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Fulcrum v2.

-Anti-Idle check every minute for 5 minutes during startup for League of Legends
before restarting
-Anti-Idle check every minute for 2 minutes after the first League of Legends is
Fulcrum v2.2
-Added Active League of Legends to console title bar
-Added Anti-Idle, restarts after 60 seconds if no league of legends are active f
or 30 second durations
Fulcrum v2.1
-Fixed Invoke Exception, now restarts, but doesn't terminate LOLs until they fin
ish game.
Fulcrum v2
-New encryption
-Game.cfg is set to read only, which fixes full screen occurances
-Added setting to Low Prioritize League of Legends.exe to save CPU cycles
-Added setting to Disable Graphics Rendering in League of Legends.exe to save GP
U cycles
-Added setting to Auto Resotr/Minimize League of Legends.exe to save massive CPU
-Fixed stability issues. We were able to run 64 bots for 2 hours on an i7-3930k
with 32gb of ram and a 64gb ssd pagefile
Fulcrum v1.1
-New encryption
-Removed merged DLLs from program to directory to fix Windows 8 problems
-The above fixed a bug were movement and tower captures were not happening
-Fixed minimizer were it properly reduces CPU usage now
Fulcrum v1
-New offsets for latest LOL patch
-New authentication system, no more MAC resets!
-Render disable, auto minimize (new technique), and low priority LOL are now alw
ays on
-Auto-restart Fulcrum.exe on crash
-Auto-reconnect on login error
Fulcrum RC4
-Removed League of Legends on C:\ requirement. A warning is shown instead.
-Game.cfg is not set to read only after modification. This will hopefully reduce
fullscreen instances.
Fulcrum RC3
-Added setting to Low Prioritize League of Legends.exe to save CPU cycles
-Added setting to Disable Graphics Rendering in League of Legends.exe to save GP
U cycles
-Added setting to Auto Resotr/Minimize League of Legends.exe to save massive CPU
Fulcrum RC2
-We have reverted back to the old console style
-Swapped to old account swapping algorithm at max level
-Removed option to lower cpu priority
-Removed option to auto minimize due to people comaplaining that it would do exa
ctly what it was suppose to
-Removed option to disable rendering due to people not knowing if their game was
working or not
-Removed remote offset updating to prevent in game AFKs
-Regions now supported: BR, EUN, EUW, KR, MY, NA, OCE, PH, RU, SG, SGMY, TH, TR,
-Added support for x86
Fulcrum RC1
-Made a GUI interface
-Changed account swapping algorithm at max level
-Added options for disable rendering, auto minimize, and low prioritize League o
f Legends
-Better mysql encryption
-Remote offset updating
-Restarts as administrator if not initially started with administrator privilege
s. Required for memory writing.
Fulcrum b14.
-Fixed connection exception
-3 Day XP Boost bought at level 3
Fulcrum b14.
-Less CPU usage now. Every 30 seconds, all LOLs activate then minimize
-Extra Fulcrum.exe's used for memory writing are now hidden
-If after 30 seconds, the LOL process is only using less than 100,000,000 bytes
(100MB) of memory, it will close. This is a 2nd check for Failed to Connect erro
-New encryption, Fulcrum.exe won't be flagged as malware, virus, or trojan anymo
re. Also reduced size by 180~KB.
Fulcrum b14.
-Assigns non max level accounts first
-Assigns random accounts if no max level accounts are left second
Fulcrum b14.
-Now closes bugsplats/errors
-Prints friendly solutions to common problems
-Added more League of Legends end of game checks
Standard Features:
-Partition Loading Screens & Start of Games
-Reduce RAM usage by replacing textures
-Edit League of Legends.exe to not load textures
Premium Features:
-Cross PC communication for account management using MySQL
-Website Interface

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