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obacco smoking

Of all the risk factors for ill health, tobacco smoking is responsible for the greatest burden on the
health of Australians, accounting for 9.7% of the total burden of disease in 1996 (see The Burden of
Disease and Injury in Australia for more detail).
obacco smoking is a ma!or risk factor for"
coronar# heart disease
peripheral $ascular disease
numerous cancers including cancers of the lung, mouth, oesophagus, lar#n%, kidne#, pancreas,
bladder, stomach and cer$i%
and other diseases and conditions.
&n 199', an estimated 19,(19 people died in Australia as a result of tobacco smoking. Around 1)% of
deaths from cardio$ascular disease are due to smoking tobacco. &n 1997*9', 1+,,-,- hospital
separations .ere attributable to tobacco smoking.
How many Australians smoke?
/esults from the ,((1 0ational 1rug 2trateg# 3ousehold 2ur$e# sho. that, for Australians aged 1+
#ears and o$er"
Appro%imatel# ).1 million people (19.-%) smoked on a dail# basis. his is the first time that
the pre$alence of dail# smoking has dropped belo. ,(%.
A further ).6% (around 6((,((( people) reported occasional smoking and so .ere also at risk
of de$eloping heart disease and other chronic conditions from smoking tobacco products.
,1% of males and 1'% of females .ere dail# smokers.
Among teenagers aged 1+*19 #ears, 1+% of bo#s and 16% of girls smoked dail#.
2moking rates among Australian adults ha$e declined steadil# since the earl# 197(s, and this trend
has continued into the 199(s. he greatest decline bet.een 199' and ,((1 .as among those aged
,(*,9 #ears. /esearch form the Anti*4ancer 4ouncil of 5ictoria sho.s the rate of decline of current
smokers has slo.ed in more recent #ears.
Further information
Alcohol and other drugs
he 4ancer 4ouncil of 5ictoria
Passive smoking
6assi$e smoking is breathing in en$ironmental tobacco smoke, .hich consists of sidestream smoke
directl# from the burning tobacco and e%haled mainstream smoke.
he health problems ha$e been associated .ith passi$e smoking"
asthma in children respirator# tract infections
lung cancer
coronar# heart disease.
In this section
/isk factors
7%cessi$e alcohol consumption
7%cessi$e sun e%posure
3igh blood cholesterol
3igh blood pressure
&mpaired glucose tolerance
O$er.eight and obesit#
6h#sical inacti$it#
Tobacco smoking
/isk factors 8A9
/isk factors links
/isk factors statistics
O$er.eight : obesit#
; Australian &nstitute of 3ealth and <elfare ,(1)
Profiles Predict Teen Escalation to Daily Smoking
Researchers affiliated with the University of Illinois at Chicago have identified four distinct profiles that
predict teen smokers escalation to regular smoking over time. Teens who showed early signs of nicotine
dependency even when they hadnt smoked many cigarettes, freuently or for long were more likely
to !e regular smokers four years later, they found.
The four profiles predict risk with a differential pro!a!ility for progression to daily smoking within four
years, said Robin Mermelstein, director of the Institute for "ealth Research and #olicy, who led the
research team. $ach profile takes into account smoking freuency and intensity, symptoms of nicotine
dependence, and alcohol and other su!stance use. %!ove all, symptoms of nicotine dependence
predicted whether a teen would !e a regular smoker.
&This study points out the importance of looking at signs of nicotine dependency separately from
freuency or history of smoking,' said (ermelstein, a professor of psychology and clinical professor of
community health sciences. &It is important to look for nicotine dependency even if teens smoke very
lightly or infreuently.'
Reporting nicotine dependence at very early stages of smoking even fewer than )** cigarettes in their
lifetimes is a strong predictor of whether teens will !ecome daily smokers in late adolescence, she
said. In particular, the research team found that teens who felt the need to smoke first thing in the morning
in their earliest stages of smoking were most likely to develop into daily smokers.
(ermelstein said this research helps identify teenagers at risk of !ecoming daily smokers and can lead to
!etter interventions for this age group.
+,e now have some early signals to help identify who needs early intervention,' (ermelstein said. &$ven
when adolescents are smoking infreuently, they are more at risk for developing more entrenched
smoking patterns if they report placing a priority on smoking.'
-ne in five teens nationwide smoked at least one cigarette in the previous month, according the Centers
for .isease Control and #revention. $ach day in the United /tates, a!out 0,1** youth try their first
cigarette. %!out ),*** of them will !ecome daily smokers.
The researchers tracked 234 teens for four years who, at an initial !aseline assessment, had recently
smoked, !ut were not daily smokers. (ost of the group 56378 had smoked at least once over the previous
three months !ut had not smoked more than )** cigarettes, or five packs of cigarettes, in their lives. The
rest of the group had smoked at least once in the past month and had smoked more than )** cigarettes
lifetime. This sample of teens was drawn from a larger longitudinal studyof adolescent smoking
patterns directed !y (ermelstein, which enrolled almost ),0** ninth9 and )*th9graders from )2 Chicago9
area high schools.
%t the !eginning of the study and at five points over four years, the teens were asked a!out their
freuency of smoking over the previous month, the num!er of cigarettes they smoked, to what e:tent they
e:perienced symptoms of nicotine dependence and other factors, such as alcohol use. /ome of the teens
who smoked socially and did not report a need to smoke in the morning showed little pro!a!ility of
!ecoming daily smokers.
(ermelstein and co9author Lisa Dierker of ,esleyan University first reported that early symptoms of
nicotine dependence predicted regular smoking among teens in the ;ournal of #ediatrics in (ay <*)*.
The work is supported !y the =ational Cancer Institute of the =ational Institutes of "ealth 5Grant No.
Read the a!stract of the article, &#dolescent nicotine dependence symptom profiles and risk for
future daily smoking' and more a!out t(is longitudinal study.
This news release was written by Janet Hill, a masters degree student in the UIC Sh!!l !" #ubli
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% university9wide multidisciplinary institute administered through the /chool of #u!lic "ealth
Copyright ? <*)0 T(e 0oard of Trustees of t(e .ni1ersity of ,llinois
Epidemiol Community Health 2004;58:!"-!! doi:$0.$$%/&ech.200%.00"'$
Researc( report
Self percei1ed (ealt( and smoking in adolescents
). Cristina Rius
<. Esteve Fernandez
0. Anna Schiafno
7. Josep Maria Borrs
6. Fernando RodrguezArta!e"o
#%uthor %ffiliations
)ancer *revention and )ontrol +nit( ,nstitut )atal- d./ncologia( 0.1ospitalet 23arcelona4(
5ervice of 6pidemiology( 7g8ncia de 5alut *9blica( 3arcelona( 5pain
:epartament of *ublic 1ealth( +niversitat de 3arcelona( 3arcelona( 5pain
:epartment of *reventive ;edicine and *ublic 1ealth( +niversidad 7ut<noma de ;adrid(
;adrid( 5pain
). Correspondence to@ .r $ AernBndeC Catalan Institute of -ncology, Cancer #revention and Control Unit, %v
Dran Eia sFn, Gm <.4, *13*4 H"ospitalet 5Iarcelona8, /painJefernande=>
Accepted <7 -cto!er <**0
,hile long term health conseuences of smoking as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, or pulmonary diseases have
!een largely analysed, short term health conseuences of smoking have !een poorly studied, as the case of teenage
smokers who are short duration smokers. /ome studies, mainly from the United /tates and northern $uropean
countries, have shown that more a!sence from school, poorer self perceived health, more freuent use of
medication, and more freuent contact with health services are more prevalent among adolescent
"owever, in southern $uropean countries this relation has !een rarely assessed. The aim of this study
was to e:amine the association !etween daily smoking among adolescents and their self perceived health, different
health pro!lems, use of medication, and use of health services.
.ata were gathered from three similar designed /panish =ational "ealth Interview /urveys representative of the
general non9institutionalised population of /pain that were conducted in )330, )336, and )334 !y the /panish
(inistry of "ealth. ,e pooled the data to o!tain an adeuate sample siCe. The study sample was set up !y <<2)
adolescents aged )2K)1 years who had complete information on smoking 5)<)6 !oys and )*72 girls, only two
adolescents were not included !ecause of missing information8. %dolescents were classified as daily smokers
5adolescents who declare smoking at least one cigarette daily at the time of interview8, and never smokers.
-ccasional and former smokers were not included in the analysis. /elf perceived health was grouped in optimal
health 5very good and good8 and su!optimal health 5poor, !ad, and very !ad8. Arom the list of long term conditions
included in the surveys, the varia!les &suffer from allergy', and &suffer from asthma andFor !ronchitis' were analysed.
,e also considered self reported consumption of some drugs 5that is, medication for &cold symptoms' and use of
&vitamins, minerals, and tonics'8. ,e computed the prevalence 5and 36L confidence intervals, CI8 of daily cigarette
smoking. Hogistic regression models were fitted to estimate the odds ratios 5-R8 and 36L CI of self perceived health,
&suffer from allergy', &suffer from asthmaF!ronchitis', use of medication, and health services utilisation according to
daily cigarette smoking 5daily smokers compared with never smokers8. The models included age, year of survey, and
educational level of the head of the household for adMustment.
%t the time of the interview, 0<.7L were )2 years old, 0*.3L were )4 years old, and 02.2L of the adolescents were
)1 years old. The prevalence of daily smoking was <2.*L 536LCI@ <0.6L to <1.6L8 among !oys with an increasing
trend with age@ )2.<L, <2.7L, and 00.1L for those aged )2, )4, and )1 5p for trendN*.*)8. Aor girls, the prevalence
of daily smoking was <<.2L 536L CI@ <*.*L to <6.)L8, and increased with age 5)6.0L, <7.3L, and <4.7L for those
aged )2, )4, and )1 years, p for trendN*.*)8. =o se: differences were found in the mean age of starting smoking
5)7.3 years for girls and )7.4 years for !oys8 and in the mean num!er of duration of ha!it 5<.7 years in girls and <.2
years in !oys8. The average num!er of cigarettes smoked was )0.0 cigarettesFday among !oys and )*.)
cigaretteFday among girls 5pN*.*)8.
.aily smokers reported su!optimal self perceived health more freuently than non9smokers, in !oth girls 5-RO<.*,
36LCI@ ).7 to 0.*8 and !oys 5-RO).1, 36LCI@ ).< to <.48 5ta!le )8. .aily smoking was not associated with either
&suffer from allergy'5-RO*.4, 36LCI@ *.7 to ).0 for !oys, and -RO).<, 36LCI@ *.4 to <.) for girls8 or &suffer from
asthma andFor !ronchitis' in !oth se:es 5-RO).2, 36LCI@ *.4 to 0.6 for !oys, and -RO).6, 36LCI@ *.2 to 0.4 for
girls8. .aily smokers were not more likely to have their activity restricted during the past )6 days than non9smokers.
Eiew this ta!le@

,n this window

,n a new window
$a%!e &
%ssociation !etween daily smoking !y adolescents aged )2K)1 years, self reported health pro!lems, and self
reported use of health services. /panish =ational "ealth Interview /urveys, )330, )336, )334@
Ioys who smoked daily were more freuently users of medication for &cold' symptoms 5-RO).6, 36LCI@ ).* to <.08,
and more daily smokers girls used vitamins, minerals, or tonics 5-RO).3, 36LCI@ ).* to 0.18 as compared with non9
smokers. In !oth se:es, having &contacted health services during the past )6 days' or having !een &hospitalised
during the past )< months' was not associated with smoking.
'e( points
.ifferent studies, mainly from the United /tates and =orthern $uropean countries, have shown the increase of
somatic and psychological health pro!lems among daily smoker adolescents. "owever, in /outhern $uropean
countries this relation has not !een assessed yet. In our population !ased study on /panish male and female
adolescents, daily to!acco consumption is associated with su!optimal self perceived health.
-ur results confirm previous findings in other populations showing that adolescent smoking is associated with
su!optimal self perceived health.
#oor self perceived health could !e seen as a first step in a process of health
impairment !ecause of smoking. This could !e also the reason why we did not clearly o!serve a more freuent use of
health services among smokers, as previously descri!ed.
#otential study limitations have to !e taken into consideration. %s information was o!tained from a cross sectional
study it is not possi!le to esta!lish whether poor self perceived health and somatic symptoms are caused !y smoking
or vice versa 5whether poor health promotes smoking8. ,hile it is possi!le that young people with a more stressful
way of life, with worse social adaptation, and with worse self perceived health could start to smoke early,
the role of
smoking as a cause of poor health is supported !y a prospective cohort study.
In this study, no information on illicit
drug use, which can !e associated to smoking and to su!optimal health, was availa!le, and hence we were not a!le
to control for it in the analysis.
In summary, smoking in adolescence is associated with su!optimal self perceived health and health pro!lems in
adolescence itself, in addition to the association of adolescent smoking with lower cessation rates, heavier smoking,
longer duration of smoking, and higher nicotine dependence in adulthood. This study shows that early interventions
including information and education a!out short term to!acco conseuences on health are necessary among
)o!ic( i*p!ications
/hort term to!acco conseuences on adolescents health might !e taken into account when designing preventive
The authors wish to thank the .irectorate of #u!lic "ealth of the (inistry of "ealth, for providing the computerised
datasets from the /panish =ational "ealth Interview /urveys.
Aunding@ this work was partially funded !y the Aondo de InvestigaciPn /anitaria 5AI/8 5contract no **F*2368
and Instituo de /alud Carlos III 5=etwork for Research in $pidemiology and #u!lic "ealth, RC$/#, C*0F*38.
Conflicts of interest@ none declared.

+ingaas ,o!*en $ ( 3arrett-)onnor 6( 1olmen B( et al. 1ealth problems in teenage daily smokers
versus nonsmokers( Corway( $!!'D$!!E: the Cord Frondelag health study.Am J
Epidemiol 2000;$'$:$4"D''.

G7bstract /HI66 Hull teJt K

Fernandez E ( 5chiaLno 7( Ia&mil 0( et al. 1ealth problems in teenage daily smokers versus
nonsmokers( Corway( $!!'D$!!E: the Cord Frondelag health study. G0etterK. Am J
Epidemiol 2000;$'2:%!'D.

GHI66 Hull teJt K

$o*as - ( 7ri=a )( Malmayor 5( et al. Hactores asociados con la intenci<n de fumar y el inicio del hNbito
tabNOuico en escolares: resultados del estudio 65H7 en 3arcelona. Gac Sanit 2002;$:$%$D".


.e/co*% M0( 3entler *;. Fhe impact of late adolescent substance use on young adult health status
and utili=ation of health services: a structural-eOuation model over four years. Soc Sci Med$!"E;24:E$D

$o*as - ( 7ri=a )( Malmayor 5( et al. Hactores asociados con la intenci<n de fumar y el inico del hNbito
tabNOuico en escolares: resultados del estudio 65H7 en 3arcelona. Gac Sanit 2002;$:$%$D".
ItQs a fact. Teens get hooked on to!acco every day. They donQt
realiCe that trying cigarettes can lead to a life long addiction. The
to!acco companies donQt want you to know thatJ they want you to
think smoking is cool. Read on and get the facts for yourself.
Aor a look at what smoking can do to you 5and has already done
to others8, check out the Cham!er of "orrors or Iody !y
-ver 0,*** teens and preteens sucked in daily@ The
statistics in %nne %rundel County and nationwide
To!acco ruins your looks and your health, and itQs a
The !ad news a!out addiction
/pit to!acco@ disgusting and dangerous
,hat a!out other kinds of to!accoR
Iig To!acco money gets spent on getting you
,hat %nne %rundel County teens think a!out
21er 34 teens and preteens are sucked in
o $very day, appro:imately 0,76* teens in the
U./. try their first cigarette. %!out <6L will
!ecome daily smokers.
o -ne in eight %nne %rundel County teens
smokes cigarettes daily.
o /moking addiction starts at a young age.
(ore than 1*L of adult smokers !egan
smoking !efore )1 years of age.
0ad for your looks5
o /moking ages your skin faster. ItQs second
only to sun e:posure for giving you wrinkles.
o Tar, the sticky !rown su!stance in to!acco
products, stains smokersQ fingers and teeth.
o /moking makes you stinkS Tour hair, !reath
and clothes smell !ad.
0ad for your (ealt(5
o /moking is linked to slowed growth of lung
function in teens. They cannot run as fast or
far. /mokers suffer from shortness of !reath
three times more than nonsmokers.
o To!acco a!use harms every organ in the
!ody. It has !een linked to leukemia,
cataracts and pneumonia, and accounts for
a!out one9third of all cancer deaths.
o #eople who smoke cigarettes are <* times
more likely to develop lung cancer than
o Cigarette smoke is to:ic and poisonous to
the human !ody. It contains a!out 4,***
chemical agents, including almost 4* that
cause cancer.
o /ome of the to:ins found in cigarette smoke
are found in items such as rat poison, toilet
cleaners and formaldehyde, which is used to
preserve dead animals.
o =ot feeling good 5and your parents smoke8R
$very year, secondhand smoke causes more
than <*<,*** asthma episodes and 43*,***
doctor visits due to ear infections.
,t6s a killer5
o $very hour, more than 6* %mericans die from
smoking cigarettes. ThatQs a!out 77*,***
people a year.
o /moking kills !a!ies. $very year in the U./.,
a!out <,*** deaths from /I./ 5/udden
Infant .eath /yndrome8 are linked to
secondhand to!acco smoke.
o -f kids now under )1 who live in (aryland,
)*1,*** will ultimately die prematurely from
o (ore deaths are caused each year !y
to!acco use than !y "IE, illegal drug use,
alcohol use, motor vehicle inMuries, suicides
and murders com!ined.
o -n average, smokers die )0 to )7 years
earlier than nonsmokers.
T(e bad ne+s about addiction5
o =icotine is a drug found naturally in to!acco.
ItQs as addictive as heroin and cocaine.
o It takes only 1 seconds for nicotine to reach
the !rain.
o Teens can e:perience to!acco dependence
within a day of first inhaling, including strong
urges to smoke, and an:iety or irrita!ility.
o ItQs hard to uit@ only )<L of teen smokers
who tried to uit were a!le to do so
o /ome people smoke !ecause they think it
helps them rela:. % new study suggests
otherwise K smoking actually triggers stress.
The truth is that smokers are addicted to the
nicotine in to!accoJ as the nicotine from one
cigarette wears off, they start to crave
another and !ecome nervous and tense.
.oesnt sound very rela:ingS
Spit tobacco is disgusting and dangerous5
o /mokeless or spit to!acco is not a safe
alternative to smoking. It contains the same
addicting and cancer9causing chemicals as
o Using spit to!acco stains your teeth and can
make them loose and fall out.
o It also greatly increases your chances of
getting cancer of the tongue, gums, cheeks
and lips. These cancers often reuire surgery
to remove the diseased part. Toung people
have !ecome disfigured due to these
7(at about ot(er kinds of tobacco8
o Cigars are not a safe alternative to
cigarettes. Regular cigar smoking greatly
increases your risk for cancers of the lung,
mouth, laryn: and esophagus.
o Cigars contain the same addictive, to:ic and
carcinogenic compounds found in cigarettes.
In fact, a single large cigar can contain as
much to!acco as an entire pack of cigarettes.
o Cigarettes using +natural+ to!acco are not
safer than those with processed to!acco.
Iidis produce three times the amount
of car!on mono:ide and nicotine, and
more than five times the amount of tar,
produced !y cigarettes using
processed to!acco.
Greteks sometimes referred to as
clove cigarettes also contain higher
concentrations of nicotine, tar and
car!on mono:ide and put users at
increased risk of acute lung inMury.
o %lthough many hookah smokers think it is
less harmful than smoking cigarettes, water
pipe smoking still delivers the addictive drug
nicotine and is at least as to:ic as cigarette
o $lectronic cigarettes are not a safe
alternative. They too deliver nicotine to the
!ody which leads to various health issues,
including nicotine poisoning and
cardiovascular disease.
Tobacco sales and marketing to teens is big
o $very year, cigarette companies spend
U)0.)) !illion on advertising and promotional
e:penses. This is eual to U02 million per
o To!acco companies intensely market to
teens. ,hyR To find replacement smokers for
those who die or uit.
o Toung people in the United /tates watch an
average of three movies a week, which
contain an average of five smoking episodes
each, adding up to a!out )6 e:posures to
smoking a week. Toung people may !e
e:posed to more smoking in movies than in
real life.
o $ach year to!acco companies spend U)11.1
million trying to attract new young smokers in
o The average pack9a9day smoker pays U2 per
pack, adding up to U<,)3* per year. Thats a
lot of money to pay to hurt yourself.
5%nnual amount is !ased on U2 figure from
store multiplied !y 026 days.8
7(at #nne #rundel "ounty teens t(ink about
o The maMority of teens think most of their
peers smoke. In reality, 11L of %nne %rundel
County teens are nonsmokers.
o County teens want to influence their younger
si!lings and young children not to smoke.
o Iy !eing aware of to!acco industry
marketing efforts, young people can !e !etter
prepared to resist them.
Teah, smoking stinks. It stinks up your !reath and
your clothes. Iut it really stinks !ecause smoking
causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease V and
Health efects of smoking among young people
7mong young people( the short-term health conseOuences of smoking include
respiratory and non respiratory ePects( addiction to nicotine( and the associated risk of other
drug use. 0ong-term health conseOuences of youth smoking are reinforced by the fact that
most young people who smoke regularly continue to smoke throughout adulthood.2$4
)igarette smokers have a lower level of lung function than those persons who have never
smoked.2$4 5moking reduces the rate of lung growth.2$4
,n adults( cigarette smoking causes heart disease and stroke. 5tudies have shown
that early signs of these diseases can be found in adolescents who smoke.2$4
5moking hurts young peopleQs physical ftness in terms of both performance and
enduranceReven among young people trained in competitive running.2$4 /n average(
someone who smokes a pack or more of cigarettes each day lives E years less than someone
who never smoked.224
Fhe resting heart rates of young adult smokers are two to three beats per minute
faster than nonsmokers.2$4
5moking at an early age increases the risk of lung cancer. Hor most smoking-related
cancers( the risk rises as the individual continues to smoke.2$4
Feenage smokers suPer from shortness of breath almost three times as often as
teens who donQt smoke( and produce phlegm more than twice as often as teens who donQt
Feenage smokers are more likely to have seen a doctor or other health professionals
for an emotional or psychological complaint.2%4
Feens who smoke are three times more likely than nonsmokers to use alcohol( eight
times more likely to use mari&uana( and 22 times more likely to use cocaine. 5moking is
associated with a host of other risky behaviors( such as fghting and engaging in unprotected

$.):)( *reventing Fobacco +se 7mong Soung *eopleR7 Ieport of the 5urgeon Teneral(
2. 0ew 67( Tarfnkel 0. :iPerences in ;ortality and 0ongevity by 5eJ( 5moking 1abits and
1ealth 5tatus( 5ociety of 7ctuaries Fransactions( $!"E.
%. 7B1*( 7rday :I( Tiovino T7( 5chulman B( Celson :6( ;owery *( 5amet B;( et al. )igarette
smoking and self-reported health problems among +.5. high school seniors( $!"2-$!"!( p.
Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually
begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing that they can lay their hands on.
Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people continue to smoke.
Smokers are addicted to it, and even if they want to, they cannot refrain from picking up a cigar or
cigarette and puffing away. Some youngsters smoke for the sake of society and some feel that would
make them appear liberated and broadminded.
In the beginning, a teenager may take a few puffs from his friends cigarette! then comes a time when
it becomes an indispensable part of his life. Several puffs lead to the formation of a habit. Soon
smoking begins to affect the health of the smoker. "e becomes a chain-smoker. This smoke is toxic
and the nicotine in the cigarette is known to cause cancer. It is ironic that despite the fact that every
smoker is aware of the ill effects of smoking, he does not give it up.
Tobacco companies are doing very well all over the world. #very packet of cigars or cigarettes has a
warning inscribed in it$ cigarette smoking is in%urious to health.& 'et the smoker never reads this
warning and even if he reads it he never pays heed to it.
The government raises the price of tobacco every year. This is usually done to discourage people from
smoking. 'et smokers continue to be slaves of this habit and often spend a substantial part of their
earnings on cigarettes. (igarette advertisements lure people into smoking and most active smokers
cause a great deal of harm to passive smokers as well. Smokers force the members of their family to
bear the ill effects of the smoke that they exhale. Smoking can be stopped by a strong will power and
every person has the capacity to give it up once he sets his mind at doing so.
"ey do you think smoking is coolR ,ell if you do then you will regret
it later !ecause not only will you possi!ly die !ut along with that you
won t !e very pretty. =ow today a lot of girls and !oys in their teens
smoke now you may think so what !ut 6,*** are under )1 and that
means they could !e )< or going to the e:treme 3. =ow you don t
have to have a cigarette in your hand to !e smoking, if your parents
smoke you get second hand smoke which is technically the same
thing !ecause you are still inhaling smoke actually even more. /o
now that you know a little of how smoking then here is a lot more.
,hat I meant !y if you start smoking then you won t !e very pretty is
not if you smoke for one day it s if you smoke for )* to 02 years. .o
you think that ;ulie %ndrews got her wrinkles for smokingRRRR =-
/"$ .I.= TSSSSSS "er wrinkles came from age and wrinkles from
smoking are a !ig difference. Iecause wrinkles from age are well
from age, !ut wrinkles from smoking are !ecause the to!acco settles
in your sink. Think of it this way your thirty and you wrinkles %HH over
that would !e !ecause you smoke. -r may!e your 26 or 46 then
your wrinkles are ok.
/o another thing that happens to you is your nails and toe nails will
turn yellow. =ow you may know that your finger nails turn yellow
!ecause of the cigarette !eing near them, !ut what you pro!a!ly don
t know is that your toe nails turn yellow !ecause not all of the
to!acco gets out of your nose and your mouth. Iut not all of it comes
out so it gets inside you and gets out through your toe nails. Drows
/o as you can see smoking is !ad for you, your health and your
appearance. %nd this is Must some things that can happen. /o if you
want to !e on o:ygen or have tracheal tu!e for the rest of your life
then that s your choice !ut for the people that want to stop smoking
do something !efore it s to late. /moking kills.

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