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Question 3

Read the passage and answer questions (a) (i).

Bullying is a social problem as it causes harm to the victims. Bullying can happen in
school. It usually starts when a student does things that may hurt another student physically
or mentally. The bully may hit or beat up the victim. Sometimes the bully may use nasty
words to frighten the victim.
Why do some students like to bully others? According to school counsellors, some
bullies hurt others to make themselves look tough, while others simply want to get attention.
There are some bullies who may not realise their behaviour is wrong. Therefore, the
counsellors often talk to the bullies and try to find ways to make them feel good about
themselves. After listening to the advice, some of them get involved in co-curricular
activities. When they get to represent the school in these activities, the bullies will start to feel
good about themselves and stop the bullying.
Bullies often target people who are quiet, weak and wont stand up for themselves.
The victims of bullying often feel scared, sad and unsafe. If these victims are bullied over a
long period, they lose confidence in themselves. They may even up with mental problems.
Here are a few ways to stop bullying in schools. If someone starts to bully a student,
the student should inform a teacher r a counsellor. If the student is too frightened to talk about
it, the student should write down what has been happening and give it to a teacher. Another
way is to spend more time with a group of students. Bullies seldom pick on students who are
in group. Also, the victim should try to be brave for once and tell the bully in the face to stop.
After saying that, just walk away. Bullies are often taken aback by this. Finally, consider
taking up self-defence classes like karate. These classes can help build up the confidence that
is lacking in the victims.
Everyone in school should help to get rid of bullying. Put up posters to educate
students on the harm of bullying. Once the bullying stops, schools will become a safer and
happier place for all.

Questions (a)-(i)
(a) Why is bullying a social problem?
____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(b) List two ways a bully can hurt a victim.
i. __________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark)
ii. _________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(c) What are the characteristics of bullying?
____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(d) What happens to victims who have been bullied for a long time?
____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(e) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word / phrase from the article.
Meaning Word/ Phrase
i) Make suggestions
ii) Pick on people
iii) To be surprised
iv) To remove
( 4 marks )
(f) How do the school counsellors handle the bullies?
___________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(g) Why are students advised to spend time in groups?
___________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(h) What are the benefits of taking self-defence classes?
i. _______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
ii. _______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
( i ) State 2 other ways to get rid of bullying in schools.
i. _____________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
ii. _____________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
( 10 marks )

Section C
20 marks
Time suggested : 20 minutes
Read the passage and answer questions (a)-(i).

Have you ever encountered a situation where your skin came into contact with a hot
iron, or where your hand got scalded by hot water s you are making a drink? What happened
then? What did you do about your injury?
Injuries such as the ones above are called burns. Such burns are usually minor and can
be treated at home. These are known as first-degree burns whereby the injured skin turns red.
Below are just some ways to treat a minor burn.
One of the ways is to gently run cool water over the burned area to cool the burn. Do
not turn the tap on full force, as this will only cause further injury to the skin. If you have a
cool compress, use it. You can also place the burned area in a container of cool water.
Remember, use cool water, not ice-cold water. The coolness will prevent the pain from
Some people believe that ice is good to cool the burn but you should not do so.
Although the cool water is good for treating burns, you should not use ice as this will restrict
the blood flow.
It is always good to be cautious not to expose the burn so use some gauze or a
bandage to cover the burn especially if the area is prone to other injuries, such as being
grazed by surroundings objects. However, if the affected area is an open wound, do not cover
it as the bandage will stick to the wound.
Most people believe the butter soothes the burn but it is really a myth. This is because
butter is not sterile. Moreover, applying it to the burn will only insulate the area and hold the
heat in. Salted butter is even worse as it will irritate the broken skin and cause the injury to
become worse.
Finally, do not wait for a blister to develop at the burned area. If it happens, do not
rub, poke or break it. You must seek medical help immediately or else you will suffer
consequence which is extreme pain.
In conclusion, we can treat first-degree burns at home but you have to make sure the
injury or wound does not turn septic or become worse. Always seek medical help if you have

(a) What is another term for minor burns?
____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(b) What happens to the skin during minor burns?
____________________________________________________________ (1 mark )
(c) How does placing a burned area in a container of cool water help the victim?
____________________________________________________________ (1 mark )
(d) Why is ice unsuitable for treating burns?
____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word / phrase from the passage.
Meaning Word / Phrase
i) not serious
ii) to cut back or limit
iii) eases or relieves
iv) feeling of being uncertain about something

(f) i) When should the injuries due to burns be bandaged?
__________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
ii) When should the injuries not be bandaged?
_________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(g) Why is it unsuitable to use butter to treat burns? Give two reasons.
i) _______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
ii) _______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(h) What do you think you should do if a blister develops at the burned area?
____________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(i) State two ways to prevent burns at home.
i) ___________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
ii) ___________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
Section C
( 20 marks )
(Time suggested : 20 minutes )
Question 4
Read the article on water and answer questions (a)-(i).

Water is colourless liquid without taste or smell. It consists of two elements :
hydrogen and oxygen. If the water is pure, that is, if it contains no other substance, it is
transparent. Next to air, water is the most important sustainer of all life, be it human, animal
or plant.
More than seventy percent of the human body is made of water. An ordinary man can
live more than twenty days without food, but he cannot live for a week without water. It is
surprising to know that each of us usually take in about three pints of water daily in one form
or another. Plants too consume a great deal of water to keep themselves alive and active.
Without water, they would wilt or die.
Besides for drinking, we use water every day for washing, cleaning, bathing and for
other purposes. Farmers cut canals, trenches and drains to irrigate their crops from water of
lakes, rivers or springs. In the industrial world, all manners of engines depend on water power
in one form or another. For instance, factories, blast furnaces, boilers and motors all run on
cheap water power which could be converted to steam or electricity. Running on steam, trains
have hauled tons of goods, and ships have sailed around the world.
Three quarters of our planets surface is covered with water. The oceans keep the land
mass cool and habitable. The water evaporated by the sun rises into the sky forming clouds.
When these clouds meet cooler winds they fall to the earth as rain. Rainfalls keep the
temperature of the lands low, and make the vegetation and forest luxuriant and dense.
Animals, including man, depend on plants for food, medicine and building material.

Read the article carefully and answer questions (a) (i)
(a) Give two characteristics of water.
_________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
_________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(b) How long can ordinary man live without water?
_________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(c) Why do you think plants consume a great deal of water?
________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(d) How do farmers irrigate their crops?
__________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(e) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word / phrases from the article.
Meaning Word / Phrase
i) Consist
ii) Become weak
iii) Fit to live in
iv) Abundant

(f) According to the article, why do factories, blast furnaces, boilers and motors need to
run on water?
___________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(g) What is the importance of ocean?
___________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(h) Describe how rain is formed.
___________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(i) State two problems we have to face during water rationing.
i) __________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
ii) __________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

Question 3
Read the poster below. Then answer questions (a) ( j)

Save the Earth!
It is important for everyone to learn the different ways to take care of the environment. Here
are some methods to protect the Earth.

Protect & Conserve
We should learn to conserve wildlife as they are important to us and to the ecosystem.
Everyone must together to protect the animals, birds, insects and plants in the jungles, as well
as the coral reefs and marine life in the sea. All these living things are interconnected and
form close relationships that bring benefits to one another.
Practise the 3Rs
Reduce, reuse and recycle should be the motto for todays generation. To reduce means to
buy and use less, be it things or energy. Save electricity and water. Do not throw away things
that are still usable. Donate or think of ways they can be reused. Take recyclable materials
such paper, plastic and glass products to recycling centres.
Look for Alternatives
We use a lot of natural resources to fulfil our needs and wants. Some of these natural
resources cannot be renewed, such as coal and oil, and are fast depleting. So, we should look
out for new and less damaging to fulfil our needs. For example, we should start using
renewable resources such as wind energy that is tapped from the wind farms, hydro-electric
power from the dams and solar energy from the sun.
Take Action
Everyone must do his or her part to protect Mother Nature. Some people stop eating sharks
fin because killing the sharks for the fins is a cruel act. Some choose to carpool or cycle to
work to reduce the production of greenhouse gases. There are others who only use products
that are environmentally-friendly to prevent pollution. Every little bit matters.

Questions (a) (d).
Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
(a) The poster describes four methods to protect the environment. ____ ( 1 mark )
(b) Conversation is about working together to find new ways to use the
natural resources. _____ ( 1 mark )
(c) The poster suggests that we use non-renewable natural resources. _____ ( 1 mark )
(d) Using less electricity and water is part of practising the 3Rs. _____ ( 1 mark )

Questions (e) (i): Read the poster carefully and answer the questions below.
(c) Why is wildlife important to the ecosystem?
__________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(d) What do wind energy, hydro-electric power and solar energy have in common?
__________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the leaflet.
Meaning Phrase

i) materials or substances that originates
from nature

____________________________ ( 1 mark )

ii) do not harm the environment

___________________________ ( 1 mark )

(h) How can we reduce the production of greenhouse gases?
_______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )
(i) What do you think will happen if we do not conserve wildlife?
______________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )

(j) You wish to join a campaign to help save the turtles. You need your fathers
permission but he is not at home. In about 50 words, write a message to your father. In your
Ask for his permission
Give reasons why this campaign is important
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

Dear _________,



( 10 marks )

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