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Hunting rootkits with

Windbg v1.1 Windbg v1.1

Frank Boldewin
Scope of this Talk
In the next few slides the audience learns
how to hunt for rootkits with Windbg
To get a good overview of the different was
how rootkits hide itself fro! being
recogni"ed several techni#ues fro! rootkits
recogni"ed several techni#ues fro! rootkits
like %unti!e$& %ustock.B& 'lipop& Stuxnet as
well as T()* and T()+ are introduced
,f course the techni#ues used to detect a
special rootkit are not li!ited to the shown
cases. -./
0rere#uisites are a good understanding
about Windows internals and basic Windbg
Finding SS(T hooks
The SS(T is a data arra in kernel !e!or&
that stores pointers to the native '0I
functions of Windows& e.g. 1t2reateFile
These functions are handled in 1T,S3%1)
,lder rootkits used to hook so!e distinctive
functions to hide its files or registr entries
when #ueried fro! user!ode
'l!ost ever run.of.the.!ill antirootkit tool
is able to detect such hooks toda
Finding SS(T hooks
4iewing the SS(T !anuall
Finding Shadow SS(T hooks
The Shadow SS(T is another arra and stores
pointers to functions in the Win*$
To view its entries we first have to switch to
a 56I process context and reload the
s!bols for the specific !odule
s!bols for the specific !odule
8process 9 9 winlogon.exe
0%,2:SS ;1ebf<f; SessionId= .....
.process >p ;1ebf<f;
Finding Shadow SS(T hooks
Finding Shadow SS(T hooks
To find SS(T and Shadow SS(T hooks auto!aticall we can
use a Windbg script fro! )ionel d?Hauenens of )aboskopia
%unti!e$ %ootkit A Finding SS(T>Shadow SS(T hooks with a
Windbg script
%ustock.B %ootkit A SBS:1T:%C:I0 hook
The SBS:1T:%C:I0 DES% 9x1@</ usuall points to
3iFast2all:ntr to serve re#uests fro! the user!ode
to access native functions in the SS(T
This pointer gets hooked b the %ustock.B rootkit
If Ssenter gets called %ustock checks in its own S(T
If Ssenter gets called %ustock checks in its own S(T
table if a function is hooked or not. 1on hooked
native functions have a null pointer. Hooked
functions have a pointer to its own handler.
To avoid eas hook detections the SsenterC:I0
address points to the sa!e !odule D1T,S3%1).:G:/
as 3iFast2all:ntr.
It overwrites a textstring HF'T')C61H'1():(CH'%(C:%%,%I
with a 7 btes Ju!p to its real rootkit code.
%ustock.B %ootkit A SBS:1T:%C:I0 hook
%ustock.B %ootkit A SBS:1T:%C:I0 hook
'nother )aboskopia Windbg co!!and shows us the
hook auto!aticall
%ustock.B %ootkit A Finding hidden registr entries
To find the hidden registr entries %ustock uses to
survive a reboot& we walk the windows hive with the
H8regI co!!and and its para!eters
' hive is a logical group of kes& subkes& and values
in the registr that has a set of supporting files K
backup copies
backup copies
Hives are stored as files on disk
1ext to standard hives ever user has his own hives
%ustock.B %ootkit A Finding hidden registr entries
Table of standard hives and their supporting files
%egistr hive Supporting files
H3:BC26%%:1TC2,1FI5 Sste!& Sste!.alt& Sste!.log& Sste!.sav
H3:BC26%%:1TC2,1FI5 Sste!& Sste!.alt& Sste!.log& Sste!.sav
H3:BC26%%:1TC6S:% 1tuser.dat& 1tuser.dat.log
H3:BC),2')CE'2HI1:LS'E Sa!& Sa!.log& Sa!.sav
H3:BC),2')CE'2HI1:LSecurit Securit& Securit.log& Securit.sav
H3:BC),2')CE'2HI1:LSoftware Software& Software.log& Software.sav
H3:BC),2')CE'2HI1:LSste! Sste!& Sste!.alt& Sste!.log& Sste!.sav
H3:BC6S:%SL.(:F'6)T (efault& (efault.log& (efault.sav
%ustock.B %ootkit A Finding hidden registr entries
%ustock.B %ootkit A Finding hidden registr entries
%ustock.B %ootkit A Finding the Hidden %egistr :ntr
%ustock.B %ootkit A pIof2all(river Hook
Hooks at pIof2all(river are often used to filter
special I%0 re#uests to drivers
%ustock filters an atte!pt to directl co!!unicate
with 1TFS.SBS or F'STF'T.SBS. These files are
hidden& canMt be copied& nor overwritten or rena!ed
%ustock.B %ootkit A I(T hooks
The Interrupt (escriptor Table DI(T/ is a structure
which is used when dispatching interrupts
Interrupts can interrupt an execution of a progra! to
to handle an event
Interrupts could be a result of a hardware signal or
Interrupts could be a result of a hardware signal or
software based using the I1T instruction
The I(T descriptor table can handle $7< entries
The descriptor to the table can be written with the
instruction )I(T and read with SI(T
%ustock hooks I1T $:h& which is usuall pointing to
3iSste!Service& a NwO functions dispatcher and
handler for user!ode I1T $:h calls on old hardware
not supporting fastcalls via the SBS:1T:% co!!and
%ustock.B %ootkit A I1T $:h
%ustock hooks I1T $:h to co!!unicate between
user!ode and kernel!ode co!ponents
The HI(TI co!!and shows us the pointer to the
handler. 3iSste!Service is ok& otherwise itMs hooked
'lipop %ootkit A 5(T 2allgate
' callgate is a !echanis! in Intel x;< arch to change
privilege level of the 206
The 'lipop rootkit installs such a callgate to execute
code with the highest privilege D%ing 9/ fro!
user!ode D%ing */ without the need to have a driver&
e.g. b calling (eviceI,2ontrol
e.g. b calling (eviceI,2ontrol
2allgate usage works b executing Icall far ptr PaddrQR
fro! user!ode code
Installation of the callgate is done b the bootkit part
of 'lipop
,ther !alware seen in the wild used
L(eviceL0hsicalEe!or to install a callgate in the
5(T Dworks onl on older windows versions/
')I0,0 %ootkit A 5(T 2allgate
')I0,0 %ootkit A 5(T 2allgate
T()* %ootkit A 'T'0I I%0 hooks
The T()* rootkit usuall infects the 'T'0I driver
with a s!all loader for the real rootkit code in the 0:
resource area of and changes the
entrpoint to its loader code
The real rootkit part is being stored encrpted on
disk sectors
disk sectors
The loader uses low level disk operations to read the
sectors& decrpts the !ini T() file sste! and starts
the real rootkit code
To hide and protect its sectors T()* uses I%0
hooking in 'T'0I.SBS
T()* %ootkit A 'T'0I I%0 hooks
T()* %ootkit A 'T'0I I%0 hooks
T()* %ootkit A Shared Ee!or structure D3ernel.>6ser !ode/
To share infor!ation with its user!ode co!ponents
T()* uses the structure 36S:%CSH'%:(C('T'
This structure is accessable fro! kernel at address
9xFF(F9999 and is !apped to userspace at
3ernel !ode has read>write access to this structure&
3ernel !ode has read>write access to this structure&
user!ode has onl read access
't 36S:%CSH'%:(C('T'K9*9;h DSste!2all0ad/
T()* stores a pointer to an own structure
This structure stores a bunch of things like
kernelbase& original 'T'0I I%0s& T()* FS start& path
to its config file S
T()* %ootkit A Shared Ee!or structure D3ernel.>6ser !ode/
T()* %ootkit A Shared Ee!or structure D3ernel.>6ser !ode/
T()* %ootkit A T() !ini FS Dfile sste!/
T()* %ootkit A Traces in the sste! worker threads
(rivers re#uiring delaed processing usuall use a
work ite!& using IoTueueWorkIte! with a pointer to
its callback routine
When a sste! worker thread processes the #ueued
ite! it gets re!oved and the callback gets invoked
Sste! worker threads run in the sste! process
context D0I( +/
T()* rootkit is using work ite!s as well
Whenever work ite!s have been processed or other
sste! threads have been created this leaves traces
on the callstack
's T()* does not belong to an known !odule& the
process thread view infor!s us about this proble!
T()* %ootkit A Traces in the sste! worker threads
T()+ %ootkit A Finding T()+ with its invalid device obJect
T()+ %ootkit A 'T'0I (riverStartI, hook
T()+ rootkit hooks the 'T'0I driver as well& but in a
lower level wa than its precedessor
's !ore and !ore tools were easil able to du!p its
files even fro! user!ode via
I,2T)CS2SIC0'SSCTH%,65HC(I%:2T calls directl
to the port device& T()+ changed the hook !ethod to
to the port device& T()+ changed the hook !ethod to
This !akes it harder to du!p the T()+ files
T()+ %ootkit A 'T'0I (riverStartI, hook
T()+ %ootkit A Finding the 3ernel 2allback with a Windbg script
%ootkits often use kernelcallbacks to get notified
when files are loaded& processes or threads are
created as well as %egistr events occur.
T()+ installs a kernelcallback to inJect its user!ode
paload in distinctive windows processes
T()+ %ootkit A (ropper du!ping after T()+ infection Dbefore
T()+ %ootkit A (u!ping inJected user !ode paload
T()+ %ootkit A Finding inline hooks in user !ode paload
Stuxnet %ootkit A Io%ehisterFs%egistration2hange
Stuxnet ! driver adds a new device obJect
and attaches to the device chain with the obJecttpe
LFileSste! Dfastfat& ntfs& cdfs/
' filesste! registration callback !akes it possible to
attach to the device chain for each devobJ !anaged b
these drvobJs
these drvobJs
This !akes it possible to control and intercept I%0
Stuxnet %ootkit A Io%egisterFs%egistration2hange
Thanks for good discussions and ideas
Eichael Hale )igh
Eatthieu Suiche

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