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Pecertihcation Policies
Red Hat's recertilcation policy ensures that employers who make hirinq and manaqement decisions
inlormed by a certilcation have a relevant, uptodate tool. Over time, technoloqy chanqes, so it is
important to qauqe whether knowledqe and skills have kept pace. All Red Hat certilcations earned
are tied to ma|or releases ol one or more products and this inlormation is presented on the verilca!
tion paqe. lt is also important that skills are used reqularly enouqh to keep them sharp. lnactivity can
turn a qualiled person into a lormerly qualiled person. Recertilcation requirements protect the
interests ol Red Hat Certiled Prolessionals by ensurinq that the credentials they have earned retain
their status and recoqnition.
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RHCSA is current lor three (3) years lrom the date it was earned.
ll an individual earns RHCSA and then also earns RHCL, both the RHCSA and the RHCL will be
current lor three (3) years lrom the date RHCL was earned.
ll an RHCL earns an eliqible Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise the RHCSA and RHCL will be current
lor three (3) years lrom the date the Certilcate ol Lxpertise was earned. All Red Hat Certilcates
ol Lxpertise are eliqible LXCLP1 the lollowinq JBoss developerlocused Certilcates:
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Persistence
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Seam
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Camel Development
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in LSB
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Business Rules
An RHCL who has not earned any eliqible Certilcates ol Lxpertise can remain current by takinq
and passinq the LX300 RHCL Certilcation Lxam aqain belore the three (3) year current window
ends. ln the event both the RHCL and RHCSA become noncurrent, one must pass both the RHCSA
(LX200) and RHCL (LX300) exams aqain to recertily.
Copyriqht 20^ Red Hat, lnc. Red Hat,
Red Hat Lnterprise Linux,
the Shadowman loqo, and JBoss
are trademarks ol Red Hat, lnc.,
reqistered in the U.S. and other
countries. Linux

is the reqistered
trademark ol Linus 1orvalds in
the U.S. and other countries.
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Red Hat is the world's lead
inq provider ol open source
solutions, usinq a community
powered approach to provide
reliable and hiqhperlorminq
cloud, virtualization, storaqe,
Linux, and middleware tech
noloqies. Red Hat also ollers
awardwinninq support, train
inq, and consultinq services.
Red Hat is an S&P company
with more than 75 ollces span
ninq the qlobe, empowerinq
its customers' businesses.
888 RLDHA1
00800 733^ 2835
+65 6^90 ^200
+5^ ^329 7300
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1he RHC1 proqram has been replaced by RHCSA. All RHC1s on Red Hat Lnterprise Linux 5 are
current until 60 days alter the release and qeneral availability ol Red Hat Lnterprise Linux 7.
People who earned RHC1 under Red Hat Lnterprise Linux 5 were issued RHCSA retroactively.
1hese retroactivelyissued RHCSAs are current lor three (3) years lrom the date on which the
oriqinal RHC1 was earned. ln order to recertily as a current RHCSA it is necessary to pass the
RHCSA Lxam (LX200) on Red Hat Lnterprise Linux 6 or a later release.
RHCLs earned on Red Hat Lnterprise Linux 5 will be current until 60 days alter the release and
qeneral availability ol Red Hat Lnterprise Linux 7. ln order to recertily as a current RHCL it is
necessary to pass both the RHCSA Lxam (LX200) and the RHCL Lxam (LX300.)
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RHCVA and RHCJA are current lor three (3) years lrom the date on which they are earned.
One can recertily as a current RHCVA or RHCJA by passinq their respective exams aqain.
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RHCJD is considered current lor three (3) years lrom the time it is earned.
ll an RHCJD earns an eliqible Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise the RHCJD will be current lor
three (3) years lrom the date the Certilcate ol Lxpertise was earned. 1he lollowinq JBoss
developerlocused Certilcates are eliqible lor this consideration:
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Persistence
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Seam
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Camel Development
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in LSB
Red Hat Certilcate ol Lxpertise in Business Rules

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