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IELTS writing-model essay 1..........................................................................................2

Happiness is considered very important in our life. Wy it is difficult to define! Wat
factors are in acieving appiness!.....................................................................................2
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Happiness is considered very important in our life. Why
it is difficult to define? What factors are in
achieving happiness?
It as ,een widely noted tat appiness is very important to our life. However- wat is
appiness! It seems difficult to define- for different people ave different ideas. Some
people are ,rougt up tat most important ting in teir life. Tey o,tain appiness from fame and profit. /ter people are in pursuit of mental edification. Tey serve
people eart and soul and find appiness from it.
In my view- according to pilosopy- everyting is in process of development including
appiness. We spare no effort to acieve our goal and o,tain appiness from success.
However- after tat we ave anoter new aim to acieve. Tere is no limit to gaining
lasting appiness.
Ten ow to o,tain appiness! I tin. true appiness can ,e got in te following ways0
In te first instance- true appiness comes from ard wor.. 1 student is very appy wen
e as gotten ig score in is e2aminations. His appiness is te result of is ard and
patient study. Tus- appiness a,ounds in ard wor..
Secondly- appiness is rooted in optimistic attitude. In our daily life- we sould face a lot
of pro,lems- wic may lead to set,ac.s. If tese defeatist sentiments sei3e us- appiness
will ,e far away from us. Te only way is rigt attitude and sparing no effort to overcome
it ten you can find appiness.
Last ,ut not least- appiness comes from frugality. 4any e2ample display people
spending money wastefully for satisfaction of teir desires may suffer from poverty in te
long run. So living a simple and content life one appy and ceerful.
1ll in all- appiness is very important to our life. Te good metod to find appiness is our mentality and pysicality ,ot strong.
Animals were friends or foes of humanity at
diferent stages of the human history. In
modern times, experiments upon animals
have been a breeding ground for spirited
debate. Some animal rights activists argue
that we should ban animal experiments
altogether because subjecting animals to
experimentation is unwarranted on moral
grounds, whereas some other people
contend that the advancement of science
necessitates animal testing. ersonally, I am
in favor of the latter view.
5ranted- mounting empirical evidence suggests tat many animal e2periments are
performed callously witout any eed to te discomfort or pain tat la,oratory mammals
endure. 6or one ting- improper confinement of test animals suc as tem up in
cramped cages is inumane7 and tis- in turn- can severely disrupt natural ,iological
functions of te test animal. 6or anoter- te effects of vaccination or vivisection
conducted on live mammals can ,e cilling. In e2treme cases- tey constitute seer
torture of animals.
8everteless- from a more pragmatic standpoint- evidence a,ounds tat animal su,9ects
are still an indispensa,le part of scientific researc at tis pase of uman development.
In te first place- drug e2perimentation on live mammals is- indisputa,ly- far more
effectual tan e2perimentation on ,acteria or on oter lower species in determining drug
safety. 4edical istory informs tat drugs tat can potentially e2ert grave side effects on
omo sapiens must ,e tested ,y parmaceutical companies on live mammals first to
ascertain teir to2icity. In te second place- in te realm of space researc- live animals
are still practical alternatives on a fligt not considered to ,e sufficiently safe for uman
astronauts. 1nd I would ,e ard-pressed to imagine te scenario tat uman lives sould
,e put at sta.e wen te o,9ective of a space mission is merely to identify living
creatures: reaction to outer space e2perience. Lastly- la, researc a,out te ,eavioral
tendencies of cimpan3ees- gorillas or oter mem,ers of te primate group is also a
worty endeavor- in ligt of te fact tat it generates outcomes consistently advancing
antropological and genetic sciences.
To conclude- I concede tat e2periments upon animals may induce suffering to te test
animals. However- it is generally argua,le tat tere are no practical alternatives to tis
metodology at te current stage of scientific development. /n ,alance - I am convinced
tat wat we sould do is to allow animals testing to ,e continued ,ut at te same time
use tecni;ues suc as analgesic- anestetic and tran;uili3ing drugs to minimi3e te pain
of te test animal.
eople attend college or university for many
diferent reasons. !hy do you thin" people
attend college or university#
<eople attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. I ,elieve tat te tree
most common reasons are to prepare for a career- to ave new e2periences- and to
increase teir .nowledge of temselves and te world around tem.
=areer preparation is ,ecoming more and more important to young people. 6or many- tis
is te primary reason to go to college. Tey .now tat te 9o, is competitive. 1t
college- tey can learn new s.ill for careers wit a lot of opportunities. Tis means
careers- suc as information tecnology- are e2pected to need a large wor.force in te
coming years.
1lso- students go to colleges and universities to ave new e2periences. Tis often means
aving te opportunity to meet people different from tose in teir ometowns. 6or most
students- going to college is te first time tey ave ,een away form ome ,y temselves.
In addition- tis is te first time tey ave ad to ma.e decisions on teir own.
tese decisions increases teir .nowledge of temselves.
>esides for self-.nowledge- people also attend a university or college to e2pand
teir .nowledge in su,9ects tey find interesting. 6or many- tis will ,e teir last cance
for a long time to learn a,out someting tat does not relate to teir career.
I would recommend tat people not ,e so focused on a career. Instead- tey sould go to
college to ave new e2periences and learn a,out temselves and te world tey live in.
Tis may ma.e tem ,etter prepared for teir future.
IELTS writing-model essay
Some teachers say students should !e organi"ed into group study. #thers argue that
students should !e made to study alone. $iscuss the !enefits of !oth and state the
more effective method in your opinion.
Te de,ate over weter studying in group is superior to studying alone as long ,een in
;uestion and educational e2perts are deeply divided over tis issue. 6rom an o,9ective
perspective- I:m strongly convinced tat ,ot metods ave teir own superiorities.
/ne of te ma9or superiorities of group study is tat it provides an environment in wic
students can e2cange ideas wit eac oter. It is well .nown tat .nowledge .nows no
,ounds- so it is almost impossi,le for even an eminent professor at university to ave a
good command of everyting- let alone an ordinary student. In conse;uence- students
sould ,e divided into different groups or classes so tat tey can communicate wit-
learn from and elp eac oter.
1noter o,vious advantage of studying in group is tat students ave te opportunity to
learn to sociali3e wit oters. 4any sociologists point out tat people in modern society
are more isolated tan tose in ancient times mainly ,ecause tey do not ave enoug
opportunities to get alone wit oters. ?nder suc circumstances- it is unreasona,le to
deprive te students of te cance to sociali3e ,y arranging tem to study alone.
However- we sould not overloo. te fact tat studying alone also as its uni;ue merit----
effectiveness. In a ,ig class- top students migt feel ,ored ,ecause te teacer does not
give tem enoug material to learn wereas poor students migt feel 9ust te opposite
,ecause te teacer gives tem too many materials to digest. In oter words- te teacer
usually slows down te rate of progress or reduces te content of is lesson in te ligt of
students wit lower a,ility.
=omparing te ,enefits of ,ot sides- I deem group study more effective only if te class
or group is not too ,ig.
IELTS writing-model essay %
4any people ,elieve tat we ave developed into a @trow-away societyA wic is filling
wit plastic ,ags and ru,,is. Wat do you tin.!
Wind ,lows up ,ags iger and iger in te s.y. It is a scary tougt tat some day te
eart will turn into a uge gar,age land. Wastes- if not treated properly- will ma.e our life
a living nigtmare.
Te environmental issue is getting worse almost every day in cities wit very large
population. 1s is often te case- city development outpaces environmental protection.
<eople consume great amount of natural resouces and produce wastes. To effectively
address suc pro,lems- cities need to spend ,ig money. In addition- tey need to call to
te attention of people to ,ecome more environmentally responsi,le.
4any people are ,ecoming less responsi,le and easily influenced ,y ,ad ,eaviors.
@Wy sould I care wile oters don:t care!A Suc idea some people only concern
wit places were tey live and wor.. 6urtermore- people sometimes even purposely
litter for revenge to oter people.
1ltoug media promotes environmental awareness- good people are often snu,,ed as
posers wo try to set up a superior image in real life. =onse;uently- tey are intimated of
receiving negative comments for doing te rigt ting. Wrong as it is- suc penomenon
is widespread especially among youngsters and people wit low income and little
However- our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution. <eople learn
te arms of undegrada,le lunc ,o2es and oter polluting wastes. Laws in many
countries proi,it or limit e2cessive use of polluting ,ags. =ompanies are continuely
replacing te old materials wit more environmental friendly and recycla,le .inds.
Scientists ave developed more effective tecnologies in waste treatment. 1s time goes
,y- more and more people put ig priority on te protection of environment for a
ealtier life.
To sum up- people produce uge amount of gar,age and te environment is seriously
polluted ,ecause of lac. of financial resources- sense of responsi,ility- or efforts. >ut te
world will not turn into a @trow awayA society if people put in sufficient efforts to
protect our environment.
IELTS writing-model essay &
The first time when an astronaut arrived on the 'oon( he said) *It is a !ig step for
man+ind.* However( some people thin+ it ma+es a minor impact on our lives. $o
you agree or disagree? ,-se you own e.perience to e.plain/
1lmost every day we see someting in te papers a,out te latest e2citing developments
in te space race. <otograps are regularly flased to te eart from tousands and even
millions of miles away. Tey are printed in our newspapers and sown on our television
screens as a visi,le proof of te manBs newest acievements. Te potograps neatly sum
up te results of tese massive efforts to Bcon;uer spaceB and at te same time tey
e2posed te a,surdity of te 1ll we can see is an indistinguisa,le ,lo,
wic is supposed to represent a planet seen from several tousand miles away. we are
going to end up wit a little moon-dust and a few stones wic will ,e put ,eind glass in
some museum. Tis is ardly value for money wen you tin. tat our own eart ca
provide countless sigts wic are infinitely more e2citing and spectacular.
Te space race is not simply te o,9ective searc for .nowledge it is often made out to
,e. It is 9ust an e2tension of te race for power on eart. /nly te wealtiest nations can
compete and tey do so in te name of pure scientific researc. >ut in reality- all tey are
interested in is power and prestige. Tey want to impress us- teir spectators- wit a
magnificent sow of strengt. 4an as played te power game ever since te appeared
on eart. 8ow e is playing it as it as never ,een played ,efore. Te space race is 9ust
anoter aspect of te age-old argument tat Bmigt is rigtB.
We are often told tat tecnological .now-ow- ac;uired in attempting to get us into
or,it- will ,e utili3ed to ma.e ,etter on eart. ,ut wat as te space race done to relieve
te suffering of te eartBs starving millions! In wat way as it raised te standard of
living of any one of us! 1s far as te layman is concerned- te practical results of all tis
e2penditure of money and efforts are negligi,le. Tan.s to space researc- we can now
see television pictures transmitted live alf-way across te glo,e and te ousewife can
use non-stic. frying-pans in te .itcen. Te wole ting ,ecomes utterly a,surd wen
you tin. tat no matter wat pro,lems man overcomes- it is unli.ely tat e will ever ,e
a,le to travel even to te nearest star.
<overty- unger- disease and war are manBs greatest enemies and te world would ,e an
infinitely ,etter place if te powerful nations devoted alf as muc money and effort to
tose pro,lems as tey do to te space race. 6or te first time in is istory- man as te
overwelming resources to com,at uman suffering- yet e s;uanders tem on
meaningless pursuits.
If a man deprived imself and is family of food in order to ,uy and run a car- we would
consider im mad. Individuals wit limited ,udgets usually get teir priorities rigt0 tey
provide temselves wit necessities ,efore trying to o,tain lu2uries. Wy canBs great
nations act in te same sensi,le way! Let us put our ouse in order first and let space
loo. after itself.
IELTS writing-model essay 0
Wat can education ,ring us! Is @ig mar.A te real destiny of education! 1s
researcers and scolars are investigating tis su,9ect- te accurate definition of
education ,egins to ave sligt difference from wat was in people:s mind ,efore.
Education- te ,ridge ,etween teacers and students- te mediator ,etween individual
and society- means more tan .nowledge transmit- ,ut ,eing a wolly developed person
in te society.
6irst- education ,rings us ,asic .nowledge and s.ill to survive. 6rom primary scool on-
students learn su,9ects li.e 4ats- <ysics- Englis- or in oter words- academic su,9ects
to gain te initial .nowledge of te nature and world- wic are e2tremely useful for our
future career. ?pon tis- students also learn s.ills li.e sewing- and mending
,icycles- wic elp tem a lot in teir future family life. To tis e2tend- education
provided us wit fundamental concepts of living.
Second- education can cultivate our sentiment. 1part from academic su,9ects- art su,9ects
suc as music and art seems more interesting toward students. 6rom tese su,9ects- one
can en9oy te pleasure of listening to music- try to guess a composer:s emotion wen
writing a music capter- or understand te meaning of a piece of drawing- from wic
process tey temselves are edified and alimilated- and finally ave teir own clear
opinion on wat is ,eauty.
Tird- education an individual adapted to te society. >eing innocent and naive-
young people always find it ard to immerge into te complicated environment- and feel
frustrated. Troug education li.e communication s.ills- students may .now te essence
of getting on wit oter people. Tis .ind of education influences our personality and
views everyone as a wole individual in te ,ig family of society.
1,ove all- .nowledge- emotion- and personality form te most important part of te
content of education. Te aim of education is to teac a per son ,ecome a completely
developed individual.
IELTS writing-model essay 1
8owadays- international tourism is te ,iggest industry in te world. ?nfortunately-
international tourism creates tension rater tan understanding ,etween people from
different cultures. To wat e2tent do you agree or disagree!
International tourism is ,ooming0 millions of tourists go to oter countries to e2plore te
outside world. Tourism enances te mutual understanding ,etween te local people and
tourists. Some people old opposite opinions. Tey tin. tat international tourism
causes tension rater tan promoting understanding ,etween people from different
Te people olding te latter view suppose tat tourists are li.ely to offend te local
people ,ecause of te lac. of .nowledge of te local customs- wic differ from teir
own. 4oreover- tourism inevita,ly arms te natural resources and te cultural legacy-
wic may lead to te resentment of te local people.
However- I can ardly e2tent to tis idea0 te a,ove mentioned rarely appens. In my
opinion- international tourism does encourage te understanding ,etween people from
different countries. 6or one ting- witout going to see for temselves- people may never
.now wat oter countries are really li.e and tus can ,e misled ,y earsay or films and
TC programs- wic- more often tan not- are one-sided. 6or instance- one of my
1merican friends told me tat most 1mericans ad a strange ,ias against te Dussian
people until some young 1mericans traveled to Dussia and saw wit teir own eyes tat
te Dussians are uman ,eings 9ust li.e tem. 1noter e2ample is tat- wit te
development of =inese tourism- people outside =ina start to reali3e tat =inese men
no longer ave long ,raids and =inese women:s feet are of normal si3e now. Secondly-
aving seen te fine scenery or e2perienced te ric culture of oter countries- tourists
will ave te desire to develop a good relationsip wit te locals- wic certainly
contri,utes to te understanding ,etween tem.
In conclusion- instead of causing tension- international tourism furters te understanding
of people from different countries. *2'1 words+
IELTS writing-model essay 2
=ompanies sould encourage old employees *$$ years old+ to retire- in order to give
opportunities to te new generation. To wat e2tent do you agree or disagree!
8owadays- plenty of employees wo are more tan $$ years old must retire ,ecause of
company policy7 terefore- many people tin. tat te development of a company cannot
,e separated from te num,er of young employees. Te a,ove point is certainly true7 tis
essay will outline tree reasons.
Te main reason is tat plenty of young employees mean tat te company is infused
wit lots of young ,lood. Wit te development of tecnology- more and more new
tecnological products ave ,een developed. Te new generation masters advanced
tecnology and ave te energy to e2ploit. Tey ave learned lots of .nowledge in te
university7 terefore it is definitely useful for te development of companies.
1noter reason is tat old employees cannot adapt temselves to te rapid pace. /ld
employees find it difficult to learn new tings rapidly. Wit teir limited pysical
strengt- tey are not capa,le of eavy manual wor.. So old employees are not a patc on
young employees- it means not only intellect ,ut also pysical strengt.
Last ,ut not te least reason is tat old employees ave already wor.ed for more tan alf
of teir lifetime- so tey sould retire to en9oy life. Te old employees ave already paid
out too muc in order to loo. after teir families and careers. So tey sould pursue teir
In conclusion- old employees souldn:t continue for temselves. 4oreover-
advancement of society needs a new generation.
IELTS writing-model essay 34
Sould ric countries elp poorer ones!
Today- te world is ,ecoming more and more closely lin.ed. Trade as increased and te
movement of people ,etween countries is greater tan ever ,efore. However- ,illions of
people still live in poverty- and in many places- te gap ,etween ric and poor is
widening. Tis essay will loo. at te arguments for and against elping poor countries.
Tere are many reasons for elping poor countries. 6irst of all- tere are umanitarian
reasons. Li.e individuals wo give to carity- many countries feel it is teir religious-
social- or moral duty to elp people in oter countries wo are suffering from famine-
drougt- war- or disease. However- many ric countries also donate money for political or
diplomatic reasons. Tey want to maintain a relationsip of dependency wit te
recipient- or simply to influence te government and direction of te country. 1 furter
reason wy many countries elp poorer ones is for economic reasons. Te donors may
want to control te supply of commodities suc as oil- water- or weat. 1lternatively- te
ricer country may want to ensure mar.ets for teir own products- weter tese are
planes- computers or soes.
However- aid is not necessarily te ,est way to elp a country. 6or one ting- ,illions of
dollars of aid often goes missing- into corrupt governments or inefficient administration.
1 second point is tat many foreign aid pro9ects are unsuita,le for te target country.
4any agencies ,uild uge dams or industrial pro9ects tat fail after a few years or tat do
not involve te local people. 6urtermore- muc aid returns to te donor. Tis can ,e in
te form of e2pensive speciali3ed e;uipment and e2perts from te donor country.
Tere are many oter ways we can elp poor countries. /pening up trade ,arriers- so tat
poor countries can sell teir goods is one way. 1noter is to remove su,sidies so tat
imported goods from poorer countries can compete fairly. 1 tird metod is to forgive
de,ts. 4any poor countries ave uge interest repayments on old loans.
Te needs of te poorer countries may seem o,vious. However- altoug our umanity us want to elp eliminate poverty and suffering- we must e2amine te real needs
of poor countries and implement solutions tat will ,enefit ,ot tem and us.
IELTS writing-model essay 33
Topic0 Sould government invest poor population or i-tec researc.
Tesis0 5overnment sould invest poor population rater tan i-tec researc- for it
,etter fits long-term interest and realistic aims.
Today governments more and more intend to invest i-tec researc ,ecause it is ,elieved
tat ,etter i-tec development can pus forward a nation:s development and improve its
national strengt. However- I don:t tin. te poor population of a nation sould ,e
neglected in tis way7 instead- I tin. government sould invest te money on improving
its people:s living standard.
6irst- of realistic aims- it is more sensi,le and practical to invest on nation:s
poor population rater tan on i-tec researc. 1s is .nown to all- nowadays i-tec
researces ave reaced a certain eigt and it is not so easy to acieve a ,rea.troug in
a sort period of time. Hi-tec researces are ,ot time-consuming and e2pensive7
especially it is a eavy ,urden for developing countries to spend so muc money on
tem. 8o matter ow advanced and developed in i-tec researc it is for a country- if its
people are living in poverty and suffering from unger ever day- I don:t tin. it wort all
te money and efforts in doing so and it won:t ,e understood and appreciated ,y te
Second- wen we consider long-term interests- I tin. more sense to invest poor
population. 1 country is governed ,y its people and it needs teir contri,utions7 if we are
a,le to spend te money on ensuring poor people:s education and improving teir living
standards- te reward a country is li.ely to get is priceless. Wen cildren in poor areas
get opportunities to ,e educated- more talents are li.ely to ,e discovered and used- and
also wen poor people get enoug money to sustain teir lives- te wole nation can
develop and move forward in a safer and muc more armonious environment7 ,ot can
,ring te nation immeasura,le ,enefits.
In summary- I tin. if a government is to ma.e wise investment and create armonious
environment- it sould invest poor population instead of i-tec researc.
IELTS writing-model essay 35
1ir travel- once a privilege of te wealty- as ,een gaining popularity worldwide over
te last few decades. Te num,er of people traveling ,y air as ,een growing ,y leaps
and ,ounds. Some environmentalists- owever- propose tat air travel ,e limited- on te
ground tat it may give rise to a series of pro,lems- including pollution and e2austion of
te world:s valua,le energy resources. To my mind- it does not ma.e muc sense to
restrict air travel.
Te most important and o,vious reason is tat no oter veicle can travel as fast as an
airplane. In oter words- air travel may ,e te only and easiest option wen it comes to
long-distance trips. 6or e2ample- if a student from =ina wises to go to te ?nited
States for furter studies- te only means of transportation tat could send im to te
destination is undou,tedly te plane. 1lso- for people traveling on a regular ,asis- suc as
tose engaged in transnational ,usiness- air travel would mean less time on te road. Tis
will certainly ena,le tem to ,etter prepare for teir future tas.s- suc as ,usiness
negotiations- ,ot mentally and pysically.
In addition- air travel offers te comfort tat cannot ,e found elsewere. 4ost people-
wo ave te e2perience of traveling ,y air- are ,ound to miss te snac.s and drin.s
served on ,oard- as well as te smiles on te faces of fligt attendants. In some cases- you
could even en9oy a favorite movie wile on a plane- completely unaware tat you are
undreds of tousands of feet a,ove ground.
Last ,ut not least- it is important to ,ear in mind tat air travel is simply a personal coice
and sould ,e respected. Tis clearly means tat any attempt to restrict air travel would
,e seen as a violation of uman rigts and is ,ot groundless and un9ustified.
In summary- despite te various pro,lems arising from air travel- it sould not ,e limited
or eliminated. Wat we sould do is to give full play to te function of air travel- ,y
ma2imi3ing its ,enefits wile trying to come up wit practical solutions to te e2isting
pro,lems- suc as developing fuel-efficient airplanes and alternative energy resources
IELTS writing-model essay 36
In some countries -scools aim to provide a general education across a range of
su,9ects -in oters -cildren focus on a narrow range of su,9ects related to a particular
career. 6or todayBs world- wic system is appropriate!
Historically scools arose from te @ academiaA of <lato -wo primarily
instituted tis society as a place for ,ot reflection and meditation for te true meaning of
life -universe and our final aim as uman ,eings. >ut tis trend as incurred some toug
tests recently for a totally different reason tat <lato could not even dream of. 1s my
own evaluation- te range of education cannot ,e 9ust narrowed witin tose related to
teir future careers.
Wat comes into my mind is tat tese cildren are not ,orn for a sole purpose of ,eing a or someting. <redetermining teir future career is 9ust as a moon in te water and
will also su,9ect to great varieties of un.nown possi,ilities coming directly in teir
future life. Tey are -owever- and firstly - a son or daugter and ten a citi3en -ten a
older to certain careers. Terefore -we can figure out a trut tat cannot ,e truer0 tose
intellectual e;uipments tat can ,etter tem as a good cild and citi3en ali.e sould also
,e included in teir ,ot primary -secondary and even tertiary education.
=losely ne2t to my previous tougt was tat a solely-career-related education may
mislead teir own purpose of life. Surely a decent income is of great significance -,ut it is
far from te sole importance of life. If tose youngsters are educated entirely for earning
and en9oying teir material life -our society may gradually turn to one tat overwelmed
wit noting ,ut te torrent of materialism and tus a world wit noting ,ut 9ust
trading of 4ammon and is wealt. Tis impact is even worse tan 9ust narrowing one:s
education scope.
Terefore -I ere,y o,9ect to limiting te spere of education only to te cildren:s future
careers ,ut tey sould first of all ,ecome a complete uman ,efore a prospective
wealt wit full range of .nowledge.
IELTS writing-model essay 3
=ildren wo grow up in families wic are sort of money are ,etter prepared to deal
wit te pro,lems of adult life tan cildren wo are ,rougt up ,y wealty parents. To
wat e2tent do you agree or disagree!
Some feel tat te cildren of low income families are ,etter e;uipped to deal wit
difficulties posed ,y te Ereal world: wen tey grow up and tey also ,elieve te
privileged cildren of wealty families are less fit to deal wit tese difficulties . Te
implications and veracity of tis argument seem self-evident- ,ut in fact re;uire closer
Te popular wisdom is tat cildren of poorer families learn early on te value of a ,uc.-
and are tus naturally ,etter suited to stretcing money wen times get toug in
adultood. Inversely- te cildren of wealty families- tose ,orn wit a silver spoon in
teir mouts- are ,elieved to ,e completely ignorant of te value of money- aving ad
everyting provided for tem in teir yout and oftentimes erroneously e2pecting te
same situation in adultood. Tey are ,elieved to ,e prone to overspending and financial
irresponsi,ility. Tis ,elief- toug logical- overloo.s one .ey point wic is - of course-
Te ,asis of tis argument is - of course- .nowing te value of money- and te idea tat
cildren of te poor .now tis- and tose of te wealty do not . Wo toug- is in a
,etter position to teac teir cildren te value of money7 someone s.illed in earning and
.eeping it- te wealty parent- or someone wo can not seem to ac;uire it- te poor
parent! >ot wealty and poor cildren are e;ually li.ely to ac;uire an education in
money- weter it is formal- or in te scool of ard .noc.s. =onversely- ,ot cildren
are as li.ely to ignore tis education.
1 poor cild may ,elieve tat one can get along- if not as easily- witout wealt. 1
wealty cild may ,e well trained ,y a parent steeped in te .nowledge of money
management7 te .ey to developing tis s.ill is education.
IELTS writing-model essay 3%
?nli.e most countries- te police in te ?nited Fingdom do not normally carry guns.
Some people tin. it leaves te citi3ens unprotected- wile oters ,elieve tat tis
practice reduces te overall violence in society. Giscuss ,ot views and use your own
e2perience and evidence.
?nli.e most countries- te police in te ?nited Fingdom do not normally carry
guns. Some people tin. it leaves citi3ens unprotected- wile oters ,elieve tat tis
practice reduces te overall violence in society. <olice aving guns owever is an issue
secondary to criminals aving guns.
>ecause criminals usually ave access to guns- police officers need tem in order to
control crime. If police in te ?.F. are a,le to go witout guns and not ave crime
getting completely out of control ten tey ave already set a fine e2ample tat oter
countries sould follow. Te fact tat tey are a,le to do tis is an indication of teir
a,ility to control te flow of guns to te general populace and tis citi3ens safer
tan anyting else. To a civilian- guns away from criminals is more important
tan giving tem to police.
6or places tat are not a,le to- or are unwilling to control tis availa,ility of guns to
criminals- police ave no coice. =ountries wit wea. or ineffective gun laws- or
countries ,ordering suc countries- li.e 4e2ico wic as strong gun laws- ,ut virtually
no way to prevent tem from ,eing smuggled over te ,order from te ?.S.- need a
police force tat is not only armed- ,ut is armed ,etter tan te criminals. Tis Edomestic
arms race: is te fate of any country tat does not reali3e tat civilians ave no need of
,eing armed and sould ave no access to weapons watsoever.

Te root of te pro,lem is em,arrassingly corrupt governments and ineffective alf-
measures ta.en to control te circulation of guns- wic allows criminals to easily come
into possession of guns. 8ations around te world sould ope to someday reac te
point were teir police force can afford not to carry guns and still ,e effective.
IELTS writing-model essay 3&
Tere is noting unusual a,out energy li.e coals and oils ,eing consumed- principally
,ecause economic development depends on natural resources all te time. >ut wat is
appening today is e2traordinary 9udged ,y te standards of te past. It is energy
depletion on a massive scale and tis pro,lem is so .notty tat sould deserve our closer
1mongst te diverse factors contri,uting to te energy crises around te world-
government:s sort-sigted policies and citi3ens: e2travagant use of automo,iles are
pro,a,ly te two most significant ones. >y presuming on teir natural resources- ;uite a
few countries- especially developing ones- are eager to develop teir economy in order to
gain an edge over teir rivals. 1dmittedly- teir intensive use of te energy facilitates- to
some e2tent- te developments of oter industries in sort term. 1dditionally- te amount
of private cars increases at suc a , speed tat te petroleum used amounts to an
intimidating proportion of te natural resources.
Te conse;uences are undou,tedly disastrous for uman ,eings. 1ltoug countries can
,oast teir growt of 5G<- teir citi3ens ave to endure te ever deteriorated
environment wit gas ,elcing from factories and veicles- polluted water due to
fuels infiltrating underground- even ultraviolet radiation in te a,sence of o3one layer
and- terefore- teir ;uality of life is ,y no means improved. 1lso- sustaina,le
development can never come into true in tis situation- meaning tat our descendants can
,enefit noting e2cept sterile land and polluted air and water from teir ancestors.
Terefore- our government must ta.e serious steps to attac. tose pro,lems. Te first and
foremost is tat governments ave to reverse teir mindset and no longer deem te
growt of 5G< teir first goal. Dater- te ,etterment of citi3ens: ;uality of life sould
deserve more attention tan te economic growt. 6urtermore- te use of private cars
sould ,e discouraged ,y autorities- wo must soulder te responsi,ility of improving
pu,lic transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release te ,urden of energy
In conclusion- to avoid te prase @filty ricA added to temselves- countries must pay
more eed to te efficient use of teir energy and te issue of environmental protection-
wile tey develop teir economy7 oterwise- environmental apocalypse and energy crisis
are feared to appen in te ori3on.
IELTS writing-model essay 30
Some people tin. tat te government sould provide assistance to all .inds of artists
includes painters- musicians- poets- owever- oter people tin. tat is a waste of money
for providing tis assistance. State your opinion.
To ,e of assistance or not- it indeed is de,ata,le if artists deserve and re;uire funding ,y
te government. 6irstly- I ac.nowledge tat te ,enefits from artists and poets can enric
our everyday lives in so many different ways7 oterwise our life would ave ,een a lot
dra,,er witout tem.
1ny genuine artist most certainly deserves some form of aid and tere can not ,e any
dou,t a,out tat- owever- weter tey re;uire government assistance is anoter issue
altogeter. =ontrary to popular ,elief it seems to ,e tat not all artists and literary
personalities are wealty- and most renowned personalities are deservedly ric and
Wile te oter large group of artists is neiter ric nor famous- tey do continue to
produce te art wor.s as for te passion and often te passion is wat drives tem. It
would ,e ridiculous to tin. tat any .ind of financial incentives could power teir
creativity. However- not many of tem are a,le to ta.e up teir passion on a full time
,asis ,ecause tey cannot afford to. It is import to note tat most creative artists are
made- and were not ,orn so. It is te vagaries of life H struggles tat tey ave to face
wic fuels teir creativity- in te process tey need to mature into renowned to ,e an
artist or a writer. Wen tey do and wen teir wor. is recogni3ed- tere will not ,e any
deart of money or fame.
In my opinion- it would ,e criminal to ta.e away tis very drive and sun teir
creativity. Having said tat- I do ,elieve tat tey need to ave some .ind of incentives-
it can ,e in te way of appreciation and opportunity to present teir talent to te rest of
te world. Tis could ,e done in various ways- for instance- giving ta2 incentives to
amateur artists and writers or financial re,ates in government owned auditoriums to stage
teir presentations.
In a,out artists in 1ustralia- wic as a concrete social security system in place
to ta.e care of all .inds of ,asic needs- any .ind of added financial incentives are not
only an added ,urden on te ta2payer. It would ,e an issue to find out worty
,eneficiaries and tere will ,e enoug croo.s wo will misuse any well intended
government assistance scemes. Every uman ,eing craves for recognition and money
appens to ,e one of te means towards tis end- owever- as I mentioned in te
,eginning it is more important to ac.nowledge teir wor. tan provide financial
/n te oter and- as a =inese- my perception of te government:s assistance is more
;uestiona,le. 6irstly- we need to give artists a definition and ow do you classify a
person wo is an artist. In essence- calligrapy- poetry- music and art tey all can ,e
e2tended to a person wo writes well- paints well in isIer >log. To e2tend tis artist
sense furter- can we say a singer is an artist! Well- tere are many pop song and fol.
music singers in =ina. In te same way- a dancer- a tal. sow:s talent- a movie star- te
director- te potograper tey can all ,e artists. 1nd tis num,er of artists would add up
to wole population of 1ustralia. How could te =inese government provide any
assistance witout any discrimination to tose artists in every classification! I personally
do not ,elieve our government as enoug financial a,ility to accommodate tis wide
ganging num,er of artists.
1s a =inese I can see tat in my country- tere is still a ,ig gap ,etween te poor and te
ric- I would rater government:s financial assistance ,e directed toward te poor- tis
does not mean tat I would tin. to provide assistance to artists is a waste of money. 4y
point is tat wile we can give a true definition of artists- government sould use our
ta2es in a way to ,e more accounta,le for.
IELTS writing-model essay 31
To construct and maintain roads is a pu,lic service administered ,y te government.
However- were does te money come from! Some,ody ,elieve tat te government
sould allocate money from national finance on te road construction7 ,ut oters tin.
tat te roads are constructed for people- so every ta2-payer as te responsi,ility for
constructing and maintaining te roads. It is so called JWat is ta.en from te people is
used in te interests of te people.J
To te first opinion- since government is te administrative organ- it as
responsi,ility to do overall plan on tose pu,lic services of city construction- including
constructing te road. Tey tin. tat te government sould do plan and allocate every
penny on all tings concerning peopleBs life.
However in reality- te government cannot do all specific plans and money
allocations on every detail concerning te society running. It only as te rigt of macro-
ad9ustment and control. To ,e specific on te road construction- many people ,elieve tat
,ased on te principle a,ove- since te road is constructed for te convenience of people
temselves- every ta2-payer as duty to devote a little on te road construction- wic is
not only for te city overall plan- ,ut also for teir own use fundamentally. /nce te
constructions finis- te roads will ,e wider and longer- te facilities along te roads will
,e ,etter in use- ,y ten people could furter improve teir efficiency- etc..
1s I .now- te second opinion is more reasona,le and feasi,le- ,ecause it as two
advantages0 1. Te government could reduce eavy ,urdens- simplify and ma.e clear te
usage of money7 2. Ta2-payers are clear a,out te usage of money tey turn over- tus
improve te transparency. Terefore- it is a good measure for ,ot sides to allocate
money from te ta2 paid ,y people on te road construction.
IELTS writing-model essay 32
1ir travel- once a privilege of te wealty- as ,een gaining popularity worldwide over
te last few decades. Te num,er of people traveling ,y air as ,een growing ,y leaps
and ,ounds. Some environmentalists- owever- propose tat air travel ,e limited- on te
ground tat it may give rise to a series of pro,lems- including pollution and e2austion of
te world:s valua,le energy resources. To my mind- it does not ma.e muc sense to
restrict air travel.
Te most important and o,vious reason is tat no oter veicle can travel as fast as an
airplane. In oter words- air travel may ,e te only and easiest option wen it comes to
long-distance trips. 6or e2ample- if a student from =ina wises to go to te ?nited
States for furter studies- te only means of transportation tat could send im to te
destination is undou,tedly te plane. 1lso- for people traveling on a regular ,asis- suc as
tose engaged in transnational ,usiness- air travel would mean less time on te road. Tis
will certainly ena,le tem to ,etter prepare for teir future tas.s- suc as ,usiness
negotiations- ,ot mentally and pysically.
In addition- air travel offers te comfort tat cannot ,e found elsewere. 4ost people-
wo ave te e2perience of traveling ,y air- are ,ound to miss te snac.s and drin.s
served on ,oard- as well as te smiles on te faces of fligt attendants. In some cases- you
could even en9oy a favorite movie wile on a plane- completely unaware tat you are
undreds of tousands of feet a,ove ground.
Last ,ut not least- it is important to ,ear in mind tat air travel is simply a personal coice
and sould ,e respected. Tis clearly means tat any attempt to restrict air travel would
,e seen as a violation of uman rigts and is ,ot groundless and un9ustified.
In summary- despite te various pro,lems arising from air travel- it sould not ,e limited
or eliminated. Wat we sould do is to give full play to te function of air travel- ,y
ma2imi3ing its ,enefits wile trying to come up wit practical solutions to te e2isting
pro,lems- suc as developing fuel-efficient airplanes and alternative energy resources.
IELTS writing-model essay 54
Since cities ave canged a lot- te si3e of te cities as grown enormously. Giscuss te
causes and conse;uence of te enormous si3e of cities.
8owadays- te maps of cities are updated fre;uently. Wit te development of city- more
and more su,ur,s ,ecome parts of te city. Wen te cities in te world are amplifying
constantly- people discuss te topic otly- te causes and conse;uence of te enormous
cities. Gifferent people ave different answers ,y teir respective views.
In my opinion- te evolution of society and te development of economy result in te
growt of te vast si3e of cities. Since te num,er of population in every city is
increasing continually- people need a large amount of space to live in. Wit te progress
of te tecnology- te output of crops rises sarply. 6ewer and fewer farmers are re;uired-
as a result- more and more villages ur,ani3e. Te growt of te cities ,rings us many
uge canges.
Tere are more 9o, opportunities in te cities. 6or instance- =ina will old te /lympic
5ames in >ei9ing in 2))'. Te government is amplifying te si3e of >ei9ing to ,uild new
gyms in order to old it e2cellently. /,viously- people in te cities could gain a lot of
new 9o,s.
/f course- te enormous si3e of cities also as ,ad effects. <ollution is ,ecoming more
and more serious all over te world wit te amplification of te cities. 6or e2ample- te
poisonous gas sent off ,y factories and automo,iles as made te air unealty for people
to ,reate. Water waste .eeps pouring into rivers and la.es7 as a result- many water
species are dying out. 6urtermore- more people te city ave- more ru,,is we can find.
In a word- since eac coin as two sides- we sould ,e ac;uainted clearly wit te
reasons wy te si3e of te cities as grown enormously and wat it will ,ring us. Tus-
we could ma.e full use of te positive effects and overcome te negative effects.
IELTS writing-model essay 53
4any people ,elieve tat uman activity is causing te eart:s temperature to rise. Tey
say tat tis glo,al warming will ave dreadful conse;uences for our environment- suc
as drougt and flooding.
Wat sould governments do to elp prevent glo,al warming! 5ive reasons for your
Te eart:s temperature is rapidly canging. 1s a result tere as ,een a lot of climate
cange suc as eat waves- drougts and floods. Scientists ,elieve tat tis is te result of
uman activity- wic is polluting te Eart:s atmospere. Tis could ,ecome a disaster if
governments do not act to elp prevent glo,al warming. Tey can act in tree ways7 ,y
supporting researc- ,y laws and ,y .eeping te general pu,lic informed.
6irstly- governments can support researc. 6or e2ample- tey sould encourage
companies to develop veicles tat cause less pollution. Tey sould also support
alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rater tan from oil and coal. 1s
well- tey sould sponsor conferences to discuss te effects of greenouse gas emissions
and possi,le solutions to te pro,lem.
Secondly- tey sould ma.e laws tat limit te amount of greenouse gases tat
companies can emit. <rivate companies sould ,e rewarded for following tese
laws. Tey sould also ,e punised for creating pollution.
6inally- every,ody is affected ,y glo,al warming. Terefore- it is important tat
governments involve individuals in te pro,lem solving process. 6or e2ample tey
sould encourage ouseolds to save as muc energy as possi,le ,y using more efficient
ligt ,ul,s or less ot water. Tey sould also encourage te pu,lic to recycle- and tis
sould ,e compulsory for everyone. 1noter way of saving energy is ,y pu,lic transport
systems. 5overnments sould spend money on pu,lic transport to ma.e it as easy as
possi,le for te pu,lic to save energy.
In summary- it is clear tat tere are a lot of tings tat governments can do to prevent
glo,al warming. Tey sould involve companies- support scientists and encourage
individuals to protect te planet.
IELTS writing-model essay 55
In recent years- more and more advertisements ave ,een flooding into our lives. Some
advertisements e2ert negative effects on te yout. Terefore some people suggest tat
advertisements ,e ,anned. Go you agree or disagree wit tis! 5ive your reasons.
1long wit te rapid progress of society- te advertising industry as undergone
remar.a,le development. Every day we are surrounded ,y all .inds of ads and
commercials- wic ave a profound influence on our daily lives. 1s a result- tere arises
a fierce de,ate concerning te proposal tat we sould ,an all .inds of advertisements.
/n one and- some people are in favor of te idea tat advertisement sould not ,e
,anned7 instead it sould ,e furter developed. Tey are of te opinion tat advertisement
is a good cannel wic elps promote te e2canges of information. In an era of
information- everyone can ,enefit a lot from te advertisements- not only te
manufacturers ,ut te customers. 4oreover- te advertisement ena,les people to catc up
wit te ama3ing advance in all fields. 6rom te musrooming advertisements- people get
to .now some newest products and te trend of consumption. Tirdly- advertising- to
some e2tent- is not only an industry ,ut an art. 4any advertisements are ela,orate wor.s
of art full of ingenuity and originality- wic render great spiritual pleasure to te viewers
and add to te pictures;ue cityscape. In a word- te advertisement is a ,lessing for
modern people.
Gespite te ,enefits advertisement as ,rougt us- many people strongly condemn it-
saying tat tey ave ,een fed up wit all .inds of ru,,is ads. Tey call for a
compreensive ,an on te advertisement ,ased on te following reasons. 6irst of all- a
ma9ority of advertisements are fictitious and misleading- causing confusion in people:s
daily life and even leading to te in9ury and deat of some customers. Secondly- tey
,ring many inconveniences and trou,les to us. 6or e2ample- are you pleased wit a
mail,o2 stuffed wit unwanted ads or a wonderful film on TC ,eing interrupted
fre;uently! 6urtermore- te non-standard use of language in advertisement ,rings a,out
irrepara,le damage to te integrity and purity of our language. =onse;uently- it will e2ert
a disastrous impact on te literacy of our younger generations. In some people:s eyes- te
advertisement is 9ust a 5enie out of te ,ottle.
To ,e fran.- it is ;uite impossi,le for people to reac an a,solute consensus on most
controversial issues. To my mind- a total ,an on advertisement is not an ideal and
practical coice. How can we imagine all advertisements vanising overnigt! Te
demerits sould ,y no means ma.e us lose sigt of te ,enefits advertisements ave
,rougt to us. 1 more wor.a,le and rational attitude sould ,e adopted7 tat is- to
eliminate te false and retain te true. 1lways ,ear in mind te old saying0 @never trow
away te ,a,y wit ,at water.A
IELTS writing-model essay 56
7s computers are !eing used more and more in education( there will !e soon no role
for teachers in the classroom.
Tere ave ,een immense advances in tecnology in most aspects of people:s lives-
especially in te field of education. 8owadays- an increasing num,er of students rely on
computers for researc and to produce a perfect paper for scool purposes. /ters ave
decided to leave te original way of learning and to get .nowledge troug online
scools. Tese canges in te learning process ave ,rougt a special concern regarding
te possi,le decrease of importance of teacers in te classroom.
Some people ,elieve te role of teacers started to fade ,ecause computers ave ,een
elping some students to progress in teir studies ; tan wen compared wit an
original classroom. 6or e2ample- in te same classroom- students ave different
intellectual capacities- tus some would ,e tied to a slow advance in teir studies ,ecause
of oters! incapacity of understanding. In tis way- pupils could progress in teir
ac;uisition of .nowledge at teir own pace using computers instead of learning from
However- te presence of a teacer is essential for students ,ecause te uman contact
influences tem in positive ways. 6irstly- students reali3e tat tey are not dealing wit a
macine ,ut wit a uman ,eing wo deserves attention and respect. Tey also learn te
importance of studying in group and respect oter students- wic elps tem to improve
teir social s.ills.
4oreover- teacers are re;uired in te learning process ,ecause tey ac.nowledge some
student:s deficiencies and elp tem to solve teir pro,lems ,y repeating te same
e2planation- giving e2tra e2ercises or even suggesting a private tutor. Hence- students can
ave a ,igger cance not to fail in a su,9ect.
In conclusion- te role for teacers in te learning process is still very important and it
will continue to ,e in te future ,ecause no macine can replace te uman interaction
and its conse;uences.
7nother e.ample
Tere is no dou,t tat education and te learning process as canged since te
introduction of computers0 Te searc for information as ,ecome easier and amusing-
and connectivity as e2pedited te data availa,ility. Toug e2perts systems ave made
computers more intelligent- tey ave not yet ,ecome a su,stitute of te uman
interaction in te learning process. In my opinion7 wat can ,e e2pected- is a cange of
te teacers: role ,ut not teir disappearance from te classroom.
8o,ody can argue tat te ac;uisition of .nowledge is more fun and easier wit
computers. Te mere activity of toucing and e2ploring tis device constitutes an
en9oya,le tas. for a .id. Tis- accompanied wit te rela2ing attitude and software
interactivity- usually conduce to a ,etter grasping of new .nowledge. 1t a iger
educational level7 te availa,ility of digital ,oo.s- simulator and oter academic
materials- provide te student wit an ever accessi,le source of information- tat
oterwise would not ,e at and.
>ut- ,esides te increasing comple2ity and ,eavior of intelligent software- wic is
usually em,edded in te academic digital material- te need of uman interaction in te
learning process will always ,e present- at least in te foreseea,le future. Tere is te
necessity for a uman ,eing to ,e a,le to determine wat te specifics needs of eac
individual are. Te e2pertise of a teacer in ow to e2plain and adapt comple2 concepts
to different individuals can ardly ,e mimic.ed ,y a computer- no matter ow
sopisticated its software is.
1s computers are ,ecoming a common tool for teacing- teacers sould ,e more aware
of teir role as guides in te ac;uisition of .nowledge rater tan transmitters of facts.
Tey ave to ,e open minded to te canges tat are places- .eep updated and
serve as a pro,lem solvers in te learning process- tus allowing students to discover te
fact for temselves.
To summari3e- in my personal view- teacers play and will play an important role in te
classroom- especially at te primary level. 8o matter ow comple2 computers ,ecome-
tere will ,e no replacement for te uman interaction- ,ut in te way aw tis
interaction place.
IELTS writing-model essay 5
=ompanies sould encourage old employees *$$ years old+ to retire- in order to give
opportunities to te new generation. To wat e2tent do you agree or disagree!
8owadays- plenty of employees wo are more tan $$ years old must retire ,ecause of
company policy7 terefore- many people tin. tat te development of a company cannot
,e separated from te num,er of young employees. Te a,ove point is certainly true7 tis
essay will outline tree reasons.
Te main reason is tat plenty of young employees mean tat te company is infused
wit lots of young ,lood. Wit te development of tecnology- more and more new
tecnological products ave ,een developed. Te new generation masters advanced
tecnology and ave te energy to e2ploit. Tey ave learned lots of .nowledge in te
university7 terefore it is definitely useful for te development of companies.
1noter reason is tat old employees cannot adapt temselves to te rapid pace. /ld
employees find it difficult to learn new tings rapidly. Wit teir limited pysical
strengt- tey are not capa,le of eavy manual wor.. So old employees are not a patc on
young employees- it means not only intellect ,ut also pysical strengt.
Last ,ut not te least reason is tat old employees ave already wor.ed for more tan alf
of teir lifetime- so tey sould retire to en9oy life. Te old employees ave already paid
out too muc in order to loo. after teir families and careers. So tey sould pursue teir
In conclusion- old employees souldn:t continue for temselves. 4oreover-
advancement of society needs a new generation.
IELTS writing-model essay 5%
Today te way we consider uman psycology and mental development is eavily
influenced ,y te genetic sciences. We now understand te importance of inerited
caracteristics more tan ever ,efore. Ket we are still una,le to decide weter an
individual:s personality and development are more influenced ,y genetics factors *nature+
or ,y te environment *nurture+.
Desearc- relating to identical twins- as igligted ow significant inerited
caracteristics can ,e for an individual:s life. >ut weter tese caracteristics are a,le to
develop witin te personality of an individual surely depends on weter te
circumstances allow suc a development. It seems tat te e2periences we ave in life are
so unpredicta,le and so powerful- tat tey can ,oost or over-ride oter influences- and
tere seems to ,e plenty of researc findings to confirm tis.
4y own view is tat tere is no one ma9or influence in a person:s life. Instead- te traits
we inerit from our parents and te situations and e2periences tat we encounter in life
are constantly interacting. It is te interaction of te two tat sapes a person:s
personality and dictates ow tat personality develops. If tis were not true- ten we
would ,e a,le to predict te ,eavior and caracter of a person from te moment tey
were ,orn.
In conclusion- I do not tin. tat eiter nature or nurture is te ma9or influence on a
person- ,ut tat ,ot ave powerful effects. How tese factors interact is still un.nown
today and tey remain largely unpredicta,le in a person:s life.
IELTS writing-model essay 5&
Some people tin. tat macine translation is igly developed in today:s society.
Terefore it is not necessary for cildren to learn a foreign language. Wat:s your
*Sample 1+
Wit te rapid development of modern science- computers ave ,een playing a more
important role in our daily lives. It is suc a worldwide trend tat tere is no e2ception
for =inese.
4any people regard te computer as te magic macine. It can solve many pro,lems
; and efficiently- and ,est of all- it can translate all .inds of languages. >y using te
computer you can 9ust put ail te original versions into it and ten you will get te fast
translation. So some parents raise dou,ts a,out te necessity for teir cildren to learn
foreign languages so ard any more.
1t first tougt- it seems tat te computers can really elp us to do so. >ut if you loo.
in- sue te matter deeply- you may find a different answer. 6irst of all- macines can
never replace man.ind. =omputers are created ,y man and are controlled ,y uman
,rains. We can never rely too muc on macines7 oterwise we will ,ecome te slave of
tem one day. /n te contrary- we need to enric our .nowledge as muc as possi,le so
tat we can catc up wit te fast pace of te world. It is very necessary to learn more
languages so as to upgrade our a,ilities to follow te progress of te world.
1nd furtermore- it will do good to cildren if tey learn more languages. >ot teir
,rain and teir modules can ,enefit from it. Wen tey grow up- tey can easily
accept various .inds of cultures and communicate wit foreigners- wic can favora,ly
enance te mutual understanding and develop international ,roterood.
So- we can clearly see tat- toug computers can ,e good translators- people still need to
learn more languages wit a view to improving teir a,ilities and facilitating teir future
communication wit people from oter cultures.
,Sample 5/
1n argument occasionally tese days is tat some people often tin. macine translation
can ta.e place of te cildrenBs study of a foreign language. 1s far as I am concerned- I
canBt totally agree wit tis opinion.
It first comes to te point tat macine translation is not ig efficiency. Te uman
language is so comple2 tat nowadays no suc macine can translate one language to
anoter sufficiently and totally. Te macine can only provide some words or pieces of
alf-,a.ed sentences. So we uman ,eings- especially cildren- may not rely on tis .ind
of macine- at least recently.
/n te oter and- if te real macine tat te wole sentence can ,e translated
completely turn to reality- cildren sould not ,e taugt not study a foreign
language. Te reason is te language *especially is made up of not only te
grammar and words ,ut also tones and mood. 1nd wen cildren are studying a
language- e is not discovering an un.nown area- ,ut wild is logic and ideation.
1dditionally- even if te macine will ,e out of wor. one day occasionally in future- e
can tal. wit oter foreigners freely. te loss of language sensitivity is muc popular tese days. 4any peopleBs and grammar is terri,le. =ildren often study wrong from annoying
TC programs and untrained ,roadcasters. Te invention of translation macine will ma.e
it worse. Te pro,lem weter to teac te ,oys and girls foreign languages or not needs
to ,e treated seriously.
In a word- in modern society te translation macine is stealing our sensitivity of te
language. <eople sould do someting to prevent te loss of language a,ility- especially
in te cildood.
IELTS writing model essay 50
Individual greed and selfisness as ,een te ,asis of te modern society. Someone tin.
tat we must return to te olds- more traditional values of respect for te family and te
local community in order to create a ,etter world to live in. To wat e2tent do you agree
or disagree!
We are in a selfis world today. We are so ,usy out for num,er one- so saturated
,y our own pro,lems- our own issues and our own little and often petty concerns tat we
failed to see ow all could grow and ,eing ,enefited ,y togeter as a team. 1s
far as I am concerned- te reason of te individual greed and selfisness were actually
caused ,y te faster and faster development and more and more competition of te
Some people yearn to return to te old and traditional values of respect for te family and
te local community in order to create a ,etter world to live in. 1ccording to tem -
people were more onest and warm-earted and te manner of traditional treating eac
oter was simple and selfless in te past.
<ersonally- I do not support tis view . Even in te past- greed and selfisness e2isted in
our society. Tese two factors never disappeared since uman ave instinctive material
needs- individual wants and desires would swell surely wit te advances of life and
society. 4oreover- old tradition as its own limit and could only adapt for a certain
period. I ,elieve tat te .ey point ere is to create a ,etter world is te way of
formulating moral criteria and improving te spiritual education. 6or e2ample- religions
play a significant role in respect for te family and te community.
To sum up- selfisness and greed cannot ,e avoided and eliminated- ,ecause tey e2ist-
more or less- in everyone:s eart- even sometimes tey contri,ute to te prosperity. To
control tem depends on te well ,asic education from every part of our society- suc as
family- communities- academic institutions- etc.
IELTS writing model essay 51
Tere is noting unusual a,out energy li.e coals and oils ,eing consumed- principally
,ecause economic development depends on natural resources all te time. >ut wat is
appening today is e2traordinary 9udged ,y te standards of te past. It is energy
depletion on a massive scale and tis pro,lem is so .notty tat sould deserve our closer
1mongst te diverse factors contri,uting to te energy crises around te world-
government:s sort-sigted policies and citi3ens: e2travagant use of automo,iles are
pro,a,ly te two most significant ones. >y presuming on teir natural resources- ;uite a
few countries- especially developing ones- are eager to develop teir economy in order to
gain an edge over teir rivals. 1dmittedly- teir intensive use of te energy facilitates- to
some e2tent- te developments of oter industries in sort term. 1dditionally- te amount
of private cars increases at suc a , speed tat te petroleum used amounts to an
intimidating proportion of te natural resources.
Te conse;uences are undou,tedly disastrous for uman ,eings. 1ltoug countries
can ,oast teir growt of 5G<- teir citi3ens ave to endure te ever deteriorated
environment wit gas ,elcing from factories and veicles- polluted water due to
fuels infiltrating underground- even ultraviolet radiation in te a,sence of o3one layer
and- terefore- teir ;uality of life is ,y no means improved. 1lso- sustaina,le
development can never come into true in tis situation- meaning tat our descendants can
,enefit noting e2cept sterile land and polluted air and water from teir ancestors.
Terefore- our government must ta.e serious steps to attac. tose pro,lems. Te first
and foremost is tat governments ave to reverse teir mindset and no longer deem te
growt of 5G< teir first goal. Dater- te ,etterment of citi3ens: ;uality of life sould
deserve more attention tan te economic growt. 6urtermore- te use of private cars
sould ,e discouraged ,y autorities- wo must soulder te responsi,ility of improving
pu,lic transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release te ,urden of energy
In conclusion- to avoid te prase @filty ricA added to temselves- countries must
pay more eed to te efficient use of teir energy and te issue of environmental
protection- wile tey develop teir economy7 oterwise- environmental apocalypse and
energy crisis are feared to appen in te ori3on.
IELTS writing model essay 52
=ildren learn ,est ,y o,serving te ,eavior of adults and copying it.
Te <rocess of growing up is very comple2 for cildren. 1mong countless factors tat
influence cildrenBs growt- te ,eavior of adults plays a significant role in saping
cildrenBs inclination and caracter. 1fter te ,a,y is ,orn- te first and te nearest adults
are isIer parents. 1ltoug te ,a,y is 9ust slur pronunciation- te little ,a,y as started
to learn from teir parents ,y o,serving and copying te adultsB tal.. Tis learning
environment is important for te ,a,ies.
Tere is a special case reported ,y te press. 1 ,a,y was a,andoned wen se was ,orn.
1 sow fed er as a piglet. Wen se was a,out eigt years old- some villagers found er-
er intelligence was 9ust similar to te two-year old ,a,y and all of er ,eaviors were
loo.ed li.e a pig. 6rom tis case- we .now cild is a JmirrorJ wic will reflect te
,eavior of te closet adults.
1long wit te cildrenBs growt- adults will influence tem muc more- suc as logical decision- cooperation wit oters- etc.. Te ,eavior of adults can give
cildren ,ot good and ,ad influence. 4ost of te ,eaviors represent adultsB inclination.
6or instance- if media report ciefly on te sadow side of te society- cildren will
easily incline to violence and e2cessive se2. Terefore- tey will ,e infected wit ,ad
mental state.
>eavior is a direct and convincing metod to teac cildren. Tings are easier said tan
done. <arents always tell cildren tose principles repeatedly- ,ut most cildren can not
accept it troug tese ,oring metod. 1dults: ,eavior is te most effective education
metod to let tem o,serve te wole process of ow to deal wit te pro,lems. Te
cildren will learn from you naturally.
=ildren are li.e young trees- tey need to ,e carefully irrigated- fertili3ed and trimmed.
Kour ,eavior will ,e greatly elpful to sape tem into useful talents.
IELTS writing model essay 64
8owadays- international tourism is te ,iggest industry in te world. ?nfortunately-
international tourism creates tension rater tan understanding ,etween people from
different cultures. To wat e2tent do you agree or disagree!
International tourism is ,ooming0 millions of tourists go to oter countries to e2plore te
outside world. Tourism enances te mutual understanding ,etween te local people and
tourists. Some people old opposite opinions. Tey tin. tat international tourism
causes tension rater tan promoting understanding ,etween people from different
Te people olding te latter view suppose tat tourists are li.ely to offend te local
people ,ecause of te lac. of .nowledge of te local customs- wic differ from teir
own. 4oreover- tourism inevita,ly arms te natural resources and te cultural legacy-
wic may lead to te resentment of te local people.
However- I can ardly assent to tis idea0 te a,ove mentioned rarely appens. In my
opinion- international tourism does encourage te understanding ,etween people from
different countries. 6or one ting- witout going to see for temselves- people may never
.now wat oter countries are really li.e and tus can ,e misled ,y earsay or films and
TC programs- wic- more often tan not- are one-sided. 6or instance- one of my
1merican friends told me tat most 1mericans ad a strange ,ias against te Dussian
people until some young 1mericans traveled to Dussia and saw wit teir own eyes tat
te Dussians are uman ,eings 9ust li.e tem. 1noter e2ample is tat- wit te
development of =inese tourism- people outside =ina start to reali3e tat =inese men
no longer ave long ,raids and =inese women:s feet are of normal si3e now. Secondly-
aving seen te fine scenery or e2perienced te ric culture of oter countries- tourists
will ave te desire to develop a good relationsip wit te locals- wic certainly
contri,utes to te understanding ,etween tem.
In conclusion- instead of causing tension- international tourism furters te understanding
of people from different countries. *2'1 words+
IELTS writing model essay 63
8opular events li+e the foot!all World 9up and other international sporting
occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic
emotions in a safe way.
Every four years- te wole world stops to watc international sporting events suc as te
/lympics and te 6oot,all World =up in wic atletes sow teir ,est performance to
ma.e teir country proud of tem. Tese sporting occasions ave proved to ,e elpful in
easing international tensions in difficult times wen powerful leaders were trying to
control te world:s economy and oter governments were figting over land.
Te /lympic 5ames are one of te ,est e2amples wic prove ow sporting events can
,ring nations togeter- at least temporarily. 6rom ancient History- wen 5ree.s and
Domans would interrupt ,attles to participate in te games- to te more recent
international disputes- wen atletes from <alestine and Israel would forget teir
differences- compete pacifically and even em,race eac oter after an event. 4oreover-
tese popular events ave called te world:s attention to te terri,le conse;uences of
wars7 tus some leaders ave tried to accept agreements to end teir dispute and live
Similarly- international sporting events sow ,enefits in some developing countries
wic live in a daily internal civil war. 6or e2ample- >ra3il as a ig rate of
unemployment- lac. of education- unger- crime- poverty and corruption wic leads to
an immense em,arrassment of ,eing >ra3ilian and a low self-esteem. However- wen te
6oot,all World =up starts- te >ra3ilian s;uad- wic is considered te ,est team in te
world- an ama3ing feeling of pride in teir country. 4ost people seem to forget
all teir pro,lems and even te criminal activity decreases. Tey paint roads wit te
national colors- use wear te >ra3ilian team sirt and ,uy national flags. 4oreover- te
competition ,rings families and neig,ors togeter and even rival gangs watc te games
and cele,rate peacefully.
In conclusion- popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international
tensions and li,erating patriotic feelings as History as sown.
IELTS writing model essay 65
Improvements in health( education and trade are essential for the development of
poorer nations. However( the governments of richer nations should ta+e more
responsi!ility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.
Today:s world as ,een divided into developing and industriali3ed countries wic te
main difference ,etween tem is te amount of money tat governments apply in
important sectors suc as education- ealt and commerce. 4ost of te poorer nations are
,uried in de,ts as a result of teir un,alanced finances wic are reflect in a failed ealt
care- an unstructured education system and a wea. international trade. Tis vicious cycle
will continue indefinitely unless wealtier nations sow interest in minimi3ing te
worldwide economic differences- as well as more responsi,ility for assisting
unfortunate countries.
4ost of te 1frican countries live in su,-uman conditions ,ecause of te e2treme
poverty- upeaval- unger- disease- unemployment- lac. of education and ,ot
ine2perienced and corrupt administrations. Te devastating conse;uences of te 1IGS
epidemic in tose countries could improve if te infected populations receive free drugs
to control te disease- ave access to ealt professionals and get information on ow to
prevent its spread. >ut tis can only ,e acieved troug international elp programs in
wic leaders of te world:s ricest countries donate medicine and also send doctors and
nurses to treat and educate tose in need.
4oreover- most of te poor countries rely on selling agricultural products and raw
material to ric nations and ,uying industriali3ed products from tem resulting in a uge
financial deficit. =onse;uently-
tey ,orrow a significant amount of money from te World >an. to try to improve teir
,ro.en economies- ,ut sometimes te money disappears wit no significant canges and
tey cannot even pay te interest to te ,an.. Degarding tis issue- last year te 5'-
wic is comprised of leaders of te eigt ricest nations- decided to forgive ,illions of
dollars wort of de,t owed ,y te world:s poorest nations. In addition- tey developed
ade;uate loan programs to financially assist tose countries.
In conclusion- leaders of te industriali3ed countries play an indispensa,le role in
assisting developing nations deal wit essential areas suc as ealt- education and trade.
1lso- teir aid is te .ey to , te vicious cycle- wic results in poverty and
Word :re;uency
people 1)(
country %)
develop $&
education "%
essay "$
many "#
children ""
learn ""
life "2
ielt "2
money "2
travel "1
world "1
thin+ 2(
student 2(
human 2'
air 2&
first 2&
old 2%
writing-model 2%
reason 2%
pro!lem 2$
however 2$
poor 2#
society 2#
use 2#
govern 2"
energy 2"
way 2"
city 22
!ecause 22
different 22
international 22
mean 22
one 22
employee 22
live 22
+nowledge 21
!etter 2)
happi 2)
ma+e 1(
important 1(
study 1(
help 1(
research 1'
tour 1'
language 1'
time 1'
new 1'
nation 1&
computer 1&
company 1%
themselv 1%
give 1%
animal 1%
understand 1%
wor+ 1%
teacher 1$
artist 1$
opinion 1$
ne 1$
!enefit 1$
how 1$
e.ample 1$
!ecome 1$
government 1#
come 1#
career 1#
go 1#
gun 1#
individual 1#
road 1#
!elieve 1#
resource 1#
order 1#
lot 1#
much 1"
future 1"
local 1"
good 1"
process 1"
young 1"
a!le 1"
well 1"
su!<ect 1"
provide 1"
machine 1"
<ust 1"
+ind 1"
!ehavior 12
result 12
space 12
get 12
natural 12
every 12
environ 12
thing 12
cannot 12
play 12
last 11
word 11
must 11
rather 11
view 11
art 11
role 11
limit 11
place 11
wealthy 1)
certain 1)
amount 1)
advertisement 1)
moreover 1)
financial 1)
control 1)
+now 1)
e.tent 1)
e.perience 1)
true 1)
hard 1)
influence 1)
population 1)
over 1)
ta+e 1)
group 1)
assistance 1)
chinese 1)
water 1)
second 1)
seem 1)
conclusion 1)
growth 1)
find 1)
year 1)
environmental 1)
still (
very (
concern (
police (
interest (
rich (
need (
!ring (
especial (
pu!lic (
day (
agree (
responsi!le (
num!er (
point (
tension (
advertise (
parent (
opportunity (
adult (
conse;uence (
hi-tech (
material (
issue '
poverty '
disagree '
least '
mind '
nowaday '
since '
ever '
university '
criminal '
today '
culture '
pollut '
never '
further '
tourist '
family '
test '
instead '
clear '
see '
improv '
effort '
personality '
encourage '
si"e '
invest '
whether '
poorer '
method '
effect '
liv '
loo+ '
a!ove '
aid &
happen &
practical &
fami &
less &
same &
real &
respect &

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