to the code module window
' * If you are using Microsoft Access 2000 you will have to make
' one additional step: go into Tools/References and check following
' component: Microsoft DAO Object 3.6 Library and uncheck Microsoft
' ActiveX Data Objects Library
' * You may hit the compile button (looks like 3 sheets of paper with an arrow on
' top of them, pressing down on them), or select Debug, Compile Loaded Modules
' from the top menu, just to make sure there are no errors, and that this code
' works on your Access version (it works on Access'97 and should work on
' * Close the code module window - windows will prompt you to save the code:
' answer "Yes", and when promped for a name for the module, type anything
' (say, "MexportSQL")
' The module is now part of your Access database. To run the export, you:
' * Re-open the code module (by double-clicking on it, or clicking "Design"
' with it selected). Move the cursor to where the first "Function" keyword
' Press F5 or select Run, Go/Continue from the top menu.
' * Alternativelly, click on "Macros" on the database objects window,
' and then on "New". On the macro window, select "RunCode" as the macro action,
' and "exportSQL" as the function name, bellow. Save the macro similarly to the
' module, and this time double-clicking on it, or clicking "Run" will run the
' Before running the export, be sure to check out the Export Options just bellow
' text, and change any according to your wishes and specs.
' Public identifiers:
' * Only one: "exportSQL", a function taking and returning no arguments. It runs
the export.
' Functionallity:
' * Can export to mSQL v1, mSQL v2, MySQL or PostgreSQL recognised SQL statements
' * Excellent respect for name conversion, namespace verification, type matching,
' * Detects default values "=Now()", "=Date()" and "=Time()" to create types like
' * Fully configurable via private constants on top of code
' * Exports two files: one for erasures, another for creations (useful when
updating dbs)
' * Generates compatibility warnings when necessary
' * Code and generated files are paragraphed and easy to read
' * Access text and memo fields can have any type of line termination: \n\r, \r\n,
\n or \r
' * Properly escapes text and memo fields, besides all types of binary fields
' * Closes all open objects and files on error
' * Known bugs / incomplete constructs are signalled with comments starting with
' * Two alternatives on absent date/time type on mSQL: REAL or CHAR field
' * Exports Primary key and Indexes for PostgreSQL
' * Inserts Constrains as comments in SQL dump

' + fix fields with non-valid characters (-, /, and friend)
' + fix CR/LF in output
' + fix boolean fields
' + output of create table in separate file
' - create index (FIX)

' Export Options - change at will

Private Const DB_ENGINE As String = "MY" ' USE ONLY "M1" (mSQL v1), "M2" (mSQL v2),
"MY" (MySQL) or "Pg" (PostgreSQL)
Private Const DB_NAME As String = "" ' Use empty string for current. Else use
filename or DSN name of database to export
Private Const DB_CONNECT As String = "" ' Used only if above string is not empty
Private Const MSQL_64kb_AVG As Long = 2048 ' ALWAYS < 65536 (to be consistent with
MS Access). Set to max expected size of Access MEMO field (to preserve space in mSQL
Private Const WS_REPLACEMENT As String = "_" ' Use "" to simply eat whitespaces in
identifiers (table and field names)
Private Const IDENT_MAX_SIZE As Integer = 19 ' Suggest 64. Max size of identifiers
(table and field names)
Private Const PREFIX_ON_KEYWORD As String = "_" ' Prefix to add to identifier, if
it is a reserved word
Private Const SUFFIX_ON_KEYWORD As String = "" ' Suffix to add to identifier, if it
is a reserved word
Private Const PREFIX_ON_INDEX As String = "ix" ' Prefix to add to index identifier,
to make it unique (mSQL v2)
Private Const SUFFIX_ON_INDEX As String = "" ' Suffix to add to index identifier,
to make it unique (mSQL v2)
Private Const CREATE_SQL_FILE As String = "F:\Sena\SQL JhonWi\Modulo_Sql_create.sql"
' Use empty if open on #1. Will be overwritten if exists!
Private Const DEL_SQL_FILE As String = "F:\Sena\SQL JhonWi\Modulo_Sql_del.sql" '
Use empty if open on #2. Will be overwritten if exists!
Private Const ADD_SQL_FILE As String = "F:\Sena\SQL JhonWi\Modulo_Sql_add.sql" '
Use empty if open on #1. Will be overwritten if exists!
Private Const LINE_BREAK As String = "\n" ' Try "<br>". String to replace line
breaks in text fields
Private Const COMMENTS As Boolean = True ' Dump comments into output file
Private Const DISPLAY_WARNINGS As Boolean = True ' False to output the warnings to
the files, only
Private Const DATE_AS_STR As Boolean = True ' False to use real number data type
for date, time and timestamp (in mSQL only)
Private Const PARA_INSERT_AFTER As Integer = 3 ' Field count after which print
INSERTs different lines
Private Const INDENT_SIZE As Integer = 5 ' Number of spaces on indents

' Global var to store inter-funtion data
Private warnings As String ' Not an option: do not set in any way
Private COMMENT_PREFIX As String
Private QUERY_SEPARATOR As String ' Terminator/separator of SQL queries (to instruct
some monitor program to execute them)

' Primary Export Function

Sub exportSQL()
On Error GoTo exportSQL_error

Dim cdb As Database
Dim ctableix As Integer, ctablename As String
If DB_ENGINE = "Pg" Then
End If
End If

If DB_NAME = "" Then
Set cdb = CurrentDb()
Set cdb = OpenDatabase(DB_NAME, False, True, DB_CONNECT) ' Shared, read-only
End If

If CREATE_SQL_FILE <> "" Then Open CREATE_SQL_FILE For Output As #1
If DEL_SQL_FILE <> "" Then Open DEL_SQL_FILE For Output As #2
If ADD_SQL_FILE <> "" Then Open ADD_SQL_FILE For Output As #3

DoCmd.Hourglass True

Dim convert_to As String
If (Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY") Then
convert_to = "MySQL"
ElseIf (DB_ENGINE = "Pg") Then
convert_to = "PostgreSQL"
convert_to = "mSQL"
End If
Print #1, COMMENT_PREFIX & " Exported from MS Access to " & convert_to
Print #2, COMMENT_PREFIX & " Exported from MS Access to " & convert_to
Print #3, COMMENT_PREFIX & " Exported from MS Access to " & convert_to
Print #1, COMMENT_PREFIX & " (C) 1997-98 CYNERGI -,"
Print #2, COMMENT_PREFIX & " (C) 1997-98 CYNERGI -,"
Print #3, COMMENT_PREFIX & " (C) 1997-98 CYNERGI -,"
End If

'Go through the table definitions
For ctableix = 0 To cdb.TableDefs.Count - 1

Dim cfieldix As Integer, cfieldname As String
Dim fieldlst As String, sqlcode As String
Dim primary_found As Boolean
Dim crs As Recordset

' Let's take only the visible tables
If (((cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Attributes And DB_SYSTEMOBJECT) Or _
(cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Attributes And DB_HIDDENOBJECT))) = 0 Then

ctablename = conv_name("" & cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Name)

Print #2,
Print #2, "DROP TABLE " & ctablename & QUERY_SEPARATOR

' CREATE clause
Print #1,
Print #1, "CREATE TABLE " & ctablename
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & "("

warnings = ""
fieldlst = ""
primary_found = False

' loop thorugh each field in the table
For cfieldix = 0 To cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields.Count - 1

Dim typestr As String, fieldsz As Integer, dvstr As String
Dim found_ix As Boolean, cindex, tmpindex As Index, cfield, tmpfield
As Field

' if this is not the first iteration, add separators
If fieldlst <> "" Then
fieldlst = fieldlst & ", "
Print #1, ","
End If

' get field name
cfieldname = conv_name("" &
fieldlst = fieldlst & cfieldname

' translate types
If DB_ENGINE = "M1" Or DB_ENGINE = "M2" Then
Select Case cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Type
Case dbChar
typestr = "CHAR(" &
cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Size & ")"
Case dbText
fieldsz = cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Size
If fieldsz = 0 Then fieldsz = 255
typestr = "CHAR(" & fieldsz & ")"
Case dbBoolean, dbByte, dbInteger, dbLong
typestr = "INT"
Case dbDouble, dbFloat, dbSingle
typestr = "REAL"
Case dbCurrency, dbDecimal, dbNumeric
typestr = "REAL"
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', currency/BCD
will be converted to REAL - there may be precision loss!", False
Case dbDate
typestr = IIf(DATE_AS_STR, "CHAR(19)", "REAL") ' use
Access internal format: IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) FP
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "',
date/time/timestamp will be converted to " & typestr & ".", False
Case dbTime
typestr = IIf(DATE_AS_STR, "CHAR(8)", "REAL") ' use
Access internal format: IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) FP
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "',
date/time/timestamp will be converted to " & typestr & ".", False
Case dbTimeStamp
typestr = IIf(DATE_AS_STR, "CHAR(19)", "REAL") ' use
Access internal format: IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) FP
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "',
date/time/timestamp will be converted to " & typestr & "." & IIf(DB_ENGINE = "M2", "
Consider using pseudo field '_timestamp'.", ""), False
Case dbMemo
If DB_ENGINE = "M2" Then
typestr = "TEXT(" & MSQL_64kb_AVG & ")"
typestr = "CHAR(" & MSQL_64kb_AVG & ")"
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', dbMemo is
not supported by mSQL v1 - fields larger than MSQL_64kb_AVG (" & MSQL_64kb_AVG & ")
will not be accepted!", False
End If
Case dbBinary, dbVarBinary
typestr = "CHAR(255)"
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', dbBinary and
dbVarBinary are not supported by mSQL! - will use a text (CHAR(255)) field.", True
Case dbLongBinary
typestr = "CHAR(" & MSQL_64kb_AVG & ")"
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', dbLongBinary is
not supported by mSQL! - will use a text (CHAR(" & MSQL_64kb_AVG & ")) field.", True
Case Else
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', dbBigInt and
dbGUID are not currently supported!", True
Error 5 ' invalid Procedure Call
End Select
ElseIf DB_ENGINE = "MY" Then
Select Case cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Type
Case dbBinary
typestr = "TINYBLOB"
Case dbBoolean
typestr = "TINYINT"
Case dbByte
Case dbChar
typestr = "CHAR(" &
cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Size & ")"
Case dbCurrency
typestr = "DECIMAL(20,4)"
Case dbDate
typestr = "DATETIME"
Case dbDecimal
typestr = "DECIMAL(20,4)"
Case dbDouble
typestr = "REAL"
Case dbFloat
typestr = "REAL"
Case dbInteger
typestr = "SMALLINT"
Case dbLong
typestr = "INT"
Case dbLongBinary
typestr = "LONGBLOB"
Case dbMemo
typestr = "LONGBLOB" ' !!!!! MySQL bug! Replace by
LONGTEXT when corrected!
Case dbNumeric
typestr = "DECIMAL(20,4)"
Case dbSingle
typestr = "FLOAT"
Case dbText
fieldsz = cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Size
If fieldsz = 0 Then fieldsz = 255
typestr = "CHAR(" & fieldsz & ")"
Case dbTime
typestr = "TIME"
Case dbTimeStamp
typestr = "TIMESTAMP"
Case dbVarBinary
typestr = "TINYBLOB"
Case dbBigInt, dbGUID
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', dbBigInt and
dbGUID are not currently supported!", True
Error 5 ' invalid Procedure Call
Case Else
typestr = "LONGBLOB"
End Select
ElseIf DB_ENGINE = "Pg" Then
Select Case cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Type
Case dbBinary
typestr = "int2"
Case dbBoolean
typestr = "bool"
Case dbByte
typestr = "int2"
Case dbChar
typestr = "varchar(" &
cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Size & ")"
Case dbCurrency
typestr = "DECIMAL(20,4)"
Case dbDate
typestr = "DATETIME"
Case dbDecimal
typestr = "DECIMAL(20,4)"
Case dbDouble
typestr = "float8"
Case dbFloat
typestr = "float4"
Case dbInteger
typestr = "int4"
Case dbLong
typestr = "int8"
Case dbLongBinary
typestr = "text" ' hm?
Case dbMemo
typestr = "text"
Case dbNumeric
typestr = "DECIMAL(20,4)"
Case dbSingle
typestr = "float4"
Case dbText
fieldsz = cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Size
If fieldsz = 0 Then fieldsz = 255
typestr = "varchar(" & fieldsz & ")"
Case dbTime
typestr = "TIME"
Case dbTimeStamp
typestr = "TIMESTAMP"
Case dbVarBinary
typestr = "text" ' hm?
Case dbBigInt, dbGUID
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', dbBigInt and
dbGUID are not currently supported!", True
Error 5 ' invalid Procedure Call
Case Else
typestr = "text"
End Select
warn "unkown DB_ENGINE string " & DB_ENGINE, True
Error 5 ' invalid Procedure Call
End If

' check not null and auto-increment properties
If ((cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Attributes And
dbAutoIncrField) <> 0) Then
If Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY" Then
typestr = typestr & " NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"
ElseIf DB_ENGINE = "Pg" Then
typestr = " serial"
typestr = typestr & " NOT NULL"
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', mSQL does not
support auto-increment fields! - they will be pure INTs." & IIf(DB_ENGINE = "M2", "
Consider using pseudo field '_rowid' or SEQUENCEs.", ""), False
End If
ElseIf cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Required = True Then
typestr = typestr & " NOT NULL"
End If

' default value
dvstr = cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).DefaultValue
If dvstr <> "" Then
If Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) <> "MY" And DB_ENGINE <> "Pg" Then
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', mSQL does not
support default values! - they won't be initialised.", False
ElseIf Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY" And
cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Required = False Then
warn "In new field '" & cfieldname & "', MySQL needs NOT
NULL to support default values! - it won't be set a default.", False
ElseIf Left$(dvstr, 1) = """" Then
typestr = typestr & " DEFAULT '" & conv_str(Mid$(dvstr, 2,
Len(dvstr) - 2)) & "'"
ElseIf ((LCase(dvstr) = "now()" Or LCase(dvstr) = "date()" Or
LCase(dvstr) = "time()") And _
(Left$(typestr, 5) = "DATE " Or Left$(typestr, 5) = "TIME " Or
Left$(typestr, 9) = "DATETIME ")) Then
typestr = "TIMESTAMP " & Right$(typestr, Len(typestr) -
InStr(typestr, " "))
ElseIf LCase(dvstr) = "no" Then
typestr = typestr & " DEFAULT 0"
ElseIf LCase(dvstr) = "yes" Then
typestr = typestr & " DEFAULT 1"
typestr = typestr & " DEFAULT " & dvstr
End If
End If

' add constrains
Dim val_rule, val_text As String
val_rule = cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).ValidationRule
val_text = cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).ValidationText
If DB_ENGINE = "Pg" And val_rule <> "" Then
typestr = typestr & COMMENT_PREFIX & " check ( " & val_rule & "
) " & COMMENT_PREFIX & " " & val_text
warn "Field '" & cfieldname & "' has constrain '" & val_rule &
"' with text '" & val_text & "' which you have to convert manually (inserted as
comment in SQL)", False
End If

' check if primary key (for mSQL v1)
If DB_ENGINE = "M1" Then
found_ix = False
For Each cindex In cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Indexes
If cindex.Primary Then
For Each cfield In cindex.Fields
If cfield.Name =
cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Fields(cfieldix).Name Then
found_ix = True
Exit For
End If
Next cfield
If found_ix Then Exit For
End If
Next cindex
If found_ix Then
If primary_found Then
warn "On new table '" & ctablename & "', mSQL v1 does
not support more than one PRIMARY KEY! Only first key was set.", False
typestr = typestr & " PRIMARY KEY"
primary_found = True
End If
End If
End If

'print out field info
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & cfieldname & Space$(IDENT_MAX_SIZE -
Len(cfieldname) + 2) & typestr;

Next cfieldix

' terminate CREATE clause
If DB_ENGINE = "M2" Then
Print #1,
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & ")" & QUERY_SEPARATOR
End If

' primary key and other index declaration
If DB_ENGINE = "M2" Or Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY" Or DB_ENGINE = "Pg"
For Each cindex In cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Indexes
sqlcode = ""
For Each cfield In cindex.Fields
sqlcode = sqlcode & IIf(sqlcode = "", "", ", ") &
Next cfield
If DB_ENGINE = "M2" Then
Print #1, "CREATE " & IIf(cindex.Unique, "UNIQUE ", "") &
"INDEX " & _
conv_name(PREFIX_ON_INDEX & cindex.Name & SUFFIX_ON_INDEX) &
" ON " & _
ctablename & " (" & sqlcode & ")" & QUERY_SEPARATOR
ElseIf DB_ENGINE = "Pg" Then
If cindex.Primary Then
Print #1, ","
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & "PRIMARY KEY (" &
sqlcode & ")";
ElseIf cindex.Unique Then
Print #1, ","
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & "UNIQUE INDEX (" &
sqlcode & ")";
' skip indexes which are part of primary key
primary_found = False
For Each tmpindex In cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Indexes
If tmpindex.Primary Then
For Each tmpfield In tmpindex.Fields
If sqlcode = conv_name(tmpfield.Name) Then
primary_found = True
Exit For
End If
Next tmpfield
End If
Next tmpindex
If Not primary_found Then
If DB_ENGINE = "Pg" Then
' FIX: create index....
Print #1, ","
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & "INDEX (" &
sqlcode & ")";
End If
End If
End If

Print #1, ","
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & IIf(cindex.Primary, "PRIMARY
", "") & "KEY (" & sqlcode & ")";
End If
Next cindex
End If

' terminate CREATE clause
If DB_ENGINE <> "M2" Then
Print #1,
Print #1, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & ")" & QUERY_SEPARATOR
End If

' print any warnings bellow it
If COMMENTS And warnings <> "" Then
If DB_ENGINE = "M2" Then Print #1, COMMENT_PREFIX & " "
Print #1, warnings
warnings = ""
End If

Print #1,

' INSERT clause
Set crs = cdb.OpenRecordset(cdb.TableDefs(ctableix).Name)
If crs.RecordCount <> 0 Then

' loop thorugh each record in the table
Do Until crs.EOF

' start paragraphing
sqlcode = "INSERT INTO " & ctablename
If crs.Fields.Count > PARA_INSERT_AFTER Then
Print #3, sqlcode
If DB_ENGINE = "M1" Then Print #3, Space$(INDENT_SIZE) & "("
& fieldlst & ")"
Print #3, "VALUES ("
sqlcode = Space$(INDENT_SIZE)
If DB_ENGINE = "M1" Then sqlcode = sqlcode & " (" & fieldlst
& ")"
sqlcode = sqlcode & " VALUES ("
End If

' loop through each field in each record
For cfieldix = 0 To crs.Fields.Count - 1

' based on type, prepare the field value
If IsNull(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value) Then
sqlcode = sqlcode & "NULL"
Select Case crs.Fields(cfieldix).Type
Case dbBoolean
If DB_ENGINE = "Pg" Then
sqlcode = sqlcode &
IIf(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value = True, "'t'", "'f'")
sqlcode = sqlcode &
IIf(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value = True, "1", "0")
End If
Case dbChar, dbText, dbMemo
sqlcode = sqlcode & "'" &
conv_str(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value) & "'"
Case dbDate, dbTimeStamp
If Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY" Or DATE_AS_STR
sqlcode = sqlcode & "'" &
Format(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") & "'"
'print in Access internal format: IEEE 64-
bit (8-byte) FP
sqlcode = sqlcode & "'" &
Format(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value, "#.#########") & "'"
End If
Case dbTime
If Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY" Or DATE_AS_STR
sqlcode = sqlcode & "'" &
Format(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value, "HH:MM:SS") & "'"
'print in Access internal format: IEEE 64-
bit (8-byte) FP
sqlcode = sqlcode & "'" &
Format(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value, "#.#########") & "'"
End If
Case dbBinary, dbLongBinary, dbVarBinary
sqlcode = sqlcode & "'" &
conv_bin(crs.Fields(cfieldix).Value) & "'"
Case dbCurrency, dbDecimal, dbDouble, dbFloat,
dbNumeric, dbSingle
sqlcode = sqlcode &
Case Else
sqlcode = sqlcode &
End Select
End If

' paragraph separators
If cfieldix < crs.Fields.Count - 1 Then
sqlcode = sqlcode & ", "
If crs.Fields.Count > PARA_INSERT_AFTER Then
Print #3, sqlcode
sqlcode = Space$(INDENT_SIZE)
End If
End If

Next cfieldix

' print out result and any warnings
sqlcode = sqlcode & IIf(crs.Fields.Count > PARA_INSERT_AFTER, "
Print #3, sqlcode
If COMMENTS And warnings <> "" Then
Print #3, warnings
warnings = ""
End If
If crs.Fields.Count > PARA_INSERT_AFTER Then Print #3,



' if there is no data on the table
If COMMENTS Then Print #3, COMMENT_PREFIX & " This table has no

End If

Set crs = Nothing

End If 'print only unhidden tables

Next ctableix

Close #3
Close #2
Close #1

Set cdb = Nothing

DoCmd.Hourglass False

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exportSQL_exit

End Sub

Private Function conv_name(strname As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, str As String

' replace inner spaces with WS_REPLACEMENT
str = strname
i = 1
While i <= Len(str)
Select Case Mid$(str, i, 1)
Case " ", Chr$(9), Chr$(10), Chr$(13), "-", "/" ' space, tab, newline,
carriage return
str = Left$(str, i - 1) & WS_REPLACEMENT & Right$(str, Len(str) - i)
Case Else
i = i + 1
End Select
' restrict tablename to IDENT_MAX_SIZE chars, *after* eating spaces
str = Left$(str, IDENT_MAX_SIZE)
' check for reserved words
conv_name = str
If Left$(DB_ENGINE, 2) = "MY" Then
Select Case LCase$(str)
Case "add", "all", "alter", "and", "as", "asc", "auto_increment",
"between", _
"bigint", "binary", "blob", "both", "by", "cascade", "char",
"character", _
"change", "check", "column", "columns", "create", "data", "datetime",
"dec", _
"decimal", "default", "delete", "desc", "describe", "distinct",
"double", _
"drop", "escaped", "enclosed", "explain", "fields", "float", "float4", _
"float8", "foreign", "from", "for", "full", "grant", "group", "having",
"ignore", "in", "index", "infile", "insert", "int", "integer",
"interval", _
"int1", "int2", "int3", "int4", "int8", "into", "is", "key", "keys", _
"leading", "like", "lines", "limit", "lock", "load", "long", "longblob",
"longtext", "match", "mediumblob", "mediumtext", "mediumint",
"middleint", _
"numeric", "not", "null", "on", "option", "optionally", "or", "order", _
"outfile", "partial", "precision", "primary", "procedure", "privileges",
"read", "real", "references", "regexp", "repeat", "replace", "restrict",
"rlike", "select", "set", "show", "smallint", "sql_big_tables", _
"sql_big_selects", "sql_select_limit", "straight_join", "table",
"tables", _
"terminated", "tinyblob", "tinytext", "tinyint", "trailing", "to",
"unique", _
"unlock", "unsigned", "update", "usage", "values", "varchar", "varying",
"with", "write", "where", "zerofill"
conv_name = Left$(PREFIX_ON_KEYWORD & str & SUFFIX_ON_KEYWORD,
If (str = conv_name) Then
warn "In identifier '" & strname & "', the new form '" & strname
& _
"' is a reserved word, and PREFIX_ON_KEYWORD ('" & _
"') make it larger than IDENT_MAX_SIZE, and after cut it is the
same as the original! " & _
"This is usually caused by a void or empty PREFIX_ON_KEYWORD.",
Error 5 ' invalid Procedure Call
End If
End Select
End If
End Function

Private Function conv_str(str As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, nlstr As String, rstr As Variant

nlstr = ""
rstr = Null
i = 1
While i <= Len(str)
Select Case Mid$(str, i, 1)
Case Chr$(0) ' ASCII NUL
nlstr = ""
rstr = "\0"
Case Chr$(8) ' backspace
nlstr = ""
rstr = "\b"
Case Chr$(9) ' tab
nlstr = ""
rstr = "\t"
Case "'"
nlstr = ""
rstr = "\'"
Case """"
nlstr = ""
rstr = "\"""
Case "\"
nlstr = ""
rstr = "\\"
Case Chr$(10), Chr$(13) ' line feed and carriage return
If nlstr <> "" And nlstr <> Mid$(str, i, 1) Then
' there was a previous newline and this is its pair: eat it
rstr = ""
nlstr = ""
' this is a fresh newline
nlstr = Mid$(str, i, 1)
End If
Case Else
nlstr = ""
End Select
If Not IsNull(rstr) Then
str = Left$(str, i - 1) & rstr & Right$(str, Len(str) - i)
i = i + Len(rstr)
rstr = Null
i = i + 1
End If
conv_str = str
End Function

Private Function conv_bin(str As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, rstr As String

rstr = ""
i = 1
While i <= Len(str)
Select Case Mid$(str, i, 1)
Case Chr$(0) ' ASCII NUL
rstr = "\0"
Case Chr$(8) ' backspace
rstr = "\b"
Case Chr$(9) ' tab
rstr = "\t"
Case "'"
rstr = "\'"
Case """"
rstr = "\"""
Case "\"
rstr = "\\"
Case Chr$(10) ' line feed
rstr = "\n"
Case Chr$(13) ' carriage return
rstr = "\r"
End Select
If rstr <> "" Then
str = Left$(str, i - 1) & rstr & Right$(str, Len(str) - i)
i = i + Len(rstr)
rstr = ""
i = i + 1
End If
conv_bin = str
End Function

' This function is used to convert local setting of decimal , to .
Private Function conv_float(str As String) As String
Dim i As Integer

i = 1
While i <= Len(str)
If Mid$(str, i, 1) = "," Then
str = Left$(str, i - 1) & "." & Right$(str, Len(str) - i)
End If
i = i + 1
conv_float = str
End Function

Private Sub warn(str As String, abortq As Boolean)
If DISPLAY_WARNINGS Then MsgBox str, vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, "Warning"
warnings = warnings & COMMENT_PREFIX & " Warning: " & str & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
End Sub

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