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Mobile: 09711016003
~ Business Development ~Online Marketing
A dynamic professional with More than !ears of eperience in the areas of
!trategic "lanning #$siness %e&elopment !ales ' (arketing
)nline (arketing (arket *esearch + "re !ales "rod$ct ,a$nches
-ey Acco$nt (anagement *elationship (anagement .eam
A*/A A*/A )0 /1"/*.2!/
#$siness %e&elopment + !ales and (arketing
0orm$lating strategies ' reaching o$t to the $neplored market segments for 3$siness
(anaging the sales and marketing operations for promoting prod$cts and acco$nta3le for
achie&ing 3$siness goals and increasing sales growth.
4ond$cting etensi&e market research to analyse ' assess market potential5 for pro&iding
&al$a3le inp$ts to 6ne7t$ne selling ' marketing strategies.
.argeting new and eisting clients for a$gmenting 3$siness.
)nline (arketing
4oncept$ali8ing and e9ect$ating inno&ati&e plans and strategies for de&elopment of the /7
4hannel there3y increasing market reach to generate re&en$e.
%ri&ing 3$siness growth 3y identi6cation ' penetration of new market segments for
attainment of periodical targets with a &iew to optimise re&en$e from markets.
-ey Acco$nt (anagement
:andling c$stomer ;$eries for 3etter t$rnaro$nd time and c$stomer satisfaction.
2dentifying prospecti&e clients5 generating 3$siness from the new and eisting clientele to
achie&e 3$siness targets.
2dentifying key+instit$tional acco$nts and strategically sec$re pro6ta3le 3$siness as well as
new tie7$ps with corporate.
.eam (anagement
4oordinating performance of team mem3ers to ens$re process e<ciency ' meeting of
indi&id$al ' gro$p targets.
4reating and s$staining a dynamic en&ironment that fosters de&elopment opport$nities '
moti&ates high performance amongst team mem3ers.
4areer !$mmary:
!ince )4.= 1> ?orking with (atrimony %irectory A %i&ision of #haratmatrimony as #ranch
!/"= >011 to !/"= 1>with @etit 2nfo ser&ices "&t ,td5 A)2%A as !enior %istrict !ales (anager
%ecB07 C !epB >011 with 2ndia (art 2ntermesh ,td ,imited5 %elhi as #ranch (anager
Recently initiate a new gateway for revenue by Starting Networking from Chandigarh and Ludhiana.
Rewarded as a Pillar of Success in India Mart.
on !arious Contests at Sales Manager level one of those is Clash of "I"#NS in India Mart.
Rewarded as a $est Sales Manager.
Sin#e OC$% &' (orking )ith Matrimon! Dire#tor! A Divison o* Bharatmatrimon! as
Bran#h Manager+
%evelo& sales activities in the assigned market by directing the sales team and &roviding leadershi& towards
the achievement of ma'imum &rofitability and growth.
Create alliances and &artnershi&s to ac(uire and service new clients
Create) e'ecute and mange online cam&aigns to hel& Customer $rand
*eneration of #dvertisement Revenue
Res&onsible for building and growing client relationshi& by maintaining continuous engagement and regular
# &roactive leader and &lanner with e'&ertise in identifying key accounts) managing &ortfolio) e'&anding client
base for augmenting turnovers and achieving desired target+goals.

SE-% '.&& to SE-% &')ith /etit 0n*o servi#es -vt 1t23 "O0DA as Senior Distri#t Sales
!pearheading entire sales and marketing acti&ities in the company.
0orm$lating and implementing short and long7term plans for achie&ement of
desired 3$siness o3Decti&es.
4oordinating with .ele (arketing5 "romotion and %esign team for increasing
"ro&iding pre7sales s$pport incl$ding c$stomer presentations5 demos ' writing
technical proposals.
%ri&ing 3$siness growth thro$gh identi6cation ' de&elopment of $ntapped
markets for 3$siness penetration.
:andling acti&ities related to recr$itment and trainingE de&ising new strategies at
the team le&el5 there3y5 increasing the moti&ational le&els within the team.
De#4.5 6 Sep4 '.&& )ith 0n2iamart 0ntermesh 1t2 1imite23 Delhi as Bran#h Manager
/ro)th -ath, Foined as an /ec$ti&e and "romotion as #ranch (anager.
*esponsi3le for performance and de&elopment of all sales acti&ities in the
assigned market.
?ork e9ecti&ely on close co7ordination with sales mem3ers.
/9ecti&ely allocate5 monitor and s$pport de&elopment of each sales lead.
?ork pro7acti&ely to moti&ate and $plift the reach of the 3ranch monthly sales
(anagement of day7to7day 3$siness f$nctions of the 3ranch.
(aintenance of the records5 registers5 6les5 transactions acco$nts pertaining to
/na3le systematic co7ordination with other departments s$ch as #$siness
%e&elopment5 4lient !$pport and )<ce Administration.
(anagement of 3$siness comm$nication and data management.
>00G MBA 7Marketing an2 8inan#e9 from (anagement /d$cation ' *esearch 2nstit$tes5
Fanakp$ri Aew %elhi.
>005 B+A+ from @o&t. ".@ .4ollege a<liated to #ikaner Hni&ersity5 !ri@anganagar5 *aDasthan.
0atherBs Aame: !ri :ardyal 4hha3ra
(otherBs Aame: !mt !hanti 4hha3ra
"AA 4ard Ao. : A2F"41II6(
%ate of #irth: 05
!ept 19GI
4$rrent Address: .ower 27007 4rossing *ep$3lic "ro&iew ,a3oni @ha8ia3ad H".
,ang$ages known: :indi5 /nglish and "$nDa3i

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