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PSY 341: Developmental Psychology

Fall 2014 Review Sheet for !i" #1

!i" format: $% points &1%' of yo!r (nal gra)e*+ 30 m!ltiple choice
,!estions &2 pts each*- 1 of 2 essay ,!estions &1% pts*+.o give yo!
some g!i)ance regar)ing what material / consi)er partic!larly
important- / have prepare) the following list of concepts from each
assigne) chapter or lect!re 0 these yo! )e(nitely sho!l) 1e familiar
with 1efore the ,!i"+ 2ll of the assigne) rea)ings- an) the lect!re
material- even if they )o not appear on this list- are however fair
game as material to 1e teste) on the ,!i""es+
341 /ntro)!ction- 4istory an) .heory
Jean-Jacque Rousseau: children as noble savages, should leave nature to take
its course. nativist, believing that children are born with a conscience and a sense
of fairness.
John Locke: Tabula Rasa: The mind is a blank slate written on by experience.
ocke is thus an environmentalist on the nature!nurture "uestion. #e stressed the
importance of rewards, punishments and imitation $social learning%
Nature-Nurture controversy: #ow great is the influence of genes or
environment on our behavior, personality, biology, etc&
Sensitive periods: first ' weeks are most sensitive
(ctive vs. )assive Role of child
Continuity vs. Discontinuity: is child development a matter of cumulative
continuous adding on of skills and behaviors, or does it involve "ualitative, step
or stage*like changes
o +iscontinuous: caterpillar
o ,ontinuous: pine tree
Interaction among deveopmenta domains: to what extent do development
in different domains, such as physical, cognitive and social and emotional
development, proceed to separately and to what extent do they influence each
normative approach vs. individua di!!erences approach: is there one
universal course of development for all childen or are there different ones& -hich
aspects of development are universal and which aspects show universality&
sociocutura conte"t: refer to the physical, social, cultural, economic, and
historical circumstances that make up any child.s environment
o ,ontext of development differ within and between cultures
341 5etho)s
#ypothesis: a )R/+0,T012 drawn from a theory
reia$iity and vaidity
o reliability refers to the ,12303T/2,4 or R/)/(T(500T4 of measures of behavior

o validity refers to the degree to which a test or experiment measures what it is
intended to measure
naturaistic vs. structured o$servations: observing behavior where it naturally
happens $in the field% vs. a laboratory situation designed to evoke behavior of interest
correationa design vs. e"perimenta design: investigator gather info without
altering sub6ects. experiences and examines relationships among variables vs. investigator
randomly assigns sub6ects to treatment conditions
independent variable and dependent variable
representativeness and generai%a$iity: how representative the sample is7 random
sampling allows for a higher representativeness and generali8ability. #ow much findings
from a study can be generali8ed to the natural world $ecological validity%
o$server in!uence and o$server $ias: participants may react differently or less bc
someone.s there7 observers record what they expect!want rather than what happens
correation coe!!icient: strength and direction of correlation
third-varia$e pro$em: an outside, unrecorded third variable may have influenced the
observed effect
direction o! causation pro$em: correlation between two variables does not indicate
which, if either, variables the cause of the other
ongitudina design: method of study in which the same children are studied twice or more
over a substantial period of time
cross-sectiona design: research method in which children of different ages are compared on
a given behavior or characteristic over a short period of time
micro genetic design: a method of study in which the same children are studied
repeatedly over a short period of time

3h 2 Prenatal Development an) 6irth an) 3hapter 3 6iological
phenotype: observable expression of the genotype $body characteristics 9
genotype: genetic material an individual inherits
&enes: segments of dna that make proteins that determine our development
chromosomes: genetic material passed as long, threadlike molecules made up of
ce division: final result is a sperm cell or gamete, leads to construction of
cell migration:

cell differentiation:
apoptosis: cell death $webbed fingers%
'ygote: : -//;37 fertili8ation, implantation, start of placenta
(m$ryo: < -//;37 arms, legs, face, organs, muscles develop. #eart begins
beating, most sensitive period
)etus: => -//;37 growth and finishing
Neura tu$e: u*shaped groove formed from top layer of differentiated cells in
embryo7 eventually become the $rain and spina chord
*ono%ygotic and di%ygotic t+ins: identical vs non*identical fraternal
homo%ygous and hetero%ygous: inherits two of the same alleles for a trait vs.
inherits two different alleles
poygenic inheritance: traits that are governed by more than one trait
$diseases, personality traits, physical abilities%
dominant vs. recessive: expressed if present vs. not expressed if a dominant is
herita$iity: proportion of observed differences on a trait due to genetic
shared vs. non-shared environment: growing up together in the same family
vs. environment effects and experiences uni"ue to the individual $different
friends, activities, etc%
teratogens: potentially harmful agents $drugs, pollutants, disease%
$ehavior genetics: concerned with how variation in behavior and development
results from the combo of genetics and environment
o twin reared together: relatedness of ?.>
o twin reared apart: ?.>
o adoption design: more like their biological or adoptive relatives
norm o! reaction: phenotypic differences based on interaction with environment
$gigantism in twins%
gene-environment correations: idea that #/R/+0T4 influences the
environments to which individuals are exposed
o active: niche picking, actively choosing an environment $ma6or, sports%
o passive: parents passes genotype but also passively create an environment
where that genotype can thrive $book worm parents book worm kid%
o evocative: parents respond bc of certain phenotypes and "ualities, evoking
reactions from your environment based on what you express

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