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Lesson Plan


Subject : Biology
Class / Semester : XI (eleven) / Semester I
Meetings : 8
Allocation Time : 2x45 minutes
Competency Standard :
1. Appreciate and practice the teachings of their religion
2. Appreciate and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and displayed as part of the
solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment
and in placing itself as a reflection of the nation in the association world
3. Understand, implement, and analyze factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive based on his curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities
with knowledge of humanity, national, state, and civilization-related causes of phenomena and
events, as well as apply the knowledge procedural in specific fields of study according to their
talents and interests to solve problems
4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the realm of the concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of the independently learned in school, acting effectively and
creatively, and be able to use the method according to the rules of science

Basic Competency : 3.4 Describe the structure of the vertebrate animal tissues and
relate it to its function

I. Indicator
1. Mention various kinds of vertebrate animal tissues.
2. Describe the structure of vertebrate animal tissue.
3. Explain the functions of vertebrate animal tissue.
4. Analyze the relation between the structure and the function of vertebrate animal
5. Identify the tissues which is exist in system organ of vertebrate animals

II. Objectives:
Students will be able to mention the variation of vertebrate animal tissues after group
discussion completely
Students will be able to describe the structure of each vertebrate animal tissue after
presentation at least 8 tissues
Students will be able to explain the functions of vertebrate animal tissues after group
discussion correctly
Students will be able to analyze the relation between the structure and the function of
vertebrate animal tissue after presentation
Students r will be able to identify the tissues which is exist in system organ of vertebrate

III. Teaching Materials: The structure of animal tissues
Animal tissues include epithelial tissue, muscle, bone, nerves, and connective tissue.

IV. Approaches and Models of Learning:
Approach: Scientific approach
Methods: Cooperative Learning

II. Learning Activity
Life Skill /
Student answer the greeting which conveyed by the teacher
when entering the class.

The prefect of the class lead the class to pray

Students response politely when teacher check the students


2 minutes

Opening Activity
Students listening carefully when teacher give them
instruction about the learning material function

Students answering the question of the teacher when the
teacher showed a picture and asked questions based on
image which is shown by teacher and observed by the
students. (apperception)

Students write down the topics and learning objectives which
written by teacher in front of the class (orientation)


4 minutes

7 minutes
Core Activity
Students listens the teacher flash about main characters &
function of the tissues and also answered questions to
complete the flash given by teacher.

Students divide into groups by teacher, each of group consist
of 4 persons and the students sit based on group.
Students in one group got different number which is
distributed by teacher so each student in group has different
Students doing worksheet based on number they had which is
contain tasks / questions about the structure and function of
various tissues of animals which is provided by teacher (each



20 minutes

5 minutes

15 minutes

group has about 4 numbers).
Students discuss the answers and make sure each member of
the group can do / know the answer.

Students present the results of their cooperation front of the
class when their group mentioned by teacher and then teacher
decided which number they got to present in class discussion
and teacher as the moderator.

Noting the strengthening of the teacher which is
reinforcement to the results of the discussion (reinforcement
in the form of key concepts, examples can be seen in the
strengthening of essential material).




15 minutes

5 minutes
Closing Activity
2 students asked to make a conclusion

Students asked to make a reflection paper

Students assigned to find articles on the internet and make a
critical analysis of the article.
Students listen carefully when teacher distributed work
instructions for 'Critical Analysis of Articles'

Students listen carefully when the teacher tell the matter and
the activity for next meeting said by the teacher before out
of the class





5 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

2 minutes

V. Learning Resources
Yamsuri, Istamar, et al. , 2007. Biology for class XI semester of high school 1. Jakarta: penerbit

VI. Assessment of Learning Outcomes
a. Assessment Technique :
Assessment worksheet KD 3.4
Assessment of learners' learning KD 3.4
Assessment of character attitude
Assessment of social skills

b. Form of Instruments:
Test the performance of the product
- PG
- A brief description

VII. Content

Epithelial tissue is an outgrowth of ectoderm and endoderm. The epithelium contained on
any external surface and in the body to coat the organs of the body. Epithelium covering the
outer surface of the body is also limited by the epithelium called mesothelium. There is also
wrapped epithelium to capture external stimuli called neuropitelium.
Epithelial tissue has many functions in the body, among others, as follows:
a. To protect the existing network in which, for example, the skin epithelium.
b. To perform the function of absorption, such as intestinal epithelial tuft.
c. To perform the functions of filtration, such as epithelial kidney nephrons.
d. As the gate entrance and exit of substances, such as lung alveolar epithelium.
e. To perform the function of secretion, which produces liquid latex. For example, epithelial
salivary gland, thyroid, pituitary, and others.
f. To perform functions as neuro-receptor which receives stimuli from outside. The epithelium is
present in sensory tools.

Epithelial tissue can be classified based on the following matters.
a. The shape of cells in the upper layer or outer
Epithelial tissue is distinguished by flat epithelium, epithelial cube, cylindrical epithelium and
ciliated epithelium.
b. The composition of cells and the number of cell layers
Epithelial tissue is divided into epithelial layer and multilayer.
c. Its function is
In terms of function, differentiated epithelial tissue over the epithelial protective (protective),
glandular epithelium, and sensory epithelium.
From the above it can epithelial tissue graded according to the shape and arrangement, is
as follows:
1) Flat Coated Single epithelium
The epithelial cells, have a flattened shape and consists of only a single cell layer, the
core is in the middle so it looks very thin. As a result of these conditions, the epithelium is semi-
permeable. Network serves as a way to exchange substances from outside the body or vice versa.
For example, on the walls of blood vessels, lymph, kidney, alveolar lung, pericardium, and
2) Multilayered flat-lined epithelium
Multilayered epithelium flattened shape is flat with a core in the middle, compact cells
and multi-layered. Function is to protect epithelial tissues underneath. The epithelium is present
in the oral cavity, skin, esophagus, and nasal cavity.
3) Single-lined epithelium Cube
This epithelial tissue has a cube-shaped nucleus in the center. This epithelial function in
the process of spending or glandular substances needed by the body and absorption processes.
This type of epithelium is found in the thyroid gland, ovary, and kidney tubules.
4) Many epithelium plated Cube
Epithelial cells layered cube shape much like a cube, with a core in the middle and is
composed of multiple layers of cells of the cube. This epithelial has function in the secretion
process. For example, there is the sweat glands, oil glands, ovaries and testicles.
5) Single-lined epithelium astigmatism
Epithelium is single-layered cylindrical shaped elongated rod with a core near the cell
surface. The function of this network is to outlay substances in the body, absorption, protection,
and smoothed. The epithelium is found on the walls of the intestines, stomach and oviduct.
6) Multilayered Cylindrical epithelium
This type of epithelium serves as a secretion and movement. The epithelium lies in
7) Many layered Pseudo-lined epithelium Cylindrical
This form of multilayered epithelium and the outer surface has a vibrating bristles (cilia)
that serve to filter and remove foreign objects that enter, such as dust. The epithelium serves to
protection, secretion, and the movement of substances across the surface. The epithelial tissue
found in the respiratory tract, namely the nasal cavity and trachea.
8) Transitional epithelium
Transitional epithelium erratic form. Among the cells exist in the form of flat, long, cube.
These networks are in the ureter, bladder, urethra.

9) Gland epithelium
This tissue can secrete secretions or sap. It could be an enzyme secretions, sweat, saliva,
or hormones. Like a glue, the connective tissue will be attached the inter-networks so that they
can come together and can relate well to support organ function.

Connective tissue has cells that are not too tight arrangement. This network is linked with
other networks. Connective tissues are distinguished as follows:
a. Fastener Tissue
Connective tissue attaches firmly between networks so that they can come together and
can relate well to support organ function.
Based on the composition of the cell fibers, connective tissue can be divided into two.
o Solid Tie Network
Dense connective tissue called white fibers as well as the network, because it is made of
white collagen fibers. The fibers of the connective tissue cells in the compact dense and compact
with each other. This network is composed of collagen fibers are not elastic. Examples are the
tendons, muscles are attached to the ends of the bones, skin dermis, ligaments (connective tissue
that connects bones). Dense connective tissue serves to provide support and protection, connect
the muscles to the bones (the tendon) and connects bone to bone (ligaments).
o Loose Tie Network
In this tissue the cells loose arrangement of fibers. This tissue fills the spaces between the
organs, also wraps nerves and blood vessels that provide food to the surrounding tissues. In the
loose connective tissue are cells and nerve fibers, such as fibroblasts and macrophages
containing collagen and elastic fibers.
Loose connective tissue functions, among others:
a) surrounds the various organs;
b) sustains nerve cells and blood vessels that carry nutrients into cells and waste products out of
the cells;
c) storing glucose, salts and water for a while;

b. Network Support / Amplifier
This network serves to protect the organs of the body is weak.
Supporting tissue made up of the following parts.
1) Network Cartilage (Cartilage)
Cartilage tissue has many matrix is flexible and called kondrin. In children, cartilage
derived from mesenchymal tissue, but in adults is formed by perikondrium which contains
cartilage-forming cells (chondrocytes). Cartilage cells is located inside a small cavity called
lacunae. bone tissue Cartilage can be divided into three kinds:
a) Hyaline cartilage
Hyaline cartilage matrix bluish white, shiny, and clear. Its function is to help the
movement, helping the course of respiration. Cartilage is found in epiphyseal discs, and tip ribs.

b) Elastic Cartilage
Elastic cartilage is composed of collagen and elastic fibers. Yellow matrix. Its function is
to provide flexibility and strengthen. For example, at the ear, epiglottis and bronchioles.
c) Cartilage fibrous
The matrix on the network a little and dark, but it contains a lot of collagen fibers that
make up a file and arranged parallel. Its function is to provide strength and protect the deeper

2) True Bone Network (osteon)
True bone tissue is composed of bone cells called osteocytes. Solid matrix and a lot going
on calcification, among others calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate. The calcification
process called calcification. Bone tissue is widely available in order to prepare the body. Its
function is to protect the organs in the body and bind weak muscles.
Based on the number of true bone tissue matrix is divided into two:
a) Compact Bone
In compact bone, there are many matrix, tight, and solid. Examples can be found in the
bones of the pipe. Mineral substance deposited in thin layers called lamella. Microscopic
structure of the long bones showed elongated channels interconnected canal called Havers.
Havers consists of lamella-lamella composed circling a drain, which is in the middle there is the
blood vessels and nerves. This is a blood vessel that supplies food to the bone cells.
b) Bone Sponge (Coral Flower)
Matrix in spongy bone are not arranged meetings and hollow. In spongy bone there is no
Havers system. For example in the flat bones.

c) Blood and Lymph tissue
Blood is a body fluid that serves as a means of transportation. As a means of
transportation, the blood transports water in nutrients, O2, CO2 and other remnants of
metabolism and hormones. Blood is also a producer immunity and homeostasis. Basically the
blood can be divided into two components, as follows.

1) Blood Cells
Blood cells are made up of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes),
and blood clotting cells (platelets). Red blood cells have a protein called hemoglobin that is
responsible for transport of O2 and CO2 in the blood. Red blood cells formed in the bone
marrow called eritoblas. Red blood cells are disc-shaped, bikonkaf, and not core. White blood
cells consisting of monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils. These cells
formed in the bone marrow and lymph. Function of white blood cells are as a producer
immunity. While platelets are the blood cells that serve in the blood clotting process. Size is
smaller than a red blood cell and disc-shaped. Platelet cells have no nucleus.
2) Blood Plasma
Blood plasma is the liquid containing blood cells. In blood plasma, the dissolved
substances include a wide variety of nutrients, proteins, secretion of substances and gases (O2,
CO2, and N2). Blood plasma containing serum that served as the formation of antibodies.

d) Fibrous connective tissue
Fibrous connective tissue made up of fat cells that form polygonal. Thin-walled cells and
loosely structured, so as to form a cavity. These cavities contain fat droplets. The fat cells found
throughout the body, which is below the layer of the skin, around the kidneys, the bearing /
around the joints and in the long bone marrow. The function of this network is to place the
storage of fat, as food reserves, protect the organs in the body from cold temperatures and pads.
These networks are often encountered in the lower layers of the skin, around the joints, and in
between the organs in the body. The function of this network is to place the storage of fat, as
food reserves, protect the organs in the body from cold temperatures and pads. These networks
are often encountered in the lower layers of the skin, around the joints, and in between the organs
in the body.

3. Muscle Tissue
Muscle tissue consists of muscle fibers composed of muscle cells. The muscle fibers are
called myofibril. Muscle cells covered by a membrane or membrane called sarkolema. Muscle
cells contain a cell called the sarcoplasmic fluid. Muscle tissue present in all members of the
body, both limbs and organs inside and outside. This is the function of muscle tissue as a means
of active motion. Muscles have the ability to contract and then relaxation so as to move the body
to the point of attachment of the muscle. Muscles can be divided into three types, as follows:

a. Striated muscle / Skeletal muscle
Called striated muscle, as it has also called striated and skeletal muscle because it is
attached to the skeletal, for example, tendons, biceps, and triceps. This muscle has a long
cylindrical shape and has a lot of characteristics, among others, on the edge of the core, the
contractions under awareness, have a quick movement and strong, easily tired.

b. Plain muscle
This muscle is composed of spindle-shaped cells, coil, and has a core in the middle.
Smooth muscle size between 30-200 milimicron. Smooth muscle has a plain surface pattern, the
absence of transverse striated pattern. This muscle is also equipped with a nerve that comes from
the unconscious nervous system. Muscle characteristics, among others, spontaneous
contractions, but the work is slow, continuous work without realizing it (involuntary) and not
easily tired. For smooth muscle contraction takes between 3 seconds to 3 minutes.

c. The Heart muscle
Heart muscle called because it is located just at the heart only. The muscle structure in
striated muscle, which has a transverse striated pattern but the myofibril has branching. Cardiac
muscle cells form a branched chain and often two or more forming syncytium. The workings of
the heart muscle such as smooth muscle that is outside of consciousness (involuntary),
continuous, and not easily tired.

Neural tissue composed of nerve cells called neurons. These neurons are numerous and
branching, linking the network with one another. Each nerve cell consists of nerve cell bodies,
axons (neurites), dendrites, and nerve sheaths. Body cells are then assembled to form the
ganglion nerve. Ganglion-ganglion is located only in certain places, ie on the left and right of the
spinal cord. The course starts from the stimulation impulses or stimulation from the outside that
is captured by the dendrites, then proceed to the cell body. From the cell body, the impulse will
be forwarded to the axon (neurites). This axon will convey impulses to the nerve cells that
eventually delivered to the effector organs.
Based on the function, the nerve cells can be differentiated into three.
a. Sensory nerves (afferent neurons)
Sensory nerve stimulation duty conduct of an organ recipient stimuli (receptor) to the
central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord.

b. Motor nerve (efferent neurons)
The task of motor nerve is conduct stimuli from the central nervous system to the
effector. Part of the effector such as muscles and glands.

c. Nerves Connector (Association)
Connector nerves served to connect between the sensory and motor nerves. Between the
nerves that are connected to each other by axons.

Appendix 1
Learning Model
Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type 1
Syntax Learning Model Numbered Heads Together (Kagan, 1992)
Learners are divided into groups, each learner in each group is given a number.
Teachers give assignments and each group do
The group discussed the correct answers and ensure that each member of the group can
do / know the answer.
Teachers call one of the students and the number dialed to report the results of their
Another friend responded, then the teacher pointed to another number.
Teachers and learners concluded.
Teachers provide evaluation

Modifications Numbered Heads Together Learning models of type 1
1. Learners are divided into groups (each group consisting of 4 persons).
2. Students in each group getting different numbers.
3. Teachers give assignments / questions about the various animal tissues.
4. Learners work on the matter of numbers in accordance with that number belongs to.
5. Learners in groups, discussing the correct answer and make sure each member of the group
can do / know the answer.
6. Teachers call one of the students and the number dialed to report the results of their
7. The teacher asks the students to present the results of a task group
8. Other learners respond
9. The teacher pointed to another number until all tasks / questions unpresentable.
10. Teachers and learners make conclusions.

Appendix 2
Worksheet 3.4
Animals tissue
Animal body is composed of many cells in a particular place cells that come together to
form tissues. Examples of tissue in animals are epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, and bone tissue.
Networking groups work together to implement specific functions form an organ, such as the
heart and liver organ. Some specific organ tissues working together to implement a specific
function to form organ systems, such as the digestive system, the reproductive system,
respiratory system and the circulatory system.

A. Objectives:
Knowing the differences in various kinds of tissues in animals

B. Tools and Materials:
1. Paper and stationery
2. Picture / Charta kinds of tissues in animals
3. Books Biology Class XI (Syamsuri, Istamar., 2007. Biological XI Semester 1, Jakarta:
penerbit Erlangga)

C. Work steps:
1. Sit in a group that has been determined by the teacher.
2. Each member of the working group for discussion about the numbers according to the
numbers shared by the teacher
3. Read the material on animal tissue prior work on the problems for discussion
4. Discuss with other members of the group and make sure every member of the group can do /
know the answer
5. Present answers questions for discussion in accordance with the number assigned by the
6. Make conclusions.

D. Discussion:
Based on your understanding of the organ-forming tissues of animals, answer / complete the
following table:
No. Animals Tissue Characteristics Classification Function
1 Epithelium
2 Connective
3 Muscle
4 Nervous

Appendix 3
A. Multiple Choice
Choose one best answer!
1. Tissue that serves as the cover of the body is ....
a. endothelium c. endoderm e. collagen
b. epiglottis d. elastin

2. Below that is not a constituent of connective tissue cells is ....
a. fibroglas d. elastin
b. macrophages. e. fat cells
c. leukocyte

3. The primary basis used to differentiate cartilage tissue into 3 types, namely hyaline cartilage,
elastic and fibrous is ....
a. kinds of cartilage cells d. bone sites
b. content of the matrix e. presence or absence of bone cavity
c. function of bone

4. The following is not a characteristic compact bone is ....
a. consists of osteocytes d. containing calcium and phosphorus
b. has trabecular bone e. system has havers
c. containing osteoclasts
5. Similarities between skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle ....
a. working under the consciousness d. contractions slow, not tired
b. core lies in the middle of the sarcoplasmic e. composed of striated fibers
c. is a smooth muscle

6. Part of the neuron that receives signals and deliver it to function at the cell body is ....
a. dendrites d. peritoneum
b. axons e. Schwann cells
c. perikarion

7. Examples of organs are composed of simple epithelium is ....
a. skin d. bladder
b. esophagus e. mouth cavity
c. tracheal

8. The following is not a function of connective tissues is ....
a. filling the cavity between organs
b. embedding one network to another network
c. coat the surface of the body
d. wrap organ
e. produce immunity

9. The following organs composed of smooth muscle, except ....
a. intestine d. blood vessel
b. heart e. tongue
c. stomach

10. Among the organs below that have discus interkalaris is .....
a. intestine c. heart e. brain
b. vascular d. side
B. Essay
Answer the questions below with a short and right!
1. One function of the epithelium is a traffic gate agent. Explain and give examples!
2. Differentiated connective tissue becomes dense and loose connective tissues, explain the
3. Distinguish origin cartilage in children and adults!
4. Connective tissue known as a privileged network is tissues of blood, its main components
5. Draw one nerve cell and its parts!
6. What are the differences in smooth muscle, striated and heart?

Rubric Answer of K.D 3.4 Worksheet
A. Multiple Choice
Number Answer Score
1 A 1
2 D 1
3 B 1
4 B 1
5 D 1
6 A 1
7 A 1
8 C 1
9 E 1
10 C 1
Total of Score 10

B. Essay
No Answer Score
1 Epithelial tissues as a function of traffic gate agents,
selecting what goes in and out of the body as well as
regulating cell membrane particles in and out of the
2 Connective tissue differentiated into dense connective
tissues and loose connective tissue. a. Dense
connective tissue: dense matrix that have not have
intercellular space. b. Loose connective tissue: has
loose matrix
3 In children formed by mesenchyme, whereas in adults
formed by perikondrium
4 Blood components are composed of:
a. The liquid part called blood plasma
b. The solid part called blood cells. Blood cell
consists of 3 types: red blood cells, white blood
cells and blood platelets

6 a. Striated muscle: neural work under conscious
(voluntary), rapid response to stimuli, more
than one core and is located on the edge of the
cell, containing muscle fibers, has a dark
reflective myofibril intermittent light, present in
the outer parts.
b. Smooth muscle: working under nerve
unconscious (involuntary), slow response to
stimuli, and is located in the core of the central
cytoplasm, contains no muscle fibers, found in
visceral organs.
c. Cardiac muscle: working under unconscious
nerve (involuntary), slow response to stimuli,
the core of one or more than one and located on
the edge of the cytoplasm, has a dark reflective
myofibrils light, there is at the heart organ,
there intercalaris disc.
The Total of The Score 20

Value =

Value =
Appendix 4
Assessment of Students Learning KD 3.4
Making 'Critical Analysis of Articles'

No. Assessed Elements Max score Learners score
1 Titles according to the topic or theme that
has been determined
2 Source contains the address of the web site /
sites as well as the name of the article author
3 Purpose in accordance with the specified
topic or theme
4 Finding unique facts contained in the article,
contains events related to the topic
5 The question is made is a question whose
answer is not contained in the article (in the
form of reasoning that is the question)
6 Summary contains important concepts
related to the topic
7 Reflection provides good advice and
criticism of the author of the article and the
Total 100

Appendix 5

Character Attitude Assessment Sheet

Subject : Biology
Subject Matter : Animals Tissue
Sub Subject Matter : Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Neural Tissue
Class/semester : XI IPA/

Shows the character behavior, include: conscientious, honest, responsible, working together,
open, and respect the friends opinion.

Conscientious Honest Responsibility Cooperative Open

0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 1

Appendix 6

Attitude Character Assessment Rubric
Subject : Biology
Subject Matter : Animals Tissue
Sub Subject Matter : Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Neural Tissue
Class/semester : XI IPA

Shows the character behavior, include: conscientious, honest, responsibility, working together,
open, and respect the friends opinion.

No Indicator Score

0 1 2
1. Scrupulous
Not scrupulous in
seeking answers
Less in the seeking
Scrupulous in
seeking answers
2. Honest
Not honest in
inputting data to
Honest in doing data
3. Responsibility
Has no
responsibility in
completing tasks as
directed in LKS
Less responsibility
in completing tasks
as directed in LKS
Responsible in
completing tasks as
directed in LKS
4. Cooperative Not cooperative Less cooperative Cooperative
5. Open
Not open in giving
question, opinion
or asking when not
Open in giving
opinion or asking
when not understand
6. Respecting opinion
Not respect to
friends opinion in
Respecting friends
opinion in

Appendix 7

Sheet Assessment of social skills

Subject : Biology
Subject Matter : Animals Tissue
Sub Subject Matter : Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Neural Tissue
Class/semester : XI IPA

Social skills
Inquire, contribute ideas or opinions, skilled in communicating

Students /
groups name
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4



Appendix 8
Social Skill Rubric Assessment
Subject : Biology
Subject Matter : Animals Tissue
Sub Subject Matter : Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Neural Tissue
Class/semester : XI IPA

score Inquiry
Skilled in
The student not
Student not able to
communicate his/her
Student not respect in
handle someones
The students active
but has no correct
Student able to convey
opinion without any
Students are able to
respond but there is
no basis
Students active in
ask questions but
with less suitable
Students active in
expressing an opinion,
the argument is less
Students are able to
respond to other
friends who argue
Students active in
asking questions
appropriate to the
problem being
Students active in
expressing an opinion
with right base
Students are able to
respond to other
friends who argue,
and does not dropped
mutual friend

Assessment way Score
:Less 1
Goof enough 2
Good 3
Very Good 4

Maksimal Score : 20

Scores obtained
Score = ------------------------------------- X 100%
Maximal score

Known by
The Headmaster of the Senior High School Biology Teacher

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N.I.P. .

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