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Federica Meghnagi

Fundamentals of Humanistic Thought

The tripartite definition of knowledge can be analysed through the characteristics of two
different dimensions: epistemology is the discipline whose theories are concerned with
the study of human knowledge and the pursuit of truth. On the other hand, the ontological
level reflects on the fundamentality of being itself, in relation to existance and reality.
These are the main assumptions through which T! can be fully understood. "elief,
truth and #ustification are considered to be knowledge constitutional factors which are
included within the tripartite definition of knowledge. "elief concernes the human
sub#ective dimension of $believing$ a certain state of affairs, which correlates to
$knowing$ that specific matter within reality%s actual conditions. &n addition, truth is
shown through the correspondance between the epistemological and the ontological
dimension. &n regards to this sub#ect of study, the $first$ 'udwig (ittgenstein )*++,-
asserts that according to the $isomorphistic$ vision, which examines the corrispondence
between the two dimensions, truth is assured exclusively through the confrontation of
both realities. &n fact, knowledge needs to be necessary true. .s a matter of fact, in order
to get to reality%s correct description, proper #ustification need to be provided.
/ustification is the constitutive basis for knowledge, and it is accomplished through
means of evidence and proof. Moreover, thanks to the facts% authenticity of accurate
#ustification, T! enables to distinguish between belief and knowing: $true$ or $false$
statements concerned with belief need to find their corrispondence within reality%s actual
conditions. This is what (ittgenstein calls $logical atomism$. "esides, the tripatite
definition of knowledge bears clear limitations in regards to the #ustification matter, since
its reliability cannot be considered as absolute. T! faces the problem of the $infinite
regression$, which points out human mind finiteness and its impossibility of ac0uiring
ultimate knowledge. Therefore, T! teaches how to doubt the ob#ectivity of universal
assumptions which are commonly taken for granted, and also provides for the main tool
through which filtering reality%s components: skepticism.
1ocrates is considered to be the most acute in0uirer of humankind%s knowledge and the
greatest observer of men%s attitudes of his time. The greek philospher%s full attention is
aimed towards the importance of dialectics principles, where dialog is the basic means
through which defeating his interlocutors. &n fact, 1ocrates manages to defeat 2orgias
thanks to his wit and language skills, according to his desire of revealing the baselessness
behind the claims of art experts. 2orgias is constantly asked to provide a proper
definition of rhetoric, since he is known to be as the most celeber orator within the greek
polis of that time. .s a matter of fact, the illustrious rhetorician provides for six different
definitions, whose content does not satisfy 1ocrates re0uest. 2orgias states that rhetoric is
the best of human arts since it gives power of ruling over others by means of persuasion.
&t is evident that 2orgias does not have sufficient tools for his knowledge claims over
rhetoric matters. Therefore, the paradossal position in which 2orgias is found, will
become the reason of his defeat. &n fact, through 1ocrates techni0ue of $irony$, 2orgias is
eventually led to contraddiction, and his awareness over this matter will be the proof of
1ocrates win. (hen 2orgias then states that rhetoric is the art which persuades in matters
concerning the #ust and un#ust without giving knowledge, he is implicitly admitting that
rheotircians might abuse of their power and misuse their oratory skills. 2orgias also
states that rhetoricians would never do the un#ust by means of rhetric because they know
what #ust is. (hoever know what #ust is, will act according to #ustice and never behave
immoraly on purpose. This is the reason why morality is associated to rhetoric. 2orgias is
found in self3contraddiction since and obliged to admit that. 1upposing that rhetoricians
know the difference between the #ust and un#ust because it concernes their discipline,
then they will act according to #ustice, since they have true knowledge.

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