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Colegiul National

Nicolae Grigorescu
royal love
Princess Diana &
Prince Charles
Candidat :
Maricoiu Madalina
Clasa a XII-a G

Table contents


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5inal Considerations$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%,(
I have decided to write about the love between princess Diana and
prince Charles because I was always fascinated on having a royal life
which includes living in a beautiful castle with a beautiful family, lots of
events where you can take part,but it also involves a lot of responsability
,diplomacy and attention to keep all your relationship outside the
tabloids. Of course, this is a bad thing ,because acting as you wish might
be misanderstood by the others,reason why you
should think twice
before doing or
saying something.
I have fallen in
love when I saw a report
from 19! with the two of them, talking about their happy and beautiful
One of the reason I have choosen this sub"ect is because I was very
impressed of what they had been throught and I have olso admired her
strength,her kindness and everything she meant for the people in need.


i%,% Diana-s early years
Diana <as :orn on , =uly ,>(,? in Par@ )ouse? .andringha;?
NorAol@% .he <as the Aourth oA Bve children oA 7iscount and
7iscountess lthor8% Diana <as
eight years old <hen her
8arents divorced

aAter her
;other had an aCair% In
MortonDs :oo@? he descri:es
DianaDs re;e;:rance oA *ord
lthor8 loading suitcases in the
car and *ady lthor8 crunching
across the gravel Aorecourt and
driving a<ay through the gates
oA Par@ )ouse% Diana lived <ith
her ;other in *ondon during
her 8arentsD se8aration? :ut during the Christ;as holidays?
*ord lthor8 did not allo< his Aor;er <iAe to return to *ondon
along <ith Diana% Diana :eca;e @no<n as *ady Diana <hen
her Aather inherited the title oA #arl .8encer on > =une ,>+&%
*ady Dart;outh? un8o8ular <ith Diana? ;arried *ord
.8encer at CaFton )all? *ondon on ,4 =uly ,>+(% Diana <as
oAten noted Aor her shyness <hile gro<ing u8? :ut she did
ta@e an interest in :oth ;usic and dancing% .he also had a
great interest in children% Ater attending Bnishing school at
the Institut l8in 7ide;anette in .<itGerland? she ;oved to
*ondon% .he lived there until ,>1, <ith three Hat;ates% In
*ondon? she too@ an advanced coo@ing course at her
;otherDs suggestion? although she never :eca;e an adroit
coo@? and <or@ed as a dance instructor Aor youth? until a
s@iing accident caused her to ;iss three ;onths oA <or@%
.he then Aound e;8loy;ent as a 8laygrou8 I8re-schoolJ
assistant? did so;e cleaning <or@ Aor her sister .arah and
several oA her Ariends? and acted as a hostess at 8arties%
Diana also s8ent ti;e <or@ing as a nanny Aor the
!o:ertsons? an ;erican Aa;ily living in *ondon%
i%0% Charles-s early years
Charles <as :orn at 9uc@ingha; Palace on ,4
Nove;:er ,>41? at >%,4 8; IGMTJ? the Brst child oA Princess
#liGa:eth? Duchess oA #din:urgh? and Prince Phili8? Du@e oA
#din:urgh? and Brst grandchild oA 6ing George 7I and Kueen
2hen Charles <as aged three his ;otherDs accession as
Kueen #liGa:eth II ;ade hi; her heir
a88arent% s the sovereignDs eldest son? he
auto;atically too@ the titles Du@e oA
Corn<all? Du@e oA !othesay? #arl oA Carric@?
9aron oA !enAre<? *ord oA the Isles and
Prince and Great .te<ard oA .cotland? in
addition to :eing a 8rince oA the "nited
In 'cto:er ,>(+? the Prince <as ad;itted
to Trinity College? Ca;:ridge? <here he
read anthro8ology? archaeology? and
history% Charles <as created Prince oA 2ales
and #arl oA Chester on 0( =uly ,>&1? though his investiture as
such <as not conducted until , =uly ,>(>? <hen he <as
cro<ned :y his ;other in a televised cere;ony held at
CaernarAon Castle? and gave his re8lies and s8eech in :oth
2elsh and #nglish%
5ollo<ing royal tradition? Charles served in the navy and air
Aorce% Ater reLuesting and receiving !oyal ir 5orce training
during his second year at Ca;:ridge? on 1 March ,>+,? he
He< hi;selA to the !oyal ir 5orce College Cran<ell to train
as a Met 8ilot%
)e also LualiBed as a helico8ter 8ilot at !N. /eovilton in
,>+4? Must 8rior to Moining 14& Naval ir .Luadron? o8erating
Aro; )M. Hermes%
In his youth? Charles <as lin@ed to a nu;:er oA <o;en% )is
great-uncle *ord Mount:atten advised hi;: NIn a case li@e
yours? the ;an should so< his <ild oats and have as ;any
aCairs as he can :eAore settling do<n? :ut Aor a <iAe he
should choose a suita:le? attractive? and s<eet-charactered
girl :eAore she has ;et anyone else she ;ight Aall Aor %%%
#arly in ,>+4? Mount:atten :egan corres8onding <ith
Charles a:out a 8otential ;arriage to ;anda 6natch:ull?
Mount:attenDs granddaughter% Charles <rote to ;andaDs
;other? *ady 9ra:ourne I<ho <as also his god;otherJ?
eF8ressing interest in her daughter? to <hich she re8lied
a88rovingly? though suggesting that a courtshi8 <ith the not
yet ,(-year-old girl <as 8re;ature% ugust ,>+>? :eAore
Charles <ould de8art alone Aor India? Mount:atten <as @illed
:y the I!% 2hen Charles returned? he 8ro8osed to ;anda?
:ut in addition to her grandAather? she had lost her 8aternal
grand;other and youngest :rother Nicholas in the :o;:
attac@ and <as no< reluctant to Moin the !oyal 5a;ily%In =une
,>14? Charles oOcially turned do<n Chevening )ouse?
8laced at his dis8osal since ,>+4? as his Auture residence%
Chevening? a stately ho;e in 6ent? <as :eLueathed? along
<ith an endo<;ent? to the Cro<n :y the last #arl .tanho8e?
;andaDs childless great-uncle? in the ho8e that Charles
<ould eventually occu8y it%In ,>++? a ne<s8a8er re8ort
;ista@enly announced his engage;ent to Princess Marie-
strid oA *uFe;:ourg%

I%3% ho< did they ;eet
#rince Charles, #rince of $ales, had previously been linked to %ady Diana&s elder sister %ady
'arah, and in his early thirties he was under increasing pressure to marry.
(he #rince of $ales had known %ady Diana since )ovember 19** when he and %ady 'arah
were dating, but he first took a serious interest in her as a potential bride during the summer of
19!, when they were guests at a country weekend, where she watched him play polo. (he
relationship developed as he invited her for a sailing weekend to Cowes aboard the royal yacht
+ritannia. It was followed by an invitation to +almoral ,the -oyal .amily&s 'cottish residence/ to
meet his family a weekend in )ovember 19!. 'he said 0I&ve had a lovely weekend.0 referring to
Charles&s cousin, )orton 1natchbull
,2manda&s eldest brother/, and his wife told
Charles that Diana appeared awestruck by his
position and that he did not seem to be in love
with her.
3eanwhile, the couple&s continued courtship
attracted intense press and papara44i attention.
$hen #rince #hilip told him that the media
speculation would in"ure Diana&s reputation if
Charles did not come to a decision about
marrying her soon, and reali4ing that she was
a suitable royal bride ,according to
3ountbatten&s criteria/, Charles construed his
father&s advice as a warning to proceed
without further delay%

Ii% 5a;ily and
Ii%,% the <edding
Prince Charles 8ro8osed to Diana in 5e:ruary ,>1, and they
;arried in .t PaulDs Cathedral on 0> =uly% 5ollo<ing the
engage;ent *ady Diana leAt her Mo: at the @indergarten and lived
at Clarence )ouse? then ho;e oA Kueen Mother? Aor a short
8eriod% .he then lived at
9uc@ingha; Palace until the
<edding% )er Brst 8u:lic
a88earance <ith Prince Charles
<as in a charity :all in March
,>1, at Golds;ithsD )all <here
she also ;et <ith Princess Grace
oA Monaco% T<enty-year-old Diana
:eca;e Princess oA 2ales <hen
she ;arried the Prince oA 2ales
on 0> =uly ,>1, at .t PaulDs
Cathedral? <hich oCered ;ore
seating than 2est;inster ::ey?
generally used Aor royal nu8tials%
t the altar? Diana accidentally
reversed the order oA CharlesDs Brst t<o na;es? saying NPhili8
CharlesN rthur George instead%.he did not say that she <ould
No:eyN hi;P that traditional vo< <as leAt out at the cou8leDs
reLuest? <hich caused so;e co;;ent at the ti;e% The Prince and
Princess oA 2ales s8ent 8art oA their honey;oon at the
Mount:atten Aa;ily ho;e at 9roadlands? )a;8shire? :eAore Hying
to Gi:raltar to Moin the !oyal /acht )M/ 9ritannia Aor a ,0-day
cruise through the Mediterranean to #gy8t% They also visited
Tunisia? .ardinia and Greece% They Bnished their honey;oon <ith
a stay at 9al;oral%

Ater the ;arriage? the cou8le ;ade their ho;es at
6ensington Palace and at )ighgrove )ouse? near Tet:ury% 'n &
Nove;:er ,>1,? the PrincessD Brst 8regnancy <as oOcially
announced? and she Aran@ly discussed her 8regnancy <ith
;e;:ers oA the 8ress cor8s
In the 8rivate *indo 2ing oA .t MaryDs )os8ital in
Paddington? *ondon? on 0, =une ,>10? under the care oA Pin@er?
the Princess gave
natural :irth to her and
the PrinceDs Brst son
and heir? 2illia;
rthur Phili8 *ouis%
second son? )enry
Charles l:ert David? <as :orn
t<o years aAter 2illia;? on ,&
.e8te;:er ,>14%The Princess
asserted she and the Prince
<ere closest during her 8regnancy <ith )arry Ias the younger
8rince has al<ays :een @no<n%J .he <as a<are their second child
<as a :oy? :ut did not share the @no<ledge <ith anyone else?
including the Prince oA 2ales%
ii%3%diana-s charity <or@
lthough in ,>13 she conBded in the then-Pre;ier oA
Ne<Aoundland? 9rian Pec@Aord? NI a; Bnding it very
diOcult to co8e <ith the 8ressures oA :eing Princess oA
2ales? :ut I a; learning to
co8e?N Aro; the ;id-,>14s?
the Princess oA 2ales :eca;e
increasingly associated <ith
nu;erous charities% s
Princess oA 2ales? she <as
eF8ected to ;a@e regular
8u:lic a88earances at
hos8itals? schools and other
Aacilities? in the 04th century
;odel oA royal 8atronage%
In =une ,>>&? the Princess
;ade a :rieA visit to Mosco<? <here she visited a
children-s hos8ital that she had 8reviously su88orted
through her charity <or@% Diana 8resented the hos8ital
<ith ;edical eLui8;ent% During her ti;e in the !ussian
ca8ital? she <as a<arded the international *eonardo
8riGe? <hich is given to the ;ost distinguished 8atrons
and 8eo8le in the arts? ;edicine and s8orts%
During her Bnal year? Diana lent highly visi:le
su88ort to the International Ca;8aign to 9an *and;ines?
a ca;8aign <hich <on the No:el Peace PriGe in ,>>+?
only a Ae< ;onths aAter her death%
ii%4% The Divorce
$ithin five years, the couple&s incompatibility and age difference ,almost 15 years/, as well as
Diana&s concern about Charles&s previous girlfriend, Camilla #arker +owles, became visible and
damaging to their marriage. (heir evident discomfort in each other&s company led to them being
dubbed 0(he 6lums0 in the press. Diana e7posed Charles&s affair with Camilla in a book by
2ndrew 3orton, Diana, Her True Story. (apes of her own e7tramarital flirtations also surfaced.
In December 1998, the +ritish #rime
3inister, 9ohn 3a"or, announced their
formal separation in #arliament. (hat
same year, the +ritish press published
bugged recordings of a passionate
private 199 telephone conversation
between Charles and Camilla #arker
+owles. Charles and Diana divorced on
8 2ugust 199:.

II%&%8rincess Diana-s death
'n 3, ugust ,>>+? Diana <as Aatally inMured in a car crash
in the Pont de lDl;a road tunnel in Paris? <hich also caused the
deaths oA her co;8anion Dodi 5ayed and the driver? )enri Paul?
acting security ;anager oA the )Qtel !itG Paris% Millions oA 8eo8le
<atched her Auneral
n inLuest in *ondon starting in 0444 and continued in
044+R0441 attri:uted the accident to grossly negligent driving :y
)enri Paul and to
the 8ursuing
8a8araGGi% 'n +
8ril 0441? the
Mury returned a
verdict oA
Dunla<Aul @illingD%
The day Aollo<ing
the Bnal verdict oA
the inLuest? l-
5ayed announced
he <ould end his
,4-year ca;8aign
to esta:lish that it
<as ;urder rather than an accident? stating that he did so Aor the
sa@e oA the 8rincessDs children%
The sudden and uneF8ected death oA an eFtraordinarily
8o8ular royal Bgure :rought state;ents Aro; senior Bgures
<orld<ide and ;any tri:utes :y ;e;:ers oA the 8u:lic% Peo8le
leAt 8u:lic oCerings oA Ho<ers? candles? cards and 8ersonal
;essages outside 6ensington Palace Aor ;any ;onths% )er coOn?
dra8ed <ith royal Hag? <as :rought to *ondon Aro; Paris :y Prince
Charles and her t<o sisters on 3, ugust ,>>+%Ater :eing ta@en
to a 8rivate ;ortuary it <as 8ut at the Cha8el !oyal? .t% =a;esDs
5inal Considerations
Ta@ing everything into consideration?I
strongly :elieve this cou8le-s story is <orthy
to :e <rote or to told :ecause oA <hat they
have :een through ?having a royal liAe <ith all
@inds oA duties%
I can also say that I ad;ire Princess Diana
Aor her 8ersonality and her strength she had
over her ;arriage%#ven iA their liAe got
se8arated?Diana has concentrated on charity
<or@ till she died?<hen her eF-hus:and got




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